Nanjing University of Science and Technology SPIE Student Chapter Annual Report … ·  ·...

Nanjing University of Science and Technology SPIE Student Chapter Annual Report 27 October 2014 – 31 October 2015 Officers Vice-President Shijie Feng [email protected] 3520262 Treasurer Jiasong Sun [email protected] 3620815 Secretary Yan Hu [email protected] 3633750 1

Transcript of Nanjing University of Science and Technology SPIE Student Chapter Annual Report … ·  ·...

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

SPIE Student Chapter Annual Report 27 October 2014 – 31 October 2015

Officers Vice-President Shijie Feng [email protected] 3520262

Treasurer Jiasong Sun [email protected] 3620815

Secretary Yan Hu [email protected] 3633750


Table of Contents Chapter Programming

Chapter academic lectures ....................................................................... 3

Chapter annual meeting and banquet....................................................... 8

Academic conferences attendance.......................................................... 10

Outdoor activities with other student chapter......................................... 12

Planned activities for the future.............................................................. 14


Finances .................................................................................................. 15

Member Roster ....................................................................................... 17

Alumni Member Roster............................................................................ 19


Chapter academic lectures

Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing, Jiangsu

1. LECTURES ON 3D VISUALS October 24, 2014

33 participants

We invited three member of OSA and SPIE from Sichuan University and shanghai University to give us lectures about their recently studies.

Professor Yinjie Yu is from shanghai University and she introduced the the basic concept and advanced research results of holographic display. In the movies of ‘avatar’, people put forward ahead of imagining the future dynamic 3D display, portrays the marvel development prospects for three-dimensional display technology.

Prof. Yu is giving lecture on 3D display

Prof. Yu has achieved a 2ms refresh rate of the liquid crystals on which we can change the hologram on it so that we can see the real time display of 3-D scene. The students felt very interested of the content Prof. Yu showed us.


Prof. Liu is presenting about the deflectometry

After a shot rest, Prof. Yuankun Liu from Sichuan University presented his study about phase measuring deflectometry. Combining the basic principle, Prof. Liu talked about the advantages of this technology and the recent research progress. The exiting show was very originality to the audience. We all applaud for his graceful bearing. He said to us that we should learn more knowledge and then can we do more contribution.

Another professor from Sichuan University was Prof. Qican Zhang. Pro. Zhang devotes himself into the research of 3-D shape measurement based on structured light projection. When we project structured light on a 3-D object and record the light intensity of the object, we can resolve the structure of the projected object by calculation in a computer. He showed us a lot of vivid products and the similarity between original and reproduction were hard to tell the difference.

Prof. Zhang is talking about the 3D profilometry

These activities were described in our “Professional Development” funding request.



November 17, 2014 16 participants

We invited Shijie Feng, a phD candidate and OSA & SPIE student officer in our

school, to give us a lecture about High-speed real-time 3-D coordinates measurement based on fringe projection profilometry considering camera lens distortion.

He first showed us the basic principles getting the digital information from the images captured by a camera which can take photos at a speed of 360 per second. Every five pictures can be used to generate the instantaneous morphology of the object so that by the very fast processing we can produce a real time animation because of the persistence of vision. Then we were told about the details in his recent works. He compared some techniques that can get different type's surface of object, including transparent and reflected stuff.

After a short conversation with the audience, Feng answered several questions and proposed us to pay more attention to the newly established chapter of our university. At last the president of the chapter made a summary about the lecture.

Shijie Feng is talking about the 3D profilometry

These activities were described in our “Professional Development” funding request.



January 11, 2015 28 participants

Another young teacher recently talked about his study in the field of free-form

optics in our school hall, and his name is Yuan Qun, who has just began his work in Njust. The following is what he now concentrate in and in which he have made some achievement.

In traditional optical system, more than one plane or sphere element are needed in generally. As the development of optical manufacture, Rotational symmetric aspheric is getting applied in many occasion. A single aspheric can replace multiple sphere mirrors and making optical system smaller and lighter. Free-form surfaces can break the limitation of rotational symmetric, and the shape can be very free so that ia can help to correct off-axis aberrations, further more it can be used in large field and compact optical system to meet the high performance requirements.

In recent years, free-form surfaces have been applied in many applications, including LED lighting, solar panels, projection lens, etc. This report describes the current research of optical free-form surface. The focus contains the current free-form surface fabrication and petrology technology.

So far he has published more than a dozen SCI / EI included papers and authorized two patents.


