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    Watch "The Assassination of President Kennedy" on CNN TV

    Friday, November 22 at 10 p.m. ET.

    (CNN)-- Five decades after it served as the backdrop for a nation'sgrief and disbelief, Dallas' Dealey Plaza took center stage onceagain Friday as Americans commemorated the 50th anniversary of

    President John F. Kennedy's assassination.

    "A new era dawned and another waned a half century ago whenhope and hatred collided right here in Dallas," Dallas Mayor MikeRawlings said in his remarks commemorating Kennedy's death.

    Some 5,000 invited guests were expected to attend the

    commemorative events, which began Fr iday afternoon withbagpipers -- a JFK favorite -- under a spitting gray sky.

    The ceremony was also to include a moment of silence marking themoment an assassin's bullet fatally wounded the nation's 35thPresident in a moment seared into the national consciousness.

    The tightly choreographed and secured event was expected to bethe culmination of a ser ies of commemorations, including wreath-

    Part of complete coverage on

    JFK assassination, 50 years later

    50 years on, nation pauses to rememberJohn F. Kennedy's deathBy Steve Almasy and Michael Pearson, CNN

    updated 1:27 PM EST, Fri November 22, 2013


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    The Sixties: JFK

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    John F. Kennedy: The day


    NEW:Dallas mayor says "hopeand hatred collided" in Dallas 50years ago

    Events to include exceprts f romJFK speeches; moment ofsilence

    Wreath laid in Boston; House

    prayer invokes Kennedy'smemory

    Conspiracy theorists w ill gathera few blocks from Dealey Plaza

    During the half c entury sincePresident John F. Kennedyw as assassinated, you mayhave heard about a fewconspiracy theories.

    A conspiracy theory that could be trueupdated 11:08 AM EST, Mon November 18, 2013

    As the 1961 Lincoln Continentalconvertible rolled dow n ElmStreet in Dealey Plaza, threeshots rang out in Dallas, theirechoes lodging in the memories

    of America's youth for years tocome.

    'Flashbulb memories' of JFK's deathupdated 1:12 PM EST, Fri Nove mber 22, 2013

    As the nation marks 50 yearssince John F. Kennedy's death,here are f ive things you maynot know about theassassination of the 35th U.S.president.

    5 things about JFK's assassinationupdated 9:45 AM EST, Fri November 22, 2013

    Photos: JFK's alleged affairsupdated 12:46 PM EST, Fri November 15 , 2013




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    Historian David McCullough reads excerpts from JFK's speeches at anevent in Dallas marking Kennedy's assassination. LIVE on CNN
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    11/22/13 Nation pauses to remember John F. Kennedy's death -

    laying events in Kennedy's home town of Boston and at his Arlington

    National Cemetery gravesite.

    In Washington, where flags flew at half-staff over the Capitol and

    White House, bagpipers set the mood on a gray morning asKennedy's last living sibling participated in the Arlington wreath-laying. Earlier, Attorney General Eric Holder visited the gravesite.

    And in the House of Representatives, where Kennedyserved from 1947 to 1953, the Rev. John Robert Skeldon

    of Fort Worth, Texas, reminded lawmakers in his opening

    prayers that "in commemorating such a one whose lifeand presidency were cut short, we do so not to sow in

    tears, as the psalmist says, but rather to reap with shoutsof joy."

    "Help us, Lord God, to make the late President's

    inaugural vision our own so that together as fellowAmericans we may 'ask not what our country can do forus, but rather what we can do for our country,'" Skeldon

    prayed, invoking Kennedy's famous words.

    The Dallas event was designed to be a delicate balancing

    act of honoring Kennedy's memory withoutsensationalizing his murder.

    The city has spent decades trying to shake off thereputation of "the city that killed Kennedy," which is noteasy, as that dark day of history is rehashed daily by tour


    Boy who witnessed JFK assassination recalls the day

    JFK assassination a collective memory for Americanchildren

    The President John F. Kennedy CommemorativeFoundation was to host a program reflecting upon his life.Thousands of tickets were distributed for the event, and

    the city also showed the ceremony on three giant screensin the city.

    Naval Academy cadets will sing, historian David McCullough will readexcerpts from famous Kennedy speeches, and bells throughout thecity will toll.

    And then, the plaza will fall silent at the moment Kennedy wasstruck.

    A new JFK monument also was to be unveiled dur ing the ceremony,in the infamous section of land known as the "grassy knoll." The

    inscription on the monument is the final paragraph of the speechJFK intended to deliver at the Dallas Trade Mart on November 22,1963.

    Is there more to the JFK assassination?

    Supporters of different conspiracy theories -- for example, the

    Coalition on Political Assassinations -- did not gather as they haveannually at 12:30 p.m. on the grassy knoll. The area surroundingFriday's commemoration has been closed off to all but invited


    Instead, The Dallas Morning News reports, the group planned to

    hold an event at the nearby JFK memorial, and then move to DealeyPlaza after the main event was over. Demonstrators gathered atDealey Plaza on Thursday, and many chanted: "No more lies. No

    more lies."

