N57 Interactive : Introduction To Beacons 2015

www.n57interactive.se Interactive Customer Experience Solutions For Retail PLANNING LOCATIONAL BASED COMMS WITH BEACONS // 2015

Transcript of N57 Interactive : Introduction To Beacons 2015

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Interactive Customer Experience Solutions For Retail


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“Interactions with advertised products increased by 19x for users who received a beacon message”

“In-store app usage was 16.5x greater for users who received a beacon message”

“Shoppers who received a beacon message were 6.4x more likely to keep an app on their phone, versus those

who did not.”

Source: Inmarket usage study May 2014

Believe the hype!

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Beacons, Positioning and Location Based communications matter

This presentation is about Beacons. What they are. How to use them. And how we can help you optimise them to deliver powerful local-based marketing performance for your business.

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Beacons are small Bluetooth LE transmitters that let our mobile devices know exactly where we are in the world. Inside and out. Allowing our devices to then receive digital content that has been assigned to us, specifically for that location.*

*depending on the nature of the content strategy, preference detail and proximity objective of the Beacon

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In Short

They open up a whole new level of o n e - t o - o n e , h y p e r r e l e v a n t communication between your business and its customers. With the ‘potential’ to significantly improve key aspects of your business such as sales, loyalty and Customer Experience as a whole.

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…because technology can never do it alone. It needs our common-

sense, acumen and creativity to be put it to Good use.

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But back to basics first….

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The Technical Stuff

Beacons are Bluetooth LE devices that transmit a signal. (NB NOT bluetooth)

Devices sense the Beacon signal and based on the signal strength, decides how far away it is, and where it is.

And not just mobile devices; it works with any enabled devices, mobile or wearable.

The signal works within a range of 1m - 20m, and we can define 2 - 3 proximity ranges

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Hang on, can’t I do that with GPS?

Yes and no.

GPS is helpful in telling you your geographical ‘Location’.

But it’s range is limited and it doesn’t work inside.

Beacons, and Bluetooth LE does

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The Difference

I’m here.. I’m ‘right’ here…GPS Beacons

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You can now deliver content and experiences to people’s mobile devices,

based on their precise ‘Proximity’ to physical things, locations and areas

across your business.

So what?

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Goal: Increase sales of women shoes

Content: Send all female customers redeemable voucher

Interface: Create stand alone ‘Deal’ App

Beacons: Indoor, positioned at store entrance and in women’s shoe aisle

Example 1 (retail)

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Goal: Delight visitors and deepen their experience

Content: Hidden, exclusive interactive educational guides, support images and audio guides

Interface: Integrate with existing Museum App

Beacons: Indoor, positioned beside key paintings and exhibits

Example 2 (museum)

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Goal: Increase foot traffic by offering passing shoppers free cake with every coffee, on a Saturday mornings.

Content: Send people a redeemable voucher scheduled between 8am and 11am

Interface: Integrate into existing Mall App

Beacons: Outdoor and indoor, positioned outside Mall entrance, cafe entrance and at key traffic points

Example 3 (cafe)

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There’s a fine line between using Beacons for delivering smart, value-adding personalised experiences, and creating a push notification



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W h y , w h e r e , customer journey, traffic hot spots, wifi l imitat ions, benchmarking


N e w a p p , integrating with e x i s t i n g , platforms, devices

Content & CMS

Type , p re fe rence based, s tandard , r e d e e m a b l e , scheduled, analytics, language


Where, which type, m a n a g e m e n t , c h a n g e a b l e , placement, testing

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Other key considerations

1) Assigning resource to manage the content and health check beacons

2) Marketing and activating your local-base comms programme and App

3) Wifi vs network strength across customer journey

4) Effective use of analytics available

5) Correct positioning and management of Beacons

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N 5 7 i s a n i n t e r a c t i v e communications consultancy. We help brands use interactive technology to engage their consumers and create better business.


about us

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This is our specialist retail division. Assisting retail brands and retail centres plan and create interactive solutions that deliver compelling customer experience and better business.

It’s a collaboration between 3 retail specialists…

about retail

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client list3

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solutionsWe’re always strategically driven. Our creativity and innovation starts when the consumer and commercial insights relevant to the project have been established.

We then like to specialise across 3 platforms…

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Blending our experience in retail, loyalty, mobile and beacon technology, N57 is able to offer a uniquely comprehensive Proximity Communications planning solution.

We’ll help you establish a strong case for commercial success before moving on to the exciting part of creating, building, testing and rolling out your Proximity Communications solution.

1// Proximity Comms

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1// deliver competitive customer experience

2// push hyper local, relevant communication

3// increase foot traffic

4// stimulate sales

5// activate loyalty

7/ gather invaluable customer behavioural data

8// capture customer satisfaction levels


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It’s simple: brands that involve us in clever ideas, interactive experiences and creative technology that make our life ‘better’; connect us with them in emotional, positive and lasting ways.

It’s the main driver behind the recent increase in interactive media across retail. As brands from every sector respond to the essential need to deliver new levels of in-store experience.

Here’s how we do it….

2// Interactive Media

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1// deliver competitive customer experience

2// encourage social media content sharing

3// stimulate greater dwell time

4// increase store traffic

5// support brand or promotional campaigns

6// create new media revenue opportunities

7// embellish the visual retail environment


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3// Kids EntertainmentHave you ever considered how much ‘this’ face costs you every year in lost business?

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the promise landPlay9 is a state-of-the art, complete children’s entertainment solution. Built specifically for the commercial world; created for and tested by children, to keep them happy. Because…

Happy kids, happy parents, happy sales

Click HERE to watch our latest product video, Password: play

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1// delivers very competitive customer experience

2// stimulates greater dwell time

3// increases store traffic

4// supports your brand at interactive level

5// encourage social media content sharing

6// create new media revenue opportunities

7// embellish the visual retail environment


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(1) discoverMost businesses are very curious about interactive and creative technology, and how it can be applied to their sector. Through our Discovery work-shop session we encourage interaction with the la test p la t forms, and begin outlining opportunities and ideas relevant to their brand and business.

working with us


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(2) tuneworking with us

Others are further down the line and use our IDP (interactive discovery planner) process to help fine tune an existing idea or project. Leading to a fully spec’d, validated and scoped project vehicle on which to make a final investment decision.


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(3) driveworking with us

If a business is at GO stage with an interactive project, they can dial in to our p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t experience and production resources to help drive it though to completion.


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To find our more about what we do, or to arrange a quick idea session over a coffee, please contact Christian Burne on:

+46761858084or email [email protected]