Nanoscience & Technology



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NanotechnologyUnderstanding Small Systems, Second EditionBen RogersReno, Nevada, USA

Sumita PennathurUniversity of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Jesse AdamsNevada Nano, Inc., Reno, USA

Series: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Praise for the First Edition:

“… It is written in an easily understandable man-ner, not requiring from the reader deep knowl-edge in the related topics of physics and mathe-matics before reading this book. It uncovers themost important things about nanotechnologyexplained in a very illustrative manner with manysimple examples, figures, and ‘back-of-the-enve-lope’ calculations, so that the reader can get agood feeling for the numbers of nanotechnology.”

—Zentralblatt MATH

What Authors Are Saying About This Edition:

"… This updated work (1st ed., 2008) takes therevolutionary concepts and techniques that havetraditionally been fodder for graduate study andmakes them accessible for all. Covering subjectsranging from materials science to mechanics andbiotechnology to photonics, Rogers and Adams(both, Nevada Nano) and Pennathur (Univ. ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara) deftly introduce thereader to each topic and quickly explain why it isimportant on the nanoscale. An exciting feature isthe "back of the envelope" examples, where thereader is walked through "quick and dirty" calcu-lations to illustrate and understand (mathemati-cally) the complex concepts discussed. The end ofeach chapter includes traditional problem setsand short answer questions to test understand-ing. While not a comprehensive text in any specif-ic area of nanoscale science or engineering, thisoutstanding introduction to the broad field ofnanotechnology provides a solid foundation forfurther study. “Summing Up: Highly recommended."

—N. M Fahrenkopf, University at Albany, in CHOICE

With substantial revisions, additional material,and extensive updates, this second edition of oneof the primary works on the subject of nanotech-nology incorporates user input and the perceivedneed to deliver a significant contribution to thecurrent body of knowledge. New to this editionis an expanded glossary of over 300 termsenabling the text to be used as an effective nan-otech dictionary. Each chapter includes updatesand additional references while retaining the suc-cessful format of the original. Revisions andamendments extend to the solutions manual andother ancillary materials, making this text thegold standard in nanotechnology.


• Comprehensive glossary serves as a nanotechdictionary, helping students review conceptsand book material as well as understand othermore complex texts

• Suggestions for further reading at the end ofeach chapter give readers a portal into deeperstudy of nanotech topics

• Numerous updates and improvements to thetext and figures, based on user feedback

• Many simple examples, figures, and ‘back-of-the-envelope’ calculations, so that the readercan get a good feeling for the numbers ofnanotechnology

Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged)

Big Picture and Principles of the Small World.Introduction to Miniaturization. Introduction toNanoscale Physics. Nanomaterials.Nanomechanics. Nanoelectronics. NanoscaleHeat Transfer. Nanophotonics. Nanoscale FluidMechanics. Nanobiotechnology. Index.

July 2011, 421 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-4920-0, £63.99

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Introduction toNanoscience and NanotechnologyGabor L. Hornyak, H.F. Tibbals, Joydeep Dutta, and John J. Moore

This collection is the archetype of the modern nano textbook. It gives students the informa-tion they need to develop a solid understanding of characterization and fabrication methods,as well as facets involving physics, chemistry, and biology. The remainder of this color textexamines engineering aspects of nanomaterials and industry-specific applications for fieldsincluding energy, electronics, and biotechnology.


• Provides a complete and integrated introduction to the science and applications of themodern nano landscape

• Takes a nano-centric approach rather than discussing nano-related topics from other fieldssuch as chemistry or physics

• Presents all illustrations in vibrant color

• Offers material ideally suited to a two-semester introductory course in nanoscience andnanotechnology for students from any discipline

• Discusses the unfolding business landscape of nanotechnology to guide future entrepreneurs

Also available in the two separate course-specific volumes shown on page 5, this book offersall the materials you need to organize a one- or two-semester course.

All three volumes provide qualifying instructors with online access to a wealth of instructional materials, including detailed lecture notes, review summaries, exercises,

and solutions, as well as slides, downloadable images, and more.

December 2008, 1640 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-4779-0, £96.00

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Neuroscience & Technology

Introduction toNanoscienceGabor L. Hornyak,Joydeep Dutta, H.F. Tibbals, and Anil Rao

Tomorrow’s nanoscientistwill have a truly interdisci-plinary and nano-centriceducation, rather than, forexample, a degree in chem-istry with a specialization in nanoscience. For thisto happen, the field needs a truly focused anddedicated textbook. This color masterwork is thetextbook to do the job. It introduces the nanoscale along with the socie-tal impacts of nanoscience, then presents anoverview of characterization and fabricationmethods. The authors systematically discuss thechemistry, physics, and biology aspects ofnanoscience, providing a complete picture ofthe challenges, opportunities, and inspirationsposed by each facet before giving a brief glimpseat nanoscience in action—or nanotechnology.


• Presents a thorough and integrated introduction to the salient aspects ofnanoscience with regard to the major underlying disciplines

• Features all illustrations in vibrant color • Divides each section into basic and advanced

sections that flow together seamlessly • Includes numerous examples, problem sets,

and illustrations • Serves as an ideal text for a first course in

nanoscience for undergraduate or graduatestudents

Contents (abridged)PerspectivesIntroductionSocietal Implications of NanoNanotoolsCharacterization MethodsFabrication MethodsPhysics: Properties and PhenomenaMaterials, Structure, and the NanosurfaceChemistry: Synthesis and ModificationCarbon-Based NanomaterialsNatural and BionanoscienceNatural Nanomaterials

May 2008, 856 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-4805-6, £59.99


FundamentalsofNanotechnologyGabor L. Hornyak,John J. Moore,H.F. Tibbals, andJoydeep DuttaNanotechnology is nolonger a subdiscipline ofchemistry, engineering, orany other field. It represents the convergence ofmany fields, and therefore demands a new par-adigm for teaching. This textbook is for the nextgeneration of nanotechnologists. It surveys thefield’s broad landscape, exploring the physicalbasics such as nanorheology, nanofluidics, andnanomechanics as well as industrial concernssuch as manufacturing, reliability, and safety.The authors then explore the vast range ofnanomaterials and systematically outline devicesand applications in various industrial sectors.This color text is an ideal companion toIntroduction to Nanoscience by the same groupof esteemed authors.


