Neff and Bishop-1988-Plumbate Origins and Development

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    Society for American Archaeology

    Plumbate Origins and DevelopmentAuthor(s): Hector Neff and Ronald L. BishopSource: American Antiquity, Vol. 53, No. 3 (Jul., 1988), pp. 505-522Published by: Society for American ArchaeologyStable URL:

    Accessed: 14/01/2009 11:38

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  • 7/28/2019 Neff and Bishop-1988-Plumbate Origins and Development


    PLUMBATE ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENTHector Neff and Ronald L. Bishop

    The question of spatial and temporal origins for Plumbate ware is addressed with archaeological evidencefromthe eastern Soconusco region of the Pacific slope, and evidence from a recent stylistic and compositional study(the latter by neutron-activation analysis). This evidence confirms the Pacific coastal-origins hypothesis proposedby Shepard (1948), suggesting specifically that thefirst Plumbate, designated "Guayabal Plumbate, "was producedin or near the littoral zone of southwest Guatemala. The development of Early Postclassic Tohil Plumbate out ofLate Classic San Juan Plumbate is found not to involve a hypothesized intermediate stage (designated "Robles"in previous literature). The fancy abstract-incised and effigy style associated with Tohil Plumbate is argued torepresent a stylistic departure of a small group of ceramic artisans who previously had worked in a long-lived"background"tradition.

    Scholarly interest in mesoamerican Plumbate ware dates to 1840, when Stevens and Catherwoodextracted a complete Tohil Plumbate lamp chimney from a tomb at Zaculeu, in the western highlandsof Guatemala (Dutton 1943). Initially, interest in the ware centered on its unique technologicalqualities, especially the very hard, apparently glazed surface. During the early twentieth century,questions about temporal and spatial origins occupied the minds of scholars familiar with theextremely wide distribution of Plumbate finds (e.g., Dutton 1943; Saville 1916; Spinden 1915;Vaillant 1927). A seminal monograph by Shepard (1948) answered many questions related both totechnology and culture history, but Shepard was careful to point out that numerous questionsremained unanswerable until further excavations and technical and stylistic studies had been com-pleted. The purpose of the present article is to disseminate information about Plumbate which hascome to light since the publication of Shepard's work.Considering the importance attached to Plumbate as a chronological diagnostic and as an indicatorof specialization and commercialization during the Late Classic and Early Postclassic periods (e.g.,Lee 1978; Webb 1973), the new information should contribute to a better understanding of thedevelopment of mesoamerican society. In this paper, we will not deal explicitly with the implicationsof our data for issues relating to societal development. Instead, we will address two rather specificculture-historical questions which may have an important bearing on ensuing discussions of thebroader issues.The two culture-historical questions we will address are: (1) where and when did Plumbateoriginate? and (2) given that the widely traded Tohil variety stylistically is distinct from earlier SanJuan Plumbate, what length of time and what circumstances might have attended the transitionbetween the two varieties? Both these questions have been discussed in previous literature.The new data on Plumbate origins and development derive from archaeological investigationscarried out on the Pacific slope of Mesoamerica since the 1940s and from a recent stylistic andchemical-compositional study undertaken by the authors. A detailed account of this research ispresented in Neff (1984), but also see Neff(1987a, 1987b).

    Hector Neff and Ronald L. Bishop, Conservation Analytical Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,DC 20560

    AmericanAntiquity, 53(3), 1988, pp. 505-522.Copyright? 1988 by the Societyfor AmericanArchaeology


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    PLUMBATE ORIGINSShepard's (1948) inferences regarding Plumbate origins provide a logical point of departure fora discussion of more recent findings. To Shepard, the unusual paste composition (a distinctive,

    andesitic, volcanic-ash temper) combined with inferred special pyrotechnology constituted persua-sive circumstantial evidence that Plumbate originated from a single source. In particular, she wasconvinced (Shepard 1948:115-132, 145) by survey and excavation data that the Plumbate productioncenter or centers were on the Pacific slope of southern Mesoamerica, near the present Mexico-Guatemala border (Figure 1). Shepard's work did not deal explicitly with chronological origins, butshe summarized excavation data from Kaminaljuyu (Kidder et al. 1946), El Baul (Thompson 1948),and Tajumulco (Dutton and Hobbs 1943) which indicated a Late Classic period placement for SanJuan and an Early Postclassic period placement for Tohil Plumbate. Thus, Plumbate was thoughtby Shepard and her contemporaries to have originated on the Pacific slope of southern Mexico orsouthwestern Guatemala sometime during or prior to the Late Classic period.

