
NAMUH An alien toilet culture

Transcript of Namuh

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An alien toilet culture

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Namuhism • The basis of the Namuh’s life style is Namuhism.

Namuhism is the religion that all Namuh of the royal tribe devote their lives to.

• The founder was a highly intelligent child named Drolb. The Namuh leader used to be an adult named Ahekap many centuries ago but when Drolb appeared out of the forest one day and started preaching about Namuhism, a religion based around worshipping children and the process of releasing sins through defecation rituals, the majority of the population started to follow Drolb instead of Ahekap.

• Namuh’s were very interested because they had never seen a child so intelligent before and considered him a spiritual god incarnation. Drolb’s first followers were the Tnias. These were 10 loyal child disciples chosen by Drolb because of their intelligence and holiness. The Tnias followed Drolb's every word and helped spread the Namuhism throughout the city.


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Namuhism • Eventually Drolb had so many followers that

Ahekap was forced to gather the few followers he still had and take exile in the dense forest surrounding the city.

• This caused hatred between them and many wars were fought between the royals and the newly formed 'wild tribe'. Drolb told his beloved Tnias that he could foresee his own death in the near future and granted them the power of eternal youth, instructing them to teach all Namuh a mating ritual that would one day reincarnate Drolb as a new born child who would unite the tribes once again. He was soon after assassinated by Ahekap and his followers in the night.


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Reproduction is an unpleasant procedure for the Namuh, not only do they have to reproduce with somebody who is chosen for them by the Tnias, it is also extremely intense and ends painfully. The process is that the Tnias select two Namuh who they think have the possibility of producing the reincarnation of Drolb. These two matched Namuh are then escorted to the forest by soldiers to mate. Namuh have very similar female genitalia to the human species as do the males but with the addition of a sharp hook at the end of the penis. When they are deep enough in the forest not to be heard by civilization they perform a mating ritual in which they both defecate in the same spot (to release their sins) and dance around it to summon the spirit of Drolb for forgiveness. They do this because they are away from the designated palace defecation mote and still want their sins to be forgiven before the act of sex. They then proceed to fornicate on top of the feces for 6 hours or so. The general act is somewhat uncomfortable and due to the hook at the end of the male Namuh's phallus, climax and removal can be extremely painful.

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Namuh Egg Hatching

The female takes a couple of days to recover from her sex wounds and on the third day lays two eggs each containing a Namuh fetus. The father of the eggs must then sit on them for a week to keep them warm until they can hatch, while the fierce mother Namuh defends against predators. When the baby Namuh’s are born the parents teach the children everything they know about survival, religion, social conduct, defecation procedure etc. for three years. When the twins are three years old they are each abandoned at an opposite side of the forest by one of their parents and left to fend for themselves. It is then the parent’s civil duty to reproduce with various other partners every 10 years.

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Age hierarchy

An elderly Namuh

The children that make it to the palace are welcomed with open arms and are treated as royalty. This is because Drolb foresaw that he was to be murdered and so told the Tnias that he would one day be reincarnated as a new child. Since Drolb was killed by Ahekap, (the previous leader of the Namuh’s and founder of the Wild tribe) the Tnias command all Namuh to treat every child as a direct descendent of Drolb. But when the children mature at the age of twenty they are no longer treated this way for they have aged and Drolb was forever a child. They are then removed from the palace and made to live in the village as slaves. They must do whatever services the Tnias order them to such as reproducing every ten years and waiting upon the children. At the age of forty Namuh become elderly and can no longer reproduce. This initiates a dramatic fall in social ranking and the elders are kept away from the general population, as they have the lowest status of all Namuh.

Age Hierarchy Graph

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Namuh Palace with feces mote (top level) and Effneous clouds

What we call toileting is a big part of Namuh’s worship of Drolb. Defecation in their society is seen as a sign of worship and a release of sins. The massive extremely white mansion-like palace where Namuh children reside is surrounded by fog and huge layers of earth. These clouds of fog are very dusty and are known as Effneous which means cleansed sins. Drolb told Tnias that he was to be buried in the centre of the palace and to release the children, adult and elderly’s sins they were to defecate into moats around the palace so that Drolb could forgive them. The children who were the most important beings defecated on the very top layer of earth which was risen the highest and closest to the palace so that they could be cleansed more quickly and could return easily to the palace. On the second layer, which was 100 meters down from the first layer, adults were then allowed to defecate. They were further away from Drolb so their sins took about three days to be cleansed. During this three day period the Adults were not allowed to leave the city walls or they would be executed.

Namuh’s culture of toileting

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A Namuh being set on fire as punishment

There are three ways of being executed in Namuh and they all involve defecation. The first is if you leave the city before the duration of the three day cleansing period. The Tnias send soldiers to retrieve you from the village and take you to the outermost layer of the Effeneous. They blind-fold you and push you into the bottomless pit where all of the past sins reside and then defecate down the pit after you. This is torturous because the Namuh are believed to then be with the sins for ever, basically making it hell for them.The second execution is if you defy Drolb or Tnias. You are taken to the palace and are made to walk through the fog which is everybody’s bodily waste and you are then paraded all through the village where a vote of execution is taken. The adults, not the elderly, get the only vote they are allowed to make whether the guilty Namuh should be lit on fire or pushed into the bottomless pit of sin. On the final and third layer of Effeneous is where the Elderly are allowed top defecate. This is a further 100 meters from the children’s layer which means that their sins take the longest to be forgiven. The Elderly’s sins take the duration of 10 days to be forgiven. During this time they are not allowed to leave their house but also have to fast because Their sins take so long to heal and if they defecate during the 10 days they will be executed because they left the house. This brings us to the third execution which is when the elderly leave the house during the ten day period they are stretched across the bottomless pit of sin and are left there to die. When they are dead soldiers cut the ropes and let the body fall into the pit.

Namuh’s culture of toileting

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Music: RJD2 - Ghostwriter