National Food Security Mission Adaptive Strategic Research Projects.

National Food Security Mission Adaptive Strategic Research Projects

Transcript of National Food Security Mission Adaptive Strategic Research Projects.

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National Food Security Mission

Adaptive Strategic Research Projects

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•National Food Security Mission launched in 2007‐08 for enhancing production and productivity of Rice, Wheat and Pulses during 11th Plan.

• Experience gained during the course of NFSM implementation in 11th Plan suggested interventions need location‐specific and refinement of crop production technologies.

• For validation of crop technologies to promote for large scale addressing crop productivity related constraints, provision of funds to support Strategic Research Projects under NFSM during 12th Plan .

Strategic Research Projects under NFSM

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Themes/ Areas of Research• Conservation of natural resources (land, water) and their efficient use.• INM,IPM and IWM• Modification/refinements of farm machines/implements for different types of soils/cropping systems.• Up scaling of improved crop varieties/hybrids in NFSM adopted states/agro-

climatic zones under water/thermal stress conditions.• Nutrient management in acidic/ alkaline/sodic soils .• Crop‐husbandry.• Inputs use efficiency.• Rain‐water harvesting management in kharif pulses.• Refinement of relay cropping systems.• Agronomic practices for intercropping systems involving pulses.• Quality seed storage in the humid and hot climatic conditions‐coastal areas.• Value addition in case of coarse cereals and pulses• Precision farming‐nutrient manager and crop manager• Any other relevant areas related to crop production

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Research Projects for Support under NFSM

Research which aims at refinement and value addition to existing crop production/resource conservation/ post‐harvest technologies through famers’ participatory programme.

Addressing research gaps crucial to accomplishment of objectives of the Mission in short/medium term so that the outcome is available in 3‐4 years for adoption on large scale.

Scientific validation of innovative technologies made and used by farmers.

Anticipated outcome of the project should be practicable and economically viable.

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Call for Research Project Proposals

• Submission of Concept Note (not more than 5 pages) in identified research area by 20th December,2013.

• Concept Note- justification, relevance of proposed research, goals of NFSM for attaining food security, duration , area of operation, expected outcome.

• Decision for consideration/rejection of concept note of the research project at DAC.

• After approval of concept note, detailed project proposals will be invited.

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Project Cost Rs 50.00 Lakhs to Rs.400.00 lakhs

Period of the Project 2014-15 to 2016-17 ( Three Years)

Crops covered under project Wheat, Rice , Pulses, Coarse Cereals, Pulses as inter crops with cereals and commercial crops

Institutional Charges 10% of the project cost

Manpower Permissible Limited

Equipments Few on basis of necessity

Farm Machineries & Implements As required for Demonstration of Proven Technologies at farmers’ field.

Outcome of Concept notes to be communicated First Week, Jan 2014

Project Proposal to be submitted after the approval of the concept note

31st Jan 2014

Last Date of Submission of Concept Note 20th Dec 2013

Monitoring of Project Half Yearly

Report to be submitted Annual

Release of funds On the basis of the Evaluation of Project

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Processing of Project Proposals

Review of detailed project proposal by a panel of Experts.

Final approval of the project proposal at DAC.

Decision on the approval of project propsals would be communicated to Research Institute /SAU.

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Funding Mechanism

• Sanction of Project proposal up to terminal year of 12th Five Year Plan.

• Release of Funds on yearly basis ( in two installments in financial year ) as per approved allocation.

• Release of Funds next year after AUC of previous year.

• Allocation of funds allocation under projects for up scaling of technologies or organization of demonstrations on large scale at par with NFSM cost norms.

• Institutional charges admissible as per norms of Institute/ organization maximum up to 10% of the total allocated funds.

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Monitoring and Evaluation

• Submission of Half Yearly Progress Report containing activity‐wise targets and achievement by 15th October.

• Monitoring of the project by the team constituted by the DAC.

• Submission of Annual Progress Report through Head of the Organization/Competent Authority by 15th May.

• Review of Annual work at DAC.

• Presentation of work done during project period at DAC.

• Submission of Final report of the Project within two months after termination of the project.

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Application for Research Grant1) Project Title

2) Name and address of the institute/ organisation seeking grant

3) Project summary

4) Introduction: Give background, relevance to goals of NFSM/production and productivity of food grain crops and justification.

5) Objectives: Enlist objectives that are clear and attainable within duration of the project.

6) Review of Research:

7) Review international and national research relevant to the proposed work and objectives, published during the past 10 years. A brief mention of ongoing research projects and work accomplished by the institute/organisation submitting project proposal.

8) Expertise and infrastructure available with Institute/Organisation for proposed project. Include background in brief, qualification and research experience of the PI/Co‐PI along with list of their publications. Give a gist of facilities available for carrying out proposed project at the institute/Organisation.

9) Duration of the project in years.

10) Work Plan:

(i) Methodology

(ii) Timeline of activities and activity milestones on half yearly basis.

11) Expected outcome and its likely impact on production and productivity of food grains, sustainability, climatic risk mitigation, resource conservation, input use efficiency, soil health etc.

12) Budgetary requirement in prescribed format.

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Performa for half yearly progress report

1. Project title

2. Name, designation and address of Principal Investigator (PI).

3. Contact Phone Nos. and e‐mail id of PI.

4. Name and address of Institute/ Organization.

5. No. and date of Project sanction order.

6. Total amount approved.

7. Date of inception and duration of the Project.

8. Objectives of the project.

9. Activities and targets approved by DAC under each objective.

10. Activity‐wise achievements made and deviations from the targets, if any, with justification.

11. Statement of expenditure against allocation under each sub‐head.

12. Constraints, if any.

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