Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing...


Transcript of Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing...

Page 1: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort
Page 2: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort

Table o3Subm




8 Jen








18 BO

20 Le

23 N Important by makingcopies of

Our TotLauren B Zack C Becca S Editor and


of Contentsmission Guideli

or’s Note

Valentines (Ner

st Watching Tip

nifer and the M

UIZ! Are you Ma

nd Your Super-S

ps to Initiate a M

ake Things Hap

alking the Wild

e Secret Scien

cret Surprise (H


etters to the Ed

erdfox Craft P

Note! Insteadg a few or few your own zine

tally Rad and Joa Jen Cov

d Overlord of N

s—Summer 20


rdfox Style)

ps by Becca S

Mystery of the

arried? Find ou

Secret Alter Eg

Make Out Sesh

ppen: Third Tim

Nerdfox by Za

nce of Crushes

Hint: it rhymes)

e you a nerdfo

ditors (and som

roject: Stencil

d of paying me dozen copies to share. Than

d Babe-aliciousanna S

nifer C ver concept b

Nerdfoxes Intl. i

007—The Secre

Married Men

ut! !

go by Joanna S


mes a Charm b

ach C

by Danny C

ox? Find out!

me responses!)

your t-shirts

e for this zine, p of it to share.

nks! Dana

s Contributo

y Eleanor s Dana

ets Issue


by Lauren B

pay the world Or make a few



and lewhy thUnfortcheesyour oAnd I' The ottruth ithat mof beicoole As for

Some and puSUV’s band spreally lbe usespray-pHabita



3.Hot TipHot TipHot TiptogethHot TipHot Tipperiod

ending them mhey like that gtunately, somesy country radionly hope is to ll do my best.

ther option is tn terrible music

makes an ironicng lame beca

er than people

the polar flee

people prefer tourses and coffebecause it’s so epray paint and aasts, and my an

ed to stencil. Kepaints do wash

at for Humanity RCut out stencia xacto knife. pieces have totoo thin, the spPractice on scanything you dvery tight to thdo multiple paheld it too longLet the stencil

p 1: Don’t spray p 2: Buy used t-shp 3: Make matchher because youp 4: Wear glovesp 5: Wear a masd of time. Spray

music that is moong crap so m

e people, like mio music beca ask them to n

o argue that tc shows a uniqc and/or witty ause of their m who are so ge

ce, try and wa

STENCIL DIo screen print, be tables and smeasy and all youa xacto knife. Pnswer is that anyetchup and coff out after a whilRe-Stores and al. Glue it to som Follow stencil co connect or it wpray paint will bcratch paper. Padon’t want to hhe surface. Use rasses than to hag in one place. dry between us paint while drunhirts at thrift storhing shirts for allu are cool like ths, OR walk arounsk if you are goinpaint induced l

ore to your likin

much. me, for examp

ause it makes thnot listen to it w

heir ability to fqueness of out social stateme

music taste, theeneric as to se

ait it out till spri

IRECTIONS: but I love to spra

mall children andu need is cardbeople often askything that will sfee, for examplee. You can get

attics, garages, ee light carboardommon sense—will fall apart. If cleed under themaint outside. Be ave spray paintreally light fast s

ave it bleed all o ses, or the paintnk and wearingres or Gabes (if y your friends. Sohat. nd with paintedng to spray painung infections a

ng. Or asking t

ple, listen to awhem happy, a

when you're aro

ind beauty ansider perspectent so that inst

ey are actually ettle for cool m

ng. Good Luc

ay-paint-stencil d trees and eve

board (like cereak me if spray paitain your clothee. However, me used spray painetc… d and cut it out

—all the cardboacardboard linesm. sure to cover t on. Hold the sttrokes—it’s bett

over because yo

t will get all built expensive booyou live in WV).

ometimes wear t

d nails for 3 daysnting for an exteare a huge bum



wful, nd ound.

nd tive tead



t-shirts en al box) nt

es can etallic nt at

with ard s are

encil er to


up. ts. them

s. ended


Page 3: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort

Dear NerdI have a cwhatever)but not quencouragmean to sglasses anfleece. Hegongs and Editor respEthically spyou have nerdfox is others to ssexual hum We have tcruel rulesfeminist sahead." Thaoverlook g So you waarticle in ttechniquecomplicatlove intereefficient to Forthright: as the oneentire facePassive: "Lbeautiful" thought aAs for badhave nevewhat you

