Narcotic Control Regulations - Canada

Current to February 4, 2015 Last amended on November 7, 2014 À jour au 4 février 2015 Dernière modification le 7 novembre 2014 Published by the Minister of Justice at the following address: Publié par le ministre de la Justice à l’adresse suivante : CANADA CONSOLIDATION Narcotic Control Regulations CODIFICATION Règlement sur les stupéfiants C.R.C., c. 1041 C.R.C., ch. 1041


Narcotic and Controlled Medications Regulations in Canada

Transcript of Narcotic Control Regulations - Canada

  • Current to February 4, 2015

    Last amended on November 7, 2014

    jour au 4 fvrier 2015

    Dernire modification le 7 novembre 2014

    Published by the Minister of Justice at the following address:

    Publi par le ministre de la Justice ladresse suivante :



    Narcotic ControlRegulations


    Rglement sur lesstupfiants

    C.R.C., c. 1041 C.R.C., ch. 1041



    Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the LegislationRevision and Consolidation Act, in force onJune 1, 2009, provide as follows:

    Les paragraphes 31(1) et (3) de la Loi sur larvision et la codification des textes lgislatifs,en vigueur le 1er juin 2009, prvoient ce quisuit :

    Publishedconsolidation isevidence

    31.(1)Every copy of a consolidated statute orconsolidated regulation published by the Ministerunder this Act in either print or electronic form is ev-idence of that statute or regulation and of its contentsand every copy purporting to be published by theMinister is deemed to be so published, unless thecontrary is shown.

    31.(1)Tout exemplaire d'une loi codifie ou d'unrglement codifi, publi par le ministre en vertu dela prsente loi sur support papier ou sur support lec-tronique, fait foi de cette loi ou de ce rglement et deson contenu. Tout exemplaire donn comme publipar le ministre est rput avoir t ainsi publi, saufpreuve contraire.

    Codificationscomme lmentde preuve

    ... [...]

    Inconsistenciesin regulations

    (3)In the event of an inconsistency between aconsolidated regulation published by the Ministerunder this Act and the original regulation or a subse-quent amendment as registered by the Clerk of thePrivy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act,the original regulation or amendment prevails to theextent of the inconsistency.

    (3)Les dispositions du rglement d'origine avecses modifications subsquentes enregistres par legreffier du Conseil priv en vertu de la Loi sur lestextes rglementaires l'emportent sur les dispositionsincompatibles du rglement codifi publi par le mi-nistre en vertu de la prsente loi.

    Incompatibilit rglements

    NOTE NOTEThis consolidation is current to February 4, 2015.The last amendments came into force on Novem-ber 7, 2014. Any amendments that were not in forceas of February 4, 2015 are set out at the end of thisdocument under the heading Amendments Not inForce.

    Cette codification est jour au 4 fvrier 2015. Lesdernires modifications sont entres en vigueurle 7 novembre 2014. Toutes modifications quin'taient pas en vigueur au 4 fvrier 2015 sontnonces la fin de ce document sous le titre Mod-ifications non en vigueur .


    Section Page Article PageRegulations Respecting the Controlof Narcotics

    Rglement concernant les stupfiants








    VIGUEUR 71

  • 1CHAPTER 1041 CHAPITRE 1041


    Narcotic Control Regulations Rglement sur les stupfiantsREGULATIONS RESPECTING THE CONTROL OF


    SHORT TITLE TITRE ABRG1.These Regulations may be cited as the Narcotic

    Control Regulations.1.Le prsent rglement peut tre cit sous le titre :

    Rglement sur les stupfiants.INTERPRETATION INTERPRTATION

    2.(1)In these Regulations,Act means the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act;(Loi)advertisement means any representation by any meanswhatever for the purpose of promoting directly or indi-rectly the sale or disposal of a narcotic; (annonce)cannabis means the substance set out in item 17 of theschedule; (chanvre indien)common-law partner, in relation to an individual,means a person who is cohabiting with the individual ina conjugal relationship, having so cohabited for a periodof at least one year; (conjoint de fait)competent authority means a public authority of a for-eign country that is authorized under the laws of thecountry to approve the importation or exportation of nar-cotics into or from the country; (autorit comptente)designated criminal offence means

    (a)an offence involving the financing of terrorismagainst any of sections 83.02 to 83.04 of the CriminalCode;(b)an offence involving fraud against any of sections380 to 382 of the Criminal Code;(c)the offence of laundering proceeds of crimeagainst section 462.31 of the Criminal Code;

    2.(1)Dans le prsent rglement,annonce dsigne toute reprsentation faite parquelque moyen que ce soit en vue de mousser directe-ment ou indirectement la vente ou la faon de disposerdun stupfiant; (advertisement)autorit comptente Organisme public dun paystranger qui est habilit, aux termes des lois du pays, consentir limportation ou lexportation de stup-fiants. (competent authority)chanvre indien La substance inscrite larticle 17 delannexe. (cannabis)commande crite [Abroge, DORS/85-588, art. 1]commande verbale dsigne une commande donne devive voix; (verbal order)conjoint de fait La personne qui vit avec la personneen cause dans une relation conjugale depuis au moins unan. (common-law partner)contenant immdiat Contenant qui est en contact di-rect avec le stupfiant. (immediate container)diactylmorphine (hrone) [Abroge, DORS/2013-172, art. 3]Directive en matire de scurit La Directive sur lesexigences en matire de scurit physique pour les sub-stances dsignes (Exigences en matire de scurit phy-sique pour les substances dsignes entreposes chez les

  • C.R.C., c. 1041 February 4, 2015


    (d)an offence involving a criminal organizationagainst any of sections 467.11 to 467.13 of the Crimi-nal Code; or(e)a conspiracy or an attempt to commit, being an ac-cessory after the fact in relation to, or any counsellingin relation to, an offence referred to in any of para-graphs (a) to (d); (infraction dsigne en matire cri-minelle)

    designated drug offence means(a)an offence against section 39, 44.2, 44.3, 48, 50.2or 50.3 of the Food and Drugs Act, as those provi-sions read immediately before May 14, 1997,(b)an offence against section 4, 5, 6, 19.1 or 19.2 ofthe Narcotic Control Act, as those provisions read im-mediately before May 14, 1997,(c)an offence under Part I of the Act, except subsec-tion 4(1), or(d)a conspiracy or an attempt to commit, being anaccessory after the fact in relation to, or any coun-selling in relation to, an offence referred to in any ofparagraphs (a) to (c); (infraction dsigne en matirede drogue)

    diacetylmorphine (heroin) [Repealed, SOR/2013-172,s. 3]dried marihuana means harvested marihuana that hasbeen subjected to any drying process; (marihuana s-che)health care practitioner has, except in section 59, thesame meaning as in subsection 1(1) of the Marihuanafor Medical Purposes Regulations; (praticien de la san-t)hospital means a facility

    (a)that is licensed, approved or designated by aprovince in accordance with the laws of the provinceto provide care or treatment to persons or animals suf-fering from any form of disease or illness, or

    distributeurs autoriss), publie par le ministre, avecses modifications successives. (Security Directive)distributeur autoris Le titulaire dune licence dli-vre en vertu de larticle 9.2. (licensed dealer)document mdical concernant la marihuana Sentendau sens de document mdical au paragraphe 1(1) duRglement sur la marihuana des fins mdicales. (medi-cal marihuana document)hpital dsigne :

    a)une installation qui fait lobjet dun permis dlivrpar la province ou qui a t approuve ou dsigne parelle, en conformit avec ses lois, en vue dassurer dessoins ou des traitements aux personnes ou aux ani-maux atteints dune maladie ou dune affection,b)une installation qui assure des soins de sant et ap-partient au gouvernement du Canada ou dune pro-vince ou est exploite par lui; (hospital)

    infirmier praticien Sentend au sens de larticle 1 duRglement sur les nouvelles catgories de praticiens.(nurse practitioner)infraction dsigne en matire criminelle Lune oulautre des infractions suivantes :

    a)infraction relative au financement du terrorisme vi-se lun des articles 83.02 83.04 du Code criminel;b)infraction de fraude vise lun des articles 380 382 du Code criminel;c)infraction de recyclage des produits de la criminali-t vise larticle 462.31 du Code criminel;d)infraction relative une organisation criminelle vi-se lun des articles 467.11 467.13 du Code crimi-nel;e)le complot ou la tentative de commettre une infrac-tion vise lun des alinas a) d), la complicitaprs le fait son gard ou le fait de conseiller de lacommettre. (designated criminal offence)

    infraction dsigne en matire de drogue Sentend delune des infractions suivantes :

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    (b)that is owned or operated by the Government ofCanada or the government of a province and that pro-vides health services; (hpital)

    immediate container means the container that is in di-rect contact with the narcotic. (contenant immdiat)inspector [Repealed, SOR/97-227, s. 1]international obligation means an obligation in respectof a narcotic set out in a convention, treaty or other mul-tilateral or bilateral instrument that Canada has ratifiedor to which Canada adheres; (obligation internationale)licence [Repealed, SOR/2004-237, s. 1]licensed dealer means the holder of a licence issuedunder section 9.2; (distributeur autoris)licensed producer has the same meaning as in subsec-tion 1(1) of the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regu-lations; (producteur autoris)marihuana means the substance referred to asCannabis (marihuana) in subitem 17(2) of the sched-ule; (marihuana)medical marihuana document has the same meaning asmedical document in subsection 1(1) of the Marihua-na for Medical Purposes Regulations; (document mdi-cal concernant la marihuana)methadone includes the salts of methadone; (mtha-done)midwife has the same meaning as in section 1 of theNew Classes of Practitioners Regulations; (sage-femme)Minister [Repealed, SOR/97-227, s. 1]narcotic means, subject to subsection (2),

