Na#G - Distinctive Career Services


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20+ Questions to Extract YourAchievements Plus 350+ Swipe-

able Achievement Statementsfrom Professionally WrittenRésumés to Help You Write YourOwn Résumé

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Résumé Accomplishments 20+ Questions to Help You Identify Your Own Achievements Plus 350+ Swipe-able Achievements from Professionally Written Résumés to Help You Write Your Own

Did you help increase sales? If so, by what percentages or amount?

▪ Generated $300K revenue with 60% profit margin by designing __________ for a key customer.

▪ Closed $1 million deal to provide cancer testing for a reference lab. Generated $400,000 in new sales bynegotiating deals with biopharma companies to provide specialized testing for targeted diseases.

▪ Built U.S. sales 27% to $1.5 million and sales in Canada 15% to $2.3 million.

▪ Grew sales from $0 to $3.5 million in 3 years with average growth of 25% year-over-year.

▪ Unified sales efforts across 13 previously siloed business units, transforming apathetic customers into loyal,renewing accounts and jumpstarting new sales, producing $600M revenue in 2 years.

▪ Propelled 12% YoY revenue growth, exceeding target 10% in FY2015.

▪ Fueled $14M sales growth in 9 months, building foundation for $24M higher sales in 2016, a 400% increase,with an additional projected increase to a height of $50M in 2017, representing >730% growth in 2 years.

▪ Exceeded expectations for 3 straight years, ranking consistently among the top 20% of ~400 sales repsnationally.

▪ Increased territory sales quarter-after-quarter, performing among the top 10% of sales reps nationally in2010.

▪ Grew revenue 10% in most global regions as results of marketing campaigns, tradeshows, and new sales tools.

▪ 2X Winner’s Circle recipient for performing in the top 10% of the entire ~800-person sales force.

▪ Increased sales 8% and produced a record-setting volume of orders, representing a 16% gain.

▪ Placed among the top 5 of 126 sales reps, recognized for expertise in for turning around and reactivating oldaccounts and securing new accounts.

▪ Created new annual revenue stream of $10+ million by spearheading development and growth of newtechnology chemical delivery system business that resulted in sale of 6 fully functioning systems.

▪ Made immediate impact in competitive market, growing monthly sales from $600K to $1M, ~$12M annually,by educating customers on product rebates/backend funds. Captured 70 new accounts in first 6 months.

▪ Recognized for leadership efforts in directing high-dollar client engagements, generating 10% of company’sannual revenues, and managing 10-20% of the engineering consulting business.

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▪ Doubled gross revenues (103% growth) to $300 million by driving globalization and identifying/capitalizing on key opportunities that were proliferated across other industry platforms and into adjacent industries.

▪ Earned place in special group for the top 15%” of all financial planners company-wide and continuously produced among the “top 10” of 80 peers in the office.

▪ Received “Salesperson of the Year” award in 20XX. Honored among the top 1% of producers with membership on the Chairman’s Council and earned place in the President’s Cabinet each year.

▪ Increased recurring revenues to 90% of total while cutting customer churn in half.

Did you generate new business or bring in new clients? How did that impact sales?

▪ Generated $50M in sales leads from a recent event, achieving 100% ROI in the first 30-minutes of 3-day tradeshow.

▪ Bolstered annual revenue from $15K to $1.5M. Oversaw complex, multi-layered process to ready products for new markets, ensuring compliance with regulations governing standards and labels.

▪ Quadrupled website traffic providing $5M per year in new business by utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques.

▪ Created $10M is new business leads annually for 3 consecutive years by producing white papers which served as brand-positioning tools. Selected topics, designed layout, ghost authored for industry scholars.

▪ Secured 20 new multimillion-dollar contracts with large organizations, including Genzyme, Astra Zeneca, Wuxi Apptec, Daimyd, Novartis, and Mt. Sinai Medical Center.

▪ Helped generate up to $25K in additional revenue by leading launch/operations of billing process for training initiative. Partnered with billing staff to create new codes for 2 different systems, entered data, tracked process, worked with finance to troubleshoot problems, and trained directors/supervisors on protocols.

▪ Gained 500+ subscribers within first month of instituting monthly subscription revenue stream that provides global travel experiences and benefits for members.

▪ Carved out a strong niche in a competitive market, achieving an average of 171% of target for sales of a key product.

▪ Propelled what had been a lackluster territory to among one of the top-performing nationwide.

▪ Cultivated referrals, initiating outreach to medical providers in hospitals and group physician practices, a strategy that jumpstarted 17% growth of stagnant program participation in less than 6 months.

▪ Authored and co-presented U.S. proposal that was pivotal in global tender response, landing a major public account that represented $25+ million internationally and $2.2 million domestically.

▪ Boosted sales 100%, generating million-dollar-plus in revenue and increasing market share.

▪ Created $22 million sales pipeline in 3 months, with 3 signed contracts and 7 currently in negotiation, by promoting innovative, market-driven uses for new technology.

▪ Helmed account growth from $200,000 to $7 million annual audit and tax revenues in 8 years after taking over customer relationship management (at all corporate levels) for a large alternative fund complex.

▪ Reversed 5 years of declines and revived growth in a market that continues to shrink up to 10% annually.

▪ Built foundation on which sales grew 20% as markets recovered, adding $27 million to the top line.

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▪ Generated 300% revenue increase over 5 years, from $1.7M to $5.6M, and achieved multiple “firsts,” realizing record enrollment. Additionally, attained highest yield of (60%) and lowest attrition (12%) rates in school’s history.

▪ Won $500K “unattainable” account, changing mindset of distributor’s sales rep by proposing most viable solutions.

▪ Produced $2.1 million sales and multiple 6-figures in net profits on the first project alone, eliminating all financial risk by preselling 24 of 26 condominium units prior to the start of construction, with the remaining 2 units sold 2 months later, funding entire project without a single dollar of financing or debt.

▪ Headed opening of 13 partner stores, generating $13.8M in sales within first 18 months and 107% comps for 3 stores during respective anniversaries. Met established targets 11% under budget within first year by focusing on zero profit erosion.

▪ Won business away from competitors, including several large adoptions valued at $50,000+. Differentiated products and conveyed value proposition. Tailored presentation to unique needs of each decision maker.

▪ Delivered 4 million new customers and a 20% increase in rental transactions in first year of tenure.

▪ Devised highly creative and attention-getting approaches to build a strong pipeline of prospects and secure meetings with decision makers. Exceeded 100% of goals as a sales representative, outperforming all peers and positioning as the #1 performing sales rep every quarter for 4 straight years.

▪ Managed relationships throughout a long-cycle sales process, closing numerous sales valued at $50,000 - $1+ million each, per year. Used a factual, logical, and direct approach to sell solutions to customers’ needs, refocusing their attention from the cost of the solution to their potential return on investment.

Did you develop or improve partnerships or affiliations with new organizations? What happened as a result?

▪ Galvanized vendor partner relationships across ~ 600 vendors.

▪ Cultivated positive relations and built strategic partnerships with 5 key retailers in Latin America to optimize market access and sales growth.

