NaîtaM El Profyour influential paper, that in this great country ofcurs, there are white-col-ored...

Mr. Jos. C. Glover has returned home fro« the North. ||r.& Kinard left on Friday last to join Uncle Sam's Army. Mr. P. S Bessard has opened a new restaurant at 203 King st., where he will be glad to have his friends call. Dr« R. J. Macbeth has removed his resi- dence to 422 King st. His office and residence are now in the same building. Patronize the Home Life Insurance Co. All the members are gentlemen of the highest probity and wellknown Charletto- nians. Attorney A. £. Twine has almost fully recovered from his severe illness. Et is able to get around, mach to the delight of his friends. i?ev, M. W. Gilbert, D. D , ofJCentral Church, has contributed a serong article to the South Carolina Standard on the "Ne- gro and the right of petition." When in need of first class groceries call on F. H. Capers, cor. Beaufain and Kirk- land Lane. Goods delivered to any part, of the city. Itev. J. F. Page preached an inspiring sermon last Sunday afternoon at u es'ey M. E. Church. He is certainly a powerful speaker. The services at night were heart ily enjoyed by all present. Dr. H. H. Procter of Atlanta, Ga., will repeat his lecture on the Black Man's Bur- den at Zion Presbyterian Church, Calhoun street, on Monday evening, Jan. 22. He will arrive Monday morning. The fair at the Charleston Industrial institute continues. Many prizes were drawn during the past week. Every form of entertainment is provided. Attend and so contribute toward a good cause. The Rev. J. L. Dart is meeting with great success with bis industrial fair He has some of our prominent young ladies on committee. Among them are, Misses A. Washington, A. Middleton, Mesdames F. E. Singleton and M. Pinckney. The Parker Concert Co.will give anoth- er one of their lamons concerts at Emanuel Church OL Monday night, Jan. 22d. Ad- mission 10 cts. No tickets will be sold. Pay at the door. Some of the best speakers and singers will be heard at this concert. A series of meetings are being held on Sundays at the corners of Meeting and Butler, Poinsette, Romney and Goldsmith Jtow, by Rev. A. L. Jones and Mr. Peter ii orr ison, two Evangelists. They are do- ing much for the saving of souls. Public invited. Rev. Richard Carroll of Columbia will be in the city during the week to push his claims for bis Reformatory for Youths at Columbia. Rev. Carroll is a man of prac- tical ideas and is engaged in a noble work. His many friends will give him a hearty welcome. Hon. Seymour Smith is among the strongest leaders of the Republican party in the State. He has a clear head and is a vigorous thinker. His services in the Cus- tom House are so efficient that he has been placed upon the board of Civil Service Ex- aminers. Rev. N. B. Sterrett, the able pastor of Emanuel Church, was tendered a recep- tion by the officers of the church on Wed- nesday last. It was a very pleasant occa- sion and one that was thoroughly enjoyed by the friends present. Bishop öalter pre- sided and spoke in his usual happy view. Dr. Sterrett in a short speech showed his deep gratitude for his work and his purpose to continue the same to the best of his ability. The African Protective League is the largest society in this state. J ts member- ship now numbers about two thousand, the people are joining it every day. Don't be deceived by others that we have suspended the business. It is better now than ever. You can call at our office, 71 Hasell st. and receive any information desired from the Supt. i?ev. S. S. Youngblood. Don't fail to call as he is looking tor you. Give your name to any of our agents. tl HE O THEli SIDE. y* stor Lays Severe Strictures on the Recent " Speech of Senator j Morgan-Whites Have Sold Their Votes As Well At Blacks. Editor of the Afro-American Citizen : In the Senate of the United States, on Monday last, the question of "Negro" suf- frage was under consideration, and it is re- ported that Senator Morgan of Alabama said, that no great body of white people in the world could be expected to quietly ac- cept a situation so distressing and demoral- izing as is created by "Negro" suffrage in tbe South. Just here we respectfully sub- mit that these United States are made up of people from all parts of the world, and their racial status is hard to define. Ali over these states are men whose identity is very questionable. Yes; right at home here in our sunny South, where the Sena- tor boasted of white supremacy, we find those who are considered white, having relatives called colored, therefore we re- peat what we have said in a former article through your influential paper, that in this great country of curs, there are white-col- ored people and colored-white people. The Stator is further reported as »aying '»that in many places in the South thousands of 4'Ne^ro" votes in doubtful counties with little concealment were bought for $1 each." Yes, Senator, we don't deny your statement, but is this not the case of all classes and races of men who are poor and dependent What is the character of the ¡rands at all elections? Are they not found irj the use of money? There was a time *hen the Negro could not vote, that white nien were coobed for week until election °-av, then carried to the polls in coaches, if you please, and voted for a consideration. AH over the country, at least we know it tobe so in this city. So far as the Negro oemg forced into social equality with the marj, let not yonrheart be troubled, Sana- t0ri there is not the least danger in this Aspect, because we believe that social «quality will ever regulate itself among all »ort* and condition of men. ProgroM. * oie mm That some men carry their honors as an an bean gold. TLat envy and malice are great barriera to the progrese of the race. That all things come to those who wait if you hustle while yon wait. Tbat things written in lighter rein should not be taken seriously. That this world would be very dull if we were all not making blunders all the time which give our neighbhrs a chance to laugh and grow fat. That the free reeding rooms of the Col- ored Young Men*s Christian Association are open every