n+: ¯ o ro en t .-.--,.,,. · goud. uro in bri.k d,mmnd, but Cho flat.a.ud Cap Iradc hs. bcun...

- t ......... ¯ ¢ i- . --; .... ; ...: .¯. ,:: ~, ,, . , ¯ Z : . .+ + . :.. . ~- ,+ : . . ¯ ¯ , - . . - . . .- + .. . ~ , , . ¯ . ¯ , ................. :_~ ........ ~ ...................... ." / ¯ . .... tO the Interests of T-T men io’ - ........................ , : --~ : e V 0 p~ e d I d " r ’ ’ ’ : " ’ ’" ’II , " i " " .... I , d , --:~ I "" Our Thursdar: m0rnieg.-: ~m~::+-+~lexa.der, who wept tor other world s to conquer+ ! ". ’ "W-5~d-h~tve-made-a-poar-s how-i~co m er~- ,the,ease. isu,us~al]yco]~, .on the planets /or contributions to"hls with o(~c~sio,~] -he-peru. bulated: our _.t reelS, First ~g00d:deal:of~S!ckness:among~ thoso__who the-}ine-was~-sorseous igo]den cha’.ic -lm119t ,let breezes .... + " A SELF-)~AD~ .]d’A~N’. Joseph Harr:.aon, Jr., who was ¯ week; leit man, having risen to his grett eng|oeer. <]hi~ n~tive intellect, and: acquired Lis_im-- ,~cnee wea|th hy his own~ki~l and indue- lry. Thirty years ago. he ie~roduced ~er~l~uilr ~byhimacd his partners-/or-t he- raiiWays of that coo.try, and h.d i~ net ~een tar hi. marvelous e.ternriso, the :Russians, never~ p-rhap~, wouid iiave re- .ceived a. eu~quate idea of the graiJd i~cl~ievements af’thi~dep ar~ment of- Am- 4riean ~..ccl.anical ge~nius, which now at- tracts th’e a’ttention and excites the admi- ilized world/ A DAEING .TH~I~. ~y-evcaing a_y_aUog.man on- tered thc st’ore of ~lr. Gerlac’<, in :~iEh- .treat, above Gerard avenue, and. asked tO--he Show It taoli~e. -’gold watches and chains. Tt+ree Wutoh~ and two chains, of the valuu ot $4.~, weie.haaded out/br ¯ " und they.were r-razed and -carried .off by ~ SUlmnsed .ccmnpliee, who entered thestOic about.that time. ~r, Gerlaek fol’,uwed, and madc a Vigoroi~s chase, bu. falli.g, was unab;e to resume ~imilar theft, te aimo~-iralmm~unt . :at a icwelrY store, 142 South Tbese hard times ure maki~ng bold depre- ........ RT,tND|NG P]BM ............ ": ¯ The weaw, r. ot Kensington still mai. taln their strikeo. A( n meeting, oe Wed- n~sday-eve.ing~ they. I~ ......... eo+;niio the u,dt~|ol p~pt:r ~r.par~d ’by the manulao;urers; known aa "coolie" ai~l ~0 hUeinsimtii~g Ou the tdoptiu, of lira e.~i+d~r-~l~ hillbl prim+m-- For tho" la,t low days, tLe jourocymon earrings bolt m.kers have ulso been on n atr~ke, l.r,n advance of re, and tilden ~p ~r~o~n .~on-t l~eir-wa ges.-----~--~ -’- ~.t,AWA.~ mWa 8~AV. The shad fi,i, inK at a.d near Marcus llook and Chester has bv,n a weok later this soas.~n ,h~n usual, owiogto tbo wea- ther. A tow lay. el.co there was a ]argo eatch, non.isling of heavy fl.h. One that ¯ weighed over six peunda found-its whyto this oily. where it wa. +~r,,atud with duo culinary r~.pect, and pr~’ved’to bootgood flavor and in ~.od c< ndbio., Herrings lind mur~on, g~,~t, rally caught by seine nets, with thv.~h.d, etm~o iN| later, As yct nooo wouth menti.ning havo bean taken. Ol int, yeura the ~turgeon ha+ been iv, considerable reque.t at Clmster, whyof llamburg, In svaled ea.s,) is per- formed in a flo~ting wcodun house on the /)o[eware to u largo exceut, and with handIomo i>rnflt. > SPItlIIQ TK~I)~ Theleading lw.lu~,rie, olthe,4t~0 upon (he t bru.hhuld of tetur.in K Bprnng, umko ¯ aryi.g r.purts of their business. The Dry Goads tr.~e ie lar tr+.n ]l,~ing wh~t tho dreadful.panio at fir.t had ,eemed te tbreatot~. ’|’h~ wholes.le notion huslness I,rcnenta a ~ecnu nl’ vury umt~ual aotlv[ly Tho wnmc.alo grnc~,ry Irado is gctterally dull, l.i,i.oi" deah’rs are doio/<enaver, go b"sb~’m, ’J’be wp~ule ale dcth bueJne.e ie ~’~ ortlinal y. ’! ho boot and .h+e trude, ~t~o tlm . iddle nl it. Spring business, i~ ~en rather dull. llurdwar* menare eu~. ytt~ a l~n’seot I,, bk re,s,; and I~I illlt, cry goud. uro in bri.k d,mmnd, but Cho flat .a.ud Cap Iradc hs. bcun backward, dual- er#, h.wevcr, a. h;’lhe oa.uul mauyother trades, t, xp~oting good l, ueincss to set Jn when Collgrvo~ eholl hay- dn~iuidvoly ~i" tied the luont,y questJ+>n. ’rlll~ I,ltllll~ t}p i,ltOCI~HIONH. No triumph decreed to a ]tomun gnn- oral couhl In,re equaled Ihc proocoe[ou oi J"orepaul4h’,, AIgrugatiou o( Animals o~ ,by :.ixieen+.=mott]e-d l~Qre-OB; d~e-u-by ai modern Phmto-~;¯an-d%ont~=at~nii)ga ban"i-of ~ixteen ~.. good and t~ue, wb.o dis- coursed the very music of the spheres.-- nm and ,haul, with-hi~ and his dusk:’ at- tendanT, and a~-~lepb~.~" Baby A.z+ie. -Tbe~ e~me a JO~g !ir~.e ofheat~tilul eeges, pr~suu,ab~y uieke-~e4-ieto- lif~ by th~a~ioo~oFmoiot"re and he,.t~-to-the- missing link ¯hot ween+maoL-and__m~o](c_v. [ sou~bt:aJterb~ Dar’wjo. ]’he.Pggea.t wa s : verily a gorgeous one. and manya classY’ ca| hey wdl ’mark a day metaorable torn such a display, with :a -st0i~e wiiiter than ,the [’ lar hear which growled_in o.e el the ~mges. , . : " : M~LITXEY ¥~.0~ THE ¯ Rb.|LROAD wAR. -On the same day ;hi-First i, N. G., Col L{.. Dalc Benson. which went £o ~usquehanna Depot, in the e~rly p’art o~ the weekto ~id the authorities to pro- serve the Peace during the sti’ike of--the- Erie R~iiroademployees, returne~l to the .ei~y. and marched through Several ot the Pii,eilial etreets;-before r0tiring to. their.! p}acc e[ rendezvous to be,ill,miSsed.: The members, with their dusty elutlies end their klm[~acks, blankets. &c., reE~itid".d the veterans were rcturmn ion thatwhils,, this si~:ilie eould not be ,,ratified on legal g[oitnds, yet the opera ° tires ha(i" ~b-undant reasua for ~complaint in the .u,jU~t ~nd-oppressive withholding.! of their wnges ~,r months af!er ~h~T were,, couutry.._Jay_ the. fr_equeu.t anci flagrant ¯ b.sP ef their power, ,~re arihying a s[rong prejudice against them in the public inind’ ¯ will 8non u~t be rble to with- etat!d. TIIE NATIONAL MU-EUM. Mr. J. P. ltciehort, el A, rmstrong Co. Ires writtento Colont~l F, M: ]~]~ting, i~rolio.lng-lo c6n~tribute tc the ~lalional Mtx+~eum, lndependeneo fl,lt, some very , eurio’~re]io.. ]’hey were found on the pile of the tnnq,~egro el Blanket llill, near Kitta~ing, in 1756. when ~ Lieut. |logue, commandi.,g a detachment o( Col. Arm- sir.reP’s |orctm, eonsisti~ig ef fifty men, wa. att~ck~+d by the ]ndia~+; end he ++rid his men all butchercd. Thc.c relics son- , ~ist of Li,~ut. llogue’s ew.rd, a eealplng knile, a ~tono tomahawk a.d su iron tom: i shawl,, twu,pewler plates a ~hoe buckle and a muskot barrel. ITEMH. Thc Friend.’ lli,.torical A*~ociotinn ItOW 99. ye’.~rsn)d,h.~a j,~t. ll)e.hi ,nothel t~onm 0 IX)0innu.~.~eril)le, atno.g a v.lm~h~ i~nmhetie letter (~fJ.h. Ad.tn~, .rid Imt,,r,, of I,,dayctte, B~’.j. Fnnnklilh (era.villa Sharp, ,~’~d Bone..fin Londy, ’J’h(~ tublio ~qu.res are nowbeing .ut, in nrdn~. . . Tim Cenlenniml approlwilttioo al ~1,- (100,()t)0, by City (~oti.eils, been "1)" pr,,ved by M.yor Stnkley. Coul,oller lh.,etmk retusns Io eountnr- .i~.n th~t~¢t’,mt ~leauiug c<m(r.<v~ers’ w.r- rol+t a Jtr bl~+r,+l~, nnlil h,+ r,,,.fiv, s n +,.~- eilic c~rtitlcat,~ from th,~ ihmrd el’ IJnahh U,nt ulch dL,.triel him bee. prol.+’l:ly cl+,med i ’[’h.. w 0 Ihnl d+l~t+uio’ h) "round- ing ,~lnr ~Wly-. ’J’rt~y thi.e, ]|ltoAD])ttl~, ,~/I,.;l.