Nanjing press release fugleflicks in china


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Transcript of Nanjing press release fugleflicks in china

Page 1: Nanjing press release fugleflicks in china

Press Release:

Dr. Michael Day, Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University, will deliver an invited lecture at the Second Global Chinese Art Education Symposium in Nanjing, China, October 28, 2010. The title of Professor Day’s address is, “New Media in Art Education,” in which he discusses advances in the use of computers and an array of digital media and technology for art education. Featured in his presentation are art teachers, Tricia Fuglestad of Dryden Elementary School, Arlington Heights, Illinois; Michael Weininger, Bearden Middle School, Knoxville, Tennessee; Brad Asay, Mound Fort Middle School, and Christian Fasy, Mount Ogden Middle School, both in Ogden, Utah. These teachers are pioneers in the use of digital technology for art education, both for the creation of art by students and for instructional purposes in the use of interactive smart boards, video production, and networking with Skype technology. In his remarks to 200 Chinese art educators, Day will include photographs of the teachers in action, videos made in the classroom, and examples of computer generated art by students. Professor Day has lectured previously in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.

Michael Day is the co-author of Children and their Art: Methods for Elementary School. Tricia Fuglestad and her student’s work will be among those featured in the new section on digital media when the ninth edition of this academic textbook is released in October of 2011.

Tricia Fuglestad was asked to prepare a DVD of selected Fugleflicks for the presentation.Titles include:Dryden Art 2009-2010 Year in ReviewThe Glue Blues Complementary in Every WayYoung Sloppy BrushBe Kind to Your EraserCareers in Art

Select images from her classroom and student artwork will be shown as well.