evening. The Young men are cordially invited to visit them. Yoi welcome without money and without price. That a certain Divine spent the day in the Country among friends last week. But lo! and behold! The Chickens heard,of his coming and scampered always Not one could be caught. His goose was^not cook- ed that day. That a certain editor was asked by one of his readers to predict the State of the weather fer the next month. The reply was, Like your subscription. The reply perplexed bim for some times until the word "Unsettled" Crossed his mind. That the Citizen refused to be drawn into a Church Controversy last week. tVe scorn such notoriety as many be gained on- ly at the expense of scare J institutions. The publication of such matter as does the the community of good does not come within our range. That the Rev. S. S. Youngblood our efficient business manager, has been sade happy by strong signs affection on the part of the members of his Church at MarysviÍle.¡JThey held a meeting during his absence and raised his Salary without his knowledge or consent* THE i SUMNER DEBATING CLUB. T Annual Meeting-A Grand Banquet-Elo- quent Speeches. On the evening of the 8th, Sumner De- bating Club held its annual meeting at the residence of Dr. W, D. Cram. At the business meeting the secretary read an elaborate report of the year*s work giving an account ot the debates won by each member. The President ruled, upon s point of order raised by Mr. King, that the old officers would hold over for another year, the club having failed to carry out the coBstitutionl prov sion for re-election at the proper time. The officers are Capt. N. Montgomery, President. Mr. C. C, Leslie, First Vice-President, Dr. R. J. Macbeth, Secretary. At the adjournment of the business meet ing the members and guests of honor gath- ered around a table which was laden with the best viands of the season and their rare condiments. This feast was illuminated further by flashes of wit and bright con ver sations At its close Prof. E. A. Xaw- rence, who acted as toastmaker, introduced in order those who were to respond First in order was, "The Day We Celebrate," responded to by Capt. N. Montgomery. The history of the Sumner Club was sketched and the good work it has done were enlarged by the speaker. He heartily congratulated the club on its nineteenth anniversary. "Charles Sumner, orator, scholar, and statesman," was responded to by Mr. L G. Gregory. The salient features in the life of the great apostle of liberty were out- lined . "Our Country, City and State;-* re- sponded to by Dr. W. D Crum with his usual eloquence. Be laid special emphasis upon those important services rendered by Afro- Americans. "The Pulpit;" responded to by Rev.tE. N. Hollings. The pulpit is the noblest of all callings and its work at all stages of the world's history has been fraught with the utmost good to men. "The Negro in business;" responded to by Mr. S. W. Bennett. This speech was such a one as deserves the serious conside- ration of every thinking man in the com- munity. We print it m full elsewhere. "Woman;" responded to by Dr. R. J. Macbeth. Many witticisms at the expense of the gentler sex flashed forth. Their contradictions were dwelt upon. A woman wül seldom use her reasoning faculties and then there are those who, doubt that she has them. She will jump at conclusions but in nine cases out of ten be right. At the close of the/ regular toasts the three guests, Mr. Johii N.Gregg, "Nestor" and Messrs Jas. Spencer and Isiah Walk- er were introduced amd each made a ready made a ready re- spoke on literary clubs before and after the spoke on education, ea his pleasure in the response. Mr Gr sponse. Mr Greg in Charleston bot war. Mr. Sfeuo Mr, Walker exp occasion. All the speed applause. All 1 regret despite th drew forth volleys of t the festive board with lateness of the hour Snaggies. The Bright Friday roung Miss J ts sessio nates tu ites. >y J. ort to th t is v Dg en jo o be ta ration to good were I peon funeifld services of Miss Bertha eld at Old Bethel Church on i largely attended by many ? Avery institute, of which : was a recent graduate, closed! larlier than usual. Eer echoolf- [ed out to witness the last sadr touching sermon was preached! rown, in which he gave corn- surviving relatives and friends ad for one who is so yoong, bay the advantages of the achoo* n away. But life is but a pre dect'n and in the life tow co ever lost. IUM 6a. and Whiskey cured at home wit out pain Book of ticulars sent FRI _ DR. & M. WOOLLEY1 Office* 104 North Pryor Ho The Young Men Cbri bad an enthusiastic meetr It waa conducted by Dr. who was so enthused wit that he composed a poe read it. Dr. A. G. To ry also made a bright cri minutes, which wss thor< all present. Attorney Jv followed ia a brief addsf are open to the public tm Association Sunday last P. Carolina, noble work the spot and " of Centena- of fifteen ly enjoyed by ie R. Ifayne The rooms night M. E. Gafonkel, ?I2 KINijST. SPECIAL BARGAÖ IN CBILD- -REN'S GépS,- We can show you beautiful line ot Boy's knee suits ran£ in prices from 50 ct upwards all sizes Just something for school wear. Boys knee pant- a 25c sizes from 4 to 1, nice selection of bet shirtwaists assorted 15 and upwards Ci show you what a ovme of ladies ready made shirts from 75 ko $5. Then our gentlemen and hes prell childrens un- derwear is quite comte I cannot forget men knowing a* ew Ids about about our line of gentlemen pa which we are clos- ing out they atf eational good values for the money. Def fail to ask to see them. The prie s ras from 71c upwards. A few special t ladlheavy weight shirts and drawers, valley and be convinced that it will be t> ytfadvantage to trade with the "Relióle fcain House." M. H 3ARFJN|L. 312 KING ST lot to sell at ?hen we have a qualities. Boys and sizes from us, and we will Closed oi Sapav until drak. Dri: Thc Bi 50C Tea in Airçica. -FOI 6^ O.M.Y VT- C. D.ÖNN?'S 281 SN G ST. COC ON S Casi) Bgain House, 434 KK8T. Near John. K MOTTO! QUICK SAL- SMALL PROFITS. apes 39, 48, [$1.00 ankets 10-4, 48, 65, 75c. Extra Large 55, worth $2.00, Double * Dress Goods 8, 10,12¿c Best Quality Calicoes 5c. Caps 10, 15, 20, 25c Seamless Hoc. SEABDKK & PORTER, SHO) DEALERS The findbd cheapest line of shoes û the market. 