Nepal: Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector ...

Resettlement Planning Document Due Diligence Report Resettlement Grant Number: 0093 August 2011 Nepal: Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Project Shivganj-Mahavara-Kunjibari-Dorabari-Birpur- Bagahachaudhary Rural Road Sub-Project, Jhapa (0+000-18+000) Prepared by the Government of Nepal for the Asian Development Bank. This resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Transcript of Nepal: Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector ...

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Resettlement Planning Document

Due Diligence Report Resettlement Grant Number: 0093 August 2011

Nepal: Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Project Shivganj-Mahavara-Kunjibari-Dorabari-Birpur-Bagahachaudhary Rural Road Sub-Project, Jhapa (0+000-18+000)

Prepared by the Government of Nepal for the Asian Development Bank. This resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

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Government of Nepal Ministry of Local Development

Office of District Development Committee District Technical Office

District Project Office Jhapa

Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program (RRRSDP)

Due Diligence Report of

Shivganj – Mahavara – Kunjibari – Korobari – Birpur - Bagahachaudhary Rural Road Sub-project

(0+000 - 18+ 000)

August, 2011

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ADB Asian Development Bank DoLIDAR Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads DTO District Technical Office GoN Government of Nepal GRC Grievance Redress Committee NGO Non-Governmental Organization PAF Project Affected Families PAP Project Affected Person PCU Project Coordination Unit RP Resettlement Plan RoW Right of Way RF Resettlement Framework RRRSDP Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program

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Table of Contents

• Introduction+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++...1

• Background.............................................................................................................1

• Scope of Land Acquisition..........................................................++++++++1

• Community Consultation and Participation ...................++++++++++.....2

• Budget for Solving Pending Issues...........++++++++++++++++....2

• Cost Estimate for Solving Pending Issues...............................................................2

• Implementation Schedule++++++++++++++++++++++++3

• Conclusion...............................................................................................................4

List of Tables

Table 1: Deed Transfer Cost...................................................................................2

Table 2: Deed Transfer Activities Implementation Schedule..................................3

List of Appendix Appendix: 1 List of Participants of Community Consultation Meetings Appendix: 2 Land Donation Consent Letters Appendix :3 Meeting Minuets of Community Consultation Appendix: 4 Cadastral Reports Appendix: 5 Resettlement Screening Appendix: 6 Cadastral Maps

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Due Diligence Report of Sivganj-Korobari Rural Road, Jhapa


1. Introduction

1. RRRSDP is funding rehabilitation of Sivganj - Corobari Road in Jhapa district as its sub project. The sub project is located in Jhapa District of far eastern Nepal. The road, 18.0 km long, connects with the Bagahachaudhary village near of Indian border which lies in Korobari VDC. The sub-project passes through Shivganj, Panchgachi, Mahavara and Korobari Village Development Committees (VDCs) enabling these four VDCs in southern part of the district access to the public market, health facilities and government services. 2. Background 2. The sub project road is a part of a larger main road project called Dudhe - Sivganj – Korobari Road. This 31.41 km long main road comprises 2 sections: first one starts from Korobari and ends at Shivganj VDC while the second one starts from Shivganj and ends at Dudhe of East-West Mahendra highway. The first section of this road is 18.0 km long which would be constructed in first phase. Hence this due diligence report considers the first section of the total road length. The construction of the road first started in 1990 with funding of District Development Committee (DDC). The DDC Jhapa supports annual development of the road from its district budget. The road also receives contribution from affected Village Development Committees (VDCs) and local beneficiaries. This contributed to completion of entire km of this road in 1992. As an outcome of these investments, vehicles started plying on the Dudhe – Shivganj – Korobari Road from 1992. Some 15 public vehicles per day have been operating their services in this road sub project for last 19 years. From the above history of investment in the road alignment, it can be concluded that the activities undertake in the road are regular activities and continuation of past decision of the DDC and also not in anticipation of RRRSDP support. 3. Series of community consultations were carried out during the cadastral survey conducted in July 2010. The surveys included discussion with the beneficiaries on the history of road development and status of any outstanding issues on land acquisition and resettlement. The consultation process affirmed that a number of consultative meetings were held, at the time of initial development of the sub project road, between DDC, VDC and beneficiaries. The communities noted that the road could reduce existing time to reach district Headquarters to an hour’s drive. The construction of road would enhance potential for income generation through increased business opportunities. The beneficiaries were convinced that the potential benefits as outlined above could only be accrued through the road construction. The resettlement survey team couldn't find any documentary evidence of agreement between DDC, VDC and beneficiaries. 4. This road is fair whether graveled/ earthen type with already consist 10 m right of way which suggests no further additional land acquisition. The road will be upgraded to the black top standard. The road sub project will open a commercial door to India, which consequently will benefit the road alignment's population at large. It has also a market potentiality in Shivganj, Kunjibari & Korobari which may helps to uplift economic status of the local population. 3. Scope of Land Acquisition

