Nematic-nematic phase separation in binary mixtures of ... · Nematic-nematic phase separation in...

Nematic-nematic phase separation in binary mixtures of thick and thin hard rods: Results from Onsager-like theories Szabolcs Varga, 1, * Kirstin Purdy, 2 Amparo Galindo, 3 Seth Fraden, 2 and George Jackson 3 1 Department of Physics, University of Veszprém, H-8201 Veszprém, P.O. Box 158, Hungary 2 Martin Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02454, USA 3 Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom Received 17 May 2005; published 7 November 2005 The fundamental nature of the nematic-nematic N-N phase separation in binary mixtures of rigid hard rods is analyzed within the Onsager second-virial theory and the extension of Parsons and Lee which includes a treatment of the higher-body contributions. The particles of each component are modeled as hard spherocyl- inders of different diameter D 1 D 2 , but equal length L 1 = L 2 = L. In the case of a system which is restricted to be fully aligned parallel rods, we provide an analytical solution for the spinodal boundary for the limit of stability of N-N demixing; only a single region of N-N coexistence bounded at lower pressures densities by a N-N critical point is possible for such a system. The full numerical solution with the Parsons-Lee extension also indicates that, depending on the length of the particles, there is a range of values of the diameter ratio d = D 2 / D 1 where the N-N phase coexistence is closed off by a critical point at lower pressure. A second region of N-N coexistence can be found at even lower pressures for certain values of the parameters; this region is bounded by an “upper” N-N critical point. The two N-N coexistence regions can also merge to give a single region of N-N coexistence extending to very high pressure without a critical point. By including the higher-order contributions to the excluded volume end effects in the Onsager theory, we prove analytically that the existence of the N-N lower critical point is a direct consequence of the finite size of the particles. A new analytical equation of state is derived for the nematic phase using the Gaussian approximation. In the case of Onsager limit infinite aspect ratio, we show that the N-N phase behavior obtained using the Parsons-Lee approach substantially deviates from that with the Onsager theory for the N-N transition due to the nonvan- ishing third and higher order virial coefficients. We also provide a detailed discussion of the N-N phase behavior of recent experimental results for mixtures of thin and thick rods of the same length, for which the Onsager and Parsons-Lee theories can provide a qualitative description. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.051704 PACS numbers: 64.70.Md, 64.60.Cn, 61.30.Cz, 61.30.St I. INTRODUCTION It is well-established that rodlike molecules can give rise to liquid crystalline phases 1. The transition between an isotropic and a nematic phase was first explained by Onsager 2 in terms of competing orientational and translational en- tropies in a fluid of infinitely long and thin hard particles, a result that suggested the molecular alignment in these sys- tems was dominated by molecular shape rather than by spe- cific attractive interactions. Flory 3 reached a similar con- clusion using a lattice approach. Some 30 years later this view was confirmed by computer simulation e.g., isotropic I, nematic N, and smectic A SmA phases can be stabi- lized in a system of hard spherocylinders 4, and several experimental systems have now also been designed which support the existence of liquid crystalline phases in fluids of purely repulsive monodisperse 5,6 and polydisperse rodlike particles e.g., see 7. In his seminal paper of 1949, Onsager already points at the interesting phase behavior that must arise in mixtures of anisotropic particles. He suggested that a strong fractionation will occur in a mixture of rodlike particles of different lengths, with a higher proportion of the longer particles in the more ordered phase. Onsager did not, however, report any calculations for mixtures in his paper. The first confir- mation of such an effect is due to Flory and Abe 8, who calculated the phase diagram of a mixture of two monodis- perse semiflexible polymers of different aspect ratio and ob- tained the strong fractionation predicted by Onsager, and in addition reported a regions of nematic-nematic N-N and isotropic-nematic-nematic I-N-N coexistence. Experimen- tal support for the calculations of Abe and Flory was pro- vided by Itou and Teramoto 9,10 using two well- fractionated polysaccharides with aspect ratios of 18.3 and 223 in aqueous solution. They were able to observe a strong fractionation of long and short particles, and a region of I-N-N coexistence. Itou and Teramoto did not investigate high-density solutions corresponding to low water content, and so the N-N region expected at higher density was not reported in their work. There is now, however, ample experi- mental evidence of mixtures exhibiting N-I-N demixing: Buining and Lekkerkerker 11 have reported N-N coexist- ence in a polydisperse system of rodlike colloids, and shortly afterwards Nouensis et al. 12 observed such a transition in a binary mixture of uniaxial nematic liquid crystals. Large regions of N-N demixing can also be observed in binary mixtures of rodlike and platelike colloidal particles 13,14. Very recently, we have reported experimental evidence for N-N demixing in a binary mixture monodisperse “purely re- *Corresponding author. Email address: [email protected] PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 051704 2005 1539-3755/2005/725/05170419/$23.00 ©2005 The American Physical Society 051704-1

Transcript of Nematic-nematic phase separation in binary mixtures of ... · Nematic-nematic phase separation in...

Nematic-nematic phase separation in binary mixtures of thick and thin hard rods:Results from Onsager-like theories

Szabolcs Varga,1,* Kirstin Purdy,2 Amparo Galindo,3 Seth Fraden,2 and George Jackson3

1Department of Physics, University of Veszprém, H-8201 Veszprém, P.O. Box 158, Hungary2Martin Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02454, USA

3Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom�Received 17 May 2005; published 7 November 2005�

The fundamental nature of the nematic-nematic �N-N� phase separation in binary mixtures of rigid hard rodsis analyzed within the Onsager second-virial theory and the extension of Parsons and Lee which includes atreatment of the higher-body contributions. The particles of each component are modeled as hard spherocyl-inders of different diameter �D1�D2�, but equal length �L1=L2=L�. In the case of a system which is restrictedto be fully aligned �parallel rods�, we provide an analytical solution for the spinodal boundary for the limit ofstability of N-N demixing; only a single region of N-N coexistence bounded at lower pressures �densities� bya N-N critical point is possible for such a system. The full numerical solution with the Parsons-Lee extensionalso indicates that, depending on the length of the particles, there is a range of values of the diameter ratio�d=D2 /D1� where the N-N phase coexistence is closed off by a critical point at lower pressure. A secondregion of N-N coexistence can be found at even lower pressures for certain values of the parameters; thisregion is bounded by an “upper” N-N critical point. The two N-N coexistence regions can also merge to givea single region of N-N coexistence extending to very high pressure without a critical point. By including thehigher-order contributions to the excluded volume �end effects� in the Onsager theory, we prove analyticallythat the existence of the N-N lower critical point is a direct consequence of the finite size of the particles. Anew analytical equation of state is derived for the nematic phase using the Gaussian approximation. In the caseof Onsager limit �infinite aspect ratio�, we show that the N-N phase behavior obtained using the Parsons-Leeapproach substantially deviates from that with the Onsager theory for the N-N transition due to the nonvan-ishing third and higher order virial coefficients. We also provide a detailed discussion of the N-N phasebehavior of recent experimental results for mixtures of thin and thick rods of the same length, for which theOnsager and Parsons-Lee theories can provide a qualitative description.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.051704 PACS number�s�: 64.70.Md, 64.60.Cn, 61.30.Cz, 61.30.St


It is well-established that rodlike molecules can give riseto liquid crystalline phases �1�. The transition between anisotropic and a nematic phase was first explained by Onsager�2� in terms of competing orientational and translational en-tropies in a fluid of infinitely long and thin hard particles, aresult that suggested the molecular alignment in these sys-tems was dominated by molecular shape rather than by spe-cific attractive interactions. Flory �3� reached a similar con-clusion using a lattice approach. Some 30 years later thisview was confirmed by computer simulation �e.g., isotropic�I�, nematic �N�, and smectic A �SmA� phases can be stabi-lized in a system of hard spherocylinders �4��, and severalexperimental systems have now also been designed whichsupport the existence of liquid crystalline phases in fluids ofpurely repulsive monodisperse �5,6� and polydisperse rodlikeparticles �e.g., see �7��.

In his seminal paper of 1949, Onsager already points atthe interesting phase behavior that must arise in mixtures ofanisotropic particles. He suggested that a strong fractionationwill occur in a mixture of rodlike particles of differentlengths, with a higher proportion of the longer particles in

the more ordered phase. Onsager did not, however, reportany calculations for mixtures in his paper. The first confir-mation of such an effect is due to Flory and Abe �8�, whocalculated the phase diagram of a mixture of two monodis-perse semiflexible polymers of different aspect ratio and ob-tained the strong fractionation predicted by Onsager, and inaddition reported a regions of nematic-nematic �N-N� andisotropic-nematic-nematic �I-N-N� coexistence. Experimen-tal support for the calculations of Abe and Flory was pro-vided by Itou and Teramoto �9,10� using two well-fractionated polysaccharides �with aspect ratios of 18.3 and223� in aqueous solution. They were able to observe a strongfractionation of long and short particles, and a region ofI-N-N coexistence. Itou and Teramoto did not investigatehigh-density solutions corresponding to low water content,and so the N-N region expected at higher density was notreported in their work. There is now, however, ample experi-mental evidence of mixtures exhibiting N-I-N demixing:Buining and Lekkerkerker �11� have reported N-N coexist-ence in a polydisperse system of rodlike colloids, and shortlyafterwards Nouensis et al. �12� observed such a transition ina binary mixture of uniaxial nematic liquid crystals. Largeregions of N-N demixing can also be observed in binarymixtures of rodlike and platelike colloidal particles �13,14�.

