N PAILLS DAII NI Tfm . m m T Paul Vincents iH F ijiiiooiis...

t v , . - : ] . . : - ; - ^ ;. Twie TOI, i ' W . lu . . . , ............. .m m ^ ijiiiooiis * ! tOSEOBHiH CoaJ Mines of Kansas Dis- £ tfiot Beported ldle,wlien Un- J.‘ :■ ion Executives Begin S erv-»«' ; ing ■Prisbti Sentence ■ i •V PirreBUBO. Kan., of tho voi teooi; minet of tho Kaniu dislrict iTorc foi ':jViUeo-^f'Alexudor Hont ud An^it no ^I'^Doreby, preiidoot' and vIm president ffl' the TCuisu minori' union', to bogiA va ■'. ‘-’^OTvlnff thelr/wntcnee o* si* 'month's in HI ‘ -jail, for colling o' striko lu t .Fobmory, in( 'it wu npporent'from oorl^ reports to ] the hbfldqnutors of the (ifierfltoTS’ oi- Inn •' '.joeialioii. flu '• • 'V-.' ' --------- ' XZNZrU aONOBBOATB TO SBE . o" T.Ti*nTma «<orP TO-JAIL’’ ®"' " :\bohtJm^: (ffh-irwdttdaS ofKowas eeal.mlnon woro hero thja :moroinif to see Aloxnnder Howat ond , ■Aucuiit Porehy, thoir presidont and vico *“ : prMldoDt "o ff to jalL” flpeeial Inter- -'vrlion (ars'broaght loadn from Jhe eampa of Orovford ond.Chnokoo coun- tie* omi monf other miners ramo. in ■abt«r cars. A t f!:30 o'clock, half ao '.fiourbi'foro the time sot for HoTrat and, 'Dorchy to snrrender themsclvea or oon-' , ,’tlnno tliolcJiborty by jrtirfcctln'K'thoir ... appeal to the- K arnns Bupr6ml)'’"'ei)Bkfc * ..about<(K}Q}Ders woro seaitored around ^ thn sqaoro....Tho couTlheiiie wna clMod, ' Runrds heins itntioned at tho doors. 'ffhMM JaU as Alt«rnitlTa. •:; ' Ol IIowKt' nnd Dorchy hod tho choico of ffoine'to'Joil or givinff hon'd thot thoy wnuld rail no noro strikes'in' Ihe Kon-' uu .fields. John FleccQni;, momber of ^ the diitriet oecDtlvo board, expressed 1 tho'opInlob ;Uu(t''lIo«pt ^'and Dorchy ]ui woold .6ut:tlielr pft-eiprcssed d0‘ trc termlnaUon?td-'p>. to;-.Jd}-rothor than tht slim the bond u d tltsit ths Kooiaa min- urc e n wvold gQ.jm itrUcQ. In their statO' - neats tfi^t.tlMjr im ld go *0 1 ; at andDwehy dMtowd that to sig'n tho , > bond wovll. eomtititte roeognltioa of i the Ktssaa iadaitrlai'-eenrt aod a4ded: ' y "W# smiUllag tp' sti}via Jail oatil < j..'T^;.,th*l8d a itT i*lt^!»w b taken i ^ •Joa^'sfTito'nntit'thot.-line lf .tbo.othef ' 3 -miBem of the iountw rupport them,” , .• • faid.Howat.. ' •. . ., . e tu tt SaiuUliaklnK'TDor. ' ' Howat oad Dorchy arrived in Oolm- tod . b u flI)ortly. aft«r 6:30 o'clock from of 'Pitting, I ihey'ittend^ ihe co'nvenUon of 'tho Tb •amd IQne '' Worked of Amerla ^ ‘Howoi Imm^iotelr began » bandihftk- Ut crowd'of about a B E itH i PO SI^ on' . J SUGQESTI0NS g , jUMnbl7 ibomolttee . .yO^K^^^H^^vioos decisi'ou rep itU t A t^^^B pendnenld to the eov- etiiat ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H n e of .nations cannot OP ' be 'a c e ^ l^ ^ B e preset time wero 1 n n ffliiiW ^W i reaolulioa finally "j ■adtrpVftdJH^^bipiaUlce on aiaend' ^hc . .'RenU‘'^ ^ ^ n 0 bly of t,ho loagno ree '^tsday;' { ^ ^ ^ n l o n rcfenfed to thie inf of the Argontino on, V idelefrilloV ^K tstponed final de«i- __ '. •' lio n ' on ^ ^ ^ H ^nients introdoeed — laet.Tfur^H^^Kmntine.delegation. ./V D e b a te tr a f f ic mned - ^'M o-.thi>morniDR, ^nee f^V^Dowleh o £ ^ ^ ^ B ^ k In g oa|,tbo eoa- '' uittee's tl^ H H R b ltV it ws9 foiind ^ ' ;that rootri^^^B eplum traffic wa? itt«od>id I^^^w diffieiiiU es. Thn t <.-oanitt«e j ^ ^^B ed a eootinnatinn , of' to I; "S T B O ^^^B iANTS • NE^.TOB^^^^^^Hf.tnembers ,ef the-NewJ^^^^^^Keated the f KaUonat l e a f H ^^^V * 2 to 0, !d'>1qv> laulS^SH^^^Mceds of ( > wbieb w Q t^ to iQ ^ ^ ^ b th e w s o n , * y .-'fer^ Oiant pltow^^Krecover- iajc <ifreffi t a b m ^ ll^ ^ ^ K Teer^at) > ' d il’tbe btdk’ot t h H ^ ^ ^ B the old- ‘ tinoM and .;V 7araer)fl^^lBie Giants .’ .,•••■ Boetofl'Nnr. Y e r k ^ ^ H ; . ___ *s - Bnietdi - ^ ^ 01 Pittabarljh 1 ,* o’ ^ ^ Ba , Score:' B. a E. nli y U l e v e l a n d . | l'. \ '^.^l^'^riesiTcor^ 'Wl ' ■nilier'asd S c b ilk .-^ B ^ K ' '' ■ . ' . Wuhiogton' w-.— 6 T 0 ICI ''BattnrlMrifog^^^Bohanltyi' ; r !.^b.jsd.WaIt«n.]^H(H sal THE ONLY ASI N PAI President Calls 'f for Silent Prayer on Armistice Day L, J Aflka Nation to Bow-when the T Body of Unjmown Hero, is Laid to Best .' WABniNOTON,' D. 0.,’ (ff) — The American people wero dalied npon b>- S l'rcsldjul Harding in.-a prociamatioo * imuod today, to offer a silent two- - 1 mljtut«'prayer ot noon 'on*'Anniitiea ‘ day, November II, when the body ,of f. an unknown American,', sqfdior .l^ e d ' in Franco will be laid ;to'Tost ia Ail- ing{«n nali'onai cemetery.,'’'•• Tho proclan^Jtloh caJlf upon ‘‘atl'de- . 10 yout and patrlolie citiM ni" to paus'o tc for two mJnute^from ja.oWoclfnoon .X- until two minutea past'12^‘fof A pe- lt riod of silent prayer of tbanka to thir at giver of nil good for there valtiable and Ia valorous lives ^lul'of'supplieatun for in HI* divJno Jiirrcy.ont) for.niM lW w - y, inpi.upon our Lcfovod country." ' ' ' • to Directions «i'rc coatalncd in' the proe' a- lamatlon for tho half masting .-or tbo . . fluf on all puliUc’building; all ttatloii* of toe army, navynndmarinb corps and , on nil American embostlo, le^tlonn nnd confiulatci tbronghout :tho world .. ,j from'sunriso to sunsot on! ArmllSec . I. day wton It is tbe hope .of thif preai- deni that-tlic'wliolo natio'a shall Join In honortnp America's doad flf the .world war.. ' iREIliWI r p ap m ; • Only bonunnnlflts Vote Against )( Acceptanoo of A^eement with Upited States id TTEHLIN, yP)-^Thc rplchstog today . ly ]UMcd tbc MU ratifying thn peaeo : 0-. treaty witli thr United fitatos. Oaly ; • in the fommiinlals voted'ipnins^Jho moos- B. ^irc. ----- -------- - O' Th). relctutag deroted'.'rtn than V- . tea tBlnntea t« the ntlfleattaa fo^ 10 aaUttes, as aU tbe parties, axeevt. I* . the cosimttnifti, a g r ^ to'dlsM&se* Ur witb debate. ' Tbe WU-.’approrlBg , 'il tba treaty was accepted In ^ all » tbne m Unga bz.an oTarwliatains iBff foi ;lt» a c ^ E « rw lie a ^ E m ‘ . » I<*be. :s«dd«nt of the wlchrtag. called for a rlslog rot*. . ^ Tlio pntslne liy the Oermsn relchstiuc ^In #; today of tho bill ralifylog the trebty o - a of pea((t; with tho Unltod States coa- 1.,. ■g plotcs tlm legislative proecis neeemry -n ro tn ratification on, tlie part of OermBiiy. io Tho rcJehstrat, or upper chamber of ij X tlJe Oi'rmin flarliamnnt raflflod tho , I. treoty.'Pn Septetabor 17. ' - a " SEKATOBO a im a a pisastob ' OTOtt PROMPT EATHTOATIOK . „ WASHINQTON, D. 0., ffiV-Eepabll- iht ^ lian leaders of tbe senato. expressed wei S gratification today at tho prompt rati- \ , iicatioo by the German reichstag of „jo, ^ tho pcaco treaty with Germany. (},„ “ I nra vory glad lhat tho German itei governuient 'bnji noted..To promptly,” oth 4iid Sffiintor Lodgo of M auachuwttj, mo' u rcpnbllcn'n floor leader. f- AD •t OPFAU BZPLOaiOK DAMAOB V ESmiATED AI BILLIOK j; y BBIILIN, nltaM ir ftc mtl t' ibo maferlnl damngo rcsulilnK from tho n'er I® rccent'rxploelnn al the nndittlio Anil- rail Infabrlk compnoy's plnnt n( Oppau nt' cro ono^ billion marks.', nov 'j'.' . ' ' - a. ? fLASHES FROf a --------------------------- —:____ : ____ if DBS MOINEB, li^ {ff)-PoUcfl MttrOJ today tbat all glrU who attend D«s Uoina; n stocldnga. " It la contm r to'good morals :o KA8HVILLB, Tenn., m -T iia b«U 01 witbln tlie confines of tbo dsnomlnatjoa : reqnlem for Blilibp Walter B. Lambtttb, t er, at the time of bis funeral In Sbasg Ba 0 Soutbeni 2£etbodlst board of missions can OHXOAGO, (yP)->Twenty-foar maoibtX' L today on a tdp to a nnmber of weatani A costs, rvnts and matkets. Among tbs .f coQTsr, Wash., Poitland. Oiv.. SaaFrancli Otlaans- Satnnlay will bo ^ t In S t Pa comre: The Infonnatlon 8^®0 '< Utlng coHsW - 1 ST. PAUL, Hbut, (flV-W lto «> «K here dived thiottgb a second staxy window urrming the bttUdlnf, last n l^ t, knndieda . unerged fnm the.jnoken window tbs bli “1 ' tloeable spots of flams dn wings and tails I ' was oTsi tbs M stoippl Ant, TuaM) .•* .ipreadnntU tba birds wara enveloped lild dm iv e d ^ tbe stxeasL ^ BOLT DESTBOYS BALLOON Gi DS Saallest D i i i g l b l ^ ^ Bervlce Is D»> oll -.moUabea on W dgkt Flald DAVTON, 0., bolt of Hffht- 1 S. niig in nn elcctrical. storm'enrly thU m | 1 momlng struck and dcmolUb^ a "bab'y 0 blimp" dirigible bdloon slatleaed at ' ^ 1} Wllbnr Wright aviation , hoU. Tbe , hanifar was burned to-tho gtvnnd, and Th 0. Thoma* Mumma, night, watchman, waa pei 0 icrieualy Injured hy shook. Ho is in hoi 0 thi field hospital. ri' m s balloon, was 8Q.,feet long andJs ^ d to have' been the smallest in ths air'senlee'. ' . E o s s - i s - • I M W ; '>"1 . 'i .' isSOClATED PRESS NB LLS - * Tfm PAlLB. IDAHO, F M T Paul Vincents U.S.Navy, an^ Principals In tba Sm e Balng Dally Ena n m Degree Harder of BFET Offillif T il ■PIN Unofficial Statements Indicate ' 90 Per Cent of Brotherliood ' ' ;E xact'^u res 'H eldifp' ' ! C in o A O O W ^ W U lc 11 «r»i lntor- nially etatcd, thnt npproximately 00 per cent of the ISO,000 empl6yes of tW Urbthorliood of Railrond T™lnmen bave votod to strike, the exact flgarer vill not be announced nt once,' it was 'flsnertod today. • , ■ '. . j : The connt of.tho ballota was complot cd yestcrdiiy and goncral chCilrmon | were dispatched (o report 4o tbo gen- eral grieTanto^commlttoea. The griev- nnra committees will lndleate 'whether a'strike is to bo eallci] and tha generol chairmtin' will report bnck horo r^x^. week.- W. (1, Lee,'president, .of tho ti;ftln' « mon'i (Tganltallon,. lau .announced that tn the event n strike is n'otbor- irod it Trill nol bn effective unless tho other iuiportnnt rail unions join in’th" movetnctit; ADVEBTI8B8 FOB TEAINMBN i IN EVENT OF. STRIKE OALI< „ nOftTON, M'flns., W V-An advertise- c ment fnr conductors nnd trainmen for g Kcrvico on the Bangor and Aroostook railrond In the event of o striko of train t crows wnr published in four morning ] nowspapers liere toSay. t ... ......... r -- - - I' m THE WIRE : Ttmm* g, Baiktey tsfnftil an oMsr t lolsas dance balls mnst not wear nlled )rals." she declares. ill of ereir SQOtktm Uetbodlst cbnzcb i Joa In tbls and otber Unds wlU toU a , tb, tbe cbnrdx's great nlssLonary lead* ,' t Sti, If plans set on foot today by tlie I can be snecessfnily carried oui | obsKi of tlie Obleap dty cotoidl leave «ni and SDStbsm-filtlaft to itady bKb } » ClQas visited will be St. PanL '7aa- mclteo, Loa Aniel«% El Paso aad Kew u P M tbe delegation laatlnc fbr Van- led 'WlU be need in an affott to reduce' j .■ ,. c 1 emploTe of a wbalesals prodnee i n a ^ Ulow to flsc^'flames wUeh were coa-. t redsofjdseonsfoUoweaiilitL AStbey ( 0 black backgtonnd of 'nlsht made'so- ' alls of many ef tbe blrdji-Their conhe t ledt’rtbem otles’orflrtngtbe'naffies : iild mav of tbam, like failing r«c^ < GALE SWEEPS PinSBURGH ! . _____ , 1 . oil Dexxleks u d Trees Oo Down In tbs i . H l|b Wind: T«ap«rati» D r^ .'| PI'ttM U B G H , P i;j (flVrA SO-miie - jfale W p t the ntiabuigh dlstrle.t for. ^ ,15 aw ulcs to'day, levellag oil derricla. j ! and blowing down signs and tree^ 1 , There n-ete .no .fatalities. The .tei* i 1 perature dropped' 13 degrees In ' osr 1 ' •:•■'. ] I IDAHO WBATHB& . ^ 1 ' Tonight fair and'warmer; Sat-., ' v-nrday falr..r-'-..- ^ ^ BW^PApiBR IN TWIN k/ DAII BIDAT, SBPTEimBB so; 10^ Southardj Petty < id W ife, L yda Me; Exacted In tbe District Oonrtroom In Twin F 9f Her Fourth Bnaba^ Edward F. Meyer. Second Earth Tremor G Shakes Southern Utah 1 a.\LT. L.Mvli CITV, iriuli. ItoporlN rrculvod lioro from £Ml' nore, (iiic'of tho .trio of smafi ham:. ' lets in the southern part.of Utoli- shokeu roverely yestonlay by I pnrtliqunko*, reported another vio- lent tromnr nfc 7:30 this morning. . . Tho latest shock rendered nore I oxlonBlvc’tho (lamage dono yester- dny hy tho sfncs of quakes. Prac- ,. tically overy.building in the’Uttlc Q 1 ■town was damaged and mado un- ) tenable, nccording to latest ■re- porti. Tho' (linnagc. nt £lsInor®> JUchflold and UonronVar estlnut-.' t .^-M r .i , were'tho tremors th'it''’ gT,Sal” 4eC' „-, ■tlon«>;of.rock. welghiag l^o.asaniU’ ' of tons tumbled'down froa cliffs ' ' in nearby cnnyons. . t i ; Twelve yeara ago tho same sec- P‘ tloQ suffered heavy property loss ni '• from 0 (cries of quakes, J i DFGDraiE: I I Isj I Do Valera Tells Lloyd-Geortfe J* Irish Sepablioans will At- tond Sessloi^ » ______ , OJ ' LONDON,; (ff^Eamonn do Valera fJ fodgy sent a-communication lo Prime J? Minlslflr Uoyd George aceopting tho f, ‘ invitation to n conferenee in London, ‘‘ Octobcr 11, with a yiew to a rattle- f® ment nf fho Irish (jaeation, . 7 ^ "W c received'your letter of invita- ‘ tlon to n coofcrcnca in London, Oetobor , I 11, wltn n view to osrer^idng how tlm asiociation.of Ireland with the eom- ; mnnity of nations known os tho British • i-mpirc njnr best )i(> reconciled with w Irish national asplrntlons,". raid Ur. tl) Dc Valera In bis reply. . . ' th ■“ Our respective positions have been th stated nnd understood, and wo oj^ne jf thnfc ronforunce, not forrcspoDdBncc. 'i* re the mort practical and hopefol way-tj to nn undentandlng., ' '. , “ Wi) ncccpt the invitation,, Qur del- Ji, cgntcs will meet you In London on tHc g, dnte incntlontil nnd explore .trveiy pos- rc slhlllfy of n settlement by personal dlscnsslon." tr DOWNPOUR ' stops GAME"! New Toik-PhUadalpbla Contest la Oall- ad Off Becwse of Bale tl PHILADF.LPHIA, (/P) — Today’s v Now 'York • Philadelphia American « leagoo-liBll gamo.was called'off be- k caoso of ft heavy ndn sform that swept A Shlbe park jnst about tbo tlm’o the hi teams were to start play In the laat ganp'of the acaaon.bere.. ' The game nlll.bo played off la a doo-*' | blcheader in now York tomorrow. The 1 Yanks need' to win but one'gamo to , clinch the American Teafrne pennant. ’ Botb bejotoa Tsokees , sm . YOBK, (|ip>7-Babo Buth,' who; J W;uieonfinedtohish6Ulyetterdiiywlth. 1 a mild attack of grippe, today loft'.for PJinadelphla b rejofn tbe Yankees. J •!•' ------------- -.'..'Jf HALTS IRISH ,COLlECTIONSi‘: • ''cHICAgoi''(ff)-fltepheii O’JlBriL *i- • nBrehHwprtswtattve la tbtf'U»t«4 ’ *■Stitca , of the Dafl Elreann, the .Irlsb , V repnbUctn parliament, today unenseed .• that <oIlccteln«t funds in this eonntry . p fos the nse of Ireland has.been ordered . Stopped in proparatlen. for the |2P,0M,> 000 ^ b loan ,oo>P>|(P 'KoToubeTv ’ T%s-OB]y'ezcopt|lon ’Dia^e la ;fer iiip ‘ Irisli relief coaalttee,-whose drlvs tbr fttads' U pl^balr^eIoM <L'•\: {. -'T * FALLS COUNTY________ m NI ^ O fficer iji th e (j eyer Southard " . Set ?e: nooi —Phoio:by.Who6UBg 8^^' A Falls where tbe Woman Is on Trial for mon mr, Hero Last September ' wert pniir:; lilO ffl m a & i ; • '. [ that Dp, Nansen Tells Leafluo, As-, . ^embly S y ^ M tlb Campaign C|) IS W ag^.A a|9iE«ort& to- v.4 Uioat{u';^uig8''ii«S'.t)«Ing\W irM'tt put obstmeilons.ln .the ini of iat«^ nataonal,relief for BiwU;by-lnteresU h which, hod politldol objects In.view (Fa Vere tnade-in the .assembly of'the her* league of'nations • today by Dr. Ftldt- We' jof Nnnicn, high commissioner of the poni InternBtional .rommittee for Bosalan re- chai »et • Wt, SepUas to Becommendatlon. Tl • Dt. 'Nausea's chatgcs were made in a fpeech which he dellvcVod nfter the assembly ha.4 decidcd, on a reptirt pro- *“ 2J • rated by Delewto'Motta of Switxw-. land, that tho ^ g ao conld not ^nde^ , take on appeal to the nation#' of thp world for funds to feed Sossia. Dr, Nansen, aroused by this action, t made n lengthy appeal to the assembly on behnlf of BnssW, relief. He claim- ed there had been mirrepresentatibns , to some sections of the prw regarding 5°"' hll plans for relief.' The whole tltna- tlea wns being systtfmitietlly mtsrepro- f ' sont^, be declared, and It was peiiect . ly evident that thif campaign came , from loiDC central sonreo-from some . one'who had a pollllcoriatmat in oV ^ stnictin^» Bosslan relief. Sees Fear as MhtlTe., ; . bae: I Dr. Nntisen aald he thonght this e'am- > pnlgn, wos duo to fear In somo qoarten c p • thatreiiof for Russin would strongtbea ? ” thc'libvlct go^nimontv Ho did not . - ' think »»ch would ho the caso, but oven ^ I If ifc.etifiuld bc, hn asked "is tbat any ' » reason- ior .allowing '20,000500 persons ' • to rtarvef” ^ I>r.' NoTison ilbfended' tha agreement ly j • Ik* had mnde in Uoscow with tho soviet yes ' gov'prnment- fnr Joint snper^-lsion; of can ; relief work. .................. ' , the > “ Tlic RUcccM, of Herbert Hoovor’a - i wnrk, nH well as inine, depends entirely ven ^ upon thr fo.O|inrntion flf tbo soviet gov Ing I tiniincn:,'’ he unld. wcj ABks Beroreal ef Decision. ' Tlie liopo tlmt the natiohs would take , the initiative and reverse tho deciaion ofnliR nsifombly by coming - forward ^ • wilh money was cxprfwed by D r. Nan- 5«< » seri, Sweden. Norway, . Ciocho-Blova- pos r '.X' ^ “llcd States, ■ Canada and 'W t Argetrtinn already wore eentrlbntlng; tba 6 he i*^led out. •,. seri , ' . ’ / " '' Smoot Offers Ni ) >A6Umar6^ i ulcrux 0( 3 K t »nt »k* - I |fom«»j) p,ro|Kwa te.ttc.M Bato r .] J b y Bctfator Smool,'rcphbllcan, IJisb;'^ ^ -iTbSvsettator s a i l i l w ' t h a t i i i s 'J n v ,w>nld be ln kQbttitnttoiiot.‘‘» a ' «a< I - O f .the, TsrtoM'ww-ttis*, the-tt-,.- «» a t*3B*.-,tanay-ifcam' 'it« p ’. in h sttaxas, c»pltiirstock't«x^.traB4 i!f r <01 i warn.. trt#*rs#k and tnsar»a«t'-' bnl y .. t«xs\.^n tAxMoaflDftdxinks,'i« ; prt d -ouin,'r«oiaetlca,- «dml«la&rr«a&' tn ,• duet w d tU ef tlie othsr.'BWTiiJ-. r. .'4tlesV of obnbdon^'dUokjUtezr V ^ <1 p ;'fw»s «rvtmttoo,’' '«dch.iroilrf..' -ri t .-berept^ oaatttt'Junazy'iam- c vdsr^rirtfc;.ortaaBa5i^ BW i A/ ^‘’ pBIOB F J V B O B K n - iH F ■l»G' iecond Speeial Venire olporty Men Is fresented to ’Court wlieii Trial of Alloget/ M up' deress Enters Fifth Day ‘EESONHEL 0? jUBY ^ AS 8 0 FAfi-BELEOTBO Owge M c P b ^ SnhL • •. i-''- H. B-Stockton, BnU.' ' O .D . McKinley, PUer, . Oeoiso a ns»blood,';BaiiMa. Arthur E. Scholton, Tiler. •, L .'a Brown, PU er.'r '■ A. 0. Tenable, Hansen. ' p. H. BMktr, K talm lj. ' •.,^- BUcny Suapioo, Klmbtrlr rn d P. Hendriclo, Bogn*m. John Frahn, Hansen. L M. Boyd, Kimberly. .The socond spedal venire of W talet- len were presented In court thU oftef . oon when the .trial of Lyda Meyer - ewtlianl for the ^murder of ber fbm er -I iisbnnd,'Edward P. Moyer, was resnm- : ll. .All but two of tho men'snramoaed >' •oro on tond, H. J. Kast afld W. ,E wnco fulling to nnswor to tbeir names ■ ' rh6n lho «lerk callcd . tho roll Tini ' • lore, TVIllIam Qraham andNJ. L. Noble/'' •ero excused npon presentation otlihy- iclnns ’ certificates: of ill ■ health. , ' i ;xainlnatlon'B«neVeg.i;;;;^^ . Tlie defendant and her Kuibwd wtire' -v'- tescntfwfr^as W. J..ftueWood, fatbtir 'u: t f^ie nceused. Tho toll Boabers'bf’, ' Im jur,.- already in tbo' box was'aag.',' r fcnte.i by tho addition of. two m bre;:J.. •; V. Frahm and I. Jf. Boyd and Ute ex' mlnatlott of the talesmen waa bemo t onco. ,% / . ;.i' , . •';,Wo Jt^.T hls W ^:-. V,- Tbls .will col'aintte/untir'K m e n '^ t ifoctoVy to both-presedntiep ud,'d^>'^>' onre are secured.,. It Js ^ t ’«pe«lM / V‘ bat th< preeess will-be eomptete.nntO : arly next, woe^. .: >v ' LO»'ANQ£tES;-'(iai;»(n;:.^^ Fatty), Arbudkreret6tifit5$M ti^ ere. today from' 8 a o ''M |!pmAn^ Veduesdsy he was admUwi'tAVTwliA' ondii]g hla trial on a -n S e a W M e ^ K hargo. arowlng eat of.'the Uss Vfrglnla Bappe. ' ITie hour of hU arrival, bad : b m |v ; lado publlo itt advance;.tad •< Mwi pothered nt tha talJroid sUttp»:,;'l. hortly beforo his . traia caae /When, be and his party, udodlng hts k^' Moniy«, alighted*and made their way- hrongh t>e^station;to the street, tkwr: tcTo greeted by Biwy personal friends. V'; Sevpral women mshed forward-and ' * mbiiijod.tha film coaedikn, whije . ' been cnmo from the,men. . Many In .Jhe- crowd' bad apparently ' ' onc merely; to’see what, If anythlng^v. appcned ns-.they miide-no denenstro- >' lon whatever. ' Ooo woman attraeted a'large g : ^ ’. ’ bout here.wheoishe moonted.a sdt*-'■< aso nnd denoqt(cea"tliore wbe welcom* ■it Arhueklo..'.'. • '. rrho eomedljw..lilaj8elf:.had'mtl»'to'.^, ay, .except. tlisf.be;was glad t*.M bi';i> iaek;hoaa.V. SPANIARDS fliO T E C T i:^ Seait Off Uoon who Intaifm wUb ^vlsloolnf AdT*nc«Po8t.. >j\; MADRID, (ffh'HostWUef of a falN 'r y. impgjlant naturo began nWar MelfllaV- i-csterday, between S p ^ h and MoroQ-:.:' ;an„forces, said an. anaonnesnaat’lir .-.j tho minlstor of "war last night. '-. V.'.* - 'Moorish troops wbo bavo been pft-'-’' ronllng the Spaniih from re-proriden- ’;'' Ing tho advanced post'at Tlihi ebntiiV'- west ut Mellila,.have been driven ttm:'-'-' their porlttons. Vith settra 'lossbi ' j • .....'■ I ^ 'y' .'ih-' ' • , - M Q W -io s'illT fc v.';:' HARRISBmiO.^iIll:,.; Ruth todsy.Ilis pfered: tlM O 'tnd'.^- '’^■ [^onsc8 ta play one g d m o ^ th 'tia H ^ V y rUbnrg l^otf, '; ieiai,profesk^;V>'^ tbam, ,T<lthia a week after tbe w srld^^i' lerioi. lew Plan fpr / liiment Funds. xm B M xensloa im 'otfenA.br.tba ..'Bepotd of.tbe exeees vofits & i-aaj)fi^ M 'Jaona^ 2 inst^ofoa seU eoae tAx ihidd renudniit bnt tbon i^a';b«' no<ebatnrl« tlMje;) gjwt.'tobttcoj llqutt.^a;-^»riU^

Transcript of N PAILLS DAII NI Tfm . m m T Paul Vincents iH F ijiiiooiis...

t v , . - : ] . . : - ; - ;.

T w i eT O I, i ' W . l u . . . , .............

. m m ^i j i i i o o i i s *

! tOSEOBHiHCoaJ M ines of K ansas Dis- £

■ tf io t B epo rted ldle,w lien Un- J.‘ :■ ■ ion Executives Begin S e r v - »«'

• ; ing ■Prisbti Sen tence ■ ■ i•V P irre B U B O . Kan., of tho voiteooi; minet of tho Kaniu d is lric t iTorc foi

': jV iU e o - ^ f 'A le x u d o r H o n t u d A n ^ i t no ^I'^Doreby, preiidoot' and vIm president ffl'

the TCuisu minori' union', to bogiA va ■'. ‘-’ OTvlnff thelr/wntcnee o* si* 'month's in HI

‘ -jail, for colling o' striko lu t .Fobmory, in( ' i t w u npporent'from oorl reports to ]

the hbfldqnutors of the (ifierfltoTS’ oi- Inn •' '.joeialioii. ■ flu'• • 'V-.' ■ ' ---------

' X ZN ZrU aONOBBOATB TO SB E . o" T.Ti*nTma «<orP T O -JA IL ’’ ®"'

" : \ b o h t J m ^ : ( ffh - irw d ttd aSo f K o w a s e ea l.m ln o n woro hero thja :moroinif to see Aloxnnder H ow at ond , ■Aucuiit Porehy, tho ir presidont and vico *“

: prMldoDt " o f f to ja lL ” flpeeial Inter- - 'v r lio n ( a r s 'b ro a g h t loadn from J h e

eampa o f O rovford ond .C hnokoo coun- tie* omi m onf o the r miners ram o. in ■abt«r cars. A t f!:30 o 'c lock, h a lf ao '.fiourbi'foro the tim e sot fo r HoTrat and, 'D orchy to snrrender themsclvea o r oon-' , ,’ tlnno tlio lcJ ib o rty by jrtirfcctln 'K 'thoir ...

appeal to the- K arnns Bupr6ml)'’"'ei)Bkfc * ..about<(K}Q}Ders woro seaitored around

thn sqaoro....Tho couTlheiiie wna clMod,' Runrds he in s itn tioned a t tho doors.

