Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909

download Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909

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Transcript of Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909


    / / Zdf %Baggj g l Kc3333 Ndrbat Dms ~ Nafcocftd VB Lrgh CV ^mo/ #TM\/ % Ags Coefafs! N ~ a m l g h m c ! ^ f p ~ h b f r Vt! 3=0= Og

    hfsscefs tg / tbf sc;tots/B33 R/ PMFRNF!

    Zd f lmrmca tfst gl c j g g t r m o ~ ms td f imoj gl ndcrcntfrmtprgjunfs/

    ^ctmslmfj/"Zdf rmndfs gl Egj%s prgvmsmgos t ~ scmots cr ftdf nghprfdfosmgo gl tdf lmomtf hmoj9 but! tdcoi

    j ! nco bf iogwo by fxpfrmfonf/ % %Zdfy sdcaa bf cbuosctmslmfj wmtd tdf lctofss gl Zdy dgusf/" Dfrf mstg swmh mo ! c suppay tg rfvfa mo/ Mo tdf c a a ~ s u l l m -Agrj wf nco dcvf fogued( t df foacrefjjfsmrfs glsgua nco bf sctmslmfj/ Zdf pghp coj ea$-ry! ecmos cojgl tdf wgraj hcy surlfmt coj jfamedt tdf sfosfs!

    ofvfr nco sctmsly9 buttdfrfvfactmgo gl Egj tg tdf sguasctmsly! but ofvfr surlfmt/ Zdgued wf hcy jfsmrfglEgj! wf sdcaa ofvfr jfsmrf hgrf tdco Egj/ "Zdfgl sfosf crf putrmj pujjaf(wctfr9 tdgsf gl lcmtdpurf coj pafcscot(nafcr cf/ ~ r y s t c a / " Zg amvf c amlf glwmtd Egj mo tdms wgraj! sffimoe coj rfnfmvmoeDms luaofss tg tdf fxtfot gl gur; rcpcnmty! egfs bfygojtdct td f bfst gl tdms wgraj nco suppay9 coj wmtd sundfxpfrmfonf td f scmot ms mo c durry tg fxndcoef dm sgl dfcvfo upgo fcrtd" lgr tdf dfcvfo cbgvf/ Zdfwdy sghf ndmajrfo gl Egj cr f ogt fokgymoe tdfsftdmoes gl Egj" ms tdct tdfy tdmoi amttaf gl! cojsg amttaf tg! td f pacnf wdfrf Df hcifs tdfh iogwo cojtdfh( "tdf lctofss gl Zdy dgusf/" But tg tdfagoemoe lgr Egj tdf dgusf gl prcyfr ms tdf pacnf wdfrfAgrj hcifs us tg % %jrmoi gl tdf rmvfrs gl Dms pafcsurf!%%tdf kgy nco bf ngostcot(fvfr lagwmoe/ 0 bfagvfj/ygu luaay sctmslmfj ( cbuojcotay sctmslmfj ( sctmslmfjhfcsurf7

    Zd f nurf lg r c smni ndurnd ms tg lffj go c hmssmgocryjmft /

    TBafssmoe gl Emvmoe/

    Dfrf ms c trfcsurf;/dgusf tdct nghpcrctmvfay lf wdcvf fxpagrfj/ Udfo Kfsus scmj " M t ms hgrftg emvf tdco tg rfnfmvf!" Df ecvf uttfrconf tg clcnt tdct nco ct co y tmhf bf jfhgostrctfj tg coy cojtdct ncrf tg try mt / Mt ms c scj lcnt tdct mt rfhcmos cafttfr" tg tdf erfct hckgrmty gl prglfssfj bfafmv( /

    dfcrt tg emvf/ M t ms fcsy tg emvf ml gof dcvf hund! buemvf gut gl gur pgvfrty kgyluaay! amif tdf NdrmstmcoHcnfjgomc jmj! m/s pafcsmoe tg Egj/ Zdf erfct sfnrftruf emvmoe amfs mo tdf tdct ygu dcvf carfcjy eygursfal uotg td f Agrj9 coj ygu bfagoemoe tgDmh! ca adcvf ms Dms! sg tdct mt ms ogt dcrj tg emvf hgofy lg rAgrj! ml Df dcs carfcjy egt ygursfal/ Cbguojmoe moercnf gl emvmoe dfaps vfry hund mo tdf ercnf gl amv/lgr tdf bafssmoe gl Egj ms (upgo ygu; Udfo wf ngotdct td f pgvfrty gl Kfsus prgvmjfj rmndfs lgr Dms scgur jffp pgvfrty co j cllamntmgo sdguaj hcif us ambfrca;C emlt ms wgrtd hund hgrf ml emvfo wmtd kgy co j rfca

    j f o m c a / Uf lmoj mt truf tdct emlts gl agvf bfeft c agvemvmoe! but wmtddgajmoe ms c lcasf scvmoe/ 0 bfagvfjus eg mo lgr c bmeefr bafssmoe b y ( ( ( 9 / Chfo/

    TM t usfj tg bf c smo /lgr coy go f but tdf Dmed Prmfst tgfotfr tdtg dgay gl dgamfs! co j tdfo goay gonf c yfcr9 ogw

    m t ms c smo tg stcy gutsmjf/

    Vogsfj IogwafjR"f/Hgst pfgpaf dcvf c ngosmjfrcbaf stgni gl o g w ago dcoj uousfj! tdf cnnuhuactmgo gl wdmnd dcs ngst tdgurs gl stujy gr sghf vfry dcrj trmcas tdrgued wtdfy dcvf bffo ncaafj tg pcss/ M t ms aymoe mjaf tdrgfmtdfr tdguedtafssofss gr mojmllfrfonf/ Zdfy hcy bf

    nfrf mo tdfmr jfsmrf tg /ngotmouf mo tdf sfrvmnf gl tdf Aco j tdgued tdfy hcy ogt bf motfotmgocaay eumaty! yftsullfr c agss mo tdfmr fxpfrmfonf tdrgued ogt turomoe wtdfy iogw motg jgmoe; Zdfy crf amif c lcrhfr wmtd pagl lcrh mhpafhfots aymoe crguoj rustmoe( uousfj9/ lcntgry aymoe mjaf! td f hcndmofry gl wdmnd bfnghfnageefj wmtd dcrj gma/ Zdfrf ms 7( wmjf lmfaj gl sfrchgoe tdfsf pfgpaf! wdg offj tg bf rfhmojfj gl wtdfy iogw coj tg dcvf tdfmr "purf hmojs" stmrrfj u"wcy gl rfhfhbrconf/" Uf jg ogt offj "ofw tdgudcal sg hund/cs wf offj tg hcif prcntmnca us f gl tdftdguedt wf dcvf/ coj pfrdcps mo c jmllfrfot wcy/og t hgrf iogwafjef offjfj! butgbfjmfrmnftg%wdct iofjef wf dcvf/ Udct c wgojfrlua wgraj tdms wguaj bwf kust stgpp;j cnnuhuactmoe coy hgrf iogwafjef lwdmaf co j put motg p r c n t m n ~ tdct wdmnd wf dcvf go dFspfnmcaay mo tdf amof gl jmvmof tdmoes tdfrf ms c wmjf^cy9 wguaj mt ogt bf c ercoj tdmoe lg r sghf gl us(lg r gtdfr lgais cs wfaa(ml wf wguaj kust stgp amstfomhgrf sfrhgos co j rfcjmoe tdf ^nrmpturfs uotma wfgut wdct wf dcvf dfcrj coj rfcj7Coj yft mt ms cs truf egspfa cs coy mrm td f Bggi/ Mt t ngolmofj tg td f rmnd! but ms gpfo tg tdf pggr9 lg r cemlt! tdct hfcos hund tg tdgsf wdg dcvf but hfcerf Zdf Ncavcry hfsscef hust bf prfcndfj mo tdf sgl Ncavcry/ %brmoes cs erfct c bmfssmoe cs td f tdguscojs gl tdf

    rt ngosmsts ogt sg hund mo tdf chguot cs mo td fgl tdf emvfr/ Zdf lmrst tdmoe offjfj mo emvmoe ms c Fvfry tmhf ygu prfss tdf jfvma%s dfcj /dcrj ygueft c sgrf % f f a /

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909



    CrtmnafsZDF ^FNRFZ GL C DCPP] JC]/

    afcvf mo Dms jfcr dcojtdmoes!wf ncoogt uojfrstcoj!a a tdct stmoes/tg aft Dmh tcif tdf ncrf!prfssmoe!caa wf af t Dmh bfcrdcoefj tg bafssmoe/ct ms ca a co j yft td f wcycrifj by Dmh wdg agvfs tdff bfst!r ft gl c dcppy jcy!n1%rft gl/ Dms prghmsfj rfst/

    (Lrc o nfs Rmjafy D c v f r e ~ a /


    dcvf c lrmfoj wd g ms c prfcndfm/ms yguoefr tdco M ! but wf dcvf dcjnd mo nghhgo/ Uf wfrf bgro co j

    up mo td f / schf ofmedbgrdggj!dm s lctd fr %s cojof/ "%v\f cttfojfj td f schf nguotry

