Nehemiah - original personal notes in 43yr old Bible of Ken Murray

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Transcript of Nehemiah - original personal notes in 43yr old Bible of Ken Murray

  • 8/3/2019 Nehemiah - original personal notes in 43yr old Bible of Ken Murray


    NEl1EMIAH I39And Shel-e-mI'-ah, and Na-than, and A-clm'-iih,4011 !:"l(;l]-nM-e-btil, Sha'-shm,Shara'-!,41"reel, and Shel . .e-mr-ah,Shel11a:rr~h,,, L -42 Shal hl111 Am-a-rt -ah, andJoseph.

    k~ ~\s~j)illSO~fCHAPTER ITHEwords of b~~e"hevm-r~iihthe son of Hach-a-h -ah,And it came to pass in themonth Chls'-le1:1,n 'the~-' "' ' ie~h ear , as I was in ,--ShU'-"" ~~' Jshan 'hepalace,

    2 at eHa_-na'nY,ne of mybrethren, came, he and certainmen of Judah; and ,I askedthem concernin,; the Jews thathad escaped, whIch were left ofthe captivity, and concerningJerusalem.3 And they said unto me,Theremnant that are left ofthe cap-tivity there inthe province arein great affliction and reproach:the wall of Jerusalem also hisbroken down, and the gatesthereof are burned with fire.I ,-r And it cameto pass, wheniI heard these words, that jI satidown and wept, and mourned~certain 4 , r u r . , and ~, and~ Derore theL:'Od of'IleaVeii,I 5And said, I beseech thee, 0!LORD God ofheaven, lthe great!and terrible GoA,=tnat k~p~\ covenant an~~y for them!that 10 e " f f i J 1 l and observe ~If7._91Ql)J"ments:e me ear now be a tten-tive, and thine eyes open, thatthou mayest hear the Frayerof t hy servant, whi ch praybefore thee now,dayand night,

    ::U- i . " "I:.,~J\ i~ c . 1 !J~ ~" " ~ ~

    il, 3 Of the sons of Neb5;J~:(.el, lVlat-tHhfii~, Za'-bil.d,Ze-bI'-nii, Ja'dau, and ]i)-el,Be-naJ.'-llh_44 Allthese hadtaken strang-ewive-s: and sorlie ofthem had,WIves by whom they had eM-d i ~ 1 1 , .~~ 2 '., ~b 7~'~/~THE ::r~~vP.:\.\('~~I'l E H E IV I( If1 ,.I~IA ~T1l-eTIl.."",~ rv~ ~rs kQ_"'I

    CHAPTER 2~~ ;R~ ND it came to pass in the"1' t 1 . c ' 1 . month aNt'san, in btheVwentieth year of~Ar~~e king, that wine was before-44~ @,' !!: him: and dI took upthe wine,and gave it unto theking. NowIhad not been beforetime sadin his presence.2Wherefore theking saiduntome, Why is thy countenancesad, seeing thou art not sick?this is nothing else but sorrowofheart. Then I was very soreafraid,3 And said unto the king.r l.ett he king l ive for ever: whyshould not my countenance besad, when kthe city, the placeof my fathers' sepulchres, liethwaste, and thegates thereof areconsumed with fire?4 Then the king said unto me,For what dost thou make re-!'i~'. quest? SoI prayedto lthe God

    $-~ iN.of heaven.- h ' S ."T . 5And Iaid unto the k~g, If'1 1.,~ ~ It please the kmg, and If thyc .~ servant have found favour inthy sight , that thou wouldestsend me unto JUdah, unto thecity of my fathers' sepulchres,that I may bui ld i t.6 And the king said unto me,(the IQ!1eenaIso slttmg oy him.)For how long shan thy journeybe? and when wiltthou return ?So it pleased the king to sendme; and I set him a ' time.7 Moreover I said unto theking, If i t please the king, letletters be given me to the"governors beyond the river,that they mayconvey me overtill I comeinto Judah;8 Anda letter untoA_'saphthekeeper ofthe king's forest, thathemaygive metimber to makebeams for the gates of thetpalace which appertained tothe house, and for t he wallof the ci ty, and for the housethat I shall enter into. Andtheking granted me, "according to