'f fhM M JaU as A lt«rn itlTa . • : ; ' O l ■ IIowKt' nnd Dorchy hod tho choico of

ffo ine 'to 'Jo il o r givinff hon'd th o t thoy wnuld ra il no n o ro s tr ik e s 'in ' Ihe Kon-' uu .fields. John FleccQni;, momber o f ^ the d iit r ie t oecD tlvo board, expressed 1 tho 'op In lob ;U u ( t ''lIo « p t ^'and D orchy ]ui woold .6u t:t lie lr pft-eiprcssed d 0‘ trc term lnaUon?td-'p>. to ;-.Jd}-rothor than tht slim the bond u d tltsit th s K ooiaa min- urc e n wvold gQ.jm itrUcQ. I n th e ir statO'

- n e a ts tfi^t.tlM jr i m l d go *0 1; a t an d D w e h y dM tow d th a t to sig'n tho ,

> bond w o v ll. eomtititte roeognltioa of ithe Ktssaa ia daitrlai'-eenrt aod a4ded: ' y

"W# s m i U l l a g tp' s ti} v ia Ja il oatil <j..'T^;.,th*l8d a i t T i * l t ^ ! » w b ta k e n i

^ •Joa^ 'sfT ito 'nn tit 'tho t.-line l f .tb o .o th e f ' 3-miBem o f th e io u n tw rupport them ,” ,

.• • fa id .H o w at.. ' ■ • •. .., •

. e t u t t SaiuUliaklnK 'TDor. '' H ow at oad D orchy arrived in O o lm - tod

. b u flI)ortly. a ft« r 6:30 o 'c lock from of 'P it t in g ,

I ihey'ittend^ ihe co'nvenUon of 'tho Tb• a m d IQne '' Worked of Amerla ^‘Howoi Imm^iotelr began » bandihftk- Ut

crowd'of about a

B E i t H i P O S I ^ on ' . J SUGQESTI0NS g

, jU M nbl7 ibom olttee


. y O ^ K ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ v i o o s decisi'ou rep i t U t A t ^ ^ ^ B p e n d n e n l d to th e eov- e tiia t ^ ^ ^ ^ H n e o f .nations cannot OP

' be ' a c e ^ l ^ ^ B e p r e s e t tim e wero 1 n n f f l i i i W ^ W i reaolulioa fin a lly " j

■ a d trp V f td J H ^ ^ b ip ia U lc e on a iaend ' ^hc . . 'R enU ‘' ^ ^ ^ n 0 bly of t,ho loagno ree

'^ tsday ;' { ^ ^ ^ n l o n rcfenfed to thie in f of the Argontino on,

V i d e l e f r i l l o V ^ K t s t p o n e d fina l de«i- __ ' . •' l i o n ' on ^ ^ ^ H ^ n i e n t s introdoeed —

la e t .T f u r ^ H ^ ^ K m n tin e .d e l e g a t io n . . / V D e b a t e t r a f f i c m n e d - ^ ' M o - . t h i > m o r n i D R , ^ n e e f^V ^D ow leh o £ ^ ^ ^ B ^ k I n g oa|,tbo eoa-

' ' u i t t e e 's t l ^ H H R b l t V i t w s9 foiind ^ ' ; th a t r o o t r i ^ ^ ^ B e p l u m tra ff ic wa?

itt«od>id I ^ ^ ^ w d i f f i e i i i U e s . Thn t <.-oanitt«e j ^ ^ ^ B e d a eootinnatinn , o f ' to

I ; " S T B O ^ ^ ^ B iANTS• N E ^ . T O B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H f . t n e m b e r s ,ef th e -N e w J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K e a te d the

f KaUonat l e a f H ^ ^ ^ V * 2 to 0, !d'>1qv> l a u l S ^ S H ^ ^ ^ M c e d s of

( > wbieb w Q t ^ to i Q ^ ^ ^ b t h e w s o n , * y . - ' f e r ^ O ian t p l t o w ^ ^ K r e c o v e r -

iajc < ifreffi t a b m ^ l l ^ ^ ^ K Teer^at) > ' d i l ’tbe b td k ’o t t h H ^ ^ ^ B th e old- ‘ tinoM and .;V 7 a r a e r ) f l ^ ^ l B ie G iants

.’ .,•••■ Boetofl'Nnr. Y e r k ^ ^ H ; . ___ ■ *s- B n i e td i - ^ ^ 01

P ittabarljh 1 ,* o ’

^ ^ Ba

, Score:' B . a E. n liy U l e v e l a n d . | l'. \

'^ . ^ l ^ ' ^ r i e s i T c o r ^ 'Wl' ■ n i l i e r 'a s d S c b i l k . - ^ B ^ K ' '' ■ . '

. W uhiog ton ' w-.— 6 T 0 ICI

' 'B a t t n r l M r i f o g ^ ^ ^ B o h a n l t y i ' ; r ! . ^ b . j s d . W a I t « n . ] ^ H ( H sal


N PA IP r e s id e n t C a lls ' f f o r S ile n t P r a y e r

• o n A rm is tic e D a y L,J Aflka Nation to Bow-when the

TBody of Unjmown Hero, is Laid to Best .'

W ABniNOTON,' D. 0 . ,’ (ff) — The American people wero dalied npon b>-

S l'rcsldjul Harding in.-a prociamatioo * imuod today, to offer a silent two- -

1 mljtut«'prayer ot noon 'on*'Anniitiea ‘ day, November II, when the body ,of f. an unknown American,', sqfdior .l^ed '

in Franco will be laid ;to'Tost ia Ail- ing{«n nali'onai cemetery.,'’'••

Tho proclan^Jtloh caJlf upon ‘‘ a tl'd e - .10 yout and patrlo lie c itiM n i" to paus'o tc for two m Jn u te ^ fro m ja .oW oclfnoon .X- un til two minutea p a s t '1 2 ^ ‘ fof A pe­l t riod of silen t prayer o f tbanka to thir a t giver of nil good for there valtiable and Ia valorous lives ^ lu l 'o f 's u p p lie a tu n fo r in HI* divJno Jiirrcy.ont) fo r .n iM lW w - y, inp i.upon our Lcfovod c o u n try ." ' ' ' • to D irections «i'rc coatalncd in ' the p ro e ' a- lamatlon fo r tho half m asting .-o r tbo .. f lu f on a ll puliUc’ bu ild ing ; a ll ttatloii*

o f toe arm y, navynndm arinb corps and , on nil American em bostlo , le ^ tlo n n nnd confiulatci tbronghout :tho world ..

, j fro m 'su n riso to sunsot on! A rm llS ec .I . day w ton It is tbe hope .of thif preai-

den i th a t-tlic 'w lio lo natio'a shall Join In honortnp A m erica's doad flf the

■ .world war.. '

iREIliWIr p a p m ;• Only bonunnnlflts Vote Against

)( Acceptanoo of A^eementwith Upited States

id TTEHLIN , yP)-^Thc rplchstog today . ly ]UMcd tbc MU ratify ing thn peaeo :0-. trea ty witli th r U nited fitatos. Oaly ■; • in the fommiinlals voted 'ipn ins^Jho moos-B. ^irc. ----- -------- -O' Th). re lc tu tag de ro ted '.'rtn than V- . te a tBlnntea t« th e n t l f le a t ta a fo ^10 aaU tte s, a s aU tbe parties, axeevt.I* . th e cosim ttnifti, a g r ^ to'dlsM&se* U r

• w itb debate. ' Tbe WU-.’approrlBg ,'il tba tr e a ty was accepted In a ll » t b n e m U n g a b z .a n oTarw liatains

“ iBff fo i ;lt» a c ^ E « r w l i e a ^ E m ‘ .» I<*be. : s « d d « n t o f th e wlchrtag. • ■

called fo r a rlslog ro t* . . ^

Tlio pn tslne liy the Oermsn relchstiuc ^In #; today of tho bill ralify log the treb ty o - a of pea((t; w ith tho Unltod S ta te s c o a - 1. , . ■g plotcs tlm legislative proecis n e ee m ry - n ro tn ra tifica tion on, tlie pa rt o f OermBiiy. io Tho rcJehstrat, or upper chamber o f ij X tlJe O i'rm in flarliamnnt raflflod tho ,I. treoty.'Pn Septetabor 17. ' -a ■ "

SEKATOBO a i m a a p i s a s t o b ' OTOtt PROM PT EATHTOATIOK . „

‘ WASHINQTON, D. 0., ffiV -E epabll- ih t lian leaders o f tbe senato. expressed wei

S gratification today a t tho prompt rati- \, iica tio o by the German reichstag o f „jo,

^ tho pcaco trea ty with Germany. (},„ “ I nra vory glad lh a t tho German itei

governuient 'bnji noted..To prom ptly,” oth 4 iid Sffiintor Lodgo of M auachuw ttj, mo'

u rcpnbllcn'n floor leader. f- • AD•t OPFAU B Z PL O aiO K DAMAOB V E S m iA T E D A I BILLIO K j;y ■ BBIILIN, n l t a M i r f tc m tlt ' ib o maferlnl damngo rcsulilnK from tho n'er I® rccent'rxploelnn a l the nndittlio Anil- rail

Infabrlk compnoy's plnnt n( Oppau n t' cro ono^ billion marks.', nov

'j'.' . ' ■ ' -a.

? fLASHES FROfa --------------------------- — :____ :____if DBS MOINEB, l i ^ {ff)-PoU cfl MttrOJ

today tb a t a ll glrU who a ttend D«s Uoina; n stocldnga. " I t la c o n tm r to 'good morals :o —

K A 8HV ILLB, Tenn., m - T i i a b«U 01 w itb ln tlie confines o f tbo dsnom lnatjoa : reqnlem for Blilibp W alter B . Lam btttb, t er, a t th e tim e o f b is funeral In S basg B a

0 Soutbeni 2£etbodlst board o f missions can

OHXOAGO, (yP)->Twenty-foar maoibtX' L today on a t d p to a nnm ber o f weatan i A costs, rvnts and m atkets. Among tb s . f coQTsr, W ash., Po itland . Oiv.. S a a F ra n c li

Otlaans- Satnn lay w ill bo ^ t In S t P a comre: T he Infonnatlon 8^®0 '< U tln g c o H s W -

1 ST. PAUL, H b u t, ( f lV -W lto «> «K here dived thiottgb a second staxy window urrming th e bttUdlnf, la s t n l ^ t , knndieda

. unerged f n m the .jnoken window tb s b li “ 1 ' tloeable spots o f flam s dn wings and ta ils I

' w as oT si tb s M s to i p p l A n t , T u a M ) .•* . ip r e a d n n tU tb a b irds wara enveloped li ld

d m i v e d ^ tb e stxeasL

^ B O L T D E S T B O Y S B A L L O O N G i

DS S a a lle s t D i i i g l b l ^ ^ Bervlce Is D»> o ll -.moUabea on W d g k t Flald

• DAVTON, 0 ., bolt of Hffht- 1 S. n i ig in nn elcctrical. s to rm 'en rly thU m | 1 m om lng struck and dcm olU b^ a "bab 'y0 blimp" dirigible bdloon slatleaed at ' 1} Wllbnr Wright aviation , hoU. Tbe , hanifar was burned to-tho gtvnnd, and Th

0. Thoma* Mumma, night, watchman, waa pei 0 icrieualy Injured hy shook. Ho is in hoi 0 thi field hospital.

r i' m s balloon, was 8Q.,feet long a n d J s ^ d to have' been the smallest in th s a ir 's e n le e '. ' . E o s s - i s - • I M W ; '>"1

. 'i .'


L L S- * T fm PAlLB. IDAHO, F M

T Paul Vincents U.S.Navy, an

Principals In tba Sm e Balng Dally Ena n m Degree Harder of

B F E TOffillif Til ■ P IN

Unofficial S ta tem en ts Indicate ' 9 0 P er Cent o f Brotherliood

' ' ; E x a c t '^ u r e s 'H e l d i f p ' ' !■ C in o A O O W ^ W U lc 11 «r»i lntor- nially etatcd, thnt npproximately 00 per cen t o f the ISO,000 empl6yes of tW Urbthorliood o f Railrond T™lnmen bave votod to strike , the exact flgarer v i l l n o t be announced n t once,' i t was 'flsnertod today. • , ■ ' . . j: The connt o f.tho ballota w as complot cd yestcrdiiy and goncral chCilrmon | w ere dispatched (o report 4 o tbo gen­eral grieTanto^commlttoea. The griev- nnra committees will lndleate 'whether a 's tr ik e is to bo eallci] and th a generol chairmtin' will report bnck horo r^x^. week.-

W. (1, L ee ,'p residen t, .of tho ti;ftln' « m o n 'i (Tganltallon,. lau .announced th a t tn the event n str ike is n'otbor- irod i t Trill nol bn effective unless tho o ther iuiportnnt rail unions join in ’ th" movetnctit;


nOftTON, M'flns., W V -A n advertise- c m ent fn r conductors nnd trainm en for g Kcrvico on the Bangor and Aroostook railrond In the even t of o striko of tra in t crows wnr published in four morning ] nowspapers liere toSay. ’ t

. . . ......... r- - - - I'

m THE WIRE :Ttmm* g, Baiktey tsfnftil an oMsr t

lolsas dance balls mnst not wear nlled „ )rals." she declares.

ill of ereir SQOtktm Uetbodlst cbnzcb iJoa In tbls and otber Unds wlU toU a ,tb, tbe cbnrdx's great nlssLonary lead* ,' t Sti, If plans set on foot today by tlieI can be snecessfnily carried oui |

obsKi of tlie Obleap d ty cotoidl leave «ni and SDStbsm-filtlaft to itady bKb } » ClQas visited will be St. PanL '7aa- mclteo, Loa Aniel«% El Paso aad Kew u P M tbe delegation laatlnc fbr Van- led 'WlU be need in an affott to reduce' j

■.■ ,. c1 emploTe of a wbalesals prodnee in a ^Ulow to flsc^'flames wUeh were coa-. tredsofjdseonsfoUoweaiilitL AStbey (0 black backgtonnd of 'n lsh t made'so- ' alls of many ef tbe blrdji-Their conhe t l e d t ’r t b e m o t l e s ’o r f l r tn g tb e 'n a f f i e s : iild m av of tbam, like failing r«c^ <

GALE SW EEPS P inS B U R G H !. _____ , 1

. o i l Dexxleks u d Trees Oo Down In tbs i . H l |b Wind: T«ap«rati» D r ^ . ' |

P I 't tM U B G H , P i ; j (flV rA SO-miie - jfale W p t the n t ia b u ig h dlstrle.t for. ,15 a w u lc s to'day, levellag oil derricla. j

! and blow ing down signs and tree ^ 1 , There n -e te .no .fata lities . The .te i* i1 pe ra tu re d ropped ' 13 degrees In ' o s r 1 ' • : • ■ ' . ]I IDAHO WBATHB& . ^1' Tonight fair and'warmer; Sat-.,' v-nrday fa lr ..r- '- ..- ^ ^


D A IIBIDAT, SB PT E im B B so ; 1 0 ^

S o u t h a r d j P e t t y < i d W i f e , L y d a M e ;

Exacted In tb e D istric t Oonrtroom In T w in F 9f H er Fourth B n a b a ^ E dw ard F . Meyer.

Second Earth Tremor G Shakes Southern Utah 1

a .\L T . L.Mvli CITV, iriuli. ■ItoporlN rrculvod lioro from £Ml' nore, (iiic'of tho .trio of smafi ham:. ' lets in the southern p a r t .o f U toli- shokeu roverely yestonlay by

I pnrtliqunko*, reported ano ther vio­lent tromnr nfc 7:30 this morning.

. . Tho latest shock rendered n o re I oxlonBlvc’tho (lamage dono yester­

dny hy tho s fncs o f quakes. Prac- ,. tically overy.building in th e ’Uttlc Q

1 ■ town was damaged and mado un-

) tenable, nccording to la tes t ■ re- porti. T h o ' (linnagc. n t £lsInor®>

• JU chflold and U o n ro n V a r e s tln u t- . 't .^ - M r . i, w ere 'th o trem ors t h ' i t ' ' ’gT,Sal” 4eC' „-,

■tlon«>;of.rock. w elghiag l^o.asaniU’' o f tons tum bled 'dow n f ro a c liffs ' '

in nearby cnnyons. . t i; Twelve yeara ago tho same sec- P‘

tloQ suffered heavy property loss ni '• from 0 (cries o f quakes,

Ji DFGDraiE:

I I IsjI Do Valera Tells Lloyd-Geortfe J*

Irish Sepablioans will At- ’ tond Sessloi »

______ , OJ' LONDON,; ( ff^ E a m o n n do Valera fJ

fodgy sent a-com m unication lo Prim e J? Minlslflr U oyd George aceopting tho f,

‘ invitation to n conferenee in London, ‘‘■ O ctobcr 11, w ith a yiew to a ra ttle - f®■ ment n f fho Irish (jaeation, . 7 " W c received 'your le tte r o f invita-

‘ tlon to n coofcrcnca in London, Oetobor , I 11, wltn n view to o s r e r ^ id n g how

tlm asiociation.of Ireland w ith th e eom- ’; m nnity of nations known os tho British• i-mpirc njnr best )i(> reconciled w ith w

Irish national asplrntlons,". raid U r. tl) Dc Valera In bis reply. . . ' th

■“ Our respective positions have been thsta ted nnd understood, and wo oj^ne jfthnfc ronforunce, not forrcspoDdBncc. 'i* rethe m ort practical and hopefol w a y - t j to nn undentandlng., ' '.

, “ Wi) ncccpt the inv ita tion ,, Qur del- Ji,cgntcs will meet you In London on tHc g,d n te incntlontil nnd explore .trveiy pos- rc s lhlllfy of n settlement by personald lscnsslon ." tr

D O W N P O U R 's t o p s G A M E " !

N ew Toik-PhUadalpbla C ontest la Oall- ad O ff Becw se o f B a le tl

PHILADF.LPHIA, (/P) — T oday’s v Now 'Y ork • Philadelphia American « leagoo-liBll gam o .w as c a l le d 'o f f be- k caoso o f ft heavy ndn sform th a t sw ept A Shlbe pa rk jn s t about tbo tlm’o th e hi team s were to s ta r t p lay In the laa t g a n p 'o f the acaaon.bere..' The game n lll.bo played o f f la a doo-*' | b lcheader in now Y ork tomorrow. The 1 Y anks need' to win b u t one 'gam o to , clinch the American Teafrne pennant.

’ B otb bejo toa T so k ees , s m . YOBK, (|ip>7 -Babo B uth,' who;J W ;u ieo n fined toh ish6U lye tte rd iiyw lth .1 a mild a ttack o f grippe, to d a y lo ft'.fo r

PJinadelphla b rejofn tb e Y ankees. J• ! • ' ------------- -— — . ' . . ' J f

H A L T S IR IS H ,C O L l E C T I O N S i ‘ :

• ''c H IC A g o i''( ff ) -f lte p h e ii O ’JlBriL *i-• nBrehHwprtswtattve la tb tf 'U » t«4 ’

*■ Stitca , of the Dafl Elreann, the .Irlsb , V repnbUctn parliament, today unenseed.• that <oIlccteln«t funds in this eonntry . p fos the nse of Ireland has.been ordered .

Stopped in proparatlen. for the |2P,0M,> 000 ^ b loan ,oo>P>|(P 'KoToubeTv ’ T%s-OB]y'ezcopt|lon ’Dia^e la ;fer iiip ‘ Irisli relief coaalttee,-whose drlvs tbrfttad s ' U p l^ b a l r^ e Io M < L '• \ : {. - 'T *


m N I O f f i c e r i j i t h e (j

e y e r S o u t h a r d "

. S e t



— Phoio:by.Who6UBg 8^^'

A F a lls where tb e W oman Is on T ria l fo r mon mr, Hero L as t September ' wert

p n i i r : ;l i l O f f lm a & i

— ; • ' . [ thatD p, N a n s e n T e l l s L e a f lu o , A s-,

. ^ e m b ly S y ^ M t l b C a m p a ig n C |)

IS W a g ^ . A a | 9 i E « o r t & t o -

v.4U io a t{ u ';^ u ig 8 ''i i« S '. t)« In g \W irM 't t pu t obstm eilons.ln .the i n i o f ia t« ^ nataonal,relief fo r B iw U ;b y - ln te resU h w hich, hod politldol objects I n .v ie w (Fa V ere tnade-in the .assembly o f 't h e her* league o f 'n a tio n s • today by Dr. F tld t- W e' jo f Nnnicn, high commissioner o f the poni InternBtional .rommittee fo r Bosalan re- chai »et • Wt,

SepUas to Becommendatlon. Tl

• D t. 'N ausea 's chatgcs were made in a fpeech which he dellvcVod n f te r the assembly ha.4 decidcd, on a rep tirt pro- *“ 2J

• r a t e d by D elew to 'M o tta o f Switxw-. land, th a t tho ^ g a o conld no t ^nde^

, take on appeal to the nation#' o f thp world fo r funds to feed Sossia.

Dr, Nansen, aroused by th is action, t made n lengthy appeal to the assembly on behnlf o f B nssW , relief. H e claim- ed there had been m irrepresentatibns

, to some sections o f th e p r w regarding 5 °" ' h ll plans for relief.' The whole tltna- t le a wns being systtfm itie tlly mtsrepro- f

' s o n t^ , be declared, and I t was p e iiec t .ly evident th a t th if campaign came

, from loiDC central son reo -from some . one'w ho had a p o l ll lc o r ia tm a t in oV stnictin^» Bosslan relief.

Sees F e a r as M h tlT e ., ; . bae: I Dr. Nntisen aald he thonght this e'am-> pnlgn, wos duo to fear In somo q o a rte n c p• th a tre iio f fo r Russin would strongtbea ? ”

thc 'libv lc t go^nim ontv Ho d id no t . -' th ink »»ch would ho th e caso, b u t oven ^ I If ifc.etifiuld bc, hn asked " i s tb a t any '» reason- io r .allowing '20,000500 persons '• to r ta rv e f” ^

I>r.' NoTison ilbfended' th a agreem ent ly j• Ik* had mnde in Uoscow with tho soviet yes ' gov'prnment- fnr Joint snper^-lsion; of can ; relief work. .................. ' , the> “ Tlic RUcccM, of H erbert H oovor’a - i

wnrk, nH well as inine, depends en tirely ven upon th r fo.O|inrntion flf tbo soviet gov Ing

I tin iincn :,'’ he unld. wcj

ABks Beroreal e f Decision. '• Tlie liopo tlm t the natiohs would take ,

the in itiative and reverse tho deciaion o fn liR nsifombly by coming - forw ard ^

• w ilh money was cxprfwed by D r . Nan- 5«< » seri, Sweden. Norway, . Ciocho-Blova- pos r '.X ' ^ “ llcd States, ■ Canada and 'W t Argetrtinn already wore een trlbn tlng ; tba 6 he i* ^ le d out. •,. seri

, ' . ’ / " ' '

• S m o o t Offers N i

) > A 6 U m ar6^ iu l c r u x 0( 3 K t » n t »k* - I

|fo m « » j) p,ro|Kwa te .ttc .M B a to r .] J b y Bctfator Smool,'rcphbllcan, IJisb; ' ^ ^ -iTbSvsettator s a i l i l w ' t h a t i i i s 'J n v

,w>nld be ln k Q b ttitn tto iio t.‘‘» a ' «a< I - O f .the, TsrtoM 'ww-ttis*, the-tt-,.- « » a t* 3 B * .- ,ta n ay - ifca m ' ' i t « p ’. i n h sttaxas, c»pltiirstock't«x^.traB4 i! f r <01 i warn.. trt#*rs#k and tnsar»a«t'-' bnl y .. t« x s \.^ n tAxM oaflDftdxinks,'i« ; prt d -ouin,'r«oiaetlca,- «dml«la&rr«a&' t n ,• duet w d tU e f tlie othsr.'BWTiiJ-. r. .'4tlesV of obnbdon^ 'dU ok jU tezr V <1 p ; 'fw » s « rv tm tto o ,’ ' '« dch .iro ilrf.. ' -ri t . - b e r e p t ^ o a a tttt 'Ju n a z y 'ia m - c v d s r ^ r i r t f c ; . o r t a a B a 5 i ^

B W iA/ ‘’ pBIO B F J V B O B K n -

i H F■ l» G '

i e c o n d S p e e i a l V e n i r e o l p o r t y

M e n I s f r e s e n t e d t o ’C o u r t

w l ie i i T r i a l o f A l lo g e t / M u p '

d e r e s s E n t e r s F i f t h Day‘EESONHEL 0? jUBY ^

AS 8 0 FAfi-BELEOTBOO w g e M c P b ^ SnhL • •. i-''- H . B-Stockton, B n U .' 'O .D . McKinley, PUer, • .Oeoiso a n s»blood ,';B aiiM a.A rthur E . Scholton, T ile r. ■ •, L . ' a Brown, P U e r . 'r '■A . 0 . Tenable, H ansen. ' p . H . B M ktr, K ta lm l j . ■ ' ■ •.,^- BUcny Suapioo , K lm b tr lr r n d P . H endriclo, Bogn*m .Jo h n F ra h n , Hansen.L M. Boyd, Kimberly.

.The socond spedal venire o f W ta le t- len were presented In court thU o f te f . oon when the . tr ia l of Lyda M eyer - ewtlianl for the ^murder of ber f b m e r -I iisbnnd,'Edw ard P . Moyer, was resnm- ■: ll. .A ll bu t two of tho m en'snram oaed >' •oro on tond , H . J . K ast afld W. , E w nco fulling to nnswor to tbe ir names ■' rh6n lho « lerk callcd . tho r o l l T in i ' • lore, TVIllIam Qraham andNJ. L . N oble /'' •ero excused npon presentation o tlih y - iclnns ’ certif ica te s: o f ill ■ health . ,

' i ;xainlnatlo n 'B«neVeg.i;;;;^^ ■.Tlie defendant and her K uibw d w tire' -v'-

tescn tfw fr^ as W . J..ftueW ood , fatb tir 'u: t f^ie nceused. Tho toll B o a b e r s 'b f ’ , ' Im jur,.- already in tbo' box w as'aag .',' r fcnte.i by tho addition of. tw o m b re ; :J . . •;V. Frahm and I. J f . Boyd and Ute ex ' m lnatlott of the talesmen waa bem o t onco. ,% / . ; . i ', . •';,Wo J t ^ . T h l s W ^ : - . V,- Tbls .will co l'a in tte /u n tir 'K m e n '^ t

ifoctoVy to bo th-presedntiep ud ,'d ^ > '^ > ' onre are secured.,. I t J s ^ t ’« p e « lM / V‘ b a t th< preeess will-be eomptete.nntO : a rly next, w o e ^ . .: >v

' L O » 'A N Q £ t E S ; - '( i a i ; » ( n ; : .^ ^ F a tty ), A r b u d k r e r e t 6 t i f i t 5 $ M t i ^ e re . tod a y f ro m ' 8 a o ' 'M | ! p m A n ^ Veduesdsy he w as adm U w i'tA V T w liA ' ondii]g hla tria l on a - n S e a W M e ^ K hargo. arow lng e a t o f . 'th e Uss V frglnla Bappe. '

ITie hour of hU a rriva l, bad : b m | v ; lado publlo itt ad v an ce;.tad •<M w i pothered n t tha ta lJro id sU ttp»:,;'l. hortly beforo his . tra ia c a a e / W hen, be and h is pa rty , u d o d ln g h ts k^' M oniy« , a lighted*and m ade th e ir way- hrongh t> e^s tation ;to the stree t, tkw r:tcTo greeted b y B iw y personal friends. V'; Sevpral women m shed fo rw ard -an d ' *

m b ii ijo d .th a film coaedikn, w hije . ' b e e n cnmo from the ,m en . . ’

M any In .Jhe- crowd' bad apparently ' ' onc merely; to ’see w hat, I f a n y th ln g ^ v . appcned ns-.they miide-no de nenstro- >' lon w hatever. '

Ooo woman a ttrae ted a 'la rg e g : ^ ’ . ’ bou t he re .w heo ishe m o on ted .a s d t * -'■< aso nnd denoqt(cea"tliore w be welcom*■it Arhueklo..'.'. • ' .

rrho e o m ed ljw ..lila j8e lf:.had 'm tl» 'to '.^ , ay, .except. t l i s f .b e ;w a s glad t* .M b i ';i> iaek ;hoaa .V .

SPANIARDS f l i O T E C T i : ^Seait O ff U o o n who I n t a i f m wUb

^ v l s l o o l n f A dT *nc«Po8t.. >j\;

MADRID, (ffh 'H ostW U ef o f a fa lN ' r y . im pgjlan t naturo began nWar MelfllaV- i-csterday, between S p ^ h and MoroQ-:.:' ;an„forces, said a n . a n ao n n e sn aa t’l i r .-.j tho m inlstor of "war la s t n igh t. '-. V.'.*- 'M oorish troops wbo bavo been p f t- '- ’ ' ron llng the Span iih from re-p ro riden - ’ ; ' ' Ing tho advanced p o s t 'a t T lih i ebntiiV '- west u t M ellila,.have been driven ttm:'-'-' the ir porlttons. V ith s e t t r a 'l o s sb i

' j • .....'■ I ^ 'y' .'ih-'' • , - M Q W - i o s ' i l l T f c v.';:' H A R RISB m iO .^iIll:,.;

Ruth to d s y .I l is pfered: t lM O 'tn d '.^ - '’ ■ [^onsc8 ta play one g d m o ^ t h 't i a H ^ V y rUbnrg l ^ o t f , ' ; ie iai,p rofesk^;V > '^ tbam, ,T<lthia a week a fte r tb e w s r ld ^ ^ i ' lerioi.

lew Plan fpr / liiment Funds.

x m B M x e n slo a im 'o tf e n A .b r .tb a

..'B epotd o f.tb e exeees v o f i t s & i - a a j ) f i ^ M 'J a o n a ^ 2 i n s t ^ o f o a s e U

e o a e tAx ih id d ren u d n iitb n t tb o n i ^ a ' ; b « ' n o < e b a tn r l« tlMje;)g j w t . ' t o b t t c o j l l q u t t . ^ a ; - ^ » r i U ^

Ij-'. '

1 TWO ^

' L£EO» m& f i i E i s m i i ■n i i i i i .

r ■ — 0i Convention Executive Commit- “ I tee P lans Call fo r P ress Box I'

Covering .E n tire Length o f u5 the S tage "li ■ . -=---- ll-I KANSAS OITY, Mo.. (/P>-A rcori- T k modntiyus for corrcspondciiti, , rcpri'' li

1 ton tia j; th e bigRcst nowiipnpcr*,' maj’a- M kIom 'lind nonn dislribiitini; nKcncioi .M in Ihe tfiuntry, nil! be provliled during ti tlio rfiiivriitioii n f tho Ameriran I^eu- ion Ijcro O ctober 31-Novcmber The w, plan dcvijejl by tho convuntlon e*ccu- tJvo eommitlee cftlli for n pre»abox tho y oatiro !('ii(^h of t£o ataKo, vritli n p tu i ^ ‘aRo lo.uiinff under tho *penker'fi aland to a prcin'room vrhert typowritcrfl will

— be provided, together w ilh m uticr^ph6 .maohinea tmd operalor* n t speelnily In- •“ a tta tlod telegraph kcya. *

Kpw'^pnper men, provided vrilh card* . tUat v riirn for the ir credentiali, may • KO fre«ly bnck and forth from Ihu prcaa box to the prow room. ' Sleno- graphic reports ot tho eooventioji pro- tcodinm will be 'tran ifribed In " In k e a ” ““ which wJll be turned over to tho

i Atnerli-an Legion Nowa Service dcak,■ whero the copy will be edited doi»n I to wbnt ra igb t Intereat the newapnper P“

w riter. T to odllod copy ^vill bo aont. *•' a imRo a t n tim e, to the m tiltigroph mn ‘“ i

.ehino l.encath tbo atn'gv,'whoro i t will I’"' I .' be atonciled and multigranhod, and tho

eoplei Bcnt bark to the ptesa b o t, to bo ' diatributed to tho newa cotrerpondenti.

Undur the plnn nn ndcquato running eln a lory oi* tho proceedinga will reach the ly

.prcaa I to x o n an avcrnge o f 'tw e n ty oil n ln u ti!] bobind actual hopponings.on wli tho cunvention floor, nceording to cil dJM lo f T . tbalrnm n of pub- '

J iielty. in' « ■ cor

W iM O nele J u p o r .^ p « a k ln t o f womon' aod loilc, a

O h lc a ^ TnbD oe co rru p o n d ec t Is r«- B lndM o f . a re m a rk . o f b it Uncle jM p e r a f te r a te rb a l barrage w ith by AQDt H eptlbah. Flpshod wltli re tre a t, or U n d e obacrred : “Thero la anly ooa *0'

' pe raon ' Id tbo w orld, sob,' ivbo la a ca b/cgw d tro fool than i woman, aod bir

' th a t la tb e mao >vho tr ie s to a rru o be< w itb her." ' • ot

.. Claasiflfd advertising is tho cheap j r a t th ing yoa e u bay—m eatarad by t t e ^ w fUs U n a y 'b r in g yon.


Frida:j M atinee 2:15 -

; T h e s to r y o f a m i in t h e W e s t

I . ‘m il ia m ^ oxI p n s e n t s J

r -

H o ts

Vircctrd Jy: A d d e d A t t r a c t i o n —


ll Basoball Stars of F om or TearsI Appoar in Uatbowfion Tes-I I timonlal Gamo'

I I NKW YOUK. (/?)—A flvefnn ing *■ Kumi' hi'tween thi! proaont Now Yorl:

Oliiiita nitd II tcnm comporod of former ' i f . mnjor li'.nguu pluyorn fcnturcd Ihci

Chrixty MnthcwHOii texllmoninl lit the : OX I'olo grounda today.

f .Ioe McOlnnity, thn " iro n m n n " of Ol the Olni't* yenra iiko, w ai e ipected to

atn rt thu pitching for the olU-tlmcra.O lher plnyera w ith the old atnra were

to hicliulo ]logor lixesnalinn, cntcher;■m- Tenney, ■ fim t hnio; Qilbort-, socond ri'' l;agu; Piihlcti, aliortatop; DovKn, thfnl ;n- Itiao; “ K ii,'* Xturmj^ righ t fic ild ; ., ioa McCoriiilrk, rotiterficM ; Kelley, le fi I ng field.

