NATIVE AMERICANS By: Hunter and Nyaliah. The Kwakiutls region was Pacific Northwest. Their Climate...

download NATIVE AMERICANS By: Hunter and Nyaliah. The Kwakiutls region was Pacific Northwest. Their Climate is Recourses, Wood. Their food is Berries, Ocean Animals,

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THE NEZ PERCE The Nez Perce have lived in Plateau region of North America for a long time. Their most favorite food was “Salmon”.

Transcript of NATIVE AMERICANS By: Hunter and Nyaliah. The Kwakiutls region was Pacific Northwest. Their Climate...

NATIVE AMERICANS By: Hunter and Nyaliah The Kwakiutls region was Pacific Northwest. Their Climate is Recourses, Wood. Their food is Berries, Ocean Animals, and Salmon. Their clothing is Skirts, Aprons, Capes, Hats. THE KWAKIUTL THE NEZ PERCE The Nez Perce have lived in Plateau region of North America for a long time. Their most favorite food was Salmon. THE SEMINOLE The Seminole people were once part of the Greek tribe. When European settlers arrived, some of the Greek people stayed behind. THE PAWNEE The Pawnee are a tribe of Native Americans from the Great Plains. The Originally lived near the Missouri River, in Nebraska and Kansas. THE INUIT The Inuit lived in the Artic, Their food is seal, walrus, fish, polar bear, caribou. Their clothing is Fur and Leather. Their Shelter is Igloos.