Name: Biology 12 Date: Block: Unit 10 Pretest ...

Biology 12 Unit 10 Pretest: Reproductive System Use the following diagram to answer questions 1 and 2. 1. Which of the following correctly describes the pathway sperm to leave the body? A. X → Z → W → T B. S → Z → W → X C. S → Z → X → Y D. S → Z → V → T 2. What is secreted by structure X? A. fructose B. mucus C. basic fluid D. sperm 3. Mature sperm is stored in the A. seminiferous tubules B. interstitial cells C. epididymis D. urethra 4. Developing sperm is nourished by A. sustenacular cells B. interstitial cells C. seminiferous tubules D. seminal vesicles 5. Which of the following is a function of the bulbourethral glands? A. carry semen to urethra B. add mucus to seminal fluid C. add fructose to seminal fluid D. provide a place for sperm to mature Name: _______________________________ Date: _________________ Block:

Transcript of Name: Biology 12 Date: Block: Unit 10 Pretest ...

Biology 12 Unit 10 Pretest: Reproductive System

Use the following diagram to answer questions 1 and 2.

1. Which of the following correctly describes the pathway sperm to leave the body?

A. X → Z → W → T

B. S → Z → W → X

C. S → Z → X → Y

D. S → Z → V → T

2. What is secreted by structure X?

A. fructose

B. mucus

C. basic fluid

D. sperm

3. Mature sperm is stored in the

A. seminiferous tubules

B. interstitial cells

C. epididymis

D. urethra

4. Developing sperm is nourished by

A. sustenacular cells

B. interstitial cells

C. seminiferous tubules

D. seminal vesicles

5. Which of the following is a function of the bulbourethral glands?

A. carry semen to urethra

B. add mucus to seminal fluid

C. add fructose to seminal fluid

D. provide a place for sperm to mature

Name: _______________________________

Date: _________________ Block:

6. Which of the following structures secretes basic fluid that protects sperm from vaginal acid?

A. vas deferens

B. bulbourethral gland

C. prostate gland

D. seminal vesicles

7. Semen is composed of

A. sperm cells only

B. urine and sperm cells

C. sperm cells plus glandular secretions

D. sperm cells plus testosterone

8. Which structure in the diagram below contains many mitochondria providing energy for movement?

A. W

B. X

C. Y

D. Z

9. What is the function of structure X

in the diagram to the right?

A. enzyme storage

B. chromosome storage

C. lubrication

D. movement

10. What unique structures are contained in structure Z in the diagram above?

A. cillia and flagella

B. enzymes

C. mitochondria

D. protein channels

11. Which of the following structures secretes testosterone?

A. prostate gland

B. epididymis

C. vas deferens

D. interstitial cells

12. Secretions from which of the following controls the production of testosterone?

A. interstitial cells

B. seminiferous tubules

C. anterior pituitary gland

D. sustenacular cells

13. Which of the following would occur if the concentration of testosterone in the blood was low?

A. hypothalamus would produce more GnRH

B. testes would produce less LH

C. anterior pituitary gland would produce more testosterone

D. hypothalamus would produce less FSH

14. Which of the following correctly matches gland, (hormone) and target organ?

A. hypothalamus (GnRH) → anterior pituitary (LH) → testes

B. anterior pituitary (GnRH) → hypothalamus (LH) → testes

C. hypothalamus (LH) → anterior pituitary (testosterone) → penis

D. anterior pituitary (LH) → hypothalamus (testosterone) → penis

15. Where does fertilization of an egg usually occur

in the diagram to the right?

A. W

B. X

C. Y

D. Z

16. What do secretions from X

in the diagram to the right cause?

A. milk production, follicle maturation

B. ovulation, genital growth at puberty

C. endometrium thickening, breast development

D. placenta development, contraction of uterus

17. Which substance causes the development of

structure X in the diagram to the right?

A. estrogen

B. luteinizing hormone

C. follicle-stimulating hormone

D. human chorionic gonadotropin

18. What would occur as a result of structure X in

the diagram to the right releasing hormones?

