Name: Global Review #9 - East Irondequoit Central School ... · Name: Global Review #9 ... Notre...

Name: Global Review #9 1.A major characteristic of most traditional societies is that I) the individual's needs are more important than the group's needs are 2) great emphasis is placed on developing new technologies 3) elders are respected for their experience and wisdom 4) many opportunities exist for social mobility 2.The dominance of the Spanish language in Latin America and the continued use of the French language in Senegal are examples of I) cultural diffusion 3) humanism 2) social mobility 4) Marxism 3.The Chinese called their land "Middle Kingdom." Europeans often used the term "backward" to refer to China. These statements best illustrate 1) the failure of geographers to establish a universal terminology 2) the importance of East Asia in world history 3) the adoption of policies of nonalignment 4) attitudes of ethnocentrism in both cultures 4.Which conclusion can be drawn from a study of buildings such as the Parthenon in Athens, the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, and the Taj Mahal in India? 1) Major architectural structures tend to fall quickly into disrepair. 2) Most governments commission extravagant architecture. 3) Architecture often reflects the values of a culture. 4) Military victories are often commemorated by the construction of great buildings. 5.Base your answer on the song below and on your knowledge of social studies. My father called me "lazy"! But with what has he paid the tax? With the earnings of my work. If he insults me again, I will go to Ketao. There I will find a truck for Kumasi, And I will earn money for myself1 —Song of the young men of a town in Benin (Dahomey) The views expressed in this song are most likely the result of 1) a return to the traditional customs of rural areas 2) cultural changes brought on by urbanization 3) a governmental policy about working conditions 4) a resurgence of religious and ethnic pride 6.In a present-day Chinese village, which situation illustrates the influence of traditional Confucian beliefs? 1) People share the profits of a communal farm. 2) Students threaten factory managers accused of unfair labor practices. 3) Young people respect their parents' wishes when choosing a spouse. 4) A young man decides to open his own business for profit. 7.Which quotation best reflects a feeling of nationalism? 1) "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." 2) "A person's greatest social obligation is loyalty to the family." 3) "For God, King, and Country." 4) "Opposition to evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good." 8.Cultural diffusion occurs most rapidly in societies that 1) adhere to traditional social values 2) have extended families 3) come into frequent contact with other groups 4) have a strong oral history 9.In a number of European countries in the 1800s, which situation occurred as a result of the influence of the French Revolution? 1) increase in religious conflict 2) rise of nationalistic movements 3) decentralization of governmental power 4) economic depression 10. Base your answer to the following question on the statements below and on your knowledge of social studies. "Bengal sweets are the best in India. I can't take Bombay or Delhi sweets." - Bengali civil servant "Only in Uttar Pradesh is politics really understood. The Uttar Pradesh is the political heart of India." - Uttar Pradesh journalist "We Gujaratis are the best entrepreneurs in India." - Gujarati factory owner "Live in the South? Never! Their languages are impossible and one gets only rice, rice, rice!" - Punjabi engineer These statements indicate that the speakers have 1) regional prejudices 3) strong religious beliefs 2) a sense of patriotism 4) socialist tendencies 11. Hieroglyphic and cuneiform systems provided the basis for the development of 1) subsistence farming 3) oral traditions 2) painting and sculpture 4) recorded history

Transcript of Name: Global Review #9 - East Irondequoit Central School ... · Name: Global Review #9 ... Notre...

Name: Global Review #9

1.A major characteristic of most traditional societies is that

I) the individual's needs are more important than the group's needs are

2) great emphasis is placed on developing new technologies

3) elders are respected for their experience and wisdom 4) many opportunities exist for social mobility

2.The dominance of the Spanish language in Latin America and the continued use of the French language in Senegal are examples of

I) cultural diffusion 3) humanism

2) social mobility 4) Marxism

3.The Chinese called their land "Middle Kingdom." Europeans often used the term "backward" to refer to China.

