Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) - 1 ... of the Field Visit to... · Web view( Dr....

Report On Monitoring of Solar Radiation in Eastern Nepal and Seminars on Facilities at NAST Submitted To Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Submitted by Research Team ( Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhungel, Dr. Kyoko Shuku, Mr. Deb Kumar Shah, Mr. Hari Ram Shrestha) 1

Transcript of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) - 1 ... of the Field Visit to... · Web view( Dr....

Page 1: Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) - 1 ... of the Field Visit to... · Web view( Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhungel, Dr. Kyoko Shuku, Mr. Deb Kumar Shah, Mr. Hari Ram Shrestha)



Monitoring of Solar Radiation in Eastern Nepal and Seminars on Facilities at NAST

Submitted ToNepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)

Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal

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Submitted by

Research Team

( Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhungel, Dr. Kyoko Shuku, Mr. Deb Kumar Shah, Mr. Hari Ram


April 2014


Page 2: Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) - 1 ... of the Field Visit to... · Web view( Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhungel, Dr. Kyoko Shuku, Mr. Deb Kumar Shah, Mr. Hari Ram Shrestha)

Monitoring of Solar Radiation in Eastern Nepal and Seminars on Facilities at NAST

1. Introduction:

Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) is an apex body of our country

established with one of the mission to research and promote Science and Technology. The

Academy is entrusted with four major objectives: advancement of science and technology for

all-round development of the nation; preservation and further modernization of indigenous

technologies; promotion of research in science and technology; and identification and

facilitation for appropriate technology transfer.

As per the objectives of NAST , the faculty of Technology had set the annual program for the

fiscal year 2070/71 to reach out to the eastern Nepal with different activities. In order to

materialize the program a team of researchers from faculty of technology visited some cities

of eastern Nepal, viz. Biratnagar, Dharan, Jhapa and Ilam during 25– 30 Falgun, 2070. The

team had planned to measure the solar radiation in different places for the purpose of

preliminary survery. The team had also planned to make presentation through a seminar to

disseminate the information on facilities available in NAST from which researchers,

scientists, professors residing outside Kathmandu valley also benefit.In recent time, NAST

has installed modern equipment in its laboratories to strengthen its research activities. The

equipment are basically used for characterization of different materials about which the

researchers elsewhere may not know. The same team also assisted the district level

stakeholders’seminar on lightning protection inchadragadhi, Jhapa, which was the main job

of a separate team of the faculty led by its Chief, Mr. Nara Raj Giri.The two teams were

combinedfor the field visit to reduce the cost of transportation by hiring a single vehicle for

both the purposes. The mission was jointly led by the secretary of NAST, Prof. Dr. Prakash

Chandra Adhikari. The team headed for Biratnagar on 25th of Falgun and returned to

Kathmandu on 30th of Falgun, 2070.

2. Main Objective: The main objective of this visit is to monitor of Solar Radiation in eastern parts of Nepal and

interact with stakeholders about facilities provided by NASTto strengthen research activities

in Science and Technology.


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2.1 Specific Objectives:

The specific objective are

Monitor the Solar Radiation in Biratnagar, Morang Conduct a Seminar on NAST and its Facilities at Purbanchal Engineering

Campus, Dharan. Assist conducting a district level seminar on Lightning Protection at

Chandragadhi, Jhapa

Monitor the Solar Radiation at Chandragadhi, Jhapa Conduct a Seminar on NAST and its Facilities at Mahendra Morang Multiple

Campus, Biratnagar. Interact with Authority at Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus, Illam. Monitor the Solar Radiation at Illam Bazar, Illam Prepare and submit the final report of the field activities

3. Composition of the Team for the Specified Objectives

Following are the core team members for the specified purposes in which the financial liability for the visite of Senior JICA volunteer, Dr. Kyoko Shuku was borne by JICA, Nepal office. During the seminars at Dharan and Biratnagar, the Chief of faculty of Technology, Mr. Nara Raj Giri was special guest of Honor whereas Dr. Shriram Sharma and Ms. Liyan Sharma were the Guests.

1. Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhungel, Senior Technical Officer – Team Leader

2. Dr. KykoShuku, Senior JICA Volunteer – Team Member

3. Mr. Deb Kumar Shah, Technical Officer – Team Member

4. Mr. Hari Ram Shrestha, Chief Technical Assistant – Team Member

4. Activities Carried out and Results Obtained from the Field:

4.1 Monitoring of solar radiation at Manmohan Memorial Polytechnic, Biratnagar:

In the campus of Manmohan Memorial Polytechnicat Biratnagar, the team installed solar

radiation and temperature measurement system for three days and collected the data of the

same period.


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Figure 1: Installing Pyranometer at Manmohan Polytechnique, Biratnagar.

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solar(Wh/m2day) tem

Figure 2: Solar Radiation and Temperature Measured at Biratnagar.


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4.2 Seminar at Purbanchal Engineering Campus, Dharan

A Seminar was organized at Purbanchal Engineering College, Dharan in which Dr. Suresh

Kumar Dhungel gave his presentation through which he highlighted on the NAST and its

activities and facilities. He appealed the researchers at the Campus to approach NAST for

many possible benefits. In the same program Chief of Faculty of Technology, Mr. Nara Raj

Giri briefed about the mission of eastern part of Nepal and explained the objectives of the

visit whereas Vice Campus Chief of the Purbanchal Engineering Campus Dr. Kafle had

welcomed the team of the NAST for the Seminar. The presentation was followed by an

interactive session in which the team from NAST and the Faculty members of the Campus

had interaction on different issues including possible collaboration between NAST and the

Purbanchal Engineering Campus at Dharan. The Seminar was attended by Faculty Members

of the Campus and senior-most students of the B.E. Program and was found to be very


Figure 3: Mr. Nara Raj Giri delivering his speech at Purbanchal Engineering Campus at



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Figure 4: Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhungel delivering his talk at Purbanchal Engineering Campus

at Dharan.