The u 'gular New York-Uotlon gaitie 'he wtui to'l'o llow tho cxhibiliun contcat.*u> .


h x r e e t l ^ ^ T(^J5 Sconteea SodOty Ufijnbers o f ImproTemeota la

Mnaufactiiro of D«7lc9 ]

K WAUnlNOTOX, D. C. ( f l - I m p i o v f i„. ment in mcdlial X-m y biitfile to tim .0. ex ten t th a t iill danger of electrical i». shocks aod burns bns beeu climinatod, ,• l,g was doacribed to tbo A m oiean Itoent',1j gon Rny socioty today bv Dr. W. D. ^

Cuolidge of the GcDorai E leetrie com- . . p ahy 'a rcauarch liborn tory’j j t Schoncc'

ttdyy N. Y. A t tho samo timc, ho eafd. tho outfita hnve been rendered so com-

III pnet IhAt efficient models bu t lUtln 1,5 larger than n camera may now bo pur-l,p chaicd. ”

Dr. iloolidge deacrlhod the now apo- lg elnlly dealgnod tubo which ia complotc- 'le ly cnelodcd In a ino|nl bo r, filled w ith Dl ty oil which ia "grounded ,” ao th n t the )n wholo high tenalon aystem ia aofeguard- lo cd for bolh doctor ond pnliont. b- T]io roya, paailny through nn openln^r M

in the box, aru focusod by a rubber Frc ' cono, which cnn bo plnceil ogainat the tioi

akin i f dcalrcd. jo r* ------------- ---------------^ ' Suporstltions About Birds. e I t bos ahvayn hoop ilecmed unlucky tl by tlie KU|iiTstltl0 U8 to kill a rob la . K or a awalluw. In some lands tbo IH l<ii{ ft lock if Ibl- killing be accldenU l. is oca a cancclc<1'ir burial Is gtven to tbe ij^u {} bird. Sk^sIIowb a ro accounted sacrtd 0 because the;' fleiv around tbc croaa nft<

of Calvary. C------- ____ Nol

* I f yoo r property la dealrabla, aad ij f adTtrtisod • ia tbe cluaJfied — yon ’il

find your hu»*r. _____ p

ay and Satur«Nlgh» 7:15 Price

m a n , a g irl, a h o rs( e s t th a t is w ild a n d

^ T (

B i e M i

s e m eby'Jinx Brand

J — P a t h e N e w s a

% - ■

T W I N F A L L S;S DAILY NEWS, TWINH lia Olirlstinaa to ToIcd P u t In Unemployment Conferenoe

7 '


I t

Mira fJlizabi'tri CnrlKtoiiin, api'Oinr -' e d 'h y fc'crretiiry iif Commerco Honvtr ,!

to eimfer with olhcra nt well known * ab ilily on tbo unem|)1oyment eriala, hiu < had rona'dorablo experlenco in- denllngwJtJi Jftiluatrla) prublemi*. MJm 'ChrJat- iman reproaenta organised labor. - Bbn |is aeerctnTy of the Inlenintionnl Olovo 1W o rk c tr ' union nnd a.'crelnry -trcnsuf- (cr o f ihu Niutional Women'a Trndo Un 1lim league. r


— IM ’l’irERSON, Knn., (/P) — Colonol "

Frod I . Hllla o f tho fourlh Kansas nn- tional guard regim ent, who ^vna a ma', ' jo r during tho world wnr, waa accldcnt- ' jnlly ahdt and fato lly wounded early to- dny when ho itum bled over a rug iu h ii diniiig room and dlachargcd his ow;i rfavolver whilo hunling a burglar. J

A noico n t a winilotv euuaed Colonel Kllia tn hurry downalaira in the darl:- sesa. The sho t a., fow momenta ..later broughi his w ifo 'to hia tidb nod to hvr ho «n»tc4 out ibe tiory, dyhg aoon nfterw ard

Colonel Bills •>* Kcnruoy,Nob., 10' 1880. -Ifclidos thn widow, a aon and daughter anrvive. >


[ ] ) ■ Halinee 2:15 Night 7:15 ^

rdayIces 10c and 25e

rse a n d a d o g , id w o o ly .

o m |LIX

i n ^i%ynolds ,and Comedy

M i FISPffillc o m i u i i

^I N e w C e n t r a l A m e r i c a n F e d e r a -

l t i o n A d o p t s P r iD o ip le o f R e - ,

l i g i o u s F r e e d o m a f t e r F i e r c e .

I F i g h t U d b y C l e r g y ;

fi TKGUCIOALPA, Hondiiip*, ( /? > - ’ ' Libertf o f Ihouglit and freo exoreiao o f i

? nil forma of worahl|i and religion aro to (5 be recognized by thu constitution o f 'I j the n e i/ Conlral Amerienn Fcderntion, < which ir bolng diacusaed in tho Con

• a lituen t Awpmbly meeting hero. TheI proviaidn wna ndopted ftflor a fiorco jI contoniion led by tho rcpreaontativra< of tho Cotholic clergy of Quatemala, 'I Salvndor and Ilonduraa. (The Fader-\ a tio n )» compoaed of thoao throe eoun-I triea.) .t Abolishes D entil Peoalty |I Tlie new .eonttitntion proclaims iid \I vancud principlea. It'declnrea tho In-i

violnhillty of tho humnn U fa Thia hna liecn a tendency of the Lntln-

. American republica, dealh ponnlty h a v -1• in;» ber-n’flboJIahed ln Iho Jaws o f Drar ,r.U, Costn B lca, Colomhin, E cuado r,' n Ounlcmnin, Ilondurna, N itarngua, i'nn-1 J nma, Uruguay nnd Venezuela. !

L iberty o f thought iand of conscionre l• i» gJjJsrflTitrffd. TJiwo e«n no kgia-!1 latlon <.u religious raaltera and a ll t h e '

fo m r of worHhin opposed to morals, ^• good ciirtoma and public order aro a l - '

lOfrtd. Religious nasoeJa<iona whieh rompol n perton to nn unconditional. obodionco or ostnbUah confinement i n ; do isto r pro jwohibltcd.

A rflliglout net cnnnot bo preaenlod I to pruvo the civil s ta tu s of a man. Tliia I

provialon Is m eant to do nway w ith th i-1 I ancionr p rin rip le o f SponUh legialation i , which tecognfrcd the religioua certifi- . cation of b irth , mnrringo, or death a i I ; valid f\nd good na tho atato cortifiea , tions.*

! I f your p rp p n tT la dMitable, and )• n d re r tiis l lo th e elaailficd - / o n ’o

I find ynur I uver. < ; I

ISATURDAY,E v e r y b o d y i s G o i n j

t h e


Pay For OToilet Articles

2 fo r i■Nuil P i l( j . i ....... ; . . ................... 3 6 c T

iN iw d iT I ' u f f s ........ ...........2 5 c ^

H i l l a in B i u id o l in ...............2 5 c ‘j ,

A jJH o U e B r i J J i n n t in e 5 0 c p

.A n n o t tc C o l d C r c a n i -F a c e P o w d e r .................... $ 1 .0 0

IvOil C a n T h e a t r i c a lCroain ...... ................. $1.001 4 H e d C a l l T h e a t r i c a l '

O c i i m .......... ........................... . '2 5 c

V i a i l ’H S m e l l i n g S n l ta .... 3 5 c 'J

I v o r y DrcHn'm^ Comh.... 75c jj------------------------------------------------- ^ u

Rubber Goodsl i l l l \V n l o r T ! B t |1 i i ........’. 5 1 . 7 6

l ' \ ) u n t a i u S y r i n g e ..........$ 1 .7 5

I ’ u r i t c ( ‘ U u h l ) e r f l l n v e s $ 1 .0 0

H y r in j ;e T u b i n g .................. 5 0 c

l l a b y I ’n c lf i e rK .................. 1 5 c

AA Imperial Shinoh / l l n Tollel TlMue Minto'. / | l | i IOOO,Sliseli



O NiHonoy savings -unknown bofore our store your mooting placo. I singlo itom in.tbis list. Ohooky


N P A L L S , I D A H O , F R i a

I jiR iiw E ill l E i S T y i l P j l E E W : -

' — ■ t A l l e g e s V i o la t i o n o f S o v e r e ig n * i

■I - t y a n d P r i n c i p l e o f N a - ‘ y t i o n a l E q u a l i t y

I PE K IN G , (/P)—Agreements 1/ctwoen tho Uiiitcd Sl|.itc8 and Jnpnn rolativo

J . to tiio fu luro Btnlua of tho laland of s] Yap, as r e p o r te d .in prcaa dlapatchcj, oi con ttiru tc a violation o f O hina’a sov- 0

)e crelgnly nnd tho . principle o f nationn!. cqonllty, says o a identic noto tranamit- led to tho American ond Japnncae le- ^

. gations by tho Chineao foreign offleo. ^ — Tbo Chineao noto molntaina tho Amer-

icsn-Jdpancac agreement coonot auth- to .o r ito Jn p n n , to lay n cablo between i i Shnng itfli and tho iainnd of Yap with n, out securin jf the consent o f Qliinn. , E

IC W ASH IN aTO N . D. U., (/P) - - The t) ;o protest filod by China against Japan ai rs _______ _ __________:_______ ____

NOT;.| “ Commencing Oct 1, we i!;! I I t i s n o t a m a t t e r o f t r u s t i n,. I i t i s s im p ly a m a t t o r o f b o ln g a> I c o m p e t i t i o n , a s m e r o b o n d i s o h[; j m a j g i n t o s e l l o n c r e d i t . T l

I c o m p o t i t i o n w o a r e c o m p o l le d ( e f F I B S T — ^Wb o a n s e l l c b e a p e

! 8 E 0 0 H D -.—W e c a n o a r r y &■‘ 1 T H IB D — ^Wo o a n g iv e b e t t e :I- ' W o m o k ^ f o u r f r e e d e l iv e r i e s

M.; 2:45 P.M.; 4:41! P.M.i l . W e c a r r y a ’ c o m p le t e l i n o o f

j u p - t o > d a t e m e a t m a r k e t , a n d o' I W c b u y B e e f , V e a l , P o r k ," I k i n d s o f { ^ t a n d V o g o t ^ I e s .

; i L U C K Y G l


M a n a g e r G r o c e r y D o p a r t m o n t

( ,m . 1st, isn g — G e t a n E a r l y S t a i

e G r e a t e s t o f A l l S a l e i


[ f O l i JO n e A r t i c l e a n d G

D e n t a l N e e d ^

2 fo r iTootli BruEiii'. . . . . . . . ... .... 50cViall’H C hlorate ToothPflHte . ....................... 50cZ y lan o ........ ........ . ...... 50cPflstJiywoI TootJi Powder 25c jqq

--------------------------------------------------E s s

B a t h r o o m

■ N e c e s s i t i e s g o ii

2 fo r iWash ClothH ..... . . . . . . . . . . 15c \"iiiViall’« Smooth Skin .... 25c PovII uml S c ru b s ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c ViaHath Sonp ............ 10c PtMtSehranim W itch ITnzel ----(.Voain........................ 35c(llycerino nnd Rose\Vnt<‘r .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c"■ ! ' A t i r

$ 2 . 7 5 ' B i g

V a c u u m B o t t l e H "!!

iila, 4 c o l o r s ..... .......lOi0 Tooth P i c k i ............lOily, special................. ......50(

1~-25c ' MENTHO,

E DAY ONLlr e a w a i t i n g y o u . O o m o o a r l y a n d c

L e t UB o o r o f o r y o u r p a r c e l s w h ile

t y o n r t f r a n t s a s y o n r o a d a n d b r i n g


D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 3 0 , 1 9 2

cro control o f lho tab le io rn e r ly niB- ' f l n iog frem tbe ialand of T a p to 8hAB{p H al bu t during (he w ar d lvorlod by tho Japnncao on ita w eatera end to N abs, one of the Loochoo Islaada w lista i t cbnneeta w ith Ihe Japaneec e y S o a , ifl aimply carrying forw ard a moTcmeat iu itiated during tho p ast adm inistia- tiun by Dr. W d lb g to n Koo, th e n Qhla- oto minister to W oabisgton. ■ n

B W # Seem A ttrartstf tjy Blue.A London wnll-paper m aD afacturer

suffers consUlprnble d am ap j from sparrow s. The apiirrowa Oock dow» i on tho dark blno pulp used la th e maa* a facturo of paper nnd a r« ' rtrowneA I l Ib believed tliat th e color a tt r a c t! them. The pulp Jias no odor aad ther*U a canal o w r by which p ro v iae i , them lYltb drlnhlng w ater.

Ancient Sheara.T te Bheafs used by tb e ancieBl I*

K syptlans hnd one leg detad u ib lo f « r , ^ _ aharpcnlng. I t wnn held Id p lacc by tw o clotha encaging T - s b e p ^ p la i, and eouM be detached In a second.

ncEI will sell tor cash onlyting our many customers bnt ; 0 : able to carry tbem and meet is being aold on too oloso a

Theroforo, in order to meet d to sell for cash, por.a. more complete lio ;. ' te r service.[esaday— 9 A .H .;1 0 :4 6 A . ■

of groceries and we bave an I our prices aro right.I, Mutton, Ohickens and-all

G R O C E R Y: 246-----

f . V. MAHGELBON ‘t . Manager Moat M arket

s the Dat^i r t . T h e B ig g e s t ,


h j jG e t T w o M

iron ia tie C a s c a ^ ^ H L 25c i))Hom Balts 10c'oopcr’s Milk i j ^ H H a SOV- v -oric A cid P o w ^ ^ ^ K . . 15(i X) A spirin T a ^ ^ ^ V $ 1 .0 0 s s J n y O l i v e ^ ^ m . . . 7 0 c . ' . :uRsinn Oil $100.' ^

iocta Tablets 35ciall’H A n t isc ]^ ^ ^ P owdcr' ...... $1.00

o w t l e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K .....60c

o w d e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ; - . . - 25c

___10c \t i r o r ^ H B n o r y „T__40c 'ig i s l H g T ablet-. 15c o.K P f l f l H . . . ..... .........75c

Oc wPodow

0 L ^ ^ - 2 S c ~

I d o ^ H n o p p i i ig , . .Xako die Don't nisB a ■..]

9 2 1

. . ‘ S' . •

We Feed and Clothe - the Wliole Family.

The^P re se n tii th e Store A g a in T'Y our New

W i t h N e w L i n e sTbo appropriate ' aod neoossi

fa ll coat. Onr stock is completo ioQod linos whioh creatt2s attrao l of fo r th a t adds to tho coa t a toi


Yonr selecUon wUl bIto you fftultlcu ' BtyW Trlcotliie and Po in t Twills in

FftU'B chosen colon vlU pnvalL A vlt-. I t to our Boady-to-Wcar Dopartaoat will mon than ropuy you. Out prlcos moan ecooomy comblnod with anallty

' and rtyle. From $10.00 to $7B.00.

COSTUME BLOUSESQlvon a bAndumB aklrt, one can effoct

• "»«"y cluaee# soltnWe for aay occa- Bion vltli the aid of a beaatlfnl blonse forfalL Thero aro M many dlstUicttvestybfl In onr stock ttiat only a cordial Invitation to you to visit oor falonso de- putm eot will Justify them. From 12.00


B e P rep a red fo r TJ Do Not Let It Catch You l

BEOSFBEADS FOB $2.98Fnll slxe Bedspread, in neat patterns, the kind that washes easy. 8!se Is saxOS. Ton will flnd'them priced right a t ;______________ __............. 12-08

20x10 Turkish ToveL A iplendld tow­el for every day use. Each 26c


Tand datable, In tan, bloe -ioi \ g n f ^ d designs ■------------------M.86

e e l s o A L L w o o l , p l a i dI ' ' BLANKETSItn piidt|[blne, grey and tan pUlds. They itf» as m n n as they are good looking. Oholc* ^ p a i r ......................... .. 19.75

MenlVhoDiOothes Shoi‘ i

kalxiin g A n In( re a t U nifc r h is S torewr F a ll Goatia e s a n d R e a l C h & r n icossary companion of the soason is yo ploto, m ay i t ho a plain ooat w ith fas ,traotivono8B, or a richly trim m od col] a touch of w arm th and boanty.

S 1 4 .95 TO $ 8 9 ,5 0 ' ■L FASHIONABLE FOOT-S 'S • WEAR .

Nothing adds to a w om an's a ttire m a o a t ^rlcM • than a p re tty p a ir o f sboe j T an « allty

brown aro a ttrac tive ly developed

suede, sa tla and U d. Thoroughly

Kca^ pcrionVod help In our Bhoo Departm

louse - ^ to t ry on ft pa ir o f i

model your .heart deelrtfl. Oae visit

e de- 00, jtioe departm ent w ill mean th a

your foet wlU bring you back.

T h a t F irs t Cold Snap- ou Wilhout the Proper,Beddin18 SILKOLINir OOVEEED^ OOMFOBTBES -to la n U e d w ith 100 p e r c ea t pure cott

fu ll else; is selUag f o r ________ IS

$2.08 21X27. Sun te t down filled FlUow, x ered w ith b est QuaUty Ucklng. Ei

. » ...................... — ..........................- ®tBNDLETON IHDI41I

BLAHKETS'O a n yon Imaglaa anything more o

■and than a a a ll wool Pendleton Ind ian B l M.B6 k e t fo r your automobUe? $7.06 to I

n 04x70 Q rey Blanket, w itb blue bon! ^ splendid fo r sheet b la n k e t . ]

p a ir .... ..............................ta

They 72x30—T an and Orey w ith blue bor king. blankets. .A s excepUonal good blan] 10.75 for th e |^ c e /O f ....... — ;...............$3

Demand Quali ould See These

In all m odesty wo say tha snch a vario d display of qno wo are showing comploto Iin aols S torn and Fashion Porli

^ iievo and hope to havo tho o; ^ th a t theso linos are tho n a ti



^ Space (loos no t allow u s to go into (lotnilH abou t o a r

H g stoc'k of stylish and dnr* M a nlilc ovcrcoatK.H h $30 TO $80

H b HOSIEBY f o b U E lf

HB ‘.A well mndu and good looking ho-Hc,'i.s. bound to

a m be more oonifortablc as l j ® well. The Inrgost stock to

J w l i 2 l-2o TO $1 .60

H s j UUNSINO UNDERWEABi ^ l , FOB UENv ^ l f r '\vq jjQgji jjot go into detflils

■ when wo te ll you th a t we\ ' nro Bole ngcnt« fo r th is

10 | famoES u n d erw ear.'. t u ?1.2B TO $7.60

' f W i N F A L L s ' b A I L Y

_ G rec) EPARTM

im nidex o f ]V ‘o rm a lly e ’s Ind is]

border, *. P e r ■

12.00 '

b lanket 1... 13.10 • <

Mty in Their se New Suitsth a t novor boforo havo w e had q uality m erchandise. ThiB fall •I lines o f Hirsh-W iokwire, U ioh. ’a r k Clothing fo r men. W e be- to opportunity of proving to yon nation 's b es t clothing m anofao-


A good looking necktie 0 nutans a lot to every m an’a ir a t t ire and you aiire can f* .pick ou t Kome p re tty ones

in- im r Htock now, inost complete.

60o TO $2 .00 -


^ Our h a t dcpnrtm eri.t car- ^ ric s such line.*? as F ran k ^ . Schoble, .Stetson and C.^ S tack H ats. Comc in and

‘ t ry on your size. • '$1 .50 TQ-Sy-,fO


8 W c boast of such woll e known b rands and fcef as- ifl su red they will p leaso your

moHt d iscrim in atin g -tas to .’ $1 .25 TO $ 8 .0 0 ,

, Y N E W S . T W I N F A L L S

■; V • . ^

m S l O Ei l * y .1 i w P r o g r

ExpM erchandi M oderate p u ta b le 1s T o i l e

) Toilet Qooi/ powder am

of tooth p: han d L o tio

j The s tr ic t] ; t

M V - /I ly improved

/ w ear and ad

m V~ - — — / touch,” Our £ 3 S t ^ ’~ y 'V ^ complet

I, ® t P l 7 g reatest appri


I - M M a d £

- T h i s :B L A C K

\ - • \ I : - 40 ifl^widc \ . \ J / fabric. Pe

\ \ X f ■' b l a c k sW ' \ | M . 40 in. \vid(

• ■ X l different^ i

1 \ \ ' - b l a c k ' t l\ \ ‘ 40. i'i!. 'widw N A i ' stn)iigcfit f

>- -• • luLH comc '1\ \ f o r yard

\ \ BLACA I A ' :i() in. wid<

/ J y J r usefaln(

• JBoys’ Fine . I a Constant F

The Only Exclusive B< All Southei

Thoro is in th is s toro a ce rtai _,tho h e a rts of ovory m othor a

shopped' th ere . M d th a t is o th is little s toro fo r tho hoys w

; clothing and furnishing goods.

I W e havo in sto ck and a rriv i , boy could w ant, H ats; flaps,I Gloves, M ittens, M ackinawsj Oc

jam as, N ight Qowns attd;!pii'‘fai T h is ja a fe a tu re of th is sto re i

citiBff,' b n t i t 'is hero a t yonr aor and boys, i t is a ploasnro to s^o


The original Econom y B ason daro say i t is socond to none in Shopper’s Friond, a trip to o n r ! anothor an d anothor, alw ays yi

'o f b a r ^ k s th a t will m ean a su evory-day necessities, .G ot- tbEC O N O M Y -B A SEM EN Tr-■

j S , I D A H O , F R I D A Y , S E P

RE Ltd. I EaltreSaive

Kfeitilise T h ro i } P r ic e s Pi L eadershi]l e t A r t i c l e s I n C o myon ontor th e s to re , in a m ost handy loods D epartm ont o f f e ^ g yon your and any odor in porfnm os. Bosidei 1 pasto o r . pow der, L isterino, Ferox itions,' eto.

Y NECKWEAR FOR FRESH FALL COSTUMESI f ta ilored frock w ill be groat- , ^ j

ed w ith a .bit o f so f t nock- ^line and t

add to I t lh a t “ fin ish ing SMALI Our stock o f neckwear is now p / \ 3 |

plete and w ill m eet w ith th e These are

pproval by everyone to whom

have the pleasure o f showing beanU ful i

a t prices m ost moderate.

iame Fashion S a j ;

3 Fall said Black 1CK CANTON CREPE , , R 'A C'ide. Yq u ^U know t l ^ . 40 iu. v P er y a rd .,....’.1 ..” .$3.W .'Per'yan

[ SATIN CHARMEUSE ; BLACad e . A quality th a t isit, in a raven black. P e r beauty.■!:.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.95 BLACI 'tlE O R G E n E CREPEride. T he sheerest and n i ApK?t fahric,cv6r m ado th a t •,o t o 8 % f 6 r a l l t i m a :

.................................. ,n i,.K . 1

.ACK MESSALINE BLAvide. A silk ta b ric full......... 40 ,in . w ilnesB. P riced -per yard '.........T he nuc ...................... $1.69 y a r d ...

Apparel Thai Reminder of SjBoj/8’ Department in iern Idaho («

'ta in 'd o p ^ tm e n t th a t h a s won H' abd o f every boy th a t aver B!s onr Boys’ D epartm ent. - In I II wo c a r ^ a com pleto line of .. fflds. l l

■iving daily every th ing th a t a Wa, S h ir ts ,. H ose, .Ties, Bolts, M, Coats, OvorcoatSj. Suits, P a - U‘fa c t every th ing fo r tho boy. 9re usually found in th 'e 'la rg e r . n service. Eomomber, m others 3^ow you.


BASEMENT '|lomont in Tw in F alls and w e ’ in all S outhern Idaho . The or Economy B asem en t m oans > you will find a n abundance (i substan tial sav ing to y o a on

j ) i r a E M B E R 3 0 , 1 9 2 1 , :

? e r y t h i n g t o

i t a n d W e a r .


ionughoutW ingiPyn p le te D i s p l a ydy place, yon wiH find on r ' or favorite fa ce oream or dcs all the d iffe ren t k lnda ozido, Antiseptio Ootton,


of well f lt tlo g k id gloves g lre s . t “ a ll d roned lip” feeling, and e you happen to be In th e store < of the clerks to show yon ouzI t ry on a pair.

iLL FURS AND THEIR SHIONABLE UTILITYn th e days w hen .tbe U ttle fo r cas conie in to thielr own and : received another shlpm tnk ofII small f a n th a t add soeh u | nnartnees to yon r d re a i T tm> $20.05. . '

lys It’s B l a c k It S h a H B ( ^

\CK C R E P 'e 'd E tH IN E w d e. The o]d re U ab le ; ' '

a r d .............W

\CK CHIFFON VELVET•pasaed jn r ic h n e s s 'a n d 'I'. P e r y a rd ........... $5.95

dCK DUCHESSi/SATlNn and loved by every n. - P e r y a rd W-00

3K CHIFFON TAFFETAwide. P o r.th a t gorgeous

lg gown w ith s ilv e r trim*P er y a rd ...............$196

.ACK CREPE SATINwide. A luBtrons black,

lueen of a ll s i lk s . , P e r ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 3 .7 I .

it Will BeSatisfaction


■m '

■ n /


K H w '

r n a m B B s m '

; : . . T B x a : r ,

H i l i lp m flis e ii

, moreSinn F«ln‘a Answer to Lloyd- Misr

Oeorge Bead for tho DaU nnt r . Elreann Cabinet.

*■• InltorDUBLIN, ( /P )-S ln n Fcin Ire land’* S’ol

h m - o r to tlic U rillrh pov^rnm cnt’a In- wilt IvitoUo.i lo a eonfeicnee to bo Ucid in nfJcrlioiidtm on OttobcT U ,- v.m oximeto.l ^,orkto be n ’a d r f o r tho Pnll Ulri'unn cab- q . n .ine t when i t u jB m blcd hero a t 3 p. m. ,rill Ilodny. Enmonn Jo Valero, IcftJcr of tnko

I tfio Iriih ropubUcana, conferred wHb sutiibl■ coUcauuea yciletday {iftcr rccclving !<« ;■ r ri ia o M inister Woyd ncori;«'« noto,U ;|pnn 1 and It woB goncrallT bellovod tliat tho the h

]fU h Torly WM virtutilly decMod tfpon i„fter ' durinj: tbo afternoon. \ nnd i

' \ fllllcn'BBLPAflT N EW B PA PEE VOIOB8 |,all,


BELKAST, th i t n‘ aolr.-tion of tlio IrliU eontrovefny inoy nol - bo rcaciicd At tho London confcrenco on .

• Octob.‘r 11, abould tli«. Uritiah Rovern- 1 Bsent’* InvWttloo. lio ncw jitcd by tJio• Sinn Vi'.u, w * cxproMed bv the N orth. » P”• orn Wi.lit today. In cowracutiPK upon .

prim e M inister Lloyd Qoorjfo’a lotcat ^; noto to DoWin, Ihu Lcuspapcr eald*. _ .V. "M r.-L lo y d Ocorgf h n w io t Pormn-1 ucntly averted a liravo crisla In the 4^ n w e e liCk'otlnliow by h ia .rop lf- Un- . »«

ICM some oao la jircporcd to make a ve ry blj; aurrcnder, Jio bim only poat-

■poncd i t .” —' - . ' i theru■nnsTirai a=

' Bail Tariff Expert Asks Bedno- )*• pi tion of Charge for Trflns-

porting ?oel

I f nn oppeal lodjjod by Lconnnl Way o< th e iT o f tlt aMotl&Won, u l tb 'b e ,

• S . I* fre ig h t offieiala, occomplUhca th<i |,oI r c w llj cxpectod, fuel wood wlll l>e laid „iv„ i ' down. it. Twin Iflalla n t n conilderebly ,„gu

roducod roil hoolaso fee. Tho nppeal tlie re wos w ritten ond fllod'wU li the rollroad ,„ojii

• •compouy ycaterday. „ iBpcnkinc w ith rclnHon to th.‘ coat ,

o f tranaportntion 6f- fuel wood, Mr.. W oy lolicd RU<Mition to .t\ie f a c t thn t \ th e roil chorips p rr cord from poiao to T V ln T atli la W.OO 1-2, nnd to Oftkloy. n p , ♦4.6a. M r W ay o ttr lb u te i the oxtro- ord lnaiv ac&Tclty o f fuel 'Rood la th lt

I. •'■optlon’to w h o t‘he term* ,\n c j?rblU int “ it; ro ll charge. ....... ' . difficI I tik lu ;; tronaportotion ta r i f f i on tbhi j,rovU I commodity, a« opplying to polnto In' h ,

M ontoim, governed by mlloage lo ite a i t i iI,\ 61 by tbe eord, Mr. Wny. flfpirea tb a t tj,o . wood foo 1)0 laid down lu Oakley for nccnri ! • *3.35, :iod in Twin Folia for *3.57 1-2 5,^I ■ por cord. Hovialon ,o f tn r if f on tW i

•boolf l.na been Mked. .'• * . value Tho Bcncml cnr lU ualion horo, and ,,aa \>

^ of ia quUo »aU»f*tt0i7 , M r. >»ooi)

W ay nnnoii«fc». ‘ iro tclla o f aomo com- ,ju rtj , plainlni; coming from Buhl ond Jerome, u fad i

b n t a l l l olatca tb n t tb lr troublo l i in ,.,r,pt - ptoccM o f cortcetlon now. th e t.

P R O N O U N C E S S T O C K S H O W . £ » ’

O N E O F H IG H E S T a U A U T Y

; B . a . M oim l. J i m » « t S t t u . r u r , W lj- S j M i j U * M » ± r f l l ' i

I ; llnrviR. n . MfluBol 'o f CombridRC, Neb., ia dor y

' th e g u r » t ^ Mr. flnd M rf. 0 . M- Slraiv tl*mJ.o n nnd M r. ond Mm. W a Honnold e«Hirf

' o f F ou rth avenne norlb. M r. M pm el Vo eli > ia well known in a ll porta of thoA ian- fiRU#*• t ry araeng H ereford fo ttle ownor# ns yldo1 one o f the Ja rgw l b roedew .and owners the n

o f th n t s tra in . n « h w Ivoetv ift.'tlolic w here he acted ns judge In tho sta to fn lr stock ahow, which he pronounced I to h.-iv" been of hiRb quality . ,H o w)il 11 loavo in n fow doj-s fo r Snlt iJiko W ty timea wlii-ro hi. t« to act as judge In tho stock w o« ^bow lr. tho U tab atnto foii> nex t Mon- war.

; doy. II .5 har olao osTced to a e t In th a t I , rnpo rity Eit tho Portlood Llvo Btock for tl

abow in NovcinbcT.Although the firm of Moaafil Bros., o f a ]

, of. w hi *0 Mr. Mouael la tbe senior mem- 1 ber, hna made snlea o f slock*to tho wUI a

T lleTcfor-l VTccdcTi. o f Tw in Fall# coMnty, I Uno-■ 'th is ia bis f irs t visit to tho aeetion eoimti

and a a 'a tita c fir tl farm er ho is finding ernl n. niurh that is of g rea t in torest to him. coived


A. U Swim has returned from Boise, _ ;iio ro ratled enriler lo tho week , ' J to ottuiid n mectinR o f Ih.i directors o r _ tho Idnbo Development coT»ipany, ft cor- [•ornticm fonncd for the diffusion of _ knowlcdgo concerning thc resources of Idalio. A qaom m falHnj! lo asVttabU,Octobcr 15 w)i8 agreod upon oa tbodnUjfor n rubsBquont BicoUng lo be hem a l Uolsa

Til* P n r s t t l r a I Aa n purgative. Cham berlain’s Tab- I lets aro tbo exact th ing reria lre l. Btronj?1 enouRl) fo i 1^6 m o it to b a s t, wXM eooagh _• for children. T he.causo on agreeable

moveocot o f tho bowels w ithout any of tha t ten lb lo g riH og. They are oosr

' s a d pleasoDt to tako ond agreijable in c f f« e t -A d v .