Very recently, we have reported experimental evidence forN-N demixing in a binary mixture monodisperse “purely re-*Corresponding author. Email address: [email protected]

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 051704 �2005�

1539-3755/2005/72�5�/051704�19�/$23.00 ©2005 The American Physical Society051704-1

pulsive” rodlike particles of equal length and different diam-eter �15�. One of the components is a charged semiflexible fdvirus �5�, and the other the fd virus irreversibly coated withthe neutral polymer polyethylene glycol �PEG� �16�, bothdispersed in aqueous solution. In these systems the particlesof the two components can be considered to be of the samelength but of different diameter. The bare fd virus is thus thethin rods and the PEG-coated virus the thick rods. The effec-tive diameter of the bare virus can be tuned by changing theionic strength of the solution, which allows for the investi-gation of mixtures of varying particle diameters, and an ex-haustive study of the types of behavior possible in such sys-tems. We found isotropic-nematic-nematic coexistence aswell as N-N demixing, as seen in previous studies �11–14�.In contrast, however, by examining the phase diagram wellinto the denser nematic region, a previously unobservedlower nematic critical point was found for particular valuesof the diameter ratio �cf. Fig. 1�.This is of special interest notjust from a practical or experimental point of view, but alsofrom a theoretical point of view, as the nature and types ofnematic-nematic demixing transition in these systems havebeen a point of debate for sometime.

Nematic-nematic separation has been reported in surpris-ingly few simulation studies; the work of Camp et al. �17�appears to be the only such study. They used the Gibbs en-semble Monte Carlo technique to calculate the phase dia-gram of a binary mixture of hard uniaxal ellipsoids, one rod-like and the other platelike, and observed a marked nematic-nematic separation. The phase behavior of mixtures ofprolate and oblate particles is further complicated by thepromise of biaxiality, and is thus not directly relevant to ourcurrent study. Binary mixtures of rodlike and platelike par-ticles of aspect ratios closer to those of thermotropic liquidcrystals have also been considered by simulation, but in thiscase nematic-columnar, and smectic A-columnar coexistenceare observed �18,19�. An induced alignment of the short par-ticles in a phase rich in longer ones is reported in a recentstudy of binary mixtures of hard Gaussian overlap particlesof different aspect ratio, but no phase separation was found�20�. Isotropic-isotropic demixing bounded by a lower criti-cal point has been found by Bolhuis et al. �21� from Gibbsensemble Monte Carlo simulations for a system of sphero-cylinders with attractive interactions, mimicking a colloid-polymer mixture. In the same work a N-N demixing transi-tion is predicted for the Onsager limit, though no simulationswere carried in this limit. Similar results were obtained byDijkstra and van Roij �22� in a binary mixture of hardspherocylinders of equal lengths and varying diameters. Thisstudy is of particular relevance to us since our experimentalsystem also corresponds to a mixture of rodlike particles ofequal length but different diameters. Dijkstra and van Roijsimulated regions of isotropic-isotropic and isotropic-nematic coexistence, but did not investigate the high-pressure states where nematic demixing is possible.

On the other hand, nematic-nematic coexistence has beenpredicted by several theoretical approaches. As mentionedearlier, this type of demixing was first reported by Flory andAbe in 1978 �8� using a lattice model of bidisperse hard,rodlike polymers. Since then there have been a number ofpredictions supporting this finding: Birshtein et al. �23� used

an extension of the theory of Onsager to mixtures proposedby Lekkerkerker et al. �24�, and found that N-N separation ispossible when the ratio of the lengths of the two componentsexceeds a certain value. Vroege and Lekkerkerker �25� esti-mated this ratio to be 3.167 using a Gaussian trial functionmethod, and a calculation with an exact method to computethe high-density orientational distribution functions con-firmed their conclusions �26�; it should be noted that a laterresult using a fully numerical technique placed the value ofthe length ratio at 2.91 �27�. The general case of N-N demix-ing in binary mixtures of hard, rodlike particles of arbitrarysize �i.e., with differing diameters and lengths� was consid-ered by Hemmer �28�, who mapped the parameterspacewhere the transition is predicted with the Onsager approachand a Gaussian trial function for the equilibrium distributionfunctions. The demixing of the nematic phase in mixtures ofhard, rodlike particles has also been studied �to different lev-

FIG. 1. Experimental phase diagram of a suspension of a mix-ture of charged semiflexible fd virus �thin rods� and fd virus coatedwith poly�ethylene glycol�, fd-PEG �thick rods� of the same lengthbut different diameter. The phase diagrams are presented in aconcentration-concentration plane for the following molecular pa-rameters �aspect ratio k=Lthick /Dthick and diameter ratio d=Dthin /Dthick� and conditions �pH and ionic strength�: �a� k=24, d=0.345, pH=8.2 and I=50 mM; �b� k=24, d=0.333, pH=8.2 andI=60 mM. The continuous curves are a guide to the eye and repre-sent the phase boundaries of the isotropic-nematic, and nematic-nematic coexistence regions, while the dashed lines are the tie linesconnecting the coexisting phases. The circles and squares denotethe experimentally obtained phase boundaries along the I-N andN-N phase transitions, respectively. The labels I, N1, and N2 denotethe isotropic, the fd-PEG rich nematic, and the fd-rich nematicphases, respectively. The three-phase region is indicated by the graytriangle.

VARGA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 051704 �2005�


els of approximation within the Onsager approach� by Searand Mulder �29�, van Roij and co-workers �30,31�, Speranzaand Sollich �32�, and very recently by some of us �15,33�. Itis also worth mentioning that N-N demixing can also bepredicted with a Maier-Saupe approach �34,35�, but in thiscase it is the effective attractive interactions that play a majorrole.

An interesting unresolved point that has arisen from thisbody of literature relates to the origin and nature of the nem-atic demixing transition. In their original phase diagram,Flory and Abe �8� presented a demixed region bounded by acritical point at high density. As Flory and Abe studied anathermal system within an incompressible lattice theory, thedependence on pressure or temperature is not relevant intheir case, and the critical point can be presented in compo-sition space. Interestingly, in their early calculations Vroegeand Lekkekerker �25� did not present a critical point; instead,a three-phase point is found from which the nematic-nematicseparation continues to high pressures. Speranza and Sollich�36� have recently reported N-N coexistence in a system oflength-bidisperse rods; they conclude that in the range oflength ratios between 2.91 �cf. the paper by Varga and Szalai�33�� and 3.2 the phase diagram exhibits N-N demixing end-ing at a high density �pressure� critical point. Using the On-sager theory, van Roij et al. �31� present a systematic studyof the phase behavior for varying diameter ratio, reconcilingthe different types of phase diagram predicted for binarymixtures of thick and thin rods. Above a certain value of thediameter ratio, they observe the appearance of a region ofN-N demixing, bounded by an I-N-N three-phase line atlower density �pressure� and by an upper critical point athigher density �pressure�. As the diameter ratio is furtherincreased, the N-N demixing is seen to dominate the phasediagram and it continues from the I-N-N triple point to veryhigh pressures, never ending at a critical point �as seen withthe previous calculations of Vroege and Lekkerkerker �25��.For very large diameter ratios I-I demixing is found.

Earlier, van Roij and Mulder �30� had also suggested thata region of N-N demixing bounded at lower pressure by acritical point is possible in a system of parallel hard rods.While N-N demixing had been previously explained asdriven by the orientational entropy and not by the excludevolume, clearly this cannot be the case in a parallel system,and hence they interpret the demixing as a depletion-driventransition. A formal proof of the existence of such a criticalpoint was later provided by Perera �37,38� within a densityfunctional approach for different types of hard-body systems.A phase diagram exhibiting a N-N demixed region with alower critical pressure has been predicted by Wensik et al.�39� in a mixture of thin and thick plates. It has been pre-dicted as well as observed in mixtures of rodlike particles inour recent work �15,33�. A number of aspects that are impor-tant to consider for an accurate description of the N-N de-mixing have previously been highlighted �40,41�. These in-clude: the incorporation of the usually neglected “endeffects” �40� �which arise from the finite size of the par-ticles�; taking into account virial coefficients higher than thesecond �with, e.g., a scaling approach�; and the accuracy ofthe self-consistent calculations for the orientational distribu-tion functions �41�. In this paper we look at these issues in

some detail. The focus is on isotropic and uniaxial nematicphases, and we do not attempt to incorporate more orderedphases such as biaxial nematics, smectics, columnars, or sol-ids, though it is clear that they will certainly be the stablephases relative to the nematic states at high pressures �den-sities�.

This paper is organized as follows: binary mixtures ofparallel rods are examined using a virial expansion of thefree energy at the level of the second virial coefficient in thefollowing section; analytical formulas are derived for thespinodal decomposition �limit of material stability� and forthe critical point of a mixture of thick and thin rods. In thelimit of zero diameter ratio, the critical properties are givenexactly. In Sec. III we give a short description of theOnsager- �Sec. III A� and Parsons-Lee theories �Sec. III B�for the nematic phase. By applying the trial function methodfor the minimization of the free-energy functional, we showthat analytical equations can be derived for the pressure ofthe highly ordered nematic phases. A binodal analysis �coex-istence� of the possible demixing transitions is presented anda comparison is made between the Onsager and Parsons-Leetheories in mixtures of very long thick and thin rods �On-sager limit�. In Sec. III C we discuss the reliability of the trialfunction method with Onsager’s original trial function, andthe shortcomings of the Gaussian approximation is high-lighted. On the basis of Parsons-Lee theory, a classificationof the phase diagrams and global phase behavior, includingthe isotropic and nematic phases only, is presented in Sec.IV. Finally, we make some general conclusions in Sec. V.