    By and large, Shepard's inferences about Plumbate origins have been confirmed by excavationsand surveys undertaken on the Pacific coastal plain of Chiapas and Guatemala since the 1940s (Coe1961; Coe and Flannery 1967; Drucker 1948; Dutton 1958; Kidder and Shook 1959; Lee 1973,1978; Lowe et al. 1982; Lowe and Mason 1965; Neff 1984; Parsons 1967; Rands and Smith 1965;Shook 1947, 1965). The abundance of Plumbate at Late Classic sites near the Chiapas-Guatemalaborder, especially at Santa Romelia (Figure 2), led Shook (1965:190) to suggest that Plumbateproduction centers probably were located within a 20-km radius of Santa Romelia. Shook (personalcommunication 1981) also observed a subterranean feature during road grading at the site of LaBlanca (Figure 2) which he interpreted as a primitive kiln. As at most sites on this part of the coastalplain, abundant Plumbate sherds were found associated with the feature, leading to speculation thatthe road grading may have unearthed a Plumbate production locus. Unfortunately, the grading alsoremoved the feature and associated artifacts before Shook was able to make a careful study of them.The only scholar to have questioned seriously the hypothesis of a southwest Guatemalan orsouthern Chiapan origin for Plumbate ware is Bruhns (1980). Bruhns (1980:845) states, "evidencehas appeared that casts some doubt on the single area of manufacture hypothesis and suggests thatthere were other types of Plumbate that were not of Guatemalan manufacture." The discrepancybetween this view and the more commonly held view about the source of Plumbate is due to thefact that Bruhns apparently defines Plumbate to include Late Classic-Early Postclassic slipped graywares from several mesoamerican regions. Plumbate, as most investigators understand the potteryclass, encompasses the fancy Tohil vessel categories described by Shepard along with a number ofplain vessel forms usually referred to as San Juan Plumbate, which are common in sherd collectionsfrom southwestern Guatemala and southern Chipas. Bruhns's inclusion of any shiny gray ware ofthe Late Classic and Early Postclassic periods under the rubric "Plumbate" would seem to confuserather than clarify.Research initiated in 1979 (Neff 1984) produced further evidence strongly supporting the originshypothesis of Shepard, Shook, and others. The project was designed to take advantage of a database of excavated Plumbate which had expanded rapidly since the 1940s, and to take advantage ofnew analytical techniques which had been introduced to ceramic studies. Fieldwork focused on alittoral region of the Pacific slope (Figure 2) which some evidence suggested was within or near thezone where Plumbate was produced. Laboratory research consisted of formal and compositionalanalysis of collections resulting from the fieldwork and from field survey and excavations of others.The compositional analysis involved neutron activation analysis of 432 specimens of Plumbate andother Pacific coastal ceramics.Results of Recent Fieldwork

    The field investigations alluded to above were carried out in the littoral zone near the mouth ofthe Naranjo and Tilapa rivers (Figure 2). Coe and Flannery (1967) surveyed this region in the early1960s, locating the site of SM54 (Figure 3). They describe SM54 as follows: "Surface pottery wasincredibly abundant, all of it Marcos [phase]. Of 93 'diagnostic' sherds, 84 were of San Juan

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    HONDURASRIo Arrib.lAzaps ,

    F lemencPlo Godor

    Tiuli ste 30 1Q 200 2300a- . a aA a~30


    :* Suggested Plumbate Source Region

    Figure 1. Map of southern Mesoamerica showing suggested Plumbate source region and some sites whichcontributed specimens to the Plumbate compositional data base.

    Plumbate" (Coe and Flannery 1967:96). Brief reconnaissance of the area southeast of SM54 un-dertaken in 1981 and reported elsewhere (Neff 1981) revealed that there is an almost continuoussherd scatter extending along the inland edge of the beach sand/scrub forest zone, from SM54 atleast to the vicinity of Guayabal- and Guayabal-2. The sites of SM54, Guayabal- 1, and Guayabal-2were investigated systematically.The fieldwork at the above-named sites included mapping, surface collection, and, at SM54,subsurface testing with a posthole digger. The overwhelming preponderance of pottery recovered

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    Figure 2. Map of the eastern Soconusco region showing some Late Classic and Early Postclassic period sitesdiscussed in the text.

    at all sites was Plumbate, with simple forms, usually subclassified as "San Juan Plumbate," dom-inating the collection. A representative sample of pottery was collected at SM54 by means of totalsurface collection within randomly chosen 5 x 5-m grid units. Two posthole-digger tests also wereplaced within each sampled unit. The overall proportion, by weight, of Plumbate to other potteryclasses at SM54 is 9:1. Many sampled units yielded only Plumbate sherds. The massive bulk ofPlumbate sherds at these sites (aside from the dominance relative to other pottery classes) alsosuggests proximity to production centers: one unit at SM54 (unit 12) yielded 12.54 kg of Plumbatesherds from the surface collection alone.

    Among the material collected at SM54 were several small, amorphous lumps of poorly fired clay.These objects were tentatively interpreted as by-products of pottery making, being macroscopicallysimilar in color and texture to the associated Plumbate sherds. Many sherds from the site showedspalling and malformation indicating they may have been wasters. Although no evidence of firing

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    4 O00 0O 0

    -2 . 0 o2 ' o892 oTohl-4_0 , O-3 -/ 0

    --3 * .o *

    -7 --8 - - . * * * * * .-6 -3 -1 1 3 6 7 9

    DIscrlmlAnt unction 1Figure 3. Scatterplot of specimens in three Plumbate compositional core groups relative to two canonical

    discriminant-function axes.

    was encountered at SM54, the volume of ceramic material along with the presence of pottery-makingby-products and wasters suggest that the site was either a production locus or a dump where therefuse from Plumbate production was discarded.Results of Compositional Analysis

    Neutron activation analysis of Plumbate and other ceramic materials from sites in extremesouthwestern Guatemala and southern Chiapas (the eastern Soconusco region) yielded further evi-dence tending to confirm that the production center or centers were located there. Specific resem-blances between Plumbate and pottery-making by-products found at SM54 constitute part of theevidence; other evidence comes from comparison of Plumbate and nonlocal pottery to a generalizedceramic-compositional profile derived for the region.Three homogeneous compositional groups were recognized among the 360+ Plumbate specimensanalyzed by neutron activation. Separation between these three chemical groups is illustrated inFigure 3, a plot of the core-group members relative to two discriminant functions derived from thethree predefined groups. Outliers (i.e., specimens falling outside the 95 percent probability boundariesof all three core groups) were assigned to one of the core groups by classification functions derivedfrom discriminant analysis. Two of the three chemical groups (San Juan and Tohil) correspond topreviously established taxonomic units. The third group (Guayabal) is a new Plumbate subclasswhich, based on compositional, stylistic, and contextual evidence, taxonomically should be consid-ered equivalent to San Juan and Tohil (Neff 1984). Two of the three groups, San Juan and Guayabal,were present among the analyzed specimens from the littoral-zone sites of SM54, Guayabal- 1, andGuayabal-2.It is important to point out that the noncore group members are definitely Plumbate and not