~);+t have (,I,- dur.d ~h,, writia~ of his h)ve, a..erlt~d i.l,i. ,mooseript thacbe "kb.cd |l(+r Oil" der Ihc iilont +faro," snd li)und the co.. J)o.it.r ’had mude hh. dcularo Ihat he "kicked her under tho eell.r +tltrsl" .A. volume 0{ g he tyl)ogruphica[ ~rr(,rs which have bt~n tn.de witidn tho I..t lihy yn.rs --wl,IJ-.,o]t,ot,,d .~peoiwom~, wo ~ean-- would bp highly aa.usiug, -+~.:oosT,-o~--~-~)~.__: : ~ give theflne~t ::Whitest, I I ¯ I : I I I ~rtie~e. ~ which it ’undertakes to~how, best touse. being t~rbti~h!~-:f~.~6-i~m-c~ro~::and ....... : ....... : .... : ~! . :_ dividuai dlunkafid to soelety. Starting. " life to the~--~tianceo~n exp~~ ~ -- wi,h the statement t ...... " ¯ wholive, in a ~.enement house, 1TIO]l~r’lerlt. :g~ " " ¯ ¯ . . .... . "~+:.. ; - , . .. . ¯ t ~r.j nt:thetenehing0fapublioscnool I " " _ . + --. ........ + tinues?--- : ........... : .::_ + - " :Tke:+history-~of-Beven, eigh L~ l__::_:i ::~_ ..... :_: ....... -.O:.:’r;-:~-:.,[.: :-::/:: :::/.: ::: _: ::.. :~ prmo,er~ et ~ew Yor~, o~l~eete~ .......... ¯ I~ison Association. Shows ’that ~ very ~vhi~’n Is ~tfe h~yoted =11 c~ara~*,: :Fh,;ii~adl~ ~.d lh’~.usauds or ¯ families have be o n~ing il. far ~he |n~ s "tell ye-~r~ .m, rI .uJnder alI ¯ L’ large share of those whod~:.nk go further enre~ even the nl)s.’tti,,~+~r IIr~sppil|g ~f :" t;tmp i~-’wlni~h ¯ .... ),’mi’~:~ 4lb’,P,, I1~. li+;~ ¯- i,~elllle, t~...ll{I,;(’()~l-- -.__ commit ) E D -B-Y.---t LI tbo most expos.ire members-0f tl~o body PARLE.. PUt up in b++rr.’:+++i,r p+,;,,-l, ’¢.me~.t-.--+il+-- 7(Tl~l+"de-Se~n ... ..... ¯ q~o,. Ne~, ’-arre~;e+J.[or.crime~agai~st-proper- ~mleb$ dealers- ’¯ ....... ty and person--aneats, mdependent of :~ ! ¯ Orderly ~onduet~--he des, roys property average~-at$20, his:arrest and trial.eclats about $50, arid his expenseat the ~tate -P~i~0~ i" $200. and o,iB]aokwe]l’s Island $150 a year. It h6 is sentenced for five years to the State prison at the end o! hi~ twelv~ years of druhken~.es~-he costs the cam.unity, as his ~hareot ,;he machinery which arrests and tries, convicts and sen. re.co,, and at, last tulles him to the prison’ Prooerty deqtroyed ........... .......~;......- .: Arrest and trial ..................... ....** ......... . ~,e Transpor~tatioo to _[Sr|son.....? ................. 3J At pr con tar five y~...-~.. Y,0eo- --~ To~L,.L ...,..;.; ....... ;..;;;.=....;.$1,JO# In al| ’a drunkard, cheaply fe~ and cheaply clothed, with only education enoughtodig,-ie a loss and ~ost~to the soctety whmhrears, educates, and de- stroys hin~. that .mayb0 told a.sfollows, Th~ |08s of labor for a li~etime.~....;..;. 12 3T6 by- e. riy-d ~tb~.......~1 ~. 5~/L If be becomesa .super at thirty ......... , 37;: 6B If h0 becomes a loin. zt thirly.. ;. ~..’3T,9R2 A)~rle~ twd-distinct :branches ef-ship h~ii~ding, the one embracin~i.ron.~hip~ ned the other o I l~rnished on the Dolaware river withie ttte Ins/{~-d-~’-~rs-01.thegruwth of AmerL ......... ca’~ iron ship building, a..: the Bo.~+tou ~0 -J- " ,C~ ¯ ---- ... :. .L r~ .......... X ¸ . ¯ ::is ::--:i i ¯ ---0-:- NO /:ii HAND HAND-$OMEST: STOCK. "-PEN G -°’ ’" ’S :, NOTHING Foi"Cash-paid iNHANDwe will-sell below z . lobe rsports ,l~ thm’u is grea¢’aetivit~ in tho ship y wher. woode., ships are built. U,,d~r recent act of Col)gres’s, there is a rebels of-t~0--d~ies uPOn u[l i,rported articlc~ cnterin~ into th ~, construetion"and repaLr ol American vcs~uls to be o!uploycd in the foreigutrade of the U(iited Sta(es, and th~ amount of the rebate f;~r the past~ix- teen months has ben,, $384,000. Saoh a saving aa this has stimulated the whip building busiuess, and made it possible to eonstruct vca~c|s hare for our own and for lereign owners. _ . A B0,ton paper rc!ates tha~in Cliarlcs- town,-reoonr+y,-aJae a poor ILt, lc "bluek and tan" whosol~iud h!g had been injorcd, hut, f.illng Io over. take him. turned uht)ut a’.d trolls0 bank. ~n a ~hort dine thu etusll dog Io~urtlud, I .f011(,we~-by-~a rg~twd~,uudl,tad,,.wl;0~. _thLcotn~r,.~comed_lo_bo. Io,)killg fur sometldng, when the little dog gave t+o or three ~harl) b.rk+, as much us In say "That’s thu dog," at t,ho sa,,,o tithe i.dieatang bl’hisaetions thehrg.* rl,lalk, who.w.s thon at ~ou)e distanoe.-- Wi~crsul,on the littlu dog’s ally itun~edi- ately uttaokcd a.d ~ever0]y puaish,~d tixc agg.’e,..or. Alto,’ thls ]’,ttlc affuir tho ..,.I/d.g.nd hi. frionu went down thu ,,treo,, a,,par~,,~, much ,,,~ssod. J,x~£ llrA~,.--For thu past tm~vnar, wc h,.v(~ r.ised them io great abanda~jce --in Ilmt, huve eel)hod none other for dry. i’h,, flr.t y,,nr or .o wc Ibund dli~culty i" eipeoil~g thoUl, aS thoy were |roetod, ~’ mrl, are only two I)oint,, which, ir pb- a~,rv,.I, will t,t~cur~ ,uee~ss. The first i, Io pin(;h :.tr Ihe lop Of o’ch ¥ino whne timy haw ro,tchnt[ tho top of the sl.lk, muy .ix luot, Ul~d thu seoon,tLs to cm+o*ub ly m, vc the earliest puds Io~ soed, ~[any writor, m,y thet they muat be plantod eye down, eta, Wn never praotieo il; we pul tho grouod i. nlco or@r, whou ie is warm enough, an,| plant :he,u as any oth0r t,tm.s, f, ur to u hill, and lhey generally Id+ +(,tt|e uP. By saving t~+ earl+oat tar ~ed, wu havo them nice lor the t¯hlo weeks earlier than nt first. the Market rate,-and Guarantee every WA article or return money. NAMAKB & BROWN, .:0f6th Mark+t +,;.+ ~: HANO:Y to the Fo~ies and the Prf,- :: ISIsis~mm~ cipal Hotels and R.R. Depots. LATE NE~S REOAR[I t THEM, compt.titt~rs at the St~tte Fair of W+st Virginta.-:ihK~in- - .- tacky, .rid .t .l: other limits a,d e.xpo,iti:,ns where thcy have bee.’ exhibited. TheD durahl, hulhl and refln~,d t, xpre.~iou ot t<)u,~ eausoo thmu to be the iavorite ~n~trttnmnt ht scnxteurte,~ o|’ ~eurning. ¯ I Fro-~t~Re-V: Ii V~N BOl~L~.l,~hF]NT-IL~ctor-etJ,-~--GreY-Seminary ]~1~. M,,n~ls, N.Y., .gust 14th, 1873. ’! [ havo I)lanos of .thor celebr,~tod mukers iu tho ~.minery,Imt the Gsorg(wa~ se[uoled[ on,] ~sod ~tl the ,~.,,c.rt as t. bo.t. It I, rrelorrcd hy leachersand p0,pihe. From Itov. W~1. IP M()lTltlSON.lt~,ot,w’ of St,. l.,tke’s Chnrclt. ]htff, dn. ’.’q. "Y’. " 0 t I.avi ,~ I,wa 1 w., r+h,eta~tl), +bilge I to i~art w th my Goorgi L),a.e, .Y,,rto. Who. OV t30 | lilln| W~[|| i|e of tho I~|O mnua ] selt|od In llulLd~ on..f .|y flrmt caro.~ was to pr I ,| y ,Y - s~ot||re. It r.lly ansi.ins thu high reputation tan (|uorKI iu.trume.le have iu nil imrt~ of the CClUlII ry," Mr. JOIIN ZUNI)EI,. ()rgaeist el’ iluer¢ Wu.d :l,maher’s Ohurcb, Brouklyn, says: "The (Iv.rgl llas o..X,tulolto notloo, nud oYery tl~t,sg about it shows lhorough work.el el|lp and Judh,nlol dur.biJl,y." [[. lX[t~(:OiA,ESL’I’]IL, I)rosidenl of lluehtel Cnlle~e, certifies : |P~CV. ~’+~,’e" h,tv. be,,;, umh~p~ tw. or your Iflanol tl, o i,e+t yoar la our eollelio~ Thoy have g|vla grout sstlfenllo., Wo r,,g.,rd ttio,n superior |nJtru|oe||te," From the Nt~w Y,,rk l,|lel,~ndent ; " Am to-y woro htghly reoomt,,ended to Ul, we I|ouKht Onl fop our own Ule£, eo~ w0 Ind thor thoy ,trn worthy uf",11 the pral,* they hove lemlved." Theaboveare o.ly a tow selections Ire. letter, oo-tinusUy rrivin~ which .It ,w The Georgi to bo tho Leadit~g-Piano’. of-the-day. .... [ guarantee enliro ~atlsfnetion and ncw’r fail to give it. IW Felt CLItCULALLS A~D TERMS ADDRESS I (.tI,:OI:tGE A. (/E(.)ItC~I. ]lhlliilI~|irer ol l’lauo-Forlel: " Jmmo+town, N. ~. / 3 // . ¯ ¯ :..,.: t ,:(~ ’~ .,~ .:~ s ¯

