5Lr m 'If "K~- 1' CORNWELL'S ar W6 LEAD - CORNWELL'S ^ RELIABLE DRUG STOfil 820 GONG NUNN At.1. V 'MSli moat complete lib* oTTStftt ATlUSm 72 Swuoae tj, Fine Box Pftper, «u. Number IS 29, 1901 WE MAKE SPECIAL PRICES TO STUDENTS rerv dnv to TTnlv reify S'mlont., *±_ ^ _ .. ri6Be-ft»4 : Pliy stilus, •_ tiot and CoidDrinlfsiaSeasonr Make OUR STOREYOUa HEADQDARTERS •' ,.. Volume I * T , AUStlN, TEXAS, TUESDAY, JANUARY NETTLETON'S MSN'S PINE SHOES $5,00 and $0.00 Per Pair THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXASF^ THE- UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS - MUSICAL ORGANIZATION. '• OUR H. S. & •. SHOES $3.00and$3.5ft Per Pair There are fewasgood, - and none better .4^ " at thei same price, The Law Department of our Uni- versity. What" doingi What is being done for it? ' . ~ S First we will consider what the jLaw Department of our University is doing. The Divinity- which:.eon trols our ; Destinies, : the'Destinies at 1 ' r—th at which was once the Republic of Texas,lias sd brought about thatTex- as law should be taught by Texans bred. This Divinity has drawn to- gether a body of men .of the choicest talent of our. superior race to guide ^iTetnturejof^ur State. For guide~ f -pur future they dq. Inlhe iew.short" . .years to ('onie, when the new genera- —^ t ion I lip - gflvo]']] mart the»ship of state, it will he found that its brightest beacons will ". Following the suggestion 6f~ Mh— . Schoch, on Friday'there met ifi the the Decade Ending DeceffilW 31, 1896," also by §ioiond8 1; ppy 19- 285. Tliis record has been prepaid' ma inly for" ni nit auditorium the Young Club, the Yoipg Gentlemen's Glee Club, and representatives from the, ; pandaridforchfotra. After two very pretty and well-rendered selections froni-the youhg ladies, the Young . Gentlemen's Glee .Club under Dr. Penick's able direction, g§ve two rousing numbters in excellent time . and perfect hahnony. It was a ihat--7 teV of sincere regtet that the num- ber of band and orchestra members " present.wag not sufficient for each of those organizations, to otwhatitcoulrl do in tM; musical r line, After the impromptu conc-ert (foF which all had been practicing. weeks), the meeting was desire to know where and by whom that was most fruitful iuiresuj The proceedings Contain an excellent likeness of. the late Dr. Norman and ••the resolution on his death, the - names of the officers and council for 189S>-1?00, ^he titleg,of papers read before the Academy from February. 3, 1899, to December 15,^1899. A>... list of-patrons and fellows aiid a list'.; of the exchanges. : > :c . sThi| volume of transactions has already received 1 nuriieroas favorable;- -mentions We Rebate you ongrhalf of the cost of your Shoes In FREE SHIRKS. liW bcdi Ihe B^rlkig niaik uJ -Um Ltw - lo order,. with Mr. Schotfr - ^School of Texas./ This band ofin- 7^'structore having achieved fani.e on" the 'hiMioh and at the bar, as a duty. ^_to their people liave made the great^ est sacrifice may maltb- for his fellows. They-have saeri-- vficed that hope of glory known to the * lawyeras fame, but greater still they have laid aside that .pipsiiit of, Hwealih. dollars, which often lias heen thfe min of the wisest of irien, As minds have seasoned "in the in W" chair: Dr. Penick stated the object ... of the meeting to be this:".that those i lite rested, in niusic should assemble r to effect .a permanent musical or- —ganization in thn TTnivofaity fnr specific; purpose of arranging a ser- ies of fr»»e concerts to be given in the ^-auditorium to the University at large and to such frientli^ as the or--, . ganization saw fit to invite. These concerts"-are to consi#t of selections' papers ofaVfiiBfica, andrequosfg have__^ iKKMi riK'eive^l for copies from resi- tfents of foreigCroUStnesr ; |>residenti#i address of Dr. Henry Winnton Harper ,..Academy of Science «t the October,190Q,. meeting entitled "Som^ Advance Made in Our Ktitrwrfcdge' of Imftiuiltty iftid _tective •ijiocuiatio.ns," will apjiear •this week ; in I)r. Danielu' Medical Journal. ^ i. TEXAS D"BBATES. weoa fry "one or the moat ^omitlete lines of PaKTS abown in the oountry. The<| Patterns shown *re exohwhfo. The Fit and Workmanship per- fect. ~ ~ A new pair will briffhtcn up your old ooat and wwifc and ghre th«m t^e appear- aaoe of ane w-auit>-v~ Av?" •SM. Prices; 13.00 to ^io.oo. Glithlii, Firnltllitt, Ntit. j- A. P. WOOLPRIDGE, STUDENTS' CH 1 vs. f : 806 Congress Avenue PHONE 73 f ri fo o f life, ha ^ i iig bcfore them the evarfiple of our forefathers who - rushed with jpy to receive cold steel jn their breasts as the prjee of Prin- •—ciplei they see that; the sum- == mwro bonwn of .life 1 is to stake all on what-they crtnceTve" foTip VWir .-duty to their people. They are - raising no mprtumeitt Which time or 'tyranny may overthrew, no ^d|e sfpne to gratify mere personaFvan- ty, hut they will so live 011 the,lips of v thei r people v that their fame "will ever TOature but never ripen. These x men .are doing the greatest that is -^fe^gdofieihTexasto^ay.^Belide8 Law, they are teaching that justice and humanity that practically sur- if passed Christianity in the huge good it will do. Every man so fortunate " as to come tinder their influence is sent forth a greater artd better man, with the. grand desire to do to others as. others have done by him and solo numbers from, those o the student "Bodjr.possessing niu§i«al ability. Th^se^ricerls are to occur tnonthliv dntl ital projniKed that an attractive aind popular program will be fti/nished. each time. The real purpose of the entire movement is to make music more popular in tKe University, and to furnish opportun- ities where students may come to- gether frequently and enjoy a pleas- : ant evening, free of cost. : . Bv vbte of those present an exefili- - tive colTimittee was elected: Mr. r S(!hoch, pre8ideht; -Miss Mary- tiff secretary; Mr, Audirain, treasurer. 4s ertipaar In the last met>t«ig of the 'Oi&pif d- A ssoci atioji irrangoinents were Q f made for the diebates with Tulane -and Missouri. ! A three years ar- rangement is to be m&de with both of these, universitius. The debate With. Mi^ouri tfiis -year is to be held in Austin some time in May, but New drieans.. It was agreed with Tulane that we pay all the expenses . of our men When, we ieff^ them to Tulane, and that they"ffay Ex- penses when they come here. The, agreement with Missouri, however, is that each university bear half the expense* each year. TheTfallowing arrangements for the preliminary PAUL r. THORNTON, Vie* Pratt.; iA&PER WOOLBRIOGE, Cuhl««. A. W. WILKERSON, togu CoMm. -•sr NATIONAL 1 RANK: jpP AUSTIN, TEXAS. "conleSl were adop" tion; ered to arrange all progtams and to. . conduct the affairs of the organiza- 1 . , rition.' .' Jt was decided that the first Mon- . day eyening of each month should be set apart for these concerts. An in- School? The greatest, that is done: ^ for it fs allowing ft to shape Its own' ends. And well its "ends are being. shaped Inadeqnacv existg J in lec- ture room accommodation, lit limi-~ ted libraries, in a restriction here ana a restriction .there. Those brave ; men who have cast their-lots. Ai] those almost unsung but "giant men - .of the past, cast all their ] jceamircpR regardless of nersorial con- :My through the cojumng of The "^Texan in tiim? for all the si and faculty to attend the first con- : cert.' 1 " "... ; -i..- ••• : :• Entirely separate from this, the Young Ladies' Glee Club proposes to give a cOndert Monday evening, J" _ benefit of the piano fund. They will be as- !• All bona fide members of eac society 'shall be perteitted to enter /the contest. . / - . - 2. The mfen desiring to enter this contest shall meet their respective setireteries in their respective halls at 11:30 Monday, J an uary 21st, at Which time Jots shall be drawn for . Exchanges shall be permitted. ^ 7 S 3, The society contests shall take place on Saturday bight, February " 26th. "" J ; 4. Each man, shall have twelve and one-half minutes in which to BOARD OF DIRECTOR* Thw. D< Wooten. ^-7 M. Seartmughi Paul F. Thornton, ; A. P. Wooldrkig*, Jljfi. B, Pope, ' R. L - THE BUSINESS OFTHE FACULTY AND THE STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY SOUCITFC. YATES' CORNER DRUG SPECIALS: - 1 i Our mannish walking- boots for .women ... ^,...$3,00 Our splendid line ^of up-to-date shoes for inen . \ , .. i$3.00 Knox hats—nowhere els^ but •• here "Howard derbysi next best : Handsome suite for men, war- ranted . ^..... . $7.50. to 25,00 High grade millinery. LadiesyMfui^TaUored Suitfii- Men's $1.50 Shirts, at rhc 'Varsity Students' Headquarters cern forth to their devouring stu- dents in order that nothing jfiay mar ; their completeness. On the part of .r the students there is that well known sacrifice'to inevitab^ delay and pre- carious facilities which marked'^ths r initiation of our greatness as a pep- pie. So little is done for the Law School that-if it were in baser handa„ a few short years would" find it hap- temng tl ike-~a grand~-siiy- tions of the University, and the liest 3uMnTaIeSr—*" " .sion feeuwill be charg^R and later _.on the band will give a similar con- cert to discharge the debt on their instrumeiits. ! But the monthly concerts are for port of every student in the Univer- - sity is askedforthi^great enterprise. All success to music in the Univer- present Hie argument, and five min- uter for rebuttal. Five shall be se- lected from each society who shall *"1 1 -fipal preliminary promise gone to'seed. S.hould it so. ' 1 pen* in tiriie tO; come that our Law •- . A*. These ten men shall meet im- mediately after the debate, and shall . by Jot select siies and, places for the" - final preJiminary. - - - j 6. The question r^Sesolvedi that : the United State* ^>^ouliy 'NThf V 0 . ControJ of the Phil- shall be debated in the _ nteste^aa-jcdULfig the final preliminary. ~rr -HEADQUARTERS : fon 700 CONGRESS AVE. ippines.;' THE TEXAS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE NOTES. . * for everything/ Come on.- , Volume III of Transactions of 1 for 1899. School might be segregated in walls? .of its own pijd. its-present halls ded-- f" itedfto the increasing demands of e College and Scientific School Of the University, speeoUy ^t w^ld"fer"—... .. . w - discovered that -beneath its rijii>f .. same" year, have; been publishM*'and. nmmlfl filory f\f T<iri|a arnj alti Jiow bvwg dlatribufe >on itfr Altars would burn the Flame Academy. The volume ' * * toge^r-with-thajiiagffidingB 'for the v ,, * w prenmmary sTia. take place in the "auditorium on Sat nrday night, March 16th. i 8. Each speaker shall have ten minutes m.^hich to present his ar- gument,. and flvpTmnutes-for Te- buftal. " "\/V7" H>Tr^T? A T^TIT^IV - which would ever preserve our Hope 308 Tpag^s. "consisting of the an- ? oFthe Jbhiture.—^ :—nnal address—hy thft^pw^iaeni.' " Druggists - - ( 9: Ther^ shall l^e five jud^ con- . , ... , aind Hezes, who jShall select twt> men and one altern- ated speakaeain*#. Th1a «» an ^ r -STMDENT SUNDRIES ^Harvard and Columbia have au--i, erick W. Simonds. PP. 7-16, and A 11 *7Tf iT rtmiTM ft j OAMFBBLL, ilTM, AMD 8BAB8 RACQUCT8, CHAMPIONSHIP BALL8, irili Mil jron »t SBf. Ow ^ . BASE BALL SEASON i»b»».;.V'W» flttd and «m iiftm. 70 Cento Pair m, ^lecHng- mib jBeferen^.. to fte men who «i3S •"'"rspidA