9 2 0F O B l G O A L

iR. M. STHOBHin^ a “r ■■■


J U N IO R H IG H S C H O O L | | " j

The memlyjrahlp tl<ftmoino(erB 'o re —SOIOK «(» in the. ly rl* ' orRonisatlona of **

I thu junior hlRh schu.ol. Tho eajnpoiffn " -!for girl reaervo members ia bodmiug. uu b''O ver .11) pur .ccnt of tbe girls enrolJeit Mnnre ntreody w earing thc lr tngs ond tr ip tmoro flre joining th e rnnkM each’ dny. j j , .Misr H enson’s ndvlaory witJi L lcuteii' ni^w innt nobyn Finch nnd .Mlaa W cat's a'l- . .vlaory w ith Lioutonnnt Jerom o K rlvn ~ ' iipk nro loading Ihc ciRbtb j-radora, the Inltcr liciuR 01 pvt ren t,

Not nil o f tlio girls wbo hnvs jnliu-l Miawilt intiK nilvnntago of tho club worV. the cn fler "cbool, b u t will be i>rW\kBvil to yenlMwork for “ bonorn” eind en titled to the i{,0 . n. ring ot th .' cod of fbo year and h is 1;will tie cIlgHilo t<i ^i'car Inaignlo and bu«lu< tnko pnrt In tho glneiclub and girl as-suuibl'* meetings. Wxmi

Iflj 't TUursday nud Fclday Wlas >j:tpnnor lla lu hod tho girls kIru up for tho botil.y tboy most desiro to pursuelafter whiiol bo(irs, during leisure tlmo K“nonnd iround hnme. The reault was 01 'woo 1fulldKa: Ovmnasinm, 28 girla; l>o*kel B. Il>all, 5‘i «irla; practicnl sowing, 10 Oregoglrla; im brolderlng, iTochellng nmt ri'tunknlltitig, i:0 ; dm m ntics nnd folk drill". .j„,]•17: niufie, 10. Thi' d u e r pnid by tho , member,, nmde It [loaKihlc ti« obtninmnterl-il ncroMary ro cnrry on thi'ae . . clossea, (o tbiit cnch girl "IH Jiavc Iheopportiintty. to oxpreas berself in her ..a .e rb l way. All the teocbcrfl hove o f ' « ,fcred Ib d r lorvicos and nrc g iving aa •cveninv tif^or aehool lo club j ^ t «

- ■ ■■ ’mI!SMOOT o n r s a j N ^ p l a n ,

' (ContlDued from Page Ona) «»»<■■

Ihero Hhall lio levied, nase«cd, collect. od and paid u;>on every coinniodlt.v monufncturnil. or produced, when aold, • Icaeed or llccnaUl for conaumptlon or uao w ithout fu rt'ie r proccM o f monu- focturo, u tn s -e q u lv n len t jo a -p c r cent o f the rrlfo fo r w kkh sueh romniodity » ia sold, leased or Ik'cnacd; aui-b tnx to sluU he paid by ihu inacufarturer or pro-

nhould he noted,” sjild Bonolor HSmoot, V thol ns tho tnx la impofod |___onlr when Uirticleif'nre sold ‘-for con- sunintion or uae without fu rther pro - - - reas of manufacture, tb n l tbo la x •««) D tA bo nt.n.<.iimulative in c ffec t a n d 'w ili give (hll Inlegrnled bnainess no ndvnii- tngu over the dlaintegrated bualnei-.There will bo bu t oue to t . I f a com- Foreo modltv is sold for conaumplion or use noi In n fm lb«r ptMps* of tn(vnufa,cture n«i ■ . tiix witl III' linpoacd. For eitimplc,,-rmlo oil •old for fuel would be taxo- c il] ble, but if suld It) a refm cry for tho hroug ,* lk i„S ..t B«..llne or ik . oo»modl- „ „ k , .lira noiild not bo taxable. from I

Sots Mlnlmnm ■'

“ In order lo a « ld -a d ra ln u tro lly c difficulties w ith smoUjjioles, tbo bill iirovUkB for an exemption of a ll sales Qpgji o f leal tbw i $0000 during ono year,Thla will exclude about 1 per pen t of tho m oni'facturcd goods In the connlry, j j og nccordlnj lo tho «!on8Ut of rannufootur-era. I t, will proctlcally exem pt a ll thengrleulturo! product* s in e « th o avorogo , , value of products of farm s for th is yonr boa licenestlm T itcd 'by tho muchof ogrlfuVnrcr o t bclwe^ii MUQO cind j $2000 -b u ? -a s -m o a t .agneuU urol .pro- ducts would find the ir wny Into mnn- j j, ufactured products, they «ould ho ex ^ cmpt am-wny under tho defin ition , of tho tax . . , lower

'■I'TOviiton U'ma<lQ tor a. liko ta^, i .» i l .r im porltd commo.li I t . •»

tltat t 'ltro con bo no ducrim inotlon nKoiiiHt Ainerloiin proilucl,. ' ,

'■..Tl.o y ltlil o f t l i i . IOI lo o 1>«» „ „ v o M lj . ..H m .Ica nml «PP '" ;-“ , ''1 ™ willT . m , o [orom o.t m ononii.U In llio toon_ try , P r o t e o r a .o . lo . J . or, Dllarvofd , to produce during Jho colon . dor , “ nr' 102^ . ^ S C .O O O . ,C o n s o r t tlsm has been cxcrciae‘1 throlighoiit thU ; i t L a t e . Tho y ield will undoubte ly l>o cloao to 000 billion dollars, b u t the fieuro given Is more tban amplo to pro- vldo thc rev e n u e,'^ lifb wlll be lost by j j og, the repeals which I propoae. _ _ Co,

W anta E eal E«vIsion. - K l;

“ I w ant to see o real rovljion of our ^ ^,j,| Inx lows nnd nnl tbo perpotusvtlon In times of peoco 0/ revenue, lows which woro diivised undor tho emergency of

* “ I w ant to soo « re turn of proaperity for tho American people nnd boliovo wo can 'U ting i t th tough thc enactm ent o f a pfopor ta x aystom. ,

“ I beliovo thn t thoao omendmotit!> J will ac«on\pllsh tho dekired resu lt ond .M il I know th a t tbe people throughout this «„fl,a country nro ot sim ilar belief, from gen- famih ernl njiprovnl whieb the plnn bna re n ban coived." . Urn


2—Feature V'audev TheBremu- Two Tlaj Tot

Fowler Mtid Cifh o D opO U O yra

--------- F ^ I 0 P L 4 ^

“Ruth ol theWestern Foati

“Third Qas2-part Comedy

iNTERNATlONAl^NEEappenlngf from All Or


r--------- i ■

Fe r i o i t a - l j • - Ser

------------- ------------- --- ------------- Wa:" w . 11. Tbomaa was, i> B uhl vlaitor ^tl business Thursday. , ‘ lM rs U.. E . U ow ard.m ado a businoss 5

rip to Ilcrger on'ThurBday. ^ jM ri. A. H. Ilarflcy , o f U aw lton , WM ■iTwin Falls eollor on Thursday. •

Mrs. P . B. Davldsflo,. o f K im berly/,ado a bualness call In T 'n n Falla yo'«- frJjiy . . . . ■ . i

MliiS Emilia Bcbaoler o f fir«he c u fst of her sister iu Twin Folia 3^^

i{, C. Uc.-Kh is in Tw in .Falls from 22 U homo to l^eTrfston. ottooding to usiuess m atters.M « . H . U . Hammond w d 5,00

/ym an oro in Three Crook on bnslaesa inco vflsiorday. ■ bnll

Mra. J . W- K ing of Tw in h « C ono to ' Ilolliater to join bor husbond ,te t rho Is employed tb n o . ond

B. R. Whlto, who has boon’In ea itern fcei .re ,o n Io . » l » , P " l *«” '**•elurried In Tw in IVUa »trc

.hidn'5 S- Wolfo le ft fo r Bolso b e r list Nighl, to o p f ta r In tbo supreme uurt Itieru loday. C

Mm I’cnrI Clark of N am pa was in 2,0C 'win Foils ycstcrdoy o n ’th o 'w a y to and togfrsoo to jo in h e r lu sbond . *0.'.

A. ]U Ca/e, o f JIansen, roturnod home yea i . t criming, bovlng to .iJlho county seat fo r ju ry service. »«o

Mias Until 'P i t o e r ' o l BlftcV W ek,'a ., hM a n ived ItvT w ltt FaU& to take

S^aitlou. -MI.S, I’niraer i" n RTadunte

. « _ i ' ‘k''W H. QmboMi, who hoa beeu in Twin 'iiiU for the porfl few montha, left last [,y,| vi'iiiu„' for Pnrntello, where ho i-xpcct« ^ il jcni'Aiv.. 11,1

Mr. «.iO .Mro. C. A. J le l l .o lo r . and Ing I r .and M rs. Jo b n Clicaey who w |8 .1 lii-lr houae' gucBtr-fr»m-3 lM Jon, 0 ., not re In BulM th is week a ttending tho to : liitc fair.

' ^

" T b d o y a r k o t s S' mnt


■oroaut. o l H » .t , B o v m m t o ! « » NorthwestCTTi Crop Flffuro tn Vo- j„u, . ,rt*dii».Qaotitl«u

-------- . CojiCHICAGO, m - Lack of mipport

rought about doellnes In Ibt: w boat lorkot todoy. Bears contondod tb o t rom tlie'pOM fotcSga dcmnod and ftoni 1,0 r ip o r tfJ o l to r . of , . » l o l l «ouW sem the heavy exports o f Unltod tfttci w heat during Ju ly and A up ist rere acting as ti boonerong on prtcos. q tpenlng ouotatloos, whleh variod from jho Jclmntx.,! f ifn ro . 'to 1 ^ '1 iocl.c « « b tr 1-2 to 1 . : : 3-1 M»y tr« lI "0 1-2 to 1.27 1-2, were followod by loderato losses a ll .around. d o ,

Predictions wore current to o l ro- ^ elpts northw est would Incri'W dur ng oxt-w oek, eonslgnmcnt nu tlces being ^ ib lueb larger. The closo wos heavy, 1

net lower -wm. Deeombor = 1.20 lf2 to .l.Sp 3-4 and May «L-'^ 1*- •

“ cofii and oats were easier w ith wheat.;o rn 'a fte r opening unehftnged to l- -c ower, lo c lo to g DecemboT to KO“se raUled a * lll« e , bo t soRRed

' f t w u b r r delivery fell to tho lowoat evel ainre. IMS. Tho morkot eloaed lervous, a t n.8' to 1 V2C not dccllno, r itir Deeefliber 49 1-2 to 40 C-8c.

O als slftrtt>\ uwlvaoS'i'i •T December 30 5-8 to 30 .8-4c, and la- c i allowed a setback for all deliveries.

H igher (juotnttons on hogs gavo firm - icsa to ptovlilona.

Cash Qnctatloiui .

C inoAG O , y p ^ W h e a t No. 2 rod :1.20; W 4 hord « U 7 .

Corn No. 2 mixed 48 to 48 l.- ij^ N o . veliow 48 to 4De. •Oats No- 3 wbito .15 to 3. l-4e; No, w hile M to 34c.•nyo No. 4 OSe.Hatley 58 to '02c.Timothy seed W.25 to 4.76.Clover seed «12 to 18.I’ork nom inal Lnrd lO.OS.TObs W lo i-

Minnwapollfl Floor aod Grain .M INNBAI’OLIS, Mlnn., nrhanged to 10c higher; in carload lot* • • Mnilv pnttntii <^uotcd a t . I 8~.i to 8.30 k irrc l In 08 pound i-otton sncka.Brnn $13 to 14.

VI T H E A T R EtO H O E B O W ■ ■ • ; '

leville Act8—2 nmnsTots

I Carlson

A Y S ---------

e Rockies”o a t t i r e

ISS Mail”j d y K l o t '

m W S W E E K L Y ,Q y flr t h e World________


. ' . ' i ' '

. Y N K W S . T W I N F A L L S

^ t ^ a t reeflipl* 471- cars, comparod ' w ith 544 cars a yoor ago. • w

Cash No. 1 NorthBpi I U 4 to U O : Mos, Beptembor <1.41 1-4; December IL S l; j,M; Moy 11.83 7-8; Ootober |1 .S7 M . t w i

Com No. 2 yellow 411-26; aom laal. i j * , . O ats Ko. 3 whlto SO 8-4 io 31 S-4e. - tort •Barley <0 to BSe. ^ 7 ,Bye No. 2 01 1-2 to 02 l-2e. ■FJax N o. J #1.04 te m . c i

^ ~ OUcago Prodnco or}OUICAQO, yPh-ButTor - H igher; Nori

e roaaory ex tras iin-, staodAids 36e: firsts 34 to 42c; seconds 30 to 82c; owt. . Eggs - F irm ; roe(JpU.8,601 taaeo; ' “ d !itM» 38 to 30c; o rd ioajy flrs t* 83 to H u; mlKollaiicous 80 to 87c. '

J’oidtry — AUto loworj Jowls 14 »o J2 1.2o; ^ r in g i £0. 2^

Omaba L ivestock - alfol OM AHA, Neb., ( f lV n o g s - E o c o lp U =

f,(WO; Blow, steady to 'W o low or; balk aodloin and ligh t 17.25 to 7.7G: top <8; ^ lolk 'paekiD g sows |0 to 0.35.

C flttb - BetelDUr Ifino. B ocf Heera Iteady; top ycarilnga $10.50; sho-stock md bulls steady to wook; stoekers oad feeders s trong .'

Shcop — Bccoipts 2,500. A ll classes rtrong; no choieo w estern lambs hero; best «7.50; ewes, fop $4.25.

OUcsgo Livestock CHICAGO, y P )-C a ttio - Bccoipts

I,000, desimble corn-fed stoers scarce xnd s trong; wmo sales higher; top >0.20; weight 1,400 pounds; no-choieo yearlings or ckolce haadyw elghts here; nil o tW elassee generally steady, w ith nho-stock and vcol cnlvcs slightly more Mtlvo thmi ycaterday., HogH - «w cJp ta JO,000; ta irlr ac­

tive, 10 to 15c higher thna yesterday ’s (ivc'tngo; top $8.30j bulk ligh ts a id i«h t bu tchers $8 to 8.25; bulk pack lo? lows $11.40 to 0.85; piga 25c h lghen iulk-di.alrnble $7.25 to 7.50.

fiheop — Beceipts H / 00j including -,II,000 packer d irect; few on snlo go­ing moiUy stendy; top native f a t lambs W.75; bulk $8 to 8.25; culls $0 to 5.C0; not enough f a t sheep and feeder lambs ;o te s t m arket.

- New York Stock'Mtiket NEW YOBK, (flV-Tho stock m arket

ivos under profosaloual pressure today, ihorts extending their commitments oo aonoy ra te s tlgfiteaoil. Sales opproxt- iinted 450,QOp aharcs.

In itia l prfce# In tho slock m arket to- J«y Were x iii rd , bo t a / i r a toaa soon levi'loped on renewed buying of rails iud oils. Delaivaro, Lackaw anna and IVestcrn wns moro responsive to fho ncreased dividend arid'MoxIclia Petro- eum, Itoyal D uteh.and Osnorol A sphalt roao moderotoly on aliort covering. uopiaTir motors equipments ond .rub­bers wero / in n and fopd and chemical aaue.n Iwl the stronger sjiecioltlca Lo- ;al trac tions wero no t affcc tcd by the ;rmialt commission's plnn to mergo all illy H ats. Tbo leolu'to o l iVe IotoIrji 3Xchnn/fu a a r k c t wo« a turlboe rally # Jenna^i marks. »

Call-money. rose to six pcr cent in ;ho lost hour prec ipita ting fu rther sell- ng of the general list. Mexleon Po- .roleuni fell threo points o,tid Industrial leaders lost ooo 'to two points. Thn :Iosing was heavy. The bond m arket ivas irregular, foreign Issues reacting ivlth fu rther strength an'd ac tiv ity in J<iber{y ond V ictory issues. I .

I I b r

I N e w i V i c t c

f f f l (Rogo,.,I n th o S h a d e o f t h e P d

^ H u n fa r ia n D anc*>-N o.: T h # N lfh U tifa le siod tb •n * -A p r i U tu a f in a s tn M othe r G oo so S o o n C T h» W an t oif V ou (Gilia F a u s t - V a l ta (Gouaod-Si

' :R * d l L aho r*—O C a s to f i

' ^ DjvbeO W m i^ ). F a ra n d o l . ffliaO

T lo ra 'o S u n l fg h t f n Y ouEl lU U cnrio d t e

' A B a b y in U jT o -F o x T ro i T be L a s t W a ltx -M a d ls r l I n « B o a t- F o z T f o t w w t h o a r t - F c x T n t IIcH-Fox T r o t

. Mlmi->Fo* T r o tBatUittor* B u c c -F o x T r t

; B a tidan* D « r* -O n » .S ta

____ B rtn c B a c k W rB fu s i i ln ^------ 8 t o U o K l M j - F o « ^ t

sr;w u is d s s i

■ S S HR oaianoaU pcla Jo o h B iw a m V lclrcT h . O p w a t f u n 'k J n C ,

■ ■ H o o o t u I u H t ^ .* w w tH * w a U a n C f r Io f j

Mill, O nlirs T i t a i n / j

C m If S m D i| LUb I t i r < r i B i t i l i i l l i o M

I - '

C iS , I D A H O , F R I D A Y . S E P

Id b er ty Bonds ' 18.50 N EW Y O BE, (ff) - L iberty bonds 1 «lo

closod: 3 1-2’s $88.40; f i r s t 4 's 100.70 bid; second 4 's $00.22; f irs t 4 M ’s K £ »90.!>0; soeond 4 1-4’s $00.40; tb ird 4 m’ark U ’b $03.88; fou rth 4 1-4‘b $00.80; V ie- $UB lo ir 3 W ’s $00.40; Vietory 4 3-4’s gales P0.48. Cuba

- Po tatoes ao iaCHICAGO, ( f l^ P o ta to o s — 0t»oag- Bo’

jr ; receipts 145 cars; M innesoU and prieei l lo r t i D ako ta Bed filvor Ohios, bu lk witlj M.75 to L85 cwt.; socked $1.75 to lilO No 3Wt.] lO im esota E arly Ohios and Band- reflnt lond $1.25 to 1.50 .cwL| Idaho Bound cd ot IVbite, sacked $1.00 to 2 ew t.; Wiscon- Bcl dn sacked and bulk $1.75 to 1.85 ewt. - nctioi

H ay Buf

1CAN0AB c n r , W V H o y - Cholco n “ « ilfolfft $20 to a i ; No. 1 pralrlo « 2 to

VAEiETYS P E C ]For Friday antAnother ohance to save by b i ^ g

THE VAEIETY The following ore articles of vali

will he of spocial interest to ev

TOWEJ;.Turkisii towels, 18x33, extra henv^ Saturday (limit four to the cufito

• I’J id i ......,............ .......................... 1...........

■ ■ . SHEET!Victory sheotjj, large size and Kood bleach; special for Fridtiy and Su

. . ; ’ ■ . MUSLIIHope imiHlin, Friday und Saturdo per yard ................ ‘.......... !.........

RUBBERIZED., Another sliipmcnt of-those good

tbe thing for kitchcn nse;I^ridny mid Saturday ..................

. "RUBBER GLICxtra quality; fine for uso in kitcl Friday and Saturday, p a i r ..........

DINNERW,-i2-piccD sot •wliile with coin gold I ue. Selling Frldiu- and Saturday

. Special ..............^ ..........

Always Your Mon


B R IN G IN T H IS " U S T o f ;

t o r R e c o r d s f o r O cc h w m W a r o a w oo ld U k* to hM T . V o w l tlo o .


Em ilio d o G o fo r Io. 17 in F S h a rp U lso r . Violta M la c h a u iai t h . ^ s o _ ( S t i n t A ^ M a U l G arr i*istrtfO pm T lvlattkaW ncfeiw ) B « » lam ln o G I s ( S t ^ K m k r ) - H m *. L ouiso H o a

io P M m ) (Sbelio) ' P h U a d s lp h U Q rc h o s ta lk (D d p iy ) K»m _____^ S * r« fiU c h m a n ln ito fior (Kto( cf Lahoi-Ch; Whst {^(»e (< ■ Joy'

- . . . T I tU Rui^ Scmla O rc h a s t R e ln a ld W o r r w a

nn) (PsdilU) R w w to Z w ia

DANCE RECORDS r r o t H a c k o l.B o r« 4 0 rc h o s tI s r W a it. H ack® l.B«r»» O rc h a s t

P a u l W hltsm an a n d H i t O rc h e s t >t P a u l W hitem an a n d H !s O rc h e s t

A ljS ta r T r io a n d T h o l r O rc h o s t A U S ta rT r io a tw lT h a irO rc h o s t

T r o t^ g ib U B lak* u d H is ShulHo A lo o f O rehest]

E i ^ o B lak a 'a n d H U Shuffle A long O r c h a s t in jR o so -M e d le y F o x T ro t S h I lk ln » O rc h o s ti ro t I . & Colem an a n d H is O rchesU STANDARD AND POPULAR RECORDS ilis lpp l Flow s OHvo K llne-E Isle Baki

L ucy tsa b e l la M a n[WtloSoni) L ucy Isab e lla M a n

L ucy Isabe llo M ari .H ifP , A lb o r to S a l

•• A lb e r to S a l»n v ic to rC o n i« r t <Jrcl.«stra w ithM ploC horx

V lc to rC o n c s r tp r c h e s t i

P < ei* iie O ueptj an d \ Rilly M urray a n d A m e rn ij i Q u a r ti

IGflNiM0SIC4(l| sI H a ln lN o f t l i P h o n e m 1

5 P T E M B E R 3 0 4 9 2 1

.50; No: 1 tim othy $14 to -liO O ;.N e . . clovsr $11 to lU O . - . - -

t t i « i r ■ • “JN E W 'XOBK, (ff) — T bo ta w n p x irke t was onchonged early today * t .J 8 fo r nncootrOllod contrifogal, vU k Ies o f 22,700 bogs o f P o rto E Ico 'i . ibn’s wero nnchaaged a t $4.23 w ith ... ta lcs repotted.

Bow' sugar fotnres wore milot aSd Ices wero about unehangod a t middoy tl) orders p re tty evenly divided.No fu rther chw ges woro roportod U {laod sugar w ith fln o g ranula ted Urt- o t $5.50.

Refined futures woro w ithou t t r » s * , tiona ' ‘Sugar futures elosed steady, appro^- ito aolei 2,200 tons; O ctober $2.Q2; >cember $2.40; M arch $3.34;.40.

^STORe I;I A L Std SaturdayI f W d iy Mi4 Bntnrday a t I S T O E E i ^

line and a t this low prite.; )Qn every thriltjr hoiuevrtle. '

!i;,sivy; special for Friday and:‘™“>. ... 25cTS .od whito A ASutjirday, each ^ - l - » V U ;

I N?!!;... ... 17c) APRONS1(1 rubberized aproliB;'just.. .. .. .69c I ‘LOVES'... ..50c 'VAREd band; regular $22.00 val-... $19.50i n e y ’s f V o r t h

STOR?: y, , — — --------------1 J— , — ^ ^

' c t o b e r ; ..... Mw f l l , I a d ly p U , M

a s la u 64?83 10 Q

p r * a 64984 10l o a n W)T} 10r lso n 64978 10G1|U 64959 10om or 88640 12 . •

64985 10 ' !^ 64979 10 's s tr a 7 4 ^ 5 12d n o 9 64980 10 . ^

ftuffo'88639 12 s s tr a 64986 10 ,i r a th 64987 10JiaW 64954 10 k

18708 ro:

16789 10

i»7w 10)»tra

’■"* 18791 10; is t ra:;j;;jie797 19


, .

16792.10 '

|« « IBM 10 ,

f s ; 16795 10

j j " 16796 10

S.eB4(oi„SypplMiMl oi

H ew B scm ils

r i n nl i H S I i

• Board Finds Necesfllty for Be- j j , \ atriotlog Domands on Time

of Principals

nVIophoDs and poraoQul calls reach­ing s ll tho grade, sebool bulldlaga bavo bocomo no frcqaont during tho day th a t ,p the jrhool board lin« uuthorleod Super’ lotcndeiil IL C. Ultcholl to rrcparo nuc: iuito 0 se t of rulr* governing liours

P when i t iB best th a t Ittlrona do not mako eueh call*. I t- is pointed out tba i tho systora of school oi>crutlon har beun conalderubfy upset by deniQnJs of pa tran s »n principal during liour/i wliort tho buameea of tho idioola demand at-

I n o fdet to eorrect thia conditiop, Jj ® Superiaiendent Mltebell nddretacs the * j! folloffi»'g to achool patrons and others wlto have businesa lit the scliool build- ioga: .

'•D eoiuso o f tbo fae t th a t undor tho present plan of organiiatlon of the fjrttdo trbools tho principals aro tcach- J '‘® Ing pa rt tia o , wo aak tho publle to ‘"o* I iiidl>' objervo tho following: , ' '

-•iio not-oo ll JS person nt, o r to lc - j‘" “ iil;pnu to, the offico of th ^ Jr in c ip a l of 11,i }tSckcl school during tlie bo«T« 9 ®' to i i In the foronoonj tho offico of the

princil-nl o f^bD U ncoln sebool durloiy tho hours 1 to 3:30 In tho afternoon, ■'*

- tho'offlco of tho prinelpal o f tho Woiih- ln rton achool during tho hours D:nu to ®“*‘* H - « n. » , l » d 1:30 t , 3 p. o , . « "»«; other houra than thoao mentioned above Iho prineipala o f tho grado buildings

• ' are in the ir respective offici’t during ' . aciiool hours for personal confercnra or

fonaultation by phona. !■“)■ " T h o elem entary gtttde auporvbor

■ b In her offico in Boom 112 of tbo. In- Tho tennodlato school-bulldliig for eonfcr- cnce w ith parents or to enroll pupiia "O rn torlng the grade schools on eaeh Mondny forondon and W odnciday foro- noon, 8:30 to 12 o ’clock.

" I t la possible to meel find confcr ' ■ w ith the 'principals of tho intormedi-

nto achool ;ind tho high echool a t any tlmo during aehool houra. Howovor, *• tho plan of m aking 'nn appointment pro-

■ vioualy by phono with any of tbo prltr '*• . dpa ls nr acbool offleiala Is more con-

venlent nnd ta liafactor)' fo r a ll par- *'•. tics concerned. , . ""I'

. “ Careful obaervnnco of Uic abovonotico w ill eunblo the schools to do '•'*'1moro off'eetivo work, nnd will be ap- ” ■ prccialod by tho achool officials.


" J tm io r T tm e n i o f Tw in F k ilt Sk Uco c >, . O a rr ; O f( U o n B o so n a t tb« ,. . i , , . .

■ ■ ■ ^ g tow ' snen

Tivin Fnlls jun ior forragrB continue lo rarry o ff important.honora w ith JIa- Qnkli tr ic t exhibits n t tho alato fnir, accord- Vcrn ing to U a d o r A. I. O'Relllj-, who makes c;„it lho following roport on_ycslerday’ii pn,(] nwnnia; -

P ig -c lub vrlnningn—P o r sow: third, fourth, f if th , <-lg]ith, nlnlh nnd tonth ft,, pioeea; bnnr: f i n t , tierond, third, fifth nnd sixth plncca. Mr. O ’Rcillyi ox- plains fhn t there were only nlr placca g , j offered for exhlbiled iKlers Twin Fnn4 tnking four o f theso. j^fool

' ■ |Cin<-i. . . . A Pronounced flueeoss • lo iip ,,

Tho uniform aueeeu tha t has iittcnd -jl 'b ila od the uao o f Chamberlain-a Colic and] Diatrbtfca Remedy In tho relief and cure , of bowel complainta, both fo r children Clu •and a dn lt/, haa brought It inlo almost New univorsnl’ use, so lh a t it Is praeiically Oevo w ithout a rival nnd aa overyono who 8 t. f has used i l knowa, It is, w ithout an Wnsh

; «qual.— o'dv. Boutc— ■ D

f ..tu r e s framed eor.eclly nt>d Cl promptly. Clqs Book 8 to ro .-« d .’ - phlln

T h e B est Y ou E

Tast(There is all kinds of I

ket, but thg housewife w■ our Home Cured Bacon

This Bacon is known I o rand absolute sanitarj

I t is quality Bacon, dii uniformly good.

Ask for it the next tin:

Independent M. ' ^ / -^ P H G N E ]

' ' AH Telephom- ; v_' '■ Pr^omjptly Atte

. . ■ I ’ ■ —

E I K D B I F lfiilfll'• B T O r y I n c h o f T e r r i t o r y t (

T P l e d g e s t o G u a r a n t e e C i

e r n O u t l e t f o r T w i n F a i

C o m m i t t e e C o n f i d e n t d

Tho Mggost und moat ontbufinstic j of tn tn y.ct sen t ou t I* today cnv { T

^ ployed in rak in g 'th is ^ U y ’and v ic in ity I ” for su 'jk rip llons to the fund to guar- ^ nntco construction .of a rnll on tlc t f o n

• Twin Falls d istric t to tho south.’ brigade consiatr o f 320 men. Tho

rito ry I.oing raked Includes 165 c ily j ' block), 70 sections of land and numor-. | ^

ous town and oity ndditinns- Tho en-'iC ; T tire arba,' according to tho - g e n e ra 'l " c le a n u p " committee, nhouM bo th o r - 1"-'^'’

i oughly rnked by tomorrow n ight. • " N o c ity , town, village, sub division : A

or trac t wds over mofo thoroughly nnd ]Qei> , ompleloly scourcd for any pnrpoae jw itl 5 han tho Twin F a llt area hn* been in .n t te . tho past week. The last corncr will b j !, looked into tomorrow. Tliis drive m usl < O' . go over, anil go o«-er M tulBtantlaVy ,hax . ' t h a t ihcro never will bo nny question liie-i ■ nboul how lA artlly Iho railroad p ro jec t 'depn , la endorsed by the people of c ity antlH niit . fo iin try ," said Chairman C. l> .^hom na I ) th is aflcrnoon. I T<

.Mr. Thomns tln led ho wiui no t in pos- j -lohi ression of nccurntc figures on drive rc lycnt,

I sulta to tho present time, b u t ho a n - : h'rnt ; nounced th a t the canvass, waa proceed' jcntic I Ing " n i per achedulo.” ‘ • 1 , T hil morning n final ofslgnm ent o f | M . w o rk jn wns sont out into horotofon^'jtrr I

untouchcd territory. These mea wlll[ic'niil | ul in lho ontiro dny n t the job , nnd i f Insl

, n c cm a iy will go ou t again tono rrow . will . Tho eommlltee urges, all persons wbo S , hnvo nn t boen railed upon fo .call a t Oi I tho banks and sign nole* for subrerip- nun,

tions.- ‘ Mr«.Tho now workers sent ou t foday a re : fruiii Ben ItendabI, section 24, township 10 for

niingo 17-K. V. Berg, 28-10-17. 0 “.1. a Oirdncr, M M O and ::-IMO. A. H A. 1', Fagen and W. B. Amsbary 18- to tl

10-10 r.r.d cnst ha lf lM O-10. ,I I. .7. Younga and 1)t. B w lght 1-10-ltf ‘heir

and em l hntf 2-10-10. aueciH. K. Sabin nnd F^ ^ Moon 30.0-17- -

nnd 31-0-17. " ’ . - E« Dr. IT. Davis nad P . W agner 12-1M 7 Burl

nnd 13-11-17. ' bna IW .-]{.-Priebe {and fi. P trau t 29-0-17

nnd 32-P-17. ' ' - • ' ‘" ’mW ..Johnson and S andh o ltr ,'n o p tfi Falla

aido nf Eighth enst nnd-aoulb sldo of N inth cnst, in M urtnutth'a old orchard Pa

■ . - . . — . - . - I . .. .Tubn. STANDINObl'OLlJBB.

P A O m O flO A S I.IH A O T JB ‘C lu b s - . • • • IT.- X . - P e t «

I.OS -An?cles ;...-:.:.._...J05 70, . mSncm m tnto ...........;....104 ,7 0 .560'S in Frnnniseo ...... _...10-l fiO .50i! _ ,fleattio ..........................10] . fift . .5.^8Onklnnd ....................... 03 85 .S34Vernon ____________ 0.'. 81) .517 'i " -.‘Jalt Lnko ___________ 73 107 .403 I I I .Portlnna ........................ .'!0 -101 .275


NATIONAL iB A O O T -n . i M - W. L . Pc't.

Kciv Y o rk .......... 01 C2 .641*I’itt-hurgh. ........ ...........«fl 0.T .nso *e t. Louia ......................• 8C 05 . .G70Boston .....;.............'.......p8 .51.1Brofllilyn ...................... 74 75 .407

|Cin<-innnli....................... 70 81 jIchlenu'n ....................... 02 88 .413jrhiladelidiia .................10 97 .:M0 ^

AMEBIOAN LBAQtJBC lu b s- W, L. .Pet. =

X.'W York .................... 0.7..r-fi5' .,033 ^Clevolnn.l ...................... 03 .IS .010 ■8 t. Lnuis ...................... 7!> 73 .520 rWnshlnglon .................. 7il- 73 JilO ' \B »75 -'iOO JDolrolt .......................... 71 80 .40!!Chicago ........ :............00 01 -307Philndclphia ................'5 3 97 .353 |

;t B acon jE v e r i


ited 1<

B a c o n - ' o n t h e m a r - o

: 6 w h o k n o w s p r e f e r s «

\ o n e v e r y t i m e . ' , sC

r a b y i t s t e n d e r f l a v - J

: a r y p u r i t y . *

, d i s t i n c t i v e l y b e t t e r , - i


t i m e y o u a r e h e r e . '

Market ■IE 162— ■ ,l o n e C a l l s '

L - t t e n d e d T .o .