    deh.:t. IX

    the good hand of my Goduponme,9 ~ Then I came to the'governors beyond the river,and gave them the rung' s let .ters, Now the king had sentcaptains ofthe army and horse-men with me.10 When eSanbiil '-liit thefH6r'-on-ite, ariCiV'I'Q-brah theservant, the Anml~lleardof it, it grieved them exceed-ingly that there was come aman h~~k..the welfw;_eofthechildren ofIsrael.II iSo I came to Jenlsalem,and was there threedays_, - 3,-L",(}",12~ AndI arose inthetpI and some few nlen WI me;'neither toldI anyman what myGodhaa put m mdihear t to doatJerusalem: ner erwas thereany beast with me, save thebeast that I rode upon.1AndI went out bynight bythe =gate of the val ley, evenbefore the dragon well, and tothe ndung port, and viewed thewalls ofJerusalem, which werebroken down, and the gatesthereof were consumed withfire.14Then I went onto the agateof the fountain, and to thePking's pool: but there was noplace for the beast that wasunder me to pass.1 Then went I upinthenightbythe qbrook, and viewed thewall, and turned back, andentered by the gate of thevalley, and so returned.16 And the ' rulers knew notwhither I went, orwhat I d id ;neither had I as yet told ittotheJews, nor to the priests, nor tothe nobles,norto therulers, nortothe rest that did the work.1~ ~saidluntojJl~ Yesee the distress that we are in,how Jerusalem lietii waste, andthe gates thereof are burnedwith fire: come, and let usbuild upthe wall ofJ~rusalem, (that webeno more va(t_eproach.)~ j{"'--)

    o eh 3 : IS& :1:2. 37.

    a Esth 3 7b chcr , IeEzr . 8 3 6.

    ech4I7& 6. I 2 5,1214&I 3 2 8./Isa. IS !}.jer. 48. 3 ,5 .{ (e h 4 3 , 7&6. x, :1214 17 I g&:I3478lz Esth :10.3iEzr , 8 32ji Ki.:r'3I.

    k Soeh.I3

    leh.:I:. 45.m2 Ch,26.9-n ch, 3 . I3 .'4

    P 2K, 2020IHebwife.

    q 2 Sa. IS2 _zch. 5 . 1 : 4&136

    s Ear. g 2

    ach 7. 20I ver. xaSee Ezr.7.6_v c h 3 : 3P s 44 1 3&79-4,62 3

  • 8/3/2019 Nehemiah - original personal notes in 43yr old Bible of Ken Murray


    Names and order cf t hem that bui lded the wal l NEHEMIAH 4

    1 1 ; l - f _ 1.

  • 8/3/2019 Nehemiah - original personal notes in 43yr old Bible of Ken Murray


    NEHEMIAH 4 Nehemiah prayeth and continueth the workbrethren and the armUL~~ when the Jews which dwelt bymar' .l .a , and said; What "IIo them came, they said unto usffiese'Teeble Jews? will they aGe. 3-7 aten times, 1From all places2fortify themselves? will they f ? o ~ ~ z ; ~ l y t whence ye shall return untosacrifice?willtheymakeanend ~ ; ' ~ , " : f ! C : us they will be upon a day? will they revive the turnt",". 13 ~ Therefore set I3in thestones out ofthe heaps ofthe 21~~~o lower places behind the wall,rubbish which are burned? themselves. and on the higher places, I3 Now bt:2~r'i1IJ the Ammon- : : r ; . ! ~ , ~ i h e even set the people after theirite was by 11m, and he said, ; :; :: ;o families with their swords,Even that which they build, if thcpt"ce, their spears, and their bows.c a fox go up, he shall even b~h. 10. 14And I looked, and rose up,break down their stone wall. cLamsva and said unto th~ nobles, and:r : '' ' '\ ' ' '-KCc