    The remarkable Sixth Floor Museum, which chronicles the Kennedy

    President Kennedy's allegedsexual encounters have beenw idely discussed anddocumented, though none havebeen acknowledged by theKennedy family.

    Dallas, Texas, has transformedfrom the dark days of PresidentJohn F. Kennedy'sassassination in 1963.

    Dallas comes to terms with JFK's

    murderupdated 9:12 AM EST, Wed November 13, 2013

    Fifty years after President JohnF. Kennedy's ass assination,there are very few down-the-line defenders of the WarrenCommission to be found.

    Is there more to JFK assassination?updated 9:40 AM EST, Thu November 21, 2013

    Rep. Roger Williams, then 6,stood outside the Fort WorthHotel with his mother andshook President Kennedy'shand right before he got on aplane and flew to Dallas.

    Now-tea party congressman was one of

    last to shake Kennedy's handupdated 9:37 AM EST, Thu November 21, 2013

    This month marks 50 yearssince JFK's assass ination inDallas, an event that jarred thenation. Here are some imagesfrom that fateful day as itunfolded.

    John F. Kennedy: The dayupdated 10:34 AM EST, Fri November 15 , 2013

    Secretary of State John Kerrysays he has "doubts" Lee

    Harvey Osw ald acted alone inthe assass ination of John F.Kennedy

    Kerry reignites JFK conspiracy theoriesupdated 10:17 AM EST, Thu November 14, 2013

    They w ere history's powercouple, a dashing Democratand an elegant w ife. Take alook back at the couple thatembodied the image of aperfect f amily.

    John and Jackie: A love storyupdated 10:33 AM EST, Fri November 15 , 2013

    Filmmaker Ken Burns talks to

    CNN's Piers Morgan about w hohe believes is the best U.S.president of all time.

    Ken Burns: JFK is an unfinished storyupdated 10:35 AM EST, Thu November 14, 2013

    From the assassinations of JFKand RFK, to the tragic death ofJohn F. Kennedy, Jr., a look atthe tragedies that have bef allen

    America's first family.

    Photos: Kennedy family tragediesupdated 6:53 PM EDT, Wed October 23, 2013

    What JFK learned -- and taught -- about

    leadershipupdated 9:39 AM EST, Thu November 21, 2013
  • 8/13/2019 Nation Pauses to Remember John F. Kennedy's Death - CNN


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    I vividly rec all those 13 days inthe fall of 1962, watchingPresident John F. Kennedy onour black and w hite televisionin Cambridge, Massachusetts.

    John and Jackie Kennedy w erea young newlyw ed couplemuch like any other new lyw edcouple -- w ith one notabledifference: they w ere, in asense, already superstars.

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    Oliver Stone tells Piers Morganw hy he believes the Kennedyassassination involved morethan just Lee Harvey Osw ald.

    Stone talks JFK conspiracy theoriesupdated 11:19 PM EST, Mon Nove mber 4, 2013

    50-year-old footage shows theKennedys on vacation just fourmonths before John'sassassination.

    Kennedy vacation footageupdated 1:50 PM EDT, Mon July 29, 2013

    What does it take to play thepresident of the United Stateson screen? Jake Tapperreports.

    Casting history with the right peopleupdated 5:36 PM EDT, Wed May 29, 2013

    JFK's grandson JackSchlossberg speaks onInauguration Day about w hatw ent through his mind duringPresident Obama's speech.

    JFK's grandson at inaugurationupdated 1:21 PM EDT, Thu March 28, 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Nation Pauses to Remember John F. Kennedy's Death - CNN


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    He got to the chair by fooling the Americans with the so-called last episode

    of the drama of Osama Bin Laden who was already in the custody of USA

    forcses in Afghanistan and waiting his death for the political gains of some

    C L O W N.

    1 1


    You're quite nutty.


    Andy Daniel

    You mean by getting more votes than his opponent?


    he's dead, people! legacy? 2 rhings: Bay of Pigs and Camelot. one a military

    disaster, the other a fantasy for those like him: white and rich. his entire aura is

    "what would/could/should have happened", not what actually has happened.

    Facts: Race riots, the Me Generation, Reaganomics, Iraq/Afghan wars, Great

    Recession, a nation divided. Some legacy keep your fantasies about the

    Kennedys, they are more like movie stars than anything else.



    dude was a philandering Fidel....

    6 11


    And Bill Clinton was what?

    1 1


    Better than glennestockley.



    the same, but we're not celebrating Clinton as some

    superawesome guy, are we? JFK did nothing but maintaina fantasy

    that never came true. Look at the world now and tell me what he did

    to "make it better"...

