Needed Requisite: Unified - Prasetya Online : Berita UB · selembar stiker sebagai tanda jadi....

Needed Requisite: Unified Submit by humas3 on November 18, 2011 | From Malang Post, Kamis, 17 November 2011 edition Autonomic has a membership which is dominated by students. This is quite reasonable because compare to employees, students have more times. To become a new member in this community is also not difficult. There are no special rules that bind. The only clear rule that must be adhered to by all members is unified.

Transcript of Needed Requisite: Unified - Prasetya Online : Berita UB · selembar stiker sebagai tanda jadi....

Needed Requisite: Unified

Submit by humas3 on November 18, 2011 | From Malang Post, Kamis, 17 November 2011 edition

Autonomic has a membership which is dominated by students. This is quite reasonable because compare to employees, students have more times.

To become a new member in this community is also not difficult. There are no special rules that bind. The only clear rule that must be adhered to by all members is unified.