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    some other pottery class. Their outlier status relative to the core groups may be due to inconsistenttempering practices, analytical vagaries, or to the fact that they belong to other Plumbate compo-sitional groups which were represented by only a few members in the analyzed sample and thereforewere not recognized as distinct groups.The amorphous clay lumps from SM54 (P744, P784, P785, P822, P827, and PCL) were analyzedby neutron activation to determine if they possibly could be derived from the same clays used tomake Plumbate. In addition to six clay lumps from SM54, two similar objects collected by Shooknear the putative kiln at the site of La Blanca also were analyzed.Mean Euclidean distance (MED) was used to compare each clay lump to the analyzed Plumbatespecimens. MED is a measure of pairwise similarity calculated by finding the sum of squareddifferences between all elemental concentrations in two specimens, dividing by the number ofelements, then taking the square root (Harbottle 1976). It can be used to find all specimens closerthan some cutoff distance to a pivotal specimen or as the input for hierarchical cluster analysis.A MED of .08 was chosen as a cutoff distance for comparing the clay lumps to Plumbate specimensbecause .08 is above the range of instrumental error (.03-.06) but below the upper limit of MEDsobserved within the Plumbate core groups. At this distance, two of the clay lumps stand out becauseof the number of matching Plumbate specimens. Clay lump P744 from SM54 matches 22 specimens,all members of the San Juan Plumbate core group. Clay lump P785 from SM54 matches fivespecimens, including three members of the Guayabal core group, one member of the San Juan coregroup, and one non-Plumbate sherd from SM54.Although clay lump P744 clustered with the San Juan core group in an average-linkage clusteranalysis using MEDs, it was excluded at the 5 percent level from membership in the core groupwhen the dispersion of data values around the group centroid was taken into account in the cal-culation of group membership probabilities. ("Centroid" is a multivariate generalization of the meanvalue; dispersion is expressed by the group variance-covariance matrix [Davis 1986].) If the claylump is made of the same clay used in the manufacture of San Juan Plumbate, its exclusion fromthe core group based on multivariate probability could be due to contamination with a materialnot normally added in the preparation of Plumbate paste (the clay lump is, after all, a by-product,presumably tossed aside during clay preparation or pot forming) or to an anomalously large oranomalously small amount of temper. It should be borne in mind that most San Juan Plumbateoutliers assigned to the group using classification functions derived from discriminant analysisshowed even lower probabilities of membership in the core group than did clay lump P744.

    P785, the clay lump which resembled several Guayabal core group members, showed a 15 percentprobability of belonging to the Guayabal core group. In Euclidean terms, this sample is not as closeto the Guayabal centroid as P744 is to the San Juan centroid. It shows a higher probability of groupmembership because the Guayabal core group is smaller than the San Juan core group, and theparameters of group dispersion consequently are not as tightly defined.Given Harbottle's (1976:47) generalization that ceramic compositional MEDs of .05 to .20 areexpected within a single clay bed when about 15 elements are utilized, the matches for clay lumpsP744 and P785 at distances of .08 suggest that the clay lumps and the clay used in the ceramicscame from a single clay bed. Assuming that no one would have bothered to move an amorphousclay lump far from its source, this evidence also suggest that the clay bed from which San Juan andGuayabal Plumbate clays were derived lies within a fairly small radius around SM54. The absenceof other evidence for manufacture (e.g., firing) makes the hypothesis that Plumbate was made atSM54 unlikely. Instead, manufacture of Guayabal and San Juan Plumbate probably took place atas yet undiscovered localities close to SM54.Although the close similarity of Plumbate sherds from two of the core groups to pottery-makingby-products discovered in the eastern Soconusco region supports the Shepard-Shook Plumbateorigins hypothesis, the fact that no clay source within the eastern Soconusco region has ever beencharacterized attenuates the strength of this evidence. As long as the origins question is confined toa regional level rather than a source-specific level, the problem of source characterization may becircumvented by establishing a "generalized" compositional profile for the region as a whole. Sucha generalized profile can be derived from analysis of materials not likely to have been moved far

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    from their point of origin. Examples of such materials are clay lumps, such as those found at LaBlanca and SM54, and sherds from utilitarian wares, especially large vessels. If sampling coverageof the region is sufficiently extensive and the total number of samples is kept small, the group willbe "general" in the sense that most or all of the ceramics from the region will be included in thegroup (say, with a probability of at least 5 percent), even if the exact source clay used in a particularkind of pottery is not represented in the generalized sample. The generality of the group must, ofcourse, not be so great that ceramics made in other regions also show high probabilities of belongingto the generalized regional group.A generalized eastern Soconusco group was formed using 32 specimens representing 12 sites, atleast four different time periods, and both coarse- and fine-paste wares (Neff 1984). The eight claylumps previously discussed were included. With such a broadly conceived group, Plumbate wasexpected to show consistently high probabilities of membership if in fact Plumbate was made withinthe eastern Soconusco region. If, at the same time, known nonlocal ceramics did not show highprobabilities of belonging to the group, then the results would support the hypothesis of Plumbatemanufacture within the eastern Soconusco region. Failure to verify either prediction would constituteevidence against the hypothesis.The results of projecting eight comparison groups against the generalized eastern Soconusco groupare shown in Figre 4. Members of the five groups thought to have been made in the easternSoconusco region, including members of three Plumbate core groups, fall most abundantly abovethe 95 percent probability level. In contrast, the three comparison groups which are known to haveoriginated elsewhere on the Pacific coastal plain fall most abundantly below the 95 percent probabilitylevel. Thus, the results of projecting Plumbate and known nonlocal specimens against the generalizedeastern Soconusco group profile support the hypothesis that Plumbate was made within the easternSoconusco region.Results of Chronological Analysis