Yuan Qun is talking about free-form optics

Yuan Qun’s lecture has students’ undivided attention

These activities were described in our “Professional Development” funding



Chapter annual meeting and banquet

Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing, Jiangsu

December 22, 2014 21 participants


More than twenty student members got together in the A510 meeting room where the annual general meeting was held. After arrangement of the meeting room, several batches of our members converge into the room before 2:30 pm. Four main parts were talked about in the meeting. Here are the details.

Firstly, we made a conclusion of all the works in 2014 year and plan what to do next year. We have invited some famous professors to give interesting lectures and also some students made a lot of exciting reports about their studies. Both of these activities carried us fresh knowledge and achieved wonderful affection.

The new working plan next is attending the seminar of international Year of Light in University of Science and Technology of China in 11-Jan-2015. We will sent three members presenting us to there for the communication. We believe we will show our graceful bearing and have a successful journey.

Secondly, we have recruit quite a few new members recently, so we set a round for theses newly participators introducing themselves, and from this part, we can be more familiar with each other by knowing what they are researching in or what they are fun of. What an inspiring thing that we got three females in our chapter in the male conducted school! All of them are vivacious and so harmonious with us boys. When it comes to academic exchange part, the atmosphere reached a climax.

Thirdly, we all got involved in some games which the members took an active part in. The players were divided into four groups in the first round and much laughs were generated. After all the three rounds, five victors were out with them and each of them got a Flash disc as rewards. This part gave us the most interesting and exciting content. Although the games were simple, we at last got much friendship from it and certainly some similar activities will be held in the future.

At last, a union dinner which concluded buffet and barbecue was conducted by us twenty one members. During the cheerful chatting and laughing, different topics were talked about and all of us full filled our stomach with delicious food and beverage. During the conversations after eating, a huge number of information was dig out among the members so that it was really a true thing that we knew each other further.

This is the first time that we hold our annual meeting, and we will try our best effort to make the future of our chapter brighter.

These activities were described in our “Social Function” funding request.


Academic conferences attendance

2015 Optical Forum of the International Year of Light University of Science and Technology of China

Hefei, Anhui January 11, 2015

3 participants


For the commemoration of a series cases about the development of light, many people call for that taking 2015 as International Year of Light. University of science and technology of China hold the 2015 international light year seminar named ‘Halo China& Innovation of dreams’ in 11 Jan. This is the first large report held by Chinese Optical Society in the new year.

Our chapter was invited to attend the meeting, and three members representing our chapter went Hefei to participate in the activity. The application of light making people’s life changed. For example, femtosecond laser will be used as ultra precision surgical operation knife and laser weapon, another advanced and promising technique, which can meet the high accuracy demand in target attacking.

As the student representatives of Njust, we carried our mission to exchange the information and to share our experience in doing our job about managing chapter. As shown in the post we made for the activity, we have organized more than a dozen activities in the first three months successfully. When discussing with other chapter members, we feel that it was a very good chance for us young people and researchers to join this kind of meeting and the reports from those fellows are very exiting. After a whole day listening the report I hope that there would be another few days of activities of this kind for us to enlarge our scope of view.

This is a good beginning of this year, and the light year is destined to be an extraordinary one. We hope that all the optical researchers be successful at their fields.

This activity was described in our “Professional Development” funding request.


Outdoor activities with other student chapter

Xuanwu Lake Park Nanjing, Jiangsu

May 5, 2015 20 participants

Our OSA and SPIE student chapter held an activity with the chapter of Nanjing University for the purpose of improving the friendship between our two organizations. The theme of this is exploring the the beauty of spring.

We date to meet at the north gate of Xuanwu Lake Park, and then almost thirty people got together moving to the core island of the lake where there was a large grassland for gaming. The sun shined through the heaves onto our body, and the smooth wind went by our hair. We pave a wide carpet on the ground and many kinds of food and drinks were distributed on it. Girls smiled happily and talked about a lot of


methods letting themselves looks more beautiful, and boys discussed their exercise out door and hoe to keep fit.

We then were divided into four groups to participate a series of games. Game one, hold longer to win an additive number in game three. This demands good physical power, cooperation and persistence. Group 2 won for the ‘bad’ luck in drawing lots which demand them to complete this on one leg while giving them the chance to do it last; Game two, avoid being shoot by opponent. Members throw a pumped off football to hit opponent, and were the core girl hit, their group lost. One clever boy of group 3 used tricks to beat others. But the most important game was the last one: Tear nameplate!!! Group 4 had a very athlete guy who used his tactful hand together with his quick reaction making his group beat others in a significant advantages.