▪ Transformed region distributors into 2x award-winners, Distributors of the Year, turning volatile LATAM business into fastest-growing region companywide; region became consistent contributor to bottom line.

▪ Led a 3-year, $5 million investment and 3-party partnership that provided innovative technology that fortified risk modeling capabilities for catastrophic winds and reinforced the company’s marketing reputation as a leader in cutting-edge science.

▪ Delivered $3M savings through negotiation of new production partnerships that reduced the costs of grain, pullets, packaging, and transportation. Saved $4M on equipment upgrade project (an 80% decrease from initial plan), reinvesting funds into other higher-ROI initiatives.

▪ Initiated strategy to work with European JV partner, leading to eventual acquisition and integration of venture into core business. Established similar business practices and parallel organization to leverage the same business model resulting in comparable industry-leading financial performance.

▪ Sparked partner revenue growth of 18% YOY by designing partner programs/campaigns centered around jointly developed solutions/services to acquire new business and grow existing accounts.

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▪ Recognized by Inc. Magazine as the fastest-growing brand in the dairy category as result of sales growth produced from new partnerships with Costco, Kroger, and Publix. Negotiated and signed contracts with Wegmans, Whole Foods, and Sprouts as well.

▪ Created program that led to hundreds of meaningful projects by attendees, game-changing collaborations, and lasting mentorships, with over 5,000 students impacted by a network of 500 mentors, including many nationally known figures across multiple disciplines.

▪ Pursued and established 20+ strategic business partners for multi-channel distribution.

▪ Increased company recognition by establishing relationships with property managers and business owners, leading to positioning as the go-to company for a particular segment of the market.

▪ Captured new and incremental audiences by leveraging sponsorship investments in NASCAR and NHRA.

▪ Added 3 large pharmaceutical manufacturers to supply base and expanded product/service portfolio 25%.

▪ Built multiple strategic relationships and spearheaded a variety of joint venture investments that culminated in the company’s successful formation of a new business unit.

▪ Enabled expansion into the wholesale and correspondent mortgage origination business, devising and establishing a technology solution and systematic credit risk approval process that—in just 24 months—expanded original 50 partners to 800. Led to business exceeding its start-up phase revenue projections.

▪ Negotiated, set up and managed $25 million JV investment with a hedge fund aimed at increasing returns on energy trading through the provision of proprietary weather modeling.

Did you do something to improve the standing or reputation of your company within the industry or with the public?

▪ Achieved successful, “no-comment,” clean reports from PCAOB and peer-review audits (by outside CPA firms) through strong leadership and invaluable audit knowledge.

▪ Attained Trauma Level II designation for the 2nd busiest ER department in Texas, adding $10M to FY11 bottom line with anticipated YoY revenue growth. Personally cited as ‘a strength of trauma program’s leadership’ by the American College of Surgeons.

▪ Increased media visibility 125%, releasing a series of articles, advertisements, whitepapers, and press releases.

▪ Facilitated Joint Commission re-accreditation and DPH/BSAS licensure requirements by developing division-wide compliance/quality dashboard to track performance and generate automated evaluations and reports.

▪ Ensured training plan met compliance for managed care organizations and Joint Commission accreditation. Expanded core training from 2 to 3 regions and eliminated redundant content to shorten orientation from 5 to 3.5 days.

▪ Leveraged journalist background to cultivate trusting relationships with top industry-based media in U.S., London, and Japan to protect and enhance company image as well as identify powerhouse events for CEO.

▪ Tapped as transformation leader to stabilize servicing model and raise customer satisfaction after company got negative feedback from 2 major accounts. Received excellent reviews from both clients.

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▪ Partnered with CEO in creating compliance-first culture and reestablishing credibility with SEC and other regulatory agencies. Commended by SEC regulators for remedial efforts, receiving greatly reduced fines/penalties.

▪ Received 100% clean audit opinions all 6 years by building robust accounting information system, creating strong internal control environment with multi-site protocols, and deploying ERP system linked with budgeting system

▪ Repaired and expanded damaged underwriter relationships, establishing strong communication with underwriters which significantly improved the FOC’s ability to negotiate competitive terms and pricing with carriers, even securing additional limits at flat pricing within hard markets.

▪ Raised company’s position, reputation, and brand awareness by securing major account with _____ then implementing global recycling and data security protocol for client.

▪ Defended accounts against encroaching competition, establishing strong levels of customer satisfaction that successfully blocked the competition, sustaining position in the top 5% of territories for 5 straight years.

Have you led your company into expanded markets? How did that impact sales?

▪ Doubled sales from international clients and aligned company for continued growth by personally meeting with key opinion leaders to promote and sell testing capabilities.

▪ Developed and grew the region from 2 sites and 14 physicians to 60 sites with 750+ health care providers. Held client retention rates at a stable 90+% while meeting or exceeding all other financial targets. Propelled total net revenue 2700+% in 6 years, with patient services revenue increasing 4600+% in the same time.

▪ Expanded into new categories: Cage Free and Cage Free Organic. Successfully transformed what had previously been losses on 20% of purchased products into profits.

▪ Opened the door to international markets, launching product lines and winning customer accounts in Asia, Europe, and Africa.

▪ Influenced expansion of healthcare services in ___________County through $125,000 grants to select recipient non-profits.

▪ Capitalized on an unfulfilled market need, launching 2 retail locations that quickly produced $500,000 revenue within the 1st year.

▪ Diversified from retail into institutional and food service markets. Negotiated contracts with food service chains Panera Bread, Jack in the Box, and Steak & Shake; and marketing contracts with Sysco, Costco, National Pasteurized Egg, Spartan Nash, and Cargill.

▪ Surpassed expectations, defining roadmap and leading key aspects of 4 successful international market entries over 3 years-- Asia Pacific (India and South Korea) and Europe (Germany and Ireland).

▪ Grew market share 2% annually, dramatically exceeding .5% annual growth target.

▪ Penetrated the commercial and industrial markets, growing sales to account for 25% of total sales.

▪ Opened industrial markets in international regions and delivered €16 million new business in 2 years.

▪ Expanded manufacturing footprint with new facilities in the Middle East, China, and the U.S.

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▪ Revived 2 abandoned, money-losing markets with fresh vision, innovation, and strategic insights, building the niches from $0 to $400 million in earnings while growing Cigna’s membership to 1 million medical and 1.3 million total members.

▪ Drove market launch of new Latin America territory. Exceeded all performance targets, growing region from $0 to $10 million USD in insurance premiums throughout tenure, outperforming $5 million goal by 100%.

▪ Built revenue $2.4 million over 3-years by initiating expansion of business into online lending services across 4 states.

▪ Pioneered network-banking expansion for Korean multinational companies into China, Indonesia, India, Indonesia, Brazil, and Turkey, providing the blueprint/model for other relationship managers to follow.

▪ Penetrated U.S. market, opening new office in Arizona, expanding relationships with retailers, distributors, and end-users, and securing product sales within 6 months.