Transcript of NATIONAL 1 RANK


5Lr m 'If "K~- 1'



820 GONG

NUNN At.1. V 'MSli • moat complete lib* oTTStftt ATlUSm

72 Swuoae tj, Fine Box Pftper, «u. Number IS 29, 1901 WE MAKE SPECIAL PRICES TO STUDENTS

rerv dnv to TTnlv reify S'mlont., *±_ ^ _ .. ri6Be-ft»4

: Pliy stilus, •_ tiot and CoidDrinlfsiaSeasonr



$5,00 and $0.00 Per Pair


'• OUR H. S. & •. SHOES $3.00and$3.5ft Per Pair

There are fewasgood, - and none better .4^ " at thei same price,

The Law Department of our Uni­versity. What" doingi What is being done for it? ' . ~

S First we will consider what the jLaw Department of our University is doing. The Divinity- which:.eon trols our;Destinies,:the'Destinies at1'

r—th at which was once the Republic of Texas,lias sd brought about thatTex-as law should be taught by Texans bred. This Divinity has drawn to­gether a body of men .of the choicest talent of our. superior race to guide

^iTetnturejof^ur State. For guide~ f -pur future they dq. Inlhe iew.short" . .years to ('onie, when the new genera-

—^ t ion • I lip - gflvo]']] • mart the»ship of state, it will he

found that its brightest beacons will

". • Following the suggestion 6f~ Mh— . Schoch, on Friday'there met ifi the

the Decade Ending DeceffilW 31, 1896," also by §ioiond81; ppy 19-285. Tliis record has been prepaid' ma inly for"



auditorium the Young Club, the Yoipg Gentlemen's Glee Club, and representatives from the,

; pandaridforchfotra. After two very pretty and well-rendered selections froni-the youhg ladies, the Young . Gentlemen's Glee .Club under Dr.

Penick's able direction, g§ve two rousing numbters in excellent time . and perfect hahnony. It was a ihat--7 teV of sincere regtet that the num­ber of band and orchestra members

" present.wag not sufficient for each of those organizations, to otwhatitcoulrl do in tM; musical

r line, After the impromptu conc-ert „ (foF which all had been practicing.

weeks), the meeting was

desire to know where and by whom

that was most fruitful iuiresuj The proceedings Contain an excellent likeness of. the late Dr. Norman and ••the resolution on his death, the -names of the officers and council for 189S>-1?00, ^he titleg,of papers read before the Academy from February. 3, 1899, to December 15,^1899. A>... list of-patrons and fellows aiid a list'.; of the exchanges. : > :c . sThi| volume of transactions has already received1 nuriieroas favorable;--mentions

We Rebate you ongrhalf of the cost of your Shoes In



bcdi Ihe B^rlkig niaik uJ -Um Ltw - lo order,. with Mr. Schotfr - School of Texas./ This band ofin-7^'structore having achieved fani.e on"

the 'hiMioh and at the bar, as a duty. ^_to their people liave made the great^

est sacrifice may maltb-for his fellows. They-have saeri--

vficed that hope of glory known to the * lawyeras fame, but greater still they

have laid aside that .pipsiiit of, Hwealih. dollars, which often lias heen

thfe min of the wisest of irien, As minds have seasoned "in the

in W" chair: Dr. Penick stated the object

... of the meeting to be this:".that those i lite rested, in niusic should assemble

r to effect .a permanent musical or-—ganization in thn TTnivofaity fnr

specific; purpose of arranging a ser­ies of fr»»e concerts to be given in the

^-auditorium to the University at large and to such frientli^ as the or--,

. ganization saw fit to invite. These concerts"-are to consi#t of selections'

papers ofaVfiiBfica, andrequosfg have__^ iKKMi riK'eive^l for copies from resi-tfents of foreigCroUStnesr ;

|>residenti#i address of Dr. Henry Winnton Harper , . . A c a d e m y o f S c i e n c e « t t h e October,190Q,. meeting entitled "Som^ Advance Made in Our Ktitrwrfcdge' of Imftiuiltty iftid

_tective •ijiocuiatio.ns," will apjiear •this week; in I)r. Danielu' Medical Journal. ^ i.


weoa fry "one or the moat ^omitlete lines of PaKTS abown in the oountry.

