· n.e Procr&m baa been aet DP to help atuclente develop • .,....._ nea....

HOURS MONMY-SATUj;?OAY 9-9 SUNDAY 1()-6 121 Centerway Roosevelt Center Greenbelt Co-op Laan ..., STEAK lb. Fnsh wloole •• !Jalf Turk.lreaat rn.ltG..-A CHIC. THIGHS .. DJI.1lJill'l'la ,.._ LB. Sahnon Steak $4.99 Co-op Leall B•ef Bone- LB. NEW YO- $3.69 S'l'JIIP STEAl[ healo Gn<le A LB. Chic..__. $1A9 lfn>ado All .... LB. Franks 99c Hata.ld LB. .. ...,__ Loaf $2.79 Ha-ld All .... lolostna - GI-AII SAVE TWtCI AS MUCH wmt DOUBLE COUPONS ._,,. PATRON APPIIICIAYION DAY WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28th w;,;b no.oo .... l!lJmludiDc eou- 5,_ o--.nt to AU Shoppers pon ltema. I50e CouJ>ons Aza Jlazimvm Doubled. - aH CLIP Ill SAVE W1T11 THESE CO-OP IIPD ...... Scott Paper Towels Solpo Fruit Drinks Boa. 5/99c Boll 79c 3 padra 59c QT. $1.29 100 .... 79c lb. 99c 8os. 2/99c InftCne. - 10 ... - Liclot • u..!F 11 ... Cottage a.-.. 89c llos. 89c eo ....... u. ' pk. lath..-Tiuue 99c San Gicwcio l:lbcnr med. or larp 1 lb. PASTA SHELLS Faob Liquid LaDcb7 Detergent Red A Wbite eh11Dk Ught Tuna $3.19 59c Dove Liquid 12 os. Dish Detergent 99c Red • Wbite Tomato Soup 10" ... 3/89c Softaoap bcmu oa. Liquid !Ia,._. with oz. free diopeuet-· $1.89 llinute lllero. RICE!NOODUII SIDE I>I.SHBS ' ... miD. 79c Hilla Broe. -. briek $1.69 N...Uea Qglk a.-to 2 lb. Flavor Mix 5haata Sodas 6/99c AD Jl'lrroq 1J os. .... ,. 7Sao 8os. Salad .... 89c LeloaNwa7 1 ... iD. Paper ........ 89c C..pbolls 11 - Pork & leans 2/89c PiDk lleaa&J' Pink Sal- Pre-rves $2.69 1J- 99c 99c r- q,.., an n.r.'-.- Cook-hi Pauch -39c lpk. $2.29 uac 10 SCHOOl .COWON NOI&OCM.._. FIUER .. ·PAPER 200 ct. . - tlolo Cloasooai + - .... ___ ...... ,.. __ Lilllll1- Goo4 11/11.1111 \. ·I On s Features by Sandy Smith The 1991 Greenlielt Labor Day Festival Parade J>l'OIIIia. es to be tbe "biggest and belit yet." So what elae Is -7 But it'a always true. year there seeme to be J11C1ft pizZazz and t!Jl'eitement in· tbe Labor Day Parade, 8113'B Festival President BOO- b! Jlk:Cartby. The Yankee BEtlela Alnerieall Band, head- . liDera in PreviouS feati11Bl peradea, ...... baek. •TbJe - . t.rlotic, attention - ll'8ttinlr . haad performs an llive·llhow while playiq !lOme Of the beat Jll&l'cliing maale YCIII will hear, aecordiJQr to a.aJr lf!iochael. DoD- ' .,;,._Deddto Ia alao t.a. maJdDc ......... .perUe he - - of ............ ·- _.used. Hla ezperioace .. ... --- "' Onoo6olt; he ........ _... __ · -·•r a eliol ft.nta. He bu with bringiJ>C new IP"OUPO to the . GneDbelt parade. ODeb u 1lhe ........... Cbineae dneon aDd don- --. who wiJJ be HturniJ>C to tile Lobo• Da:v parade thia :veer. Other eeb-led to ap. Need a Ride? Jlw fno ridee CD llbe f-... fnr --eall 982-4019 &rtllklt OFFICI a.osm fttws lltuitw The ollloe ol d>e G...t.ell Neww ........ _. will be do&ed in the- .... .,_.,,..,._ s...,. .. _. I. TIM oflke will be open and Tueoday nenilllr'l .from 8 to 10 p.m. ·De.dliue for .... , and ad....,..t.. __ ..... , NIWSPAI'R Inc Ia 10 p.m. Tueadolr --,.::) ·'- L.... ::;:_ P.O- Boz !18, Gl!!!!be!t, Marz!aDd 20788-0088 Thursday, Aurust 29, 1991 •ay Festival ageant, Carnival ld Soeiet)" ,.. Geu11r0• & vuo.e IJI"tt D&JJU, I>unlouin lrioh Bend. the PMriota Plfe eud Dram Corpa, the Potomae Rlnr laa Club, Alta Kameracl- en Gennan Band,· and the Polo- mack And- PenAie -t<tuon e&ll abo expeet .ueh oew en- tria •• the Bolbtaa. daDeen aDd militaey man:blntr platoon., .. well as Akita reSeue dop and d ..... ted honea. Loeel eelebritlea aDd po11t1e1ano1 will &leo be p- ..... 7- peat. Ill• c-nbelt lttl eud her - - 111111 .. Little lllu ..... .. Little lllu Pia will l>e _,... Ill ... - node. Oommaalty - , ..... the GoldeD Apn "' TJkea willa TriJooa - - othen .will be .............. ...... '!be llltl Oat- atalldbqr. Clttoea .. tU pande'a GI'IUid ll.uAaL Walt SlariiJ>C, JIOP1IIa> - _ .... ot ·W.ut., will - aa pend. --...- ...... 'lolth GrMU- .Jie1obl -- ll'>om •lauio roelt to eolllltz7. from braa8 quintet. to folk IJOnp., from mqk: to an- the Labo• Day Fntival ofren continuous eatel'taiDatent ot eTeJ7 style ud for eTftJ' tute. Entertaimnent ebalr 111117 Auu llalo:er ia eape- elal17 pleued witB llbe talent and variet)o of tbla 7eer'a perform- en. She aalcl,'a Labolo 1M7 -tn.l Ia ..U-Imown uow to en.._ the metropolJtan u.. and we had au inendlhle chofee of entertain- en aadJtlon to be in our futi- 'RL We ehoM the best." abe ad- dod. 'fttill ,'• ·IliA Greenbelt Paceant are Renee Brock. Carey, Shireen Dlekaon. -- Feldpuoc:b, Gree .... tlabor •• DOW"i' :auss •r• .. . ··' Canthal ........ 6 ..... ,I!Jz ... - .• Mlsa ar..-.11 - 8:30 ...... Boys ttwt.nn • 9 Apeyl Kaye, a-u. K..., .... _ Cbe17l KartiD, aDd Samantila Worley. (A IJat appeared In - week'a !1'- ..... _.) Saturday eveninc the atria per. fonD iu the tnulltiODaJ talant .-. Reuee will otrer an oriciu- a.. FB8TlV AL. - I. eeL I Hearing in Annapolis Sept. 3 On New Redistricting Plan by Elaine Skolnik The Governor's Redistricting Advisory Commit tee last approved & propoeed plan for congressional districts 1n Maryland. A publie hearing on the plan will be held on '_l'uesday, SeptemberS •tarting at 5 p.m. in the Joint mg Room of tbe Leelaistive Services Building, 90 State Circle, AJmapells. _The latest coacreuional recli•· daries for the eight tnetiDI' pla creates a new base al districts Will be implement(·; for Conenuaaaa Stea:r IL Boy- for the March 3. 1992 pnmariee er, ..... , Ilea npNMDted the l'lttb Schedule ConCftUioiUil DIRriet for a de. After the hearing, the eade. The propoaed Ftfth. IDt.t. ory Commtttee will ftna.hze .:,. riet covers rou&4117 40 percent recommendations for new <:on. of the population of Prina Ge- greaaional districts. GovP:rtl•lr orpa CoPDtJ' (IDcl'IUibac Green- William Schaefer wL, belt). iD .acldtUou to all of then review the plan and Claar- CaiYut aad St. llatTa offer modifkationa before 1t- eoaJlltle. eacl portlcm. of Anne preaented to the General Ass.em . An:aMl .8DII BOWIIftl eotmtiM. bJ:r at a special aenion sclbeduJ. Pellllea ed for September 26. Scha>:"fer Still UDCertala ia how *-mer- bu. veto power on any plan ap- of JUt of..._ a.oq. proved by lawmakers. eoalltJ'. -.. mra1 aad eon- The committE-e has set up a Ia the _.. toll free hot.line. 1-800-688-7494., . den, COIU't7 later. for citizens to •ign up to testify --. · at the Sepbember 3 hearin&' in Annapolia. TIM · NmaiDIDc poriloa of Coantr Rediatrletloc Priuee C.O.... Coaat,. aad a In the meaatim .. tae Prince - eC M lS .I will a..._ C..... t,. lllloUiot c-- aubmiUlnw a ._ .. 1iee:- I lr ..., plaa to tM eoanty council in blaek. the -'"" September for the redfatrktlng tee. the ahift in population u- ol council dbtrieta. Final actJOn ported by the 1990 ceDAa ean must be taken by':lO . be .eeommodated by eatab-- The eommiuion bu conducted liAJq a new majority black dis- a aeries of one Ln each trict where a black eaDdidate council diatriet, concerning how = have an opportunity of di.triet boundaries ahould lHo rr next )'ear. New __ bo.a..;_n._.;;d;;.;ra;.;wn;.;:.... ---------, Public Schools Open on Tuesday by Rebert LeriDe PriDee Georpa County · pliblle acbooiiJ will opeD on '1\Jeeday, 8eptemfw 8. About 109,6'16 atudenta ...... tislpected to emoD, an in- af about 1,000 over laat year. Tl>iB continues an upward trend which began witb the introduetion of tbe IDIIgllel; achoola in 1987. This y-.r, tbe eounty will operate 171 achoolll; eome 507 new have been hired. AU adloola ... tall aad .,.,. W111tina'Jiste. The mag- not aelloola, wt.leh off.. opedal- iad - ._.. lllatitated .. • - .. llimnc neial iDterrratioJL The,. are DOW ftDed by Jotte.,.. 8tudoata wlahlq to attend TAG acboola 1w1 to J)Ma an exllllainatio11 in om.r to ()Dallty t.. the lott..y. Tbe Vla- ual and. Arte Hl&'h Sd>ool in Suitland beJel andltio• inatead of examinationa. N-PNcruoe Multleultural .-ion will be •tnued aplll thla 7ear. Daring the . mmmer a conference wu held for pareute to IBf- them of the multleultunoJ IDitlativa belnc Implemented tlm>ucbout the- -to ..... &leo pn>vlded with mathoda of •upportilac Uld eaballeina' multi- 'I!Uitunl iDatructloa at home . n.e Procr&m baa been aet DP to help atuclente develop ., ..... _ nea. appreciation aDd under· •taDdluc of tila biato.,., .... tun aDd contriblitioau: by- vari· oua lfl'Oilps within Ameriean ao- Qety, Tbe procram bas been in· atitated for ltinde1-prten th>oa ... tweltlil eracle and ia uaed In math, ,..._ aoeial a:badlea, art aDd mule. AJ>od>er new-. Equi&J' 2000, Ia • - apouaored ..,. the Oollep lloenl ........... inc ell at:udenta to - algebra - -- ........ t- ine from tu... aellooL flo aoel ia to have a larpr pereent.ce of minorities ea.roll in and suceeaa- ful]J' eompl"te collep. The Jlaryland School Perlor- manee Procram ia a drive to get all eebool ll)'8l:ems In the state to meet or exceed .-tate .ta.ndarda iD a number of areas in atudent porfol'lllaliCe. iDelad- lnc • ..,..eud Fu-.,.. Teato. ..,.land Criterium w- Tute (Oin'e), the - of atadenta with enoocta nqaln- men.ta to enter eollese or a aldl- led voeation. attebdaDee. ndac- ed drop.-out rate. and ondary plana and deeiaiODL fteclotratloa 1 State taw requirea Nbool at.-- S.. SCHOOL. - 1. eel. 4 New Principal Comes Fo St. Hugh's School St. Bueh'•- wiD - .., 3 for all -n. .,...p; - eroden who will be -..! durinc tbe tint ..... Sdlool will be on bolt day - T..-,. aDd Wedneaday and anltDniUI will oa Tllmreclay aDd J'rlobqr will be held all day. Kindergarten io t.ull bat -., are etill in other crac1ea. AWip Robey foom wiJt etut biB 6nt ,._. .. '*'1.. Tlhere will -alilo be _... t.L oeveutb cradee . Propoeed DIBtrlct 2 Propoeed Dllltrld 5 The above plan of tbe Governor's Redistricting Advisory · ..... ,.,.. the new Maryland Congres- aiollal Di8trieta. Greeabelt Ues within the proJ!OSecl Dist- rict 5 wiUeh woaJd iadutle parts of Prince Georges, How· ani ud A.aae Anmdel Counties and all of Charles, CaJ. veri ud St. Mary's Coaatl-

Transcript of · n.e Procr&m baa been aet DP to help atuclente develop • .,....._ nea....

Page 1: · n.e Procr&m baa been aet DP to help atuclente develop • .,....._ nea. appreciation aDd under ... tun aDd contriblitioau: by- vari· oua lfl'Oilps


SUNDAY 1()-6

121 Centerway • Roosevelt Center • Greenbelt

Co-op Laan ...,

~Top2•79 STEAK lb.