Transcript of n+: ¯ o ro en t .-.--,.,,. · goud. uro in bri.k d,mmnd, but Cho flat.a.ud Cap Iradc hs. bcun...

Page 1: n+: ¯ o ro en t .-.--,.,,. · goud. uro in bri.k d,mmnd, but Cho flat.a.ud Cap Iradc hs. bcun backward, dual-er#, h.wevcr, a. h;’lhe oa.uul mauy other trades, t, xp~oting good

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I~lma ’Nsdld|nlps and 4t~ontHtM

¯~ATimAill,"- "STaA~Pox, Fresi&mt;

- "Time,m; - _ - :AGE~JI~,, ~l M,,dJ-pi~nly, po,f, rl I .u4 p,,,.mr. ;. b Hodi,,e, Willlmeton

1I e~red ~j .tB+~ORPTJON, without pain,dl!l~e~ eam,+tlu or tnltlumeats, by

Allen T., L~.Io. T,o,,~-~O. ~00i AXOh 88X~to l~hiladelphi~ I~, vienna ~ity ; Alfred W,

....... E.BOWL~, M. D.,

/ohm ~.


Watchmske~ and .Jowele~l_. If,1 ~or~ Beegnd Ser~, .

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usually eSl]ed--for~.

: ...... Wepropose

- hereafter, to. - .... sello~goods at :. "

the lowest Cash Prices,

Thankful for pa~t favors,

anve of the sameliberal patron-.

age. that:

~. D. &J.J.. s, ms. W. D~L .


(]RAT’S FEKRY ROAD, PHILA., -hu ooast&afly on hid and for rile


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t/aa We,. by . -

G. ~. m~



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~..1)~ a ilPj.Volts table: Aromttt/o

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o~’iqual |o them u,lw the sun. They rNto~’~o wmd~, v,,vl~n|tt ~o ~ ui llve


[_ ¯-. T~, ~ ~ oe ..,-proof s.~., ~ ::~ -,: ..... ...so, w.,t~,,~ie ~,,t.t~.~,. e<,,ed,- u~ ~m,.oy the l eq~!i~k Oovornment paved .~

~ ~


_ sewER’S "’ ~J " i" .otkor 8do8 fll~ w~ . -

Complete Manure, .w ffi +..,,.,.,.,.~..rtl~ml,r attention paid to MAeOX|e :]Keel

_:MARlrJ:lV "., ,,ADE,.O.." r..,,.....,,,__,.,,.,


SPUrCe0N.T. De Wilt Talmoge Is 9dltor of

al Work, O. II.OoaZ~betor.



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’ . ~ , , ’ . ¯ . ¯ , ................. :_~ ........ ~ ...................... ." / ¯ .

.... tO the Interests of T-T men i o’ - .................................. ,: --~ : e V 0 p~ e d I d ’ ’ " r ’ ’ ’ : " ’ ’" ’II , " i " " ....I , d ,

--:~ I ""

Our Thursdar: m0rnieg.-: ~m~::+-+~lexa.der,who wept tor other worlds to conquer+ !

". ’ "W-5~d-h~tve-made-a-poar-s how-i~co m

er~-,the,ease. isu,us~al]yco]~, .on the planets /or contributions to"hls

with o(~c~sio,~]

-he-peru. bulated: our _.t reelS, First~g00d:deal:of~S!ckness:among~ thoso__who the-}ine-was~-sorseous igo]den cha’.ic

-lm119t,let breezes .... +

" A SELF-)~AD~ .]d’A~N’.Joseph Harr:.aon, Jr., who was¯

week; leit

man, having risen to his gretteng|oeer.