471 KING., Opp. ANN ST larleston, . C. j|T. GR'S SC oe Maker ÍOMING STREET. i BooffSb St ip Boarding House 1 AND CAFE. Lted at 551 KING JT. ¡pecialirtments for ladies and gentle, cl Everything up to date Come Jfcome all, and see for yourself. Meals Jd by bill of fare. [Private dining room for ladies Call adbOMING st. for your Jenner Supplies gf ard Bf . Mack will make you happy He hast what you need. jp. PHILLIPS, Tdsorial Artist (CLASS:WORK:GUARANTEED. HIST] PHILIP gT. JJ. A. SAiNDERS. (Grocery Store, ( ir. Morris and Smith St. Chf Family Groceries a Specialty. Call on him. 1). WILLIAM?, SITING AND HAIR CUTTING EMPORIUM 607 KING ST ?ancis WashiçgsoD. \ TFASHINGTON & MARSH ST, Wheelwright^ LCKSSdITH and SHIP on us. Terms Reasonable. >arding & Lodging Mealt at All^Hours. 'Rates Reasonable« f. WILLI A MS, j Prop. Cor. Chapel and Alexander Sts HIÑESE LAUNDRY 509 KING T. BS Laundry andlrDomestlc Finish" NaîtaM c. son Funeral Director & Embalmer, A full line of Burial Cases, Coffins and Caskets always on hand. Embalming according to the latest and beat motbod 14 Jasper St , - Charleston, . C. Long Distance Telephone 2155. Give Me a Trial. O'ROUKE, TEE JEWELER. 423 KING STREET. S, V.Flemings Restaurant Boardini; and Lodging By the Day or Week. All meals at City Pi ices, 21 Chapel St. Charleston, C. . F. H. CAPERS, -DE A.LEK IN GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETA BLES, WOOD, COAL, Etc. he patronage of the city is cordially solicited by bim. Call at 70¿ BEAUFAIN T.J R. B. DUNCAN, 65 LINE ST. Repairing Specialty. Should you desire your shoes made with the best material, in the latest styles at the very lowest pnce, call at The Old Reliable PIERCE PETERSON, Boarding and Lodging, 5 INLINE 'STREET, Opp. S, C& Ga. B. B., Charl retonds. C JAMES BUTLER .DEALEB;IN- FRUITS oda JFiter, Confectionary, Ice C ream Vegetables, etc. No. 53 KING STREET. Call at G. L. Rodemann »AND GET YO CR Fresh Ginger 5c per lb Nie! 5c " vVine 5c 44 oda Biscu 5c 44 Good 15c 44 Choice Butter.20 to 25c 44 Choice Meats.7 to 8c 44 Choice Groceries, Segars, Tobacco, Etc., No. 607 KING JT N.W.cor. Rodgers Alley W.H.MOORE Soda Water and Ice Cream Parlor, CONFECTIONARY, FRUITS, 352 RUTLEDGE AVE. Mrs. Dora P. Campbell BOARDING & LODGINC HOUSE JCor. Mary and Nassau ts. Anyone desiring first class boarding and lodging by the day, week, or month, Per- sons seekipg a fine place of retreat will do well to call at this house. Everything in first class order. 3. P. GAILLARD, Butcher, Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, &c. talk 3 and 5 Charleston Market. Free Delivery to any part of the city. Prompt Attention. W. H. Holbeck, Cabinet Maker. Upholstering in'all its branches M at tress/Making. ranks Re^irea* at hort Notice, gbairs Caned. 6 MIDDLE STREET. 11 1 i ALL KIND OF STRA W HATS, 1 Dyed Brown, Black ,Red and Navy Blue f Also Gent's Clothing Steamed Cleaned j Redyed. Goods called for and delived. W, . COPLESTON, 298 King street Charleston, , C. ).l 20-61 JO TO...- J.H.JOHNPON 93 Cannon Street, When von desire your Hair Cut *in the j Latest Style. HAVING, SI MPUOING AND j CHILDRENS* BAIE CPI TIN G. \ GIVE ME A CALL. W.H. GOOK, Mn Sleet Ira fir ;ANP PLUMBER 1SCALHOUN 8T. All work promptly and neatly done. Ghre nt a trial. SAMUEL DASH, Tonsorial Artist, ¿69* KING;STREET. -Price List- flair Cutting.15 cents. Shaving. 5 I " Shampooing.15 *' öeafoam.IO u " Particular Attention paid to Ladies and Children flair Catting and Shampoo ing. Your patronage is solicited. First-class Workmen. A PATHOLOGICAL G RN I US Prof- J. M. Case, reveals what a mysterious and wonderful concerning the inviaible'forces of nature. Would you like to be able to heal your feîlowbeings of ail their disease simply through the power operating m your own body? To draw persons to yourself and under your control as if Dy magic ? To possess power that none but the noL of God can develop? Prof. Csse the renowned, magnetic Healer and Ins. actor, will lead you to the goal of possitiyi success. If you are troubled with any form of disease he can cure you. Absent treatment aspecialty One week trial treatment $1,00. Treatment positive nnc cess in business $1,00. Do not neglect to avail yourself of thene advantages. Inside of two week" you can earn from $5 to $50 a day with Magnetic Healing 427 Kin? R (J. FRAZIER, . SHOE MAKER» 1 ALEXANDER ST. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Sar isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage "especttullv solicited. Half Soles 40, 50, 60, 70c and $1.00. AGENTS WANTED. African Protective Leape OF AMERICA HOMK OFFICE No. 71 HASELL ST., ^Between Meeting and King Streets, Charleston, S C. Opp. Southern Express Office, Is the largest society of color in the State« It costs only 10 cents to become a member. Call at the office for information. S. S. YOUNGBLOOD, Superintendent. S. L. GREEN, Treasurer. Snype Brothers^ Funeral Directora AND EMBALMERS. A large stock of Coffins and Caskets al- ways on hand. Burial robes, hrouds, TPreaths,at lowest prices. Hearses and carriages to hire. Open day and night. Remember we always disin- fect our rugs. Prompt and courteous attention given. Ill CALHOUN ST. Residence 39 DRAKE ST. Phone 2296^ All line of cars will reach us. Wm. T. ELFE, -Builder and Repaiur*of-*. Carts, Wagons, Tracts and BUGGIES, Blacksmith work in'all its branches1 Estimates Famished 237 BAY EAST. -STOP. AT- DANIELJGETHERK REH1ALRAM 64^KJJNU tfrREET.' Here you can be accommouat ed with meals and lodging "Second to none,* Your Patronage is Solicitée^ For fine Teas, Coffees, Spices and Sugars -CALL ON THE- Great Atlantic and Pacific TE A ICO MP A. NV 325 KING STREET. bugars sold at cost ORIENTAL HAIR OIL A delightful preparation for promoting a ich and fine growth of the hair. Afgood :onic and sore remedy for dandruff. Care illly prepared from the choicest ingredi- ents and warranted to contain nothing lannful or injurious. Not only a remedy br all diseases of the hair and scalp, but a )leasant and necessary article for the toilet m parting a lustre to the hauland promot- ng its growth. PREPARED ONLY BY R. 2. Wood ;MOORESTO WN, ;N. J. ind'sold in °5 and 50 cent bottles, or will ye sent by mail on receipt Of price. General Agent for Charleston, S. C., L 6. Curtis, 7 Cromwell Alley. ¡MM^KWMMMIIIIIIIIimiMlllItlMWWMMMn^N^ I ONCE MORE I apply for three bottles of Ozonized Ox Marrow. I have told others what i a wonderful effect your remedy had in Í MAKING THE HAIR GROW. My hair (was very short but since I have used the Original Ozonized Oz Marrow ! caa now it any way I want to. Miss ANNA CHIN, Springfioki w Ox Marrow tíoB O&Jtee cutff hair straight, smooth,Dlitóle and bea*> Prevents f allies cut tod breaking «i. " of imitations. T he genuine never ole* Warranted harmless. Only SO cents. dealers or send as IL*) for three botâes paid. * Write your name and adfteea to the Ozonized OX AUrrew Ce « rgLr Avenue, Caicas Uiinote. ffj When you want good First Class Vbrk on the Terr latest designs, caji on Prof .Jahn Robinson 536 KING STREET, where he is prepared to serve the public. Ail work done stricklj up-to-date: as yon will be well pleased. Give me a trial. Good Shoes THAT WILL WEAR WELL - CALL ON- 332 KING ST. S. M. SHOWN FASHIONABLE Tonsorial Artist. 633 KING ST, Charleston, I Hair Cutting, Shaving and «Shampooii. g Children Hair Cutting a peoialty / fair, Tonic for £ale. I J. H. Beehr oge. BAKER, CONFECTIONER AND Ice Cretin Manufacturer, RESTAURANT, No. 397 King St, Opposite Marion Sq. Charleston^. C. Thea. A. Wilson 64 STATE ST, General Coopering, Jobbiug, Building, Tubs, Barrels, Tanks and Repairing Neatly Done, Prompt Attention and Delivery Give me a call and be perfectly satisfied. D. W. Singleton & Bro. -BETAIL DEALERS IN- FRUITS Soda Water, Confectiodaiy, Ice Cream, Vegetables, Etc, Jt5b KINEEl J. F. GAILLARD Stalls Nos. 21, 23 >& 25 Centre Marget. CHARLESTON, S. C, For Choice Meats -CALLION- Elias Singleton,1 680 KING Sit Bell Phone 1351. Learn to ) arr! The Manly Art Taught by Prof Charlie Wright, 98 Beaufain St THE PALACE Meat House, -CHOICE HOME KILLED-" BEEF VEAL, PORK AND LAMB ALL MEATS 10 cts A POUND GA1LLIARD & FLÜDD, ~~ ~ iox Calnoun^St. Telephone 2291 NICKLE PL1TI56. KAU) F USG W, L, Thomas' BUILDER O*-¡¡ HIGH GRADE BICYCLES- 183 Calhoun Street. Bicycles}Repaired, Stored and Rented. Difficult Repairing a Specialty* Old Wheels cut down to '99 Model, thu saving two-thirds the cost of a new"wheel Call and be convinced as to* prices before oing elsewhere. Up Town Ne 589 21ag,St, Near We have just opened a f the most moneyer* goods. Als band Yon will find it to your interest jains, which is the cheapest plac< PECSTSB & S Na 202, STAR OF THE WEST. $86. TERMS, iO% discount for all balance September 1st HICK0RY~\ Are shipped subject to inspection, and ii not as : money paid will be refunded. Ona S50 buggy we will save you fl 5. On a I In writing ior catalogue and prices, always HICKORY BUGGY CO., 7SS El Ever Made for the Hair« BEEF MARROW HAIR POMADE A PERFECT HAIR DRESSING DELIGHTFULLY PERFUMED. Will make curly hair straight. Nothing equal to it. Positively the very best preparation on the market for straightening, in vigora ting aad beaut- ifying the hair. You will find after using it a short time th at it excells any- thing you ever tried. Absolutely free from chemicals; so pu re and harmless that it can be used every day with perfect satisfaction. . U renders the hair soft, pliable and beautiful. It pre- vents the hair from breaking off and falling out. It nou rishes the roots and makes the hair grow, often starting a new growth and restoring the hair to its natural color. Full directions with each bottle. Price 25 and 50 cents. If your druggist does not keep it threeSOc bottles will be sent prepaid on receipt of $1. Send monev by postoffice money order or registered letter. Write your name and address plainly. Big money to agents. Write for particulars. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CHICAGO EUS POIADE CO, Ul Aberdeen St, Chicago. JAS. ROBINSON'S Tonsorial ? Parlor, 4s3 KING ST. FOR Standard Silveware, JFatches, Jewelry, or anything in that line -call on- FD. JONES, 187 Calhoun St. Charleston, S, C MRS. E. BOSE, .DBAI.6B IN-- Choice Family Groceries Segars, Tobacco, Etc., fcNo. 121JBOGARD ST. Goods delivered Free to any part of Insure your lite in th*. HUP INSURANCE CO., ll' CHARLESTON S.O OFFICERS,: JAMES ROI*SUTTON. . President. H. W. CONNER, JK., - secretary. EDWARD K KOKNE. - Superintendent, FRANK M. PETIT, . Supt. of Agents. R. 8. CATHCART, M.D, . Medical Director i GEO. H, MOFFETT. - Solicitor. DIRECTORS JAMBS ROBERTSON. J i -LIAN M IT CHELL, J R I D. A. HAGOOD, GSOBOBH MOFFETT. H. W CONNER, JK. ti. S, CATHCART, M.J) A Home Company organized with h om capital, issuing straight life and sick ben fit policies Weakly payments. New policy, new an. Call or see our amenta. -OFFICE- No. 3QQ KING ST, Next Door to Knights ot Pythias Bml ma Charleston, S. C. E. K. BORNE, £up nntenaeor 'BLACK SKIN REMOVER. \ WONDERFUL FACE BLEACH« This preparation, if used as directed will urn the skin of a black person four or fire ihades whiter and that of mulattoes perfecta [y white. Any person using it can see tk .esult in forty-eight hours. It does not turn the skin in spoil but )leaches out white. It is a very good king br the eyes if allowed to get in the eye frbile washing the face. One box of this preparation is all that equired if used as directed, the skin re nainingbeautiful without continual use, ind is perfectly harmless. Will remove wrinkles, freckle«, dark pots, and pimples from the face without îarm to the skin. Direction preparation will be sent to any ?ddress on receipt of $2.00 C. O. D. or end money order. Packed so that no o«e an know contents except the receiver. Thomas B. Crane, 122* W. Broad St. Richmond, Va. ff PawnOffiee, Spring Street 'awn Office and we wiD loan o we always have bargains on to call and see our great Ha Î in the city,, CSP SR Frp $45. J¿SÍSL$100,2Ü SURRIES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS » ._THE VERY LATEST STYL cash, or one-fourth caso* or December 1st* VEHICLES represented, yon need not accept them, and 175 surrey we will save yon 125. state tiie kind of vehicle wanted . Indianapolis

