Nerlich Clarke Contextual Competence

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    Brigitte NERLICHand David D. CLARKE



    Article dabord publi dans : Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2002). "Contextual competence: Its growth, use

    and loss". Studia Anglica Resoviensia: International English Studies Journal, Grzegorz A. Kleparski (ed.),

    No1/2002. pp. 64-78. Rzeszw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.


    In this article we shall explore various facets of what we call contextual competence,

    that is, our ability to integrate semantic knowledge and world knowledge (including

    knowledge about other peoples intentions and beliefs) so as to arrive at anunderstanding of pragmatic meaning. We analyse examples of the ways we deal with

    polysemy, ambiguity and metaphoricity in normal discourse; we try to explain how we

    acquire a contextual competence as part of semantic development; and we explore

    possible explanations for a breakdown in contextual competence in individuals with

    autism or right-hemisphere damage to the brain. We argue that we can only understand

    how language understanding works when we integrate research results from various

    approaches: the semantic-pragmatic one, the social-cultural one, the psychological-

    developmental one, and the clinical-neurological one.


    In his article on Meaning for the web-site of the Linguistic Society of America,

    William Ladusaw (on-line) distinguishes between three levels of meaning: the

    semantic one, the syntactic one, and the pragmatic one. The first two levels are

    predominantly linguistic in nature, the third, by contrast, is predominantly social in

    nature. What interests us most in this article is the pragmatic level. On the pragmatic

    level our assessment of what someone means on a particular occasion depends not only

    on what is actually said but also on aspects of the contextof its saying and an assessment

    of the information and beliefs we share with the speaker. (Ladusaw, on-line, italics

    ours). The importance of context, shared beliefs and shared values is highlighted in the

    examples of contextual language understanding that Ladusaw provides as illustrations.

    A close examination of most words reveals that they have many different senses and the rules whichcombine them into sentence meanings will frequently yield several possibilities for interpretation. Usuallywe resolve potential ambiguity unconsciously--unless someone carefully constructs a joke which turns onan ambiguity. Consider for example this joke, taken from Douglas Adams' The hitchhiker's guide to thegalaxy.

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    (1) Ford and Arthur, are stowaways on a space ship. Ford: You should prepare

    yourself for the jump into hyperspace; it's unpleasantly like being drunk. Arthur:

    What's so unpleasant about being drunk? Ford: Just ask a glass of water.

    [Formatted as example by us]

    The passage turns on the ambiguity of the word 'drunk', which can be an adjective, meaning 'affected byalcohol', or the passive form of the verb 'drink'. Arthur takes Ford as intending the first sense of 'drunk'--with good reason: he's unlikely to mean that someone would drink him. But Ford reveals that the bizarreinterpretation is what he intends. The art of the image is the metaphorical treatment of a person as aliquid; the joke turns on the sleight of hand which makes our semantic interpreter lean in one direction before pulling us back in an unexpected way with a disambiguation. These examples illustrate oursemantic and pragmatic abilities in action.

    When we engage in this type of discourse, that is, use words with multiple meanings

    intentionally, create metaphors or make a joke, the hearer either gets the (multiplicity

    of) meaning(s) intended by the speaker or he or she doesnt -- the polysemous,ambiguous or metaphorical utterance falls flat. There are other occasion, however,

    when hearers manage to hear more meanings or read more meanings into a speakers

    utterance than the speaker originally intended (on most occasions this will also have a

    humorous effect). For example:

    (2) Our eight-year-old son boasted to his friend that he was a really good jumper,

    whereupon the friend replied that that was certainly better than being a really

    good cardigan....

    Hence, in some cases the semantic contents of an utterance might be quite deep, have

    several layers, so to speak, but there is a danger that the hearers inferences may stay

    on the shallow end. In other cases the hearers inferences go deeper than the original

    semantic intention of the speaker. The inferential depth to which interlocutors plunge

    depends on the multiplicity of meanings available, as well as on the situation and

    function of the discourse -- and, most importantly, on the variable linguistic, social, and

    cognitive skills of the interlocutors.

