National Department of Public Works IAR Programme RFP – GIS fieldwork technology solution for DPW...

National Department of Public Works IAR Programme RFP – GIS fieldwork technology solution for DPW Immovable Asset Register 27 September 2012

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National Department of Public WorksIAR Programme

RFP – GIS fieldwork technology solution for DPW Immovable Asset Register

27 September 2012

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1. Background 3

2. Immovable Asset Register Business Objectives 4

3. Number of Land Parcels and Improvements under DPW’s Custodianship 5

4. Objectives 6

5. Scope of Work 7 – 9

6. General Terms and Conditions 10 – 14

7. Tender Evaluation Criteria 15 – 18

8. Technical Specification 19 – 21

9. DPW Network Diagram 22

10. Submission of Bids 23

11. Closing Date and Time 24

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1. Background

► In terms of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, No. 108 of 1996, all state owned national and provincial immovable assets must be vested in the name of the national government, or one of the nine provinces.

► In terms of the Government Immovable Asset Management Act, No. 27 of 2007, (GIAMA), Custodian appointments are assigned by the Minister of Public Works to exercise the responsibilities associated with ownership on behalf of national government. These responsibilities include acquisition, management and operation, maintenance and disposals.

► The Department of Public Works (DPW) is therefore mandated as the custodian of immovable assets vested in the national government, which are not otherwise vested in the custodianship of other departments through legislation.

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2. Immovable Asset Register Business Objective

In terms of the PFMA, No. 1of 1999, all national and provincial custodians of immovable assets are required to manage, maintain and account on Immovable Asset Register/s (IAR).

IAR Vision & Guiding Principles ► A valid, baseline complete and accurate Immovable Asset Register that:

► External auditors are able to place reliance on; ► Encourages efficient and effective property and asset management;► Addresses all the management assertions;

► Completeness;► Existence; ► Rights;► Accuracy and reliability;► Valuation and allocation; and► Presentation and Disclosure

► Complies with the Sector Specific Guide, NT Chapter 9 (Departmental Financial Reporting Framework Guide) Accounting for Capital Assets and relevant legislation and guidelines.

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3. Number of Land Parcels and Improvements Under DPW’s Custodianship

Region Complexes Offices Residential Vacant land Other Totals

Land Land Land Land Land Land Imp- Res Imp-Non-Res

Bloemfontein 574 250 652 729 616 2,821 2,746 3,380

Cape Town 906 273 623 2,189 659 4,650 5,874 6,591

Durban 631 121 732 2,903 168 4,555 4,006 4,935

Johannesburg 401 205 309 1,271 357 2,543 2,507 2,926

Kimberley 316 29 667 818 463 2,293 1,832 2,890

Mmabatho 239 110 334 885 287 1,855 3,878 3,301

Nelspruit 274 108 197 1,446 94 2,119

 2,602 2,382

Polokwane 392 71 760 835 275 2,333 3,324 4,083

Port Elizabeth 519 51 377 707 256 1,910 1,978 2,961

Pretoria 253 76 160 914 785 2,188 3,392 5,616

Umtata 145 25 68 36 33 307 837 1,249

Total 4,650 1,319 4,879 12,733 3,993 27,574 32,976 40,314

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4. Objective

► DPW has identified the need to make use of modern technology to record and verify property details. The decision was made to procure a tool which requires minimal manual input and at the same time perform validation of data at the point of capture.

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5. Scope of work

The successful service provider will be required to:

5.1 Design, implement and maintenance of software for capturing and verification of property details.

DPW has procured 200 data collection tools (Samsung Galaxy Tablets) and hereby calls for proposals to provide the software to configure the data collection tools to enable minimal input and at the same time perform validation of data at the point of capture.

The proposed solution must:

(i) Interface with Oracle Database containing DPW property information and be accessible from any Web Browser friendly device as well as any Web Browser like Internet Explorer Version 6 upwards, Google Chrome, Fire Fox etc.

(ii) Be available offline when there is no network and update data once the device is connected to the network.

(iii) Allow verification and authorization by Fieldworkers Supervisors / Managers.

(iv) Produce reports and statistics on information captured by data capturers.