22dfox, crush on a boy ) who is definituite a fox. How

ge his foxyness?say is that he's nd an affinity foe also listens tod chimes. Is the

ponds: peaking, our p to re-define "fo not only challesee the gloriouman being in u

to be careful ws that society isaid, "It's hard toat being said, igongs and chi

ant to accentuhe New York T

es to tame youted secret ageest to do what o just say what

"I think you woes you have noe." Let me see you or "Those frambout contacts

d music, some er heard goodthink is good m

(okay, man, ely a nerd,

w can I ? What I got horrible

or polar music with ere hope?

position is this: oxy.” Being a enging

us, sexy and us, but seeing t

we aren't judgs constantly bao fight an enemit can take a pmes, and som

ate the Fox in Times about seur partner. I soment techniques you want. Howt bothers you.

ould look reallyow hide your lo

u without thosemes look uncom

s?" people listen t

d music. So, yomusic wheneve

that in others a

ing people byadgering us wimy with outpospretty deep paetimes we just

your Nerd: Thecretly using an

metimes enjoy s to getting yowever, it is ofteFor example:

y nice in these ovely eyes, an

e glasses, Godmfortable, hav

to bad music bu can always ter they are aro

as well.

y the same th. As some sts in your assion to don't want to

ere was a greanimal training the intrigue ofur fledgling

en more

other glasses,d also, your

- you're e you ever

because they try listening to ound,




Submquestifavori(espe Your pseeingcouldcontri Send Editorbecauthey gsomettruth tdoesn The firpeoplYou’rewhen you recereaand yNot th One owe huwherewant eat diand wus thinup I wtalk instarte

ission Guidelinions, cartoons,te recipes, nigcially your har

payment will bg your name in to help the hobutors will rece

any submission

’s Note: I thouguse I was thinkget in the way times secrets athan a comforn’t pray for a c

rst secret I was le they have ae Obsessed” fo you get comp

ealize you are al is, and maybyou don’t evenhat that has ev

of the main secuman beings ae we’re going, a nice friend winner with and

wonder if anythnk that we’re a

was so shy that n class. One yed singing to m

nes: Please sen, arts, songs, p

ght time fantasrlequin romanc

be a copy of thn print, and knopeless be hapeive nerd-them

ns to Dana@W

ght that I woulking about all t of a lot of goo

are good. You rtable delusioncomfortable de

thinking of is ha crush on. Holor more info onpletely fixated sitting there w

be grinning off n know if that pver happened

crets I was thinare. And how a or why we’re

who likes us ford make jokes whing good will alone in that. A I got a nervou

ear I had my bime and looking

nd your responerformance aies and harleq

ces!) to dana@

he zine, the naowing that yoppy. Also somemed stitchery t

ld call this issuethe secrets weod things. But o know that quo

n?” Well, let’s belusion every n

how much peoy Moly! See “Itn that. It’s alwa on someone t

wondering wha into space whperson even kn to me.

nking of, howea lot of us feel going there. Ar who we are;

with. And how w ever happen And that’s a baus belly ache eirthday at cam at me and I w

nses, feelings art pieces, poem

quin [email protected]

arcissistic thrill ou did what youe randomly chthat I make. t.

e the secret iss have, and hoon the other hote, “Better a

be honest, whonow and then?

ople obsess abt’s Not Your Faays so embarrato the point tht their favorite

hile you are donows you are a

ver, was how llike we don’t k

And a lot of us somebody nicwe try really hato us. And moad secret. Groevery time I hamp, and everyowas so

3nd ms,


of u


ue, ow and, cruel

o ?

bout ult assing at

oing it, alive

onely know really

ce to ard st of

owing d to


Page 4: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort

De As subproproa N Allopicealovin topClin Barhimhe'foxpicdremaalois ayouClinstaghowimpendcanMs.Houqueas aClininto Lov

ar Editor and O

president of thbmit my disagrofile, which staoblem is; he is Nerdfox.