Fnsh wloole •• !Jalf

Turk.lreaat rn.ltG..-A CHIC. THIGHS .. DJI.1lJill'l'la ,.._ LB.

Sahnon Steak $4.99 Co-op Leall B•ef Bone- LB. NEW YO-

$3.69 S'l'JIIP STEAl[

healo Gn<le A LB. Chic..__. $1A9 lfn>ado All .... LB. Franks 99c

Hata.ld LB. .. ...,__ Loaf $2.79 Ha-ld All ....





WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28th w;,;b no.oo Km~m .... ~ l!lJmludiDc eou- 5,_ o--.nt to AU Shoppers

pon ltema. I50e CouJ>ons Aza Jlazimvm Doubled. - aH ~


Scott Paper Towels Solpo

Fruit Drinks


5/99c Boll

79c 3 padra

59c QT.

$1.29 100 ....

79c ~ lb.




InftCne. - 10 ... -~..... $~19 Liclot • u..!F 11 ...

Cottage a.-.. 89c llos.


eo ....... u. ' pk. lath..-Tiuue 99c San Gicwcio l:lbcnr med. or larp 1 lb. PASTA SHELLS

Faob Liquid LaDcb7 Detergent Red A Wbite eh11Dk Ught Tuna




Dove Liquid 12 os. Dish Detergent 99c Red • Wbite

Tomato Soup 10" ...

3/89c Softaoap bcmu Z2~ oa. Liquid !Ia,._. with 7~ oz. free diopeuet-· $1.89 llinute lllero. RICE!NOODUII SIDE I>I.SHBS

' ... miD.

79c Hilla Broe. 11~ -. briek

~~N~WEE $1.69 N...Uea Qglk a.-to 2 lb.

Flavor Mix $~99

5haata Sodas 6/99c AD Jl'lrroq 1J os. ....,. 7Sao 8os.

Salad Dress~ .... 89c LeloaNwa7 1 ... iD.

Paper ........ 89c C..pbolls 11 -Pork & leans 2/89c PiDk lleaa&J'

Pink Sal-Polaae•!lta~


$2.69 1J-99c

-1:7·~-~~ 99c r- q,.., an n.r.'-.-Cook-hi Pauch -39c

lpk. $2.29

uac 10 SCHOOl .COWON


FIUER .. ~ ·PAPER ·~ 200 ct. . - tlolo Cloasooai + - .... ___ ......,.. __ Lilllll1- -· Goo4 11/11.1111


·I On

s Features P~

by Sandy Smith The 1991 Greenlielt Labor

Day Festival Parade J>l'OIIIia. es to be tbe "biggest and belit yet." So what elae Is -7 But it'a always true. year there seeme to be J11C1ft pizZazz and t!Jl'eitement in· tbe Labor Day Parade, 8113'B Festival President BOO­b! Jlk:Cartby. The Yankee BEtlela Alnerieall Band, head­

. liDera in PreviouS feati11Bl peradea, ...... baek. •TbJe -. t.rlotic, attention - ll'8ttinlr . haad performs an ~ llive·llhow while playiq !lOme Of the beat Jll&l'cliing maale YCIII will hear, aecordiJQr to ~. a.aJr lf!iochael. DoD­

' .,;,._Deddto Ia alao t.a. maJdDc -· ......... ~t .perUe he - • - of ............ ·- _.used. Hla ezperioace

.. ~~~. ... --- "' Onoo6olt; he ........ _... __ · -·•r a r•~,...--eliol ft.nta. He bu bee~-= with bringiJ>C new IP"OUPO to the . GneDbelt parade. ODeb u 1lhe ........... Cbineae dneon aDd don­--. who wiJJ be HturniJ>C to tile Lobo• Da:v parade thia :veer.

Other ~ eeb-led to ap.

Need a Ride? Jlw fno ridee CD llbe f-...

fnr --eall 982-4019

&rtllklt OFFICI a.osm

fttws lltuitw The ollloe ol d>e G...t.ell

Neww ........_. will be do&ed in the- .... .,_.,,..,._ s...,. .. _. I. TIM oflke will be open Ko~ and Tueoday nenilllr'l .from 8 to 10 p.m. ·De.dliue for...., and ad....,..t..

~AN __ ....., NIWSPAI'R Inc Ia 10 p.m. Tueadolr

--,.::) ·'- L.... ::;:_ P.O- Boz !18, Gl!!!!be!t, Marz!aDd 20788-0088 Thursday, Aurust 29, 1991

•ay Festival ageant, Carnival ld Soeiet)" ,.. Geu11r0•

& vuo.e ~ IJI"tt D&JJU, I>unlouin lrioh Bend. the PMriota Plfe eud Dram Corpa, the Potomae Rlnr laa Club, Alta Kameracl­en Gennan Band,· and the Polo­mack And- PenAie -t<tuon e&ll abo expeet .ueh oew en­tria •• the Bolbtaa. daDeen aDd militaey man:blntr platoon., .. well as Akita reSeue dop and d ..... ted honea.

Loeel eelebritlea aDd po11t1e1ano1 will &leo be p- ..... 7-peat. Ill• c-nbelt lttl eud her - - 111111 .. Little lllu ~ ..... .. Little lllu Pia will l>e _,... Ill ... -node. Oommaalty - ,..... the GoldeD Apn "' TJkea willa TriJooa - - othen .will be .............. ...... '!be llltl Oat-atalldbqr. Clttoea -· .. tU pande'a GI'IUid ll.uAaL Walt SlariiJ>C, JIOP1IIa> - _ .... ot ·W.ut., will - aa pend. --...-...... 'lolth GrMU-

~ ~llL. ~ .Jie1obl --ll'>om •lauio roelt to eolllltz7. from braa8 quintet. to folk IJOnp., from mqk: to an- the Labo• Day Fntival ofren continuous eatel'taiDatent ot eTeJ7 style ud for eTftJ' tute. Entertaimnent ebalr 111117 Auu llalo:er ia eape­elal17 pleued witB llbe talent and variet)o of tbla 7eer'a perform­en. She aalcl,'a Labolo 1M7 -tn.l Ia ..U-Imown uow to en.._ ~bout the

metropolJtan u.. and we had au inendlhle chofee of entertain­en aadJtlon to be in our futi­'RL We ehoM the best." abe ad­dod.

'fttill ,'• ·IliA Greenbelt Paceant ~- are Renee Brock. J"~ Carey, Shireen

Dlekaon. -- Feldpuoc:b,

Gree .... tlabor

Day~l •• DOW"i' :auss •r• .. . ~ ··' .~....,,~

Canthal ........ 6

~ ..... ,I!Jz ... -.• Mlsa ar..-.11 - 8:30

...... Boys ttwt.nn • 9

Apeyl Kaye, a-u. K...,...._ Cbe17l KartiD, aDd Samantila Worley. (A ~- IJat appeared

In - week'a !1'- ....._.) Saturday eveninc the atria per. fonD iu the tnulltiODaJ talant .-. Reuee will otrer an oriciu­

a.. FB8TlV AL. - I. eeL I

Hearing in Annapolis Sept. 3 On New Redistricting Plan

by Elaine Skolnik The Governor's Redistricting Advisory Commit tee last

~eek approved & propoeed plan for congressional districts 1n Maryland. A publie hearing on the plan will be held on '_l'uesday, SeptemberS •tarting at 5 p.m. in the Joint­mg Room of tbe Leelaistive Services Building, 90 State Circle, AJmapells.

_The latest coacreuional recli•· daries for the eight COhgr~.SSl,lr-­tnetiDI' pla creates a new base al districts Will be implement(·; for Conenuaaaa Stea:r IL Boy- for the March 3. 1992 pnmariee er,....., Ilea npNMDted the l'lttb Schedule ConCftUioiUil DIRriet for a de. After the hearing, the Adv;~ eade. The propoaed Ftfth. IDt.t. ory Commtttee will ftna.hze .:,. riet covers rou&4117 40 percent recommendations for new <:on. of the population of Prina Ge- greaaional districts. GovP:rtl•lr orpa CoPDtJ' (IDcl'IUibac Green- William Schaefer wL, belt). iD .acldtUou to all of then review the plan and ca.~· Claar- CaiYut aad St. llatTa offer modifkationa before 1t- 1.~ eoaJlltle. eacl portlcm. of Anne preaented to the General Ass.em . An:aMl .8DII BOWIIftl eotmtiM. bJ:r at a special aenion sclbeduJ.

Pellllea ed for September 26. Scha>:"fer Still UDCertala ia how *-mer- bu. veto power on any plan ap­~q of JUt of..._ a.oq. proved by lawmakers. eoalltJ'. ~ -.. mra1 aad eon- The committE-e has set up a -~ ~: Ia the _.. toll free hot.line. 1-800-688-7494.,

. '~:will den, COIU't7 later. for citizens to •ign up to testify --. · at the Sepbember 3 hearin&' in

Annapolia. TIM · NmaiDIDc poriloa of Coantr Rediatrletloc

Priuee C.O.... Coaat,. aad a In the meaatim .. tae Prince - eC M lS .I will a..._ C.....t,. Redlatrktin~ ••~---..&;.- lllloUiot c-- will~ aubmiUlnw a ._ .. 1iee:- I lr ..., plaa to tM eoanty council in

blaek. ~ ~ the -'"" September for the redfatrktlng tee. the ahift in population u- ol council dbtrieta. Final actJOn ported by the 1990 ceDAa ean must be taken by':lO . ~t be .eeommodated by eatab-- The eommiuion bu conducted liAJq a new majority black dis- a aeries of meeting~. one Ln each trict where a black eaDdidate council diatriet, concerning how = have an opportunity of di.triet boundaries ahould lHo

rr next )'ear. New __ bo.a..;_n._.;;d;;.;ra;.;wn;.;:.... ---------,

Public Schools Open on Tuesday by Rebert LeriDe

PriDee Georpa County · pliblle acbooiiJ will opeD on '1\Jeeday, 8eptemfw 8. About 109,6'16 atudenta ...... tislpected to emoD, an in­~ af about 1,000 over laat year. Tl>iB continues an upward trend which began witb the introduetion of tbe IDIIgllel; achoola in 1987. This y-.r, tbe eounty will operate 171 achoolll; eome 507 new ~era have been hired.

AU ~ adloola ... tall aad .,.,. W111tina'Jiste. The mag­not aelloola, wt.leh off.. opedal­iad - ._.. lllatitated .. • - o« .. llimnc neial iDterrratioJL The,. are DOW ftDed by Jotte.,.. 8tudoata wlahlq to attend TAG acboola 1w1 to J)Ma an exllllainatio11 in om.r to ()Dallty t.. the lott..y. Tbe Vla­ual and. Pe~orming Arte Hl&'h Sd>ool in Suitland beJel andltio• inatead of examinationa.

N-PNcruoe Multleultural .-ion will be

•tnued aplll thla 7ear. Daring

the . mmmer a conference wu held for pareute to IBf- them of the multleultunoJ IDitlativa belnc Implemented tlm>ucbout the- -to ..... &leo pn>vlded with mathoda of •upportilac Uld eaballeina' multi­'I!Uitunl iDatructloa at home .

n.e Procr&m baa been aet DP to help atuclente develop • .,....._ nea. appreciation aDd under· •taDdluc of tila biato.,., .... tun aDd contriblitioau: by- vari· oua lfl'Oilps within Ameriean ao­Qety, Tbe procram bas been in· atitated for ltinde1-prten th>oa ... tweltlil eracle and ia uaed In Enc~Jab. math, ,..._ aoeial a:badlea, art aDd mule.

AJ>od>er new-. Equi&J' 2000, Ia • - apouaored ..,. the Oollep lloenl ........... inc ell at:udenta to - algebra

- ~ -- ........ t­ine from tu... aellooL flo aoel ia to have a larpr pereent.ce of minorities ea.roll in and suceeaa­ful]J' eompl"te collep.

The Jlaryland School Perlor­manee Procram ia a drive to get all eebool ll)'8l:ems In the state to meet or exceed .-tate .ta.ndarda iD a number of areas

in atudent porfol'lllaliCe. iDelad­lnc • ..,..eud Fu-.,.. Teato. • ..,.land Criterium w­Tute (Oin'e), the - of atadenta with enoocta nqaln­men.ta to enter eollese or a aldl­led voeation. attebdaDee. ndac­ed drop.-out rate. and pot:~. ondary plana and deeiaiODL

fteclotratloa 1 State taw requirea Nbool at.-­S.. SCHOOL. - 1. eel. 4

New Principal Comes Fo St. Hugh's School

St. Bueh'•- wiD - .., ~ 3 for all -n. .,...p; - eroden who will be -..! durinc tbe tint ..... Sdlool will be on bolt day - T..-,. aDd Wedneaday and anltDniUI will be~d>-dap. ~ oa Tllmreclay aDd J'rlobqr will be held all day.

Kindergarten io t.ull bat -., are etill in other crac1ea.

AWip Robey foom ~ wiJt etut biB 6nt ,._. .. ~ '*'1.. Tlhere will -alilo be _... t.L

---in-~-­oeveutb cradee .

• Propoeed DIBtrlct 2

~ Propoeed Dllltrld 5

The above plan of tbe Governor's Redistricting Advisory · .....,.,.. the p~ new Maryland Congres­aiollal Di8trieta. Greeabelt Ues within the proJ!OSecl Dist­rict 5 wiUeh woaJd iadutle parts of Prince Georges, How· ani ud A.aae Anmdel Counties and all of Charles, CaJ. veri ud St. Mary's Coaatl-

Page 2: · n.e Procr&m baa been aet DP to help atuclente develop • .,....._ nea. appreciation aDd under ... tun aDd contriblitioau: by- vari· oua lfl'Oilps

\fan and dog enjov a newly ""·oods in Sc:hrom Hills Park.