(v) Populate GPS coordinates of the property directly into the database and allow the fieldworkers to save it on the database.

(vi) Allow the capturing and saving of photographs of properties.

(vii) Have secure access to the system.

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5. Scope of Work

5.2 Data size

a) 27 564 land parcels and 73 000 improvements/ structures.

b) See table on previous slide.

5.3 Training

The supplier must be able to supply training and skills as follows:

a) Training for data collectors and verifiers

(i) Principles of quality data capture.

(ii) Field Assessment techniques

(iii) Assessment software tool usage (online and offline).

(b) Training for Supervisors, Project Managers. Helpdesk (desktop) and project leads

(i) Principles of quality data management

(ii) Assessment of software tool usage (online and offline)

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5. Scope of Work

5.4. Supply, Installation and Configuration of Software(a) The software must be supplied, installed and configured at DPW.(b) Any API’s or data quality assurance shall reside within DPW and the source code will be intellectual

property of DPW(c) DPW shall remain the only custodian and owner of the data collected.(d) Software supplied must work within DPW IT environment and comply to open standards.

5.5 SupportThe supplier must demonstrate capacity to provide software maintenance and support

5.6 PricingThe supplier must provide pricing for the following:

(e) Software development(f) Training(g) Maintenance and support

5.7 Demonstrable evidence of the softwareService providers scoring a minimum of 75 points on the functionality criteria will be required to demonstrate their solution at identified sites.

5.6 Durationa) Till May 2013.

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6. General Terms and Conditions


A compulsory briefing session will be held at 10H00, on 27 September 2012, Room 114 CGO Building, North Wing, Corner Vermeulen and Bosman Streets, Pretoria.




6.2.1 Provide pricing as per the template provided in the TOR.


6.2.2 All amounts must be inclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).


6.2.4 Provide a clear indication on how the total cost is derived.

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6. General Terms and Conditions



DPW will provide a formal monitoring process once the Service Provider has been appointed which will include progress meetings, query resolution processes, deliverable sign offs, etc.




6.4.1 All information generated, communication produced, and data acquired, and any other material produced under the auspices of this project remains the intellectual property of DPW.


6.4.2 The service provider will be bound by the same clause of confidentiality and code of ethics as applicable to officials of the public service.

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6. General Terms and Conditions



6.5.1 DPW will not be held responsible for any costs incurred by the bidder/s in the preparation, submission of the bids, or any losses and injuries during physical verification, etc.


6.5.2 DPW is not bound to select any of the firms submitting proposals. DPW reserves the right not to award any of the bids and not to award the contract to the lowest bidding price as well as to renegotiate the bid of the preferred applicant.



6.6.1 DPW undertakes to pay all verified valid claims for work done and tools provided to its satisfaction within 30 days of a substantiated claim. No payment will be made where there is outstanding information/work/no delivery or incorrect information supplied by the service provider.

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6. General Terms and Conditions



To be considered responsive, the service provider must satisfy the requirements of 4 above. Failure will result in disqualification.



 ► Certified copies of Founding Statement (CK1), if bidder is a Close Corporation.► Certified copies of Articles of Agreement (CM1), shareholding certificate, endorsed by an

auditor, if bidder is a private company [(Pty) Ltd].► In the event of the bidder being a public company, a letter from its auditor, certifying its

status as a public company and attached thereto, a certified copy of the bidder’s Articles of Agreement.

► Certified copy(s) of identity document(s) if bidder is a natural person(s) or partnership.► Certified copy of a valid Tax Clearance Certificate.

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6. General Terms and Conditions



The proposals will be evaluated in two phases. In the first phase the bid documents will be evaluated according to the functionality criteria indicated below (table A). All proposals that will score less than 75 out of 100 points for functionality will not be considered further. Service providers who meet the minimum functionality score of 70 will be required to demonstrate their solution as indicated in table B below. A shortlist will be established in phase one and all short listed bidders will be evaluated in terms of price and preference for final adjudication.