The<| Patterns shown *re exohwhfo. The Fit and Workmanship per­fect. ~ ~

A new pair will briffhtcn up your old ooat and wwifc and ghre th«m t^e appear-aaoe of ane w-auit>-v~

Av?" •SM.

Prices; 13.00 to io.oo.

Glithlii, Firnltllitt, Ntit.




f :

806 Congress Avenue • PHONE 73

f ri fo o f life, ha i iig bcfore them the evarfiple of our forefathers who

- rushed with jpy to receive cold steel jn their breasts as the prjee of Prin-

•—ciplei they see that; the sum-== mwro bonwn of .life1 is to stake

all on what-they crtnceTve" foTip VWir .-duty to their people. They are - raising no mprtumeitt Which time or 'tyranny may overthrew, no ^d|e sfpne to gratify mere personaFvan-ty, hut they will so live 011 the,lips

ofv thei r people vthat their fame "will ever TOature but never ripen. These

x men .are doing the greatest that is -^fe^gdofieihTexasto^ay.^Belide8

Law, they are teaching that justice and humanity that practically sur-

if passed Christianity in the huge good • it will do. Every man so fortunate " as to come tinder their influence is

sent forth a greater artd better man, with the. grand desire to do to others as. others have done by him

and solo numbers from, those o the student "Bodjr.possessing niu§i«al ability. Th^se^ricerls are to occur tnonthliv dntl ital projniKed that an attractive aind popular program will be fti/nished. each time. The real purpose of the entire movement is to make music more popular in tKe University, and to furnish opportun­ities where students may come to­gether frequently and enjoy a pleas-

: ant evening, free of cost. : . Bv vbte of those present an exefili-

- tive colTimittee was elected: Mr. r S(!hoch, pre8ideht; -Miss Mary- tiff

secretary; Mr, Audirain, treasurer. 4s ertipaar

In the last met>t«ig of the 'Oi&pif d- A ssoci atioji irrangoinents were

Qf made for the diebates with Tulane -and Missouri. ! A three years ar­rangement is to be m&de with both of these, universitius. The debate With. Mi^ouri tfiis -year is to be held in Austin some time in May, but

New drieans.. It was agreed with Tulane that we pay all the expenses

. of our men When, we ieff^ them to Tulane, and that they"ffay Ex­penses when they come here. The, agreement with Missouri, however, is that each university bear half the expense* each year. TheTfallowing arrangements for the preliminary

PAUL r. THORNTON, Vie* Pratt.; iA&PER WOOLBRIOGE, Cuhl««. A. W. WILKERSON, togu CoMm.



"conleSl were adop" tion;

ered to arrange all progtams and to. . conduct the affairs of the organiza-1. , rition.' .'

Jt was decided that the first Mon-. day eyening of each month should be

set apart for these concerts. An in-

School? The greatest, that is done: ^ for it fs allowing ft to shape Its own' ends. And well its "ends are being. shaped Inadeqnacv existgJ in lec-ture room accommodation, lit limi-~ ted libraries, in a restriction here ana a restriction .there. Those brave;

men who have cast their-lots. Ai] those almost unsung but "giant men -

.of the past, cast all their ] jceamircpR regardless of nersorial con-

:My through the cojumng of The "^Texan in tiim? for all the si

and faculty to attend the first con-: cert.'1" "... ; -i..- • • ••• : • :•

Entirely separate from this, the Young Ladies' Glee Club proposes to give a cOndert Monday evening,

J" _ benefit of the piano fund. They will be as-

!• All bona fide members of eac society 'shall be perteitted to enter /the contest. . / - . - 2. The mfen desiring to enter this contest shall meet their respective setireteries in their respective halls at 11:30 Monday, J an uary 21st, at Which time Jots shall be drawn for

. Exchanges shall be permitted. ^ 7

S 3, The society contests shall take place on Saturday bight, February

" 26th. ""J;

4. Each man, shall have twelve and one-half minutes in which to

BOARD OF DIRECTOR* Thw. D< Wooten. ^-7 M. Seartmughi Paul F. Thornton, • ;A. P. Wooldrkig*, Jljfi. B, Pope, ' R. L -





-1 i Our mannish walking- boots for

.women ... ^,...$3,00 Our splendid line ^of up-to-date

shoes fo r inen . \ , . . i $3 .00 Knox hats—nowhere els^ but

•• here "Howard derbysi next best : Handsome suite for men, war­

ranted . ..... . $7.50. to 25,00 High grade millinery. LadiesyMfui^TaUored Suitfii-Men's $1.50 Shirts, at rhc

'Varsity Students' Headquarters

cern forth to their devouring stu­dents in order that nothing jfiay mar

; their completeness. On the part of .r the students there is that well known

sacrifice'to inevitab^ delay and pre-• carious facilities which marked'^ths r

initiation of our greatness as a pep-pie. So little is done for the Law School that-if it were in baser handa„ a few short years would" find it hap-temng tl ike-~a grand~-siiy-

tions of the University, and the liest 3 u M n T a I e S r — * " " .sion feeuwill be charg^R and later _.on the band will give a similar con­cert to discharge the debt on their instrumeiits. !

But the monthly concerts are for

port of every student in the Univer-- sity is askedforthi^great enterprise.

All success to music in the Univer-

present Hie argument, and five min­uter for rebuttal. Five shall be se­lected from each society who shall *"1 1 -fipal preliminary

promise gone to'seed. S.hould it so. ' 1 pen* in tiriie tO; come that our Law •-

. A*. These ten men shall meet im­mediately after the debate, and shall

. by Jot select siies and, places for the" - final preJiminary. - - -j 6. The question r^Sesolvedi that

: the United State* >^ouliy 'NThf V0. • ControJ of the Phil-

shall be debated in the _ nteste^aa-jcdULfig the final

preliminary. ~rr





* for everything/ Come on.- ,

Volume III of Transactions of 1 for 1899.

School might be segregated in walls? .of its own pijd. its-present halls ded--f" itedfto the increasing demands of

e College and Scientific School Of the University, speeoUy ^t w^ld"fer"—... .. . w -discovered that -beneath its rijii>f .. same" year, have; been publishM*'and. nmmlfl filory f\f T<iri|a arnj alti Jiow bvwg dlatribufe >on itfr Altars would burn the Flame Academy. The volume

' * *

toge^r-with-thajiiagffidingB 'for the

v ,, * w prenmmary sTia. take place in the "auditorium on Sat nrday night, March 16th. i

8. Each speaker shall have ten minutes m.^hich to present his ar­gument,. and flvpTmnutes-for Te-buftal. "

• "\/V7" H>Tr^T? A T^TIT^IV - which would ever preserve our Hope 308 Tpag^s. "consisting of the an- ?

oFthe Jbhiture.—^ :—nnal address—hy thft^pw^iaeni.' "

Druggists - • -

( 9: Ther^ shall l^e five jud^ con-

. , . . . , aind Hezes, who jShall select twt> men and one altern­ated speakaeain*#. Th1a«» an

r-STMDENT SUNDRIES ^Harvard and Columbia have au--i, erick W. Simonds. PP. 7-16, and A

11 *7Tf iT

rtmiTM ft j OAMFBBLL,




W» irili Mil jron »t SBf. Ow ^ .

