National Yemen - Issue 05

YOUR NEW NEWSPAPER Marginalized may have a better life, clean skin and nice looking, if they get the right enlightens and proper educa- tion Marginalized may have a better life, clean skin and nice looking, if they get the right enlightens and proper education Photo AMIRA AL-SHARIF Athmar Hashem NY-Aden Things are getting back to normal in Al-Tawahi Directorate in Aden Governorate after yesterday’s bloody Saturday morning terrorist attack. It has been reported that terrorists broke into the gate of an office affiliate to the political security at 8:30 a.m. The assault continued until 9:00 a.m. as the terrorists used RBGs, hand grenades and machine guns, which resulted in the death of seven security workers, three women and a seven year-old child. The terrorists opened fire on children and women who were near and inside the building, and several others were injured. Locals said there were four attackers who are believed to belong to al-Qaeda organization. The terrorists were traveling in a white Cressida car along with a bus that was most likely going to be used for the escape of some of prisoners from the political security office. According to some sources, the assailants managed to release some of their prisoners and fled away. The security authorities have secured the building in Al-Tawahi and imposed a security cordon and have prohibited people from approaching it. Authorities have also created a number of security posts at the entrances and exits of the city in pursuit of the attackers. Media have also been banned from approaching the building and a number of journalist cameras have been confiscated. Continued on ( 3 ) Sources of the National Yemen newspaper have learned that the staff of the Ministry of Youth and Sports have postponed a strike which was planned due to their poor working conditions, transportation allowance and therapeutic aid cuts. The Personnel Affairs Committee additionally proposed the strike because of low monthly wages and lack of health insurance, which led to the death of another employee in the ministry as he could not afford medicine. Postponement of the strike was called because of the absence of Minister Hamoud Obad who is in South Africa and also because of the absence of Sheikh Hussein Al-Sharif who is in Cairo, Egypt. The newspaper learned that staff of the ministry are planned to establish their own union after carrying out the strike, which bears the slogan, “We are all Musleh Mohammed.” Musleh Mohammed is an employee who died of asthma, not being able to afford an inhaler to treat his condition. The demands of employees include: Contracting with a hospital for treatment of the employees and their families, providing medicine for people with chronic conditions, and providing for the costs of cases that require treatment abroad; Improving the conditions of those who have contracts with the ministry by raising wages according to the Republican Resolution and employing them officially, particularly the ones with special needs; Improving the conditions of the female staff in the ministry and treating them as equally as men in relation to bonuses and promotions. SANA’A , June 19 The Studies and Economic Media Center (SEMC) and the UNDP signed a draft preparation on Saturday for a guide of transparency and right of access to information, which is the first of its kind in this field. The guide contains procedures for applying the principles of transparency and disclosure of information in the public, private civil society institutions, the head of the SEMC, Mustafa Nasr, said to Saba. He explained that the guide includes local and international legislative pillars, including standards of transparency and access to information in the public and private, civil society institutions and mechanisms of implementing them. Preparing for this guide comes in response to the recommendations of the project “the level of Yemeni institutions’ commitment to transparency and information disclosure,” which was carried out by the center last year in cooperation with the UNDP. The Director of the project to support media and civil society organizations in advocating for transparency at the UNDP, Hassan al-Ansi, commented that the guide is an important step in NY exclusive SEMC, UNDP Prepare for Transparency Guide SUNDAY , June 20, 2010 VOLUME 01 - ISSUE 05 PRICE: YER 30 WWW.NATIONALYEMEN.COM National Yemen The Facts As They Are Empowering children through student councils Vacancies TOTAL E&P YEMEN Government lifted the subsidies on diesel Yemeni Heritage .. in the hands of the West 04 06 08 10 Seven Political Secu- rity Members Killed by al-Qaeda Attack Ministry of Youth and Sports Postpone Strike Repose returns to Al-Tawahi City after an armed attack on political security building Ethiopians deported back home Yemen LNG to honor deals with GDF, Total, Korea Gas The Security Department in Hodeidah province has sent about 75 Ethiopians to the Immigration and Passport Authority (IPA) in the cap- ital Sana’a reported the interior ministry. The Hodeidah Security Department said that the arrestees have been held previously for their illegal entry to the country. The IPA is carrying out the required procedures to deport the Ethiopi- ans to their home, said the ministry. It is worth mentioning that the Hodeidah Security Department has sent 400 Ethiopian infiltrators to the IPA early in June. Yemen LNG Co. will honor its liquefied natural gas contracts with buyers including Total SA, GDF Suez SA and Korea Gas Corp., an official said, after the Middle Eastern state proposed to review them. “They are long-term contracts which are binding and will con- tinue to be respected,” François Rafin, managing director of Ye- men LNG, said by telephone from Paris today. “The three contracts are priced at market prices.” He declined to give de- tails on the prices, citing confi- dentiality agreements. Yemeni President Ali Abdul- lah Saleh ordered a review of LNG contracts signed between Yemen LNG and customers to bring them in line with current gas prices, the official Saba news agency reported on June 15. Yemen has turned to gas as an alternative to oil, the source of 75 percent of its income. Crude production may drop to 260,000 barrels a day this year from 440,000 barrels a day in 2001, according to U.S. Energy De- partment data. GDF Suez is the plant’s biggest customer at 2.55 million metric tons of the fuel a year, followed by Korea Gas and Total at 2 mil- lion tons each, according to data on the website of Yemen LNG.


Issue number 05 of National Yemen newspaper

Transcript of National Yemen - Issue 05


Marginalized may have a better life, clean skin and nice looking, if they get the right enlightens and proper educa-tion Marginalized may have a better life, clean skin and nice looking, if they get the right enlightens and proper education


to A






Athmar HashemNY-Aden

Things are getting back to normal in Al-Tawahi Directorate in Aden Governorate after yesterday’s bloody Saturday morning terrorist attack. It has been reported that terrorists broke into the gate of an office affiliate to the political security at 8:30 a.m. The assault continued until 9:00 a.m. as the terrorists used RBGs, hand grenades and machine guns, which resulted in the death of seven security workers, three women and a seven year-old child. The terrorists opened fire on children and women who were near and inside the building, and several others were injured.

Locals said there were four attackers who are believed to belong to al-Qaeda organization. The terrorists were traveling in

a white Cressida car along with a bus that was most likely going to be used for the escape of some of prisoners from the political security office. According to some sources, the assailants managed to release some of their prisoners and fled away.

The security authorities have secured the building in Al-Tawahi and imposed a security cordon and have prohibited people from approaching it. Authorities have also created a number of security posts at the entrances and exits of the city in pursuit of the attackers. Media have also been banned from approaching the building and a number of journalist cameras have been confiscated. Continued on ( 3 )

Sources of the National Yemen newspaper have learned that the staff of the Ministry of Youth and Sports have postponed a strike which was planned due to their poor working conditions, transportation allowance and therapeutic aid cuts. The Personnel Affairs Committee additionally proposed the strike because of low monthly wages and lack of health insurance, which led to the death of another employee in the ministry as he could not afford medicine.

Postponement of the strike was called because of the absence of Minister Hamoud Obad who is in South Africa and also because of the absence of Sheikh Hussein Al-Sharif who is in Cairo, Egypt. The newspaper learned that staff of the ministry are planned to establish their own union after carrying out the strike, which

bears the slogan, “We are all Musleh Mohammed.” Musleh Mohammed is an employee who died of asthma, not being able to afford an inhaler to treat his condition. The demands of employees include: Contracting with a hospital for treatment of the employees and their families, providing medicine for people with chronic conditions, and providing for the costs of cases that require treatment abroad; Improving the conditions of those who have contracts with the ministry by raising wages according to the Republican Resolution and employing them officially, particularly the ones with special needs; Improving the conditions of the female staff in the ministry and treating them as equally as men in relation to bonuses and promotions.

SANA’A , June 19 The Studies and Economic Media Center (SEMC) and the UNDP signed a draft preparation on Saturday for a guide of transparency and right of access to information, which is the first of its kind in this field.

The guide contains procedures for applying the principles of

transparency and disclosure of information in the public, private civil society institutions, the head of the SEMC, Mustafa Nasr, said to Saba.

He explained that the guide includes local and international legislative pillars, including standards of transparency and

access to information in the public and private, civil society institutions and mechanisms of implementing them.

Preparing for this guide comes in response to the recommendations of the project “the level of Yemeni institutions’ commitment to transparency and information

disclosure,” which was carried out by the center last year in cooperation with the UNDP.

The Director of the project to support media and civil society organizations in advocating for transparency at the UNDP, Hassan al-Ansi, commented that the guide is an important step in

NY exclusive

SEMC, UNDP Prepare for Transparency Guide

Sunday, June 20, 2010Volume 01 - ISSue 05

PrIce: yer 30

www.natIonalyemen.comNationalYemenThe Facts As They Are

Empoweringchildren through student councils


Government lifted the subsidies on diesel

Yemeni Heritage .. in the hands of the West 04 06 08 10

Seven Political Secu-rity Members Killed by al-Qaeda Attack

Ministry of Youth and Sports Postpone Strike

Repose returns to Al-Tawahi City after an armed attack on political security building

Ethiopians deported back home

Yemen LNG to honor deals with GDF, Total, Korea Gas

The Security Department in Hodeidah province has sent about 75 Ethiopians to the Immigration and Passport Authority (IPA) in the cap-ital Sana’a reported the interior ministry.

The Hodeidah Security Department said that the arrestees have been held previously for their illegal entry to the country.

The IPA is carrying out the required procedures to deport the Ethiopi-ans to their home, said the ministry.

It is worth mentioning that the Hodeidah Security Department has sent 400 Ethiopian infiltrators to the IPA early in June.

Yemen LNG Co. will honor its liquefied natural gas contracts with buyers including Total SA, GDF Suez SA and Korea Gas Corp., an official said, after the Middle Eastern state proposed to review them.

“They are long-term contracts which are binding and will con-tinue to be respected,” François Rafin, managing director of Ye-men LNG, said by telephone from Paris today. “The three contracts are priced at market prices.” He declined to give de-tails on the prices, citing confi-dentiality agreements.

Yemeni President Ali Abdul-lah Saleh ordered a review of LNG contracts signed between Yemen LNG and customers to bring them in line with current gas prices, the official Saba news agency reported on June 15.

Yemen has turned to gas as an

alternative to oil, the source of 75 percent of its income. Crude production may drop to 260,000 barrels a day this year from 440,000 barrels a day in 2001,

according to U.S. Energy De-partment data.

GDF Suez is the plant’s biggest customer at 2.55 million metric

tons of the fuel a year, followed by Korea Gas and Total at 2 mil-lion tons each, according to data on the website of Yemen LNG.

Sunday, June 20, 2010 www.nationalyemen.com2 National YemenADVERTISMENTS

Seven Political Security Members Killed by al-Qaeda AttackContinued from (1)

Eye-witnesses to the attack said there had been exchange of fire between the security forces and the attackers, and afterwards ambulances came to carry away the injured women to Ba Suhaib Military Hospital Al-Tawahi. The injured men were rushed to the Al-Jumhoori Education Hospital in Khor Maksar Directorate in Aden, only after the civil defense officers were able to extinguish the fires that broke out in the attacked building.

The Security Committee in Aden called an emergency meeting, however there has been no news on the results

of that meeting until now. Political security is currently investigating the crime in cooperation with the security units that were in the building as well as with those injured in hospital.

It should be noted that this operation came one day after a statement from Al-Qaeda was broadcasted by Al-Jazeera Television. The statement accused the Yemeni government of trying to “sow discord among the tribes” in the valley of Obaidah Al-Yemeni and threatened to retaliate against those who were behind the killing of women and children there.

The United Insurance ranked first among the Yemeni insurance companies by 45% in volume of the insurance market of Yemen, and more than 50% in each of fire insurance and life and marine in-surance companies, according to 2009 statistics issued by the De-partment of Research and Devel-opment in the United Insurance Co., in cooperation with the Ye-meni Insurance Union.

The director of the company, Tariq Abdul-Wase’ Hael, said the company was able to raise its market share from 42% in 2008 to 45% in 2009 which confirms the excellent and thoughtful approach pursued by United for nearly 30 years. Mr. Hael thanks all those who were behind this success.

He included that the manage-ment of the United Insurance Co. focused on keeping pace with

progress in the fields of the in-ternational insurance industry to ensure better providing and fast-er insurance services in order to become the first and pioneering company in the insurance mar-ket. This has been reflected in its performance and through the im-provement of services in which new concepts have been created. These developments have gained the confidence of the company’s

customers at local and interna-tional levels.

It should be noted that the com-pany announced the distribution of 2% of the surplus of Taka-ful (Solidarity) insurance for its customers, from the first year of establishing the Solidarity Insur-ance Department in the company.

Yemen: the United Insurance Company announced the distri-bution of surplus Takaful (Soli-darity) insurance to its subscrib-ers last week, with the exception of those who are insured, whose compensation exceeded their mortgages.

Tarek Abdel-Wase’, the compa-ny’s General Manager, mentioned that every insured person has been granted 2% of the surplus of the insurance activity, confirming

that the Takaful Insurance De-partment has achieved great suc-cess and excellent profits.

He added that the company was able to establish the principle of Takaful Insurance in the insur-ance in the Yemeni market and has fulfilled its promises since the launch of the Department of the Takaful Insurance by dividing the profits of the Takaful surplus amongst shareholders. It is im-portant to mention that the com-

pany’s clients are real partners in the process of insurance, where Islamic insurance is based on the principle of interdependence and solidarity for the shareholders. This principle provides the sub-scribers with a share of the profits according to their contribution at the end of every year through the company’s surplus of the insur-ance.

Profits were distributed with the consent of the Legal Board of the

Takaful Insurance Department and the application of the princi-ple of Takaful insurance, which is based on the partnership of those who are insured with part of the profits.

The company is proud to an-nounce that it came first in 2009 among the Yemeni insurance companies by 45% in the size of the insurance market in the total Yemeni insurance.

From the first year of operations, the United Insurance Company has ensured the distribution of 2% surplus Takaful (Solidarity) Insurance

World Bankand Yemen agree on annual meetings

WTO GS to participate in 33rd UNWTO meeting to be held in Sana’a

Saada governor briefed on Houthis breaches

Eritrea releases Yemeni fishermen

The Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Abdul Karim al-Arhabi met in Sana’a on Saturday with Yemen’s official at the World Bank, Mirza Hassan.

In the meeting, the two sides reviewed arrangements for convening annual meetings between the World Bank and the Yemeni government, which would be devoted for discussing issues related to priorities of infrastructure and social projects in Yemen.

They dealt with aspects of the existing cooperation between Yemen and the World Bank and means of boosting them to serve the common goals.

Al-Arhabi praised the World Bank’s contributions to support the development and reforms in Yemen, confirming the Yemeni government’s keenness to boost areas of cooperation with the bank.

For his part, the WB’s official affirmed the World Bank’s interest to continue to offer all aspects of possible support to the Yemeni government efforts to go ahead in applying reforms.

On another hand, al-Arhabi met the UN-WB joint mission to assess the needs for

reconstructing the affected areas due to the rebellion war in Saada province.

He discussed with the mission details related to the field survey for assessing the reconstruction needs in Saada and ways to benefit from the survey results in the government efforts to accelerate the process of reconstruction.

Al-Arhabi voiced his appreciation for the mission’s attention to support the government’s efforts aiming at reconstruction in Saada and addressing the humanitarian and social situations in the province.

On the same level, al-Arhabi discussed with the representative of the UK Department for International Development (DFID), Joanna Reid, a number of issues related to enhancing cooperation between Yemen and the UK.

The two sides dealt with trends of the British support to Yemen for the coming years and the progress in the implementation of the UK-funded projects in various sectors as well as topics related to supporting the government efforts for applying the national agenda for reforms.

Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization Tarik al-Refaai and Chairman of the Organization of Arab Tourism Bandar Bin Fahd al-Fuhaid will participate next Tuesday in the 33rd meeting of the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for the Middle East to be held in Sana’a with the participation of 12 Arab countries.

In a statement to Saba, Minister of Tourism Nabil al-Faqih said this meeting will reflect the importance the status

of Yemen on the international tourism map to strengthen the joint Arab action for tackling crises and challenges that hinder tourism industry development.

Minister of Tourism Nabil al-Faqih pointed out that the meeting will be devoted to iscuss several issues in the forefront of the implementation of the outcomes of tourism recovery plan approved by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in its last meeting in Kaschstan.

The assigned committee to supervise implementation of the six terms in Saada with regard to the Houthis held on Saturday a meeting with the governor of Saada Taha Hajir and discussed situations of the governorate and steps to settle peace in addition to what have been accomplished of the six terms and their mechanisms.

The committee acquainted the governor with a number of breaches committed by the Houthis such as intervention in the local authority affairs in the districts, armed groups in the

districts’ centers and hindering the local authorities of the districts to takeover their tasks.

On the other hand, the governor chaired a meeting for the Security Committee in the governorate which shed lights on peace and security settlement in the governorate, in addition to implementation of the six terms by the Houthis.

The meeting also reviewed work process of relief organizations and procedures to facilitate their humanitarian work in the governorate.

Eritrean authorities have re-leased on Saturday Yemeni fish-ermen after detaining them with their boats in the international waters in the past two days.

The Information Center of Inte-rior Ministry has reported that the coast guards in al-Khobah and al-Luhia said that four fishermen reached Luhai port on a Yemeni boat.

The fishermen briefed that they were detained by the Eritrean people from the open sea to Mo-sawea region and confiscated the four boats along with their con-tents.

Investigation is underway to disclose all the suspicions, Luhai and Khobah security authorities have said.

Continued from (1)strengthening a culture of transparency in various governmental

institutions and the private sector and civil society organizations.It is planned that the guide would be prepared by a team of experts

who are specialized in the various axes of the guide.

SEMC, UNDP Prepare for Transparency Guide

Morals or money?

A man can find two types of people in his lifetime: those who work with morals or those who work for the money. Through the observations of my recent busi-ness in National Yemen, I can say that morals have challenging obstacles in their way in order to overcome the allure of money. From my prospective of relations, people may work with someone for just his personal attitudes and others may look into the financial background and political issues, so they can be assured of their moral relations and their financial gain, what they would be getting in return.

In morals you will be warmly welcomed and by money, too. You can nominate who will wel-come you for money and who will welcome you for money, for your efforts or personal attitudes. So far at National Yemen we can observe that 50% of whom we are meeting are welcoming us by our efforts, taking the hidden agenda into a later time.

Spending money on a new

newspaper in Yemen is not an

easy matter. People who do not about journalism, how a newsp-per can come out, would ask me different questions, but all can be narrowed to one: Is your business run by morals or money? They ask why someone would spend their money on a newspaper. How can you benefit from this? Is this a mutual beneficiary business?

It’s understandable why they would ask me these questions. The business environment now a days, goes in between a huge con-flict: whom to believe, the morals or the money? Even if you have the morals, people may doubt that you are actually working for the money.

From my long experience in the field, I can tell you that it is not what it seems. It seems to be harder to understand each mental-ity type of thinking. They act ac-cording to what they want from you and behave clearly as the situation is like this. Should we take the situation, the morals or the money?

In Yemen we have a proverb

that says, “If you have one riyal, you are worth two. But if you have no riyals, you are worth nothing.” From my experience, the minority believes in working with morals, and unfortunately, the majority is drawn to the glim-mer of money.

It’s hard to survive on morals,

so it becomes a lifestyle conflict, but we promise our readers that we will continue with the mor-als, where we think it is the right path for National Yemen, to pass its slogan, “The facts as they are” whether it goes with the type of morals or money. As they say, the manners make the man, not the money makes the man.

Fakhri al-ArashiPublisher & Chief Editor

Sunday, June 20, 2010 3National Yemen LOCALUnited Insurance Company Attracts 45 Percent Share of Yemeni Insurance Market

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SOCIALSunday, June 20, 2010 www.nationalyemen.com4 National YemenEmpowering children through student councils

Fatima Al [email protected]

It is very much their own meeting; they arrange the agenda, prepare plans and make decisions for school activities. Ayaat Fadl, a 13 year old boy is the head of the student council in the Bir Ahmed school. She is in grade nine and it is the first time for her to have this or any responsibility in her school. It was difficult for her to understand her role as the head of the student council, but with the support of the school administration and other students she and her council members are trying to represent the other students to take the lead in making a positive difference in the school and the community. Through an election among all the students, with strong competition, she was awarded this position. ‘The elections were like real elections, it was a great day’, says Ayaat proudly. “My role is to call regular meetings with the other members of the student council. In these meetings we make a weekly plan; I have to follow up the implementation of the plan, see what the achievements are, as well as what the obstacles are we faced,” Said Ayaat, briefing us upon her role. Ayaat believes that she can play an important role in improving student capacity through implementing activities students themselves identify and implement.

Ayaat’s experience in leading the student council also strengthens her, and gives her and her friends more confidence. They push the school administration to ensure that the students’ issues are addressed. “We arrange periods when we can listen to the students, and ensure that students can talk to us, and hope to solve their problems.” She elaborated: “Our goal is to make our school

an inclusive school in which every child regardless of his / her color, gender, nationality, ability has the right to access and receive quality education.”

Bir Ahmed school is one of the 10 inclusive schools in the Aden governorate that are supported by the ‘Save the Children’ charitable organisation, through an Inclusive Education project that is funded by ‘Dubai Cares’. It aims at increasing school enrollment among those children that are excluded, especially from poor and vulnerable groups of society, such as girls, and children with disabilities etc.. ‘Save the Children’ believes that building schools is simply not enough by itself; education will only take place when children come to school, stay in school and enjoy learning. One aspect of an inclusive school is its links with the community. To encourage greater community participation in schools, Save the Children in cooperation with Dubai Cares supports active parent councils and establishes student councils for both girls and boys.

In Bir Ahmed school and other schools of the Inclusive Education project, the role of the student council does not stop in school; the councils realized that issues in school are often linked with the community and issues are much better solved with the involvement of the community. They receive a lot of support from community leaders such as the Imam of the Mosque.

Osama Hisham, a 13 year old boy and Mariam Awad Ali, a 12 year old girl are the members of the social sub-committee in the students council. Their roles are to strengthen the link between the school and the community around

it. For example, one day there had been a complaint that cheating during exams was affecting the school. They discussed this in their meeting and decided to arrange with the Imam of the Mosque in their community to make it the topic of Al-Juma (Friday) mid day sermon. They arranged a meeting with the Imam and he was happy to support the school council in their issue. “To reach more women, also, in the afternoon lectures at the mosque we highlight issues such as this and discuss it with the girls who attend the Mosque lectures in the women section,” Mariam explained.

Peer to peer training on health and nutrition

Save the Children uses a rights-based, inclusive and educational approach to promote greater enrollment of children and to decrease school dropout rates. Another aspect of an inclusive school is that it is a clean and healthy school. Through the introduction of a health and nutrition education program and awareness campaign, children are provided with the necessary information and skills which are essential to improve their health. This program is implemented in the community to reach both those children who attend school and those children who do not. This program aims at teaching healthy behaviors through participatory and interactive methods and is implemented by older children. The program also supports national programs of de-worming, micronutrient supplementation and other similar campaigns. The student councils play an important role in the implementation of this program.

In the village of Bir Ahmad 66 young people (boys and girls) were trained by Save the Children and they worked for two months with 882 children in their communities to teach them about nutrition.

The program uses the “Child to Child’ approach, whereby children teach other children and also adults on the new information and skills that they learn. It was new to see children learn by playing games, singing and listening to stories about health and nutrition. The children really liked to sing songs about the importance of vitamin C, A and eating fruits instead of sweets.

These sessions with the children include some homework for the children after each session. Children are asked to interview their mothers, or observe some practices at home. Through this interaction, family members start to ask questions of what the children are learning. Family members of the children started to listen to the children, especially mothers. Hana Awad, one of the volunteers who participated in the nutrition training in Eqbal School in Alwaht district, one of the 15 inclusive Education schools in Lahaj governorate. She worked

with 25 children (boys and girls) between 6-17 years old about nutrition for two months.

Every day Huda receives new children who have heard about the program from other children in the neighborhood. Even when she was walking in street, children stopped her and asked her more about nutrition. Children were very interested and curious to know and learn more about nutrition. “One day I was walking in the street and saw some children train other children in the street on what is healthy food and why it is better to eat healthy food. I was happy to see children making good use of what they learned in the program and how they are willing to learn more and transfer what they learnt to their friends.” Huda happily expressed.

The child-centric health and nutrition education program is done in close coordination with sanitation programs which aim to refurbish, and in some cases simply construct, toilets and drinking water fountains for the boys and girls in schools. It has been a difficult task to ensure that the schools have latrines that are suitable and sustainable in a state where there is not much water.

It is very much their own meeting; they arrange the agenda, prepare plans and make decisions for school activities. Ayaat Fadl, a 13 year old boy is the head of the student council in the Bir Ahmed school.

The program uses the “Child to Child’ approach, whereby children teach other children and also adults on the new information and skills that they learn. It was new to see children learn by playing games, singing and listening to stories about health and nutrition. The children really liked to sing songs about the importance of vitamin C, A and eating fruits instead of sweets.

This campaign a dressed various social issues such as adoption, rehabilitation, women’s professional vocational development, literacy programs and the establishment of charitable medical centers in poor areas. These charitable centers provides vital medical laboratory equipment, organizes medical convoys, as well as, providing environmental and

health educational programs about malaria prevention and blood donation.

Along with other similar topics affecting the society the campaign concluded with the closing ceremony. Raed Ahmed, the Executive Chairman of MTN Yemen Company, and Ali Abdul-Wareth, the Executive Vice Chairman, pointed out that the campaign was devoted

to community support and supplements the State’s efforts to satisfy the community’s needs throughout the year.

MTN Yemen’s strategy also aims at establishing a genuine partnership such as this one with the private sector, governmental and non-governmental organizations involved in community development services. Ahmed

and Abdul-Wareth indicated that the company’s dedication by collaborating with the National Committee to Raise Awareness and signing several agreements and contracts to support the community and help citizens to overcome hardships. One of the partnerships that both Raed and Abdul- Wareth expressed the most pride in is the partnership agreement between the company

and the Ministry of Education which resulted in the Program of Eradicating Illiteracy and Adult Education in cooperation with the National Committee for Awareness. These initiatives provides salaries for 300 teachers in literacy and adult education classes for two years in many governorates. One hundred of these teachers in literacy and adult education classes are in

Sana’a for the current academic year.

Zaid Al-Shami, member of parliament, praised MTN Yemen’s support and aid to the disabled, orphans, and other associations interested in people with special needs. Al-Shami also expressed hope that the other companies will follow the example and support all efforts of social development.

MTN Yemen Company concludes their 21-days of social campaigning

In collaboration

with the National

Committee to Raise

Awareness MTN Ye-

men concluded

their 21-days of

campaign for social



Natco the sole agent of Porsche in Yemen celebrated last week the arrivel of the New Porsche Cayenne into Yemen Market. The cermony tookplace at the movenpick hotel, with the presence of high dignitries officials and customers. Dur-ing the launch Mr. Jamal Hayel Saeed, Natco Automotive Gen-eral Manager, deleiver speech on the occasion. He siad, New Porsche Cayenne gain a unquie feature like Fuel Consumpution, efficiecy, more dynamic and also with hybrid drive, pointing into the future of technology and in sporting, elegant design – the new Cayenne is more Porsche than ever before.

Like every Porsche, the new Cayenne has been developed according to the principle of Porsche Intelligent Perfor-mance: more power on less fuel, greater efficiency and lower CO2 emissions.

The new Cayenne is entering the Yemen market on 16 june 2010.

Depending on the specific ver-sion of the Cayenne, the driver is able to adjust the car’s offroad abilities in various stages.

All systems are therefore opti-mised for offroad requirements with the objective to improve traction on rough terrain. A sepa-rate switch on the Cayenne S Hybrid, for example, serves to activate Porsche Hill Control as an assistance function cutting in

as of a gradient 12 per cent.The new Cayenne stands out

clearly as a genuine Porsche right from the start – also within the interior.

New in its design and configura-tion, the interior with its demand-ing architecture clearly reflects

the objective to combine greater flexibility with enhanced every-day driving qualities. Function-ality, ergonomics and superior comfort for up to five occupants were the essential points from the start in designing the interior.

Sunday, June 20, 2010 5National Yemen

New Porsche Cayenne: Fuel Consumption up to 23 per cent Lower

Sunday, June 20, 2010 www.nationalyemen.com6 National YemenVacancies

Sunday, June 20, 2010 7National Yemen Vacancies

Sunday, June 20, 2010 www.nationalyemen.com8 National YemenBUSINESS

Faoud al-Kadi

Government lifted the subsidies on diesel and industrialists warn of closure

This was reflected on the in-crease in transport fares and pric-es of foodstuffs and what made matters worse is the last decision of raising the price of factories’ purchases of diesel, which is the main engine of other national in-dustrial production. This will hurt the other heavy domestic produc-tion and the Yemeni employment and the promotion of foreign products over domestic products, which could lead to the closure of most local factories and leak-age of much of the employment and increase of unemployment in the country. The government said that it has made these decisions under the pretext of combating and eliminating smuggling. On the other hand, a number of busi-nessmen stressed that these deci-sions may have a negative impact on the volume of internal smug-gling and might lead to emerging of a black market as a result of the difference between the price of diesel sold to manufacturers and the price sold from them to others. Such rapid changes called for investors and businessmen in Yemen to hold an emergency meeting mid this week, which included the heads of chambers of commerce and industry in the Capital Secretariat and the gover-norates of the republic. They dis-cussed the increases and issued a statement demanding the gov-ernment to revoke its decision of raising the price of diesel on pur-chases of factories or laboratories and individual and health institu-tions and hospitals, enterprises and hotel facilities because it will weaken the Yemeni industry and turn the country into a weak con-sumer in the global market.

The statement said the cham-bers of commerce and industry in all provinces of the republic had received during the last period a lot of warnings from the manu-facturers and producers that the implementation of the resolution will lead to the closure of facto-ries and the laying off of many workers, especially with the lack of equality between the domestic product and foreign product be-cause of the high-cost of the do-mestic product compared with the cost of foreign production, which receives major support in the tar-iff of electricity or diesel prices or tariffs of customs or costs of

infrastructure. The government had confirmed on its part that the support of oil derivatives cost the state treasury a lot of money and this support remains a consider-able burden on the state budget and says that the bill of supporting oil derivatives in 2008 reached nearly 4 billion dollars due to the large increases in prices and quantities of oil derivatives that have been imported from abroad. Despite the decline of support to about half in the year 2009, this support remains a great burden on the state budget according to the government. Therefore, the gov-ernment recently resorted to lift subsidies partially although it ad-mitted that there are complicated economic, political and security conditions which the country is undergoing.

The government has indicated that such decisions were made in the time of the decline in the over-all revenues of the state with the knowledge that these decisions will result in a negative impact on alleviating poverty in Yemen, but it says that it was forced to imple-ment them.

Economists stressed that the de-cision to lift subsidies is a sound economic decision. They said, however, that the state must take into account that the price of die-sel must be subsidized for agri-culture and local factories as it will eventually be reflected on the level of poverty in Yemen, par-ticularly after the devaluation of the national currency against for-eign currencies. The national cur-rency witnessed a decline of 12 % during the first quarter of 2010, whereas the riyal exchange rate deteriorated substantially equiva-lent to the reduction that occurred over the past five years, when the exchange rate rose from 185 to 200 riyals against the dollar dur-ing the period from 2004 -2008. And during 2009 and until Janu-ary 2010 it had risen to about 213 riyals against the dollar despite the intervention of the Central Bank of Yemen for a year. The bank’s reports indicate that the exchange

rate reached during June the cur-rent, 226 riyals against the dollar despite the bank’s interventions in the last period.

On its part, the Yemeni Industri-alists Association confirmed that it was surprised by the rise in the sale price of diesel for industrial plants, as it exceeded 300% all at once and all of a sudden, with-out consultation or coordination with the industrial sector, which is basically concerned with this decision and affected most by it with the lack of any alternatives and solutions that enable the na-tional industry, which is already overburdened, to deal with such a decision. The statement issued by the association said that this in-crease will be reflected seriously on the cost of production in the light of large and growing chal-lenges for unfair and non-equal competition coming from over-seas, especially from East Asia and neighboring countries. These challenges are represented in sim-ilar products and items, whose producers and manufacturers get all the direct and indirect sup-port in their countries. The sup-port they get is not only limited to the provision of modern and adequate infrastructure including industrial zones that are equipped with the best and latest integrated and affordable equipment, but also it goes beyond that to include various incentives and facilities of concessional and long-term fi-nancing to various tax tariff cuts. These facilities are lacking in the investment and industrialization in Yemen, first of which are the Yemeni producers and industrial-ists. Meanwhile, the association said that it understands the great burden of supporting the oil de-rivatives on the state budget and its limited resources, and agrees that the process of national eco-nomic development does not re-ally benefit from a large part of this support. At the same time, the association mentioned that it does not agree with the government’s fragmentary and non-thoughtful solutions to this dilemma, which

would only exacerbate the suffer-ing of the various sectors of na-tional economy and the suffering of various groups in society, par-ticularly the poorest and low-in-come categories. The association warned that these decisions will increase the size and intensity of the decline of recovery in all sec-tors of national economy, most of which are the productive and industrial sectors, which were not yet out of the repercussions and impact of the collapse of the na-tional currency exchange rate re-cently.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the capital secretariat reiterated the need to activate the principle of private sector’s partnership with the government and to embody this partnership through its contributions in the laying and implementation of economic policies of the coun-try and its role as a main partner and genuine interpreter of the development programs, but it ex-pressed its surprise at the govern-ment’s decision to raise the price of diesel and the damage it will incur on the private sector as the head of the chamber described.

Al-Kabous said that the govern-ment ignores and even deliberate-ly marginalizes the role of the pri-vate sector and forces it to accept the unilateral policies and non-thoughtful procedures that con-tradict with the general trend, and a breach of laws through regula-tions and administrative decisions aiming at violating the private sector directly. He referred to the suffering of the sector from laws and regulations the purpose of which, as he described, is to col-lect money, which has burdened the private sector and disabled it from developing in different fields and depressed it from keep-ing pace with the changes taking place in the world. al-kbous siad, that the new tax strategy will in-crease the corruption by taking 5% in the main ports and the rest to be collected through the Au-thority staff.

The recent decision taken by the government to lift subsidies on oil derivatives by promoting added new burdens to the state of poverty and destitution the Yemeni citizen is living in.

Investment Authority licenses 7 projects with a foreign capital of 1.4 billion riyalsThe foreign investment has

increased remarkably during the first quarter of this year, reaching 7 investment projects with a capital of 1.4 billion riyals, and the Saudi investments topped foreign investment in our country in terms of size and capital. The General Authority for Investment has given licenses in the first quarter of this year to 3 Saudi projects with a capital of 1.028 billion riyals. The rest of foreign ventures carried out one project for each of Kuwait, Lebanon, Turkey and China. A recent report, issued by the General Authority for Investments, said the total licensed investment projects during the first quarter of this year reached to 56, of which 49 are local projects and 7 foreign enterprises. The report explained that the industrial projects topped the list of licensed investment projects during the first quarter of this year by 30 investment projects with capital of 6227 billion riyals, while the tourist investment projects ranked second by 9 projects with capital of 3.380 billion riyals and the service projects ranked third

in the list of licensed projects by 9 projects with an investment cost of 2.523 billion riyals. The agricultural projects came in the last place by 6 projects and an investment cost of 441 million riyals. The General Authority for Investments said the total cost of licensed foreign and domestic projects has reached 12.572 billion riyals. The report noted that the projects registered during the first quarter of the current year were dispersed in 13 governorates and covering various economic sectors. The capital secretariat made the highest proportion of investment capital that amounted to 25.3%, followed by Hodeidah by 17.9% most important of which are two tourist projects, a laboratory for marble and plastic waste recycling, and then Taiz, followed by the governorate of Hadramout by 7.69 most important of which are projects in the governorate of Hadramout, residential units and factory sponge. The authority said that capital was distributed to the rest of the governorates of the republic.

General reserve for commercial and Islamic banks goes down to YR 12 billion by the end of April The total consolidated balance

sheet of commercial and Islamic banks went down at the end of April this year to a trillion and 773 billion riyals, a decrease of 16.5 billion riyals for March of the same year. The report of the Central Bank noted that the foreign assets of banks fell to 476 billion riyals, equivalent to 2.116 billion dollars by the end of April 2010 compared with 491.4 billion riyals, equivalent to 2.21 billion dollars at the end of March 2010, a decrease of 14.7 billion and by 3.5%. The report pointed to a decrease in the banks’ reserve that amounted to 12.6 billion riyals at the end of April 2010 to go down to 221.2 billion riyals, compared with 233.9 billion riyals in the previous month.

Falls witnessed by the consolidated balance sheet of banks, assets and reserves also accompanied by a slight decrease in foreign assets of the Central Bank at the end of April. statistics of the Central Bank indicate to decrease in the overseas assets of the Central Bank at the end of April 2010 to a trillion and 381 million riyals,

the equivalent of 6.134 billion dollars covering the period of 8.2 months of imports to Yemen compared with a trillion and 372 billion riyals, equivalent of 6.175 billion dollars covering 8.3 months of imports at the end of last month.

The report issued by the Central Bank confirmed that the oil export revenues (government share) fell in April 2010 to 239.7 million dollars compared with 228.2 million in March of the same year as the government’s share of the total quantity of oil exports in January-April 2010 amounted to (11.42 million barrels worth 905 million U.S. dollars a barrel, the average price is (79 dollars / barrel) compared to 8.1 million barrels worth 365 million dollars (average price of a barrel 45 dollars / barrel) during the same period last year. The report noted that domestic consumption has declined over the period from January to April this year, reaching the previous year to 20.09894 billion barrels, while the domestic consumption during January to April this year did not exceed 6.71 million barrels.

Amounted to 5.8 billion dollars Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance: the external public debt in a safe condition and has not come of danger

The external public debt of Yemen went down during April 2010 to 5.875 billion dollars after it was more than six billion dollars by the end of last year, when it reached at the end of December 2010 to 6.034 billion dollars. A recent report issued by the Central Bank of Yemen noted that our country has paid back nearly 200 million dollars during the period of January to April of this year to alleviate the burden of debt interest by

organizations and countries and funds in support of Yemen. The report noted that the international financial institutions topped the list of creditor nations of Yemen, and the debt reached to 3.089 billion dollars. The International Development Association topped the list of these institutions by an amount of 2.123 billion dollars followed by the Arab Fund for the amount of 674 million dollars and then the International Fund for Agricultural Development

(IFAD) by the amount of 125 billion dollars. The rest of the debt of international institutions divided on the International Monetary Fund, the OPEC Fund, the Islamic Development Bank and the European Union, while the member states of the Paris Club ranked second in the list of creditor nations of Yemen. The debts of those countries reached to 1.729 billion dollars spearheaded by Federal Russia with the amount of 1.212

billion dollars. Most of the debt of Yemen to Russia is carried forward, while Japan ranked second with the amount of 265 million dollars. The rest of debts distributed among the member states in Paris Club between the United States of America with the amount of 97 million, France 82 million dollars, Italy, Spain, Denmark and Holland and Germany with almost 80 million dollars. The non-member states of the Paris Club ranked third

with the amount of 885 million U.S. dollars. The Saudi Fund topped this group with the amount of 379 million dollars, followed by the state of China at 271 million and the Kuwaiti Fund at 144 million dollars. The rest of other debts were distributed on the Fund of Iraq, Algeria, Poland and Korea.

Whether the external public debt has reached a critical stage, Dr. Abdullah Al-Mikhlafi, Undersecretary of the Ministry

of Finance, confirmed that the external public debt at the end of April this year, is still within the safe limits if it continued to be maintained at this rate. He said the external public debt does not enter a critical stage unless it exceeds 40% of the GDP. He also said that it presently does not exceed 26% of the GDP and the government has committed itself before the Parliament during the discussion of the State budget for 2010.

SPORT Sunday, June 20, 2010 9National Yemen

“The youth are half the present and all the future – they are the foundation stone of development – the youth are the wheel of development etc.” These are beautiful slogans we hear from the officials’ lips of the Yemeni government and leaders of youth work and sports in our country. Those officials and leaders believe that, by saying those slogans, they are not responsible for undertaking the real job. The youth gain nothing out of these slogans in reality. On the ground, government statistics reveal dire consequences.

During the past six years Yemen has undergone terrible political, economic and intellectual conditions and conflicts, the six wars in Sa’ada, separatists in the southern part of the country, terrorist operations of al Qaeda, the economic crisis and the high rate of unemployment and poverty. Perhaps the most dangerous thing is that those

conflicts and crises have targeted the present and future of Yemen, the youth, who, who have become a fuel for these evil acts when the Houthies succeeded to lure them to the conflict under the name of “the believing youth”. Al-Qaeda played the same vicious role. All this happened because of the poor care and government services for the young people. We did not conclude this on our own. Our conclusion came from Government studies and figures indicating that the young people make up between 75-80% of the ratio of the Yemeni population, estimated to be 23 million and the number of employees in the public sector, youth and adults, did not exceed 450 thousand employees and workers. those numbers suggest that the percentage of unemployment among the youth exceeds 90% to make Yemen one of the largest countries in the world that suffer from unemployment, which in

turn raises the rate of poverty in the country. The youth are ignored and marginalized by officials in the authority and Ministry of Youth under the pretext of the so-called financial and administrative corruption, as well as the ‘Wasatah’ – favoritism, which kept away many of the teens and young people from taking part in national sports teams. This is the same suffering that young graduates of institutes and colleges undergo when seeking opportunities in government jobs.

is a violation of international regulations that may make our country vulnerable to international penalty under the pretext of government intervention. some sports analysts viewed the resignation as a courageous decision by Sheikh Hashed Al-Ahmar, who threw the ball in the court of the ministry.

in a special sport statement to National Yemen newspaper, Sheikh Hussein Al-Sharif, the Financial and Administrative Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, denied rumors about the existence of major differences between the ministry’s leaders, especially those regarding existence of alliances against him and against the Minister Hammoud Obad. He said that he has a good relationship with the Deputy Minister Sheikh Hashed Al-Ahmar. He said that those rumors on the difference between him and the Deputy Minister just false stories circulated by newspapers and are groundless. He said there may be disagreements on viewpoints among the leaders of the ministry but the leaders of the ministry

are working in accordance with the powers granted to them. He said the Sheikh Hashed is deputy minister and his decisions are readily carried out - how can his decisions be disobeyed when he is a deputy of the minister

constitutionally and legally. He also denied that the Ministry’s inability to provide financial allocations to the Election Committee is to cast direct aspersions by the minister on his deputy, who resigned from the Committee for the reason that the ministry’s financial obligations and commitments to national sports leagues, teams, contracting companies and Gulf Cup 20 and cuts of 30% to the local authority are the real reasons not to enable the Ministry to provide for the needs of the Sports Elections Committee. He concluded his statement by calling upon on all newspapers to follow the example of Yemen National newspaper in the dissemination of news from sources in order to publish facts, not rumors and speculations.

The Yemeni people has never follow-up the World Cup foot-ball game like it did with South Africa’s 2010. This is because many national companies, espe-cially the two telecommunica-tion companies Yemen Mobile and MTN and Hyundai Company distributed big screens in several governorates of Yemen. Another reason is the facilities provided by Al Jazeera Channel, owner of exclusive rights of broadcast-ing the World Cup game in the Middle East. Al-Jazeera sold the subscription cards at 75 dollars, a small amount of money when compared with the price that was set by ART, which is more than 300 dollars in the previous World Cup football games. Al Jazeera Sport had broadcasted 22 games for free to Arab viewers. Yet, Al Jazeera Sports’ broadcast was jammed in the Nilesat Satellite by the Egyptian company, which made Al Jazeera Sports Channel to file a complaint against the Egyptian Company for TV chan-nels “Nile Sat” to the Federation

International Football Associa-tion FIFA, which supported Al-Jazeera Channel and stood on its side in the pursuit of Egyptian ju-dicially. This may make the Egyp-tian sports liable to new penalties by FIFA in addition to the previ-ous penalties that were imposed on it because of the problems and assaults on the national team of Algeria in Cairo. Al-Jazeera has in turn cut the broadcast off the cable Egyptian channels. As a re-sult, many of the Yemenis viewers resorted to watching the matches

via the African, Russian and Eu-ropean satellites, especially Amos Satellite at frequency 6881 - H - 11025. the Yemeni Ministry of Information had rejected a pro-posal by Al-Jazeera Sports chan-nel to transmit the games for free to Yemen cable channels in re-turn of broadcasting some of Al-Jazeera’s advertisements on those channels. The Ministry of Infor-mation demanded that Al-Jazeera channel provide funds along with free transmission.

Teens .. Young people .. Victims of exploitation .. , Marginalization, Unemployment .. Terrorism

Deputy Minister –Al-Sharif denies the existence of major differences between the Ministry’s leaderships

Even the poor of Yemen are watchingWorld Cup 2010 National Yemen publishes the secrets, mysteries and struggle of the World Cup games broadcast

Abdul-Karim Mufadhal

NY exclusive

Sunday, June 20, 2010 www.nationalyemen.com10 National YemenREPORT

Asma’a Abdullah is a 12 years old girl who fled with her parents and her six brothers and sisters, during the last war on Saada four months ago, to Amran city from Amala area in Saada. Asma’a joined one of Save the Chil-dren training on the land mines risk few weeks ago and she was trained on how to the raise aware-ness of the Internally Displaced children in the camp through sto-ries, posters and games.