• Provides a complete and integrated introduction to the engineering and application aspects of nanotechnology

• Addresses the business and societal aspects of nanotechnology

• Presents all illustrations in vibrant color • Follows a consistent format of basic and

advanced topics, examples, illustrations, exercises, and a summary

Contents (abridged)PerspectivesElectromagnetic EngineeringNanoelectronicsNano-opticsMechanical NanoengineeringNanomechanicsNanostructure and Nanocomposite Thin FilmsChemical NanoengineeringNanocatalysisBiological and EnvironmentalNanoengineeringNanobiotechnology

December 2008, 786 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4803-2, £59.99

— Also available as course-specific volumes —

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Neuroscience & Technology


Colloids and Interfaces in Life Sciences and BionanotechnologySecond EditionWillem NordeWageningen University, The Netherlands, and University Medical Center, Groningen, The Netherlands

This classroom-tested reference presents a con-cise introductory treatment of the physicochem-ical principles that determine interrelated col-loidal and interfacial phenomena and their rele-vance to various life sciences. The book focuseson concepts that form the basis for understand-ing this behavior and its fascinating role in natu-ral and man-made systems. Whether decipher-ing the spontaneous assembly of amphiphilicmolecules or the intentional fouling of surfacesfor the immobilization of cells in bioreactors, thisbook devotes special attention to reversible andsoft colloids and discusses the colloidal domainfrom a historical perspective, as well as the sizeand distribution of particles, electrokinetic phe-nomena, and more.

New to the Second Edition

• Coverage of phase separations in polymersystems, electrokinetics of charged perme-able surface coatings, and polymer brushcoatings to control adsorption and adhesionof particles

• Emphasis on interparticle interactions andsurface phenomena in bionanotechnology

• Includes numerous illustrations and examplesand more than 100 new or updated exercises

• Full solutions to the exercises in the appendix


• Introductory, yet supposes a basic knowledgeof physical chemistry and mathematical calculus

• Many illustrations supplement the text, andnumerous examples that stress the relevancefor practical applications are given

• Full solutions to more than 100 updated andadditional exercises in the appendix

Contents (abridged)

Each chapter includes Exercises and Suggestions forFurther Reading

IntroductionColloidal DomainColloidal Particles: Shapes and SizeDistributions

ShapesSome Thermodynamic Principles andRelations, with Special Attention toInterfaces

Energy, Work, and Heat: The First Law ofThermodynamics

WaterPhenomenological Aspects of WaterInterfacial TensionInterfacial Tension: Phenomenological AspectsCurvature and CapillarityCapillary Pressure: The Young–Laplace EquationMonolayers at Fluid InterfacesThe Interfacial PressureWetting of Solid SurfacesContact Angle: Equation of Young and DupréElectrochemistry of InterfacesElectrokinetic PhenomenaSelf-Assembly of Amphiphilic MoleculesSelf-Assembled Structures in ApplicationsProteinsAdsorptionAdsorption of (Bio)Polymers, with SpecialEmphasis on Globular Proteins

Stability of Lyophobic Colloids againstAggregation

Emulsions and FoamsPhysicochemical Properties of BiologicalMembranes


June 2011, 495 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-1718-6, £39.99

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Neuroscience & Technology

Computational ElectronicsSemiclassical and Quantum Device Modeling and SimulationDragica Vasileska and Stephen M. GoodnickArizona State University, Tempe, USA

Gerhard KlimeckBirck Nanotechnology Center, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Starting with simple semiclassical approachesand ending with the description of complex fullyquantum-mechanical methods, this book pro-vides a complete overview of essential tech-niques and methods for analyzing transport insemiconductor devices. The first part examinessemiclassical transport methods and providesdetails regarding numerical implementation andsample code as templates for sophisticated sim-ulation software. The second part introduces thedensity gradient method, quantum hydrody-namics, and the concept of effective potentialsused to account for quantummechanical spacequantization effects in particle-based simulators.Numerous problems and examples supply stu-dents with the understanding required to createtheir own simulators.


• Introduces advanced simulation methods forproper modeling of state-of-the-art nanoscaledevices

• Explores semiclassical transport modeling andquantum transport modeling

• Includes numerous problems and examplesthroughout the text

Contents (abridged)

Introduction to Computational ElectronicsSi-Based Nanoelectronics Heterostructure Devices in III–V or II–VI

TechnologyModeling of Nanoscale DevicesThe Content of This BookIntroductory ConceptsCrystal StructureSemiconductorsBand Structure Preparation of Semiconductor Materials Effective Mass Density of States Electron Mobility

Semiclassical Transport TheoryApproximations for the Distribution FunctionBoltzmann Transport EquationThe Drift-Diffusion Equations and TheirNumerical Solution

Drift-Diffusion Model DerivationDrift-Diffusion Application ExampleHydrodynamic ModelingIntroduction Extensions of the Drift-Diffusion ModelStratton’s Approach Particle-Based Device Simulation MethodsDirect Solution of Boltzmann Transport

Equation: Monte Carlo MethodMulti-Carrier EffectsModeling Thermal Effects in Nano-DevicesSome General Aspects of Heat ConductionClassical Heat Conduction in Solids Form of the Heat Source TermQuantum Corrections to SemiclassicalApproaches

One-Dimensional Quantum-Mechanical SpaceQuantization

Quantum Corrections to Drift-Diffusion andHydrodynamic Simulators

The Effective Potential Approach in Conjunctionwith Particle-Based Simulations

Quantum Transport in SemiconductorSystems

TunnelingGeneral NotationTransfer Matrix ApproachFar-From-Equilibrium Quantum TransportMixed States and Distribution FunctionIrreversible Processes and MASTER EquationsThe Wigner Distribution FunctionConclusionsAppendix A: Electronic Band Structure


Each chapter concludes with "Problems" and "References"

June 2010, 782 ppISBN: 978-1-4200-6483-4, £80.99

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Neuroscience & Technology

Coming Soon!

Quantum Principles and ParticlesWalter WilcoxBaylor University, Waco, Texas, USA

A Novel Pedagogical Approach to Quantum Mechanics

"A physical understanding is a completely unmathematical, imprecise,and inexact thing, but absolutely necessary for a physicist."

—R. Feynman

The core of modern physics, quantum theory iscounter-intuitive and challenging for those newto the field. Quantum Principles and Particlespresents the fundamentals in a particularly visu-al manner and applies them to aspects of parti-cle interactions. Inspired by the author’s workwith Nobel laureate Julian Schwinger, the bookintroduces the primary principles of the micro-scopic world through an analysis of the simplestpossible quantum mechanical system—spin 1/2.

A Visual Approach to Quantum Mechanics

This two-semester introductory undergraduatetextbook balances simplification and rigor toprovide an accessible, solid foundation in quan-tum mechanics. Taking a unique pedagogicalapproach, the author uses hypothetical quan-tum devices—process diagrams—to orient andguide the reader. These process diagrams helpreaders visualize states and operators, and illus-trate ways to compute amplitudes for quantummechanical processes.

