native mobile development at the speed of web | tiConf AU

native mobile development at the speed of web @davidbankier

Transcript of native mobile development at the speed of web | tiConf AU

  • 1.native mobile development at the speed of web @davidbankier

2. dbankier davidbankier 3. what is the speed of web? 4. iterate as fast as r 5. auto-test as you code 6. version control 7. 8. demo time $ sudo npm install -g tishadow $ mkdir ~/tishadowapp && tishadow app -d ~/tishadowapp $ cd ~/tishadowapp $ titanium build -p iphone -T device -F universal $ titanium build -p android -T device $ tishadow server 9. what we saw $ tishadow run $ tishadow run --update $ tishadow @ run --update $ tishadow run -l nl $ tishadow close $ tishadow clear 10. you testing? 11. what we saw $ tishadow spec $ tishadow @ spec $ tishadow repl $ # addSpy(), getSpy() 12. what you should see Ti Inspector @olivier_morandi 13. just a quick look 14. MVCs Backbone data-binding sudo npm install -g alloy alloy.jmk migrations themes widgets UglifyJS underscore!/guide/Alloy_Framework dynamic styling tools unicorns sync adapters built-ins @fokkezb @tonylukasavage 15. mixins includes iterations templates conditionals 16. mixins includes variables ltss 17. what we saw $ alloy compile --config platform=ios && tishadow run $ alloy compile --config platform=ios && tishadow run -u $ alloy compile --config platform=android && tishadow run 18. $ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli $ npm init . $ #install dev dependancies $ npm install -d 19. 20. YOU ARE BEING PAID TO PRODUCE 21. If you love something set it free but not your app. appify! 22. hold on tight $ mkdir ~/controlled_app $ tishadow appify d ~/controlled_app h p 80 r controller_room $ # automatically track and manage versions $ tishadow server --manage-versions --long-polling $ # for heroku with manage versions and long polling $ echo "web: node server/app.js" > Procfile $ # just works on FTW! 23. .io 24. PRODUCTION NATIVE A-B TESTING 25. download TiSiren from Google Play 26. $ # create, build and distribute an appified app $ mkdir ~/mymanagedapp $ tishadow appify d ~/mymanagedapp ticaster $ cd ~/mymanagedapp $ titanium build p ios T device $ # control $ tishadow deploy --ticaster $ tishadow run --ticaster $ tishadow repl --ticaster 27. questions?