Transcript of NaîtaM El Profyour influential paper, that in this great country ofcurs, there are white-col-ored...

Page 1: NaîtaM El Profyour influential paper, that in this great country ofcurs, there are white-col-ored people and colored-whitepeople. The Statoris further reported as »aying '»that

Mr. Jos. C. Glover has returned homefro« the North.

||r.& Kinard left on Friday last to joinUncle Sam's Army.Mr. P. S Bessard has opened a new

restaurant at 203 King st., where he willbe glad to have his friends call.

Dr« R. J. Macbeth has removed his resi-dence to 422 King st. His office andresidence are now in the same building.

Patronize the Home Life Insurance Co.All the members are gentlemen of thehighest probity and wellknown Charletto-nians.

Attorney A. £. Twine has almost fullyrecovered from his severe illness. Et isable to get around, mach to the delight ofhis friends.

i?ev, M. W. Gilbert, D. D , ofJCentralChurch, has contributed a serong article tothe South Carolina Standard on the "Ne-gro and the right of petition."When in need of first class groceries call

on F. H. Capers, cor. Beaufain and Kirk-land Lane. Goods delivered to any part,of the city.

Itev. J. F. Page preached an inspiringsermon last Sunday afternoon at u es'eyM. E. Church. He is certainly a powerfulspeaker. The services at night were heartily enjoyed by all present.

Dr. H. H. Procter of Atlanta, Ga., willrepeat his lecture on the Black Man's Bur-den at Zion Presbyterian Church, Calhounstreet, on Monday evening, Jan. 22. Hewill arrive Monday morning.The fair at the Charleston Industrial

institute continues. Many prizes weredrawn during the past week. Every formof entertainment is provided. Attend andso contribute toward a good cause.

The Rev. J. L. Dart is meeting withgreat success with bis industrial fair Hehas some of our prominent young ladies oncommittee. Among them are, Misses A.Washington, A. Middleton, Mesdames F.E. Singleton and M. Pinckney.The Parker Concert Co.will give anoth-

er one of their lamons concerts at EmanuelChurch OL Monday night, Jan. 22d. Ad-mission 10 cts. No tickets will be sold. Payat the door. Some of the best speakersand singers will be heard at this concert.

A series of meetings are being held on

Sundays at the corners of Meeting andButler, Poinsette, Romney and GoldsmithJtow, by Rev. A. L. Jones and Mr. Peteriiorrison, two Evangelists. They are do-ing much for the saving of souls. Publicinvited.

Rev. Richard Carroll of Columbia willbe in the city during the week to push hisclaims for bis Reformatory for Youths atColumbia. Rev. Carroll is a man of prac-tical ideas and is engaged in a noble work.His many friends will give him a heartywelcome.

Hon. Seymour Smith is among thestrongest leaders of the Republican partyin the State. He has a clear head and is avigorous thinker. His services in the Cus-tom House are so efficient that he has beenplaced upon the board of Civil Service Ex-aminers.

Rev. N. B. Sterrett, the able pastor ofEmanuel Church, was tendered a recep-tion by the officers of the church on Wed-nesday last. It was a very pleasant occa-sion and one that was thoroughly enjoyedby the friends present. Bishop öalter pre-sided and spoke in his usual happy view.Dr. Sterrett in a short speech showed hisdeep gratitude for his work and his purposeto continue the same to the best of hisability.

The African Protective League is thelargest society in this state. J ts member-ship now numbers about two thousand, thepeople are joining it every day. Don't bedeceived by others that we have suspendedthe business. It is better now than ever.You can call at our office, 71 Hasell st.and receive any information desired fromthe Supt. i?ev. S. S. Youngblood. Don'tfail to call as he is looking tor you. Giveyour name to any of our agents.


y* stor Lays Severe Strictures on the Recent"

Speech of Senatorj Morgan-Whites HaveSold Their Votes As Well At Blacks.

Editor of the Afro-American Citizen :

In the Senate of the United States, on

Monday last, the question of "Negro" suf-frage was under consideration, and it is re-

ported that Senator Morgan of Alabamasaid, that no great body of white people inthe world could be expected to quietly ac-

cept a situation so distressing and demoral-izing as is created by "Negro" suffrage intbe South. Just here we respectfully sub-mit that these United States are made upof people from all parts of the world, andtheir racial status is hard to define. Aliover these states are men whose identity isvery questionable. Yes; right at homehere in our sunny South, where the Sena-tor boasted of white supremacy, we findthose who are considered white, havingrelatives called colored, therefore we re-peat what we have said in a former articlethrough your influential paper, that in thisgreat country of curs, there are white-col-ored people and colored-white people. TheStator is further reported as »aying '»thatin many places in the South thousands of4'Ne^ro" votes in doubtful counties withlittle concealment were bought for $1each." Yes, Senator, we don't deny yourstatement, but is this not the case of allclasses and races of men who are poor anddependent What is the character of the¡rands at all elections? Are they not foundirj the use of money? There was a time*hen the Negro could not vote, that whitenien were coobed for week until election°-av, then carried to the polls in coaches, ifyou please, and voted for a consideration.AH over the country, at least we know ittobe so in this city. So far as the Negrooemg forced into social equality with themarj, let not yonrheart be troubled, Sana-t0ri there is not the least danger in thisAspect, because we believe that social«quality will ever regulate itself among all»ort* and condition of men. ProgroM. *

oiemmThat some men carry their honors as an

an bean gold.