From Small Steps in Quantum Mechanicsto a Leap into Particle Physics

The first part of the book presents the essentialprinciples in the development of quantummechanics, starting with spin state analysis andwave mechanics. Delving into quantum parti-cles, the second part develops a consistent pic-ture of particle descriptions and interactions inatomic, nuclear, and particle contexts. The textemphasizes applications and makes the connec-tion to the Standard Model of particle physics. Ineach chapter, carefully designed problem setsreinforce key principles and stimulate originalthought. Extensively illustrated, this classroom-tested text provides a clear and comprehensiveintroduction to quantum mechanics.


• Emphasizes basic quantum principlesdeduced from fundamental experiments

• Presents quantum theory in a novel way byusing process diagrams as a visual tool

• Guides students from elementary quantummechanics to aspects of particle physics

• Incorporates extensive problem sets to reinforce key principles

• Uses simplified bra-ket notation throughout• Includes extensive illustrations • Contains helpful appendices on notation,

lattice models, weak flavor mixing, andnumerical simulations

Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged)

QUANTUM PRINCIPLES: Perspective andPrinciples. Free Particles in One Dimension.Some One-Dimensional Solutions to theSchrödinger Equation. Hilbert Space andUnitary Transformations. Three StaticApproximation Methods. Generalization toThree Dimensions. QUANTUM PARTICLES: The Three-Dimensional Radial Equation. Addition ofAngular Momenta. Spin and Statistics.Quantum Particle Scattering. Connecting to theStandard Model. Appendix: NotationComments and Comparisons. Appendix: LatticeModels. Appendix: 2-D Harmonic OscillatorWave Function Normalization. Appendix:Allowed Standard Model Interactions.Appendix: Weak Flavor Mixing. Appendix: TheIsing Model and More. Index.

March 2012, c. 560 pp.Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3525-8, £44.99

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Neuroscience & Technology

Introduction to SpintronicsSupriyo BandyopadhyayVirginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA

Marc CahayUniversity of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Introduction to Spintronics is an accessible,well-organized, and progressive presentation ofthe quantum mechanical concept of spin. It pro-vides the knowledge and understanding of thefield needed to conduct independent research inspintronics. The authors build a foundation ofprinciples and equations underlying the physics,transport, and dynamics of spin in solid statesystems. They explain the use of spin for encod-ing qubits in quantumlogic processors; clarifyhow spin-orbit interaction forms the basisfor cer-tain spin-based devices such as spintronic fieldeffect transistors; and discuss the effects of mag-netic fields on spin-based device performance.The final chapters introduce the burgeoningfield of spin-based reversible logic gates, spin-tronic embodiments of quantum computers,and other topics in quantum mechanics thathave applications in spintronics.


• Compares the advantages of spin versuscharge for electrical devices such as transistors and logic systems

• Assumes little prior background, only basicdevice physics and quantum mechanics

• Explains effects such as giant magnetoresistance

• Covers active hybrid spintronic devices,monolithic spintronic devices, passive spintronic devices, and devices based on thegiant magnetoresistance effect

• Contains numerous examples and problems

Includes solutions to sample problems within the text, as well as a separate solutions manual, available

with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: The Early History of Spin Spin The Quantum Mechanics of Spin Pauli Spin Matrices The Bloch Sphere The Spinor and the “Qubit” Evolution of a Spinor Spin-1/2 Particle in a Constant Magnetic Field:Larmor Precession The Density Matrix The Density Matrix Concept: Case of a Pure State Spin Orbit Interaction Spin Orbit Interaction in a Solid Magneto-Electric Sub-Bands in QuantumConfined Structures in the Presence of Spin-Orbit Interaction Dispersion Relations of Spin Resolved Magneto-Electric Subbands and Eigenspinors in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in the Presence ofSpin-Orbit Interaction Spin RelaxationSpin Relaxation Mechanisms Exchange Interaction Identical Particles and the Pauli ExclusionPrinciple Spin Transport in Solids The Drift-Diffusion Model Passive Spintronic Devices and RelatedConcepts Spin Valve Hybrid Spintronics Spin based transistors Monolithic Spintronics Monolithic Spintronics Quantum Computing with Spins A Quantum Mechanics Primer * Each chapter contains problems and references sections

March 2008, 536 pp.ISBN: 978-0-8493-3133-6, £61.99

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NanoelectronicDevicesByung-Gook Park and Young June ParkSeoul National University, South Korea

Sung Woo HwangKorea University, Seoul, South Korea

This book provides students with the knowledgein fundamentals of nanoelectronic devices. Theauthors build the principles of nanoelectronicdevices based on those of microelectronicdevices wherever possible and introduce theinherently nanoelectronic principles gradually.They start a brief review of quantum mechanicsand solid-state physics that can form the basis ofsemiconductor device physics. The book alsocovers the basics of electron transport and p–njunctions, develops the operations of MOScapacitors and MOSFETs and introduces somebasic CMOS circuits. The last chapter is devotedto the nano-biotechnology application of field-effect transistors.


• Covers a broad spectrum from the basic concepts to the current research topics

• Offers an intuitive and qualitative explanationof device concepts before applying quantitative analysis

• Illustrated with excellent figures and 3D plots

• Includes circuit and system concepts that arerarely dealt with in books on devices

• Discusses nano-biotechnology application offield-effect transistors

Contents (abridged)

Quantum Mechanics for NanoelectronicDevices. Electron Transport and Device Physics.MOS Structure and CMOS Devices. QuantumWell Devices. Quantum Wire Devices. QuantumDot Devices. MOSFET as the Molecular Sensor.

February 2012, 400 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4364-00-3, £63.99


UnderstandingNanomedicineAn IntroductoryTextbookRob BurgessMedical NanotechnologiesIncorporated, Richardson, Texas, USA

This book comprehensively covers a broad rangeof therapeutic and diagnostic applications ofnanotechnology. It explains these fields in amanner that keeps students interested, usingdescriptions of cutting-edge discoveries alongwith historical perspectives. The text is devotedto the basic principles of nanotechnology, focus-ing on nanomaterials and nanoparticles. Withrespect to the whole of nanoscience, these sec-tors hold the most promise for the future ofmedicine. The book progresses rapidly to focuson nanomedicine as it applies to current andfuture society.


• Covers a wide range of medical applicationsfor nanotechnology

• Uses a review format with cited articles tocover the latest research and discoveries

• Includes key terms and review questions atthe end of every chapter, with answers available online

• Addresses the history, societal impact, andworldwide governmental regulation ofnanomedicine

Contents (abridged)

Fundamentals of Nanotechnology.Nanoparticles and Hyperthermic CancerTherapeutics. Nanofiber-Based Scaffolds andTissue Engineering. Nanotechnology andNeuroscience. Nanotechnology and Surgery.Nanomatrices for Cell Culture. Nanoparticle-Based Drug Delivery. Nanodiagnostics.Government Influence on Nanotechnology.Future Concepts in Nanomedicine.