    Q\f wfrf !scontmlmfj mo td f schfd f c amttaf bflgrf hf/ v\f wfrftg prfcnd go t df sc hf jcy / Uf

    td f ngolfrfonf tgeftdfr ! wfrfcoj lmomsdfj td f

    ursf tgeftdfr/Zdms lr mfoj gl hmof (Q/vcs coj ms go f

    hgst trcospcrfotay dgofst! smoc oj smhpaf(d fcrtfj hfo M fv fr

    fw/ M o fvfr iofw dmh tg jg c h fco/ Cltfr d f w c scontmlmfj! coj tdf b feco tg jrcw dm h ! stfp by stfp!td f wgri gl tdf hmomstry! dftg usf acoeucef ! mo prcyfr coc tfs(

    coj prfcndmoe! sg smhpa f c/ojmajamif tdct mt sffhf38a tg sghf pfgpaf

    9 ch a tdfy nrmtmnmsfj dm h lgr mt !wmtd sghf eggj r fcsgo/

    M wcs wmtd tdms lr mfoj c lf w yfcr sd fap mo e dm h mo sghf gl dm s wgri

    cs mo dms dghf c eggj jfc a ! coj wfcoj tcaifj t geftd fr go td f pub/dmedwcy! wmtd og amstfofr but Egj /

    wcs/ sg erfp/t! coj guraagw sdm p sg pfrlfft tdct wf nguajgot td f tdmoes tdct wf r f/ mo gor

    rts wmtdgut coy lfcr tdct coy ams$uo afss mt hmedt bf Egj- wguajQQ"N wf rf s h c hfo tdco wf

    t dfh tg tdmoi wf wfrf/Gof jcy df scmj tg hf; % %Brgtdf rfory ! M ch prcymoe tdf Z/Kgda tg t fc ndf dgw tg df c bfttfr prfcndfr tdco M

    Zdfsf wgrjs gl hy truf coj smhlrmfoj hcjf hgrf mhprfs

    go hy hmoj tdco co y ng olmjfottfrcon;f gl co y sfal (sctmslmfj puapmt

    nguaj dcvf jgof/ Zdf scymoes gltfo cltfrwcrjs rflfrrfj tg mo gur

    Oczcrfof Hfssfoefr//tcai coj mo gur afttfrs/ M t dcs % gltfosmonf ta3ct tmhf bffo hmoeafj wmtd tdfmonfosf gl hy prcyfrs/ // r

    Zdms hcy (bf r fcj by hcrmy prfcndfrswdg crf wmsdmoe! ml ogt prcymoe! "Gd#tdct M hmedt bf c prfcndfr # " M twmaa bf rfcj hgstay! M prfsuhf! by Pfotfngstca Oczcrfof prfcndfrs 9 sg prgbcbay hgst gl tdfh brfctdmoe tdf wmsdmo tmrf spmrmt gl hy lrmfoj! but sghf ogjgubt mo c lcr jmllfrfot spmrmt/ A ft hfcsi t"uy prfc ndfr(rfc j frs 9 fspfnmcaayt dgsf gl td f ac st n m f s ~ r m b f j nacss! m l tdfydcvf trmfj td f lgaagwmoe hftdgjs! sgfhohgoay r fsgr tfj tg by hmh wd g crfcoxmgus / tg bf b ftt fr prfcndfrs/ Ml sg !M sdguaj bf e ac j tg dcvf tdfh rfpgrtt/g hf ml td f r fsuats cr f sctmslymoe;

    Dcvf yg o afcrofj tg spfci ! wmtd cprgprmftcry cmr! mo prfcndfrs % hfftmoescoj bflgrf vmsmtmoe hmomst fr s! cbgut% %hy pfgpaf 3% %Dc]f ygu mfcrofj tg rfhmoj td f dfc rfr s go fvfry pubamn gnncsmgo t d ~ t yg ucrf "up tg jctf7"D cv f ygu afcrofj tg brmoe mo td fwgrj % % lg ai s % % fv fry lgur gr lmvf sfot fonfs! wmtd tdc t pfn uamcr pgundmoe co jfx pagsmvf hg vfhfot gl td f amps motfojfj tg af t td f dfcrfrs iogw tdct ygudcv f afcrofj tg sc y " lgai s " mostfcj gl% %pfgpaf!% % coj tdct ygu crf % %up tgjctf7% %

    Dcvf ygu afc rrmfj tg motrgjunf td fAgrj%s Prcyfr mo tdf pubamn sfrvmnf wmtdsghf sund "eft(rfcjy" nacusf cs tdms;% %C s tdgu d cst tcuedt o s tg scy% (csg rt gl % % ruoomo% sdggt!% % cs wf bgysusfj tg scy! b flgrf wf kuhpfjMs mt ygur nghhgo prcjmnf mo prfcndmoe! fspfn mc aay cwcy lrgh dghf! tg r flfr tg gur bafssfj ^cvmgr cs % % tdfNdrmst ! " wmtd c samedt fhpdcsms 033 t dfwgrj % % tdf! % % coj gltfo fogued tg mh prfss fvfrybgjy tdct ygu cr f jgmoe m tjmsmeofjay coj lgr prfnmsmgo%s scif 7Zd f /wgrj "Ndrmst9" cs fx prfssmvf gltd f gllmnf coj hmssmgo gl td f Jm!9mo f^nomgr ! dcs bffo lgr cbgut fmedtffo

    / dthjrfj coj sfvfoty yfcrs ngostcotayamoifj ! mo Nd rm st mc o sp ffnd! wmtd td foc hf " Kfsus ! " jfsnrmptmvf gl dm s ahhcomty9 coj mo tdf tdguedt gl Dms aj](%moe coj cjgrmoe lgaagwfrs tdf twg dc]f

    h f tg df ba fojfj cs mo sfpcrcbaf pcrtsgl gof prfnmgus o chf/ wmtd h gl /us td f dcbmt gl yfcrs gl monrfcsmoe jfvgt mgo coj motmhcny dcvf hcjf tdf ochfgl Ndrmst $sg uttfrfj- tdf lmttmoe fx prf ss mgo gl c aa tdct ms bfs t "agvfj go fcrtdgr dfcvfo9 co j mt wmaa bf dcrj tg brfcius mo tg c jmllfr fot hftdgj/ But td ftwfotmftd nfotury ygutd hust bf mostruntfj mo ngrrfnt hftdgjs gl spffnd /

    Y^fptfhbfr 3

    M hust ngolfss tdct/ M dcvn ogcoy gl tdfsf hftdgjs hysfal/ BoM host casg rg olfss tdct M / ch eggj c prfcndfr cs M sdguaj am ifgr cs M bfamfvf hy D fcvfo ayt dmois M hm edt d cv f bffo coj gudf/ M lf fa mh pfaa fj tg 1;golfss ltdct M sfajgh prfcnd mo tdfsf9/%fc r s wmtdgut c eggj jfca glsm1 ah fss cltfrwcrjs gvfr td f mht mgo gl td f hfsscef co j td f oDa amt s jfamvfry/ Ml Y 1 ~ g u a n a goay prfhy lj agwh1%aa wd 33t Eg j sghprfc1;dfs tg ha% ! M sdguaj bf c dhco/ 0 ^c !mgr ! tfcnd hf dprfcnd#

    " ~ "%O LFU ZDGVEDts GO "A MEDZl ygu wfrf fv fr mo tgtca jc

    ygu wguaj ogt csi " wdct ms aM wcs gonf go c trcmo! / wdfo sujwf lguoj gursfavfs uttfr% ldms stctf gl 3cllcmrs acstfj butsdgrt pfrmgj gl tmhf! yft m t wcsjfsmrc baf tdct M moqumrfj wdct m tUdfo td f amedt rfcppfcrfj! mt

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909


    ^fptfhbfr 3< ! 3=0=Xcoj hcjf sund c hcrif$#/ jmltdct m t sffhfj cs tdgued mt

    bamoj hf/ M wcs molgrhfj tdctdcj pcssfj tdrgued c tuoofa tdcttgG% sdgrt tg ncusf tdf t9rcmo nrfw

    amedt up td f ncrs/Cs wmtd octurca amedt! sg wmtd spmr

    wmtd mt erfct rfvfactmgotdmoes cs tdfy crf/ ^nrmpturf ngo

    td f stctfhfot! tdct sghf /pfgpaff amedt/ %a%dfy emvf prggl gl tdms bycntmgos/ ^t/ Kgdo > ;20; "Lgr

    gof tdct jgftd fvma dctftd tdf! ofmtdfr ngrmmftd tg td f amedt afstjff$#/s sdguaj" bf rfprgvfj/% % Cd #jfsmrf tg ngotmouf mo tdf tdmoes

    frfmo tdfy tdmoi tdfy dcvf pafcsurf/Zdfrf ms amedt lg r fvfry hco! wghco

    ndmaj! coj sggofr gr actfr tdfy sffKgdo 3;6; "Egj ms amedt! coj moms og jcriofss ct caa/" Zd f Pscahscys mo ndcptfr 25 ;3! % %Zdf Agrj msamedt/" Kgdo 3 ;=! spfcimoe gl /tdms

    rfcj tdus; % % %#%dct wcs td f trufwdmfd amedtftd fvfry hco tdctftd motg td f wgraj/"Voscvfj lrmfoj! tdms a medt ms lgr ygu/f amedt tdct ms lmrst hftfj gu t tg ygu!cs mt wfrf! c spcri mo td f lacsd gl /

    ygur agcj gl eumat wfmeds dfcvyygur dfcrt/ Zdms hcy nghf tgu ct c rfvmvca hfftmoe wdfrf tdf Dgaydcs rmedt gl wcy/ M dfcr ygu! cs dcs hcoy gtdfrs! " M ofvfr ct

    td17sf imoj gl hfftmoes sg iogwcbgut Wdf amedt ygu crf tcai

    cbgut/ Ofmtdfr jgfs td f pgssmbmamtydfrfW/ Fcnd gl Egj%s dgay gofs ms cgl tdc t % erfct amedt! co j ygu

    ogt nghf mo tgund wmtd gof wdgsfms dmj wmtd Ndrmst mo Egj wmtdgut

    r v m o e td f "spcri" tdct ngovmntsgl ygur uonafcoofss/ Ml yg u tcif

    dffj tg tdfsf lacsdfs tdct ngolrgotlrgh t m h ~ tg tmhf! but turo ygur

    go tdfh coj ndggsf! rctdfr tggo mo jcriofss! uotma ygur fyfsghf sg jmh tdct yg u og agoefr sfn

    ygu dcvf lcaafo motg c erfctcoj wgf ms ygu# lgr tdf wgrjEgj scys / mo Kgb 34 ;6! tdms ms c tmhf"tdf amedt gl tdf wmnifj sdcaa bf

    t gut! co j tdf spcri gl dms lmrf sdcaasdmof/"

    rfcj mo Fnn/ 33 ;5! "Zruay tdfms swfft/" Ogw! ml ygu tdrguedspcri tdct dcs brguedt ngovmntmgo

    vf /rfcamzfj tdct tdf amedt ms swfftj dcvf nrmfj gut lgr hgrf amedt! ngo

    tg aggi tg td f sgurnf gl truf amcdtDf wmaa sfoj c rcy go bflgrf y ~ u !mo Pscahs >3!3t td f Cpgstaf/ ko cjvmsmoe tdf

    ndurnd tg prgvf caa tdmoes dlcst tg tdct wdmnd ms eggj! h f c ~ s tcasg wf crf tg ncst gut tltct "9dmnd mseggj/ Udfrf c n d f ~ m s t prgvfs ctcmo prfpcrctmgo " g ngotclo p ~ m s g owguaj bf c lcasf lrmfoj wdg wguat/aghhfoj tdgsf df agvfs tg ngotmoufmoe tdct prfpcrctmgo tg prgvf mt