In this section, we consider a binary mixture of parallelhard rods, modeled as hard spherocylinders of equal lengths�L1=L2=L�, but of different diameters �D1�D2�, and searchfor the molecular conditions for demixing, i.e., a phase sepa-ration between two phases of the same symmetry �nematic-nematic or isotropic-isotropic�. We assume that the particlesare very long and thin, so that the Onsager limit is satisfied;for convenience, we use a free-energy density �as opposed tothe free energy per particle�, and write it as the sum of idealand residual contributions

a =A

kBTV= aid + ares, �1�

where T is the temperature, kB Boltzmann’s constant, and Vthe volume of the system. The ideal term of a binary mixtureis given analytically in terms of number densities of the com-ponents �i=Ni /V�i=1,2� as

aid = �i=1


�iln �i − �i = �1ln �1 − �1 + �2ln �2 − �2. �2�

Note that the de Broglie kinetic contributions do not affectthe phase behavior and are omitted from the expression forcompactness. Following the seminal work of Onsager �2�,the residual contribution to the free energy can be written



using an approximate virial theory truncated at the level ofthe second virial coefficients �B2

ij�, so that

ares = �i,j=1


B2ij�i� j , �3�

where the second virial coefficient B2ij between two particles

of components i and j is half of their pair excluded volume�vexc

ij �. In the special case of a parallel system, where the longsymmetry axes of all particles are constrained along a givendirection, the second virial coefficients of hard spherocylin-ders are easily determined as

B2ij =



ij =�

12�Di + Dj�3 +

4�Di + Dj�2L . �4�

Using Eqs. �2�–�4� the free-energy density of the system ofthick and thin parallel rods in the special limit of very longand thin particles �the Onsager limit� is obtained as

a* =A�1

kBTV= �



ci�ln ci − 1� + 4c12 + 2�1 + d�2c1c2 + 4d2c2



where the last three terms correspond to the residual freeenergy. Note that for the sake of brevity and for other prac-tical reasons Eq. �5� is written in dimensionless form, whereci=�i�1 is the reduced number density of component i, d=D2 /D1 is the diameter ratio and v1= �� /4�LD1

2 is the vol-ume of a cylinder of length �L� and the diameter �D1�. It isinteresting to note from Eq. �5� that, as we have assumed theOnsager limit, only the terms representing the cylindricalpart of the particle appear, while the lower order terms rep-resenting the spherical caps make no contribution. Thismeans that there is no difference between a cylinder and aspherocylinder model in the Onsager limit in the case of aparallel system; the spherical caps play a role only when theparticle length and diameter are of the same order of magni-tude.

In order to determine the binodal curve corresponding tothe equilibrium phase separation of the mixture, the chemicalpotentials of each components and the overall pressure arerequired. In our system these are easily obtained from thereduced free-energy density �Eq. �5�� as

�1* = � �a*



= ln c1 + 8c1 + 2�1 + d�2c2, �6a�

�2* = � �a*



= ln c2 + 2�1 + d�2c1 + 8d2c2, �6b�

P* = − a* + �i=1


ci�i* = c1 + c2 + 4c1

2 + 2�1 + d�2c1c2 + 4d2c22,


where the dimensionless quantities have been defined as �i*

=�i /kT and P*= P�1 /kT. The determination of the binodalcurve requires solving for the equality of pressure and

chemical potentials of each of the components in the coex-isting phases, here denoted as phases I and II: PI= PII, �1I=�1II, and �2I=�2II. Finding the solution to these conditionscan be rather cumbersome; even with advanced numericaltechniques a good estimate of an initial point is usually re-quired. Instead of a random search for the phase equilibria,we first carry out a stability analysis for the limit of materialstability of the mixture and calculate the so-called spinodal�42�, to determine the range of diameter ratios where phaseinstabilities may take place on mixing of the two compo-nents. An important advantage of this condition is that it canbe expressed in terms of free-energy density in a very com-pact form �42� as




�c22 − � �2a*

�c1 � c2�2

= 0. �8�

For a mixture of thick and thin parallel hard rods, the sub-stitution of the density derivatives of the free energy given inEq. �5� into Eq. �8� gives our working equation for the spin-odal as

c1 =1


1 + 8d2c2

��1 + d�4 − 16d2c2 − 2. �9�

This equation can be rewritten in terms of the total density�c=c1+c2� and composition �xi=Ni /N� as c1=cx1 and c2

=cx2; in practice, we solve Eq. �9� for c at a given diameterratio d and mole fraction of component 2. We also choosecomponent 1 to be that with the largest diameter, i.e., d�1.It is important to note that Eq. �9� has no physical solution inthe limits of d=1 and of the pure phases of component 1 and2 �x=0 or 1�. In the first limit �d=1� c1 is negative, while inthe pure phase limits either c1�0 or c2�0. Another impor-tant property of Eq. �9� is that c1 is positive �negative� for c2higher �less� than 2/ ��1+d�4−16d2,while c1 is undefinedwhen c2=2/ ��1+d�4−16d2. Since both reduced densitieshave to be positive, only one of the two resulting curves ofEq. �9� can be the spinodal of the system. This also meansthat the system of parallel hard rods can only have one criti-cal point and N-N coexistence region.

In addition to the condition of stability given in Eq. �8�,the critical point of the binary mixture can be determined byensuring that the third derivative of the Gibbs free energywith respect to the mole fraction also vanishes �42�. This canbe rewritten in terms of the reduced Helmholtz free-energydensity as


�c13 − 3


�c1 � c2




�c12 � c2

+ 3�2a*

�c1 � c2





�c1 � c22


�c1 � c2





�c23 = 0. �10�

An unexpectedly compact expression is obtained for the

VARGA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 051704 �2005�


critical point in the case of a mixture of thick and thin par-allel hard rods

c12 =

�1/c2 + 8d2�3c22

8�1 + d�6 . �11�

The simultaneous solution of Eqs. �9� and �11� gives thecritical reduced densities �c1,cr ,c2,cr� of the demixing transi-tion at a given diameter ratio. The total reduced density andthe compositions can then be obtained using c=c1+c2 andxi=ci /c.

In Fig. 2 the spinodal boundaries of a number of selectedsystems are presented in the pressure-composition P*-xplane. Each of the curves was obtained substituting the solu-tion of Eq. �9� into the expression of the reduced pressuregiven in Eq. �7�. The most important feature of Fig. 2 is thatfor decreasing diameter ratios up to d�0.06 an enhancementof the phase separation region �lowering of the lower criticalpoint� is observed. A further decrease in d, however, shiftsthe spinodal curves in the direction of higher pressures, i.e.,the mixed state is stable with respect to demixing. This effectcan be seen more clearly in the inset of the figure, where thelower critical points are presented as a function of the diam-eter ratio d. This special behavior is due to the subtle com-petition between the excluded volume interactions betweenthe unlike components and those of the thin component, asonly these two interactions can be changed with varying di-ameter ratio. On decreasing the diameter ratio from d=1 to0, both B2

22 and B212 decrease from 4�1 to their limiting values

of B222=0 and B2

12=�1. At d�0.06, B222 is virtually equal to

zero, while B212 is still considerably different from its limiting

value �B212=�1�. As a result, the decreasing unlike excluded

volume characterized by B212 does not promote the demixing

transition in the interval of 0�d�0.06. It is also interestingto note that the system still demixes at d=0, with an associ-ated critical point at c1,cr=1/ �1+ 17�, c2,cr= �9+ 17� /4, andPcr

* = �67+15 17� / �1+ 17�2. These critical values can be ob-tained analytically because Eqs. �9� and �11� become verysimple in the limit of d=0. The subtle diameter-ratio depen-dence of the critical pressure and the spinodal curves indi-cates that the shape and size difference between the particlesof the two components is necessary but not sufficient for thephase separation, because the mixed state becomes morestable for not only high values of diameter ratios but also forsmall values. It is also important to point out that only asingle region of N-N coexistence bounded by a critical pointat lower pressure �density� is seen for the system of parallelhard rods of equal length and different diameter; as we willsee later, an additional region of N-N demixing bounded byan upper-critical pressure can be found in the case of thefreely rotating system. Finally, we should emphasize that thedemixing transition in binary mixture of parallel hard rodshas already been studied by van Roij and Mulder �30� andDuBois and Perera �37�. Working in the context of a geo-metrical density functional theory, DuBois and Perera �37�found that some special systems may exhibit closed-loop im-miscibility, where the phase coexistence curve is bounded byupper and lower critical points. The mixture of parallel thickand thin rods was not, however, considered in their study.

In summary, our principal finding for the system of par-allel rods of equal length but different diameter is that only asingle N-N demixing region is found for a range of values ofthe diameter ratio; the region is bounded at lower pressuresby a critical point.



Model systems of parallel particles are very useful forsimple and accurate theoretical studies, but are not, unfortu-nately, easily attainable experimentally due to the rotationaldegrees of freedom of real particles. In this section we ex-tend our study to the general case when the orientations ofthe rods are not restricted and can, in principle, point in anydirection of space. We use two well-established approaches,the second-virial theory of Onsager �2� �Sec. III A�, and theParsons-Lee �PL� �43,44� scaling of the Onsager approach toincorporate higher virial coefficients �Sec. III B�. Onsager �2�devised his theory for an accurate description of the I-Nphase transition in a model system of long hard rods, whileParsons and Lee provided an approach that can be consid-ered as a generalization of Onsager’s theory to maintain ac-curacy in systems of intermediate and short particles. Al-though it may be naturally expected for the PL theory toconverge to the Onsager solution in the limit of L /D→�, wefind this is not always the case. Here, we show that for mix-tures of rods the PL theory substantially deviates from that ofOnsager in the nematic phase, even in the limit of L /D→�. In order to get analytical results, we use the trial func-

FIG. 2. Reduced pressure-composition �P*-x� representation ofthe spinodal decomposition of a binary mixture of parallel thick�component 1� and thin �component 2� hard rods for various diam-eter ratios d=D2 /D1: d=0.2 �solid�, 0.15 �dotted�, 0.05 �short-dashed� 0.001 �long-dashed�. In the inset we show the reduced pres-sure �Pcr

* � as a function of diameter ratio at lower critical point ofthe demixing transition. The mole fraction is that of the thin rods�x=x2�.



tion originally proposed by Onsager �2� for the representa-tion of the single-particle orientational distribution functionsin the fluid. In seeking a level of simplicity in the solution ofthe coexistence conditions, a number of further approxima-tions have also been used; we devote Sec. III C to discuss theeffect of the simplifying assumptions.

A. The Onsager theory

The free energy of a mixture of hard rods with unre-stricted degrees of rotational freedom can be written follow-ing the form of Eq. �1� in terms of the Helmholtz free-energydensity. The crucial difference is that the free energy in thisgeneral case is a functional of the orientational distributionfunctions �ODF� of the components of the mixture. EachODF gives the probability of finding a particle with a givenorientation, and depends on the unit vector � describing theorientation of the particles of a given component.