  • 8/3/2019 Nehemiah - original personal notes in 43yr old Bible of Ken Murray


    NEHEMIAH 6 Nehemiah's hospitality. Sanballat's craftwine, beside forty shi.-j'-kelsof I 5 Then sent San-bal'-Iat hissi lver ; yea , even thei r servant s' se rvant untome in li kemannerbare rule over the people: but the _ time with an openS-THT" did not I, because of the fear letter m his hand; LfL~">;ef God. 6 Wherein was written, Itis16 Yea, also Icontinued in reported among the heathen,the work oT"thitLYLill1 neither I and 'Gash'-l1lll. saith it, thatP2ught weany land: and a1ID.Ty vervr 2_ t hou and the Jews think =toservants V,Jcrc gathered thither a ch. 2 19 rebel : for which cause thouunto the work. buildest the wall, that thou!7 Mcreover there were at mayest be their king, a ccordingmy table an hundred and fifty to t hese words.~f the ;Je,:vs and rulers, beside 7 And thou hast also appoint-tnose that came unto us from ed prophets to preach of theethe heathen that are at Jerusalem, saying, There isus. a king in Judah: and now shallIS Now that bwhich was pre- hK.4 2_ it be repor ted to the king ac-pared for medaily was one ox cording to these words. Comeand si xchoi ce sheep; al so fowl s now the refore , and l et us t akewere pr epared for me, and once counsel t en days store of a ll sorts of 8 T hen I sent unto him, say-wine: yet for all this required ing, There are no such thingsnot E the b read of t he governor, done as thou sayest, but thoubecause the bondagewas heavy feignest t hemout of thi ne ownupon this people. heart.19'Think upon me, my God, ' 2 ; ; ' 3 2 - '4, 9 For they all made us afraid,forgood, according toall that I So 2Ki. 20 saying, Their hands shall behave done for this people. 3- weakened from the work. thatit be not done. Now therefore,o God, strengthen my hands.

    10Afterward I came unto thed ch, 2'0 house ofSl1ema~ the son of ~-. j rDel;f{ahthe son of li'ie-het'af.$~ i;>.jeJCL36_5_ beel,who was ' shut up; and hesaid, Let us meet together inthe house of God, within thetemple,andlet us shut the doorsof the t emple: for t hey willcome to slay thee; yea, in the

    night will they come to slaythee.IIAnd I said, Should such aman asI flee? andwho is there,.~xCh8 X2 that, being as I am, would gointo the temple to save hislife?I will not goin.

    !2 And, 10 I perceived that, , .IGodhad not sent him; but that .\..,).-" "r -he _prononnced this prophecyagainst me: for To-b(ah andSanM_l'-lat had hired him.13 Therefore was he hired,that I should be a frai d, anddo so, and sin, and that theymight have matter for au evil

    C:HAPTER 6

    ~~z >:; ; \ ,41!" iE..s"1V!~>'f s;.~4,Iff ~~~~~JI\~ N " f t . k \ ~\

  • 8/3/2019 Nehemiah - original personal notes in 43yr old Bible of Ken Murray


    A register ofthe genealogz; o/themthree thousand nine hundred" . ~ ~ ; : ; 3 : 0 ' and thirty.'4,'5. 39 ~ The priests: the childrenof je-da l' -i il l, o f the house a tjesh"Ua, nine hundred seventyand three.40The children of fmmer, athousand fifty and two.41The children of Pash'-fu, athousand twohundred forty andseven.42 The children of Hru-'-Irn, athousand and seventeen.43~ The Levites: the childre~

    10f jesb.',ua, of Kad'mlel, and

    '!l;laviah, of the children of lHOdevah,Ezr. 2 40 seventy and four.or, 7udah, 44 ~ The sine:ers: the childrenEzr39 f -, 0 h ~b Ezr, a, '9, 0 A :sap, , an hundred 'forty:lizr. 2 4', and elglit.'0 '.f 45 ~ The porters: the childrenzEz~_a , o ; : : of Sha l' lum, the chi ld ren of3 G ~ r b a r . Ater, the children of'I'al'-mcn,Ezr. 2 20 the chi ldren of Akkub , thechildren of Ha-tfta, the chilo~~zr. a.t, dren of ShO-ba:I, an hundredthirty and eight.46 ~ The Neth'inlms: thechildren of Zi'ha, the childrenof Hashu'pha, the children of

    Tabta:oth,47 The children ofKe'ros, thechildren ofSi' -a, the children ofPa:d6n,48 The children of Le-M'-n9.,the children of HiJ.g'-a-bii,thechildren of Shal'mm,49 The children of Ha'nan, thechildren ofGld'-del,the childrenof Ga'har,50 The children of Re-a-t'ah,

    ,Ezr. a 28. the children of Re'zrn,the chilodren of Ne-ko'da,51 T11echildren of Gazzam,the children of Uzza, the chilodren ofPhase'ah,52 The children of Be'sa-l,thechildren of Me-u'nim, the chilodren of Nephlsh'eshn,53 The children of Bakbi:ik,the children of Hakil'pha, thechildren of Har'hilr,54 The children of Baznth,fEzr. 2 33 the children of Mehi 'dii, the35 children of Har'osha,