: T W I N , P A L L S D A I L Y 1

■ fflS 1 lE D IS IIT ;o s u n i p i i s i


r t o b e T u r n e d O v e r f o r

C o n s t r u c t i o n o f S o u t h - v

F a l l s C o u n t r y — G e n e r a l 'I

o f S u c c e s s.--------r _ = -= -------------- r - r„(---------------------------- ----

j J o c a l g r o v r t i e j l!

I On Bxteoded Vlalt— Mrs. Virfril 1‘ii'rce hns gono lo Ixjvelnnd, Colorado,

Ifor au extended visit.

! WUl Beside Horo—Mr. nnd Mr*. E.Ic.- num slde of lAromle, W.vo., onnio It. T,' .Twin KnlU to mnke fhelr homo vl'i-I . . ‘ ¥I A ttending S tate F a ir—Mtk. A nna >ji iQ eiglo/ ja spending the. week in Doiac [with the .Tfunes Rohertson fa a i ly and Intteuding lho atate fair.

O«orgo'Alkon Iicaveft—u . D. Aiken hflff goiir ‘lo Bolto (o nrntuniu (he liu lies of the offico of stnlo innurtinci- di.];nrt:neiil, lo whieh hi' wnn ajipointcd Inst wotk.

To V U lt D augh ters-M r. mid Mr«, •liihn I'c rry of IndliiTiolii, In.. nrrived yosttrduy In visit the ir dnughter, Mrs. Prnnk Lrrhli.llpr living on P lflh nv-

Mo m lo Jo r t la n d —Mr. nnd Mrs. I'c- Icr SiiydiT rind family, who liiv<' boi'ii ' ic'sidouh of lho Twin Pnlla section, lofl "■ Insl I'vrn’lng for Portland, whi;re the} will tliflt home.S ■■ • cIi

Child H as OperaUon— Klsi.- A nder. K\ sun, S-ycnr-old 4nughter o f Mr. nnd ip ^(ra. A. 1<- Anderson,, la rMOVcrln^' sti friiiii oil-operation pcrforinrd ycHlcnlny to for nppondlcitla. ali

------ ------- lbQOflo a-HunUng—0. C. Vnlenllni!, W. on

A. lUtchic, nnd W. H. W all have go»<’ Kl to th l 8nwtooth mountaina for n big in; k’niiic limit, niindnncing thn t tho tim e of II the ir le tu rn is dependent upon ibe lr ae' auceeia. un

— — ■ faB e tnn i to Old Scenes—Clmrlca II. joi

Burion, formerly o f Twin Falla, who !o' lioa been iu Pnyetto fo r the pnsl few na luonllis, whoro he ia aaaocintod In buai- in' ni's.s w ith C. A. Hclmer, is In Twin ph Falla tndny on buslnesr. nn

— lec P astor Ooes to S alt L ake—T he Rov. dn

Tubn Oihriiic. jw lflf o f tho Tw in Pnlla Li: Luthernn ehurch, te^t thia m orning for eaj Hnll Luke where ho will n ttond a con- coi ference of the U itbcrnn denomination. M< There will lo no aervlros in the church ro( hero pn Sunday.

Comoi fo r Funeral — Mra. Emily nfl Mnw i'l in Twin' Falls from Sheridan, thi Wyo.. to n ttend the funeral o f hor sis- E.tifr, .MjsH I.'mii -(58 ,bti#implnin n ^ ich II.:ook plnee n t (he Mr>lhQdlat ehurch ye^. mn erdiiy nflernoon, w llh the Rav. E . Ii. A. Whilo in ehnrgc. ■ - i

' ' > — W.Goos lo E n te r O oliegfr-Nnthah P n r T!i

idiis le fi yealerday fo r L oe Angeles. Ev ivhero hn w lllrfiltend tho U niveralty of Ok Soutliem Cnllfornia during the rom ing Dn.i-hool ycar.aa a fri-ahman. Mr. Parsons Thx-n-grnduBte-of-Uifr-Twln-Pnlls high toiH'hool, clnsH uf 1019. scr

-Arrivo from East— Mrs, C. W. Pred- ] irb k of FoRd dw tttc , a ir iv tii to

The City FReal Drug Bargains for

O o m p a ro t l i o f i r s t 5 n d l a s t £i t h o p a v in g s o n S t a n d a r d D r u g s

2So Epsom S n l ts ................. ................ ........2.'ic Peroxldo of I ly d ro R o n ___________50o Peroxide of H ydrogon ______ ___*1.00 Pcroxldo of H ydrogen ..................COc Pill Cnscara Comp. (U lnklo) ____

-il.OO M entholatum V____________ ______SOc MaatholatuBi _____________ ______2Sc M entholatum ............. ............ .............

,« .0 0 Listerino _______•______________,.i!0 2 j. 't* '® r ln o ------ ___________________" 25c” LIatcrino ___ —______________ ____

J1.00 ZcPyrol fo r tho Q u m s-_ .._ -------$1.10,TANLAC ____ _________ ________11.25 ORION H air T o n ic ______ _______63c ORION H air T o n lo _____________65c ORION Llnim ont _______________$1.25 OBION Vegotablo Comp. ------«1.23 ORION Emulsion Cod Liver Oil C40c Palmoltvo. S h a rin g C re a m __)--------OOc Chlor-B-Dentn Tooth Paste ----------COc A ntacid D en tifr ic o _______________COc Pcbeco Tooth Paco __________ —♦1.00 Ilu d n u t's Cold C rc n m _____ _____.$1.00 n ia d 's Honey and Almond Cream 25o N y ai’s Talcum ,Pow der, all odorB .. 25a Colpnto's Tnlcum Powder, a ll odora

• 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brush —---------$1.00 Gillette Razor Blades . i— --------$5.00 G illette B a t o r ___________ —.......$1.50 H urIim Idea l H air Brush — - — COc Embassy Lawn,- 48 onvclopes, 48 si


- A d ....8 x lO o n l a j g f l m o n t . f r o o i

K o d a k P r i n t i n g a n d D o v o lo p in g

C ity P h a^ ------PH O K H

■ I

i r N E W S , T W I N F A L L S ,

ye tterday for a visit vrtTTT hor aistorj, wc Mra. F n 'd Koba nnd Mrs. Vornon Bcrib- an tier. '.M r. Frederick ■■aiuc ii few day* Bi ago, having spcnl numc weeks in tho tc: Canndlnn Rockies «u tbo w ay. * Ui

. fo'Will Locat« In A ritona— Mr. and pr

Mra. J . '0 . McKennn, o f U ascrnian. i. vu re in . T w in . FalU W ednesday and fo! Thursday, leaving Inst . <'veqlng fur t)ii Phoenix, Arizona, whero thoy ia tond to ici locate. Mr. McKenna b a i been an au- lit tomubilc dealer in n n u e rn u u and will' l«i fdllow the sume Ihu- in '.iie southern Tl cit.v. Gf

— — W.Haa SchooL PO slU on-M lsr Doris Of

Porterfield , who hns spent Ihv poai mi summe/ w ith her |>urents, Mr. nnd Mrs. nn .1. C. Porterfield , of Kimborly road, Qr loft la s t ovoning for Dolroit, where Be aho hns n position as (iiporvlsor o f do- iiiestir eeononilfs In Ihc Cnas tcchnlon' hi^h K'hool. Miss Porterfield spent yo Insl yi-nr in m-Ukmeni w ork in Bnltl- fo more. Md. nf

\V lsItlng aelatlTe»—S. C. 8 te«\iirl, ol I,ebnu«ii, Ore., was in Tw in Falls ycH' terddy for a short stnv w ith frionds, hnving arrived on the atago from Boiso, whero he linn beon visiting with h it aon. He w ent lo M urtaugh In th 'j ' evening fur a ahort atny w ilh (ho fnm­ily o f his brulheMU-law, W. ( i Hall. i,e, Mrs. 8 tc\«tirt will be remembered by Twin r a i l s i>eopIu .as Mlaa H all, whu tci was the first superlntundcDt of the ,oi Tw in Falla hospital. go

■ ■■ ----------- ch:■ ........................\ eri

5 o ' : i a l

P h l i T i i I ; ,

rigTlie Wvdnendny Hridco club met ^5,

with Mrs. W. II. Creenhow n t her home (in EiK’h lh nvenue nurth W ednciday nf- tvrnoon. Mrs. B H. learned rocMvod • tho p rite fo r high score. Tho mcmberi' jiresent were tiiu Mesdnmes R. R. Bpaf- fnrd, K. -S. Lam ed, W. H. Creenliow, yw li. Clos, W. H. Hill, L. F. Morae, ,L. T. fcj W rlcht, J . 0 , Thoq) George Easley, K. a ., 1). Willinma nnd V. II. Ormsby. bof

Ttiv \Mw\wn of tlw M. 8 . and H. art club met nt the home of Mrs. A rthur lut Eldred Wednesday nflernoon, nnd rC' tio i|>und:d to roll cnll w ith humorous lali stories. The business hour was given inv to (he rending «nd ndoptlon of Iho con- doi sHtulion, and in hearing tho rejiort of og( Ibo meeting uf Ihe diruclors o f thu Ped- ag< ernled Hurnl clubs, ns p re a n te d by Mm. Eldred. Tho propoBllion -‘f eon tnbut- I ing to 11 supply of eanncd f ru i t which ^ it if proposed l« send to the carnxan settle rs on the Uonoworth projoct, na i S un evidence of neighborly sp irit, was favornnly received, lho club vo ting to join in cueh m ovemenl.' Tho hour fob .'owing wns given to w lp t Mio hoatcssca namod n " left-handed aocia l," which involved the use nf tho loft hand- in placcr where Iho right usually aorvea. and which soon resulted In a fine col­lection of forfeit*. In the m nking ol drnwinqs wllh the lo fl hand, Mra, Edna Lindaay won tho flra t prise. Tho host eas w at asaislcd in terming tho two., coorsrf luncheon which followed by the M ctdainia L ilian Cook and Adeline Eld- rod.

Tho Wimodn'ual club m et W ednesday nflem uoii with Mra. Urban Tmcoy with tho Mrsdnmes L. l» Brcckcnridge, M.E. Jcnuleon, W. Zcuas flm lth, S tun rt H. Taylor, H.' W. W ilson,'.1. M. Bpack- mnn, C. 8 . M sM arlin, ,H. 8 . Cowling,A. ¥.. Mi\nn, W ill Young, H . 'J . Youngs,8. H. Knylqr, Chnrlea M eElwnIn nnd W. K. Nixon, tillcnd ing member*. Mra. Tliomas M oll, Mra. Oeorgo WHcy, Miss Evn M nrtin , Mra. P . Potrle o f Altus, Okla., nud Mra. Bnrah Micholl of Thu Dnllea, Ore,, wero guoatf of tho club The afternoon was (jevoted to kcnslng., ton nn.l conversation nnd tho hoatcsr acrvi^l a two.courac luncheon.

Mia.i BesiP Conover, wboao woddlug to P . W Mcerti is to taUo plnco in « t

Pharmacy)T Saturday, Oct 1st; figure of oaoh item aud see gs and Drug Sundries. ■_____________ _____________ — 14c______________ ___________ _____ 140--------------------- ----- ------------------- 28c__ _______________ :.___ _______ 62c----------------------------------------------- 28c .-----------------------------------------------83c---------------------------------------------- 426______________________________ 21c-----------------------------------------------84c------------------_________ _________ 420----------------------------------------------- 21c______________________________ 78c____________________________ 11-00---------------------------------------:------- TOO

_____________________ 80c___________________________ 33c______________________________ 70c1 Comp. ------- ---------------------------70c________________________ _____ _ S2c________________________ _______ S4c’__________________________ Sio. . .____________________________ 38c_______________________ _______ 84c_______________________________ 89cB _______________ 10c,o r* ______________________ — _ 10c L

•........... '_________________ SBC______________________________ 83c =_______________ _____________ ILOO f==______________________________ 08c1 sheotB---------------------------------- 31c2 5 'P E R CENT O FF •

e Saturday with 50c worth ug. '

a r m a c yr B i s —

S , I D A H O , F R I D A Y , S E P I

week, »<ia the Inspwatlon for a plcaa- , an t gathering a t the home of Mrs. C. N. , Tl Beatly on Sevenlh-nvonu>- north yea- n A terday nflernoon, The evunt was in vlJJo the nature o f n . hnndkerchlef aliDwrr for th>i bride-elJet. The ofternoon-’s , Ipi jirocr.i'n liii'luded voi'nl miikic by Mra. (jool I. 11. Maslera nnd Mi^s E dna Ornhaiit, ular followi'ii liy<t draw ing ronlusU iu whieh hall the prire wns won by ..Mrs. H, C. Get- _ tert, Tlio hostesi, iissivtoil hy Mrs. llnrohl Dentty, serVed ;i twocourno iMntln-o-j ul till' r b s e 'o f tin: .iflernuoii. . j Tlie giii'stfl w«re Ihe Me«diimea H. 0 . I I Gettcfl, L ibeuth^iu, Chnu. Brown. Ira I ' Wynn, A. H. M artyn. I, H. Mnalers,' '— Georgo 'Vile,v,*(’. W ursler, H. Nunn' (TOi maker, M, 0 . Conover, Orley Laird. . nnd .1. C. Ii(Vitty..and.the Mlssef Ednn ,, Qmhaui. Mnn Seott, Jessiit Olhson nnd *'6b| Bosie Conover. f

At I meeting of tho E pi'copal guild yeitorduy nrrangem enla were made - n j . for Ih.' enterlalnm eul o f tho leachers o f the public school nt tho L’nrlrh hnll on Oi'iober Hi nnd fo r a parish jmrly on the (venIng of O ctober 17. Durliii; the sc liil hour the hostesi, M rs,'C . T. a Punce, assisted by M rs. T, M. Robert­son, iorved rofreshmentr.


Unbent eorpiia tifocoedings will Iio heard V.y Judgo Babcock In the dlalrlci coHtl inmortow afttrnooiH in tho rant- te r of R. Boy, whoro oxtraditlon to n southern atnto ha* been gfnntcd by the governor. Bey i* shid to ho wauli'd on | l charge of disposing of inortgap 'd prcjv- H erty. | | |

b ivO E O B oaA N T E D . U

•Judj,'" Hnheoek hna granlod a divorce | |In fnvor of Isa Agnes M cW y from Orn f lMcVey. P la in tiff ia iilao' g ranted the I Irlghl tu nsaumo nnd uae her ma(deu Unnme. I»n Ajfnea P rayer. I I

The K ey t b i t Unlocka- tbo Door to ifiL ons L lTlnc I I

-The men of olghty-five and Blnely I Iyrara of ago. arc no t the rotund, well- Bjfed, bn t thin, apare men. wbo live on I Ia slender d iet. Bo careful as ho will, | |however, a mon past middle ngo will ifloccaalotially .cat too mueh or of som.* | |article of food n o t su ited to bl* con»ti Hlution, cjurloff indigestion or conallpo' -IItlon and will need a doae of-C ham bor :Hla ln 't tnblots to move h is bowels nn'l ; | ] .invi'gorato bla stom ach. Wben this ]• ; | | .done, llloro Is no rooaon w hy th i nver- [ in "Dge man sbould nol live to a -ripe n il ;Mage.—Adv. U



SUNDAY V O c t, 2

A B a i J . ’E H a m p t o n :

A M s is h i ! B e a m o f f t e G ita H fa tw B KV rawia: JOsmiacovuiQ, tBODTO wefOM /IND MAEGUnil

m m m K M x c c u w f

• W . K ) i m s K i S0 7 A lU ^ . |h « M


T w o -p a r t Featu^

One-part “ A d v e n tu re i

Admission I.1 ,

Cut Glass, China, Ha\ ard s Hand Decorated

W I L L B E O N s a l e 'I

See our Window and you will fi Remember, wo like

W . R ^ P R I E B E

P T E M B E R 3 0 , 1 9 2 1 j '

, A s n n i tm o m s s H T aThe Buaincsa W omea'a clob wU] g i n ’ dance tonight n t tho L a v c r l ig 'p * . ''

Uion. , . • ; - 1

'riie Ladles of tho O. A. tL, Dna Ut- ook Circle, No. 3, will hold tlielr roff- lar bualnera meoting a t the, L 0 . 0 . 9. nil tomorrow afternoon nt.2:30..- '. .

Q l a J i i f x e . i

roo lA T B roa o l a s s it ic a t i o n )!

w a n t e d ’ TO REN T — Purnishcdgbt bousckcopiog rooms; 0I610 in, or nail houae. Pliono 083W.

FO B 8A U >—Good alx-holo range; I oator. Iron bed and a rrlng t. 237 Ale* ador at., Boutti Pa rk , elly.

y ■ 3 k i \ d

1 TH e WHOLEf i r A M i L r ' . . 'I 4 i a i >e x n i d ^ o

ie a t r e II, I D A H O

'M O N D A Y — Oct. 3


n P t o d u c t t o a

w ittta lbve ffiilC ast& itfu iQ ad '1, f0ttHLYNMlIiAM9 BU TCD EU M CrrTn .

c w r n e n n a t O tt

t o u O NI M i


ure Comedy _ i of Bob and BUI”

la c , 30c

iviland and Picic-'l i and Silver Pieces i N E X T W E E K ■

I find some BigBorgeihs. j i l ke shoppers.

E ' T H E H A L L M A R K - -

, . J E W E L E R • :

I j - . 7 ' e ', a v n , ■

N Jt ' • .iMum w r y ftfternoon eto«pt BunaAy

; '^ '‘ lT w ln 'F i'lU ‘kii**T\ibl(A jiW 'Co.. Ino. ,i ,.n ...... . l|.;<Eil»j»»Ua*diW»<' i'>

UOHN a HARVEy ........................ .................

E n te r e d a> tecond c lu i ;nall mfttctr AdHI 191: leMCOtflee'Bl Twin F^lls. [d»hu. und«r lh» ACT'of 1

I flUDBCRIPTtONrftATB^ Vll , . ODC'^car ............................................. ................../ '- . . i :

T il, A.«ocliiVeir''l'reu'li. i;,cluaiv*ly'enlltlwi lo

.BiiblUh#<Jlifreln.’i'^lJirl8t»»Tor'«[yJl>nc»<lon,0.fip* !«rtU»i»rr 1. i.unii

I 'V o 'rc i^n iT b lliiy ’ u.'DMuiiif^ for th o .M « tff.iur

lu S ta ’tubnilHM lof. puSiiotion will be lued' brino wlU'lU

,^ '^ :ab ti:hn R E P O ^ N x ff iV E S « j |f M b llJovId cv,. Inc.. *W M id lJk lAve.. N«

<. Q K e u ii^ j^ l^ l H»e>rord ’

N«wi (* 1 nremlKr of A u d l^ u re a u i^ U oiJ' frem w liohi'W l lnform»tlon i J l o . e ^ U t l «)• tola lnpd upoB'^*i)pllentIon. D«tallU jlnformdij oaeffloeaily upon rtqueit. ^ W i

. r a ih ^ K r X w « o ^ o r a in |i moU W d 'o o n « iragbbor oa m rM ult of im ro r in g ^ ro ip o c ta to a o jy r u e t i^ ^ A ^ ^ A ^ r 2 i n j ^ o u t l J J to the MU o f H o co n n M T cW T liw sW l.^^ aU 4|U <) o a ^ W l i ; M < i j ^ f % r t a n e ^ lad tigaiti o c ^ i a i u t i '& j S l i t i V . ■’' ly ........

V ^ 5> .p s # t l e e M y - t m 6__^en advfc >a di«'l‘i>6o r f i ^ i C S ttlo f t o fmijoa y ^ f Sanfipanciaeo ai

tbo t t o n t oni)oii

f ot ffio t.'f ir lt& ii

t o l s o f ro C ^ n i,tD ;‘ CUT,

i>'alla.eountry-is-concArocd, 'u Ib c i la .coanoeLion J

R o r t n i n to ic so lt In tbo dtunplug ot & lorgD propi

^ i t o d in thta b it o f nowB, o ^ s np a. jroild.w J fo r those p r o d B C t« ,^ » [ t i iV ( 6 ilr o ^ U .W t3 i

L dlipOH^ig « 'i u r t f u t n ^ n l n g - | i t t f l r U i « 7 6 v ^ fe r t te . CotiljiA t e f t r ^ V ' t h o N erad* and Oi parkota aro s u j f t lo d ; : . . /

I t ia ia the U^hl 'o f co'nridoratlona of thl* a u> fu tu re o f : t io bi

sed, and

M n i.M oao lr lo f t last ako C ily wlioro Iio will enroll n lv o ra l ly .o f U tah. •

A10 Orciron A f f d a r t t r o l Q ^ ^ f i l P w d lu d H

flifcj K aS ’iMr. ond Mra. cUdioId- W eb'ft'l 1«>' r - J L J i i . .

•rJdfty fo r B c a t t^ ^ W n .b ,; tIiB''fibftifi{ooro wffl’- 'iH W .^ ifio '' U rilveJalty o f T lee, ,8 i

I a tudent. /’.O ri^O ^il.U .)Mra. Ja ck Pannoabauni and"4fiftm t U y 'taV V l

in , nre viaitinf; in Sn lt Lako Cily. The

. " ' i ” f f l ' f i ' rom Hrigham C ity U tah ., x , I.Iaho. ,G rorer D a#i>)‘W f t v > ) » ? * / > ^ W 'F''^

llggcnbothcn; Joe MaUory, W. A. Mia* Dor

a l M i J V « . i »;>cnt'a"tw o woeka outlnj;. ;..> Mra. J iMra. Qrovor B e m cntertainod a t a danf'oroui

i s x f f s » . ¥ a . m wb o n ^ SO^^werta wero P f ^ o ^ ^ t e r C T w i^

^ a w e n t f , n d a ln ty^ lm ch wna aerved th e jiroffL

S S S l iW e ; f e W S i i i i i s a n i l d o

J o a n » ’o n W a c t

Bilik Q0<] T m l Buitc

N E W S women. Through atudy of - _ _ - I’O poaaiblo to mako ai2ar n a rko la . W ith tho begian]

*' p ly iiff tlioao in w ant o f pi_ ■ _ _ nblo arrnngomcatfl can ' bo

. . . . Preaident there will bo s ta rted a moTreaaurer „ a u l t lu a revival of the vt

i^l918. nt ttie ’ confcrcnco is to ayatcmatizCT of March I, allon ip ting to do in hnphn

’-"tf""- ~ on ,ft gfgnntlc-Bcalo tho aoil', jg jy Jcft to whnt. WO call middle

jl 'e s »casMa to know w hat thonjiV.Y.'.'.'i' t !(0 bo aold (0 tbo best advantag

worrica about produ

)d 10 tho' use Ifabld oniploiTuont o f men th e '” c il°o ew ' ' organ liationOt-ip«c_iftt dl*v ' world u a rk o ta ns tho govc

m ont conference h as tbo o

L^mi'{??r'“*AV‘ ''bfl 1)01 liti ute ■' ' d a t n collcclcd by tho deparl III'M r«iort*f'i‘i .

•1 ■,:/ ,-.,,1 nnd th e eeoaoajic advisory <' guiabing fea ture ot the pr

e.. N(!w Vurk; " ° “ 0'• • y : t j tiwA results o f tho highest •

xu io l'c ire u U -.- i.'C ow try will bo obtained.s r n s s ^ i ^ . ^ . “ -> - l . l r j .T .v lv .l of . . r i .U . . t

' " tH ea^ ’ ^ l rcBumo a measuri i.'M '.Tt; 1 „; tlif/il.application of tho wisi

............ • ■ l in ess 'io governm ent.''t 'n o ro . aoarly i ' ;,■...... ^octa fo r early

II i a j i i r m n — --------------------

g S S £ ' M , r ™ < A

icfoac tangib’lo ' ' ' , ' ’,’ , ■

iaeo a s a ahip-. . . . . ^oni>ooiicefl),cat(y ii'iu jj:i »any, tho Iftli-i- l " ' ’ la rila is i i.to ■«»*•.' - i - . ' . i’a’nd!'ii‘'p'6nnki^'

I : / I . l /eni'8aa''J?Yatt- ; •: ■ ■ .-.' ■> , v . '. ' • a i l W e . ’e i^ : ' ........... , - ; 'T A K r a G

■.foxfliga pqf^ '.’.' j'.,'- ':--:' ^'bargOi’? T he f. ..i TOK ■HANi'OliU'Stinol,0l)6"fotii. car.," •■' “ >;'!'''>lVbo.Ut''!t ycai"«g<

'L:; T .„ ” Rh\5-\{t^\Jl''riWB4»«tU'<i; cargo,,. W „ . dtttio -bj-e b ig f rd g h t-i t '. t I 'f jn j u s ii l 'to 'I il t a 'li^iBly

' K n'i'c tttln fi'thaf'kho 'l *1 T-rjM - * ■ A fine atono mnrW hJr aa tho .T w in,

ition-w iU i.thft. . _ . ............ '■•'ll" ;i>,nn'g T t n « y - • t f lH

r a t i s e q ^ - A r T O i f t J J p i i t t ^ ^ H W 'U A - l ^ t n O r t o U

rid w ide mar^.^ ■ " A n a i i J r d l Ip? d

j i d ’^ f h S l ' A V W . j i K I * t jTho ci n fb rt’ih o

\ i M I In lonlincaa 1 10 tfflt'and this a o r t n w t ' • ' ' U ut Joe vUa itttont/c

. TSn niotbcr faniW the 'TU|(lj'w e e l f l ^ And w na. jeglcctcd i

v " >.''H ;''.V )00K J oo iloes'liflcn’'■ Thoufi 's»|o’a live

B A a ra e tr i W^j a ra^ ,p |} rl)a^ i

p l mi ( I i /m L ' i I l l n / J k i L l ^ ( OHAlroi

M ai W iU w^ ■ ^ « e i b t i l T i .m « ^ t I } U ^ We follor, bday. < r ^ p ; :M a k > M |iq f l/^ T r hot f lo \^ t f ( '- th l- Nor L a m

X IranifciLiL ia l^ W - r a n u C ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ll frora ^^nfioSv<n7'’ e r e ho h i f lo n . jy jn n ta t i j^ e d 'th o paat year in t ly y ■ • . 1 I[>e. U aam orqulat, R. K . D iU y I, Charlea Beraendorfor, 8 . 0 . M . , ,

I ^ ho '<ur«

[ x a a l ^ L 4 p d e a '. l c f t .9 u |^ a y oiA. .

■ M M M

,i'. .-fewdalitt*'.' :'dlod M onday tJ- J •

!. ^ r v i c o a a t tho ifcnnond > rU .^ u f id » j^ m orning. ' ' , ' f li l 'W d W r a ; 'J . U nf:ahicht and fnd ' B baVo inovcd to Twin Fnlls. I , be ^ u n p b ro y D rothera who tria i

s m 7 3 . . T ' ‘. / . x rr A'j .} L ;;!:5/I D orothy*M eO innla aro apendii r

ra. Ju lia B rennan, w Bo’Uoa Ijcb t . , , : ^ fon)u8ly*IIl fo r aomo tlmo. la groa Y ’

iWffRj!____________ ! ' « „aasified advertis ing ia the c h e u ' [ 'm s f:x s s r s is r 3 a i j ; in m n x e & ^ i ’.A r .t p ro fIu -U a fc T .l3 r in g .y o n ,______


^ d o llir i ii^^ilable for — -

• - I 2 ^

T W I N F A L L S . d a i l y ;

of tho da ta , tp 'b o proaoated I t '(0 on accurate c h a r t o f aTtilabIsjian ing th a t c aa b e made in iop- --------)t particu lar gooda whoro'reason*' bo made for paym ont therefor,I movement which in o r lta b ly w ill he wholo rnngo of in d u ttry . T his ' a a t iu w hat tboosasds have been Bah nphniard wny. I t is to perform Wei 0 aorvieo which a lw ays has boen * (ddloDoti. Tbo m iddlom on's bull* thoro U to aell and w here i t oan iitage . Aa long aa he is aoecessfol iroductlon, which meaaa tho prof* , ' icn nnd womon in th e induatriea. || |^ | tion ia eapablo of aurToying tke }.;y(, govomment can. -Tho unemploy- i’rci bo ^l-»coing eyes o f tho gorern* is being placod th e comprohenslvo p^a epartmcnts of commorco and labor noon,

. . . m i t t . . . T h i . l . t l , . d l « t a -0 p re ildon fs very im portan t on-irhicb gives ground fo r confidonco p ing i est vnluo to tho prosperity ot tho ed. I t ia world aetvieo, too, fo r iduatrlcs and thoso o f o tber eoun- asuro of ac tiv ity . A aothor prae- Icsnon wiso H arding slogan “ moro bn*- Suada

® undertimoni

._________ roomI where

bo obl da^s t

th Than Poetry


^ ^ K ^ B O B S K j s. ' a acco

[NG IT TTARn . i-afanl

I Stinollier's.guHc; ahe. diod iiivile

utU^«msso"f>ir p tide J " "« -by Joo."ii‘i'I’w lypaoi'; y ti khoM lo a ro i '' " i1 h Jrir ts tin g 'p Iac e , •,‘ it" thD *. .... 'i '" ;., . ••, (..................... !“ ' ‘ • ' Chil

a 'o fton drove ■' - - tt ito ir i 'a io ^ 'b re a r t;! J } ® ‘-

forly'K4rBpcl»."i’ • • " "

, 1 ,\ 'h j slioUld l i a w b r o o j h t '•


!cd Mill. • •:•'>

flcn’' ' t ( / h V r ' ' i r ( 4 V e , ' ' ''

V W p i ; « 4 [ ;, !,jiitlujd'W dcnrl ,'• ;;,• 5 ’

r S a W f t k o V ' ' - ■ ’ '■t 'ir . ' "■ •• ' cbtirch

' I -"ABtl> g ; g f f W i W i - = = ^ . ' Off.:


'f* I ■ ■ •■■ - . ■ PrUI„. !ii . , ; , . r .Mi , .; M.ii ■— ;...Aflll


ir, bns made continnanco e | - ^ { k

l l ii i i im p M n |c ® rf a ^ M - 1 ic y i t t j n | l ' ' ' !ifer o f tlip I,n.'ndorl)nnk to Pnriji th l' AnglO'Auslrtan bank to I-on- o'*” '

lal -HI'"ffl. OrfBlnal “Buocaneerc." d iet o^ t in o r 'lm e ^ iiu io o r o o d tiu t a d id o t STf-lth laland itfa y /fflttfS , t f t t fl*1 th e P rtnch w ord cfM crlblnt men K urcd raeat by the "bonctn" pcoo* , j„ ,’ J’ >k syatom o f .s m o k ln t tbe f lu b

" I " '" ........................ „n,I V5

.’I' .. .. .................. ............tu'

' Would Y m

Order Hi


^ 'c i i , i t ; , > j » « t a R n iu c I i n o i i B e ^ ‘ t ^ ' i!oKRc« u n Jo M y o u c o u ld s e n d y o u r i ) ^ p n r l r m e a s u r e d a n d r e f r a c t e d ;

f fe ’d o n ’t s n y , “ C a n y w „ i ; e a d ; . ^ , f ^ r’o u r e y e s b y i t I i o 4 f l t c a t i s c i e a t i f i c . i l

J f i f e c t ) j ( w i t l |] p f t i c i^ M f W z IK P fiO ^ilj. .:ifr iq o fo v o i

p i aS B . E A S R T i l M S I B r ^

Y N E W S , T v i r t N F A L L S. S , l D A H O ; i F B l b A Y , S E P

rburcb Services ‘"3;E tin iio n A im j * J « “J

H all 12a E aa t M ain S treet S . Captain and Mrs. X P . Purdy n \ , „

'nil acrvicea 11 a. k H. mSunday aehool 2 p. m. ooafonkklvntion m eeting 8 p. m. atudy.iVeek-day aervlcea: Tuesday, 8 p. m .j leporls u ra iiy . 8 p. m .; Saturday , 8 p. m. Mid- iVe invite yon lo worahjp w ith na. d a y o v

--------- • MonTw in F alla U lta lon organ

lino Third Avenue E as t •>—J . M . a o s , PM tnr

H bb whool 10 a. m.’reaching nnd communion 11 a. in.Jvcn ln , p , .™ . t iv l to 7 p. » . ^’rcnchlng p. m. ^■liiiwcrk mcoVinga ■taciday nnti » t i„ i uwdny, 7:30.’raycr lt.ind mccla Wodneaday afle r- pn^iu i in, :i o ’clock.[lie liev. N, H . iPayac, ovangeliat Qrcs gor and miniator of tho gospel, w ill mimitn w ith Ul in revival mcetlnga b e g ii- Anther g nbout O ctober fllh.

F lra t Oburcli o f Ohilat, S den tlo t QuarteICO Nino Avonuo E ast .......