5. In this sub-project, total 18 ha land is occupied by the road where 14.50 ha private land and 3.50 ha of public land is falls under existing road. It was found that 242 HHs lose their land and 400 no. of plot's ownership need to be transferred. Out of four VDCs, deed transfer has already been conducted in two VDCs; Shivganj and Pachgachhi prior to RRRSDP’s intervention and remaining two VDCs, Mahavara and Korobari is in the scope of RRRSDP to conduct ownership transfer. The RoW belongs to the road legally but officially belongs to the land owner. This is the only issue of legality which is not affecting the road construction. The project has been done cadastral survey and identified the land owner and this is no more issue in the further

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Due Diligence Report of Sivganj-Korobari Rural Road, Jhapa


progress of the road. The land owners have donated their land 21 years ago to the road and they are not demanding any compensation for their land now. Informally they are agreed to donate their land and now they have shown willingness to transfer their ownership formally to GoN with signed commitment. Hence there would not be any issues regarding land acquisition during the road construction and not found any pending issues. 6. There is not any scope to require additional land, to cut-down trees & dislocate private and public structures in the entire alignment for road widening because this road sub-project already consists of existing track of 10 meter width. Hence, the private land already falls under existing track. None of the land owners will be displaced due to the construction of this proposed road. Hence this road alignment is justified for not acquiring additional land and ensures no loss of any kind of properties and pending issues in regards of land acquisition. In addition, there is no significant impact on project, hence this subproject falls under category ‘’C’’ of Resettlement Framework of RRRSDP. Therefore, there is no need for Resettlement Plan preparation to the implementation of this road sub-project. 4. Community Consultation and Participation

7. The community meetings and interviews were conducted with the owners of existing land which is needed for upgrading the road. During the meeting people were requested to donate the land needed for the construction of the road as they already donated their land along with its complete deed transfer prior to awarding the contract. Four consultations meetings held with community and affected household at different dates and venues in the VDCs. In the meeting, proposed alignment and project modalities were discussed particularly focusing on the condition of no further additional land requirement. Further, the discussion was carried out about the deed transfer process for land under existing road. For detail participant list of consultation meetings, please refer appendix: 1 5. Budget for Solving Pending Issues

8. The financial resources necessary to conduct deed transfer is budgeted into the project costs and will be administered according to the Land Acquisition Act 1977. These include: (i) Official deed transfer fees (ii) Deed transfer assistants and (iii) Transportation allowances for deed transfer.

6. Cost Estimate for Solving Pending Issues Table 1: Cost Estimate for Solving Pending Issues

Item Unit Total loss Rate Amount (NRs.)

1 Transportation allowance HHN 286 500 1,43,000

2 Official deed transfer fees Plots 400 400 1,60,000

Sub Total 3,03,000

3 Appreciation program for land owners LS 75,000

Total 3,78,000

4 Contingency (5%) 18,900

Grand Total 3,96,900

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Due Diligence Report of Sivganj-Korobari Rural Road, Jhapa


7. Deed Transfer Activities Implementation Schedule

Table 2: Implementation Schedule

S. N.

Tasks Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep



1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Finalize list of Land Owners

2 Preparation of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Ownership of Land Transfer.

3 Submission of Draft RP to PCU

4 Submission of Final RP to ADB for approval

5 Community meeting with Land Owners for Deed Transfer Process

6 Verify the application and prepare final list of Land Owners

7 Inform to Land Owners for the Deed Transfer Process

8 Collect application from the Land Owners for Deed Transfer

9 Transferring the Land Ownership

10 Verification of Deed Transfer activities by CISC

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Due Diligence Report of Sivganj-Korobari Rural Road, Jhapa


8. Conclusion

9. This road sub project consists of 10 m. width as an existing track. The road sub project does not require further land acquisition to upgrade the road. Since it has been operating more than 21 years and plying some 15 vehicles per day, the land owner who have already been donated their land has not demanded compensation for their land. The owners have given written commitment to ownership transfer to GoN. Hence, this due sub project does not trigger ADB's Involuntary Resettlement Policy. There is not found any pending issues related to resettlement work except deed transfer of plots under existing road which ensures smooth implementation of sub project. This road sub project falls under category "C" of Resettlement Framework and therefore there is not further land acquisition and no resettlement plan is required.