    Zdf Zgoeufs 3Qmgvfhfut dcs btdgrgueday prgvfo/ M t ngotcmos pgmjfcjay pgmsgo! // coj spmrmtuca ngrpcrf strfwo gvfr tdf acoj! cs c /rfgl td f "tfst moe" m t dcs doj/ (

    Amif ca a hgvfhfots wdmnd /crf gljfvma! gof gl mts lguojctmgo stgoftrutd! coj gof% lcasnamggj; Udfolcasf ms jfstrgyfj td f wdgaf struntbumat upgo mt lcaas/

    Egj hcy emvf pgwfr tg spfci ceucef bflgrf uoiogwo(tdct hundtrutd/ Zdct tdf Bcptmsh wmtd tdf DEdgst! tdf emlt gl Pfotfngst! foscontmlmnctmgo! dgamofss! dfcrt nafcoscr f ogt gof coj td f schf mo tmhffllfnt! ms bcrf lcasfdggj! coj c jfgl td f pacmo rfngrj gl snrmpturf/ Zjgntrmof spfcimoe wmtd tgo/eufs msgoay fvmjfonf gl td f Bcptmsh wmtdDgay Edgst! ms c trmni gl td f jfvmjmsngurcef dgofst dfcrts coj fmtiffp tdfh lrgh acymoe dgaj gl nafcmoe by lcmtd! gr pusd tdfh motg c dynrmtmnca hgnifry gr bcbbamoe/

    Mts fxnusfrs scy! "G l ngursf tdfrsghf lcasf chgoe % td f t rof/" ^urcoj mt aggis tg hf tdct ml tdf tdwfrf gl Egj! wf nguaj lmoj! sghf tchgoe td f lcasf/ M wcs cbaf tg stusghf gl td f wgrimoes gl tdms lrcujnagsf rcoef! actfay! coj M scy! wmtdlfcr gl kujehfot bflgrf hf! tdct M amfvf c og hgrf bamedtmoe dfrfsy fvfr bffo mhpgsfj upgo by tdf nduby tdf fofhy/"Zdfrf crf eggj lgais chgoe tdf]fs! tdfrf wfrf eggj lgais chgoe tdM dcvf bffo stujymoe/ but td1?y crf elg r ogtdmoe lgr Egj ogw/ Zdfy dcvpurmty gl dfcrt! dcvfo%t / td f DEdgst! dcvf ogt tdf tgoeufs fvfo!wdmaf tdfy prctf cbgut tdf ac1?ipg!9fr mo td f wdgaay scontmlmfna/ tdfycs jfcj coj lrumtafss crmj p g ! ~ f r a f s sc burofj(gut osd dfcp/ Zdfmr wg%racrefay uosfttamoe ofw ngovfrts mofxpfrmfonf gl dgamofss/ co j hcitdfh sffifrs gl %%pgwfr" tdfy ofrfnfmvf/Gur pfgpaf sdguaj ofvfr caagwdfrfsy tg eft c dfcrmoe9 ^a#uo / mtyg u wguaj coy gtdfr tfhptctmgo gljfvmA(Pfotfngstca Cjvgnctf/

    /tma / / /K'3" /Cppafs gl Eg m t " mR kuRt td f blg r oo m o ~ 9 p m r m o # # #amlt/ M t wmaa daP#m^

    Rgut coj moRpmrf lomtd/ ^ ~ ? o j lg r26 nfot^ p g ~ t p c m j 30 lg r *2/

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909


    :~ g r r f s p g o j f o n f

    LRGH %K%DF LMFAJ/Kcspcr! Cac/

    Fo rgStf lrgh Zrc ny Nmty! Zfoo/! td fby movmtctmgo stgppfj gll c t Kcsr tg /hcif c ncaa gur Jmstrmntd3s fxnfaafot lchmay/f wfrf eacj tg lmoj dmh hund bfttfrdfcatd coj wfaa mo sgua/ Zd ct omedtwfot wmtd dmh tg Ncachftt / c hmonchp tdrff hmafs lrgh Kcspcr! co jtg /c sndgga dg;usf luaa W7ltdfmr wmvfs co j nd majrfo/ Jms^up/frmotfojfot Aconcstfr lgawfj up tdf hfftmoes lg r c wffi! rfatmoe mo cbgut tdmrtffo eggj fguvfr(go s/

    Ocuvgg Nchp Hfftmoe! Cac/Zdf wrmtfr crrmvfj c jcy cdfcj glcoj lguoj cbgut tw g jgzfo afttfrsdms mhhfjmctf cttfo tmgo / %a%wg

    t d f ~ f afttfrs brguedt vfry sfrmgusgof td f sfvfrf maaofss gl gu r jfcrgl Buajcoc! Mojmc! cojtd f vfry sujjfo jfctd gl/c jfcrD/ Fjwcrjs gl Ogrtd JortHcss/! wdg wcs smni goay tdrffUf dcvf smonf afcrofj tdct gu rhmssmgocry ~ g o v c a f s n f o t 9 aft ushund lg r dms spffjy rfngvfry/

    Zdf Hfftmoe/Zdf hfftmoe bfeco Cueust 2b g u s gl wgrsdmp coj sghf %Qvdgcbaf scy m/t hust eg /GurK / of/xt hfftmoe wc s ct U^prmoes/ Brg/ R / F/ Laftndfr! guygif lfaagvy! wcs wmtd /us9 d frf mttdf lmrst tmhf wf dcj bffo tgeftdftdrff yfcrs9 but df prfcndfs wmtdDgay Edgst pgwfr/ wf dcj c hfftmoe! td f Agrj ~ c v f c ercnmgustgry/ v/rf nagsfj ^uojcy omedt!tfhbfr 6td! wmtd bafssfj vmntgry/Egj bf c aa td f eagry lgr caa tdfsftgrmfs/ K / U/ Bg

    JVONCO! GIAC/Egj ms bafssmoe us ct tdms pacnf/dcvf rfnfotay sffo c ouhbfr ngov;gr scontmlmfj mo c sfrmfs gl hffBrg/ K/ B/ H nBrmjf wcs wmtd us lg

    jcys/ Df ms c hco gl Egj coj prfcwmtd pgwfr co j uo ntmgo / Uf bacst omedt ct c sndgga dgusf tdrffsgutd gl tgwo 9 go f brmedt ngovfcoj sfvfrca rfqufsts lgr prcyfr35(yfcr(gaj bgy wdg ecvf up tg Eprfcnd jurmoe go r hfftmoe dfrf mshf coj Egj %s bcoj ms surfdmh/ v\f dcv f c acr ef wggjfo tocfaf d frf ct Juonco mo wd mnd tgsdmp coj acref nrgwjs cttfoj td fvmnfs/ Gut strfft co j kcma wgrimo e osfna gl Eg$a bafssfjay/IMOE^ACOJ! CRI/

    Eacna tg rfpgrt vmntgry ct ImoesCri/ Gur pcstgr ms Rfv/ Buj B/amos/ coj dcs put mo go f yfcr%sy/(gri co j Egj dcs bafssfj us wgluaay / \tf dcvf kust nagsfj td fwgojfrlua hfftmoe fv fr dfajBrg / U / ]//Pdmaamps gl Zfxcricoc!wc s wmtd us cona jm j sghf lmofZdf hfftmoe gpfofj / go td f lmrstnacy mo Cueust co j nagsfj go td f^uojcy/ %Q\f bcj lgurtffo scvfjtw g scontmlmfj/ ^monf Ndrmsthcdcvf dcj twfoty(lgur scvfj gr slmfj coj lgurtffo cnnfssmgos tgjuund wmtd sghf hgrf tg lgaagwZd f acst omedt gl td f hfftmoe wfmo tdf prcyfr sfrvmnf cbgut suocoj sggo tdf pgwfr lfaa coj pfgpuo jfr ngov mntmgo coj hgurofrs wftd f pactlgrh smoemoe wfaa scvfj! c= g%nagni wf dc j tdf pafcsurf goguonmoe tdct lgur dcj bffo sBrg / Huaamos cooguonfj tdct b f bcp gage y tg hcif lg r ogt p r f c ngoay Eg j dcs ngotrga gl tdms sfUf td fo bcj tdf ^cnrchfot cojtdf hfftmoe! but td f/ lmrf iffps bumo gur ^uojcy sndgga! casg mo Lomedt %s coj ^uojcy omedt%s p

    h f f t m o ~ s / %Uf d t w f o ~ y ( f m e d t aa%#fhbfrcoj caa gl tdfh wmaa wgri co y wUf dc vf c lm rlf ^uojcy sndgga comoe lmof /wgri! but /ofxt qucrtfr w

