Names of Children who received the Sacrament of...

ST. CLETUS CHURCH 600 W. 55TH ST. LA GRANGE, IL FEBRUARY 5, 2017 Amy Abarca Viviana Acevez Daniela Almeida Ava Anderson Julian Arredondo Bradley Aulinskis Sherlyn Aviles-Gabino Brianna Baker Oscar Balbuena Marino Ballarini Charlie Becker Jacob Butney Dylan Caccamo Rolando Cahill Paola Campos Caroline Cannizzaro Reese Cassidy Brody Chowaniec Michaela Coates Juan Contreras Damien Dawson Ava Derat Justin Diaz Alina Elguezabal Celeste Elguezabal Samantha Escobedo Jack Eskra Maximilian Ferataj Nolan Fey Joseph Filkins Matthew Finnerty Nathan Fitzgerald Riley Flanagan Nora Flood Alexa Flores Angel Flores Arturo Flores Valeria Flores Priscilla Gamboa Angel Garcia-Martinez Ashley Garcia Santiago Garcia Emilija Girnius Prajna Gonzalez Jenna Gordon Finley Gorman Nora Grill Alexa Guzman Sophia Guzman Jake Hamilton Tierney Hamilton Andrea Hernandez Karla Hernandez Lily Hynes Ava Jaramillo Dylan Jorgensen Natalie Kapusta Lucas Karczewski Erin Kennedy Daniel Koziol Emma Koziol Brynn Krantz Eileen Kress Lydia Kwak Mario Lagunas Fernando Llanes Roberto Llanes Cecilia Lobos Tobey Luberda Amelia Ludden Kinzey Madaras Isaac Marlin Daniel Martinez Nataly Martinez Connor Mateja Brendan McCabe Charlie McLaughlin Collin McNeil Mark Mendoza Beckett Michel Leah Monahan Elizabeth Mota Brooke Mouw Nayeli Munoz Juliana Nawas Alexandra Nesta Jonathan Nix Nathan Nordmeyer Jaylene Nunez Vincent Ouska-Willkommen Justin Paluch Benita Parra Luis Pasillas Daniel Pastrana Patrick Pedergnana Yumalae Pelayo Michael Pelko Sam Pulia Monika Purvis Victoria Quade Violet Quinn Rodrigo Quintero Dean Rahman Jonathan Ramirez Michael Ramirez Charlotte Remkus Augustine Richied Kingston Roman Isabella Ruiz Adam Rus Jakob Rus Karla Ruvalcaba Eli Sadowski Benjamin Schneider Yulissa Serrano Benjamin Shanley Katherine Sheehan Gavin Struwing Niraj Tallarovic Iva Tokic Matthew Trantina Carolyn Tristano Grace Tristano Grace Twitty Emilee Tydus Avery Tyrell Ashley Uhler Erick Vega Aiden Westerkamp Gabriella Williams Names of Children who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Saturday, February 4, 2017

Transcript of Names of Children who received the Sacrament of...


Amy Abarca Viviana Acevez Daniela Almeida Ava Anderson Julian Arredondo Bradley Aulinskis Sherlyn Aviles-Gabino Brianna Baker Oscar Balbuena Marino Ballarini Charlie Becker Jacob Butney Dylan Caccamo Rolando Cahill Paola Campos Caroline Cannizzaro Reese Cassidy Brody Chowaniec Michaela Coates Juan Contreras Damien Dawson Ava Derat Justin Diaz Alina Elguezabal Celeste Elguezabal Samantha Escobedo Jack Eskra Maximilian Ferataj Nolan Fey Joseph Filkins Matthew Finnerty Nathan Fitzgerald Riley Flanagan Nora Flood Alexa Flores Angel Flores Arturo Flores Valeria Flores Priscilla Gamboa Angel Garcia-Martinez Ashley Garcia Santiago Garcia Emilija Girnius

Prajna Gonzalez Jenna Gordon Finley Gorman Nora Grill Alexa Guzman Sophia Guzman Jake Hamilton Tierney Hamilton Andrea Hernandez Karla Hernandez Lily Hynes Ava Jaramillo Dylan Jorgensen Natalie Kapusta Lucas Karczewski Erin Kennedy Daniel Koziol Emma Koziol Brynn Krantz Eileen Kress Lydia Kwak Mario Lagunas Fernando Llanes Roberto Llanes Cecilia Lobos Tobey Luberda Amelia Ludden Kinzey Madaras Isaac Marlin Daniel Martinez Nataly Martinez Connor Mateja Brendan McCabe Charlie McLaughlin Collin McNeil Mark Mendoza Beckett Michel Leah Monahan Elizabeth Mota Brooke Mouw Nayeli Munoz Juliana Nawas Alexandra Nesta Jonathan Nix