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Appendix: 5 Resettlement screening and categorization of the sub- project resettlement plan

A. Project Data District/ Sub-project B. Screening Questions for Resettlement Categorization S.N. Probable Involuntary Resettlement

Effects Yes No Remarks (Provide details of

households, area of land, types of structures likely to be affected, where possible)

1. Will the sub-project include any physical construction work?

√ RCC Bridge,side drain,pipe culverts,Gabion wall,embankment etc.

2. Does the sub-project include upgrading or rehabilitation of existing physical facilities?

√ rehabilitation / upgrading of existing side drain, bridge,gabion wall, pipe culverts etc.

3. Are any sub-project effects likely leads to loss of housing, other assets, resource use or incomes/livelihoods?

√ partially affected, 30 numbers of House

4. Is land acquisition likely to be necessary? √

5. Is the site for land acquisition known? √ People are known.

6. Is the ownership status and current usage of the land known?

√ Will be conducted on cadastral mapping and household listing survey

7. Will easements be utilized within an existing Right of Way?

√ No easement will be utilized.

8. Are there any non-titled people who live or earn their livelihood within the Right of Way?

√ Not found non titled people in walk over survey.

9. Will there be loss of housing? √ 30 numbers of huts constructed in the government land.

10. Will there be loss of agricultural plots? √ no

11. Will there be losses of crops, trees, and fixed assets?

√ 58 numbers of trees

12. Will there be loss of businesses or enterprises?

√ No loss of business stalls.

13. Will there be loss of incomes and livelihoods?

√ Not loss on livelihood due to displacement.

14. Will people lose access to facilities, services, or natural resources?

√ People will get various type of facilities like, transportation, education., health etc.

15. Will any social or economic activities be affected by land use-related changes?

√ no hamper

16 If involuntary resettlement impacts are expected:

√ Yes/no

16.1 Are National/local laws and regulations √ Difference on some issues

Shivaganj- Mahavar-Kunjibari- Korobari-Birpur- Bagah Chaudhary Rural Road (18.00 km)

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compatible with ADB’s involuntary resettlement policy?


Will coordination between Government Agencies be required to deal with Land acquisition?

√ District level line agencies such as, agricultural office, and land survey office should be consulted.

16.3 Are there sufficient Skilled Staffs in the implementing Agencies for Resettlement Planning and implementation?

√ No sufficient staff.

16.4 Are training and capacity-building interventions required prior to Resettlement Planning and Implementation?

√ Training and information dissimination require for further capacity building to the district level officials.

Information on affected person

1. Any estimate of the likely number of households that the sub-project will affect?

[ ] No [√] Yes If yes, approximately how many? __30____ (losing <10%) <10%__10%___10% or more_____) I Are any of them poor, female-heads of households, or vulnerable to poverty Risks? [ ] No [√] Yes. 30 Ethinic group (Rajbansi, Santhal) 2. Are any of them displaced? [√ ] No [ ] Yes If yes, approximately how many persons? ---None 3. Are any APs from indigenous or ethnic minority groups? If yes, please explain?--None C. Decision on Categorization After reviewing the answer above, it is determined that the sub-project is: [ ] Category A, Significant IR impact, a full Resettlement Plan is required. [ √ ] Category B, Non-significant IR impact, a short Resettlement Plan is required. [ ] Category C, No IR impact, no resettlement report is required.

Proposed by: Leena Kaflay

Reviewed by

Resettlement Specialist, (DPO/DIST) Date: 20066/06/21 Resettlement Specialist, PCU/CISC Date:

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Endorsed by: Shambhu Karki

Approved by:

Project Coordinator, DPO, Jhapa Project Coordinator, PCU

Date: Date:

