N~dret On „„„„„, 'emjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The...

Afidd P fpfksfd SSXmn 'u p i'm.Zlh..lh.-,. Ih, htS XO. 1V Ieleaee HOnere eeieh, ~re.sei ool ~«de» ~o eu ANend hol +y e. Pre-School chNdren who will be GENESEE ~ two hund ed arty "art',"g ta "'h"'ext ye~-fa'')tended the ennunl Genesee hjgh school " I-'» "haa y «~~"'4 " g" Sj Bsnqu«n TuNhy April» Od b J li )ta ppj i al D Ier Monday, Nay 8, it was nnnaun- jn the'Firemen'8 Hajj, The potluck 'inner, onen to lhe puhjjc honored Manful) North Idsf)o Conch of Ihe Year, Oxxje This year'8 first graders wj)) be Kanjkkebe, members of hjs coaching staying home that dny, so next staff, cheertc«dere, and members pf )ho year's first graders may attend. This fop)hajj team,'freshmen bnsjcejbnjj, Jr. vlrIN be an all-day session, Nr. N«n- )he A4 stale champions, Geneseo'8 Var. The pre-schoalers shauld ride the ld rjd th VOLUME 8- KENDRICK k AND GENESEE LATm COUNTY IDAHO sjbr Basketball leam. bus they will be r)ding next year, of csromo~nlm, He Infroduced fffck Th crh 6 sd lass w111 b g fag l «ngagsfbfedft neffesldcfd Potlffek Dinner Held ! KS«)jxjek Jr MISS Scharnhorst, Genesee n)eyer, who re- to Orofina bowling Friday, Apr)I 8{). ckj pe, "Z '"„'~ mf»«, 's~~jgj)SXX g«)«nj«y fve«j«g, p[ p cjudjng 6)tending hjgh school jn ken- program. drjck, 8 x)in) jn the Navy, nnd a)tend- The 5th «nd 6th grades are now ance at the U, of Maho, hfayor Scharn- working on the requirements to earn horst gave s)8)IS)jcS and wjn-joss rcc- their Pcesjdent's. Phys)cej Fitness - hfdf'. «nd M)31.. Jerry Sp nce~ pxesent. Mny 1 at ~e J~ar ~ P g~t ~ ords of teams coached Kanjkkeberg Awarda 'he busjn~-~N f 8 w~ with'e held et the Kendrick liigh school Hasp)jat P«tjents at Gone«co over the 3re«rs. The 6th grade h«s begun work jn ''ufo)jl have been '8 exemple, aod science class on thai~ rockets. Many Lha N~dret rg ou j)avo.touchocj.us 8)},'3rOung and oM, of Ole students have, bought rockets rnhorst . )ojd }QMZkkeberg. 'jbe of their own an4 other rockets plus 2}I t) Em ~d C'r'~k camp groi d Th eleven ~did t «N mem- the week~. for m~ t t coach received a standjng ovaUon fram the engines have'een, puxeh«ned bars of the junior class are: Sandra on a skin xnsh. the CrOWd Of pletera «64 farms Whp had With- theji aCtlejty mpney earned at come )0 IH)y him'trjbute, the aucUon sale.and .mag«a)ne sale. Bxown, tlen)se Br«mmer, Noxi-Fxy, S«tuxcjay, after'ever«3 days jn the Junjor: varnjtjr Coach 33ennjs Car}son Upon completion'of the xockets there Dam II, Beck@ Ehh, Grltmnn Haspjt«); fo)jew)age oper jntxocjuced the pj«yern On hjs te«m will be a launching date set «nd any-, eSch fhjshed tbe curxent season wj)h one w)shing to see the demonstr«tjpn an 18-2)ecorcj, jfopkjns )hen jn)xaduc- h welcome, Some of these xockets ed the frcshnxan b«jj C}ub, whoso record go as high as 25j50 feet.. was 16-2 for tho season, . Coach Kanjk- u I ~! dlvhdons,, )udges'rivate interview, IMr home Sunday with «R,~, her koberg introducol the football players, Little ~ Ph B gh Peter«on, Lojs Jensen, 330nna Bish and The L)tUO Le«gue Bsseb«jj Prp- and appe nce; y th f)tness «nd Th helping her cejebrate A N ) schol«sUc achievement, ', Mr- and Mxa Harry,¹wman and ~h April 26th and Thursday AprN 22, ~, . ' I J~~ Vlphjtm „M W W, LeAnn Rogers, 167o un)ar Mhs'amNy 0 Southwjck; Mr,'and htra ~ e oB so ~ ~ ~jj Wi Ul U10 f 01)OW)ng ! I ner htxs J«ck +ggh 'nd Nrs F ! and her princesses, Debb)e Vjreyen Dan" "". «n4 f«m)ly, htr. «nd.Mra p ers nnd members of the track.team Brammer; 8 ~d~ "Our I end Cynthia Osbprn, are asshUng BNj H«djey nnd daughter, Mr. «I«4 were jn)roduoed by the co«ches hfexn-~ - ' "-""--. 'em jn Tri " b„Mrs Ejma EM-'jr asyects « the y rter «nd f«mNX. Julia.. Pir«tes ...„......,......,...„,...,.....„5! hfr aod hfxe -Robet Herxn«n Geo" r}dgc; square d ce, by Nr. and 3jrh . IP«germ" etta; Mrs. H«djey*s sister %ra .LII- nants ln hand, g«ve the scores of each jeeee, «nnpunOe the engagement,af their Vs«It Keepp, Mr. ~ hh . K II«n Preston «nd her mother Mia Re~ .........,..„.............,...4«ngh)c, C ', I~1th. Wjjk~ ht, and N . John'Kindergarten eruy K«tie Brasch, both ef Nes Pexjaa 'Fred Hsd)ey of Lewhton called jn. 'April 22 ! Lesbe. Idsh . I.Spe, eading by M . J k Ku3 D«rrelh Delinquents ............, 0 hfjss Herxn«n js «167)l gxedua .~ + da)) "Haw ta htsk an El phsntI axjjkees 8 Qenesee }hgh Schoa) nnd js nt)lendxng Stejjjr ee seSource af Ncwsee by N«rk I direcUan ef htrs. Floyd WjNhmse Unjvcrsdy pf jdshp where she js j'ju h . r~Q™)~ b ht~ cc I) Gru ! Pcescnt@d the clltert«jnment for 288 Q gA A4 A Wj„h )hj Rebch..........„... 11 w«jorjng jn Animal Science.,@ "Ne Fhhermnn Should Forget" ]C)ub at the)r April meeting heM, pirateS „,.„„, „, „, „„„„„, „g ', Her fjnnae IS 8 1669 grndun)8 Of Bujte I dna e Why Mange Ch++geS «ht1mu Nanliny night nt, Ule Kendr)Ck High Salem schooL . Nr. «nd Nrs. Lean«rd Fnjrf)814, «nd'g hed uords af pmjm for, Ffblreelds Honored l~um~~fr + ~a ~m~ R ~ I iiompm'fm on fhe iu brVr '".'pus- ih y~~n~«e~of G~" A b)rthd«y dinner was held Sm-'l A J 4, .~ t medley pf hp pnjm n~bem I "~ p~hd«skt~UU~ "' ys 'pm~ h gh he„p~ en)s and Ih GenerH'e CON- d«y, April 25th at 12:86 p. m. «t the ', + ~ Q'ayne 1fVegncr. The evening can- I 'The Hungry Tribe", for which they ~n 'm C)«rksten te visit With. Cenmxuni)y Hall an 'Blg Sear Ridge j luded by iwe N)Ue peep)a from the h«d mndc their -costumes of payer 'e ~~ es befoxe xehxxn)ng. ta be I)ne suppor «nd en)husjasm of Ihe,honoring the 8{)th bjr)hd«y nnnjv«- 'aMpers Knloy Cgting moon, wha dropped in te shaw us I Indhn 3«ckets, head dress, «nd tem-'! her horne loof Gene«ash««been a jjxent help'ai~ of I ~ Ad fjdd naw ofl jhow 'They Dance on the Moon" 'toms. ~ I Lewjston and his twin shter, Nra ) The Kendrick Campers Knr«v«n 'Mra John Bl«nkenship «nd Nrs. I - Articles «Cernm)c pottery msde! tg ~~ Mr ~ a L)nds«y M~ ~ 8 p~ & jj I-ILah T)ucyer of Vexonjae Oxegan, «nd went en their first cnmpuut fer 1921 %V«jter Kocpp. ! hy the class w)th the «ssht«nce af ~y 8 h1 Coeur 4'Alene. She vjsjt 88 +~f.th» 8th wedding ann)versary 0( Mr.! Over the weekend going on «n out- ." = .! the Kendrick Cer«mic'Shop were «1-'d her gxendxon Mr. «nd Mxa Qor- Mrs. Lean«xd Fajrfjs)4 with lO')ng up thc Sn«ke Rhex to a c«mp aI~eLt Il + ~~ se en dhp)«y . dan Gnxner and fnmjjy Fxjd«y «n4 y I rel«Uves attending jndudjng: Nr. l ground. S«turd«y»es a rainy day —, ' " ~ vv ! Foljawing the program 8 peUuck «turd«y befoxe xetnrnhg home on nnd hire, A. C. Needham and sen,a good Ume for. the graup te eLtch .. ~ ! )nn r wns served. %us)csj sc)ectjensl ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ of j Terry of Coeur 41Ajcne; Mr. «nd; up on their vhjt)ng. Time me aho, of Foreign %«rs held )nst«N«Uan of ", of the band «nd chorus taped during j ~ I Mrs. Budfard F«jrf)e}d and sons Rex spent tourhjjg up Uxe river «nd s)ght ofScers Thuxed«y night Ap"-II 221cempet)Uan «t Lew)stan Music Fes- I 4 the 5tth wedding Annjversxcryc . ~ I«nd Gary and daughter Gall f Lew-, se«ing. Snow could SUII be seen on «t )hc VFtV H«I" tlv«l -vrer played during the 4<nner Open House for Mr. and Mra Lean- , %" Ih I n hton Mra V~ Vl~t af De~ the maun~n ~pa but the hj~ ~ -R.y C. D.y, Mth Dhhtct Nnuan. hour axxt Fnjrjteld on Big Bo«r R)dgje. W)ma Jones and green «nd qu)te beautiful for thh,ejj Council member fram De«xye ser- I Mrs. Jean Cr«)g and htra Donna'unday «Ctexnoan. full «dv anlage 'on Dan of Cl«rksten,'r. and htrs. I time ef the ye«r. A f)pck of white < >end «s jnnt«)jjng eff)cer.. ', Shnpsan vahmteexed ta serve on the, Mrp and Mxa Erv)n.M«b 'Rufus Falrf laid of Jujj«etta; Mra swan- was seen both S«turd«v and;.+ New «fjcers he)ng hwjt«Ned were: 288 Club board fex the upcoming'4, Mr-'nd Mxa Den Jajn and apxt 8 ! Ada F«jrf)e)d Bjg Bear R)dge; htrs, I Sund«y. Several boa)8 were sein 'omm««der . D«cold H«8«jt)ne; Sr. I ye«r «8 w«N «s pxesent members j~ tn'Bevm, Sunday r«ftexaaon. f ' IVlna Weberr Ke)SO, iV~.; Mr and, going up the r)Ver, «S W«8 the,bjg,%C«-Ca er, Jnmen Hejtl J'r.) L«rry Feieman and-BOb Heppner.; Mr «ndMXa Gen«.B«reh,an4'«pns dsjoeker 'room sm'OLse 'trad Norm«n Neleen «nd 4«ughter 'o«te "Id«ho 'Queen'een C«rryjng I %W 'ers COR8%d S~' j~. Ren . MCC«rtn«y W)N Xepjaxe '... 4 ~ ., «nd 3Lh'Bjjt fx~- Inheducod Ihooo seated «1 D«lrao of Deary; Xr. and Mxa R)ch-, several up the river.'aturd«y even-. «d}Ilatterm«stir, Joseph Foxest: Post, her hush«nd, Ren McC«rtx1O3r «s.the, -mN of'Lewisten e«3104 jn the En-- of Qonsoeo ~ I«xxl Ben}«m)n and «ons Ricky axi4 jng the grouy -en3olM bnx b-quel, Qvoc«ate. on«I cape: ch«yj)n clem be«1'ecretary. one bo«rd member; .. tt hcoxxxa"sfonday oven)ngr 8«d Mrse Q«hj ~ sj«d 'Mra I R«ndy. Of-'Kendrick) -klfS,"«XX4--XXa If 8~ PXXyated,3)y~m«n.-.. '.-.. -,,J,'~'-, ''Surgepnd~>@iNI«m~3jjrjltOn; ~. ~ed. 1AXj3rCX«Sk,fnterjSSt«4,,~Tuesd«hY Mcr'. «nxi Mra Pete D«Vli'aul Bach«r«eh, {SPOr)8 edj)or Of the" htnjrjon C«33831«n «nd «onS . Merk& Sunday Was a be«uUfcu) Sunny 4«3 (Trustee, 8 ye«r term. 'Gerald ~- m«y COnt«Ct'eb Heyyner'.: ". y4 'BCjlh Jhn and ~~mr*-W«re Low)8)on hfornjng Trggge, Fn)her',and Marty ef c)«rksten; Mr. «nd I «nd «Il the men and women enjoyed 80th. p«s)or of 8. Af~«)3r 8 htrn. Stanley Sh«nnon of Spokane; I playing "'lawn darts" but vde're Jeseph Forest w«s appalnted Ser- Feakfast OraWS CFOWd home in honor of Floyd, whQe home church, who g«vo Iho jnvoc«0OO„Mr,, htr and Mr« Mel smith of Lewhtan;, na), sure wha was the chnn1p! Aga)n vice aff)ccr for the cemhcg ye«r and, . I an furlough, nnd Thursd«y 81«l Mrs, Den«Is Car}son„Mrs, Hopk)88,! htr. and htra M«rien Stevens of !Sunday «ppt-luck 1V«s enjoyed with , 'Ger«)d H«heth wss aPPointed «4}u- An esUm«ted 160 people wee ser Mra Lloyd Hejbroek of Lewhtan 'erry a«chan Q. Of I, Ie, who Steny Pojntl and Mr. «nd Mra Glen ~ b«r-be~ue hamburgers by the men j t«nL njded KnnjkkeLerg e~ ho ebs neej- Stake«8 «nd Mr. and Mra C. Ward "chefa" 'ern)ng. Apr)j 25 «nd «ppraxjm«tely I guests in the PO'D«vh hamar Ttxey u edl John jfenry sports odj)or of Ihe of L«P1ke«i- . These galng werc Mr. «nd Mrs. JF, protn goyalty I e~e ome. y . hfoscow Dally ld«ho«Inn; hf«ler and The open hause followed «t 2 p., Cecil GruejL Nr. «nd Mra Erncstl ~ L u B~e~ dnughtcr ef htr ~I ~pg~ it Mrs. Dick Scharnhorst, «nd OMjches m. %'j)h shters, Mra Yama Vincent I Brammer «nd Jelcx1c, Mr. «nd Mrs. Tr{NO} and Knnjkkeberg, , 'and htra Wj)m«JO«OS WrV)ng the I L)ayd Cr«)g'e htr. «nd Mra Eima Eld- Doch<4 Sen af htr nnfi htrs John The b~fnst ~~U ef h~ I me~ j dg ' 'eab«14 vk'axe ccewned Queen «nd cgga pnnc«kcs, 3u)cps «nd caffee I hthsjan«x3r Te Spe«k Mr. ~ infra W«/ 3), ¹. Md ghtcr wmlng Re caffe'nd Nrs.lht~ hen g Omtatt. Mr. «nd htra~ King ef the KHS Jun)at prem he)4 1jkes cooked and serkred Py Nra p7) Sund«y Mny 2nd at 79 hfrS. EW«jd'Lejjenmnjer. «nd Mr. «nd Budfprd F«jrfjejd 8 rVIng the Punch Fred Simmermnn and SOn of Oaken- ~s«turdnv eve~ Ap<> 2< ! c c lt M J h„D lb< jlffra Ralph Bnu)ngnr)nar. Barge« wi)h Mrs. Marian Cnllnhnn In d'juu- dale, Wn., were «ho an1ong those I The gleans)um'ts turnej inta I Dnrxe)j htnnfu)I «nd htx . R«y Loh-! Brnsjj, ~ s~ m hh ~~ h1 U 8 t~~p; w~l& ge of the guest book nnd a ha") of e1}eying sundaY cm er. Mm 8 m- I 8 jove)y park «xen far d«nc)ng co the; man, Luther p«rks «nd Kenny ~ fje)d, foNawjng 8 p t-luck Imd ~ drove the players'us to nlj the gn¹c), dear friends who «t)ended~ut merman is 8 shtcr of Mrs, E)mo! pram theme "I Il Be There" htusic r Brown «ss)sted b 'eNin tickets at 5'8{) m. h1 th and Mra b)umgnrjner js '0 325 from Big Bear Ridge, Kendrick, I Eldrldga Supt Djchl aod ndvjsor for the Ix't D J I ! tkas furnhhed by "Svk~twnter". !«nd cleaning up after the event. 'f the Chuxeh of the N«««rene. Chapcrancs for the evening were Winners ai'he twa hsms 1kexe,Ever3~e is welcome. Student +aiks! ht . 4 ht~. Ro htcC« tncy 4!John D b«ld I«spiral,jon of )ho ma)hers from an ides p ~ p I Mr. «nd Mrs. Gsjc Vsl)cm. First gr«d< students De)ll I'ery 1 Sunday Oinner Fcrnnda Ious, nn exch«nge stu- I «nd Brad Lohm«n drew the e~ngr ',dear from hfonfeiudddkee. Uruguarr,! p«1 XX 7s Spsm)f I To Honor Seniors St«e )Ourn«me), NP on, %e y 0 I B j)tra Jody Sndj}1 'chl guests of the Kendrick Grange Mc muncjl of tie K I and Tony iVeca, Clarksten were spe- Appxecj«Uon for dennt)ans is ex-1 *," High School seniors wj)I be ban«. bojtu) asked where Go«esca 1vax, made I ) nte1. has invited the commun)tv.'tended te Ericksens Foods, B)owctt'ne1l maps of Idaho 1rjlh 8 stnr }pen)-( Ne one is even trying ta fool; I '"" I c 'e the IJ11jted htc)hodht Church Frj-I Grocery, dkOb)e's Grocery, BrakVnjng! . g 0 0 Ck Mm- ,csck Temple, Ln)ux h making his home ! „„„Cutstack «114 Vernon G'xegary ~ munitl Methedht Church Sunday jnpcj markers lo njl the fans, The! cnd wc«ther vkeS sPrjng-I)kc. Park'15& Mr. «nd hfdf. Gem)d Tutorer I - " B. I. 8&M on the &pic , .evening, May 2, at 6:86. This year', cjpcprn)jog commj))eo cui Oul smnjj "1fb~ '"jnvered" with I inches at snow I of Chrkstan. He hns Ibm) with hh ':,,'Crime Today." Or NtnKeeVer ~ins mens of Id«ho, using naaar f~lis,! snturd«v mo)v))ng. By sunday even-IAmcrjcnn P«rents s)nco the begin- I ',, 'U1 «nn«sen)er supper spanspxed urdles ggJ gnscbn)I caps In/ mast of it had melted nnd wens1 ning of the school term l«st yexr «nd, )) I th ' " -<t '4 r. G. iv. htcKmmr 1~ first bv &e women's wdety 'ef ~U io dcsjgnni'O.jhe. '. Iva sports j})8)'-40)n ))8 thj 'o1vax) r i)jn u -"'" g~ ""'~m Clnr"s~" "'gh'" tho g M "g g PISchool this spring. Fejjawjng 8 618{i I tp this informal time of )Isten g. Derby, sponsored by the senior class - Thceugh the mars some colorful Bh 3 M gall 8 ~ d ~f Th D k A~ 3 At nl'I COVerad dhh dinner Ln)u« talked an lThere alSO Will be refreahmmt md I at KHS nnd held Saturday, Apr)) 24. themeS h«VC jnC)udfnd SWedhh SmOr p«rk 8~ms 1 h, b the culturn) nnd educ«tlon«l phases T) '" "„" " ' ec 'u wns eux'«S by mrs, John Myers, «Iso depicted tho invaded bv dinosaurs nnd gjnnt spj of his cau11try I The counc)) hoPes ta see «gaed nnd 86 minutes «nd eight sccpnda Western nnd HnweN«n four sporjs, bung from O)0 Ccjjjng,! der« L ng.n~ked ~)n)j~z of U10 The Grange presented Lnlu" with I " <Y ~ g The float, fram the Cedar ~k. menus. Mrs. Phil Hermann, nssjsjoj by bcr son,lbmntasnuru«,ga gn)ump)ng per the a halo tic with a Montana Agate! Bridge te the Sperr3 Grade Bridge All church members, frIends an4 Johri -drew cnrjcatuxes of each of the')«nd scattering whito P~ugs hi)her slide ns n. memento of his tr)p ta the,'' Nlusic Club Meets ! «ctu«lly took one hour, 86 m)nutes, patents «re caxd)«I)y invited to. at- Ao8 hnxkotbnjl Vnrni)y bpyS nnd thCSO «nd thither ~h d«y mp~ I~O northwest, ! The Music Club met Monday, April I «nd 25 seconds. Itend «nd extend best e~es to our urn)e On jhe W«IIS Of )he hall. TfOPhjen Sj)VOr sSP)dar Webn nra )Oft «S 8 t ThOSO entering the dceSS Context!26 With Mr« Herman SChuyfer Sar 'OCand Prize We1t ta R)Chard L«WS graduating Senjara %en by )be teams nncj Conch Kanjke- sure sign that ~'ve either progre .,vrexe xen1)nded tp have their gnr- 1~ aS hostess te six mcmbexe and w)th an csUmnte of I hour, 86 min- Mrs. Rey Glenn, htrs. Andy Cox borg's ca«eh of the Yonr nnd trophy 04 backward or~forward ya„~~I'ents turned in to Mra Roy Glenn I guests. Gucs)8 were Mx. «nd 3tra utes nnd 5 seconds. «nd Mra Ben P. cook are in charge fiom the Bulkjogs eexe on display, I {power j)ne c~--«H h Co 'y the end ot'pril for Ioc«l fudging. Relnhard Wilkcn, Mra WNma Pen- Del Rogers ebs «ikerde) third of 4)nncr «rrnngements. Anyone {3«ry sj,ructjon ~. aro pxegress)ng r«pldly The next Grange meeUng is sche- Innd, Oscar Sllnd, Phil Johns, XVW, prha pl«nning to attend are asked to Barkort, Rcdmonds,%~08, «nun. toward comp)OUan of to f th du)ed for Tucsd«y Mny 4. "Survjv- Turner and Herman Schupfer. The phone one of these ladles in advance cjo of Bulldog Sieve Mndor. Jj)t) Bleach power Inter.U~} ., «I Klt'v))l be the entertainment. evening fbV«8 Spent listening ta mus- The un)vers)ty play« itn fhet game sp they mny have nn idea of the Ideaed 111twlee af sm dlslrkf fotlnla senor ftsnw The punk ~d, Rrellp farmer hss a suredreu k11 fn ~ ic and rdekmg. Refrwdunenfu uuro september 11 egefnee Soles state I number of people wfro will be mell nnd «Coon nt )he St«)O )Ourn«ment Sm)th f«WN)CS Vh)ted Xe)«UV jn his PVen h«ak 'Eerved. College ln the new stadium. present. nese Wefjn thOraughly by all. ~~ton«Smundn„ 0 bn~ t wm ~ y ~mjed dinner with his uncle and aunt wns bonded Mrs, Harry, Jr. I Of tho pl«yerne food Comm))tee I Mr \ nnd Mrs, CIMord Hermann. rs, Phil Hermann, hfrs. Jotu) hfyor», nnd Mrs htr, nnd Nra Joe Bjasko. They «lso Rny S)out Q~ jn eh«~ pf decor))a c«))04 on hh uncle and aunt Mr, nnd Gjrjs am Iho {3@pe nub ~. htra George Smith nnd son, htr, N 8~ P ~ Mff~, n cl.~.SW)th h now at hon10 «tier 8 at y committee wns he«de{I ¹8 Wins)on Mnder «nd Mra MI "II)too}. Conor«1 chairmen for the nffnjt wore Mrs, Djck FFA I r')flew Schnrn}lrs), son)or mother, «nd hfrs. The Kendrick FFA ivljl hald a 'i~r- %m, DOPOII, jujj)jor mojj)nr. 'b«pter f«jr Nay 2 at I;80 on the RHS football fje)4, Tha prcv)01v will ~Ix Cons)st af the «nlm«js to be taken Nln At OOI IhOW to the Junior Llv«stock Show. at Spokane next week; The animals A fwa nnd a half.peanofd freeman will bs fudged and pieced for show- ! Shortbn)r feinala awn«by Norm In)r nnd fitting. Nareen ef Kendrick save~ framer Snwver from Pa)Ouse,Wn,, pjncos )n the Pn)«180 3<jjjs g w))) be the )udge. Fnncjars Show held In Pullman I«st Ever3rane Is we)camp to attend. Sntu rdny. Red Tall of ffooskla (called fash re 1) C Trf for short) placed second In the CttF 0 'ovice B Obedience tr)njs, scoring I wish to thank nll those who 3)IT paints ot n possib'le 2{){). In sent wo cards, letters, flakvaxe, gifts,'onformntlan judging sha won Wjn- pr«yare nnd for the visits while l Pictured abave nre snmp)es at hand« in the lett picture, Terr) «nd Tnn-! sue paper collage nnd 8 decoupage The Kcndr)ck Car«mjc Shop w)jj ncr B)tch, Bast of winner nnd Bast w«8 in Gritmnn Hospita] «nd 8)nce craft itcins created by nrcn wa111cn yn, Young daughters 0)'r. «nd Mra ) plaque wh)ch they mill be exh)bjt)ng have a heath with various items for of Opposite Sex of Best pf Breed I have returned home. Your kind. which w)jj Ibe exhibited and efi'crcd R)ck Bef1be are mode)ing hand cxe- together with tLek1ue f)cavern, oil shaw «nd sale. M«ny ef these Items VP)nner. ness «nd thaughtfulness wns grant. for snip at the Habbv nnd cr«t)s hated ponchos made by their mother, pninUngs «nd molded sugar items. on display will h«vo been p«jnted at Norecn js tho Senior Forester with ly appreciated and will never be Show «nd Sale, Mny 1 nnd 2 nt Ihe Anit«. Nrs. Dean Breckc and Nra Beb the local shop. the Den«rtment of pub)le L«nds, forgotten. 3ftra vy«)ter Dsnnler, Ncs parce county Fair Buijdh1g jri! Mrs. De«11)8 Abr«ms {r)ght} and I c«N)san nce also making items fer I Kendr)cl!c. Iteig.pd Law)stone I Mrs. Rick Beche (left) d/splay 8 Us- l the shaw.