    The age-area assumption holds that, in general, any artifact class will make its first appearancein its source region. For example, Plumbate precursors and early Plumbate pottery should appearfirst in the archaeological record of the Plumbate source region. Based on excavations at Izapa, Lee(1973, 1978) and Lowe et al. (1982) trace the Plumbate tradition back to Middle Classic (Metapaphase) roots in the eastern Soconusco region, thus implying an eastern Soconusco origin under theage-area assumption. Chronological analyses undertaken as part of the present study confirm Lee'sinterpretation, indicating that the earliest Plumbate appeared in the eastern Soconusconuscoittoral zoneapproximately 45 km south of Izapa.Frequency seriation was carried out on provenience-unit assemblages studied during the courseof the Plumbate project. Because the information of interest was when, relative to other localities,people at a particular locality were making and/or using Plumbate, the seriations exclusively werebased on the frequencies of various subclasses of Plumbate. The seriations cannot, therefore, beconsidered seriations of the various provenience units; instead, they are estimates of the midpointsof the spans of time when people living at the seriated localities were making and/or using Plumbate.Two complementary numerical methods were used, both based on the Brainerd-Robinson coef-ficient (distances rather than similarities were used). One method, hereafter referred to as Gelfand'sMethod II (Gelfand 1971), utilizes distance or similarity data to find the order of the provenienceunits that most closely resembles a "battleship curve." As a check on the order obtained by Gelfand'sMethod II, the Brainerd-Robinson distance data were scaled by nonmetric multidimensional scaling,and the resulting two-dimensional curvilinear configuration interpreted as a seriation (e.g., Drennan1976; Kendall 1971). Rank-order correlation coefficients for the two types of seriation usually werebetween .83 and .97, indicating that the two methods produced closely similar results.For any given set of assemblages there are, of course, as many different seriations as there aredistinct classificatory schemes for the artifacts in those assemblages. Most of the seriations under-taken as part of the present study were based on some permutation of a form/composition classi-ficatory scheme derived from the combined results of stylistic and compositional analysis (Neff

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    0-1% 1.0001-5% 5.0001-10% 10.0001-20%



    UTiquisate Ware (n = 23)E} El Balsamo (n = 11)3 Rio Arriba (n = 10)

    1.0001-5% 5.0001-10% 10.0001-20X 20.0001-100%Probability of Membership in theGeneral Eastern Soconusco GroupFigure 4. Results of projecting five subgroups of Plumbate (top) and three groups of known noneasternSoconusco specimens (bottom) against the compositional profile of the general eastern Soconusco group. Prob-abilities of group membership based on Hotelling's T2 (derived from Mahalanobis distance from specimen togroup centroid).






    0.5 -


    0.2-0.1 -

    0.0 -





    0.1 -0.0 -

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    \\ N\ )\

    0246Figure 5. Plumbate background-tradition composite-silhouette vessels. Left-hand reconstruction based on SanJuan core-group specimens P11 (Bilbao) and P612 (SM54) and Tohil core-group specimen P267 (Acapetahua).Right-hand reconstruction incorporates stylistic elements inferred to be early, and is based on Guayabal core-group specimen P656 (Guayabal-2) and San Juan core-group specimen P700 (Guayabal-1).

    1984). Because there are several arguments that might be advanced against the assumption thatform/composition classes may be historical classes (see Neff [1984] for a more extended discussionof this problem), a check on the seriation that utilized classes based on nonfunctional attributes wascarried out. One vessel form, the composite-silhouette vessel, occurred abundantly enough in col-lections from a great enough number of proveniences to permit a seriation of a subset of 17provenience units based exclusively on neck modification and decoration on this form class. Figure5 depicts two composite-silhouette vessels which exemplify some of the decorative variation onthis form class. If the form/composition-class seriation and the composite-silhouette vessel seriationare not too different, they may be assumed to reflect an underlying linear order related at leastpartially to time.The seriations do reveal a similar underlying linear arrangement of the proveniences. Rank-ordercorrelations between the form/composition-class seriation (Table 1) and the composite-silhouettevessel seriation (results not shown) range from .55 to .69. We consider this level of correlationbetween seriations derived from entirely different classificatory schemes sufficient to validate theoverall outline of the seriation, though its specific details remain to be worked out.In the seriation of all inspected collections based on form/composition class frequencies (Table1), presumed Early Postclassic sites such as Tajumulco and Chichen Itza fall at one end of the serieswhile the sites of Guayabal-1, Guayabal-2, and SM54 Unit 30 fall at the other end. Assuming, asseems likely, that the Early Postclassic sites are at the late end, it may be inferred that the littoral-zone sites are at the early end. The littoral-zone collections contrast with collections from the EarlyPostclassic sites due to the relative abundance of Guayabal form/composition classes in the formerand the abundance of Tohil form/composition classes in the latter. The two ends of the series are