    Beyond these inevitable individual differences in cognitive ability, social skill

    and semantic sensitivity we find people who are pathologically unable to deal with

    polysemy, ambiguity, metaphors, indirect speech act, in short, with incongruity. These

    people are either adults with a right-hemisphere lesion, autistic children with what some

    call semantic-pragmatic disorder, or children with an early right-hemisphere

    dysfunction. What they lack seems to be quite fundamentally an ability to deal with

    inferential depth, to integrate semantic, contextual, and (social) world-knowledge, to use

    context to understand what is meant by what is said.

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    We claim that the ability to deal with inferential depth lies at the heart of what

    one could call our semantic/pragmatic/communicative/contextual competence or, for

    short, contextual competence. In this article we want to study how this contextual

    competence works in ordinary discourse, how it is acquired by children, and what

    happens when it breaks down in autistic children. We shall focus in particular on one

    aspect of contextual competence: our ability to deal with ambiguity, an ability which is

    central to the understanding of jokes, metaphors and indirect speech acts, for example.

    Ambiguity in discourse

    It is usual in linguistics to distinguish between structural-syntactic ambiguity

    (The old men and women were leaving) and lexical-semantic ambiguity, which can be

    due to polysemy (Billy prefers to wear light clothes) or homophony (Max ran downto the bank). We shall focus here on lexical-semantic ambiguity and treat polysemy

    and homonymy as two poles on the ends of a continuum of words and phrases with

    multiple meanings.

    Ambiguity has been treated in various branches of the arts and humanities. In

    linguistics it has been studied in pragmatics and psycholinguistics, where Grices

    maxim of manner urged interlocutors to avoid ambiguity and where numerous

    experiments were conducted to see how people disambiguate utterances in context.

    Philosophers have always been aware of the confusions that ambiguity can create. In

    literature writers of prose dreaded the words ambiguity in the margins of essays, but

    ambiguity was cherished by literary critics in their study of poetry. In humour research

    ambiguity is studied developmentally, cognitively and sociolinguistically under the

    heading of incongruity resolution (Raskin (1985)). Those studying language play also

    address the positive sides of ambiguity (Crystal (1998)) and we shall follow their lead in

    this article.

    In linguistics and psycholinguistics it has generally been assumed that

    in ordinary discourse, we resist the multiplication of meanings,

    that we adhere to the principle of conventionality, that is, that we stick to the

    conventional meaning of words,

    that we observe the principle one form-one meaning

    that we observe the Gricean maxim of manner: be perspicuous, and specifically:

    avoid obscurity, avoid ambiguity, be brief, be orderly (cf. Grice (1975)).

    It is also assumed that

    words in isolation can have more than one meaning, but that words in context

    always have only one specific meaning; this is traditionally called: disambiguation

    in context.

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    According to this view, speakers intend words to have one meaning and hearers

    disambiguate polysemous words automatically in context. However, one can

    frequently observe that a speaker intends a word (phrase, or sentence) to have multiple

    meanings in context or that a hearer notices that a word (phrase, or sentence) has more

    than one meaning (cf. examples 1 and 2). In these cases ambiguity is sought, exploited

    and used quite intentionally (this is even more obvious in advertising and headlines).

    The reason for this may be the evolutionary principle that people who can

    demonstrate that they have a sense of humour, that they have wit, that they can juggle

    with meanings, in short,, that they have more linguistic skills than their competitors

    survive in the struggle for sexual mates (cf. Miller (2000)), and, more mundanely, for

    social advancement (cf. Dunbar (1996)). We believe that the (humorous) use of

    ambiguity and polysemy, as well as the creative deployment of metaphors in

    conversation is the linguistic equivalent of the peacocks tail (cf. Miller (2000)). Thisis illustrated nicely in an extract from a humorous book on work. If you/re only

    pretendingto be smart, the pay is the same as if you actually are smart, and nothing can

    ruin your day. Humour is the easiest and safest way to pretend you are smart. (Adams


    Observations of ordinary discourse show that people do indeed not always

    follow the route of the least mental effort, and do not always follow Grices Maxim of

    Manner, according to which we have to be perspicuous and therefore avoid ambiguity.