    which came at thefirst from Babylon55 The children of Bar'kos,the chi ldren of S1S 'e-ra, thechildren of Ta:mah,56 The children of Nezi'oah,the children of Hatfpha.57 ' 1 , \ The children ofSolomon'sservant s: the ch ildren of So-ta'.I , the children of So'phe-reth, the children of per(;da,58 The children of jaa-Ia,the chi ld ren of Dar 'k6n, thechildren of Gld'del,59 The children of She;::h-a.ti' p~;t~'ah, the children of Hat -til, thechildren of Po'cMreth of Zeba:.'(m, the children of 2Amon. 2~~'.;.'~;:60 All the Neth'1n1ms, andthe children of Solomon's ser-vants, were three hundred nice-ty and two.61And these were they whichwent up also from Tel-me'lah,'.sha, Cherub, Ad'don,and im mer : but they couldnot shew their father's house,nor their a seed, whether they 3Or,were of Israel. pedigree.62 The children of Delal'ah,the children of Tob(ah, thechildren of Neko'da, six hun-dred b forty and two.63 ' 1 , \ And of the p ries ts : thechildren of Habal'ah, the chilodren of Koz, the ch ildren ofBar.zl1.m.I, which took one ofthe daughters ofBarz(l-la'1the c Ezr. 31Gileadite towife,and was calledafter their name.64These sought their registeramong those that were reckonedby genealogy, but i t was no t d Ezr. 30"found: therefore were they, aspolluted, put from the priest-hoo~ eili~~65 And 4the T1r'shMhii said i~;;;~~r,unto them, that they should not ver-ve-eat ofthe most holy things, till J ~ z ~ .'. 6there stood up a pries t wi th I'-rim and Thurnmlm66 ' 1 , \ The whole congregationtogether w a s for ty and tw: :Qthousand three hundred and 5,;;;~~;.;~~:,~re, in heartng.

    67 BesiCietheir manservantsand their maidser vants, of

    NEHEMIAH 8\whom there were seven thou-sand three htmdred thirty and

    a Ezr. 2 65 seven: and they had a two hun-dred forty and five singing menand singing women.68Their horses, seven hundredhundred forty and five:6g Their camels, four hundredthirty and five: six thousandseven ,hundred and twen tyasses.701,\ And 1some ofthe chief ofthe fathers gave unto the work-The T1r 'sha tha gave to thet reasure a thousand drams ofgold, fifty basons, five hundredand thirty priests' garments.71 And some of the chief ofthe fathers gave to the treasureof the work twenty thousanddrams of go ld, and two thou-sand and two hundred pound ofsilver.72And that which the res t ofthe peop le gave was twentythousand drams of gold, ' andtwo thousand potmd of silver,and threescore and sevenpriests' garments.

    b Ezr. a 60. 73 So the priests, and theLevites, andthe porters, andthesingers, and some of the people,and the Neth'inims, and allI srael , dwe lt in the ir c it ies ;'and when the seventh monthcame,the children ofIsrael werein their cities.

    NEHEMIAH 716 The childr en of Be-M'-i,six hundred twenty and "eight.17The children of Azgad, twothousand three hundred twentyand two.18 The children of Adbn!'kam, six hundred thIeescoreand aseven.19 The children of Blgv~i'oi,two thousand athreescore andseven.20The children of Xd1n,"sixhundred fifty and five.21 The childr en of A ter of!-Iez.e.kf.ah, ninety and eight.22 The children of Hash'Um,bthr ee hundr ed twent y andeight.23 The children of Beza.'i ,three hundred twenty andbfour.24 The children of "Har"lph,an hundred and twelve.25 The children of "Gibeon,ninety and five.26 The men ofBethlehem'.phah, an hundred dfour-score and eight.27 The men of An'athoth, anhundred twenty and eight.28 The men of 4Beth-azomaveth, forty and two.29 The men of 5Kl:r"jiith-je'a.rim, Cheph!'-rah, and Beer'oth, seven bundred forty andthree.30 The men of Ra. 'mah andGe'.ba, six hundred twenty andone.31The men of Ml(j!'omas, anhundred and twenty and two.32The men ofBeth-el and A -r ,ean hundred twenty and three.33The men of the other Ne 'bo, fifty and two.34 The ch ildren of the o the rE'.lam, a thousand two hundredfifty and four.35 The chi ldren of Har ' -Im,three hundred and twenty.36 The children of jericho,three hundred forty and five.37 The children of Lod, Ha'did, and C'no, seven hundredtwenty and f one.38 The children of Sen'-aah,