Info. Exchange

(.: eg<> ;s host:ng a f:~e C)r .•

··:--·~·::~~- Managem"'n~ Car-eer :_-:· -~7r.a: -,r. Exchang'"

~! . .;-~- -~...:.-:"'":·--· -·omm · :a.·..<:~ .:-.1:J~::-:. ;:.:-1:·e~.s;:H:-

·:r.a: •. >r. a::.o·..o: :!"..;- ~:-:a.:enges

,- ~ "PP·J:t::ll"'.J: ~s .-,f ;;. ~·)r.scruc-

- :-na:1ag-e'1"'.en~ ~are;>; and :he -:t-·"-· ~rt>d:: :":•Jr;-<.?red:: :on!Jt-ru.!-- Jr. ma . .,agement program W.:>m-~:; , r.<:Jcula:r are oi'neour-aged : .. .:. at:end.

T-....,e mfoMI\atJon e-xe-hange wil~ ':>e Mid at the Largo .Campus on Thllnday. SeptembE-r 5. from n .3-0 .1nt1l 8:3() p.m :n B~ade-n

HalL Room 135- To reguter cali. ~01 1 322-0878. Refruhments

Je .serve-d.

Poetry Contests The 'S at1onal Library of Poetn

~ )~er1ng $12..000 in pr:zes and .1 ::-hanel'! to be J)Obl1shed in a -.a:-d:.Ound a.nthology Entry is :·~ee. Send one origma; poem. a~y subJect -and any style, no T. ore :-han 20 line-s. to: N' ational :...~rary of P~try. 5-E Gwynn• !YI<: Ct .• PO Box 704.-PD. Owiap !'tf.:Ls, MD 21117. Poet~s name and addri!U must a-ppear at the top '>f the ~- D.eadline ia ~­ne:- 30.

T~ S~r-r-owg-ra.a Poetry F.or­.lm will award ca:rb prizea­:ng $1.000 aDd a dl.ance to be ;:>•.JDhs-hed m the summu 15$2 edi­::.n. )! ''Poet1e Voiees of Ameri­ca" :n ~s Awards of Poetic Ex­>? :e~e contest. Entry :s free. :':e~.-: me e!":~:-y. 20 ::nes J:-- :ess. -- a:iy JUOJect. ;n any ~~y.e. :o: Poetn' For..:m, Inc . ;::J-ept.. L. 203 Diamond St 51-rters­··::.e. WV 261 iS- Conte~t doses ~ ovembe-t' 30. Wimrers will be ,..0t:fied by January 31. 1992


rompleted trail through the -photo by Pat Scully

County Embraces Recycling Campa.ign

.Wore :han 265,000 pound& o! paper and aluminum cans were C•) and recycled by Prin~f!­

Ge•Jrge,; County employees dur­:-Jg :h"' fiscal y-ear end~ng June

1:191 I: would h.ave cost more :na:-: $t3.P5-W t.o landfili these ma­

:ena.3 the County had re­

cyc:ed fer free. In addition, tbi3 .-ampa1gn has saved more than U40 trees and 37.000 l'&llons of fuel oil.

"Our employees have shown that reeyclinl' in the workplue doe-~ worlr:. and I commend them for their envi:roamental aware­n-ess. Th.e C.oanty's m-hoaae Of­fice Paper Reeyellnil' Program 1!- a mode! wbieh ba.aineues ab-ouid look to wben t.bey won­der whether :reeycling can work for them." Prince Georife• County Exec-utive P&ni3 N. Glendenin&'. who IHU the recyc­!mc eonu.iner next to hla desk daily.

For more ulformation. eall the 0-tftee o! Reeyehna- at (301) 925-5963.



Beeall.M ot the Labor Day Holiday, Kcmday. Sepc.ember !, ,._ wlll NOT be oolleet­ed that da,-. lloaday"a rou.te will be picked. up on Tunday. Tuesday"s route will be- picked :1p on Wednesday. Thunday and Fr. day of tha: w~k will oe on regular scheda:e. Spe­::-:a. :ras~ wi:~ no: be picked .!p en Wednesday-

R.ecyelai:>~es Wlll be eo:~ec:.ed on the:!" recular schedule.

Grttnbdt f\cw~ ~ruitw '-.FQEO Y SICOI..NI"' 11-"'ES oe,_...,. '95!J-'91-

ElAol'IIE SICOI..Nllll I>~E:i C'E ..


E<1-<1o.r lllt:;o,... '-"" W\Ho:;o.., .. Q,. u:•·M"2 -"•1. Edltm· S.rttera• 474-1-4-SJ ...._ E4Hor E~ne $11;ou.-..-. q!3-f.3J6

Letters to the Editor So Civilized

First Parkland I~ired by Mr. Rosenzweig-'s

letter to tbe editor, I eon~ta.­late and thank Leonie Penney and varioo• Greenbelt preserva­tioniat croup~ It ia a eontinuinc and dimeult job they do for the 'bene4t of .all our citiuna. Mn­PeDney woul-d appreciate & fur­ther bit of Greenbelt parkland preservation history, .u •be wu & part~ it.

'nle ftrat permanent Greenbelt parkland donated to the city wa• laad belonginc to the orieinaJ WoodlaDd Hillo A.ssoemioa mem­bon, lod II, !tl ant preoident, Toa:r llodden, and ollleen Mike Bvehlek aDd Jiai Caaela. · A.s a part of the oricin&l Ja:rout

of WoodlaDd Hillo Community. the me.ben voted to donate to the eit;r parkland on Crueent Road ....... fiom tbe fire de­pa.l'tmen.t and St. Huwfl's and land wbic:h ia now dubiously named ''Lakewood-Northway Vallq Stream Park.."

A. far baek as the late 1950'~ there wen C'.lstom built homes on· Lakeside Dr. But Woodland Hills -... the :ft:rst community housing development -outside of GHI built in Greenbelt.

To their eredit and pioneer­ing ·~ommunity spirit. this out­atandina' IJTOUp of homeowners had the incredible foresight to proteet GJ"eEnbelt from .. commer­ciali2.ation of Crescent Road,. at the expense of their own pocket­books.

So yes! Mr. Rosenzweig-, as we encoura&te and praJse t.oday's preservationists, it dO'-es us well to remember the fore.;ight and the '"'put your money where your mouth is:" action of oar pioneer pre&ervatiooirts

'I'll-. MadMD StriA&'fellow-

THANKS Tlu.ol:: you Dorothy Lauber for

your very kind remart.. Myrna and I love Greenbelt. I have ded~ icated a ;ron:r titled "Welcome ~ Gree-nt>el't-" Come all and join u.- in sin~nc it •t the tal­ent sh·)W Satorda,- at 5:4.5 p.m. Thanks again. Dorothy,

- lloudUc:k

NoFRPHere! I read with creat. intere.t Pat

SeuUy's article in the Aucut 2:2 edition and the aeeOUDt of 'the lut. GEAC meeflinc, helcl oa Au­gust 1.

When I got to the part reprd­inc tbe 6:re-retard&Dt pl7'WQOd

(FRP) matter, I waa ........Ut alarmed that J'OU bad ldeati6od the d.,.el- of Greealm>olr:

~a!--~ Villqe aDd Willdaor -· u beiac oaoceptible to ... pnb-

- with tbla ~ n -alwa:ra - ..,. ..-...u..c tbat ainclo-ta.ll:r ...... -..,...titute ~ G......,_ E.tatea. .... N Dot ~ with the FRP. - llbat -...,.. - when ..UOUUnc _,. are .,.,_D, ...... uooall7 built with l"' materials eouaiatine of FB.P. Ever sinee thia iaaue has eome to the- .aur.faee nearly two yean aco,. I have eon.atantly leoked into the poa.sibilit)' that FRP JDia'ht have been oaed in Greenbrook Eatate. and. each time, I have been given assuran­ces that the 109 homes iD our development were not eou.t.nrc­ted with thio plywood.

I would appreciate your cor­recting this :reference to Green-brook Estate• ill your article, befcre I have a hoard of dia-gruntled homeownen clamorin:r up_ my front otepo.

Tiaoodoy s. Secluwt PreoideDt G.-rook-..

B.oateo ........ ~ EditoraNote: The Newa -regreta any UDWarTanted coneern caused by our :reporter'& error.

I bTe takeD tibe opportanlty to teat t:l:t.e new atop aipa at c-t aDd Gardenwa:r from f!Yf1r7 anwle, in rrveey JOrt of tnt­ftc. aDd by every mode .of trans­portation tba~ I normally ue. I !Mwe found that the delay of a atop on Crea:emt ia­aUy abort. the waits on Garden­

. way are maeb .tlorter t.han be­font aDd tbe ambience ot a Jife­preaervinc ..._tion i.e preaent in eftr7 eue. It fteDl8 10 eivf­liaed to stop·.._. DOW; .o m:ueh like o-.t.tlt: I _,. atoP at :;. ~ . ..._I Olt IIQ'

Doqlu l.. ._ ..

Another ResJ'O"Ue Ia - to !lb. Itoaa­

r:weic'• 1- ia the Aapst 111 N ... - elltlllod ~- Our RoOta•. I W01IId like to oq -t I - atteadod ali of tile -• Cit,. Couadi -... ..,-...,~ the p1"0p01al to eoDatnaet a UO UDit hi&'h rise Oil tbe librai'y parl<inc lot. 'l1le fact ia that the majorit,. of eitiseDII ill attend­AliCe who are opppoMCI tO pro'Vi~ dille clt,.-owned labd tor private development are in fact lone time" eit:v re.identa.

However. fortunately ~1 GreeD­belt ruidents have a ricbt to ezpreaa their view• rea-ardleu ot how long they- have lived here. _,.__ ~-= .......

MAIL SIJB8CAIP110N8: 130 per .,_,, Ad¥wt .. lng Mel ,_. artie* m., M mU~ (lkK U. O,..,.e;,eh); ~ '" .,.., boJc • u.. O..-ben co-op grocery ...,.. Mtore 7 p.m. T...-, fX lo the edllorlal oMoe 1ft the beMment Df 1S Paritw!IY (476-

:~!;~~ p.: ~:::.~ artie ... end ca..lflect lldl are eooept. .. Monday from 2-4 aM ... o Pill .... r-.., tf'Oftl e-10 pm.


HOLIDAY SCHIDUU The Greenbelt Conneetion, the cii(s dial-a-ride lier-

vice will NOT operate on LABOR DA , MONDAY, SEP-TEMBER 2. The service will be resumed on Tuesday, September 3.

H,:3ppy Labor Ddy Festivdl to all of our Greeroelt neighbors

as we enjoy the fleeting days of summer.

The BRBm iamilv

a Bewch-amo. Judi Bordeau._ :·a~._.,. Pal oa ... •s. 0.. Downa.

• -:,: ut:.cow. Dany Heo\. Jane ·~·~, Lo1.use Kramer. Ooroltly

Mach El<zet>ell'l Maflay V~ e· D•ano!l Oberg.. ~toa(ona

""'"""'"''"· -'d~ Pl.-. l.fth11 • :>e•·l Sot!G*I •. s.nma S\.rTt)er

-~· .e~-. Tur"-•e.z.. OU.Iie 'll'an "" ' ·;.· .• .z....,-_

... AII!M IIAIIAOI!tt: Mary H8tfofd; c... _, ..._.. ~: o.vtd a.ln. ~ {Linda): ..,....... LaM Cfft:dllkfw: v•rta Bowtnan. ~ -"-teW, ,.7.._.131: Slalllf ........,._.: .J. HeNion.

~ ..... ....,..,.......,.~~~~.__...._.. .... .aMID M D,_CTOM

o.ane oo.rg., ~rdiMt; Pwt Scully, .a ~; Vi,.u.ia ~ --.; .... -.. ...........

Christian !Jte Magician and assistants return by popular demand to entertain during t.he Labor Day weekend.

Voter Registration At Festival Booth

Speeial voter registration will be held at the Labor Day Fes­tival on Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. Residents must be re-gistered witll Prince Ge()r­.&'e& County in order to vote in the city election..

Wateb for the voter informa­tion table/booth or -call 627-2814 for a form by mail.

b,- Bill Boawell The followina activities are

sebeduled: W ed:nesday, Sept. 11 11 a.m. - Social Meetine; Frid-ay, Sept. 13, 8 a.m. - Trip to Glen Echc; Wednesday, Sept. 18, 11 a.m. - American Cancer Society p-resentatlon; and Wednesday, Sept. 25, 11 a.m. - Police Officer George Matthews will speak on Home and Personal Safety.

The meetings: are held in the Multi-purpose room of the Youth Center. Visitors and guests are welcome.

Free T'ai Chi Class The public is invited to a free

introductory T'a1 Chi session at the Greenbelt Youth Center on Saturday, September 7, 9 - 10 a.m. T'ai Chi is the classic Chi­nese exercise for health, self de­fense and spiritual growth. T'ai Chi is "meditation in movement" and practiced throughout the world for ita health benefits. The replar ten week series of be­ginners dasses begins on Sat­urday, September 28. Anyone in­terested in finding out more about the art of T'ai Chi 1!­

welcome. A short film will be shown.

A~ ~he Library On Tuesd-ay. Septem-ber 3 there

will be registration for Tickly Toddle Storytime. The program i!'l for two-ye-ar-Olds and their par­ents and will be on Thursdays at 10:15 a.m. from September 19 to October 24.