Every day, she carries her bags with all the materials of mines risk received from Save the Chil-dren and goes to group children together to facilitate different ac-tivities with them. She loves the experience of being responsible for children and to teach them about safety in the camp. “When I play the games of mines risks with the children, I feel I gave them new knowledge especially that it is the first time for us to be aware of these issues.” Asma’a

expressed.Although Asma’a is uneducat-

ed and cannot read or write, she challenged herself to learn all the materials about mines to teach children. Every day, she goes to her friend Wafa’a Alwadadi , 13 years old girl who studied until grade 3, to read and practice the mine risk materials and activities before she goes to train children. “I couldn’t go to school because of the very poor situation of my family; and my parents don’t con-sider education as a priority for us. But after this experience with Save the Children, my family and I realized how great education is and how it can make a great change in our lives and commu-nities as well.” Asma’a explained.

Many of the people living in Amran camp are marginalized people who fled from Saada gov-ernorate. Save the children works to implement a Child Lead di-saster reduction in emergencies. Many Peer to Peer trainings are

being facilitated with children in the internally displaced camps in Yemen on land mines risks. For this , Save the Children launched last month in Amran and Haradh a Training of trainers workshop on raising awareness of children in the lands mine risk in the conflict areas. The training aims to train the participants in how to educate and raise awareness of children in avoiding mines they might find in the conflict areas. The outcome of the training was to reach more than 3700 Internally Displaced Children (IDPs) who were tar-geted and trained in how to avoid mines and how to report to their parents, and people in charge about mines through “the peer to peer training” in which each trainee trained 10 children in their areas and then every trained child will train 10 children.

Marginalized children in Ye-men are children who are dis-criminated against because of the

color of their skin or because they come from low income families. Garab Aniess, 18 years old is a marginalized boy who was with Asma’a in the training and they agreed to make a change in their camp through many activities they decided to do. Many times they meet to plan activities with children and make sessions for families in the camp about mines. Now they formed a team in which Wafa’a supports both Asma’a and Qarab in reading the manual of the training and do some exer-cises with each other before they do them with children. After-wards, Asma’a and Qarab gather the children in their tents and do the training. “I am now very mo-tivated to go back to school and continue my study after I partici-pated in helping Asma’a and Qar-ab in implementing this training.” Wafa’a commented, “I would like to work with Save the Children in the future and help all children to

have a better life.” Wafa’a added.Also, Qarab decided to focus on

his future. He realized that even if he is 18 year old, it is not too late to go school “I know I will face a lot of challenges to change my life, starting with my parents, but I will fight to reach my dream to be a lawyer.” Qarab concluded.

In the conflict areas Amran , Ha-rad and Saada’, as part of the life skills education program for chil-dren, a child focused mine aware-ness program has started follow-ing the ceasefire and the desire of IDPs to return to their homes. Together with the child protection cluster as well as the Yemen Mine Action program, SC has taken on responsibility for the mine risk awareness for children. Based on SC experience in the South fol-lowing the civil war, materials were reviewed and re-developed. A package consisting of 6 activi-ties for children was developed and printed. Two trainers were

trained in the use of the package and two TOTs were implemented for 30 participants from different agencies. These trainers trained youth in the implementation of the pack with children. In addi-tion, SC supported the launch of the Mine Awareness Campaign through banners that are being hanged in places where people will see the message before going back home.

Save the Children works to es-tablish a Child lead disaster reduc-tion in emergencies and to help all children affected by conflict or in conflict areas to have access to protection mechanisms includ-ing quality education &Centre in a refugee camp, where parents can bring their children to learn and play in a safe environment during emergencies and to sup-port the Children IDPs to access health and nutrition services as a Right for every child to survival and development.

Asma’a and Qareb, marginalized young people train their community on mines risk in the Amran camp

Fatima Al [email protected]

Children refer to Asma’a as their teacher and she is very happy to find children around her and asking for more information about mine risks.

This is because archaeologists’ interest had only been and is still confined and limited to the study of those eras and nothing more until those eras gained a reputation and the people knew about those cul-tures and heritage more than they knew about other eras. However, they have ignored the need to edu-cate the citizens of the importance of these antiquities scattered in dif-ferent parts of the country, preserv-ing, repairing and keeping them from disappearing or smuggling out of the country without the knowl-edge and recognition of the true value of these antiquities.

Studies and reports on antiqui-ties must be considered and it is the responsibility of the concerned authorities to raise awareness of the importance of preserving the antiq-uities and to highlight the Yemeni heritage to closely relate Yemen’s past to its present.

Taqwa, an old woman, carried her bundle to Souk Al-Melh (the salt market) in Old Sana’a, where she heard that in this market she can sell all the old things, including the clothes she inherited from her mother and grandmother.

Not realizing the importance of this heritage in her possession, Taqwa went to the nearest shop in the market where she told the seller of her wish to get rid of clothes that she can no longer wear because they are, according to her, not fash-ionable any. After having shown

him the dress, the seller liked it and rushed to buy it from her. Taqwa, showing no objection to the cheap price offered by the seller, took the money and returned to her home satisfied. The seller displayed this traditional dress that contains a collection of old Yemeni stitches in his shop to attract the attention of tourists to his shop. A few days later a German tourist came to the market and soon the rare stitches in Taqwa’s folk costume got his atten-tion. He has never seen the like of it anywhere in the Arab or European world, as he said, in his visits to the countries he visited before coming to Yemen. The shop owner said that the tourist offered him the amount of $1, 500 for the costume and he agreed without hesitation. His joy to get this price was something he has never dreamed of. The German tourist’s joy to have this precious jewel was great, after the seller had given him our heritage that reveals a long history on the Yemen art of knitting on a silver plate. Only a few days passed until the tourist left the country, carrying a great wealth of our heritage. Ignorance

when the Women’s Center for Handicrafts, under the chairman-ship of Amat Al-Razzaq Jahaf, Di-rector General of the center, was performing an active search for the popular heritage in the markets of Old Sana’a (an ancient city of Ye-men, with a long history) in an at-

tempt to document all the public an-tique costumes especially those that contain Yemeni stitches, of which Yemen is the only country that is famous for.

only then were events of the above-mentioned story unfolded to me and I learned later that the tourist had left to his homeland, carrying the popular heritage that will speak of a long history of the ancient civiliza-tion of Yemen and it craftsmanship. Director of the Centre was very an-gry at the behavior of the seller and told him that he had abused the civi-lization of his country. I sensed in her speech to the seller that he was not aware of the value of this folk costume, otherwise he would not have let go with it easily. Likewise, if Taqwa learned about the value and great wealth in her possession, she would not have abandoned it. The reason, first and foremost, as Amat-Al-Razzaq said is the lack of awareness among the citizens of the importance of these valuable antiq-uities, not to mention the antiquities that are smuggled out of the country without being aware of their value. “Also, there are other antiquities that are given as gifts without realiz-ing their importance and the strange thing is that if we visit the museums in the West and see the exhibits and fairs, which they set up from time to time, we’ll find that they do not have civilization and the archeolog-ical treasures they have are obtained from our Arab countries, particu-

larly from Yemen, intentionally or unintentionally”. Confirmed Amat Al-Razzaq Jahaf. Conferences and recommen-dations