BASE BALL SEASON i»b»».;.V'W» flttd and «m iiftm.

70 Cento Pair

m, ^lecHng- mib jBeferen^.. to fte men who





w MetJt"fe

'••JEEGS? ig&-


^'gggl -dA-t4»iv^

**\ -Si'- J •3Sfe

/-".-'T- '--.i. j j' <r:.:'-~ 1 • ; / • • • • - •• ' ; '



Ml I *• 0

—4L PEYSER'S 2100-

r »s. •— «


u ••:. I'


-mm-.;Qk* m

THE STUDENTS' FORUM; - •' ,• . • ... ., - : ....- -,• ."< .,!.: ., • . .;• — The joint debate between the Rusk „ One can not help feeling the deep-

Vt.hfinafiimi societies will'be- 'est pity for the' igrjoranee Vthrft TiEbtcife




. .j

asr m the last is


"The Dictators of Moderate Prices'


the"head of W^ti^s AMERICAN PLAN

sity Baylor debate, as thie tivo best Student's ,Fortim,.. signed by. "A " " _ „ _ t , _ BusiN esV m a nag EK8«, out of the six^wsento fives will be .. .Freshman." , .;f " " CCCptions an anqucts

Mont F. IIighi.jcy, H. Lee Borden; chosen/te^represent' 'tTfe 'tTjTitversityL ^ The' writer of this article remarks^ •'•, ,' ',.' "Tn that debate. The'interest mani7- an, inability to .discefnwhy "every-^ • Sacrifieed;,to athtet- " j to-haiul iii: rontributlfins of a newsy more intense daily,, and. each of^her"'ics^-m this--institution," and adds

Specially Catered For


to "hand jil' fontributiona of a newsy nature.^ Leave articles In the boxes—i-jvr/ MiV. r;""' •1.~rTrr—;—wr-^i-rri 1 — - • debaters is .earnestly endeavoring, to that the insignia U. of T


fo the corridor:,or uialt to EditOT-m-ChJef, JRoum 17. TJ. Hall. lir be successful, consequent!'

M N u l h ' . * * l « W w 1812 Congress A*venue. The Rusk representatives

P. Z. German, W. M. Hill} Entered at' the "Austin postofflue as sec-:: "jond mall matter.

^ - Local_ Editor;—Frank West. ' , '"j, -r- **— Literary Editor—rJesse Miller. "

Senior Class—Wj„L. Prather, Jr. Junior^yiass—Miss Kdtie, Small;

~ SopfaomoTe Class—John L. Sinclair, • • Freahman Claaa—Korman T. Robertson. —^Senior Law—JBallinger , Mi lis. ; - Junior Lawrr-Albert Boggess. , Athenaeum^—1.'T. Gope. - TA

Rusk—T. L. Massey. ^ABRbSl^Mlss Holliday.

not to be "denied the Freshmart class. Had the writer-tokca the "trouble to i

I secure even a minimum amount of T

r -it is .te. are W.

ard and j,.. information in regard to this matter ' T. J. Lowhoi-nthe Atheij^uin arti-r before airing personal views before-H, E. Bell,JR. T. j Moore, ;aiid Mont, an already-'-long-suifering, ^ student Highley.~:.Thc question to be dis-> . body, he might h^^Jdiscovfered that

cussed is"Resolved, thai the Con-' the athletic association, composed 8titution follows the Flag." " Th& "of representativemenof this-institu--RuskB will champion the affirinitive>" Uml the . Athenaeum the negative, s/' grant, thn 'ri'^ht to wear f lip "T" to

. o— ...i: ' i f those men. who had won, in fair ri-

ftrtskill Steam Camidn)

-: youft PATRONAGE /


-- , RING PHONE 444 —

To the..... " ~;tv/ ,

University Patronage s r

1 take pleasure in annouhc-

RESTAURANT A 7 fl. JI. TO 9 P. IV' /

AnllUvl^^JrilBB 1X1/11 lUnJ • —. •• • — — ;

Grace Hall Correspondence^-Miae 6ifet-(•Tipn Rocha. . ' . ~ " .

Gymnasium, Correspondent—Joe DibreHr

-cr THFj piano I

The young

iVol. 1 '• Tiiesday. Jan. 29,'flil.

fund feel greatly encouraged in thei

ou one of the Uni-versity teams," «oid to gratrfr- the^-

nano ii.„.tffTT ~£ rn « to

— m - , • • meiribers of all championship teams * No is. : to discharge the old deltt on. ^teaiiis that, like our lOOO footFan^^

fn/ t n iann In-P l o t> a 1 Ai rnn i - f H nm 4-l iW -• r


ing th^ arrival of a large and complete line of Samples fofc

('~ the present season, which I hay© now oii display ready tor inspection. I guarantee you perfect satisfaction as to fit; style and Keneral work-manship, and can save you

We are authorized to announce.

Through the generous contribution of libmry dcpoMtrfmm Ul0 jouni *' ^ but the

ladiS toll oUlCT jjllto ,luL »i„l ollL^t: h.ii, u, be, un t i l

team, never lost a battle. - — - R - • - . 1 — — ; — • T ? * " * • V J W M

one Ejects t&Tttie Freshmen—r- moiiey. Investigate the suits using the "U. of T.'; or "; which I make to order for

$10.70 Up, and trousers at up.—— ' " * •


ithi^lhe president of the University $15.0 has been paid to Mr. Ooggan . , .

: Jo the students of the several classes from Boh Taylor's: lecture viekled -S S , °T , nniors, they should . ha, ve known better * so much 4s nofci-^Jlen's Outfitter I



i&with month from 4 o'clock to~t! p. m«, sonie fynds on hand, will anablq the

-ew , 1610 Lavaca Street

beginning with the Senior ( lass^ ^ 'young ladies" to niake- another pay- ..


Law1 'and Academic and graduate students 9th

mcnt of a hundred dollars this week

soyTvell in^orme/i^regavdHig colleg custoijis.

.. I These are the faint's in the case.


DAHLlCSH r^g]*^a^Tani«w. It is e»rnoBtl}: hot«Hl ti»t it --- •" - „ yft^iniirCl.K-MM^ to com),el - _ v" f

f-SWojuilM,. April wififK'Yw -fwo" •".. • Ij:'1 '.u .^



• the Spphojnores-, April '13th: and within tilt; (-ouiin)r uimith or two.

