Need Middleware Monitoring? Build a Better Business Case.

Alejandro Ayestaran, Citibank & Ted Wilson, SL Need Middleware Monitoring? Build a Better Business Case.

Transcript of Need Middleware Monitoring? Build a Better Business Case.

Alejandro Ayestaran, Citibank & Ted Wilson, SL

Need Middleware Monitoring? Build a Better Business Case.

Obtaining funding can be challenging

Isn’t monitoring free with TIBCO Admin tools?

Don’t we already have a standard?

I’ve never built a business case before.

It’s not in the budget this year.

The Benefits of Monitoring

Fewer high priority incidents

Faster MTTR

Fewer people on conference calls

Better use of IT resources

+ Benefits to the Brand

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc.

Avoid this type of brand damage

And Yet IT/Middleware Teams Struggle

On average, only 31% of IT purchases are approved.

Building a Financial ROI Model


Severity 1 Annual Incident Volume MTTR (hours)

Severity 2Annual Incident Volume MTTR (hours)

Discovery: Gathering Performance Data

*Usually available from your trouble ticket system admin

Average hourly cost of outages

Loss of revenueSLA penalties

Discovery: Estimating the Cost Of an Outage

*Usually provided by the owner of the business service


Let’s look at the ROI model

5.6 months

Alejandro AyestaranRegional Director – Shared Services & IntegrationCitibank, North America

No root cause analysis

Reactive approach

Lack of detailLack of


Can’t Share Information


Problems We Faced

Dependency on L3 Support

Visibility in context

Single version of truth

Rapid Isolation & Remediation

Root Cause vs Symptoms

Interruption Avoidance

Expert Systems

What we Needed

Start with Proof of Concept

Select low hanging fruit

Make it small but meaningful

Quantify results & map next steps

Involve and socialize it with your main “detractors”

Don’t just be a “fool with a new tool”. Show progress.

Sell the Idea

Example of a POC process

Lets monitor the Login Process for the Online Banking.

Citi Demo of RTView Enterprise MonitorLet’s see the results and what is possible…

Once the POC is done…

Define end-to-end monitoring requirements

Estimate effort to build dashboards

Build dashboards into PRD requirements

Define requirements for both business and technology

Establish an agile cadence for deployment of updates


Increasing your chances of success

Tie to a measureable strategic objective

Be conservative in ROI inputs

Manage the politics

If possible, start small

Payback of less than one year

Let’s take some


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