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Appendix: 1

Location: Korobari VDC, Korobari Date: 2067/06/18 Meeting No: 1

S.N. Name of Participants Designation Participants

M. F. Bra/Chh. Janjat/A Dalit

1. Dipendra Ojha Secretary of Korobari VDC & President of VICCC * *

2. Chatramani Nepal VICCC Member & Representative of Club * *

3. Rita Tamang VICCC Member & Representative of Co- Operative * *

4. Bishnu Neupane VICCC Member & Representative of CPN (UML) * *

5. Agnu pd. Rajbanshi VICCC Member & Representative of ( NC ) * *

6. Deb narayan rajbanshi VICCC Member & Representative of Budhijibi * *

7. Laxman Rajbanshi VICCC Member & Representative of Club * *

8. Mohan Kumar Basnet VICCC Member & Representative of (NC) * *

9. Hari Bhattarai VICCC Member & Representative of Social Worker * *

10 Kina Rajbanshi VICCC Member & Representative of (J CPN Mao) * *

11 Harilal Rajbanshi VICCC Member * *

12 Nirmala Rai VICCC Member & Representative of (CPN UML) * *

13 Brik Lal Rajbanshi VICCC Member & Representative of (Forum) * *

14 Mahendra Pd. Rajbanshi VICCC Member & Representative of (Sadbhawana Mahato)

* *

15 Mayawati Mardi VICCC Member & Representative of Dalit * *

16 Somani Ram Mochi VICCC Member & Representative of Dalit * *

17 Saraswati Rai * *

18 Bhupati Sanjel Resettlement Specialist(RRRSDP) * *

19 Amar Saud Social Mobiliser(RRRSDP) * *

20 Kedar Mani Acharya Land Owner * *

21 Ramesh Nepal Land Owner * *

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22 Haldar Kumar Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

23 Raj Kishor Mahato Land Owner * *

24 Parshu Ram bhandari Land Owner * *

25 Baidhya Nath Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

25 Tura Tajpuria Land Owner * *

26 Bisnu Pd Tajpuria Land Owner * *

27 Indra Pd Nepal Land Owner * *

28 Gopal Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

29 Haldar Land Owner * *

30 Gyan Bahadur Bist Land Owner *

31 Yadav Rimal Land Owner * *

32 Nand Keshar Tajpuria Land Owner * *

33 Narayan Khatiwada Land Owner * *

34 Pandav Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

35 Surendra Rai Land Owner * *

36 Laxmi Bhattarai Land Owner * *

37 Gokul Prasad Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

38 Rabi Narayan Yonjan Land Owner * *

39 Dev Prasad Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

40 Hira Lal Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

41 Dambar Bahadur Khadka Land Owner * *

42 Jog Lal Sahi Land Owner * *

43 Mahar Lal Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

44 Partha Singh Bhujel Land Owner *

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Location: Shivganj VDC, Shivganj Date: 2067/06/21 Meeting No: 2

S.N. Name of Participants Designation Participants

M. F. Bra/Ch Janjati/A Dalit

1 Ganga pd. Bhattarai Secretary of Sharnamati VDC & President of VICCC * *

2 Badrinath Khanal Member of VICCC & Representative of CPN UML * *

3 Ganesh Bajgain VICCC Member & Representative of UCPN Maoist * *

4 Najar Lal Rajbanshi VICCC Member & Representative of Sadbhawana * *

5 Damodar Kadaria VICCC Member & Representative of RPP * *

6 Shree Prasad Rajbanshi VICCC Member & Representative of MJ Forum * *

7 Jitendra Raj Chemjung VICCC Member & Representative of (Sa. Lo. Ra. Manch) * *

8 Kedarnath Kafle VICCC Member & Representative of NC * *

9 Dambar Sodari VICCC Member & Representative of Janashakti * *

10 Mani pd. Khadka VICCC Member & Representative of RPP Nepal * *

11 Bishnu pd. Khatiwada VICCC Member & Representative of NGO * *

12 Mani kr. Majhi VICCC Member & Representative of Adhibashi * *

13 Santa kr. Khadka VICCC Member & Representative of Nc * *

14 Chandra bd. Yongya VICCC Member & Representative of Janajati * *

15 Shree Prasad Subba VICCC Member & Representative of Budhijibi * *

16 Bhupati Sanjel Resettlement Specialist * *

17 Duli chand Biswas Asst. Sub- Engineer ( RRRsdp ) * *

18 Bidhyanath Gautam Land Owner * *

19 Balram Siwakoti Land Owner * *

20 Padam Siwakoti Land Owner * *

21 Madhab Bimali Land Owner * *

22 Chiranjivi Paudel Land Owner * *

23 Dal bd. Neupane Land Owner * *

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24 Narendra pd. Dahal Land Owner * *