Nathan Nordmeyer Jaylene Nunez Vincent Ouska-Willkommen Justin Paluch Benita Parra Luis Pasillas Daniel Pastrana Patrick Pedergnana Yumalae Pelayo Michael Pelko Sam Pulia Monika Purvis Victoria Quade Violet Quinn Rodrigo Quintero Dean Rahman Jonathan Ramirez Michael Ramirez Charlotte Remkus Augustine Richied Kingston Roman Isabella Ruiz Adam Rus Jakob Rus Karla Ruvalcaba Eli Sadowski Benjamin Schneider Yulissa Serrano Benjamin Shanley Katherine Sheehan Gavin Struwing Niraj Tallarovic Iva Tokic Matthew Trantina Carolyn Tristano Grace Tristano Grace Twitty Emilee Tydus Avery Tyrell Ashley Uhler Erick Vega Aiden Westerkamp Gabriella Williams

Names of Children who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Saturday, February 4, 2017

Page 2 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 5, 2017

Day Time Intentions

Monday 8:00 a.m. Betty Niwa

Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Deceased St. Cletus Parishioners

Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Frank Wojcik, Amparo Silva, George Duda, Marilyn Matesevac

Thursday 8:00 a.m. Veronica Blaine, Joseph & Kay Klemak, Mark & Stephen Callaghan

Friday 8:00 a.m. St. Cletus Parishioners

Saturday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

St. Cletus Priests, Past and Present Benjamin Patrick Hyink, Georgia Popp, Rose Guardino

Sunday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m.

Thomas Wolak, Josephine & Anton Kuchta, John & Frances Kennedy, Patrick Mahoney Raymond Shaughnessy, Luczak Family, Ted Szlezak Betty Niwa, Phillip Faccenda, Bernie & Carol Hennessy Gene Kennedy, Thomas O’Connor St. Cletus Parishioners

Presider (subject to change)

Fr. Baker

Fr. Gamboa

Fr. Clark

Fr. Baker

Fr. Gamboa

Fr. Clark Fr. Gamboa

Fr. Gamboa Fr. Baker Fr. Clark Fr. Baker TBD


We always welcome names for the sick. Please note that requests must only be made by the individual or an immediate family member. Names will remain in this prayer list for 3 months.


Joy Wettstein


Cynthia Cozen, Gerda Dorso, Jack Falsey, Gail Saban, Dr. Brigitta Sonnenkalb, Robert Stoinski, Amber Taylor, Catherine Troyner, and Jenna Zimmerman


Ernest Dufner, Frannie Grybis, and Theresa Cimaglia, Donald Price, Eileen Peters, Kathy Zydel, Adriana Pecheo, Enrique Pecho, Armando Pecheco, Fernando Cabral, Maria Cabral, Kim Zwolinkski, Jean Weekley, Glen Peters, Nick Lodato, Patricia Krieger, and John Duda

Also pray for our parishioners who are in nursing homes or are homebound unable to attend Mass.


Please note that all Canticle articles are to be sent to [email protected]. Please send as text with pictures separate. All articles are due no later than 5 p.m. Friday a full week (nine days) before Sunday’s publication.

Mass Intentions for the Week of February 6 - February 12, 2017


Thomas Ricciardone

George (Matthew) Kennedy

Anthony (Cakes) Basil

May they rest in peace. Amen.


Welcome to all St. Cletus newcomers. Registration is available this weekend, November 5-6, after the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass and the 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses.

Please stop by the back of church, say hello, and become members of St. Cletus Parish.


This Tuesday, Feb. 7th there will be a Holy Hour from 6-7 p.m. and Hispanic Adoration 7-8 p.m.

Holy Hours will be held the first Tuesday of each month.

SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND Next weekend there will be a second collection to support the Living our Faith, Building our Future Capital Campaign. Thank you for your continued generous support.

February 5, 2017 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 3

Statement of Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, on the Executive Order on Refugees and Migrants

This weekend proved to be a dark moment in U.S. history. The executive order to turn away refugees and to close our nation to those, particularly Muslims, fleeing violence, oppression and persecution is contrary to both Catholic and American values. Have we not repeated the disastrous decisions of those in the past who turned away other people fleeing violence, leaving certain ethnicities and religions marginalized and excluded? We Catholics know that history well, for, like others, we have been on the other side of such decisions.

