Narinder Dhami, Bend it like Beckham - english world · Narinder Dhami, Bend it like Beckham ......

Narinder Dhami, Bend it like Beckham Chapter 1 definition or example German to be on edge to be nervous, excited or bad-tempered (an)gespannt sein breathless (adj.) The run left her feeling breathless and exhausted. atemlos to urge sb on to encourage sb to do sth or support them so that they do it better jem. anfeuern; antreiben out of reach Cleaning fluids should be kept out of the reach of children. ausser Reichweite impressed (adj.) We were all impressed by her performance. beeindruckt a panel a group of people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio Diskussionsrunde; Expertenrunde; Gremium to raise (your) eyebrows Eyebrows were raised when he arrived without his wife. sich wundern über etwas there is no denying that… There’s no denying that she’s got talent. Es ist unzweifelhaft, dass... awareness (n.) Our students should develop an awareness of how to study properly. Kenntniss; Bewusstsein a jigsaw (puzzle) Doing a large jigsaw can take hours. ein Puzzle to reach (your) peak He’s a very talented player, but he hasn’t reached his peak yet. den eigenen Höhepunkt erreichen; Bestform erlangen proud of sb/sth (adj.) Are you proud of your parents? stolz auf to beam The barman beamed a warm smile at her. strahlen to shriek The audience was shrieking with laughter. kreischen to bring shame on sb (brought/brought) In India parents worry that their kids could bring shame on their family. Schande über jemanden bringen to give sb a filthy look She gave him a filthy look and walked off. jemanden bitterböse anschauen to be told off by sth The boys were told off by a neighbour for making so much noise. von jemanden gescholten werden to rant (on) to speak or complain about something in a loud and/or angry way (weiter)schimpfen; -zetern to demand sth to ask for something very firmly: ‘Who the hell are you?’ he demanded angrily. etwas (wissen) wollen; fordern to be about to do sth I was just about to ask you the same thing. etwas eben tun wollen; im Begriff sein, etwas zu tun an engagement party They had their engagement party last month. Verlobungsfeier to take (no) notice of sth/sb (took/taken) They took no notice of the crying child. etwas/jem. (nicht) beachten a full-on lunatic She acted like a full-on lunatic. ein total Verrückter/ Wahnsinniger to have a fit If I told my parents about this, they would have a fit. einen Anfall haben; ausrasten a sigh; to sigh I opened my book with a sigh. She sighed when I told her about it. ein Seufzer; seufzen to moan Stop moaning about school! Other kids are much less privileged than you! jammern; stöhnen

Transcript of Narinder Dhami, Bend it like Beckham - english world · Narinder Dhami, Bend it like Beckham ......

Narinder Dhami, Bend it like Beckham

Chapter 1 definition or example German

to be on edge to be nervous, excited or bad-tempered (an)gespannt sein

breathless (adj.) The run left her feeling breathless and exhausted.


to urge sb on to encourage sb to do sth or support them so that they do it better

jem. anfeuern; antreiben

out of reach Cleaning fluids should be kept out of the reach of children.

ausser Reichweite

impressed (adj.) We were all impressed by her performance.


a panel a group of people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio

Diskussionsrunde; Expertenrunde; Gremium

to raise (your) eyebrows Eyebrows were raised when he arrived without his wife.

sich wundern über etwas

there is no denying that… There’s no denying that she’s got talent. Es ist unzweifelhaft, dass...

awareness (n.) Our students should develop an awareness of how to study properly.

Kenntniss; Bewusstsein

a jigsaw (puzzle) Doing a large jigsaw can take hours. ein Puzzle

to reach (your) peak He’s a very talented player, but he hasn’t reached his peak yet.

den eigenen Höhepunkt erreichen; Bestform erlangen

proud of sb/sth (adj.) Are you proud of your parents? stolz auf

to beam The barman beamed a warm smile at her.


to shriek The audience was shrieking with laughter. kreischen

to bring shame on sb (brought/brought)

In India parents worry that their kids could bring shame on their family.

Schande über jemanden bringen

to give sb a filthy look She gave him a filthy look and walked off.

jemanden bitterböse anschauen

to be told off by sth The boys were told off by a neighbour for making so much noise.

von jemanden gescholten werden

to rant (on) to speak or complain about something in a loud and/or angry way

(weiter)schimpfen; -zetern

to demand sth to ask for something very firmly: ‘Who the hell are you?’ he demanded angrily.

etwas (wissen) wollen; fordern

to be about to do sth I was just about to ask you the same thing.

etwas eben tun wollen; im Begriff sein, etwas zu tun

an engagement party They had their engagement party last month.


to take (no) notice of sth/sb (took/taken)

They took no notice of the crying child. etwas/jem. (nicht) beachten

a full-on lunatic She acted like a full-on lunatic. ein total Verrückter/ Wahnsinniger

to have a fit If I told my parents about this, they would have a fit.

einen Anfall haben; ausrasten

a sigh; to sigh I opened my book with a sigh. She sighed when I told her about it.

ein Seufzer; seufzen

to moan Stop moaning about school! Other kids are much less privileged than you!

jammern; stöhnen

gorgeous (adj.) You look gorgeous! wunderschön; atemberaubend

to mutter ‘How dare she,’ he muttered under his breath.