ow me to explctures and promrly twenties. U

ve being attractheir youth nowponent for Nenton from her

rack Obama omself in a swims's dreamy, but

xy nerd is the factures. Can yoeamboat? Noany unflatteringong with flatter fox. She is a n

u, as editor, to nton. We are ige of presidenwever, even inportant to recodorse such a wndidate. Pleas. Clinton back use. And if youestion the sincea nerdfox, simpnton High Schoo Google. You

ve, love, and lo

Overlord of Ne

he New York Creement with t

ates you are ea simply not a N

ain: Statistics sms, Nerdfoxes

Us nerdfoxes simctive nerds, anw have babies

ew York state sehighschool ye

on the other hasuit published t he's not a Neact that we ca

ou name one po, you cannot. g pictures, ring ones. Shenerdfox. I beg endorse Hillaryin a very early ntial elections, n this stage it is ognize and wonderful se welcome into the Whiteu ever erity of her roleply type Hillaryool Pictures u'll feel warm a


erdfoxes Intl.,

City chapter of the official Nerager to meet BNerdfox, where

show that asid are ugly until

mply peak latend the people s and fat rolls. enator publishars, to prove s

and, recently hin People Magrdfox. One dra

an take incredpicture where Hillary Clinton

e g y


e y

all over.

Jared K, Nerd

Nerdfoxes, I mrdfox MyspaceBarack Obamae as Hillary Clin

de from senior they enter the

er. Of course w who were bea Hillary Clintoned pictures of he was ugly.

had pictures ogazine. Let's faawback of be

dibly unflatterinObama is not

n has posed fo


21must e a. My ton is

ir we all autiful 's Ms.

of ace it, ing a g a r

Page 5: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort

LetterHere at Nepreviously Dear NerdI am consicontact lethick framoccassionsuicide? F Dear FretfuI personallI put my frreturn. Thahamperedyour headsquashingnothing liksmooching While glasrealize thathey exacthe coversalienate thcrucial to inside thatnerdfox. WKent all weoccasiona HOWEVEReveryone shoulders suicide to experienc Sincerely,


rs to a Nerdfoxes Intl. w

y appeared on

dfox, idering the pu

enses as an altes for fancy ev

ns. Would this bretfully yours, L

ul: ly wore contacrames back onat being said, d by glasses. Fd sideways agag your glasses ake the sound og.

sses are a popat not all nerdscerbated theses during their fohis minority of o maintaining at counts. Wear

While nerdfoxeear glasses, soally Sylvester St

R, if when you t chants your nand confetti fa take your glas


Editor and Ov

Nerdfox. we love gettingn our Myspace

rchase of ernative to myvening

be Nerdfox Lex

cts for one sumn and felt my s there are manFor example, I ainst the coucagainst your faof glasses tapp

ular symbol of have been gi

e eye troubles ormative yearsour readership nerdfox identring contacts ds Ghandi, FDR do several of tallone, who a

take your glassame and carrialls from the cesses off. But I w

verlord of Nerd

g letters. These page. Yeah, w


mmer. One saduperhero pow

ny nerdfoxy achate how youh while readin

ace. Then agaiing glasses wh

geek chic, it isifted with myoby incessantlys. Therefore I d

p by saying thatity. It's what's ddoesn't mean , Gloria Steine the Spice Girlsre not nerdfox

ses off, you areies you aroundeiling, then yes

would anyway,

foxes Intl.

e letters we’re cool.

d summer. Thenwers ctivities that are can't really lag without in, there's en

s important to pia, nor have

y reading undedon't wish to at glasses are deep down you're not a m and Clark s and xes at all.

e so cool that d on their s, it is nerdfox just for the


e y


Cut ovalen

ut, and fold in tine.

half twice to m

make your spe

ecial Nerdfox

Page 6: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort

W A reto find a femoving in you don’t know howas a resultattention t

1. Use Letpack withgonna gepack thatout there been eyei Tip:sure your f

Addtrying to snoff your fa 2. Full-leng Coanymore, a novice nhas a uniqtimes. Whaperfectly ceveryone 3. Gigantic Herfavorite betogether. “I’M HIP!” you’ve go

Waist Watecent BBC Newemale (or mal the right way: have that per

w to sway your t? Not if we cato your marve

e a fannypack’s face it: you’ the double po

et you that cute shows the waand put it on, ing is gonna w: If you really wfanny pack haded Bonus: Fanag a Brit, just

anny. Pack, tha

gth Jean Skirt. mfortable, pra the ankle-longnerdfox. But geque ability to reat does that mcontrasted by will know it.

