Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to...

Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History WORK PACKET #3 TOPIC: Exploration & Encounter Causes (Includes: Packet 2 ASSESSMENT, Packet 3 work, Packet 3 ASSESSMENT) Instructions: ALL of this work will be graded. 1. Complete the Packet 2 Assessment (pages 2&3) to the best of your ability. 2. Please complete the following reading comprehension assignments about the causes of Global Exploration & Encounter. All tasks are highlighted in yellow. Don’t be afraid to guess at an answer, and feel free to message me via REMIND or email at any time. 3. Complete the Packet 3 Assessment (page 15) to the best of your ability This is GOOGLE CLASSROOM sensitive work. You will have your own Google copy that you can type on. If Google classroom is not workable for you, don’t worry! PAPER COPIES of this assignment will be available for you to pick up at the High School on Wednesday April 29th, Thursday April 30th, and Friday May 1st. A note on turning in your work : GOOGLE CLASSROOM: Type your answers right on the assignment for all parts, including assessments (ignore the answer sheet at the end of this packet) PAPER PACKET: Submit pictures of the Packet 2 Assessment, Packet 3 Assessment, AND the completed answer sheet (page 16) at the end of this packet via REMIND (or text to [email protected]) 1

Transcript of Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to...

Page 1: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

Name: Mrs. Burnham

PreAP Modern World History WORK PACKET #3

TOPIC: Exploration & Encounter Causes (Includes: Packet 2 ASSESSMENT, Packet 3 work, Packet 3 ASSESSMENT)

Instructions: ALL of this work will be graded. 1. Complete the Packet 2 Assessment (pages 2&3) to the best of your ability. 2. Please complete the following reading comprehension assignments about the causes of Global Exploration &

Encounter. All tasks are highlighted in yellow. Don’t be afraid to guess at an answer, and feel free to message me via REMIND or email at any time.

3. Complete the Packet 3 Assessment (page 15) to the best of your ability This is GOOGLE CLASSROOM sensitive work. You will have your own Google copy that you can type on. If Google classroom is not workable for you, don’t worry! PAPER COPIES of this assignment will be available for you to pick up at the High School on Wednesday April 29th, Thursday April 30th, and Friday May 1st. A note on turning in your work: → GOOGLE CLASSROOM: Type your answers right on the assignment for all parts, including assessments (ignore the answer sheet at the end of this packet) → PAPER PACKET: Submit pictures of the Packet 2 Assessment, Packet 3 Assessment, AND the completed answer sheet (page 16) at the end of this packet via REMIND (or text to [email protected])

Page 2: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

Packet 2 ASSESSMENT Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. You may list your answers in bullets and you may use your Packet 2 work.

1. The Ottoman Empire had a lot of diversity once it was created. Use your work to explain why the millet system, devshirme system, and janissaries were

developed. (pages 5 & 6)

2. Compare (using similarities AND differences) to explain the ruling styles of Mughal leaders Jahangir and Aurangzeb. (page 9). For example: a similarity is the both rulers were Muslims, not HIndus.

Page 3: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

3. Japanese feudalism had a few different social classes of people. EXPLAINING your opinion, which class of people would support feudalism the most? And

how about the least? (page 17)

4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas that modified their

environments in order to produce food for survival. How did each do this? (pages 21, 26, 31)

Page 4: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas


What was the Age of Exploration ➡ Directions: Read the excerpt below. Respond to the questions.

The Age of Exploration was a period of global history that started in

the 15th century and continued into the 18th century. During this

time, Europeans sailed on exploration voyages around the world,

discovering new routes to Asia, and coming into contact with North

and South America which were unknown to people in the Eastern


The Age of Exploration led to the first truly global turning point, the

Encounter between the “Old World” (Africa, Asia, and Europe) and

the “New World” (North and South America).

For several years, Christopher Columbus lobbied the Spanish court

to fund an expedition that would find a new route to Asia.

Columbus was finally funded and in 1492, explorer he landed in the

Caribbean. Believing he’d arrived in India, he called the indigenous

people he encountered Indians. The indigenous people were

actually called Tainos. His exploration spurred repeated waves of

Spanish exploration and colonization led by conquistadors who

arrived in the Americas with plans to reap the economic benefits of

exploration by conquering the indigenous people in the Americas.

exploration: (n) the action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it

voyages: (n) a long journey involving travel by sea or in space

turning point: (n) a time when an important change happens

Encounter: (n) the first contact between Columbus and peoples in the Americas

expedition: (n) a journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose

explorer: (n) a person who explores an unfamiliar area; an adventurer.

indigenous: (adv) describing a person who originates from a particular region

conquistadors: (n) a conqueror, especially one of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century

conquer: (v) overcome and take control of (a place or people) by use of military force

1. Who was exploring during the Age of Exploration?

2. What were they exploring during the Age of Exploration?

3. What was the “Encounter”? Why is it considered the “first truly global turning point?”

Page 5: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

Connect Cause and


What motivated European exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries?

➡ Directions: Read the texts and examine the images below that explain the reasons why Europeans wanted to explore the world in the late 1400s. Answer the questions that accompany each section, then complete the synthesis task at the end.

Cause #1: European Interest in Asia

A page from a medieval printing of The Adventures of Marco Polo depicting a Mongol battle against the King of Mein.

Image is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and is public domain.

Though Western Europe was isolated from trade with Asia during most of the Middle Ages, the Crusades and books by travelers like Marco Polo kept Europeans interested in Asia. Stories about the riches of China and India, and the limited availability of goods like silk and spices from those areas, fueled European desire for adventure and profit.

4. Why were Europeans interested in Asia?

5. How could this interest in Asia have led to or caused exploration?

Page 6: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

Cause #2: Ottoman Dominance of Trade Routes

In the Middle Ages, Europeans had access to spices and other goods from Asia because they could easily trade with the Byzantine Empire, a Christian empire that controlled the city of Constantinople which was a crossroads for trade. In 1453, the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople and expanded in the 1500s under the rule of Suleiman on the Magnificent. It became increasingly difficult to trade through the Ottoman Empire because of European Crusades that created distrust between the Muslim Ottomans and the Christian Europeans. Italian city-states like Genoa, Milan, Florence, and Venice had a good trading relationship with the Ottomans and became wealthy from what they imported from the Middle East, but other European countries wanted access to the trade as well.

Adapted image is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and is public domain.

Adapted from the New York State Education Department. August 2007. Global History Exam. Internet.

Available here; accessed August 4, 2017

6. In the Middle Ages, why was the relationship with the Byzantine Empire important for Western Europeans?

Page 7: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

Cause #3: Mercantilism & the Pursuit of National Wealth

At the end of the 15th century, absolute monarchs ruled in almost every country in Europe. The monarchs of Spain, France, Portugal, England, the Holy Roman Empire, and other areas centralized the power in their countries by raising large armies, controlling the people of their countries through harsh laws and military force, and tying their rule to God through the theory of divine right. Absolute monarchs and the officials working in their governments followed an economic policy that we now call mercantilism. Mercantilists believed that a country was strongest if it had a lot of gold and silver, so monarchs did everything they could to get it. There were two methods for filling their treasuries with gold and silver:

1. Maintain a Favorable Balance of Trade When thinking about mercantilism, imagine a whole country as one business and the absolute monarch is the CEO. If the country sells (exports) more than it buys (imports), it will have more money (gold and silver). For absolute monarchs, a “favorable” balance of trade is one with a lot more exports than imports.

2. Establish Colonies, Import their Raw Materials Absolute monarch saw establishing colonies as a great way to bring in silver and gold through mining and through trade. When explorers were sent out to Africa, Asia, or the Americas, the kings and/or queens that sent them hoped they would find new sources of gold and silver. Monarchs also hoped to find people they could trade with.

By following the policy of mercantilism, monarchs hoped to get more gold and silver that they could use to pay for larger armies who could be used to conquer more land to continue to secure more silver and gold.

7. What did mercantilist governments believe would make a country the strongest?

8. Why would a mercantilist government be interested in other areas of the world?

9. How did this belief lead to or cause European exploration?

Page 8: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas


How did European exploration impact trade networks and power dynamics in the Eastern Hemisphere? ● Identify effects of European exploration in the Eastern Hemisphere.



➡ Directions: Examine the maps below and answer the questions that follow.

The Indian Ocean in Eurasian and African World-systems before the 16th Century

Adapted from the New York State Education Department. August 2012. Global History Exam. Internet. Available here; accessed August 5, 2017.

Eastern Hemisphere Trade Routes in the 17th and 18th Centuries

Trade routes world map. Digital image. National Museum of Australia, n.d. Web. 5 Aug. 2017.

10. How did European trade routes in the Eastern Hemisphere change after the 16th century?

11. How do you think this change in trade routes affected the Ottoman Empire?

Page 9: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

Connect Cause and


How did European exploration impact trade networks and power dynamics in the Eastern Hemisphere? ➡ Directions: Examine the maps below and answer the questions that follow.

Portugal Takes the Lead in the Age of Exploration Portugal was the first European country to embark on expeditions during the Age of Exploration. Portugal’s location was one of the reasons it was the first country to sponsor explorers looking for new routes to the Indian Ocean. Portugal is country that is furthest west in Europe and it has a lot of coastline, so sailing had always been an important part of its culture and there were a lot of sailors with experience in the Atlantic Ocean. Also, Portugal does not face the Mediterranean Sea, so the trade routes that connected other European countries, like Italy to the Middle East were not easily accessible. The Portuguese, therefore, wanted another route to access the Indian Ocean spice trade and were in a good position to explore before the rest of Europe.

Image was created by Uxbona and is published on Wikimedia Commons under a CC BY license.

12. How did Portugal’s location contribute to its exploration in the 15th century?

Page 10: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

Prince Henry the Navigator (1394 - 1460), Portugal

Prince Henry the Navigator

Image is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and is public domain.

Prince Henry of Portugal was known as Prince Henry the Navigator, but surprisingly, he ever set sail on a voyage of discovery. Instead, he used his wealth to finance voyages of discovery along the western coast of Africa. He hoped that by funding these voyages, the Portugues could find Christian allies that lived on Africa, add to geographic knowledge, and find a sea route to the spice islands of southeast Asia. He also hoped to find gold. For centuries gold objects from sub-Saharan Africa had made their way to Europe. Some Portuguese even believed that the objects came from a "River of Gold." If only this gold supply could be found, Henry's costly expeditions could pay for themselves and perhaps even strengthen Portugal's economy.

Source: “Prince Henry the Navigator,” Africans in Africa,

13. Prince Henry the Navigator, was not an explorer. How did he contribute to Portuguese exploration?


Page 11: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

Portuguese Explorers and Their Impact


Image was created by RedCoat10 and is published on Wikimedia Commons under a CC BY license.

Voyages of Bartholomeu Dias (1487-88) Image was created by संजीव कुमार and is published on Wikimedia Commons under a CC BY license.

Vasco da Gama, c 1565. Image is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

and is public domain.

Portuguese Trade Routes First Sailed by Vasco da Gama

Image was created by Walrasiad and is published on Wikimedia Commons under a CC BY license.

Area of exploration: coast of western Africa Main expedition: 1488, rounded the southernmost tip of Africa Goal of exploration: find a water route to Asia Impact: Días led the Portuguese closer to discovering a water route to Asia.

Area of exploration: Coast of Africa and Indian Ocean Main expedition: 1498, rounded the southernmost tip of Africa and reached India Goal of exploration: find a water route to Asia Impact: Da Gama found a water route to Asia and brought back a small but impressive collection of jewels and spices, which encouraged further exploration.

14. How did Dias and da Gama contribute to achieving the Portuguese goal of directly entering the Indian Ocean trade?


Page 12: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

The Dutch in the Indian Ocean

The Dutch Empire in the 16th Century

Image was adapted from work created red4tribe and is published on Wikimedia Commons under a CC BY license.

In 1602 the Dutch East India Company, whose initials in Dutch are V.O.C., was founded by the government of the Netherlands, wealthy investors, and merchants, and given a monopoly on Dutch trade in Asia. For two hundred years, the Dutch East India Company competed with Portuguese and English merchants to gain control of the spice trade. The Dutch government gave the company the right to use military force to establish trading outposts for the empire and to rule those areas like a government. The VOC in Asia was even run by a person called the “governor-general.” When indigenous groups, or other European traders did not want to trade with the Dutch or trade on their terms, they went to war. For example, in 1619, Jan Pieterszoon Coen was appointed Governor-General of the VOC. He was not afraid to use brute force to put the VOC in control of its trading centers. On May 30 that year, Coen, backed by a force of nineteen ships, stormed Jayakarta, Indonesia, driving out the indigenous forces that had been fighting to get rid of the Dutch, and from the ashes, established a city called Batavia as the VOC headquarters. In the 1620s, almost the entire native population of Banda Islands, the source of nutmeg was deported, driven away, starved to death or killed in an attempt to replace them with Dutch colonial slave labor.

This passage was adapted by New Visions from the Dutch East India Company in New World Encyclopedia which is published under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.