-•tlrr Freshmen, May 11th. n -A - ' * and the yo'iiiig.ladies are working in-A coi-dial. invitation is.extended dustrioiislv to accomplish this, |

. to the members of each" clfffs respect- D '.,, "

ively on the ahove mentioned dates pROR'Sj^FRTER'S NEW BO^j? to lie present on these occasions. " ' '— 1

athletes either through the medium^-^/^^^a#girjg Q of a-mass meeting or the student's council;; if this is impnj^tical, then' tlie faculty ought to legislate in re­

gard to this matter; if not,the facul­ty, then those of the upper classmen who feel the tnfringment and who


IBTH AND LAVAOA STREETS "tiuiis snuenv i»*fioentul"

—— rn "• -w«. „.„Q feel ao infringment «,.d who . . -PiClHDkk" gHhw it. a WH-iat way, and to help ' ' CtUB HOUSE— rKKWKK l\t»la>raRI » , .W ^mefromthe,^ It,,p»l,l?hed;. i1U,^1„1;«ffi«CTf toaemolisl, ull:r - ZTtrl. . . .17.^

(iainnu'l Siwk (;o.. of .\ustin. ,,w„...,a„„„.;;i l,,„,|„i„w „ „f„,,. RESTAURANT b0°* t-bmpilatioFr Uiev ab.^r : Q



them to. beCoine bettor acquainted with each .others—also to give oppor-


-tunity to the-president and his fam-„ ilv to"know personally each student

in the Ilnivefsitv.'—^'fe: i -


'*• ^' HWBATHS ••r '••••' v>-.^ FIRST-CLA88 WORK

J. ATTJACKSON C014,T,E?AL broker

u>y appear in of oratorical selections for use es- Fellows-you that wear .theni—

pecially by Btud6nts>iu the clafyses-; falce them off. Most college men un-- .'With Rcbatc Checks-on allOames

. It is earnest desire of the '.ydofstand whcn.flifty.seft armpnpgram- . . All .the Delicacies of the ~ .

rrn j ^ n |^r ^ ^' r * ^ that the -tearei;j^ Season. ^- . -—sympathy with the ^tiideni-hnrlv -- ...7..' j p team^T7"jiZA^ IWIJLLEPrbpHerliw^

.' ^*e are sure this action' pn thd iVo,,ri'v0Ai(^iTTVrfLr'coll°ge- ™s%tinction yoiv < .' TELEPHOUE Ho. 40

c part of the president,and his family ^,^0^11. Brvan, T. W.-(}roirorv 'Von! ;Frc?luubli- lf." ~ will meet, as it deserves, witl: . • ' <

hearty response and appreciation "tlie part of the students


dealer in? Jewelry, Diamonds, ^v-one.thing lacking ft, univer-.• . ==-1 Sltv circles IS nnTrHnl—snntal iri+rtw-

' J ^un.-VTiiy-iVi.'ttryan, 1. Vv.'Uregorv, • - • r , %

OaHwrlMii^daepli ?' ^tidn on-^ vv. TVlinh„;H; -•

c. N'vdM. v. U.,, \ I, v: l,:, l|,v 'h«" «>ak, y..ur "T" „,i ; BOOT AND SHOEMAKER i4oo LAVACA STKCIT




<i. W-ootcn, T sity circles-is cordial-social inter-course between the students. - • ^


J. Powell, and Hor-voilr ^nonogram." And you, Jun-'-' -


^iorft, Jjiirn those ugly "lids,"






R. RENZ, Merchant




Tailor ••

;• On Wednesday night ex-Governor " Mr. C. V. Burns wasMiate<tiplo' Bob Taylor, of Tennessee, delivered ' the mysteries .of Alpha Tau Omega his "new leisure, entitled ^"Senti- last Tuesday night, January •!•

mcnt,' in the auditorium,- i^thc-^—Those-present wjireuVIessrs; Philips, benefit of the piano fund. Mr.^ay- .' Mills;'Saner, Gregg, Rector, Brow^

-ig£....ya9 introduced by_Hon. R. E. Downes, Knox, Thomas, S. JSey, H L/mi %-* RT1 . J II t - • t r " " a- • i^.-

e clip from a recent exchange."] ah "All-Arrierican" that, seems to meet with general, approval. The/ ine-up is- a's follows i Campbeir/"


Fine Stationery and EnJbaving House, r

903 Congress Ave;

iTVE>W - <« Mt!"


Prince, speakpr-of tl^

lecture jVas entertaining throughout, fceing replete with humor aljid pathos T-rin. fact it was fully up to Governor Taylor's usual standard, just such a

^lecture as only Governor Tavlor can .;:givb.~^—~w..

•gy, -Byr^^uyfe. Thompson, and ' Kenna'rd. _ .. .. . •

' o — - — - — .


\ -The Sophomores-met' Friday for

lu mn-i.oso. nt choosing their class' °° 7-In 41io audinnrn n~nre many itn- p"nt

gtatd"?*• ... . and captain.; Wright, Columbia, - Oollego laritetions i.-eutar;. Hare, Peiinsylvaiiia," Tight — 8tetioae^ guard j Kiilmaii, Yale, right tackle; FTalloxvell, Harvard^ right end; Daly, Harnird,quarter-back; Weeks,-

•ColiHnjjia, left. , half-backMorley,

; )ia, ri>ht haff-hank; ^'

1121 Chestnut Street -!—Philadelphia.

. antLdass bistorian. L. Sin.-^ dents and qurtra-targ^-TepreseiTtSR- -ciainmd^issHaretchen^ochs^re

^°n among^he Ifienjibers of the re-elected. J '.?»•{ Legiskture^ The^dience Jpxacti-



Banquet rlienneg



; Wedding Invitations

fiarTf" And Monogram

Coats of Arms : «

Addros'a Dies

."Yisiting Qards 1.1_

Ya]e> full back.-—Mb— GOATSrQF ARMS T

PAINTED FOR Ff lAMIN|Lr -—— The. University of Chicago this

jear leads the other American-ing:: ? Allworkis executed in the establish •>Pl cally filled the auditorium, and tke

-iTmm oi $71M wMMtW,or ft. '• will 'likely o^id. .Thalr'rf • ^aKaifiiSSS I'.riflU: tfj tar 'r \n students. Harvaird has manner. ; : ^

The hext Legislature of Missouri - stitutions of teaming in iie number "?K" 6 of Mr.J preka, and only in the 6est

., _.. thl»» houpe is a?W




^ t

:rr; ' "T


schloss Bros. & Co.'8 TalTSF: Made Clothing For Nlen.

• Spe^fal~Suit —- •" f f . $12.50, ^15, U8,.»20 . Box Overcoats »i0,»13.50, (15, (18 ^lenheiril Boy 's and Youth's TBits ort'dJBous, special..(7.50, $8.50, (10 Standard Men'sWoretedsand Caa-KimBreB, fifty- styles* this week $12.50 and $16 ones go for... . '$10.00

Nlan^ Pants Sale-20 StyleiTMen's L'aBsimore PantB, $3.80 goods $2.50 10 Styles lien's Fine Pants, $4 50 goods.- -i .1. n ..— — $3.50 0; Styles of Men'6 Fine Worsted Pants, $6 goods for..:........ $5 00

"Hats:— , . .. _Le ug Kivejyou Hat prices, and remove that optTcai lnlislOh thai a hat must have a name. Our marvelous copies from the. Klriiw.'Younfc You in an, and other makes. STIFFS ..,.!$1 00,$1.50, $2.00, $2 50 Aiftines and Kegul&tion ...V...... $1.00, (I SO, $2.00, $2.50

Black, Brown, Grays, Oa'stors, etc. .We can open . your eyes with our

present stock and priced; a Btetaon's $5'Hats, all shapes $3 .50

F. E. MISTKOT COr, 5th


clitSomQndS tSe C^apel at tlle In"' A Tennis Leag^elia? been, formed " ; J~^r~~TEE7RU8^: ~ , _ -J — ' ; , f<w practice for the State/ toufna- a, «/!'/nT —,—_ /

La Prelle, of St. Louis," ment/to be held in Austin about the ~ Saturday night was the time fot r's freshmen, has been middle of May.- The practice will the election of officers for the eriBU-:!

friends for .the past ^ ^or both1 singles and. .Rubles, • ing term ; and shortly aftejthehouse; ^oee^a4he,• tfcat. duty 'WnB

is W. P. Z. German was teii'Xys.

visiting affiliated hiek-l_ * Villavaso.' Varsity trapyto the pre^red^t of thelast two . ft"" must win in the .State tournaihenfc . yeari J, B. ^atehQtt>iis elected to:; .