c Bead belt. Are’s a fun DIY peads, and youYou’ve got yo with every fooot hips. And ev

tching Tipsws article recee) attractive, t: walking and srfect hourglass hips just right. n help it. Try thlous middle:

. A neon one. ve been eyeinocket for a lone nerdfox faste

ay your hips swiand we guara

wanna rip it off want to captivaas a hidden ponny means va go on and onat is.

actical, and nog jean skirt migetting over theetain a comple

mean for you? the skirt’s ang

A really shiny oproject: take yur favorite embourself a fashioot forward. Notveryone within

s By Becca S

ently revealed that female haswaying her his figure. MaybeWill you die co

hese beauty tip

ng that bright png time. Well ber than a fluoreivel with every

antee that pers and get it on. ate a sexy nerdocket! agina in Englan

about how yo

ot just for Southght seem too ine fear is worth ietely rectanguAny sway fromle. You’ll look g

ne. That jinglesour favorite be

broidery floss. An accessory tht only are you a thirty foot ra

that for a manad to be ps. So maybe e you don’t old and alone ps to draw

pink fanny baby, nothing’escent fanny

y step. So run son you’ve dfox, make

nd, so if you’re ou love to show

hern Baptists ntimidating fort. The jean skir

ular shape at am left to right is great,

s. elt, your Add them hat screams hip, nerdfox,

adius hears it.





r t






The monerdfoyou arlikely y If you famuseand lifyou ar The otyou arlikely th

What is your firclub/bar type

a. Usetha

b. Arewh

c. Dischist

d. Sit i

How do you daa. Cool b. Weird c. Contrad. Don't

The following s

a. Girls, Gb. In my Gc. Pretty md. Bringin


The first thing I a. The typb. If they c. How god. If they

ore questions yo

ox. However, if yre too analyticayou are a nerdfo

felt a kinship to sed and annoyede is more compre, indeed, a ne

her tell-tale signre, or think you chat you are cur

rst instinct when situation? e em and lose eank you ma'am.e you cold? Do hole lot of your scuss feminist thetorical influencein the corner an



song best descrGirls, Girls Garage, by Weemuch anything g Sexy Back, by

want to know ape of cellphone know when to uood their car/b can play chess

ou answered (Ayou couldn't ansal to choose somox.

some of the nond you because

plex than some serdfox.

ns are (1) If you acould be, a fox. rrently, or have t

n seeking a pote

em. It's like, bam. Never give outyou need to bokin is exposed. eory, the politicses on current mend feel awkward

ribes my love life

ezer from The Little My Justin Timberla

about a potentiae they have use who and whike's gas mileag

A) for, the less likeswer any of thes

mething so arbitr

n (A) answers th you don't like tostupid quiz, then

are, or have be If both (1) and the potential to

ential mate in a

m bam bam andt your real nameorrow a sweater

s of the body, erriment theoried.


Mermaid soundtke, but in an iro

al love interest is

hen to use whomge is

ely it is that you se questions, berary, then it is qu

hat simultaneouo be defined so n it is also likely t

en, a nerd, and (2) are true, the be, a nerdfox.


d e. ? A


track nic



are a ecause uite

sly easily hat

(2) If en it is

Page 7: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort

Are You







u a Nerdfox?I think that ____a. Hot bodb. Not comc. Playing d. A lisp

My life motto ma. Sex, drub. Do or dc. Moderad. Math ex

What would driva. Defense

monetawhich y

b. Passion c. Am pacd. Fear of

I find __________a. J.Lo b. Richardc. Sarah Vd. JD from

How do you plaa. Exercisin

celebritcoke; a

b. Readingc. Gardend. Slogging


My yearbook pthe following pea. 0% b. 25% c. 50% d. 100%

? Take this quiz

___ is very sexy. d, loads of monempletely despisi scrabble

might best be deugs, and rock ano not, there is n

ation in everythinxplains that.

ve you to kill? e of your proweary or other spirityou wish to proc for an ideal cifist. Would be kfailure

_ most attractive

d Feynman Vowel

m Le Tigre

an on getting in ng in a gym withty fad diet involvnd ceaseless tag about barnacning and Hiking g through the Agered ferns

photo is hideousercentage of sc

z to find out! N

ey, tricked out ring me

escribed as: nd roll o try. ng, particularly

ss and territory, tual or physical s

claim your domin

killed first.