▪ Drove significant revenue growth by introducing channel sales strategy, launching 5 new products in 3 years, and directing company expansion in Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia.

▪ Established infrastructure to support new $5+ million revenue stream, allowing shift into physical natural gas delivery, a highly strategic market differentiator for the company.

Have you led business growth or improved financial standing? In what way? What was the impact?

▪ Facilitated growth from $250 million to $1+ billion, leading due diligence and integration activities for 6 acquisitions in 4 years, evaluating targets, understanding potential synergies, and developing models.

▪ Built $53 million project pipeline with customers throughout the U.S., Asia, and Europe. Visited customers personally, ultimately transforming Voice of the Customer (VOC) to better meet market needs.

▪ Increased annual revenue $1.3M within a single year by expanding hospitalist services and implementing processes and protocols to ensure continuity of care.

▪ Built company from start up to profitability in just 18 months, achieving a height of $2 million sales with a steady 25% profit margin. Produced strong 6-figure shareholder distributions annually for primary investor.

▪ Rejuvenated lagging sales, within 2 years generating more than $200 million new gross sales annually—left huge momentum and great sales ideas and concepts that worked, many still in use today.

▪ Recruited an entire team of A-list talent – 6 experienced professionals – away from the competition, so the new company could “hit the ground running.” Expanded team to 34.

▪ Closed 3 acquisitions, including the largest in company history, which generated more than $10 million new annual revenue, won entry into 2 new industries, and established #2 market share and provided a first-to-market product in a key industry.

▪ Revitalized a stagnant territory that was ranked #250 of 250 for performance; within a single year brought in dozens of new customers and grew to rank in the top 5% of territories.

▪ Masterminded the launch, development, and P&L management of a small business within a competitive market, growing from $0 to $2 million while maintaining a strong 25% profit margin.

▪ Raised $75 million venture capital in a joint effort of the executive team.

▪ Returned struggling community health center to financial stability and ensured continuation of services by providing operational leadership and serving as community ambassador during merger with another entity.

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▪ Set the stage for continued business growth through acquisition and build out of a new production facility and equipment that simultaneously increased efficiency while lowering production costs.

▪ Fueled growth, innovation, and financial improvement as the visionary behind restructuring and new operating philosophy that propelled operating margins 30% higher to 52%, even during the depths of the economic recession.

▪ Changed the mindset, re-energizing this languishing branch and building sales momentum. In just 6 months, produced double-digit increase in annually recurring revenue and triple-digit increases in overall sales.

▪ Reversed sales decline and overachieved 1st year goal of 20% growth, delivering 37% sales increase for a total of $282 million revenue in 20XX.

▪ Prepared SaaS financial company for IPO. In just 18 months, created IPO strategy and framework, reengineered and upgraded IT infrastructure and systems, implemented business intelligence (BI) and reporting platform, established SOX compliance, crafted IT strategy, and hired new IT director.

▪ Built company from early stages as a small carrier (1 product, 1 state) to $35 million specialty insurer (multiple products, 30+ state licenses).

▪ Provided leadership to grow and professionalize this small, entrepreneurial business, more than doubling sales in the 1st year, then doubling them again in the 2nd year.

▪ Restarted growth of sales that had been flat for many years, generating significant year-over-year growth, including 122% in the 1st year, 109% in 2nd year, and continued growth throughout the next 8 years.

▪ Ignited sales and surpassed targets year over uear, bolstering annual revenue from $1M to $10M over tenure.

▪ Reversed 5-years of declining annual sales, achieved 7% growth after 1 year and 6% second year, and drove enrollment to full capacity.

▪ Navigated one of the most complex industries, transforming business concept into multi-award-winning, company with a nationwide footprint and placements in top retailers. Raised $5.5M in venture capital. Improved product margins up to 50%.

▪ Increased company scalability, slashed costs 40%+, and improved staff productivity 50% by focusing teams on prioritized projects for product development and sparing time for test tooling and partner selection.

▪ Led acquisition of 2 companies to sustain business growth and expand product offerings.

Did you solve a particularly challenging problem? How and what was the result?

▪ Solved critical customer service issue and ensured timely processing of orders by collaborating with order management and network teams to identify and resolve issues resulting from technology upgrade.

▪ Assigned frequently as “the fixer” to regions with most complex billing/coding issues (incomplete/errors), applying well-developed investigative skills to review requisitions, identify root cause, and resolve issues.

▪ Turned around EMEA operations in one year: reduced inventory $2.4M; lowered labor costs $350K; achieved savings of $400K from process efficiencies and engineering innovation, $200K from supply-chain improvements, and $150K from scrap reduction.

▪ Enabled $240,000+ in additional billing to be submitted to insurance companies within 2-year period by cleaning up 2,400+ outstanding accounts (out of 3,000) for largest region.

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▪ Increased revenue $4.5M/month by transforming partner relations, escalating productivity, and deterring labor disputes.

▪ Solved critical problem due to rapidly rising pharmaceutical prices. Produced $45 million in annual savings by leveraging strategic sourcing and negotiating deep discounts for national network of affiliates.

▪ Recovered 70% of annual losses resulting from produce spoilage and product returns by establishing and training employees to properly inventory and store food products.

▪ Helped unify a disconnected and siloed content distribution company that had grown rapidly through acquisitions but lacked integration. Developed and delivered ERP and BI roadmap designed to enable better focus on the core business by eliminating duplication, aligning business processes corporate-wide, and consolidating reporting.

▪ Charted an IT strategy and architecture framework based on SaaS and hybrid cloud that enabled an accelerated separation plan 2 years faster and at 50% of the cost that 2 Big-5 consulting companies had previously projected. Worked throughout engagement at locations in the U.S. and Paris and reported to key executives of the energy company and to private equity investors involved in the leveraged buyout.

▪ Restructured faulty outsourcing model, resulting in 10% lower costs and 30% improved uptime. Developed hosting strategy with projected 20% cost savings. Slashed budget from 5% to 4.5% of revenue while increasing services and head count.

▪ Within a competitive market with high levels of cost pressure, devised unique ways to cut costs for customers while maintaining profit margins—lowered expenses 15% and passed savings on to customers. Following launch of new patented solution, completely eliminated the competition

▪ Devised solution that recovered 99% of data that was encrypted by ransomware. Key actions included partnering with state police cybercrimes unit and digital forensics staff. Provided recommendations to handle any future issues.

▪ Reversed falling retail sales by transforming operational processes and developing top-performing sales teams to boost top and bottom-line growth, raising sales 200% within 18 months, and 300%+ after that.

▪ Replaced aging hardware systems with highly available, scalable solution to maximize access while minimizing and mitigating support issues. Achieved successful implementation with only 8 hours of scheduled, off-hours downtime.

▪ Received Honeywell Bronze Award after troubleshooting and correcting an F2 Power Supply CCA exploding capacitor anomaly by troubleshooting, identifying CCA supplier manufacturing errors, and coordinating corrections to prevent work stoppage.

▪ Reduced company liabilities/risk after uncovering potentially risky business decisions hampering company’s ability to thrive. Took corrective/preventive measures, shored up BoD governance structure, removed barriers stifling international fundraising, and clarified IP transfer/ownership.