<]hi~ n~tive intellect, and: acquired Lis_im--,~cnee wea|th hy his own ~ki~l and indue-lry. Thirty years ago. he ie~roduced

~er~l~uilr ~byhimacd his partners-/or-t he-raiiWays of that coo.try, and h.d i~ net~een tar hi. marvelous e.ternriso, the:Russians, never~ p-rhap~, wouid iiave re-.ceived a. eu~quate idea of the graiJdi~cl~ievements af’thi~dep ar~ment of- Am-4riean ~..ccl.anical ge~nius, which now at-tracts th’e a’ttention and excites the admi-

ilized world/A DAEING .TH~I~.

~y-evcaing a_y_aUog.man on-

tered thc st’ore of ~lr. Gerlac’<, in :~iEh-.treat, above Gerard avenue, and. askedtO--he ShowIt taoli~e. -’gold watches andchains. Tt+ree Wutoh~ and two chains,of the valuu ot $4.~, weie.haaded out/br

¯ " und they.were r-razed and-carried .off by ~ SUlmnsed .ccmnpliee, who

entered thestOic about.that time. ~r,Gerlaek fol’,uwed, and madc a Vigoroi~schase, bu. falli.g, was unab;e to resume

~imilar theft, te aimo~-iralmm~unt

. :at a icwelrY store, 142 SouthTbese hard times ure maki~ng bold depre-

........ RT,tND|NG P]BM ............ ":

¯ The weaw, r. ot Kensington still mai.taln their strikeo. A( n meeting, oe Wed-n~sday-eve.ing~ they. I~ .........eo+;niio the u,dt~|ol p~pt:r ~r.par~d ’bythe manulao;urers; known aa "coolie"

ai~l ~0 hUe insimtii~g Ou the

tdoptiu, of lira e.~i+d~r-~l~ hillbl prim+m--For tho" la,t low days, tLe jourocymonearrings bolt m.kers have ulso been on natr~ke, l.r,n advance of re, and tilden

~p ~r~o~n .~on-t l~eir-wa ges.-----~--~-’-

~.t,AWA.~ mWa 8~AV.

The shad fi,i, inK at a.d near Marcusllook and Chester has bv,n a weok laterthis soas.~n ,h~n usual, owiog to tbo wea-ther. A tow lay. el.co there was a ]argoeatch, non.isling of heavy fl.h. One that

¯ weighed over six peunda found-its why tothis oily. where it wa. +~r,,atud with duoculinary r~.pect, and pr~’ved’to bootgoodflavor and in ~.od c< ndbio., Herringslind mur~on, g~,~t, rally caught by seinenets, with thv.~h.d, etm~o iN| later, Asyct nooo wouth menti.ning havo beantaken. Ol int, yeura the ~turgeon ha+been iv, considerable reque.t at Clmster,

why of llamburg, In svaled ea.s,) is per-formed in a flo~ting wcodun house on the/)o[eware to u largo exceut, and withhandIomo i>rnflt. >

SPItlIIQ TK~I)~The leading lw.lu~,rie, ol the,4t~0 upon

(he t bru.hhuld of tetur.in K Bprnng, umko¯ aryi.g r.purts of their business. TheDry Goads tr.~e ie lar tr+.n ]l,~ing wh~ttho dreadful.panio at fir.t had ,eemed tetbreatot~. ’|’h~ wholes.le notion huslnessI,rcnenta a ~ecnu nl’ vury umt~ual aotlv[lyTho wnmc.alo grnc~,ry Irado is gctterallydull, l.i,i.oi" deah’rs are doio/< en aver, go

b"sb~’m, ’J’be wp~ule ale dcth bueJne.eie ~’~ ortlinal y. ’! ho boot and .h+e trude,~t~o tlm . iddle nl it. Spring business,i~ ~en rather dull. llurdwar* menareeu~. ytt~ a l~n’seot I,, bk re,s,; and I~I illlt, crygoud. uro in bri.k d,mmnd, but Cho flat.a.ud Cap Iradc hs. bcun backward, dual-er#, h.wevcr, a. h;’lhe oa.uul mauy othertrades, t, xp~oting good l, ueincss to set Jnwhen Collgrvo~ eholl hay- dn~iuidvoly ~i"

tied the luont,y questJ+>n.’rlll~ I,ltllll~ t}p i,ltOCI~HIONH.

No triumph decreed to a ]tomun gnn-oral couhl In,re equaled Ihc proocoe[ou oiJ"orepaul4h’,, AIgrugatiou o( Animals o~

,by :.ixieen+.=mott]e-d l~Qre-OB; d~e-u-by aimodern Phmto-~;¯an-d%ont~=at~nii)ga ban"i-of~ixteen ~.. good and t~ue, wb.o dis-coursed the very music of the spheres.--

nm and,haul, with-hi~

and his dusk:’ at-tendanT, anda~-~lepb~.~" Baby A.z+ie. -Tbe~ e~me a

JO~g !ir~.e of heat~tilul eeges, pr~suu,ab~y

uieke-~e4-ieto- lif~by th~a~ioo~oFmoiot"re and he,.t~-to-the-missing link ¯hot ween+maoL-and__m~o](c_v.

[ sou~bt:aJterb~ Dar’wjo. ]’he.Pggea.t was: verily a gorgeous one. and many a classY’ca| hey wdl ’mark a day metaorable tornsuch a display, with :a -st0i~e wiiiter than,the [’ lar hear which growled_in o.e elthe ~mges. , . : "

: M~LITXEY ¥~.0~ THE¯ Rb.|LROAD wAR.

-On the same day ;hi-First i,N. G., Col L{.. Dalc Benson. which went£o ~usquehanna Depot, in the e~rly p’arto~ the week to ~id the authorities to pro-serve the Peace during the sti’ike of--the-Erie R~iiroademployees, returne~l to the.ei~y. and marched through Several ot thePii,eilial etreets;-before r0tiring to. their.!p}acc e[ rendezvous to be,ill,miSsed.: Themembers, with their dusty elutlies endtheir klm[~acks, blankets. &c., reE~itid".d

the veteranswere rcturmn

ion thatwhils,, this si~:ilie eould not be,,ratified on legal g[oitnds, yet the opera°

tires ha(i" ~b-undant reasua for ~complaintin the .u,jU~t ~nd-oppressive withholding.!of their wnges ~,r months af!er ~h~T were,,

couutry.._Jay_ the. fr_equeu.t anci flagrant¯ b.sP ef their power, ,~re arihying a s[rongprejudice against them in the public inind’¯

will 8non u~t be rble to with-etat!d.


Mr. J. P. ltciehort, el A, rmstrong Co.Ires writtento Colont~l F, M: ]~]~ting,

i~rolio.lng-lo c6n~tribute tc the ~lalionalMtx+~eum, lndependeneo fl,lt, some very

, eurio’~re]io.. ]’hey were found on thepile of the tnnq,~egro el Blanket llill, nearKitta~ing, in 1756. when ~ Lieut. |logue,commandi.,g a detachment o( Col. Arm-sir.reP’s |orctm, eonsisti~ig ef fifty men,wa. att~ck~+d by the ]ndia~+; end he ++ridhis men all butchercd. Thc.c relics son-

,~ist of Li,~ut. llogue’s ew.rd, a eealplngknile, a ~tono tomahawk a.d su iron tom:

i shawl,, twu,pewler plates a ~hoe buckleand a muskot barrel.


Thc Friend.’ lli,.torical A*~ociotinn

ItOW 99. ye’.~rs n)d, h.~a j,~t. ll)e.hi ,nothel

t~onm 0 IX)0 innu.~.~eril)le, atno.ga v.lm~h~ i~nmhetie letter (~fJ.h. Ad.tn~, .rid Imt,,r,, of I,,dayctte, B~’.j.

Fnnnklilh (era.villa Sharp, ,~’~d Bone..finLondy,

’J’h(~ tublio ~qu.res are now being .ut,in nrdn~. . .

Tim Cenlenniml approlwilttioo al ~1,-(100,()t)0, by City (~oti.eils, been"1)"pr,,ved by M.yor Stnkley.