The ideal contribution of the free-energy density containsa term proportional to the entropy of mixing, as before �seeEq. �2��, and a term proportional to the orientational entropy,so that

aid = �1ln �1 − �1 + �2ln �2 − �2 + �1�� f1� + �2�� f2� ,


where f1 and f2 are the ODF of components 1 and 2, respec-tively. The � functional introduced by Onsager �2� is givenas

�� f i� =� f i���ln„4�f i���…d� �i = 1,2� . �13�

Note that this functional is at a minimum for the case of anisotropic distribution, where ��f i=1/4��=0, hence favoringorientationally disordered states.

The form of the residual free energy can also be writtenfollowing Eq. �3�, but the second virial coefficients are nowfunctionals of the ODF, written in terms of the pair excludedvolume as

B2ij =


2� � �exc

ij ��1�2� f i��1� f j��2�d�1d�2. �14�

The excluded volume between two hard spherocylinders iand j of different diameter Di and Dj but equal length L isgiven by

�excij �� =

6�Di + Dj�3 +

2�Di + Dj�2L + L2�Di + Dj��sin � ,


where is the angle between the orientational vectors �1 and�2 of two arbitrary particles of types i and j. Note that theextra term in Eq. �15� compared to Eq. �4� is the last termwhich depends on the relative orientation. If only the leadingterms of the excluded volume �second and third terms in Eq.�15� which depend on the length L� are carried forward, thefree-energy density of a system of thick and thin hard rodscan be obtained from Eqs. �1� and �3� as

a* = �c1ln c1 − c1 + c2ln c2 − c2 + c1��f1� + c2��f2��+ �c1

2�4 + k�11� f1� + 2c1c2��1 + d�2 + 0.5�1 + d�

k�12� f1, f2� + c22�4d2 + dk�22� f2�� , �16�

where k is the aspect ratio �k=L /D1� and the �ij functionalsare defined as

�ij� f i, f j� =4

�� �sin � f i��1� f j��2�d�1d�2 �i, j = 1,2�


The residual free energy corresponds to the terms of orderO�c2� contained in the second bracket of Eq. �16�. There aretwo molecular parameters in the free-energy expression �Eq.�16��: the reference aspect ratio k=L /D1 and the diameterratio d.

It is interesting to note here that the differences betweenEq. �5� and Eq. �16�, which stem from the orientational de-grees freedom, consist only of terms which are proportionalto the orientational functionals � and �. In previous studies�23–32� it was assumed that the finite size �volume� of theparticles does not contribute to the stability of a nematicphase with respect to a phase separation into two nematicphases. However, since the finite volume term of the residualfree energy in the freely rotating system corresponds to theresidual free energy of the parallel system, and nematic-nematic separation was observed in that special case, theassumption must be valid only when the orientation-independent part of the residual of free energy �ares of par-allel rods� can be neglected with respect to the orientational-dependent part. For very large aspect ratios �k→ � � it seemsreasonable to neglect the finite volume terms, since k�ij�f�may take very large values. This is the case along theisotropic-nematic phase transition curve, where �ij�f� is al-ways greater than zero. However, in the case of nematic-nematic phase separation, it turns out that �ij�f�→0 in thelimit of k→�, and the product k�ij�f� is of the same order ofmagnitude as the terms coming from the finite size of theparticle. In these cases, the finite size of the particles shouldbe taken into account and its aspect ratio should not be sub-sumed into the reduced density, as Onsager originally pro-posed for monodisperse systems �2�; this omission has beencommon practice in subsequent studies for polydisperse flu-ids �23–32�. In the following, we confirm analytically theunexpected aspect ratio dependence of the �ij functional us-ing a trial function solution.

Let us assume that the orientational distribution functionsof both components can be approximated by the Onsagertrial function �2�

f i�cos �� =�i


cosh��icos ��sinh��i�

, �18�

where �i �i=1,2� are variational parameters for components1 and 2, and � is a polar angle between the nematic directorand the orientation of a rod. This function, which gives anisotropic distribution for �i=0 and nematic phases of in-creasing order with increasing �i, turns out to be very usefulbecause the integrals of the � and � orientational functionals

VARGA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 051704 �2005�


can be determined analytically �2�. Expressions for � and �in terms of �i in the case of highly ordered nematic phases�for large values of �i� can be obtained by substituting Eq.�18� into Eqs. �13� and �17�, giving

�i = ln �i − 1, �19a�

�ij =4

2� 1



� j�i, j = 1,2� . �19b�

Only the leading term of �i has been kept in the asymptoticexpansion method for the � functional in terms of the varia-tional parameters. The same results can be obtained using aGaussian trial function, as was first shown by Odijk andLekkerkerker �45�; we will from now on therefore refer tothese expressions for � and � as the Gaussian approximation.The values of the variational parameters �i corresponding tothe equilibrium nematic phase are obtained by substitutingEq. �19� into Eq. �16� and taking the minimum of the freeenergy with respect to �1 and �2; we find that these are givenby

�1 =2

�k2� 2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1�2


�2 =2

�k2� 2dc2 + �1 + d�c1 1

Q + 1�2

, �20�

where Q=�2 /�1 is a measure of the relative ordering ofcomponent 2 with respect to component 1. These two equa-tions are not independent, and a simple equation for Q can beobtained such that

Q =

2dx2 + �1 + d�x1 1

Q + 1

2x1 + �1 + d�x2 Q

Q + 1

. �21�

As can be seen, this equation is only a function of themole fractions x1 and x2, and the diameter ratio d=D2 /D1,i.e., it is independent of the density and aspect ratio k. This isvery useful because it means that one does not have to recal-culate Q at every new density in the phase equilibrium cal-culation. Since both variational parameters ��1 and �2� mustbe positive, i.e., Q 0, we search only for real positive so-lutions of Eq. �21� to obtain values of Q. It is found that onlyone solution satisfies this requirement; the values for differ-ent compositions and diameter ratios are shown in Fig. 3. Itis easy to prove that Q=1 for any composition when d=1,because the two components are identical in this case. Fordecreasing diameter ratio, i.e., when the particles of compo-nent 1 are thicker than those of component 2, Q decreasesvery weakly with composition up to d=0.6; the dependenceof Q on composition becomes more marked for the smallervalues of d. The most important feature of Fig. 3 is that, inthe nematic phase, the thicker rods are always more orderedthan the thinner ones at a given composition and density.This is to be expected because the thinner rods occupy lessof the total volume than the thicker ones, and as a conse-

quence there is more room for the thinner rods to tilt awayfrom the nematic director than for thicker rods. Results forlength-bidisperse hard rods �45� support the above argument,as the longer rods are always more ordered than the shorterones in the nematic phase. In some special cases the solu-tions for Q take on a very compact form. For example, in thepure fluid limits Q= �d2+d 3d2+4d+2� / �1+d�2for x2=1�x1=0�, and Q= �−1+ 2d2+4d+3� /2 for x2=0 �x1=1�, andin the case of a mixture of thick and infinitely thin rods �d=0� Q=−x1�1− x1

2+2x1� / �x12+2x1−1�.

More insight on the behavior of the mixture can be gainedfrom the equilibrium thermodynamic properties such as thepressure and chemical potentials. The equilibrium values ofthe � and � functionals can be obtained by substituting thevalues of �1 and �2 that minimize the free energy �Eq. �20��into Eq. �19�, resulting in the following equations for � and� in terms of densities and molecular parameters:

�1 = ln� 2

�� + 2 ln k + 2 ln� 2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1� − 1,

�2 = �1 + ln Q ,

k�11 =2 2

2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1

, �22�

k�12 =2 Q + 1

2dc2 + �1 + d�c1 1

Q + 1


FIG. 3. The relative order parameter Q as a function of molefraction of thin rods �x=x2� at some diameter ratio �d=D2 /D1�. Theresulting curves are the solution of Eq. �21�.



k�22 =2 2

2dc2 + �1 + d�c1 1

Q + 1


As expected in this case, we find that each of the equilibriumfunctionals is a function of the density, diameter ratio, andaspect ratio. Another very interesting result, which can beobtained from Eq. �22� after straightforward but tedious al-gebra, is that

c12k�11 + 2c1c2

1 + d

2�12 + c2

2dk�11 = 2�c1 + c2� = 2c .


This further suggests that the residual free-energy density ofthe nematic phase described in terms of the Gaussian ap-proximation does not depend on the assigned aspect ratio,since by substituting Eq. �23� into Eq. �16� we find

ares* = 2c + 4c1

2 + 2�1 + d�2c1c2 + 4d2c22. �24�

This equation is different from that derived in a similar wayfor binary mixtures of hard rods �25,26,28,45�: in these pa-pers the simpler result ares

* =2c was obtained, as a conse-quence of neglecting the finite-size terms of the like- andunlike volume contributions of the excluded volumes. Byusing the simple relation between the pressure and the re-sidual free energy, the reduced pressure can be expressed as

P* = c + ares* = 3c + 4c1

2 + 2�1 + d�2c1c2 + 4d2c22. �25�

This equation is almost identical to the pressure of the mix-ture of parallel thick and thin rods �cf. Eq. �7��, with theadditional contribution of 2c to the pressure from the orien-tational degrees of freedom. In agreement with earlier stud-ies, no dependence of the pressure on the aspect ratio isfound. It is important to note that in their studies van Roij etal. �31� �who studied this system�, Vroege et al. �25� �whoconsidered the length-bidisperse rod systems�, and Hemmer�28� �who treated the general mixture of hard rods� give thereduced pressure as P*=3c, which corresponds to the firstterm in Eq. �25�. The difference between the present and theearlier expressions for the pressure has serious implicationson the calculation of the phase behavior of the mixture ofrods, since the pressure now has an additional compositiondependence. When the simpler expression P*=3c is em-ployed, the densities of the possible coexisting nematicphases �N-N demixing� must be identical, since PI

*= PII* in

the coexisting phases I and II. The situation is more subtlewhen the pressure is given by Eq. �25�.