PHASE 1: Minimum score required to be considered responsive = 75%

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7. Tender Evaluation Criteria

TABLE ANo. Category Weighting Factor Functional Criteria

1. Software Specification

35 1. Browser and Operating system independent2. App data manipulation functionality3. GPS functionality4. Image or photo handling functionality5. Database Functionality6. System Audit Functionality7. Data transfer / migration functionality8. No licence

2. GIS development experience

35 1. Number of years developing GIS software (Specify start and end date)

2. Contactable references with proof of evidence

3. Resource Capabilities for maintenance and training

30 1. Experience of personnel to provide maintenance, training and support services.

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7. Tender Evaluation Criteria


Category Weighting factor Functional Criteria

Demonstrable evidence of the tool

100 1. Browser and operating system independent. App data manipulation functionality

2. GPS Functionality3. Image or photo handling

functionality4. Database functionality5. System Audit functionality6. Data transfer / migration

functionality7. No licence

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7. Tender Evaluation Criteria


a) The software should be supplied, installed and configured at DPW.

b) Any API’s or data quality assurance software shall reside within DPW.

c) DPW shall remain the only custodian and owner of the data collected.

d) Software supplied must work within the DPW IT environment.


The supplier must be able to provide training and skills transfer as follows:

a) Field verifiers

i. Principles of quality data capture.

ii. Field Assessment techniques.

iii. Assessment software tool usage (online and offline).

b) Supervisors

i. Principles of quality data management.

ii. Assessment of software tool usage (online and offline).

iii. Data management software usage (online).

On request of DPW, the Supplier should be able to provide training for helpdesk agents and as well as refresher training.

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7. Tender Evaluation Criteria


The supplier must demonstrate capacity to provide a 24 hour helpdesk service for both software queries including response to:

a) Telephone,

b) Email and

c) Fax.


The supplier must provide pricing for the following:

a) Software

i. Licensing, maintenance and support costs.

ii. Software customisation costs.

b) Consulting

d) Training

i. Training materials costs to be for the supplier’s account.

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8. Technical Specification


8.1.1 Network

DPW network is a TCP/IP based Windows network. The department has 1 head office building in Pretoria and 11 regional offices in Pretoria, Johannesburg (Braamfontein), Bloemfontein, Durban, Polokwane, Mmabatho, Kimberly , Cape Town, Mthatha, Port Elizabeth and Nelspruit. The head office and regional offices are connected via the SITA VPN network. All our enterprise systems are located at SITA.

8.1.2 GIS Software

ArcGIS 10.

8.1.3 Database

Oracle 11g spatial.

8.2 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT (to be completed and submitted to DPW by the service provider with the completed bid response)

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8. Technical Specification

No. Description Available    Yes


To be developed

1. Data capture interface.      2. Use of drop-down list on appropriate fields to reduce typing errors.      

3. Active validation of field completeness and correctness.      

4. Use of integrated GPS to record accurate coordinates for property position.      

5. Use of integrated GPS to record accurate coordinates for perimeter coordinates.      

6. Use of integrated GPS to record accurate coordinates for position of each building.      

7. Online and offline backups.      

8. Synchronisation with Oracle 11g spatial database.      

9. Audit tracking.      10. Data Migration.      12. Based on open standards.      14. Has mobile or tablet app.      15. ArcGIS software      

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10. Submission of Bids

10.1 Prospective bidders must submit their bid proposals in two envelopes. One envelope with the Financial Proposal (pricing schedule with all cost related items, cost breakdown) and the other envelope with the Technical Proposal (completed bid forms and the response to the terms of reference and functionality criteria.

10.2 The Technical Proposal envelope and the Price Proposal envelope shall contain one original hard copy document, clearly marked “Original”, and one hard copy, clearly marked “Copy”.

10.3 The bidder shall place both the sealed Technical Proposal and Price Proposal envelopes into an outer sealed envelope which must endorse the following information:

a) Bid No

b) Closing date

c) Name of the bidder

d) Technical Proposal of Financial Proposal

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11. Closing date

Closing date and Time

the closing date of the tender is 12 October 2012 at 11H00. Bid documents may be deposited in the tender box at the Department of Public Works, Corner Bosman and Vermeulen. Pretoria or Alternatively be posted to the Department of Public Works, Private Bag X65, Pretoria 0001

Late Bids

Bids received late shall not be considered and will be returned unopened

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