Did you save your company money? How did you do it and how much did you save?

▪ Reduced IT headcount >65% by outsourcing network administration functions, saving nearly $200,000 and enabling company to focus on core business while expanding IT knowledge base.

▪ Saved $400,000+ annually by divesting 4 underperforming product lines while meeting obligations, negotiating agreements/sale of remaining contracts with 3 directors and selling 4th line to a national firm.

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▪ Delivered $200K in annual savings by transitioning the hospitalist service program to digital solutions that additionally allowed for real-time availability of provider notes, improved legibility, and reduction in physician queries by medical records personnel.

▪ Increased collections rate 22% and reduced operating expenses $330K by streamlining

▪ Saved total of $10M in 2 years through combined impact resulting from negotiation of more favorable vendor terms, discounts, and cost avoidance.

▪ Saved $.5 million by refinancing a 14% high yield note to a 4% commercial note.

▪ Decreased the debt-to-equity ratio more than 75%, to a low of just 30%.

▪ Saved $500K annually by assuming responsibility for 3 teams after team managers resigned.

▪ Produced $5M annual payroll savings after reducing workforce 33% to eliminate redundant positions.

▪ Delivered Oracle iProcurement enhancements critical to transforming highly decentralized procurement practices into structured, formalized, best-in-class process that resulted in $140+ million in savings.

▪ Reduced insurance premium increases 70%, saving $50,000 by soliciting bids and encouraging vendor competition.

▪ Faced with a $5 million, 14% seller note resulting from acquisition just prior to hire, established new banking relationship and negotiated refinancing at 4%, saving $500,000 in annual interest costs.

▪ Implemented waste reduction and cost-cutting programs that resulted in immediate $150,000 reduction in costs within first 45 days

▪ Saved $73K+ in material/labor costs by developing, pitching, and implementing economical expandable foam shipment system. Completed thorough assessment to determine packaging requirements for both plants, material analysis comparison, drop test to prove durability, and cost differential for the method.

▪ Delivered positive brand message with highly limited marketing budget, generating $2B+ in earned media/celebrity influencers and engaging consumers through social media (50K+ followers).

▪ Saved $400K over 5-year period by extending life of HEPA filtration system through use of new technology.

▪ Realized $36M in savings over 2 years, successfully navigating internal and customer resistance. Ensured global team implemented new Cost Down Packages (CDPs) according to plan, from design and process development to supplier selection, PV testing, and customer presentations.

▪ Decreased costs more than 50% for constructing new stores, translating to $1.4 million savings per location. Combined with inventory reductions, lowered average investment per store from $3.4 million to $1.5 million.

Did you design and/or institute any new system or process? Did you improve processes? What were the results?

▪ Spearheaded build-out of 3 data centers and development of company’s first business continuity plan (BCP). Successfully tested many times worldwide, ensuring business continuity through varied natural disasters.

▪ Increased annual revenue $35M and productivity 15% after restructuring critical spare parts procurement process, defining warehouse procedures, and implementing solution to avoid unnecessary downtime.

▪ Enhanced production planning and inventory management by creating process to forecast sales by month for individual SKUs by sales channel.

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▪ Achieved 50% improvement in customer churn rates as result of operational changes enabled by dramatic enhancements to financial reporting and analytics and implementation of new management reporting processes.

▪ Bolstered tracking of key financial targets and provided information to drive business by creating monthly scorecards for financial/product performance, operations efficiency, and margin improvement.

▪ Centralized purchases and enhanced with online ordering and outsourced inventory management, producing bulk savings that translated to 10% reduction per piece on BBH branded items--$50K savings annually.

▪ Eclipsed process improvement goals while meeting departmental initiatives of “doing more with less.” Developed organizational charts, tracked procurement orders to ensure swift approval process, and integrated cross-functional training program using best practice methodology.

▪ Avoided potentially huge risk and liability exposure and enabled ability of smaller companies to obtain non-owned auto coverage by authoring internal corporate policies governing the use of company-owned vehicles and personal vehicles on company business.

▪ Improved project profitability by creating repeatable, scalable processes for scoping, budgeting and project management, and ensuring on-time, on-budget completion.

▪ Enabled competitive advantage through reduced overhead via simplified technical architecture. Rationalized 10 heterogeneous storage systems into single robust scalable information platform including ROI < 3 years.

▪ Raised performance standards and changed culture of accounting team. Redesigned and strengthened internal controls, shortened close time, streamlined processes for standardization and efficiency, and adopted more contemporary management style to empower employees and build engagement.

▪ Reduced engineering troubleshooting time 50% by designing and leading development of auto-scaling telemetry ingestion pipeline capable of receiving tens of thousands of log messages per second, using AWS Kinesis, AWS Lambda, Firehose, S3, and Elasticsearch.

▪ Implemented document retention plan to safeguard business records that were transitioned with sale of company; currently working with IT developers to create new, more flexible solutions to meet needs of the growing business.

▪ Drove record EBITDA margin and operating cash flows in 20XX as result of new forecasting processes that provided foresight to make mid-year changes, improve operating results, and set the stage for strategic investments in 20XX and 20XX.

▪ Modified rigid product development process with agile engineering “build, test, refine” cycles to significantly reduce new product development cycle time; completed 13+ design cycles in 3.5 years, rapidly turning unknowns into knowns and producing 2 product platforms per market.

Did you do something that increased efficiency? What was it and what was the impact?

▪ Published month-end statements 6 days earlier and enabled production of on-time annual budgets by automating processes and designing integrated systems.

▪ Achieved 40% reduction in close time, achieving management goal of 3-day close by evaluating existing process, prioritizing tasks, and modifying staff schedules to maintain morale despite workload increase.

▪ Heightened efficiency and productivity throughput across sales, marketing, and customer service as a result of instituting and fully adopting a new CRM platform.

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▪ Increased efficiency 25% by delegating and fostering greater accountability across the team within high-volume, deadline-driven environment.

▪ Drove landmark cross-regional aggregation of purchasing volume that strategically aligned 7 hospitals, raising buying power from $40M to $192M.

▪ Produced stable sales levels with 45% less capital equipment and 15% fewer human resources. Optimized organizational structure and drove continuous improvement using Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma techniques.

▪ Reduced budget $200K by streamlining operation and maintenance (O&M) division resulting in efficient plant operations.

▪ Increased customer response time ~75% after establishing efficient client-service model that tracked and organized requests.

▪ Enhanced efficiency and access to monthly reports, eliminating 8 hours of work monthly by teaming with technology services to establish reports online.

▪ Reduced data load time from 14 hours to 20 minutes and simultaneously improved quality of data from 22% to 99.9% by implementing Siebel Analytics. Increased service levels 75% as result of stabilizing broken and outdated ERP system within just 180 days of hire.

▪ Improved department’s efficiency and accountability by making successful pitch for purchase and implementation of project management software to track complaints and projects, provide notifications of upcoming due dates, and increase ability to plan examination activities a year in advance.