Transcript of N~dret On „„„„„, 'emjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The...

Page 1: N~dret On „„„„„, 'emjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The Gazette News/THE...„g Fhhermnn Should Forget"]C)ub at the)r April meeting heM, ',

Afidd P fpfksfd SSXmn'u p

i'm.Zlh..lh.-,. Ih, htSXO. 1V

Ieleaee HOnere eeieh, ~re.sei ool ~«de» ~o euANend hol +y e.Pre-School chNdren who will be

GENESEE ~ two hund ed arty "art',"g ta "'h"'extye~-fa'')tended

the ennunl Genesee hjgh school "I-'» "haa y «~~"'4 " g"Sj Bsnqu«n TuNhy April»

Od b J li )ta ppj i al DIer Monday, Nay 8, it was nnnaun-

jn the'Firemen'8 Hajj, The potluck'inner,onen to lhe puhjjc honored


North Idsf)o Conch of Ihe Year, Oxxje This year'8 first graders wj)) beKanjkkebe, members of hjs coaching staying home that dny, so nextstaff, cheertc«dere, and members pf )ho year's first graders may attend. Thisfop)hajj team,'freshmen bnsjcejbnjj, Jr. vlrIN be an all-day session, Nr. N«n-

)he A4 stale champions, Geneseo'8 Var. The pre-schoalers shauld ride theld rjd th VOLUME 8- KENDRICK k AND GENESEE LATm COUNTY IDAHOsjbr Basketball leam. bus they will be r)ding next year,

of csromo~nlm, He Infroduced fffck Th crh 6 sd lass w111 b g fag l «ngagsfbfedft neffesldcfd Potlffek Dinner Held !KS«)jxjek Jr MISSScharnhorst, Genesee n)eyer, who re- to Orofina bowling Friday, Apr)I 8{).

ckj pe, "Z '"„'~mf»«, 's~~jgj)SXX g«)«nj«y fve«j«g, p[ pcjudjng 6)tending hjgh school jn ken- program.drjck, 8 x)in) jn the Navy, nnd a)tend- The 5th «nd 6th grades are nowance at the U, of Maho, hfayor Scharn- working on the requirements to earnhorst gave s)8)IS)jcS and wjn-joss rcc- their Pcesjdent's. Phys)cej Fitness

- hfdf'. «nd M)31..Jerry Sp nce~ pxesent. Mny 1 at ~e J~ar ~ P g~t ~ords of teams coached Kanjkkeberg Awarda 'he busjn~-~N f 8 w~ with'e held et the Kendrick liigh school Hasp)jat P«tjentsat Gone«co over the 3re«rs. The 6th grade h«s begun work jn''ufo)jl have been '8 exemple, aod science class on thai~ rockets. Many

Lha N~dret rgou j)avo.touchocj.us 8)},'3rOung and oM, of Ole students have, bought rockets

rnhorst . )ojd }QMZkkeberg. 'jbe of their own an4 other rockets plus 2}I t) Em ~d C'r'~k camp groi d Th eleven ~did t «N mem- the week~. for m~ t tcoach received a standjng ovaUon fram the engines have'een, puxeh«ned bars of the junior class are: Sandra on a skin xnsh.the CrOWd Of pletera «64 farms Whp had With- theji aCtlejty mpney earned atcome )0 IH)y him'trjbute, the aucUon sale.and .mag«a)ne sale. Bxown, tlen)se Br«mmer, Noxi-Fxy, S«tuxcjay, after'ever«3 days jn theJunjor: varnjtjr Coach 33ennjs Car}son Upon completion'of the xockets there Dam II, Beck@ Ehh, Grltmnn Haspjt«); fo)jew)age operjntxocjuced the pj«yern On hjs te«m will be a launching date set «nd any-,eSch fhjshed tbe curxent season wj)h one w)shing to see the demonstr«tjpnan 18-2)ecorcj, jfopkjns )hen jn)xaduc- h welcome, Some of these xocketsed the frcshnxan b«jj C}ub, whoso record go as high as 25j50 feet..was 16-2 for tho season, . Coach Kanjk-

u „ I ~!dlvhdons,, )udges'rivate interview, IMr home Sunday with «R,~, herkoberg introducol the football players, Little ~ Ph B ghPeter«on, Lojs Jensen, 330nna Bish and