TLat envy and malice are great barriera tothe progrese of the race.

That all things come to those who waitif you hustle while yon wait.

Tbat things written in lighter reinshould not be taken seriously.

That this world would be very dull ifwe were all not making blunders all thetime which give our neighbhrs a chance tolaugh and grow fat.

That the free reeding rooms of the Col-ored Young Men*s Christian Associationare open every evening. The Young menare cordially invited to visit them. Yoiwelcome without money and withoutprice.

That a certain Divine spent the day inthe Country among friends last week. Butlo! and behold! The Chickens heard,of hiscoming and scampered always Not onecould be caught. His goose was^not cook-ed that day.

That a certain editor was asked by oneof his readers to predict the State of theweather fer the next month. The replywas, Like your subscription. The replyperplexed bim for some times until theword "Unsettled" Crossed his mind.

That the Citizen refused to be drawninto a Church Controversy last week. tVescorn such notoriety as many be gained on-

ly at the expense of scare J institutions.The publication of such matter as does thethe community of good does not comewithin our range.

That the Rev. S. S. Youngblood our

efficient business manager, has been sadehappy by strong signs oí affection on thepart of the members of his Church at

MarysviÍle.¡JThey held a meeting duringhis absence and raised his Salary withouthis knowledge or consent*


Annual Meeting-A Grand Banquet-Elo-quent Speeches.

On the evening of the 8th, Sumner De-bating Club held its annual meeting at theresidence of Dr. W, D. Cram. At thebusiness meeting the secretary read an

elaborate report of the year*s work givingan account ot the debates won by eachmember. The President ruled, upon s

point of order raised by Mr. King, that theold officers would hold over for anotheryear, the club having failed to carry outthe coBstitutionl prov sion for re-electionat the proper time. The officers are Capt.N. Montgomery, President. Mr. C. C,Leslie, First Vice-President, Dr. R. J.Macbeth, Secretary.At the adjournment of the business meet

ing the members and guests of honor gath-ered around a table which was laden withthe best viands of the season and their rare

condiments. This feast was illuminatedfurther by flashes of wit and bright conversations At its close Prof. E. A. Xaw-rence, who acted as toastmaker, introducedin order those who were to respond Firstin order was, "The Day We Celebrate,"responded to by Capt. N. Montgomery.The history of the Sumner Club wassketched and the good work it has donewere enlarged by the speaker. He heartilycongratulated the club on its nineteenthanniversary.

"Charles Sumner, orator, scholar, andstatesman," was responded to by Mr. LG. Gregory. The salient features in thelife of the great apostle of liberty were out-lined .

"Our Country, City and State;-* re-

sponded to by Dr. W. D Crum with hisusual eloquence. Be laid special emphasisupon those important services rendered byAfro- Americans."The Pulpit;" responded to by Rev.tE.

N. Hollings. The pulpit is the noblest ofall callings and its work at all stages of theworld's history has been fraught with theutmost good to men."The Negro in business;" responded to

by Mr. S. W. Bennett. This speech wassuch a one as deserves the serious conside-ration of every thinking man in the com-

munity. We print it m full elsewhere."Woman;" responded to by Dr. R. J.

Macbeth. Many witticisms at the expenseof the gentler sex flashed forth. Theircontradictions were dwelt upon. A woman

wül seldom use her reasoning faculties andthen there are those who, doubt that shehas them. She will jump at conclusionsbut in nine cases out of ten be right.At the close of the/ regular toasts the

three guests, Mr. Johii N.Gregg, "Nestor"and Messrs Jas. Spencer and Isiah Walk-er were introduced amd each made a ready

made a ready re-

spoke on literary clubsbefore and after thespoke on education,ea his pleasure in the

response. Mr Grsponse. Mr Gregin Charleston botwar. Mr. SfeuoMr, Walker expoccasion.

All the speedapplause. All 1regret despite th

drew forth volleys oft the festive board withlateness of the hour


TheBrightFridayroungMiss Jts sessionates tuites.>y J.ort to tht is vDg enjoo be tarationto good



funeifld services of Miss Berthaeld at Old Bethel Church on

i largely attended by many ?Avery institute, of which :

was a recent graduate, closed!larlier than usual. Eer echoolf-

[ed out to witness the last sadrtouching sermon was preached!rown, in which he gave corn-

surviving relatives and friendsad for one who is so yoong,baythe advantages of the achoo*

n away. But life is but a predect'n and in the life tow co

ever lost.


and Whiskeycured at home witout pain Book ofticulars sent FRI

_ DR. & M. WOOLLEY1Office* 104 North Pryor


The Young Men Cbribad an enthusiastic meetrIt waa conducted by Dr.who was so enthused witthat he composed a poeread it. Dr. A. G. Tory also made a bright criminutes, which wss thor<all present. Attorney Jvfollowed ia a brief addsfare open to the public tm

AssociationSunday last

P. Carolina,noble work

the spot and" of Centena-

of fifteenly enjoyed byie R. IfayneThe rooms


M. E. Gafonkel,?I2 KINijST.


We can show you beautiful line otBoy's knee suits ran£ in prices from50 ct upwards all sizesJust something forschool wear.

Boys knee pant- a

25c sizes from 4 to 1,nice selection of betshirtwaists assorted15 and upwards Cishow you what a ovme of ladies readymade shirts from 75 ko $5. Then our

gentlemen and 1» hes prell childrens un-derwear is quite comte I cannot forgetmen knowing a* ew Ids about about ourline of gentlemen pa which we are clos-ing out they atf eational good valuesfor the money. Def fail to ask to seethem. The prie s ras from 71c upwards.A few special t ladlheavy weight shirtsand drawers, valley and be convincedthat it will be t> ytfadvantage to tradewith the "Relióle fcain House."M. H 3ARFJN|L. 312 KING ST

lot to sell at?hen we have a

qualities. Boysand sizes fromus, and we will

Closed oi Sapav until drak.

Dri:Thc Bi 50C Teain Airçica.-FOI 6^ O.M.Y VT-

C. D.ÖNN?'S281 SNG ST.


Casi) Bgain House,434 KK8T. Near John.


QUICK SAL- SMALL PROFITS.apes 39, 48, [$1.00ankets 10-4, 48, 65, 75c.

