Narrative Structure

Narrative Structure By Saffron Lee


Narrative Structure EVALUATION QUESTION 1

Transcript of Narrative Structure

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Narrative Structure

By Saffron Lee

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Todorov’s Narrative Theory

Equilibrium: stars off relatively happy, where by most of the characters are content and everything is how it should be.

Disruption: A problem arises and disrupts the mood in some form, interrupts happiness.

Realisation: Everyone realises the problem, and the story takes a turn to a chaotic atmosphere.

Restored Order: The characters attempt the restore he order and fix the problem.

New Equilibrium: The story returns back to normality and things are relatively good.

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Up (2009)

One of the most heartbreaking and beautiful openings shown through Pete Docter’s Up is a great example when looking at

narrative. Before we get a glimpse of what the film entails, the opening grips us through the emotional story of Carl and Ellie. By

giving us a sneak peak into his life and experiences we already feel connected to his character before the storyline properly begins.

This film follows the classic narrative pattern: equilibrium, disruption, resolution and a new equilibrium but in a form of a


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Challenging Conventions

Enduring Love (2004)

As an audience we like to be challenged and this film does just that, before even introducing the characters we are thrown

straight into a scene where the narrative structure lays confusing and we aren’t sure what is going on. The opening consists of a man

and a women who are happily on a picnic date, until they hear a shout of panic and witness a boy who is stuck in a hot air balloon. As a viewer we would be very confused by what is happening yet

intrigued at the same time, because we want to find out that mystery. The opening illustrates to us that there are no rules when

it comes to films, and the simple linear structure doesn’t always have to be the best choice.

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‘Derek Miller’ Structure