shape for this suh my paid memving celery, bac

anning cles on Wikipedia

African rainforest

, awkward and/chool years?

o cheating!



be it sexual, space over nance.

ummer? bership; a

con and diet

a at 3 am

t studying

/or humiliating in

favoriwon’t 4. Sus underthose suspeagainShiftinknow 5. A sm per serelativthat itstrappreminwhen and ththat’s

Tip: To increa

te beads with t regret it.

penders: Not jWhile it may

rpants hanging trousers up, conders! With ev

nst a light shirt sg like a skier’s what you do b

mall dog. As you can te

econd increasevely silent, yourt exists. And whping said terried everyone th they look at yhink “Damn: th a sex machin

ase the belt’s se your favorite j

ust for the old be possible tog out and still bover your draw

very sway, a pashows the way poles, your susbest: dress to i

ell by our grape. Though a lar average terrihy is this good

er to your waisthat you exist: loyou, they’re gohat dog is goine if I’ve ever se

eduction radiuingle bells or w

Italian man in walk around wbe a nerdfox, iwers, and get yair of dark suspy you move anspenders will lempress.

ph, as a dog gerge German Ser will never st for your hips? t, your canine cook at you. LOOonna see that dng left to right.”een one.”

us, switch your wind chimes. Y

your life. with your it’s hard. Hitchyou some penders contrand slims the waet a cute nerd

ets smaller its yShepard will staop reminding Because by companion wOK AT YOU! Andog at your hi” And then, “D

7 ou

asted aist. fox

yaps ay you

ill nd ps



Page 8: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort

Whichcontroto. Datheoricouplhormocan’t drug, lovesic Almosinterpcrazy,humaAnd it


A secRidicuLove afor inhIt mak


HobbyReallyWV coAll preTrivial


WritingavoidSpeciaNot foNerdfo

h might not beol over what oamn chemicalses about how es, they are re

one. Which is a spend our wh our brain maxckness and be

st all cultures hretations of it p, and that crus

an beings. It’s jut will go away.

ret Limericret love for spa

ulous line after an African Prinheritance kes my day job


y of Memorizay is its own creaounties done esidents won Pursuit, my va


g mediocre lims hearing the cal for Nerdfox

or Goldilocks ox is an addic

e a bad thing, sobjects our stups. Luckily, the c they might las

eplaced in para relief, as the ole lives moon

xes out on the ecomes immun

have evidenceplay out differesh was not my ust your stupid Both the chem

icks by Dann

am mail is mine line nce

b really shine


ation ation



mericks clock's tocks a

tive fix

since we don’pid brain chemchemicals go ast two years, ort by oxytocin, author points

ning around. Achemicals relene to them aft

e of romantic loently. The poin fault. It happe chemicals in ymicals, and yo

ny C




and ticks


t have much

micals get attaaway. There ar four. In lasting which is a bonout, because w

Apparently, likeeased by ter a while.

ove, but the nt is that I’m noens to almost ayour stupid bra

our brain.




ached re g nding we

e any

ot all ain.


Page 9: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort

The Se The Februachanged life. At thewith this gmusical ininto him aeyes and perfect” apuked all faults, I haConstantlyvitamins I wand contewith my frimonths, astartled th I was prettEverythingin aforemeHelen Fishstudies of “fickle femout whethalso looks Apparentllike crazy, also causeobsessive serotonin ldrugs like the same meds, it ca


ecret Scien

ary 2006 issue my life. At leas

e time, I was lanuy that I couldstruments andt a show, and asked me how

and he said, “Iover him. But l

ad shit to do, ay. I was pretty was taking. I toemplated my ciends (thanks fnd a picture pat I knock ove

ty sure I was gog else had faileentioned issueer, who is an alove. She was

male orgasm” wher men would at brains and

ly, when you a which gives yoes this sort of lo compulsive dilevels, much likProzac and Pabrain chemicaan be harder f

nce of CrusWhy It’s No

of National Gest it made me nguishing unde

dn’t shake. Sured had cool hair he took my ha

w I’d been, and’ve always thoogically, I barend yet I couldsure I was goinook some coldchildhood influfriends). And stpops up of himer and smash a

oing to have ted. And then I of Nat’l Geo.