Wednesday, September 4. Drop­! n .S.toryti·me for ages 3-5 aL 11


August 30 - September 2 In Roosevelt Center in Historic Greenbelt

A four-day festival of Entertainment, Games, Athletic Events, Special Contests, Exhibitions and Shows

A 'elebration for all ages CARNJV AL - Open all weekend, with games, rides, booths, and foOd. Enjoy bar­becue, gounnet sandwiches, Italian & Polish sausages, hamburgers & hotdogs, fro­zen yogurt, sundaes, funnel cakes & more

ENTERTAINMENT ON THE FESTIVAL STAGE- Non-<~top entertainment throughout the weekend. Catch these acts!

JELLO BOYS -Classic & Traditional Rock Friday, August 30, 9 to midnight

PATRICIA LYNN AND TIMBRELINE- Country Rock Saturday, August 31, 9 to midnight

SOULED OUT- Top 40's & Popular Favorites Sunday, September 1, 9 to mid­night

PLUS - Electric Sky's Classic Rock; D.C. Motors' 50's and 60's sounds; Sprouts of Grass with string band and bluegrass; Grandsorl8 of the Pion<>ers; Magpie's environmental songs; Christian the Magician and folk singers, mime & comedy

MISS GREENBELT PAGEANT ·~ PHOTO EXHIBITION & ART SHOW Pageant Talent Presentation ,r-o_ Saturday - Monday Saturday, Aug. 31, 7 pm ~

Evening Gown Presentation & Crowning of :\\ TALENT & VARIETY SHOW Miss Greenbelt Sunday, Sept. 1, 7 pm 111" Saturday, Aug. 30, 6 pm

PET SliOW- Children bring all types of pets to the show Saturday, Aug.~ 31, 10 am 1[}\)"---1, SPECIAL CONTESTS - Diaper derby, toddler race. and games for child-ren & teens Saturday, Aug. 31, 2 pm



Call 982-4019 for infonnation on FREE ride to the Festival

Busch Gardens Trip for Seniors

The RecTt>at1on Dc~r.;,r--m,.n· sponsonng an senior CJtizt>n::~ to and Busch Garden.., be Monday and T:.l<:'"<<la:_.. 7 and 8. Space i.<~ :1m:!•'d -available on a firRt served b:as1.<1.. For C'8ll 474-687R

Model Rocket Launch There wlll bt> a model r-·...::..

launch on Sunday. St·pt•.·m):,;:; at 1 p.m. on the VH::·or r::.o~.~. · jO!;TOUnd.s at the Go•!dJ.roJ ·<:):,. Fh~h-t C-t>nter Cse · r.,. ,. -:ern• , .. on Soil Con.!lf'rvat10r. H, a .l mort> informatwn •"d. .. 2 .... ,;_,...". on \\".-dT){'"$day th~c,_;.._·i: .-: ~:. from 10 a.m ~o 4 :·· n~

Reception, Exhibit For Greenbelt Artists

A rt·cr•p:J.,n •;..·. 1 ,;_;,.: ;·

o•xb. 1>1f;<H. \;r. at th,• Gr•···~:t·(·.c L ··r

Opt·n •o tlw

tH.Jn Jg "''--"t f0r '··:·· frnm )".) p m 1r1 :h, tht· libr-ary'"' lower .•.. ,. ·

The m.~.ntl-,-lon>! ,.,~ fea<.tln' v.···rk-;; by A L1ndt>r. Barbara .'of··';. Plastt'r, \'ril••n,. \\';t', late Jo S.:·hetbi!L

Tour the Green Belt The (\Jmmlttf'l" ·· C:::,· ..

Green Bt•lt ,_., of the "Gre-en !-1~·~· day ar noon Thf·y 'T,,.,,t :o~ p!<ayground at ~hP t>nd M Ga~ denl\-·ay Re!rt~!shments a.r'-' pr<, vided. Cali 474--4.86-3 for m:!or mation .

Genealogical Society The Pr:n<'P c;, ... ~_g.-~ I'

Genealog-Jcal S...'/('J•>':.y ·"'·' \\-'ednesday. Se-pU.rnb·~-r t r.· p m • m the r;re\:'nhct

Eml! Rasa. wdl 1b:·H'td~ ,

pants of the Wh1t.-- H·>llH· f• ·n­Adams to Bus.h" The rn•·· :;::~ open to t!w public

September Reunions Re-gina d.aM r.f lr!"l •';, ·~-d·:·

day, SeptPmbt>r 7 a~ ''l•· HE,,tda, Inn in Col!f'ge Park ('c,nr.w• ~,·~· Hart 2G2-529-9209

Potomac Class of En•: · .r· ,;',,1 ·~ urday, Septernho>r 7 a• ·h·· H:Pr .. 1.

d!t tn Oxon HJ!l r·, ma,.~ f(, v:r! Chrutian 703-&16-2222

Surrattsville- Cl:os:'l ,,f ld.:-<: .·,r· Fr1d.ay, Septe-rnhf.>r 27 at :he JA, Fontaine BIE"u r...-Hl!..«<. •, Da \~ ,. Iarllham .'W1·627·7945 .

Oxon H11! Cl&&"' nf l9tJr~ ()r: F r

day, Sept.e~r 27 a1 thf> R.ama.;;. in Oxon H1ll. ('_,.,mtttt·t J<-ar.f"lo+·tt•' Innamorato 1-;p!IS(Ylpo at J, 71;:~ 373-2697

PG County Fair Starts Sept. 2

The Prux-e Ge.-)1'1(t'-S C,("..>-Ur.t y Fair will bE- held S~t{'mhn :.:. 7 and 8 from 11 a-m. t.o 10 pm. a;-,.~ September 3. 4. 5. and ;) fr·)m 1 t.c 10 p.m. at the P"r-tnc~ GKH-J<:(-<­Equestrian C-enter k..-:a'tt>d <•t Rout.eo!. 204 •nd .1 in ·urorx'r Marl. boro. The>Te i<8 an a~rnl.i<!!-J(>n f. •' for a-dults and <"bt·1dn-n ovr•r 1:! Younger children will bt:· a<:!m:twd fr~ For i~n caj~ ~~i)2 02'70, TDD# 249~ .

Page 3: · n.e Procr&m baa been aet DP to help atuclente develop • .,....._ nea. appreciation aDd under ... tun aDd contriblitioau: by- vari· oua lfl'Oilps

Rea-eatiee Reriew Fall C.... Vo1Jo71ooa11

'l'bor.lle<>-ed~-..... ts opea eo a11 '--· oa. • ara-----.-· lu.ct ., eiPo< - ---­Play will t.ecia ia ..W Stltea ber o& tile SHL Bee. Ceaar. r .. ..... iaf .... call~ ... <ITC-a'l'&

IIIQ.T ...... ha~ T1oe SHL T-- clod>'lrill

... ,. ita - _.,. - Wocl· ............... , ........ _ SBL ..._ c-.. All - -.1-.-. ----Tbo-.~--·=·-·· d • .._.tllle8BL ..._C...- T_.-­V.W..,. lloioL. D fw ,_­llistaU,_..W.Oidor~

f.-'t~la - ... -­,._.,__w~-


2'7'70. w-. Plq ,._

1"be G- w-·• Plq F.-! ....... Ia- t1o all taMa Oil.~.~

- - priarilr ........ - --- i'loiFwiiiiMcla-... ~. Por-eaUCf.....,._

Pr41aloc-­s..nm- at Leland

"Prootate <:a--: An Too at RiM!~. a fne -... 'lrill be beld ... .....,.. ~ ••• to 7:30 ...-. ill doe ..tetftia eoaternee roo. f4 LelaDd Ke­•orial Boepital. ...,. £ut...West Hilr!t9a7 ill :RiY..-dale. TN -..,._. will be -- by foaz .-IU:al-The _.iO"Iiots iDe- Dr. Na. ,.;, SbaA. - Ill w....r. Department of Satyery; Dr. Jo­seph lluhbarn, ........... of doe ~rtm- of Pa<looloc7; Dr. Charleo Baddey, radiolociot -nodear JDedieiDe speeialia ... l.amily physician Carl Boa:auut.. II.D. Partieipouoto will be umted to joiD ia a qtleStioa-aad-aa ... wer period.. Pr.~ ia ._._

Call ....._ - ill w...r. no..-.""-- at (301) -- tw inf-­or~

....... Faith "Tioe ~ _.. Ill tnath

~ t- oaiF- doe elaa of d;&'eriae opiaioao.. - Baloa'i s.aoc1 Writillp Gno.Wt _, c..-,.

P.O.-­'"-liD an. --··· -....

ST. JOMN'S CHUKH ,......., --........ -JW..--. !>:SO a.a. Holy 1!:-.w

..... ,_ G. llalo, ._ --

c::>< Catholic

Community of Greenbelt



Greenbelt Baptist Church Bible Sba<i7 Por All Apw (S.....) li:G All Worship - (Balli.) 11:00 All I& 7:00 Pll - 1'n7w Ser9iee (Wed.) 8:00 Pll

Por ~- ...,._., call ~74-C21% a:IO All - a PJ(

c-·~·-Community Chutdt

UNITED CRUJtCIIl. ~ CIDaST .J"'"--:., liiUsi4o ,. eo..- .... r ,.. Pboae: 474-Qft _..._

Learning - ...... 10:15 a.m. San!IQ-W-*ip

·;;..r.SIIiiii!IIIII.I&::Jit.ol.\ .. 11:20 a.m. Fellaonl;fp ~ Nanery C.. l'l9wWool

'"A cA>areA of tlu..,.,. Mind, the warm .w.rt. tA. ..,.W­ist~ ..... alld tAe IJOCiJJl ,._ • • ."

Greenbelt Travel Services Your Cruise and Vacation


CANCUN SPECIALS w ..... j.a --- ,._ Yioltiq Z2 ~Is bo c-1-- _,

7 rtigbto dbl. oce

at the Oasis Cancun

lad.. eir fare.

Call aa for oatatandiDg cruises aDd 1111111 -.-uo­.......... Oldest, ....... A.-y

Connaieatly loeated IICrOe8 from ~

7910 a...,.ood Ln. MS-9003 JDD S.loa6lcr.......,

Man •• Wwsllip

11:00AM. "(Nwsey


Holy~--- ... Wanldit-.-:. ~ ........ ~.B:a&u:lla.a.---- a&_. ...tee)

a.....q lldMool - -a.- e:lil ...... ~D--11:18 -11:18....,.. ..__ I ~-,..,.~-...r... ........,_- ......... tobueadldoe- .....


.. _ .. ___ lfi..IUl


·MIMiats The ..t hoe Gm Woocllucla Committee ltu heeD .stud71D!r a.e-- raMed at tile..,. Jlaabenldp~ ~ iDa- the f1ltare of oar......._, 111111- 'WIIIlt to be­

.. poulble that - addreu 1111 - at ~ to tile ~

If J'OU have a partieuJar - you ""-at to 8ee addnita­ed. pleue drop wo a 110te with a brief nphneHon AAJ.. direu your ...,._ to: GBI Woocll&llde Conuntttee, GBI

liamilton Place. Gftienbelt, JID 20'7'70. Your ·-.-­should ~ 118 by the dciee ol a.a..- 01! '1'lulndlly. ~ li eo that the· •; ;diDe.........,. lui.,..ibDe tO re.1ew U... pria"r 1111 oar Mat·'......_. lfenm..e .ft eleo iJnited to attead oar 11111111i1!11L .._, ...... ~the ciate, time and~ ottl. ....... .... be Pll•wtlwd ... the ......... the ........ flte.....U..C. . . .

Man tJwo 500 Greenbel*-" were treated to Ch'- fOOd at ..,.... .- up In the maD and In the oa Saaday ...-..1Jw u part, of the Bei.ilnc'• graad _....

Mayor GU Weldenfeld weleomes the Beijin~r to ~elfl Ceu.ter at a paad opening on Sunday, AaCUAt 25. The two OWDerB, who are sisters, Feng Lla Lee (left) and Lilly Lia Zbula 8allk the mayor. Their brother, lllld the eompany preaideat, Demols Lia stands on the right.

Chi~Mwe Lion. daDeera en.tutam at tb<e wala. In the kikMn Ch~tf Yu Xiang Lee (Frnw lAeo'11· band) f~ the lion a red papt>r pocket eontaininr ( ror good lack.

Metro Scheclule1 Labor Day Metro for Solidarity Day Scheclule Changes

The Mem>raU "7•tem will open at 8:.80 a.m. Saturday, Au­guilt 81 (Ano<CIO Solldarlt:r DaJ"). Staadard DOD-peak fares will be In eft'eet on Metrobua and .lletrorail all day. Paaaen­cen moat have tareearda or ftatbpa-.

TraveliDJ' to aad from the variou eventa will be easier darinjr _.. perioda i! Blue and Ora~~p line panenpn uae the Farrapt Weet. L'Eiltant and Federal Cent.r Stationa.

On Labor Day, llondaJ'~ Sep-. tember 2 the MetroraU aylltem will operate from 8 a.m. to mid­ni.,tlt. .Kombu will operate on a Sunday .:hedule. Non-peak fa rea wiU be in effect all da7. Parkine at all tra11.1i*' authority­operated lob will be free. Bl­eyclista with bike-on-rail permit. will be allowed to tra.naport their bie)"C'lea on Jletrorail.

Maryland Commuter Rail will not run on Monday. "The Baa" of Prinee Georcea County will run on ita replar weekday aehe­dule.

No bicycles will b.e allowed In For information about

Smithsonian Shows Norden's Dinosaur

The dinosaur bone fou.nd Greenbelter Arno;d "Butch" ~o~­den of Lakewood will ~e- or. dl!!· play tor the first tlme at ti1~ Smithsonian's Museum of Natur­al Hi.atory on Wednesday. Sept 4, at 7 p.m. TMre will also t., a premiere o.f the flrst ep;.sfJ-•-:c ol the television doeumentdr;. seriee .. Dinosaur" fullowe-d reception whieh wli] ~ opt•n t•J

Smith.11onian members and n-J~ me-mobera. There u1 a fee Ca .. (202) 357~3030 for more :nf()r mation .

the MetroraU ~ on Aupat :aebedule-. eall Metro at ..._..,_ · uhotoa col>riell:v Bal.iiD&' 81. 1000.