    linked by common occurrence of a few San Juan Plumbate classes. San Juan composition sherdsfrom the early proveniences conform closely to Guayabal stylistic norms. For example, short, thicknecks, absence of rim modification, and absence of a horizontal relief band at the base of the neck(e.g., Figure 5, right-hand drawing) characterize composite-silhouette vessels of both Guayabal andSan Juan composition from Guayabal-1, Guayabal-2, and SM54 Unit 30. And, of course, theuniformity of composite-silhouette vessel style accounts for the clustering of the littoral-zone sitesat the early end of the seriations based on composite-silhouette vessel rim/decorative classes.The main point to emphasize about the seriations just discussed is the position of SM54 Unit30, Guayabal-1, and Guayabal-2 at one end, inferred to be the early end, of the time span whenPlumbate was made and used. This consistent pattern implies that these are the earliest-knownPlumbate sites, and, making the age-area assumption, also implying that Plumbate productionoriginated in or near the littoral zone where these sites are located. By extrapolation from the Izapachronology (Lowe et al. 1982), the inception of Guayabal Plumbate production can be placed inthe Middle Classic Metapa phase (A.D. 600-A.D. 700).

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    Table 1. Seriations of 37 Proveniences Represented in thePlumbate Sample.A. Non-Metric MDS B. Gelfand's Method II

    SM54, Unit 30Guayabal-2Guayabal- 1SM54, Unit 4SM54, Unit 2SM54BSM54, Unit 12SM54, Unit 1PSM54, Unit 13General Ocos areaSanta RomeliaAyutlaLas Morenas 1BilbaoFlamencoEl BaulKaminaljuyuRio ArribaLos LimonesEl ParaisoLa VictoriaLos TerrenosLa PrimaveraPalo GordoIzapaTiquisateLas Morenas 2ChalchuapaAcapetahuaTajumulcoEl ZapotePantzocZacualpaAbaj TakalikCihuatanAculChichen Itza

    SM54, Unit 30Guayabal- 1Guayabal-2General Ocos areaKaminaljuyuFlamencoLos TerrenosBilbaoLas Morenas 1SM54, Unit 1PSm54, Unit 2SM54, Unit 12SM54BEl BaulSM54, Unit 13La VictoriaSM54, Unit 4AyutlaSanta RomeliaLos LimonesRio ArribaEl ParaisoAcapetahuaLa PrimaveraIzapaTiquisateLas Morenas 2Palo GordoTajumulcoEl ZapoteChalchuapaZacualpaAbaj TakalikChicken ItzaPantzocCihuatanAcul

    Note: Order A based on 20 form/composition classes, obtained using non-metric multidimensional scaling. Order B based on 8 more inclusive form/composition classes. (Classes were combined for the Gelfand II seriation inorder to reduce the number of ties in the distance matrix.)Rank-order correlation coefficient = .87; p < .01.

    Interpretation of the Evidence on Plumbate OriginsThis section has brought together multiple lines of evidence supporting the Shepard-Shook Plum-bate origins hypothesis. Survey and excavation data, compositional data, and chronological dataall support the hypothesis that Plumbate was made in the eastern Soconusco region. The originsissue now can be considered resolved, at least on the regional level.The exact location of Plumbate manufacturing centers within the eastern Soconusco region remainsa matter of some speculation. Evidence cited above suggests that early Guayabal Plumbate and atleast some San Juan form/composition classes probably were made within the littoral zone near

    SM54. Lee (1973, 1978), in contrast, argues that Plumbate precursors were made near Izapa, aswere later San Juan and Tohil varieties of Plumbate.The interpretation advanced here and elsewhere (Neff 1984, 1987a) is that San Juan Plumbate

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    developed out of a widespread Middle to Late Classic period fine-paste tradition of the Pacific slopewhich was manifested by, for example, Tiquisate ware at Bilbao, El Baul, and Tiquisate, by MiddleClassic fine-paste ware (Lee's Tiquisate ware) at Izapa, and by Guayabal Plumbate in the easternSoconusco littoral zone. These wares share fine paste, slipped orange surfaces, and numerous com-mon vessel forms (Neff 1984). While sharing certain broad guidelines for making pottery, the peoplemaking these pottery classes faced distinct ceramic environments, and consequently the subtraditionsgradually diverged from common Middle to Late Classic roots. Around the littoral zone of theeastern Soconusco region, this gradual divergence eventually gave rise to San Juan Plumbate.THE SAN JUAN-TOHIL TRANSITION