    Driven by a new pragmatic principle which we call Be as perspicuous as necessary and

    as conspicuous as possible, both speaker and hearer devote a variable amount of

    mental effort to either exploiting multiple levels of meaning conventionally associated

    with a word or else in enriching the meaning of words contextually (cf. Nerlich &

    Clarke (2001); Nerlich & Chamizo Domnguez (1999)). In the following we shall

    analyse a few more example of this process of ambiguation in discourse.

    In the first example the speaker exploits the multiple meanings ofgetas meaning

    obtain, being in possession of and as a fossilised part of an idiom. As in many other

    cases this exploitation takes place at the juncture between conversational turns:

    (1) A is supposed to have taken a video tape from a security office to help a friend.

    B asks her: Have you got it? Whereupon A answers: I have got it all right! B

    asks: Where, show us? A replies: I have got the sack. (Coronation Street,


    1The examples are all taken from British television, collected in 1998, or else were observed in natural

    discourse, unless otherwise stated.

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    In the next example the hearer exploits an unintentional polysemy, that is, uses the

    highly salient idiomatic meaning of an expression instead of the intended literal

    meaning. In this example the hearer actively disregards very salient contextual clues so

    as to achieve a humorous effect (cf. also example 2 for a similar exploitation of a


    (2) The house is cold and Brigitte says I have got cold feet and David replies

    laughingly And what do you have to worry about today, my dear?

    The next exchange is an example of the joint exploitation of a polysemous word by

    speaker and hearer:

    (3) After finishing his work on laying out a patio, A stands up, rubs his back and saysto B: I am finished.... physically as well .... and B butts in by saying

    (laughingly): And youll be professionally finished if you go on like this...

    (Ground Force, BBC 1)

    In the next example the speaker falls into what we call a semantic trap set by a

    polysemous word. Ambiguity is not intended but instantly attributed to the utterance.

    (4) After hearing the report of our departmental administrator about the need for

    refurbishing the toilets, our deputy head of department once said: Any movement

    on this issue would be welcome. General hilarity ensued.

    In the next example the hearer exploits the hidden polysemy of a dead metaphor,

    thereby exposing the underlying image schematic structure and rejuvenating it at the

    same time. Dead metaphors are actually never really dead only in a state of suspended


    (5) A: You should be open-minded about this, really.

    B: ... but not so much that your brain falls out.

    In the last examples (taken from conversational turns in court) the speaker falls into

    another semantic trap set by a polysemous word.

    (6) What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?

    Gucci sweats and Reebooks.

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    (7) Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent

    to your attorney?

    No, this is how I dress when I go to work.

    As Jean Aitchison has pointed out:

    We human beings are odd compared with our nearest animal relatives. Unlike them, we can say what wewant, when we want. All normal humans can produce and understand any number of new words andsentences. Humans use the multiple options of language often without thinking. But blindly, theysometimes fall into its traps. They are like spiders who exploit their webs, but themselves get caught inthe sticky strands (Aitchison (1997:80)).

    The existence and exploitation of ambiguity and incongruity for communicative

    purposes has a price, however, a communicational/social, as well as a cognitive one:

    ambiguous utterances usually take longer to process. But the positive side of this is that

    both meanings stay activated for a while, something which, in turn, has

    communicational and, may be, benefits (cf. Giora (1997), (in prep.)).

    Rachel Giora has observed that even when there is contextual information

    available that would allow almost instant disambiguation, speakers and comprehenders

    sometimes make use of the multiplicity of meanings available, regardless of this

    contextual information. In these cases contextual information is not used to

    disambiguate words immediately (see example 2) and salient meanings are not

    deactivated, because they have some role in constructing the discourse meaningcurrently being built by the discourse participants. This exploitation of ambiguity is

    important for the ongoing process of knitting conversational structures, knitting social

    relations, and for keeping conversational tedium at bay.