Substituting the equilibrium functionals � and � given inEq. �22� into Eq. �16�, the reduced equilibrium free-energydensity is written as

a* = ��i=1


ciln ci + �c1 + c2��ln� 2

�� + 2 ln k�

+ 2�c1 + c2�ln� 2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1� + c2ln Q�

+ �4c12 + 2�1 + d�2c1c2 + 4d2c2

2� , �26�

where the first term in square brackets contains the idealcontribution and the residual contribution from the orienta-tional degrees of freedom, while the second term in squarebrackets contains the residual free energy of parallel hardrods. The chemical potential is obtained easily form the free-energy density by differentiating Eq. �16� with respect tocomponent densities

�1* = � �a*



= ln� 2

�� + 2 ln k − 1 + ln c1

+ 2 ln� 2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1� + 8c1 + 2�1 + d�2c2


4 2c1 + 2�1 + d� Q + 1


2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1

, �27a�


�2* = � �a*



= ln� 2

�� + 2 ln k − 1 + ln c2

+ 2 ln� 2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1� + ln Q + 8d2c2

+ 2�1 + d�2c1 +4 2dc2 + 2�1 + d� Q + 1c1

Q� 2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1� .


Finally, by using the simple relation between the order pa-rameter and the variational parameter obtained by Onsager�2�, the order parameters of the nematic phases are given as

S1 � 1 −3

�1= 1 −


2k2� 2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1�2

S2 � 1 −3

�2= 1 −


2k2Q� 2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1�2



Note that, though the chemical potentials are seen to dependon the aspect ratio k, this dependence does not affect the N-N demixing transition because the aspect ratio shifts thechemical potentials by the same constant in both phases. Bycontrast, the nematic order parameters are seen to be sensi-tive to the value of the aspect ratio.

In view of the fact that neither the pressure nor the coex-istence chemical potentials depends on the aspect ratios of

VARGA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 051704 �2005�


the particles, we may conclude that any possible N-N demix-ing is a function of the diameter ratio only, when the orien-tational ordering of the system is treated with the Onsagertrial function to leading order �Gaussian approximation�. It isalso important to note that we have assumed the particles tobe very long and thin �k→ � �, where the first contribution ofthe excluded volume �Eq. �15�� can be neglected.

On the basis of the spinodal decomposition curve of afluid of parallel rods, it is reasonable to think that demixingof the nematic phase into two nematic phases may also occurin a system of hard rods with orientational degrees of free-dom. Using the pressure �Eq. �25�� and chemical potentials�Eq. �27�� expressions for the nematic phase in the Gaussianapproximation, we have explored the possibility of phaseseparation between two nematic phases for the low values ofthe diameter ratio where the transition is most likely to takeplace �see Fig. 2�. The resulting binodal curves of the N-Ndemixing transition are presented in Fig. 4. It can be seenthat the additional orientational degrees of freedom of themolecules result in a richer phase diagram than that of theorientationally constrained system �Fig. 2�. For example, inthe case of the freely rotating system with a diameter ratio ofd=0.2 the N-N demixing is not found to be associated with acritical point over its entire pressure range; instead a verystrong fractionation between a phase which is rich in thickrods and another which is rich in thin rods is observed. Thedegree of fractionation decreases with increasing diameterratio over the entire pressure range considered. This ten-dency is much more pronounced at around P*�2, where thephases tend to mix. As a result the single N-N coexistenceregion observed when d=0.2 is seen to divide into two re-gions for d�0.222; these two N-N coexistence regions areboth delimited by critical points. The existence of the lowercritical point is not surprising given the results in Sec. II. Infact, this type of phase behavior has already been observedexperimentally in a binary mixture of fd+ fdPEG viruses�15�. To the best of our knowledge, no experimental evidencehas yet been obtained in colloidal systems for the existenceof the region of N-N coexistence ending at an upper criticalpoint �at high pressure and density�.

The differences in phase behavior found for the mixturesof parallel and freely rotating rods are a result of the roleplayed by the orientational entropy ���� in stabilizing themixed state. This is in addition to the subtle competitionbetween entropy of mixing and the packing entropy whichwas responsible for the demixing in the system of parallelmolecules. The freely rotating system can increase its orien-tational entropy by demixing into thick and thin rich phases,since the thinner rods have more orientational freedom in thephase which is rich in the thin rods than in the phase whichis rich in the thick rods �see Fig. 3�. As a result, N-N phaseseparation is predicted at much lower pressures in the freelyrotating system than in the parallel system.

In summary, the use of the Onsager theory for the freelyrotating systems of thin and thick rods of the same lengthwith the Gaussian approximation appropriate for highly or-dered systems leads to large regions of N-N coexistence.Such demixing was also found for the parallel system dis-cussed earlier, but in the case of the freely rotating systemstwo separate N-N regions �bounded by a “lower” and an

additional “upper” critical point� can be found, and for cer-tain values of the parameters the two regions merge to give asingle N-N region with no critical point.

Before moving on to the next section, one should firstmention two important failures of the Onsager theory. First,though the Onsager theory is exact in describing theisotropic-nematic phase transition in the limit of infinite as-pect ratio �due to the negligible third and higher virial coef-ficients in the isotropic phase�, this is not the case in thedense nematic phase �46,47�. In order to assess the implica-tions of this problem with the Onsager theory in relation toour mixture of rods, we now examine the Parsons-Lee exten-

FIG. 4. The pressure-composition �P*-x� and concentration-concentration �c2−c1� representations of the N-N demixing regionsof the system of thick �component 1� and thin �component 2� rodsaccording to the Onsager theory at the level of Gaussian approxi-mation �infinite aspect ratio, k→�, Eq. �19��. The values of thediameter d=D2 /D1 ratio are the following from outside to inside:d=0.2, 0.21, 0.221, 0.222, and 0.23. The diamond shows the loca-tion of the nematic-nematic critical point. The mole fraction is thatof the thin rods �x=x2�.



sion of the theory, which incorporates the contributions ofthe higher virial terms, albeit in an approximate way. A sec-ond and related problem with the Onsager theory is that thepacking fraction can be higher than the closed-packed limitfor molecules with a finite aspect ratio, which is unphysical.The Parsons-Lee approach circumvents this problem with theuse of an accurate hard-sphere reference term.

B. The Parsons-Lee approach

According to the theory of Parsons �43� and Lee �44��PL�, the residual free-energy density of the system can bewritten in a very similar to that of Eq. �3�, but with

ares =ares


�2B2HS �



B2ij�i� j , �29�

where aresHS is the residual free-energy density and B2

HS thesecond virial coefficient of an effective pure-componenthard-sphere fluid. The volume of the effective hard sphere isdetermined from vHS=x1v1+x2v2. The free-energy density ofthe system in the limit of infinite aspect ratio �Onsager limit,k→�� can be expressed as

a* = c1ln c1 − c1 + c2ln c2 − c2 + c1��f1� + c2��f2�

+ z�c12�4 + k�11� f1� + 2c1c2��1 + d�2

+ 0.5�1 + d�k�12� f1, f2� + c22�4d2 + dk�22� f2�� ,


where z= �1−0.75�� / �1−��2 �44� and �=c1+c2d2 is thepacking fraction for a system of thick and thin rods in theOnsager limit. Note that the PL free-energy density �Eq.�30�� differs from the Onsager expression �Eq. �16�� only bythe factor of z on the residual contribution, i.e., Eqs. �16� and�30� become identical for very low values of packing fraction��→0�. Since the I-N phase transition takes place at vanish-ingly small packing fraction in the Onsager limit, the twotheories give the same results for the I-N transition proper-ties, as desired. However, a nematic-smectic A-phase transi-tion can occur at nonzero packing fraction even in the On-sager limit as shown by Poniewierski �48�; and similarly, wedo not expect the description of the N-N demixing transitionto be equivalent in the two approaches since it occurs at anonvanishing density.

On searching for the minimum of Eq. �30� with respect tothe variational parameters and using the expressions for theorientational functionals given in Eq. �19�, we obtain therelation

�1 =2

�z2k2� 2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1�2


�2 =2

�z2k2� 2dc2 + �1 + d�c1 1

Q + 1�2



for the equilibrium variational parameters of the nematicphase. Interestingly, it can be seen that the ratio of �2 to �1 isagain equal to that given by Eq. �21�, which makes the cal-culations very similar to those using the Onsager theory. As

before, the thicker rods are found to always be more orderedthan the thinner ones at given composition and density forsystems in the Onsager infinite aspect ratio limit. Followingthe same procedure as in the previous section, it is straight-forward to show that the residual free energy can be ex-pressed as

ares* = 2c + z�4c1

2 + 2�1 + d�2c1c2 + 4d2c22� , �32�

which is found to differ from that given in Eq. �24� only bythe prefactor z. The pressure can be also written in a compactform, though it is more complex than the Onsager form dueto the dependence of z on the density

P* = c + ares* �1 +




= c + �2c + z�4c12 + 2�1 + d�2c1c2 + 4d2c2

2� 4 − 2�

4 − 7� + 3�2 .


The equilibrium free energy and the chemical potentials canbe obtained as described in the previous section

a* = ��i=1


ciln ci + �c1 + c2��ln� 2

�� + 2 ln�kz��

+ 2�c1 + c2�ln� 2c1 + �1 + d�c2 Q

Q + 1� + c2ln Q�

+ z�4c12 + 2�1 + d�2c1c2 + 4d2c2

2� , �34�

FIG. 5. The pressure-packing fraction �P*-�� representation ofthe equation of state of a binary mixture of thick �component 1� andthin �component 2� rods at equimolar composition for a diameterratio of d=D2 /D1=0.2. The continuous curve corresponds to theresults of Parsons-Lee theory �Eq. �33��, the dashed curve repre-sents the Onsager theory �Eq. �25��, and the short dashed curve theOnsager theory where finite size effects are not taken into account�P*=3c�. All curves are obtained using the Gaussian approximation�infinite aspect ratio, k→�, Eq. �19��.