the great propaganda work made by the UNESCO and the other in-ternational institutions to spread the idea of maintaining and preserving cities and human group had a pro-found impact on the Arab countries. Among the results of such work is to open the eyes of officials and citi-zens that the national heritage is an integral part of global human cul-ture, which belongs to all humanity. The Arab Organization for Culture and Science and the UNESCO de-voted efforts in defense of heritage as the heritage that the Arab nation is considered as a solid base to build its civilization, dignity and unity. In our country, Yemen, there are certain authorities concerned with spreading awareness and education, including the General Authority for the Preservation of Historical Cit-ies. Dr. Abdullah Zaid Issa, Chair-man of the General Authority for the Preservation of Historical Cities, confirmed, upon meeting him in the Architecture Conference that has been held in Sana’a recently, that the authority always seeks to attend all meetings and conferences about historical towns to benefit from the experiences of others and focus on the Arab identity as this is the way for a convergence of researchers and exchange of views and expe-

riences of one another, training, studies and research in the field of preservation of historical towns. He noted that because of the impor-tance of the Old City of Sana’a’ as a typical historic milestone for the various ancient cities in Yemen, the vision and strategy is the same. He explained that the Conference on the Architecture of Yemen calls for solidarity and interdependence, so that there is greater cooperation and formation of better working teams. He said that the conference gave him the opportunity to meet Yemeni, Arab and European per-sonalities who have a special inter-est in the Old City of Sana’a and its distinguished architectural art and

crafts by virtue of competence and experience. the Yemeni research-ers who have studies on preserving the Old City of Sana’a were called upon. Dr. Abdullah Zaid called to combine efforts of the concerned authorities to spread awareness in the media and highlight the impor-tance of heritage and the cultural and physical returns. Our cultural heritage, according to him, is a trea-sure of great value and this is some-thing that should be realized by the Yemeni citizen through the media. He said, “All concerned authorities must exert their best efforts, each in their respective according to a clear vision so that there are no conflict-ing efforts.

Yemeni Heritage .. in the hands of the West !!Archeology and Heritage .. Conflict between awareness and ignorance!

Najla’a A. al-Shaibani

Scientists’ knowledge was confined to archeology and history in Yemen in periods of pre-Islam, when the civilizations of the states of Sheba, Mae’en, Qataban, Hadramout and Himyar flourished.


to A






Sunday, June 20, 2010 11National Yemen REPORTAGE

PEPA and Oil Search Yemen Share Knowledge and Bring Awareness to Basement Fracturing

Reservoir New Strategies

Sana’a –For the third time, the Petroleum Explora-tion and Production Authority (PEPA) along with Oil Search Yemen have arranged the 2010 Sabatayn basin workshop for the oil companies operating in Yemen. The goal of the workshop was to Share knowledge and build strategies of business opera-tions in the oil sector being the key factor of better achievements and positive operation process for all parties government, investors and community around operation areas. The discovery of hydrocar-bon in fractured basement rocks opened a new trend for oil and gas prospect in Sabatayn basin and other basins in Yemen.

Shane Schofield Nassr Al Humaidi Mr.EftikharAdel Al Hazmi Hassan Atef Dr. Yam

By: New Media

The participants interacted their experience with characteristics of the fractured basement reservoir and showing the possibilites of applying new tech-niques in the oil business. The workshop took place at the Movenpick Hotel last week, June 13th, 2010 with the presence of Mr. Nasser Al-Humaidi, PEPA Acting Chairman, Deputy General Manager of Oil Search Yemen, Technical , drilling managers and supervisors from Ministry of Oil and Minerals and PEPA, oil companies representatives like Total, OMV, OSROY,SINOPEC, KNOC and other Oil Com-panies attended the workshop.

During the workshop the PEPA staff and the compa-nies representatives made different different presen-tations on the basement fracture, reservoir potential of lam formation, the effects of salt on seismic data and methods of handling, the Nature of Fractured basement reservoir and its application and seismic imaging challenges in Sabatayn basin.

Nassr al Humaidi, chairman of the PEPA, give a pres-entation for the attendees. challenging environments," al-Humeidi explains , the new technique have already comeup with a number of innovative and successful ways of seeing the horizons and potential hydrocarbon accumulations below the ubiquitous salt in many parts of basement fracturing reservoir . “We have extended the principles learned from past developing these different techniques so that we have a variety of options, meaning that we can choose the most appropriate application for the circumstances For example Block S2 was a deed block and OMV company came up with different approach in a few years time. “OMV now is produc-ing 20.000 bpd and we are expecting to produce 60.000 bpd and the salt may not be considered a barrier to successful exploration and production at all”. Said al Humaidi. The majority of producing oil is only from two basins which are Marib and al-Masyla and now Sabatayn basin. “Most of the companies are working in the third basin and they need more help and guidance to reduce cost and risk for their business operation and that is why are meeting

today to share knowledge and learn more about their activities. Al-Humaidi expressed his disappointment that some oil companies did not attended the workshop while they were invited one month ahead .We are here to transfer the knowledge and ideas what you get and what you should do.

The Deputy general Manager of Oil search Shane Schofield, said Oil Search is an exploration com-pany in Yemen. The company is drilling actively since the end of the last Year and still drilling more exploration wells. The company have had some success in the last October with some Gas produce and second well Omeaca with some oil produce to

service. Oil search is very keen in its exploration in Yemen and it , intends to continue hard to become a main producer of Oil in Yemen. The results of geophysical researches contribute the enhance-ment oil and gas exploration in Sabateyn basin.,

Oil Search aimed to bring all the companies together and getting people to discusses and inter-act and work together with all for the seek of good relations for Yemen. Shabwa basin is the new area for Yemen and by sharing information we can find people produce oil for Yemen and build oil produc-tion for Yemen. The discovery of hydrocarbon in fractured base-ment rocks opened a new trend for oil and gas pros-pect in Sabatayn. This type of reservoir is different

from others in the world and has complicated char-acteristics.The workshop presents the characteristics of the fractured basement reservoir and shows the possi-bility of applying 3-D seismic, well logging, etc. to study them.

Is the from the perspective of oil search is operating in Yemen are invisting into Yemen and we are look-ing for exploration opportunity one day we will produce oil from Yemen.

We looking into the future of Yemen and we look for the potential and opportunities promising assets

and we have a good interaction with the ministry and PEPA.

Adnan al-Hamadi, oil search employee give a pres-entation in the importance of Lam Member as a reservoir. He highlighted on the difficulty to get reser-voir in Lam Member due to the lack of porosity. He said Oil Search is trying to develop the basement area also and find some reservoir. The highly fractured nature of basement reservoirs is created during the process of tectonic deformation, cooling, hydrothermal and weathering.

Eng. Adel Al Hazmi, PEPA Geology Manager, said in the past time the basement was the most impor-tant target in Shabwa area. The new discoveries in the last five years in Block S2 in Habban is active now. OMV has made a good discoveries and Oil Search is looking for the reservoir target operating nearby OMV block. “The business in the oil field is subjected to many changes”. Said al-Humaidi, the companies are being more attention in the base-ment reservoir and Lam Member as a new strategy of exploration, focused sub-solid section which includes Lam Member in al-Sabatayn basin.

Hassan Atef, Oil search government relationship, said Oil Search aimed to bring all the companies together and getting people to discusses and inter-act and work together with all for the seek of good relations for Yemen. Shabwa basin is the new area for Yemen and by sharing information we can find people produce oil for Yemen and build oil produc-tion for Yemen.

Walid al-Odaini, Petrophysicist of Oil search Yemen, Said that his company shows a great interest in Yemen since the very beginning of its activities in the different field of Oil. Oil Search is a well reputa-ble company operating globally and trying to bring its experience into Yemen for the development of the country and the progress of the company opera-tions in Yemen. Al-Odaini said, we have organized this workshop to meet with our friend in business and exchange the experience of each company.

National YemenSunday, June 27, 2010 ADVERTISMENTS