5uadn,7 aervico a t II n. ra. Bubject o f ' lon-icnnon Oclobcr 2, “ U nreality .” aday achool n t 10 n. 'm. for pupiia k r CO y«<ara of nge. W ednesday tc t- lonial m collng n t 8 p. m. A reading m n t 134 1-2 Main avenuo north, ero Christiaa Bcionco llturatnro may obtained, ia opoa dally, except 8un- ra and hoUdaya, fw m 1:30 to 4t30 tv. 2 ° “!

The public ia cordially invited lo “ H d®: end the scrvicos nad uso tho read ing bour i m. Comi

--------- V largo tF irs t O lirlstlaa Olinich .

’ W. W. Burks, D . D., Paslor :45 a. m., Biblo ichool; D. W. Updn- At ff, i-uporlntondont,. church(J:50 n. m., communion and serm or; tl«- ih joc t, “ Living SacrJficcs ” thnrch:3i) p. m., C hristian Endeavor, ■:30 p. m., tbo minlatcr will deliver ccond nddresa on “ A M ilitan t P rot- itnt!an>,’’ ThU lecturc w ill'd lacus* Tolc.'tnntiam’a CJiampionahip of Po- w\ ral nnd RcIIglnua F^co.lom.” Wo I I lie ptoplo o f all crccda nnd fnith .to, I .r tliMC leclurcBj * Iramcs ‘H all, choir leader, k u return-' J and *111 hnvo chnrgo of tbo inuslc., __

Church o f tlte Ascension(Episcopal) ^

Ciinrlofl Qlenn Baird, Rert'or k .Jh iifb achool n t ,0:45, In Parish hall. t. roly communion hnd sermon by tho to r nl 11. Thoro will b'o apccinl mu- C ( appropriate to tho commlDiinn aer^-

rbo Brotherhood of 81. Andrew will d n scrvlco and meeting on tho ree- D I a a l fourth Sunday evenings of , , h .tnonth. All a re welcome to th e t i vice, which Is hold a t 7.30. A meet-

w ai bcld la st Sunday cvonirig, pro M' od by n aervico in tho churcb, when ng

rac tor deliverod !a b rief nddroaa. s brothcTh^od l» p la n tla g te p n - e more eiiulpment for gamca aad , le tic i bl Pariah hall fo r t^o benefit Ci th e .\oungoT boya of tho pariih .

Pn>abyt4ilaii Ohsrch \ h)r.l William P . W eir of Chlcngo will h rh '.a t tbo P reabyterlan church n t

tinven o ’eloek morning sorvicc, li’ogd n n t 7:30 in tho evening. He tlu i'national aocrotary of tho m on’a •W i>piirlmont- o f the P resbyterian rch. Hia repu ta tion is ' national, l i ood speaker, and ahould enjoy good lie "Doflle'm-eii' diirin(j hir vjalt tfef ia i^ollB.'i -i"!

iHioftdng-M tuic .'t^ iid o r Inv ftfv tltm . (Dorowaki). >Bthrnl.''Pral80^'to 'tlod fAahford). T l iff.!rtbi7 . T)«a‘p 'lllvtrr (Burleigh). u r ‘oilliidc, M arch 'W ia rtne (lyimaro).

E w B in rM n slc 'rblii(To, Andaiito^fttifi((lJl;to). ‘ lfllhem ;'K ln(r'bf ribv6"My Bhephcro(ShuKey.)>, -'.___________ - - - . I 'l’oallnde, Postludo. in E (Dlcglo).

J m i Q l c i ^ Nowton, O rganta t j N<

iS S S l 'l 'i a l i '1 Iiv lhi» pnator. Subicet, “ Tha V«a- ; of the A g c r ” The pastor |k1»h*AgJJH»erir(<Jo6-tta*Ql*ianons ^ I ' l

« I p. m., w ith M V in .K ^ lo iI i^ so fe

v> .'i ." '.I- ft N (

' • • ' . . T ' V ' ' ' ' li 'I ’f

I F i

m Sehd to tM M M ?......... . ’ t / . . u v ; r Di.i-

H o ii ie U iJ ii iM t.............. H .-m irU / ( l i n o •.,-,;i K i

.y'.l^ .;i itt'.i'.T i;t.r,il :i j.iliCl ,n.- -

. . kiiim:) I.! .V lilt'liirll iMVr. 'lin.llA l.lli: •. .r ,„ || ,,'|,,lil! ..M.r. ‘ I CItl ,T.|iv,n'l -'I,,•.•/, [

IT e y o flia lo n g ito ilit tT O t l i c in p / ,

t . r a e t h o d s i a n d c o r r e c t t h e I

J i l f l S S e t e t e W H r i i l i v i d - (

voQ b n ji JiJiboX

I M . =

r ^ t o m e t r i i i | |

ssaaEteffil J l J;

Tlou mooting 0:30 p. m., in, tbe pai- ■{ 'a aludy: Mr, Smthwhk, io o ^ .. qlegiilur evening ■worsblp 7:30 p. t t . nernl en Ibi pastor will Install tho nowly flnnday ctod officors of the Epworth •loa«of. v^n i moa subject, “ Blrda of a.Pcathcr.’' Bible IViosday evening Superintendent J . C. W. Baker will hold tlio -first quarterlv Devot iforciico, at' 7:30 in tho pait^r's ovening dy. All dopartmonts pleaso hfvi. oris prepared.liid-wcek prayor aorvlec oa Wcdnca- r ovontng at rtSOln tho loagoa room. f l Joming musie— V l lpm prcludo, “ Prelude la A Flat” W IJ----- ------------------------ -- Vincent *thcoi, “ How Lovoly Are tho Meai-■ngors” ----------------- Mendclasobnrcrtory, “ Nocturne Eellgcttio” _-------------------------- Hutcblaioanrtot, “ Ono Sweetly SolemnriioURlit’’ ... ..... ......... .............Otliai pfMiii Carlaon, Mrs. H. C. Ma- ^iro, Ilnrry Barrtitt, J . E. White. £ > tiitluili’, “ Orand Choour’’ __ .SpcncoSvcliing musto—Drgan, orchestra and choir in IS-Butn prelude concert.them, “ Send Ont Thy Light” „.

fcrtory, ------ .Organ and Orcbcstm Iorlet, “ .Teruaalom Uio Golden”.... • I------ -------------------------- Haxen*. Vogel, Mra. P. T. Kellogg, Harrr

Barratt, J . E. White.Itludc............. Organ and Orcbcetrrt

t in i Baptirt Otairch.Socond St. and Fourth Are. N.

W. H. Tolliver, Pastor. iound-up day in Sunday athool fot

departments, young and old. Tho ir iskmmuaion service at 11 o’eloek. A 11 eo attoadanco is dodrod.Innior B. Y. P .U. at 0 p. m. ' n # * "lu]god ^ program D |i |U 7:30' t,ho installation of the.irch officers, will be tbo ordor of „ ,■ ilay. Lot ovory officer of the ^ “ irch be proient If potsiblo.

TREND OFSKAGGS S’have not, for the past sev couraged heavy buying, tied prices.We believe the time is noi those who have found i t , winter supplies, to buy in convenient and save thereb ket conditions do not indi

, chance o f loss through dei

M “ S k a g g s ” f o r P r i

B e l o w w e q u o t e

e v e r y - d a y p i

S w i f t ’s P r e m i u i iThe perfection of the packers’ a r t ; p riced .per pound .......... ........................

M . J . B . C o lThe quality coffee, vacuum and abac {Hiaranteed. 5-lK c a n .... ..............

M a l a g a R a i lNow stock.6 pounds f o r ................. .........................

C a l i f o r n i a B l a cF ir s t crop.fj Jiounds f o r ............... ..........................

C a m p b e l l ’s P o r k aNo; 2 Cans.P er dozen ................................. ;...........

P i n k S a l mF ine fo r a quick mea|^

H a w a i i a n P i n eKiUtflPf dessert fruitsj y ^ l ^ c a n 8 , 3 f o r ......................................

B u l k C o c o a iijoji fresh stock.

Per pound .......................:.....................

S w e e t P o t a tFftiicy stock,10 pounds f o r .........'..............................

P u r e L a n

S K A r

S P T E M B E R 3 0 , 1 9 2 1

. obnrcH o f tb o Bretloren.Charles W -B o n k , Pastor,

rn ing . worship; ’ Installation of ay Bchool offfcers, 11 a . m.}n;ng wtirabip, 8 p , m. lie school, 10 a. m.W . S. n a d .J . W. a , 7 p . m. irotlonol aorvlco on Wednesday ng a t S o 'clock, •• ------

Ipecial PricesON


10 Days

ome in an d le t ub, show ' , )Q th e m erits o f th is ftir- ‘ ^ u e .


rizee Metal Works7 Bocond Ato. a 'P liano 1 0 .

PRICESITORESiveral months en-

owing to unset-

ow opportune, for f practical to buy n,quantities most iby. Present I n ­dicate a possible C eclining prices. ’

rice Quotationste afew iricesim H a m s

.... ....34c .ttffeejsolutely ^ " l

lis in s

$ 1 . 0 0

tck F ig s

$ 1 . 0 0

a n d B e a n s j |

$1.50n o n

$1.00e a p p le s

99 canut.......25ci to e s '

:: 69crd


': UDEIIliTi lE J L I P S

D eath P enalty C arried Out in : , C ase o f F o rm er Soldier Con­

v icted o f Killing B ride, Babe and “ Ragged S tran g e r” -

OBtCAQO, a .p o p u la r,1 iontr,-Carl W andoror, convleUd of tho

m ttrfor o f hU wifo, hor anborn babo, and a “ rntrired B trangor" 'whom he

, liittHl K T B U ^ t a k o holdup, w u Jiane- ; od a t fho county JaU n t 7:10 o'clockV th ti m o in lc ;. ,

a ing* w ltli 01« r Voice.

• W andortr mflrchod to 'tho gallons w ith f irm stop, and u ho took hla ploee on tho scaffold, ropofttod a short p r a y ir a fto r a mioistor. A th c l i f ho had u irth in ii lo » 7 , ho Top\M \n lho a«- /irm a tlro , and aa a shroud waa ad ju st' od. in u c lear volro s tartod tho son^, “ Old Pnl, W hy D on’t You Answer M e t’' I lo 'w na singing Tihon tho trap

L, ^ 0 fhoru i Ui tho song W anderer cho»e i r aa follow*;“ Tho long n igh t through, I w ait fo r

, Old Pnl, w hy d o n 't you answ er mot My nrms otnbraeo an em pty spaco,Thc nrma th a t hold you tonderly;I f you oan hear my prayer aw ay up.

tiicrt',Old Pal, w hy d o n 't you answer m o t”

H anged fOr ■Killing V agrant.Tlio e rino for which W anderer w *

tianRcd wns tho murder o f Edwnrd J .• lyan the "rag g o d * trangcr," a JVcst _

vfmliiion'atroet vagrant, wliom ho h « l “• .ireil fo r « to elago s. f ik o holdup and | |

, ■ lion k illrd . R yan 'a body t w longinidiintificd. W anderer wn« also con­

victed of tho raurder of hia brido of Jess thnn a year and her iinbom child, ^ b u t tho ju ry in thaTcMO flxod his pun- inhmont n t 25 years imprli-onment.

. Mrs. W anderer aad the '• 'B U anger'’ «i>rp murdered in tho hallrfny of the W ^ d e rc r npartm ont hoii»e In June , ^ i020. M rf. W anderer’* mother, at- :racted hy th e shots, found her daugh- T

, .'Hr dylnp and W anderer seated nstrido Ii tlifl hotly o f Byan, methodically boating y, hiji faeo w ith a gno'. . „

• W anderer said th e a trangor h n d 'o l “ tem pted to hold up hi* wjfo and him in , the da rk hallway, ajid th a t when Jii, drew his gun the stranger shot M rj. ^ W anderer, and th a t ho in tu rn killed “ fhe holdap' man. PoUce belioved hia , nlary nnd pralred hU nim.- ^

Onn ly iK itw # O rin i: ' j,Qnletly, however, thoy began tTaciag i,

■ the strungor** gnn In an o ffort to f i t M ' his. id*ntUy. From thv m aker’s foe- „

Y tory, lho tra i l led to a Chicago hard- gi *■ wnro Bloro, lo a cu*tomer, and from g

bim to \V anderer’i eoulin. ronsln. i , adm itted Icndlni: «»o rq u to ^* W anderer on the day o f tho ihootlng. i,

W anderer was arrcsted-and confront- i I'd w ith ovidenco th a t he had can lo il p,

hoth guns nsed in the shooting. A fte r a] *■ d a ^ of grilling ho signed 0j ]0 e f .th o i,,

' most rem arkable confessions in pollo« „ « annals'. - iij

Growing tired of fam ily lifo, ho aald, ho decided to get rid o f hU w ife nnd j, her. o tp M ^ d child lo ho eould rotnrn

. to the arm y, in whieh ho had bold a lieutonont’a commission dnring the w ar., On W est MadIso;i s tre e t he hired a vngm nt to accost him and M rs. W an­derer in th e hallw ay, explaining he wnnted to play a p raetieal Joke on bla ti wife. W bon tho vagran t approached, ti

. W anderer, w ith his own gun In one' p hand nnd h is couain'b in the other, shot u both th e " p o o r b o o b " and h ir w ife. p

B epoiU ata Ooafoailon. hLnter W anderer repiidlalod this con- B

' foMlon'iind i t 'w a i barred from his tr ia l 11 for tho m urder o f hi* wife. Tho ju ry b< foond him guilty,- b u t fixed tho pan- 5, i ih m o n t.n t 25 yearn imprisonment. _

When ho wns subret]uently brought ' to tr ia l fo r the death o f the stranger, f alao HnowTi oa tho " p o o r b o o b ," thc court a Jm ltted tho cotjfcwlon and thc death penalty was ordered. Tho oxreii-

' tlon wn* postponed severnl tim es by I • san ity hearings and other legal maneu


U lao ' Should Be Everywhere. ^/ V No country lane or roud toilay la <^V-' oomplcto In the northom m utes un­

less It ahowB touclius of llltic. A few k«dffca ( H ^ r bere nod thero, bu t whllo otherw lso adaptable, tho lilac doea t o t adm it easily o f such tmlnlnc- Loncfcllow'fl "CmlRlo H om e" la Mill .•urrouDded b y lllaca p lanted yeara aco. arid 'th e ptirple bloom makes- It a r a r o je t r c tL

‘ M onarch '! Q ift to Arehera., H enry IV, U ng of France, mada

ktndsom o glfta to tho guild o f arcb- ^ ors. among « th e n a gold chain, with

a haw k ntU ched . and a beautiful gold icep tor, daU ng trom about 1009. rtclily ornam ented w ith a gold hawk

• - and the orm a of tho giilld cmblaz9ned ra U ; f t f Im portant functlooa this •cepccr la carricd by (ho king of tbe


An Exoeptlen.I Some m ra a re ao conaclentlcmi tha{ f they flovcr p o t off any tb lng til] tomot^. ' ' H w - taut th e b i l l , eollector.—Boston I Tranflcrlpt.

%■ i l uelesB to you 'm ay b« val<8 uBble to c tbera — ad re rtir« i t in the . i rlaaaified.

L n w H O o m u i E E s a jid ~ ( t i n m sR ~ OHAA B. aOWOLPTB & 00.a Plioaa 916-WI IM Sboiihonii St; Weat ^S F re sc b V t j O laaaiai I^ BflpH rtoi—DTBinf

bimmiErI L e t t h e W e d d i n g B e l l s i

I K t f t n . V 3 SOKK!^ \' ' , V y o a . w k 5M '-m )

(W lY ) '


Dck ' “

5 0 C \ 5 I0 T o u o / s , " \

'— T V \ \JSt- I Y'H , . J

«i* _r~

cstlad .............

tl IOWA’S GOVERNOR URGES on- RELIEF FOR UNEMPLOYED ,of _______________________ 3

lid, |:s t lm a t08 50,000 W a l a 8 U t« w ith ”Pamlllea to Pm vldo For, W lth o at [

U ea sa o f Snbolstance '

D ES M O IN E sT la ^ < /P )-O orem or I N . E . K endall Issued a proclomotlon t

gh- Tliursday appealing to tho pcoplo of ® Ide Iow a to exert overy possible offort to ln« rol ovo the unemployment situation in

the sta te . Ho aaya It ia coneervatively i„ cstlmotod th o t tbero aro CO,000 mon a

in tho s ta te , who w ith fam ilies to pro- ti iJ , vide fo r, aro deprived of tho o rd inary ij

m eans of nibsistonce. -“ Unless steady Jobs can .bo.secured

fo r them imm ediately a t rem unerativo _ wage#,” ho declared, “ the Inovltable consequence, will b e p rivation and w ant

' “K In many hom ci.” f ix Q ovei^or . ^ n d a l l derignates Wed- '«* nosday ,. O ctober 12, as tho dato for

state-w ide considerations of tho omcr- om gency. Ho recommends th a t on th^t lin. da te a confercnoo bc hold in a ll seo- lo ^ o m o f 't h e stoto to be partlelpated

in by boards of trado, business asso- ciatlons, farm bureouB, labor unlona,

loil publlo officials and tho poopio goner- Mr a lly fo e - th e purpoio o f devising tho bo best methods th a t can bo adoptod to, ‘OU socuro sultablo (employmont fu r tho

, Idlo w orkors o f Iowa.“ L ot tho annlversa iy of our coun-

t r y ’s discovery bo eolobratod by help- ful servlco to our coun try 's unfortu- '

[he «»y»' _________

Firstly Illumination, h e T b* flrefly Is n well-kutnvii beolSe ol bla the e la terldae family, n-lilcli Is able ed, to throw out a U roog and upparcntly me' (Aiospboracent ligh t lo tJio da rk . The lot uium lnatioo la Interm ittent, and ap>

p e a r t to be tinder the control o f the Insect's nervous system . Botb the

an- B a le and (he female flrolllos emit inl light, os well a s the ir larvae, tho eggs iry being luminous even w hile s till In Uie an- body. '•

tht - = > ■ = t r , I ..hethcCll-

Rese]M a n y c o r p o r a t i o n s a n d 1

!w ' a b lo t o w e a t h e r t h o l a t o y<

r e s e r v e s w h ic h t h o y b a d b t:

, j . ' ■ S n c h a r e a e r v o i s u s e l e s s , n i

III a o c o n n t w h e n n o c d o d .ira •

T h o T w in F a l l s T r a c t i s n

p r o b a b l y b e t h o l a r g e s t c ro ]

w i l l b e m a n y f a r m e r f i a g a i

J ' p in s I n n d s . N o w i s t h o t l

th s e r v e .Ild

A s a v in g s a c c o u n t 4 s th e

ed e y f o r i t w i l l b o a t y o n r s e rllsbe

a )

The First Nal ' of TwinO l d e s t B a n k i n


M e m b e r o f F e d e r a l

- i ” '

T V T O F A L L S D A I L Y :Y N E W S , T W I N F A L L S

\ s R i n g O u t


- t r t o o K t A T /


/ W l C \f fJPOSB j


t ©I( S U P P 0 3 k \I SHE R.EAU.V \1 b b g am p

\ S H O W HERV A & E / •

Cultivate High Ideals, n Slit yuur'IdculB hiKli. Kor K you sot

your nltii lilgli, you will havo nlwaya J. something tb a t is worthy of yotir

falthfulnosH, To. have th a t w hich by its vor>- nature Is a perpetual Invl* tation. never stooping to you. b a t call*

sr lUR you; If you would enjoy i t n p in to ,0 tho hlKhcr regions U to be g re tU j

sU rnM rto fntthfulnees of co n d ae t

to '[q Young and Baautltui.ly *1 never trj- to fool o y h aab tad ," jn Bb# said, and when her friend reti* - 0- tered Inquiry the added, ''becaaas t i7 > ry In* Isn 't necesaary."

>d wi8AT> 'jB B DAILY NBWB. '■0 ■ - lc _------------------

to. ---------- -

° I D efectlre flnea a n reffoo- [ n- Bible fo r IS p e r cen t o f aU

- flrea. Axe yonr flaea safe

fo r oae th is v ln te t? As ocace e f fixe p re re s t l r a li

^ v o r th • po in ti o t f lra ex­

le tln g a la h e r .' B o t a t th e y . same t io u b e jo r e 70a a r t a Insured..

> * "

ervesnd bnsinoss men havo beon0 year of-strain booanse of1 bnilt froin previous years.:s. unless it oan be turned to

is now harvestiug what wlU crop it has produced. There tgain jn posseasion of but- .0 timo to sta rt suoh a re-

the placo to put this mos- servico'when needed.

ational Bank in Falls; i a t h e C o u n t y


r a l R e s e r v e S y s t e m

............ .. _ / ' n


Public Beildliig Inatlttttloa O han« te^ l u d a “ Going O o noea" ^

“ The Twin I' alls library may prop- „crly bo called a “ goinf ' coaecrn,” braid Miss'Jessie Frasor ’whta inter- nviewed eanccrniog tbo patronage which litbe loeal Institution ll . roeelvlng, tl


« t ' ^ I R m l l l l i mr a K I I | |U M i j | j ftir ’ *1!** IfiU 'bJ rl*U-to


; n'■ LADIES’ COAT ot too™

beaver clotli; trimmed with bcaveretto collar and poc-

— kcts; a smart looking coat, a l ....................... - .......$12.50

LADIES’ COAT — Bladi fieal pliiHli; collar of same •mnterlnl, ‘mudo with belt, Uirjje-quarterH length $15.00

LADIES’ COATS — Dove-' tyn cloth, loose fitting backs, bcautlfuT'sIiadefl of brown und l/la o ...........$15 and $20

OTH]L a r g e s h i p m e n t s i

. r i a l l y i n c r e a s e d o u r s b

o n s e v e r a l i t e m s i n t h e

n o w w a n t e d .

I t M e a n s a I

BLANKETS — Cotton, dou­ble, good sire, good weight,]ier pair .................. ..$2.69

“ B L 'a KKETS — Woolnap, double, largo size, darks,per pair ......................-$3.98B L A N K E TS — Woolnap, doublo, wliito and dark, large Kilk bound, per pair....^.75 RLANKETS—Wool, plnidH, light,and dork, a t porp a i r ................. $3.98 - $7.45DIITIXOS — Plain colors, heavy, ligiit bluo, pink, croamand grey, per-yard ....... 15c

I OtJTINQS — Fancy, light nnd dnrkj noae better; largeasBortment, yard ........... 19cPERCALES — Yard wide, good quality, light and darks,ji(>r yard .......... ............. -19cDRESS GINGHAMS—Am- oskcog and othor brands; large assortment, yard.... I9r SILK H O S B -F or ladiea, fibre, brown aud biatik, .petpair ................................. 60cHOSE.— Wool mixed, for ladies, extra heavy, double heel and toe, p a i r - .... :....49c

Same Goods for Less Money

j i M i l l ■' t l •

a , I D A H O , F R I D A Y , S E P '

‘‘since on a basis of 0000 volume* thu wo past y«&r aaw a circulation of (M.OOS put

R I'OOk.,' ■ UAttention Is'caHed In a letter Issued ter

f, by the library force to the faet that protho inititutlon can bc made more of as ofMint Vy tho comiaortlai wmU thnn U 1now I*, tlirough tbo wider uw of bnsi- Uonc«# and technical book*;' books on thohouso planning, .oloctrlcUy, Journalism full

• ond automobiio now on thu shelves. It trdi i I* Ihu intention of the library autheri- mfij ’, tlce to inakc 'thlir dc'pnnmcnt of the bra

W T lOn Fall an

I CO/For Ladies, psse

N e v e r b e f o r e h a v e w

■ s u c h e x c e p t i o i i a l L O W

M i s s e s ’ a n d C h i l d r e n ’s

C o a t s e a r l y w h e n m a i

■ b u s i n e s s s o b a d l y t h a t

t o f o r g e t a b o u t p r o f i t s .

- s a v i n g o n t o y o u . B e l

f e w o f o u r l a r g e a s s o

g i v e a n i d p a o f t h e p r i

c o a t s .

m L A D I E S ’ C O A T — B la c k L

IJ" s o a l p h n l i , d o e p t n r c o l l a r ; Jjj

also witli wido band of fur >0 at bottom :.................... $19.00 ^

* L A D I E S ’ C O A T — A b e a u t i .

t, fnl qoat 'made of genuine. SaltH Pico black Real pluflh,- h;

e- doep coney fur collar, lined witb handbm e brocaded sa- ^

!0 t i n .....................$49.Q0 i iE

[ER SPEGLs o f m e r c h a n d i s e r e c e i v e d :

s t o c k i n a l l d e p a r t m e n t s . B '

: h e d i f f e r e n t d e p a r t m e n t s i

I S a v i n g t o Y o u t o T r

1- HOSE — For ladies, black, B t, , cotton, extra heavy, ribbed • n ;9 top, double heel and toe, at

9, ....... ........................... ..........i(B, TURKISH TOWELB-Good i8 (|uality, large size, each..25cp, STORM SERGES — Assort- *;e ment of colors, 36-In. wide, “'5 ,p?r yard .................’.......... 75c UB, M ISSES'UNIONS — Pleec-

(•d, oxtru heavy, best quality, \\15 1‘acli ................................. 98c Jl,«. LADIES’ UNIONS — With p,® and 'mthout sleeves, high or ,,

low neck, anklo length....98c '•• ai

“ CRIB BLANKETS — Fancypink nnd bluo; good sizo, •"oach ........ ......................... 98c IiC H i n B L A N K E T S — F a n c y H

IJ pink and blue, best quality, (lHilk Iwund; each ...... :.41-98CaTTON BATTING-Good jt

l(! quality, I l or.., pcr roll....20c jj 0, , WOOL HOSE—For infants,)t • bcBt gradoj whito and black,)c per p a ir .................. ......... 50cir O I L C L O T U — W h i te , n a i -Ic b le d a D d f a n c y , b e s t q u a l i t y , ’ b ite p e r y a r d ............_ . . . . . . i . . i _ .3 5 c n(

II f(

! P T E M B E R 3 0 , 1 9 2 1 ' i -

work ss coiiploto as th'e Beeds'Of the-.v publlo may reqoira Co-iperiUoa’,1s : aakod of tho basiness pablle In the mat- -1. ler of suggestion* of VooM'tliW.Vronldi’';: provo iclpfol along aay pstUcUor liae.w jf work. ^

Tbe WbmrUn slates that if fledrei UoHs aro not fouod'on the shelvea'at.Ihn present time that thsy wiU ehMr' - fully te; obtfUnbd et the request of m- ' Irons, providing they are books that- mfiy properly bo found in a publie 11- - ijrary. ....

fid W inter

\TS;es and Childrenw e b e e n a b le to m a k e ,

V P R IC E S o n L a d ie s ’, i;

l’s C o a ts . W e b o u g h t

a m if a c tu r e r s n e e d e d

i t th e y w e re s a t i s f i e d ;

s . W e a r e p a s s in g th i s

elow w e a r e l i s t in g a

m r t m e n t p f , C o a t s to

iriceS o n g o o d q u a l i ty

1,ADIEB' COATS — Velonr' cloth, in iho popular shades . of brown, classy bell shaped . Hlceves, handsoipoly embroi- ■dercd in s ilk ............... $^ .50We-aro also showing a large- lino of Misses’ and C l^ - ! dren’s Coats, madC of good mate'rinlH si^h as duvetyn, homespun and_ beaver cloth, ' ull h an d so m ^ ’" trimmed with buttons and fur collar; . kIzcs from 2 to 14; ranging, in price from .$5.90 to $10.75

[ALS '1 r e c e n t ly H ave m a te - B elow w e q u o te p r ic e s i a n d o n m e rc h a n d is e

^ a d e H e r e !

BOYS’ ^ O N S U IT S - . Ilpavy, fleeced, sizo 2 to 4,wich ......... ...;___;...... ......‘79cBOYS’ UNION S U I T ^ ; Hmvy, fleetJed, sizo to i b

1(1, oach ..... _________ ;..98cBOYS’ D B E B S ;O A P S - ' . Dark, .good- wool m ateriaVoach ..... ..........'............ . 65cWOOL SO X -M en 's whito imd gray, extra hoavy, per ;pair ......... .......30c .CASHMERE SOX — Black ami gray, fino knit, pair -50c MEN’S UNION S U IT S - ;Ueavy, fleeced, each.__- 98c :BOYS’ BLOUSE W A IS T - Utay and blue ^ov io l, wellmnde, each ...... ...... ........75o .BOYS’ BTX)USE W A IS T - Iloftvy khaki flannel, a toach .................................. 98c,B 'o Y S’ SUITS - Norfolk ' Htyle, heavy wool, gray and brown mixed; size 9 to 15. a t ..................— $9.95 >

Better Goods , for Same JWon ^

- r i B f n 'V V

i i N T i i r . IDCIIOSSIL ; e [ 9 I F H T®Men a n 4 W om en of R a tio n a l P rom inence to A ddress Dele- ' '

g a te s in Sessions a t Colum- ! b us, Ohio

C0Iil).MRU8, O., (/PJ—Tho NlaHon»I "Rod Ciot* convention which will con- p r a io ill thU c ity on O ctobcr 4 and I u t (*fivo iliiyti, bidR fn lr to bo tho m ost im- j! 'p o r ta n t of thcHc f^ th c r in i^ thn t bos' o'evcr ocfn held, oven of moro aiffnifi- ic im n from Rod Croiiii vinwjwint than

^k^ctoicotinfpi Iictd ilurio |; tJio (,'roat war.I V o a mid womon iirom inrot in all 'wBlks o f tlfo aro on llu< proftnuti to dc- llvi'r adilrcw cs to tho (lelfRnlM.

H ardlntr B ipec trd .Dr. L iv in ^ to ii Farrnnd, rliairiimn of

the cen tral eommittee o f tlio Amorican Sod Croifl and (ircsldent uf Cornoll uoi'

-;vor»lly, will prc*ido n t ti meoting Oc­tobor 4 when Dr. W. 0 . Tbompaon. p rn ld e n t o f Ohio Stnto iinivorsltjr w ill U

:deU vor-the nddroan of welcome. Oor- 'o rn o r H arry I . Davis o i Ohio u<] U ay- • iu . , " o r JamcR .1. Thompr of Colambus will _ i „ i , | ^ wolcomo the doleRBtcH for the c ity nnd -nturl , s t i tK I'rosldont H ilrdhi^ lit e ipectod , io bo l}ii< principal spcAkir.^ . Dr. H enry Noblo McCrackcn, prcM- = = I d e n t o f VnMnr'collcgo will proaldo a t ja i p, ' tho Jun io r Red Crow mi'otlnif in the cvonit ^aftom oon of O ctober r>. " T h o Cha!- *lanjTo of Childhood In Amurlce, to the ,c ,tlo i

2od CrOM," lr •tho Bubjcft on which iMneli, U U s Cl.orl W lllbni*, of the N ational { „ u Educationnl uiaoriation will spoak. D r. i W. W . .Marqunrt, oducatlonal a w n t fo r <,rni’ ii tbo PMlippino inlM ds In the UniteU R ijtt

16 b tc 9 , wlll nd ilrou the convention on navy'- "T Iio Jon iora n t W ork in Oor In n ila i c jjij { PotB ouiona." H erbert Iloovor, aocro (; g la iy of fommorre, will apeak on " T h r n ^ y CSoUcnge of Chlldhootl in Foreign q„ Landji nnd Wlmt Ju n io r Red Crosa la D oU g T here .” wlille Senator F rank B.WUUb o f Ohjo, la to deliver on addrcra ],(|]| oa“ »‘ The Future liuildora o f tho Kn piim o, tioji and CUir.oniliip T ra in in g .'’ I>'Tnuei

'obU gitlD ni to S a trtc a Men. W whi

Tbu evening m eeting dedicated to „(] Aaiorica’* obliffiUon to hor *er%-lce cievol. ■on and women, will be presided over ueapoi h j Dr, Farran il and te n minnto spoee^es w ill bo delivered by anch notnblea ns t o t j p 9r. Thow iii B. Oreon, d lreetor of tba SbEMktirr Bureau o f tho A m e rlc u Bod

M ajor Oonornt Le.Tevno, V. B. MA! K u iiio corps; Rev. F rancis P . D o :^ , ana of o&splaln lOSth rcj^imont; M rs.' Fdonk pltu-rii T ..H iu an u r , ohainnan 8 t . Louis ch ip - which t< ^ Americao Red C ro u ; Theodore M|aJor Ebow velt, naaiatant aecrotary of tho ernor n r j i RsbW Btophen Wise, Freo fynn- m onth.

o f Now Y ork ; W. i w k P n r th e ro 00^ vice rhftinntin in eharge of do- menta. l i a t l e oportttlona, A m cnean Bod Crosa; T ren t, Jb to 0 . Emet7 , naUonnI commander which A!plsrie«o Lcfcion, and Q«noraI Jobn S. the f t n b t a i ; . ' I retu rn

a a O re * In M j u u r , ■ J j J , ' ' ’' .Bobort & G ast, chairm an of tho Bed rodo v

OfaM re lie f eommittoo o f Pueblo, Colo., eavolrt ■QI ftddroH tj)o oonvontion on " T h o lory, h B«S Cross in D lsostor” oa tbo mom- tw o re; b^[[ o f October G. M iss U abe l F . Board- and th

secre tary o f tho Anorie&a Bod will be Criu0, w ill prwido.