These statements best illustrate

1) the failure of geographers to establish a universal terminology

2) the importance of East Asia in world history 3) the adoption of policies of nonalignment 4) attitudes of ethnocentrism in both cultures

4.Which conclusion can be drawn from a study of buildings such as the Parthenon in Athens, the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, and the Taj Mahal in India?

1) Major architectural structures tend to fall quickly into disrepair.

2) Most governments commission extravagant architecture.

3) Architecture often reflects the values of a culture. 4) Military victories are often commemorated by the

construction of great buildings.

5.Base your answer on the song below and on your knowledge of social studies.

My father called me "lazy"! But with what has he paid the tax? With the earnings of my work. If he insults me again, I will go to Ketao. There I will find a truck for Kumasi, And I will earn money for myself1

—Song of the young men of a town in Benin (Dahomey)

The views expressed in this song are most likely the result of

1) a return to the traditional customs of rural areas 2) cultural changes brought on by urbanization 3) a governmental policy about working conditions 4) a resurgence of religious and ethnic pride

6.In a present-day Chinese village, which situation illustrates the influence of traditional Confucian beliefs?

1) People share the profits of a communal farm. 2) Students threaten factory managers accused of unfair

labor practices. 3) Young people respect their parents' wishes when

choosing a spouse. 4) A young man decides to open his own business for


7.Which quotation best reflects a feeling of nationalism?

1) "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." 2) "A person's greatest social obligation is loyalty to the

family." 3) "For God, King, and Country." 4) "Opposition to evil is as much a duty as is cooperation

with good."

8.Cultural diffusion occurs most rapidly in societies that

1) adhere to traditional social values 2) have extended families 3) come into frequent contact with other groups 4) have a strong oral history

9.In a number of European countries in the 1800s, which situation occurred as a result of the influence of the French Revolution?

1) increase in religious conflict 2) rise of nationalistic movements 3) decentralization of governmental power 4) economic depression

10. Base your answer to the following question on the statements below and on your knowledge of social studies.

"Bengal sweets are the best in India. I can't take Bombay or Delhi sweets."

- Bengali civil servant "Only in Uttar Pradesh is politics really understood. The Uttar Pradesh is the political heart of India."

- Uttar Pradesh journalist "We Gujaratis are the best entrepreneurs in India."

- Gujarati factory owner "Live in the South? Never! Their languages are impossible and one gets only rice, rice, rice!"

- Punjabi engineer

These statements indicate that the speakers have

1) regional prejudices 3) strong religious beliefs

2) a sense of patriotism 4) socialist tendencies

11. Hieroglyphic and cuneiform systems provided the basis for the development of

1) subsistence farming 3) oral traditions

2) painting and sculpture 4) recorded history

Central Governments

Organized Religion

Different Jobs

oads, Bridges, Temples, and other

Public Work

12. The Eastern Orthodox Church and the Cyrillic alphabet originated in the Byzantine Empire. What does the practice of this religion and the use of this alphabet in Russia indicate?

1) Russia was conquered by the Byzantine Empire. 2) Russia's leaders eliminated the influence of the

Mongols. 3) Russia was influenced by cultural diffusion. 4) Russia's geographic isolation led to cultural diversity.

13. Base your answer on the diagram below.

Source: Guide to the Essentials of World History, Prentice—Hall

Which title best completes this diagram? 1) Elements of a Civilization 3) Basic Components of the Paleolithic Age 2) Features of a Nomadic Lifestyle 4) Human Life 50,000 Years Ago

14. The Phoenicians are often referred to as the "carriers of civilization" because they

1) introduced Islam and Christianity to Central Africa 2) established colonies throughout northern Europe 3) developed the first carts with wheels 4) traded goods and spread ideas throughout the

Mediterranean region

15. • Scholars take civil service examinations for government positions. • Students form Red Guard units to challenge counterrevolutionaries. • Students demonstrate for democratic reforms in the capital and are killed by government troops.

These statements describe the changing role of students in which nation?

1) Japan 3) Russia

2) China 4) India