National Recovery Month Planning Partners Meeting...introduced Anne Mathews-Younes the Deputy...

________________________________________________________________________________ Meeting Summary - Final National Recovery Month Planning Partners Meeting Thursday, March 14, 2019 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 1 | P age

Transcript of National Recovery Month Planning Partners Meeting...introduced Anne Mathews-Younes the Deputy...

Page 1: National Recovery Month Planning Partners Meeting...introduced Anne Mathews-Younes the Deputy Director for the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS). Ms. Smith shared Ms. Mathews-Younes


Meeting Summary - Final

National Recovery Month Planning Partners Meeting

Thursday, March 14, 2019

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857

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Phone/online participants Organization Javier Alegre Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness

Samuel Awosika Saint Elizabeth Hospital Carol Boyer Maryland House Detox/Delphi Behavioral Health Group

Sheila Bracey Deeds of Kindness Stacey Carpenter Optum Behavioral Health

Mary Beth Collins National Association for Children of Addiction Jeremy Countryman Family Café

Donita Diamata Mental Health Association of Oregon Marie Dyak Entertainment Industries Council, Inc.

Maryanne Frangules Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery Mark Gonzales Sun Prevention Treatment & Recovery, LLC

Mariah Hile Aurora Behavioral Health Systems Mariel Hufnagel The Ammon Foundation

Cathy Khaledi Nar-Anon Michelle Leister Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc. John de Miranda National Association on Alcohol Drugs & Disability

Joe Powell Association of Persons Affected by Addiction Rev. Snow Peabody Teen Challenge International USA

Claire Ricewasser Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Jason Robison SHARE! The Self-Help and Recovery Exchange

Philip Rutherford Faces and Voices of Recovery Stephanie Sheridan Techno Therapy

Peggy Swarbrick Collaborative Support Programs of NJ & Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care

Evan Figueroa-Vargas Mental Health Partnerships Becky Vaughn DIR Consulting Group

Lauryn Wicks Pennsylvania Recovery Organization Alliance

SAMHSA Staff Wanda Finch Steven Fry Carlton Speight Anne Mathews-Younes Amy Smith


National Recovery Month Support Contractors Fiona Galliani Crosby Flo Pique-Monnier Crosby Tamika Hawkins Edelman

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Table of Contents

I. Welcome – Amy Smith, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) ………………………. 4

II. Welcome – Anne Mathews-Younes, Ed.D., D. Min., Deputy Director, Center for Mental Health

Services (CMHS) ……………………………………………………………………...………..... 4

III. Planning Partner Announcements and Updates – Steve Fry, CMHS……………………….……. 4

IV. Update on Recovery Month 2019 Materials Development – Carlton Speight, CMHS……….….. 5

V. Recovery Month 2020 Concept, Target Audience and Theme – Amy Smith, CSAT……………..9

VI. Furthering Ad-Hoc Involvement in National Recovery Month – Amy Smith, CSAT……….......10

VII. Recovery Month Ad Hoc Workgroup Updates – Captain Wanda Finch, CMHS……………..…10

VIII. New Business – Amy Smith, CSAT………………………………………………………….…..13

IX. Adjournment – Amy Smith, CSAT………………………………………………………………15

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I. Welcome – Amy Smith, CSAT Amy Smith from the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), welcomed the Planning Partners and thanked everyone for attending the March virtual Planning Partner meeting. Ms. Smith said she was happy to have so many of the Planning Partners on the line today and hopes it will be a productive meeting that will advance their work and inspire everyone to continue their good work. Ms. Smith introduced Anne Mathews-Younes the Deputy Director for the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS). Ms. Smith shared Ms. Mathews-Younes has been very supportive of the Planning Partners’ work and has provided helpful information in previous meetings.

II. Welcome – Anne Mathews-Younes, Ed.D., D. Min., Deputy Director, CMHS

Ms. Mathews-Younes thanked the Planning Partners on behalf of SAMHSA and Anita Everett, the Director of the Center for Mental Health Services for their participation today and their efforts as they develop and promote Recovery Month. Ms. Mathews-Younes said the Planning Partners’ efforts today and throughout the year help educate the public to realize recovery is possible for people with mental and substance use disorders and this gives tremendous hope to individuals and their families across the country.

Ms. Mathews-Younes discussed how SAMHSA has reconfigured their approach to training and technical assistance and created a new system of national and regional training centers. This system is available to all behavioral health organizations and entities not just SAMHSA grantees. Ms. Mathews-Younes emphasized this is a nationwide blanketing of technical assistant. Ms. Mathews-Younes encouraged everyone to check this out on the SAMHSA website under the practitioners training banner.

Ms. Mathews-Younes shared the CMHS Office of Consumer Affairs continues its work in supporting the development of effective peer use and family run organizations by providing services to SAMHSA’s Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale Technical Assistance Center Strategy (BRSS TAC) contract. Ms. Mathews-Younes thanked Wanda Finch and Amy Smith for their leadership on this significant program.

Ms. Mathews-Younes closed by thanking the SAMHSA team, the contracting team and most of all the Planning Partners for their ongoing dedication to SAMHSA and for supporting recovery for millions of Americans.

III. Planning Partner Announcements and Updates – Steve Fry, CMHS Steve Fry from CMHS welcomed the Planning Partners and invited the Planning Partners to briefly share important things happening in their organizations.

Reverend Snow Peabody from Teen Challenge International USA announced Teen Challenge organizations from across the nation will be holding a little over 200 Recovery Month events.

Marie Dyak from Entertainment Industries Council, Inc. shared they are working on distributing guidelines for entertainment media, this is a follow up to something the entertainment industries council did with SAMHSA several years ago in terms of updating it with best practices and new science that can be applied.

Carol Boyer from the Maryland House Detox/Delphi Behavioral Health Group shared they will be kicking off Recovery Month in August with a presentation by Jermaine Galloway with an event in

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Baltimore. Ms. Boyer also shared their organization has 17 events planned around the country for each of their locations.

Claire Ricewasser from Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc shared their new PSA campaigns will be launched in the middle of August so they will be running on television and radio in September. She also shared their social media campaign was translated into English and Spanish for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and these posts will have Recovery Month related announcements and hashtags.

Jason Robison from SHARE! the Self-Help and Recovery Exchange said they are having a recovery festival in September to celebrate Recovery Month. Mr. Robison also shared they are in the middle of a BRSS TAC supported training where they are training supervisors of peer support specialist throughout Los Angeles county public mental health system in best practices for supervision of peer supporters.

Stephanie Sheridan from shared they have started trainings to mental health providers and recovery support specialists on how to use mobile devices to support Recovery Month.

Phillip Rutherford from Faces and Voices of Recovery shared they have more than 100 community organization members around the country that have individual Recovery Month events. The national hub event will be with the Connecticut group in September.

Peggy Swarbrick from Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey & Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care shared they are working with collaborative support programs in New Jersey to organize events through a network of community wellness centers. Ms. Swarbrick also said they are working with Rutgers Behavioral Health Care with their intensive recovery treatment program that’s run by peer health navigators and organizing events in New Jersey.

Mary Beth Collins from the National Association for Children of Addiction shared they are customizing Recovery Month messaging to address the needs of children. The messaging focuses on hope and healing is possible for children and families can recover together.

Maryanne Frangules from Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery shared they had an excellent public policy forum and they will have a state-wide town hall meeting in April, and they are planning Recovery Month celebrations.

John de Miranda from the National Association on Alcohol Drugs & Disability shared they are working with local recovery organizations in California around Recovery Month activities.

Samuel Awosika from Saint Elizabeth Hospital shared they are working on a program to implement the sequential model which is one of the principles SAMHSA mentioned in the publication, Principles of Community-based Behavioral Health Services for Justice-involved Individuals: A Research-based Guide.

Mr. Fry thanked everyone for sharing and said there’s a lot of exciting events happening and 2019 will be a great year. Mr. Fry mentioned that throughout this meeting we will be discussing 2019 which is the 30th

anniversary of Recovery Month which is a big a milestone for SAMHSA and all the Planning Partners that have supported Recovery Month efforts.

IV. Update on Recovery Month 2019 Materials Development – Carlton Speight, CMHS

Carlton Speight from CMHS gave an update on the 2019 Toolkit, PSAs and Website.

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Recovery Month Toolkit

Mr. Speight shared the review of the toolkit was completed by the Content Messaging and Multimedia Ad Hoc Workgroup, Department of Transportation (DOT), National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), HHS Operating Divisions, Office of National Drug Control Policy and SAMHSA’s Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality.

Mr. Speight shared the contractors did an excellent job implementing all the feedback that was received. Currently, the Toolkit content is under review with CMHS and CSAT and they will conduct an internal review of the word document prior to the Toolkit going to layout. Mr. Speight shared the toolkit will hopefully be complete within a month or so.

Recovery Month PSAs

Mr. Speight then discussed the two PSA concepts that both will begin filming in April.

The first PSA concept is Post Your Recovery. He shared this concept is a way for recovery to be connected to the community and shows that everyone can be a part of recovery. This is shown through individuals writing words of encouragement on Post-It’s notes to create a large ‘r’ for Recovery. The second PSA concept is Building Recovery. This concept focuses on building recovery and this is shown through individuals building the word recovery together.

Recovery Month Website

The Recovery Month website has several changes and new additions. The new Recovery Month logo and ‘r is for recovery’ symbol are available. There is also a description of the new Recovery Month branding as well as banners, posters, e-signatures and word templates. Mr. Speight said each year the Recovery Month planning group comes up with new ideas for branding and this year it’s great to have evergreen content that can be consistently used in different events in years to come.

Mr. Speight shared the new Recovery Month logos and “r” symbol. Also available here.

Logo options:

Option 1: Generic

Option 2: Year only

Option 3: 30th anniversary only

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Option 4: Year + 30th anniversary

All logos are also available in Spanish.

“r” symbol options:

Purple - English

Purple - Spanish

Black- English

Black- Spanish

These logo options are available in purple, black and white. Mr. Speight said this allows you to print the symbols on any materials you want, and you don’t have to just use purple.

The PMS colors for Recovery Month are PMS 266C and PMS 299C. Using these colors will allow you to use the exact colors of Recovery Month on your materials. Mr. Speight noted that when using the Recovery Month symbols or logo you cannot reference SAMHSA or HHS.

Mr. Speight shared the banners, posters, e-signatures and word templates are available on the website to download. The banners are available in four styles in HTML and in high- and low-resolution JPG, PNG and EPS formats. There are also customizable posters in 8 ½ x 11 and 11 x 12 JPGs. In additional there are posters available in 8 ½ x 11 and 11 x 17 in high- and low-resolution JPG, PNG and EPS formats. Mr. Speight noted that the Planning Partners provided feedback at the January 31st meeting on some of these promotional materials and SAMHSA incorporated their feedback and implemented some of the changes in the materials.

Mr. Speight continued on to say the biggest material this year is t-shirts. In the past SAMHSA would make t-shirts and ask organizations how many sizes and shirts they needed. This year SAMHSA is

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providing assets for individuals and organizations to print on their own. SAMHSA will upload different logo designs to their website, and Planning Partners can download and produce their own t-shirts for their organizations. Mr. Speight thanked everyone and turned the conversation to Amy Smith to show t-shirt design options.

Amy Smith explained the logo designs are an opportunity for anyone that is interested to take these graphics and produce their own national Recovery Month t-shirts with the new logo and symbol. Ms. Smith said Planning Partners are encouraged to do this but to please remember these shirts cannot have the SAMHSA or HHS logos on them.

Ms. Smith showed examples of t-shirts the contracting staff designed. Ms. Smith explained there are multiple options for Planning Partners to decide how they want to promote the 30 years of national Recovery Month. Ms. Smith said there are various iterations of these t-shirts, with both generic options and others with the year or 30th anniversary on them. In the examples below you will primarily see purple and white -t-shirts using the PMS colors.


Front: “r” symbol

Back: “r” symbol

Front: “r” symbol

Back: 30th year anniversary + 2019

Front: “r” symbol + 30th year anniversary

Back: “r” symbol

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Front: “r” symbol set to the left + 30th year anniversary + 2019

Back: “r” symbol

Front: “r” symbol in center + 30th year anniversary + 2019

Back: “r” symbol

Ms. Smith explained you can mix and match designs however you want to create a t-shirt that makes sense for your event. It is also possible to include sponsors, or your organizations name on the front or back. Ms. Smith asked if any Planning Partners decide to create a shirt, to let SAMHSA know so other organizations can also use that shirt if they want.

Ms. Smith said these design options will be available on the Recovery Month website soon so Planning Partners can download these and produce t-shirts for their organizations.

V. Recovery Month 2020 Concept, Target Audience and Theme – Amy Smith, CSAT

Ms. Smith went on to discuss the Recovery Month 2020 concept, theme and target audience. She shared SAMHSA has worked hard at creating the 2020 concepts which will build the 2020 materials. Ms. Smith said the concept was based around the idea, “When we join the voices of recovery, we bring light to recovery, its struggles and victories and a reminder that we share this journey with many. When we celebrate our connections to the diversity of people from all walks of life striving for recovery, we find support and courage to speak up for respect, inclusion and opportunity.” Ms. Smith explained this is the basis on which we will develop next year’s materials.

At the January 31st Planning Partner meeting the Planning Partners decided the target audiences would be: People affected by substance use disorders or co-occurring disorders and their families; Health Care Providers (including Medical Schools); Community Institutions (e.g., Educators, Faith Leaders, Social Service Providers); Peer Support Systems (With an emphasis on culturally competent and linguistically appropriate services).

The Planning Partners also decided the theme would be: Join the Voices of Recovery: Celebrating Connections.

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VI. Furthering Ad-Hoc Involvement in National Recovery Month – Amy Smith, CSAT

Ms. Smith discussed how SAMHSA wants the Planning Partners input and help creating the 2020 materials with the theme and target audiences in mind. Specifically, SAMHSA wants Ad Hoc Workgroups to have a more direct role in the creation of materials and products. Ms. Smith said each workgroup should think from their unique workgroup perspective about how we can build a more comprehensive and usable toolkit. Each Ad Hoc Workgroup should focus on what other materials they think are needed and how can we promote recovery in a better way that is more helpful and useful to the larger community.

To help Ad Hoc Workgroups, SAMHSA is offering support from the contracting team for a least two (2) meetings from now until the June meeting. The contracting staff can help organize meetings, take notes and pull together information so 2020 can be kicked off with a new vision based on the information Ad Hoc Workgroups share. Ms. Smith said SAMHSA is hoping this support will help SAMHA’s efforts to make the 2020 Toolkit more meaningful and engaging for the community.

Tamika Hawkins from the Crosby Team said workgroups should share anything they think would be helpful as the contracting team starts to draft content for the Toolkit and thinks about other materials. This includes any thoughts, feedback or a specific site for recommendations on resources, or if it’s a large study, specific pages. Ms. Hawkins said she will send out her contact information after the meeting.

Claire Ricewasser said a list of suggestions for social media posts and hashtags would be helpful, so organizations have ideas on what to post on different social media platforms (i.e. memes). Ms. Ricewasser said to make sure to include family and children relationships in social media content.

Tamika Hawkins agreed with Ms. Ricewasser and said this is something the contracting team thought about implementing because social media is where we see engagement, growth and is an opportunity to reach our communities. She also noted this is important because our theme is celebrating connections so social media is great way to tie this together.

Ms. Smith said SAMHSA and the contracting team will need the help of Ad Hoc Workgroup leads to coordinate meetings. SAMHSA is hoping the leads can work together to set a date and time so contractors can help support each group.

Ms. Smith also mentioned she hopes all the Planning Partners on the line will join an Ad Hoc Workgroup if they have not already. Ms. Smith reiterated that we can only achieve what we hope to through the participation of all Planning Partners.

Javier Alegre said the content communications committee has been working on several different subjects and audiences and they would appreciate assistance in scheduling meetings so they can utilize what they already have and work on additional content for 2020. Amy Smith said the contracting team can support the communication committee and the Crosby Team will be in touch to coordinate.

VII. Recovery Month Ad Hoc Workgroup Updates – Captain Wanda Finch, CMHS

Captain Wanda Finch from CMHS started with saying National Recovery Month has inspired thousands of people to raise awareness of mental and substance abuse disorders as well as share stories of treatment and recovery support. Captain Finch hopes these stories have inspired many who have not done so to look

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at the needs and services they may need to pursue hope. Captain Finch went on to say Planning Partners play a valuable role in public education efforts by extending their reach to a vast network of recovery networks across the country including diverse communities and rural areas. Captain Finch said we will now hear updates from Ad Hoc Workgroups who have been looking at many of the issues that are important to the endurance of Recovery Month.

Normalizing and Harmonizing Language

Members: • Mariel Hufnagel, Chair • Maryanne Frangules, Co-Chair • Arielle Ashford • Mary Beth Collins • Jeremy Countryman • Chip Fuller • Bill Greer • Donald McDonald • Elisa Padilla • Theresa O’Laughlin Carmody • Keegan Wicks

Normalizing and Harmonizing Language focuses on strategies to use the Recovery Month platform to help people understand their diagnosis, reduce stigma, and foster acceptance of behavioral health conditions as the first step toward treatment and recovery.

Maryanne Frangules, co-chair, shared the group had a meeting and looked at their seven different areas and priorities. The group is meeting again at the end of the month and will revisit everything and come away with an action plan.

Bringing Science to Care

Members: • Abdelwahab Alawneh • Tom Hill • Ivette Torres • Robert Ashford • Melissa Patrick • Jesse Wheeler • Stacy Carpenter • Devin Reaves • Patricia Winters • Dona Dmitrovic • Peggy Swarbrick • Lauryn Wicks • Michele Harter • Nick Szubiak • Zachary Talbott

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Bringing Science to Care focuses on strategies to use the Recovery Month platform to communicate the science behind the conditions (i.e., diseases of the brain) to reduce stigma; prioritize focus on behavioral health as important as physical health; and promote the use of evidence-based practices for effective treatment of mental and substance use disorders.

Captain Finch said there is currently no chair for this group, and she encourages all current members to take the role in leading this group.

No members from this group were able to share an update.

Addressing Access to Care

Members: • Jason Robinson, Chair • John J. Coppola • Khateri Coyhis • Lauren Davis • Letty Elenes • Kimber Lee Falkinburg • Evan Figueroa-Vargas • Cathy Khaledi • Mimi McKay • Lureen McNeil • George O-Toole

Addressing Access to Care focuses on strategies to use the Recovery Month platform to raise awareness of barriers with access to treatment in specific areas such as criminal justice settings, services for dual diagnosis, access to evidence-based treatments, and on-demand care. The workgroup also addresses the role of the community as a means of support while the nation works to address access issues.

Jason Robinson, chair of Addressing Access to Care shared this group is committed to connecting Recovery Month materials and access to recovery to individuals involved in the criminal justice system and to self-help support groups. The group is scheduling a meeting in the next couple weeks to develop an action plan and they welcome anyone that wants to be involved to join.

Content Messaging and Multimedia

• Kate Kerr, Chair • Javier Alegre • Carol Boyer • Chien-Chi Huang • Juan Velez Court • John de Miranda • Nancy Hale • Holly Hagel • Janie Gullickson • Mark Gonzales • Cortney Lovell • Kimberly Marquez-Cortes

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• Claire Ricewasser • Rev. Snow Peabody • Joe Powell • Laura Silverman

Content Messaging and Multimedia assists with the annual review of Recovery Month materials such as the Toolkit and Recovery Month website.

Javier Alegre shared the group is working on developing materials based on the theme the Planning Partners decided on in January. He said it would be helpful for this workgroup to have support from the contracting team to organize meetings and take notes to expedite the process.

Tamika Hawkins from the Crosby Team said the contracting team would be happy to help and join their meetings. Ms. Hawkins said she has sat in on a content messaging and multimedia meeting before and she is happy to support their efforts and she will connect with Kate Kerr or Javier Alegre.

Captain Finch thanked all the Workgroups for their updates and reiterated that if any Planning Partners have not considered participating in an Ad Hoc Workgroup it is not too late and you can join anytime, since we need all hands-on deck. Captain Finch thanked the Planning Partners and told them to keep up the great work.

VIII. New Business – Amy Smith, CSAT Amy Smith from CSAT thanked the CMHS Office of Consumer Affairs for their work and shared they are a stellar team to work with. Ms. Smith noted that Marla Hendriksson and Michele Monroe are out of the office, but they have stepped up and held their weight in helping facilitate this meeting. Ms. Smith thanked Ms. Monroe and Ms. Hendriksson and appreciates their participation.

Ms. Smith then discussed the importance of the Planning Partner. She said she has heard people’s concerns about how SAMHSA views stakeholder groups like the Planning Partners. Ms. Smith said these are legitimate concerns and the office of consumer affairs and CSAT takes these concerns seriously.

Ms. Smith discussed how most recently there’s been a mandate not to travel persons to SAMHSA for meetings. SAMHSA has made the decision to drastically cut travel and lodging expenses. This has made an impact on the availability and participation among Planning Partners. Ms. Smith said SAMHSA acknowledges and realizes this and knows it is difficult to leverage what we need to do without face-to-face engagement, but SAMHSA is doing the best they can. Ms. Smith said Planning Partners participation today shows dedication to the cause and invested in this process and SAMHSA appreciates that.

Ms. Smith went on to say Planning Partners provide SAMHSA with subject matter expertise, and they are the ones who see what is happening and know how things are going on the ground, in the field and in the board rooms. Planning Partners come from every aspect of recovery and treatment support services and Planning Partners understand what’s needed to get the message out. Ms. Smith said SAMHSA needs Planning Partners and they could not do this work without them.

Ms. Smith went on to say SAMHSA is going to try to give the Planning Partners feedback to those who are making decisions, so they know what is important to the Planning Partners. Ms. Smith said she understands for many being a Planning Partner is an effort to give back to recovery communities and the main reason why many decided to join and continue to participate. SAMHSA does not want to take this opportunity away from Planning Partners in any respect.

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Ms. Smith continued that the decision to cut travel was not based on the Planning Partners; nearly every stakeholder group at SAMHSA has been curtailed in terms of availability to travel. Ms. Smith reiterated that the work Planning Partners do is important and how they do their work is important. Ms. Smith told the Planning Partners she receives many phone calls and emails from people looking for next year’s Toolkit, banners, flyers, PSAs, etc. People are looking for these because they need them to promote recovery in their communities and Planning Partners are a vital part of this process.

Ms. Smith said there were additional questions about having a January meeting. She said we have a January meeting because the timing for getting materials out requires Planning Partners input at a certain time. Ms. Smith said if SAMHSA waited too long then the Toolkit would not be ready by May and the toolkit needs to be out by May so people can prepare for next year’s recovery events. Ms. Smith said for example in January 2019 we needed Planning Partners input and feedback for developing materials for 2020 so that in January of 2020 we will have something to look at so can move forward with PSA and toolkit development. Ms. Smith said we are always working within the year, within the next year and sharing information from the previous year for products and services for Recovery Month.

Ms. Smith said that was all the information for this meeting and asked the Planning Partners if they had any remaining questions.

Phillip Rutherford asked if he can access the vector art files for the Recovery Month logos. Amy Smith said downloadable files are up on the Recovery Month website, she was not sure what type of files, but they should be up on the website now. Ms. Smith also said the logo options for t-shirts will be available soon. Ms. Smith was not sure if the Recovery Month downloadable logo files included vector files.

Tamika Hawkins from the Crosby Team clarified there are EPS files online and those will have the same use as vector files.

Samuel Awosika asked if it’s possible to discuss with SAMHSA other incentives because it is not good if Planning Partners leave. Amy Smith agreed it is not good to lose Planning Partners if they can’t have face-to-face engagement. Ms. Smith said Planning Partners are private citizens so anyone can share their thoughts on new decisions.

Rev. Snow Peabody asked if it’s feasible for Planning Partners to come to SAMHSA on their own. Amy Smith said Planning Partners are always welcome to come on their own and SAMHSA is grateful if they can do that. Ms. Smith said this is not a requirement since she knows it is challenge for some to travel on their own. Ms. Smith said if Planning Partners decide to come on their own then they should inform someone at SAMHSA, and you will be put on the security list.

Lauryn Wick asked Ms. Smith to clarify the travel assistance policy. Amy Smith explained SAMHSA has not been given clearance to travel anyone for future meetings at this time, things might change and if anything does the Planning Partners will be notified. Ms. Wicks also asked if the 30th anniversary is 2019 or 2020 and Ms. Smith confirmed the 30th anniversary is 2019.

Lauryn Wicks also shared she is a member of the Bringing Science to Care Ad Hoc Workgroup. She said there have been no meetings and she was uncertain about the status of the group and asked if Steve Fry could help reassemble the group or identity a chair.

Steve Fry from CMHS said this group did a lot of work upfront including developing spreadsheets of different scientific articles that support different messages and ways that evidence-based care could be applied to the products SAMHSA is producing (PSAs, Toolkit, etc.) and then the work died down. Mr. Fry said when Kirsten stepped down as chair and the Road to Recovery TV show ended which was a big

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focus of the group, this caused a lot of uncertainty. Mr. Fry said he hopes the contracting team will be able to support this group and get in touch with everyone to get this group moving again.

IX. Adjournment – Amy Smith, CSAT Amy Smith thanked everyone for attending the meeting. She said if anyone decides to take on the t-shirt challenge and produce t-shirts that would be great. Ms. Smith said there is no pressure, but it is a good opportunity for your organization. Ms. Smith said she appreciates everything the Planning Partners have done and hopes all of SAMHSA’s efforts will support and inform the work Planning Partners are doing in their local communities.

Ms. Smith concluded with saying the PowerPoint presentation will be sent to all the Planning Partners so they can see everything that was presented today. Ms. Smith said she will also send out the contact information for the contracting team so Ad Hoc Workgroups can coordinate and send any suggestions for materials and resources for the 2020 material development.

Ms. Smith thanked everyone and adjourned the meeting.

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