These actions impose a sweeping and immediate halt on migrants and refugees from several countries, people who are suffering, fleeing for their lives. Their design and implementation have been rushed, chaotic, cruel and oblivious to the realities that will produce enduring security for the United States. They have left people holding valid visas and other proper documents detained in our airports, sent back to the places some were fleeing or not allowed to board planes headed here. Only at the eleventh hour did a federal judge intervene to suspend this unjust action.

We are told this is not the “Muslim ban” that had been proposed during the presidential campaign, but these actions focus on Muslim-majority countries. They make an exception for Christians and non-Muslim minorities, but not for Muslims refugees fleeing for their lives. Ironically, this ban does not include the home country of 15 of the 19 September 11 hijackers. Yet, people from Iraq, even those who assisted our military in a destructive war, are excluded.

The United States has a long history of welcoming refugees who are fleeing for their lives and Catholic organizations have helped to resettle many families, men, women, and children, from around the globe. Many of our priests, religious and laypeople have accompanied newcomers precisely to assist them in this process. Because of our history of aiding in refugee and migrant settlement for decades, we know the very lengthy and thorough vetting process they must face before they are admitted to our country. We have seen initial fear turn into a generous willingness of local communities to accept and integrate refugees. Here in Chicago generations of migrants have found a new home. We are better for it.

The world is watching as we abandon our commitments to American values. These actions give aid and comfort to those who would destroy our way of life. They lower our estimation in the eyes of the many peoples who want to know America as a defender of human rights and religious liberty, not a nation that targets religious populations and then shuts its doors on them.

It is time to put aside fear and join together to recover who we are and what we represent to a world badly in need of hope and solidarity. “If we want security, let us give security; if we want life, let us give life; if we want opportunities, let us provide opportunities.” Pope Francis issued these challenging words to Congress in 2015, and followed with a warning that should haunt us as we come to terms with the events of the weekend: “The yardstick we use for others will be the yardstick which time will use for us.”

Statement from Cardinal Blase J. Cupich - January 29. 2017

More information can be found on the Office for Human Dignity & Solidarity website

Page 4 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 5, 2017

Parish School

DATES TO REMEMBER Second Trimester Ends ......................................... Feb. 24 St. Cletus Spring Auction ...................................... April 1

FOR INFORMATION OR TO SCHEDULE A TOUR Tom Chinske, Principal Christy Schaefer, Asst. Principal (708) 352-4820 (708) 352-4820 [email protected] [email protected]

Project Linus

Recently our third and seventh grades worked together to lovingly make blankets for Project Linus. This wonderful organization has delivered over 5.7 million blankets to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need of the sense of security and comfort that a handmade blanket can provide. In addition to helping children through hard times, Project Linus provides a rewarding and fun service opportunity for our students to spread God’s love in the world one blanket at a time.

SPL Basketball Champs

The 6th grade Boys basketball team avenged their lone less of the season by defeated St. John of the Cross at Nazareth High School Friday to win the Suburban Parochial League Championship. It was an exciting come from behind win fueled by their intense defensive play which is a hallmark of Cardinal basketball. Thank you to everyone who came out to cheer them on to victory.

Great Open House

A big thank you to all the students, teachers, and volunteers that helped make our 2017 Catholic Schools Week Open house a huge success! The halls of St. Cletus were filled with families and visitors enjoying the results from our students hard work on projects so far this school year. If you missed the Open House and would still like to see why St. Cletus is such a great place for your family please call the school office and schedule a tour or find out when our winter open houses will be. Thank you to Sara Hodak Photography for the pictures.

February 5, 2017 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 5

Religious Education


In January we continued in our efforts to provide our students with different prayer and service opportunities. Our fourth grade students made Prayer Treasure Jars our home-bound parishioners, which we hope will brighten their days, and help to lift their spirits as they are held up in prayer by these young people. Our First Grade students and their Parents joined us for the annual Church Tour. Our two wonderful Deacons, Deacon Jesus and Deacon Stuart, led these tours giving the children and their parents the “inside story” on the things we see and use in Church for our liturgical celebrations and sacraments. It was a wonderful experience for them all!

Many of our classes are busy with final preparations for Sacraments. Our Second Graders of the parish receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Saturday, February 4th. Our Eighth Grade students in the parish are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, March 4th. Students in Fifth Grade are working hard in their preparations to lead us in prayer in March with Living Stations of the Cross, and

organizing our annual Good Neighbor Food Drive for Lent. Our Fourth Grade Students are preparing for Love Day in February, where they honor someone in their lives who demonstrates love in a special way.