anthropologist one of the piowas an evoluti

d stick around a brain chemica

are in love, youou extra energ

ovesickness witsorder. Appareke OCD, and caxil. So basicalal profile. And for you to fall in


ot Your Fault Yo

eographic bas feel less crapper the yoke of e, he could plar. Sure, one timand in his and d I said, “Pretty

ought so” and ely knew him, hn’t stop thinkinng crazy. I re-ed showers. I laiduences. I tried till yet, I hadn’t on the interne

a wine glass (so

o euthanize mread “Love” b She gets her d that does crosoneers of the thionary developand be good fals of people w

ur brain sends ogy and super mth the same quently love skewcan actually bly, love and Oif you are on pn chemically-b

our Obsessed

sically py about my this obsession ay like ten

me I bumped looked into my much then I almost he had his

ng about it. evaluated the d on the coucto talk it out t seen him in sixet and I get so orry Eleanor).

myself. by Lauren Slatedata from ss cultural heory that the pment to find fathers. She who are in love

out dopaminemotivation. It ualities of ws up your be treated withCD could hav

psychiatric based love.







h e

Page 10: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort

Quiz! Are You Married?

It can be tricky to find out if you’re actually married or in a long term relationship that would make it a tad rude for you to be out dating

people. Let Jen and Dana help you find out.

1. Do you remember a legal ceremony where you answered a question with the phrase “I do”?

2. Does your bathroom have matching hand towels labeled his and hers?

3. Is there a person in your cell phone address book labeled wife/husband?

4. Does your bank account have two names on it? 5. Do you wake up beside the same person every morning? 6. Are there children that live in your home that resemble you, or

does one of these children go by the name Junior? 7. Do you have a tacky photo album covered in white satin and

lace that is labeled “Our Wedding”? 8. Do you own a mini- van? 9. When you drive this mini van do you sometimes have to

readjust the seat, as if someone else had been sitting in it? 10. Have you noticed that there are more dishes in the sink than

you could have possibly dirtied? 11. Do you have closets filled with clothes that do not belong to

you? 12. Is there a person that’s not related to you that ends your

conversations with “I love you” or calls you by an endearing term?

If you have answered yes to one or more of these questions, then chances are you might be married. You might try checking at the courthouse or perhaps asking the person living in your house if you are married or otherwise committed to them. Notice we did not offer our congratulations due to the fact that this quiz is not designed to assess the happiness of your union. When you find the person you might be married to, the next step is to openly discuss dating people who are not your partner, and also to discuss your partner with the people you are wanting to date. If you have not done both these things, and yet are dating unsuspecting nerdfoxes, please punch yourself.

Stalking the Wild Nerdfox by Zach C While Nerdfoxes may not have the nutritional value of wild edibles, they offer a unique pleasure all their own, avidly sought by those with refined taste. –Editor Finding large groups—a pride, pack, gaggle, herd—what have you—of nerdfoxes is easy! They have been known to congregate at events like conventions, any competition of home built equipment (e.g. home made rafts or potato guns), political rallies for unique or honest candidates (e.g. Dennis Kucinich, or any random Socialist), teach-ins for concerned people, any sort of demonstration (against war, for people or the earth), religious services that practice meditation till it hurts, celestial events (like comet viewings or meteor showers), nerdrock concerts (put your preferred band here), and even sports events (the nerdfoxes are the people that come up with chants that scare their own team). Small groups of nerdfoxes are a bit more difficult, but you can still bump into them… roaming the trails of the nearest wilderness area, drinking and playing board games in intellectually friendly bars or cooperatively owned coffeehouses, or working with Food Not Bombs, wading in a public fountain with their pants rolled up, in a study room, talking philosophy at 3am in the local 24 hour diner, sledding down a hill on a cafeteria tray after a snow, or lip syncing “Free To Be You and Me” and playing instruments made out of Lincoln Logs in the basement. Discovering an individual nerdfox is like sighting a rare bird or getting a missile shield to work, it takes careful planning and usually some inside information so you can be in the right place at the right time. An expert may find them prowling the streets, camping on the side of a highway, in a city park, or on a cliff, sitting on park benches reading newspapers or knitting scarves in the summer, napping under or in a tree, roaming the art museum, sitting in their car with the radio on listening to NPR with the engine off, in the library digging through the stacks for a rare book, or in a computer lab texting other people in the same computer lab.


