neccton, Questor whitepaper

know. yourself. questor – a solution by
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what is questor? questor is a new type of self-test which is based on the estimation of objective behaviour and instant feedback. Unlike conventional self-tests, questor is entertaining, interactive and players receive instant feedback and helpful tips about their gambling behaviour.

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know. yourself.

questor – a so lu t ion by

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what is questor?questor is a new type of self-test which is based on the estimation of objective behaviour and instant feedback. Unlike conventional self-tests, questor is entertaining, interactive and players receive instant feedback and helpful tips about their gambling behaviour.

what does questor do?A few hundred years ago William Shakespeare already described the dilemma that questor tries to solve today!

“No, Cassius, for the eye sees not itself/But by reflection, by some other things“ (The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare)

We all know from experience that it is often hard to accurately remember our past activities. How much did I spend on this? How much did I spend for that? This is especially true for vulnerable groups and those that might have already lost track as they often underestimate the amount of time and money they have spent gambling.

And Shakespeare also pointed out a solution…

reflectionquestor provides the player with a mirror that leads to increased self-awareness and understanding of their individual gambling activity.

how does questor work?Players receive feedback about their personal gambling estimates that they provide on a series of different behaviors. questor is the only self-test that makes use of objective data and has been developed based on concepts involving human-computer Interaction. In addition to a highly educative effect, the self-test is fun and entertaining.

know. yourself.

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know. yourself.




why questor?Self-tests usually ask about emotional states, attitudes, and/or self-recollected information.

Have you ever wondered how you should answer questions about your feelings, or how often you think about gambling? Imagine a confused and worried player having to answer such questions.

We have come up with a very different and innovative approach. In contrast to conventional self-tests, questor asks players to estimate specific, individual behaviours and they then receive instant feedback about them by compa-ring what they thought with what they actually did along with comparisons to other players’ actual gambling behaviour. Players become aware of gaps between their subjective beliefs and their objective behaviour. questor then provides useful tips about how players can better keep track and enjoy gambling in a fun and safe way.

In short, questor is entertaining and highly supportive!

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the mind cannot see the mind itself - just as an eye cannot see the eye itself

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