    Keeping several meanings at once in mind may also have cognitive benefits, as it

    helps to strengthen the semantic bonds between the senses of a word. Becoming

    highlighted in conversation they will become more accessible and therefore more

    frequently used and usable, thus more salient. This may also contributes to semantic

    change. However, as we have said, accessing multiple meanings may also lead to what

    we called falling into semantic traps and to misunderstandings which need to be


    Being able to weigh up the cognitive and communicational risks and benefits,

    that is, achieving the right balance between the avoidance of ambiguity and the clever

    use of ambiguity in context, is therefore a most valuable social and communicational

    skill, one that has to be learned, and one that cannot be learned by everybody.

    Ambiguity in language acquisition

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    The ability to understand ambiguous or polysemous utterances does not come

    out of the blue, but is one of the last stages in a gradual development, as the following

    example of a conversation between mother and child shows (one should stress that this

    developmental process never stops):

    (8) Whats the matter Love? Didnt he like it at school, then?

    They never gave me the present.

    Present? What present?

    They said theyd give me a present.

    Well, now, Im sure they didnt.

    They did! They said: Youre Laurie Lee, arent you? Well just you sit there for

    the present. I sat there all day but I never got it. I aint going back there again.

    (Laurie Lee; quoted by Donaldson (1978:17))

    As Donaldson writes: We laugh at this misunderstanding for at least two reasons:

    because of the shock that comes from the sudden recognition of ambiguity where

    normally we would see none... (p. 17). The obvious first way to look at this episode is

    to say that the child did not understand the adult. Yet it is clear on a very little reflection

    that the adult also failed, at a deeper level, in understanding the child -- in placing

    himself imaginatively at the childs point of view. (p. 17)

    So, coping with multiple meanings involves placing oneself imaginatively at

    another persons point of view . How do children acquire this ability to decentre, as

    Donaldson calls it (p. 17), that is an ability to understand what the other knows already,

    does not know, needs to know for his purposes, wants to know for his pleasure? (p. 18)

    Piaget claimed that children before the age of about 7 or 8 cannot do this decentring

    successfully. However, Donaldson claims that we are all egocentric through the whole

    of our lives in some situations [see example 8] and very well able to decentre in others.

    (p. 25) We shall come back to this type of variation in the third section of this article

    when we talk about children and adults who fall outside this spectrum of normal


    Normally, childrens understanding of multiple meanings emerges gradually and

    relatively smoothly. It starts with the understanding of the most prototypical meaning or

    most salient meaning of words and goes on to more distant meanings (cf. Nerlich, Todd,

    & Clarke (in prep.)). This was demonstrated in the following experiment, where Robin

    Campbell took 24 children between the ages of three and five and told them a story

    from which the following are extracts:

    She would like to work in the big post office but she works in a branch... As they were driving along theysaw a hare run across the field... Then they got back into the car and drove to the seaside. When they gotthere they went for a walk along the quay... Look at this castle, said Janes Daddy. the oldest wingis

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    over 500 years old. ... They got held up behind a lot of other cars, all going very slowly. I hope we getout of thisjam soon, said Janes Daddy.

    The children were asked to draw the hare, the quay, the wing, etc. Many of them drew a

    hair (or a head of hair), a key, a birds wing, etc. (cf. Donaldson (1978: 71)),

    demonstrating that, despite the contextual clues, the majority of children only accessed

    or recalled the most prototypical meaning of these homophones and polysemes.

    Another way of getting to grips with studying childrens use and understanding

    of polysemy, apart from such rather artificial experiments, is to look at childrens

    gradual use and understanding of jokes in naturally occurring discourse. As reported in

    Nerlich, Todd, & Clarke (1998), Brigitte observed Matthew between age 4.5. and 6.5.