    4Or,Azmaveth.Ez1 ' 2 . 2 45 Or xo-Jath-ar?Jt.Ear e 25

    CHAPTER 8AN D all the people dgatherednhemselves together as oneman into the st ree t that wasbeforethe water gate; andtheyspake unto 'Ezra t~e fscribe tobring the b~f the law ofMoses, which the LORDhad F " ,, , .s ' l- " , .~con1.U1andedo Tsrael, !!iiiif?TM '''\10.""I'\;;.T52And E zra the pnest brought . ~-the law befc)fi;thecongregatIon 11\ ,= \ , : ,eh S . < : ; , - \2-bQthotmen ana wo1l1.e_g,riCI UVJ l:~'.2 . . A . - 'L:'SaIf5lhat could hear with t1i1:(, upon te ijrst g Q . Y oJtii(!en.tb.mon~l.3R l he read herein before

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    NEHEMIAH 8 The reading o f the l aw. Feast ifabernaclesthe street that was before the the sweet, and s nd. ..' S_I~M\!Ci4{wa~er g~te Ifrom the morning ~~~t'u~~~~-n~.iii

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    NEHEMIAH 9 The Levites' reZtgious c01ifession of God's goodness' " * ' 16 But they andM fathers inhabitants of the land, the.~ dealt E n ; : m C l l y . an hardened Canaanites, and gavest them{hell' necks, and hearkened not into their hands, with theirto thy commandments, kings, and the people of the17 And refused t o ~ neither land, that they might do with=werc mindful of thy wonders a P s. , S r r , them 'as they would. -"'--that thou didst among them; : 1 ' 1 : 5 : ac- 25And they took strong cities,but hardened their necks, and ~ ~ ; 1 : " ! L ! f . and a b fat land, and possessedin their rebellion ' '" tp.~~~: yet wo they~ ~ifOO~veear: =therefore gavestthan them into the hand ofthepeopleof the lands.31Nevertheless for thy greatmercies' sake bthou didst notiitterly consume them, nor for-sake them; for thou art a

    fgracious and merciful God.3 ' 2 " ' N ow tliereIOre,Dur "God,the great, the mighty, and theterrible God, vwho keepest co-venant and mercy, let not allthe "trouble seem little beforethee, 7 that hath come upon us,on our kings, on our princes,and on our priests, and on ourprophets, and on our fathers,and on all thy people, hsincethetime ofthe kings ofAssyriaunto this day.33 ~owbeit ithot1 art j!!i_inall that isbrought upon us; forthou ha~L!!meJig!J!, but wenave'l'lo!le w 1 .l ;. ks ;Q !4 [: .'3 4 Netfherfiave our kings,our princes, our priests , norour fathers, kept thy law, norhearkened unto thy command-ments and thy testimonies,wherewith thou didst testifyagainst them.35 For they have not servedthee in their kingdom, and inthy great goodness that thougavest them, and in the largeand fat land which thou gavestbeforethem, neither turned the_yfromtheir wklFed work~.~a, 3'we are-servantsthis day, and for the land thatthou gavest unto our fathersto eat the fruit thereof and thegood thereof, behold., we areservants in it:37 And it yieldeth much in-crease unto the kings whomthou hast set over us becauseof our s ins: also they havedominion over our bodies, andover ourcattle, at their pleasure,and we are in great distress. k;z~i;~33.3.38And because ofall this k~ ch. ' 0 2 9

    protractover tlumo2Heb. inthehatdo_fhyprophets.3Heh areattheseal1tr:or, 10. Ia Ezr. 91-4Heb,atthesea nsc h 9 3B5Or, tteJoverorSeech,8 g.b jer.4 2'1 .ech.:t. r ,deh.:n. Uee ch 3 23'/ver.17g Deu 7 g6Heb,weariness.Mal.Iq7Heb. thathahowdus.n a K l 73 oiEz r. 9 1 :5