Page 11: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort

spend timmet. He spcook like nbeside his to ravageof the bedhis face is moved. To Then I metlaugh a lodiscussed beginningforest to mand went one of us mantra, “Weven pracgot past mbed, agai As a resultbuild a timout how toNapoleonchances w I re-read t(I’m tellingabsolute rmaking thhour trip tohappen. M What gavdesperatiowith said npretty feeany book wants to leyeah yeah

e with a first tapoke three lannobody’s busin bed, with me

e him. Oh, the id with the light a sign, right?),o another cou

t guy number ot, which is a m sustainable fa

g to fade into tmy cabin in the to sleep. The imade a moveWould you likecticed aloud, tmy lips louder tin, cursing mys

t of these mishame machine ano move forwar

n Dynamite andwere I couldn’

he guide, metg you, three norecord here), ahings happen!!o his city, and Make out sesh

e me the confon, but a feelinnerdfox. He is wt. He knows a he begins. Heearn to tango.h yeah.

all, dark, and hnguages, traveness. He basica ready to bust nvitation was tt dimmed, doo, but I didn’t mntry. Without m

two. He was nmajor plus. We parming, chatte

he morning skye woods and thnterest was m

e. All night in me some tea? Wthough not toothan a whisperelf.

aps, I began tond fix those faird with new ned Kip couldn’tt either. Nerdfo

t another rad gon-offensive mand put my pla! I hitched a ridmet up with sa, check. Doub

fidence third ting of confidenwitty and smarlot about labo likes his family. He’s a nerdfo

andsome supe

eled the world, ally had my he through his bethere (lying ful

or open, and “make things hame. Bohunks w

ice and funny played cards td until the stary, wandered then… played utual, but darn

my mind I was pWould you like to loudly. Somer, and I ended

o spend more iled situations terdfoxes. I reali assemble a timox zine to the r

guy who was ven in five mon

an into with a nun aid nerdfox, anle check, in fa

ime around, yonce and comfort. He has lots oor organizing ay, watches tooox, and I like him

er-babe I’d and could

eart in a jar ed room walls ly to one side that look” on ppen. Then heill do that.

and made metogether, rs were hrough the more cards n it if neither practicing my o make out?” how it never up alone in

time trying to than figuring ized that if me machine, rescue.

visiting the areanths is an It’s all about for the seven nd made thing


ou ask? Not ort in being of freckles andnd can’t finish much tv, andm. Yeah yeah






d h

FindBy: Joaof Whip touch bizarremore hthis ha one hasinisterin turn have tand on

evil is p“Title”





The G



d Your: Su

anna S AKA. The Mpped Topping.

Yes, we all hav with this declare-spandex-wearhelp. To find the

andy, semi-mystiSimply put you

and (Warning: ler). Close your ey until the powerthree separate nne Aegis). Then

Please rememprobably accep” “Salutation” of


our Title: ntia/Potentior apscallion

Absentia/or agrentia/or e Masticator midable Fiend levolentia/or

achronistia/or ndamonia/or Great Doodler Cranium Mighty Snork

alutation: Master Mistress

Protector Bane Of

uper SecretMighty Snork, Prote

ve one lurking wrative-sentence-ring side of our pe Super Secret Aical method. urself into a lighteft-pointing mayyes and run your within bids younames (one Title combine them

mber to use your ptable too). f “Provenance”


BiodegrCleaning Those Wh

Speak In MLords of HArcane VoPulchritudi

Tax AttPahoeho

LavLovers of





t Alter-Ego ector of Frippery w

within. Some of -making, large-opersonality. OthAlter-Ego that's r

t trance. Take thy skew your Alter finger up and

u stop. Do this the, one Salutatio using the formu Alter-Ego for go

who harnesses

nance: us Edibles radable Products

ho fear To Math Class opscotch ocabulary inous Sofa orneys

oe (Ropy va) B-Grade

n Flicks Kissers e Mold g-Do

ntiating onyms pery bles

who controls the

us may be moreobject-scaling,

hers may need aright for you, I su

he index finger er-Ego towards tdown each col

hree times, until n, one Provenaula below. And ood (non-destru

the power of “A

Aegis:Giant Herri

WombatMagic Mar

Chiffon Eraser

Whipped- TopBucket

Elbow GreaString Leeks Lichen

Man-hole CoRusty Nai


e in-

a little uggest

of the umn you nce, Viola!