The L)tUO Le«gue Bsseb«jj Prp- and appe nce; y th f)tness «nd Th helping her cejebrateA N )

schol«sUc achievement, ', Mr- and Mxa Harry,¹wman and~h April 26th and Thursday AprN 22, ~, . 'I J~~ Vlphjtm „M W W, LeAnn Rogers, 167o un)ar Mhs'amNy 0 Southwjck; Mr,'and htra


eoB so ~ ~ ~jj Wi Ul U10 f01)OW)ng

! Iner htxs J«ck +ggh 'nd Nrs F !and her princesses, Debb)e Vjreyen Dan" "".«n4 f«m)ly, htr. «nd.Mra

p ers nnd members of the track.team Brammer; 8 ~d~ "Our Iend Cynthia Osbprn, are asshUng BNj H«djey nnd daughter, Mr. «I«4

were jn)roduoed by the co«ches hfexn-~ - ' "-""--. 'em jn Tri " b„Mrs Ejma EM-'jr asyects « the y rter «nd f«mNX. Julia..Pir«tes ...„......,......,...„,...,.....„5!hfr aod hfxe -Robet Herxn«n Geo" r}dgc; square d ce, by Nr. and 3jrh . IP«germ" etta; Mrs. H«djey*s sister %ra .LII-nants ln hand, g«ve the scores of each jeeee, «nnpunOe the engagement,af their Vs«It Keepp, Mr. ~ hh . K II«n Preston «nd her mother MiaRe~ .........,..„........„.....,...4«ngh)c,C ', I~1th. Wjjk~ ht, and N . John'Kindergarten eruy K«tie Brasch, both ef Nes Pexjaa

'Fred Hsd)ey of Lewhton called jn.'April22 !Lesbe. Idsh . I.Spe, eading by M . J k Ku3D«rrelh Delinquents ............,0 hfjss Herxn«n js «167)l gxedua .~ + da)) "Haw ta htsk an El phsntIaxjjkees 8 Qenesee }hgh Schoa) nnd js nt)lendxng Stejjjr ee seSource af Ncwsee by N«rk I direcUan ef htrs. Floyd WjNhmseUnjvcrsdy pf jdshp where she js j'ju h . r~Q™)~b ht~ cc I) Gru !Pcescnt@d the clltert«jnment for 288Q gA A4 A Wj„h )hj Rebch..........„...11 w«jorjng jn Animal Science.,@ "Ne Fhhermnn Should Forget" ]C)ub at the)r April meeting heM,pirateS „,.„„,„,„,„„„„„,„g', Her fjnnae IS 8 1669 grndun)8 Of Bujte

I dna e Why Mange Ch++geS «ht1mu Nanliny night nt, Ule Kendr)Ck HighSalem schooL . Nr. «nd Nrs. Lean«rd Fnjrf)814,«nd'g

hed uords af pmjm for, Ffblreelds Honored l~um~~fr + ~a ~m~ R~I

iiompm'fm on fhe iu brVr '".'pus-ih y~~n~«e~of G~" A b)rthd«y dinner was held Sm-'l

A J 4, .~ t medley pf hp pnjm n~bem I"~ p~hd«skt~UU~ "' ys 'pm~

h gh he„p~en)s and Ih GenerH'e CON- d«y, April 25th at 12:86 p. m. «t the ',+ ~ Q'ayne 1fVegncr. The evening can- I

'The Hungry Tribe", for which they ~n 'm C)«rksten te visit With.Cenmxuni)y Hall an 'Blg Sear Ridge j luded by iwe N)Ue peep)a from the h«d mndc their -costumes of payer 'e ~~ es befoxe xehxxn)ng. tabe I)ne suppor «nd en)husjasm of Ihe,honoring the 8{)th bjr)hd«y nnnjv«- 'aMpers Knloy Cgting moon, wha dropped in te shaw us I Indhn 3«ckets, head dress, «nd tem-'! her horne

loof Gene«ash««been a jjxent help'ai~ of I ~ Ad fjdd naw ofl jhow 'They Dance on the Moon" —'toms.~ I Lewjston and his twin shter, Nra)

The Kendrick Campers Knr«v«n 'Mra John Bl«nkenship «nd Nrs. I - Articles «Cernm)c pottery msde! tg ~~ Mr ~ a L)nds«yM~ ~ 8 p~ & jj I-ILah T)ucyer of Vexonjae Oxegan, «nd went en their first cnmpuut fer 1921 %V«jter Kocpp. !hy the class w)th the «ssht«nce af ~y 8 h1 Coeur 4'Alene. She vjsjt88 +~f.th» 8th wedding ann)versary 0( Mr.!Over the weekend —going on «n out- ." = .!the Kendrick Cer«mic'Shop were «1-'d her gxendxon Mr. «nd Mxa Qor-Mrs. Lean«xd Fajrfjs)4 with lO')ng up thc Sn«ke Rhex to a c«mp aI~eLt Il + ~~ se en dhp)«y . dan Gnxner and fnmjjy Fxjd«y «n4

yI rel«Uves attending jndudjng: Nr. l ground. S«turd«y»es a rainy day —,

' " ~ vv ! Foljawing the program 8 peUuck «turd«y befoxe xetnrnhg home onnnd hire, A. C. Needham and sen,a good Ume for. the graup te eLtch .. ~ ! )nn r wns served. %us)csj sc)ectjensl~~~ ~' ~ of

j Terry of Coeur 41Ajcne; Mr. «nd; up on their vhjt)ng. Time me aho, of Foreign %«rs held )nst«N«Uan of ", of the band «nd chorus taped during j~ I Mrs. Budfard F«jrf)e}d and sons Rex spent tourhjjg up Uxe river «nd s)ght ofScers Thuxed«y night Ap"-II 221cempet)Uan «t Lew)stan Music Fes- I4 the 5tth wedding Annjversxcryc .

~ I«nd Gary and daughter Gall f Lew-, se«ing. Snow could SUII be seen on «t )hc VFtV H«I" tlv«l -vrer played during the 4<nner Open House for Mr. and Mra Lean-,%" Ih I n hton Mra V~ Vl~t af De~ the maun~n ~pa but the hj~ ~ -R.y C. D.y, Mth Dhhtct Nnuan. hour axxt Fnjrjteld on Big Bo«r R)dgje.

W)ma Jones and green «nd qu)te beautiful for thh,ejj Council member fram De«xye ser-I

Mrs. Jean Cr«)g and htra Donna'unday «Ctexnoan.full «dv anlage 'on Dan of Cl«rksten,'r. and htrs. I time ef the ye«r. A f)pck of white < >end «s jnnt«)jjng eff)cer.. ', Shnpsan vahmteexed ta serve on the, Mrp and Mxa Erv)n.M«b'Rufus Falrf laid of Jujj«etta; Mra swan- was seen both S«turd«v and;.+ New «fjcers he)ng hwjt«Ned were: 288 Club board fex the upcoming'4, Mr-'nd Mxa Den Jajn and apxt

8 !Ada F«jrf)e)d Bjg Bear R)dge; htrs,ISund«y. Several boa)8 were sein 'omm««der . D«cold H«8«jt)ne; Sr. I ye«r «8 w«N «s pxesent members j~tn'Bevm, Sunday r«ftexaaon.


IVlna Weberr Ke)SO, iV~.; Mr and, going up the r)Ver, «S W«8 the,bjg,%C«-Ca er, Jnmen Hejtl J'r.) L«rry Feieman and-BOb Heppner.; Mr «ndMXa Gen«.B«reh,an4'«pnsdsjoeker 'room sm'OLse 'trad Norm«n Neleen «nd 4«ughter 'o«te "Id«ho 'Queen'een C«rryjng I

%W 'ers COR8%d S~' j~. Ren . MCC«rtn«y W)N Xepjaxe'...4 ~ .,«nd 3Lh'Bjjtfx~- Inheducod Ihooo seated «1 D«lrao of Deary; Xr. and Mxa R)ch-, several up the river.'aturd«y even-. «d}Ilatterm«stir, Joseph Foxest: Post, her hush«nd, Ren McC«rtx1O3r «s.the, -mN of'Lewisten e«3104 jn the En--of Qonsoeo ~ I«xxl Ben}«m)n and «ons Ricky axi4 jng the grouy -en3olM bnx b-quel, Qvoc«ate. on«I cape: ch«yj)n clem be«1'ecretary. one bo«rd member; .. tt hcoxxxa"sfonday oven)ngr

8«d Mrse Q«hj ~sj«d 'Mra I R«ndy. Of-'Kendrick) -klfS,"«XX4--XXa If 8~ PXXyated,3)y~m«n.-.. '.-.. -,,J,'~'-, ''Surgepnd~>@iNI«m~3jjrjltOn; ~.~ed. 1AXj3rCX«Sk,fnterjSSt«4,,~Tuesd«hY Mcr'. «nxi Mra PeteD«Vli'aul

Bach«r«eh, {SPOr)8 edj)or Of the" htnjrjon C«33831«n «nd «onS . Merk& Sunday Was a be«uUfcu) Sunny 4«3 (Trustee, 8 ye«r term. 'Gerald ~- m«y COnt«Ct'eb Heyyner'.: ". y4 'BCjlh Jhn and ~~mr*-W«reLow)8)on hfornjng Trggge, Fn)her',and Marty ef c)«rksten; Mr. «nd I «nd «Il the men and women enjoyed 80th.

p«s)or of 8. Af~«)3r 8 htrn. Stanley Sh«nnon of Spokane;I

playing "'lawn darts" —but vde're Jeseph Forest w«s appalnted Ser- Feakfast OraWS CFOWdhome in honor of Floyd, whQe home

church, who g«vo Iho jnvoc«0OO„Mr,, htr and Mr« Mel smith of Lewhtan;, na), sure wha was the chnn1p! Aga)n vice aff)ccr for the cemhcg ye«r and, . I an furlough, nnd Thursd«y81«l Mrs, Den«Is Car}son„Mrs, Hopk)88,! htr. and htra M«rien Stevens of !Sunday «ppt-luck 1V«s enjoyed with ,

'Ger«)d H«heth wss aPPointed «4}u- An esUm«ted 160 people wee ser Mra Lloyd Hejbroek of Lewhtan'errya«chan Q. Of I, Ie, who Steny Pojntl and Mr. «nd Mra Glen ~ b«r-be~ue hamburgers by the men j t«nL

njded KnnjkkeLerg e~ ho ebs neej- Stake«8 «nd Mr. and Mra C. Ward "chefa" 'ern)ng. Apr)j 25 «nd «ppraxjm«tely I guests in the PO'D«vh hamar Ttxey uedl John jfenry sports odj)or of Ihe of L«P1ke«i- . These galng werc Mr. «nd Mrs. JF, protn goyalty I e~e ome. y .hfoscow Dally ld«ho«Inn; hf«ler and The open hause followed «t 2 p., Cecil GruejL Nr. «nd Mra Erncstl ~ L u B~e~ dnughtcr ef htr ~I ~pg~ itMrs. Dick Scharnhorst, «nd OMjches m. %'j)h shters, Mra Yama Vincent

IBrammer «nd Jelcx1c, Mr. «nd Mrs.

Tr{NO} and Knnjkkeberg, ,'and htra Wj)m«JO«OS WrV)ng theIL)ayd Cr«)g'e htr. «nd Mra Eima Eld- Doch<4 Sen af htr nnfi htrs John The b~fnst ~~U ef h~ I me~

jdg ' 'eab«14 vk'axe ccewned Queen «nd cgga pnnc«kcs, 3u)cps «nd caffee I hthsjan«x3r Te Spe«kMr. ~ infra W«/ 3),¹.Md ghtcr wmlng Re caffe'nd Nrs.lht~ hen g Omtatt. Mr. «nd htra~ King ef the KHS Jun)at prem he)4 1jkes cooked and serkred Py Nra p7) Sund«y Mny 2nd at 79hfrS. EW«jd'Lejjenmnjer. «nd Mr. «nd Budfprd F«jrfjejd 8 rVIng the Punch Fred Simmermnn and SOn of Oaken- ~s«turdnv eve~ Ap<> 2< !c c lt M J h„Dlb<jlffra Ralph Bnu)ngnr)nar. Barge« wi)h Mrs. Marian Cnllnhnn In d'juu- dale, Wn., were «ho an1ong those I The gleans)um'ts turnej inta I Dnrxe)j htnnfu)I «nd htx . R«y Loh-! Brnsjj, ~s~ m hh ~~ h1 U8 t~~p; w~l& ge of the guest book nnd a ha") of e1}eying sundaY cm er. Mm 8 m- I 8 jove)y park «xen far d«nc)ng co the; man, Luther p«rks «nd Kenny ~ fje)d, foNawjng 8 p t-luck Imd ~drove the players'us to nlj the gn¹c), dear friends who «t)ended~ut merman is 8 shtcr of Mrs, E)mo! pram theme "I Il Be There" htusic r Brown «ss)sted b 'eNin tickets at 5'8{) m. h1 thand Mra b)umgnrjner js '0 325 from Big Bear Ridge, Kendrick, I Eldrldga

Supt Djchl aod ndvjsor for the Ix't D J I !tkas furnhhed by "Svk~twnter". !«nd cleaning up after the event. 'f the Chuxeh of the N«««rene.Chapcrancs for the evening were Winners ai'he twa hsms 1kexe,Ever3~e is welcome.Student +aiks! ht . 4 ht~. Ro htcC« tncy 4!John D b«ldI«spiral,jon of )ho ma)hers from an ides p ~ p I

Mr. «nd Mrs. Gsjc Vsl)cm. First gr«d< students De)ll I'ery 1 Sunday OinnerFcrnnda Ious, nn exch«nge stu- I

«nd Brad Lohm«n drew the e~ngr',dear from hfonfeiudddkee. Uruguarr,! p«1 XX 7s Spsm)f I To Honor SeniorsSt«e )Ourn«me), NP on, %e y 0

IB j)tra Jody Sndj}1 'chl guests of the Kendrick Grange Mc muncjl of tie K

I and Tony iVeca, Clarksten were spe- Appxecj«Uon for dennt)ans is ex-1*," High School seniors wj)I be ban«.bojtu) asked where Go«esca 1vax, made I) nte1. has invited the commun)tv.'tended te Ericksens Foods,

B)owctt'ne1lmaps of Idaho 1rjlh 8 stnr }pen)-( Ne one is even trying ta fool; I '"" I c 'e the IJ11jted htc)hodht Church Frj-I Grocery, dkOb)e's Grocery, BrakVnjng! . g 0 0 Ck Mm-,csck Temple, Ln)ux h making his home ! „„„Cutstack«114 Vernon G'xegary


munitl Methedht Church Sundayjnpcj markers lo njl the fans, The! cnd wc«ther vkeS sPrjng-I)kc. Park'15& Mr. «nd hfdf. Gem)d Tutorer I

- "B. I. 8&M on the &pic ,

.evening, May 2, at 6:86. This year',cjpcprn)jog commj))eo cui Oul smnjj "1fb~ '"jnvered" with I inches at snow I

of Chrkstan. He hns Ibm) with hh ':,,'Crime Today." Or NtnKeeVer ~insmens of Id«ho, using naaar f~lis,! snturd«v mo)v))ng. By sunday even-IAmcrjcnn P«rents s)nco the begin- I ',, 'U1 «nn«sen)er supper spanspxedurdles ggJ gnscbn)I caps In/ mast of it had melted nnd wens1 ning of the school term l«st yexr «nd,

)) I th' "

-<t '4 r. G. iv. htcKmmr 1~ first bv &e women's wdety 'ef ~Uio dcsjgnni'O.jhe. '. Iva sports j})8)'-40)n ))8 thj 'o1vax) r i)jn u -"'" g~ ""'~m Clnr"s~" "'gh'"


M"g g PISchool this spring. Fejjawjng 8 618{i I

tp this informal time of )Isten g. Derby, sponsored by the senior class - Thceugh the mars some colorfulBh