Please be sure to mark your calendar for these upcoming RE events:

February 5 & 6 - Religious Education classes are in session.

February 12 & 13 - Religious Education classes are in session. Fourth Grade students bring in a guest to celebrate Love Day during class.

No Classes on Feb. 19 & 20, 26 & 27

March 2 - Mandatory Confirmation Practice for 8th Grade students and their Sponsors. Practice is from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Church.

March 4 - Sacrament of Confirmation at 1 p.m. in the Church.

March 5 & 6 - Religious Education classes are in session. No class for 8th Grade students.

Living our Faith, Building our Future

Next weekend, February 11/12 there will be a second collection to support the Living our Faith, Building our Future Capital Campaign. We are very pleased with the great progress that has been made on our new Parish Center.

Thank you for your continued generous support.

Page 6 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 5, 2017


Thank you to our monthly volunteers at the Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD)! On the 4th Wednesday of each month from 6-9pm, St. Cletus has 10-15 volunteers serve at the GCFD to work and earn credit for us. At these sessions, we earn $15 worth of food per volunteer! This is a great financial help, since the Food Pantry purchases quality food items from the GCFD each month to supplement our parishioner/friend donations. If you’re interested in volunteering with our group or learning more, please contact Kendall.

Special thanks to St. John of the Cross for sharing their Souper Bowl collection with our food pantry!


Monthly Domestic Violence Support Group

If you or someone close to you is experiencing domestic violence this group may be very helpful.

The objective of the group is to provide all a chance to talk about domestic violence and share questions, concerns and experiences with others who are facing - or who have faced - similar situations in confidence. Please contact Kendall Grant ([email protected]) or 708.215.5418 for more information.  

In an emergency, dial 911, call the National Domestic Violence 24-Hour

Hotline at 800-799-7233 or the local 24 hour hotline for Pillars, found in the

purple box in the column on the far left. You are not alone.


1) We are in need of some helping hands in assembling the rice bowls to be used in this year’s parish Lenten Almsgiving Project, which will support Catholic Relief Service’s humanitarian efforts throughout the world. This project will take place in the St. Cletus Education Building-Room 213 on Wednesday, February 15th from 3:15-5:15 p.m. and 6-8:00 p.m. Students must be in at least 6th grade to participate. Adults of all ages welcomed!

2) We need help handing out Rice Bowls after ALL MASSES March 4-5. All ages welcome.

Please contact Kendall Grant ([email protected] or 708.215.5418) to sign up to help. Thank you!

Food Pantry Most needed at this time: Jelly Powdered Milk Oatmeal Boxed potatoes Flavored rice sides 2 or 3 lb. Rice

Donations can be dropped off before or after masses or anytime daily between 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in Food Pantry bins in the Narthex.

Social Concerns Ministry

If you have questions or would like to volunteer with

the Social Concerns Ministry contact Kendall Grant

(708)215-5418 [email protected]

February 5, 2017 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 7


Cookbooks will be available again for purchase before/after Masses February 11-12! During the weekdays you can still purchase books in the Rectory. Checks should made payable to SVDP.

All proceeds go to the charitable works of our SVDP conference, helping individuals and families right here in our neighborhood. Proceeds from your purchase of a cookbook literally puts food on tables, keeps the heat and electric running and keeps roofs over heads. Thank you!!

The cookbook is $15 and contains almost 500 recipes from parishioners, families and friends. The cookbook includes: appetizers, soups and dips, salads, main dishes, vegetables and sides, deserts, cakes, cookies and brownies, breads and rolls and more! The cookbook makes for a great Valentine’s Day gift! Questions? Call Jerry 630-849-5857.


Job Search Boot Camp

Interfaith Career Network (ICN) invites you to join us when the First Presbyterian Church of La Grange will host their five-week workshop beginning Tuesday, February 7, 7 to 9 pm. Whether you're looking to change jobs or re-entering the workforce, this workshop will teach you the tools to help you land the right job! Join us at 150 South Ashland Avenue. These meetings will be in Westminster Hall. Please enter the church on Catherine Ave. For further information, please call the church office at 708.354.0771. ICN meetings are open to all and there is no cost to attend.

How to Organize Your Job Search

We invite you to join us on Wednesday, February 15, 7-9 pm for a lively, interactive and informative presentation on how to better organize your job search. Whether you are unemployed or employed, seeking another opportunity is a process. One of the most important parts of successfully making it through your search is to stay organized. Our speaker, Steven Rosenblum, is a dedicated HR professional with over 15 years of experience in various HR roles. Steve will offer insight, tools, resources and suggestions to help start, reinvigorate, lead and succeed in your search! He will share many of his experiences and best practices, which will also be extremely helpful. Join us at St. John of the Cross Parish Center, 5005 S. Wolf Road in Western Springs.