    Shepard's (1948) study indicated that the paste of typical Tohil vessels known from museumcollections differed consistently from the paste of plain San Juan varieties of Plumbate from ex-cavations at El Baul and Kaminaljuyu. San Juan paste was distinguished from Tohil paste by thepresence of minute vitric-ash particles and by the absence of glassy rock fragments characteristic ofTohil paste. What appeared to be a strong association between paste type and stylistic attributesled Shepard (1948:146) to hypothesize that some kind of cultural discontinuity, such as an invasion,might have attended the development of Tohil Plumbate out of San Juan Plumbate.The discontinuity hypothesis has remained viable in light of archaeological data accumulatedsince 1948. The frequency of "typical" Tohil Plumbate (meaning sherds from vessels like the fancytraded pieces common in museums) was found to be very low at most sites within the easternSoconusco region (Coe 1961; Coe and Flannery 1967; Lowe and Mason 1965; Shook 1965). Acollection made by Drucker (1948) at Izapa and La Primavera in the eastern Soconusco and laterinspected by Shepard (1952) was described by her in the following terms: "Judging from the col-lections I have examined, I do not find anything in your sample that could not belong to the earlystyle and there are a number of specimens that are typical [of the early style]" (Shepard 1952:1). Insum, fancy Tohil Plumbate rarely has been found to succeed San Juan Plumbate in the archaeologicalrecord of the eastern Soconusco, where Plumbate presumably was produced. This archaeologicalevidence is consistent with the discontinuity hypothesis originally proposed by Shepard.The New World Archaeological Foundation excavations at Izapa (Lee 1973, 1978; Lowe et al.1982) have produced data that suggest a variant of the discontinuity hypothesis. Refuse dumpsfrom Group F and caches from Mound 125a, Group F at Izapa demonstrate a temporal sequencebeginning with pre-Plumbate fine-paste ware (designated Tiquisate ware by Lee), progressing to SanJuan types and varieties, then to Tohil types and varieties. Lee (1978:291) identifies late San Juantypes which he believes are transitional to Tohil, and notes that several Plumbate vessel formscontinue from the Late Classic (Metapa phase) into the Early Postclassic (Remanso phase). However,he suggests that development of the definitive Tohil attributes (the lamp-chimney shape, variousanthropomorphic and zoomorphic effigies, etc.) came about when Toltec invaders imposed newstylistic norms on local Plumbate potters (Lee 1978:292-293). This suggestion constitutes an elab-oration of the discontinuity hypothesis, not an alternative to it.Shepard had proposed at least one alternative to the discontinuity hypothesis. Shortly before hermonograph was published in 1948, an unusual collection of Plumbate from Finca El Paraiso, at theupper edge of the piedmont zone of southwestern Guatemala, was brought to her attention. Thecollection seemed unusual to her because of the presence of previously unidentified stylistic attri-butes, including non-Tohil effigies and anomalous forms (Shepard 1948:125). Later, in the early1950s, she had occasion to examine a collection of thin sections made from sherds excavated byKidder and Shook (1959) at "La Gruta," a feature at El Paraiso interpreted as a sweatbath. Inunpublished correspondence to Shook (Shepard 1951:2) she stated: "This small selection of Paraisochips which I have just examined suggests transition [from San Juan to Tohil] because of theoccurrence of the two types of paste and mixtures of the distinctive constituents of each which Ihave not found before." Thus, in the El Paraiso collection, Shepard noted greater variety than shehad seen before, both in Plumbate style and in Plumbate temper. This led her to speculate that acoincident transition of style and paste might be reflected in the collection from the site. Gradual

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    development of fancy Tohil out of earlier San Juan was Shepard's alternative to the discontinuityhypothesis she had proposed originally.The published and unpublished statements of Shepard led several investigators to accept thehypothesized intermediate Plumbate stage, referring to it as "Robles," after the owner of Finca ElParaiso. Rands and Smith (1965), Dutton (1958), Smith et al. (1960), Smith (1957, 1971), andBrown (1978) all have incorporated "Robles Plumbate" into their typological schemes. The definitiveattributes of the intermediate class never have been spelled out in print. However, Rands and Smith(1965) illustrate several examples of "Robles Plumbate," including a distinctive jar variety whichis common in the assemblage from El Paraiso. The fact that Shepard originally suggested the existenceof an intermediate variety after examining the El Paraiso material suggests that "Robles Plumbate,"if it exists as a distinct taxonomic unit, should be exemplified in the collection from the site.The existence or nonexistence of the intermediate class clearly is central to the choice betweencompeting hypotheses on the San Juan-Tohil transition. Thus, Lee (1978:288), who supports avariant of the discontinuity hypothesis, also disputes the status of "Robles" as an intermediate class,contending that, "While the importance of Robles Plumbate is still not completely understood itnow appears to have been a rather local development more closely related to Tohil Plumbate butstill to one side of the general Plumbate evolution." The new data discussed below shed furtherlight on the debate.The Status of Robles Plumbate

    The neutron activation analysis of Plumbate pottery defined three compositional groups, as dis-cussed above. None of the three groups can be called "Robles Plumbate." The analyzed specimensfrom El Paraiso (the type site for Robles) all fall into either the San Juan or the Tohil compositionalgroup.The Tohil composition specimens from El Paraiso include typical specimens, such as Tohil jarssimilar to many in museum collections, along with atypical Tohil specimens such as plain, open,and globular bowls. The latter categories are indistinguishable from many San Juan specimens fromsuch San Juan type sites as El Baul and Kaminaljuyu. The apparent overlap between San Juan andTohil will be taken up in greater detail in a later section.The San Juan composition specimens from El Paraiso include typical San Juan forms such ascomposite-silhouette vessels; plain, globular, and open bowls; cylinders; and one distinctive jar form(Figure 6). Jars such as the one depicted in Figure 6 have been used to exemplify "Robles" Plumbate(Lowe and Mason 1965; Rands and Smith 1965). The "La Gruta" excavation at El Paraiso (Kidderand Shook 1959) produced by far the largest collection of such jars ever encountered, many of themnearly complete, though broken. The association of this jar type, both in the literature and in fact,with the Robles farm at El Paraiso warrants the designation "Robles jar."A total of 36 examples of Robles jars from nine sites were analyzed by neutron-activation analysis.Twenty-nine were included as members of the San Juan core group, and the remaining seven wereassigned to the San Juan group using the classification functions derived from discriminant analysis.The Robles jar is the only form class exclusively found to fall in the San Juan compositional group.Robles jars are noteworthy not only because of their homogeneity of composition, but becauseof their stylistic distinctiveness from typical San Juan on the one hand and from typical Tohil onthe other hand. Robles jar-forming and decorative techniques found rarely or never on otherPlumbate forms include turning to form the neck (indicated by horizontal striations on all specimensstudied); generally elaborate use of plastic alteration of the vessel wall in decoration, includinghorizontal gadrooning to frame-decorated bands; and stamp decorations. Unique decorations includetwo representational motifs (a stamped monkey and an incised serpent), and continuous (ratherthan intermittent) simple, incised, decorative bands around the superior surface of the vessel wall.Conversely, decorative techniques used on both typical Tohil and typical San Juan vessels, such ascarved, horizontal-relief bands and applique coffee beans, do not occur on Robles jars at all.The stylistic contrast between Robles jars and typical Tohil Plumbate is consistent with thecompositional contrast; the contrast with typical San Juan style stands in partial contradiction bothto the compositional evidence and to the archaeological evidence of consistent association. Although