    (a)any substance set out in the schedule or anythingthat contains the substance, or(b)in respect of a midwife, nurse practitioner or podi-atrist, any substance set out in the schedule, or any-thing that contains the substance, that the midwife,nurse practitioner or podiatrist may prescribe, possessor conduct an activity with, in accordance with sec-

    a)toute infraction prvue aux articles 39, 44.2, 44.3,48, 50.2 ou 50.3 de la Loi sur les aliments et drogues,dans leur version antrieure au 14 mai 1997;b)toute infraction prvue aux articles 4, 5, 6, 19.1 ou19.2 de la Loi sur les stupfiants, dans leur version an-trieure au 14 mai 1997;c)toute infraction prvue la partie I de la Loi, lexception du paragraphe 4(1);d)le complot ou la tentative de commettre une infrac-tion vise aux alinas a) c), la complicit aprs lefait son gard ou le fait de conseiller de la com-mettre. (designated drug offence)

    inspecteur [Abroge, DORS/97-227, art. 1]licence [Abroge, DORS/2004-237, art. 1]Loi La Loi rglementant certaines drogues et autressubstances. (Act)marihuana La substance appele cannabis (marihua-na), inscrite au paragraphe 17(2) de lannexe. (marihua-na)marihuana sche Marihuana qui a t rcolte etsoumise un processus de schage. (dried marihuana)mthadone comprend les sels de mthadone;(methadone)ministre [Abroge, DORS/97-227, art. 1]ncessaire dessai dsigne un ncessaire

    a)contenant des ractifs, des substances-tampons, oules deux,b)employ au cours dune opration chimique ouanalytique effectue des fins mdicales, exprimen-tales, industrielles, ducatives ou scientifiques, etc)dont le contenu nest pas destin tre administr des humains; (test kit)

    nom propre dsigne, lgard dun stupfiant, le nomreconnu sur une base internationale pour ce stupfiant,ou le nom assign au stupfiant dans la dernire ditiondune pharmacope ou dun rpertoire des drogues re-connus gnralement; (proper name)

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    tions 3 and 4 of the New Classes of Practitioners Reg-ulations; (stupfiant)

    nurse practitioner has the same meaning as in section 1of the New Classes of Practitioners Regulations; (infir-mier praticien)oral prescription narcotic [Repealed, SOR/85-588, s.1]permit means a permit issued under section 10; (per-mis)pharmacist means

    (a)a person who is registered or otherwise entitledunder the laws of a province to practise pharmacy andto operate a pharmacy or dispensary and who

    (i)is practising pharmacy in that province, and(ii)is operating a pharmacy or dispensary in thatprovince, and

    (b)for the purpose of subsection 2(2), sections 3, 31to 39, subsections 44(1), 45(1) and (2), section 46 andsubsections 65(3) to (4), a person who is registered orotherwise entitled under the laws of a province topractise pharmacy and who is practising pharmacy inthat province; (pharmacien)

    podiatrist has the same meaning as in section 1 of theNew Classes of Practitioners Regulations; (podiatre)practitioner [Repealed, SOR/97-227, s. 1]prescription means, in respect of a narcotic, an autho-rization given by a practitioner that a stated amount ofthe narcotic be dispensed for the person named in theprescription; (ordonnance)proper name, with reference to a narcotic, means thename internationally recognized for the narcotic or thename assigned to the narcotic in the latest edition of anygenerally recognized pharmacopoeia or compendium ofdrugs; (nom propre)qualified person in charge means the individual withthe qualifications specified in subsection 8.3(2) who isresponsible for supervising the activities carried out by a

    obligation internationale Toute obligation relative un stupfiant prvue par une convention, un trait ou unautre instrument multilatral ou bilatral que le Canada aratifi ou auquel il adhre. (international obligation)ordonnance lgard dun stupfiant, autorisationdonne par un praticien selon laquelle une quantit d-termine du stupfiant doit tre prpare lintention dela personne qui y est nomme. (prescription)permis dsigne un permis dlivr en vertu de larticle10; (permit)personne qualifie responsable La personne physiquequi, possdant les qualifications nonces au paragraphe8.3(2), est responsable de la supervision des oprationseffectues par le distributeur autoris en vertu de sa li-cence, linstallation qui y est spcifie. (qualified per-son in charge)pharmacien

    a)La personne autorise, notamment par un permisdexercice, en vertu des lois dune province exercerla profession de pharmacien et exploiter ou dirigerune pharmacie ou une officine, et qui, la fois, danscette province :

    (i)exerce la profession de pharmacien,(ii)exploite ou dirige une pharmacie ou une offi-cine;

    b)pour lapplication du paragraphe 2(2), des ar-ticles 3 et 31 39, des paragraphes 44(1) et 45(1) et(2), de larticle 46 et des paragraphes 65(3) (4), lapersonne autorise, notamment par un permis dexer-cice, en vertu des lois dune province exercer la pro-fession de pharmacien et qui lexerce dans cette pro-vince. (pharmacist)

    podiatre Sentend au sens de larticle 1 du Rglementsur les nouvelles catgories de praticiens. (podiatrist)praticien [Abroge, DORS/97-227, art. 1]praticien de la sant Sentend, sauf larticle 59, ausens du paragraphe 1(1) du Rglement sur la marihuana des fins mdicales. (health care practitioner)

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    licensed dealer under their licence at the premises speci-fied in the licence; (personne qualifie responsable)Security Directive means the Directive on Physical Se-curity Requirements for Controlled Substances (SecurityRequirements for Licensed Dealers for the Storage ofControlled Substances) published by the Department, asamended from time to time; (Directive en matire de s-curit)test kit means an apparatus

    (a)that contains reagent systems or buffering agentsor both,(b)that is used in the course of a chemical or analyti-cal procedure for medical, laboratory, industrial, edu-cational or research purposes, and(c)the contents of which are not intended for admin-istration to humans; (ncessaire dessai)

    transfer means, except in subsection 45(3), to transfer,whether directly or indirectly, without consideration;(transfrer)verbal order means an order given orally; (commandeverbale)verbal prescription narcotic means medication that

    (a)contains in addition to a narcotic two or moremedicinal ingredients other than a narcotic in a recog-nized therapeutic dose,(b)is not intended for parenteral administration, and(c)does not contain hydrocodone, methadone, oxy-codone or pentazocine. (stupfiant dordonnance ver-bale)

    written order [Repealed, SOR/85-588, s. 1]

    producteur autoris Sentend au sens du para-graphe 1(1) du Rglement sur la marihuana des finsmdicales. (licensed producer)sage-femme Sentend au sens de larticle 1 du Rgle-ment sur les nouvelles catgories de praticiens. (mid-wife)stupfiant Sous rserve du paragraphe (2), selon lecas :

    a)toute substance vise lannexe ou toute matireen contenant;b)sagissant dune sage-femme, dun infirmier prati-cien ou dun podiatre, toute substance vise lan-nexe, ou toute matire en contenant, que ce praticienpeut, aux termes des articles 3 et 4 du Rglement surles nouvelles catgories de praticiens, prescrire ouavoir en sa possession ou relativement laquelle ilpeut, en vertu de ces articles, se livrer toute autreopration. (narcotic)

    stupfiant dordonnance verbale dsigne un mdica-ment

    a)qui renferme, outre un stupfiant, au moins deuxingrdients mdicinaux qui ne sont pas des stup-fiants, en dose thrapeutique reconnue,b)qui nest pas destin ladministration parentrale,etc)qui ne contient pas dhydrocodone, de mthadone,doxycodone ni de pentazocine. (verbal prescriptionnarcotic)

    transfrer Sauf au paragraphe 45(3), transfrer, mmeindirectement, sans change dune contrepartie. (trans-fer)

    (2)Despite subitem 2(2) of the schedule, the follow-ing are not narcotics for the purposes of these Regula-tions:

    (a)a drug in dosage form, as defined in subsection C.01.005(3) of the Food and Drug Regulations, thatcontains cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine) or any ofits salts unless the drug has a drug identification num-

    (2)Malgr le paragraphe 2(2) de lannexe, ne sontpas des stupfiants pour lapplication de ce rglement :

    a) toute drogue sous sa forme posologique, au sensdu paragraphe C.01.005(3) du Rglement sur les ali-ments et drogues, qui contient de la cocane (ester m-thylique de la benzoylecgonine) ou un de ses sels, saufsi une identification numrique lui est attribue sous le

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    ber assigned to it under Division 1 of Part C of thoseRegulations, is authorized for sale under Division 5 ofPart C of those Regulations or has been compoundedby a pharmacist in accordance with or in anticipationof an authorization from a practitioner that a statedamount of the drug be dispensed for a person who isor will be named in the authorization; or(b)cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine) or any of itssalts, or any drug that is not in dosage form that con-tains such a substance, unless the cocaine, salt or drugis to be compounded by a pharmacist in accordancewith or in anticipation of an authorization from a prac-titioner that a stated amount of the drug be dispensedfor a person who is or will be named in the authoriza-tion.

    SOR/78-154, s. 1; SOR/81-361, s. 1; SOR/85-588, s. 1; SOR/85-930, s. 1;SOR/86-173, s. 1; SOR/88-279, s. 1(F); SOR/90-189, s. 1; SOR/97-227, s. 1;SOR/2003-134, s. 1; SOR/2004-237, s. 1; SOR/2010-221, s. 1; SOR/2012-230, s. 14; SOR/2013-119, s. 200; SOR/2013-172, s. 3.

    rgime du titre 1 de la partie C du mme rglement, sila vente de la drogue est autorise sous le rgime dutitre 5 de la partie C de ce mme rglement ou si ladrogue a fait lobjet dune composition par un phar-macien conformment une autorisation donne parun praticien, ou en prvision de celle-ci, aux termes delaquelle une quantit dtermine de la drogue doit tredispense lintention de la personne qui y est nom-me ou qui y sera nomme;b) la cocane (ester mthylique de la benzoylecgo-nine) ou un de ses sels, ou toute drogue qui nest passous sa forme posologique et qui en contient, sauf si lacocane, le sel ou la drogue fera lobjet dune compo-sition par un pharmacien conformment une autori-sation donne par un praticien, ou en prvision decelle-ci, aux termes de laquelle une quantit dtermi-ne de la drogue doit tre dispense lintention de lapersonne qui y est nomme ou qui y sera nomme.

    DORS/78-154, art. 1; DORS/81-361, art. 1; DORS/85-588, art. 1; DORS/85-930, art. 1; DORS/86-173, art. 1; DORS/88-279, art. 1(F); DORS/90-189,art. 1; DORS/97-227, art. 1; DORS/2003-134, art. 1; DORS/2004-237, art. 1;DORS/2010-221, art. 1; DORS/2012-230, art. 14; DORS/2013-119, art. 200;DORS/2013-172, art. 3.

    2.1For greater certainty, in these Regulations, a ref-erence to provide includes transfer.SOR/2013-119, s. 201.

    2.1Dans le prsent rglement, il est entendu que lefait de fournir comprend celui de transfrer.DORS/2013-119, art. 201.