    1 1


    I agree that JFK was one of the greatest visionary's and leaders this country has

    ever had, but let's be honest, he really didn't have a lot of time to screw up. If this

    event never took place, if he wasn't frozen in time as the young charasmatic

    leader we all now remember him as, he most likely would have built plenty of

    ground to criticize him on and his legacy would not be that significant or

    spectacular. Of all the good that he did in his short time as president, most people

    know him because of this alone. most can't point to any particular policy he


    1 1

    Jack Palmer

    Screw Kennedy and screw Obama! We will take back this country!



    "The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics,

    whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream

    of things that never were, and ask why not."
  • 8/13/2019 Nation Pauses to Remember John F. Kennedy's Death - CNN


    11/22/13 Nation pauses to remember John F. Kennedy's death -

    s no won er e a ers ove o a e .


    You need to finish at least one 6-pack before you can start to understand the "magic

    bullet" theory.



    Only if you believe the seats were level. They weren't. Kennedy was sitting higher

    and to the left of Connolly.2 1


    To the right.



    Connolly's right or Kennedy's right? Who's on first?

    Give it up, boys. Oswald killed Kennedy, and a poor cop named

    Tippett who everyone conveniently forgets.

    1 2


    Poster said: "Kennedy was sitting higher and to the left of

    Connolly". I said: "to the right". Pretty clearly implying Kennedy.

    Reading comprehension - what a concept.


    Because the magic bullet theory was the only question, right? I guess it's solved


    Ar eus ure It st rue

    Love it!!

    see more

    Michael DiBari

    JFK assassination theories have spawned a cottage industry but a handful

    of facts can be sifted out and make it pretty clear that when Oswald

    yelled "I'm a Patsy" he wasn't kidding.

    Eye-witnesses put Oswald in the Cafeteria of the Texas Schoolbook Depository at the

    precise time the first shot hit JFK.

    Five separate witnesses swore affidavits that they saw a rifle barrel

    and a puff of smoke above a fence near the famous grassy knoll. One of

    the five testifies he saw a man remove a rifle bag from a station-wagon

    bearing a Goldwater bumper sticker (!), remove the carbine and fire overthe fence. All five witnesses die mysteriously within a year of their

    sworn testimony.

    A telex sent to J. Edgar Hoover from the FBI's Dallas office identifying

    Oswald as the shooter is time stamped two minutes prior to the actual

    shooting and prior to the identification of Oswald.

    Someone identifying himself as Lee Oswald approached several air-charter


    An dy


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    5 2

    Phil Blank

    Back then the news media and the government told us "In 50 years we will tell you what


    Well, its been 50 years and we have heard nothing new!

    They lied to us all, again!


    Fanny Chanel

    They took less time (by a factor of 5) to find and shoot Osama!


    JFK was the last president of the people of US. That's why he was assassinated.

    15 2

    Dev Luthra

    I think it would be helpful to connect this tragic event to the string of assassinations that

    followed: Malcolm X, Dr. King, RFK... Certainly, for me, these events that followed broke

    my trust in our ability to work together. The story, it seems to me, is not only the death of

    these visionaries, but our incapacity to handle bold vision.



    Malcolm X was not on the same path as the others. Nuff said!!!!

    2 2

    Dev Luthra

    I included him because he was the one who placed the civil rights

    movement within the context of the international anti-colonialist movement.

    This gave further opportunities for those engaged in the struggle for

    freedom to connect with more people and with different experiences of

    struggle. It takes us out of our sometimes provincial perspective, don't you




    He was involved with a lot of violence and the others were peaceful



    J.T. Cato

    And he came to soften his stance and see that violence was not

    the end-all answer to the problems of the time. He began to break

    with the movement led by Elijah Muhammad.

    Nico Kensing You're a fool plain and simple, he only wanted blacks to not get

    assaulted and to actually gasp,, wait for it, DEFEND one's self

    against people who couldn't stand them because of their skin color.


    Kennedy was our first Catholic President and a damn good one too.

    How would you readers here rate our first black President?

    13 3


    How would you rate our last white one?

    33 4




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    Load more comments


    Much Much better than the current one.

    20 4




    Last White one was black in deeds, thinking, wisdom and politics.

    ed st evens

    That's what we thought...


    I do agree with your comment, however would like to point out that our current

    President is not black. He is half white, and per dictionary a child born of one white

    parent (his mother) , and one black parent (his father) is defined as a Mulatto.

    The color of the skin of the person sitting in the Oval office of our White House

    means absolutely nothing. What that person does means everything.6


    Obama is also half white. So do you also see him as a white president?



    Just asking....I wonder if Obama was 100% black if he would have been

    supported so much !!! I doubt that..........



    Don't care what color he is, he is still


    In 50 years the democratic party has gone from Ask what you can do for your country to

    Ask your country to do everything for you.

    11 3


    That's what the republicans do. Why do you think so many welfare states are red


    Husse!n is Evil

    JFK was the last decent democrat president we had. Now democrats are a just a bunch

    of wimpy communist brownshirts.


    Reaper 7






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    wwwcnn com/2013/11/22/us/kennedy-anniversary-events/indexhtml?hpt=hp t1

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