25 Prem bd. Paudel Land Owner * *

25 Mahanand Gautam Land Owner * *

26 Kedar Man Budathoki Land Owner * *

27 Bishnu Maya Paudel Land Owner * *

28 Pabitra Nepal Land Owner * *

29 Dulimaya Subba Land Owner * *

30 Lal bd. Chaudhari Land Owner * *

31 Bal Ram Siwakoti Land Owner * *

32 Tepuwa Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

33 Dal bd. Tamang Land Owner * *

34 Dambar bd. Limbu Land Owner * *

35 Bhim bd. Karki Land Owner * *

36 Kamala kumari Bhetwal Land Owner * *

37 Devi pd. Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

38 Milan kr. Dhungana Land Owner * *

39 Chaitu Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

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Location: Pachgachi VDC, Pachgachi Date: 2067/06/21 Meeting No: 3

S.N. Name of Participants Designation Participants

M F. Bra/Ch Janjati/A Dalit

1 Purna Samsher Kunwar Secretary of Taghandubba VDC & President of VICCC

* *

2 Bhim pd. Tajpuriya Member of VICCC * *

3 Kamal pd. Lamichane VICCC Member

* *

4 Tanka Lama VICCC Member * *

5 Padam bd. Thapa

VICCC Member * *

6 Gopal Tajpuriya

VICCC Member * *

7 Sarad Lal Rajbanshi

VICCC Member * *

8 Abirlal Rajbanshi

VICCC Member * *

9 Rakaesh Tajpuriya

VICCC Member * *

10 Mina Sitaula VICCC Member * *

11 Lila Nepali VICCC Member * *

12 Gopal Mandi VICCC Member * *

13 Dal Hang Rai VICCC Member * *

14 Satanu sing Rajbanshi VICCC Member * *

15 Kiran Upreti VICCC Member * *

16 Bijaya Rajbanshi VICCC Member * *

17 Ratan Lal Shah VICCC Member * *

18 Bhupati Sanjel Resettlement Specialist * *

19 Pramila Rai Social Mobilizer (RRRsdp ) * *

20 Dayendra Rai Asst. Sub Engineer ( RRRsdp ) * *

21 Dulichand Bishwas Asst. Sub Engineer ( RRRsdp ) * *

22 Jaya Narayan Shreshtha Land Owner * *

23 Pushpa Rijal Land Owner * *

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24 Laxmi pd. Rijal Land Owner * *

25 Bharat Acharya Land Owner * *

26 Tika Pathak Land Owner * *

27 Man bd. Dahal Land Owner * *

28 Yamuna Baskota Land Owner * *

29 Budhiman Chemjung Land Owner * *

30 Debendra Sangraula Land Owner * *

31 Aalu Tajpuria Land Owner * *

32 Ratna bd. Thapa Land Owner * *

33 Halchul Tajpuria Land Owner * *

34 Nagendra Shrestha Land Owner * *

35 Surendra Rai Land Owner * *

36 Dawa Tamang Land Owner * *

37 Rup Narayan Pathak Land Owner * *

38 Punya pd. Poudel Land Owner * *

39 Ishwor lal Tajpuria Land Owner * *

40 Karna Giri Land Owner * *

41 Maheswor Dulal Land Owner * *

42 Dipak Khawas Land Owner * *

43 Ganesh pd. Dhungel Land Owner * *

44 Adhikchan Tajpuria Land Owner * *

45 Krishna pd. Subedi Land Owner * *

46 Lal bd. Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

47 Ramdha Tajpuria Land Owner * *

48 Pushpa pd. Sapkota Land Owner * *

49 Goma devi Chudal Land Owner * *

50 Gita Tajpuria Land Owner * *

51 Ganga Subedi Land Owner * *

52 Trilochan Sapkota Land Owner * *

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53 Ganesh pd. Subedi Land Owner * *