3M gall 8 ~ d ~f Th D k A~ 3 At nl'I COVerad dhh dinner Ln)u« talked an lThere alSO Will be refreahmmt md

Iat KHS nnd held Saturday, Apr)) 24. themeS h«VC jnC)udfnd SWedhh SmOr

p«rk 8~ms 1 h, b „

the culturn) nnd educ«tlon«l phasesT)

'" "„"" ' ec 'u wns eux'«Sby mrs, John Myers, «Iso depicted tho invaded bv dinosaurs nnd gjnnt spj of his cau11try I

The counc)) hoPes ta see «gaed nnd 86 minutes «nd eight sccpnda Western nnd HnweN«nfour sporjs, bung from O)0 Ccjjjng,! der« L ng.n~ked ~)n)j~z of U10 The Grange presented Lnlu" with


" <Y ~ g The float, fram the Cedar ~k. menus.Mrs. Phil Hermann, nssjsjoj by bcr son,lbmntasnuru«,ga gn)ump)ng per the a halo tic with a Montana Agate! Bridge te the Sperr3 Grade Bridge All church members, frIends an4Johri -drew cnrjcatuxes of each of the')«nd scattering whito P~ugs hi)her slide ns n. memento of his tr)p ta the,'' Nlusic Club Meets !«ctu«lly took one hour, 86 m)nutes, patents «re caxd)«I)y invited to. at-Ao8 hnxkotbnjl Vnrni)y bpyS nnd thCSO «nd thither ~h d«y mp~ I~O northwest, ! The Music Club met Monday, April I «nd 25 seconds. Itend «nd extend best e~es to oururn)e On jhe W«IIS Of )he hall. TfOPhjen Sj)VOr sSP)dar Webn nra )Oft «S 8 t

ThOSO entering the dceSS Context!26 With Mr« Herman SChuyfer Sar 'OCand Prize We1t ta R)Chard L«WS graduating Senjara%en by )be teams nncj Conch Kanjke- sure sign that ~'ve either progre .,vrexe xen1)nded tp have their gnr- 1~ aS hostess te six mcmbexe and w)th an csUmnte of I hour, 86 min- Mrs. Rey Glenn, htrs. Andy Coxborg's ca«eh of the Yonr nnd trophy 04 backward or~forward ya„~~I'ents turned in to Mra Roy Glenn I guests. Gucs)8 were Mx. «nd 3tra utes nnd 5 seconds. «nd Mra Ben P. cook are in chargefiom the Bulkjogs eexe on display, I {power j)ne c~--«H h Co

'y the end ot'pril for Ioc«l fudging. Relnhard Wilkcn, Mra WNma Pen- Del Rogers ebs «ikerde) third of 4)nncr «rrnngements. Anyone{3«ry sj,ructjon ~. aro pxegress)ng r«pldly The next Grange meeUng is sche- Innd, Oscar Sllnd, Phil Johns, XVW, prha pl«nning to attend are asked toBarkort, Rcdmonds,%~08, «nun. toward comp)OUan of to f th du)ed for Tucsd«y Mny 4. "Survjv- Turner and Herman Schupfer. The phone one of these ladles in advancecjo of Bulldog Sieve Mndor. Jj)t) Bleach power Inter.U~} .,«I Klt'v))l be the entertainment. evening fbV«8 Spent listening ta mus- The un)vers)ty play« itn fhet game sp they mny have nn idea of theIdeaed 111twlee af sm dlslrkf fotlnla senor ftsnw The punk ~d, Rrellp farmer hss a suredreu k11 fn


ic and rdekmg. Refrwdunenfu uuro september 11 egefnee Soles stateInumber of people wfro will bemell nnd «Coon nt )he St«)O )Ourn«ment Sm)th f«WN)CS Vh)ted Xe)«UV jn his PVen h«ak 'Eerved. College ln the new stadium. present.nese Wefjn thOraughly by all. ~~ton«Smundn„0 bn~ t wm ~ y ~mjed dinner with his uncle and aunt

wns bonded Mrs, Harry, Jr. I

Of tho pl«yerne food Comm))tee I Mr \

nnd Mrs, CIMord Hermann. rs, PhilHermann, hfrs. Jotu) hfyor», nnd Mrs htr, nnd Nra Joe Bjasko. They «lsoRny S)out Q~ jn eh«~ pf decor))a c«))04 on hh uncle and aunt Mr, nnd

Gjrjs am Iho {3@pe nub ~. htra George Smith nnd son, htr,N 8~ P ~ Mff~, n cl.~.SW)th h now at hon10 «tier 8 at ycommittee wns he«de{I ¹8Wins)onMnder «nd Mra MI "II)too}. Conor«1chairmen for the nffnjt wore Mrs, Djck FFA I r')flewSchnrn}lrs), son)or mother, «nd hfrs. The Kendrick FFA ivljl hald a 'i~r-%m, DOPOII, jujj)jor mojj)nr. 'b«pter f«jr Nay 2 at I;80 on the

RHS football fje)4, Tha prcv)01v will ~IxCons)st af the «nlm«js to be takenNln At OOI IhOW to the Junior Llv«stock Show. atSpokane next week; The animalsA fwa nnd a half.peanofd freeman will bs fudged and pieced for show-

!Shortbn)r feinala awn«by Norm In)r nnd fitting.Nareen ef Kendrick W» save~ framer Snwver from Pa)Ouse,Wn,,pjncos )n the Pn)«180 3<jjjs g w))) be the )udge.Fnncjars Show held In Pullman I«st Ever3rane Is we)camp to attend.Sntu rdny.

Red Tall of ffooskla (called fash re1) C Trffor short) placed second In the CttF 0

'oviceB Obedience tr)njs, scoring I wish to thank nll those who3)IT paints ot n possib'le 2{){). In sent wo cards, letters, flakvaxe,

gifts,'onformntlanjudging sha won Wjn- pr«yare nnd for the visits while l Pictured abave nre snmp)es at hand« in the lett picture, Terr) «nd Tnn-! sue paper collage nnd 8 decoupage The Kcndr)ck Car«mjc Shop w)jjncr B)tch, Bast of winner nnd Bast w«8 in Gritmnn Hospita] «nd 8)nce craft itcins created by nrcn wa111cn yn, Young daughters 0)'r. «nd Mra ) plaque wh)ch they mill be exh)bjt)ng have a heath with various items forof Opposite Sex of Best pf Breed I have returned home. Your kind. which w)jj Ibe exhibited and efi'crcd R)ck Bef1be are mode)ing hand cxe- together with tLek1ue f)cavern, oil shaw «nd sale. M«ny ef these ItemsVP)nner. ness «nd thaughtfulness wns grant. for snip at the Habbv nnd cr«t)s hated ponchos made by their mother, pninUngs «nd molded sugar items. on display will h«vo been p«jnted at

Norecn js tho Senior Forester with ly appreciated and will never be Show «nd Sale, Mny 1 nnd 2 nt Ihe Anit«. Nrs. Dean Breckc and Nra Beb the local shop.the Den«rtment of pub)le L«nds, forgotten. 3ftra vy«)ter Dsnnler, Ncs parce county Fair Buijdh1g jri! Mrs. De«11)8 Abr«ms {r)ght} and I c«N)san nce also making items fer

IKendr)cl!c. Iteig.pd Law)stone

I Mrs. Rick Beche (left) d/splay 8 Us- l the shaw.

Page 2: N~dret On „„„„„, 'emjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The Gazette News/THE...„g Fhhermnn Should Forget"]C)ub at the)r April meeting heM, ',

4gmae4Sl dB4OJNa



EINPh'o FRriii CllellliCRhla Dealer In The eenosoe Area For

SROCKE anil SONS"Tops of the Crop"


PhonesMaha office di 285.2641

seed Plant dN5 3171shtbudard oH dN5 3201




Custom Mixing with Rico HullsAt No Extra Coat

396 Ol'all RON KIJIILtllIIIeonosoo, Iclah 'Ph. AT 5-3511



Idreneaee juprajS HELD TUEsDAY iN GENESEE OIIS NBIBSS HSBSI SINII8 IS Papal UIBSS at TI ...5M 7 pp„,l,li '7 D, p, 'fll k'cllAitNltGRny

GENESEE-The Jolly Janes Home Ex- to ail is~ho conti'ihutel inoney or hI'IpcII I MOHIII OIL PIIODUCTII I

Patrolman Merle Wilson of Ephvata tension Cub and the Happy Valley club

came Tuesday to visit a few days with were hosts to Latah Co. Honle Extension

his Pamnts; Mr. and Mzs. Lloyd Wilson. Day held Tuesday at the Fireizens Han

Mrs. LBIT'y Gee, Mrs, Dipk Johnson, in Genesee,III 7IP"'enesee Community Firenion, Inc.,

and Mrs. Dick Scharnhorst were among iMr, Les Allen, president of the Jony [BHI Shirley, Lee Daviys FI<d Hove, BH! ) Phone AT 53111 ~ or - AT 54Nl

those alumnae Delta Delta Delta who Janes served as mistress of ceremoni.s fjiHame Depeii, James Busch, IAfayne Hampton,

entertained the seniors Tri Delta mern- and Mrs. JpAIIn Anderson, Latah Cp., Andrew Zenner, Dick Scharnhorst, Jim

hers for dinner on Friday evening at Home Extension agent was special Magee. Tom Boyd, Genesee Union. Car-j I

the home of Mrs. Peter Lerriget, in guest; This year:s ltheme is "Spring:.Igj6+ ters, Fpstime, Corner Bar, Sprlngers ])

Moscow. The Circle Degree was giv- Is Busting Out AHOver.', D. A„PureGro, Genesee News, ) GarlinghauSe Alemaria %

en to the senior women. Thventy-hvo clubs were representedBialenbergSchooler Post No, 58

Dinner guests of Mrs. Viola Scharn- from Latah county and several guests II a the LOAu Rop~mt

horst Sunpay were Mr. and Mrs. Bertie were present from NezPerce county. GUEST SPEAKER AT tive for Garltllghpusc Memze

Spence, Karla and Brian Neal Kinyon Each ciuh had a booth, that dlepiged COMMUNITY CHURCH SUNDAY I tais pf Lewtstpn. Ouz', zugeu

and sons Bob and DougIas, and Jane articles made over the past year. At Debbie Crose, a student at Northwest ) melt/ ggd mgfkerB Bzla Qt the

Thompson, of Spokane. 1:30 a fashion show was held with 18 x47tb 4 Christian College wiH be ~est speaker I

Robert KIJnypn, student'at'U. of I, and members modeling the clothes'ade Sundav, May 2 at the Genesee Commun. ) IIII«t P'I tes

Doug1as Kinyon and Jane Thompson, duving classes beld by Mrs. Anderson, ity church bliss Croso is s sophomme 7 Each of Agm stance Bacmso

Community College students, spent the A coffee hour was held by the Happy at the University. ) tiozI guarazlteeL

weekend lvithl- the'oys father, Neal Valley ciub at 9:3Q, and at noon thejl

Kinyon. Jony Janes sev'ved a salad Mr. LITTLE LEAGUERS

Mrs. Gertrude IIeissen returned Sat- The bazaar arid country store opened GENESEE—Little Lenguers Practic".i


uzday from Gritman hospital, and.:is at 3:30. Saturday morning at 10 a, m, in the ball i ILocal Rep, Ph. AT 8-8OI4

recuperating satisfactovny at her home.park. A good turn out is desizei.

Mrs. AIfzed" Isaksen of Ch'eney came OPEN HOUSE MAY 2 WILL HONOR

Monday to spend a fetlv days with hez MRS. FLORENCE L BENNETT SEATFLE SONICS AND


gr. andrMra,-Wm, Rosenau and Mr. GIUNI>EH~n PPen. house honoring AT HIGH SCHOOI, GYM

and Mrs.,-ilgle Halverson did not'at the 85th Ilirthday anniversary of Mrs LOIS JENSEN . Mv~IE DENNLHHI GENESEE-Tie AtlehcDepartment.,'red

Tayhr funeral as FIprenc7B Bennett will be held Sunday, in cooperation with the Vandel Boost-I,'as

stated last week. May 2 from 3 to 5 P. m. at the Latah VaieHptprian for tbe class'of 19n -In Miss Debbie Dennler. wOI represent ers, inc. has arranged for the Seattle

Bevgman and MrL Convalescent Center where she is a pa- Geesee High School ts Lais Jensen. She her class as Salutatorian.' She bas "Spilics'7 aod San Degp "Rackets"to,'~~~

.GHd.~e a S,~e t t.. h an~u~~ve-g~~i'.-~ ~~ a'~.~ abv~~e ~ PI I,M~hdg,~ro,ion,,'ave,

Wednesday binciepn guests of AH-friends and neiglzbors pf Mrs. 3.75..'', ...3.50.-.. - .'' ',, bbweler seats have.been.put pn',

Beaett'B -are cozdiany invited io visit Some'.of he. other activities include; She is present)y student - seczzt. zeserve sale at S4,00 eacL

Mrs. Helen Kowekp afixL Mrs., Eve))r'n Ier Sunday ''tudent body vice pvesklent Gir)s'kib tazy,, Girhh Ckib Mstprian .and,'served «For,information on tkkets contact


oft Uniontown weze 'recent'dln . Pvesident, annual staff, F. H. A. ptficei;. ai':Yputhl LeghIituve. Representative zie KBIIIkketberg. Scbool phone AT 5

zer''guests'of Mr.-and JMvs. Henry,FIez .~ h ~ of th B ~~ drill team, cheerleader, and Pep ctutI. [ Debbie'h .t)e daughtetr of Mr. and 2441 or at borne AT 586LL

cbhger.; 'he'occasion,was in.honor. pf The ladies are ~. 'he Is;the ',-daughter of,Mr..and Mrs~ (Mrs. Adoiph Dennier, 141 Nh N.Mzs. Kpwekp s 'tnrthday 'annhiersary, Mr and Mzs Henry


Fiezcbitnge'r Kenneth. JenseL Card Of Thaa Dm Garlinghouse and were Tuesday visitors in Spokane

Mr. ind Mzs, George Anderson at- .-;.,' " I P UnH ' Many. thanks > my friends fpr re, LOWiStoiy itloi)O

t~mg~ jf'„HS Scgtool Notes -~ Genesee V~eyOn Thursday, May 13 the ALClvV wIH +

companed them when they attended a GENHZEE -Trustee election,wHI be hold a 9:80 brunch, Mrs E A Mpz, Card Of Thaylks

distret meeting pf WWI in Lewiston at Md May 10th, 1971 between the hours ken wlH be hostess. We wish to thank the Genesee Fire,'grs.David Straughan and chHdven the Legion Home. pf 1 P. 7M. to 7 P. hL Mr. Boyd from Traci Stout, daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. Department for burnhlg the buikHng on,",

e.were Wednesday pveraight Mr, and Mrs. Fred Baumgavtner of District No. 3 and Mri Stout fzpm Dis. John Stout, received a severe cut on eu'ot. These men are to ie commend. ", Dial $HerWOOd 3-5541guests pf. Mrsf Straughans mptielr, Mrs 'Mt. Angel weie weekend visitors of trict No. 4. Both men h'ave fned fpr her chin Thursday when. she slipped and ed tor their IIIIe at jobs Hke thf8

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Baumgartner and reelection and wNI rlnz unopposed,: fell from the bathtub when reaching lwhich Is beyond I normal caHs pt l

~ Lepna Geitz and Mr. and Mrs. family. Ann Baumgartener, who had ~ zone No. 3 boundary Hnes mr for a toweL Eight stitches were ze- j duty.