Coul,oller lh.,etmk retusns Io eountnr-.i~.n th~t~¢t’,mt ~leauiug c<m(r.<v~ers’ w.r-rol+t a Jtr bl~+r,+l~, nnlil h,+ r,,,.fiv, s n +,.~-eilic c~rtitlcat,~ from th,~ ihmrd el’ IJnahhU,nt ulch dL,.triel him bee. prol.+’l:lycl+,medi ’[’h.. w0 Ihnl d+l~t+uio’ h) "round-ing ,~lnr ~Wly-. ’

’J’rt~y thi.e, ]|ltoAD])ttl~,

,~/I,.;l.~);+t have (,I,-dur.d ~h,, writia~ of his h)ve, a..erlt~di. l,i. ,mooseript thacbe "kb.cd |l(+r Oil"

der Ihc iilont +faro," snd li)und the co..J)o.it.r ’had mude hh. dcularo Ihat he"kicked her under tho eell.r +tltrsl" .A.volume 0{ g he tyl)ogruphica[ ~rr(,rs whichhave bt~n tn.de witidn tho I..t lihy yn.rs--wl,IJ-.,o]t,ot,,d .~peoiwom~, wo ~ean--would bp highly aa.usiug,

-+~.:oosT,-o~--~-~)~.__: : ~ give theflne~t ::Whitest, I I ¯ I : I I I

~rtie~e. ~ which it ’undertakes to ~how, best to use. being t~rbti~h!~-:f~.~6-i~m-c~ro~::and ....... : ....... : .... : ~!. :_

dividuai dlunkafid to soelety. Starting." life to the~--~tianceo~n exp~~ ~ --

wi,h the statement t ...... "

¯ who live, in a ~.enement house, 1TIO]l~r’lerlt. :g~ ’ " " ¯¯ . . .... . "~+:.. ; - , . .. .¯

t ~r.j nt:thetenehing0fapublioscnool I " "

_ . + --. ........ +tinues?--- : ........... : .::_ + - ":Tke:+history-~of-Beven, eighL~

l__::_:i ::~_ ..... :_: ....... -.O:.:’r;-:~-:.,[.: :-::/:: :::/.: ::: _: ::.. :~prmo,er~ et ~ew Yor~, o~l~eete~ .......... ¯

I~ison Association. Shows ’that ~ very ~vhi~’n Is ~tfe h~yoted =11 c~ara~*,: :Fh,;ii~adl~ ~.d lh’~.usauds or¯ ’families have be o n~ing il. far ~he |n~s "tell ye-~r~ .m, rI .uJnder alI ’


L’ large share of those who d~:.nk go further enre~ even the nl)s.’tti,,~+~r IIr~sppil|g ~f :" t;tmp i~-’wlni~h ¯.... ),’mi’~:~ 4lb’,P,, I1~. li+;~ ¯- i,~elllle, t~...ll{I,;(’()~l-- -.__commit ) E D -B-Y.---t LItbo most expos.ire members-0f tl~o body PARLE.. PUt up in b++rr.’:+++i,r p+,;,,-l, ’¢.me~.t-.--+il+-- 7(Tl~l+"de-Se~n ... .....¯

q~o,. Ne~,’-arre~;e+J.[or.crime~agai~st-proper- ~mleb$ dealers- ’¯ .......

ty and person--aneats, mdependent of :~! ¯

Orderly ~onduet~--he des, roys propertyaverage~-at$20, his:arrest and trial.eclatsabout $50, arid his expenseat the ~tate

-P~i~0~ i" $200. and o,iB]aokwe]l’s Island$150 a year. It h6 is sentenced for fiveyears to the State prison at the end o! hi~twelv~ years of druhken~.es~-he costs thecam.unity, as his ~hareot ,;he machinerywhich arrests and tries, convicts and sen.re.co,, and at, last tulles him to the prison’

Prooerty deqtroyed ........... .......~;......- .:Arrest and trial ..................... ....** ......... . ~,eTranspor~tatioo to _[Sr|son.....? ................. 3J

At pr con tar five y~...-~.. Y,0eo-

--~ To~L,.L ...,..;.; ....... ;..;;;.=....;.$1,JO#

In al| ’a drunkard, cheaply fe~ andcheaply clothed, with only educationenoughtodig,-ie a loss and ~ost~to thesoctety whmh rears, educates, and de-stroys hin~. that .may b0 told a.sfollows,

Th~ |08s of labor for a li~etime.~....;..;. 12 3T6by- e. riy-d ~tb~.......~1 ~. 5~/L

If be becomesa .super at thirty ......... , 37;: 6BIf h0 becomes a loin. zt thirly.. ;. ~..’3T,9R2

A)~rle~twd-distinct :branches ef-ship h~ii~ding,the one embracin~i.ron.~hip~ ned the other



l~rnished on the Dolaware river withiettte Ins/{~-d-~’-~rs-01.thegruwth of AmerL .........

ca’~ iron ship building, a..: the Bo.~+tou

~0 -J-

" ,C~ ¯

---- ... :. .L

r~ .......... X. ¯

::is ::--:i i ¯



"-PEN G-°’ ’ "’S :, NOTHINGFoi"Cash-paid iNHANDwe will-sell below

z .

lobe rsports ,l~ thm’u is grea¢’aetivit~in tho ship ywher. woode., ships are built. U,,d~rrecent act of Col)gres’s, there is a rebelsof-t~0--d~ies uPOn u[l i,rported articlc~cnterin~ into th ~, construetion"and repaLrol American vcs~uls to be o!uploycd in theforeigutrade of the U(iited Sta(es, andth~ amount of the rebate f;~r the past~ix-teen months has ben,, $384,000. Saoh asaving aa this has stimulated the whipbuilding busiuess, and made it possible toeonstruct vca~c|s hare for our own and forlereign owners. _ .

A B0,ton paper rc!ates tha~in Cliarlcs-town,-reoonr+y,-aJaea poor ILt, lc "bluek and tan" whoso l~iudh!g had been injorcd, hut, f.illng Io over.take him. turned uht)ut a’.d trolls0 bank.~n a ~hort dine thu etusll dog Io~urtlud, I.f011(,we~-by-~a rg~twd~,uudl,tad,,.wl;0~.

_thLcotn~r,.~comed_lo_bo.Io,)killg fur sometldng, when the little doggave t+o or three ~harl) b.rk+, as muchus In say "That’s thu dog," at t,ho sa,,,otithe i.dieatang bl’ his aetions the hrg.*rl,lalk, who.w.s thon at ~ou)e distanoe.--Wi~crsul,on the littlu dog’s ally itun~edi-ately uttaokcd a.d ~ever0]y puaish,~d tixcagg.’e,..or. Alto,’ thls ]’,ttlc affuir tho..,.I/d.g.nd hi. frionu went down thu

,,treo,, a,,par~,,~, much ,,,~ssod.J,x~£ llrA~,.--For thu past tm~vnar,

wc h,.v(~ r.ised them io great abanda~jce--in Ilmt, huve eel)hod none other for dry.i’h,, flr.t y,,nr or .o wc Ibund dli~culty i"eipeoil~g thoUl, aS thoy were |roetod,~’ mrl, are only two I)oint,, which, ir pb-a~,rv,.I, will t,t~cur~ ,uee~ss. The first i,Io pin(;h :.tr Ihe lop Of o’ch ¥ino whne

timy haw ro,tchnt[ tho top of the sl.lk,muy .ix luot, Ul~d thu seoon,t Ls to cm+o*ubly m, vc the earliest puds Io~ soed, ~[anywritor, m,y thet they muat be plantod eyedown, eta, Wn never praotieo il; we pultho grouod i. nlco or@r, whou ie is warmenough, an,| plant :he,u as any oth0rt,tm.s, f, ur to u hill, and lhey generallyId+ +(,tt|e uP. By saving t~+ earl+oat tar~ed, wu havo them nice lor the t¯hloweeks earlier than nt first.

the Market rate,-and Guarantee every

WAarticle or return money. ’

NAMAKB & BROWN, .:0f6th Mark+t +,;.+

~: HANO:Y to the Fo~ies and the Prf,-:: ISIsis~mm~

cipal Hotels and R. R. Depots.