B o u io n s o f Red C ron workers who « r r e d In th e world w ar will bo bold . ^ ■I a ro riea-of Itmehoons. ^

Beetional conforencos w ill be held ^ o a tlw eveninff o f Oetobor 7 and mom- ? “ “* ' I u o f O ctober 6. A m a ts meeting on Is to n «all w ill constita te the a ft« m o o a 's tb e ni fTvgrair., w inding up w ith tbo histori- T rsn se


Just as you like then

S o m e h o w , y o n r a t h e r e x ­p e c t s o m e t h i n g o f i

. , “ c r a c k e r ” I t m m t m e e t

..................... c e r t a i n ^ r i t j B d i - o f y o i i u fp a l a t e — ;

I t m o s t b e o i a p —

I t m u s t b e t a s t y —

I t m u s t b e b a k e d j n s t t o t h e p o i n t o f f o U e S t f l a r o r ,

. S N O W F L A K E S « n a H o f t h e s e .

■ l i r ^ S A* y o u r p o c « r fa

S novP A O T X C C O A S

^ AmericmilRelief Wot

W orkers of the American relief ad- toe tim inistration ,-aboard th d r relief train , rcllrfontorin^ auvict Russia a t tbo Latvtnn ain. fron tier. Tliia. ia ono of tin* f irs t pho

cal P.in'inril of thi' Red Cross in thc ^ f O i ovonin;'. _

Amoni; 'those porticip^itlnf; in tbe / / £ rectional meotinKa nro: Ez-pcrvieo inoup luncliooii; Misa Clnr>i D. N’oyoa,-diroe­to r U rl CroM nursing sctvice, prruld'Iiik ; .Mcrrllto W. Irolnnd, aurROon gen- VoU^ eral U nlti'd-Slatea nnny; A dmiral K. R. m t B titt, Mirgcon genoral U nited B late i ' n avy; Ilugb C. Cummlnfr, surgeon gon­oral If. S. public honlth. scrvico; Julia C. Btimion, m ajor, aupcrintondeiit, ZIO arm y nurao corps, dean, am ty achool «( nnt.i« |[.

m il ta x y Eolicf Estmion. p,nnd Millt,nry rd lo f reunion—Col. Oi’orgo who r

Filmer, mnnaf^er Pncific division. Son f |„ ( E'’Tftuei«rp'. prc'sldlng: Percy I I .,C la rk , ^ ight Wnahington, form erly direc tor of camp lorvlce, and ossistAnt d iroeto r‘gonoral (HQgo if m ilita ry relief; Edw ard B. Orocno, „ an ] i ::iovoland, and Edwin IT. Brown* M in-| leapolla. .p a v a ,

■ enco irH B E B O IV IL W AB V BTEBA N 8 no.fU<

OIVBN PL A 0B 8 OT HONOB How I MANILA, P. L , y p j-T h re o veter- P'

ina of. tho civil w ar will ho given I’",'] “ I ilnrrii of honor in tho ceremon|ca * , vhich will m ark tho Inn-.igumtlon of iSWor Ocnoml Leonard Wood as gov- I'P . rnor general o f tho Philippines nex t *•’ nonth. il wan nnnoonced Thuraday by he rom m itteo in charge of nrrnnge- nenta. B rlgadior Oeneral Charles 0 .Y eat, who w ill command tho troop* rhich will form tho main fcatnro of ™ ™ bo 'parado m a rk in r Oeneitil W ood's KKV e tu rn to tho islanat, has boon aaked nlien i ly tho eonm itteo to a c t’as grand mar- George hot. l h ( arm y coatiogen t In Ibo pa. srngor ado will ineludo ta troop o f tbo Oth (ran fl avolry, a ba tta lion o f m ountain nrtil- Airthor try, Jl battalion o f coaat artillery- and State* aro regim ents o f in fon tiy . Tho navy Amerit od the PhUlpplno e o u tab u la ry a lin trhich 111 be toprcsonUd. R. 0

» United-nntlliqulmPMhMaL

> jo im i pftm lcU a UUI u O u t H - J™ " ” « i b l t to pu t "D r .- In t r e o t o f o n i l J , ' u a e Ifl only h a lf the b a ttle : tb e o tb tr ^ a l f Is to be ab le to po t “E>r.” t f l w • w hs' b e name of o th e r people.— Boston tishle i V snscrlpt. c l i a ^

emt i r -

a ^ g S i Hoeet

I H j | i M o r B

T o r ,

rr fa r

3 A S T B IS C U IT O O , P o c tlao d l

VorkersinRmaia A'a cy riP im B B — 1 . ] j mm iMM.<Miit^

u i ' H I .


R ate

rl '«Hif: cla

M cut

P' l>aiEA l

th ioe to orrlvo horo show ing American c llrf work In fam ine a tr l ^ o n B u -


— — . I . . • ' I. I— -waa

iion City Overseer S Denies Existence o f JJ,”

Law o f Gravitation i"-''o liv a D i s p o s e s o f K e w t o n ’s

T h o o r y a f t e r D o c l a r in g t h eE a r t h I s F l a t tho

------- bollZION. 111., (/P>—“ Thoro is no auch tin j

Ning as thc 'l a w o f g rav ita tion ,' ” kldi iTilhiir Qlonn VoUva, snccofaor o f Al- be» rander Dowlo and overseer o f’ Zion, ^1^ •ho r.’itently proclaimed tho world waa n t and hnd no motion, W ednesday ight lr; ao many .w ord i disposed of ow ton'a theory th a t objcets foil bo- mao they are pu lled by grav ity to- ®®' ani Ih-! center o f th e earth .“ They w rite books on tbo 'law of *' •

rav ita tio n ,'” V oliva told his nadl- ^ ICO in Shiloh labom aclc. “ Thero ia ^ , ) .fu c h thing. I t Is a lot o f bnnk. ” ' ow U it th a t th o Maw of g r a r l ta t lo a ' T*? in pull up a toy balloon and- e inao t Ill up a b r le k b a t t" •“ I throw tbia book up. W by #tnL ifan’t 11 go-on u p f T hat book wont whc t na fn r aa tho foreo behind It forced der,, and It folt hooausn i t w u heavier worl am tho nir, tutd th a t ia tho only ron - = n .”


NRW yO RK . (flW TW o hM dred ien membera o f tho crcw of the 'orgc W aahington, tho largest pas- ngor liner opera ting under th e Amer- in flng, woro dUchargod T bnnday {a rthoronco o f tho policy of th e TTiited n tr s shipping board to hav« only norlcan crows on A m ericas ships lich it owns.R. 0 . Lee, iaaslatant m anager o f tbe lited Staica lino, w hleh operates the iorgo_Washington, sa id th a t almilar tlon woold bo taken w ith regard to her rhipplng board rcsse la-opcra ttil ' the line. __ ■«,

W hat Is useless to yon m ay be val ble to d h a rs — a d v srtirs i t la tb* M lfted.

’W I - ' .

■oo^ m k ior C n e t e » ~M*j S S O W F L A K X S

ndi Om . —


N ew ipapw Obarges D oke D 'A oct* ir itl i Q Boooazifftitf B x tra n a N attouO lsts a u

In B id fo r Pow er J j "

LOfiDON^ ( ^ V i o l e n t a ttac k s upoa P « ' tho Duke D 'A osta, cousin of KingVictor Emmanuel, o f I ta ly , by th e *'newspaper II Paesl, o f .Bomo, bas ere- enoia ted a grcnt aonsatloa in th a t c ity , tboaays n Romo dlspotch to tbo London ers,Timea. _• oxp,

Tho nowajnper charge* tbe duk t fhow ith Inspiring and proteoting tbo fas- proiclatl or'extrem o nntlonalist^, and strlv- of ring to gain the th rono ,’w ith the sup- bo (p o rt o f ceriain generals Tind othor of- prra ficers.

Tbo Times correspondent adds tb a t „ ccmors of-aaeh a m ovem ent.havo boonc u rren t In I ta ly fo r somo tlmo, nnd i t ^ has been suggested th a t tho DnkoD ’Aoctvi has boed spread ing ducon- ^ I ’ tcDt w ith tho preaont regime in tboranka of thc Carabinieri and Ihe a rm y lar*generiilly. gqui


Dftacers a t Is tr la B M ort Olamor A bont u - J- M nalcltna O allliig 'fo r U osie W ltb-

o s t lutormlBloB

• BRIONI ISLANDS, Istrin , ( / ^ T h c band uf the United Stntes erulacr St.Louis scored a h it w ith the dancers of * I' th is ^dnzrllng rummor rcaort recently *ttei when i t played for an n ffa ir given in top( tho ballroom of tho botdl. i i o ship a 8p h sd .oalled a t Pola and, B rioni being booe just ncroBS tho channel, the Amcriean nailors camo ovor on leave. The band iras taken over to play a t a dnnce. Tlie music prodnced was sucb tb n t girls ilamortd About tho. Americans u r ^ n g Jiom to continuo p laying i^-ithout rtop. rh» Anicrican jatxea were very popu- ar.

Sacred Bull o f the Egyptlana. 'Apis, a sacred bull w orshiped by

tbc ancicnt E n 'p tlaiia, w as kopt lo * 0 tpmplo of O siris 'n t Mcraphlft Tbe boll selcctcd posseascil certain dla- :ingu[flhlns features, sucb da a black tldo and CQ^aln m arks on tbe fore­head and back, and ocher marks. Tbe )lrthday of the hull Apis waa cele- )rated every year. W hen he died he vas ^ b a lm e d and burled lo a spe- dal p a rt of tbe temple and his deatb iras followed by a period of pnblle noomlDK.

To Save Steps.A basket or, tm y Is a splendid thing

0 keep a t tbe bottom of the sta irs, nto It can be thrown thinga fo be car^ led upstairs, and a fte r tb a t things to « broogbt'-down. T h es one tr ip d > tn ln i o r down during the m om ln i rben the houRc Is being po t Into or^ ler, o r on cicuning day. w ill-d o the rork of several.______________

A n o t h e P r i c e s ]For the past- three weeks has been in full force. N< ufacturers which could no

W e have now on sale a ccINew Coats - JNew Blot


In all out experience w« low prices.'

2 5 A l l W o o l V e l o u r C o a tJ . full

w itli a n d w ith o u t f iir c o lla r s ;

b ro w n , b lu e a n d g r o y s ; P r ic e

$ 2 4 . 7 5

A ll W o o l P l a id S l i r l a ; p le a te d ai

F o r

$ 5 .9 5

T he entire stock must be s

W e must vacate—and are <VINCED.

The F aT w in F a l ls

lyA im um io to Excel » M Producer Of. Wine am

OABDONE, lU ly, m - a * r i . k d 'A o n tu t lo , the poot and hero o f the csce] Pliune Indppcndoaise, has become a jcnce prodoce o f vriae ia h is hours o f qniet « b ld on t£o loko here.

. “ I prodnee very Uttle ‘ wino bn t . enough so tb a t I can call m yself oae of Kp, tbo I ta lb n faad ly o f wino ' prodtjc- genet e rs ,” htf toW a -f r ie n d recently . “ I 5 , 0.' oxpect to produeo * wino tb a t will bo fho envy of tho French and Spanish producerj. I wlll- givo It a new namo of my own coining so th a t i t will notbo confuacd w ith any o f tho wines a t -------prracnt on tho m a rk o t."

Divide Ownership of Croat U k ss .Tbo largest of tbe O rc a t 'lb a k iS i t

Lake Superior, a rea 31,600 square n llc s . The Kmailcst Is L ake S t Clalr, area 445 square . mlle.<i. T he s ^ & d largest Is Lake H uron ,,'o rea 2^,200 square milca. Lake U lcblgun la third,22,400 BQunro m llea; E ric fourth, lO,-000 aquare m iles; and O ntario , fifth,7,200 square mllcR, L ake Michigan Is wholly w ithin tho Dnited S tatea. H alf of the a rea o f thc o the r O re at Lakes Is 'w itbln Canada.

Meaning ef O ream o f King.To ROC a king upon a throne dft-

Botes vanlly nnd deception. T o see1 king alone and unaccompanied by ittendaniB. charity and clemency fn m roperlors. To a prisoner It slgn ltc*I spoedy pardon. To speak to a k jig , bonor and w ealth,


C oal TpcOver Our {

what’s the use of, expei you know there is no

' Spring Canyon.

ALWAYS 2,000 LB£

Detweiler CPhoije 809

e r B i g Cf o r S a t i i

ks T H E FASHION SH O P’S New goods had to' be Sccepti not be canceled, as per contra

complete stock of.

New Suits - Ne mses and New Skthat arrived this week,

we have never offered mere

ull s ilk -lin e d N a v y B lu e T r ico llm

s; c o m e in ■ V e lo u rs ; f u r tr im m e d

e ls . P r ic e

$ 2 4

1 a n d pFain- D r e s s e a in n a v y , farov

' T r ic o t in e , b e au tifu lly

. $ 1 2 . 5 0 1

; sold regardless of present m

e quitting business. COME

i s h i o n S ]Is B u i

Deflnlna. C anada^ W ate r A m . >T h is w ater a re a of Canada Is aaJre o f H ndaoo bay. U ogava bay.0 Bay o f Fondy, tbe G olf ' e f B t kwreneo and a ll o the r tida l F i t s r s eept th a t portion ' o f tb e S t L«w^ nee river. In wMch tb ew Is a tJd%- lilch iB np a s f a r a s L ake S t P e tv .

TJie lntelllB«nt Canln#.D o g s h a v e ' alm ost hmnan i n t ^ .. nee.” A lm oat” repUed W as O ay nc.' "T hey behave jn s t like somo ople I have seen wbo were alw ays xloos to leave good bomca and risk Itlng I n ^ ^ l U nds o f tnm ble."

FORSALE!B est Bnsbel Poach and

Apple B askets. Alio for packing, oorrogated P aper Caps and Apple Boxes.

W ould be glad to flguro w ith you fo r your Peaches, Apples and Pota toes fo r roliable people.

E. D. KELLOGG, AgentPhone 6B0.B .

P . 0 . Box 7Bi



erimenting when ■ tone better than


Coal Co.108 4th Ave. So.

3 u t i n i i r d a y’S closing out sale - jted from the m an \ ract.

ew Dresses kirtssrchandise at such

— ------------------------- ---------- ■ ' >

tine S u i ts , a n d B ro w n

ed in t h e n e w fa ll m od*

4 .7 5

row n a h d g ro y ; oil w ool

y e m b ro id e re d . P r ic e

1 a n d up

market conditions.


I h o p si i r l e y


D a i l yA d v e r t i s e m e n t s

H l l G l i T S lOfflFlSGSI

s E i i r aMcGraw Pilots Many^ Cha

Career as Leader of the ' League Team—Luck Was Sox Series of 1912—Mathi

NEW YOKK, ( ^ T h o New Y o t k j j y j <3lan{« havo iron /ivc i»nnanU in t l j « | i V / l

• NatloRfil longue includinR find tincc ’ 1005, Imt thoy have beon victorious in

onlv ono w orld’# *cric« nt(.y. M cOraw ' r » won tli» world'fl titlo w ith lib team in 1D95 aciin flt tho Philndclphia Athlotira and thoiiRh ho haa bad g rea ter orfion- bttU dM bW :6 1 10. Amorl.t;ui leafpie! champiuns oT.crcamo thorn.

Tho aerioa o f 1005 eonriated of five ahutont gtunct, of whieh tho G iants tho WOD four. Chrlatj- Mathnwaon, turned i t reni In throo of tho vietoriea. Only D1,TS3 to r i ' poraona aaw Jill flvo of the gnme* w d tho totul Rato receipta wero 0 mito ovor pj $68,000, b u t i t wna ft tcrie* th a t w i . atand ono of tho RToatcit in bnsoball vforld toriea history.' .

Now V ork won tho f irs t gnmo 3 to 0 nnd WBB tum ed back by tho samo acoro •, in tho btcond couto»t> Thoy won U»u j ,u t tl th ird , 9 lo 0, tho fourth 1 fo 0 and tho -_thnt f if th -2 to 0. ■ MCODt

In IP Jl, tbe Qiafltf. ngaln n o t th? tbroo A thlotlca in tho aerica and woro defeat- ont ai od. Thoy won tho opening Rame, play- nmko cd on tlirir homo lot, by a scoro of 2 to even 1 1, and, loat tho accond, played a t PhUa One delnhi.!, by 3 to 1. Tho th ird gamo Doak, w ent i r inninga nnd wna won by tho tJio fi Alhlotie*, 3 to 2. Tho A thletics won thu fourth, 4 to 2, b iit 'N ow Y ork mado- a g rea t e ffo rt nnd won tho fif th , a t f JO InninRS by 4 to 3. Tho A thletics I po u n d e d 'o a t enough h its to makO' 13 I . n ina i t th e deciding gamo and N o w , . ^ _ Y ork ta llied b u t twice.

&(anv believed tho OlanU ihsuld ' . ta v p wna f ro a the’ Boston Red Sox i a ; Loa

1012, Im t tho luck favored the B oatonl-; _ Oak ans nn .i-lhoy-w ero acoU iraed.w orld’s ; Haci champlooa a f te r o lght.gam es bnd.been^ Seat

■ played, one a t«o la 11 i a ^ g s and tho | final, whieh Boston w on .3 ,tq_^,_ln ten ;Inings. BodUn woa tho oponor, < J o 3 i and tho accond wna a O-'B'tio. Now York wnn tho third 2 to 1. Boslon w on. cj,jf Uio n o s t tw o, 3 to 1 nnd 2 to 1 Tcspee- tlvoly. Now Y ork won tho t i l th , 5-3. tand lho aovcnth, 11-4. The result o f i ,

' t b o oSglitb grnno'Faa aUcndy boen racn-i Honed.

P o r the tliird tlmo the Qianta woro- - _ p itted again st the A thletlra in n • o w orld’* championship in ih c gamoa of;.1013 and Now Y ork took h u t ono game - o f tho fivo. Thoy won tho sceond 'tho Ai eamo 3 to 0 in 10 in n i^ a , Tho Ath-i Ictles won tho firat, fl tb 4 ; tho th ird ,, pigh 8 to 2; (lio fourth , 6 to !i, nnd tho fifth ,.'3 't o 1. • ^cr’a n;

• m jn Oianta m e t-tho ChiraRo W hite |,lay . . flox In the rerica o f 1017,'-and a fte r] loalng tho flra t two tpimes. 2 to 1 ond K en 7 to 2, won tho third and fourth by ahulouls, 2 to 0 nnd C to 0 . Tho ^71^h6} S o x .w .n tho fif th and tho s u th , 8 to r „ „ r> ati9 4 lo 2. Lewis

Tho follfiwinR tnblo shows, how Mc' jiandic ' G raw ’s team has flnlahed in the Nn* tionnl lenguo sineo he fook bold: I Lew

Yenr PotUion Year Position itimca,m i 2 '. ,1012 I .1804 1 ■ 1013 1 •' Joo. 1005 . J 1014 2 ;tol, cr1000 ■ 2 .......... 1015 ' 8 .n fto r

'■ 1007 4 lOlfi 4 'niRht. lOOS • • • 2 1017 1 ■'1009 3 1018 2 ; \ w1010 2 1010 2 .SiccheIB ll 1 1020 2 i l l n ' aj

» {turnedMonk* Used Charcoal. u

Ubo c f charcoal in I ta ly haa alw ays | " beon very heoTy'bccauw of I ts nlmort ttDlveraal uso for cooking nnd heat- Ing. A t Vollombroso n large .Quno*U ty had a lw o;a been mado, even Iq ^

. ttae tim e of th e monka during the Mid* j,j„ a io age*. P r io r- to Uic w ar this fo ^ D'xio c a t alono produced annually about ninner 220,000 ponnda of charcoal.—A aerlcaa

. F o restry M ngatlna. Arra■ I. made

READ i n B D A ILY NBWB. W orlh


I 'W M HAVE- ) • SlIHHH! '' T h a i iiN;rA»friLU.\ F W vS 'C ia ,

c w M 6 . \ 'I

f c i L y ! _ r

' m

' '

N e w as u n d e r t h i s h e------- ’-------------- — I By

r i i n g P f e w s J '

lilN[|IS I S S U illlD f :m u M e s iis

M— I

Champions During His , he Top Notch National " Vas Against Him in Red o.i, athewson Big Help ■ ubf,I ■ . onu c


--------- time INKW YORK, i/P ^T h e New Vork title

Giants nro tho 1021 N alionnl leoguu — champions. W hjlfl-thoy aceompUsbed : q |^tho foat molnly by the ir own offorta, _____i t reni'iined for tho 8 t. Louis Cardinalj POi to pivij them tho f in n i . ihovo tho t ' placed thom beyond Ihe reoch of thu . P ittsburgh Pira tea, no m ntter whot happens in tho rem aining games.

Now Y ork-w as idle, but tbo Cardin- aia, on tbo ir own atomping ^ u a d x , Tifallopnl- tho P Jra ttd ' lW idf ycilcrday ijj i ie , and 'sDlilod tiib tcagno cbampioniblp. q I tu t they olao crcalcd a new poKibllUy —th a t o f tiolng tho Pennaylvnaiacs for . p o i second honors. These twn clubs have j,ed, I tbroo moro games lo play la the prea- 230ont series and i f tho cloutinj; Cards --------mako 0 d e a n sweep they will eome to IX)I' even term s w ith PlttshurRh. .. incluu

One of 'P itta b u rg h ’a own sons, 1)111 er and Book, i-ltchcd St. Louis to victory In modol tJio f ira t battio . enth t

• ' r o tr \ “8k.I BASEBALLI ' I .VORV ------------------------------------------ — y « 4 w .

P a d f lc Ooart Leagn*.- pQj]Loa ABgelea, C-B; PorU aad, 3-11. by us

.O ak land , 0-1; Salt Lake, 1-3. dallon‘ Hacrumcnto, 3 ; Vernon, :J. Aulom

Sentlir, 10: S tu F rsneW o, 7.— - P O t

A m erican Iioagne. Wo ot Now Y ork, 5 ; I'h iladclphia, 0.Bostim, C; Wnahinj{ton, 2.Chicago, 5; Cleveland, 0.

N atioaa l League.St. I.iiulr, 5 3 ; PittaburR h, 4-1 ( fi rs t PpH

^nmu lu inaiRs). Inn ca* mohile

Brief Bita o f Sport roii--------- Vcedol

CIpv?lan(l haa been countcd . out o f qiiarti hi! A itirrlcan lenguo raeo. - , Compa

Dickic K orr, Com iskey’a diminutive DEI. linRor, did tho jo b whcti Iip aot Speak- town, i r ’a men bnck 'w itliont a run yeatcr- lay. -

— ■K err i^ ft hloomfhg ironoelaat, any-

______ • POB

Biirnii of Boslon fallcil fo throw ■Lewis of T^vln Fnlls in n 30-mlnuto FOR handicap bout in Boise tho other night, choieo

--------- Idttho.LcwU w n t.c lo w to the mnt soveral , '

■imca, l;u t.B nulm ed ont. ,______ heater,

Joo. 8tfch(<; fniled tn flop Ad Ban- *35; n ol, conat w e a fle r in San Francisco ' iftOr two irours o f milling Tuesday pAj>

______ , " , lop. :

A yoar aro E arl Caildork. from whom VTTC llceher, na n momher of C ur'oy’s rasa new In ’ ayndlttite, won thu championship, urnod fiantel over n eouplo of tim cf la POR wo hours and thereby annexed tho good a iRht hrnvywoiRht wrestJlnfj title.

Which Indicntcd oilhor one thing or wo about th is ran t gnme. pulloU

A‘ minor Icoruo "w o rld aerica” is to >0 plnyid hetw oen tho w inner of tho 3'xlo bnaebnll chnmplonfhlp, and tbc go^ta- Tinner of tho Const Icnj^o Qcnnnl. itraJa!

ArranRcments fo r thia acrics will bn FOB nndo toon aa Memphis and Fort and ac ;Vorth K ttlo tho southern titlo , and u m 8e


«! A l T h e o t e r J ; C u t e S u

iiC W /O i . : .U ' r l |. ,^ U jM ey S eO .

p. 1



s C l a si e a d , |O n e C e n tBy actual count, four oat these people what you ha' es for sale or renti the po


ton a i tho Soala and the Angolca de- ,do which is tho bottflr team in the oaat leuRue. ^

lUchij Milcbell, Mlhvoukeo llghl^ “f.'® oiRht and brother o f I’inkle, ia out 'ith lliu alntem ent lh a l ho would havo ■on fmm Ernie Rico, English light- Jjjj, reigh'; champion, rcgardlcM of tho - le t tlm t ho had brokon oao arm, when !io pair m c f in Milwaukee tho other . iglit.

--------- ; , ■ Bobf n » hint® boxing commluilon, how- —

ver, vluwa Ihu m atter in nnother ligb t F nd ntupped the unequal contest. orn

’ tiouOnly onco boforo in tho history of - *

'o rld ’j bascbaji sorica hna i t happened ' li l t tho titlo tilta hnvo been held In nu c ity , T hnt w at In IDOO whon tho Vhite Sox played tho Cuba in Chicago nd ivo'ji the /Jag. . ^

---------- '■ pWith Cottl o f Franpo nnd 'Uoremnna Chli

f DotRium a fte r him, Wlllio Hoppo beni .‘tma sloted to hnve. an Intercstinif 1'. I ime Ihuf fa ll and w inter ro tain in{ his 111- itlo lo tho billiard crown. ~ ~

O R S A L E - M I S C E L U N E O U S f j

PO il S A U J-U n lle ab le rango; six- olo w '.h rctervolr. I’hone 444W. ' "y ,

GET T IIA T GOOD mixed hen feed t D arrow Broi. Scod & Supply Co, p hono 8. ^ oaat

^ i ! a T c u F o i & : . £ G ( j ....u a s h - n f j[akca tbc hens shell .out (bo eggs. Dbr- IW Bros. Seed & Supply. Co. Phono 8. F<

plasFOR SALB—Furniture, including big

;d, heotlng tlovcs, refrlgerjitor, otc. pore 10 f'ouH h avo. E . ina i

FOR BALE—P um iiu to fo r 5 rooms..cluaiiig.oloclrie raflbc.-vucuura cleaa- r<' and Ivory bedroom aet, Chlppendals roonodel Edison phonograph. 320 Elpv- m toith f ,v o .-E . Phoi

F 0 R ~ 6 A L B - ^ l l i» ta to c f l ,~ 3 5 7 'a idk. I '2 mile south c f . South Para rocery. D, Cathro. -----

I'O R SALB—Italian , prunes. Pbone

____________________________lliFOU e A L E - U u ro o r m olor l i n l l r usinR f^od oll. Havolins in five illon cont n t «1 per RoUon. U nd utomobllo Company.

POULTRY SU PPL IE S "of a ll kinds. L— 'o oto tho farRcat h a n d le r of this iiu r - .. Idnho. Darrow Brot. Seed £ 'S u p - Sy y Co. Phone 8. liclo

FOR SALE—Boys' Rood bicycle; rea boxc nablo.. Twin Fnlls Bottling Works. ' mile.

W R SA L E -U avoU ae oil In flvo g a i n cam a t t l por Rallon. L u d Auto> j ohile company.

F o l t S A L E -M olo r oila: Uavoline,L'edol and.V leo, none be tto r; 2!ic per' m, iarl|--«-jl^r-RaHon— I/ind '^utom obilv .

______DELICIOUS A P P L E S ^ l lv o r c d in wn, M.50 per box. Tel. 1030J.

FOR~SALE—Automobile oila 25e M r q , la rt, quality gunrantccd; why jiay are? Lind Automobile Company.

iX)R S A L ^ ^ t blaat hcatoK 3«2 ’ ivcnth nvo. N . ' Phone 821J. In

-■ S ta iFOR SALB OR T R A D E -20 head ttfoieo hurso). M. A. Williama, Edeo. Xn^ ____________ ■__________________ bank

FOB S A L B - N ij i ly now Round Oak .a tor, No. 10 airo, w ith R utaia ' pipe, , 5; alfo san itary col. Mrs. 0 . Mall. 1^7 THjntli ave. E . Phone 104J. '

-------------------------------------------nl! cFOR €A L B -D )nlnR toble, 48 ineh aro ip. 305 SIxUi avenuo oost. ■ have

. . . - ahonWICKER boby buggy for sale. Oood nnnenew. 303 Fonrtb ave. £ . b X

FOR S A L E -W ic k e r ' baby buTg?'.■od as new. 304 Fonrtb ave. B.

FOB a i J jB —Now for a bargaio CourlUe tbey iaati Real Bbode laU nd Giids loying hens; also th is rp rio g 'i eralIleU and eockerels. Phone flSOR cial,0. Box 754. • day

FOR SA LS—Regular trained a lik ___Ata; registered atoek; heary a i lk rain. Pboae 060R. P . 0 . Box 754.

FO B B A L B -B lcydes, trieyeles, tlre i the d accMaoriea. W erner's Km alr Shop b ta 4 Seeond a t. R ' peri


6 0 . I n : 'ib o a s k [


'.!<>•>» tMiBf Srrrn.. Ik., c....' ‘•••i’- _

> J E W S , T W I N F A L L S , g

s s i f i e (t p e r w o r d p e r IIt of evei:y five homes in Ti aye to sell, trade, barter or josition you want or the he

F O R S A L E - R E A L ^ S T A T E

BXCBLIiENT BARQAINB — 231- t 'o .cro form ; nono bettor In stato, w ith orcd Jl rquilim entt fo r ten years a t 0 per fum l cn t tu bl' paid annually. -F o rty aercx 1023' ’ood'innd, ?700 cnsh; nnnnal jxivments 080, 'A-llh interijst n l fl per ccnt on do- 'erred v'l'ymenta; 40 years to pay bal- ince. 230 ucrcs all undur fence; a P * " ' iandy Reed or atock farm ; $100 jwr tcro for -00 bctcs; 30 virrcs thrown in. » loborts Realty Co. j,

POR SALB—Flvo roem houae; mod- irn cenvenlencoa, garngo; splendid loca- pt. :ioa. P II. Dean, 720 Soeond ave. W. ^ooki

B A X E ^100~ acres)' 75 ' a lfa lfa, , m ra to w ater 00 In theii seven miles fuf„ | !rom t«>wn; gravel road; 1115 per acu-,15000 cash, balaaco ternis 7 per eont. r.' B. W hite, Phone 080W. R

FO B SALE OR EXCHANGE forJhlcoRO Incomo propert.v ll-yenr-old ____.coring orchard two milea ftom town. FO'. M. ilu n n , 155 N. Clark St., Chicago, uvdc11- ■______________________ _________ 240 1

F 0 2 ‘'EALE—Fottr-roem hottsa, pa rtly iXJnodem, new; flue shade aad law n; coin-ru lt trees, small fn ilta , thmbbexT, etc. SSIJ.L fine Uttle h o n e a t a iea l bargain. ------lall a t 200 T o n B tm o,. a fte r 4 o'clock. FO

i)oar»KOR SALE—A real bargain la well -

mprovfd north aide fann . Dr. Dwight, p c

FOR SALE—Five a e r ta 7 l-2 mile oat, 1-t mile aouth Washington.achool.?eam lo. Irade to r_ n For;i_.cHL.i.’L. S p oIjufaon;..................... -_________ c d .fl

F d l i 'S A L E 'd lf T n T D B —Two room ilostcred and kalaoialned houae, two p o >\g cloaets, fron t «nd bnck sleeping n |,hc torch; i^wn. barn snd two extra lots a k . - t . nap. Pbons 123 or call at 111 l':a<i ialD.__________________________________call ,

FOR SALB—O r traae, new tiv< • pQ oom modem house, w ita garage, for nto, lot or good paper. 145 Jp /ferion og ’hone ,105M. • — ~ ________________________________ --i.. -FO

M IS C E L L A N E O U S |,‘ 'io°

FO'afllE FU L L E R BRUSH CO. o t grow

Hartford, Conn., has a ropresenta- week live here. H e can fumiSh yea w itha ny th ing -la ebrnthca from bead lo * “ foot, cellar to n ttlc . He la coming.W,-ilt for him. 2M fou rlh No. “ T TPhoOT 877J............................. .. . ..................FOI

-------------------, ------------ -------------------.SATURDAY will be Dannna and Dc- lourii

clout Applo day a t F lca ian t Homn tion.irra. l h o applea a re fino; bring your — oica. Joel .ilnmmona k Bon, 2 1-2lilea cn«l Wnahington sclifiol on, Addi- F“ *“ ‘ )n. Pliono 610J2..