    During that time she noticed the following (overlapping) stages in the

    development in Matthews competence for the production and understanding of jokes

    based on polysemy: At a very early age Matthew, like other children,2 showed a taste for (arbitrary or

    random) incongruities of any kind (this stage overlapped with pretend play).

    Example: What is on top of a fire engine? A tree stump! (Haha).

    He then acquired the bipartite narrative structure of the joke or riddle (around age

    4), which he then filled in with more and more acceptable (meaningful)

    incongruities (this stage overlaps with symbolic play).

    Example: How do you make flowers move? Put them on roller-skates!

    (Comment: Mummy, this is funny because flowers and houses dont move, onlyhumans and animals do.)

    He finally reached the stage (around age 7) when he could tell, understand and

    create jokes whose resolution was based on the understanding ofmultiple meanings,

    such as Why is the teacher wearing sun-glasses. Because the class is so bright.

    And even now (September 2000), aged 9, he is not afraid of using the semantic

    knowledge acquired through this joke, when pointing out to a taxi-driver, talking

    about the bright weather, that brightactually has two meanings.

    2Other example can be found everywhere, even in the Sunday newspaper supplements: Owen: I know a

    joke. Happy birthday sausage. Theo: Happy birthday sausage pie. Owen: Happy birthday sausage

    poo. Collapse of audience. We had people falling off their chairs. You dont get that at the Comedy

    Store. [...] So I suppose I should be grateful to Ella. She delivered her joke with such assurance that she

    commanded complete silence. What do you call a man with no name? On the face of it, this is a very

    good joke; a riddle in the classical style, possibly Shakespearean. The answer, which she delivered

    without waiting for one, was nonsense. Which is exactly what it was. Ella does not yet understand about

    jokes. But then none of them does. Which was why they fell off their chairs all over again. (John

    Passmore (2001:18))

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    Ambiguity can be seen as the crucial point where mind and language meet, and its

    humorous exploitation seems to play an important role in cognitive and linguistic

    development. For Matthew, the acquisition of the bipartite, dialogic, question-and-

    answer format of the joke or riddle was a real Aha-Erlebnis in this developmental

    sequence and must be regarded as a decisive step to enjoying and understanding jokes

    with multiple meanings. It was from that moment onward that Matthew used this format

    over and over again as a test-frame or template for the exploration of semantic space

    and, most imporantly, the exploration of incongruities in language and the world.

    The important thing is that at age 6 Matthew had come to distinguish between

    what is said and what is meant (in various ways) - and: A child who is trying to figure

    out what other people mean must be capable of recognizing intentions in others, as well

    as having them himself. (Donaldson (1978:88))But over and above being able to attribute intentions to others, a child must also

    learn how to deal with incongruity, to come to grips with incongruity and even to seek

    it out in a positive fashion (Donaldson (1978:112)). This is an important step in

    childrens intellectual and cognitive growth, a step that some children cannot take. This

    brings us to autism and the difficulties autistic children have with understanding other

    peoples minds, intentions, beliefs, emotions, and at coping with incongruity.

    Ambiguity and autism

    It is still not clear what causes autism, but we know that children with autism

    lack what comes naturally to other children: to pretend-play, to simulate other worlds in

    interaction with others and to understand their real or imaginary intentions and

    utterances. The study of autism could therefore become a window onto a type of mind

    and consciousness that lacks the ability of dealing with contextual clues, with

    ambiguity, with incongruity and with figurative language.

    The examples analysed so far illustrate how our semantic/linguistic knowledge

    (including knowledge of the multiple meanings that words can have) is more or less

    useless without being linked in some way to our pragmatic/contextual knowledge, and

    our knowledge of each other, which includes our knowledge of each others mental

    states and each others intentions. We can only choose the right sense of a word or

    phrase with multiple meanings and therefore understand an utterance when we are able

    integrate semantic cues (linguistic information) with contextual cues (and the inferences

    they trigger) and take into account not only the utterance but also the utterance situation

    and the mental states we share with our interlocutors.

