Narnia Prayer Stations - · Narnia Prayer Stations There are many themes that...

Narnia Prayer Stations There are many themes that can be explored through the Narnia stories. These prayer stations look at some of the characters and themes from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. They were written for a Christmas alt:worship event but could be adapted for a more general service / event. You need to read through before using them to make sure you have any props / materials for activities. Feel free to adapt as necessary for your context / event. For further photos and service plans / material see;

Transcript of Narnia Prayer Stations - · Narnia Prayer Stations There are many themes that...

Narnia Prayer Stations

There are many themes that can be explored through the Narnia stories. These prayer stations look at some of the characters and themes from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. They were written for a Christmas alt:worship event but could be adapted for a more general service / event. You need to read through before using them to make sure you have any props / materials for activities. Feel free to adapt as necessary for your context / event.

For further photos and service plans / material see;

Narnia Prayer Stations

The Lamppost

The Lamppost was a major landmark in the country of Narnia, located in the north-western area, populated by Dryads and Fauns, which was named the Lantern Waste after it. Resembling a London streetlamp, it stood in the middle of the forest and shone day and night. Acting as a beacon at the edge of the land of Narnia, it also shows the grown up kings and queens the way home. It’s an object that falls between worlds – it’s part of 2 kingdoms, both Earth and Narnia.

Perhaps a good metaphor for us while we live here on earth, the lamppost also points to our call to be the light of the world, always shining. “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5 :16

How did you let your light shine in the last 12 months? How are you going to let your light shine during the next 12 months? Is there one idea you can commit to about being the light of the world?


Reflect on ways that we can be God’s light in the world and commit to one idea. By writing it down and adding it to the collection, we are building a commitment to social justice and making a change in our world.

Narnia Prayer Stations


In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe we read a few accounts concerning hospitality. The white witch gives Edmond a hot drink and something to eat when he first meets her in the woods. She goes on to offer him all the Turkish delight he can eat if he brings his siblings to her house between the two hills. As we know, that doesn’t work out as Edmond thought… Despite Mr. Tumnus’ questionable motives, he did give Lucy a warm fire, some food and musical ‘entertainment’. Mr and Mrs Beaver perhaps do the best job by inviting the Pevensie children into their home before guiding them to Aslan. The beavers perhaps opened their hearts as well as their home to their guests? Of these three accounts, it is the beavers who seem to be practicing servant-hearted hospitality. Hospitality is not about glamorous table settings or platters of picture-perfect food – it’s about loving others through Christ and making them feel special. There are many people in our world who do not feel loved or special.

Can you commit to trying to help in a practical way? Can you commit to praying for those who are lonely, depressed, abused or suffering an illness?

Narnia Prayer Stations

Susan The Gentle

"To the Radiant Southern Sun, I give you Queen Susan the Gentle."

- Aslan

Susan is also known as ‘Queen of the Horn’ due to the gift of a horn she received from Father Christmas. "And when you put this horn to your lips and blow it, then, wherever you are, I think help of some kind will come to you."

- Father Christmas

The horn was a magical object, used in times of emergency to call for help. Do you know how to call for help? Who comes to your aid when you call? Who do you go to the aid of when they call?

"a sound that I'd never heard the like of in my born days. Eh, I won't forget that. The whole air was full of it, loud as thunder but far longer, cool and sweet as music over water, but strong enough to shake the woods."

- Trumpkin

Narnia Prayer Stations

In the Image of God

Aslan is a well known metaphor for Christ. We see him

creating Narnia with his breath, giving himself up in place of

humanity, rising again and defeating evil.

Aslan is depicted as a talking lion, the King of Beasts, son of

the Emperor-Over-the-Sea, the king of Narnia; a wise,

compassionate, magical authority (both temporal and

spiritual); mysterious and benevolent guide to the human

children who visit; guardian and saviour of Narnia.

Throughout the series, it is stated that Aslan is "not a tame

lion", since, despite his gentle and loving nature, he is

powerful and can be dangerous.

Reflect on the list of character traits…

Which of these traits do you recognise in yourself?

Which do you want more of in the coming year?

Are there other character traits of God you feel are

important? (you can add them to the list using the post its)

Narnia Prayer Stations

In the Image of God


















Narnia Prayer Stations


The Beavers help to guide the Pevensie children through the new and mysterious world of Narnia. They guide the children physically, emotionally and in some ways spiritually as they prepare to meet Aslan. Reflect on the guides in your life. They might be teachers, mentors, clergy, managers, colleagues, family, directors, friends, leaders…. What guidance are you grateful for in the last church year? What do you want guidance for in he next church year? Perhaps the Beavers in Narnia are a metaphor of the Holy Spirit. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

John 16:13 Prayer Lord, you promised that when I seek You with all our heart, I will find You. I seek only after You. I give you all the anxieties and fears I feel inside, I release them all to You. I seek only after You. I open up my life like an open book, may You write in it Your words of inspiration and direction. I seek only after You.

Narnia Prayer Stations


It’s tempting (see what I did there?) at the end of the year to give into the cultural norms of consumerism, greed, gluttony and extravagance. But Christmas is not the end of the year for us, it’s the beginning. We have over 3 weeks of preparation in advent before celebrating the birth of Christ in human form. If we reflect on Advent and Christmas as the start of something, perhaps it might trigger a different response to the many temptations that the season brings?