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909



    M ch jf tfrhm ofj tg eg tdrguedKfsus mo nghpcoy wmtd tdgsf wdg/ Cavc N/ Rg efrs/K G O F ~ B G R G ! CRI/

    st nagsfj c lcmray eggj hfftmoe ctCri/ Zdfrf wfrf tdmrtffo grffo wa30 wfrf jflmomtfay scvfj gr

    coj hcoy gtdF#rs wfrffj up coj fongurcefj / Zdf folguedt dcrj ! but cs usuca cntfj% %busdwcnifr/ % % Udmaf sg hf r fcwcy coj tcaifj cecmost td fm t ncusfj gtdfrs tg nghf coj#ssfj/ Zdf Efgremc /Kuhpfrs dcvff uotgaj jchcef mo tdct nguotry/dghfs dcvf bffo brgifo up dy! coj gl ngursf wf dcj tg bfcr td ff lg r mt / Zd f Russfamtfs casg dcvftdfmr qugtc gl molaufonf tgdmojrconf gl td f trutd coj dfapfjtd f jchoctmgo gl sghf wd g crfc wcy tg jgjef td f rf cW mssuffss gl dfcrt coj am lf/ Dgwn]fr/molaufonf ms amhmtfj/ cs lf w crfrfcj y tg jfoy Egj%s Q\grj/ Brg/Nafee %dfapfj hf mo td f lme d t coj td f pcrt gl c truf co j ng hp ftfotfr/ Dms wmlf wcs casg wmtd os go td f wgri K eg o fxt tg Ncaa yes nchp tg bf wmt d Brg/ Buntj/Kgs/ O/ ^pfcifs/

    HCAJFO! H C ^ ~ /faa! chfo # Gur jfcr pcstgr dcs rf fj! coj Eg j ecvf us c ercnmgusyfstfrjcy/ ^ghf %Qvnrf sffimoe/Agrj dcs fo cb afj us tg ectdfr mo% *:20 mo gur gllfrmoes jurmoe tdmsCaa prcmsf tg Dmh# v\f offjfjD/ C / Dcaa uomtfj wmtd us /mohfhbfrsdmp! co j gtdfrs crf ngh mo e/lg r c wcvf gl scavctmgo tg swffps tg Kfsus by td f sngrfs # A/ J / / fcvfy/

    LMZNDBVRE! HC^^/CueHst 2=! wcs c vfry erc

    jcy wmtd us / Zdf bafssmoe gl Egntupgo fvfry sfrvmnf gl td f jcy mo cupamltmoe hcoofr/ Ct td f fvfo mo ehfftmoe" gof wc s ct td f catcrprcyfr coj prglfssfj vmntgry/ Zd ffonf wcs fxnfaafo t/ Zd f pcstgr cojdc vf kust fokgyfj c tdrff% wffis%

    t m g o / Uf crf fxpfntmoe c tmhf glt vm ntgry tdms lcaa / ( Brg/ JfcrpGntgbfr aG lgr co fxtfojfj nch ^uojcy fvfomoe cbgvf l f r r f js tdf twfotmftd coomvfrscry gl t d ffr %s spmrmtuca //bmrtd! wdmnd gnnurrfjnchp hfftmoe! Hcmof! 344=/

    ( ( O % c z ( c ( r f ( o ( f ~ s t t f o e f r M t dcs bffo c tmmof gl vcrmfj fxpfrmfonfcoj gl s p f c i ~ b bafssmoe/ /Rcoj Pmfrnf/

    IFFOF! O/D /M co3 eacj tg bf cbaf tg scy truay td fAgrj ms a9?afssmoe dms scmots dfrf/ %Q\fnchf dfrf tdrff wffis ce g coj tggi uptdf wgri cs pcstgr gl tdf Bftdcoy Pfotfngstca Ndurnd ! coj Eg j dc s bffo sfttamoe us jgwo mo dmmo co j emvmoe us comonrfcsf gl lcmtd/ ]fstfrjcy wcs tdfbfst jcy smonf wf nchf/ Prcmsf Egj/ 0 / /A/ U/ Brgwo/

    CACBCHC JM^ZRMNZ/M ch eacj tg rfpgrt v m n ~ g r y mo Kfsus%

    ochf mo hy sgmta/ Zdf jfcr Agrj dcsbffo wm td tms mo td f hfftmoes tdct wfdcvf dfaj tdms suhhfr/

    Gur lmrst hfftmoe wcs dfaj ct Ngrjgvc! Cac/! uojfr c tfot/ v\f dcj cbguttwfoty prglfssmgos/ / Zdfrf wcs gonf cspafojmj dgamofss wgri ct Ngrjgvc butbfmoe uogrecomzfj coj wmtdgut c pcstgrtd f jfvma hcjf morgcjs upgo td f wgricoj dc s cbgut upsft tdf fotmrf wgri/Brg / co j ^mstfr F/ D / ^dffis gl Bffbf!Cri ! casg R fv / L/ D / Bued wfrf wmtdam s mo tdf hfftmoe / R fv/ R/ H/ Euy wcstdfrf lg r c lfw jcys coj jmj sghf lmofprfcndmoe/

    Ofxt wf gp fof j up c t Brg/ R/ Z/ Dcrjmo%s! ofcr ^crgegssc/ D fr f w f dcj cdcrj puaa dut ct tdf acst gl tdf wffi tdfbrcif nchf! coj sguas bfemo tg lcaa mutgtd f catcr coj sghf wfrf s;cvfj cojgtdfrs sc ontmlmfj/ Hrs/ Ac o ncstfr wcswmtd hf dfrf coj fokgyfj td%f dgs pmtcamt y gl Brg/ coj ^mstfr Dcrjmo vfryhond/ Zd f mo tfrfst ms stmaa lmof coj tdfyy9(cot cogtdfr hfftmoe tdms lcaa ! sg Mdgp f tg r fturo mo Grtgbfr/

    Gur ofxt dcttmf wcs ct Ecaagwcy/Dfrf Egj ecvf us c erfct hfftmoe/ \afbfeco wmt d c shcaa ngoerfectmgo buttd f motfrfst monrfcsfj uotma tdf nagsf/Hcoy tmhfs td f dg usf wcs pcnifj tg mt suthgst ncpcnmty coj hcoy wfrf turofjcwcy lg r acn i gl rggh/ C eggjay ouhb fr wfrf scvfj! rfnacmhfj gr scontmlmfjwdgaay; Go td f acst ^uojcy gl td fhff tmoe w f grecomzfj c PfotfngstcaNdurnd gl td f Oczcrfof wmtd t fo ndcrtfr hfhbfrs/ Zdf ndurnd ncaafj t dfmrpcstgr ct gonf! Rfv /C/ D/ Rghmof glOcuvgg/ Brg / Rghmof ms c lmof yguoehc o co j dcs t3 brmedt luturf bflgrf dmh /%;Q(acv Egj ba fss tdfsf jfcr pfgpaf/ Goftd f ouhbfr ! ^mstfr Zurofr! dcs bffoncaa%fj tg dfr r fwcrj smonf wf grecomzfj/M d gp f tg dgaj cogtdfr hfftmoe wmtdt dfh mo Ogvfhbfr/ Hrs/ Aconcstfr wc s!%vmtd us dfrf coj dfapfj c-goe wmtd td feggj wgri/ /!

    / Q\f td fo gpfofj lmrf go td f jfvma sa{moejgh ct Ncag hft! tdrff hmafs sgutdgl Kcspcr!W gur dg3Wp f -!gwo/ Dfrf wfdcj c spafojmj hfftmoe/ /Gur hund bf( /agvfj Efofrc a " suofrmo%tfojfot R fyogajs spfot gof o m ~ d t wmtd us fo rgutftg Ocuvgg nchp / coj jrgvf jgwp cojpr!fcfdfj tg td f jfamedt gl /ca a/ M dcj tg

    wcai(bcni coj lgrtd c lf w omedts!sggo tdf Agrj scvfj c hco cojturofj dm s dgrsf coj bueey gvfr tgco j M coj wf sggo dcj tdmoes egmoewcy/ Dcaafaukcd! tdf jfcr Agrjeggj tg us/ Dcj cbgut tdmrtffo scoj hcoy gtdfrs w frf bafssfj/Ofxt M kgmofj Brg/ R fyogajs mo nhfftmoe ct Ocuvgg !" coj wdct c etmhf wf dc j/ ^guas scvfj gr scontct cahgst fvfry sfrvmnf/ Zdf eagry

    go coj hund ercnf (upgo td f pfgGur ndurnd c t tdms pacnf ms jgmoe seggj wgri Rfv/ Kgdo C/ Hcocsngncaafj cecmo cs pcstgr coj df ms c eamvf hco/ Zdfsf jfcr pfgpala wcotwrmtfr tg hgvf tg Ocuvgg coj tdfypgsfj 3g stcoj by hf coj iffp htd f lmfaj! but M dcvf ogt yft jfnwdct tg jg ;Go Lrmjcy! ^ fp tf hbfr >j ! wmlfhf go td f t rc mo coj wf pmtndfj bsmx hmafs lrgh Dcafyvmaaf! ofcr BrgR/ Rcojgapd%s! coj lrgh td f vfry stdf pfgpaf sffhfj motfr fstfj/ Zwtd f ca#cr acst omedt lgr scontmlmncU f crf fxpfntmoe c erfct h f f t m o ~ /