February 2012, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-38-5, £95.00

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Neuroscience & Technology

Coming Soon!

NanotechnologyEthical and SocialImplicationsEdited by

Ahmed S. KhanDeVry University, Addison, Illinois, USA

Series: Nano and Energy

This book spans the full range of nanotech top-ics. It focuses on how advances in science andthe convergence of multiple technological disci-plines in nanotechnology impact society at indi-vidual, community, national, and internationallevels. Exploring this technology’s positive andnegative aspects in the face of today’s complexsocial issues, the author addresses how it canbenefit society and the demands of new skill setsin the workforce. Written using an interactiveformat, the book employs case studies, scenar-ios, and Web exercises to promote critical think-ing and problem solving skills, and to enhancestakeholders’ awareness of the challenges posedby nanotechnology.


• Provides an introduction to nanotechnologyand nanoscience

• Clarifies social and ethical ramifications ofnanotechnology

• Analyzes impact of nanotechnology in medicine, healthcare, manufacturing, andother areas

Contents (abridged)

Introduction to Nanotechnology and Its Future.Nanotechnology Ethics. Nanotechnology SocialImplications. Nanotechnology andEnvironmental/Ecology Issues. Nanotechnologyand Healthcare and Medicine. Nanotechnologyand Consumer Electronics. Nanotechnologyand Biotechnology. Nanotechnology andMilitary Applications. Nanotechnology:International Perspective. Policy Implications ofNanotechnology.

May 2012, c. 342 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-5953-7, £49.99

NanocomputingComputationalPhysics forNanoscience andNanotechnologyJang-Yu HsuNational Cheng Kung University,Tainan City, People’s Republic of China

The book starts with a review of quantumphysics, quantum chemistry, and condensedmatter physics, followed by a discussion on thecomputational and analytical tools and thenumerical algorithms used. With these tools inhand, the author explores the nonlinear many-body problem, molecular dynamics, low dimen-sionality and nanostructures. Special topics cov-ered include the plasmon, the quantum Halleffect, chaos and stochasticity. The applicationsexplored include graphene, the carbon nan-otube, water dynamics, and the molecular com-puter.

Contents (abridged)

Little Big Science

Tools for Analysis.

Mesoscopic Systems.

Analytical Chapter.

Numerical Chapter.

Nonlinear Many-Body Physics and Transport.

OOP, MPI and Parallel Computing.

Low Dimensionality and Nanostructures.

Special Topics.


March 2009, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4241-26-7, £89.00

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Understanding NanomaterialsMalkiat S. JohalPomona College, Claremont, California, USA

“I believe the textbook will serve students well in their goal to gain a greaterunderstanding of why nanoscaled systems are of great interest, how they arefabricated, and how they are characterized using a wide variety of analyticalinstrumentation very commonly found in university and industrial settings.”

—Marcus D. Lay, University of Georgia, Athens, USA

“The writing … is very fluid. The problems and figures are good. Overall, Ilearned a great deal about surface science techniques from this manuscript.”

—Lisa Klein, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA

With a selective presentation of topics thatmakes it accessible for students who have takenintroductory university science courses,Understanding Nanomaterials is a trainingtool for the future workforce in nanotech devel-opment. Assuming only a basic level of compe-tency in physics, chemistry, and biology, thisintroductory textbook offers insight into the fun-damental principles that govern the fabrication,characterization, and application of nanomateri-als. Focusing on the needs of the undergraduatecurriculum, the author discusses importantprocesses, such as self-assembly, patterning, andnanolithography. His approach limits mathemat-ical rigor in the presentation of key results andproofs, leaving it to the instructor’s discretion toadd more advanced details or emphasize partic-ular areas of interest.With its combination of discussion-basedinstruction and explanation of problem solvingskills, this book highlights interdisciplinary theo-ry and enabling tools derived from chemistry,biology, physics, medicine, and engineering. Italso includes real-world examples related toenergy, the environment, and medicine.


• Provides the background for a fundamentalunderstanding of the subject

• Discusses the principles of nanomaterials fabrication

• Describes the characterization and applicationof nanomaterials

• Contains real-world examples, applicationnotes, and a glossary of technical terminology

• Includes worked examples, end-of-chapterproblem sets, and exercises for self-study tostrengthen conceptual understanding

ContentsA Brief Introduction to Nanoscience The Need for Nanoscience EducationThe Nanoscale Dimension and the Scope ofNanoscience Self-AssemblyIntermolecular Interactions and Self-AssemblyChapter OverviewIntermolecular Forces and Self- AssemblyElectrostatic Forces between Surfaces: TheElectrical Double LayerIntermolecular Forces and AggregationRudiments of Surface Nanoscience Chapter Overview Fundamentals of Surface Science Adsorption Phenomena: Self-AssembledMonolayers Characterization at the Nanoscale Chapter Overview Surface Tensiometry: The Surface Tensiometer Quartz Crystal Microbalance Ellipsometry Surface Plasmon Resonance Dual Polarization InterferometryTypes and Uses of Some Nanomaterials Chapter Overview Supramolecular Machines Nanowires Carbon Nanotubes Quantum Dots Langmuir-Blodgett Films PolyelectrolytesAppendixGlossary Index

April 2011, 327 pp.Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-7310-2, £38.99

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BiomaterialsA Nano ApproachSeeram Ramakrishna, Murugan Ramalingam, T.S. Sampath Kumar, and Winston O. Soboyejo

From a multidisciplinary point of view, this book examines basic concepts,various processing methodologies, and techniques involved in the prepara-tion and characterization of nanobiomaterials that are specific to biomedicalapplications. It spans their historical development and reviews recentadvances in the field. It describes how basic concepts in nanotechnology areapplied to the processing of novel nanobiomaterials, including nanostruc-tured metals and alloys. Presenting illustrative examples and a variety ofapplications, this text offers a solid framework for understanding present andfuture trends of biomaterials in human health care systems.