VARGA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 051704 �2005�


�1* = � �a*



= ln� 2

�� + 2ln�kz� − 1 + lnc1

+ 2ln� 2c1 + �1 + d� Q

Q + 1c2� + 8zc1

+ 2�1 + d�2zc2 + z

4 2c1 + 2�1 + d� Q + 1


2c1 + �1 + d� Q

Q + 1c2

+ ares* 5 − 3�

�1 − ���4 − 3�� , �35a�


�2* = � �a*



= ln� 2

�� + 2 ln�kz� − 1 + ln c2

+ 2 ln� 2c1 + �1 + d� Q

Q + 1c2� + ln Q + 8d2zc2

+ 2�1 + d�2zc1 + z4 2dc2 + 2�1 + d� Q + 1c1

Q� 2c1 + �1 + d� Q

Q + 1c2�

+ d2ares* 5 − 3�

�1 − ���4 − 3�� . �35b�

It is important to point out, however, that as in the case ofEq. �27�, the dependence of the chemical potentials �Eq.�35�� on the aspect ratio only involves the constant logarith-mic term, and so has no effect on the phase behavior of themixture.

Before presenting the results of the demixing analysis thatone obtains with the PL free energy �cf. Eq. �30��, we exam-ine the quantitative difference between the pressure of theOnsager theory �Eq. �25�� and that of the PL theory �Eq.�33��; this is presented in Fig. 5. For the sake of complete-ness, we also show the pressure of the Onsager theory with-out finite size effects first derived by Odijk and Lekkerkerker�45�. It can be seen that for low packing fractions �up to �=0.1� the agreement between the various approaches is rea-sonable; the deviation becomes more and more significantwith increasing packing fraction �more than 50% at �=0.3�.It is also clear that, while the PL equation of state �Eq. �33��diverges when �→1, the pressure of the Onsager theory �Eq.�25�� remains finite even at close packing; this unphysicalbehavior of the Onsager theory is a direct consequence ofneglecting the virial coefficients above the second.

Nematic-nematic demixing is also predicted by the PLtheory as shown in Fig 6. Qualitatively there is no significantdifference between these results and those of the Onsagertheory. However, the quantitative differences may be quiteimportant from an experimental point of view; the most im-portant feature is that the demixed state is predicted to be

less extensive with the PL theory than with the Onsagertheory. With the Onsager theory one predicts nematic-nematic demixing over the entire range of pressures for d�0.222, while in the PL theory this is predicted for d�0.195; to stabilize the N-N demixing transition larger dif-ferences in shape anisotropies between the thick and thinparticles are necessary with the PL theory than the Onsagertheory. On the other hand, the range of stability of the N-Ncoexistence region which is bounded by the lower criticalpressure is predicted to extend to much lower pressures anddensities in the case ofthe Onsager theory. As a result, theupper critical point which indicates the appearance of thesecond region of N-N demixing at lower pressures is found

FIG. 6. The pressure-composition �P*-x� and concentration-concentration �c2−c1� representations of the N-N demixing transi-tion of the system of thick �component 1� and thin �component 2�rods according to the Parsons-Lee theory using the Gaussian ap-proximation �infinite aspect ratio, k→�, Eq. �19��. The values ofthe diameter ratio d=D2 /D1 are the following from outside to in-side: d=0.18, 0.19, 0.193, 0.195, and 0.2. The diamond shows thelocation of the nematic-nematic critical point. The mole fraction isthat of the thin rods �x=x2�.



at much lower pressure and density regimes with the On-sager theory than with the PL theory. As mentioned earlier,this lower region of N-N separation has not yet been ob-served experimentally �15�. The fact that with the Onsagertheory one favors a N-N demixing region bounded by alower critical point rather than by an upper critical point maylead to the erroneous suggestion that the theory is more ap-propriate for comparisons with experiment. However, the ap-plication of the Onsager theory in the parameter space rel-evant to the experiment systems is not fruitful as it cannot beextended successfully from the Onsager limit of particle as-pect ratio even for the monodisperse systems �46,47�. Bycontrast, the PL theory gives very accurate results for theproperties of the isotropic-nematic phase transition of hardrods from moderate to very high values of the aspect ratio�5�L /D� � � �49,50�, while the theory of Onsager only be-comes accurate from about L /D 100 �47�. In view of theresults presented in Fig. 6, and considering the other pointswhich have been highlighted, we believe that PL theory pro-vides a more suitable approach to study the phase behaviorof mixtures of thick and thin rods both in the isotropic andnematic phases.

C. The effect of higher order terms (in 1/�i)in the Onsager theory

Trial function methods have been shown to be accuratefor the description of the isotropic-nematic phase transition�47�. In the case of nematic-nematic demixing transitions inmixtures of hard rods, recent studies have pointed out thatthe Gaussian approximation may not be adequate �27,35�. Anissue of contention with the use of Onsager and related theo-ries relates to the possibility of obtaining nematic-nematiccoexistence regions bounded by a critical point when finitesize effects are not incorporated in the description. The fullynumerical solution of the free-energy functional �27� sug-gests that there is a problem with the Onsager trial function,since the numerical calculations confirm the existence of acritical point associated with a N-N phase transition, whilecalculations using the Onsager trial function do not �25,28�.This apparent misconception about the use of the Onsagertrial function has been clarified in a recent study by Franco-Melgar et al. �51�, who show that very good agreement canbe found between the numerical and the trial function meth-ods if higher order terms in 1/�i are incorporated in orien-tational integrals of Eq. �19�. In view of these results, thereliability of our theoretical findings may also be broughtinto question, and hence a test of the effect of the higherorder terms in 1/�i is necessary. Following �2�, the expres-sions of the �ij functionals �i , j=1,2�, which would be reli-able both for I-N and N-N phase transitions, are given as

�ij =4

2� 1



� j�1 −


8� 1



� j+


�i + � j�


128� 8

�i� j− � 1



� j+


�i + � j�2�� . �36�

Using this equations instead of Eq. �19b�, we obtain ratherlengthy equations for the pressure and the chemical poten-

tials, which are not presented here. It is important to men-tion, however, that both the pressure and chemical potentialnow exhibit a nontrivial dependence on the aspect ratioswhich affects the N-N phase separation even for very largeaspect ratios. This is an important difference since the use ofthe Gaussian approximation within the Onsager theory sug-gests that the pressure and difference in chemical potentialdo not depend on the aspect ratio as discussed in Sec. III A.In Fig. 7 a comparison of the N-N demixing boundaries ob-tained with the Gaussian approximation �Eq. �19�� and withthe expression �Eq. �36�� is shown for two diameter ratios �

FIG. 7. The effect of higher order terms in 1/�i of the trialfunction method on the pressure-composition �P*-x� representationof the nematic-nematic phase boundary of the system of thick �com-ponent 1� and thin �component 2� rods for diameter ratios d=D2 /D1 of �a� d=0.2 and �b� d=0.222. The continuous curves rep-resent the result of the Gaussian approximation �infinite aspect ra-tio, k→��, while the results of inclusion of higher order terms arerepresented by the dashed curve for aspect ratios of k=L /D1

=1000 and short dashed curve for k=500. The mole fraction is thatof the thin rods �x=x2�.

VARGA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 051704 �2005�


d=0.2 and 0.222� and varying aspect ratios �for the higherorder expressions�. As expected, no difference can be ob-served between the two calculations for either of the twodiameter ratios or aspect ratios at high pressures where thephases are extremely ordered. This suggests that the equilib-rium values of �i parameters are so high that the higher order1 /�i terms of Eq. �36� are negligible, and Eq. �19� providesa good approximation of the orientational order. Differencesbetween the two approximations become apparent, however,at low pressures �P*�1�, where the phases are less orderedand the higher order terms in 1/�i make a nonvanishingcontribution to the residual free energy. This effect is morevisible with decreasing aspect ratio, and as a result the two-phase region obtained using Eq. �36� is seen to broaden.

On first inspection of Fig. 7�b�, it is reasonable to questionif the N-N demixing region bounded by the lower criticalpoint is independent of the aspect ratio. The answer to thiscan be gleaned from Fig. 8, where the effect of a decreasingaspect ratio on the high-pressure N-N region can be seenmore clearly by considering shorter aspect ratios. The mainchange is seen close to the critical point, where the pressureis relatively low. By contrast, no significant difference isseen at high pressures even for the system with the shortestaspect ratio considered, k=100. It is, nevertheless, evidentthat the Gaussian approximation predicts a qualitatively in-correct result for the system with k=100: two separate N-Nregions with lower- and upper critical points are not pre-dicted with the higher order solution for this system, insteadof which a single N-N region is predicted over the entirepressure range considered. This means that it is important toincorporate the higher order terms of 1/�i in Eq. �36� to get

reliable results at low pressures in mixtures comprising mol-ecules of shorter aspect ratios, where the rods are not ashighly ordered. This is also the case for the N-N coexistenceregion bounded by a higher critical point �51�.

Using the more accurate representation of the �ij function-als �Eq. �36��, we have determined the full phase diagram ofthe system at k=1000 �see Fig. 9�, a large aspect ratio wherethe Onsager second virial theory is practically exact for theisotropic and moderately ordered nematic phases. It can be

FIG. 8. The effect of the aspect ratio on the pressure-composition �P*-x� representation of the nematic-nematic lowercritical point of the system of thick �component 1� and thin �com-ponent 2� rods using the Onsager trial function with inclusion ofhigher order terms in 1/�i �Eq. �36�� for diameter ratios d=D2 /D1=0.222: k=1000 �continuous curve�, 200 �long dashedcurve�, 150 �short dashed curve�, and 100 �dotted curve�. The molefraction is that of the thin rods �x=x2�.