    sffhs cs tdgued wf hmedt bf cbagrecomzf dfrf by tdf tmmof wf nZdcoi Egj lgr tdms erfct PfotfrgOczcrfof Ndurnd hgvfhfot/ Egsurf mr m( taaN afcj/ Zdf wgri egfs goRfv/ Caamf Mrmni coj wmlf wmaa bc nchp hfftmoe mo gur ofw t c ~ f r oct !Kcspcr ! ^fptfhbfr 35td/ Uflgr c erfct vmntgry/ Hy ofxt hffms ct aQMcondfstfr! Cac /! ^fptfhbftg Gntgbfr >/N/ D/ Ac oncstfr! Jmst/^uPGRZACOJ! GRF/

    r tc i f tdms gppgrtuomty tg molgrhlt(m fojs tdrgued tdf Hfssfoefrwdfrfcbguts/ Q \f a flt Gciacoj!sghf tmhf ceg! nghmoe tg PgrtU f w fr f hft c t t K / Q ~ trcmo by Brg/rm;is ! pcstgr gl gur ndurnd ! wdg imcssmstfj us mo sfnurmoe tf/hpgrcry qtfrs/ Gl ngursf wf lfat ct dghfcwcy / Q\f dcvf bff o foecefj!eftdfr wmtd Brg/ Bacnihco! mohff tmoes ct Lrfhgot ^tctmgo smonfmo e dfr f/ ^f vfrca pfgpaf wfrf sco j sghf scontmlmfj / C ^uojcy sndcs bffo grecomzfj coj Brg/ Bacniwmaa tcif ndcref mo cjjmtmgo tg dmsct ^faawggj/ %Q\f crf gp fo tg ncacoy pacnf wdfrf wf nc o prfcnd d g acoj d fap go td f ncusf gl Eg j/ vm ntgry mo !Zfsus/ wf crf sdgutmoe go

    w c ~ Cue/ O/ Omasg/ * % (a% ( *

    OGZMNF/Zdf Oczcrfof Pubamsdmoe Ng/ncrry mo stgni tdf aaggis mu td f Nggl ^tujy lg r Amnfosfj Prfcndfrs/Fvcoefamsts/ Huma Grjfrs wmaaprghptay lmaafj/ /Lgr ~ u r t d f r molutmgo wrmtf Zd f M%Qozcrfof Pubamsdmoemotagsmoe c stchp % lg r rtpay/ ootawmaa luromsd ygu wmtd caa td f ofmolgrhctmgo wmtd rflfrfonf tg ng

    tggis! ftn/ MM/ L/ R f y o g a j

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909


    (20 tg Gnt/ >!td f hfftmoe gl tdf Efofrca ~ m s s mcry Bgcrj ct Ndmnceg Gnt/ 6(5/

    // // //NDRM^Z GR M/

    Zdfrf nghfs c tmhf mo tdf amlf gNdrmstmco wamfo df jfambfrctfay ndgbftw ffo td f nrunmlmxmgo gl sfal cojocmamoe cec3o gl Ndrmst tg td f nr^und c ndgmnf ms ogt pgssmbaf tg gof

    jgfs ogt iogw Kfsus d^ c ^cvmgr!ncusf goay tg gof wdg dcs bffo hcamvf! wdg dcs nghf motg c p frsgiogwafjef gl Ndrmst! nco tdf rfvfactgl tdf sf almsd sfal bf hcjf/

    Zruay! mt bfemos! uongosnmgusay! wtg fsncpf mt s fllfnt wf turo gur bopgo smo co j nry lgr pcrjgo! but atdfrf nghfs tg us c suprfhf hghwdfo ngosnmgusay wf hust hcifndgmnf bftwffo Ndrmst coj /sfal/ Zhghfot hcris td f fpgnd mo td f /wdfo ! ymfajmoe caa mo pfrlfnt subsmgo! m t bfnghfs scontmlmfj wdgaaynfmvfs Ndrmst wmtdmo(gr ! mo td f d cofss gl c sfalmsd dfcrt! nrunmlmfs Ndclrfsd / coj egfs gut tg wcojfr crgmo tdf jfsfrt gl c lgrhca! amlfafsslfssmgo/"Afcvf ca a coj lgaagw hf%/ hhfco hgrf tdco hcoy gl us N d r m s tdcvf bffo wmaamoe tg bfamfvf/ "Zwgraj nrunmlmfj uotg hf! coj M hmtg

    Brg/ co j ^mstfr Jcvms wmtd tdfmr egs( Qvgraj" ms c stctf gl ercnf ogt goayj smbaf! but sdgrt gl wdmnd tdfrf mspf a wcego dcvf gonf hgrf crrmvf ct amifofss tg tdf Hcstfr/Ags Coefafs! cltfr c kgurofy tdrgued Ndrmst jmfj tdct M hmedt amvf!fcstfro Grfego coj Mjcdg prfcndmoe Ndrmst amvfs tdct M hcy tcstf gl Dm std f / egspfa/ Zdfy dcj ndcref gl tdftfot % sfrvmnf ct \frogo go Hgojcy omedt nmlmxmgo/ Mo tdms tdf cwlua rfspgos/ // 3 // mt y prfsfots mtsfal! tdct M ! dcvmoe bfnacst ! wmtd hund bafssmoe tg td f pfgp f/ tdf / bfoflmnmcry gl Dm s jfctd! hust! Fvcoefamst U/ N/ Umasgo wrmtfs ~ r g h^tgof Lgrt! Maa/ ; % %Zdf Fajgrcjg nchp!vcs c wgojfrlua hfftmoe9 tw g duojrfjcoj lmlty prglfssmgos9 c ercnmgus tmjfgl scavctmgo/ Votg Kfsus bf caa tdfeagry/ Hmss Nrgw co j hysfal ~ f r f mo vmtfj bcni cogtdfr yfcr/ Eggj htfrfstdfrf9 fxpfnt o erfct tm hf/"

    Zdf ac st erfct ca m(jcy gl tdf tfot lfcstct \frogo(ngrofr :6td/strfft co j Nfotrca cvfouf(wmaa bf dfaj ofxt Zdursjcy! wd fo Rfv / Auny P / /Iogtt ;;whprfcnd mo tdf cltfroggo! coj ct hedtBrg/ Pmfrnf wmaa emvf dms afnturf go

    nfpt lgr hysfal td f uosfalmsd N d rsdmp! gr M hysfal (bfnghf co cntucat/mnmpcot / wmtd tdgsf wdg! rfkfntocmafj Dmh tg tdf trff/ M t ms Ndrmst gr /M /Gd! hy dfcrt nrm fs gut mo luaa surjfr! % %Aft hf jmf# Af t hf j m ~ # Aftscy wmtd Pcua! % M t ms og agoefr Mamvf! but Ndrmst amvftd mo hP/ % " / /Fpgndcaay tdf ndgmnf (ms hcjfjfctd! td f nrunmlmxmgo! 3s lg r ca a tmFxpfrmhfotcaay m t ms prgerfssmvf(dgay ! hghfotcrmay ndggsmoe! jymoe! amv% % M namn jcmay % % tdct M hcy ogt icecmo tdf amlf gl "sfal! w ~ m n b ms ftfjfctd/(%(^fafntfj/

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909


    4Ags Coefafs coj \mnmomty

    CZ ZDF ZCBFROCNAF^cbbctd hgromoe! c acref coj cpprf

    mvf ; cujmfonf cssfhbafj ct LmrstRfv/ U/ U/ Jcoofr afj mo td fprcyfr / Jr / F/ L/ Ucaifrcecmo lrgh tdf tfxt! Kgdo

    jwfaamoe h g ~ f pcrtmnuacray go td fgl gu r Agrj/ %Udmaf Df fo

    erfct pdysmnca pcmo! yft bcni glcoj bfygoj ca a duhco gr coefamnKfsus tdf Egj hco fojurfjhfotca cegoy coj coeumsd gltdct nrusdfj gut dms amlf/ Zdfprgjunfj c jf fp mhprfssmgotdf ngoerfectmgo/ Ct tdf nag s1?f Agrj%s ^uppfr wcs cjhmomstfrfj!wdmnd c cref ouhbfr gl gur pfgpafMo td f cltfroggo Jr/ Ucaifr ecvf cdfaplua! fongurcemoe tcai coj tdfoaafj go gur Brg/ Jgrwmo! wdg mo ca awcs spfojmoe dms acst ^cd

    /" wmtd us! cs df ms tg r fturo tg td fgl dms jcuedtfr mo Mgwc td ms wffi/pcrtmoe d frf 9 wf sdcaa hfft/ Zdfrf wfaf hcoy prf(tfstmhgomfs emvfo wdmnd wfrfcoj pgsmtmvf cagoe tdf amo f gl ccoj jflmomtf wgri gl ercnfmo fcnd mojmvmjuca coj rfby lcmtd mo tdf nafcosmoe paggjtd f ^go gl Egj/Mo tdf fvfomoe J r/ Ucaifr prfcndfj!cecmo td f tfxt! Kgdo 3 ;2=/ Dfgl td f tfstmhgoy gl Kgdo tgus! ncaamoe td f cttfotmgo gl td f pfgf tg Dmh cs td f Hfssmcd/ Zdms wc slcvgrmtf fxprfssmgo wmtd Kgdo co j fqufotay usfj by dmh / Zd f wgrjsmeomlmfs! amltaf gof! tfojfr co jtd f bfagvfj gl td f Lctdfr/tdf ^go gl Egj! df ms dm s bfagvfjZd f Achb gl Egj dc s rfactmgotdf Jmvmomty gl td f ^go / Mo Dm h mstd f ftfroca octurf gl Egj / Dfncaafj tdf Achb/ gl Egj bfncusf Dfprgvmjfj by tdf Lctdfr/ M t ms ogt cprgvmsmgo but wcs pacoofj cojby td f Egj gl ca a ercnf/ ^camo mts fotmrfty dcs bffo prgvmjfjr us/ Zd f eumat! pgwfr coj jghmomgosmo ms tg bf tcifo cwcy/ Zdf octurfCjch%s trco se rfso ms tg bf r fhgvfj(mo mts Wpacnf ms tg td f octurf gl td f ^go gl Egj/ Caa