A. ovulation

B. follicle maturation

C. endometrium thickening

D. endometrium getting thinner

19. Which of the following is a function of estrogen?

A. initiate menstruation

B. stimulate posterior pituitary gland

C. cause degeneration of corpus luteum

D. initiate growth of endometrium

20. What is the result of increased lutenizing hormone secretion on day 14 of the ovarian cycle?

A. ovulation

B. implantation

C. menstruation

D. degeneration of the corpus luteum

21. Which of the following correctly matches a gland with its secretion?

A. ovaries - LH

B. ovaries - progesterone

C. anterior pituitary gland - oxytocin

D. anterior pituitary gland - GnRH

22. Which of the following is a consequence of increased secretions of progesterone?

A. release of egg from follicles

B. maturation of follicles

C. decrease in luteinizing hormone

D. increase in follicle-stimulating hormone

23. What is the effect of decreasing levels of estrogen/progesterone?

A. ovulation

B. corpus luteum maintenance

C. endometrium break down

D. endometrium developing mucus glands

24. Which of the following occurs during days 15–28 of the ovarian cycle?

A. follicle undergoes maturation

B. luteinizing hormone surge occurs

C. progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum

D. secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone begins

25. The secretory phase of the uterine cycle results from increased secretions by the

A. follicles

B. breast alveoli

C. corpus luteum

D. posterior pituitary gland

26. Which statement is true regarding the sequence of events during ovarian/uterine cycles?

A. ovulation occurs when progesterone levels decrease

B. endometrium is shed as estrogen levels increase

C. as corpus luteum degenerates, progesterone levels decrease

D. when implantation occurs, HCG (human chorionic gonadotropic) hormone levels decrease

27. Positive feedback controls the secretion of which of the following hormones?



C. oxytocin

D. prolactin

28. What is the function of hormone X in the diagram below? *

A. maintain corpus luteum

B. cause secretion of oxytocin

C. cause maturation of a new follicle

D. increase level of luteinizing hormone

29. Which of the following would be a result of increased levels of HCG in the blood? *

A. menstruation

B. no more ovulation

C. decreased progesterone

D. increased follicle-stimulating hormone

30. The onset of uterine contractions results in secretion of which of the following? *

A. less GnRH

B. more oxytocin

C. less progesterone

D. more human chorionic gonadotropin

* are bonus questions!


Structure Function










32. Name and describe ONE function of each of the structures indicated in the diagram below

Structure Name Function




33. List 2 functions of testosterone in the human body

34. Complete the following table to contrast sperm and ova.

Basis of Contrast Sperm Egg

size and numbers produced

energy reserves/source of energy


outer structures

35. Examine the diagram below and complete the associated table.

Structure Name Function








36. Examine the diagram below and answer the associated questions.

Structure Name Function







37a. What event is occurring at X?

b. Describe the appearance/condition of the endometrium at the same time as X occurs.

38. Ovarian Cycle

Phase Description

Day 1-14

Day 14

Day 15-28

39. Uterine Cycle

Phase Description

Day 1-5

Day 6-14

Day 15-28

40. What is the function of estrogen? Progesterone?

41. Describe the negative feedback loop in the male and female reproductive systems involving the

hypothalamus, GnRH, LS and FSH.


1. Describe the source and function of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG).

2. Describe the source and function of prolactin.

3. Describe source and function of oxytocin, including the feedback that occurs as a fetus is being born

4. Describe the 3 stages of birth.

Pre-test Analysis

This process should help you determine how you can improve in the way you prepare for tests.

Question Profile Reason Answer was Incorrect Other Info… Question

# Missed

Topic/PLO Covered I Had








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Special notes about this

question for the test…

Pre-test Analysis: 1. Areas of Strength:

a. What were the areas of strength that you have with this unit?

2. Areas of Focus: a. What topic(s) did you have the most difficulty with?

b. Why do you think you are having problems with these topics?

c. What are you going to do to help your understanding in these areas?

3. Goal Setting: a. Based on how well you did on your pre-test what mark do you think you are going to get on this test?

b. What mark would you like to get on this test?

c. Is this realistic based on the amount of time you are planning on studying for the test?

4. Tutorials: a. How many tutorial sessions are you planning on attending to help you achieve the mark your want?

b. What topics will you be studying when you come to the tutorial session?

Plan of Improvement for the Test: 1. Study Plan: What is my study plan for this unit test? Please fill in the following table:

Plan is detailed & in sequential steps & passes the “if you do this you will improve” test

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Lesson(s) &/or

Topic(s) Covered

Question(s) that I have from these areas: