Name: Thomas Jefferson Webquest and Video … · Thomas Jefferson Webquest and Video ... - The...

Name: ____________________________ Directions: Complete the following questions using resources from the links listed below: (Crash Course Video) ( To begin this assignment, watch the Crash Course video: Thomas Jefferson & His Democracy and then answer the following questions. 1. What two candidates ran in the election of 1800? What parties did they belong to? - Jefferson, a Republican, ran against John Adams, a Federalist. 2. What mistake did a Republican elector in the Electoral College make in the 1800 election, and what was the result? - He forgot to throw his vote and instead of Jefferson winning outright, he ended up in a tie with Aaron Burr. Thomas Jefferson Webquest and Video Analysis- Key

Transcript of Name: Thomas Jefferson Webquest and Video … · Thomas Jefferson Webquest and Video ... - The...

Name: ____________________________

Directions: Complete the following questions using resources from the links listed below: (Crash Course Video) (

To begin this assignment, watch the Crash Course video: Thomas Jefferson & His Democracy

and then answer the following questions.

1. What two candidates ran in the election of 1800? What parties did they belong to?

- Jefferson, a Republican, ran against John Adams, a Federalist.

2. What mistake did a Republican elector in the Electoral College make in the 1800

election, and what was the result?

- He forgot to throw his vote and instead of Jefferson winning outright, he ended up

in a tie with Aaron Burr.

Thomas Jefferson Webquest and Video

Analysis- Key

3. Due to the tie, how was a president chosen?

- The election was the decided by the House of Representatives.

- It took 36 ballots but Jefferson was eventually named president.

4. What amendment was passed following the election of 1800, making the Electoral

College less complicated?

- The 12th amendment was passed.

5. How did Jefferson’s election victory reflect the attitudes of the American people?

- His election showed that Americans wanted a more democratic politics where

common people were free to express their opinions.

6. What was Jefferson’s campaign slogan?

- “Jefferson and Liberty.”

7. Why was liberty severely limited in the early 1800’s in the United States?

- Only a fraction of white men could vote.

- There was no liberty for slaves.

8. What was Thomas Jefferson’s attitude towards slavery?

- Jefferson was a racist and he wrote about black people’s inferiority to whites and

Native Americans.

- He fathered children with one of his slaves but he maintained his beliefs.

9. How did George Washington and Thomas Jefferson approach the treatment of their

slaves differently?

- Upon his death, Washington arranged for his slaves to be freed after his wife died

but she freed them while she was still alive.

- Jefferson used the buying and selling of slaves to live his lavish lifestyle.

10. What vision did Thomas Jefferson have for the country upon his election?

- He wanted to make the government smaller, lower taxes, shrink the military, and

make America an agrarian utopia, as opposed to a British mercantile and factory

covered landscape.

11. At first, how well did Jefferson meet his goals?

- Really well, he removed all taxes except tariffs, he paid off part of the national debt,

he shrunk the size of the army and navy, and prevented America from becoming a

centralized state like England for another 60 years.

12. How did foreign affairs interfere with Jefferson’s plans for a smaller military?

- America needed sailors and marines to fight against Barberry pirates in the

Mediterranean which were capturing American vessels and enslaving American


13. Why did the Supreme Court, and Chief Justice John Marshall, often not agree with

Thomas Jefferson?

- The Supreme Court was dominated by Federalists and they served for life so they

weren’t replaceable.

- The Supreme Court gave itself the power of judicial review- the power to uphold or

invalidate federal laws.

- Jefferson and the Republicans believed that you couldn’t do anything which was not

in the Constitution (strict construction), yet the Supreme Court did not agree.

14. How did Thomas Jefferson double the size of the United States?

- By purchasing a large tract of land owned by France, this is known as the Louisiana


15. Why was Napoleon eager to sell the Louisiana Territory?

- The rebellion in France’s Haitian colony had turned Napoleon off of the idea of


- He needed money to fund his wars in Europe.

16. Why was New Orleans originally all that the United States wanted to buy?

- American farmers were sending their crops down the Mississippi River to the city to

be shipped all over the world.

- It would be beneficial if America controlled that city.

17. After adjusting for inflation, how much would the Louisiana Purchase cost today? Is this

still a good deal?

- After adjusting for inflation, The Louisiana Purchase would cost 250 million dollars


- Yes, this is a great deal. A modern aircraft carrier costs 4.5 billion dollars.

18. What problem was Jefferson faced with due to the Louisiana Purchase?

- Jefferson was a strict constructionist- the purchase was a hugely beneficial act but

there is no provision in the Constitution for the President to purchase land and

expand the nation.

19. Who did Thomas Jefferson send to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory?

- Lewis and Clark

20. What complaint did the Federalists make regarding the Louisiana Purchase?

- That the government was “giving money, which we have too little, for land, of which

we already have too much.”

21. What did the Louisiana Purchase ensure according to Jefferson?

- That there would be enough land for every white man to have a farm of his own.

- It would guarantee that Americans would remain independent and virtuous.

- This freedom would allow every man (white) to participate in the democratic society

since they did not have to rely on others.

22. What was the “embargo”? What did Jefferson want to achieve?

- Jefferson imposed an embargo against Great Britain in retaliation for the British

impressing American sailors as well as because of Britain’s blockade of France.

- He forbid American ships from sailing to foreign ports.

- The theory was if Britain was cut off from America’s primary goods they would stop

impressing American sailors and stop blockading France.

23. What was the connection between free trade and Jefferson’s agrarian ideal?

- America could trade its primary resources for Europe’s manufactured goods so the

U.S. wouldn’t have to develop a manufacturing capacity.

24. Was the embargo successful in achieving Jefferson’s goals?

- No, Britain and France were too busy fighting to notice.

- The embargo devastated the American economy- exports dropped by 80%.

- Blockading Europe’s goods only made the U.S. develop its manufacturing even


25. Why is Jefferson seen as both a revered and reviled person?

- He is mostly responsible for the Declaration of Independence- it’s a heroic

achievement but embedded some crucial shortcomings.

- He claimed to be a champion of small government- but he enlarged the federal

government more than Washington and Adams.

- He wanted an agrarian society but helped create American manufacturing.

- He championed freedom but owned slaves and stole land form Indians.

For the next section of this assignment, proceed to the website listed on the front

page, read the article, and answer the following questions.

26. When and where was Thomas Jefferson born?

- Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743, at Shadwell, a plantation on a large

tract of land near present-day Charlottesville, Virginia.

27. Describe Thomas Jefferson’s education.

- In 1762, Jefferson graduated from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg,


- He studyied for 15 hours then practicing violin for several more hours on a daily


- He went on to study law under the tutelage of a respected Virginia attorney and

began working as a lawyer in 1767.

28. What pamphlet did Thomas Jefferson write in 1774 and what did it declare?

- He wrote “A Summary View of the Rights of British America.”

- It declared that the British Parliament had no right to exercise authority over the

American colonies.

29. What name did Jefferson give the mansion he constructed?

- Monticello- it means “little mountain” in Italian.

30. Describe Thomas Jefferson’s family life.

- On January 1, 1772, Jefferson married Martha Wayles Skelton.

- They had six children but only two daughters–Martha (1772-1836) and Mary (1778-

1804)–survived into adulthood.

- In 1782, Jefferson’s wife Martha died at age 33 following complications from child-


- Jefferson never remarried but it is believed he fathered more children with one of

his slaves, Sally Hemmings.

31. Where was Jefferson selected to attend at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War?

- Jefferson was selected as a delegate to the Second Continental Congress.

32. What important task was Jefferson charged with at the outbreak of the Revolutionary


- He was asked to draft the Declaration of Independence.

- It was adopted on July 4, 1776.

33. What did Jefferson author while a member of the Virginia House of Delegates? Why did

he consider it one of the most significant achievements of his career?

- He authored the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.

- It was a precursor to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects

people’s right to worship as they choose.

34. What titles did Jefferson hold following the American Revolution?

- From 1779 to 1781, Jefferson served as governor of Virginia.

- From 1783 to 1784, he served in Congress for a second time (then known as the

Congress of the Confederation).

- In 1785, he succeeded Benjamin Franklin as U.S. minister to France.

35. How did Jefferson serve in President Washington’s government?

- Jefferson accepted an appointment from President George Washington to become

the United States first secretary of state.

36. Why did Jefferson often clash with Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton?

- Jefferson, who favored strong state and local government, co-founded the

Democratic-Republican Party to oppose Hamilton’s Federalist Party, which

advocated for a strong national government with broad powers over the economy.

37. What was the result of the election of 1796?

- Jefferson ran against John Adams and received the second highest amount of votes,

which according to the law at the time, made him vice president.

38. Upon his victory in the election of 1800, how was Thomas Jefferson’s inauguration

different than his predecessors?

- His was the first presidential inauguration held in Washington, D.C.

- Instead of riding in a horse-drawn carriage, Jefferson broke with tradition and

walked to and from the ceremony.

39. What was the result of the election of 1804?

- Jefferson ran for re-election and defeated Federalist candidate Charles Pinckney

with more than 70 percent of the popular vote and an electoral count of 162-14.

40. What was the focus of Jefferson’s second term in office?

- During his second term, Jefferson focused on trying to keep America out of Europe’s

Napoleonic Wars.

41. How did Thomas Jefferson spend his later years after the presidency?

- Jefferson spent his post-presidential years at Monticello, where he continued to

pursue his many interests, including architecture, music, reading and gardening.

- He also helped found the University of Virginia and ensured the institution had no

religious affiliation.

42. What were the circumstances of Thomas Jefferson’s death?

- Jefferson died at age 83 at Monticello on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the

signing of the Declaration of Independence.

- John Adams, Jefferson’s friend, former rival and fellow signer of the Declaration of

Independence, died the same day.

- Jefferson was buried at Monticello.

Name: ____________________________

Directions: Complete the following questions using resources from the links listed below: (Crash Course Video) (

To begin this assignment, watch the Crash Course video: Thomas Jefferson & His Democracy

and then answer the following questions.

1. What two candidates ran in the election of 1800? What parties did they belong to?

2. What mistake did a Republican elector in the Electoral College make in the 1800

election, and what was the result?

Thomas Jefferson Webquest and Video


3. Due to the tie, how was a president chosen?

4. What amendment was passed following the election of 1800, making the Electoral

College less complicated?

5. How did Jefferson’s election victory reflect the attitudes of the American people?

6. What was Jefferson’s campaign slogan?

7. Why was liberty severely limited in the early 1800’s in the United States?

8. What was Thomas Jefferson’s attitude towards slavery?

9. How did George Washington and Thomas Jefferson approach the treatment of their

slaves differently?

10. What vision did Thomas Jefferson have for the country upon his election?

11. At first, how well did Jefferson meet his goals?

12. How did foreign affairs interfere with Jefferson’s plans for a smaller military?

13. Why did the Supreme Court, and Chief Justice John Marshall, often not agree with

Thomas Jefferson?

14. How did Thomas Jefferson double the size of the United States?

15. Why was Napoleon eager to sell the Louisiana Territory?

16. Why was New Orleans originally all that the United States wanted to buy?

17. After adjusting for inflation, how much would the Louisiana Purchase cost today? Is this

still a good deal?

18. What problem was Jefferson faced with due to the Louisiana Purchase?

19. Who did Thomas Jefferson send to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory?

20. What complaint did the Federalists make regarding the Louisiana Purchase?

21. What did the Louisiana Purchase ensure according to Jefferson?

22. What was the “embargo”? What did Jefferson want to achieve?

23. What was the connection between free trade and Jefferson’s agrarian ideal?

24. Was the embargo successful in achieving Jefferson’s goals?

25. Why is Jefferson seen as both a revered and reviled person?

For the next section of this assignment, proceed to the website listed on the front

page, read the article, and answer the following questions.

26. When and where was Thomas Jefferson born?

27. Describe Thomas Jefferson’s education.

28. What pamphlet did Thomas Jefferson write in 1774 and what did it declare?

29. What name did Jefferson give the mansion he constructed?

30. Describe Thomas Jefferson’s family life.

31. Where was Jefferson selected to attend at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War?

32. What important task was Jefferson charged with at the outbreak of the Revolutionary


33. What did Jefferson author while a member of the Virginia House of Delegates? Why did

he consider it one of the most significant achievements of his career?

34. What titles did Jefferson hold following the American Revolution?

35. How did Jefferson serve in President Washington’s government?

36. Why did Jefferson often clash with Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton?

37. What was the result of the election of 1796?

38. Upon his victory in the election of 1800, how was Thomas Jefferson’s inauguration

different than his predecessors?

39. What was the result of the election of 1804?

40. What was the focus of Jefferson’s second term in office?

41. How did Thomas Jefferson spend his later years after the presidency?

42. What were the circumstances of Thomas Jefferson’s death?