15. What goods were the Dutch interested in from the “East Indies?”

16. What did the Dutch build in the cities they controlled in Asia?

17. Where did the Dutch have control in Asia?

18. What methods did the Dutch East India Company use to control trade in Indonesia?


Page 13: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

The British in the Indian Ocean

The British East India Company, was a joint-stock company which was granted an English Royal Charter [contract] by Elizabeth I on December 31, 1600, with the intention of favoring trade privileges in India. The Royal Charter effectively gave company a monopoly on trade in the Indian Ocean and later, gave it the power to use military force to practically rule India until 1858 when the British government itself took over. The British East India Company started out as a strictly commercial enterprise. The goal was to make money for the company’s shareholders. The company tried, but failed to compete with the Dutch in the spice islands in Indonesia, and so they looked elsewhere to establish trade relationships. Eventually, ships belonging to the company arrived in India, docking at Surat, which was established as a trade transit point in 1608. In the next two years, it managed to build its first factory (as the trading posts were known) in the town of Machilipatnam in the Coromandel Coast in the Bay of Bengal. The company found the Moghul emperor, Jahangir, to be cooperative and they reported high profits from trade in India. Jahangir and the Indian traders prefered to work with the British over the Portuguese because of the Portuguese cartaz system. In 1612, the British earned the Mughal emperor’s favor by defeating the Portuguese in the Battle of Swally. This started the end of Portuguese involvement in India and established the British as the premier European force in India. This event also started the process of transforming the British East India Company from a group of merchants, to an organization with military force.

A map of the British Empire in 1921 when it was at its height. Its dominance of India started in the 1600s.

Image is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and is public domain. 19. What was the original purpose of the British East India Company? 20. How did the British gain the favor of the Mughal emperor, Jahangir?


Page 14: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

Jahangir signed a treaty that gave the British rights to reside and build factories [trading posts] in Indian coastal cities. By 1647, the company had twenty-three factories and ninety employees in India. In 1634 the Mughal emperor extended his hospitality to the English traders to the region of Bengal and in 1717 completely waived customs duties for the trade. The company's mainstay businesses were by now in cotton, silk, indigo, saltpeter, and tea. All the while, it was making inroads into the Dutch monopoly of the spice trade in the Malaccan straits. In 1711 the company established a trading post in Canton (Guangzhou), China, to trade tea for silver. By a series of five acts around 1670, King Charles II gave the company rights to autonomous territorial acquisitions, to mint money, to command fortresses and troops, to form alliances, to make war and peace, and to exercise both civil and criminal jurisdiction over the acquired areas. The company, surrounded by trading competitors, other imperial powers, and sometimes hostile native rulers, experienced a growing need for protection. The freedom to manage its military affairs came as a welcome boon and the company rapidly raised its own armed forces in the 1680s, mainly drawn from the indigenous local population. By 1689 the company was arguably a "nation" in the Indian mainland, independently administering the vast presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay and possessing a formidable and intimidating military strength. From 1698 the company was entitled to use the motto "Auspico Regis et Senatus Angliae" meaning, "Under the patronage of the King and Parliament of England."

This passage was adapted by New Visions from the British East India Company in New World Encyclopedia which is

published under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.

21. The reading states: “By a series of five acts around 1670, King Charles II provisioned the company with the rights to autonomous territorial acquisitions, to mint money, to command fortresses and troops, to form alliances, to make war and peace, and to exercise both civil and criminal jurisdiction over the acquired areas.”

How did the powers granted by King Charles II differ from the original purpose of the British East India Company? 22. Based on the information you have right now, predict what might happen between the British and the Indians in the future.


Page 15: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

Packet 3 ASSESSMENT Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. You may list your answers in bullets and you may use your Packet 3 work.

1. Why is the Exploration period considered to be a turning point? Also, make a list of 3 other turning points you have previously learned about in history

(can be any time period, any area of the world including the United States. (use info from page 4 and you prior knowledge)

2. Use factual information to back up the following argument: Mercantilism/pursuit of national wealth was a stronger cause for exploration than interest in

Asia and the Ottoman dominance of trade routes. (page 7 first, then 5, then 6)

3. Portugal, the Dutch, and the British all explored/traveled/traded throughout the Eastern Hemisphere. What were each of them able to accomplish?

(pages 11, 12, 13)


Page 16: Name: Mrs. Burnham PreAP Modern World History …...4. Humans modify their environment in order to survive. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were successful civilizations in the Americas

ANSWER SHEET IF YOU ARE USING A PAPER COPY: please record your answers for questions 1-22 from the Packet 3 work on this page. This is what you will take

a picture of and text/send to me so that you won’t have to send pictures of each page of work. Message me if you have a question or problem.

1. 2 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22.