    o crf bgro mo smo! crf cntucaay mo cgl smo / Zdf/ r fhfjy lg r mt s r fms rguoj mo td f Achb gl Egj/f tciftd cwcy td f smo gl td f wgraj/"dfr f ms sghftdmoe wf hust jg/ Zgnfmvf tdf bfoflmts gl Dms ctgomoe ercnff hust aggi /uotg Dmh/ Bfdgaj tdfgl Egj/ Zd f jymoe Msrcfamtfs!by td f lmfry sfrpfots! wfrf nghtg aggi/ Aggimoe ms td f cnt glcoj ca a hmh fvfrywdfrf crf nghtg aggi coj amvf/ Fcnd cr f tgt lg r tdfhsfavfs/ ^cavctmgo ms co mov mjuca hcttfr/ Brg/ Ucaifr wc sdfapfj by td f ^pmrmt co jwmtd uontv/gus pgwfr/ Zdfrf

    cs gof sffifr ct td f catcr/Zdf lgaagwmoe w frf r fnfmvfj motg

    Oczcrfof Hfssfoefrndurnd lfaagwsdmp; E/ U/ Jcwsgo !co jHrs / E/ U/ Jcwsgo! 3323 ^cotff s t r ~ f t 9Hrs/ Ercnf Bctfs coj Hmss Umaoc \csng! Bmbaf Ngaafef9 Hmss Rutd Kgdosgo!co j Crtdur Kgdosgo! 3>40 F/ 35tdstrfft9 Cojrfw Bgomtc! Luaafrtgo! Nca/9Nacujf H/ Rmnf! 606= ^/ Bgyafstgo cvf(ouf! nmty/ K // P/ N/


    Eg j /dc s ercnmgusay bafssfj tdfsfhfftmoes fv fr smonf tdfy gpfofj go^fptfhbfr 2/ Acref cujmfonfs dcvfbffo prfsfot co$a c jffp motfrfst hcoml fstfj by td f nghhuomty mo tdfh / Brg/Pmfrnf ms cssmstfj by Br g/ N/ C/ HnNcoo!coj Jr/ Brfsff! Rfvs/ N/ C/ AcLgotcmof!/K/ U / Eggjwmo9 Zdgs/ Launi! coj couhbfr gl td f ngaafef stujfots dcvfbffo prfsfot go vcrmgus fvfomoes tgprfcnd td f egspfa coj pusd tdf bcttaf/C ouhbfr dcvf bffo tg tdf catcr cssffifrs gl pcrjgo! scontmlmnctmgo! gr tgbf rfnacmhfj! co j td f scmots dcvf r fkg mnfj fxnffjmoeay/ Go ofxt Zdursjcytdf acst caa(jcy hfftmoe wmaa b f dfaj ctwdmnd tmhf Rfv/ Auny P/ Iogtt /wmaaprfc nd mo tdf cltfroggo! co"j ct omedtBrg/ Pmfrnf wmaa emvf dms afnturf go" Rf snu f Ugri mo td f Erfct Nmtmfs gltd f Fltst/ % %

    KK / KK KK^GVZDFRO NC/AMLGROMC JM^ZRMNZ/M t wcs hy prmvmafef tg spfoj c lf w

    jcys wmtd gu r ndurnd ct Agoe Bfcnd3wdmnd M lguoj mo eggj spmrmtuca ngojmtmgo ogtwmtdstcojmoe tdf trmcas gl bfmoewmtdgut c sdfpdfrj tg afcj tdfh go /^uojcy wcs mojffj c vfry prfnmgus jcycoj tdfrf wfrf/ fmedt sffifrs ct tdfcatcr jurmoe td f sfrvmnfs/ Brg/ Lmee! cyguoe hco gl ergwmoe usfluaofss! wcswmtd hf mo tdms hfftmoe hund tg tdfjfamedt gl td f pfgpaf/ Agoe Bfcnd! Mbfamfvf! dcs c eggj luturf coj tdmsogbaf bcoj gl ~ o j wghfo wmaa bfluaay rfwcrjfj lg r l t fm r agycaty tg td fnc usf gl dgamofss/M luaay fxpfntfj tg nghhfonf c tfoth fftmoe ct /Ecrvmhzc Zufsjcy! ^fptfhbfr 3! but go cnnguot gl td f wcsdgutgo tdf ^cotc Lf tdf t fo t jmj ogt crrmvfmo tmh f/ Dgwfvfr! wf gpfofj lmrf tdfrfLrmjcy omedt/ ^mstfr Auau B/ Rg efr scoj ^mstfr Umasgo dcvf bffo sfnurfj cswgrifr s mo tdms / hfftmoe / ca a td f /scmots / prcy hund lgr tdms hfftmoewdmnd bmjs lcmr tg bf c sunnfsslua nch pcmeo/ Zdf tfot ms sm tuctfj go L c y f t tstrfft bftwffo Hmawcuiff coj Zgafjgstrffts/ Zci f Ecr/vcozc ncr! Ofw ]gristrfft/ Uf ogw dcvf tdrff tfot hff tmoes uo j fr luaa dfcj gl stfch! coj ca a crf pusdmo e tdf bcttaf rfjdgt lg r( luaa scavctmgo/Brg/ Lrfj ^t / Nacmr ms wmtd td f tfotmo Pghgoc mo c sfngoj nchpcme o tdfrf/Coj td f hfftmoes crf wfaa cttfojfj /Brg/ Pmfr nf dcs c eggj h f ~ t m o e uojfrwcy mo ngoofntmgo wmtd dms ndurnd ct\frogo! cssgnmctfj wmtd Brg/ HnNcoo !coj usmoe dms tfot; M t wcs hy prmvmafeftg bf wmtd tdfh /Zdursjcy omedt! coj

    $^fptfhbfr; 30/ Zdf Agrj wcs pco j ecvf erfct lrffjgh Wcoj ambfZd f tfxt lgr td f fvfomoe prfsfrvmnf wcs 2 Pftfr 3 ;:// Ctmoe gl tdf sfrvmnf fvfry gof wcsc ndconf tg tfstmly! coj tdfsf

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909




    dt ms go ( rfca ! surf fo gue d( mooc/ \mntgry ms nghmoe/ Eagry#dcj sghf bafssfj sfrv mnfs ! cojcy wcs c erfct jcy! ca a jcy / P csgo f coj Rfv / Brg//Ucrrfo crfe am if bfcvfrs tg eft td f nd urn dfj / M t wmaa bf c vcaucbaf prgpw d fo tdfy eft tdrgued/ Mt msd c oj p c rsgocef ngh bmo fj/ "I ffpfy f go Pghgoc / " " Uctrd us/ Chfo # M wmaa b f /d fr f mo jflm! gr uotma vmntgry nghfs/^t/ Nacmr/


    ^cbbctd om ghmoe gur pcstgrlrgh tdf tfxt! "Iffp tdytdf lgaagwmoe ^nrmpturf tfxtsgut dfr hfsscef; 3 Zmh/ 6 ;22!tdysfal purf9" Kcs/ 3;25! "Zgdmhsfal uospgttfj lrgh tdf3 Kgdo 6; 2t! "Amt t af ndmajrfo!ygursfavfs lrm/Kh mjgas9" Kujf 2A!ygur/sfavf s mo tdf agvf gl Eg j/ % %f mhpgrtcot t ru td sf t lgrtd wcscltfr Egj tdgrgueday nafcosfj ust gut tdfsf jcoefr smeocas cojacmj tdf r f s p g o ~ m b m a m t y gvfr go ustdfh/ Zdf hfsscef wcsfj tg gur dfcrts! coj c jffp nryup lrgh gur sguas tg Eg j tdc tguaj / dfap us mojmvmjucaay coj cstg / /iffp gursfavfs uospgttfjtdf w g ~ a j " cagoe fvfry amof/f fvfomoe sfrvmnf wcs emvfo gvfrr bafssfj bm(hgotday Agvf(lfcst!tdf yguoe pfgpaf%s Sucrtft

    gl % %Gur Busmofss lgr tdf Imoe!"c ndconf tg tfaa gl wdc t Egjlgr tdfh / Gof sgu a PGVK#dtfstmlmfj tg sc on tmlmnctmgo / coj td fng/ovfrtfj mo tdf fvfomoe wcsduoery tdrgug9d amttaf Prgntgrdghf(egmoe/ n/ J/ NGAF// / /KMM /KMM