' . . . 4"Tia i —• J _r_ l



He was schools. He- was visiting affiliated hieh—-T -T ^ ; v- 8V? varsity trapy to the precedent of the last two . > Whnl»t»l<

; schodlsr . ^ WU1.m tlle .Staj:e tournament years. J, B. If ateh^fttw^selected to; WWlMllI I _ Johnaang.SinGl^a^&^i *?f; S»tton nttoNa^gd^ .... th^tml^^ 0SA8E ^

;to the University. 1 He reports Wis 6A Tto<lay mght foje: present at. 3 thus^ut out of the ceTcir -Tsii tMWAneicUjirom ms .. , _ 7 Will preside over the societydtirhur cnorciicn brother as having recovered.from his 1 illndssS?#r3§P^ » kcopiig m touSi,

school men of the State through the^ absence of Mr. German. Fui-thr -=Dc

tne absence ot Mr. Werman. Further . results as" follows: Gurtsinger, sec-x' LmMP

,ton. have beep ,on B. Hall's "sick moro important work ^ £1^ " Kenton have, beep on B list this week. moro important , work can be done

(lian irfretaining the good will.of Miss Logan Norvell, who has been -\ the ioa^htrs who prepare students

visiting her sister, Miss Pearl Xor- Un ivarsity work. . . , ,vel], will return to her hcmie in-Ms-^- JP souri the last of the week. ~=s:—

Homer Mitchell, a young lawyer of Houston and a graduate of Mis­souri University, visited friends at "Varsity last Saturday. .

Mr,. Frank Donahue left Saturday .for, his home at Sari Marcos.


will not -return to the University,' his health not being good..--i Pay „your subscriptions' "to The

Texan. Put vour snihscription and

House Bill 'I^o. 135, providing for a mineralogical stirvey~of the State -under the direction of the board of' regents, was acted on favorably by the House and is now before the

' Senate.. Provision is made for an annual appropriation of $10,000 for that work. Everyonex-oniiected with the Univereitf Wi)uld be^lidl^reeTHE ^MM^bx^SITUATTONr-tnis bill pass, for work of this; kind ' - ' " means much to Texas.,;—_"The decent outbreak of emallpox;


.secretafj assistant critic; Dabrley, treasurer ; Buchanan, collector,' D. Hamilton, sergeant-at-arms; Perkins, assistant ~ sei'geant-at-arms. -

/The program was then carried out, the affirmative winning the debate- -in,each of the three sections by a - OFFICE AND BINS, ONE BLOCK WEST OF vote of 8 to 1. v UNION DEPOT

Representative ' Satterwhite was present and addressed the society. • • l 'tiXrHUBt NO* 24o



Wkaliuli id nihil M« h


B. B. G i I iette left Saturday. . . The registration has reached. ?.95.~ ' "Burns of Houston, is now an A.-

. T. 0. '

Miss. Susie Ciark, of Oak Cliff, is~ -fi lutp mntrimTatn, —^ : , •

ilWalter Kelt&n ii i bed-^on tic-rw— yi beer c

coyht pf vaccination. -~T;^EcIpS^Krwmesl

the gr»ve for the past week. -:-

~ rM issrinda Thorn ton has returned-1 _ from k pleasure^ trip in Mexico. /

- W. M. Piersbri, an. old ^Vai^srty •

your name in all e -it in the- Rangpr box in the corridor. '

~ Te^|fl p^mip ^ field geology, spent several days last week at the famous Lucas Oil Well.-near Bqaumont. >

Fritz Lanham left for his ho"me in _Weatherford Monday night. His 'Varsity friends hope that his health will speedily be .restored. Good luck to you, Fritz! "i _ • -•


— t t • j . - i -r -wft- . - . iau V > s

YoulPsuBscfiptioliig to the Texan were due January ^ 1st. They must be paid at once. Please remit to The Texan, 1812 Congress Avenue, -Austin. v


student, itiatriculated Saturday. "Will Mathews, one of la¥t yoirrs

-The^ brother and sister of Mtv E. A. Camp were risrtors to 'Varsity Saturday. Their vipit was ended

- rather••.abruptly bv the appearance nf n striallpnY ghost. TT~' -Jtfessre^JE^ H,Pojie, and^ Westen are keeping one 'another, Benefield and the smallpox company

- at Mrs. Isam'si 2210 Guadalupe. All others liave departed.

panic ampng. us. such, circuxnstances wauld !». fayl worse than the disease itself. If you have been exposed, the worst possible;,

r judgment would be shpwn by ifuh-" ning^aw'ay and spreading the cgnta. fion ,.-amoiig—your- relatives and friends. The. best thing is to stay Where you are^and face the music ifl it should become -necessary to do ao."

1 The type of the disease prevailing ^nong us is very mild and, aside

t - from the inc' caused bv a ' prohibition to attend our classeA^ is far preferable to the sdre arms caus>-ed l)y vaceination. Seveml^udents-

MvaMUAaruikjiain »r» iMI OilvmHf Jtiteiii,

opomdiAd |« apeoiatty of Ji

in tha sout&. n Ptpwi, Cigar tad Ctstrette

nop Brli

Alain rnr il Arvlelii KCbaUC I a , . ( . . .v , VHU VMW.WWW Hul4eij»,. »ad Imported Tnaon Brl»t

" S. 80LDSTEIN, Prtp. 603Caitf rttiAve

I' it«. M-

sttidents, lias returned to 'Varsity The Junior Laws had an examina^

- lion in political econony .Saturday". ri .R-B. Gillette paid a hash'visit to Mr. Barbee was called home re- • his •brother in Nan Antonio Sunday. -reentlv on a(,(.oli;nt 6f the-illness of

( Jeo. W: Coleman, B. Lit. *97, has his sister, who has .since died. The " matriculated in the Law Depart-:' ijJtUliuu-iK heartily': -sympathize with

- • ' Mr. Barbee in his great loss. ^ • . , • • ; „ . '

. Messrs. E. Pope and~E\ H. Smitli Hall. Their new

Sixteen men took part in the ruiP ning high jump contest last Satuf-day -afternoon. First, second and third places were , contested for. ' „„„" » j T"".T" Pahtermuehl won first place,J. thelr ,>ed8 unaW\to 1>owe1l p^r 'MrGimm, - p e,ve° ^ a few moments be-^ird^The contest

Jhe same length in the regular con tes£ Init Powell jumping an inch

<- higher outside; The winners and records are, las follows:

Pantermjuehl, 4 ft.. Hunches, R- J Powell, 4 ft., r8 inches. ~ '

r McGimiis, 4 f£y^ .inehee.

.day in bed, so mild is the type .with w h i c h t h e y « r < » '

__ The University authorities have taken every possible precaution. II it is wise for you to go' home they

_wi'l inform you of that fact:- All


Mr. Dalton- Ward, a spph-engir Erom the llm-- negr, has, withdrawn

vcrsity. .JV7- - ~' .Jim Goldberg went to San Auto--

n in Sunday, returning Sunday

havej j left *" home is at Mrs. Isams, west of the

' University campus, where thev will be glajil to entertaj,n_ their jiumero^s'

— friends. ~ —1.r*~ -

" ^... -p this "line. - i'-•HtS

Knott KP,v pntprtninnd- « few of L. Massey, B. A. of last year, li is f riends at his home last Saturda^r_-£:whor recently• withdrew " froitt—^the —

Pv' University to accept a position in.

! Tliere will be another hare and hound race .Saturday aft€rrfoon.Jaet: every one who can run come out and t ny. thcniselves for a long distance ' jag-

> ' evening.

lj|| Mrs.. Kirby was not at the Univor- . •> sity last week on account of sickness

lit.relatives -k.• w.j: .

the Benjamin public schools, is re-" ported to be very" ill with smallpox"" • at that place. * • r • ' —.