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    0 2 4 6cm

    Figure 6. Robles jar reconstruction based on San Juan core-group specimens P8 (El Baul), P10 (El Baul),P156 (El Paraiso), and P220 (El Paraiso). Specimen P8 also illustrated in Thompson (1948).some of the stylistic differences between Robles jars and other San Juan Plumbate may relate todiffering constraints imposed on decoration by different shapes, the contrasts are sufficiently com-prehensive to suggest that they have some cultural significance. Given the compositional evidencepointing to use of a single clay source, Robles jars may have been made in a single communitywhich shared a clay source with surrounding communities, but where most potters emphasized theRobles jar over other shapes. Community specialization by shape class has numerous parallels inthe ethnographic record (Neff 1984).In summary, as Shepard pointed out, the Plumbate from El Paraiso indeed is distinctive incomparison both to typical Tohil assemblages (e.g., Tajumulco) and to typical San Juan assemblages(e.g., El Baul and Kaminaljuyu). Its distinctiveness does not, however, seem to reflect the presenceof a class transitional between San Juan and Tohil. Rather, its distinctiveness is due (1) to theoccurrence of plain Plumbate varieties indistinguishable from San Juan in style but made out ofTohil paste, and (2) to the high frequency of Robles jars, which appear to reflect the specializationof a subgroup of San Juan potters. Although "Robles Plumbate" is not an entirely imaginary category,it does not constitute a taxonomic unit equivalent to San Juan or Tohil, nor does it reflect atransitional stage between San Juan and Tohil. Rather, its importance lies in the light it sheds onthe production variation of San Juan Plumbate.Interpretation of the San Juan-Tohil Transition

    Before the present study, Tohil Plumbate was equated with fancy effigy and elaborately incisedvessels which were traded widely in antiquity and are common in museum collections today. Theidentification of plain forms of Tohil Plumbate was one of the surprising results of the recentcompositional study. Plain Tohil Plumbate was identified not only in the El Paraiso collection justdiscussed; it also occurs in collections from El Baul, Acapetahua, Palo Gordo, Tiquisate, SantaRomelia, Los Limones, La Primavera, and Izapa (Figures 1 and 2). These sites all are on the Pacificslope, either within or near the inferred Plumbate-production region. The greatest proportions ofplain Tohil vessels came from Drucker's Izapa and La Primavera collections which Shepard thought,

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    Open BowlHemispherical Bowl

    Globular Bowl

    02462 4 6

    CylnderFigure 7. Plumbate background-tradition forms. Hemispherical bowl reconstruction based on San Juan core-group specimen P678 (SM54) and P789 (SM54) and Tohil core-group specimen P177 (La Primavera). Open-bowl reconstruction based on Tohil core-group specimen P170 (Izapa), San Juan core-group specimen P633(SM54), and Guayabal core-group specimen P664 (Guayabal-2). Globular-bowl reconstruction based on SanJuan core-group specimen P212 (El Paraiso). Cylinder reconstruction based on San Juan core-group specimensP97 (Kaminaljuyu) and P325 (El Baul) and Guayabal core-group specimen P657 (Guayabal-2).

    based on a preliminary examination, were dominated by San Juan Plumbate (Shepard 1951; seeabove). Three Tohil-composition large vessels (which presumably were not moved far from wherethey were made) were identified in the La Primavera collection. No examples of plain Tohil wereidentified outside of the Pacific slope.The plain Tohil specimens include composite-silhouette vessels (Figure 5); open, globular, andhemispherical bowls (Figure 7); possibly cylindrical vessels (Figure 7); and large hemispherical andglobular vessels. These plain San Juan and Tohil forms also are paralleled in Guayabal Plumbate.They constitute evidence of a "background tradition," that is, a body of pottery-making conventionsshared by potters using at least three different clay sources over period of perhaps 400-600 years(Neff 1984).The evidence related to Plumbate origins (see above) suggests that production of background-tradition vessels began in or near the littoral zone sites of SM54 sometime during the Middle Classicperiod (Izapa Metapa phase). The dominance of background-tradition Plumbate at Late Classic-period sites (contemporary with the Izapa Peistal phase) implies that Plumbate potters enjoyedconsiderable success, that is, favorable markets for their pottery, during this 200-year period. Partof their success may have been due to expanding population within the region, perhaps related to

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    the spread of commercial cacao production. Under such favorable marketing conditions, the numberof pottery-making households and villages probably increased through population growth and groupfissioning among the original pottery-making groups and perhaps through adoption of pottery makingby nonpotter households.Proliferation of pottery-making groups eventually led to establishment of some workshops outsidethe original production zone. To reduce costs associated with raw-material procurement, Plumbatepotters probably experimented from time to time with new sources of clay and temper. In thevicinity of Izapa and La Primavera, potters eventually discovered the source of Tohil clay, andbegan exploiting it for production of background tradition vessels. On one level, the San Juan-Tohiltransition can be considered the outcome of prolonged growth of Plumbate production as a resultof expanding opportunities for pottery producers in the eastern Soconusco region during the LateClassic period. There is no discontinuity in the scenario up to this point.The foregoing reconstruction, of course, begs the question of why potters exploiting the Tohilsource eventually began producing the fancy vessels which were traded widely during the EarlyPostclassic period. On the one hand, continuity with the background tradition is evident, not onlyin a continued reliance on the Tohil clay source, but in numerous techniques of workmanship (Neff1984). On the other hand, there is no question that fancy Tohil represents a radical stylistic departure,

    unlike those made by previous generations?The explanation for the stylistic discontinuity must take into account the fact that fancy Tohilvessels, unlike background tradition vessels, apparently were intended primarily for export. Onepossibility is that, as Lee (1978:293) suggests, Toltec invaders imposed stylistic norms throughtaxation of the regioanaround Izapa. Such directin inolen tolte nterests, whether bureau-cratic, military, or commercial, may be difficult to demonstrate. An alternative formulation (Neff1984, 1987b) draws parallels with ethnographic examples of traditional potters who are faced withgrowing external markets for their goods (e.g., from tourists or urban dwellers). Stylistic elaboration,including new forms, miniatures, effigies, and decorative innovations invariably occur in suchsituations.At any rate, the innovations associated with fancy Tohil Plumbate took place rather abruptlyamong one or a few workshops with access to the Tohil clay source. Background-tradition productionalmost certainly continued, but local markets for pottery apparently were declining. By around A.D.1250, all Plumbate production had ceased.The foregoing reconstruction of Plumbate development also provides an epilogue to the historyof Plumbate studies up to Shepard's time. Shepard's first petrographic analyses of Plumbate incor-porated thin sections from fancy Tohil vessels, which were at that time considered "typical Plumbate,"but which now are inferred to represent the specialization of a rather small group of ceramic artisansresponding to external demand for Plumbate ware. Shepard found a striking homogeneity of non-plastic tempering material in these specimens, a finding consistent with the new interpretation offancy Tohil production. Examination of a more representative sample of Tohil composition spec-imens (Neff 1984) reveals greater variation in nonplastic constituents, with vitric particles (sup-posedly a definitive characteristic of San Juan temper) occurring in many. Conversely, glassy rockfragments (the definitive attribute of Tohil according to Shepard's earlier work) were present insome of the San Juan composition specimens from the source area.The variation in nonplastics within each Plumbate compositional group is what would be expectedif potters exploiting each clay source were utilizing temper sources close to their individual work-shops. This resource exploitation pattern is consistent with the inferences on Plumbate developmentpresented above and has ethnographic parallels, for example in the northern Valley of Guatemala(Arnold 1978a, 1978b). A larger comparative data base compiled by Arnold (1985) similarly suggeststhat traditional potters tend to travel farther to procure clay than to procure temper.Up to the time Shepard's monograph was published, she had examined the products of a verylimited number of Plumbate workshops, principally workshops making fancy Tohil for export and

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    San Juan workshops which, at an earlier time, had been exporting their products to the El Baul-Kaminaljuyu area. Not surprisingly, she found a clear and consistent petrographic distinction be-tween San Juan and fancy Tohil. Thus, when she later examined thin sections from the El Paraisocollection the extent of petrographic variation and overlap struck her as unusual (Shepard 1952;see previous quotation). Ironically, the variability in the El Paraiso collection was unusual only incomparison to Shepard's earlier experience with Plumbate, not in comparison to the norm forcollections from the source region.CONCLUSION

    We have attempted to summarize information on Plumbate pottery which has been accumulatingsince the publication of Plumbate: A Mesoamerican Tradeware (Shepard 1948). The task has seemedworthwhile to us not only because of Plumbate's importance to understanding the development ofmesoamerican society, but because the history of research on Plumbate provides an example ofhow increasingly specific culture-historical information accumulates gradually as a result of the long-term interplay of hypotheses and data.In her monograph, Shepard (1948:144-147) stressed the need for more survey and excavations,along with careful study of excavated San Juan assemblages, as a means of testing hypotheses onthe origin and development of Plumbate. The necessary data have accumulated as a result ofarchaeological investigations in and around the eastern Soconusco region of the Pacific slope. Surveysand excavations have yielded large collections of Plumbate from a region that now appears withouta doubt to have been the Plumbate source region. Alternative origins hypotheses, such as the multiplesource-region hypothesis recently championed by Bruhns (1980), now may be rejected.Compositional and stylistic analysis of collections from the source region and elsewhere havesupported a variant of the developmentaliscontinuity hypothesis originally proposed by Shepardto account for the transition between San Juan and Tohil. Hypothetical transitional stages, proposedby Shepard in light of discoveries made after publication of her monograph, do not hold up underdetailed scrutiny of collections from the source region. Lee (1973, 1978) recognized this, and pro-posed a new version of the discontinuity hypothesis which allowed for continuity of a backgroundtradition accompanied by a dramatic stylistic departure by some potters. This version of the dis-continuity hypothesis remains essentially intact in light of a consideration of all data available upto the present time.

    Acknowledgments.Thisis anexpandedandcompletelyrewritten ersionof a paper eadat the 1984meetingsof theSociety orAmericanArchaeologyn Portland.ProfessorsBarbaraVoorhies,AlbertSpaulding, nd MichaelJochimof the Departmentof Anthropology,Universityof California,Santa Barbara rovidedvaluableadviceduring he researchon whichthis article s based.Dr. EdwardV. SayreandDr. GarmanHarbottleassistedwiththe neutron-activation nalysis,which was carriedout at BrookhavenNationalLaboratory nder the auspicesof theU.S. Departmentof Energy.Numerousotherpeoplehave beengenerousn providingaccessto collectionsand other orms of support,andwe apologize or notmentioningall of them.Wealone,of course,areresponsiblefor any deficiencies.

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