    ERCOJ C\FOVF NDVRNDrfpgrt c eggj /jcy c t Ercoj Cvf/nd/ Zdf scmo t s brgue dt tdf dgayrmnday hcvmlfs tfj c t tdf JmsNchpomfftmo-{ t dc t tdfrf wcs clgr gur Agrj// N g o c w ~ t v prfcndfj c t 33 c /h /Kgdo 3;25/ Brg / Brgwo af j tdfhfftmoe/ Dms h fsscnmf wcs luaaf coj pgwfr mo tdf Dga y Edga%at!df s c m o ~ s afcpfj coj p r c m ~ f j Eg ja mvfay pcnf/ Braatdfr Ngocwcy

    c ~ c m o c t 5;:6 go tdf ^/3wfrn// // // //

    HM^^MGOC R / % /^ACZF9

    < tg a#$-! Icoscs coa?fr / Efofrca HmPL mgo sD / L424 Rmvfr/^t / ! aK

    (!9/ /$ m //

    Oczcrfof Hfssfoefr^GVZDFRO DGAKOF^#%, NGAAFEF NCHPHFFZMOE/Lrgh caa p gmots go tdf ^cotc L f r cma(rg c j bftwffo Nagvms c o # a ERFabftwffo ^fptfhbfr 35td tg Gntgbfr bgro mo33td ! monausmvf! tdf rfturo a mhmt bfmoe Ofw yGntg bfr 32td ! td f lcrf wmaa bf go f co j mo Nafvf gof(lmltd lg r td f rguoj trmp / Gt dfr Df nco9rgcj s dcvf bffo csifj lgr r fjunfj wdfrf dr c tfs/ Moqumrf gl ygur lg r schf/ yfcrsZd gsf gu t smj f gl Ofw Hfxm ng sdguaj Normstmcotd fmr tm ni fts tg Nagvms mo nghmoe w c ~ c rrl r gh td f fcst c oj ~ g r t d tg Cabfr( Ndurnd!qufquf gr \ cuedo 3l nghhe lrgh td f ErffafyQ/wfst co j sgutd/ / / Ndurnd mC pacnf wmaa bf prgvmjfj lg r saffpmoe sgos w%dncaa ct tfoj ! b;ot fcnd wmaa brmoe wd ct Erffafy/j j h ~ yg u j fsm rf/ Zdf afcjfr s gl tdf c hmRsmgh/nchpW bf R fvs / F/ C/ L freusgo ! Buj tdf lchmay R gbh sgo/ D / A / Dubbcrj! coj ^g aghgo dcvf gur ssMrmn! wdmnd wmtd Egj%s rmndfst bafssmoesopgo us c ssurfs c ercnmgus hfftmoeNghf prcymoe tdct Eg j hcy emvf erfct ^ vmntg ry mo duojrfjs gl sguas/ p f n3 /Zd ms wmaa/ e mvf ygu c o gpp grtuom ty tgsff gur e rfct nguo t ry cs w faa cs tg c t tfoj t df moff tmoe/ Zd gsf wdg cr f fxpfn tmoe tg c t tfoj sndg ga coj j fs mrf tgjg sghf wg ri tg dfap p cy fxpfosfssdguaj nghf mo tmhf t g w gri go tdfbumajmo e jurmoe tdfsf lmo ca jc ys gl m tsfr fntmgo / U h / K / Bffsgo! Prfsmjfot/Ac Ac ojf/ O fw Hfx m n(g/

    " % /KMM /KMMJM^ZRMNM% C^^FHBAMF^/ / /Zdf lgaagwmoeJmstrmnt Cssfhbamfs crfdfrfby nca afj/ tg hfft cs lgaagws ;Rg 1iy aQaguotcmo Jmstrmnt((^fptfhbfr 2>! 3=0=/ = c / h/ Ct Jfovfr/ Ngag /Ndm1?ceg Nfotrca Jmstr mnt (^ t?ptfhbfr>0! 3=0=! = c / h/ Ct N%cotgo / Maa//P / /L/ Brfsl%P/!Efofrca ^u3-frmo t foj1ot /

    //////////ZFAA CBGVZ MZ/Hfo cr f scvfj by w grj co j fx c hp af/Go#% j r mvfs t d f ocm a! w dm af td f gt dfrj mon dfs mt/ Z g w mt dd gaj fxpf rmfonftg dmjf td f e mlt wd mnd Eg j jfsmeos lg rt df fo am ed tf oh fot c oj pur mlymoe gl ta wwgra j / Hco y c bafssmo e% ms ags t b "%% c o ;(9pmt ms ogt ngolfssfj/ M t e rgws mh pc apc ba a;% mo td f j criofss! coj dmj f;(9 mtsf allrgh os/ os wf dc vf dmjj to mt /// /gtdfrs /Zdfo tfaa yg ur fxpfrmf off/yg ur o fxt jggr tg t %tg t df w gra j/ ZP/aa t df pfrm /Knsos dcs jgof lgr yg ur sgu emvfo Wygu ngo vf rtmo g(Dcs D f sc o o ngl td ctd GQ % %w a

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909


    mconf c trf vfryref ng rKe nctcAnoj / Kttdct nc o

    313 amif tg/vdg jfsmrfm a a try co jsgo!!#jmoe!Nca/

    td f dgamofss; gl "lca a moeBmbaf trutdscmsmoe up co/a ndurndf s Agj td " w csmots/" Coj modf d coj gl% Egjdf frfnt mgo gl

    sdgnifj/ by tdfm j fprcv mty! csmaf acref uomvfr(" hcrrmccf rf ac( (9fj ( m s ;ucnifjEgjafss mostmtu

    !/ jf bcundfrv coje/ D czmom!/ l g g t ~cr f mo dmed/ t/mjf/fo ts! yguoe! nafco/jfbcundfj! mhhgrcafots c r f cstgomsdfj/ifo/ Zdfv / / csi/% % % %Udfr f sdcaa wfmr as7" "Zdf dgamtf coswfr tg td1K'3

    PRC]FR/( ms kust cbgut tg(/af wmaa afcvf)mrst tmhf/! #rfc jyhf

    Oczcrfof W! H f ! s s ~ o e f r /erfctfst% 9 d m ~ e wf nc o jg lgr tdf nga

    ~ f e f s ms ;tg prcy /lgr tdfh 9 coj lg r tdflcnuatmfs coj lgr t df /stujfots/ Af%t usprcy /tdct/ dms hcy bf tdf% erfctfst yfcrmo tdf dmstgry gl td f wgraj lgr rfvmvcas/Eg j ms wmaamoe tdct m t/ sdguaj bf! buttdms tdmoe ( "Nghftd ogt but by ygurprcyfr coj lcstmoe9 " / (Udfo tdfy wfrf caa gl go f cnngrj mo /suppamnctmgo ;t:f Dgay/ ^pmrmt lfaa/ D fwmaa cecmo Vm-jfr tdf schf (( nmrnuhstconfs/ Aft us prcy MJgromoe! oggocoj omedt (prcy / "Umtd c lcmtd tdct wmaa ogt sdrmoi9Zdgued prfssfj(by fvfry lgf9% a %dct wmaa ogt trfhbaf go tdf brmoi Gl co9v fcrtday wgf/% % / ( W(^fafntfj/~ K'3 //

    H C R ~ M F J /Ct tdf dghf gl td f brmjf! mo Udmttmfr %^fptfhbfr 5 t d ! Zufsjcy fvfomoe c t4 ;36! Hr/ D fory ^dfmjfhco! c stujfotgl Jff t %s Pcnmlmn Ngaafef! c rmj Hmss CamnfDfojfrsgo wfrf uomtfj mo hcrrmcef bytd f wrmtfr/ C ouhbfr gl lrmfojs dcjectdfrfj tg dgogr tdf nfrfhgoy/ Brg/^dfmjfhco wmaa ng hpaftf dm s ngursf mo

    Y^fptft9obfrtdf ((sndggA(!coj /;Hrs / d f / m j f htfcnd husmn/ / ! Zdct tdfy hcy e u W m j f j tdrgcoj prfsfrvfj lgr / Egj%s pWreagry! ms gur prcyfr/ U / C/ H

    Z d ~ Purm ty(KgurC hgotday hceczmof jfvgtg rfa%anuf wgr;i co j sgnmcamty/ Zdms ms/co cbay(fjmt9fj% wfaa(egttfo(up kguroca wdjfsfrvfs tdf suppgrtglNdrmstmco pfgpaf/ /RF\/ K/ Z / / V P N ~ N D !Fjmtgr! Ws casg mo (ndcreftd f Dghf! Cramoetgo! Z^foj 30 nfots lg r schpaf n$csi lgr td f Kuof Og/ -^ubsnrmptmgo prmnf! /*m pfr

    CJJRF^^Zdf Purmty KgurCRAMOEZGO! ZFTC^

    ^gutdwfstfro Dgamofss Ngaafef!AC ACOJF! OFU HFTMNG/

    C e ~ o u m ~ f luaa(scavctmgo NqaafeF"! agnctfj go c ! bfcutmlua :FG(cnrf t rcnt cjKgmotdta tgwo go go f smjf uo j 3209000 cnrfs gl rmnd! afvfa acoj rfstrvfj lgr mroectco j sggo tg bf gpfofj lg r fotry! sghf cs nary! tdf gtdfr cs mrrmectfj acojs/ Cgo f hcy lmaf go td f mrrmectfj acoj wdfo tdrgwo gpt(o sggo! wdftdfr!df dcs lgo Egvfrohfot afoc gr ogt! lg r tdms ms tfom tgr mca acoj! co j ms wgrtd *300/00cnrf/ Og sund gpfomoeofcr c Dgamof/c NgamF%K#%f dcs btfo g l l ~ ; 1 r t j lg r lrff dggo lmof! rmnd sgma/ Umtdmo lgur hmafs gl td f N1?aat#ef sfvfrua tdguscoj cnrfs gl ams og w bfmoe mrr/mectfj! ms Wprgjunmoe lrn h *60 tg *300 wgrtd gl calcalc pfr ccooucaay! co j hcy bf dcj go agoe(tmhf pcyh ots lgr *300 p/(r cnrf lgr tdf racoj/ Gur tgvyo ms mo dfcrty syhpctdy wmtd gur NgaaF"k#f co j duoery lgr foscontmlmnctmgo/ Ngaafef ms uojF"oghmoctmgoca! ngt(junctmgoca! mott(osfay rfamecoj hmssm#%ocry/ M t gpfos wmtd nchp(hfftmoe Gntgbfr 3(33! afj by(Dfv/ F/L 1 # r ~ t " " s g o Nghf tg tdms l f33st co j e?#t c eggj dghf c hghr Epj%s pfgpaf/jfpcrthfots lrgh prmhcry tdrgued ngaafef tdc t crf lguoj mo gtdfr dgamofssaPefs/ Fspfnmcaay strgof9 mo mojustrmca! ogrhca co j hmssmgocry jfpcrthf^fvfrm jferff ngursF%s; ^trgoe lcnuaty/ ^fvfrca hgrf nc o pc y pcrt gr ua apfosPs by jgmoe mojustrmca wgri/Lgr nmrnuacrs jfsnrmbmoe td f Ngaafef co j nguotry! cjj fps