Joe Kaiafle were SundW evenhig din- beel visiting her gvandparents since elude the fpHpwing: Starting 1 milo quired to close the wend Elvon aad'Betty Hamteoa

Jack Duarte and March, returned home with them. east of Genesee and the Latah.Nezperce Nanette Morken, littie daughter of

Mrs. Hole'n iCoweho:in Uniontawn.. Mr. aad Mrs. Jebn Egland and Ghwy Couety hee. lvitb a line n. 'ou strmght illr. and airs. Ed. Mcrken was tu gt Blue Bird Tee;Sundzqr diner guests of Mr. and Mrs pf R, John spent Satlmfay night and novth to school district hxu8avy line. Luke's hospital from Tuesday until The Angel Blue Birds presented

Dont BBXer and famHy,>vere Father La- Sunday with John's parents, Mr, and for the west boundary. Zone Hne fol- ThursJay when she had t)e PIate ze a Nother-Daughter Tea Tuesday eve-fey and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Beckez and Mrs. Harry Egland. They were joined laws the school district boundary Hne moved from her hiP S)e is doing fine IIIng. The young ladies entertainedfamgy.

' '::,:'

Sunday afternoon by Mchael and Ed for the north and east boundary linet 51rs, E. A. Morken went to Sppkan pn their mothers wIIh Bpn~s nliJoe. Bromeling and Mr and Mrs Eghnd for birthday cake honoring to 3/4of amileeast of theAdolph Den. »~ay ~ a~ ~ N «. d~an'cps~end'ano la in" A fine

Howard -, Broemeling. visited oyer the John's 'birthday. 'ier residence. The south boundary and her mother home Thursday. tlzne was ~" ed b "all'amneh, yazd and were Nbbled up by the man-

, Weekend'ith Mra. EVelyn Hanlday in, MZ. Bnd MrS. Earl Lackey and fam- ezttandS frPm the Starting Ppint, 1 mHe Greg Lllehan arrIVed Friday from Russell Re ~er . 'athlg Plant the friarS %%'fa grPWtng.

Hauser Lake.: ily of Post Fills visited Sunday with east, 2 miles north and then foHows a Cherry.Point, ¹,C.to spend a leave po 'arents pf the children demanded

k B~~..U.". I. ~t, ~ hhP t.M. ~M~. G . Sd - st~u ~t t-3/4of am ~-with N'ar~8. ~' Mrs. Don patm~e Our Adverth the h Phg b'~~~'htth'he

weekend with his parents, Mr. Bnd horst. the Adolph Dennler residence, '. Linehan before Mng r for friars retusei. So the townspeople got

Mrs. Jim Busch:and famny.. Mr.. and Mrs.'ick Scharnierst caH- Trustee 'Zone Np. 4 starting 2 mnes, overseas duty. Mr. and . Wm. Ihe blacIIszllith, Hugh„ tp run tbp frfzzits

Ãr..and:Mrs. George Summerside.of ed on Mr. and Mrs. Lens Schazzlhmxt east.pf Geiesee pn the LatahNezpercaIShirley and tamny and Mr and Mrs. LEGAi. gO fiC)$ out pf town. The moral of the story;

Idly, Montana; Mi'-,and Mra..Riely Sunday afternoon. 'ounty line,, running north fpz 2 mnes'scar Danielson were &md'fternoon , NOTICE OF I Hugh, and pniy Hugh, can prevent flpr-

of.'edeval Way, Wash.. and Mrs. Glen Mrs. Wayne Borgen entered St. Jo- and south in a straight line to the south- visitors in the Linehan home. SPECIAL SCHOOI, MEETING'reickmnof Gig Havbor, Wash. were seph hospital last Friday for 5 77MgghIMM- em past of the school district boundary Steven Myers and Dean Burt had sup. AND BUDGET «EARLB7IG

'eekend houseguests of Mz; and Mrs. lion and me&el treatizent. Hne for the west boundary. The north Per with Kevh Odenbprg and his tarn 'enesee Scbool DIstrict No. 2N Before her tlzst Plane ride a Httita p)d

Waiter Erlclzspil. They were joined, Mr. and Mrs. Lawreiice. hewn were boundary is a straight he fo 'be- IIy Friday ev Latab At NBBPerce CpuntleB, Idaho lady was tpkf that chew" wouldby'.,Mrs.-'. Ed:"~n of CIarizstpn.. - 'Sunday 'eveniizg guests pf the John south border pf the trustee zone Np. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Hbehler Rossebo and NOTICE IS HER1&Y GIVEN THAT I k her pars fzpm ~i

lMrji 'hu'a Mttter hod tho mtsfudlme Hawaii fjungy to help cstshmte theat's Tbe east aad south boundary fogmm Mrs Mariana Harnuw aad daughters of o mcctat meeting of gm Gmttded votom tggtt, ARm ra~ugly

Ste, was, taken;. by ambulance7tp,the . Ãr. and Mrs. John HoweII. attazlded . - - Levi Rpssebp family be held on

tp'iiaH ind'reak- her- -hip Ia'sh -week. birthday.. the school district Hne.' 'ullman were Sunday guests of the of the above named Scbool District wIH ed tp stewzizz

held on the 10th day of April, Isn, at worked fine but baw da I get It Pur otnqu,: . Bo do'cock . M at the Superintendent"6 m)r ear7

y ~ Office kI said district, at which meet- zlig Gama Hunter: Switching cate«

'heiavhlg the 84th'bir'thday anniver- %he banquet was heid at the Boning' . ',"'; ',"ilf: Mis. Bnmngaitaturs oust Mrst Hotel ie'ejiiston. Dntng. the awmds NM nm. tm sm. 7 'm oa ~dtw. ~,: Mr. md Mln Locales Aedsmm md for the forthcrmtag schmt year.

eed:Mm;;chmtdts .mssmtab~, JN'": mmrved Ms p~ wg mngmm tmut 5:is jbe reedsr ttmoI femur and Aaa pos aumrded ths Avw Tbk htutgct m 'atjjrmtoed ~ ym ~>b + ~P ~~'

lilhchaalI'",of Richhmd, Wash.'ere week fessional engiieering ceztHicate.

grtrhmd mdc 7" ths ~~ ead wE ramstn svagnhts ungt d» MHHP55Etf.PAYHth 5HC,aaf

May. 3: Moscow, baseball, there, 4 p. m." FIRST COMMUNICANTS

5rzajskffn L'ffB IBBzizaace CBBBpaIIy

I May 5 Baseban Ppoatch here 3 p mget hearing is caned pursuant tp Sec-

I, Msy 5'mdo, beseech, hare, 4 p. rp.'REIGE —Nine chgdren received " . ilprmjmor InSnranC8ted s 22nd day pt Aprl, 1971.

the "" "<'GEN3.MILL LEVY FOR 8:QQ A. M. Mass, Apri 25. These hap..x=. - MJI..O PASSES BY 70 PERCENT

r>l -fzOBI I 0 I II S ih,~' r Latah Jt NezPprce Counties,Idaho,'GENESE-A

total of. 115 voters Joe Ferrera, Leds Ferrera, Duggan ~''l turned out to vote for the 3 min addi-:Harmon„patricir aHdbHng, and Jeffrey

jtional levy for MfgO for the school year Kaspev. Spielln CommunJcants were:,

757i-7s. A simple msiority was all that Michael Hasp'r, Dlmne Mourn, Leannel

j, was needef to pass the levy. By pass- Mosez, Ellie Sarbacler, Chezyl Shirley, TROY j IQNS CLUB —4TH AIIINVAL'l ing this levy the MJtO minage for next and JoAnn HBHIHng.


I%ear will be 33 mins the same as last AH the students in the C. C. D. class.year. es participated by singing hymns, chos-


en especially for tie occasion. Accom.

Reg. $25;OU- NOW JUST 515.00' ~'~ ~~i JM2'l B~j na CaVolk D ghhus

get for the coming school year 1971-72.,wonderful breakfast for the Cpmmuni- Spring Valley LakeTry Qne —YOu'l LOve It! 'nd the second f~ Is the current'3rrs. Don Becker, Mrs. Al Zelner and

year'B budget 1970-71. I Father Latey. Other members of the,'l For Maintenance and Operathn: !parish enjoyed a coffee hour and were

Administrative $ 20,624.00 S 18~.00,treated tp several more selections by

jInstructional Salaries: the group from St. Augustine'.

3132,065.73 $129,915.73Other InstrucUonal Expelses: S, O. G, CLUB-

GENESEE, IDAHO PhOne 285-2361l

. 14,68048 13,700.00 GKe~E -The S. O. G. ciub wIH22500.00 '1,500.00 met.Monday, May 3 in the home ot PRIZES and CONCESSIONS

Manltentance of Plant: Mrs. Harry Egland Sr. for a 1 o'clock12,700.00 12,500.00 hmcheon. Mrs. Oscar Danieison win

Other Operabon of Plant be assistant hostess.Expenditures 14,0N.QQ 18,600.00

Malntenanc of Piant: pard Of- ThRIIkS2,600.00 ',058.03

fMy sheere thanks to BH who reileII.Food ~ 1,000.00 1',NI'.QO ~Capital Outlay IQ,M6.41 5,461.58

1S,~~ ~ Thttim,,M ~II I~ in the ~M and e

I~ 00 1200 00returniIIg. home. Your thp g"

For a total budget pf3239,337.57 for 71-72 Mrs. Gertrude Theissen

r- As enzipared wltII:3230,525.34 for 70-V1 chorus, high school band, brass quartet,

Bond and Int. fund 43,442.52 42,4M.36 AH received exceHent raongs.Driver Ed, 1,380.42 1,500.00School Lunch. Fund:" 15,000& 13,600,00 PAMELA SCIIARÃIIORSTFed. Forest FImd 1~.00 '600.00 CROWNED MISSFelera Funds 2,5OO.00 2,175.00, GENESEE —,Miss Pamela

e This represents e total budget of hest, daughter 'of-Mr. Bnd Mrs. Car1. Igrt,fm 5t.fdr tart-75 ns lo g7tm.5mm L, gcbarnlwrst, and a fnahman at Gen-

CIJRRKNT ORAIN PRICKS Tie.major herease m the areas of Geesee High School during Intezzliis-oz the 19ito-71 year.'. eep Mgh school, was crowzed Miss

administration fs.a bid cost fe an In. skxlyat.tie Junior zlrpm Saturday eve-

iiaz liasilal::5145 I/> nwanee survey aild in tiuai chsrgei ntKt at Carter'a. Le wss damned by

IIllay liar IBB 542 55 'u'alice md the eatdtat INlltey cos ho lull ts nmmbm rf tho Ghk'fl9

---*-—"- " —— " 'rease is'fpr a new school bus. ~ F; H. A.l Pep ctub, behngs tp St, Johnsdistrict wQI be pn the Baize mHIage as 14ItheraII chuvch and IB' member of

OATS IIBZ IBB . 545 OO v 55 mgls Mhc aad 5.5 f the iathe Lmubm grollll, snd also Plays


GENESEB-4uit week the Genesee TALENT SHOWMusic participated in the GHNESEE-%e Geesee Music De-Lewistpzz ertlvaI, ~~ difterent partzient wIH present its annual Talentsoips and ensembles weve entered, Jim Show, April 29, at V:30 zz. ttl. 'ThisBauirigartner, solo; Kathy Greenwen, year's show promises to be entertah-

Cf OYFOAorgan solo; SheMpn Ha, drum so- ing. T)e zximerpus eitries IvzprescntIo; Ken Iverspn, trombone Bolo; Keith a variety pt talents, including vocal se-Davis, tuba solo; Kathy Kinzer, flute Iectleis, pantomines, baton twirling and

Isolo:, Chezyl Mayer, Louann Nader and 'instrumental numibers.

~EEEiFE Chen Moser, aH piano solo ratings, The talent show w/11 be held in theand a clarinet trio, BH.senior ratings. 'ultipurpose room. Admission is 50c

ProdMCfSMarilyn Bauzzlgartler„paulette Jo- for adults nnd 25c for chiMren.

harm, and Steve Kanikkeberg, aH vocalsolos', a Ileum diet; Jeff Diehi, phut SHOP IN GRNESEEsoIo; bpv='uartet sr. Bnd bovs'uar-

I tet jr; mhed eisembie, ldjh school It S Yollr TO%

Page 3: N~dret On „„„„„, 'emjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The Gazette News/THE...„g Fhhermnn Should Forget"]C)ub at the)r April meeting heM, ',


OPetn yea~ for for koknnee YOUIt QAMF. MPAItTMENTwith ihe dni)y hag )itntt, for snortstnen,g fish. There js no possess& Ihnit, By Jo& B. WMworN, Q~r

Idaho Fish nnd Game bepnrtmentData Processing Review

Dr, Ted Blornn, idaho CooperativFishery Unit, ¹scow, gave a coursinst week to fisheries biologists ofIdaho Fish nnd Game Departmenta four4ny advanced refresher eouh statistics, Inctuding data processingcreel census techniques nnd ao forthBoise, Last year the cooperativepersonnel presented n course In thr~raUon and wrltlng of Mmkal r

Thee study courses are open toand other profesaheal personnel ofdepartment as well as fIshar4es worker


Tlujrle with

gears grinding?Four Standard bfan

Qenesee UnionWarehouse Co.

can solve your problem,Qeneaee 285-$201

$(Nxlsnr Oll Casrpasy .

sf Californiarrrrjajr


499 s.JkcKsoM M0860% psoNE-888-%$ 8

I'l 1[1 > i



Is your birthday in Apri), asks theIdaho Department of Law Enforce-ment7 If it is it would be wise tocheck your driver's license for the

, expiration date, Licenses expireevery three years on birtMates,

S.~ori a..1XXleFS

uqSCOW;, IOAHO 'HONE S824$34



Simple, Digiii5INI '-FNne&'6 Services Ii


Nem BuQding —Pleaiant Surroundings






( ',i)


FEY BROS. REPAIRNealo«OverliaRKh ---'-Ol~l' aa

'T$$$$o4iya- '- - ..:. Located

OH Nlll SIte —Neat of KoRbdrIck, 14Iaho

Phone 2894177 . Roy and Harlan Fey

O„Q 3~


+..AUTO .


R. E. Magnnson AgencyPhone 289-4271 Kendrick, Idaho

St 10, 17, 5kI t

— - .' ~~

~ I',1$ 'I

w ygiii>


=' 'i'i IbiiimIIQPva=

---Don"ti |laInble For

tliglier CroIIYieldsandCreatertroIrtsBe as sure as you can be)

- This ycbatr control mild oats with

iivst ax'/ iissi sx", I '

Pl M—

~l%%lIIHOHII,'CtiiSI$ 4M

TIRIihla With




'g For Syrlns Foruazoro



~~ ~ ~

. (miiiei. toe ic a..e l.o.KENDMCE, -XDASO PHONE 289-4961

Your S~rd MaaGenoese Union%Uarehouse Co.

caa solve your problenLGeneaee ~%01

Stasdar4 Oil CerapaaV '-~el Callfersia

— — bio. 288 will hold its annual Budget


I t m, m~k mgh',h„'g Ke„d'. USe The Gaeefte - NeWS aaSSHleN MS Te Say, Sell Or TradeI Hearing May 18, 1971, at 7:80 P. M.


In Joint Sc)roo) District bfo, 288

Co ties Idalro I School Budget br available for insPec-

NOTICE ls HEaZSV OnrZN, t, the annual school meeting of Joint

In School District, Ão, 288; County of ick Idaho commencing May 1st

unit Latah, Ner. Perce and Clearwater,State of Idaho'ill be held on Tues A D KAbillggp~ERO

e. day the 25th day of May, 1971, atthe Kendrick Schoolhouse in said Kendrick Joint School Dist. No. 283 I

e district, and the polhs of said election N1S-17cths shall be open between the hours of

s. 1:00 o'lock and 7:00 p, m. on said. day.