The 150-pGund thighbone :s tht' largest adult dwosaur be,.n.~ known to have been !ound in the nortbea.tern U.S. It will be db­pla7.t in the rotunda on Sept. 4. Olll7.

. JA. ... '" Jlt · · Speciidizing in Szechuan and Hunan Cuisines 131 Centerway 345-3996 \


Friday, August 30 through Mo~ay, September 2 S9.95 p~r person

~----------------------~ OR TRY OUR

Sidewalk Special FOR ONLY

$7.95 par .,..._


Mongallan Barbecue One 5oft Drink

Soup: Choice of Hot & Sour, Wonton or Egg Drop Appetizer: Crab Ran~n Entrt!8: Choice of one of the following

* General Tso1s Chicken * Orange Chicken Chow San Shien {Shrimp, chicken, beef with vegetables) Chefs Chicken

* Shan Fun Beef * Hot & Spicy LuMh 11:30 • 3

Dessert: Fresh Fruit & Fortune Cookie Din- Sun .• Thurs. 3-9:30

One Soft Drink Fri., & Sat. • 3-11

Page 4: · n.e Procr&m baa been aet DP to help atuclente develop • .,....._ nea. appreciation aDd under ... tun aDd contriblitioau: by- vari· oua lfl'Oilps

p.,..a Police Bletter __ .., __ _..,. __ p-~

0.. A- 14,. & 17-:nu...W nonraideDt w. ~ted .... ~ed----lll­teut to di-- aDd ~ Oil eraek eocaiDe Oil Soatbway. '11M yoobb wu releued to a panat pendinc trial.

On A- 20 twoo !1-,._.old

nonreoideat - ....... --­•• ·--~ dnlp. Oao .... ~with......_.... mo... thaD Z8 cnmo of -­into n.te, ~ ol co.­caine with iD&eDt to ~ posrMMiuc a dnice to deHftr a controlled d.aaceroa.a nb:ltaace &ncl poueaicm ot • COIIIiil'olleG d&Dcei"'OOa Mlbet&D::e; be wu W4 on $260.000 boDd.. Tbe Ollber wu ~haraled wi:Cib. poueuioa of eo­eMn.e ' iotent to ~

aDd -- of, • -lied daDcerouo • ..-..-, be wwiMid ... · ---O..A_l __ __

• bnalriJic - "' ..... resideDee ill tbe 8100 bloek ot. -.. lid . BJ.etrollic oqalp.. meiitwuAoieo. OnA-17&-re~

a.a au.e-pted ~ aDd..._...

-of --ia-­blodt of SpriBciWI Dr.; -

bel pried-·--· v..-OD AUCliR 1• .a 57-Y-.r-old.

~icieut Jllele wu arreeted for tnM"C'tool>4aino~b7 fraad. (with • forzed tion)) M Sel..-ay. a._ ... n­IMMd peDdiDc trial. . v-o.. A- 17 o red, f_......,., 198'1 Ford Taa,_, liD toawo TXN 007. wa.s stoiea from the area at K.mlwortb A .. &ad I-16. Oa Lhe same day. a wbice. four-door. Ul91 To70fi& T.-eef.. Wlk:Dow-a MD ~ poro<T top. ...... otolen - \Joe 9200 blodr: "' ~ Laae. 0.. A- 20, a wbiae. !Me Clwfto. let A.ltro na. North Caroliaa t..a.p l>PS88'7'2. ... .tolea boa the 9100-of~ TOIT. v.--to,tWta-.­au:empted: a.tta ot. eatoe ..,.. ... ~ ;,. - fellowboc .... , S.lnn:r P!aa. the 7- .bloelt of CherTywood lAM, .... 'TSOO -of G-lt a-. ..,.. a eo.t 1'1-.. PJo..


MoGI>d 10 p.m. Oil 4- 11, -.. of tb G...eabelt Pollet n.,,...._,. .• .........- edr7-I!X:ecllted • ~ Uld MiZIIN warraJJt at a peat l'001Il m tiM Holiday h111. Amonc other t:biDp. :hey seised pbeDey<lidiae (PCP), peekaciac material aDd a 1aaoet ...,. ~ 1110De7: tiler u.-..1 11ft people in the room. ebarcillC thea wrth poawuion with iJ:d:eDt to ~

- PCP &ad -- <JI PCP. 'l'1lae _.. ... , :u-,.......w

Kirlt~lllicklledorfols-­brook held .. boad; 11-,......old 11arn7 Tbomu s..-.. riU of DO bed- ($10.0. boDd); 20-;rear-olcl Juon I.ewU Smith. aloo of DO llzed -(115,000); 20-,...r-old Paule .. lkri<t Hour"' a.-- ($10,.. 000 boad); aadlt-rear...W s­therL,.,.Gamo<JI~ (qO,DOO boad).

A-.. - n-,._..,w Tro;rAwia-<11~

WU OD. --­uoreouJt<JI~.fll u.e raid: he ..... bold .., szo;ooo bond. All -- bod ~ befbre a DiMriet Coart Oaaml:i ...

GUN 011A - Cor.... TH w/4 81, 3.5 BA & 3 fin. lewis. Fuly ~ IDt has wale-out to deck. Large rec nn wllinoplaca & s1orage ....-. F...n paint & carpet is less thana year. Ideal sun._..... $149,900



aLOCK. End unit w/HALF BATH on 1st Roor, oep. dining nn, 2 AIC's. $81< in modem upgrade.. $75,900

COMING SOON - BRICK END UNIT wi1h attached garage. In process of being sruced up. $85,000

LOOK AT Ml Beautiful hardwood Roo~! Sep. laundry & AIC. Quiet location & foenced bod<yard. $63,900


JUST USTID ·. BLOCK home wllorge kitchen, sep den, large bedrooms, freshly painled throughout. $69,900

TOP CONDf@l~ ilif ..ftacy trees bacb to a baM field. F-4D'V ... UDUCEDI $59,900

HOT • Block unit ~-ly ~- Addffion, new ca~pet. fre.h paint & -· REDUCED SlOK$59,900

MODDN upgraded 1Dt & bath. Patio bacb to wooded play mwa. 2 AJC's & refinished hdwd Roon. $59,900

LOW LOW PIUCI . Ow ..... leaving country aAd must

sel. ~ yard; nice layout & lots of extras. $54,990

JUST USTID · Ope,_j kit wlextro counters & cabio.ets. Sep. laundry nn. Fenced front & backyards. $60,500

PIUVACT PUJS ·END unit wllarge yard backs to aatK

of woods. 2 AIC' s, w/w ca~pet. bright kito::hen. $64,900

JUST LJSnD - End unit w/secluded. priyate & wooded yard. 1-..ior to be paintood in your colon. $64,900

IIIUCK UNO- 11X17 MBR. separa"" OR, WID, dec:lt. & 4 Ia~. Upgraded kitthen, bath & windows. $79,900

JUST USTIDQOI wft.non brealdast bar, · oep laundry nn~~ woods. $61,900

WAIJl TO THI CINTU . Fenced yard wished. Ope,_j up kitchen ho. more counter spoao. $57,900

IND UNO . has large yard, deck & concrete patio . Frethly painted i"""rior. ConvenMnt location- $58,900


GHAt COUilT • Wode unit has been &eohly painiiMI. Bocb to c:N.dt far a quiet & open bac:l<yard. $!19,900

ENJOY - This BLOCK home w/~ porch !hat._ a picturesque yard. Upgraded kitchen & bath..$69,900


JUST LJSnD ~ E~ lcikhena..d bath. Built-in~ .. Wet yard. $43,900

JUST USTID - LOWER LEVEL END UNIT. Borden acres of w~s. Under $600 per month. $44,980

$550 Pill MO. Cozy _.- '--1 home wA.r.aldast nook. AIC, WJW ca~pet & attic. Why """' $39,900

JUST USTID - UPPER LEVEL END. Private stairway entrance, ..W friclge,ntfinshed hardwood firs. $42,980 ,

CONDOS GaUNaaiAa - 2 Bed,_,. - 2 ful baths on t.moce lew! w/palio. Wei laept home has fresh paint & wall­paper. CLOSING HELP & lowest on marlret. $79;900

a.uu waC.n.L ~-m wilh enclooecl bakony •. Lo~=ner. $69,900

CHARLISTOWN VIUAGI - 3 TH has 1 ful. 2 half baths.. Fuly loaded lat. w'- stow, s.p. dining nn wl'ooy window & atntral AIC. Slone ..-ftor. $98,500














._ ________________________________ ._.



fa'I'Orites ea ...... Dial-A-Doctor

'lbo Artbritlo P'ouadatlon will offer ita tree DiaJ.-A. .. J>odor .....,. oOce OD Tbuada;r, ~ & bom6tD8p.-

Oa the - 'Ibunda7 "' -...,-. Dioi-A-~ olfen fne, eo~ .telepboae eoDtoct wid> o rheumatoloaiot. Paople .... - die pbyoielomo b:r ea). IIDc (7113) :llf&.7A&.


INVITATION TO BID The Friends of the Greenbelt Huaeum (FOGH) will re­ceive aealed bids for the GREENBELT MUSEUM OF­FICE REMODELING until September ~. 1991 at 2 :00 p.m. BichfUIII' and contract documents may be obtained at City Offices, 25 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, Maryland 20'179 between the.. houra of 9:00 a.m. aDd 4 :SO p.m., weekdaJ'8, at a DOJ17l"fpru:laJ)II' ~t of ~.00. For UJformation plt!a8e J)hcme (801) 474-2760.


~1 . ,:.;~ -·~r~

G_,Lelrew_ flU,III a Bd, z s.. I'P,


Like a

good neighbor, State Farm

. gandetmJeweQ~~~~ (formerly ol Greenway Center} i

is there. Is pleased to announce the i See me for car, home, life and health Insurance.

Don W. Taulelle, CLU 7707 Belle Point Dr.

lUND DPENINI i Greenbelt, Md. 20770



& lfi·V·ANCI •

ol their new store


Annapolis Harbor Center "We will he happy to see aur old customers.

II you have a problem, see us, if you have no problem, see us anyway,"

says Mr. Sanders. "We appreciate ltearing from old friends."

2518 Solomons lslond Road (oa Boote 2 in Parole)


,, ·> ~ ~ ~

<· '• " ,, " " " " g ~ " " i " ~ i

State P'U'BI Insurance Coaapaaiu

Bo- Olllceo: ~n,Illlnoio ..

••••••••••••••••••••••• 11010000:1 ~ 0 0 ~+C-<0-~, .. ~"'"'·-=-"'-



" "" ~ ' .

The Mayor and City Counell cordially invite you to join them in this Open House opportunity to tour Greenbelt's nearly completed new indoor pool facility. GRAND OPENING AND DEDICATION IS SCHEDULED FOR SATCR­DAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH FOR YEAR ROUND SWIMMING FUN A:-.;D FIT· NESS FOR ALL AGES AND INTERESTfl.

OPEN HOUSE PROGRAM AniR THE PARADE Ribbon Cuttinjf Ceremony by Mayor and City Council

and Open House with continuous tours for the public 'til 4:00 P.M.

Purchaae your .,._ throaahout the afternoon


SEASON PASS Annual 9-Honths Family $~0.00 $205.00 Individual (8-61 yra.) 180.00 100.00 Senior (82 yra. a: over) 65.00 50.00

DAILY ADMISSION Summer Winter Adult (18 - 81 yra.) $8.00 $2.50 Child (3-17 yra.) 1.76 1.25 Senior (82 .JTII. a: over) 1.75 1.25


Family $825.00 WT5.00 Individual (8-61 yra.) 180.00 140.00 Senior (82 yra. a: over) 180.00 100.00

DAILY ADMISSION Summer Winter Adult (18-31 yn,) $8.50 $8.00 Child (3-17 yra.) 2.25 1.75 Senior (82 yra. a: over) 2.211 1.75

Summer $135.00

65.00 35.00

Summer $195.00

100.00 70.00


Page 5: · n.e Procr&m baa been aet DP to help atuclente develop • .,....._ nea. appreciation aDd under ... tun aDd contriblitioau: by- vari· oua lfl'Oilps

City Council andGHIBoardDiscuss Schwan )lemorial; Refuse Problems

Festival Will Feature 15K & 3K Fun Run

The D.C. Road Runners Club will be conducting the annual 15 kilometer running race as part o;f the Labor Day Festival Week­end on Sunday, Sept.. 1, at 6 p.m. This is about the 29t!h time this race has b-een run.

by Diane Ober~ t);. .-\:...;7:..:-.:t 15 ::-.e G!"e-<e-n­

-.~ C.::.· r· .'Jnci: '"!"x':: ·x.:h

:: ;:,.:;--... Ir .. · , C~HI; : t:..:c:.::.:: ---~ ~"<- "<;.,-...: ::1.r.d GH1';: ~·cr-

:Te··:vr~;, .,.. ~- ~-

·~.t·; i'">· .. ~e::-·t"C :: .. : ·c.; ::-:-:e::-.Oer Cf:a.r<e~

5<h...,.an :\ft>monal

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.a:.;, <! ;;-~ :·>.•ra.:--.. GHT P::-e3:de~.:

·;..·~::;e ?. .... aili'> ~a.:d :~a: GHI

c::t:e!";r:::~?C ~ar ::..e::-:~a GHL ·- ;· :·.;..:i ·a·-·e a .~::y·;•,r:de ~e-

GHI ~.a1 c:.Jgge~:er::: a _, "'CP'T!:: ~-~~-:a.::-;-_ ·.a:':" .. :-g

T.:r.;-. :y Ce-.:eo ~--

~o;:.a:":"'.,r.g Ham· .. :a:-:

-,::-~~ec s-;:-::~:-~ !:r :.":e :::.;oa · a :·:-..;:-:aa:,.:.r .. ::-:.-y Ke:,. -,kep­

::-.a: .: ~:.~;..d '"Je made ::. ,,- :~.< Pa.!: -:::y a!:emp:..s :.:

.. ::-•. a [)..;ndat:0r. were ·..l:-taD.e il.,·.~ra:e ,:;te:-es: amcr.g :::;-

.-r .oca, ou~;r.esse"'

7-e .or-roup d:scussed,.:s!'J­-? T. •• ~., ~pee.~: g<Ja:s ar:d ;::~'J-

--. :':~ a 3c~wan :'~und";~.::-;.r.