Reflect on the temptations you may have fallen into during the last church year.

Prayer Lord God, we have sinned against you; we have done evil in your sight. We are sorry and repent. Have mercy on us according to your love. Wash away our wrongdoing and cleanse us from our sin. Renew a right spirit within us and restore us to the joy of your salvation, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

God says that we are made whiter than snow (Psalm 51:7) and his grace abounds! Have a piece of Turkish Delight (if you haven’t already), it’s not falling into temptation, it’s a gift – just like God’s grace.

Narnia Prayer Stations


“They say Aslan is on the move…”

The Beavers are expectant for what is going to happen in Narnia. The word Advent means "coming" or "arrival" and, when used in conjunction with Christmas, reminds us of the anticipation and expectation held over hundreds of years by the people of Israel for their Messiah and promised King. However, we can all appreciate and embrace another significance in this season of Advent. This Church season is also a prime opportunity to affirm the promise of Jesus that just as He came once, He would one day in the future return to the earth as Sovereign Ruler.

"This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven" (Acts 1:11). Are you expectant? Expectant for the arrival of Christ on Christmas morning but also expectant of the second coming?

Narnia Prayer Stations


In ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’, The Pevensie children are given gifts, ‘tools of their destiny’ by Father Christmas. These gifts were to help prepare them for what Aslan knew they were going to face in the future. God gives us gifts too – spiritual gifts which help us with the tasks he has set before us on our journey of faith. Reflect on what your spiritual gifts are… There’s a list you can use to reflect on if you’re not sure Some questions to reflect on Are you using your gifts to serve and love others as Christ loves you? Are you selfishly enjoying these gifts for your own self and not sharing? Do you struggle using any of your gifts? Are you lacking the confidence or boldness to use your gifts in the ways you desire to? Do you use your gifts to serve at your church?

Narnia Prayer Stations


Romans 12:6–8 Prophecy Serving Teaching Exhortation Giving Leadership Mercy 1 Corinthians 12:28

Apostle Prophet Teacher Miracles Kinds of healings Helps Administration Tongues

1 Corinthians 12:8–10

Word of wisdom Word of knowledge Faith Gifts of healings Miracles Prophecy Distinguishing between spirits Tongues Interpretation of tongues Ephesians 4:11

Apostle Prophet Evangelist Pastor Teach

Narnia Prayer Stations

Lucy the Valiant

"To the Glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant."


valiant: ˈvalɪənt adjective possessing or showing courage or determination. synonyms: brave, fearless, courageous, valorous, plucky, intrepid, heroic, stout-hearted, lionhearted, manly, manful, bold, daring, audacious, gallant, confident, spirited, stout, undaunted, dauntless, doughty, mettlesome, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unblenching, unabashed, undismayed;

Can you think of an example from the last year where you have been valiant? Are there areas of your life where you need to be more valiant?

Narnia Prayer Stations

Lucy the Valiant

"In this bottle, there is a cordial made of the juice of the fire-flowers that grow in the mountains of the sun. If you or any of your friends are hurt, a few drops will restore them." ―Father Christmas Queen Lucy's Cordial was the prize possession of Lucy Pevensie when she reigned in Narnia. It was a small bottle filled with a very powerful medicinal potion, and it proved extremely valuable on many Narnian adventures.

Is there something in your life that needs a healing potion? It could be physical, emotional or spiritual…

A Prayer for Healing

God, you know me so well. You created me. You know the number of hairs on my

head. You've told us to come to you and ask for every need of life. You are the

God who heals. I'm coming to you today as your child, longing to hear from you

and asking for your divine healing. There's so much I don't understand about

life. But I do know that with one touch, one word, you can make me whole.

Please forgive me of my sins, cleanse me of my unrighteousness, and begin your

healing from the inside out. I absolutely believe you have the power to heal. You

demonstrated that on earth, and you still heal in miraculous ways today. Even

when my faith is weak, you say it is enough, and my love for you is strong. All

that I am is yours.

In Jesus's name, Amen.

Narnia Prayer Stations

Peter the Magnificent

"And to the Clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter the Magnificent!"


Peter the magnificent become a knight of the most noble order of the lion. What a wonderful metaphor for what Matthew talks about when he says; “For the Son of Man is to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay everyone for what has been done.

- Matthew 16:27

What can we do to become knights of the noble order of the lion? Reflect on the following questions… Is there any commitment you can make in the coming year to reduce your environmental impact? Is there a local social justice project you could help with? Are there any volunteering opportunities you have overlooked?

Narnia Prayer Stations

Edmund the Just

"To the Great Western Wood, I give you King Edmund the Just."


Sometimes the journey isn’t simple - we get caught up in things, loose focus, take the wrong path, side tracked… but often when we go off on a tangent we eventually end up in a place of transformation. This is how it was with Edmund, a very different character after his encounter with Aslan than when he first came into Narnia.

Edmund is eventually bestowed the title of ‘Edmund the Just’ due to his honour and bravery.

What title would you want Aslan to bestow upon you?