That at the said meeting the fol- .

lowing business wi)I be transacted:1. Dne Trustee to serve for a term

of three (8) years will be electedfrom Trustees Dhrtrict No, 8,(Big Bssr), I'

2, One Trustee to serve for a term .,II ..iiof three (8) years will be sleetedfrom- Trustee District No. 4, l

(Southwick), r' y ~ t;

FRESH FRYER PAITS;,Tisgbs, Legs, Nrsasls, -,.---........

f hc~~ SONELKSS: PSHI( ROAST, -----= ..-....,...—.-..........:............L4$pthan 11 days poor to day of elecurn),ao reRK SNOIILHKH. 'STKAI4 ------—'------ -- --------- Ib. RSVP

,~ ~U~~;4~ (~~)~„~r~~ II. L Na. K RIISSKT. POTATOES, ----—-------- 1$ Ik bsg SSp

g uw awry f.~~ MI', 'SIINKIST NNKL ORAHSESr: ':Swssl'- -'"-=."-----------'----ll 14s

FRESH SPINASH, K bssabsa-------------------------- K fl KSa

SERSKRS RANT FOOS, 44 sz jar,---------------------- $ fsr $$a

L A H. SIISAR, 'lS lb. bag,----------------------- 'lal b -- $1.1$St10-1Vo

PAN, ------—-----------------------------—--1$ sz, Iis $$a'rO,rICE OF SI31IOOL btmmMQ

'NDELECTION PfyRAINTENDANCE AD O~~S WNEATIER OR ONEERIOS,--.--- --------------------- pkg. $$a

ELI&gxObr .. j'. Notice ot. Special scteol meeting.


1$xSL $$s N>14, T2$'/o NISSOHNTaf btsty, 1071, batsmen the hours ot,

g:00 P. M. aad 7:00P M. ia the SulJa

Ischoo) BnllAlnrrs tn said District Sale Salsa: AprR 2$, SS -, Nsp 'I

which meetbng and elecuoa it shall by.IOstara&serL:: Whether Irma ~of Trustees-.af'said Dhitr'1st shall be-atxthoriaad to,make a levy in 1VL in some amountnot exinoding three (8).mills In addl-,Oon to and above the thirty (80) mRIev'y as provMed by law; The Board)st Trustees may make wmhout suchelection or authoriaauon.

Done by order of the Board of,

THIS f FT STONaand Clearsrater Counts,

State ot Xdaho .

W.i, .):.:,V..(MOBILOIL — MOBILQhs -- bIOBIL HRLL'g 100


Na NS Order hag Sprxdal Bema Desired



%'e Give S 4 8 Green Stamya on All Burgpg Oil-if yaM by'he ISth of month foHo

WO 1 ~ a r ~ g e


Phone 889-4081 ReHMenee K64iSl


IstthIean Szuttlrhood, tee ef thsturtioe's hiding h'nlmnos organsadcn sr offers s o ~

L Somxl Itfe Ifunrrance savtnW.(Cbeck our lear nst east).

S. Mortgage c)eatvLnce mamg.S. Neer for educatloL4, Itattrsneat money,S. Cash to ssNe estate0, hsurancs for vromsn7. Emergency fundsS. Dtsablty Jncoms proteetrca0. Insurance for ddhhan($2,500 at only $9 par year)

10. Students, Ages 1$ to $$,$10,0tO-on)y f40.(0 par yrr.

Robert E, Kaufman12119 E, 22nd AVA 44988

Spokane, AvashtngtonServing this «ron now 9 years

'KTK )il'e 'gll'KIK Ib, geqqqIggI IhloecmvSC-3133


in Peas, Lentils and LrrlejNo one herbrcrde on the market can control all weed lnfestatron lichas fan weed, dog fennel, nightshade and mustarde... but Avadex

Ives good pre-emergence control of wild oati,rn peas and renNi.ollowed bv a relrable-post~mergence herblclde, such as Dlnltro, after

crops are 8"high, .you ean contlol most broadleaf weeds. For barley,Avade)t SW provides excellent pr(Hbmergenee control of wild oats.

Remmber thoIS important facts:Avad(NJAvadex BW control wild oats effectivel for

'up to 8 weeks, ln wet or dry weather.Avadex(Avadex BW require only. one appttcatron.Avadex/Avadex BW are easily Incorporated with

your present equipment,Avadex/Avadex BW are safe to crops when you follow label dlreetlons,

Avadex/Avadex BW give you seeding flexlblllty,

See Your Farm ChemIcal Supplier Now for mor» Informallonabout Avadex/Avadexu BW pr(H)merlenee herbrcrdee,



Page 4: N~dret On „„„„„, 'emjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The Gazette News/THE...„g Fhhermnn Should Forget"]C)ub at the)r April meeting heM, ',





I GaffN



oway on Bear Ridge.r. and Nrs. Bruce, were Saturday supthe Rick Beebe hors were Mrs..Lawlrner and Karen and

'olling bandages for foreign aid andCrjcan Pllllgc refreshments were served by bere.

Cocc and co-hostess Mrs. Edd Kent.

NCWS flfotCS tcratg c tcmt amio ay w.tt cWednesday and Thursday in the

MnL P. P. Benscoter Dick Benscoter home while theirmother Karen was in Montana withthe speech class from Lewiston State

embers of the % CS of Kend-. C >Community Church met Thurs- On Friday Jecry Galloway picked

darty afternoon jn the home of Mrs. them uy sO that they might visitCdnc. The afternoon was spent theix 'other grantjmother, Mrs. Hula

Davis, Puper gues

me. Frfdaence HeimKarla John

osecloseay supp

Lawrenday Allendge, calle

r. and Mrs, Dick Graetta were Saturdta of Mr. and Mrs.

mgartner. On Sunmgartner, Potlatch +





Soli Reyah

Truck 4 Tractor CufNhiol


hifi41K: 'ci/I @N


„PrfHImergence Herbicide lj

:Dependable wild oat control

tt .",'his

year you can harvest up to an extra f5 bushels or more Barleyper acrewith highly effective Avadex BNwild oat control." Seed Baileyearly'...'pray on Avadex BW at planting —it's easy to incorporate

- . with present equipment Your crop will get a strong, fast start with nowild oits to steal moisture, soil nutrients, light and space. Avadex

d BNf kills wild oats as they germinate for up to 8 weeks.'" .Avadex Bw is safe —leaves absolutely no resfdtie cartyoireI'. YoII::-=: --.=Can.plant.wheat safely'Iext:season.-

. Seed early... spray-on-Avadex BN early this year, to control wildCarts.'".. excteiid the.growing season... reduce ctiltivations.arnd giveyour Barley more.:moisture-for top yields an/ profits. See yoLIr farrow.

chemictdb ntuculltgr yfcy util thstt facts about Avadex Blk .-



Cwtge F. SioclIe aail Soas, Lac.


Ibnnigfcatr::rflaSn':-' .: '." . —::: '":,,—Sttjtfnbtbnr 21IS.4231'7el%'"-'


- I

St ts

, t:tdr~ie ea


yt ",1 r


',-',N IP'll 8=,,


A Complete Stock Yo Fill Your .~a




I',II,ISI+ 'll',l I',

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AIR CONIlTIOIIIO,'lf y'ou'1'e planning'to join thee cool w'orld next summer>

3=-ion't wait —act now"I Use the "offaseason" to '-:

get ready for the "hot season" ahea'd..This ie the right time ta have Central Air

Conditioning installed.'our Air Conditioning Contractoris less busy now than he will be.with the inevitable



- rush when-summer comes.You'l not only be r'eady when the sizzling hot

weather shove but you will have conditianed your hdmefor TOTAL COMFORT every seasbn of the gear.

Consult an Atr Conditioning Contractor aboutn

Central ltir ConditioningforyourhomaYour,family will love you fa't.



u -Letters 'tO Winners In %ATCII FOR CIIILPItrtN

t',s letOIfOr'Oggegt Warmer weather brings out the

tife KIhter uggnngn ~n~ ~t hublossoms anc ms ebttcrneo, remtnce

youngsters will be outside in goe'dG ne ee, Idaho Genesee Connuunf y

of Ayiil 26, 1971 tfon Library Neejc. Winners in thed l '+ tjj

Dear Bill: caution at all times in ireas whejece ln the Past months several arti- 'acct Galen Quajey, first Prlxe; De

children might be playinge cles in our regional papers on our Benson

d big game and the game department's and Kfm Leacbman, second hoonrable

attempts to control nature impress mention ribbon.fj st ize'nme that our present day stress Casey Leacbmsn won first prize:

on education and research can be <ovut, Odenborg first honorable mcn" . Bike riders have the same rightsthe undoing of what originally was tjon rtbbon anII Laha Allen sccoIMI hon" on streets and highways as do motorintended to be. arable mention rfbbco fn the fourfh vehicles, says the Idaho Stafe Police

In my opinion the game depart- <th anII 313th f'ad ~on and they should remember they arement has taken one giant stride for- Entries were >~~ g +ay D~ subject to the same lapse'nd regfi-ward after another all to which one charnborst ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ lations, Ride a safe bike and obeyend can come—that, being the corn- >avjs o" Ayrff .

I. all rules of the roadyj«e mt cuon of our fj h and

, game. I firmly believe fn helpingany animal in need of help but 1ny ~~idea of help and the game depart- Lmtrary hours are;ment differ to the point: that in a

ely differ t b~ ts

The game department contends An L ~ C ~bfg game does not need salt—true QHNESEF~ven women from St.to a degree. They can get by with Johcs Lutheran church attended fheout common table salt. r know a ayrfng Convention of fbo palouse Con-ebfojogjst. who formerly with our ferenco A, L, C, %, Tfjesday, Itiyrfl IO.:great game:department, proved in The conference was held at EmcnanuelItis own and'eam members minds Lutberjjn church, cameron. MabL Tbe.that elk and deer are. the same as a.Qgana of the eevenffon was "I 8'asdomestic cow —that being neither 'I%fryeoo; >$@tftjaw .Xi4L:can bring forth a healthy offspring Those atSsf@ng-INN Qecfejfsa- wectslf any, with.a mineral deficiency. Mrs. Cari Smans, Mrs. Chrjsdan Oa-,He stated to me that as he atteinp- wood, Mrs. George Scharnjlrst, Mrs.tec to bring this cast to i!ght he was ttugs tbdrlm, nrs Ett d.tnta aad lors. Umjr Ago ONOFI'his lob. The latter was his choice. TIN next %9I bo tho afujualOne state in the northeast proved lCotbcr's DAY. Ou May fjth 4~ sr~gcAc PAsmo

SSHNIN'hispoint by, transplanting some I:fN p, nL at St. John's ~.Weatern elk and ineludfng mineral A. L: C. N.rmafnbera are refnindcdsalts in their diet, the result being to bring a guest.a ninety-four percent calf drop. Itwould. be encouraging to see Idaho l


with seventy-Qve percent. I believe 'I

the present salting program now be-.ing conducted is unfair to the game


that the game need notbe fed hay as they survive on rough-

5PR56 FERTILE f185grow plenty of roughage in the nor-

, not being alfalfa but the manygrasses we feed cattle as of now fna supplemented diet. So why not try

:they reach a stareatlon stage. go .-.: ANN "WlHI O Ig': ISIIS1me it doesn'-take too much knowl;.edge to be practical about thfs mat-, lcleal for-'Syrlal e:Sarley.„I have, been fnforme4 that ejk,,rwhen mating,'ave a one time onlyperiod and th t. being.. very short fn Ammealmn Mtrate 'lLmmeahjm SaNSjteprhfch they WOI conciffve. If. this fs<true then doesn't it.-stand to reason @-184

Ufo'thitearly sea'sons cocffd,'ba a, factor4n our declining herd. I believe that 6454 Nailed 6ypscfmmost people wfQ agree that in early,season the only ylace you find a builfs fn the most remote yockets the

-',woods can afford and not very .Of-

hunters to a degree force the buffs.. - IgLg gqgllsllggg gywl~LIIthe chance for a decent calf crop.Here agafn ff I'm ln any way rfght,on this matter it would seem a l

IKO. I'. INOCKK II SONS, INLin my opinion provede this —"Man land gOuSlrleg IIjhIIo RSP =hfs books hive Only.;rifseed'hivoc—you can only go'o lobw then therefs no way but up,:I.understand youcan now if on the grounds of re-„"„",.";„,ay,b:,~.„„"„".",';,WK OAN NKLF FNOVION AN IIMINNLLA


The Idaho State Police urges mctorists to be careful when'using au- ','e i,tomatfc turn indicators. Be sureyou ire correctly.'indicating the di-rectioh which you desire to turn and Lto be certain the signal is off when, g

the turn is completed.


on the Hefmgaitners on his way back:i'o

hfs studies at the U. of I,Sunday"gu'4sts fn tlie Walt Bens-


coter:„thome.'Inc)uded Mr. and Mri.'ob

Dupea and Tim and Chris ofOroffno affd Nr. and ¹s,Walt McCall, Lewfston. Other callers through

,out the week fncluded Mrs. Bob


and Audra, Mr. and Mrs. Dick ',coter and Kraft and Earl Gal-,'

loway and Mr. and Mrs, SylvesterKonen and Prank Benscotei',

Mrs; Bfck.'eche and . daughtersaccompanied 'rs. Dennis Abramsand sons to Moscow -Monday where Iothey vlsithd in the home of Nrs.I yfm Roberts. For lunch on Wednes-day fn the Beebe home were Mrs.Abrams and sons and Mrs. Bob Calli-son and daughte1; The,'oungwoinen are preparing artfcf'es'or acrafts show'nd sale to be held fn ,II

Lewfston,Mr. and Nrs. Walt Benscoter were ~pril Can be 8 CIOudy mOnth finanClally, tOO, TaXeS

fn Moscow Tuesday for Walt's checkeaI(8 due and yOur budget inay Seelrf IQe itS full pf hcleS

On Friday Mrs. Benscotstr took .That'S When yOu'd appreCiate the Value.:Of. SOiid, SeCure SaV-Jo, n H fngton to Lewfstoli .to

I ingS aCCOunt at Firgt 3ank Of TrOy,consult her doctor.

Mr and N13 D'avid Johnson and Wmk Wd ~ a ~m') Steady. SaVingS yI~. We Can helpfamily. were Friday and . Saturday ', ll lnany WayS.-- Then neXt year yOu'l haVe that ufnbrellraguests fn . ths Lawrence Hsfmgart" .of financially protectionner bonis. They had dinner Fridayas,a pre-celebration of Ray's blrth-

~ 5.. N.i (I)"'(IIVV'aOY - - - - I OP,HO

supper guest of'he Frank Bene- 'ppICERSIc«c». P. O. BROCKE, President VF, Ar BOHMAN Vlcc presidentThursday calleis included Mrs. MORRIS P, BOHMAN, Vice presfdent p J NUNANDick Benscoter and her grandchild- RAYMOND SODERSTROM, Ass't Cashier

'enfrom Lcwfston, Nrs, Bfck Beche 'HILIP A, VUMERt Ass't Cashierand daughters and Mrs. LawrenceHefmgartner. SIMLCXORS1

Kyle Anderson has been fn a Port- P' Breeks Chmn.r John Thsfssen, Vy, A, Bohmanland HOSpftal Where he had Surgery C'u» OhnSOItlr NOrrfS I ~ BOhn1acl O. Ronajd BOfnuarj,On nerVeS fn hie neck and,jlhOulderS,, -Pa~o~» >unanr Marge Breokec VlVfan Moline.He fs recovering satisfactorily.