I CAN USE. FOBD toopo., .odnni ' • " J ' nd open e v a ; caah wailing. Centrallorogti, $18 Shoahono St. W. ' FO

TAKEN U P -S o rre i laare, white )0t ill forehead, mane ihcored. Oall Kjod t M cMaiter born. J'®®_ ..............• VneniD A N'S PL A C E -Z 57 Choshonp 6«

eeon.l hand clothes bought aad sold. ___ er ro

DRESSMAKING, .Mrs, Ella Ca»^- wUi tl, Phone CB8W. , 889W

XH B A N K B rPT O T —N o. 1268 .In the D istrie t O onrt of tho U i i l t e d -------

U tes for tbe D isU let o f Idaho, Booth- - W /rn Division. workIn the m a tte r o f Cbeiter J . Kelly, te a t i

Notlc^o ia hereby given, thn t Cheater W i , Kelly has f iled In tfio UnlU d S tates work. 'Istrlct Conrt fo r Idaho ^ils applleatlon )r discharge in bankruptcy, and th a t II creditors ond a ll persona in interest ro required ta show cause. If any they , . ive, why the prayor of aald petitioner lonld not bo gran ted by entering thoir \VJ npca«^cO 'in said proceedings on or for b sfotc th e COth day of October, isa i,Dd wUhin te a days the reafter filing w / 10 particular M u n d s of the ir oppo- Upp- tlon in tho offico of tho Clerk of aaid “ “ ourt.Given nndor tho au thority of the gea-

rol ordera of sold Court and -by spe- . al order o f the undersigned thia 10th : ay of Boptember, 192L ^

OUY L. K IN N EY , Referee.

H e'a It. - Ono can’t help wondering w hether

be man who w ould rtfo rm the worid. j i n , Its succeednl In maklDg eno m an - - lerfect.—L ouisville Post. RE


W>l ' t i p I H A S H E 4R D <

K l K S ( o iT T ia J 'T r M T £ E ) FfcP? u l

Ftf?W SU NlCC.. M IV W W

C R SOME-THi^i'. j--------- - 7.----------------1--------- PUT V 6 l«

___ __________1__________ I MIMEI 4T- l A S h . Mf?.

I) P E P k lA iS '.j

}7 \

t P A H O , F R I D A Y , S E P T E I

d 3 Ei n s e r t i o n , a n d /V

Twin Falls receive Th > New or exchange, about your roo help you need—One Cent Pe

F O R R E N T m t l

t'O R R E N T -C heap , t«n-roum plftst' red limmp, near W ashington school; 'urnlahcii, 515 F'ourlh ave. E . Phone N 0!8W. ■ _ _

POU IIE N T -T kioo lo o m p u l l j urnislied for hounckccpinir, $15. 243 ^utomi 'K lh E.

r a n . liE N T -A m Itovios lo t Cali orni.a end will rent Ibrcc room furnith- d house to responsible couple. 230 '\vT >


FURNACE HEATED ROOMB; hone ^ “tom. eoked neals. 550 Sccoad ovo. N.

.FO R ” R E W -T iM 'fu rn ish 7 d “ rooms, uruace beat, 4 blocks from Perrlne otel. Inquire 401 £ . Main.

TOR RENT—L iving n ija rtoun fi * bove Model Shoo etoro. Inqnlto Tivin \VA! 'oils Amuaement Co. Phone 477. n ig h t, ,

FOR ULNT — UoMokocpIag mderii. d o te in ; no 'ch lfdren . Ca'l WAJ 40 Fourth ave. E . . ' _ ^

iX)R R E N T -6 m o ll house near Lln- 1^''®“ ' oin school. 302 Seveatli ave. N. Phono 21J.. milk e,

FOR R E N T -R oom , nex t to hath; « *» oard If desired. .6Q0 T bird E . buyer 1

POR RENT—Three room furniahed Co!'*lJportm eat, reosonoble. Bungalow Apts., __ L _'ifth St. and Beeoad ave. E. WAf

.FO R RENT'—Furnished houso locat- Antomid .O S l Seventh ave. E . Apply 330 ______'U rd nve. W. . , . WA>

F O n 'E E N 'M l i . r o o n to ™ , "tzi- J 3 | l ”ished or uofum lsbed; modern except __eat; screened sleeping poreb, garage, WA> Dliar, paved street. Phone ' lolO er your a ill a t 302 Sixth ave. N. tloo. S'

------------------- -- 68fiW.POR R E N T -T w o furniahed light —

ouiekbtplsg roomt. Phose 554IV S&4 0. Main.

B B N I ^ ro r e l ib td ■ liDU.>ki<|> flo.V Ig aparlm eata by week or month. Th» privnte xford, 428 Main 'N . ■ “ 0 ^

FO R BENT—Heoaekeeping sultci toand floor, fu ralsbed r o n p lt t t . n 'l QI eek or month. 4£8 N . U&ia. . Q |

FO R R E N T -S leep lng roem*. . m ---------'Ifth ave. E . Phono 752R.

F O B S A L E - A U T O M O B I L E S

'F O R 's a L ^ I S O " w l F bny I? r .l)urlng car in good meehnnical condi' __on. inquire W righ t’s store. ' *T.wvi

FOR K A LE-1020 fluick ligh t 6, re. . iln ted and In fine condlUon, $1050 j 1 _ odgo'touring, repalated, $450. Ford,30(1 tire s nnd tuns good, |150 . Rco luring car, 1010 model, looks like new. OEOZD }00. B arre tt Auto Sales Co. ; p{,nQ,

FO R B^LB—yivo passeager Bludf- . .7 , iker, perfect mechanical eonditlon, ■«—% )od cold tires, now W illard battery, , M i50 fo i quick sale; term s If desired, | . 1 ' hood Ci|2M. • ----------

V o r p a l e o r T R A D C -Sludft.»» ______r roadster ia ex tra good condition a COOU ilj accept Tord <d trade. Phosf ghoal WW.- ! _

HELP WASTEDW A N T E D -S cioo l girl fo r few hours ’

ork enrh day. i Good pay to compo- jo H N la t giri. 123 Maple avenue.

W A N TEI>-G lrl fo r general honse- ASHBTi ork. Mrs. Asher B. Wilson. 708 Sbo- vone £ . ’ BOUB]

W A M E D "—"W om on to Work on 8WBB1 inch. Address 0 . 0 . Bbatto, H olliater, a t la' laho. iU ls

W A N T E t)4H igh sciiooi girl to work B. U . ’ ir board ond room .-Phone 1212. o, oi

WANTED—Houae»«eper fo r par<me. Can go bome s ig h t . Ooll O50M. j . h . v

P O S IT IO N W A N T E D f f . ;

W ANTED-Po.11100 by oxptrionota . . . l l f . ;ci]ograp}ier and bookkeeper. 331 h lid nve. W.


I ^ R T R A D E -80 aerca rix miles eari ir n a ie lto a , Idaho; will trade for Twin alls c ity proporty. M. W, Denoyei " • 9* I I I end,BEAD TH E OLABBIFIED, AD8. P ho

B T O LIFP STEERJ ■ OopT^gbt, lO ai, by Newspapei F(

D o f l _ I T s t A r A V t

U J 't S A tq M A 4 M r l

.m g l j f f f H t D i E i OF j— ^ . v j o


i J , - | | u F

j | a ^ ® ^ 1 1 ‘ M

111 mil Bo,»nit I

E M B E R 8 0 , 1 9 2 1

P a . i lWORTH:ws, D^ily. Tefll-all jonis for rent, hous- •>er Word—Phone 32 j

A N T E D ' M IS C E L L A N E O U S •

'N T E D -nectm ers a a d '" ' hoiirdori;Is served family tty le.’ 550 Secona


'ANTBI>—Oaa engine and tiM tpr-. ir w ork; wotk guaranteed. Lind omobllo Company.

’AN TED—Boardersi wdmoa $8,$0 per week. 121 Seventh ttve. N.

DO 501.

'A W K D —M achine and .lothe wjirk 111 kinds; work guaranteed. Lmd omnbilo Company.

rANTED—fTablo boarders; exeeU' meals; home cooking, $1 per day. E ighth ave. N . Phone Im T

lANTED—Cars to w aah^at n IgU : k g u a ru te c d . U a d Automobile ObL

'ANTED— Hove your car wftsbod a t it, .while ypo sleep. Lind Atitomo-

, . r i ---------------------'ANTED 70 R E N T -P ro m one U 0 years, m odem a ll mom homo n oment. P h tn e 806 . .

'A N T E D - T w c T g ^ o d V c ^ J e T ^: cows. J . H . Bwan.

ANTED TO D U Y -W ^ biTO i jr fo r improved 40 actes near Twia i ; w bat bfkve y o u l Uoyd-OrtTe»12.1 M ain A ve, & .

Af^TED—T w our car la a n d ^ . r ro t waahed, n igh t or day. L t i4 in u li le Co.

ANTED—Second band player pi- . taust b« ebeap aad la f irs t t i a n lition. Address Box 407, City. .

ANTED—< w r to wasti. BruKi ear. to th e A now head a e rriw a ta .

. Second and Second flouth. F los* .P. y?ork gnaranteed,

M O N E V T O L O R N ‘

u.VBV t o L0A N —W« h tv e n a u ate int>ney on hand for iMfflediiat*' gage- loaaa. Irr iga ted Land* Op . .

eiSiss Dimmi iGLASS

m o w O l A S S ^ l n d l t U d K ^r t work.- M oon's ahoft P iea #

~ ^ H O E M P A ^ O

i x A j r o j B ^ F r a o B ^ E m t i t o i m2 .Shosboa« W. I’beoe 808. All irk guaranteed. At'Ohiiionils, I'rop •,


ZIBR T B A N U m OOMPAHlr 'inpf 34y.______________■ ■ ■ .

^ r o f e i S J l o n d l


bW T A 2 JT —D." a: " S a iaen , M l oahose S t. Be. Pbone 065.


lB. a . N O B I H - U v 'e r r ' ' S a ltk ^ 'ce Building. .

'V,. QBAHAM—Lawyer. Baak * vH Building. .Phone 085-B.

IBR B. W TL S O N -U w yer.

SBB 0." M n i& ^ D o y a B n u S i T •

3BLB7 h 0W BBLBY - A t to n ^ 'l law. P raetice In all ronrta. T w ti .

dls, Idaho.

L W OLFE— Lawyer. Roomt 6 a a l - over Idaho D epartm eat Stor*;

»la Falls, Idaho,

L W ISB—Lawyer. Fuliy o rn s lx w Ueclloa 'departm ent. OSiM*— loms 6 and 7, over Twin fU ls Baak T ru it Co., Twia F a lli Idaho. -.n.t


He l "a I ^ N —L lcenied elvU o j Deer and surveyor. Phone 178*11]


j . W. O A M p '6 6 M < fr t l « / J l , .W a, third, fo u rtb 'ta o h ^ T s ’ t ' b l ’ O hall. • .-W m oi i m

■ ■ ■ liM .n - iT -O H A U r ,

, - 'J M .il7: tilliJD '. ,

|l lli'w Rjrt 3,IT, ■' •ool i"iji'i.jT

ll fi f ,>i .iiT

w i i j i d : ■

X' >0) - ■b a i ' . M

9 ^ » i i ;i I

DiSllDS ■ 111). Cll IJPI"-™ iilllSFlSE.-..

• Mio nmon, liiRbn'av

Governor Expresacs Am aze- nccopt-.i . m o n t , a t H u m o r s o t N o w - 5 '“ '! '! ' , "

comors' DiBBatisIaclion j, „U'nRtli, 0

'Governor D. W. Davis, iiccordinK to gravel m udvicei todoy from Bolso, l.-iit n l |;h t ox- |mtion <<1 (rrcMod astoniuhmonl a t “ wild rumoM” Tho Jol uf d lw a tio n nmong membors of tho vxIcDxinn u ir iv a n led to Idaho from Brooklyn by l> rlirco i' W. ‘D. S cott to ostnMiah fiirtiin oa tho fcii bsliij Roieirortb proioct. "tm funil

Aaswem Brooklyn In n u iry ' • , i ' f

Id reply to tdcgrnphy inquiry from of inati'ri tho Brooklyn “••‘ing him to w iro whicli w ■‘tt sta tem en t in rpgnrd to n p ro tes t ro- Tlio I'Oi [jortod.m ado to you by mombor# of jhwo of Scott'# Brooklyn carnvnnwi*. said to contrarto Jinrgo Scott witl> ml^rcprMcntiog tbo lr nnd clam A nd ," Qovomor Pftvis dispatchod tho nut <-x|-c« rollowing mossago: <»i Batnr.

• Brooklyn Eogle, Brooklyn, N . Y ..—Yonr wire dato Scott caravan . n n n iM f Am oatonishod n t i u contents. Be- MHHH | Uoro no be tto r land in Idnbo. S tato • I IU III I depatlmottts havo made selections IIfo r Indivldunl settlers a fto r coro- Ulfu l cniiso. University extension pr«piired to begin Immediate acl- ontlfle lastn ic tion , having la id o u t Suprom

.p lan of cropping nnd fnrm a c tiv ity .pftVwhich w in assure prosperity i f poo-

filo tn carAvan do tbc ir share. In M t, no moro careful and. oompro- hensivo plans for Instraotlons hnvo W uri

o?or boon accorded colonists to th is n igh t liy 'rtn to .. Havo not soen any dolcga- tho suprci Uoa from c a n v n n a t reported. Ono Imil r uai; ca lled 'he re in my nbsonco, v isitod’ g rnn tn i ii s ta to f a ir and rsturnod to B ahl. on HcpU'ii Wlillo hero lo ft object o f th e ir v ia- fiom j toe it In w ritten ror)ucRt to mo to nid Ii. Munrm In investigation o f pmuiibility o f nl, n rnsi b ridging n t reasbnnlily c.irly da te w aters of flalninn rivef canyon. A bw luto un- count.*', an im ity of opinion nmong Idnlio The ili'f c rop experts tb a t w lllt proper di- obtnini'il t roetlon theao Jioople will bc higbly rreek in : succcssful in comniiinity y1cvoIhj>- iircamit. v m e n t I t is jirobablo tbnt iipy such nlil suit, n report aa tho ono you ,linvo a rises dccroo w from eomo personal < diffcrcnccs -Iiulgu B.i which in no way a ffce t,.t8n real ordorod tl m erits of tho oaterprise or tiio su r- case ti) s coss_of i ts loyal _mctpbprs.A, Theso use of th< people haVc''«ucb a splcnBid'oppor- auan t tn (un ity to establish H go'^d incomo nppealrd aatf a plonsant homo th n t 'I fool any .Iiiilgo Ui •onsational a ttem p t on-the p a rt o f rei'ding n ■nyone to destroy tliclr morale to

8 « o n U o u l lUimon A flo tt Tho nimora, one n t lenst of which C P C r

M eoao to Brooklyn, have been flyinR J l U Uck and fa s t Ihrougliout the Twin U ls country . Among thom have fig- y, toi tbo Btatements th n t the caravnn u a th e n i I cn .tho point o f breaking up ; throo tions unillos havo dosorted and gono to Cal- .on ila j soino of tho settlors nro prae-eally pennilesi;. disgruntled ciimvftn. „ ,

or* complain th a t they had n o t been “lid abou t tho Salmon cnnyon nad bad «



' y ffir ’s balolored H a n Says E e Qam bled peeted to

B e o a n s o H o O o n ld N o t O o t o ■S h o w i o r O l n r o i ' c Z l l

--------- lands, »h(F rnnk Lewis, colored mon, ta k e n in cd to be m id against the W orkingmon'a (cdI* in.dcsigiin

rod) club Inst U onday niflht, yesto rday a contribi dm itto'j th e chnrgo o f gambling, a n d o f r a i n , a s fined 92S. ' Ho paid the tax . H ia nro cndcai m pnnion , tilonnie Doykeh, takon a t pf )0 samt: tim e, is b ring given prellm ln- <pj,o ^ p ly hearlDg in tho probato conrt th is e luding E ftoraoflti on chnige o f illegal postos- c la r k , . Pn oa o f iutoxicotlng UcjQor. and TetoiLewis mndo no a ttom pt to conceal f j , , t

tiilt, b u t sulimltled a lengthy s ta te - r e p o r ti en t ill extenuation. Uo told- Jndge ^ q„gtQ ani B ., Tabor th a t he only one o f Rijrncd to i n um bjr o f colored men in TV in F a lls d istric t. c< ho woro compelled tb resort to devlcoi ,inka, Lin r 't h i i so r t to provide cu terta lnm cn t ,] q_ ir themselves. '!W e can .'t.go to pic- ,j,ire show* ond wo Htvo no chu rch ,” __BannockJ explained. lin, Oncid

' , bushels nr


BPHEUM— Vaudeville: nlso " B u th _________o f tb e Bockles*', w u to m foatoro p ic tu re; “ Third CIsaa M ail,” a two- p a rt comedy, and In ternational N ews. / - > | )A2I0 — Tom M ix in “ Tho N ig h t H o rsem a n "; P a the I^ews ond eom*

SvW n G— D obnrt Bosworth in “ H laOwn L aw " : nlao a tw o-part corned/, d - n k lcnUUed “ R>rget Me N o t» . ■ - *

rh e S ta r Social club will hold aiked food salo n t the M ajestie Phor- n i . _« y Sa tn rday o f th is week.—a d r .

---------------------- 21 barbe ntw and' iopular books aii- a r- , 0 1 - Ing flf.' y a t fl&a Book fltore.—nd» b a


WE PAY “h ig h er bash m ark o t price fo r y o n r OnioiUj Apples a n d P o ta to es;

UOHNSilN&CO.V * j M a n d A T 8 . S o .

I B H , ■ ■ ,,

EWGDMSSIDN , l n l IlC C E P F S liiB rn r

n trac to r U ull P aid fo r Addi- . U L I 6an Job and R eleased I r o m : t

Obligation ' , 1

Inloring issuance of w arrants to tamount of. <>1C, 27.13. (he board of

bn-av fommissloncrs Innt night duly opt-.l from Contractor Charles H. W atcri'11 tlm recently completed oxtenploo G am e Ad(ii>'on ftvenui'. Tho rond stre tch - tw.i miles anil three quartora inRth, and ic rock bnsc w itli heavy vcl surfncv, rolled noltd in nutici- 'T he pu ion llf heavy traffic . Hs bore’ho totnl cost.o f constructioH of thii' boon jnn DDsinii H^s T-O,000, tlio difrcrunee cartriilgci w eoT 'thnt nnionnt ami Mr. M.ull’s scrvicM 1:

bsiiig the rost o f mnterini which plnce of I funiiKhod l.y Ibo d is trid .-M r. iIuH ja ck e t re k fhu fon tn irl on boMlH of paym ent nnd baiii]

actual work, w ithou ' umploymont And th nati'rinl, nnd not on a cost-plus plan wny or r cll was firs t .innouncod. b ig game'lie I'ocrd mot lust n ight fo r tho pur- Tiic sc D of ncceptlng tlio rond from’ tbi? morrow, trarto r nnd disposing oi' othor bill:i ber*.:!l, ni

claims ngalniit Ihe d is tric t. I t i.4 nritor coi expcClod nnv meeting wili be hold a gnm j j

Batnrdny of this wock. Tomortcock, blai

■TIONilTINlT E I lC l lS [ P 8 e ig

~ — U. . . . , Novcmneiprome Court D ecided Judge For dm Babcock May H ear D ry nimrodD i

Oreok M atte r JS—;— , from botl

'o r l waa resolved buro .late last tbnntiDi'J t by A ttorney E. M. W olfe thn t presidentsupremo court of the s ta te of Idnlio (and otbci

rjuashcd tliu w rit of piaW bltlou U ax im #1 itpil iigninst .ludge'W , A. Bnbcockicptem lior 17, 10^1, rc<<tralning him | | n p in |tocced ing to hi'nr (ho ease o f D. M n ^ 'Huarmnn c l al. vs. .Icrry Bonard et lllllUi in raso inviilviug llio righ t to the n iors o f Dry iTCck, in Twin J’nlN H

he ili'rcuiliiiiis in Ibc Moormnn cn ic lini'il (t ik'i-ri'i' to tho wntors o f D rv _ , k in 11)1)4. but llio plnintiffK in Ibo J ttd g O . ent. t-nse were nol purtlM to tbn , b a n d ’) suit, nnd tbercfore felt th n t this olil 'eo wns not binding upon them.I'U B.ilK-ock took th is |>OBitlon nnd , , irod tho defcndnntr in the nK'sciil ,

tl) submit their uvldencc of tbc o f tho w aters In D ry creek. Pur- *'it tn this ruling, the dofendants jalrd lo tbe supreme court to imvo go Unboock rcslrnined from pro- , ” '’**1' '' ling w ith tbc case.- f becnmo ki

lEHTEIFISCllEE il iH 5 P E M f lP .5 T l l l I iS


; b e r i o g o f G r a i n O o n t r ib a - th a t Mrs. io n a f o r K e a r E a s t S t a r t s • W

i n S o n t h e m I d a h o « rc s t ! 6

luth Tdaho fnrmcra th i t weok Began j|” j,er„” ing a chtaiengo of w hea t a t thv fljcatcil tV tre o f slnrvotion, which thrcatena goToroiy 1 omplete the ruin unfinished by the Stevens

reign of w ar, duorganization and being heli olossncss ►mong tho racial rcm- ab llitv lo A of the Nenr E as t, whore thou-, a urc to bo clothed th ir w in tor .

Ihc .tons o f spare garm ents and s south Idnho peoplo hnve already ■rously given through N ear E as t and nsigh ■f. • the g reatirelvc carloads of, w heat from thbi •>®'P 's barvost in lou th Idaho a re ex- our berca> ed to bo on the w ay by O ctober IB, iwing Ihis s la te 's g if t o f apparel

the centers o f su ffe ring In the h((antlful insus, Armenia and ancien t Bible s, where hundreds nre now report-0 be dying daily of bnrigar, 't t i s “ psignnted a t south Id ah o 's share in intributlon of fivo million bushels Adv. . ;Riin, whieh tho A n e r ira n fa rae n i undcavoring lo send to the destitu te Canning LaU M inor’a hunger zone. tol Spring 10 U pper Snake lUver valley, In- ®f Pb*V Ing Bingham,' Bonneville, Bntte,k , . Frem ont, .lefferson, Madison . .. ■ Teton counties hav.^ been aaked

S0I4 bssholr o f w heat, Miss Fowler r iu ia ir t i TW INquota e f 4803 bushels hns been ai-:d to the Lower Snako lliT cr raileylet. composed of Twin Falls, Mini- ?, Lincoln, Jerome, Oooding, Cas-Camas and Blaine countics. - U aka coom the foulhcoslcm Idaho d istric t gtnnock Hear Lnke, Caribou. Frnnk- « « . homOneida ancl Power counlics— iOOfiels are soughL „

pew rllcrs repaired. CIos Booi: TO A C K ? .-» d v . > .

S a t u r d a y S p1 pkp8/ ‘Jiffy Jell, assorted flavors ...

, . This ia an exceptioDally good regularly for 40c.

I lbs. McDonald Pure Cocoa..............51 bars Bob Whito S o a p ................... .12 bars Kirk's OIlvo S o a p ......... ........j i b b y ’s Corn B e o f ............ ..................jibby's Veal L o a f ....... ___ .................5 cans No. 2 1. X. L. Jam or ConBervo

CALL4 Fw DsHmlss Dall; on ericiil

ROCHDALE— -W e ToAe Others for E i

■ T W I N F A L L S D A I L Y N

l i i l F " i H l l l f l Jm m i :

[to w or• ■' j(ho loci

terfowl and Four-Footed Deccml amo Become P rey of Man

and Qnn S atn rday u^tainl--------- I t is

0 cun barrel haa boon oiled up and ducing loro highly poHabod; tho belt h a s ,to a di

jammed "lo the laat notch w ith l been j' idgci, tbc high boots th a t d ld jrc in sta l M Inst year liroUghl from the ir j timo tn1 of concealment, and tho huB ting |bccn rt It repaired nud mnde. comfortable I two mi bandy ngain. jpolicy i id tho ownor. is now either on bl# lapsed or rondy to s tn r t on n duck, o r a 'h e n r t n game slaughtering porlod. ‘bill thi: c season opens w ith sunrise to- rcceivo B-,v. I t closes n t tunilown Dcccm -. payroon 11, and Ihe hills nnd vnlefe nnd tho lied Ci r courses nrc snid to abound w ith The m.' plcliiorn. tcntion morrow wild duck, 'gooso, wood' >' cs n r

blnck-breastcd nnd golden plover doparliiycllowlcgs, \Yilson or jacksnipc, ber 1’ i10 bird line, doer a n d /^ o u n ta in stnto In in (bu big game line become the in tbn .11 prey of mnu and gun. The deer Scrvii tone ec/uion is schoduled-to doso, nre dire ding to sla te regulations. In most Hod, Cr ics accessible to Twin F.ilis on bonus « mnor Iti. i«>R to ? r duck shooting a numbor o f local active idfl nro going to W ilson 'lako on (ifopcrt; orlli side, wbilo others will Invndehercs o f M urlaugh lako. Boports bo th w ater bodies Indicate f i r e 1

ing prospccts, A sher D. Wilson, offering len l of thc chamber o f commorce, «flu>o H olhers, will go to Wilson lake, "till sta ag th is (ifternoon. hundto.l

• , ■ • bc rla in '


• . -- pook Si

ro DnvaU Postpones Hns-.nd’s H earing whon W ife J P H

Oannot A ppear . ’

III of L ester W. Slovens, chnrgcd ile eounty nuthorities w ith po tty 1 \ ly ,'h as-b ee n postponed for a pe- 0 ono week. The hearing was - ■ ulcd for the p robate court todoy. I itpanemont o f the case waa or- , '

by Judgo 0 . P. D uvall, when 'i t in known th a t Mrs. Stevens, wife i< <lcfcndant, was lerioualy injur- ■

Ihe' n ffn ir o f fx few nights ng6 " , i l is said by police officers, thnt ns attem pted to steal a 'harrow ging to C. n . Brown, Jr ., of 303. icrW road. ’ ^ormnlton reaching tho p robate '

in the past few houra lnd lc |tcd |Mrs. Slevona-w aa thrown ont o f: tvagon .^ h o n Blovena etjorted to his Kotscs in nn e ffo rt to escape

She is snid to have fallen un ho wagon, ono wheel passing over I ^ er..l ond ncrosa one leg. I t , is in - | •:d th a t tb e woman waa otherwiio oly hurt.vena is still In thc eounty . jbil,

held prisenor becauso o f h£i in- f V lo post a bail bond. ^

* nCABB OF TH A N E S. g

wish to expresa to our frlcodr iBlghbors our doep appreciation of g 7cat sym pathy, the kindness and < leip given iis du ring tho timo o f | ercavemcnt in the loss o f our wifo •] nother, Mra. tlonnah W illiams; 1 J up reia lly to thank thom for tho Iful flowera.



ming peaehea' ore ready o( Cry< prings orchardf. (4 I*S miles no rtl-1 y savy; 11.23 per bnsliel; b rln^l •* boxes. Phone COO.—ndv.

IN F A U S - B O I S E S T A G E ^

7li)« Tw in F a lls t t 8 a. in. (local CI); u r lT # BolM 3:30-y . m. (lo- t to e ) . p

[0 coimectloo w itli Ko. 10 !, a t H ono. OlTlng ib o n fo t dUffiftr b o fo n th a at* i

1 o f 10, going « « f t . F i re tama

I S I ( f lR O S . S T A G E C O . X


Ipecials! n■s ..................... ............ 25c <[ood value, boHs ' ^

...................................90c, . ■ a

..................... ............ 26c- W

...............................- ..25c y!TO........... ....... ....... 95c

330 ]i c i i le s and Msals

1 STO R EEi Heat Coal— ^

N E W S , . T W I N F A L L S , :

LIBf lEINSTllTEBI - L iT m E 8 D E E .3 1 g

trac tions a ro A ddressed to U oodav 'ormor Service M en A bout

In sn ranee

irvlco men nro notified, according ro ri recoived from headquarters at' v local office o f tho Bo'l Cross, th a t I imbi'r a i ' r t the timo lim it o n 'th e I ilogs o f reln ita tem en t on lapsed i»nce, aod nlso on (he jtrivilego of in ing additional insuraneo.Is bceause of tho nc ce u lty of re-

ng Ibo immenso insuraneo bnainess . dofinito basis th a t the order bar I promulgated. The privilege of itatcm ont has boen oxtonded from

to lim e. L apsed policies have renewed through th s paym ent of T l / m onths’ premiums. I t was the xTJ

;y o l tho govem m ent no l to renow 3d policies th a t covered coses of t rffec tn tion , bu t under tho Sweet th is d o rs o f cases will continue to ivo insurance protection upon the nonr of nil delinquent prominims,Cross authorities explain,

le Incnl' offieo hoada urgo tho at* on o f a ll acrvice men whoso poll­a n affec ted to tho ordor from th j rim ent,m dvising th a t a f te r Docem- r i( wiU a o t ho pou ib le to reiu- I In iuranco 'or to make an Increase m nmount carried, rvico men jyho enlisted b Oregou lirpeted to make applicalion n t tho Cress headquarters fo r tho cash

s which the a tato will pny amount- 0 per m onth fo r ench m onth of0 service, or a loan on Oregon ;r(y no t'to exceed 13000.

K o Snbotltnto Offered r w hai you will about drnggirts ing something “ jo s t os g o o d " b<»- > It pays a b e tle r p ro fit, tho fa e t • « * s tands tlm t*ainc(y nine o a t of a fV l to.l druRgiata m o a ra e n d Cham- In ’s Colic and D iarrhoea Re'mndy,1 the best medlclno fo r diarrhoea ia 1 for, and do so hoeause they know

■wiiat the ir customers say of it , y It can be depended upon.— d v .

!ol 'j l i i 'g cabin'ota and safe?. Clos Store.—ndv.

iiiD )— ■ A T ]

A n oth er P a

50 Silk Jersey 1REAL Silk Jersey, a :

Copen and Green. Reinfi measurement. Eemembe early. When these 50 an early.

Ladies' Coat SiPlush Coats of silk pl

fur collars will be include prices.

Another Dress >Silk Dresses of Cgnto

also Tricotine Dresses ju dresses are extraordiriai^ Such values as you’d expe priee .. ...............................

Fine All Wool 1 Serge Suits, $2-

Another big item. M perfect wofkmanship. 1 ity and weight.' All silk 1 marlcal)le values in the ch

Special Mark-BThe entire stoek of La

dergone a complete reVisii all'are included. The fan wears better, is better anc your supply a t once.

“ Aiiotliiir PaiBOOTH M

1, I D A H O , F E I D A Y , S E P T’TBM B^30,1921' A P P IB S . • te r Pofti

'undreda o f ears of applea ^ being'P«d ou t o f <Pwln Falls. A re yon ~ “ ''- lg to l a y in a supply fo r w in te r o r

you be conletited w ith e lder op HOADwhich will not ahlpf I will .have LWyd-Cr

i^p fo r 8 lim iled timo commencing Phone t'. idaT, th e third, hand picked andod Itomo Beauties and WhUe W in- READ

LAVERING TlToday and Sa

Matinee Satun


« U * I



A T W O - R E E , L ^ C (


Mr, and Mrs, CARTEF

“forget‘”me■ ' u s m P R I C E S — 1 0 A

A Y A e i eB O O T H ’S

- -5,'

ackage fro m B

Pantalettes, $3.all sizes, all wanted colors

iforced crotch and made v ber the crowds 'at our last s ire gone, that’s all, and tl

Special, $24.75plush and woolen coats wii ded a t this price. Values eq

t Special at $19. iiton Crepe and Satin in lat( ju st received, will be inc iry in'style, workmanship pectto find a t most doul

Men's Wear 24.75Miss, Manhattan make, i These suits are'iii navy se

k lined. New long straight c h ep e st season you ever ss

Down in UnderuLadies’ and Children’s Undi ision iii price. Wool, Cottc amous Athena Underweai ,nd a t Booth’s prices its wa;

iGkage From IMER€MTILEi

'eanaoina, |L S 5 it bpi "Sriiig bozos. Ed Tanee, Public ket.

ADQUARTEBS fo r Bolmon Itada.' -Craven Co., IBS Main, Eatl.'■ l!2S.--ttdr. - y .


’HEATREaturday •day Only!



: O M E D Y

IG '


E NOT” 'a i m 2 6 o -

i i fI

boo th s” ^• ’ _ , . . J

rsrNavy, Black, with full seat .

t sales and come they should go

i th and without squal to pre-war

,75 ,itest styles; and ncluded. These < ■I and material; \ uble the asked T.

........ . $19.75


which insures serge, fine qual- tit line style. Re­saw, They fit.

wearderw earhasun-- ton and Mixed, ar fits -better,. '■ ay cheaper. Buy

Bootli’s ” ^m