LATE NE~S REOAR[I t THEM,compt.titt~rs at the St~tte Fair of W+st Virginta.-:ih K~in- - .-

tacky, .rid .t .l: other limits a,d e.xpo,iti:,nswhere thcy have bee.’ exhibited.

TheD durahl, hulhl and refln~,d t, xpre.~iou ot t<)u,~ eausoo thmu to be the iavorite~n~trttnmnt ht scnxteurte,~ o|’ ~eurning. ¯ IFro-~t~Re-V: Ii V~N BOl~L~.l,~hF]NT-IL~ctor-etJ,-~--GreY-Seminary

]~1~. M,,n~ls, N.Y., .gust 14th, 1873.’! [ havo I)lanos of .thor celebr,~tod mukers iu tho ~.minery, Imt the Gsorg( wa~ se[uoled[

on,] ~sod ~tl the ,~.,,c.rt as t. bo.t. It I, rrelorrcd hy leachers and p0,pihe.From Itov. W~1. IP M()lTltlSON. lt~,ot,w’ of St,. l.,tke’s Chnrclt. ]htff, dn. ’.’q. "Y’.

" 0 t I.avi ,~ I,wa 1 w., r+h,eta~tl), +bilge I to i~art w th my Goorgi L),a.e, .Y,,rto. Who.OV t30 | lilln| W~[|| i|e of tho I~|O mnua] selt|od In llulLd~ on..f .|y flrmt caro.~ was to pr I ,| y ,Y -

s~ot||re. It r.lly ansi.ins thu high reputation tan (|uorKI iu.trume.le have iu nil imrt~ of theCClUlII ry,"

Mr. JOIIN ZUNI)EI,. ()rgaeist el’ iluer¢ Wu.d :l,maher’s Ohurcb, Brouklyn, says:"The (Iv.rgl llas o..X,tulolto notloo, nud oYery tl~t,sg about it shows lhorough work.el

el|lp and Judh,nlol dur.biJl,y."[[. lX[t~(:OiA,ESL’I’]IL, I)rosidenl of lluehtel Cnlle~e, certifies :|P~CV. ~’+~,’e" h,tv. be,,;, umh~p~ tw. or your Iflanol tl, o i,e+t yoar la our eollelio~

Thoy have g|vla

grout sstlfenllo., Wo r,,g.,rd ttio,n superior |nJtru|oe||te,"

From the Nt~w Y,,rk l,|lel,~ndent ;" Am to-y woro htghly reoomt,,ended to Ul, we I|ouKht Onl fop our own Ule£, eo~ w0 Ind

thor thoy ,trn worthy uf",11 the pral,* they hove lemlved."

The above are o.ly a tow selections Ire. letter, oo-tinusUy rrivin~ which .It ,w

The Georgi to bo tho Leadit~g-Piano’. of-the-day. ....[ guarantee enliro ~atlsfnetion and ncw’r fail to give it.


]lhlliilI~|irer ol l’lauo-Forlel:" Jmmo+town, N. ~.




. ¯ ¯ :..,.:






Page 2: n+: ¯ o ro en t .-.--,.,,. · goud. uro in bri.k d,mmnd, but Cho flat.a.ud Cap Iradc hs. bcun backward, dual-er#, h.wevcr, a. h;’lhe oa.uul mauy other trades, t, xp~oting good

’l~ee Pairs and One.Ears thou hast two and mouth but ot~e;

The intdnt dost seek ?Thou art to listen muohj it means,

And little speak.

Eyes thou hast two and mouth but one ;Is the mystery deep ?

Much.thou ehait see, it means, and muchTby silence keep.

Hand~ thou hast two and mouth but one ;"Why?’ dost repeat i’

The two are there to hbor with,The one to eat.

TWO OF A TB&DE. shoe. Fromthat dayMaria Walker was arid¯wed to very miserable. She was not

Her and did

washad s removal to an-

more his

was so pleasing, hfe manner w~s so to: like her bow w~dow better ~ I iew more faint attain ,is at fault’ A Y01~o in North Carolina.courteous, that Maria could not but feel ever, eat near it to scent the f xT~runoe

pleased--when-she wanted k/ be irate, r of her flo@ers, and always returhed the :ThovieinityofBald-Mountainrirdistant, and haughty. They danced y oun~dootor’s’bow when he came out. r which made me |ose county ’ of= -MoDowell, near Marion,-together several times, and to the as- Mr. W/flker h~id been Called-out at-an I drover ; North Carolina, (the county, seat), hastonishment of .many friends of the early hour; and returned late. He was he dearg 1 ~6r-s-6V~rs~-gaY~-P-asl-’~e~ ~atlyh-gi-- ~

lady, of myself in. particular, not in the best of humors,, having /nherurms. tatedovermyster/ousnoiassandrumb-went down to ¯supper the best .waited four hours beyond his tilne for t" said shewith lings in tl/c bowels of that mountgin.’:3 in the world, laughing and his fma. ~ ,smile. One report, from a scientific sourcelike old ha)stances. [is in the ..... ’!Gro.wn Ldo_yott~;tke me for states that theseinternal noises resem-

........... ble those heard iu Muunt_Ehm~orel0ara._ ....

and sistsrcalled to..respects¯ She wasno more ; and after

lice..I heard of two newtardily."

"Oh, papa," replied Maria, gently,"I don t think he has got a dozen alto-gether."

"K dozens.bur, that’s a dozen lost tome~-miss.---It’s a Troof that a

;the=townAs in-every day, and

tWO¯" ¯

the bowthat families re-

th’ere now," said siding immediately around the base ofwithe strange smile, the rambhng mountain have taken up

their domestic articles-andI live over thq’~’:.ty," ~e’-

. .the...thro~ned ishe, still smilinentire country and

"alas for the mu-

eupied ¯was.an ancient red brick a i A Family Hurdered, ". In numerous several-s ion in the centre of_the~town, with a lr :. to side .A family of five persons, who lived miles from the mountains, the glasses.J arg 9 bow window .... -~ J ime~th-e ’bus)- near Centrevil/e,.St. Clair count’,, Tll., have:ratified in the windows and .thef~ it~ ness-of -thd.town, wasdreadful. The thedoor,~and the-roanservant immedi- .were brutally ~murdered, .The -’mines dishes ¯have been shaken from thethat with a couple of physician of the town sounded, better, ately announced " Dr. Radstock¯" .of the victims are Fritz Steizenriede, shelves to sucI~extent as to create~were.the admiration of too, than one of the doctors, and alto- Mr. Walker had no time to make any aged 80 years, his son and daughter-in- the = most widespreffd consternation .

among the rural inhabitants, This hasborhood, gether it was a mo~ unpleasant affair¯ remark ere the young man entered the law, and two ~maI1 children, One an in. again caused a still greater stampede ofMaria was twenty and I was not six- ¯ 3~aria’s place was now always at the room, bowing ~most politelyto the old faut. The throats of the two men were ths citizens, many of whom aapersti--teen at the time of’wh/ChinI speak,the world.but orb°Wifwind°W’Edward to I{adstockSee .if patientSmade came

lookedgentleman and hiSand daughterthe father; muchb°th chi~drenCUt" and crashedthe skullS)n¯ of the woman and tiously regard the terrible symptoms asIn front of Sheriff Hughes of St. Clair an indication of "Judgment Da " A

Y¯had a few before But for some’time she had the hauds0m-e and train ¯ statc~-space,march of improvement, soul called at the house, save the "Pardon me, sir," said he, "for dis. house is some distance from any other in- . - changed intoa rowof very~ and other cont~ibu- turbing you at this earlyhour ;but your dwelling..It is believed that the tour- at thesa me time _

ders were committed the night t efore use,of ~n? stampec[e iS notThere were a dozen of the they comforts numerous calls take you so much out, -the-discovery,, a~-th~ b~f ~I~{:aue~Iound~itib~7 "~7 -- ~-were di~e with the name of Beat/. and Maria to feel the