    UMAAMCH K/ BFF^ GO! Prfsmjf/ Ac Acojf! K\fwNfotrca Dgamofss V o m v f r s m t y //

    / VOM\FR^MZ] /PCRI/ G^ICAGG^C! ! MGUCNg(fjunctmg#aca Motfrjfoghmoctmgoca

    / 99 (;( ! Ambfrca Crts! Nmvma 9Foemoffrmoe! Cncjfhy! /^ndg (?3 gl Grctgry! ( ndgga gl Husmn/ Nghhgo Brco( Ms gl N g o m h f r ~ l c a Egursf(Bnkgiiffpmoe! W d

    / //; %D 19?o uosurpsfsfjmo / bfcuty;/ Df"/ / /unctgrs /c/oj g a a f e f ( t r c m W o f j r(r a a $/ ( % afj / / /( ; / / W/ /(( ! $o( tdrff yfcrs/ M t ms /nghpgsfj gl gl td f Agrj co j n~ S % - / / /! / fvfry/ jffj /KJc % /;/ (/ ;g fjunctf tdfmr

    C l m g n m ~ t m g o s(% %3 % "%rfctsndggmlVt 3 D 9 / / ; 3 l// / %%M /D "\FR^MD // !

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909


    (30 ^co Pfjrg ^t/ Ags Coefar(((((((( / / (

    Zfxcs Dgamofss Vomv/frsmty! ~ F O M F A ! ZFxCs Dgamofss ^ndgga gl ^trgoe Ndcrcntfr! wmtd Nghpftfot Lcnuaty coj Zdgrgue /^ndgacrsdmp/ Mojgrsfj by td f Efofrca Cssfhbay gl tdf Pfotfngstca Ndurnd gl td f Oczcrfof

    AMZFRCR] UGRI; Prmhcry! Cnd;!fhy! Ngaafef! Zdfgagey! OgrhcFagnutmgo/ Ncrfluacttfotmgo ms emvf/ tg fcnd pupma/ ^ctmslmfj pupmas ms gu %r f n g h h f o j c t m g o ~ / /^NDGGA GL ZDFGAGE]; Foeamsdcoj Erffi ngursfs/ %Bmbaf wgri fqucastdctjgof mo coy trcmomoe sndgga/ Fxnfaafot pacnf tg prfpcrf lgr fmtdfrdghf gr lgrfmeo wgri /NGHHFRNMCA ^NDGGA; Pupmas egjmrfnt lrgh tdms jfpcrthfot tg eggjpcymoe pgsmtmgos Bfst #hftdgjs moBggiiffpmoe/ ^dgrtdcoj coj Zypf%wrmtmoe/ Og bfttfr Busmofss Ngaafef

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - September 16, 1909


    32/ Dfaplua , c j m o e ~ /

    ZDF DICRZ ^ F C R N ~ K ; F R% % M scy! Kgdo! /ms ygur rczgr sdca/p7%%"QQZfaa! m t wcs c wdmaf ceg/""Ocy! ocy! td f Hcstfr dcsW mttafr eggj gaj %dcs bffos/ % Dcs mt / cfft ! iffo fjef /ogw 3 Bf vft9y n c r ~ ( /a wmtd tdct rgued faef! /tdct %dcrj

    fss% rczgt;! Kgdo/ M t puaas bcjay!fso%t jg omnf! nafco wgri/ %Rmtb% mt gof agvf strgp/ Egj agvfs ygu/ wmtd ca as dfcrt/ D f wcots ygu tg agvf Dmhtd f wdgaf gl ygurs/ Df ag yfs ygutg hcif coj iffp yg u nafco/f dctfs td f jmsfcsf gl smo mo/ ygu! hgrfhgtdfr fvfr dctfj td f jmsfcsf tdctdfr gl dfr nd maj/ ^df wcst / ~ ~ r t h ~ ~ ~ ~ s } s ~ ; t m d ~ t Q s # r c f ; ~

    # ]ft mt nuts shcrt! tdcoi Egj/Q%" M scy/ Kgdo ! ms ygur /rczgr wfaa tfh;frfj7 M l mt ms tgg sglt yg u ncoogt iffplmof fjef! m t wma a turo c t fvfry nrgss!t fvfr y jmllmnuaty/ M t wmaa bf/ tg g sgltsullfr/ tgg sglt tg wmtofss/% % M l mt ms tgg dcrj mt wmaa brfci coj/ ]gu wmaa lcma lgr wcot gl pctmfonf!(wcy up td f dmaa tg vmntgry/ /% % M t ms t df lmrf wdmnd nc o prgjunf td furf stffa co j emvf mt kust td f rmedtfr/ Mt ms c jfamnctf prg nfss! butf Agrj nco hcif coj iffp ygu kaa^tdmjjfo mo Dms dcoj! tdf hfssfor gl tdf Ugrj gl Egj! wdmnd ms qumnij / pgwfrlua coj sdcrpfr tdco coyg(fjefj swgrj( tdf %Q1nry ^wgrj glf/ ^pmrmt/ ~ U c y gl Dgamofss/

    Z D ~ BFC/VZ] GL DGAMOF^^/% 3 % 3 3 ~ Q]Grj gl Egj ogt goay spfcis glofnfssmty co j bfoflmt! but gl tdfv gl dgamofss/ Uf dfcr gl co

    wdg wfot gut tg bcttaf! coj mo(%-l usmoe swgrj coj spfcr!a tdf bfcuty gl dgamofss" coj(o td fmr dcrps coj Egj sfot//;tgry / Mo tdrff pacnfs mo td fPscahs wf cr f fxdgrtfj tgp ta3f Agrj mo td f bfcuty gl "crf sc mj mo td f fpmstaf tg tdf/Ks tg dcvf gur "lrumt uotg dgam/% wf cr f tg dcvf ogt goay tdfr! bot casg td f bfcuty gl dgamofss/

    Kj hmedt dcvf crrcoefj mt mo octurf9g tdct lrumt trffs("sdguaj dcvf ogfcuty ! but df emvfs us tdf bagssghs glfcuty coj lrce rc onf co j td f lrumt casg/fss ms amif sghf imojs gl trffs tdctcvf /bgtd /lrom t coj bagssghs c t tdftmh f/ Dgamofss ms ogt goay cnfssmt y! but mt ms casg bfcutmluAZd frf ms og gtdfr qucamty gr ngojmtmgoa3ct wf crf fxpfntfj tg dcvf! tdct msfsnrmbfj mo td f wgrj gl Egj cs pgsfssmoe b fcuty / M t jgfs ogt spfci gldf dncuty gl lcmtd gr agvf! but gl dgamfss; Zdms ms cs mt sdguaj bf! lg r dgamfss ms t df uomgo gl ca a tdct ms eggj modf Ndrmstmco amlf coj ndcrcntfr! wmtd

    Oc/zrufos WHfccfo33/fr/p r g p f ~ t m f s p a ~ c s m o e tg td f fyf! td f fS/r! /td f motfaafnt! (tdf( cfstdftmn lcnuaty grtdf hgrca sfosf;" Zdms ms truf mo rf spfnt tg hgrca bfcuty/ %Mt ms( co cssfhbacef gl td f %spmrmtuca ercnfs wlmmnd crfpafcsmoe tg ~ g r c a sfosf/ M l wf rfcjtd f Bmbafm ngrK9fntay! mt ms co l m / ^ F # f ~ b a c e fgl td f e r c n ~ s gl tdf ^pmrmt w r g u % ~ d t mWus tdct ms pafcsmoe tg Egq/ /Dgamofss ms/ tdf nghbmoctmgo gl caaercnfs/ M t ms amif c ndgmnf ngaafntmgo glrcrfs t lagwfrs/ Dfrf wf dcvf td f lrcerconf gl agvf! tdf bfcuty gl vmrtuf! dfpfrluhf gl du;lmamamty! tdf austrf gl lcmtd!td f crghc gl bfofvgafonf! td f rflrfsdmo e gjgrs gl dgpf coj tdf swfftofss glpctmfonf/ Zdfsf caa uomtf mo gof naustfrgl bfcuty wdmnd ms c kgy lgrfvfrhgrftg ca a wd g dcvf spmrmtuca sfosf tg jmsnfro tdfh/Og wgojfr tdct td f Pscahmst scys!% %Dgamofss bfnghftd tdmof dgusf! 0Agrj! lgrfvfr/" Og td moe nco bf Whgrfbfnghmoe tg /td f dgusf Gl Egj( tdfndurnd ( t d co tdms nghbmoctmgo gl ndcrcntfr wdmnd Egj ncaa s dgamofss/ Ogwgojfr sund ndcrcntfr ncoogt bf dmj/Mt dc!s co crghc wdmnd wmaa bftrcy mt sjwfaamoe pacnf! co j hf o / cs wfaa cscoefas dcvf tg cniogwafjef mt( Nd/rmstmco Umtofss/ // % /^F\FOZD JC] CJ\FOZM^H RFOGVmlNFJ/

    C rfhcricbaf / bggi / by Fajfr Ncormedt! wdg wcs agoe gof gl td f afcjmoecjvgnctfs gl Cjvfotmsh/ Ml ygu crf ctca a motfrf st fj mo tdP subkfnt! gr ml yg udcvf coy lrmfojs wdP crf trgua?afj gotdms subkfnt! ygu sdguaj eft tdms erfctbggi/ M t ms motfosfay motfrfstmoe! cojms prglmtcbaf rfcjmoe lgr coy gof/ ^fotpgstpcmj lg r *3/00 mo nagtd bmojmoe! gr