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    Sabbagh has recently pointed out in an article on autism that knowledge of

    communicative intentions provides individuals with a basis for constraining polysemy

    in order to reliably arrive at an appropriate meaning of an utterance (Sabbagh

    (1999:45)). This ability to constrain polysemy on the basis of contextual cues is exactly

    what autistic people seem to lack. They also lack the ability to cope with fairly

    standardised indirect speech acts. Unable to integrate linguistic information with

    contextual inferences they just do not get the message.

    The following are two typical examples of reports about the linguistic behaviour

    of children, one autistic, one with Aspergers syndrome (an autistic spectrum disorder,

    but unlike children with classic autism, these children have fewer learning difficulties

    and have less problems with language):

    (9) Well-educated people tend to say things like Do you think it would be a goodidea to put the kettle on?. Giles couldnt get the message from me that I was

    talking about having a drink. I had to say We are going to have a cup of tea. I

    slowly learnt that he needed to know in the simplest terms that the next thing to

    happen was a drink. (Sampson (2000:12))

    (10) Taking statements literally is usual -- a person with Aspergers syndrome might

    well feel confused by a comment such as if I eat any more Ill burst, or time to

    stretch your legs. (Dooley (2000:10))

    It might even be that if you said to an autistic child Put the kettle on, he or she would

    try to wear it, or if you said boil the kettle, he or she would boil it, that is to say,

    they would stay on the most literal level of meaning and disregard the now conventional

    metonymic meaning of these speech acts.

    Autistic people seem to have a general difficulty in dealing with incongruity,

    from creative incongruity as displayed in the use of figurative language and certain

    types of humour up to fairly conventionalised types of incongruity, that is, speech acts

    which once might have been incongruous, but now have been conventionalised.Examples are: What are you up to?, Can you pass the salt?, You have the devil in

    you, and Why are you crying your eyes out?. These are all utterances that certain

    autistic spectrum children find difficult to understand and which might even send them

    into states of intense anxiety (cf. Welford (1999:8))

    Unlike autistic children, autistic adults feel this loss of contextual competence

    quite acutely. The following quote from a poem highlights the autistics social and

    conversational difficulties.

    (11) I talk to people;

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    There is still another group of people, apart from autistic individuals who find it

    difficult to deal with these types incongruence, who find it difficult to combine semantic

    information with standard (what Sabbagh (1999) calls canonical) and non-standard

    (noncanonical) inferences. These are individuals with right-hemisphere damage to the

    brain. It has been known for at least thirty years, that is, since Winner and Gardner and

    their associates began to study the neurological basis of metaphor understanding, that

    right-hemisphere damage leads to an impairment in extracting meaning from context,

    especially when word-meaning and context are in conflict (cf. Winner & Gardner


    In the following figure we have provided an overview of the various types of

    impairments observed in the three clinical groups who all show deficiencies in what we

    call contextual competence.


    Figure 1 about here


    The questions that neuropsychologists might want to address are: Is the right

    hemisphere involved in constructing coherence of items in context? Is the right

    hemisphere involved in social understanding? Are these two issues linked? Does autism

    involve a damage to the right hemisphere? What would this mean for an understanding

    of our contextual competence in general? (cf. Tirassa (1999)) Cognitive linguists might

    want to find answers to questions such as: What is the role of metaphor (based largely

    on the integration of semantic and conceptual knowledge from different spheres of

    experience) in language and what does an inability to deal with metaphor show us about

    language and its relations to other perceptual, cognitive and social faculties? In this

    article we could only point out how crucial answers to these questions could be for

    answering the age-old question: How do we understand language?


    Ohala (1983) once proposed that there are three kinds of linkage between

    language and other entities, abbreviated as the three ms :

    mind - the psychological dimension

    matter - the anatomical neurological dimension, and

    manners - the social and cultural dimension.

    In this article we have only been able to explore some of the linguistic, social and

    cultural dimensions of contextual competence with some excursions into the

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    Tirassa, Maurizio. 1999. Communicative Competence And The Architecture

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