~~;-the-last-fln¯~ Terrace. yo were. a:ou ~ My errand will doubl Steizeuriedo and her ochLldren were in" turbed~St .accoun~.,fvm the ~s~¯and the bed when found, ai~d" that of her . . unm m smm ~na~ so zar me,o

ishing touch had been put to them, the rem-arkc~i,-]~-rth~r(that the -Voting man~ ; o husband, on the floor beside ~- lounge ..............................has be~ n no volcanic._eruruption~ of_ 1L~X~_pr..................... railing~..had beenpsinted, the rubhisb todk it very quietly, and satbyhis sis- ¯ on whichhe slept¯ The headsof the flre, th, mgh the ternfio noise and rater.

all removed, and they wanted nothi~ ter’s side while she played the piano; pay my"men were nearly severed frbm their hal ru nblin" gs, heard at ....a distance,save furniture and human beings, or drove in his gig ; always, when he

. whah sir ?" thundered the bodies, while those of the mother end were so groat.as to induoq the beli.o.fmake.them assume a civilized and~ remarked Maria at the open window,speotable apl~arance, bowing with vrovoking a towering passion. "Are children were crushed with some blunt mat a venmmo ann genuine romaine

outorcak had taken lacenot satisfied with trying to take instrument. The County Court has el-- . P .I-ca~lled~ne morning 0n-~LVa-ri~ ingdaunted ]3me nypra0tice,but you must ask fered~a-reward-of$1~00Ofor the-capture :-.T.hemx~ .t~m. ent throughou~ the_entire_er, her father was out, she had been noticing his pc- me for my child? I tell you, sir, noth- of the murderers. ’ westexn eectio~ of the Stats is intense,

playing the piano until she was tired, - - - ing on earth would makeme At the l’nquest held sdveral witnesses and~many. ¯. people are repalrm" " g to theso we sat down in the bow window and r Mr¯ Walker was out " were examined, and facts elicited which scene m ~ne hope of wttnessm¯ ¯ g for thewtglkt~d,lead to first time a grand volcanic eruption.

"So the houses are lettin who was very seriously ill) turning to Maria, " I nave your daugh.... I, _wha_took ~an interest in saVer_the, bow-window looking ter’spermission to make this request, riede committed thehorrible deed¯ He THe OnGAs as a household instru-

was present, but refused-to testify un- moat has been rapidl~ growing in favorrace which I had seen grow under my street¯ Suddenly she saw a I telpher of my intentions lastnight, til forced, and then his answers and

sams are nowen0rmou-s.¯ eye~. " ,, down on their side and she authorized me to say thatshe general conduct were such as to excite

¯ - "Two-are-let, she-replied, ._, and-approved~f_them." remains in tune, is casfboth to private families ; papa is light jacket and gold It was , Maria," exclaimed the. fatherpleased, he looks upon these twelve page of the Perkinses, s family with a most -chOking with rage,

"is the qualitvof the voice: -.The advertise- -houses/m twelve new patients." - ~ host of little children, who~ from con- true ?"~. the m~ardered, family -ment of, tl~e Smith American Organ Co.,"But,"said I, laughing, "have you stantcolds, indigestions and fits of ill-~~il some months, that he entertained fee,. m anomer column, is referred to the

read the advertisement: - " ness, caused by too great a liking for ings of enmity toward them consideration of our readers. This: "~Hcalthyand airy situation, rising the pleasures of the liable, wbich a fond in the old--man s ( heus ~Axas an ~enviable reputation forneighborhood,man., " .and only., one. . medical, mother had not the heart to restrain,, do)lars. The fact that the house good work and fair dealing¯ -* -

were continually on . Mr. Walker s married against your will, but I .will not ransacked nor pillaged, and the’ -- ....."Oh, yes," smiled Maria; "bat sick- books.. The boy rang violently at the. never marry any ons" else--nothing will the old man’s money was untouched, A Tale of Revenge.ness, I am sorry to say, is very apt to bell, and Mariaopened the parlor door make.me." established beyond a doubt that therun about at some time or other, even and]istened. : ........ lgular tale of malice c0mesfrom~ituations~

’ But, Maria, youare mistaken .......... Suspicion upon Boeltz. away aare three houses let," said I suc he sank ba_ck into the chair ins fit _

arid he swore he would have his ro-"~he’bill is taken down opposite

raise the blinds," A Texas Belle. venge. Shortly after, the NewYork: ¯ ¯ ststedthat an actress had thehas b~en let since ydsterday.- " the ’maid who had

young man, preparing with The editorial correspondence, of- the an~ had_contractedAt_aLthe’"Oh;-yes;~I-recolleet--a-~"He will be home directly," saidyoung man riding up there :yesterday, . ,, i ades-that-

and looking over the houso for auhoar ; Maria, advancing, necessary remedies¯ Be not Texasladies arefnlly upto tbo aver. roomtn :a manhaddi of theI suppose he has taken it." ’ "Oh, but missus can’t Wait ; there’s: alarmed. It is not a dangerous attack." age of their sex. In’the item of dr//s’s disease. M0re6ver,-a’-circular, detail- -

, A nice man," said I ; "that little Peter beefi and swallowed a mar- both as to c ~aterial, was sent to prominent~s a vo~g ~act,--- . ¯ . ,, - . ..... ,,. .... .1 ,_ sion and presence of mind in a cas0

Page 3: n+: ¯ o ro en t .-.--,.,,. · goud. uro in bri.k d,mmnd, but Cho flat.a.ud Cap Iradc hs. bcun backward, dual-er#, h.wevcr, a. h;’lhe oa.uul mauy other trades, t, xp~oting good

, ....... .:u !_ gallon;. - -. " " The Distrlct of Columbia inTestigatiot

¯ ]has amensled to just about as muchmany other~nveslig.itien s of simihr com-mittees atnmant w. There :are.a certain~lass o’f peo~ie who possess :ac admirable


-he sh0uld_be~at:once_.impe ,ched,_dismis-

in that meal tub, and all the ~enstti0aaltal..ehoods tha{ has titled tl~e.Tribune tormontho past on this questionl of which so!ittle is known by., tbe public, is shown tobe simlJly a desir~ t o attack the adminis~station through theTreasury-Department,

¯ . qualification for s8ome’o"this classfound that the .City ot pas~ed by Congress in the interest of the

’ .: Washingto0 was being improved, adorned publi~ service, i .... . .

’- ~nd t~ti~b<i, as the Capitgl~oL0ur’t~" - There is Agrowingseutiment in tavor

ties should,£e, imd m0ni~y had in be used .ol a pet’m.~nent international tribunal andaa international o~de for theto-do this.mad

andpropex’.y owners were having the¯ value of their property enhanced by ~ u~himprovements, and tnese gtowiers had nol)roperty t-see t0be benefited~ hence thisimprovement must stbp. ~t’hese com-

-]plainere are ~onderluL e~onomist~, truly,

’don’t he/d~ate to spend thousands of dol-

.... - :: - mo~eYnfight-be~bette’r_used._byBo~s Shep-pard in earr}qag on Lis ~:ondefful work,

’ which ishring~g Washington ;,out of the’ , ]aorriblepit and mirvcla:," with~hich

it waseursed .underup to the. last ~ear’of the rebellion, and

ot dnSputes~ I~et~ee~of men to ~ett[¢ quarrels is hardly in ac-:eordaoee with the enlightened progressnatiens,.attd whh those peaeelul ~enti-’manta whi :h foster industry and develops.art and science.. Th0. refer’Sales by Gi’eat

Inited States of their res-.pecti each other t0the Gc-K~-

w~e ~d peaceful course ~ursucd bysesreiary Fish and’Admiral Polo, theSpanish blinister, in providi.’tg fbr ’thesettlement of the Vb.glnlus imbroglio by~rbitratioa, have-lAid-the:-fouadatiou-fora policy Which. it is to be hoped, will oh-


not to be anticipated,: On the eontra,y,the West and SotitbweBt; ha~ so set theirhearts upon having more money that it’cannot fail to Start business and createconfidence.in the fnturetrade.....