4.3 Seminar and Interaction at Mahendra Morang Multiple Campus, Biratnagar:

Following the seminar at Dharan, the team organized similar interactive seminar at Mahendra

Morang Multiple Campus, Biratnagar. The seminar was initiated by welcome address of Prof.

Dr. Devendra Adhikari of Mahendra Morang Campus, which followed the presentation by

Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhungel of NAST in which he introduced the audience about NAST and

its facilities aimed at prospective researchers of the country including that of the Mahendra

Morang Campus. The main focus of the presentation was the introduction to the modern

equipment that have been installed at NAST in recent years, which could be of use for the

prospective researchers. Audience of the seminar was faculty members of the Campus and

Students of Masters Degree Program at the Campus. It was pleasant to note that some the

participants of the seminar gave the testimony of receiving support from NAST under its

different annual programs targeted mainly for promoting Science and Technology in the

country. The enthusiasm of the audience in the seminar was quite encouraging.


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Figures 5, 6 and 7 show the glimpses of the Seminar at Mahendra Morang Campus at


Figure 5: Audience of the seminar during the interactive session.

Figure 6: Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhungel during his presentation at the Campus


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Figure 7: Team of NAST with Prof. Devendra Adhikari of the Mahendra Morang Campus.

4.4 Monitoring of solar radiation and temperature at Chandragadhi, Jhapa

The Solar Energy Research Team has planned to monitor Solar Radiation at Chandragadhi , Jhapa, which is close to the lowest altitude of Nepal above the sea level. Pyranometer, temperature sensor and data loggers were fixed in the premises of the Local Development Office of Jhapa , synchronizing the time of District Level Stakeholders’ meeting on Lightning as shown in the Figures 8 and 9.

Figure 8: Installing Pyranometer, Temperature Sensor and Data Loggers.


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Figure 9: Team of NAST inspecting the installed system at Chandragadhi, Jhapa.

Figure 10 shows the graph of solar radiation and temperature as measured at Chandragadhi,



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Figure 10: Measurement of Solar Radiation and Temperature at Chandragadhi, Jhapa.


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4.5 Assisting the District Level Stakeholders’ Interactive Workshop on Lightning

Protection at Chandragadhi, Jhapa

The team focused for Solar Energy and Materials Science related research and interaction program also assisted the team focused at Workshop in Lightning at Chandragadhi, Jhapa. Figures 11, 12 show the collaborative action of the team with other team from the same faculty.

Figure 11: Mr. Hari Shrestha preparing for the registration of the participants in the program.

Figure 12: Team of NAST and Guests of the program during photo session.


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4.6 Monitoring of solar radiation and temperature at Ilam

After accomplishing solar radiation and temperature monitoring along with the workshop on Lightning, the team headed for Ilam Bazar of Ilam district for the solar radiation monitoring and also a possible interaction at Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus at Ilam. Figures 13 and 14 show the Installation of Pyranometer, temperature sensor and data loggers at Ilam and graphical representation of the results obtained, respectively.

Figure 13: The team members installing the solar radiation and temperature measuring system at Ilam.


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Figure 14: Solar Radiation and Temperature Measured at Ilam Bazar.


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4.7 Interaction with Authority at Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus at Ilam

Synchronizing the time of solar radiation and temperature measurement at Ilam, the team visited the Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus with a mission of possible seminar and interaction with the faculty members and students. However, due to nation-wide pen down of the Professors the planned activities were not made possible. Still, an interaction with Assistant Campus Chief Mr. Jangam Rai was organized in the campus and also the team visited the campus to observe its infrastructure, as shown in the Figures 15 and 16. The secretary of NAST Prof. Dr. Prakash Chandra Adhikari had accompanied the team during the Ilam visit.

Figure 15: Interaction with the Assistant Campus Chief of Mahendra Ratna Campus at Ilam.

Figure 16: NAST team observing infrastructure of the Campus with its Ass. Chief.


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5. Conclusion

The team comprising of the members from Solar Energy and Materaials Science Research at Faculty of Technology of NAST visited Biratnagar, Dharan, Jhapa and Illam during 25-30 Falgun 2070. The team accomplished almost all of its planned activities in the tight time schedule despite some technical difficulties. The Seminars and Interaction at Dharan and Biratnagar was enthusiastically welcome by the audience and were successful to take the NAST among the researchers outside the Kathmandu Valley. The elaborative report with comparative analysis of data and experiences during this mission along with recommendations will be produced for the annual report of NAST. The activities synchronized with the other team of the same faculty made this mission very cost-effective and efficient ever in our experience.

6. Acknowledgements

The team would like to thank Authorities and Administration of NAST along with the colleagues of Faculty of Technology for making this field study and interaction possible. Most importantly, we are grateful to the administrators, managers and employees of Manmohan Polytechnique Institute-Biratnagar, Purbanchal Engineering College-Dharan, Mahendra Moran Campus- Biratnagar, Local Development Office-Jhapa and Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus- Ilam for their kind cooperation and enthusiasm to make the programs successful in all respects.