• Focuses on the application of nanobiomaterialsas a key component in next-generation biomaterials

• Covers a range of nanobiomaterials and theirpotential applications

• Discusses materials used for biomedical applications, including tissue engineering and drug delivery

• Describes the biological and environmentaleffects of nanomaterials

• Presents case studies that demonstrate thevital role of nanobiomaterials

• Includes exercises, illustrative examples, anduseful data tables


Overview of BiomaterialsIntroductionSummaryGlossaryReferencesBasics of Human BiologyIntroductionStructure and Function of the Human BodyGlossaryReferencesFurther ReadingDegradation and Corrosion of BiomaterialsIntroductionSurface PropertiesSummaryGlossaryReferencesFurther ReadingFailure and Tribology of BiomaterialsIntroductionDeformation MechanicsSummaryGlossaryReferences

Further ReadingNanoscale PhenomenaIntroductionNanoscale PhenomenaSummaryGlossaryReferencesFurther ReadingMetallic BiomaterialsIntroductionMetallic BiomaterialsSummaryGlossaryReferencesCeramic BiomaterialsIntroductionBioceramicsSummaryGlossaryReferencesPolymeric BiomaterialsIntroductionPolymers as BiomaterialsSummaryGlossaryReferencesComposite BiomaterialsIntroductionClassification of Composite BiomaterialsSummaryGlossaryReferencesNanobiomaterials for Tissue RegenerationIntroductionConcept of Tissue EngineeringSummaryGlossaryReferencesIndex

June 2010, c. 372 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-4781-3, £69.99

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Nanoscale Physics for Materials ScienceTakaaki Tsurumi, Hiroyuki Hirayama, Martin Vacha, and Tomoyasu TaniyamaTokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Although there are many books available on thepreparation, properties, and characterization ofnanomaterials, few provide an interdisciplinaryaccount of the physical phenomena that governthe novel properties of nanomaterials.Addressing this shortfall, this text covers funda-mental cross-disciplinary concepts in materialsscience and engineering. It presents a compre-hensive description of the physical phenomenaand changes that can be expected when macro-scopically sized materials are reduced to thenanometer level.


• Explores the electrical, optical, and magneticproperties of materials at the nanoscale level

• Links physical phenomena with recent scientific and technological developments

• Takes a unified approach to materials science,rather than focusing on inorganic, organic,semiconductor, ceramic, and metallurgicalmaterials separately

• Presents an overview of quantum mechanicsand the band structure of solids

• Follows the changes in physical propertiesfrom macroscale to atomic levels

• Describes the physical phenomena occurringat the nanoscale

• Includes homework problems at the end ofeach chapter

Solutions manual available with qualifying adoption

ContentsFundamentals of Quantum Mechanics andBand Structure

Fundamentals of quantum mechanicsElectronic band structure of solidsMaterial properties with respect to characteristic

size in nanostructures

Electronic States and Electrical Properties ofNanoscale Materials

Outline Low dimensionality and energy spectrum Quantization Edge (surface) localized states Charging effect Tunneling phenomena Limiting factors for size effects Electronically induced stable nanostructures

Optical Properties and Interactions ofNanoscale Materials

Size-dependent optical properties: absorptionand emission

Size-dependent optical properties: absorptionand scattering

Size-dependent electromagnetic interactions:particle–particle

Size-dependent interactions: particle–lightinteractions in finite geometries

Magnetic and Magnetotransport Propertiesof Nanoscale Materials

Fundamentals of magnetism Size and surface effects in 3D confined systemsFerromagnetic domain-wall-related phenomena Spin transport in magnetic nanostructures—

magnetic interface effect

IndexProblems and References appear at the end of each chapter.

Catalog no. K10051, December 2009, 287 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-0059-1, £61.99

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Optics of NanomaterialsVladimir I. GavrilenkoNorfolk State University, Virginia, USA

“Vladimir Gavrilenko has developed an extremely useful book for scientistswho are interested in the rapidly developing field of nanomaterials withemphasis on the optical properties of these materials. Of particular impor-tance is that the book covers many different kinds of optical properties (lin-ear and nonlinear, coherent and incoherent), and many different kinds ofmaterials (carbon and silicon-based, metals, semiconductors, and biologicalnanomaterials). For each topic there is a careful discussion of fundamentaltheory as well as specific applications that have proven important to thedevelopment of the field. There are also extensive citations to recent papers.”

--Prof. George C. Schatz, Northwestern University, USA

The literature has sufficiently explained thechemistry, physics, and optical properties of sim-ple atoms and molecules, but this book demon-strates that there is much to be learned aboutthe optics of nanomaterials. Through compara-tive analysis of the size-dependent opticalresponse from nanomaterials, this work demon-strates that although we have made strides incomputational chemistry and physics, bridginglength scales from nano to macro remains amajor challenge. Organic, molecular, polymer,and biological systems are shown to be poten-tially useful models for assembly, as our progressin understanding the optical properties of bio-logical nanomaterials is important driving forcefor a variety of applications.


Fabrication and Classification ofNanomaterials

A Brief Overview of Basic Fabrication TechniquesNanomaterials Based on Pure CarbonMetallic and Metal-Based NanoparticlesSemiconductor NanoparticlesBasics of Nanomaterials OpticsElectrons in a Quantum WellElectrons under One-Dimensional ConfinementParticle in Spherically Symmetric PotentialNanoscale OpticsPlasma Excitations in OpticsPlasmon Resonance in Spherical NanoparticlesEffective Medium Approximations in Optics of

NanomaterialsOptical Absorption and Fluorescence ofNanomaterials

Metallic NanoparticlesNanostructures Based on Metallic AlloysMetallic NanowiresExcitons in Quantum Confined SystemsExcitons in Bulk MaterialsTwo-Dimensional Excitons on Surfaces and


One-Dimensional Excitons in Quantum WiresRaman Spectroscopy of NanomaterialsBasics of the Raman ScatteringLight Scattering MechanismsRaman Scattering of Quantum DotsCoherent Optical Spectroscopy of QuantumDots

Interaction of Quantized Optical Field withAtomic System

Rabi OscillationsDressed Electronic StatesNonlinear Optics of Nanomaterials andNanostructures

Nonlinear Optical Response from Nanocrystals Second Harmonic Generation from Surfaces and

InterfacesElectro-Optical Modulation Spectroscopy of

NanostructuresOptics of Organic NanomaterialsOrganic Molecules and Molecular AggregatesMolecular NanocrystalsInorganic-Organic NanocompositesOptics of Biological NanomaterialsOptical Labeling of Biological NanomaterialsFluorescent Nanocrystals for Optical LabelingSingle-Molecule Fluorescence as Biolabels

Appendix A: Thomas–Fermi Approximation andBasics of the Density Functional TheoryAppendix B: Evaluation of Optical Functionswithin the Perturbation TheoryAppendix C: Local Field Effect in Optics of Solidsfrom the First PrinciplesAppendix D: Optical Field Hamiltonian inSecond Quantization RepresentationAppendix E: Surface Plasmons and SurfacePlasmon Polaritons

December 2010, 329 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4241-09-0, £89.00

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PhysicalProperties ofMaterialsSecond EditionMary Anne WhiteDalhousie University, Halifax,Nova Scotia, Canada

Designed for advancedundergraduate students, thisbestselling text establishesthe principles that control the optical, thermal,electronic, magnetic, and mechanical properties ofmaterials. This fully revised and updated secondedition now covers materials sustainability, crys-talline structures, graphene, carbon nanotubes,nanocomposites, quantum dots, magnetocaloriceffect, spintronics, and polymer classifications. Italso includes a new capstone tutorial on the mate-rials science of cymbals, more than 60 new end-of-chapter problems, and updated references. A hostof ancillaries are available on a companion website.