▪ Consolidated 6 disparate systems into a single, unified solution that is capable of being maintained in-house.

▪ Realized ROI within 2 years through simplified deployment and IT system management and additional return in < 3 years by reducing operational overhead and increasing responsiveness.

▪ Delivered $300K cost-savings through introduction of highly efficient paperless validation system that reduced errors and provided automated documentation workflow solution.

▪ Eliminated process bottlenecks and increased efficiency of expense reporting and reimbursement by leading the purchase, customization, and implementation of a fully automated technology solution. Achieved a successful launch, with the system fully deployed and all staff trained within 6 months.

Did you do something that increased productivity? By what percentage or amount?

▪ Reduced product testing time 70-80%, bench testing 50%, and manual bench testing 90%.

▪ Assumed full control for reporting activities (previously handled by 6 employees) and created more robust, relevant, and professional reports, meeting all deadlines.

▪ Contributed to continuous improvement, consistently ranking #1/#2 for highest ratio of calls to CRM cases, categorizing/documenting customer issues to enable marketing to follow up and avoid escalation.

▪ Managed increased volume in patient charges after a company acquisition, adding 100 new providers. Reviewed provider documentation to ensure service levels aligned with submitted charges.

▪ Ranked in top 10% company-wide for averaging 120+ calls daily to generate interest from prospective customers.

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▪ Restored order to office and cleared up backlog of complaints and investigations regarding health insurance (LAH) products within first 2 months.

▪ Slashed quality operations costs $8M/year through workforce reduction while boosting productivity 15% through implementation of 20 strategic operational excellence projects and site-productivity plans that enhanced efficiency without negative impacts to operations.

▪ Achieved 40% productivity increase through applications tracking system that provided greater visibility and control for the document workflow.

▪ Maintained productivity of 86% vs. 71% by peer-coworkers.

▪ Maximized employee productivity by creating a location-agnostic computing and communications experience. Further enhanced department efficiency by eliminating overlapping duties and aligning roles with capabilities.

▪ Played pivotal role in improving on-time delivery from 60% to 98% as well as enhanced additional metrics, such as lead times through more efficient production scheduling and shop-flow process.

Did you meet a deadline through extra effort? If so, what difference did this make to your company?

▪ Impressed leaders, C-suite, and colleagues with speed of acclimation, incremental reports, and turnaround of work, as well as volume/quality of output, deep problem-solving skills, and attention to detail.

▪ Managed on-time, on-budget $20M remodel of 6 floors of the company’s Boston office building.

▪ Delivered 80+ programs for major transformation on time and on budget and grew the IT team 55% within first 2 years, supporting 30% revenue growth and 41% increase in head count while holding IT budget at 5% of revenue.

▪ Took over in-progress project; challenged to achieve full functionality for internal technology infrastructure and full connection to external technology within tight timeframe. Completed move back into renovated facility within specified 2-week period and generated savings of approximately $120,000 on temporary-unit rental and 50% discount on networking hardware.

▪ Migrated 60+ clients (over 100+ funds) from _____ into ______’s network system on schedule and within 12 months. Acted as point person for all questions and worked across departments to handle onboarding with accountants, setup team, and internal tech teams.

▪ Launched new eCommerce website (built on SAP Hybris) in <9 months, on time and on budget.

▪ Met time-sensitive schedule within budget while implementing excavation plan, including above and below grade demolition of outdated natural gas regulator station, entailing backfill placement to accommodate new facility build-out.

▪ Oversaw closure of 10 historic mine-waste sites, remediation of 700 commercial and residential properties, and construction of an on-site waste cell for future urban development. Achieved project completion $2.5M below available funding.

▪ Completed 100% of project milestones before deadlines, applying outstanding organizational skills, time management, and action-item prioritization strategies.

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▪ Identified deficiencies and established recovery plans in floundering projects, achieving on-time launch in North America, and remaining projects readied for successful European and Asia-Pacific launches. Preserved business representing $250M lifetime revenue including incremental $110M awarded after initial launches.

▪ Delivered 100% of customer orders within set timeframe, never missing product delivery deadline. Worked extended hours when warranted.

▪ Turned around a troubled, time-sensitive project, a high-volume truck rear-brake program, in 6 short months. Delivered prelaunch build parts on time and led launch with no major issues.

Did you lead any major or particularly challenging projects? Did you deliver on time or under budget? How much and what was the impact on your company?

▪ Managed successful migration—in spite of extreme customization—by engaging teams to unprecedented rates of productivity, up to 200% amid 80-hour work weeks, and with zero team attrition.

▪ Led team in developing robust, one-of-a-kind department website, considered a model nationwide, allowing online project assignment and service request submittals for greater efficiency.

▪ Orchestrated $12M remodel of feed mill operation (projected 5-7-year ROI) and purchase of up to $10M in equipment annually. Designed, planned, and built 5,000 sf office building.

▪ Met all deadlines for a large-scale, time critical project involving coordination with 90 counterparties to replace $400 million in parent company guarantees, resulting in a seamless transition to transacting business under the new structure while ensuring virtually zero disruption to business operations.

▪ Improved scalability by overhauling and upgrading IT, including implementing ERP and connecting 7 manufacturing locations to new transportation and logistics software and allowing major customers access to real time data on production, delivery, and inventory.

▪ Closed security gaps and increased SLA from 80% to 99% by revamping global network, firewall, and wireless with stronger security for all major sites. Standardized architecture while providing a high availability, seamless experience.

▪ Deployed security strategy and scorecard in just 6 months, 50% faster than plan.

▪ Created strategy and plan to consolidate 6 data centers, 1,100+ servers, and 50+ applications. Piloted server architecture to reduce the number of servers 60+% in 12 months.

▪ Managed project to implement corrective action plan in large insurance company that had overcharged its customers. Oversaw installation of new policies and tools that improved practices and operations and met with company monthly to audit test results.

▪ Managed exhaustive process that migrated 120 funds from _______’s accounting platform to _______ ‘s system and developed/mapped 500+ portfolio-management accounting reports.

▪ Drafted plans and piloted through continuous challenges and complexities prior to closing of the business, such as liquidating 5 subsidiaries, overseeing HR matters/claims, administering regulatory actions, directing retention of extensive records to transfer to buyer, and completing financial reporting/statements and final tax returns.

▪ Spearheaded 14-month project that replaced outdated forecasting and budgeting technology with state-of-the-art software solution that integrated with the general ledger platform and provided advanced reporting capabilities providing business leaders much greater insight into operations.

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▪ Delivered 2 major strategic freight system projects that replaced outmoded legacy systems plagued by 15-year history of frequent outages, numerous failed modernization efforts, millions in financial losses, and merchandise-delivery delays.

▪ Provided executive oversight on capital projects up to $4.5M; projects ranged from 90 days to 2 years to develop, design, and install loading and unloading equipment for manufacturers.

▪ Built a scalable infrastructure to meet the needs of the growing organization, overseeing a $350,000 renovation project to reconfigure existing office space; renegotiated a 6-year lease renewal of 10,000 sq. ft. of office space, saving $165,000 through an allowance for construction improvements.