-officers last . . teuton, visited the Univers'itv Wed-' Denton, Law '93-4, in presenting the,', '' We Vredn t 1I1(

' y' " ' • ' I louse for H. S. Senator, lakt Tiies-^^

The'Atheni ram installed

Superintendent Hopkinsj of Gal- ^TJiP snecch of Mr. F. F. Hill, oT — • •••'—' Penton, Law'93-4, in presenting the/

, - RepresentativeRoach'was a recent ^ day,-was quite a meritorious effort.- „ <a w • i visitor to the'Hall, t% guest of Mr,MrHmi is-Tegarded as one of the Wright ITiirToFd. sLrojigest-inen in tha.House.^ ., -^ere e ecte t

•• • ^——menrberr-MV:

^ Tfie Sweater.—-This, my, fchild, is a sweater, It is knit. What-4 it 4Jsed for?—Why, to 'keep tttelody^

• warm, to starve the latitidyt, to .. make frisky students to ariseat7:58 *nd yet reach their "8 o'clock J'— Exchange. ' . v ^ ;

.... ...... o......

At tVie University of Pennsylva-new nia there is a British Club com-


3206 Pearl 8tw WdOU two more "^Btudentr^n&HoaTWA*! ' — ' LOW. HAT>«——

' II


THi otb

- ^ night, gnd, posed of students from England, these leaders in charg^Vlreland, Scotland, Australia, and reased energy and sue- Canada. - . ' . 'tffi&..f°r "the^Current-

term. Two : ieAv members, Mfessrs. —o-

and H/M, Hargrove, ) membership. A "new


There is a young girl of I^ampasas Whoi ' stands": rather high in her



The Senior Laws refused to have^which"-wag-±o,,have^«thb' ^eit .Cactus pi< taken^in aip been given next Friday evening by ~ well and gown. /"** -* 'IT'rT "T"5 ^ Mr. Besserer's orchestra, compli-" Contrary to first reports, Miss mentary to 'Varsity students, has ^coming one ojf tlie standard bearers^ Mary iTowell has returned'to the* postponed. of the Athenaeum. ' ^ 'University, ' ' p-T

_ society prepare d diicussion """of

quesjijm,. an 4~gaye' promise of be-she liyes at Grace Hall

& On vfery hot eakes and mola^se

Jhe Improved


Mr. . Lomax is' kept busy seeing •afteF4h&-yacci nation patients and fheir friends.

been postponed . RP. I I- J." i II > The Jiew ctitic, Mr. Foster, Was The publication of some of the.. ,,- . • , , , / . . ,i - , ' . — i- -14, j. ,i ,, . t, i , t appointed, totact in the absence of results of the worn in the school of . - v. ... ... „ UA

^ .o.i f,,„w ,—fi,. - the retiring/critic; He gave the assembly, the benefit of Some real


zoolpgj', for the past twelve months Ttm^-hp oti.the Magazine.table

May not know that they can get. off the cars corner of Nijqth Street and.

fchought on . the, ^tate and needs of tKe Aven1je andT filid nickel-plated'7 the societx*. whifll it io Tlnrirwl the ofv>/3<v»,+ Til. TTT"* "V student lamps with ^lass oil receiv-7

ers—which give the light that pre-, serves the eyes,. If a Rochester

'• . in the? Libmrv. Thevpamphlet con- ; i.|.„ ^ ' v,' •+ • u • Representative Satterwhite, of sists iof'a reprint of .ten papers pub- v ' • _ W 1 ' V '

Freestone County,^^^isited th^ Riisk -ligjied in ;variouS;^^scieniific journals ''£• Jl8e t ,

; Saturday jiight.V > by Dr. Wheeler, Miss,Rucker,* and- " / f ? y °Ui ^ • ,If a

" : ' • ' " • v - 1 " ? J ^ r ^ ' - T W ^ s & r g - 5 t f e l " a n ; d f e ' r ' a n d ' B r a e s , ~ w e n e g l e c t t o s t e t f e t h e k e e n a p p r e - b u r n e r l a m p i s d e s i r e d w i t h a - 4 a r g e P1-- jjray;>inl^^yf, . l i r e f p r e = ' ^ t h e " ? : ' . c i a t i o n s h o w n b y t h e a u d i e n c e , f o r 1 0 - i n c h s h a d e t h a t b o t h h e a t s a n d

- : . lng^- • the splendid oration delivered by' gives light, they cair get it for $2/ Friday evening, January.25th. w^-^ .we^k exploring and photographing, .Mr. Hargrove. It was one .of thi ""' sets, knives.and forks, pocket"

fe^oiiriitf^^rj^cn^^l^^^^^-^eri^ta^eutheast Texas^_best productions' that has been ren- knives, baseballs, hats,' gloves' masks • -»IU«h^ ' ~'By "• tlin ««*kite fllmi-2

- - - ^ ton storm. In the lohjolly pme belt An amendment to the society ? as anywhere. we advise "you jUr

GARTER! The Standard forJGcntl«me|i


'Ip^ *



,Un(Uioihc rTt



A LETTER. rniiv •riiir^^ 'llfe8Ht£lj:3aw"

Yukon Ter^l CaMda,

through coll There are fiteters of accents*. ours

And. meters of tone TEXAS.


We, your committee, hereby rec- : ommend (the following jrules to gov­ern in the award' of the. Coke qiedal: '; 1. The award shall be determined

pounds, ip sixteen inches in circtrah - by a competitive contest open to all fereneej-«ni seven jBetlong. JJEhe whp^yr^rticipated in *me - J— -——-3 ±- — - ~ J * y t^At, if —t h e t wo -competitive preliminary

t. oiir TT.. •" debates (Baylor, Missouri, and" Tu-

.tin recalled an intention to write to~ you made sdme time ago> We have extracted three ' mammoth tusks

, froin the drifts of our mine, and^one is in a very. good state ofpreserva-tion. weighs about two hundred•.

But the best of all meters: Is to meet her alone;

TJiere are letters of accent, An,d letters-of tone,

But the best of all letters, *"* ' * • / •" /

Is to let her alone. —Ei.

flME TAB #0,109.



=^my memorj — of T. asttteum was withouf~stich ^aQ®) of thi'sr ^rear in our society. relies, and perhaps you would care .; • 2. The contest shall be held at 'the for stieh a^thing either for the TJ. of last regular session of the Busk So-

R* T. or personally; ciety in May, 1901. "things" go as I desire, am 3. The contestants shall draw; for

going to try to spend next winter places. • <, ' where I c^n get a glimpse of the'- 4. That the question shall be: s^ dlfener'than by climbing the "'Resolved, that'the: United States __

~ hills Since or twice in three months shall construct and operate a cankl K AM Jk MTOMIft j < a n d g a z i n g w i t h w o r s h i p f u l d e l i g h t , a c r o s s t h e " i s t h m u s o f P a n a m a , . ® . ^ ^ " -1 for a few minntes at that celestial - 5- Each speaker shall h4*e/ten ~^diH&: tmd if thnra am .any nnmmia.. minutes for, his speed* except the j

sions to entrust" to yonr first* yho Bhall havet eight niumtes • ^r^hite "gregarious" student, I for his first speech, and five for a , will take great pleasure in being of rejoinder, no&e of-the«ther speakers

service to you. r .~~r - having a rejoinder.^ >r "


On and after the above date,-and until other*-*rise«rtlercd% trains "wfH run as follows

Subject to change withoutnotice. mcinc

Arrive LCave STATIONS No. 54

Mail ft l-iJfp'RS No. 63 Mail &

_ li No 5 Mix

No. 51 Mixed

405 am 8.07 8,10

Austin: Freight Dep't

i 5.5 < ' Bo trouble toaiuwer,<jMrtioiia.