New to the Second Edition:

• Coverage of materials sustainability, structureof materials, nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes,graphene, quantum dots, spintronics, magnetoresistance, and polymer classifications

• Tutorial on the materials science of cymbals • More than 60 new problems, updated

references at the end of each chapter, andrevised diagrams

Solutions manual and electronic figure files availableupon qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged)

INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Materials Science.COLOR AND OTHER OPTICAL PROPERTIES OFMATERIALS: Atomic and Molecular Origins ofColor. Color in Metals and Semiconductors.Color from Interactions of Light Waves withBulk Matter. Other Optical Effects. THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS: HeatCapacity, Heat Content, and Energy Storage.Thermal Expansion. Thermal Conductivity.Thermodynamic Aspects of Stability. Surfaceand Interfacial Phenomena. Other Phases ofMatter. ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OFMATERIALS: Electrical Properties. MagneticProperties.MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS:Mechanical Properties.

June 2011, 469 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-6651-1, £49.99

MaterialsCharacterizationTechniquesSam Zhang and Lin LiNanyang TechnologicalUniversity, Singapore

Ashok KumarUniversity of South Florida,Tampa, USA

With an emphasis on practical applications andreal-world case studies, this volume presents theprinciples of widely used advanced surface andstructural characterization techniques for qualityassurance, contamination control, and processimprovement. The book reviews the most popu-lar and powerful analysis and quality controltools, explaining the appropriate uses and relat-ed technical requirements. The text featurescoverage of a wide range of topics, includingAuger electron spectroscopy, atomic forcemicroscopy, transmission electron microscopy,gel electrophoresis chromatography, laser con-focal scanning florescent microscopy, and UVspectroscopy. It presents the fundamentals ofvacuum as well as X-ray diffraction principles.


• Discusses a variety of advanced characterization techniques for understandingmicro and nanoscale properties

• Covers such topics as X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy and scanning electronmicroscopy

• Presents the fundamentals of vacuum as wellas X-ray diffraction principles

• Examines chromatographic methods

Contents (abridged)

Contact Angle in Surface Analysis. X-rayPhotoelectron Spectroscopy and Auger ElectronSpectroscopy. Scanning Tunneling Microscopyand Atomic Force Microscopy. X-ray Diffraction.Transmission Electron Microscopy. ScanningElectron Microscopy. ChromatographicMethods. Infrared Spectroscopy and UV/VisSpectroscopy. Macro and Micro ThermalAnalyses. Laser Confocal FluorescenceMicroscopy.

December 2008, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4294-8, £69.99

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OpticalProperties ofNanostructuresYing FuRoyal Institute of Technology,Stockholm, Sweden

Min QiuRoyal Institute of Technology,Kista, Sweden

"This book offers an excellent insight into theoptical property of functional nanostructures thatis one of the frontiers of photonics, materials,physics, chemistry and nanotechnology. The ele-gant treatment of electrons and photons innanostructures using the first-principles quantummechanical theories, as well as the broad cover-age from basic structures to passive componentsand active devices, makes it a unique reference forscientists and students interested in this area."

—Prof. Limin Tong, Zhejiang University, China

This book discusses electrons and photons in andthrough nanostructures by the first-principlesquantum mechanical theories and fundamentalconcepts (a unified coverage of nanostructuredelectronic and optical components) behindnanoelectronics and optoelectronics, the materi-al basis, physical phenomena, device physics, aswell as designs and applications. The combina-tion of viewpoints presented in the book canhelp foster further research and cross-disciplinaryinteraction needed to surmount the barriers fac-ing future generations of technology design.


• Introduces graduate students to the fast-developing field of nanoscience

• Discusses how to understand/analyze experimental data

• Provides basic principles to optimize existingdevices, as well as to design and developnew systems for various specific applications/demands

Contents (abridged)

Electrons in Nanostructures. Light-MatterInteractions. Exciton and ExcitonPhotogeneration. Exciton Polariton.Optoelectronic Devices. Basics of Plasmonics.Surface Plasmonics Devices. Index.

August 2011, 312 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4303-26-2, £95.00

Introduction toNanoelectronicSingle-ElectronCircuit DesignJaap HoekstraDelft University of Technology,The Netherlands

"… This book offers aninsight into an original andoutstanding effort to bridge the gap betweendevice physics and engineering of nanoelectronicintegrated architectures. [it presents] originalequivalent circuit models of metallic single-elec-tron tunneling (SET) junctions and efficient analy-sis and synthesis techniques of nanoelectronic cir-cuits... recommended to researchers and studentsinterested in nanoscience and nanotechnology,especially in nanoelectronics."—Arpad I. Csurgay, University, Hungary and University

of Notre Dame, USA

"…By clarifying the relationship between modelsof different levels, this book offers useful knowl-edge on modeling which makes single-electrondevices treated the same as conventional transis-tors during circuit design. … perspectives involvedalso help to conceive novel nano-devices. It is avery good reference for researchers … in this excit-ing area."

—Ning Deng, Tsinghua University, China

This book examines single-electron circuits as anintroduction to the rapidly expanding field ofnanoelectronics. It discusses both the analysisand synthesis of circuits with the nanoelectronicmetallic single-electron tunneling (SET) junctiondevice. The basic physical phenomena underconsideration are the quantum mechanical tun-neling of electrons through a small insulatinggap between two metal leads, the Coulombblockade and Coulomb oscillations. These arethe last two, resulting from the quantization ofcharge. The author employs an unconventionalapproach to explain the operation and design ofsingle-electron circuits.

Contents (abridged)

Tunneling Experiments in Nanoelectronics.Current in Electrodynamics and Circuit Theory.Free Electrons in Quantum Mechanics. Currentand Tunnel Current in Quantum Physics. Energyin Circuit Theory. Energy in the Switched Two-Capacitor Circuit. Impulse Circuit Model forSingle-Electron Tunneling — Zero TunnelingTime. Impulse Circuit Model for Single-ElectronTunneling — Nonzero Tunneling Times. ...