Interfaith Career Network (ICN) offers job support through various programs throughout the month. For further information, please visit our website at


Interfaith Community Partners is a non-profit organization who works together with volunteers to

provide rides to older adults and individuals with disabilities in the Lyons Township and surrounding communities. Over 80 volunteers provide escorted transportation to doctor’s appointments, therapies, and quality of life errands such as the grocery store, bank, and church. We take our clients with disabilities to their places of employment. There is no cost to our clients, and we rely solely on private donations, grants, fundraisers, and church support for funding. And we need you!

Please consider becoming a Volunteer driver. Contact us at 708-354-9328 for an information packet, visit us on the web at, and like us on Facebook. Can you spare an hour a week? We will work around your busy life.


“For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, ‘Abba, Father!’”

— USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Respect Life Program Flyer,


Page 8 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 5, 2017


Are you being called to « bring good news to the poor » ??? Our Mission Trip this summer is organized by Young Neighbors in Action and will take place July 16th-22nd. We will serve the community of South Bend, IN. The exact details of our work are still being worked out, but possibilities include serving at one of many organizations set up to minister to the homeless and centers for at-risk children. Registration details are available on the website. If you are interested, please submit your application ASAP. Space is limited and does fill up quickly! This is open to high school students who will have completed 9th grade and above.

We are also looking for adult chaperones who are willing to join us. Without you, this opportunity cannot be offered. Contact Elizabeth for details to see if this is something meant for you!


Our next gathering for Encounter Small Groups is Sunday, February 12th from 4 :00-5 :30 pm! This is a date change. There will be no Encounter this weekend on the 5th so that everyone can enjoy the Super Bowl. All groups will meet on the 2nd floor of the Education Building. Please enter at the school’s main entrance.

Join us for conversation and fellowship! All are welcome.


Our next Wednesday Sundae day is February 15th. Join us at 7pm in the church for some prayer and reflection time, and then follow us to the Youth Ministry room for ice cream, conversation, and foosball!


Kairos 25 will take place March 16-19, 2017. This is a joint youth ministry opportunity with St. Cletus, St. Francis Xavier, and St. John of the Cross Parishes. Our parishes come together to support this peer ministry in action. This experience is open to high school juniors and seniors. The retreat will be filled on a first come, first served basis, so please do not delay in turning in your registration! The application is available on the St. Cletus website as well as at!

encounter saint cletus youth ministry

Elizabeth Tomasek [email protected] (708) 215-5419

Youth Ministry

2016-17 St. Cletus Parish Preferred Providers

February 5, 2017 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 9


Due to a conflict with Cabaret night on February 3rd, the HNS has switched our meeting night to February l0th at 8:00 p.m. in the Kindergarten room. New members are always welcomed. Pizza and refreshments will be served following the meeting.


The Pastoral Care Ministers meeting will be Sunday March 5th @ 12:15pm

This meeting is for all Ministers involved in the:

Ministry of Care - at LaGrange Hospital, the nursing homes and the homebound.

Compassion Care Ministry - Funeral planner, Wake Prayers, Basket Assembly/Delivery, Card makers and mailers.

I would also like to invite anyone interested in these ministries to come and hear more about them.

We are in DIRE need of Funeral Planners. This is a blessed role (remember my homily about the beatitudes) and very gratifying. Training will be provided. Maybe your family has been the beneficiary of this ministry and you feel called to get involved? If so please come and find out more from those of us who do it.

We will meet in the school building Rm 201 and lunch will be provided.

Please let me know if you are coming in order that I can plan refreshments.

Blessings - Deacon Stuart [email protected] or 708 215 5407


The Compassionate Care Ministry is again badly in need of postage stamps for its notes of sympathy and support during the first year following the loss of a loved one. Each bereaved family receives six cards during that year. This means that if there are ten funerals during a period of one month, 50 stamps are needed in that month alone. Your generous donations have meant so much in the past and we are very grateful. If you are able to contribute to this worthwhile ministry in this way, it will be very much appreciated. Simply put them in an envelope marked “CCM” and drop them off at the parish office—or right into the collection basket on Sunday. Thank you.


Come and Join us for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and to pray for the sick every Wednesday at 11:30am in the Chapel of La Grange Memorial Hospital.

Fr. Lorenzo


World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated in the Church on Thursday, February 2, 2017 and in parishes on the weekend of February 4-5, 2017.

Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation.

Other Ministry Notes

Page 10 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 5, 2017

More information can be found on our website -

Instant Wine Cellar St. Cletus School needs your help building the St. Cletus Wine Cellar for the Instant Wine Cellar Raffle. We will be selling corks for $50 per cork. The winner, to be chosen during The Hoopla Spring Auction taking place on April 1st, will receive 50 bottles of fine wine valued at over $1,200!

In order to make the raffle a success, we need your help. We are requesting donations of bottles of wine (red or white) with a price tag of $25.00 and up. Wine donations may be dropped off at the St. Cletus School Office.

Don’t have time to shop? No problem. We are also accepting monetary donations and will purchase the wine on your behalf. Please send donations to the school office in an envelope marked “Wine Raffle”. Please include your name and mailing address with your donation.

Please contact us with any questions at (773)562-1104. Thank you, Scott and Stacey Aulinskis.

St. Cletus School Spring Auction

Silent Auction Items Needed The St. Cletus Spring Auction Planning committee needs YOUR help!

We are in need of Sponsors and Donated Items for our Auction on April 1st! What can you do?... • Ask your employer to be a sponsor, donate an item, or purchase an ad for our auction book. • Ask friends & family who own businesses for a donation. No item is too small! • Ask the local businesses that you support (i.e. your dog groomer, hairstylist, favorite restaurant) for a donation. • Do you or anyone you know have a vacation home that could be donated for a week or long weekend? • Do you have a special talent or craft that you could share (i.e. piano lessons, knitting, hand-made jewelry)? Donation deadline for auction items is Friday, March 10th. Please visit our event web page for more information on this event and links to sponsorship and donation forms. We thank you in advance for your support! Your Spring Auction Chairs, Amy & Bob McCabe

Event Details Saturday, April 1st at Capri Banquets in Countryside 5 pm Doors Open for Tip Off & Cash Bar 6:30 pm Open Bar Includes Beer & Wine 10:30 Check-Out & Cash Bar Begin, 11 pm Event Ends

Casual Attire | $75/person includes Final 4 Games shown on giant screen, DJ, food, beer, wine, raffles

February 5, 2017 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 11


As children we sang the lively song This Little Light of Mine. The words, of course, are based on today’s Gospel, in which we are called as disciples to be salt and light for the world. Children are uninhibited about sharing their faith. It’s only when we grow older that we prefer to hide our light under a bushel basket because our culture tends not to emphasize discipleship. The message in this week’s readings is clear: in order to give glory to God through our discipleship, we must show the light of Christ in our words and deeds. Not an easy thing for inhibited adults. Often we may think of salt and light in terms of what we do for others, but it can be just as important not to do something, such as getting angry with the stranger on the road, or telling an offensive joke.  

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


First Reading — If you share your food with the hungry, provide housing for the homeless, then light shall break forth upon you (Isaiah 58:7-10).

Psalm — The just man is a light in the darkness to the upright (Psalm 112).

Second Reading — My message to you, says Paul, was not clever words of wisdom but the proclamation of Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 2:1-5).

Gospel — You are the salt of the earth, the light of the world. In your good deeds your light shines before others, leading them to glorify God (Matthew 5:13-16).

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


Monday: Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35c; Mk 6:53-56

Tuesday: Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28, 29bc-30;

Mk 7:14-23 Thursday: Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 7:24-30 Friday: Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 7:31-37 Saturday: Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-6, 12-13; Mk 8:1-10 Sunday: Sir 15:15-20; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34; 1 Cor 2:6-10; Mt 5:17-37


Sunday: World Day for Consecrated Life; Boy Scouting Sunday Monday: St. Paul Miki and Companions Wednesday: St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita Friday: St. Scholastica; Tu B’Shvat (the Jewish new year of trees) begins at sunset Saturday: Our Lady of Lourdes; Blessed Virgin Mary; World Day of the Sick


When the custom of the stational liturgies was revived in the city of Rome in the early days of the twentieth century, the papal liturgy for Good Friday was appropriately housed in the stational church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, the Holy Cross of Jerusalem.

