Netex learningApp | Take away learning [EN]

learning App Take-away learning v 2.2

Transcript of Netex learningApp | Take away learning [EN]

learningAppTake-away learning

v 2.2

Without Internet connection and without losing track of their training. This is Netex learningApp, a system that allows training on any device, anytime and anywhere.

Finally your students can be trained from their smartphones or tablets!

It is accessibleStudents only need an Internet connection to download their training content. They can carry their content on their smartphones or tablets, and have access to it without connectivity.

It is specificYou can assign the training individually to each user. Organise personalised training plans according to your needs.

It communicates with your LMSIt sends all the tracking to your LMS platform through Tin Can API.

Why choose Netex learningApp?

How tonegotiate

Mind maps






Mobile learning has never been so easy...

Take away learning

Leadership33 Tittles

Team work6 Títulos

Time management 14 Tittles

Enterprise 2.0 11 Tittles


13 Tittles

Management by objectives31 Títulos



Mobile learning has never been so easy...

Take away learningTake away learningMobile learning has never been so easy...

Take away learning

Team work6 Títulos

Enterprise 2.0 11 Tittles

Management by objectives31 Títulos


How does Netex learningApp work?Netex learningApp delivers content to employees mobile devices. Once downloaded, content can be accessed without Internet connection, and tracking data will be synchronised when back online.

What content can be accessed? All Netex content offered in learningCoffee solution, or content you create by using our Netex learningMaker authoring tool.

CatalogueStudents browse through the collections and downloads the titles you offer.

LibraryIt offers direct access to the list of courses installed on the device.

Training progressStudents check their progress for each content: status, time spent, score, etc. And work off-line, sending progress next time an Internet connection is detected.

Features for usersFeatures for the administratorContent managementManage collections, titles and students registration.

UsersAdd and delete users. Assign training individually.

ReportsObtain data on the use of the App, including reports on tracking, downloads and devices used.

BrandingCustomise the app with your corporate image.

Leadership33 Tittles

Technical requirements

IOS 5.1+



iPad mini

(320 x 480)

(320 x 558)

(768 x 1024)

(1536 x 2048)

(720 x 1280)

(800 x 1280)

(1024 x 600)

(1280 x 800)

Android 4.0+

Android Smartphone

Android Small Tablet

Android Tablet

Android Big Tablet

(320 x 480)

(480 x 720)

(480 x 800)

(480 x 854)

Operating system versions



Netex LearningApp is marketed in SaaS modality (Software as a Service), which has the following characteristics:

Access, data and content are subject to comprehensive protection and security measures.

Support service is included in the price as established by our standard Service Level Agreement.

Service levels

Authorised contactsAccess to online support portalSupport via emailSupport via telephoneQuarterly review of incidentsMinor updates and patchesIncident response times First response Blocking incidents Non-blocking incidentsGuaranteed service availabilityUsers concurrencyLanguagesLRS service configurationInitial load of users and contentContent creation, removal and modificationUsers creation, removal and modificationGeneration and delivery of reports

* It is possible to define customised service levels.* You can use new versions of the tool automatically and free of charge.

Our technical staff follow and apply the guidelines and best practices defined in the ITIL v3 (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), which is part of the ISO 2000.

All providers of cloud services used in our SaaS modality comply with the European legislation on data protection and security, all of which are also accredited suppliers by “Safe Harbor”.


2IncludedIncludedMonday-Friday (8AM-8PM, CET/CEST)IncludedIncluded

1 hour8 working hours16 working hours99.9%10% of active usersSpanish and EnglishIncludedIncludedMonthlyMonthlyMonthly


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