    iEzr. g g

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    NEHEMIAH II The obligations qf the covenantthepriests, theLevites, and thepeople,for athe wood bring it into the house ofour God, after the houses ofourfathers, at btimes appointedyear byyear, to burn upon thealtar of the LORDour God, c a' Sit iswritten in the l aw: '35And to bring dthefirstfruitsof ou r g round, and the first-~ of all fruit of all trees,year by year , unto the houseof the LORD:36 Also the fir stborn of oursons, andof our cattle, gas it iswritten inthe law, andthe first-l ings of our herds and of ourflocks, tobring to the house ofour God,unto the priests thatmin ist er i n t he house of ou rGod:37 iAnd that we should bri ng' ,thefirstfruits ofour dough,andre H\t,Q.Sour offenngs, ana the fruit ofall manner of t rees, of wineand of oil, unto the priests, tothe k chambers ofthe house ofour God; and the ltithes ofourground unto the Levltes, thatthe same Levites might havethe tithes "in all the cities ofIour tillage. '38 And the priest the son ofiAaron shall be with the Le-vites, v when the Levites taketm le, : and the Levi tes shallbnng upthe tithe oftheJithesunto the house of our God,-ll)the chambers, into rthe treasure ihouse. :39For the children of Israeland the children of Levi shall!bring the offering of the corn, Iof the new wine, and the oil ,'unto the chambers, where arethe vessels of the sanctuary, iand the priests that minister,:andthe porters, andthe singers:and we will nQL.Wsak,".,.~, ,~house of our God. -:fC>R'$i\;,\\

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    CHAPTER I2 (Now these are the =priestaand the Levites that wentup with Ze-n'lb'-ba-Ml the sonof She-aY-tt-eI, and jesh' -u-a ;Se-n'll'-ah, jeremiah, Ezra,2 Am-a-rI'-ah,'Mar-lUch, Hat'tush, -3 3Shecj}-a-nI'-ah, 4Re'-hiim,

    6Mer'-e-moth,4 id'-do, 7Gin'-ne-tho, A-bI'jah,5 8Mi'-a_-min,Ma-a-di'-ah, BiYgah,6 Shem-;OiY-ah,nd j6{-a-rib,je-da{-ah,7 sar-io, X-mok, Hll-kI'ah, je-da{-ah_ These were thechief of the priests and of theirbrethren in the days ofjesh"ft-a_8Moreover the Levites: jesh'u-a, Bin-nu-r, KM'-mi-el, Sher-e-bt-ah, judah, and Mattant-ah, which was dover llthethanksgiving, he and his bre-thren.9 Also Bak-bii-kI'-i:ih andun'-nl, their brethren, wereover against them in thewatches,10'J And jesh'-[t-a begat Jill'a-kim, J6i.'-a-klm also begatE-n-ash'ib, and E-n-ash'-lb be-gat J6(a-da,II And j61.'-a-dabegat Jona-than, and jonathan begat JM.dii-a.' I2':And in the days of j61.' were priests, the chief ofthe fathers: of seral' ah, Mera-{'ah; of Jeremiah. Win-a'ni'-ah ;13 Of Ezra, Meshul'lam; ofAm-a-r(-ah, je-h6-ha'-nan;14 Of Mer-r-cU,jonathan; ofSneb-a-nt'-ah, joseph;IS Of Har- tm, Adna] of Me-ral"6th, Hel-ka'-l;16 Ofid'-do, Zechjt-n'-ah; ofGm'vne-tnon, Mit-sHill-tam;

    b Ezr . 6 89& 7. 20: Or, asureordinance.2Or,JrJecuverv ra3Or, Siteo-uJtat,verI4_40,HarJn"ver, : IS.S Ge 38 . 3DZarah.6Or,,Iferaiotlt,ver. IS7Or, Gn~nethon,verv re.BOr! lVHn-a1JuJver. x79Or,lIIoadiah,verJ7c Jos 21 :I10Or,Sal/ai,vervac