Through this activity, we improved our ability holding activity with students from other brother university. This kind of games made both our two universities grow a lot. No doubt, students can get a lot from it and have a good relax between their Heavy academic lives. We hope that more kinds of this can be prepared in the future, and next step is to hold more academic activity with other chapters.

This activity was described in our “Joint Activity” funding request.


Planned activities for the future

Since President Zuo has graduated and became a teacher, we decide to hold an election campaign of SPIE NUST student chapter’s New Officers on December 21, 2015. The presenters of the activity are Chao Zuo (the former President), Shijie Feng (the current Vice-President), Jiasong Sun (the current Treasurer), Yan Hu (the current Secretary), and other member of SPIE NUST. Firstly, Zuo will introduce the main process of the campaign. Then three electors (Shijie Feng, Jiasong Sun, Yan Hu) will get their order by lot. After three electors illustrate their experiences in the student clubs and their plans for organizing activities in the future, the other members will write down two candidates in each letter. Finally, after a simple statistics, the new President and new Vice-President will be decided. This election campaign will be a new beginning. We hope that SPIE NUST has a bright future.

In addition, aimed to disseminate the scientific knowledge especially the optics-related common sense to students, we are going to carry out an education activity in Xiaolingwei Central Primary School on Sep. 10th. Prof. Chen, our chapter’s adviser, will be invited to join this activity. Vice-President Shijie Feng, Treasure Jiasong Sun and Sectary Yan Hu will also be participate in it. First, we will teach the basic optical knowledge to the pupils in Class One, Grade Three. After that, we will show some optical experiments. The straight propagation and reflection of light will be displayed firstly. Then the experiments on light refraction and polarization will be carried out. Later on, we will give some tools to the pupils and let them carry out the experiments by themselves.



NUST SPIE Student Chapter received two activity grants of

¥7888.4 from SPIE from 27 October 2014 to 31 October 2015.

Date Events Details Income Expense Balance

2014/11/07 Website


Application for 3 years

¥164.3 -¥164.3

Function upgrade

for 2 years ¥499 -¥663.3


Chapter academic

lecture and banquet

Snack and Chapter banquet

¥34.5 -¥697.8

2014/11/17 Funds

received SPIE

Activity Funds ¥2854.4 ¥2156.6


Chapter academic

lecture and banquet

Snack and Chapter banquet

¥71 ¥2085.6

Customize souvenirs

¥700 ¥1385.6

2014/12/21 Chapter annual


Snack and game prop

expenses ¥201 ¥1184.6

Chapter banquet ¥1446 -¥261.4


Chapter academic

lecture and banquet

Snack and Chapter banquet

¥341 -¥602.4

2015/01/11 IYL 2015

Lecture in USTC

Accommodation fees

¥316 -¥918.4

Travel expenses ¥421 -¥1339.4

2015/04/27 IYL 2015

Lecture in HUST

Travel expenses ¥1237.8 -¥2577.2

2015/05/08 Outdoor activities

Snack and game prop

¥173.1 -¥2750.3


with other chapters


2015/07/14 Funds

received SPIE

Activity Funds ¥5034.0 ¥2283.7


Chapter academic

lecture and banquet

Snack and Chapter banquet

¥868 ¥1415.7

2015/09/02 Recruitment New menbers ¥63.54 ¥1352.16


Beginning balance ¥0

Net inflow ¥7888.4

Net expenses -¥6536.24

Ending balance ¥1352.16


Member Roster

Name Graduation Date

Huidong Dai 17 December 2015

Shijie Feng 24 July 2016

Yan Hu 26 July 2016

Fucheng Kong 17 December 2015

Xiaofang Kong 6 July 2016

Jiuling Liao 19 November 2016

Hao Liu 19 November 2015

Yuan Liu 16 December 2015

Jiasong Sun 24 July 2016

Yan Wang 16 December 2015

Pin Xiu Wu 19 November 2015

Zhongwei Wu 20 January 2016

Fuyuan Xu 6 July 2016

Yin Xu 18 January 2016

Wei Yang 6 July 2016

Ling Ye 17 December 2015

Junjie Zeng 19 November 2015

Jialin Zhang 12 May 2016

Zhang Minliang 13 May 2016


Dan Zhu 16 December 2015

Yue Zhu 19 November 2015


Alumni Member Roster

Name Graduation Date

Chao Zuo Oct 2014