October 2009, 301 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-93-9, £76.99

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NanometerCMOSJuin J. Liou, Frank Schwierz, and Hei WongThis book presents the mate-rial necessary for under-standing the physics, opera-tion, design, and perform-ance of modern MOSFETswith nanometer dimensions. It offers a brief intro-duction to the field and a thorough overview ofMOSFET physics, detailing the relevant basics. Theauthors apply presented models to calculate anddemonstrate transistor characteristics, and theyinclude required input data (e.g., dimensions,doping) enabling readers to repeat the calcula-tions and compare their results. The book intro-duces conventional and novel advanced MOSFETconcepts, such as multiple-gate structures or alter-native channel materials. Other topics coveredinclude high-k dielectrics and mobility enhance-ment techniques, MOSFETs for RF (radio frequen-cy) applications, MOSFET fabrication technology.


The Evolution of Silicon ElectronicsIntroductionThe Early Days of Semiconductor ElectronicsMoore’s LawMOSFET TheoryIntroductionMOS FundamentalsNanoscale MOSFETsMOSFET Scaling TheoryNanoscale MOSFET Concepts — An OverviewMOSFETs for RF ApplicationsIntroductionRF Transistor Figures of MeritOverview of Nanometer CMOS TechnologyIntroductionLithographyOutlookIntroductionCritical Scaling IssuesAppendix A: Frequently Used SymbolsAppendix B: Physical Constants and Unit

ConversionsAppendix C: Important Properties of Si

and SiO�Appendix D: Carrier Concentrations, Energy,

and PotentialAppendix E: Frequently Used Abbreviations

Catalog no. N10386, February 2010, 340 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-08-3, £99.00

Science at theNanoscaleAn IntroductoryTextbookAndrew T. S. Wee,Chorng Haur Sow, and Chin Wee ShongNational University of Singapore

“This book provides a verydetailed and interesting overview of the funda-mental principles of nanoscience, discusses thebackground of several nanoscience experimentaltechniques, and sheds light on some of the vision-ary and important applications in the truly inter-disciplinary area of nanotechnology. … a usefulreference for graduate students [as well as] moresenior scientists [in] nanoscience and nanotechnol-ogy, and … disciplines [including] physics, chem-istry, surface science, spectroscopy, materials sci-ence… engineering [and] medicine.”

—Wael Mamdouh and Flemming Besenbacher,University of Aarhus, Denmark

Suitable for undergraduate students or advancedhigh school students, this book introduces thebasic principles and knowledge needed for stu-dents to understand science at the nanoscale.Many nanotech concepts are cutting-edge andfuturistic, although some have immediate techno-logical applications. The core scientific principlesof all nanotechnology applications, however, aregrounded in physics and chemistry. This practical,student-friendly introduction helps readers recog-nize the connections between these disciplinesand how they play a part in nanoscience and tech-nology.


• Draws on the authors’ teaching and researchexperiences

• Discusses how nanotechnology is being usedin the developing world

• Explores emerging developments in spintronicsand carbon electronics

• Offers further reading and exercises at the endof each chapter

Contents (abridged)

Introduction and Historical Perspective.Classical Physics at the Nanoscale. Brief Reviewof Quantum Mechanics. From Atoms andMolecules to Nanoscale Materials. Surfaces atthe Nanoscale. ...

Catalog no. N10375, July 2009, 228 pp.Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-981-4241-03-8, £57.99

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Biomedical MicrosystemsEllis MengUniversity of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

Written by an active researcher named one of Technology Review’s YoungInnovators Under 35, this book begins with an introduction to the bene-fits of miniaturization. It goes on to cover materials, fabrication technolo-gy, and the necessary components for all BioMEMS. The author coversfundamental principles and building blocks, including microfluidic con-cepts, lab-on-a-chip systems, and sensing and detection methods. Thefinal chapters explore several important applications of BioMEMS, such asmicrodialysis, catheter-based sensors, MEMS implants, neural probes, andtissue engineering. Detailed examples, exercises, and illustrations areincluded to help clarify presented concepts.


• Provides a rigorous, in-depth review ofBioMEMS materials, methods, processes, and concepts

• Emphasizes practical knowledge useful forapplication to real-world problems

• Describes research and commercializedBioMEMS devices as well as emerging applications

• Includes detailed examples, laboratory exercises, and a variety of homework problems

• Contains numerous illustrations of concepts,processes, and devices

Solutions manual and downloadable original imagesavailable with qualifying course adoption.


IntroductionEvolution of MEMSApplications of MEMSBioMEMS ApplicationsMEMS ResourcesText Goals and OrganizationMiniaturization and ScalingBioMEMS MaterialsTraditional MEMS and Microelectronic MaterialsPolymeric Materials for MEMSBiomaterialsMicrofabrication Methods and Processes for BioMEMS

IntroductionMicrolithographyDopingMicromachiningWafer Bonding, Assembly, and PackagingSurface TreatmentConversion Factors for Energy and Intensity

UnitsLaboratory Exercises

MicrofluidicsIntroduction and Fluid PropertiesConcepts in MicrofluidicsFluid-Transport Phenomena and PumpingFlow ControlLaboratory ExercisesLab-on-a-Chip or Micro Total AnalysisSystems

Microanalytical Systems in Chemistry andBiology

Sample PretreatmentSample IntroductionSeparationsSensing and Detection MethodsSensing and DetectionSensor CharacteristicsPrinciples of Physical SensingBiological and Chemical Detection MethodsApplications to Cells, Nucleic Acids, and Proteins

CellsNucleic AcidsProteinsClinical MonitoringFlow CytometryMicrodialysisCatheter-Based SensorsEndoscopyPoint of CareMEMS Implants and Bioelectric InterfacesImplantable MEMSMicroelectrodes and Neural ProbesImplantable SensorsDrug DeliveryTissue EngineeringIndexProblems and references appear at the end of each chapter.

September 2010, 408 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-5122-3, £59.99

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New Edition of a Bestseller!

Fundamentals ofMicrofabrication andNanotechnologyThird Edition, Three-Volume SetMarc J. MadouUniversity of California, Irvine, USA

"… offers the widest and yet the most detailed coverage of all essential and fundamental aspects of micro-fabrication and nanotechnology. The author has done an excellent and remarkable job in synthesizing suchdiverse material under a single umbrella."

—Suman Chakraborty, IIT Kharagpur, India

"Once again, Professor Madou has made an incredible contribution to the MEMS/NEMS global communityin writing this series of books."

—Nico de Rooij, Director, Institute of Microengineering, EPFL, Switzerland

."… [the new three-volume format] has the potential to become a "classic" just like the one-volume prede-cessor… easy to read, and I found some concepts explained in ways I hadn’t heard before… Very ambitious,very informative, very good for teaching!"