    ex Ch d-. 14and margo

    and chief Lev it es . The dedicat ion qf the wal l NEHEMIAH 1217 Of Ab(-jah, Zl@-r i; ofMtn-r'-a-mm, of Mo-a-df-ah,Pfl-tavi ;18 OfBir-gah, Sham'miia; ofShem-a(-iih, Je-h6n'-a-than;IgAc'1dof j61.'-a-rib,Mat-t e'nal;of je-da{-iih, Uz'-Zi;20 Of Sal-lit'-l, KiH-la"l; ofXmok, E'ber; ach.132221 OfHfl-kt'-ah, Hash-a-bt'-ah; 30.of je-dal'-ah, Neth'-a-neel.22 ' J The Levites in the daysof E-n-ash"lb, jo{-a-da, andj6-ha'-nan, and jad'-dii-a, wererecorded chief of the fathers:also the priests, tothe reign of b ver. 38Da-rt'-iis the Persian. c ch. 2 '323 The sons ofLevi, the chief &3'3, '4-of the fathers, were written inthe book ofthe chronicles, evenunti l the days of dj6ha'-nan ,{Ezr_ '0.6.the son of E-li-ash'ib.24 And the chief of the Le-vites: Hash-a-bi'-ab, Sher-e-br'-ah, and jesh'-i i- a the son ofKad'miel, with their brethren'over against them, /to praise ev",.g.and hto give thanks, iaccord- ~2 c ! h . 5 ; 5 ~ 3 .i ng to the commandment of r'hDavid jthe man of God,kward ~~r:;.'t7'over against ward. ~.~~U~;4'25 Matta-n(-ah, and Bak-bu- k Ezr. 3u.k(-ah, o-ba-di'-ah,Me-shiil'-lam,Tar-mon, Ak-kub, were porterskeepingthe ward atthe 1hresh- x s ~ ; ; : : ' ' ' ' ' 'olds of the gates. or, v-26 These were in the da.Y.of 1:'C';::':3.5.Iill'a_;#;'1whe son of jesh'-uT,the son of jo' -z ii -dak, and inthe days of Jie-l1emI-lih, the mchce '4g~r,and of~ the llriest,"the scr~. " Ezr. 76.27,-r d at the dedication 0 cb. 3 ] : 5pof the wall of jerusaJem they~tfie 'I.Ov~ Pout of all pch. ",36.their places, Ning them to q ch 3 26jerusalem, to keep the dedica- rver3 M \ ~~Jion with gladnes~ both with M;M~hanks.givings, and with si?g:

    I "" ~ ~ with cymbals, saltenesand withhatj 2s. """ .28 And the sons ofthe singersgathered themselves together,both out of vthe plain country v ch.3aa,round about Jerusalem, and 7"ch.8. ,6.

    NEHEMIAH I2 I nhabitants of the c it ie s, The high pri es tsLevites at jerusalem was uz'- 36 And of the Levites werezl the son ofBa-rn, the son of divisions in judah, and in Ben-Hash-a-br-an, t he son of Mat - jamin,ta-nf'-ah, the son of Mt cha.Of the sons of X -saph, thesingers were over the business a Ezr .r,ofthe house ofGod. a23 For itwas bthe king's com-mandment concerning them,that 1a certain portion should beforthesingers, dueforeveryday.24 And peth-a-hi'ah the sonof Me-shez'-a-beel, of the chil-dren o f 5Ze' rah the son ofjudah, was at the king's handin all matters concerning thepeople.25 And for the villages, withtheir fields,some ofthe childrenof Judah dwelt at cKlr'jath-ar' bii, and in the villagesthereof, and at D( -bon, andin the villages thereof, and atje-kab'-zeel, and in the villagesthereof,26 And at jesh' -f t-a, and atl\'Io-la'dah, and at Beth'-phe-let,27 And at Ha'-zar-shll'-al, and dCpch.".at Beer-she-ba, and in the vil- ~~~.4 .5.lages thereof, ' : ; ,; h a t i s ,28 And at Ziklag, and at Me- psalms ofk6'-nah, and in the vi ll ages ~~; :: ;:thereof,29 And at En-rim'-mQn, andat Za-re'-ah, and at jar"mllth,30 Zano'-ah, Adullam, andin their villages, at La'-@sh,and the fieldsthereof, at A-ze'kah, and in the villages thereof.And they dwel t f rom Beer-she'-bi!.unto the valley ofHln'nom.31 The children also of Ben-jamin 12fromGe'ba dwelt 13at : ; 8 ; ; i { :l\' l1~'mash, and A{-ja, andBeth-el, and in their villages,32 And at An'-ji-thoth, Nob,An-a-n(ah,33 Ha-zer, Ra'mah, Gltta'Im,34 Ha'-did, Zeb6'-im, Ne-bal'-lat,35 Lod, and o'no, 'the valleyof craftsmen.

    fromthe villages of Netoph'i!.-thr;29 Also fr om the house ofGil'-gal, and out of the fieldsof Ge'-baand Az-ma-veth: forthe singers had builded themvillages round about jerusalem.30 And the pri est s and theLevites apurified themselves,andpurified the people,and thegates, and the wall.31 Then I brought up theprinces ofJudah upon the wall,and appointed two great com-panies of them thatgavethanks,whereof b onewent 011 the righthand upon thewall 'toward thedung gate:32 And after them went H6sha{-ah, and half ofthe princesof judah,33 And Aziiri'ah,Ezra,andMe-shiil',Uul1,34 judah, and Benjamin, andShem-ai'-ah, and Jeremiah,35 And certain of the priests'sons gwith trumpets; namely,Ze~-a-r( ah the son of jonathan, theson of Shem-ar'-ah, theson of l\lat-ta-n(ah, the son ofMl-~ru:ah, the son of Zac'cUr,the son ofA:-saph:36 Andhis brethren, Shem-al'an, and Az-a-ra'el, Mll'-aUu,Glr-a-lal, Ma-a"l, Neth'-anel,and judah, Ha-na-nt, with+themusical instruments of Davidthe man of God,and w.. thescribe before them.

