Names of Allah – Al Qabit Al Basit · 26/11/2017  · restricts” Al Basit “The One who gives...

Names of Allah – Al Qabit Al Basit CLASS 9 November 26,2017 | 7 Rabi Al Awwal 1439 | Sunday Evening

Transcript of Names of Allah – Al Qabit Al Basit · 26/11/2017  · restricts” Al Basit “The One who gives...

Page 1: Names of Allah – Al Qabit Al Basit · 26/11/2017  · restricts” Al Basit “The One who gives provison” Al Rasiq “ The Provider ”Al Musa’er “The One who puts the prices”.

Names of Allah – Al Qabit Al Basit


November 26,2017 | 7 Rabi Al Awwal 1439 | Sunday Evening

Page 2: Names of Allah – Al Qabit Al Basit · 26/11/2017  · restricts” Al Basit “The One who gives provison” Al Rasiq “ The Provider ”Al Musa’er “The One who puts the prices”.


Name of Allah- Al Qabit Al Basit Meaning in Language. Qabata means 1. Closed Fist 2. Restrictions 3. Tightness

Basata means 1. Open hand 2. Vastness 3. Abundance

• In life, we want to be dealt with Basara (vastness and without restrictions) but when we

deal with children we cannot deal with an open hand and we need to have discipline. • In general, in life we are between “Qabata/vastness” and “Basata/restrictions” • Basata spoils people more than Qabata and the evidence for this in Surah Shu’ra.

Surah Shura Ayah 27

Here Allah(هلالج لج) is saying if Allah(هلالج لج) will enlarge the provision for everyone then it will result in mischief. People will be spoilt and they will transgress due to “Basata”. Allah(هلالج لج) says in the ayah that Allah(هلالج لج) decrees ( restricts ) the provision in due measure.

Page 3: Names of Allah – Al Qabit Al Basit · 26/11/2017  · restricts” Al Basit “The One who gives provison” Al Rasiq “ The Provider ”Al Musa’er “The One who puts the prices”.


This Ayah tells us why we don’t get everything we want in life. Allah (هلالج لج)is all aware of the consequences of the enlargement of our provision. Allah(هلالج لج) knows when to give us so we will not transgress. Mostly people complain about restricted provision but we need to understand that when Allah(هلالج لج) withholds something he will open something so we are in balance. However, Shaitaan makes it look to us as if everything is restricted. We need to look and observe and find the opening. Our duty is to accept what Allah(هلالج لج) decreed for us.

Meaning in Religion 1. “Allah is the one to restrict and to enlarge provision”

At the time of the Prophet وسلم علیه هللا صلى once the prices of commodities increase in the market so the companions went to the Prophet وسلم علیه هللا صلى and said that the prices increased and as a ruler you can order to bring the prices down. The Prophet وسلم علیه هللا صلى

said Allah (هلالج لج) is the Al Khaliq “creator of everything” He is Al Qabit “ The one who restricts” Al Basit “The One who gives provison” Al Rasiq “ The Provider ”Al Musa’er “The One who puts the prices”. Allah(هلالج لج) is the one to restrict and he is the one to enlarge. The Prophet wanted them to see things from the perspective of names of Allah(هلالج لج).

If Allah (هلالج لج) restricts our provision for money there can be an increase in our provision of knowledge. However, we are stuck on Qabata because we keep talking about it. As soon as we accept the qabata it becomes basata. We think people are managing the life but in reality they are not doing anything. When Allah(هلالج لج) restricts something and we accept the decree then there will be immense vastness for us. We are the one making our life hard by being stuck on the restriction. We are not dealing with people but dealing with Allah(هلالج لج). When Allah (هلالج لج) restricts he will not break a person and when Allah(هلالج لج) gives He will give so as to not spoil them. Both restriction and vastness is good for people. It is all about belief.

2. Allah is the one to take the sadaqa from the rich and give to the poor

Ghani is the one to give money and faker is the one to take the money. When the Ghani gives to the fakeer, in reality the ghani gives to Allah (هلالج لج) and Allah (هلالج لج) gives to the poor.

Page 4: Names of Allah – Al Qabit Al Basit · 26/11/2017  · restricts” Al Basit “The One who gives provison” Al Rasiq “ The Provider ”Al Musa’er “The One who puts the prices”.


3. “Allah is the one to restrict the heart and make it tight and also the one who

makes the heart vast”

Sometimes we see somethings that restricts our heart and other times we see something that makes our heart vast. The evidence is in Surah Anaam Ayah 125

Disbelief makes the heart tight and belied makes the heart vast. When Allah(هلالج لج) wants to guide someone, he will open his heart to islam. Whoever Allah(هلالج لج) wishes to misguide based on his knowledge then Allah(هلالج لج) makes his heart tight and restricted as if he is travelling to the sky. This is a parable that tells us how disbelief restricts us.

4. “Allah (هلالج لج)is the one taking the souls when they die”

Allah (هلالج لج) takes the soul while we sleep and also at the time of death. When our souls are taken away it is by Allah Al Qabit

To be contd……