FIG. 9. Reduced pressure-composition �P*-x� representations ofthe phase diagram of the system of thick �component 1� and thin�component 2� rods obtained with the Onsager theory at aspect ratiok=L /D1=1000: for diameter ratios �a� d=D2 /D1=0.222 and �b� d=0.2. The resulting phase diagrams are obtained by Onsager trialfunction method. The continuous curves correspond to the phaseboundaries of the isotropic-nematic transition and nematic-nematicdemixing transitions, while the dashed line represents the isotropic-nematic-nematic three-phase lines. The insets show the nematic-nematic phase boundary in the region of higher pressures. The dia-monds show the location of the nematic-nematic critical point,while the labels I and N denote isotropic and nematic phases, re-spectively. The mole fraction is that of the thin rods �x=x2�.



seen that the isotropic phase is only stable at very low valuesof the pressure and density. Along the I-N phase coexistencecurve, the pressure and the corresponding densities are stillvery low, implying that the Onsager theory preserves its ac-curacy. Though it is customary to rescale the density and thepressure by multiplying them with the aspect ratio to makethe region of the I-N transition more visible �2�, for ourpurposes this type of rescaling is not useful because the co-existing nematic phases are far from being dilute �see Figs. 4and 6�. As found in earlier studies �23–28�, a strong fraction-ation and a reentrant nematic phase characterizes the I-Nphase separation. For a diameter ratio of d=0.2 the finite sizeeffect hardly affects the phase behavior of the system, exceptthat the bottleneck shape of the N-N phase separation �seethe inset of Fig. 9�b�� cannot be reproduced with the tradi-tional Onsager approach �25�, where only the leading term inthe excluded volume is incorporated. The finite size effectsare found to be more significant for the mixture with a di-ameter ratio of d=0.222, where one predicts that the N-Nphase coexistence curve starting from the I-N-N three phaseline is closed off by a critical point at higher pressure. Abovethis upper critical point the system mixes in all proportionsover a narrow pressure range of 1.33� P*�2.53, and thendemixes again above the lower critical pressure of P*=2.53.The qualitatively different result of a single N-N coexistenceregion with no critical points was found by van Roij et al.�26� when only the leading term of the excluded volume isretained �no finite size contributions�.

Summing up to this point, we have so far been able toshow that the orientational entropy arising from molecularrotational freedom does not prevent the existence of N-Ndemixing which was predicted for the system of parallelrods. In fact, the extent of demixing is enhanced, shifting thelower critical point towards lower pressures, and giving riseto a new N-N demixing region emerging from low pressure.We have attributed this type of phase behavior to the fact thatthe orientational entropy can increase substantially throughdemixing into two phases, one rich in thick rods and theother rich in thin rods. Using the Gaussian trial functionapproximation, a new analytical equation of state is derivedfor the nematic phase, which takes into account the finite sizeeffects. Moreover, we show that the Onsager and PL theoriesare not identical in the nematic phase even in the Onsagerlimit of infinite aspect ration due the incorporation of thehigher virial coefficients in the PL expression �albeit in anapproximate manner�. The resulting phase diagrams differonly in quantitative, and not qualitative manner. We alsoshed some light on the importance of including higher orderterms in the expansion of the �ij functionals and the short-comings of the Onsager and Parsons-Lee theories. In thefollowing section we carry forward some of these ideas, fo-cusing on approaches which provide the most quantitativedescription for comparison with experimental systems.



Though the second virial theory of Onsager can accountfor the I-N phase coexistence of fluids of mono- and poly-

disperse hard rods, it is not useful for practical purposes, as itis only appropriate to describe particles with large aspectratios �L /D�100�, i.e., for very long and thin molecules.Moreover, the requirement of extreme particle shapes com-plicates the simulation of systems in the Onsager limit. Us-ing a special scaling method, Bolhuis and Frenkel �52� havemanaged to approach the Onsager limit by simulation, andhave shown that a system of long rods follows the predic-tions of Onsager’s theory in the isotropic and moderatelyordered nematic phases. Simulation studies have also shownthat the PL theory can provide very accurate results for theequation of state both in the isotropic and in the nematicphases, and for the I-N transition properties from moderateto large aspect ratios �49,50�. These findings, and the factthat the PL theory establishes a bridge between the Onsagertheory and the very accurate Carnahan and Starling �53� ex-pression for hard spheres, mean that the PL approach is par-ticularly useful for the description of the I-N phase behaviorof hard rods of any aspect ratio.

In this section we calculate the phase diagrams of binarymixtures of thin and thick rods using the PL theory. Themodel molecular parameters are chosen to represent an ex-perimental system that we have studied recently �15�. Thesystem in question consists of a mixture of thin �chargedsemiflexible fd-virus� and thick �fd-PEG virus, polyethyleneglycol-coated fd-virus� rods. The aspect ratio of the fd-PEGvirus is of the order of k�24, which suggests that third andhigher-body virial coefficients are not negligible �46,47�. Thelonger �thinner� component �fd-virus� resembles a long rodat very high ionic strengths where its maximum aspect ratiois of order k�100, and here the Onsager theory is expectedto provide a good description of the I-N transition. In thecase of the mixture, however, N-N demixing is also expectedand Onsager’s theory will not be accurate enough for com-parison with the experimental system.

The phase behavior for molecular parameters in the vicin-ity of the experimental ones is also studied to identify themodel system that best reproduces the phase diagram of thefd– fd-PEG mixture �see Fig. 1�. Before presenting the re-sults, it is important to mention a number of key points. Theapproximate trial function approach is not employed here;instead, a discrete representation is used to describe the ori-entational distribution functions of the mixture. A formalminimization of the free-energy functional with respect tothe orientational distribution functions is carried out, and theresulting coupled integral equations for f1��� and f2��� arethen solved by iteration using Simpson’s rule �41�. This pro-cedure is free from approximations, and an accurate imple-mentation of the method should provide essentially exactresults within the PL approximation. Details of the methodare given in �41�. In accordance with our previous numericalstudies �33,40,41�, the particles are modeled as hard cylin-ders instead of hard spherocylinders. The difference betweenthe two models is not significant; the calculated coexistingdensities of the I-N transition are almost identical in the twomodels at any aspect ratio. All the terms in the excludedvolume interactions are incorporated in the calculations.

Our goal is to determine all types of phase diagrams �theglobal phase diagram� possible for the experimental systemof thick and thin rods. Since the aspect ratio of the fd-PEG

VARGA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 051704 �2005�


rods �component 1 in our study� is always 24 �15�, it isreasonable to start by exploring the effect of varying thediameter of the bare fd component on the phase diagram forthis aspect ratio. On fixing k=24, four distinct types of phasediagrams are found for varying diameter ratios. The first typeof phase diagram, which we characterize as type I, is ob-served for a diameter ratio d=0.227. The phase diagram ispresented in a pressure-composition and a density-densityrepresentation in Fig. 10. In agreement with the experimentalresults, a region of nematic demixing is obtained bounded bya lower critical point at high densities �pressures�. At lower

pressures a separate region of isotropic-nematic phase coex-istence is seen. In contrast with the experimental data, how-ever, a strong fractionation of the nematic and isotropicphases is predicted �cf. Fig. 1�a��. The actual experimentaldiameter ratio is closer to d=0.345, so that we could expectbetter agreement for this value of the diameter ratio. Unfor-tunately in this case, the stability of the calculated N-N phasetransition would be questionable due to the extremely highpacking fractions of the nematic phases, which would bemore typical of smectic or solid phases. In fact, it should benoted that, even for d=0.227, the packing fraction of thelower critical pressure is rather high ��c=0.385�.

A different type of phase diagram �which we characterizeas type II� is observed at d=0.2, where a new N-N phasecoexistence region bounded by an upper critical pressure hasemerged from the I-N phase boundary �see Fig. 11�. Theexistence of this upper critical point has been the subject ofsome debate in the past �23,25,26�, but the more recent nu-merical �27,35� and accurate trial function methods �51� haveconfirmed its existence. Though this type of behavior wasnot found in the fd– fd-PEG experimental system �15�, itcould be possible in a narrow region of parameter space. Forthis type of phase behavior, decreasing the diameter ratioleads to a more extensive N-N phase coexistence; the two-phase regions cover a larger range of compositions, and thelower and upper critical points are seen to approach eachother, and eventually merge. As a result a third type of phasediagram �type III� is obtained for d=0.192 �see Fig. 12�. Thisfigure resembles that of the experimental system with d=0.333, but Figs. 12 and 1�b� are qualitatively different. Inaddition to the wide two-phase region and reentrance phe-nomenon of the nematic phase, the theoretical diagram pre-sents an intermediate region where the coexisting nematicphases exhibit a weak tendency to remix, which is not seenin the experimental system.

Isotropic-isotropic �I-I� demixing is obtained when thediameter ratio is further decreased, indicating that the com-ponents become even less compatible. The appearance of the�I-I� demixing transition characterizes the fourth type ofphase behavior �type IV�; it first becomes stable at a diameterratio of d�0.148 for an aspect ratio of k=24. To illustratetype IV phase behavior, we examine a system with the fol-lowing aspect and diameter ratios: k=5 and d=0.2. The rea-son for this choice is that these molecular parameters allowdetails of the demixing transitions to be seen on the samedensity and pressure scales. The resulting phase diagram isshown in Fig. 13. In addition to the I-I demixing transition,the only new feature of the phase diagram is the continuouswidening of the N-N demixing transition at higher pressure�density�. Note that the N-N demixing region of the experi-mental system also exhibits a continuous increase in the ex-tent of N-N phase separation at higher density.

