Nathan, 5 images from photoshoot


Transcript of Nathan, 5 images from photoshoot

Page 1: Nathan, 5 images from photoshoot
Page 2: Nathan, 5 images from photoshoot

I chose this picture because it is a very positive image.The model smiling into the camera is direct address and the model smiling gives the magazine a positive perspective and makes people see the magazine as friendly and appropriate image which is open to all teenagers. His clothes are very casual and cool and could make the target audience relate to the model and want to buy the magazine and see what its about.

Page 3: Nathan, 5 images from photoshoot

This image I was thinking about using for the front cover is good because it portrays the model as being very laid back as he is casually sat down and smiling into the camera doing a very laid back pose. However if I was to use this image I would have a lot of editing to do to crop out the background, and then get ride of the shadow which is surrounding his body. So therefore I wont be using this image.

Page 4: Nathan, 5 images from photoshoot

This image is also a good image I could use because of the way the model is sat and also the way he has a big smile on his face. This image the image positive to use on a front cover. His clothes are very casual and cool, and they give the impression that he is a normal teenager this could create a personal relationship between the model and the target audience as the similarities between their clothing styles are the same.

Page 5: Nathan, 5 images from photoshoot

This image is good that could be used for a front cover because he is stood up and would fill the whole front cover. However, it would be a difficult image to cut out if I was to use it as the shadow behind him blends into the colour of his t-shirt which could be a problem when editing it to make sure I cut the right parts out.

Page 6: Nathan, 5 images from photoshoot

This image could have been used as the front cover because the images shadow would be the easiest picture to cut out from the shadow and the background, however the model has some cuts on his hands and isn’t smiling therefore could give off the wrong impressions about the magazine with the model not smiling and not being in a very friendly pose which could put off audience members from buying the magazine.

Page 7: Nathan, 5 images from photoshoot

This is the image I will be using on my front cover of the magazine. This image is the best image because the model looks very calm and relaxed and could be a very appropriate image to the audience. The model looks very friendly so then the audience might find they can relate to the model with the clothes and so this image would work well on the front of the cover which could then persuade people to buy the magazine.