Extra Large 55, worth $2.00,Double * Dress Goods 8, 10,12¿c

Best Quality Calicoes 5c.Caps 10, 15, 20, 25c

Seamless Hoc.


The findbd cheapest line of shoesû the market.

471 KING., Opp. ANN STlarleston, . C.

j|T. GR'SSCoe Maker




St ip Boarding House1 AND CAFE.Lted at 551 KING JT.

¡pecialirtments for ladies and gentle,cl Everything up to dateCome Jfcome all, and see for yourself.Meals Jd by bill of fare.

[Private dining room for ladies

Call adbOMING st. for your

Jenner Supplies gfard Bf . Mack will make you happyHe hast what you need.



(Grocery Store, (ir. Morris and Smith St.

Chf Family Groceries a Specialty.Call on him.



?ancis WashiçgsoD.\ TFASHINGTON & MARSH ST,

Wheelwright^LCKSSdITH and SHIP

on us. Terms Reasonable.

>arding & LodgingMealt at All^Hours.

'Rates Reasonable«f. WILLIAMS, jProp.

Cor. Chapel and Alexander Sts


BS Laundry andlrDomestlcFinish"

NaîtaM c. sonFuneral Director & Embalmer,A full line of Burial Cases, Coffins andCaskets always on hand. Embalmingaccording to the latest and beat motbod

14 Jasper St , - Charleston, . C.Long Distance Telephone 2155.

Give Me a Trial.



S, V.Flemings RestaurantBoardini; and LodgingBy the Day or Week.All meals at City Pi ices,

21 Chapel St. Charleston, C. .



he patronage of the city is cordiallysolicited by bim. Call at



Repairing Specialty.Should you desire your shoes made with

the best material, in the latest styles at thevery lowest pnce, call at


Boarding and Lodging,5 INLINE 'STREET,

Opp. S, C& Ga. B. B., Charl retonds. C


FRUITSoda JFiter, Confectionary, Ice C ream

Vegetables, etc.No. 53 KING STREET.

Call at

G. L. Rodemann»AND GET YO CR

Fresh Ginger 5c per! 5c "

vVine 5c 44

oda Biscu 5c 44

Good 15c 44

Choice Butter.20 to 25c 44

Choice Meats.7 to 8c 44

Choice Groceries, Segars, Tobacco, Etc.,No. 607 KING JT

N.W.cor. Rodgers Alley

W.H.MOORESoda Water andIce Cream Parlor,CONFECTIONARY, FRUITS,



JCor. Mary and Nassau ts.Anyone desiring first class boarding and

lodging by the day, week, or month, Per-sons seekipg a fine place of retreat will dowell to call at this house. Everything infirst class order.

3. P. GAILLARD,Butcher,

Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, & 3 and 5 Charleston Market.

Free Delivery to any part of the city.Prompt Attention.

W. H. Holbeck,Cabinet Maker.

Upholstering in'all its branchesM attress/Making.

ranks Re^irea* at hort Notice, gbairsCaned.


ALL KIND OF STRAW HATS, 1Dyed Brown, Black ,Red and Navy Blue fAlso Gent's Clothing Steamed Cleaned jRedyed.Goods called for and delived.

W, . COPLESTON,298 King street Charleston, , C.

).l 20-61

JO TO...-

J.H.JOHNPON93 Cannon Street,

When von desire your Hair Cut *in the jLatest Style.



W.H. GOOK,Mn Sleet Ira fir


All work promptly and neatly done.Ghre nt a trial.

SAMUEL DASH,Tonsorial Artist,

¿69* KING;STREET.-Price List-

flair Cutting.15 cents.Shaving. 5 I "

Shampooing.15 *'

öeafoam.IO u "

Particular Attention paid to Ladies andChildren flair Catting and Shampoo

ing. Your patronage is solicited.First-class Workmen.

A PATHOLOGICAL GRN IUSProf- J. M. Case, reveals what a

mysterious and wonderful concerning theinviaible'forces of nature. Would you liketo be able to heal your feîlowbeings of ailtheir disease simply through the poweroperating m your own body? To drawpersons to yourself and under your controlas if Dy magic ? To possess power thatnone but the noL of God can develop?Prof. Csse the renowned, magnetic Healerand Ins. actor, will lead you to the goal ofpossitiyi success. If you are troubledwith any form of disease he can cure you.Absent treatment aspecialty One week trialtreatment $1,00. Treatment positive nnc

cess in business $1,00. Do not neglect toavail yourself of thene advantages. Insideof two week" you can earn from $5 to $50a day with Magnetic Healing 427 Kin?



Repairing neatly and promptly done. Sarisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage

"especttullv solicited.Half Soles 40, 50, 60, 70c and $1.00.


African Protective LeapeOF AMERICAHOMK OFFICE

No. 71 HASELL ST.,^Between Meeting and King Streets,

Charleston, S C.Opp. Southern Express Office,

Is the largest society of color in the State«It costs only 10 cents to become a member.Call at the office for information.S. S. YOUNGBLOOD, Superintendent.

S. L. GREEN, Treasurer.

Snype Brothers^Funeral Directora

AND EMBALMERS.A large stock of Coffins and Caskets al-ways on hand. Burial robes, hrouds,TPreaths,at lowest prices. Hearses andcarriages to hire. Open day andnight. Remember we always disin-fect our rugs. Prompt and courteousattention given.

Ill CALHOUN ST.Residence 39 DRAKE ST.

Phone 2296^All line of cars will reach us.

Wm. T. ELFE,-Builder and Repaiur*of-*.

Carts, Wagons, Tractsand BUGGIES,

Blacksmith work in'all its branches1Estimates Famished



64^KJJNU tfrREET.'

Here you can be accommouated with meals and lodging

"Second to none,*Your Patronage is Solicitée^

For fine Teas, Coffees, Spicesand Sugars


Great Atlantic and PacificTEAICOMP A.NV

325 KING STREET.bugars sold at cost

ORIENTAL HAIR OILA delightful preparation for promoting a

ich and fine growth of the hair. Afgood:onic and sore remedy for dandruff. Careillly prepared from the choicest ingredi-ents and warranted to contain nothinglannful or injurious. Not only a remedybr all diseases of the hair and scalp, but a

)leasant and necessary article for the toiletmparting a lustre to the hauland promot-ng its growth.



ind'sold in °5 and 50 cent bottles, or willye sent by mail on receipt Of price.General Agent for Charleston, S. C.,

L 6. Curtis, 7 Cromwell Alley.

