NAFSA Career Speaker Series 2016: Fear, Failure, & Creativity: Daring Greatly in the Workplace

Fear, Failure, & Creativity: Daring Greatly in the Workplace

Transcript of NAFSA Career Speaker Series 2016: Fear, Failure, & Creativity: Daring Greatly in the Workplace

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Fear, Failure, & Creativity: Daring Greatly in the Workplace

Page 2: NAFSA Career Speaker Series 2016: Fear, Failure, & Creativity: Daring Greatly in the Workplace

The Plan


Recap from Last Year’s Presentation

Poll: How creative is your daily work?

Play with Possibility

Make Space for Creative Work

When Does Failing Become Unproductive?


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Samantha Martin CEO & Co-Founder, Via TRM

And before…

Study Abroad Advisor, SUNY New Paltz

Youth Exchange Officer, Rotary International

N. Ireland Country Coordinator, Educational Cultural Exchanges

Program Coordinator, Int’l Ed. Programs @ Jacksonville U.


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Natalie M. Garrett Director of Marketing & Customer Experience

And before…

Internship Team, GlobaLinks Learning Abroad

University Relations, EUSA Academic Internships

MA in Higher Ed & Org Change UCLA GSE

Undergraduate Admissions: Northeastern University, Marymount College, Prescott College


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Recap from Last Year- Failure is not the other ‘F’ word.

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Recap from Last Year- Failure is not the other ‘F’ word.

What does it look

like to learn from

failure instead of run

from it?

Failure is private to

me. I learn a lot from

failure on my own.

I don’t feel

comfortable or safe

talking about failure

in my professional


I have some great

failure stories. My

friends & colleagues

know them too!

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How to stifle your creativity in 10 easy steps

1. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

2. Remind yourself of all the times that you failed in the past.

3. Never waste time. Stay constantly busy.

4. Always try to fit in.

5. Stick to what you know.

6. Always defer to authority.

7. Don’t ask stupid questions.

8. Always listen to your Inner Critic. It’s there to stop you making a fool of yourself.

9. Leave thinking to the experts.

10. Keep it simple, stupid.

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Poll: How creative is your daily work?

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Play with Possibility

Creativity Blocks

• “I’m not a creative person”

• “I have to get it right the first time….or else [fill in the blank]”

• “I don’t have time for creativity”

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Make Space for Creative Work

Cultivate creativity. Think of it as a muscle you can use every day! Ideas…

• Sensory experience

• Spontaneous decision making

• Getting “lost”

• Unplug. No screens allowed during this time or in this space!

• Curiosity through questions

• Read something off the wall

• Write

• Move that body!

• Debate

• Gratitude practice

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When Does Failing Become Unproductive?

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When Does Failing Become Unproductive?

The Bright Side of a Terrible Job- Opportunities to Dare Greatly

• What do you have to lose?

• Risks- Take them all, you’ll learn a lot.

• Be as creative as possible.

• Boundaries: Make them and practice them- The right people will respect you for them.

• Speak your truth, even if it sounds ridiculous in your head.

• Use non-work hours to explore your passions and do the things that light you up.

• Reflect on your values: How much more of this are you willing to take?

• Learn what NOT to do.

Watch for our blog in July:

Trying & Failing? When Learning From Failure Becomes Unproductive

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Discussion: How can you bring creativity into YOUR daily life & work?

Don’t forget to rate our presentation on the NAFSA app!

Samantha Martin CEO & Co-Founder [email protected]

Natalie M. Garrett Director of Marketing & Customer Experience [email protected]

Want to continue the conversation? Let’s take a walk to our booth: 2305