The church is off the tourist track today, but true pilgrims would never miss it. It stands on the grounds of the Sessorian Palace, the home of the Empress St. Helena, mother of Constantine. She dedicated her life to finding the true cross of Christ in Jerusalem, and desired to found a church in Rome for people who could not make the long and dangerous trip to the Holy Land. Eventually, it came to house relics of the cross. When the pope fled the city of Rome for Avignon, the religious institutions of Rome collapsed and the church was abandoned. Centuries later it was given into the care of monks. Amazingly, it concealed a forgotten treasure. In 1492 repairmen took down a brick wall and discovered a niche with the inscription “Title of the Cross,” and within, an ancient wooden tablet on which was carved the inscription dictated by Pilate for the cross of Christ in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. No one is certain that this is authentic, although its discovery was enough to give the church great prestige among pilgrims. The veneration of the relic of the cross located here was a factor in shaping our restored Holy Week. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Sunday Notes

Page 12 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 5, 2017


Are you widowed? Have you reached a crossroads? The Joyful Again program brings understanding and hope to help you in your life’s new journey.

There will be a workshop/retreat for widowed men and women March 4 & 5 at Our Lady of the Angels, House of Prayer, 13820 Main St. Lemont, IL. (Also on March 25 & 26 in Des Plaines). For info or to register call 708-354-7211. Early registration is encouraged.


Scholarship Applications

Do you know a student in LT School District 204 who has lost a parent and is in need of college scholarship help?

The Legacy Guild, a La Grange-area not-for-profit that was formed in 2012, will be accepting applications from 1/10/17 – 3/24/17. Deadline is March 24th for the 2017-2018 school year. See “”, and select Scholars and see Application section for more details.

Spring Event

The Legacy Guild – Feb 25th Spring Event at Fitzgerald’s Nightclub in Berwyn. Help us provide college scholarships for local students who lost a parent. Sponsor the event, purchase tickets to attend, donate auction prizes! All are appreciated!, Bob Bock at 708-646-9047


“Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” Let the light of your love shine upon your marriage by attending a WorldWide Marriage Encounter

weekend on February 17-19, 2017, April 7-9, 2017, or June 9-11, 2017, all at Elk Grove Village. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through


The Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph invite you to Coffee and Conversation on Saturday, March 4th, from 8:30 a.m.- 9:30 a.m. We gather in Welcome Hall, 1515 W. Ogden Avenue in La Grange Park.

The topic is presented by Sister Sallie Latkovich, CSJ: MISSING!!!! Women of the Bible Missing in the Lectionary, Part 2—New Testament

The presentation will survey the various Biblical women whose stories are not heard in the daily or Sunday readings at Mass. It's time to meet them and to raise them up!

This is a follow-up to the program in September, when Sister Sallie could only cover the Old Testament women in the hour allotted. But, this is a stand alone program and prior attendance is not needed to fully enjoy the presentation.

No RSVP is necessary; this is a drop in event. A free will offering may be made. Questions? Contact Karen: 708-482-5037, [email protected].


Many of you have responded to the Annual Catholic Appeal mailing from Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries and services funded by the ACA, we thank you for your gifts. If you received the mailing and have not responded, please do so as soon as possible.

The ACA offers a wonderful opportunity to “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself.”

In addition to providing for ministries and services throughout the Archdiocese, the Appeal also funds services that are of great help to ministries here in our Parish.

As we contemplate God’s many gifts to us, we should also reflect on our gratitude for these gifts. Your financial support for the work of our Parish, our Archdiocese, and the Church throughout the world is, in fact, one way to express this gratitude. Please give generously to the 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal.

When our parish reaches its goal in paid pledges, 100% of the additional funds received will be returned to us for use in our Parish.

Community Bulletin Board

February 5, 2017 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 13


Sunday, February 5 All Masses Narthex Welcome Committee

Monday, February 6 4:00pm 8:30pm

S Music Rm MH

Junior Choir Rehearsal Men’s Basketball

Tuesday, February 7 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

Church Church Rectory S Rm 208 S Rm 207 MH

Holy Hour Hispanic Adoration RCIA Teen Advisory Board Men’s Prayer Group Boy’s Church League Basketball

Wednesday, February 8 9:00am 7:00pm 9:00pm

RB S Rm 98 MH

Mission Ladies CREDO Boy’s Church League Basketball

Thursday, February 9 5:00pm 7:30pm 9:00pm

S Music Rm S Music Rm MH

Children’s Choir Rehearsal Chancel Choir Rehearsal Boy’s Church League Basketball

Friday, February 10 8:00pm S Rm 98 Holy Name Society Meeting

Saturday, February 11 5:00pm Narthex SVDP Cookbook Sales

Sunday, February 12 All Masses Narthex SVDP Cookbook Sales

C…Church S…School (Education Building) Narthex…Church Vestibule RB…Rectory Basement MH…Morrissey Hall

Week at a Glance

Stewardship Report

YEAR-END STATEMENT BY REQUEST ONLY As tax time approaches, we ask everyone who would like a year-end statement of their Year 2016 financial offering to the parish to fill out the form below and return it or simply call the rectory @ (708) 352-6209 with your request. You may also email [email protected] and submit your request electronically. Rather than mail statements to eve-ryone in the parish, it seems more prudent and conservative to only mail them to those who need them for tax returns. Of course, your statement is available anytime a need for it may arise. Thank you.