Did you suggest and/or help launch a new product or program? What was the result?

▪ Launched 4 cutting-edge technology products in 3 years, growing net sales a combined total of $25 million.

▪ Created and marketed multiple programs, winning up to 85% of the market and #1 ranking for customer participation.

▪ Grew company to dominate the market with the development, invention, and introduction of an industry-pioneering solution that saved customers 10s and 100s of thousands of dollars while propelling profit margins to more than 90%.

▪ Played central role in achieving profitability in South Korea within 1 year, partnering with country team to develop new specialty-service line; currently planning to introduce to other regions based on success.

▪ Conceptualized, designed, and launched website offering merchandise with 30-50% profit margins. Boosted social media traffic, streamlined logistics/shipping, and established customer care system.

▪ Developed generic automation solution with leading-edge IoT capabilities within one year. Low-cost solution gained widespread global acceptance.

▪ Introduced 6 new products to market; won multiple awards, including national and international industry honors.

▪ Positioned 2 key product solutions and closed a flagship OEM relationship that resulted in acquisition.

▪ Took the initiative to study and learn chemistry and the microbiological field, personally researching and using personal time to practice learnings in the laboratory. Used learnings to achieve what others had thought impossible—creating microbiological solutions for wastewater treatment. Won 2 U.S. patents for solutions developed.

▪ Created self-sufficient offices within region and ranked as top 3 leader in quota achievement and large account sales by piloting/rolling out new program and educating 11 new reps at 9 local offices to maximize direct- and channel-sales.

▪ Drove more than 90 product introductions and releases in 5 years.

▪ Invented and patented an industry-first microbiological solution to market needs that dramatically drove down costs for customers while more than tripling profit margins (300+% increased). Within the 1st account implemented, saved customer $500,000 annually while producing $350,000 higher gross profit.

▪ Developed new $940K annual revenue stream by developing and growing region’s continuous care program.

▪ Enabled estimated 10-20% improvement in speed-to-market for core products by relentlessly driving adoption of flexible, scalable new technologies and development tools.

▪ Increased productivity and sped time-to-market by conceiving, designing, and launching multilingual software development framework that enabled build-out of multilingual web applications with a single code base.

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▪ Served on iPod development committee, influencing product’s long-term strategy; contributed to original iPhone launch.

▪ Developed highly successful reseller support program and created web-based tool that increased awareness while reducing cost.

▪ Launched pioneering loyalty program, attracting 1 million visitors in first 12 months and 133% higher sales-per-customer.

▪ Bolstered launch profitability, reducing BoM-to-sell ratio 1.2% and improving other profit targets from quote to launch by monitoring costs and leading cross-functional actions, such as supplier negotiations and price increases.

▪ Pioneered creative and media plan, the ________ Club campaign, reaching 2 million views in first 2 weeks.

▪ Introduced innovative concept and launched new store format that helped cement an edge and protect against encroaching competition. Defended against a competing foreign entity by acquiring grocery facilities.

Have you made recommendations or worked on initiatives that have improved products or internal/external services? What was the result?

▪ Shortened product time-to-market 27% by creating reusable code that reduced firmware development delays.

▪ Helped restructure leadership-development program (LD) as member of modification team charged with overcoming high program attrition and expediting progression to associate director role from 3-5 years to 6-9 months. Changes included lengthening program to 18 months.

▪ Managed rebrand of legacy products, in addition to coordinating outsourcing to reduce cost for legacy products maintenance and prolonging product life span.

▪ Saved $3M annually on R&D spend while shortening environment provisioning time from 5 days to 20 minutes by redesigning development data center to provide a hybrid/elastic cloud with infrastructure as a service.

▪ Created new $20 million stream of gross written premiums (GWP) and 17% cross-sell revenue growth by developing and launching new transportation liability product for existing channel.

▪ Reallocated $1 million to optimize return on investment by reinvesting in system improvements, system tools, and key performance indicators that enhanced delivery capabilities of the IT organization.

▪ Facilitated 20% savings of development costs by championing and introducing a new tool which improved code review efficiency and efficacy, thereby reducing source code defects 30%.

▪ Sliced new product development times in half and reduced overall launch costs 40% through systematic restructuring of new product introduction processes. Reorganized engineering and operations, upgraded leadership talent, created rigorous reviews, and installed project management and IT tools.

▪ Launched >85 new projects and major changes, many as part of programs with significant system design and development responsibility. Led change review and implementation of design, process, and supplier changes for current-production products. Managed 700 changes in 6 years, averaging 100 changes simultaneously.

▪ Commercialized technology that increased plant reliability, reduced maintenance costs, and supported component level calculations - led to over $2.5 million in sales and reputation as leader in the field.

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▪ Positioned consulting business for expansion in domestic and international markets, securing projects in South Korea, Japan, and the UK. Drove 65% revenue growth and enabled ability to sustain revenue levels in a deregulated power industry.

Did you introduce any new or more effective techniques for increasing quality? What was the result?

▪ Achieved 98% compliance rate on first audit vs. 7% projected rate by introducing process, system, and staffing improvements. Led to expanded visa allocation (well-above competitors), translating to program growth.

▪ Lowered rate of clinical errors 26% across all clinics by developing and launching quality improvement initiatives, risk management and utilization systems, and education programs.

▪ Improved quarterly chart review scores to target of 80% or greater by creating quality dashboard and reviewing with leadership and program directors. Engaged supervisors/clinicians in monthly audits, automated scoring process, and maintained compliance with accreditation/managed care plan requirements.

▪ Strengthened data quality 50% and improved processes 40% while achieving 99% uptime by implementing cloud-based integration. Currently migrating point-to-point integrations to more scalable API model with a lower IT total cost of ownership.

▪ Increased probability of clean external audits with no findings. Developed, trained, and led technical team to handle complex transactions arising from new adoptions ASC 606 and ASC 842. Wrote internal controls to ensure strong, transparent documentation and reviews and clear audit trails.

Did you improve communications or teamwork/collaboration? If so, with whom and what was the outcome?

▪ Rated continuously as tier-one employee/leader throughout 5-year tenure and played instrumental role in creating productive, positive, team culture that challenges team members to achieve their fullest potential.

▪ Led development of new communication platform that included weekly internal newsletter for 15,000 financial advisors, decreasing unread emails 60%.

▪ Forged important cross-divisional partnerships with sales operations team by discussing issues and preventing problems to positively impact productivity. Resulted in a collaborative and productive working relationship, transforming a “we/they” mentality to an “us” mentality.

▪ Heightened business value delivery 25%+ points. Eliminated redundancies and established unity and cooperation. Increased quality, productivity, motivation, and professionalism to all-time highs by realigning staff responsibilities with individuals’ abilities and aptitude.

▪ Led through influence and collaborated with U.S./European communication teams. Opened up inter-regional information sharing for first time while introducing international brand, social media strategy, and unified message.

▪ Developed effective communication strategy, improving media relations to turn negative press more positive across all 25 projects assigned.