    POSSESSION POSSESSION3.(1)A person is authorized to have a narcotic in his

    or her possession where the person has obtained the nar-cotic under these Regulations, in the course of activitiesperformed in connection with the enforcement or admin-istration of an Act or regulation, or from a person who isexempt under section 56 of the Act from the applicationof subsection 5(1) of the Act with respect to that narcot-ic, and the person

    (a)requires the narcotic for his business or professionand is

    (i)a licensed dealer,(ii)a pharmacist, or

    3.(1)Une personne est autorise avoir un stup-fiant en sa possession si elle la obtenu en vertu du pr-sent rglement ou lors de lexercice dune activit se rap-portant lapplication ou lexcution dune loi ou dunrglement, ou si elle la obtenu dune personne bnfi-ciant dune exemption accorde aux termes de larticle56 de la Loi relativement lapplication du paragraphe5(1) de la Loi ce stupfiant, et :

    a)quelle a besoin dudit stupfiant pour son entre-prise ou sa profession, tant

    (i)un distributeur autoris,(ii)un pharmacien, ou(iii)un praticien immatricul et autoris exercerdans la province o il dtient ce stupfiant;

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    (iii)a practitioner who is registered and entitled topractise in the province in which he has such pos-session;

    (b)is a practitioner who is registered and entitled topractise in a province other than the province in whichhe has such possession and such possession is foremergency medical purposes only;(c)is a hospital employee or a practitioner in a hospi-tal;(d)has obtained the narcotic for his own use

    (i)from a practitioner,(ii)pursuant to a prescription that is not issued orobtained in contravention of these Regulations,(iii)from a pharmacist pursuant to section 36, or(iv)pursuant to a medical marihuana documentthat is not provided or obtained in contravention ofthe Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations;

    (e)is a practitioner of medicine who received the nar-cotic pursuant to subsection 68(3) or (5) and his pos-session is for a purpose referred to in subsection 68(4)or (6);(f)is an agent of a practitioner of medicine who re-ceived the narcotic pursuant to section 68(3) and hispossession is for the purpose of complying with sub-section 68(5);(g)is employed as an inspector, a member of theRoyal Canadian Mounted Police, a police constable,peace officer or member of the technical or scientificstaff of any department of the Government of Canadaor of a province or university and such possession isfor the purposes of and in connection with such em-ployment;(h)is a person other than a person referred to in para-graph (e) or (f), is exempted under section 56 of theAct with respect to the possession of that narcotic andwhose possession is for a purpose set out in the ex-emption; or(i)is a person referred to in paragraph 68(4)(b).

    b)quelle est un praticien qui est immatricul et auto-ris exercer dans une province autre que la provinceo il a la possession du stupfiant et o la possessiondu stupfiant est restreinte aux seules fins durgencesmdicales;c)quelle est un employ dun hpital ou un praticienexerant dans un hpital;d)quelle a obtenu pour son propre usage un stup-fiant, de lune des faons suivantes :

    (i)dun praticien,(ii)en vertu dune ordonnance qui nest pas miseou obtenue en violation du prsent rglement,(iii)dun pharmacien en vertu de larticle 36,(iv)en vertu dun document mdical concernant lamarihuana qui nest pas fourni ou obtenu en viola-tion du Rglement sur la marihuana des fins m-dicales;

    e)quelle est un praticien en mdecine qui a reu leditstupfiant en vertu du paragraphe 68(3) ou (5) et quila en sa possession aux seules fins nonces au para-graphe 68(4) ou (6);f)quelle est un reprsentant dun praticien en mde-cine qui a reu le stupfiant en vertu du paragraphe68(3) et qui la en sa possession la seule fin de seconformer au paragraphe 68(5);g)quelle est employe titre dinspecteur, demembre de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada, dagentde police, dagent de la paix ou de membre du person-nel technique ou scientifique de tout service du gou-vernement du Canada, dune province ou dune uni-versit, et quelle a le stupfiant en sa possession auxfins de ses fonctions ou en rapport avec elles;h)quelle est une personne non vise aux alinas e)ou f), quelle bnficie dune exemption aux termes delarticle 56 de la Loi relativement la possession dece stupfiant et quelle en a la possession aux finsnonces dans lexemption; oui)quelle est une personne vise lalina 68(4)b).

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    (2)A person is authorized to have a narcotic in hispossession where the person is acting as the agent forany person referred to in paragraphs (1)(a) to (e), (h) or(i).

    (2)Une personne est autorise avoir un stupfianten sa possession lorsquelle agit comme agent de toutepersonne vise aux alinas (1)a) e), h) et i).

    (2.1)A person is authorized to have a narcotic in hispossession where

    (a)the person is acting as the agent for a person hehas reasonable grounds to believe is a person referredto in paragraph (1)(g); and(b)the possession of the narcotic is for the purpose ofassisting that person in the enforcement or administra-tion of an Act or regulation.

    (2.1)Une personne est autorise avoir un stupfianten sa possession lorsque :

    a)dune part, elle agit comme agent de toute per-sonne dont elle a des motifs raisonnables de croire quecelle-ci est une personne vise lalina (1)g);b)dautre part, la possession du stupfiant a pour butdaider cette dernire dans lapplication ou lexcutiondune loi ou dun rglement.

    (3)[Repealed, SOR/2012-230, s. 15]SOR/85-588, s. 2; SOR/85-930, s. 2; SOR/97-227, s. 2; SOR/99-124, s. 1;SOR/2012-230, s. 15; SOR/2013-119, s. 202; SOR/2013-172, s. 4.

    (3)[Abrog, DORS/2012-230, art. 15]DORS/85-588, art. 2; DORS/85-930, art. 2; DORS/97-227, art. 2; DORS/99-124, art. 1; DORS/2012-230, art. 15; DORS/2013-119, art. 202; DORS/2013-172, art. 4.


    4.Any person may sell, possess or otherwise deal in atest kit that contains a narcotic if

    (a)a registration number has been issued for the testkit pursuant to section 6;(b)the test kit bears, on its external surface,

    (i)the manufacturers name,(ii)the trade name or trade mark, and(iii)the registration number issued therefor pur-suant to section 6;

    (c)the test kit is sold, possessed or otherwise dealt infor the purpose of medical, laboratory, industrial, edu-cational or research use; and(d)the registration number has not been cancelledpursuant to section 7.

    4.Toute personne peut vendre, possder ou autrementmanipuler un ncessaire dessai contenant un stupfiantsi

    a)un numro denregistrement a t mis pour le n-cessaire dessai selon larticle 6;b)le ncessaire dessai porte, sur sa surface ext-rieure,

    (i)le nom du fabricant,(ii)le nom commercial ou la marque de commerce,et(iii)le numro denregistrement mis selon larticle6;

    c)le ncessaire dessai est vendu, acquis, ou autre-ment manipul des fins mdicales, exprimentales,industrielles, ducatives ou scientifiques; etd)le numro denregistrement na pas t annul envertu de larticle 7.

    5.The manufacturer of a test kit that contains a nar-cotic may apply for a registration number therefor bysubmitting to the Director an application containing

    5.Le fabricant dun ncessaire dessai contenant unstupfiant peut demander au ministre un numro denre-

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    (a)particulars of the design and construction of thetest kit;(b)a detailed description of the narcotic and othersubstances, if any, contained in the test kit, includingthe qualitative and quantitative composition of eachcomponent;(c)a statement of the proposed use of the test kit; and(d)any further information and material that the Min-ister may require in order to satisfy himself that thetest kit is one for which a registration number may beissued.

    gistrement en prsentant au Directeur une demandecontenant

    a)les dtails de la prsentation et de la compositiondu ncessaire dessai;b)une description dtaille du stupfiant et des autressubstances, sil en est, que contient le ncessaire des-sai, y compris la composition qualitative et quantita-tive de chacun des composants;c)une description de lusage auquel on destine le n-cessaire dessai; etd)tout autre renseignement et document susceptiblesdtre demands par le ministre afin quil puisse dter-miner sil peut mettre un numro denregistrementpour le ncessaire dessai.

    6.Where, on application under section 5, the Ministeris satisfied that the test kit to which the application ap-plies will only be used for medical, laboratory, industri-al, educational or research use and that it

    (a)contains a narcotic and one or more adulteratingor denaturing agents in such a manner, combination,quantity, proportion or concentration that the prepara-tion or mixture has no significant drug abuse poten-tial, or(b)contains such small quantities or concentrations ofany narcotic substance as to have no significant drugabuse potential,

    the Minister may issue a registration number for the testkit, which shall be a number preceded by the lettersTK.SOR/81-22, s. 1.

    6.Lorsque le ministre est convaincu que le ncessairedessai ne sera utilis qu des fins mdicales, expri-mentales, industrielles, ducatives ou scientifiques, etquil

    a)contient un stupfiant et une ou plusieurs sub-stances adultrantes ou dnaturantes, mlanges detelle manire et en quantits, proportions ou concen-trations telles que la prparation ou le mlange ne pr-sente que trs peu ou aucun potentiel dabus, oub)contient des quantits ou concentrations de stup-fiant si infimes quil ne prsente que trs peu ou aucunpotentiel dabus,

    le ministre peut mettre un numro denregistrementpour ce ncessaire dessai, numro qui sera prcd parles lettres TK .DORS/81-22, art. 1.

    7.The Minister may cancel the registration numberfor a test kit if the test kit is removed from the market bythe manufacturer or if, in the Ministers opinion,

    (a)it is necessary to cancel the registration number inthe interest of public health; or(b)the test kit for which the registration number is is-sued is used or is likely to be used for any purposeother than medical, laboratory, industrial, educationalor research use.

    7.Le ministre peut annuler le numro denregistre-ment dun ncessaire dessai si celui-ci est retir du mar-ch par le fabricant ou si, de lavis du ministre,

    a)il convient de lannuler dans lintrt de la santpublique; oub)le ncessaire dessai est utilis ou est susceptibledtre utilis des fins autres que mdicales, expri-mentales, industrielles, ducatives ou scientifiques.

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    [DORS/2004-237, art. 2]8.(1)Subject to these Regulations and the Marihua-

    na for Medical Purposes Regulations, no person excepta licensed dealer shall produce, make, assemble, import,export, sell, provide, transport, send or deliver a narcotic.

    8.(1)Sous rserve des autres dispositions du prsentrglement et des cas prvus dans le Rglement sur la ma-rihuana des fins mdicales, il est interdit toute per-sonne autre que le distributeur autoris de produire, defabriquer, dassembler, dimporter, dexporter, devendre, de fournir, de transporter, dexpdier ou de livrerun stupfiant.

    (2)No licensed dealer shall import or export a narcot-ic without a permit.

    (2)Il est interdit tout distributeur autoris dimpor-ter ou dexporter un stupfiant sans un permis cette fin.

    (3)No licensed dealer shall cultivate, propagate orharvest marihuana other than for scientific purposes.

    (3)Il est interdit tout distributeur autoris de culti-ver, de multiplier ou de rcolter de la marihuana desfins autres que scientifiques.

    (4)Subsection (3) does not apply to marihuana pro-duced by a licensed dealer under contract with HerMajesty in right of Canada.SOR/2004-237, s. 3; SOR/2013-119, s. 203.

    (4)Le paragraphe (3) ne sapplique pas la marihua-na produite par un distributeur autoris aux termes duncontrat avec Sa Majest du chef du Canada.DORS/2004-237, art. 3; DORS/2013-119, art. 203.

    8.1A licensed dealer is authorized to have a narcoticin their possession for the purpose of exporting the nar-cotic from Canada if they have obtained the narcotic inaccordance with these Regulations or the Marihuana forMedical Purposes Regulations.SOR/97-514, s. 1; SOR/2013-119, s. 204.

    8.1Un distributeur autoris peut avoir un stupfianten sa possession, en vue de son exportation, sil la obte-nu conformment au prsent rglement ou au Rglementsur la marihuana des fins mdicales.DORS/97-514, art. 1; DORS/2013-119, art. 204.

    8.2To be eligible for a dealers licence, a personmust be

    (a)an individual who ordinarily resides in Canada;(b)a corporation that has its head office in Canada oroperates a branch office in Canada; or(c)the holder of a position that includes responsibili-ty for narcotics on behalf of a department of the Gov-ernment of Canada or of a government of a province,a police force, a hospital or a university in Canada.

    SOR/2004-237, s. 4.

    8.2Sont admissibles la licence de distributeur auto-ris :

    a)la personne physique qui rside habituellement auCanada;b)la personne morale qui a son sige social auCanada ou qui y exploite une succursale;c)le titulaire dun poste qui comporte la responsabili-t de stupfiants pour le compte dun ministre dugouvernement fdral ou dun gouvernement provin-cial, dun service de police, dun hpital ou dune uni-versit au Canada.

    DORS/2004-237, art. 4.8.3(1)A licensed dealer 8.3(1)Le distributeur autoris :

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    (a)shall designate one qualified person in charge,who may be the licensed dealer if the licensed dealeris an individual, who must work at the premises speci-fied in the licence, have responsibility for supervisingactivities with respect to narcotics specified in the li-cence and for ensuring, on behalf of the licensed deal-er, that those activities comply with these Regulationsand the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations;and(b)may designate an alternate qualified person incharge who must work at the premises specified in thelicence and have authority to replace the qualified per-son in charge when that person is absent.

    a)dsigne une seule personne qualifie responsable il peut lui-mme exercer cette fonction sil est unepersonne physique qui doit travailler linstalla-tion vise par la licence et qui est la fois charge desuperviser les oprations relatives aux stupfiants vi-ses par la licence et dassurer la conformit de cesoprations avec le prsent rglement et le Rglementsur la marihuana des fins mdicales au nom du dis-tributeur;b)peut dsigner une personne qualifie responsablesupplante qui doit travailler linstallation vise parla licence et qui est autorise remplacer la personnequalifie responsable lorsque celle-ci est absente.

    (2)The qualified person in charge and, if applicable,the alternate qualified person in charge

    (a)shall be familiar with the provisions of the Actand the regulations under it that apply to the licence ofthe licensed dealer who designated them and haveknowledge of chemistry and pharmacology and expe-rience in those fields to properly carry out their duties;(b)shall either

    (i)be a pharmacist or a practitioner of medicine,dentistry or veterinary medicine, registered with aprovincial professional licensing authority, or(ii)possess a degree in an applicable science such as pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, veterinarymedicine, pharmacology, organic chemistry orchemical engineering that is awarded by a Cana-dian university or, if awarded by a foreign universi-ty, that is recognized by a Canadian university or aCanadian professional association; and

    (c)shall not have been convicted, as an adult, withinthe preceding 10 years, of

    (i)a designated drug offence,(ii)a designated criminal offence, or

    (2)La personne qualifie responsable et, le caschant, la personne qualifie responsable supplantedoivent se conformer aux exigences suivantes :

    a)bien connatre les dispositions de la Loi et de sesrglements qui sappliquent la licence du distribu-teur autoris qui les a dsignes et possder desconnaissances et une exprience de la chimie et de lapharmacologie leur permettant de bien sacquitter deleurs fonctions;b)tre, selon le cas :

    (i)un pharmacien, un praticien de la mdecine, undentiste ou un vtrinaire agr par lautorit pro-vinciale attributive de licences en matire dactivi-ts professionnelles,(ii)titulaire dun diplme dans une disciplinescientifique connexe notamment la pharmacie, lamdecine, la dentisterie, la mdecine vtrinaire, lapharmacologie, la chimie organique ou le gnie chi-mique dcern par une universit canadienne ou,sil sagit dune universit trangre, reconnu parune universit ou une association professionnellecanadiennes;

    c)ne pas avoir, au cours des dix dernires annes, treconnues coupables en tant quadulte :

    (i)dune infraction dsigne en matire de drogue,(ii)dune infraction dsigne en matire criminelle,

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    (iii)an offence committed outside Canada that, ifcommitted in Canada, would have constituted anoffence referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii).

    SOR/2004-237, s. 4; SOR/2010-221, s. 2; SOR/2012-230, s. 16; SOR/2013-119, s. 205; SOR/2014-260, s. 26(F).

    (iii)dune infraction commise ltranger qui,commise au Canada, aurait constitu une infractionvise au sous-alina (i) ou (ii).

    DORS/2004-237, art. 4; DORS/2010-221, art. 2; DORS/2012-230, art. 16;DORS/2013-119, art. 205; DORS/2014-260, art. 26(F).

    9.(1)To apply for a dealers licence, a person shallsubmit an application to the Minister containing

    (a)if the licence is sought for(i)an individual, the individuals name,(ii)a corporation, the corporations name and anyother name registered with a province, under whichit intends to carry out the activities specified in itsdealers licence or intends to identify itself; and(iii)the holder of a position mentioned in para-graph 8.2(c), the applicants name and the title ofthe position;

    (b)the address, telephone number and, if applicable,the facsimile number and e-mail address for thepremises to which the dealers licence would applyand, if different, the mailing address for the premises;(c)the name, date of birth and gender of the individu-al in charge of the premises;(d)with respect to the proposed qualified person incharge and, if applicable, the proposed alternate quali-fied person in charge,

    (i)their name, date of birth and gender,(ii)their academic qualifications, training and workexperience relevant to their duties,(iii)their hours of work at the premises,(iv)their title at the premises,(v)the name and title of their immediate supervisorat the premises, and(vi)in the case of a pharmacist or a practitioner,the name of the province in which the persons cur-rent professional licence, certification or authoriza-tion was issued and the professional licence, certifi-cation or authorization number;

    9.(1)Quiconque souhaite obtenir une licence de dis-tributeur autoris prsente au ministre une demande danslaquelle il inscrit les renseignements suivants :

    a)si la licence est demande :(i)pour une personne physique, le nom de celle-ci,(ii)pour une personne morale, sa dnomination so-ciale et tout autre nom enregistr dans une provincesous lequel elle entend sidentifier ou poursuivre lesoprations prvues dans la licence,(iii)pour le titulaire dun poste mentionn lali-na 8.2c), le nom du demandeur et le titre du poste;

    b)ladresse, le numro de tlphone et, le caschant, le numro de tlcopieur et ladresse lectro-nique de linstallation vise par la licence de mmeque, si elle diffre de ladresse de linstallation, sonadresse postale;c)les nom, date de naissance et sexe du responsablede linstallation;d)sagissant de la personne qualifie responsablepropose et, le cas chant, de la personne qualifieresponsable supplante propose :

    (i)leurs nom, date de naissance et sexe,(ii)les diplmes dtudes, formation et expriencede travail qui se rapportent leurs fonctions,(iii)leurs heures de travail linstallation,(iv)leur titre linstallation,(v)les nom et titre de leur suprieur immdiat linstallation,(vi)dans le cas dun pharmacien ou dun praticien,le nom de la province o a t dlivr le permisdexercice, la licence ou le certificat professionnelvalide quil dtient, ainsi que le numro de ce per-mis, de cette licence ou de ce certificat;

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    (e)the name and gender of the individuals authorizedto place an order for a narcotic on behalf of the appli-cant;(f)the activities referred to in section 8 for which thelicence is sought that would be carried out at thepremises to which the dealers licence would apply;(g)in the case of a product or compound that containsa narcotic but is not a test kit and that would be madeor assembled for or by the applicant,

    (i)the brand name, if any, of each product or com-pound,(ii)the narcotic in each product or compound,(iii)the strength per unit of the narcotic in eachproduct or compound,(iv)the quantity or package sizes of each productor compound, and(v)if the product or compound would be made orassembled by or for another licensed dealer under acustom order, the name, address and dealers li-cence number of the other licensed dealer;

    (h)if the licence is sought to produce a narcotic otherthan a product or compound that contains a narcotic,

    (i)the name of the narcotic to be produced,(ii)the quantity that the applicant expects to pro-duce under the dealers licence and the period dur-ing which that quantity would be produced, and(iii)if the narcotic would be produced for anotherlicensed dealer under a custom order, the name, ad-dress and dealers licence number of the other li-censed dealer;

    (i)a detailed description of the security measures atthe premises, determined in accordance with the Secu-rity Directive;(j)a detailed description of the method that the appli-cant proposes to use for recording their narcotic trans-actions; and

    e)les nom et sexe des personnes physiques autorises commander des stupfiants pour son compte;f)les oprations vises larticle 8 pour lesquelles lalicence est demande et qui seraient effectues lins-tallation vise par la licence;g)dans le cas o la demande vise un produit ou uncompos qui contient un stupfiant mais nest pas unncessaire dessai et qui serait fabriqu ou assemblpar lui ou pour son compte :

    (i)la marque nominative de chaque produit oucompos, le cas chant,(ii)le stupfiant que contient chaque produit oucompos,(iii)la concentration du stupfiant dans chaque uni-t du produit ou du compos,(iv)la quantit ou les formats demballage dechaque produit ou compos,(v)dans le cas o le produit ou compos est fabri-qu ou assembl, sur commande spciale, par unautre distributeur autoris ou pour son compte, lesnom, adresse et numro de licence de cet autre dis-tributeur;

    h)dans le cas o il demande la licence pour produireun stupfiant, lexclusion des produits ou composscontenant un stupfiant :

    (i)le nom du stupfiant produire,(ii)la quantit quil entend produire en vertu de lalicence et la priode prvue pour la production,(iii)sil sagit dun stupfiant produit, sur com-mande spciale, pour le compte dun autre distribu-teur autoris, les nom, adresse et numro de licencede ce dernier;

    i)la description dtaille des mesures de scurit ta-blies conformment la Directive en matire de scu-rit qui sont appliques linstallation;j)la description dtaille de la mthode prvue pourla consignation des transactions de stupfiants;

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    (k)for any activity referred to in section 8, other thanthe activities described in paragraphs (g) and (h), thename of the narcotic and the purpose for carrying outthe activity.

    k)dans le cas o la licence est demande relativement une opration vise larticle 8 qui nest pas uneopration laquelle sappliquent les alinas g) et h), lestupfiant lgard duquel cette opration sera effec-tue et le but de lopration.

    (2)An application for a dealers licence must(a)be signed by the individual in charge of thepremises to which the licence would apply; and(b)be accompanied by a statement signed by the indi-vidual in charge indicating that

    (i)all information and documents submitted in sup-port of the application are correct and complete tothe best of their knowledge, and(ii)the individual has the authority to bind the ap-plicant.

    (2)La demande de licence de distributeur autorisdoit satisfaire aux exigences suivantes :

    a)tre signe par le responsable de linstallation visepar la demande;b)tre accompagne dune attestation signe par ce-lui-ci portant :

    (i)dune part, qu sa connaissance tous les rensei-gnements et documents fournis lappui de la de-mande sont exacts et complets,(ii)dautre part, quil est habilit lier le deman-deur.

    (3)An application for a dealers licence must be ac-companied by

    (a)declarations signed by the individual in charge ofthe premises to which the application applies, the pro-posed qualified person in charge and, if applicable, theproposed alternate qualified person in charge, statingthat they have not been convicted, as an adult, duringthe preceding 10 years, of

    (i)a designated drug offence,(ii)a designated criminal offence, or(iii)an offence committed outside Canada that, ifcommitted in Canada, would have constituted anoffence referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii);

    (b)a document issued by a Canadian police forcewith respect to each of the persons referred to in para-graph (a), stating whether the person has or has notbeen convicted, as an adult, during the previous 10years, of a designated drug offence or a designatedcriminal offence;(c)if any of the persons referred to in paragraph (a)has ordinarily resided in a country other than Canadaduring the preceding 10 years, a document issued by a

    (3)La demande de licence de distributeur autorisdoit tre accompagne de ce qui suit :

    a)une dclaration signe du responsable de linstalla-tion vise par la demande, une autre de la personnequalifie responsable propose et une autre, le caschant, de la personne qualifie responsable sup-plante propose, chaque dclaration attestant que lesignataire na pas, au cours des dix dernires annes,t reconnu coupable en tant quadulte :

    (i)dune infraction dsigne en matire de drogue,(ii)dune infraction dsigne en matire criminelle,(iii)dune infraction commise ltranger qui,commise au Canada, aurait constitu une infractionvise au sous-alina (i) ou (ii);

    b)un document manant dun service de police cana-dien pour chacune des personnes mentionnes lali-na a), attestant quelle a ou na pas, au cours des dixdernires annes, t reconnue coupable en tantquadulte dune infraction dsigne en matire dedrogue ou dune infraction dsigne en matire crimi-nelle;

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    police force of that country stating whether the personhas or has not been convicted in that country, as anadult, during the preceding 10 years, of an offence thatwould have constituted a designated drug offence or adesignated criminal offence if committed in Canada;(d)a statement, signed and dated by the individual incharge of the premises to which the application ap-plies, stating that the proposed qualified person incharge and, if applicable, the proposed alternate quali-fied person in charge have the knowledge and experi-ence required under paragraph 8.3(2)(a);(e)if the proposed qualified person in charge or, ifapplicable, the proposed alternate qualified person incharge is not a pharmacist or a practitioner ofmedicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine registeredwith a provincial professional licensing authority, acopy of the persons degree required under subpara-graph 8.3(2)(b)(ii) and a copy of the course transcriptfor that degree;(f)if the applicants name appears on the label of aproduct or compound that contains a narcotic, a copyof the inner label, as defined in section A.01.010 ofthe Food and Drug Regulations, for each product orcompound to which the licence would apply; and(g)if the applicant is a corporation, a copy of

    (i)the certificate of incorporation or other consti-tuting instrument, and(ii)any document filed with the province in whichthe premises to which the licence would apply arelocated that states its corporate name or any othername registered with the province, under which theapplicant intends to carry out the activities specifiedin its dealers licence or intends to identify itself.

    c)dans le cas o lune des personnes vises lalinaa) a, au cours des dix dernires annes, eu sa rsi-dence habituelle dans un pays autre que le Canada, undocument manant dun service de police de ce paysattestant quelle a ou na pas, au cours des dix der-nires annes, t reconnue coupable dans ce pays entant quadulte dune infraction qui, commise auCanada, aurait t une infraction dsigne en matirede drogue ou une infraction dsigne en matire cri-minelle;d)une dclaration, signe et date par le responsablede linstallation vise par la demande, attestant que lapersonne qualifie responsable propose et, le caschant, la personne qualifie responsable supplantepropose ont les connaissances et lexprience exigespar lalina 8.3(2)a);e)dans le cas o la personne qualifie responsablepropose ou, le cas chant, la personne qualifie res-ponsable supplante propose nest pas un pharma-cien, un praticien de la mdecine, un dentiste ou unvtrinaire agr par lautorit provinciale attributivede licences en matire dactivits professionnelles,une copie du diplme vis au sous-alina 8.3(2)b)(ii)et une copie du relev de notes relatif ce diplme;f)dans le cas o le nom du demandeur figure surltiquette dun produit ou dun compos contenant unstupfiant, une copie de ltiquette intrieure, au sensde larticle A.01.010 du Rglement sur les aliments etdrogues, de chaque produit ou compos vis par la li-cence;g)dans le cas o le demandeur est une personne mo-rale, la fois :

    (i)une copie de son certificat de constitution ou detout autre acte constitutif,(ii)une copie de tout document dpos auprs de laprovince o se trouve linstallation vise par la li-cence, qui indique sa dnomination sociale ou toutautre nom enregistr dans la province sous lequel ledemandeur entend poursuivre les oprations pr-vues dans la licence ou sidentifier.

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    (4)The method proposed by the applicant under para-graph (1)(j) must

    (a)allow for the recording of narcotic transactions inaccordance with section 15; and(b)permit the Minister to audit the activities of the li-censed dealer with respect to narcotics.

    (4)La mthode prvue aux termes de lalina (1)j)doit permettre :

    a)dune part, la consignation des transactions de stu-pfiants conformment larticle 15;b)dautre part, la vrification par le ministre des op-rations du distributeur autoris relativement aux stup-fiants.

    (5)The documents referred to in paragraphs (3)(b)and (c) are not required if the persons referred to in thoseparagraphs consent in writing

    (a)to having a criminal record check carried out forthem, as an adult, in respect of the offences referred toin those paragraphs during the preceding 10 years;(b)to provide all necessary information and to submitto any means of identification required to obtain thecriminal record check; and(c)to pay the fee established by the Royal CanadianMounted Police, Criminal Record Verification forCivil Purposes Fee Regulations.

    SOR/85-588, s. 3(F); SOR/2004-237, s. 4; SOR/2010-221, s. 3; SOR/2012-230, s. 17; SOR/2014-260, ss. 17, 27(F).

    (5)Les documents viss aux alinas (3)b) et c) nontpas tre fournis si les personnes mentionnes ces ali-nas consentent, par crit :

    a) ce quune recherche soit effectue pour vrifier sielles ont eu, au cours des dix dernires annes, un ca-sier judiciaire, en tant quadulte, relativement aux in-fractions vises ces alinas;b) fournir les renseignements ncessaires la vrifi-cation du casier judiciaire et se soumettre touteopration didentification ncessaire pour obtenir lavrification;c) payer le prix exig pour la vrification auxtermes du Rglement sur le prix payer pour la vrifi-cation de casiers judiciaires des fins civiles (Gen-darmerie royale du Canada).

    DORS/85-588, art. 3(A); DORS/2004-237, art. 4; DORS/2010-221, art. 3;DORS/2012-230, art. 17; DORS/2014-260, art. 17 et 27(F).

    9.1The Minister may, on receiving an applicationmade under these Regulations, require the submission ofany additional information that pertains to the informa-tion contained in the application and that is necessary forthe Minister to process the application.SOR/2004-237, s. 4.

    9.1Sur rception dune demande prsente en vertudu prsent rglement, le ministre peut exiger tout rensei-gnement supplmentaire au sujet des renseignementscontenus dans la demande dont il a besoin pour traitercelle-ci.DORS/2004-237, art. 4.

    9.2Subject to section 9.4, the Minister shall, after ex-amining the information and documents required undersections 9 and 9.1, issue a dealers licence that contains

    (a)the licence number;(b)the name of the licensed dealer or the title of theposition they hold, or, if the licensed dealer is a corpo-ration, its corporate name;(c)a list of the activities that are permitted;

    9.2Sous rserve de larticle 9.4, le ministre dlivre audemandeur, aprs examen des renseignements et des do-cuments exigs aux articles 9 et 9.1, une licence de dis-tributeur autoris qui contient les renseignements sui-vants :

    a)le numro de la licence;b)le nom du distributeur ou le titre de son poste, ou,sil sagit dune personne morale, sa dnomination so-ciale;

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    (d)the address of the premises at which the licenseddealer may carry on the permitted activities;(e)the name of the narcotic for which the activitiesare permitted;(f)the security level at the premises, determined inaccordance with the Security Directive;(g)the effective date of the licence;(h)the expiry date of the licence, which may not belater than three years after its effective date;(i)any conditions to be met by the licensed dealer to

    (i)ensure that an international obligation is re-spected,(ii)provide the security level referred to in para-graph (f), or(iii)reduce the potential security, public health orsafety hazard, including the risk of the narcotic be-ing diverted to an illicit market or use;

    (j)in the case of a producer of a narcotic, the quantityof the narcotic that may be produced under the licenceand the period during which that quantity may be pro-duced; and(k)in the case of the maker or assembler of a productor compound that contains a narcotic but is not a testkit, an annexed list that sets out the following infor-mation for each type of product or compound thatmay be made or assembled under the licence:

    (i)the licence number,(ii)the brand name, if any, of each product or com-pound,(iii)the narcotic in each product or compound,(iv)the strength per unit of the narcotic in eachproduct or compound, and(v)the quantity or package sizes of each product orcompound.