¡MM^KWMMMIIIIIIIIimiMlllItlMWWMMMn^N^I ONCE MOREI apply for three bottles of OzonizedOx Marrow. I have told others what

i a wonderful effect your remedy had inÍ MAKING THE HAIR GROW. My hair(was very short but since I have used theOriginal Ozonized Oz Marrow ! caa now

it any way I want to.Miss ANNA CHIN, Springfiokiw

Ox Marrow tíoB O&Jtee cutffhair straight, smooth,Dlitóle and bea*>Prevents fallies cut tod breaking «i." of imitations. The genuine never ole*

Warranted harmless. Only SO cents.dealers or send as IL*)for three botâespaid. * Write your name and adfteeato the Ozonized OX AUrrew Ce « rgLrAvenue, Caicas Uiinote. ffj

When you want good First Class Vbrkon the Terr latest designs, caji on

Prof.JahnRobinson536 KING STREET,

where he is prepared to serve the public.Ail work done stricklj up-to-date: as yonwill be well pleased.

Give me a trial.



332 KING ST.


Tonsorial Artist.633 KING ST, Charleston, I

Hair Cutting, Shaving and «Shampooii. gChildren Hair Cutting a peoialty / fair,Tonic for £ale.




Ice Cretin Manufacturer,RESTAURANT,

No. 397 King St, Opposite Marion Sq.Charleston^. C.

Thea. A. Wilson64 STATE ST,

General Coopering, Jobbiug, Building,Tubs, Barrels, Tanks and Repairing

Neatly Done,Prompt Attention and Delivery

Give me a call and be perfectly satisfied.

D. W. Singleton & Bro.-BETAIL DEALERS IN-

FRUITSSoda Water, Confectiodaiy,

Ice Cream, Vegetables, Etc,Jt5b KINEEl

J. F. GAILLARDStalls Nos. 21, 23 >& 25 Centre Marget.


For Choice Meats-CALLION-

Elias Singleton,1680 KING Sit

Bell Phone 1351.

Learn to ) arr!The Manly Art Taught by ProfCharlie Wright, 98 Beaufain St



GA1LLIARD & FLÜDD,~~ ~ iox Calnoun^St.Telephone 2291


W, L, Thomas'BUILDER O*-¡¡

HIGH GRADE BICYCLES-183 Calhoun Street.

Bicycles}Repaired, Stored and Rented.Difficult Repairing a Specialty*

Old Wheels cut down to '99 Model,thusaving two-thirds the cost of a new"wheelCall and be convinced as to* prices beforeoing elsewhere.

Up Town Ne589 21ag,St, NearWe have just opened a f

the most moneyer* goods. AlsbandYon will find it to your interestjains, which is the cheapest plac<PECSTSB & S

Na 202, STAR OF THE WEST. $86.TERMS, iO% discount for all

balance September 1st

HICK0RY~\Are shipped subject to inspection, and ii not as :

money paid will be refunded.Ona S50 buggy we will save you fl 5. On a IIn writing ior catalogue and prices, always


7SS ElEver Made for the Hair«


DELIGHTFULLY PERFUMED.Will make curly hair straight.Nothing equal to it. Positively the

very best preparation on the market forstraightening, in vigora ting aad beaut-ifying the hair. You will find afterusing it a short time th at it excells any-thing you ever tried. Absolutely freefrom chemicals; so pu re and harmlessthat it can be used every day withperfect satisfaction. . U renders thehair soft, pliable and beautiful. It pre-vents the hair from breaking off andfalling out. It nou rishes the roots andmakes the hair grow, often starting anew growth and restoring the hair toits natural color. Full directions witheach bottle. Price 25 and 50 cents. Ifyour druggist does not keep it threeSOcbottles will be sent prepaid on receiptof $1. Send monev by postoffice moneyorder or registered letter. Write yourname and address plainly. Big moneyto agents. Write for particulars.


CHICAGO EUS POIADE CO, Ul Aberdeen St, Chicago.


Tonsorial ? Parlor,4s3 KING ST.

FORStandard Silveware,

JFatches, Jewelry, or anything in that line-call on-FD. JONES,

187 Calhoun St. Charleston, S, C


Choice Family GroceriesSegars, Tobacco, Etc.,fcNo. 121JBOGARD ST.

Goods delivered Free to any part of

Insure your lite in th*.


OFFICERS,:JAMES ROI*SUTTON. . President.H. W. CONNER, JK., - secretary.EDWARD K KOKNE. - Superintendent,FRANK M. PETIT, . Supt. of Agents.R. 8. CATHCART, M.D, . Medical Director iGEO. H, MOFFETT. - Solicitor.


capital, issuing straight life and sick benfit policies Weakly payments. Newpolicy, new an. Call or see our amenta.


Next Door to Knights ot Pythias Bml maCharleston, S. C.

E. K. BORNE, £up nntenaeor


\ WONDERFUL FACE BLEACH«This preparation, if used as directed will

urn the skin of a black person four or fireihades whiter and that of mulattoes perfecta[y white. Any person using it can see tk.esult in forty-eight hours.

It does not turn the skin in spoil but)leaches out white. It is a very good kingbr the eyes if allowed to get in the eyefrbile washing the face.One box of this preparation is all that

equired if used as directed, the skin re

nainingbeautiful without continual use,ind is perfectly harmless.Will remove wrinkles, freckle«, dark

pots, and pimples from the face withoutîarm to the skin.Direction preparation will be sent to any

?ddress on receipt of $2.00 C. O. D. orend money order. Packed so that no o«ean know contents except the receiver.

Thomas B. Crane,122* W. Broad St. Richmond, Va.

ff PawnOffiee,Spring Street

'awn Office and we wiD loano we always have bargains on

to call and see our great HaÎ in the city,,CSPSR Frp




cash, or one-fourth caso*or December 1st*

VEHICLESrepresented, yon need not accept them, and175 surrey we will saveyon 125.state tiie kind of vehicle wanted

. Indianapolis