▪ Rewarded the highest performing employees, increasing production efficiency while producing labor savings. Improved employee benefits to encourage and incentivize quality and efficiency throughout the operation.

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▪ Transformed the organizational culture. Implemented staff training, filled 9 vacant positions, and created a more positive, results-empowering team culture that achieved 100% employee retention during tenure.

▪ Eliminated costly communication errors with onsite “pre-construction walkdowns” to ensure contractors were fully informed of permitting conditions, plans, and environmental and safety issues before breaking ground.

▪ Galvanized company by committing a consistent portion of bottom-line results to be shared with all employees, rewarding employees for sharing viable ideas to fuel company growth and profitability.

▪ Transformed previously ineffective and problematic IT department into a high efficiency, team-based organization. Eliminated redundancies and established unity between European and American departments.

▪ Recruited, hired, and developed staff, achieving 95%+ retention rate; facilitated 80% promotions to leadership positions.

▪ Improved spirit of cooperation internally by encouraging employees to rotate across key departments to gain insight into inner workings of each function.

▪ Rebuilt and rejuvenated an ineffective, low-morale leadership team, replacing non-performers, terminating policy abusers, and restaffing all key disciplines, filling management vacancies in accounting, merchandising, and marketing.

▪ Transitioned hourly and salaried staff to pay-for-performance. Retained 100% of team and without a single complaint, even after cutting officers’ pay 50% and managers’ pay 25% when cash flow tightened.

Did you increase profits? How did you do it and by how much?

▪ Decreased number of SKUs 25% and boosted profits 5%, teaming with marketing, sales, and manufacturing to identify and cull low performers.

▪ Contributed to profit and revenue gains by bolstering overall program value through well-received quality initiatives allowing 20% program-pricing increase. Reduced “upsell” program costs 12% in 1 year, boosting profit margin.

▪ Partnered with CEO, in just 18 months reversing -$11M losses to +$9M profits, raising Moody’s outlook rating from ‘negative’ to ‘stable.’

▪ Doubled profitability in the first year, delivering additional $2M to the bottom line as result of increased efficiency combined with cost savings.

▪ Unlocked 7% improvement in margins within 6 months and 10% within the first year through a variety of strategies that cut delivery costs.

▪ Stemmed €500,000+ annual losses immediately and propelled turnaround to achieve record €10 million profit in 2015.

▪ Served as change agent, with sales skyrocketing ~100%, from $26M to $50M during tenure, and gross profits increasing from 27% to 36+%, to become dominant force in market. Grew team from 9 to 28 to meet demand.

▪ Achieved substantial year-over-year profit increases (5-year average pretax return on revenue of 13.6%), leading to multiple acquisition offers from highly respected insurance companies.

▪ Applied financial controls and systems to generate 25.4% increase of organization’s EBITDA.

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▪ Returned company from losses to profitability, reaching $8.5 million in operating earnings in 2 years, then growing an additional 370% to $40 million over the next 3 years. Increased EBITDA from $11.5 million to $70 million in same time period.

▪ Spurred 25% revenue growth by implementing strategic vendor changes, capturing key new customers, and producing U.S.-made products. Fueled up to 30% profit increase by diversifying product offerings while reducing supplier costs.

▪ Grew both revenue and profitability by double-digits in 5 of 6 businesses and launched new start up business that grew from $0 to $5 million sales in just 6 months.

▪ Drove 35% profit increase while maintaining quality service by revising customer strategies and logistics.

▪ Devised and led implementation of global business strategy to grow sales across North America, Europe, and Latin America, realizing 57% revenue growth and 20% profit increase.

▪ Delivered profit margins 3X the industry benchmark by focusing the entire organization on the customer, technology, service, new product development, and operational excellence.

▪ Increased revenue 20% and profits 17% after restructuring sales management team and training strategy.

▪ Achieved 14 years of consecutive gross-margin growth both in dollars and percentage performance through superior customer segmentation pricing techniques, first-to-market product innovations, SKU lifecycle management, and by leveraging AEP’s best-in-class supply chain systems and lean manufacturing strategies.

▪ Exceeded bottom-line operating profit target by +3.0%. Improved working to nonworking A&P budget plan and increased market spend ROI 50%+ (2x industry benchmark for social media engagement). Overdelivered equity-impression KPIs 25%+.

▪ Increased orders 100% in 2018 and propelled YoY EBIT +13 percentage points. Positioned for breakthrough growth in 2019, based on Q1 19 results, on track to increase revenue to a height of $35+M.

Did you improve customer relationships? Under what circumstances and what were the results?

▪ Enhanced customer service/retention and increased program completion rates from 90% to 97% while reducing participant reassignments 25% by identifying gaps/solutions to better serve competing needs of multiple stakeholders. Reduced costs, refunds, and lost business while improving field staff retention 40%.

▪ Grew patient referrals 20% by creating and implementing marketing campaign to outside primary physicians.

▪ Held 3 global customer events per year to maintain and grow business relationships with existing customers. Documented global-event survey results with 99% of respondents rating the event as excellent on all metrics.

▪ Established Voice of the Customer (VoC) program to improve organizational understanding of the customer.

▪ Repaired lucrative relationship with millions of dollars at risk; rebuilt to a “trusted partner” and generated $2 million new business (100% increase).

▪ Recognized by affiliate-customers for outstanding service and as a leader who accomplished more in a short time frame than anyone who had ever worked for the organization.

▪ Instituted new voice of the customer (VOC) survey that integrated net promoter score (NPS) and other customer experience measures, increasing account response rate from 83% to 100% from 2019 to 2020. Enabled leadership team’s ability to proactively identify potential attrition and needed improvements.

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▪ Achieved 99% customer retention across 600+ hospitals/health systems.

▪ Implemented clinical pathways to standardize patient care and consistently achieved >95% compliance with the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) core measure targets for pneumonia, CHF, and COPD. Maintained average length of stay at target of 4.2 days and remained $300K under budget.

▪ Staved off the competition and formed stronger account relationships, engaging 50% of previously apathetic C-suite customers in networking events allowing a forum for delivery of strategic loyalty initiatives.

▪ Turned around at-risk accounts and transformed dissatisfied customers into advocates, opening new lines of communication that rejuvenated relationships.

▪ Improved extremely poor customer satisfaction to 90% by rapidly stabilizing faulty CRM application. Corrected integration between ERP, CRM, and Bug Tracking by designing and deploying services-oriented architecture (SOA) in 6 months. Improved quality of code 50% with standardized libraries and centralized code repository.

▪ Launched pioneering loyalty program, attracting 1M visitors in first 12 months and 133% higher sales-per-customer.

▪ Rescued relationship with high-priority client by delivering multiple customized production releases resulting in renewed contract and expansion of portfolio. Prevented 3 additional clients from becoming at-risk by documenting and implementing requirements.

▪ Converted at-risk “Platinum” client into satisfied customer within 1 year— recouping nearly 50 out of 150 funds that had been pulled from the firm—by effectively working with accounting team to gather and document critical needs, directly vetting requirements with vendor’s business analysts, providing timely estimates to client, and delivering necessary services and upgrades.

