Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins

Transcript of Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Page 1: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Native Americans:Standards

Grade 3

ED 417

By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins

Page 2: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Table of Contents

History People of Societies Geography Economics Government Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Social Studies Skills and Methods

Click on the moccasins to come back to the table of


Page 3: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

History Standard

Benchmark C: Explain how new developments led to the growth of the United States.

Indicator: Describe changes in the community over time including changes in: Architecture and Transportation.

Activity 1: Students will recreate Pueblo architecture using different materials that represent the changes of their housing over time.

Activity 2: Students will use website to discover how Native American transportation has changed over the span of time.

Activity 3: Students will make a PowerPoint to show the change of Native American religion over time.

Page 4: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

History Standard

Benchmark A: Construct time lines to demonstrate an understanding of units of time and chronological order.

Indicator: Place local historical events in sequential order on a time line.

Activity 4: Students will place Ohio Native American migration patterns in chronological order of when they arrived and departed from Ohio.

Activity 5: Students will order historical/ important events of Cherokee culture.

Page 5: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

History Websites

Evolution of Pueblo Architecture Native American Transportation Native American Religious Movements Cherokee History Migration Path

Page 6: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

People in Societies

Benchmark B: Explain the reasons people from various cultural groups came to North America and the consequences of their interactions with each other.

Indicator: Describe settlement patterns of various cultural groups within the local community.

Activity 1: Students will present findings on different cultural groups in the Dayton area with emphasis on Native American Tribes.

Activity 2: Students will draw a picture of how Native Americans settled in Dayton and how people are settled in Dayton today.

Page 7: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

People of Societies

Benchmark A: Compare practices and products of North American cultural groups.

Indicator: Compare the cultural practices and products of the local community with those of other communities in Ohio, the United States, and countries.

Activity 3: Students will create a Venn diagram to compare Dayton Native American culture to Cleveland Native American culture.

Activity 4: Students will create a creative display to show the differences and similarities of Dayton Native American culture to California’s Native Americans.

Activity 5: Students will bring in self create artifacts to demonstrate the differences between Dayton Native Americans and native people of China.

Page 8: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

People of Societies Websites

American Indians: Ohio History Central Venn Diagram California Native Americans Ohio Indian Tribes: Genealogy The Early Origins of China

Page 9: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Geography Standard

Benchmark A: Use map elements or coordinates to locate physical and human features of North America.

Indicator: Use a compass rose and cardinal directions to describe the relative location of places.

Activity 1: Students will use map worksheet that includes cardinal directions to plot out a Native American migration path.

Indicator: Use a number/ letter grid system to locate physical and human features on a map.

Activity 2: Students will use grid map sheet and coordinate directions to recreate Native American tribe settlements. (Coordinate A3 and A4 draw Big House)

Page 10: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Geography Standard

Benchmark B: Identify the physical and human characteristics of places and regions in North America.

Indicator: Identify and describe the landforms and climate, vegetation, population and economic characteristics of the local community.

Activity 3: Students will go to a local farm to see how corn and squash are grown. Students will then discuss how squash and corn might have been grown by early Native Americans.

Activity 4: Students will compare population of today’s Native Americans to the past population of Native Americans.

Page 11: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Geography Standard

Benchmark C: Identify and explain ways people have affected the physical environment of North America and analyze the positive and negative consequences.

Indicator: Identify ways that physical characteristics of the environment affect and have been modified by the local community.

Activity 5: Students will research and tell where Native Americans liked to settle. Were there similarities in locations from state to state? Why might Native Americans lived in certain areas and not in others?

Page 12: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Geography Websites

Native American Agriculture Ohio Map for Plotting Migration Path SunWatch Settlement Setup Native American Population Environment Affects Native Americans

Page 13: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.


Benchmark B: Explain why entrepreneurship, capital goods, technology, specialization and division of labor are important in the production of goods and services.

Indicator: Explain the advantages and disadvantages of specialization and the division of labor to produce items.

Activity 1: Students will make a list of jobs done by women and jobs done by men in a tribe.

Activity 2: Students will give three reasons why women and men did their specific jobs in the tribe.

Activity 3: Students will chose a tribe and tell why hunting is done by a women or man.

Page 14: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.


Benchmark C: Explain how competition affects producers and consumers in a market economy and why specialization facilitates trade.

Indicator: Explain how the local community is an example of a market where buyers and sellers exchange goods and services.

Activity 4: Students will make a PowerPoint showing the different items that they traded with Europeans.

Activity 5: Students will share present information on which Europeans traded with a particular tribe.

Page 15: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Economics Websites

Information on the Great Lakes Tribes

Blackfoot Native Americans

European Trade Goods

European Trade,_traders,_and_explorers/index.html


Page 16: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.


Benchmark A: Identify the responsibilities of the branches of the U.S. government and explain why they are necessary.

Indicator: Explain the structure of local governments and identify local leaders (e.g., township trustees, country commissioners, city council members or mayor).

Activity 1: Students will model a tribal council meeting. Activity 2: Students will model a meeting of the Iroquois

Confederacy. Activity 3: Students will select an Native American chief

and research what his duties are.

Page 17: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.


Indicator: Identify the location of local government buildings and explain the functions of government that are carried out there.

Activity 4: Students will look at the Fort Ancient Native Americans men’s lodge. Students will drawl a picture of what men do in this lodge.

Activity 5: Students will split into groups. Each group will present a different tribal ceremony to the class.

Page 18: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Government Websites

The Iroquois Confederacy

Sun Watch Ceremonies http:// Native American Chiefs Ceremonies for Tribes

Page 19: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities

Benchmark A: Explain how citizens take part in civic life in order to promote the common good.

Indicator: Describe how people help to make the community a better place in which to live including: a. Working to preserve the environment and e. Planning community events.

Activity 1: Students will identify the roles of men and women in planning community events.

Activity 2: Students will the draw a picture showing the role of a chief in planning a community event.

Activity 3: Students will compare how Native Americans helped preserve the environment to how people do now.

Page 20: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Benchmark B: Identify rights and responsibilities of

citizenship in the United Sates that are important for preserving democratic government.

Indicator: Describe the responsibilities of citizenship with emphasis on: a. Voting and b. Obeying laws.

Activity 4: Students will demonstrate how to vote in a Native American tribe.

Activity 5: Students will look at laws that several Native American tribes have. Students will then create their own laws for their own tribe.

Page 21: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Websites Tribe Structure Pow Wows Native American Tribal Rules

Laws Chiefs Duties

Page 22: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Social Studies Skills and Methods Benchmark A: Obtain information from a variety of primary and

secondary sources using the component parts of the source. Indicator: Obtain information about local issues from a variety of

sources including: maps; photos; oral histories; newspapers; letters; artifacts; or documents.

Activity 1: Students will use a map of major Native American groups in Ohio to obtain information on the tribes local environment.

Activity 2: Students will select a Native American artifact, research it, and share what their artifact is used for in a Native American tribe.

Activity 3: Students will look at pictures of people in two different Native American tribes. Students will then compare and contrasts what theses people are wearing.

Page 23: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Social Studies Skills and Methods Benchmark C: Communicate social studies

information using graphs or tables. Indicator: Communicate information using

pictographs and bar graphs. Activity 4: Students will create a bar graph showing

the number of Ohio Native American tribes that lived in a tepee, longhouse or a wigwam.

Activity 5: Students will write a story using pictographs. The story will relate to Native Americans.

Page 24: Native Americans: Standards Grade 3 ED 417 By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins.

Social Studies Skills and Methods Websites Native Americans

Housing Pictographs http:// Pictures http:// Map http://