Page 5: N~dret On „„„„„, 'emjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The Gazette News/THE...„g Fhhermnn Should Forget"]C)ub at the)r April meeting heM, ',

asaaIB ~ t)aat)WaarKendrjck Idaho




$5.95$6.98$4.88$3.19$ .98$3.R9

THE GAZETTE - )kIEVVS, THURSDAY, APRI) 29, 1971Tlf)P gfENB)t)C)( (iAgroT

pubiistted every wcdnced„„MM .' '„',~m 'tonv Point ItclBs ILamj,roB Sect)on, :gKv~~' ju o I Psrenm hir. snd atra ims Tahar.

noon (dstebj Thursday) at Kendrjc)g t ~jgsjjt J ' jx I~jn Q J.g(}ass I Mr jgnd Mrs )Ytej) Hunter of %'allaIdaho, by Jane ) and %', A, Roth Mrpj, Ernest I4tejgegs I Ws)ja visited a couple of dayjg wil,h

Subscrjjgtjon 88 50 e, gt' I )lone 9 )6"r88I)gj fketgyj)188 t Sfled I

Mm Adoipb Beast«j Mrs. Agnes Hutchjmn, hmt werjnSccojld I jdlgjjj )»os)age pail) At

RHlN l5hone S7 8740

IMr. Snd Mrjj, Adolph Dennjer and

Kendrick, )daho 83587Bridal Sjhower Mrs. Doug. Chrfsiensen

I-,'ebi vij*iied Sunday wilh Mrs. An-@ P 8 -57 h 'g 'R'W d . Mrs, Ke-

)j)l~. Rag Lohmsgj .....„.44ew„Editor ..W a bridal jjhower honoring Miss PaI

Lo<'jj) I~)jejj )Cjjst Cjjnventjjjn F, Dennler at 8".00 in the after-n 8 es 8,",,Thungday at the home djf Mra Geo.'eth Dc~)er and sons and Mrs.

lass)fled Advernsulgjjnven jean

', en 8 a ". n ",Minnie Wea 8 inJeff

j) jjc r cjtgyjejon Chait.h ws

I An) „yLellcre river area resident, lscejje of the annus) Spring Conven- jB Mr and Mrs E bert Werriet ofStewing henjj 83,00 Iwas held at the Cottonwood bCreekItjon of the pa)ouse conference of remeMn, Vssh., Mv been ~jt-Iejja Brown snd Mr, and Mrs. Doll

sen. Chrjstensenjj 2894877. 17-tfi Community Church. Ligjlty-five

IALCW last, Tuesday.~The confer- l gd h b~p M ~ " Brown at Cherryja™,

FOR SALF 75, 7-wk. old pu)jets. were present for the event, and the ence embwcejj churches from La- ' ' " Mr. and Mrs. Rex Taber and Vgv-

8 Cro se alibi other rels'tlves jan vjsjted Sundaygtj Bear R)ittje Iifoseour ggg.ipdi gttfir opening cf ihs Jllollnbun cf gifts


roses, Eltdtcott, Nes parce, Moaeour,Ihated until nearly 11:00 P. m„when Genesee, Potlatch any Lewjston r. an s. r ye an m y

jNr snd Mrs Dsn Pey

WANTED —Milking machine for delicious refreshments were jjerved areab; seventeen church in all, Theono cow. ph. tfd.ecjr I.tf.th j

ths huge crowd —which Included convention opened at tc;00 s, rt foi. " m u "ususjchildren visited with Mrs, Mimi Den

I marty from CuMesse, where Miss lowing e coffee hour. I„Mm ™ Bmney ro "mw hw Inter in Lewiston. 8'riday.Fagnuy Rcun)on purlltshed Ilpart Lu.orna Is e graduating senior from I

The rnowung speaker snd Bsie I"o~ «n y'uer 8 eo»j Mrs. Ernest Deumer smI Mrs. shlr-

Th ~j ld f ill,, )Ifent, Phone 289-4237. 'g)7p.th Hi h Sch~), Jeff 1 a past Study je~er w~ Rev, Carroll Hind- the M ~w H spit@the p~t w~k-;)ey Si cl lr visit& ~th N, ag,8 8 am es enjoyed a! ¹s,Walter Dennler arrived home j F Dennler Thursday aftcggmonfagnj)y reunion on sunday April 25 BURT's cAFF will Be c) sed each

graduate of Lapwai High school, l erie of Holden village, wn. D«" ThurNjay folio&~ a stay in the] Mr ~ >~ ~ aCommtm ty IPCL A bc rttiftti Mouday 'untii further mtl c

jA Iarife gmup Of iedlea mem-, ing Ih~e bueciaeee meetinif the fOIIOW Gui.~ jmepiud a

dbmer waa served to 4O members cf ","'" " lucre of um Cottonwood Creek Com- jing ofhcss ror aspired tecum werc ~ 4 M, A~I h D~ 0vbr r. s., sn

the fanNy, POR SAI„EWuriiimp Spinet pious Imunity Citurch served as hostwwes I m: Mrs Hari.ie Guniher, Moscow,

Ths acession eemmomcraied the phone ggpddpt gttdpd j for ths affair.80th birthday anniversary of twins I Miss Luoma is a granddaughter of Nez Perce, vice president; Mrs. Car) h Spok

'Aonatd)rajrfjs)d and Mrs, Lojs IFoR she Used GE Refrigerator.

jMr aguÃrs, oc ar Raby, known to Riggers Gjffor, tw urer, sn Mrs, Jeanette Taber of Boise visited Mr cynthia ver Mj

Tbayer and also the. 54th wedding j Runs very g)ujet, SS5,00, E, W Fra many Kendrick tcsldents. tLeonard Seasons Pu))mans steward from Mo~

agijajvetaary of Mg, and Mrs Leon„ I ser. Kendrick. 1t)Bc Hapjjy CelebraNon J ship secretary.p'ajrf)c)d„ Igg thc afternoon 8„' ——- —— ——-— — - --

> Re)atjvesi and old friends and Stanley Lyman, Lewiston, wss theFOR SALE—> taffeta spreads Used neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 'fternoon speaker, Special music Visitors in the home of Mr. and

oljen House was held and )29 old l but 4, 84 h. R th ~ ~inclg rs o r.w ~ and Mts. BN weyen were tn syok- Nrs, wa)ter Denn)er thjs past week

ft)ands aggd neighbors joined them I 375 3890 2t17c '.,' . y ' agge Satggtday 'og'he fgmeta) Of an jnC)uded Nts. )jppej)ag)d a very en+yah)8 tjme Wss spent, )... tl c Lou'ayer, sp nt a very ~WQ.'~~w;

¹ . ~ey Dm~r,]aunt Mrs. Anna Plocker.otasgt Ngtjjrs BE SUR ~ Sm th ~ ~ afternoon Sjj ~y at the Blg Bear Potlatch; Nrs. Jack Lohman andI Ml Mje)k W L ~t ~t ~-

Grant C)em en)uggen uy Pi t t THE KENDRICK Rl'dge Community Hau CC)ebtatjng Button Souderar Jl ~ Kendrjok dayTHEATRE tfff the twins 80th birthday annjv~ M's'~ S)jud'en~8k was t)" Mrs Njm +etta of K~~ and ~t, ~ I ~~ S~

Konko)vjus on Sunday Cv n . and ths 54th wcdd)ng annjggstsary of organist The meeting c)osed with hcr daughter Dar)cggc of Otof)no ~ ~ ~%™~STRAYED T, Ny Pi . Whit,,the F~rfidd —~yd y ~jd@t a C ~mhn ~ e MMubM by were r~mt ~t,m of th, H 1 P

'yMrjL Grant C)jjjmanhagen spent the faea Steer. Phone S89-5SS0 I

Rev. Theo Meske. PVhjtjngera.aftagunon of Monday with MBL Rob- 4tfsp ON N~ Rv~t j Our )sd)es were high)y c'mp"-, u AS~ f th V. a-X„~tW„crt C)small)gagegg )n Kendrick. A)vjn Jolmson, Lcnore, was a Frj- I mented on a wcu-run convention the week-end at home.~ CERAMIC SHOP PAINTING Hours: .day supper guest ln the Ernest Stci-'under the )cadetship of Nrs. Homer Mr gmd Mm Jign~y - Saturday 10 untj) 5, Evc, 'gers -home, After his departure the Parks, president.

, daughters wete Sunday dinner guests gs d f ThjnMon., Wed. Fri. 7 - 10. 5t13c arrival of the Ray Lougee famj)y lA. I O. W. %otk Day of M,. ~M . mamh)thing~. N,, ar O gin

™ jn~R >O~- - --

Ifrom Peck provided a)ongsveaingof. Tbe A L C. W- heM their send- ~ N'~

Q~t C)~~ ~d N~ ~ ~ Cnfoyab)8 music and visiting. month)y work day )sst Wednesday. Were ~era ln the ~~~fde Rubir mdied on Mfa j. D. IYS- totb gfd.sjpt M

j saturdaY eailerll in tbe Heieaaj, Mrs. walter woiffMrs ,Howar.d Auu Mmks aud goujs Amm of A big thank you to each end army-* 'rown home were Mr. and Mts, lWo)ff and Nts'ay Lohman served Seatt)e hav8 been visiting uyith Agm s, one of you for your prcscggce, patt)-

Wj n s~nt yOR UNION OS Products )g) ths Dwajn Space of Lenote and hjs)the noon luncheon to the )sdjes parents, Rev and Mts. Theo Meske cjyatjon and he)y m ggugk)ng out tsj)-

tha weekend jn the m-Stat a~ Ksnd~ anN, cau Bju Rogers y ng for the past two weeks. They wgI 1 ent n)ght a suceesLtf Mrs Jack Space of Ncw Megdco- Iurthdays Honored return to Seatt)c on Monday 't17c Rosa)je Bb gy m<y

Mrs. Brown has .previously visited Horst Reil and Narjggnn Sjjf)ow,thc arm» du~ )jO0 5S Csl Csr) Sc)gatgg)jjggtsts AT grSN) fsg the Jack Syace home in New Negg- who share birthdays on APril 24th,

and Mts Jet<. J )8 )» ~d ', Uggjsgg O)l Pggs)ac)s. )f ns aasgtet CSS ico whj)e on vacation trips with the, were the honored guestS at a din-

fanlily were Sunday'inner )guests IAT ~. Dvk~ Space famuy. l ner Sunday in, the home of Mr. and,

Nr. Snd Mrs. Ernest Steigers were j Nrs. Horst Rei). Those present forFOR SALE—A. good TDB, 8800. A)SO.Sunday suppel guests in the hometthe fesuvities were Mr. Snd Mrs.

Registered 88 Arabian Psiotnino of Mr, and Nra Maurice Carter at I Ted Neyer and famj)y, Mr. and Mrs.'are,veell broke. 82N. Phone 877- Clarkston.

lMarvln Sj)r)ow and family, Mrs.and Nts. Gordon fknts and fsmjjy. 3787 Deary tf)7cr The Stejgers proud)y announce ajThelma Meyer, Nr. Snd Mrs. Rein- pThc Bcntgg fanlj)jes were fofgncr resj" —— ..=- -- ..—. new member of their family —a J hatdt Schroeder snd family and Mrs.


dents of Avon. GLE'rs Bojo-T)j)cr Serv)ce. New 80 fu)l blood Gerlnan Shepherd puppy, »enry Rejj-Thirty.eight )sdjes front Destys ~Ttye. No job ioo bjj) or joe given them by the Hatch famj)y of' On Monday evening the . ALa I ~

Bovill and E)k River gathered on enaj). c)agg)cns. Yard )tVorjg.. Kamjah. A poiice dog christened ~ Sj)f)ows give a birthday dinner hon-Tueeday at the COlnmunity HSjl SS p)gone )VPI~ )483, Genesg<. "Kamjshm ( Ksmmj for Short) j erjng M~ Vi'jth Nt and Nta.

'ueggtsof. the Happy H me Clu - ~<—--~ - -

>- '


On Saturday Nr. and Nrs, Nv Fred Silf)ow and Mr and Mrs EmuNta. Jean Anderson OC Moscow Spent( ~) d u k r ~nd'rett Custer, Clarkston, joined by, Sj)flow as guests.

the day with the group. Snd 'Hob ~ ~td u > "b 889 5837 Mt. and Nra Eldon Hejmgattner,'Otjl«Neu' Reg. M0%bies Snd Ctggfts'" were demonstrated

1tl7c drove to Puuman where they vjs)ted Nrs. Mst)on Sanford and Mrsthe "gtr)s" sister, Mrs, Lucl)18 Hat- Wgn. Halcroft and daughter LCAnn SPII)I+II)IO POI KS AC},Q5 $3,4 95

4* will be 1 yr.Wd in June. Missed'ednesday djguger guests of Mr.'rs. Ted Weyen, Sunday. In thel ~l & pthB R% . Cfe+5 4/4 95

April 1. Harold LaBO)le, Rt. 1 and Nrs. Cletls Hobglngion were Mr„afternoon they called on Ntu. Fred,)s)ogg spsnt the Week end with )hell Death Ida)co St)sp and Nrs newt Heath C)eth d~l~ f48wgmm and famuygrandmother, Mrs. Eu)a G~lloway. ',

- —.down for t)gcm and te) them horn 'r and Mrs Ed Helt of Kagntah SFIde/ SISIn Reels .... $14E95 = . $~I 95Their patsggts, Mr. and Ngs. Larry jpOR SALE-Co)cman Oj) Heater, again jn the )ate aftctggoon, after a were Tuesday «fternoon caucrs ofGa))owav ware Sunday dingier gijjests.

JPortable decpwcu cookers Wsff)c p)easant day together, YMr, and Mrs. Hat). Whjtjnger„FLY RKKLSS ......„.$42++~.. $~OE

Jerry and Janjce Galloway were jton, Sandwich toaster, Phone S89- l Becky Ckgwget js proud)y riding Jimmy Auen spent Satugday withhome over the week~* 5L)7 St>sc het ncw Appaloosa pony these datj~», Doug)ss C)gr)stenscgg. PACK OF Lll4K .....„„$~s~ .. $'+~

Supper guests on Sunday in the -—- Mt. and Nts. Dartel1 Cowgar and Mr. and Mts. Ted %'eyen and Mr.Hattgctt Gmg)~son lome wetv Mr ~E ~ A ~D HO~Y "-

fam))y of Lepton were Saturday CLKNAI)l FVKL $ i'2'8 $ >~ag)d Mrs, Robstt C)emenhagcn and ok) ma)8 part Gc msn Sheperd sup r Csts of hjs moucr NNr, and Nra. Leonard Gus)arson and 'ah~~. Goo ~'atc" dog" ~ Betty ~opfsgnj)y, alj of Kendrick. 53)7 4t ~c

INg. and Mrs. Arne Sumhofe 'nd

,~t~')UMBXNQ —Heating. New Hornets, ~y of ~ ston vere Su day. day Th gjr)s can weg be p ud.Mts, Myrt)8 Attasm)gh and sjjg)er,

Remode). Complete Service. State )uncheon guests )n the Walter Zum 'of the &hdr!!, B nded. ~nab)C„Phhft. and Mts, Wayne W))son spent

I Ml J t ~W ~ . The Don Hoisington famj)y spent,saturday vjs)ting te)atjves. Nt. and

'1t C ~~ ~ hc„@aSM Ct the e~-Cnd in spokane where they!Mt'etman Graham and the Nor- FOR, SA,LF 1981 CHEV S.Ton, 4 'anta and'~hb r'¹E t xMted re)stjves, Mr. and Mrs. Dex-

sp, 0 sy. Stock racks. Lo mile- ' ~,tar Bright and Nr. and Mrs. Norman,

-"'~ ':"~«"""',„„'."MOBE c~g~(F)EBS „",.'""..„.„,"„~-w..."„,„,'.THIS WEEK'S BEST BUYS

nds and te)auw who ee,t me A~. 4 wh)b)TED —cHUIQGNQ cREAM. Foa shit: s )gedtoen o)der home.; latch; Eugene Heath Snd Joe, Delta Itiss~BSSW

cewk aud ~~™<„dur.I Lewiston Pries at Eeadrlek Leavej Chit AT 80880. Gimesee. land Robsria, and htike Meiener of B)oS)SI0 Ss)5Mg my hespitsi emr ut Eaudrlck Table suppljr, Rond.j

bj Lewtston Bbthday rhubarb crwult I sag

rick. Golden Grain Dairy, Levrls-t ~~~ ~) ', yje honogbed hoberta's 15th birth-

nty wonderfut neighbors after my mn..., . EsdgE Go I FEE)88))l aghsS)gs peujtet 99)tiHIGHLY qUALIFIED SmmR D-'ourkjggdness snd thotttphtfu)ness, WANTED A buj)ding jot ln Kcnd.