Name _________________________________________________________ Phone # ________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________ Envelope # ___________________


Page 14 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 5, 2017


Mission Statement: St. Cletus is a dynamic Catholic community dedicated to spreading the Good news of Jesus Christ through worship, education, and service.

Vision Statement: We welcome all. We encourage all parishioners to live the Gospel message of Jesus Christ in their daily lives, by sharing their talents and faith with our parish and community.


Rectory ......................................................... (708) 352-6209 Español ........................................................ (708) 215-5440 School .......................................................... (708) 352-4820 stcletuschurch


Monday thru Saturday ......................... 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday ............................................... 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

MASSES Saturday Evening ................................................... 5:00 p.m. Sunday ................................. 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) Weekdays ........................................ Mon. thru Sat. 8:00 a.m. Evening before Holy Day ...................................... 7:00 p.m. Holy Day ................................................ 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m.


Confessions every Saturday ......................... 4:15 - 4:45 p.m.


1st & 3rd Saturday of the month at 11:00 a.m. Parents must be registered parishioners and attend the Baptism Preparation class. Please make arrangements by calling the Rectory office.


Dates and times are reserved for registered parishioners. Initial arrangements must be completed five months in advance of the wedding date. Contact Bobbie Kallal (708) 352-6209.


Please contact the Ministry of Care Office ........... (708) 215-5407


Holy Hour first Tuesday of the month 6:00-7:00 p.m. Hispanic Adoration continues 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Pastor .............................................................. Fr. Bob Clark Chairperson ............................................... Jack Fisherkeller Vice-Chairperson .............................................. Chuck Luna Recording Secretary ..................................... Robbie O’Shea School Representative ..................................... Tom Chinske Director of Parish Catechesis ....................... Paulette Bolton Staff Representative ................................ Debbie Lestarczyk Hispanic Ministry .............................................. Silvia Casas Members Mary Ann Doornbos Colleen Hagen Susan Hurley Maggie Kensek Helen McMahon Henry Morlock

ST. CLETUS SCHOOL BOARD Pastor ........................................................ Fr. Bob Clark Chairperson ............................................. Eileen Dorchinecz Vice Chairperson ........................................ John Rossmiller Secretary ......................................................... Jodie Pulciani Members

Scott Aulinskis Valerie Sosne Bob Havelka Ron Skrip Chris McLean Patrick Townsend Doug Rausch Matt Wangard

Liaisons FSA President ................................................ Nikki Gorman Athletic Association President ....................... Brendan Foley

St. Cletus Parish Information STAFF PARISH STAFF Rev. Robert Clark, Pastor Rev. Kenneth Baker, Associate Pastor Rev. Lorenzo Gamboa, Associate Pastor Rev. Ron Anglim, Weekend Associate Rev. Mr. Jesús & Silvia Casas, Deacon Couple Rev. Mr. Stuart & Marlene Heyes, Deacon Couple PASTORAL STAFF Fr. Ken Baker/Paulette Bolton, Worship .. (708) 215-5422 Larry LaLonde, Music Ministry ................ (708) 215-5423 Deacon Jesús Casas, Hispanic Ministry ..... (708) 215-5440 Elizabeth Tomasek, Youth Ministry ........... (708) 215-5419 Kendall Grant, Social Concerns ................ (708) 215-5418 Deacon Stuart Heyes, Pastoral Care ........ (708) 215-5407 Debbie Lestarczyk, Business Manager ...... (708) 215-5405 Christopher Wagner, Technology ............. (708) 215-5420 SCHOOL STAFF ......................................... (708) 352-4820 Tom Chinske, Principal Christy Schaefer, Assistant Principal Mary Lee Krieger, Administrative Assistant Jeannie Scalzitti, Receptionist/Office Assistant RELIGIOUS EDUCATION STAFF .............. (708) 352-2383 Barb Campbell, Director of Religious Education Paulette Bolton, Director of Adult Faith Formation and Assistant Director of Worship RECTORY STAFF ....................................... (708) 352-6209 Bobbie Kallal, Human Resources/Records Mary Zwolinski, Parish Accounting Elizabeth Goellner-McLean, Bulletin Editor PARISH/SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Tim O’Brien ............................................... (708) 215-5432



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