„ • ~ • F A-astinJunot. •Fishers..... Witters.

•jlutledce 6.01 "

&j>fOpin—i. 2.00 I.40 1.20

12.35 11.50 am? 11.45 II.17 U 07 •fcS 5 9:35 9.15 9.00 am

CedarPack... Leander LIbe-ty

c«Gro*er Bertiam tSummit _ Wilkie __

- Burnet _...._

-i V*7 ll.ioatn 12.10pm 12.40 120 1.45 2.00 2.30 2.50 3.03 3.55 4.15 4 40 £.00 pm

•Suddutli_„.. Fairland Kings land^_. •Graphite.. Bessemer. ,iano. 12.15pm 2.00 pm

. ^ VIA — •taco.s. a. * A. f. *md soy. pac;

...jcJUID TO ' A

marble; falls branp>i. 8TATION8

AUSTIN Fairland,...^..

. O ranlte Mt'rt,, - MurineFaU8,.,'ll'.30i" 3.30 *


II.10am 11.25

3.10pm 3 25- f

' Arrive

100 pm 2.45"


St. Louis, Chicago " • • • • and the East* i

Only Line Running Thfough •

Sleeper* tS"NEW ORLEANS^ Superb Pullman Vestibuled Buffet Sleepers,

Handsome New Chair Cars (seat; free).



There are *fei^ reinaihs, Mstbrie,1

fo be found

-SB--VlA.KLQIN AND M. 4T. C. „VTERNATIONA L ft OnKAT NORTHERS - OfTmUiTt ol Magntllgwit NewTraln,


BE found hert, «ceptiH^ ^he y ^ The aebafe^ Mtw^ M •5 muskox and mlstbdoftt but I intend and Minnesota cam© off last Friday

of jxjght Michigan won. the Yukon, either th& wjnter or ne^t " ~ "

. . spring, so I may be able to find . " „ „ , something of value. > —r GorneU has proper^

Several days of 60 afid 70 de&rees"^ below ^ave taught us that we are ttiU wjihin the reach of Old Boreas, and jiear two months since the^sun ahOTiein the vallqrB. v

yPor any service you mely desire, Jpa have but to command; Your mdst gralefiif student, r

i, , ~ Tok li. OFIBIFB, _2 * * * JU

Note.—Mr. Greet was a student :• ill TJ« of T. '90-'93. SubsequentlyT

-he went to. Corndl. where he spent aome titae and upheld his U. of T. record. Later he went to the Elon> dike, where he WARN is.

Throug h Tourist Sleepers


and Best Lin* to


X^OUTH • * 30a. m» u.


_8 |0a, m. 12 w TTuffprin

HOUSTON 4T TSSAa 1 05 p.m. 9 OOp.HL

"Pacific Coast Limited," ~ Semi-weekly, between ' ^


SAN FRANCISCO. not stop. •Plag^tatlons; trulni. Dtopea RiKnal onljr. Trains S3 knd 54 run dally; Trains 51 anil' i-i.ily eiuapt Suilday.—: -

_ The Company reserves the right to vary insnr mo aboye sohcanle wltWut notice. : w

A. U. LEITNAKER, v ' Vice Pres't and Oen^l Sup't

I. P. HH6HK8, Tnr. P»«»n^»r igwit, ft. Wffln, TIL

X. B. THoamt, •.R'V. ttraiotK, t ud Sn'llisagir,—6cs' i Paisy uA Tiskfl Aft.



As you stroll along the campus *" " amoke,.

- Thinking of your "befctest "only" * -Qfc-perhftpHj thp lufaat . Some chap is sure at last to say' .. (And this- happens every diy)

"Gimme a match/' " -74

"KATV H LYER" ' — T O — /

"ft. tools, Chicago, Kansas Cify & LEONARD AU.TRAIM MAVC ~


PERCY E>uP. VfflT AKER, Southeiri Manager,;

- /:. i-.?: ALBANY; NEW YORK.




<• Nd sooner has the bummer left you, -Than another takes his place,

Quilelessly looks into your face, Then at last has this to day, ^And this too, happens every day)

- "Gimme sbme tobacco!"

• Then at "last to cap your troubles -University students am advised to : Comes the; fiendish cigarette-sucker,

»ni^lSeir""c<5fffi8pondeptgf4o 4irect—- Hls nerves^a-tremble. ey«» afire, ; ; tii^r mail to their streets and ntiin-. Teeth a^inding, mouth a-piickeF ben. There is no provisioh made He, at last is-sure to say, / ; by the Ifniveigi^r aaihoritiea for.its ^ ("A.nd this happens every—hour) reception and Sistribntion. The —jKQimrae a paper/' —Ex. postman delivers it,as best he can Atvarious particularly at University Hall. Ee-oently ihe Hall mail box has been

s the receptacle of mail variously ad-dreaaed to the staid /Varsity pr< sor to the blushing eo-ed, and the

: bloomingowjp. - Whether


VBSTIBUU| TRAIN with bumtaztt

Jnferiiatlonal Burea i of Academic Costume - Makers of Caps and Go^rns for University • of Texas, '

.Cornell, ^-yn .Mawr, Saoith,

Wellesley, Vanderbilt, S^Wanee, Talane, University of

Chkago, Lelan<l. Stanforkt Georgetown..** J* -at .* j*

We believe we can iiaterest you tn




or not. the; postman thinks B. Hall is a fashionable fe-

-—male boarding school The TexUn ia unable to siy. It does undertake to

.jBajrr~has;exer«..ihat mail addressed "to the fair Bex Bbmetimes finds a

. in the B. Heretofore friends of various pair--

' ties have kindly seen that- this mail . aoouer or lalei' reached-i^s deatiha--,— tlon. But if-yoti should have no

: ^ acquaintance among the Hall boyB, "your mail might not reach youj It

; is best therefore that you see to it that your letters are properly ad­dressed.

1/I f^Speaking of oiir. mail matters, it occurs to The Texan that it would be wise for the University authori-

~tie8' to establish a -University post-office with a Uairersity _

fe-J A small fee charged eact of the ^ students" would defray all necessary^

uffi^enj^s. A_ system of" lock-boxes eould be pjjt in and a-fee charged

i ^ for their use.„ ManY of us would be: only tbo glad to- pay this todl;

_ thus secure accuracy and 'prompt-\ new in'the delivery of our rnail.^ f-

| is belifeved tiiai a fee of 2E|-

I s a b the spreatest skill and pre-'' caution.


w* Bgaf. -GRC.BENQENER& BRO. . 510 Congress Ave.



JOS. B. MOIUtOW. t. r. a. .

Prescriptions Should never be entrusted to amateurs, but should be looked after by* men who thoFougblyunderstaiidthe business.

It tWyiOgrit Ow Ow Hrttii

Cl) H.&T.C. - D 0

- ---kjtilmB , l\a


E. P. WILMOT. President H. P. BILLIARD, Cashier.

^WALTER TIPS, 1ST Vice Pres't


Capital and Surplus,

orcRtrs O. V. ft T. A.

$250,OQOiOp $lr8bo nnn.nn

* ^ g>,000,000.00

We specially solicit the business of the Professors and Students of the University

I a Specialty


Of Fih^tloods, and guaran­tee everythlns precisely as represented.


SticorporaUd. "

"?Vv\\aAe\.vVv\a, Tet*,u»ia\.\>aTv,\a.


. tJD^W&TU KCuvft^QT. 1

.artvdW TAldtH." 1- W -TSR-ZR


' ^w»^^ "PwftTamsv^a^eV^euu, aU'BaVV ektds,

^Ta\6nv\\^^\aUoTifcru._e.Vasa "PVtvs.





te 806 CONGRESS AVENUE sSa&aasfe-