Network Marketing Success: How to Make More Money than Your Upline?

How to Make More Money than Your Upline?? HINT: You need to do What your Upline does + What your Upline doesn’t do!

Transcript of Network Marketing Success: How to Make More Money than Your Upline?

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How to Make More Money than Your


HINT: You need to do What your Upline does + What your Upline doesn’t do!

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→ Keep a Close look on your Successful Uplines Daily Routine.

→ Make a note of how he does: Prospecting, Invitation, Plan Shows, Follow Ups,

Trainings, Lead generation.

→ Ask him: which Books, Training Videos, Personal development stuff he learns


→ For next 1 month, spend as much time as possible with your Successful Upline &

observe him closely.

Spying on your Successful Upline is important so that you learn what is already working in the business & your learn from his experience & avoid some of the common mistakes.

Step I: Spy on your Successful Upline

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→ ASAP gain knowledge about your MLM Company Background, Products, Business Plan. Also

learn how to Prospect people (what to say, what not to say).

→Talk with as many people as you can on daily bases so that you have huge list of Prospects.

→ Where to get people to talk to? In Public Transport(Bus, Metro, Railways, Airplane), Your

Friend & Colleagues(Office, Gym, Clubs, Parties, etc.), In Shopping Malls, etc. etc.,

You will find people around you all the time!

→ Build Relation & Rapport with new Prospects first, don’t immediately invite them

to share business plan.

→ Maintain a List of your Prospects!

Note: Your List is your Biggest Asset in MLM Business!

Having a Huge List & Data of known people will keep you Confident in situations even when people will say NO

to you. And obviously after talking to initial few people you will improve & slowly get the results. Having Huge

List will also ensure that you don’t get desperate, because you know even if some people say NO, you have

many more people waiting in the list for a call from you ;)

Step II: Be Talkative & Prospect

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→ Once in a while & depending on the prospect: Call, SMS, WhatsApp your prospect. Connect

with them on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or any other Social Media Platform they are active.

→ IMPORTANT: Engage with your Prospect on Social Media (but, don’t over do it).

Example: Like, Comment, your prospects status update or any other post

(it should be done genuinely).

→ Using Emails: Greet them on their Birthday, Festive occasions.

→ If you get a chance meet with you prospects, like in Family functions, Parties,

Events, Meetings, etc.

MUST READ: You may feel if you spend so much time in Building Healthy Relation with your future prospects

then when will you do the business? But, this is part of the business. It is essential if you wish to increase your

Conversation rate.

There is no fun Inviting (30 Prospects), Show the plan (to 15-18 Prospects)& Following Up (10 Prospects) &

Signing Up (2 Prospects). It makes more sense spending time in building Relationship with Prospects first &

then initiate business talk.

Doing this you will see huge increase in your Conversation Rate!

Bonus- How to Generate Leads from Facebook?

Step III: [IMPORTANT] Build Healthy Relationship with your Contact List

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→ Here I am presuming as I shared initially that you are doing Heavy Prospecting, your are

talking with many people in a day.

→ Target Showing Plan to 10 People in a Day (I’m sure your Upline is not doing this, if he’s

doing it, then reach this level & then target more).

→To show Plan to 10 people in a day, you need to Talk to atleast 30 people

in a day (now testing times comes for you. Whether you are reading this,

only for knowledge or you have Burning desire to make more money!)

→ Make a Schedule to do these important activities: Prospecting

(building your contact list), Invitation, Showing the Plan, Follow Up.

Plan something like this: If you have some people in your list with whom you have good relation, invite

such people to Presentation, you should give near about 2 hours for invitation in a day. Then around 4 -5 hours

to complete 2 rounds of presentation. Next 1-2 days you should keep to do Follow Ups & Invitations for coming


8 Invitation Tips to Invite any of your Friends & Relatives – Show Me the Tips Now!

Step IV: Inviting & Showing the Plan

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→ Give your 100% in helping in clearing the WHY / DREAM / GOAL / REASON, for that new team


→ Once the new teammate knows WHY he should do MLM business, WHAT he can get, that’s

the time you have A LEADER BORN in your Team.

→ Empower your team with KNOWLEDGE, TOOLS like Books, Videos, Motivational stuff, so that

their development process goes on n on.

→ Make sure your teammates have Weekly GOALS to be Achieved. If they are having Weekly

Goals, their & your Earning will never stop.

No Goals = No Earnings

Step V: Train your Spartans

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Here I want you to become little selfish to understand how MLM business works,

but please NEVER be selfish while doing the business!

→ You will make BIG MONEY only when you have people in your Team who

can generate Sales, even when you are not around.

→ You need Independent Leaders in your Team who can do Invitation, Plan

Shows, Follow Ups, Team Trainings & all other important activities that are there in MLM


→ When you have Leaders like above qualities in your Team, that’s called Duplication. You need

people like you or even better than you to MAKE MONEY.

→ If you have PROPER BALANCE of GOOD LEADERS in your Team, for sure you will be

making more money than your Upline

I have seen many Leaders making more money than their Uplines because they have good leaders in their

different teams / Genealogy. Sometimes Upline is not able to make proper Balance of Leaders in his Genealogy,

& if you can make that Balance of Leaders, you will surely earn more than your Upline ;) You have to

Duplicate like Monkeys – This is what I mean

Step VI: How well your Team is Duplicating will determine your Income

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If you are wondering whether after following all these steps you will be able to

make more money than your upline?

→ Then let me tell you the fact from an experience of over half a decade –

most uplines, after spending sometime in the business procrastinate(delay) the

MLM business activities like Invitation, Plans shows, Follow Ups, etc.

→ They even avoid certain team meetings & presentation, expecting their teams will work &

they will leverage from it & earn. Let me Remind you- this also happens when they have small

teams of few hundred.

→ So, if you are unlike them & willing to stretch yourself soon you will cross your uplines

earnings because simply your team will see you working like mad, they will follow you. And

you upline will surely have many inactive teammates in his team because he himself is not

that active.

Remember: Its all about keeping right Balance of Leaders in your Team / Genealogy &

keeping them motivated & growing fast!

“If you can BELIEVE it, you can ACHIEVE it”

But.... Will I Make More Money than My Upline?

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Wanna be in THIS LIST of Top 100 MLM Earner?

Implement whatever you have learnt & Share this Knowledge with your Team. Your Team is your Asset!

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