.1 a ·.-ajp.:.o: g-:-a "J ·Jag J.

~- _ ... <e:3 v.·: .:am.~ su~gestec a ·-.. ac'3r.:;:. ~ ... nd f·)~ a:-: E:ea'".Gr

·~·.,-·-·e.·. H·z~ ~c:-:o<J. ~~.Jje:':

-.~ ~:r :-a"":":;:r:jl' ~,)m~':.'l.r.g ;;-. ·- • ~:• ~:~ 3<"'.--:wa:-. !:-. ·:--:,. e:-1d.

:,.,·:s.on:s •;vere reacC\e-:! May-:em T~•)Tr.a• X W'"!:~e

·'"' .>:-:.::: T!H' :.ty'.::; Cvmm..:::-J,t.y · a.: .. j:-.; Ar.:· •. s,;ry B:.ard ~.<r­

--~ ~x?.ore :he opt:O:":!-

Rabble Site G!-fi J of T-<"r.-.:ca. Ser­

v:ce~ Ja:. F'reedma:-. she-wed a ·::deo:aoe ;u~.:r::ng GHI'!! plan;; ~ -~ • <>.>:- "-.r a :-·.1on.e ~::e '.xa:ed ·:r:r. f :.-.o:: .~t,)rage a!'ea r•·.e c·;.r::y :-.a5 !Juni that th-e ~.:e v:Q a:e~ ,;o;r-ad1r:g re-~.J:ations. said that :he coun~y ~ :-:o: :-eq.l:nng GH1 :.) rem )'.oe

:ho-:> -.__.::.-.. "' anC: tree s:-...:-nps but •:!e:-r.a:-:::,; :;.:.c GHI ~·-·,.,:-:.'lema-

:.:-:--:a. ';J.' ·~. r::ea!'l :::! :-: .:t":d re-;i!;'!"a..:e :::-, a:-ea. C::y appr·wa: ; :-t.-:;- re·:! :or a sr.-.a: area of

;::::;,· .a-: ::~a: wouic oe- d;3turbed ".<:ide:- preferred g!'ad:ng

F:-eeaman !aJd that a 2 5 !oo"!. ·Jerm .,.,, ~ created :.he C1ty GHI proper.:y .. ::e. keep:ng :nos:. GHI water :'nm r·.Jnn~!"!g

off ~n~o : ty prope:-~y A.:.hcugn :-.c. ':.rees ._..,, oe removed !or tne :Jerm. some may d><• !r"Jm havL'lg

:::.rt p1:ed aro-..!".d the;:-~rur.K,; Fo.iow~ng :ne gradl:'lg. GHI w .. ~e:')rest ~:-.e are-a

If :.'le '.ty :; a .. ow re­graC.::-g ;~ .:s prop-e:---:y. Freed­man sa1d GHI w;;l p:cocee-d w:th wor-k 1r. : :s own property He noted. :-.c-wpver. tha! :.'le entire !::e .. :ic.'.l'l::~g the c1:y·! por':ton, na3 ::;.-eer: c1ted by ~::.e county Freedma:-: d1d not know how the county would rea.c:: :! ::ne j):-oper~y :s not ::::-·~".Jg:u



Clty .nw

Co-..:"'--::1. 'lad llt:.le sympathy for CHI's -~·)mpla;r.~ :ha~ the county had sn",.;"'n 1ts prom:ge to p1ck up r~cy::-.ab:es f-rom w::hm mem­~en' :ra~h ::-losets, ra~her than !rGm ::O'.lt -,( the yard. Severa: -~-=.~.:nc .. me~~ers no:ed :hat reg;­dents t:~.roughout ::he c.ty have :i':e .::r.rg-t" yel!ow conta1ner5 ~~ th-elr yards a;: day and t"hat. :!


Old Greenbelt Theatre

All Seats Sl.SO

any:!l:n~. GHI members :nore -::-·Jr.ver.:l:'r:t :>erv1::e <::her rE-sJdents.

The GHI br:Jard mem~ers

had than

a.;;o C0r'.:erned aJout comment;; !-:_:..· .::.,un:y offic:ais ~~at the docr­~o.doo:- p:ckup :s a one-year test a~.:i ~ha: the C0:Jt -;f thJs extra service ·.•n:l oe reeva:Jated at the end of ~he ~est. GHI President ""'"ayne W1!:1ams charged that the cour.::y had l'.•)t tr1ed to r.e­g)t:ate a good pr1ce for i.his serv1ce from 'Was:e Manage­ment 1:-.c. and ~n:1t by agreemg tu an t<nreasona~,:y h1gh price. had g'.laranteed :na~ the GHT eo;:ectJOn would be too expen# :o mamta1n without charg­!":g ::-,e c1:y ex--:ra. ""''::::ams ar­

g.le.:i :hat :t is ac~ua:ly cneap~r :.-. -::-)l:ect reeyclab:es !"!'om GH!'s :.:.:.s:erE-C. ~mts :i:a~ fr .m o~~er

a:-ea:'l Jf !he c1:y. Sheij,)n Goldberg asked whe­

ther ::-:e e~t!:-e :.::;: would pay for GHI to recetve a higher ieve: ·~! serv1ce than :r:.,- :'est of :he c.ty CHI board memb.:>r Donald Com1s doubted that GHI wou!d ask other c1t.:zens to subsJdlze ::.s cclJection.

Creacent Road Safety Williams sa1d t::.a: GHI was

concerned about :he o.,.·erall safety of Cres.cen: Road. espe­C!aliy for pedestnar:s He sa1d ~ha~ the newly :r:s:a.~ed s~op s1gns ac Crescent and Garden­way are not ade-quate C·)Unc-ll· member Edward Pu:en~ urged exammatwn of ::gh:::-,g. traffic contra; devices. :andscaptng, Vls­,bility, cr-osswalks and :rucks. Ccuncllmem~r Anto<nette M.

Bram saw a need t-: educate res# 1den~s about the mner waikways and )ther aspec:s of pedestnan sadety. 3he sa:d that are .-.o: always tne drtver's fault a:-,d tl--. .;.: pedestnans in the ci:y are "v"'r:.· ~asual."

The ~1ty stat! ~'ill draft pro~

~~~~sE'· ~~n:~~~i-e .mprovements

The 9-3 mile race will be con­ducted over a certified course thrcugh Greenbelt and the Belts­.- die Agr1cul tural Research Cen­ter. A 3 kilometer (1.8 mile) fun run around the lake will start at 6:10 p.m. with the 15 kilometer race starting a:t 6 p.m. Both races start and finish on Braden Field path near the ten­nis courts.

Last year's male winner was Robert Rodriguez of Arlington 1r. 54 m1nutes and 17 se-conds. over 77 other runners. The last runner finished in 1 hour and 58 :-r.1nutes. Win Graves of Alex­andna won the women's section of the 15K in 62:35- All Green~ bel: runners who fini~h the 15K w!ll rece1ve an award. There is a small entry fee for both races.

Photo Contest Open To Local Artisans

All artists in the mid~Atlantic regton are invited to enter the "ALTERED IMAGES ~ Photog~

raphy Exhibition" juried compe­titJon Ortginal work produeed by the artist's manipulation of the photographic process and completed within the past two years will be accepted. Six hundred dollars in awards will be made by juror Angela Adams.. Exhi~ttion Coordinator at the Sational Museum of Women in the Arts. So fee is required to enter. Application deadline is Oct. 4.

For prospectus call the Arts Dtvision (301) 8&4-2929.

The "ALTERED IMAGES -Photography Exhibition" is a program of the Maryland-Na­tional Capital Park and Plan~

Comm :ssion. Am Division.


Special Voter Registration at Labor Day Festival Saturday and Sunday

1 to 5 p.m. Watch for Voter Information Table or Booth

or Call 627-2814 for a Form by Mail Dorothy Lauber, CMC

City Clerk

LAW OFFICES •u,,r""'''"+ Roth, Mary Ann Ryan, Sieghnde

Auto accideuta!Penooal i.Djury Family law, Divorce. Alimony Child Sapport, Separatio,. AdopticmtG.....-.... Injury by cloloea.. porochxt,

equipmea& or~

,.,~ .. by Liada Sa....,.. 474-5285 Valerie Siegel <>f ·lll~~piewood ()t.

repotCI that ber -· Oar! -of Green Ridge H01.1Be, ie t"eDDO\\IeT-

iny from a :t~ bip. Folaow­ing a two-~Week stay et Doct.ot'e Hospital Rose was tranderred to Manor Care in. Le:rgo wihere be will remain at. least throuetJ. Sep.. tember.

Fonner Greenbe+ter M~rert: ·Amberg received the "TeM:her a! ·the Y ee.r Alwe.rd" from tbe Kettlernorain School Distirct in DoU81"Da.n, WI, where Slhe teaehes kindergarten. Two years ago she was nam-ed .. Teaeber of the Yea.r" by 1lhe teacher's union. Presently her name has been plraeed in tlhe running fOI" ·~te Teaober c4 the Year."

Margaret graduated from Cen­ter School and Hi-gh Po-int High School, then went on to the Uni­versity of Wiaoon:s-in at Madison where s-he earned her BA, -a.nd at Milwaukee. earning her MA. Jane and Douglas Love and Bob

Auerbac-h attended the annual national gathering of The GreeOB at Elkins, W.Va. last week. Nu­merous workalhope were held on a large variety of to-pies, wlth ecology and electoral action dom.. inating.. A national polit.ica.l par­ty was formed.

Bob and Sharon Al:faro wi'll be returning from Colorado this week &lfter spending their eummer vacation ·there. They i.ook for­ward to seeing all their oki friends at the Labor Day Fest:ival-

Sharon's son, Jim Woodworth o-f Boise, Idaho. vacationed with the Alfa~ this summer in Colo­rado, where he and his finance, Camille Waters., decided to marry "on t.he spot" at American Basin, with wild flowers, snow and fa· mily <pre&eDt.

Daug-hter Theresa, a I.9S2 ER HS gra.d'OMe, g-raduated from the University of M&ryla.nd in 1989 with a ·B.·S. in ac-eounting. Sbe reeent}y took tllhe OPA e.sam in May for 'the tint time and paased all parts c:J!. -it. T-heresa lives in Wheaton with •her daughter, Ka­therine.

I·t"s a ·boy tor Valerie rand .Jotm Barnett of Greent:ree Piece. John Ryan was ·born July 17 and tipped the scales at 8 lb. 1 o-z. He joins slsters Nicole, ag~ 13-, and Sarah, age 9. . MaternaJ -grandpareota are Magdalene and Charles Fochs of Lakeside-

Formerr Gt-eenbe~te.r James Lushine j.s the lead wea.tber tore­c-a\Ster for rthe National Weather Servi-ce in Miami. There be has -extensively researched rip tides and. as a result, can predict when a rip tide is a.pproaohi-ng sho-re. Now the weather bureau may be including Jim's reHA:reh in their forecuta.

Jim baa &lso devieed a. color or numbered system to ·be 'twed on beaches wher-e no life~rd is pr-esent .&o that swi:mmen can be alerted of an ~ne rip tide- Rip tideB account :tor 10 dro-wnings every year on Flor­ida beachee·, and have acco1lDtled for- 154 drownines ~ year in the u.s.

N'lllttan .Jooe~~, a m.ember of H.,., Lutbe-. Cbazd1 iD. Ool­lege Pstk, is one of ilbe first 28 ~ ol -~een Yootta Television project, Iatll2rCibed at Pacific Lu-tbeorart UDivereity, Ta· eomo., WA.


the - videotaped -­'VIiew-a:and ............... :a... tiona arouncl Pupt SoUDd# Sub­jects ;fXIuded !the eutktiOiWSIL., AlDS, 1l \" c. ~. and acklietion. The Evel]tT'een Youtit Tele?brion T-.t ts cz... pec:ted to air on ·-Good llornilla' America" (ABC-T\") &,><ember 30.

:!'hursday, August 29, 1991 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW

Musical Offerings of Arts Center To Expana During Current Season

by Sandy Smith Quality perfonnances in a

variety of musical styles is the goal of the 1991-92 music ..,ries of the Greenbelt Arts Center, according to <rom Renahan. music committee chair and executiw producer of the series. Working with committee members Sid Kastner, Konrad Herling, Ron Kramer, and Ken Voigt, Benahan has innova­tive ideas for this year's music series as well as bring­ing back past popular per­formances.

The fint..ever Greenbelt Jazz Festival will t:ake place next Apri~ f~ top J...,. orroupo, iDicludinc the popular Buck Hill group. the centerpiece of the Greenbelt cia,.- eonc:ert.. Pr-oducer Ron Kramer plana a day-long event wbieh will draw jazz lov­ers DOt only from Greenbelt but throuchout tlae area to hear­tome of the fineet ja&:z groups.

Greenbelt Da,.-'a eoneert will feature a different style with one ot the COUD.ty'a noted braaa quinteto. The Greeabelt Day Ooneert, ahra7- an outdoor event, drawa a larce crowd vocal in it• enjoyment of the mueic..

Taking euea from the well­received. perform&Deea in laat srear'• "Evening with Friends." the Art. Ceater plana a "Second Eveabw with Frienda.'" The con­cert will d>oweaae talented GreeDbelt per.formera. perhaps reprising some popular- acts from last ,-ear -.nd certainly ineluding newly-dleeoverecl talents, ·accord­inc to producer Konrad Herling.

Tbe. lead-off performance this year may well be a eon.eert pre­miere in Greenbelt. The music committee hopes to briDe the



Heritage Singers, a 12-member male chorus to the city. The resident chorus at Harmony Hall. the Heritage Singers are kn.own throughout the area. for their sweeping repertoire, in­cluding Broadway show tunes, spirituals, sea chanteys. and higb-fuhioned harmonies.

Benahan ha.e worked with oth­er county arts groups to identify tbe best talents in the WaMiing­ton area. He ~ to ezpand cooperative endeavorw .o that arte groupe can build their knowledge ot. performinc g-rooupa aNI ezp&nd the eypea of per-­formaneea avafi•ble to audi· eneea. Renahan's eommittee plans a special concert for Green Rid~e reaidenta. Greenbelter J'an Tu.r­kiewiez, noted violinist. will be the featur-ed performer- to enter­tain Gr-een Rhlge r-esidents, their faMiliee and frienda-

Perform&aee Locatlou The Greenbelt Ar-ta Cea.ter­

holda ita produetions in loeations throughout the community, de~ pending upon availability and requirements. Musical pe:rform­ancea 'have been held in Green­briar. Springhill Lake, Center School, the Youth Center. the municipal pool, and Tor-ah. "Nuts•• and "Twelve An­gry Women." two courtroom­based dramae, wer-e well-ataged in the Greenbelt City Coun-cil Chambers. Recently several plays have been perfonned in the the­ater at C.apitol College. Only a few minutes up the parkway from Greenbelt. Capitol College has provided a fine loeation for audiences who enjoy the good acouaties and comfortable set­ting. It has pro"Yed a difficult loeatlon. however, for the actors and technical staff who must -carry propa, design very por­table scenery. and rehearse and practic-e in different loea tiona

ScbeduJe Cor

Tuesday September 3 -

Thursday, September 3

•••••s•--~----s=========z-==--•z 5:00pm "ODCO Upon a nme -The Stor:yteU!oa: Show" 5:30pm ""Mu: and the Funllusters" (a weather salety

video p.oduced by tbe PriD<:e Geor:ge's Ofr..:e or~ PreparedDossl

5:45pm G<eeabelt Ceater Scbool Cin:us R..ue 7:15pm "'Ibe Green LiCe" (a Capital Edition_..., oa

a Greenbelt family- bas 111351eredlhe art ol reqdinc.)

7:30pm PriD<:e Geo<&e's COWity History Series (Goddard, Gnonbelt. CoiJe&e P:lrk Airpo<t)

7:45pm Presenationl'lamtiDc(l'rim:eGeo<&e'sllistoric l'raerfttlon ea.....uss;:oa)

8:00pm t:-odl Meetinc (a replay oC tbe -~ or MOIJday, August 26, 1991)


than where the actual perfonn­anees are given. Far more choices in t)'pea 00 productions. more complex anrl detailed ar­tistic endeavors. and perfonn­ancea of greater variety and artiStic- merit can be achieved in the boped4or permanent produc­tion facility. The proposed "blaek box" theater of the com~ mu.nit,- c-enter would offer space :tor permanent etorage of propa and costumes; a regular site for audlticnu. reheanala utd per­formaneea: aDd the fle:dbiEt,­to stage a wide array of produc­tiou. A planninc group is de­velopinc plana for the design and uae of. the "'black box" the­ater.

Vebmteen Fan.n Kastl, charter Arts Center­member aad fonner trflasurer, haa assumed a new role as co­ordiaator of volunteers. She will be leeking hetp in theater man­agement from ticket taken to nhers, loolcinc for those to plan and at.ace :tund~r-aising and com­munity acti-ritie.; and fielding calla from thoae who may wish to uaume the artistic and tech­nical roles in the many scbeduled and planned productions- For example. still needed are a fa­eilitiea coordiita.tor, who arranges for epaee for the various aspe.cta ot each pr-oduction; technical di­reetors who overaee all technical aarpeeta; artiatic 'directors re­apon•ible for eaating and the artistic thrust of the show and; and .-bow producers who coordinate and manage all faeeta of a production. For more information or to voluftteer. cont&et Kash .at 474-6677. M@m­bersbip i11 In th<' han<ls of Pat Hor-sman. who is ne-w members a! the Arts Center and worldng to streacthea communi­cation among C111"1'ent members. "The Marquee•• is a regular newsletter ol the Arta Center, sent to all members, which pre­view-s upcoming performaneea and activities.

Seafood Festival Offers Music, Too

The 25toh Annual Maryland Seafood Fest.ival will be held on Seyt. 6, 7 and 8 at Sandy Point State Pal'k, from noon until H:30 p.m. Friday's center-stage enter. t-ainment includes performances by Roy Battle and the Altone. at 4:30 _p.m. and Uptown et 6 p.m. H ightigbth1g the list of mueical grQU'J)S on Sa.turday at 1:30 p.m. is Seldom Scene, one of the na­tion's best-known bluegraes banda. .John Hartford continues on stage at 4 p.m. and Jonathen Edwards at 6:30 p.m. Rounding out the musical entertainment is the Coasters rat 3 p.m. on Swwla.y.

Tickets at the gate. Call 269-5981 for info.

COLLEGE PARK- BELTSVILLE- GREENBELT ... __ _ , ...... - .......... ---­.............................


"' ·-.,._... ___ _ """~-----......... .,...__<1_<1 .... ....A....-.. ~ ....... -............. ...__ ........... ....._ ........ ,.. , ... ...,. ...................... __ ..,.


I !!'

Dr. Thomas K. Lo ~~~~~ ..,..., __ , ____ _, __ ,__ N!!r

513-5151 ~ .. ;::'- ....

School's Open (Continued from page ODe)

tendanee of every child between the ages of six. and 16. Those w'ho will be five before January 1, 1992 may attend kindergarten. Parents of students new to the school -system who have not pre­registered should bring their child's birth certiftcate, proof of residence in Prince Georges County (deed, rental contract). record of immunization and tbe chitd•s last report card if en­tering first grade or above.

Ertra-Carriealar ActiYitie1 Students will still need to have

a 2.0 or better ~ade averace in order to P!-J'ticipa~. in sports or activities; averages will be com­puted each quarter.

Lunch eo.t. Lunch for elementary achool

children will cost $1.:16 this ye-ar; reduced price lunches will be 20c. Milk will be 36c. Lunch for middle and hig-h ICboolers will be $1-40. BreaJdut in elemen~ tary schools will be 90c. in middle and high sclaool1. $1.16; reduced cost breakfasts, tOe.

CbiJdren will be briqing home information about redu-ced ~o•t lunches on the flrat day of school. Parents who think they qualify for theae ahould contact -their- child"• school.

Expultlion Potier Strict atandarda will continue

to be upheld for drug. alcohol and weapons (including knives) ebuse. Students need to be aware that none of these may be broucht to SC'hool at any time. and that expulsion will result should this rule be broken. Ac­cording to the Code of Student Conduct, students will be expel­led for the ftnt offense involving the use of or possession of weap­on&. For incidenta involving drugs or alcohol the students will be expelled for the first of­fense involving distribution and the second otrense involving pos­session. Most of thue 1tudenta are no-t eligible for admission to tile Prince Ge-oreea County ~ehool l)'etem. Students who are readmitted must remain expelled for at least the remainder of the semester in which the incident occurred and the following fu:t semester. They muat alao pre­sent documentation of aatidac-­tory participation in the alcohol; drue treatment program.