    37 And at the mfountain gate,which was over against them,they went up by

  • 8/3/2019 Nehemiah - original personal notes in 43yr old Bible of Ken Murray


    NEHEMIAH I3 Israel separated from. strange1"S=old gate, and above the bfish a ch.36 and 'they I sanctified lwly thingsgate, andthe dtower of H a n r m a m b:r: Ch33 unto the Levites; and the Le-nee!, and dthe tower of Mt)'iih, C2~U rs,2 ', vites sanctified them unto theeven unto the d sheep gate: and rThat is, children of Aaron. . r lo N ")they stood sti ll in the ~ and soine of my servants setIfhem~nrtheir 'place. . " Heb.. at the gates, that there should12Then brought all .Iudahvthe l P ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8o burden be brought inonthet ithe of the com and the new '2. 44 sabbath day.Wille and the oil unto the I 20Sothemerchants andsellers2 treasuries. 1 , ~ ; " , : : ~ y e . ofall kind ofware lodgedwith.13fnd hI~ade tr~asur~r~over :t: ;h . 3 " 1 outjerusalem onc~ or treasurIes"SI:el-e'm! a~~e l ' 3 21 Then I testified againstpriest, and za -dok the scribe, them, and said unto them,Whyand of the Levites: pedru'-~: i b ;; '; ~ ; . \ lodge ye "about the wall? i fyeand 4next to them was !Ia'-nan t Heb. 1 do so again, I will lay hands onthe son of Ziic'cUr,the son of ~~;;:t:' ' ' you. From that time forth cameMat-tanI'-W1.:~t'or they were I . l._~__!!() more onthe sabb~counted (ffai t1if~ ~d "their r~~:4~~.~2Aiid wa~tnbute unto lHeb. I vites that they should icleanse

    I i the~ e.rethre~ - ~ ~ 1 l , ; ~ t : < P o n J themselves,andthattheyshouldf\I, ~7"=-....Ji n . , udah s_ o e trea w r t , ~ J ; .muZ ;;"23~IInthose days also saw ~. so v. 'I iN ! W . R _ F 4 h . ' V 'l ' , "

    fEx.20.,o J~ tti t 9h d n"~;arl ,~Heb.;ad 0 .L. c; v a ~~_ % . ( ' > V. 1't~"Z.~ ~~HK .' ~~~. ~madeto. 0 mA.!!.:floct._ofnAmmon fld. o ", l." .-~sses~_asa sowme,Jil".ll11~,l!!l

    0;;."" n~ IVw~.x-

    xL-\ S . , ,- - ( , ;, ~ 't,~-ZCloud..... ''l'''nI ",jG.f':,'~'r~ ~. nI'

  • 8/3/2019 Nehemiah - original personal notes in 43yr old Bible of Ken Murray


    't:ptll'~B o-~ i.~~Z - l)~\l;;"_"" . q~ :,. .. . . . r~ ~. crr' ,~- ~ N,()~ ,I ~ (lF ~f to I) i@! >2-~,~ '~v\P% \~y ~'" ' r < : > ~t :: .s. ~~1 T~ ::rE.IAl"t; AhasuenlS' decree of men's s07)ereignty ESTHER 2

    :r.oHebunto thehand:IIOr,He,gal,verva r5-

    19 1If it please the king, letthere go a royal commandment2 fromhim, and let it bewrittenamong the lawsof the Persiansand the bMedes, that it 3be te r~, That y~i " cQ.Plen?-n:~'i~. before l il ll~. A~as iH j ~I..-y O"Ii\-\"~) ~ ,rus; and let the kmg grve her p;g.tRPQ:;":-royal estate 5unto another that O < i mgdom;)a;5'"'fR'i,: ~ > 7 . J 5 8What shall wedounto the..Iueen Vashti according to law,because she hath not performedthe commandment of the king},.has-ue"riisby the chamber-1ffiiisr-~ ,~( o -N " ,, ,, " 16 Andni ~ns'Yere(l,,~ 7 before th~ ~ ana e princes,I ' lZ u