54 Dilliram Bharati Land Owner * *

55 Pradip kr Shah Land Owner * *

56 Gopi Krishna Timsina Land Owner * *

57 Ghur sing Tajpuria Land Owner * *

58 Prashuram Timsina Land Owner * *

Location: Mahavar VDC, Mahavara Date: 2067/07/27 Meeting No: 4

S.N Name of Participants Designation Participants

M F Bra/Ch Janjati/A Dalit

1 Ram Prasad Uprety Secretary of Kumarkhod VDC & President of VICCC

* *

2 Govind bd. Kunwar

VICCC Member & Representative of CPN UML * *

3 Satya Narayan Rajbanshi VICCC Member & Representative of NC * *

4 Tanka pd. Dahal VICCC Member & Representative of UCPN Maoist * *

5 Gopal pd. Pokhrel VICCC Member & Representative of RPP * *

6 Sampat Mahato VICCC Member & Representative of TMLP * *

7 Mohan Chadra Jha VICCC Member & Representative of MJAF * *

8 Tej pd. Rajbanshi VICCC Member & Representative of Sadbhawana * *

9 Kamala subba VICCC Member & Representative of NGO * *

10 Ganesh pd. Dhakal VICCC Member & Representative of NGO * *

11 Januka BK VICCC Member & Representative of Dalit * *

12 Sushila Khawas VICCC Member & Representative of Janashakti * *

13 Gayatra Timsina VICCC Member & Representative of Women Representative * *

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14 Dhanapati Poudel VICCC Member & Representative of Nagarik Samajh * *

15 Gopi Tamang VICCC Member & Representative of Nagarik Samajh * *

16 Miso Rajbanshi VICCC Member & Representative of Nagarik Samajh

* *

17 Bhupati Sanjel Resettlement Specialist * *

18 Divya Raj Koirala Social Mobilizer ( RRRsdp ) * *

19 Purna pd. Sing Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

20 Govinda pd. Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

21 Raju Shrestha Land Owner * *

22 Shiv Maya Srestha Land Owner * *

23 Pramod Adhikari Land Owner * *

24 Tanka maya Sangraula Land Owner * *

25 Dhan pd. Dahal Land Owner * *

26 Ramesh Srestha Land Owner * *

27 Govind pd. Srestha Land Owner * *

28 Patharu Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

29 Chandra pd. Kafle Land Owner * *

30 Tika ram Poudel Land Owner * *

31 Hansa raj Mahato Land Owner * *

32 Kumar Poudel Land Owner * *

33 Bhakuwa Rajbanshi Land Owner * *

34 Mahanand Paneru Land Owner * *

35 Lal bd. Chaudhari Land Owner * *

36 Debendra Sangraula Land Owner * *

37 Ishwor lal Tajpuriya Land Owner * *

38 Adhikachan Tajpuriya Land Owner * *

39 Mahesh Dulal Land Owner * *

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Location: Satashi Dham VDC, Satashi Dham Date: 2067/07/23 Meeting No: 5

S.N. Name of Participants Designation Participants

M. F. Bra/Ch Janjati/A Dalit

1 Chatra Babu Ojha Secretary of Sharnamati VDC & President of VICCC * *

2 Indra bd. Thapa Magar Member of VICCC & Representative of UCPN Maoist * *

3 Narayan pd. Bajgain VICCC Member & Representative of NC * *

4 Dhan bd. Thebe VICCC Member & Representative of CPN UML * *

5 Lahal Sing Tumbahamfe VICCC Member & Representative of Limbuwan * *

6 Dharshan Limbu VICCC Member & Representative of * *

7 Kalpana Khanal VICCC Member & Representative of RPP * *

8 Indra bd. Basnet VICCC Member & Representative of Janashakti * *

9 Makhan pd. Dev VICCC Member & Representative of MJA Forum * *

10 Shyam pd. Idhimbo VICCC Member & Representative of Janashakti * *

11 Jun Mokora VICCC Member & Representative of Janajati * *

12 Dipak Giri VICCC Member & Representative of NGO * *

13 Agnee Dulal VICCC Member & Representative of Nagarik Samaj * *

14 Roshan Thopra VICCC Member & Representative of * *

15 Dilli Raman Khatiwada VICCC Member & Representative of Budhijibi * *

16 Bhupati Sanjel Resettlement Specialist * *

17 Divya Raj Koirala Social Mobilizer, RRRsdp * *

18 Man bd. Karki Social Mobilizer RRRsdp * *

19 Prem bd. Thebe Land Owner * *

20 Ram pd. Fuyel Land Owner * *

21 Ramji Adhikari Land Owner * *

22 Gangadhar Timsina Land Owner * *

23 Gopal Kunwar Land Owner * *

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24 Bimal Khatiwada Land Owner * *

25 Tanka pd. Tumbahamfe Land Owner * *

26 Mawa pd Erya Land Owner * *

27 Ishwari Dawadi Land Owner * *

28 Tulshi pd. Bhattarai Land Owner * *

29 Devi pd. Baral Land Owner * *

30 Bhanu Bhakta Gautam Land Owner * *

31 Dil bd. BK Land Owner * *

32 Hiralal Bishwakarma Land Owner * *

33 Dilli Ram Bharati Land Owner * *

34 Budhiman Chemjung Land Owner * *