—Jorg P. Kutter, Technical University of Denmark

Authored by Marc Madou, leading expert inmems and manufacturing at the nano scale, thisperennial bestseller lays the foundation for com-prehensive theoretical and practical understand-ing of MEMS and NEMS. Expanded to three vol-umes to reflect substantial growth in the field,the first volume offers a rigorous theoretical treat-ment of micro- and nanosciences, and includessections on solid-state physics, quantummechanics, crystallography, and fluidics. The sec-ond volume presents a very large set of manu-facturing techniques for micro- and nanofabrica-tion and covers different forms of lithography,material removal processes, and additive tech-nologies. The third volume focuses on manufac-turing techniques and applications of Bio-MEMSand Bio-NEMS. Illustrated in color throughout,this seminal work also provides a comprehensiveinstructional text, supplying classroom and self-learners with worked-out examples and end-of-chapter problems. The author characterizes anddefines major research areas and illustrates themwith examples culled from the most recent liter-ature and from his own work.


• Details recent developments in nano- andmicromanufacturing techniques, DNA andprotein arrays, fluidics, photonics, and actuators

• Provides theoretical foundation for understanding the science behind MEMS and NEMS

• Explores the latest manufacturing techniques,including rapid prototyping and a wide vari-ety of novel nanomanufacturing approaches

• Offers thorough coverage of Bio-MEMS andBio-NEMS

• Contains color illustrations, worked-outexample problems, and end-of-chapter problems

The Latest from MEMS Pioneer Marc Madou

Catalog no. 3180, August 2011, 1992 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-3180-0, £159.00

See next page for more details on theindividual editions...

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Solid-State Physics, Fluidics, and AnalyticalTechniques in Micro- and NanotechnologyContents

Historical Note: The Ascent of Silicon, MEMS, and NEMS. Crystallography.Quantum Mechanics and the Band Theory of Solids. Silicon Single Crystal Is StillKing. Photonics. Fluidics. Electrochemical and Optical Analytical Techniques.

Catalog no. 55119, July 2011, 656 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-5511-5, £63.99

Manufacturing Techniques for Microfabrication and NanotechnologyContents

LITHOGRAPHY: Photolithography. Next-Generation Lithographies andLithography Research. PATTERN TRANSFER WITH SUBTRACTIVE TECHNIQUES:Dry Etching. Wet Chemical Etching and Wet Bulk Micromachining—Pools asTools. Thermal Energy-Based Removing. Mechanical Energy-Based Removing.PATTERN TRANSFER WITH ADDITIVE TECHNIQUES: Physical and Chemical VaporDeposition—Thin Film Properties and Surface Micromachining. Chemical,Photochemical and Electrochemical Forming Techniques. Thermal Energy-BasedForming Techniques—Thermoforming. Micro-Molding Techniques—LIGA.

Catalog no. 55194, July 2011, 670 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-5519-1, £63.99

From MEMS to Bio-MEMS and Bio-NEMSManufacturing Techniques and Applications


FROM TRADITIONAL MANUFACTURING TO NANOTECHNOLOGY:Nonlithography-Based (Traditional) and Lithography-Based (Nontraditional)Manufacturing Compared. Nature as an Engineering Guide: Biomimetics.Nanotechnology: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Manufacturing ApproachesCompared. Packaging, Assembly, and Self-Assembly. Selected Materials andProcesses for MEMS and NEMS. Metrology and MEMS/NEMS Modeling. SCALING LAWS, ACTUATORS, AND POWER AND BRAINS IN MINIATUREDEVICES: Scaling Laws. Actuators. Power and Brains in Miniature Devices. MINIATURIZATION APPLICATION: MEMS and NEMS Applications.

Catalog no. 5516X, July 2011, 650 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-5516-0, £63.99

Fundamentals of Microfabrication and Nanotechnology Set Includes:

Solutions manual, PowerPoint lecture slides, and electronic figures for each volume available with qualifying course adoption.

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BioMEMSScience andEngineeringPerspectivesSimona Badilescu and MuthukumaranPackirisamyConcordia University, Montreal, Canada

Covering often overlooked areas in the field ofBioMEMS, this volume spans topics associatedwith biomolecules and complex biological enti-ties, as well as subjects directly linked to thedesign, fabrication, and characterization ofdevices. Unlike other references, this text aids inthe fundamental physiochemical understandingof biological processes relevant to the perform-ance of various biosensing devices. Useful forupper-level undergraduate and graduate studentsenrolled in engineering programs, the bookincludes problems in each chapter, in addition tocase studies that provide real-life examples.


• Provides a concise overview of BioMEMSprinciples

• Incorporates modern applications

• Covers fabrication techniques

• Offers examples, problems, references,review questions, and case studies to aid incomprehension

Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

CONTENTS (abridged)

Introduction. Substrate Materials Used inBioMEMS Devices. Biomolecules and ComplexBiological Entities: Structure and Properties.Engineering of Bioactive Surfaces. Methods ofStudy and Characterization of Surface-ModifiedSubstrates. Biosensing Fundamentals.Fabrication of BioMEMS Devices. Introductionto Microfluidics. BioMEMS: Life ScienceApplications.

April 2011, 368 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-1699-8, £63.99

Includes CD-ROM

MicroroboticsMethods andApplicationsYves BellouardEindhoven University ofTechnology, The Netherlands

From conception to realiza-tion, this book covers allaspects of miniaturized sys-tems that physically interact and manipulateobjects at the microscale. Focusing on design-ori-ented multidisciplinary activities, the authordescribes how to implement various methods forsolving microrobotics problems and designingmechanical systems at the microscale. He discuss-es actuators and sensing technologies that areapplicable to an array of microsystems. With anoverview of emerging applications, the bookenvisions the future of microrobotics and exploresits potential contributions to technology.


• Presents a multidisciplinary, design-orientedapproach that integrates important concepts of applied physics with engineering

• Discusses actuators and sensing technologiesthat are applicable to a broad array ofmicrosystems

• Provides an overview of emerging applications,along with the current status of the field fromboth research and industrial points of view

Pedagogical Features

• Includes learning objectives at the beginningof each chapter and exercises at the end ofmany chapters

• Recommends educational activities for studentstaking a microrobotics course

• Offers supplementary material, includingPowerPoint slides and videos, on a CD-ROM

Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

CONTENTS (abridged)

PREREQUISITES: Fundamental Concepts of LinearElasticity. Fundamental Concepts of Kinematics. CORE TECHNOLOGY: Applied Physics forMicrorobotics. Flexures. Actuators. Sensors. IMPLEMENTATION, APPLICATIONS, ANDFUTURE PROSPECTS: Implementation:Integration and Fabrication Aspects. State of theArt and Future Directions in Microrobotics.

November 2009, 464 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-6195-6, £89.00

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