PoUc,- oa Medieation The Department of Healtb

Services within the Prin-ce Geor­~· County Public SC'bool1. act-­mg on a recommendation from the state of Maryland, has chang~ seb~-1 policy regarding -the dt1pena1ng- of pres-cription and nonpre.eription medicines to studenta.

No medicine:, will be given to student. without a physician's medication authorization form PS-61 or PS51-EPIPEN. Forma are available et aU K'hool1.

Parent. are ••ked to inform the school principal. bealtb. ser­viees atatf, and the classroom teacher of any known allergy or aeriou1 health problem their cbild(ren) may have. Every ef~ fort will be made to protect an •~dents from injury aDd to pro­VIde a healthful environment.

Student& will be tr&n~:po~ by ambulanc-e to the neareat m.eclbl facility lhou.ld he/ me require any emercenc:-y treat­ment that cannot be provided at the ocboo! llito. p..._.., will be notiftecl u ~n aa pouible-

For additional informati011, call 9&1l-6376, 336-6684 or 56'7-<1700.

Fe,;;th·al (Continued from J)8g"t' on-e)

a] dramat~,- dt>,-h::a-.l,ln ,t, · ·-;~•·r

wili lip :<)'r.c :.-1 "I've l;."-- Y Babe •• Shlr,.Pn w-:· lyrical jazz Janet non will draw upon J-:,-:- .--:.·. :­leading talent Apryl',; pt·; f 1rm ance !eaturf's s1gn "-ng-ua~<:L·

dance and Hl)sahe \-nl: g:"" tH·r redition of "\.otcf's thw l ·a !'I>"

Cheryl will add a n•lt<· '~ tr.._­athletic with a rol:erska~•n...;- ii···­and Samantha will p\·rf,,rrn ,1

tap dan-ce. Sunday evf-n,r:)l. :O.I.o.; Greenbelt for 1991 w.:~ leeted and aowned.


The carnival st-arts a~:j •·nd, the Labor Da}' Fe,.tnca.: H •''--:i

and rides wdl be m from the evening of August 30 through L<;t,._r­afternoon, T:ckets for r.l•·· be purchased from th.: kP':~k> cated m the carn1va., lot~a I:-. locations all around (;r-~··~::r:·:·:. carmval got·rs can p1ck ~•.-) ,;. ;. vance ducount coupons f,,r ,·.'!.~: ••

ival rides on Saturday a~..i :Ju; · day afternoon. Ducount , •dfHn.-, are available at High'~- Gr····r. belt Library. Generou--. J ''" -1.

Cc-op, R-eo::reat10n Dep:.~·.nwr;~

Greenbelt Pool. GHI. ~iiH->'Iph; Buildmg, Sprmghill Lah·· F •\J:

tain Lodgt• snd Rf'crPCt!: .r; (',•r:­ter. Windsor Gre(•n and (_,r•'•'rr

briar Commun1~y Budding-~ Dr·;,.: Emponum. GrN•nb(•lt : .. -J .• •Jl''>

and Cipriano LJQUOr:>-

Community Rel•tion~ and lnform1tion

Th1s year's 18 exhd··:h create the largest-ever -i..·~·· Jf of area organlzat10ns ar~,j

nesse~ Ill the Communi'V E.• h:~ 1ts and InformatiOn ~n;a .'l-Iar.} new groups are (•xhli;:L~.g- th\~

year. Including thf' latt"•t - College Park Ar'l'a H coalition. Cht>ck the rc-l!ow kn~~ adjacent to tht· carn&·.-al ar,·a f ·r the commun1ty d1~p~ay;. r. :-:;_,. urday afternoon. Saturday f:-'Jill 10 to 3. the Green!,.-~, r;-r &oues will hold a bakt• d.• :rl Roosevelt Mall, with a var :d:r of types of brownH•s ar. :l •J'.!-.u baked goodies for salt'

Both Saturrlay and Prince Georges Board ,f twns wi,Ji he at the f.,~, '- al register Greenbelt \'Ol~:·:-~ rr:.,~ is the first y(·ar voter~J m J -• tw registered w;t.i-1 the {'o,::~-::y ·, vote in Gre<'nh('!t t>li'Cth<o T~w Greenbelt City Counr:! .:.,....,_1'•' will be held th:s Nove-m 1wr

Donations and Suppor't

Greenbelt bu~!ne-sses, J:-~ar;• z.ations and Cltl:tens aga·-:. n­sponded to the Labor Day F,:,t -

val's appeal for cash •.hr.a' .. •n~' and other support. A Lah(Jr !hy

Festival brochure prepnr•·d J

Alan Schultz and desl':'.r.,-,j '"l)-

Sasha Gillespa· descr:tw-d

festival Is almost ('nt:r.-~.y 'i•··

pendent on th~: Grel:'nb~.:

munity to fund the J:::,:•-." c>-J'­

ment, parade and oth1:1 ma;c r

aspects ryf the fes~iva' ;: ·...-a~

the major method of tn!.Jrrn:ng

the community about the­val and how Ll could be supp_;r";.­ed- In addition, the Clty ot Gr(·en­

belt ofl'era ita support n: ~he

form ~ essential a.-uustance from the Potiee. Public: Works, and Recreation Department& and other city atatr- .A full li-st o! 1upporten wilil. appear l n th-e New• Ret-ie-w in l&te Septe~r

Page 6: · n.e Procr&m baa been aet DP to help atuclente develop • .,....._ nea. appreciation aDd under ... tun aDd contriblitioau: by- vari· oua lfl'Oilps

GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, Auguet 29, 1991



Studenta now beil:l:c aeeepted ! ~r pan a or vo1ee lessons. Highly qualifted !a<Ct~ity

Private and voup lessons.

( .. 1)U6-77N

KENTS CARPET CARE I.'"' priees ou slla.arpoo, steam. 11::.d dual proeNa. for free ea.ti­mates. 474-31/!e. GR~BELT WINDOWS &

NT ~ . PAL IS C.- - ...... doww and doors aDd Yir.yl ~ Phone 474-9434. liBIC 260t"J'. GUITAR LESSONS Seal-. ::-bonis, !:Jseory. readine-. Full time instnaetor. ts"J'-811'0.. r:ALDWELL'S APPI..JA:SCE :::ERVICE . All maxe~ repo.iretl Call afte-r 5 p.m.. !Wl-8043.

ELLERS TYPEWRnEi! R'' ?AIR - Eleetric. standar_! an~

;?or""..ab;e •:an 474-05g.4

SPECIAL $5.00 off on all TV, VCR & Stereo

Repair Work With This Ad

I CALL 441-9116

PIANO ITNING AND REPAIR ~rt and Reliable Piano Ser­vice to Greenbelt.. Benjamin Ber­kct'slr:y. 474-6894. HOUSECLEANING - I have Greenbelt refs. of 3 yeare. Week­ly, b~kly. moalthly, $A5 to $55. llelody, 277-5391. CLERICAlr-P/T for law f"um ia. G<eenbelt, flesible boun. _.,. ..ecotiable. c.JI (301) «1-4900. C8ILocARE.l4 ~---;q;;r: ieDee. G..-..,lt.•ll...,._....,.

=PB~~;.'SE""'R"'VI=czs=;-­Cop:rfiUinc. Ia-- up -desip.~

cw--...Condo Growwl !loor - 2 -..- -

enclosed patio - AdjaceDt to

pool and tennia. Priced to sell!

C..ll (361) >U-2235

•;dgewood T'\' A Audio

vependaO!e Guaranteed Sct-viee


:.icen.sed &. Bonded


'CfunJ!u..J. .d-fomL. 9 ;.;;:4

4400 Powder Mill Rd. Beltsville. Md. 20705-2751 Pre-N-eed Counseling (301) 937-1707 By Appointment


hll}' m.arod LlctaH #111-KI.-438

ROOFING TMPniWemSolven 24 ....... &.-gency 5eMce

Newloofs • ......... • ,_Oih Mainlanance Pregrant • Drain Modifications

MMa1 Worlc c-cial • lndu.lrial • ........ ial

Foe.~ 301-577-0470 Local .. ,.,.._ 301-937-6788

The Giglioui Company








G..........timu of Qwality 4?1d Prilh c- Ba S..... ..,. E1Jery Job

ALL Home Improvements,

Inc. Cupent:ry o Painting • Decks

EU:. Free Estimates Maintenance & Rep3irs

Cree Ha~~yok.. Prea.

CLASSIFIED MHIC 38423 LieeDSe # <•1)%77-2284

CHILD Oa\:R.E available in Lan­ham.. 2 yn.. I& above. Before 6 alter achool weleome. On lldlool - ...- llo Gaywood Elem. (301) vn..-r. ROOIOIATZ FINDERS SER­VKE. If J11111D have a place to '8bazoe or Deed a place to Ji'ye. --Llm:NSED, E:operieDeed, edu­cated mother to babysit at her -..e. Good n:fereneea.. Call 4.74-!Uii6. FOR RENT - 3 BR. 11> BA boose iD Lanham, ·dose to NASA. with large yard. $845/ mo--

CRABS Labor Day Special

Saturday & Sunday 2:~:00

Cre~ent Rd.. near t!he Lake Call ahead !Of" hushel prices

Mon.-Thurs. •41--2 Fri.-Sun. 1-301-226-5010


• portral1s +portfoloo

• odYerllslng • cOIT'I1"'efCCa photoglaphv

J.Henson pho1ogtapher


CARPOOL OPilNINGS - To Federal Tri&Dcle. L.•e G.Ma-. belt "' 6:20 a.m. II hr. claJ'. Call .lo""'- 474-7212 (H) or 1'17-.o&s (W). FOR RENT a.-ied 1 W: room. low utilitie&, attie space. AC. WtD, parkin&', Vll ahattle. Metrobaa, )'IU'd. qaiet. pod ljght. ...... fric, wood -.. $696. 474-11289, 'lea•e -ifUST suBLft 8Sii sq: K Ol­fiee apaee iD eoDYeaient Gna­belt loatioD. Beot <>lfer.. Call M•>cl., Bridcbam at 474-181i0-8o30-4:30. M ...... )'r;.



On ~ acre.. Brick. 4 Br. 2 Ba, Rec Rm w/FP, Hdwd Floor.

Owner 474-2649 or Help.U-Sell 498-4000

LAWN MOWING SEBVICE. Greenbelt yards pro1ilptl7 mow-ed. Call Glayde 982-3477. SALE: 2BR 2BA. Beltsville con-do, FHA approved, new earpet. fresh paint, oreiling fana through-out. """' stove "' more. LOW' monthly paymeDta. Tnrl:r lovel7 a: only $69.900 345-820L ANTIQUE ~UN AUdi'lON: Sun. Sept. 8, 12 Noon. Holiday Inn. Gaithersburg. MD. Old & repro Guns, Swords~ IDdiaD Ar-tifacta, Com.. Inopeetion 11-12. Caah, VISA. 1IC. Conaip:meDta WaD ted.

FISHING on the Chesapeake lay -CAPT. STBVJ: liENDII:BSON ~'tllle..__T__.-

Per llliDI'e Wo: --U6-let4



,_ __ ADW--"C...- KiteJ&a>oa &'




Bob Wilhide 345-8368

Low Cost Loans Available at Your Credit Union

NOWC.f .... VISA ~ 474-5908 fer--..

GREENBB.T FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 112 c: .... ,.., .......... c:.n.-

G u • tit, MD 28770 A awlil _._for,__ wbolive

01 _.;,ca.-...... - -t-.... to $1DO,MO

I><J' IIICUA. a U.S. -Apaq. smtvDIG TH1!: COJIKUJOTY SIHCI: lta7.

RATES CLA8SIP1ED: -:­for._......., __ ...._. aJ _... lllo -.. ,_ -.. .1--... --.. wltlt-totM----bylOp&~. ar to tM---.. ..... loa botM~OIGp~

---'--~··· mall to P.O. - .. Go-,

~--BO~: $6.20 oo!Dmll. iDell. -. -- 1\1, IDe ... ("'.811). Dud­lillelO ...._--.,.. __ ...,.. __ __ - wltll ad-- ... do- ....... - -.opted - puhli8becL <JONDO JIOR RENT - Green­briar 1BR, dOD. fam. rm, W /D. A-ilable immediately. $7f0 in­eludU. utilities. Call Roae Ma­rie '173-48'M. Y AiD WOliOK/LA WN MOWING. Fa•t.·efftcient. eheap. Retereaeee. Andy. 474-7186.

FOR RENT - Spadoao. opOtleaa, 3--1--ln W"mcloor GreG o-i:te Roooe-

velt llleb ll -· --. e..e~o· w/fall batll plaa \1, bath off ldtdoea. .-otmoDtll plaa .am-




.,.., 0.. Glool­&.Ita I.

Go-, IOlJII'I'll


Thlinlday, 29, 1991 GREENBEL'r NI:W!! REVIEW

ADVERTIIING Bl!lPOIN!l A.ND A.PTER SCHOOL OARE. ID oid Gnenbel1.. Tl'ODll· portation moat be provided. O&U 4'74-2387.


Village s BR, m. f« OOCllP- "'oo.oo Me.+8U& baJ' aftlloiJie.

IW appt. coli U4-181S


Ul"'IBBJaii<la> MOTHER will hioiJI* ,..,...,. - 474-116118.

~ SIOVJC, worb well. .- CCIGIIItloa.· $411. ~ PIA.H!HIDII80NS -:--~ he,.JIIIIilni·V.,..,. -.dine! .All leN!. ....... ---FDa·· CQOD BOllE- Sa­........._,'WIIilliT_ eat (I :r-.. Jitter .lnlilod. frieDdl)r/91'8fiD ..... Ca-· ~ MIHI566. __

GBBIIIIIBBi.T M-.tGr&~~dmoth­u t.o . three moath old atutboc Deeember-.J..,aaey, ftex­ible ..,. work bclara, can · oalY .-$1111): paid bi-weekly. Suun 346-lli86/abo aeeki:Dc new moth-

.• ,.. .to ..;aiDe -·


VANPOOL #1 L-.: l:llllam - Ar: 6:.46 -·Lv: 3:f0 pm - Ar: 4:16 pm VANPCioL #2 Lv: 7:80 am - Ar: 8:00am Lv: 5:10 pm - Ar: 5:46 -AL'l1ERNATIVE VANPOOLS Call Gonloa: (ZOZ) 788-7841

M1&C LESSONS- PiaDo/()r. pD/Volce!Galtar wilib . profeu­ional ebriatian maaieiatla. DIIA ,~ Nortlnreotem., .~ cbadY. hcalty at Woohift&tOn Bible Collep, LlmJulm, s.p.. ~ ~ OhUclrp .aDd


ANT. MechaDical -• In Sulllolld - a p.,._ Prlday to - at jab lile- ·Two :rear'•

·ollke _._ AUld W<>rdPer­feet 1-L $1.81[ oDd paid bezlellto. (liOl) ~ .



~ Uniwwslty • NASA 8--IBA-JiWollod-:

...... ._,. ColoaJal. ·­Y-.i

"' ......... , . Howe Cleaning. ··- .......... -yo., - ......... 7 Let ...

balp. We ... a baobaad ODd wife tam worldne in ,...,... ana for ewer be 7ttan witll -.mG.-.boltMf-

We~-,..-J:b. IJ'-... --. trPe.-... Alo.-iow!Ddew·....,..

ina' - - pailltiqo. RE9CoM SEJtvrcrm· is r.:1

iDSurecf. reputable eon~pon)·.

SALES. Outatanding new busi­ness opportunity.· Earn substan­tial monthly residual income while workinc part time. (301) 606-84!07.

LOST: Child's pet and family member. Small blaek do,e with some brown markiaga. silver chain eolla.r and blue tac· #29297. ADEnn!rs to Dame: ... Ginger-. Rew....t. Call doyo: 286-'1'191 •nd OV<IIliap: 62'1---

BEDROOM SUITE - (Walnut) .triple dresser. mirror, -cbelt, & bed. $ZOO.· Wftl haul loeally. 346-1385.

WANTED 30 people. We'll pay you to

1ooe 10-29 n.. in the n .. Jt ao days. 100% -~ DO hun­

ger, - 7ottt fa'O'Orite food&.

$1.'1>6 a meal (202) 7·28-7503.

BICYCLES - Men's & ladies 3 & 10 speeds. 129-$79. Must sell . 474-6625.

BlcroLE REPAIR- Expert It reliable service. Free estimates. 474-562.6.

DINING .llOQI(.. T.ABLii:.. (Bar!) w/Oak ehain and matchiq Iicht­ed chiDa eabiDet. VG eond- Must aeJL Price nee. 474-6525.

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Page 7: · n.e Procr&m baa been aet DP to help atuclente develop • .,....._ nea. appreciation aDd under ... tun aDd contriblitioau: by- vari· oua lfl'Oilps

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=53·" ~~:.a:* $3.99•.

Co-apl.ealt ..........

:==f S!.lt ,...~ ......... :=,~169< Presh Center Cat Pont LB.

Rib Chops $2.59 P'res.b. La. BotteleA whole LB.

Pork Loin $2.99 Fnsb G?ade rA Split

!rying Chicken Corn lGDc Franks

v-.- 1 Jb.

Haddock Pillet $3.99 RooiDA F.- Italian 3 Jb.

Meat laDs $3.99

Hygrade Low Salt

Ham Swift

Dutch Loaf

SalineSolution $1.59 s....,. Tna us 03:.

Alcohol 49c Chewable Tableta 30 tllbs.

Tylenol $2.19

w-a Cooking Oil 79c ..., 18 OS.

Peanut Buffer $1.79 Red A Will\e ..,...nuiated_5_Jb.

Sugar $1.69

8 oz.

2/79c Our Val~~e 1 lb. ,..,

Margarine 3/$1 T?opic&Da recutar ;s gal.

Orange Juice $1.69 Red .. White • pk.

I Eng. Muflins 49c

Red ~ White 15 ....

Tomato Sauce 3/89c Bra.ny BoD

Paper Towels 59c Sanahine ~:V 1 lb.

Saltine Crackers 79c 3 Diamond CbliDlr. ~~ oz..

LightT_. 59c Renew 10 pk..

Lawn/Leaf Bags 99c L1quid h017

Hand Soap

R.d "'-te Straw. Jelly N &'biseo Oreo/Dbl. Stuf 20 os..

Cooki- $2.19 N &bisco 9ulck

Crackers 7 aL 1Jlin.


Coca Cola $1.59 Classic or Diet Only 8 pk--12 oa.

~obillty ~ 11 oz..

Orans-s 39c

X-10& Uli ""-Corn-Gr ........ 2/79 1~ Licpdd a ... Dish Del ..... nt 99c Del llome Sqaeeoe QT.

Ketchup 99c 15 ...

1'\0ia fl pk.U - -

Light..... -­Michelob .._. $4.19

fl pll·U- ......

w..Uui .......

Wh.Zin. Wine •• JWd- ••

u-. ....... WM 99c

Citnu Bill

Oranp Juice 1 ...

99c t.8 OL


Leaden 9 - IIIla. Regularllagels 79c

Co-op.::·--... ... · ... U.IIY

MOJt ..... w .10 A.M.:- 6 P.M. ~ Dopt. will .......