▪ Repaired lucrative relationship with millions of dollars at risk; rebuilt to a “trusted partner” and generated $2 million new business (100% increase).

▪ Salvaged customer relationship by resolving a seemingly complicated problem that shut customer down on mission-critical project for 2 weeks. Corrected situation in less than one hour by backtracking to root cause instead of simply addressing individual symptoms.

▪ Maintained 99.9% client retention, serving as ambassador and face of the company. Met with diverse client base on renewals, price negotiations, and SLAs as well as tradeshows/conferences.

Were you involved in any negotiations? What was your role? How did this benefit the company?

▪ Bolstered global expansion, negotiating partnership agreements with CEOs and other senior management of companies in Singapore, Bulgaria, Panama, and Israel to provide sales, education, and logistical support throughout Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Central America.

▪ Delivered annual $1.2M savings on a 10-year lease through renegotiation of renewal terms.

▪ Cut costs 50% by re-negotiating key vendor contracts.

▪ Negotiated agreements and achieved 4-fold expansion of vendor base while holding price increases to 40% below market.

▪ Captured $39M additional revenue by negotiating commercial initiatives and modifying shareholder agreements.

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▪ Secured 5-year/$92M technical-staff service contract after lobbying shareholders/government officials, investigating industry precedents, and negotiating acceptable terms and conditions (T&C), which circumvented arbitration.

▪ Initiated ~$4M annual bottom-line cost savings after negotiating mutually beneficial take-or-pay gas contract.

▪ Saved 18% in 2009 through contract renegotiations and re-bids; created cost savings template as tool for all company properties in region.

▪ Provided negotiations expertise that helped land 50-year contract with $10 million investment, forecasted to generate $1+ million annually.

▪ Raised $2.3 million start-up capital in first-round fundraising; currently in discussion with investors expected to raise additional $6 million.

▪ Solidified 2 major deals with a top 5 financial institution: first prepaid mobile application deal ($675k in annual revenue) and large GPR prepaid processing deal ($3.5MM in annual revenue over deal).

▪ Negotiated joint ventures in Philippines and South Korea to create 24-hour local channels and subsequently created stand-alone Southeast Asia division following distribution success in region.

▪ Helped negotiate court-approved settlement with ~80% of partners in large law-firm bankruptcy case; contributed to complex liquidation analysis to determine insolvency date and calculate equity-partner clawback claims.

▪ Negotiated rate increase with largest client, accounting for ~30% of company's business. Evaluated data to determine trucking expenses based on mileage and presented findings to client.

Have you done anything to help control costs? What did you do? What was the impact?

▪ Contained annual health insurance costs to single-digit YoY increases by researching options and developing self-funded strategy to balance organization savings with employee value.

▪ Reduced bank-transfer costs 76% and overhead 10% as well as eliminated related compliance burden by outsourcing such banking activities, halting need for costly, time-consuming, in-house efforts.

▪ Saved $500K in hospitalist vendor fees as result of leading and managing transition from private-contracted hospitalist group to a hospital-employed model while retaining all hospitalist providers.

▪ Introduced shared-cost model to achieve 15% budget cuts, avoiding department layoffs and maintaining service levels.

▪ Exceeded first-year expectations, generating 114% of revenue goal and holding expenses 15% under plan.

▪ Lowered 5-year lease costs $2.5M by relocating data center to colocation that not only produced savings but improved functionality and allowed for more scalability.

▪ Positioned company as lowest-cost producer in the industry, creating greater profitability and market flexibility while delivering savings to customers. Earned recognition as supplier of the year for key OEMs.

▪ Saved 54% on IT purchases as result of new vendor management and selection process.

▪ Generated 50% of traffic organically (Google) reducing media spend and increasing marketing ROI.

▪ Uncovered and delivered savings in excess of 12% of corporate IT budget through major savings initiatives, implemented concurrently with performance improvement initiatives.

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▪ Cut budget from 10% of revenue to 8% while improving services and uptime and expanding headcount 22 people.

▪ Rectified vendor cost and reliability issues, achieving 99% availability within 6 months of terminating contract and establishing infrastructure and applications team; system handled hundreds of millions of transactions daily as transaction volume increased 33%; reduced costs 50% within first 3 years, while transaction load doubled.

▪ Saved >25% per year while creating increased competition and agility by establishing each tower as its own outsourcing arrangement.

▪ Achieved 17% annual savings on $1.5M spend by rebidding military jet-fuel additive supply.

▪ Exceeded $1M savings target, consolidating 3 tool rooms to reduce fulfillment time and cut costs $250K. Also integrated recent refinery acquisition.

▪ Partnered with new CEO to establish path to recovery and counter impact of recession, lowering costs 50% by outsourcing HR and reducing financial reporting cycle 60%. Bridged interests and built trust and consensus between internal/external stakeholders with competing priorities and opinions.

Did you do something to correct inconsistencies or errors? What was the result?

▪ Stabilized the department and increased accuracy of monthly analysis that guides shareholder decisions, improving understanding of financial performance by developing weekly, monthly, and YTD analysis.

▪ Boosted efficiency/consistency while reducing errors by automating and documenting procedures. Focused on covenant analysis, monthly payment schedules, entire payment process, quarterly monitoring reporting, and occupancy. Improved communication by cleaning the shared email system.

▪ Prevented losses by researching and analyzing loan documents to identify and ensure miscalculated invoices as high as $500M were corrected.

▪ Improved RFP process and eliminated accidental creation of non-compliant plans by working closely with team and IT department to adapt and implement Plan Design Tool (PDT) which provides state-specific cost sharing ranges and exclusions and to automate process.

▪ Cleaned email database of 200,000 customers and introduced brand-consistent email style guide and templates.

▪ Reduced human error and digitized critical internal documents by working with IT department and supervisor to co-create an ASH customer database.

Have you ever done anything to increase cash flow? What did you do? What was the result?

▪ Grew mobile-app sales to $57K per month from $28K per month through a targeted email campaign. Directed design layout, employed A/B testing, and utilized audience engagement methods.

▪ Facilitated $3 million expansion of credit facility and 2 subsequent amendments which enabled adequate working capital to support organizational growth.

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▪ Delivered $1.1 million free cash flow by conceptualizing and implementing unique foreign subsidiary capitalization program.

▪ Bolstered cash flow $280,000 annually by actively prioritizing engagements, minimizing risk exposure, and optimizing margins.

▪ Eliminated 8 figures in debt and recorded $7 million in cash on the balance sheet by 2011, and in 2012 drove double-digit, year-over-year growth in 3 businesses, producing 30% increase in consolidated profitability.

▪ Increased cash flow 15% and lowered collections by introducing online bill-pay capability.

▪ Elevated monthly billing 589% to >$330,000 with a 28% profit margin.

▪ Improved cash flow after recession by instilling importance of timely collections for reimbursable tooling, speeding up days-to-pay 45% YOY; eliminated outstanding dollars owed, in some cases for more than 2 years.