    SOR/2004-237, s. 4; SOR/2010-221, ss. 4, 18(F); SOR/2014-260, s. 18.

    c)la liste des oprations autorises;d)ladresse de linstallation o le distributeur peut selivrer aux oprations autorises;e)le nom du stupfiant lgard duquel les opra-tions sont autorises;f)le niveau de scurit applicable linstallation, ta-bli conformment la Directive en matire de scuri-t;g)la date de prise deffet de la licence;h)la date dexpiration de la licence, laquelle ne peutsuivre de plus de trois ans la date de prise deffet decelle-ci;i)le cas chant, les conditions que le distributeurdoit remplir :

    (i)pour que soit respecte une obligation interna-tionale,(ii)pour assurer le niveau de scurit vis lalinaf),(iii)pour rduire tout risque datteinte la scuritou la sant publiques, notamment en raison durisque de dtournement du stupfiant vers un mar-ch ou un usage illicite;

    j)dans le cas du producteur dun stupfiant, la quanti-t de celui-ci qui peut tre produite en vertu de la li-cence et la priode de production autorise;k)dans le cas du fabricant ou de lassembleur dunproduit ou dun compos qui contient un stupfiantmais nest pas un ncessaire dessai, une liste figuranten annexe qui indique, pour chaque type de produit oude compos qui peut tre fabriqu ou assembl en ver-tu de la licence :

    (i)le numro de la licence,(ii)la marque nominative de chaque produit oucompos, le cas chant,(iii)le nom du stupfiant que contient chaque pro-duit ou compos,

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    (iv)la concentration du stupfiant dans chaque uni-t du produit ou du compos,(v)la quantit ou les formats demballage dechaque produit ou compos.

    DORS/2004-237, art. 4; DORS/2010-221, art. 4 et 18(F); DORS/2014-260,art. 18.

    9.3A licensed dealer may, subject to the terms andconditions of their licence, produce, make, assemble,sell, provide, transport, send or deliver only narcoticsspecified in their licence.SOR/2004-237, s. 4.

    9.3Le distributeur autoris ne peut produire, fabri-quer, assembler, vendre, fournir, transporter, expdier oulivrer que les stupfiants mentionns sur sa licence, lacondition de respecter les modalits de celle-ci.DORS/2004-237, art. 4.

    9.4(1)The Minister shall refuse to issue, renew oramend a dealers licence if

    (a)the applicant is not eligible under section 8.2;(b)an inspector who has requested an inspection hasnot been given the opportunity by the applicant toconduct an inspection under section 16;(c)false or misleading information or false or falsi-fied documents were submitted in or with the applica-tion;(d)an activity for which the licence is requestedwould not be in compliance with an international obli-gation;(d.1)except in the case of marihuana produced by alicensed dealer under contract with Her Majesty inright of Canada, an activity for which the licence is re-quested is the cultivation, propagation or harvesting ofmarihuana other than for scientific purposes;(e)information received from a competent authorityor the United Nations raises a reasonable belief thatthe applicant has been involved in the diversion of anarcotic to an illicit market or use or has been in-volved in an activity that was not in compliance withan international obligation;(f)the applicant does not have in place the securitymeasures set out in the Security Directive in respect ofan activity for which the licence is requested;(g)the applicant is in contravention of or has contra-vened during the preceding 10 years,

    9.4(1)Le ministre refuse de dlivrer la licence dedistributeur autoris, de la modifier ou de la renouvelerdans les cas suivants :

    a)le demandeur nest pas admissible aux termes delarticle 8.2;b)le demandeur na pas fourni linspecteur qui luien a fait la demande loccasion de procder une ins-pection aux termes de larticle 16;c)le demandeur a fourni des renseignements faux outrompeurs dans sa demande ou des documents faux oufalsifis lappui de celle-ci;d)lune des oprations pour lesquelles la licence estdemande entranerait le non-respect dune obligationinternationale;d.1)sauf dans le cas de la marihuana produite par undistributeur autoris aux termes dun contrat avec SaMajest du chef du Canada, lune des oprations pourlesquelles la licence est demande est la culture, lamultiplication ou la rcolte de la marihuana des finsautres que scientifiques;e)les renseignements reus dune autorit comptenteou des Nations Unies laissent raisonnablement croireque le demandeur a particip au dtournement dunstupfiant vers un march ou un usage illicite ou quilsest livr des oprations qui ont entran le non-res-pect dune obligation internationale;f)le demandeur na pas mis en oeuvre les mesuresprvues dans la Directive en matire de scurit

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    (i)a provision of the Act or the regulations madeor continued under it, or(ii)a term or condition of another dealers licenceor of an import or export permit issued to the appli-cant under any regulations made or continued underthe Act;

    (h)the issuance, amendment or renewal of the licencewould likely create a risk to public health, safety orsecurity, including the risk of a narcotic being divert-ed to an illicit market or use;(i)the individual in charge of the premises, the pro-posed qualified person in charge or, if applicable, theproposed alternate qualified person in charge has beenconvicted, as an adult, within the preceding 10 years,of

    (i)a designated drug offence,(ii)a designated criminal offence, or(iii)an offence committed outside Canada that, ifcommitted in Canada, would have constituted anoffence referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii);

    (j)the proposed method referred to in paragraph 9(1)(j) is not capable of recording narcotic transactions asrequired under section 15 or of permitting the Ministerto audit the applicants activities with respect to nar-cotics in a timely manner; or(k)the additional information required under section9.1 has not been provided or is insufficient to processthe application.

    lgard dune opration pour laquelle il demande la li-cence;g)le demandeur contrevient ou a contrevenu au coursdes dix dernires annes :

    (i)soit une disposition de la Loi ou des rgle-ments pris ou maintenus en vigueur sous le rgimede celle-ci,(ii)soit une condition dune autre licence de dis-tributeur autoris ou dun permis dimportation oudexportation qui lui a t dlivr en vertu dun r-glement pris ou maintenu en vigueur sous le rgimede la Loi;

    h)la dlivrance, la modification ou le renouvellementde la licence risquerait vraisemblablement de porteratteinte la scurit ou la sant publiques, notam-ment en raison du risque de dtournement du stup-fiant vers un march ou un usage illicite;i)le responsable de linstallation, la personne quali-fie responsable propose ou, le cas chant, la per-sonne qualifie responsable supplante propose a, aucours des dix dernires annes, t reconnu coupableen tant quadulte, selon le cas :

    (i)dune infraction dsigne en matire de drogue,(ii)dune infraction dsigne en matire criminelle,(iii)dune infraction commise ltranger qui,commise au Canada, aurait constitu une infractionvise lalina (i) ou (ii);

    j)la mthode prvue aux termes de lalina 9(1)j) nepermet pas la consignation des transactions de stup-fiants conformment larticle 15 ou la vrificationpar le ministre, en temps opportun, des oprations dudemandeur relatives aux stupfiants;k)les renseignements supplmentaires exigs en vertude larticle 9.1 nont pas t fournis ou sont insuffi-sants pour que la demande puisse tre traite.

    (2)Unless it is necessary to do so to protect publichealth, safety or security, including preventing a narcoticfrom being diverted to an illicit market or use, the Minis-

    (2)Sauf sil est ncessaire de le faire en vue de prot-ger la scurit ou la sant publiques, y compris en vue deprvenir le dtournement dun stupfiant vers un march

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    ter shall not refuse to issue, renew or amend a licenceunder paragraph (1)(c) or (g) if the applicant

    (a)does not have a history of non-compliance withthe Act or any regulation made or continued under it;and(b)has carried out, or signed an undertaking to carryout, the necessary corrective measures to ensure com-pliance with the Act, these Regulations and the Mari-huana for Medical Purposes Regulations;

    SOR/2004-237, s. 4; SOR/2010-221, ss. 5, 18(F); SOR/2013-119, s. 206.

    ou un usage illicite, le ministre ne peut, dans les cas vi-ss aux alinas (1)c) ou g), refuser de dlivrer, de modi-fier ou de renouveler la licence si le demandeur :

    a)dune part, na pas dantcdents quant la contra-vention de la Loi et des rglements pris ou maintenusen vigueur en vertu de celle-ci;b)dautre part, a pris les mesures correctives nces-saires pour assurer le respect de la Loi, du prsent r-glement et du Rglement sur la marihuana des finsmdicales, ou a sign un engagement cet effet.

    DORS/2004-237, art. 4; DORS/2010-221, art. 5 et 18(F); DORS/2013-119,art. 206.

    9.5(1)To apply to renew a dealers licence, a li-censed dealer shall submit to the Minister

    (a)the information referred to in paragraphs 9(1)(a)to (k); and(b)the following documents, namely,

    (i)the documents referred to in paragraphs 9(3)(a)and (d) and, subject to subsection 9(5), the docu-ment referred to in paragraph 9(3)(b),(ii)if applicable and if not previously submitted inrespect of the dealers licence that is being renewed,the document referred to in paragraph 9(3)(e), and(iii)the original dealers licence that is to be re-newed.

    9.5(1)Le distributeur autoris qui souhaite obtenirle renouvellement de sa licence doit prsenter au mi-nistre une demande :

    a)dans laquelle il inscrit les renseignements vissaux alinas 9(1)a) k);b) laquelle il joint les documents suivants :

    (i)les documents viss aux alinas 9(3)a) et d) et,sous rserve du paragraphe 9(5), le document vis lalina 9(3)b),(ii)le cas chant, le document vis lalina9(3)e), sil na pas dj t fourni relativement lalicence renouveler,(iii)loriginal de la licence renouveler.

    (2)An application for renewal must(a)be signed by the individual in charge of thepremises to which the renewed dealers licence wouldapply; and(b)be accompanied by a statement signed by the indi-vidual in charge indicating that

    (i)all information and documents submitted in sup-port of the application are correct and complete tothe best of their knowledge, and(ii)the individual in charge has the authority tobind the applicant.

    (2)La demande de renouvellement doit satisfaire auxexigences suivantes :

    a)tre signe par le responsable de linstallation visepar la licence;b)tre accompagne dune attestation signe par ce-lui-ci portant :

    (i)dune part, qu sa connaissance tous les rensei-gnements et documents fournis lappui de la de-mande sont exacts et complets,(ii)dautre part, quil est habilit lier le deman-deur.

    (3)Subject to section 9.4, the Minister shall, after ex-amining the information and documents required under

    (3)Sous rserve de larticle 9.4, aprs examen desrenseignements et des documents exigs aux para-

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    subsections (1) and (2) and section 9.1, issue a reneweddealers licence that contains the information specified inparagraphs 9.2(a) to (k).SOR/2004-237, s. 4; SOR/2014-260, s. 27(F).

    graphes (1) et (2) et larticle 9.1, le ministre renouvellela licence de distributeur autoris qui contient les rensei-gnements prvus aux alinas 9.2a) k).DORS/2004-237, art. 4; DORS/2014-260, art. 27(F).

    9.6(1)To have its dealers licence amended, a li-censed dealer shall submit to the Minister

    (a)an application in writing describing the proposedamendment, accompanied by the supporting docu-ments referred to in section 9 that are relevant to theproposed amendment; and(b)the original dealers licence.

    9.6(1)Le distributeur autoris qui souhaite faire mo-difier sa licence prsente les documents suivants au mi-nistre :

    a)une demande crite expliquant la modification sou-haite, laquelle sont joints ceux des documents viss larticle 9 qui sont pertinents lgard de la de-mande de modification;b)loriginal de la licence en cause.

    (2)An application for amendment must(a)be signed by the individual in charge of thepremises to which the amended dealers licence wouldapply; and(b)be accompanied by a statement signed by the indi-vidual in charge indicating that

    (i)all information and documents submitted in sup-port of the application are correct and complete tothe best of their knowledge, and(ii)the individual in charge has the authority tobind the applicant.

    (2)La demande de modification de la licence doit sa-tisfaire aux exigences suivantes :

    a)tre signe par le responsable de linstallation visepar la licence;b)tre accompagne dune attestation signe par ce-lui-ci portant :

    (i)dune part, qu sa connaissance, tous les rensei-gnements et documents fournis lappui de la de-mande sont exacts et complets,(ii)dautre part, quil est habilit lier le deman-deur.

    (3)Subject to section 9.4, the Minister shall, after ex-amining the application for amendment and the support-ing documentation, amend the dealers licence in accor-dance with the application and may add any conditionsto be met by the licensed dealer to

    (a)ensure that an international obligation is respect-ed;(b)provide the security level referred to in paragraph9.2(f) or the new level required as a result of theamendment being implemented; or(c)reduce the potential security, public health or safe-ty hazard, including the risk of the narcotic being di-verted to an illicit market or use.

    SOR/2004-237, s. 4; SOR/2010-221, ss. 6(F), 18(F); SOR/2014-260, ss. 19,27(F).

    (3)Sous rserve de larticle 9.4, aprs examen de lademande et des documents lappui, le ministre modifiela licence de distributeur autoris en consquence et peutlassortir de conditions supplmentaires que le distribu-teur doit remplir lune des fins suivantes :

    a)pour que soit respecte une obligation internatio-nale;b)pour assurer le niveau de scurit vis lalina9.2f) ou tout autre niveau qui simpose par suite de lamodification;c)pour rduire tout risque datteinte la scurit ou la sant publiques, notamment en raison du risque dedtournement du stupfiant vers un march ou unusage illicite.

    DORS/2004-237, art. 4; DORS/2010-221, art. 6(F) et 18(F); DORS/2014-260,art. 19 et 27(F).

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    9.7(1)A licensed dealer shall(a)obtain the Ministers approval before making anyof the following changes, namely,

    (i)a change relating to the security at the premisesreferred to in the dealers licence, or(ii)the replacement or addition of

    (A)the individual in charge of the premises towhich the dealers licence applies,(B)the qualified person in charge and, if appli-cable, an alternate qualified person in charge atthe premises to which the dealers licence ap-plies, and(C)an individual authorized to place an order fora narcotic on behalf of the licensed dealer;

    (b)notify the Minister, not later than 10 days after thechange, when a person referred to in clause (a)(ii)(A)or (C) ceases to carry out their duties as specified in

    (i)the application for the dealers licence undersection 9,(ii)the application to renew the dealers licence un-der section 9.5, or(iii)the request for approval under paragraph (a);and

    (c)notify the Minister, not later than the next busi-ness day after the change, when a person referred to inclause (a)(ii)(B) ceases to carry out their duties asspecified in

    (i)the application for the dealers licence undersection 9,(ii)the application to renew the dealers licence un-der section 9.5, or(iii)the request for approval under paragraph (a).

    9.7(1)Le distributeur autoris doit satisfaire auxexigences suivantes :

    a)obtenir lapprobation du ministre avant de proc-der :

    (i) une modification touchant la scurit lins-tallation mentionne dans sa licence,(ii) la dsignation dautres personnes physiquesqui remplacent les suivantes ou, le cas chant,sajoutent elles :

    (A)le responsable de linstallation laquellesapplique la licence,(B)la personne qualifie responsable linstalla-tion laquelle sapplique la licence et, le caschant, la personne qualifie responsable sup-plante,(C)les personnes physiques autorises com-mander un stupfiant au nom du distributeur;

    b)aviser le ministre, dans les dix jours, quune per-sonne vise lune des divisions a)(ii)(A) ou (C) acess dexercer les fonctions mentionnes dans lundes documents suivants :

    (i)la demande de licence prsente aux termes delarticle 9,(ii)la demande de renouvellement de la licenceprsente aux termes de larticle 9.5,(iii)la demande dapprobation prsente pour lap-plication de lalina a);

    c)aviser le ministre, au plus tard le jour ouvrable sui-vant, quune personne vise la division a)(ii)(B) acess dexercer les fonctions mentionnes dans lundes documents suivants :

    (i)la demande de licence prsente aux termes delarticle 9,(ii)la demande de renouvellement de la licenceprsente aux termes de larticle 9.5,(iii)la demande dapprobation prsente pour lap-plication de lalina a).

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    (2)The licensed dealer shall, with the request for ap-proval referred to in subparagraph (1)(a)(ii), provide theMinister with the following information and documentswith respect to the new person:

    (a)in the case of the replacement of the individual incharge of the premises to which the dealers licenceapplies,

    (i)the information specified in paragraph 9(1)(c),and(ii)the declarations specified in paragraph 9(3)(a)and, subject to subsection 9(5), the documents spec-ified in paragraphs 9(3)(b) and (c);

    (b)in the case of the replacement of the qualified per-son in charge or the replacement or addition of the al-ternate qualified person in charge at the premises towhich the dealers licence applies,

    (i)the information specified in paragraph 9(1)(d),and(ii)the documents specified in paragraphs 9(3)(a),(d) and (e) and, subject to section 9(5), the docu-ments specified in paragraphs 9(3)(b) and (c); and

    (c)in the case of the replacement or addition of an in-dividual who is authorized to place an order for a nar-cotic on behalf of the licensed dealer, the individualsname and gender.

    SOR/2004-237, s. 4; SOR/2014-260, s. 26(F).

    (2)En plus de la demande dapprobation vise ausous-alina (1)a)(ii), le distributeur autoris doit, relati-vement toute nomination, fournir ce qui suit au mi-nistre :

    a)dans le cas du remplacement du responsable delinstallation laquelle sapplique la licence de distri-buteur autoris :

    (i)les renseignements viss lalina 9(1)c),(ii)les dclarations vises lalina 9(3)a) et, sousrserve du paragraphe 9(5), les documents viss auxalinas 9(3)b) et c);

    b)dans le cas du remplacement de la personne quali-fie responsable linstallation laquelle sappliquela licence, ou dans celui du remplacement ou de lad-jonction dune personne qualifie responsable sup-plante cette installation :

    (i)les renseignements viss lalina 9(1)d),(ii)les documents viss aux alinas 9(3)a), d) et e)et, sous rserve du paragraphe 9(5), les documentsviss aux alinas 9(3)b) et c);

    c)dans le cas du remplacement ou de ladjonctiondune personne physique autorise commander unstupfiant en son nom, le nom et le sexe de celle-ci.

    DORS/2004-237, art. 4; DORS/2014-260, art. 26(F).

    9.8The Minister shall revoke a dealers licence at therequest of the licensed dealer or on being notified by thelicensed dealer that the licence has been lost or stolen.SOR/2004-237, s. 4; SOR/2014-260, s. 28(F).

    9.8Le ministre rvoque la licence de distributeur au-toris si le distributeur en fait la demande ou linformede la perte ou du vol de celle-ci.DORS/2004-237, art. 4; DORS/2014-260, art. 28(F).

    9.9(1)Subject to subsection (2), the Minister shallrevoke a dealers licence in accordance with section 9.92if

    (a)the licence was issued on the basis of false or mis-leading information or false or falsified documentssubmitted in or with the application;(b)the licensed dealer has failed to comply with aprovision of the Act, a regulation under it or a term or

    9.9(1)Sous rserve du paragraphe (2), le ministrervoque la licence de distributeur autoris conformment larticle 9.92 dans les cas suivants :

    a)la licence a t dlivre daprs des renseigne-ments faux ou trompeurs fournis dans la demande oudes documents faux ou falsifis lappui de celle-ci;b)le distributeur a contrevenu la Loi ou ses rgle-ments ou aux conditions de sa licence ou dun permis

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    condition of the licence or of an import or export per-mit issued under these Regulations;(c)the licensed dealer is no longer eligible under sec-tion 8.2; or(d)it is discovered that the individual in charge of thepremises to which the licence applies, the qualifiedperson in charge or, if applicable, the alternate quali-fied person in charge at those premises has been con-victed, as an adult, within the preceding 10 years, of

    (i)a designated drug offence,(ii)a designated criminal offence, or(iii)an offence committed outside Canada that, ifcommitted in Canada, would have constituted anoffence referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii); or

    (e)information received from a competent authorityor the United Nations raises a reasonable belief thatthe licensed dealer has been involved in the diversionof a narcotic to an illicit market or use.

    dimportation ou dexportation dlivr en vertu duprsent rglement;c)le distributeur nest plus admissible aux termes delarticle 8.2;d)il a t dcouvert que le responsable de linstalla-tion laquelle sapplique la licence, la personne quali-fie responsable cette installation ou, le cas chant,la personne qualifie responsable supplante a, aucours des dix dernires annes, t reconnu coupableen tant quadulte, selon le cas :

    (i)dune infraction dsigne en matire de drogue,(ii)dune infraction dsigne en matire criminelle,(iii)dune infraction commise ltranger qui,commise au Canada, aurait constitu une infractionvise au sous-alina (i) ou (ii);

    e)les renseignements reus dune autorit comptenteou des Nations Unies laissent raisonnablement croireque le distributeur a particip au dtournement dunstupfiant vers un march ou un usage illicite.

    (2)Unless it is necessary to do so to protect publichealth, safety or security, including preventing a narcoticfrom being diverted to an illicit market or use, the Minis-ter shall not revoke a dealers licence under paragraph(1)(a) or (b) if the licensed dealer

    (a)has no history of non-compliance with the Actand the regulations made or continued under it; and(b)has carried out, or signed an undertaking to carryout, the necessary corrective measures to ensure com-pliance with the Act, these Regulations and the Mari-huana for Medical Purposes Regulations.

    SOR/2004-237, s. 4; SOR/2010-221, ss. 7, 18(F); SOR/2013-119, s. 207;SOR/2014-260, ss. 26(F), 28(F).

    (2)Sauf sil est ncessaire de le faire en vue de prot-ger la scurit ou la sant publiques, y compris en vue deprvenir le dtournement dun stupfiant vers un marchou un usage illicite, le ministre ne peut, dans les cas vi-ss aux alinas (1)a) ou b), rvoquer la licence de distri-buteur autoris si :

    a)dune part, le distributeur na pas dantcdentsquant la contravention de la Loi et des rglementspris ou maintenus en vigueur sous le rgime de celle-ci;b)dautre part, il a pris les mesures correctives nces-saires pour assurer le respect de la Loi, du prsent r-glement et du Rglement sur la marihuana des finsmdicales, ou a sign un engagement cet effet.

    DORS/2004-237, art. 4; DORS/2010-221, art. 7 et 18(F); DORS/2013-119,art. 207; DORS/2014-260, art. 26(F) et 28(F).

    9.91The Minister shall suspend a dealers licencewithout prior notice if it is necessary to do so to protect

    9.91Le ministre suspend sans pravis la licence dedistributeur autoris sil est ncessaire de le faire en vuede protger la scurit ou la sant publiques, y compris

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    security, public health or safety, including preventing anarcotic from being diverted to an illicit market or use.SOR/2004-237, s. 4; SOR/2010-221, s. 18(F).

    en vue de prvenir le dtournement dun stupfiant versun march ou un usage illicite.DORS/2004-237, art. 4; DORS/2010-221, art. 18(F).

    9.92(1)If the Minister proposes to refuse to issue,amend or renew, or proposes to revoke, a dealers li-cence under these Regulations, the Minister shall

    (a)send a notice to the applicant or to the licenseddealer, together with a written report that sets out thereasons for the proposed refusal or revocation; and(b)give the applicant or the licensed dealer an oppor-tunity to be heard in respect of the proposed refusal orrevocation.

    9.92(1)Lorsquil envisage de refuser de dlivrer, demodifier ou de renouveler la licence de distributeur auto-ris, aux termes du prsent rglement, ou quil envisagede la rvoquer, le ministre donne au demandeur ou audistributeur :

    a)un avis cet effet et un expos crit des motifs durefus ou de la rvocation envisags;b)la possibilit de se faire entendre lgard du refusou de la rvocation envisags.

    (2)The suspension of a dealers licence under theseRegulations takes effect as soon as the Minister notifiesthe licensed dealer of the decision to suspend and pro-vides a written report that sets out the reasons for thesuspension.

    (2)La dcision du ministre de suspendre la licence dedistributeur autoris aux termes du prsent rglementprend effet aussitt quil en avise le distributeur et luifournit un expos crit des motifs de la suspension.

    (3)A person who receives a notice of suspension re-ferred to in subsection (2) may, within 10 days after re-ceiving the notice, provide the Minister with reasonswhy the suspension of the licence is unfounded.SOR/2004-237, s. 4; SOR/2014-260, s. 20.

    (3)La personne qui reoit un avis de suspension auxtermes du paragraphe (2) peut, dans les dix jours qui ensuivent la rception, prsenter au ministre les motifspour lesquels la suspension de sa licence de distributeurautoris nest pas fonde.DORS/2004-237, art. 4; DORS/2014-260, art. 20.

    10.The Minister may, upon application therefor, is-sue a permit to any licensed dealer for the importation orexportation of a narcotic.

    10.Le ministre peut, sur demande cet effet, dlivrer tout distributeur autoris un permis dimporter ou dex-porter un stupfiant.

    11.[Repealed, SOR/2004-237, s. 5] 11.[Abrog, DORS/2004-237, art. 5]12.Every licence or permit issued under these Regu-

    lations is subject to the condition that the licensed dealerwill comply with the provisions of these Regulations andthe Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations.SOR/2013-119, s. 208.

    12.Toute licence ou tout permis dlivrs en vertu duprsent rglement sont soumis la condition que le dis-tributeur autoris observera les dispositions du prsentrglement et du Rglement sur la marihuana des finsmdicales.DORS/2013-119, art. 208.

    13.The Minister shall revoke a permit at the requestof the holder or if the holder informs the Minister thatthe permit has been lost or stolen.SOR/2004-237, s. 6; SOR/2010-221, s. 8.

    13.Le ministre rvoque le permis si le titulaire en faitla demande ou linforme de la perte ou du vol de celui-ci.DORS/2004-237, art. 6; DORS/2010-221, art. 8.

  • C.R.C., c. 1041 February 4, 2015


    13.1(1)Subject to subsection (2), the Minister shallrevoke a permit by taking the same measures as those setout in subsection 9.92(1) if

    (a)any of paragraphs 9.9(1)(a) to (e) applies with re-spect to the dealers licence as it pertains to the nar-cotic to be imported or exported; or(b)the import or export permit was issued on the ba-sis of false or misleading information or false or falsi-fied documents submitted in support of the applica-tion.

    13.1(1)Sous rserve du paragraphe (2), le ministrervoque le permis, en prenant les mmes mesures quecelles prvues au paragraphe 9.92(1), dans les cas sui-vants :

    a)lun des cas prvus aux alinas 9.9(1)a) e) sap-plique lgard de la licence de distributeur autorisqui vise le stupfiant importer ou exporter;b)le permis dimportation ou dexportation, selon lecas, a t dlivr sur la foi de renseignements faux outrompeurs fournis dans la demande ou de documentsfaux ou falsifis lappui de celle-ci.

    (2)Unless it is necessary to do so to protect publichealth, safety or security, including preventing a narcoticfrom being diverted to an illicit market or use, the Minis-ter shall not revoke a permit under paragraph 9.9(1)(a)or (b), or 13.1(1)(b) if the holder meets the conditions setout in paragraphs 9.9(2)(a) and (b).

    (2)Sauf sil est ncessaire de le faire en vue de prot-ger la scurit ou la sant publiques, y compris en vue deprvenir le dtournement dun stupfiant vers un marchou un usage illicite, le ministre ne peut, dans les cas vi-ss aux alinas 9.9(1)a) ou b) ou 13.1(1)b), rvoquer lepermis si son titulaire remplit les conditions prvues auxalinas 9.9(2)a) et b).

    (3)The Minister may revoke a permit if the holder(a)fails to comply with the Ministers decision tosuspend the permit under section 13.2; or(b)fails to rectify the situation giving rise to the sus-pension within the period referred to in subsection13.2(3).

    SOR/2010-221, s. 8; SOR/2014-260, s. 21.

    (3)Le ministre peut rvoquer un permis aux condi-tions suivantes :

    a)le titulaire ne se conforme pas la dcision du mi-nistre de suspendre son permis aux termes de larticle13.2;b)le titulaire ne corrige pas la situation ayant donnlieu la suspension dans le dlai prvu au paragraphe13.2(3).

    DORS/2010-221, art. 8; DORS/2014-260, art. 21.13.2(1)The Minister shall suspend a permit without

    prior notice if(a)the dealers licence as it pertains to the narcotic tobe imported or exported has expired or has been sus-pended or revoked;(b)the Minister has reasonable grounds to believethat the suspension is necessary to protect publichealth, safety or security;(c)the Minister has reasonable grounds to believethat the continuation of the permit would present arisk of a narcotic being diverted to an illicit market oruse; or

    13.2(1)Le ministre suspend le permis sans pravisdans les cas suivants :

    a)la licence de distributeur autoris qui vise le stup-fiant importer ou exporter est expire ou a t sus-pendue ou rvoque;b)il a des motifs raisonnables de croire que la protec-tion de la scurit ou de la sant publiques lexige;c)il a des motifs raisonnables de croire que le main-tien du permis prsenterait un risque de dtournementdun stupfiant vers un march ou un usage illicite;d)limportation ou lexportation contreviendrait auxrgles de droit du pays dexportation ou dimporta-

  • C.R.C., ch. 1041 4 fvrier 2015


    (d)the import or export would contravene the laws ofthe country of export or import, or a country of transitor transhipment.

    tion, selon le cas, ou de tout pays de transit ou detransbordement.

    (2)A decision of the Minister to suspend a permit,takes effect as soon as the Minister notifies the holder ofthe decision and provides a written report of the reasonsfor the suspension.

    (2)La dcision du ministre de suspendre un permisprend effet aussitt quil en avise lintress et lui four-nit un expos crit des motifs.

    (3)A person whose permit is suspended under sub-section (1) may, within 10 days after receiving the noticeof suspension, provide the Minister with reasons why thesuspension is unfounded.SOR/2010-221, s. 8.

    (3)La personne dont le permis est suspendu auxtermes du paragraphe (1) peut, dans les dix jours suivantla rception de lavis de suspension, prsenter au mi-nistre les raisons pour lesquelles la suspension ne seraitpas fonde.DORS/2010-221,