Network for Inviroment Poolution Monitoring - Copy

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  • 8/12/2019 Network for Inviroment Poolution Monitoring - Copy


    network for inviroment poolution monitoring


    o the prblem of pollution i think that pollution is aserious and growingproblem throught the world today.pollution is the contimination of the

    earths environment with materiales. that interfere with human health.

    the quality of life and natural functioning of living things and thier

    suroundings. although some environmental pollution is a result of

    natural causes. Ibelive that human have created a problem which

    should be taken care of before otherthings.

    o The traditional quality monitoring system it is extermly expensive. anlytical measuring equipment it costly,time and power consuming and

    can seldom be used for air quality reporting in real time.o


    o concerns about pollution have along history. complaints about itseffects on human health and the bult environment were first voiced by

    the citizens of anciant athens and rome.urban air quality however

    ,worsend germany,the united state and other nations usherd in an 'age

    of smoke' despite the tangible nature of this form of air pollution,and

    harm it caused to public's health,early laws to control smoke were

    genarlly weak and ineffective.

    hong kong - the hong kong government began realeasing of the

    smallest , most dangerous polltion particles on march 8 , as it bowerd

    to public pressure for greater transparency about air quality .

  • 8/12/2019 Network for Inviroment Poolution Monitoring - Copy


    literture review:-

    o ''NIKHEEL A. CHOURASIA'':dept. of electronic andtelecomunication priyadarshini college of engineering.... ''SUREKHA

    P.WASHIMKAR'':dept of electronics and telecomunication

    priyadarshini college of engineering nagpur,india....... the main

    purpose of this paper is that to introduce anew method for air pollution

    monitoring .this paper describes implementation of the air pollution

    monitoring system using zigbee technologies and embedded system.


    o 1-lecture,GH raisoni academy of engg&tech,nagpur .o

    2-principal,MIET,gondia.o 3-prof,priyadarshini institute of engg,nagpur.o discussed recent technology developments in the miniaturization of

    electronucs..this will greatly enhance monitoring of the natural


    o Objective:-o

    implementation of the pollution monitoring system net works by using

    different technologies [zigbee tech,,wireless comunicationtech,,integrated wireless sensor network,,grid computing]