ISaturday morning Nr. Snd Mrse aau.

uC) rick or Ju)jaetta. Ph. 74B-2112. 'os)le Hejmgartner caued at, thehome prcfe~)y MN CCW, a m- "

It17 I Roy Hejmgartner ho me to make thj acquajtjtancc of Miss Leah Heim- T sssa I ~ sssssa Qlssshss m ginP se. or Moscow. Phone Sj)S-75SS.:CONSOLE Sp))t)ET pIAÃO. Wil) igsttner, vis)t)ng from Moscow with sin~ a sasssa ssssg IaN«acr)fice to tegpons',b!8. party in! her parents, Nr. and Mrs. Lee Hehn-, l 16 oz. btl. Reg. or arith body —40149 wdue...-...

I'HIIAGNG OF TRADING CARS 7—,p)gAN)C V j)AST0!IjI'o„b L 8 M d eg ELEc. 0RGAN. tpriut oI'bo t' Tho Ds 40 gtmw fattllii'f Lou

)SVSBS"B)sujhggash S) 99Cmdit Mgr., 008-8014IYOY, Tan-I Iston vvere Saturday supper guests I

LAWYERI ~~h)spej) at Hofr Ford Lewjston. j man P)ano Organ Stores Inc., I of his mother. Nrs. Les)je He)mgatt- I) OL bettIe —a, tt1„jgg W~ue, ........--------

Offjea ln res)off)os Bu))d)ng I 748.339) days or 758.2370 even fSalem, Ore. 97308. 17-2ch l ner.

KENDyOCK mA))O llssass S)jjs Brsssr,I

~)Hopkins, hogg 1BS, Gcglesce, Feo For,

Rel Cress Pharmacy

wvc. jI

I «tap)ets, )awn thatchars, fcru)hler IDOOl'-to DOO)'el)Very I p d, hand t ks tap, lilt)Witt 000000000000000000000000000000000004:---. - - -4II I,,pips thtoaders, ladders and manyII, Fagtg Safeg Dlpettdable II other items at ABRAhts HARD-

WARE CO., Kendrick, tf-ISO 3P 8 I NI SI'Ke I A I.SHeavy Duty, Fu))y Guaranteed, Am- .


parte to fit all crawler tractors. You $4.89Il mn't afford to rebuild your under-',. ~~'~~<..-."~.-m .~ +

)aSIIDENOI pHO)j)N j)SS4ej)) carriages when you can gst d)rect, '- -~—..=,„-"' ~ - " .: .-, 8'~~ CQ EE baleE P

who)ssa)8 prices on newj Meet same, ='..- .:.- 8 Egj=:;:" +

spcclricatlons as orlglna1 Cl)u)pmant p~ ~ b .8 .- Peat IIIOei $3.59 $3.19

2sgr) cu. ft. bale4 Ortho Need 4 Feed $L95 $S.SS

s,oO Iq. ft.k PM'fMP 9Y A II D-4 Raus,'1 Ljn)t,'s.', '.,-..'."..". >909'.Ss ' ': =;;>j%~ -tilt),'- ~'. -:",,:j@- ', YARD BASKETS $3.29l1'UBL>L 1'U < ~~ HD-5/8 Ral)s, 33 Id)nk, Oav,........SS9,71

'" "Ys4M4 '~N4pTD-9 Rails, SS L)nkp. Oa„........S197.59 0', gyIOn earden HOae $4.SS

C)IStOnt 8]a)I hterhjtg TDoS Raj)s, SB Ltnk Oa..............148.S4 OILSON Riijt-5 RIDER letS yOu See Where yOu'e g ~o fD-4 Ro))ar Shs)ls, LT, ea, ......,Sf504 mowing and going. With the engine in the rear forMeat Ctlt, frappe~ TD-»o»ot Shs», w/bu, Oa S 95.» better VtalbilltV and eXtra traotlOn. Trim, Open deSlgn ~, 50 ft. SOaker HOI e

ttIClt, 'Freget) Iiiko 'pt)ces on other gdlg88 jd)ars gives you a floating deck mower with a separatehf by I bottom sea)@ eto ordsp ezp]y before safety ctutch lever, Ptus grouPed controls, forward-'„'elnr SPrlnkler $5.88neutral-reverse, auto-type steering, padded seat, 8-position cutting adJustment. Rugged 5 hp engine has + Praineri eyhba 0 urV8

IIStO~ Qt) tCherhtg I I PCjs Rol let'8 plenty of mowtng and going power. See atso the '2.99II 4—fpgytj ft, JD Center Drive Weodsrs snappy Gtlson RM-7. ,I Lawn Broom,'U-D-S Farm, Nxco))ent

II MET 7U-D-s Farnl, Exec)lent Leaf Rake $ .SSII Rv05y VVe4)k VU-D-4 5 Roller, Farm

PORK a jf IIALF WHOM 7U-D.4.5 Ro))sr Farm w/nsw doaet ~~~~CP~ BROTHERS COMPANY',," ,garden ~a $2.89OR.~ HD.5 Farm-Sl995,00

gagg)ggga)s a)gou)d 5sj In sy hIo'n,l II s-fd ft. Node) B Drj)ls OB Rubber osp). A, Box tL)I plymouth, 'wisconsin 53073

I. Ikw Pie)t uy joagj Ba Atrangod


1—0 ft Code) B Drii) on Rubbst.

GEO F IIROnX SSOXSI8~os)cg 'r'000000000ev r000000000000000040000++0000004 «. " 0 '040Iv

Page 6: N~dret On „„„„„, 'emjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The Gazette News/THE...„g Fhhermnn Should Forget"]C)ub at the)r April meeting heM, ',



Cedar Ridge

I4lldrlgk Th00trS itnti <intien iiewsBy Nrs. James Holt



Saturday Night SiieeialSEA FOOD PLATrK



Teel and JeanFey-

Use The Gazet4 -"News'Classitled'Ads To Buy, Sell or TrtLde

"On A Clear Daf Yoll






S<~ ZS



Available In Pull 4 Go or Electric Start

< gyt,I O.~~0 2P ANIIN 9!t.lJ)ff, $90Sturdy steel dealt. Sled»




3 H.P,Sagtnr

il Sear.Vltteets.

Uee herr tnecttereewlrtl cetclber astute




Sage'xWvo ma>LL









Also Costume Jewerly —Hankerchiefs

ibd ~

O.cerness .)e)t. StorePhone 289-5791 Kendrick, idaho



VOTE YKS NAY 10:; I. Local Revenue Lost: $9,800- 2. State Funds Lost Because:of Student

Enrollment'ecrease: $6,9003. To -Heij.Eliminate $40,000 debt.:.'. To Maintain Present Program





i .NEW, Yell TOST11r0e T '71'T




4 neyy, fresh hair styling.may not changeyour- life; but it can change your. appear-

. ance and. outlook —call oi stop in- scen.

For'ppointments Call —289-4027:.

'Ld'/s dreeteeo tdcdydr jfethttrKendrick,-- Idaho

9:00 to 5:00 Tuesdays thru Saturdays

Y A A A A A AvWAFR<8%rAvrrAA~AA Av A A

't ''1.'" I rn "'ii

r'I'' 'V"'!4


'4 - ~ 4 I i,,lt „ i J,,Lid,I,i,...„„„,,i, I,»

1/I f~! 1"1''„I!O '1i





Texes Pinks, ------——-------- 0/O'I.00


Per ih., -----------------------.-- 30t.SNO-BOY TOIATOKS,

Per Ih. ------—----—-------------- 30t!SNO-BOY ONlONS,

Iet0nnt Yellow, --------—--'-- 3 lb./20t!SNO-BOY ORANGKS,

Snnkist, ----—----------—0 lbs./31.00





Carnation Cottage Cheese, ................Pint 28$ Winter Travel can be very rough on your caror truck. Sometimes that first winterizing iustisn't enough. For safety's sake, better I t uscheck to be «ure your vehicle Is In the best con-dition Possible for dependable winter tirivlng

Brentwood Ich Cream, „.......... /~ gal. 88$GOLDEN PINK PINKAPPI.K,Tidbits or Crushed, ......,4 cans $1.00

IMPKRIAI. MARGARINE,Per lb.'..........................4V

CARNATION INSTANT BREAKFAST,Vanilla or Choc. Malt, ........................81$

. GOLD MEDAL FLOUR,10 lb. Ba ....................1e19

ROMAN MEAL INSTANT CEREAL,25 oz. kg.~ p ge ............48$

STA .FIO FABRIC FINISH,20 oz. bottle ...............'...........'89$

V % W V W V % F 'V V V % W % W V 'V & W 'V % V F W W 'V & % %

RKGllLAR IIAIHalf or Whole

Sno-Boy Orange Juice, .........„..'......~/~ gal 83$

Standby Corn,Cream style or Whole kernel, ........5 cans $1

TIRES - BATTKRIKS. gUFFI KRS „PLUGStandby Peas,303 cans, .........................................4 for 41

Fresh Aspargus,..................lb. 38$Bananas, ...............................7 lbs. $1.00

Onelity 0hesfon ProtinetsPotatoes,No. 1, White, ....-.................,...10 lbs. 48$

Sno«Boy Celery Hearts, .....................pkg. 48$

Ou CalI See Fererls Barbara sinclair, students from the

Cecil Brammer home—Starrlng- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Groseclose andchildren visited Sunday evening withNr. and Nrs, Roger Nelson andfamily.

Ntss Lynne Cuddy, Spokane, spentI With Other TOP Entertainers the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Jim I

Filmed ln New York, Hollywood Holt and family and other relatives«nd at the Royal Pavillon ln in the area,

Brighton, England Sunday Mr. and Nrs. Harley Perry-man attended the wedding anntvet~

Friclay Q Saturday sary celebration of Nr. and Mrs.Leonard Fairfield at Bear Ridge.

'1;80 P, M. Mr. and Nrs. Elmer Weaver andfamily of Lewtston spent from Fri-—Admlsslon— day thrtti Sunday with Nr. and Mrs.Sam Weaver.

Mr. and Nt~. Jack Parlsey andfamily attended the Asotin CountyFair Saturday and were overnight

L~ ..., guests of her parents, Mr. andeMrs.

ocnl HRPPelllllms

t~ g,g '. with Nr. and Mrs. Dan.Kechter.'.

were Sunday-dinner guests of Mr.

r.'nd Mrs. Ben .B. Cook 'and '~ ~. Sy "-K,""family of Ontario„Ore., were week-end guests of hia parents, Mr. 'anti Parks Wins State Title

„Nrs. Ben P. Cooke:Kathy's 'parents.1Nr. and Mrs. Walter Crawfor'd of- Lyte P~A ~K ~ugh gamm

Coeul. d'Alene were also Saturdayd oover night guests 'Sunday guests Idaho State handball title over hGke

g the group were Mr and M~ Addy; of Boise in the Class A finals

Ken Hoduffer of Cratgmont;.Mr. and at the YMCA courts Saturday, April¹s.R. L. Bteivett snd Mr. and Mrs.Jolm Deobald and faintly.

Parks; from Blackfoot, replacesdefending champion Mike Fox; Idaho

Mr.. end Mrs, James Barker and Falls„who lost to Addy in the semt-daughter Nareena of Lewiston wssre finals. Fax took third with a victorySaturday visitors in the home of her over Watt Fatk of Boise

'Parents, Nr. and Mrs. R. B. Pmtt. Lyte, a graduate of Kendrick High„Mr and Mrs- Bud Fey were S~ Sd ool and the Untvendty of Idaho

day dinner guests of her Parents, ts the son of Nr ttndMr. and Mrs. Perry Mattoon of Troy parks of Kendrick.

Thursday guests of Nr. and >frs.Paul Lind were Mr. and Mrs. Ber- ..

,nard Relgers of Boise; The Linds Baker for the past two weeks, ~ +


'were Monday morning visitors ln the tumed to hL„home at HeadquMers e.Leon Lind home in Moscow, Sunday. +

M~day evening inner g ests of Mrs. C. J. perry of Grangcvtlte, e,-'arrived Saturday evening to spend a '';

Pfr. and MM. Melvin Proc~er of few days with her son-i,-law and ++T'oy and Norris Procunier of Phoe daughter, Mr. Snd Mm. Dave Clayton +the death of his mother, Mrs. Fran- Nr. and Mrs. L. A. Walla o were +ces Davenpo~. Nrs- Davenport was .

Sunday dinner guests of their daugh- e

Thursday luncheon guests of Mr. tng out her brothers, Jtm, Mark and +Mr. and Mrs. Roger Courtrtght, sick list

accompanied by Mrs. Oakley Wal-, Mrs C H Fry retun,ed hornelace, Cindy and Chris, left riday 'day after visiting ten days with her +

.':to attend a square dance festival at 5 d da ht tn 1 M dTrail, B. C., over the week-end.ltd rs. Norman Fry at N~itta, Mont,'+'r. Wallace, who had been fishing ~'and fiends

in Coda, joined them there. High !son Mitchell of Poison.Hght of the trp twas 80 squares of: She accompanted the Norman F sdancers at the Ice Hockey arena, un an enjoyable sight-sedng t6p ln-there Satiny night E ute home to C~ aki 1 +

,Sunday ev~g the Co~ghts were a't adgMY and Edmund n She M- ~+

tsupp r guet of Ct m G~g at ported thesooatEd und nave'pokane. fascinating place and wild-game very

soo a un n a very

Mr. and Mrs. Marvtn Long wereFriday dinner guests of Nrs. Addie

I Her son Norman returned heg to ~Lowery of Pullman. Sunday they'Kendrick Sunday and is visiting tnwere over-night guests in the C. i the area with relatives,B. Kennedy home in Colfax.

Mrs. Frank P. McCreary and1


daughters of Moscow were Saturdayand Sunday afternoon callers in the EKE IJ$ FOR ++. L. McCreary home. +

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nelson were in, ELECyPRMt HEATERS +Pullman Sunday to call on Mrs. Nel-1 WIRING —WIRING SUPPLIESson's mother, Mrs. Elsie Wegner i MOTORS —FANS 8t BLOWERSThey also visited with the Harry


Wegners. Enroute home they visit-ed with Mrs. W. A. Watts and Nrs. ~

Grace Souders at Paradise Villa, in i

Moscow. 'HONE et76-8148 JULIAXrTMt

Saturday over-night guests of Mr. [and Mrs. Robert Clemenhagen were g

her son and wife, Mr. and Nrs. JamesiWilson of Storm Lake, Iowa. The1

Clemenhagens returned home Wed- OON%'AY'S: nesday from Spokane where theythad been etetttng edth the Harold

tRefrigeratian SerViCe'and Lasvrence Wilson families, and,

Nr. and Nrs; John McRac since Sat-jurday.

Lawrence Baker, who had beenvisiting his mother, Mrs. Winnic


ewett's I~roeery .5 «~. tetPHONE 289-4921 BM TRAYIS

Your Friendly StorePhone 289-5NI


:(encriei '..'ai.e SII) iy. (encrie ~ I~arage I'.0,, lip."-m ii