: ng t ker



over il

Page 12: Nerdfox summer 2007 secrets issue Version 2 Printing · ay the world Or make a few rs: and le why th Unfort

Tips to First—It’s sthat all of take certaAt the samcrybaby aperson whto doing it

Step One:at lots of tmind. Andsmoochingwhy two g

Step Two: attractiveyou) apprare not intare interesand smart

Step Threeenergy. Yonihilists, adcrybabiesyou work wproblema

Step Four: don’t havkind of sup “W

“I ththa“Ca“I htwotho

Step Four: good that


o Initiate o important to us have beenain aspects of me time, I havearound becausho thinks they at. Which is just Remember yohings. You are

d you enjoy smg too. We are

grown ups canThink about ho, fascinating sproached you interested, woulsted, would yot and good looe: Find a beingou are worth addicts, materia and people wwith or who artic choices as Since we are e to putz arouper smooth moould you like shink you’re nic

at, if not, that’s an I kiss you?”

have a theory to people not sought?”

Smooch your t you were so r

a Make o keep consen through differsexuality very se spent a lot ofse they want tare really cool plain silliness.

ou are lovablee complex, mumooching. And

all grown ups n’t enjoy sometow you would pecimen, mucn a romantic bd you feel flatt

ou feel happy oking to smooc

g worthy of youa lot, by the waalistic freaks, bowho are marriere related to yo well. But to eaall grown ups, nd for ten yea

ove. Try one oome tea, wate

ce. If you want ok too.” that two peopnuggling—do

face off. Or if respectful of th

Out Sesh

nsuality in mindrent things, andseriously, and If time listeningo kiss on some too and neve

e and capablelti-faceted and other people here, and thething enjoyabl feel if an intell

ch like you, (bubut respectful wtered nonetheabout having ch on?

ur time and coay. My advice ody builders, seed/partnered. our best friendach their own, act like a grow

ars trying to figuof these grown er, coffee? To ed to smooch

ple snuggling is you adhere to

they politely dhem and that

d, and to realized some peopleI respect that.

g to my friends e really cool er get around

e. You are good have a lively enjoy re is no reasonle together.

ligent ut who isn’t way. Say you eless? Say you someone nice

smic babe is to avoid erial killers, Also people s might be naturally.

wn up. You ure out some up lines: make out?” , I would like

s better than o that school o

decline, feel they trusted

e e

d y




you ehave not beare albecauor whaqueencomp

Step Fand bthem if theyrun! Yothose

Lastly:situatijust ho

MaThe stI’ve mmakinand firiding a malthingsnight just ca Deter

nough to be hdifferent motiv

e an ego-manll about you—tuse your butt isatever. Get ovn and pretend

patible with thisFive: Be nice abodies. Being re for who they ay don’t treat yoou are preciou lousy bastards: If you are theons, you migh

olding it up. Do

ake ThingsBy Lolo B

ars must have met several amng out. I live byve women be a fourwheelere nerdfox, is m

s so witty I haveis quite monuman’t figure out

mined to mak

honest. Realizevations that ha

niac and pretethey have theis too big/smalver yourself. Md you will die as one single pend respectful aesponsible is hare, and like yoou the same wus, and you ars a thing.

e sort that losest try writing do

on’t sweat so m

gs Happen been aligned

mazing nerdfoxy myself on a metween the agr), so meeting

monumental. Me laser eyes atmentally colos what to do wi

ke things happ

e that all peopave nothing tond that other pir own reasonsll or because yove on. Do nolone because

erson on the eand responsibhot. Treat the pou want them

way, punch there wonderful, a

s all ability to sown a phrase omuch the ink ru

n! Third Timd the past few xes with some smountain top wes of 50 to 70 any comrade

Meeting a malettached to himsal. But it happith it. Read on

en, I traveled t

le are differen

o do with you. Dpeople’s decis and it’s not

you are unlovaot be a drama

you were not ntire earth.

le of your feeliperson like you to be happy.

em in the nuts aand you don’t

peak in these on your hand auns, though!

me’s a Charm.months becauserious potentiwith bears, dog(think Jane Go

e my age, let ae nerdfox who

m the rest of thepens occasion.

to another city

13t and Do ions


ngs like And and owe


use al for gs oodall lone

o says e ally. I

y to