Given that the quantitative differences between theory andexperiment are significant, we now undertake a comprehen-sive study to find molecular parameters for which the theoryis capable of at least a qualitative description of the experi-mental system. In order to do this we determine the ranges ofstability of the four different types of phase diagram in thediameter ratio–aspect ratio plane. The boundary betweentype I and type II phase systems is found by monitoring the

FIG. 10. Type I phase behavior. Reduced pressure-composition�P*-x� and concentration-concentration �c2−c1� representations ofthe phase diagram of the system of thick �component 1� and thin�component 2� rods obtained with the Parsons-Lee theory at aspectratio k=L /D1=24 and diameter ratio d=D2 /D1=0.227. The con-tinuous curves correspond to the phase boundaries of the isotropic-nematic and nematic-nematic phase transitions. The diamond showsthe location of the nematic-nematic critical point. The labels I andN denote isotropic and nematic phases, respectively. The mole frac-tion is that of the thin rods �x=x2�.



position of the I-N-N three-phase line as a function of thediameter ratio at a given aspect ratio. For example, startingfrom k=24 and d=0.2, this means that we follow the com-positions of the coexisting N-N phases of the I-N-N three-phase line with increasing diameter ratio. The diameter ratiowhere the compositions of the coexisting nematic phases be-come identical corresponds to the limit of the stability ofsystems with type II behavior with respect to type I. In asimilar manner, we can determine the boundary between sys-tems exhibiting type IV and type III phase behavior by fol-

lowing the I-I-N three-phase line. In this case the disappear-ance of the three-phase line indicates the destabilization ofI-I coexistence. The boundary between type II and type III isthe most difficult to locate, as it requires the simultaneousdetermination of the lower and upper critical points. Thisinvolves solving the set of criticality conditions �Eqs. �8� and�10�� with the PL free-energy density. While the critical pointcan be obtained analytically in the isotropic phase, numericaldifferentiation has to be used to determine the derivatives ofthe free-energy density for the N-N critical point due to thecomplex density dependence of the orientational distributionfunctions in the nematic phase. Starting from a system withtype II phase behavior, a gradual decrease of the diameterratio in steps of �d=0.005 allows an accurate determinationof the double critical end point where the lower and upperN-N critical points merge, which also corresponds to theboundary between systems with type II and III phase behav-ior. The results of the calculations in the range 4�k�50 areshown in Fig. 14. The stability of type I phase behaviour isseen to be very sensitive to the aspect ratio; in systems withaspect ratios which are too short or too long the behavior ispostponed to large diameter ratios, but it is seen for a widerange of diameter ratios in the case of intermediate particleanisotropies �k�13�. Systems which exhibit type II phasebehavior are only observed for aspects ratios of k 7.5, andthereafter it is seen for systems with a wider range of diam-eter ratios for increasing aspect ratio. For aspect ratios k�7.5 a direct transition from systems with type I to type IIIbehavior is predicted; this is a key finding as this corre-sponds to the behavior observed experimentally. The com-parison between experiment and theory for the transitions

FIG. 11. Type II phase behavior. Reduced pressure-composition�P*-x� and composition-composition �c2−c1� representations of thephase diagram of the system of thick �component 1� and thin �com-ponent 2� rods obtained with the Parsons-Lee theory at aspect ratiok=L /D1=24 and diameter ratio d=D2 /D1=0.2. The continuouscurves correspond to the phase boundaries of the isotropic-nematicand nematic-nematic phase transitions, while the dashed line repre-sents the isotropic-nematic-nematic three-phase lines. The threephase region is indicated by the gray triangle in lower panel �b�.Thediamonds show the location of the nematic-nematic critical points.The labels I and N denote isotropic and nematic phases, respec-tively. The mole fraction is that of the thin rods �x=x2�.

FIG. 12. Type III phase behavior. Composition-composition�c2−c1� representations of the phase diagram of the system of thick�component 1� and thin �component 2� rods obtained with theParsons-Lee theory at aspect ratio k=L /D1=24 and diameter ratiod=D2 /D1=0.192. The continuous curves correspond to the phaseboundaries of the isotropic-nematic and nematic-nematic phasetransitions, while the three-phase region is indicated by the graytriangle. The labels I and N denote isotropic and nematic phases,respectively.

VARGA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 051704 �2005�


between phase diagrams with decreasing diameter ratio ismost quantitative for an aspect ratio of k=4; the calculatedphase diagrams are presented in Fig. 15. Comparing Figs. 1and 15, it can be seen that the agreement between the theoryand the experiment is now much improved: the theoreticalI-N phase separation does not present reentrance or strongfractionation. Moreover, the N-N demixing transition is seen

to widen continuously at higher density. We believe that thereason for the lack of type II phase behavior in the experi-mental system stems from the increasing impact of the end-effects of the excluded volume interactions with decreasingaspect ratio; it is interesting to note that, while these contri-butions stabilize the I-I demixing transition, they destabilizethe N-N demixing transition. A drawback in our comparisonwith experiment is that, unfortunately, the molecular param-eters used in the theoretical calculations are significantly dif-ferent from those of the experimental system.


We have studied the phase behavior of binary mixtures ofthick and thin hard rods of the same length using the Onsagerand Parsons-Lee theories. Two methods have been used todetermine the equilibrium free energy and phase behavior ofthe mixtures for varying molecular parameters: the trial func-tion approach and direct functional minimization. The use oftrial functions provides analytical, but approximate, equa-tions for the thermodynamic properties such as the free en-ergy, pressure, and the chemical potentials �Eqs. �25�–�27� inthe Onsager theory; Eqs. �33�–�35� in PL theory�; the func-tional minimization method provides exact solutions for anaccurate implementation, but no analytical expressions forthe thermodynamics.

By comparing the phase behavior of the parallel and thefreely rotating models, we have shown that the excluded vol-ume terms related to configurations of parallel particles alsoplay a crucial role in stabilizing the nematic phase of thefreely rotating system. For example, using Onsager’s theory

FIG. 13. Type IV phase behavior. Reduced pressure-composition �P*-x� and composition-composition �c2−c1� represen-tations of the phase diagram of the system of thick �component 1�and thin �component 2� rods obtained with the Parsons-Lee theoryat aspect ratio k=L /D1=5 and diameter ratio d=D2 /D1=0.2. Thecontinuous curves correspond to the phase boundaries of theisotropic-nematic, isotropic-isotropic, and nematic-nematic phasetransitions, while the dashed line represents the isotropic-isotropic-nematic and isotropic-nematic-nematic three-phase lines. The three-phase region is indicated by the gray triangle in lower panel �b�.The diamond indicates the location of the isotropic-isotropic criticalpoint. The labels I and N denote isotropic and nematic phases,respectively. The mole fraction is that of the thin rods �x=x2�.

FIG. 14. Classification of the types of phase behavior of thebinary mixture of rigid thick �component 1� and thin �component 2�rods according to Parsons-Lee theory. Regions of four distinct typesof phase diagrams are shown in diameter ratio �d=D2 /D1�–aspectratio �k=L /D1� plane. The diamonds indicate the molecular param-eters of those systems for which the phase diagrams are presentedin the subsequent figures.



with the Gaussian approximation �large aspect ratios� thepressure �Eq. �25�� is obtained as a sum of two terms: thefirst is three times the ideal pressure of the freely rotatingmodel, and the second is the contribution due to the particlesbeing parallel. The inclusion of the finite size terms has adramatic effect on the phase behavior in relation to the sta-bility of the nematic phase. In the case of the system ofparallel system of thin and thick rods only a single region of

N-N coexistence is predicted, bounded at lower pressure�density� by a critical point. Depending on the value of thediameter ratio, the freely rotating systems can simulta-neously exhibit demixing and enhanced mixing; this can giverise to N-N demixed regions bounded by lower or uppercritical points. The N-N demixing transition bounded by anupper critical point is found between two types of phasebehavior; it is preempted by an I-N phase transition when thetwo particles are not sufficiently dissimilar, while for increas-ing incompatibility between the components �decreasing di-ameter� an eggcuplike demixing phase boundary with nocritical points is observed. By performing a global searchmonitoring critical points and three-phase lines, four differ-ent types of phase diagrams are predicted: only a lowerN-N critical point �type I�; lower and upper N-N criticalpoints �type II�; N-N demixing without N-N critical points�type III�; and only a lower I-I critical point �type IV�. TypesI and II phase behavior have not been previously seen intheoretical studies of the system of thick and thin rods�22,31�.

We have also provided a semiquantitative description ofthe experimental phase behavior of a mixture of bare andPEG-coated fd viruses. For the precise values of the molecu-lar parameters of the experimental system �k=24, d=0.345;and k=24, d=0.333� the phase diagrams obtained with thePL theory deviate substantially from those determined ex-perimentally. In order to get the closest theoretical represen-tation of the type of behavior found experimentally, we findthat the aspect ratio of the particles has to be less than 7.5.This is significantly different from the experimental value.There are at least two possible reasons for this discrepancy.On the one hand the fd and fd-PEG viruses are far frombeing hard rods; they are actually flexible and chiral par-ticles. The fd virus is also negatively charged and the inter-action between the fd virus and the fd-PEG virus is nonad-ditive. Furthermore, neither the PL nor the Onsager theory isexact in the nematic phase, even in the Onsager limit. Toresolve these problems it would be desirable to perform athorough simulation study in the dense nematic phase for amixture of hard rods to test the reliability of the theories. Inaddition, improvements to the model, i.e., the treatment offlexibility, electrostatic- and nonadditive unlike interactions,should provide a closer representation of the experimentalsystem, though this would involve much more complex the-oretical calculations. We leave these issues for future studies.


S.V. would like to thank the OTKA of Hungary �GrantNumber F 47312� for financial support; A.G. would like tothank the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Coun-cil �EPSRC� of the U.K. for support. K.P. and S.F. weresupported by NSF/DMR grant. A.G. and G.J. acknowledgefurther support from the EPSRC �GR/N03358, GR/N35991,and GR/R09497�, the Joint Research Equipment Initiative�JREI� for computer hardware �GR/M94427�, and the RoyalSociety-Wolfson Foundation for the award of a refurbish-ment grant.

FIG. 15. Composition-composition �c2−c1� representations ofthe phase diagram of the system of thick �component 1� and thin�component 2� rods obtained with the Parsons-Lee theory at aspectratio k=L /D1=4 and diameter ratios of d=0.286 �a� and d=0.270�b�. The continuous curves correspond to the phase boundaries ofthe isotropic-nematic and nematic-nematic phase transitions. Thethree-phase region is indicated by the gray triangle in figure �b�.The diamonds show the location of the nematic-nematic criticalpoint, while the labels I and N denote isotropic and nematic phases,respectively.

VARGA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 051704 �2005�


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