to wail ‘It's broken,’ she wailed. klagen; heulen; jammern

to shoot sb a poisonous look (shot/shot)

Clearly furious, she shot him a poisonous look and turned away.

jemanden giftig anschauen

to get a move on (got/got)

Get a move on! Our train leaves in 10 minutes!

sich beeilen; vorwärts machen

to drop dead on the spot If Mum saw me now, she’d drop dead on the spot!

auf der Stelle tot umfallen

to charge (somewhere) She angrily charged out of the room. (wohin) stürmen

a dowry money and/or property that, in some societies, a wife or her family must pay to her husband when they get married

Mitgift; Aussteuer

to spoil sb She really spoils those kids of hers. jemanden verwöhnen

to get out of hand (got/got)

If they don’t step in, things will definitely get out of hand.

ausser Kontrolle geraten

to cling to sth/sb (clung/clung)

She clung to the hope that the situation would improve again.

sich klammern an etwas/jem.

a dashboard the part of a car in front of the driver that has instruments and controls in it


a maniac He drove like a maniac. Spinner; Wahnsinniger

to order The doctor ordered bed rest. befehlen

to drag I dragged my heavy suitcase up the steps.

zerren; schleppen

to not bother doing sth She didn’t bother telling him as he would not care anyway.

sich nicht darum bemühen, etwas zu tun

to mention sth Did Joe mention our meeting? etwas erwähnen

Her face dropped. When she realised what this meant, her face dropped.

Sie machte ein langes Gesicht. Sie sah enttäuscht aus.

to put on a fake smile (put/put)

His ex-girlfriend put on a fake smile when she met his new girlfriend at a party.

ein falsches Lächeln aufsetzen

invisible (adj.) She felt so embarrassed that she wished she could make herself invisible.


to squeal Children were running around squealing with excitement.

kreischen; quieken

contacts (n.) I usually wear contacts to do sport. Kontaktlinsen

frosty (adj.) He answered with a frosty smile. frostig; eisig

smug (adj.) She deserved to win an award, but I wish she weren’t so smug about it!

selbstgefällig; blasiert

to smirk They smirked unpleasantly when we told them we had lost the game.

spöttisch lächeln

furious (adj.) I'm furious that I wasn't told about it. stinksauer; erzürnt

a facial She went for a facial before her wedding. kosmetische Gesichtsbehandlung

to bite your tongue I didn't believe her explanation but I bit my sich die Zunge abbeissen (um

(bit/bit) tongue. nichts Unpassendes zu sagen)

to nudge sb He nudged me and whispered, ‘Look who's just come in.’

jemanden anstupsen

to hiss ‘Leave me alone!’ she hissed. zischen; fauchen

to shuffle He shuffled across the room to the window.


a cardi(gan) a knitted jacket made of wool, usually fastened with buttons at the front


embarrassed (adj.) I've never felt so embarrassed in my life! peinlich berührt; verlegen

a loo roll a roll of toilet paper eine Rolle Toilettenpapier

to kid (sb) to tell sb sth that is not true, especially as a joke: I didn't mean it. I was only kidding.

Spass machen (jemanden verarschen)

A-levels She’s just done her A-levels. Abitur

to revise I spent the weekend revising for my exam.

Schulstoff repetieren vor einer Prüfung

a solicitor a lawyer who advises people on legal matters, and can speak for them in some courts of law


to object to (doing) sth My parents want me to go to university and get a proper job. They object to me being a dancer.

ablehnen; gegen etwas sein

proper (adj.) geeignet; anständig

impatient (adj.) I'd been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting impatient.

ungeduldig; ungehalten

the lads a group of friends that a man works with or spends free time with

die Jungs

to take a short cut (took/ taken)

On the way home he took a short cut through the park.

eine Abkürzung nehmen; abkürzen

a carrier bag a paper or plastic bag for carrying shopping


to fancy (doing) sth She didn't fancy the idea of going home in the dark.

etwas tun mögen; Lust haben auf etwas

reluctant (adj.) She was reluctant to admit she was wrong.

zögernd; widerstrebend

to hesitate I didn't hesitate for a moment about taking the job.

zögern; zaudern

to whistle She whistled to the dog to come back. pfeifen

to yell She yelled at the child to get down from the wall.

(herum)brüllen; schreien

more brawn than brain Jerry is more brawn than brain – he is an excellent footballer but not very bright.

mehr Muskeln als Hirn

to lunge at sb/sth She lunged forward and snatched the letter from me.

sich stürzen auf jem./etwas

sexual equality the view that everyone should receive equal treatment and not be discriminated against based on being male or female


to snigger to laugh in a quiet unpleasant way, especially at sth rude or at sb’s problems or mistakes

gehässig kichern

trainers You need some good trainers to play football in.


salwar kameez a long tunic worn over a pair of baggy trousers, usually worn by girls, esp in India and Pakistan

a wheeler-dealer a person who does a lot of complicated deals in business or politics, often in a dishonest way

Geschäftemacher; Mauschler

to envy sb (doing) sth I envy you having such a great family. jemanden um etwas beneiden

gleeful (adj.) happy because of sth good you have done or sth bad that has happened to sb else

freudig; schadenfreudig; hämisch