The Alask~ fur businessis attractingattention in.will accompanY a special agent of tSeTreasu?~ Department.in a visit of in,pea-tied+ atrd it ispo~~ible tDitihe ac, "

more of the Alleutima"

~. Bud(the corr’eapoudentwb0 representsthe roughs at the calAtal~ who goesarmed,and late~’ boasted that he had written:scAndalous ~tories against Mr, G.eo. AlfrectTownsemt for the purpose of inducing anattack such as that ~r.T. recently made

fi~h tO fry.:-:H0 was arr,~tod last eveninguptm a criminal charge [or libel on awAr-rant Sworn out by. Senator Chandler. Heowned to writinz a eertaia libel in-the

~’ree .Pres’.qii~l~fetics to tbe Snnday Capital. DonnPiatt,

on’~londay feren.on, bat the flames were ,ar-rested after bu~lngmoet of.the rnof;-Thla @u.n,y.:ompllshcd nf,er:th. oat ard=e el. STOOI , fortI, aa the high wind prevailing made It el-. " " ’ ’ ¯ .

, SPRI G PRtremely doubtful whether the building could be N IC]~Ssaved at all. This was supposed re. be the olld


eftheflre: The bou~o was inrpueted at :flve or Ills. alJ~ "~llr~r~J,’.11 P: ld.

anR no fire wa~ discovered. ’Bht after mid-n_iKht it brake out again, and was under suclaheadway ~hen discovered, that all" attempt+’to

st the flames were uriah;ailing, aud;’tt waaentirely consumed... The’ house wu one of thebest in the town, costing about $4,000. It had

by Mr. Stevens famdy. Mr. Stevens sad htawife are a’wayr having been called to attend adaughter wlqo te lying ver~ i11, in Maine. Thehouse Wan S!t;uck by light.~inglast summer, andas a crack was found ca Monday in one’of thecbimueys, it i’s supposed. It wa~ made at that:timet-and-through4h at-hal~the fire-i&eupposedto have 0tqginated. If so. no one "

and could not have be.ea discerned untilaltcrthrburning

Our people promptly hurried to the rescuerand worked with indefatigable .e~ergy in ~’up-

fairer seX, many of whom worked ma~-fhlly In


!i,=. Fin. S,;n’d Pea*..’--%" TraiIed Pyramids, .40 J some & desirib1~.

.... " . for gar’n plait’gExtra, firet-c’taas, (attire grown) .45 ’ :.’ Very goad, " ¯ " " .35Fair, ¯ " " ¯ " .25. .Apple. o~ Doucin etouk) .’~5 . .7ogifff/,. ~-d~-------dT ----7----aW-. . - :

" do . de .40, (Oolden Portugal)- .40 ]. ha’ironOram .30(~35..~ pyr’dlL

.10 .rat. !lieI.

fine grower) 0 & 12 ft..4fi@50

Cbestnnt, sweet

Walnut. Englisb 48, ¯ 50.


,,~-r~ ~ ~ ~-t. t. ~to81n.3, fi 4.50 da

liliberlan, all sixes and prices. -8 t(~ 12 im $6( ,or 100¯

[!40-per-101L~ ....Specimen /~vergreons

" which m,~da it a:disgrsee to the nation, tufa tbr ~dl time, in determining dispu:es

: ’into.arespeetable.eond;tion: Nomer. with between natiofis.. : ’

love of country and true national I~ride, The .Wmdom select Commit’tee of the

, who were falmi:~izr"with the streets of sennason the subieet of transportation

~ashington before.the rebellion, .that do facilities are oompletinz~heir report with

not rejoice a6~the great change lor the the intention of’ presenting it at Once¯

tte ~ and teelthat :-twereThe extet,stve iuvestigati0as of all the wa-

t~ q,,better that a thousand .Bosse. were tar and railroad routes

.~ell_paid tor~h improvealentsthannot have itdone. And such work’.as hasbeen done in that dry, the men who kavaaeeompli-hea it de~erve a "gand the ever eating gratitude of a nati0n,and those who don’t like it had betteremigrate £0 the Fiji-lslands; Or zet.urn to.

made ~rilI be most valua bin tO the couutrythe cl=en~

problem..h is ~aid thatitTe~a r e-d ivi d ed:Tega-rd hrg-t he-

n canal to obtiaeC~ ti~e waters:ic with the Mis..:issippi Val-

ue air line d.,ubts t~aekwhich can.be made ~hort~


’,r :

the editor of that sheet, bailed him for a saving the furnRure end carrying Water, Aai~mpromptu bucket company was aoou formed,further hearing._whiehJmaddition to b~alls pressed

. The S. ~. tax-Payers-have jUSt be~- many unusual vessels into the service, as coM-:dined and wined by blr. W, W. Corooran scuttles, tabs, dinner:pots; aud tea-kettlel, zndtogether with Others of the old recital. showed’what they e0n!d do in flghtio k fire.

- Henry ~. J0hnsonhas just been nolni- With any sort of a show a fire could he sneered

sated to su,-ee0d: Mr¯ Bainesof Pa’, inin a short time.. The furniture was hzdly

t~e o~eoe ~ ~ ~ ~o~-s. ~brnken-in-~removing.~-~The fire ran from the chimney along between51r. Hames succeeded Mr. Nathan Sar- the attic floor and ceiling, and burst out at thegeant-ab~hree yearsago~: ..... side of the m’sin~- build~mg,~n~d When- firs~ dis-

]’dYE. covered was burning ut the chim.aey, and was

The debt statement shows a reduc-"tics during the month of March 0f $2,-

!89;aas.,.The: Massachusetts Legislature have

made no choice as yet, for U. ~¯ S6natc~r,.to fill the vacaney’m0de hy the death of

the.land from whence titan came.¯ ~othing wrong, rr devili.~h..r mallei- er and more ’.L~he transshipment

. : ..... oas, or:villainous, or that ought to co,¯- .lilies will always bean

demn on,~ to the deep datnnati0n that in utakmg a railroad link to imu-’ _theEe.growlers and g mmbler~ had fixed fleet th0!r transportation on the natural

and prepared in’ their malicious.and¯ : idaciousimeginings, for the boaefaeiors Of ever be prelerred on aeeountot’eh,mpnc~s, hat week ....

" " ¯ .

’ -. : :+Wa~hit:ton, has been discovered. A Th,t repoi’t will he modeca blouday. The Ropublica~so~ Trenton have nomi-

greatwurk hush.so, done. W,shi~The.Ltoward. inveat.igation has ~o far: Uated A. 8. Livings/on, a staunch Re-

. -has been=renovated=and" ’ publican:; tbr-Mayt~r, by a unanimous

¯ . i" of the. dirtiest, most disagreeable, uacdm-C~lpa[~il~ty ca the .part el Gcu. Howatd. v.ieeof Ihe coevontiou held on %~edne~

fortable and.unsighily cities, andreally ’l’hd testimony 0t ~eeondA.uditor Frenchd’~y evening.. " - . i.

’ The v0’¢ano in North Caroliwa, aceord~’ im~de attrnedvo, and if ihe work iron,- yesterday, ~howed thnt Frevious .o

llnent of colored soldiers by ctm Freed ing to one story, has dwindled dowtt to a

: be. no nlalter what ’the eo,~t, it will ! e~one~aii’~-Bureau ui,e-teuthsuf them.oney

of the ttt~et beau’ilul cities on this or the"or.reach the proper parti-e. Gee .Rub- tn.unlain to stn0ke out a coon. The fire

e~ter,a eonlinent, as the eapitai ot such kle..it i, uhuwn, ~ent vouchuni toWa.~h’ Waskiadlcdseveralyean’s ago, and !sbutn-

a_natiowas_ourwshould_b,.~_..i.gt~n.~re~ivod-the_money~nLthem._and_ /st. 2~r~ the noises heard ntado

’_l’his elernal grttmhling and making did uoL pny the claima.t~ in nm,y h~" the fire.r.the coon.. . " ,

charges ~gainst thei: betters come., wilh .faeces. tte atso~ent ou~ sub-agents who ’rh, ]louse Coimnitteo un A~i’ieulture

;very bad grace’froth those who alone-ar~ gathered the sig.utnt"0saiid did+~ot pay. have debidcd to report favorably a bill

= respor,~ible toe the gignntio debt which ~)il,+e comphillt -were very /r_equent bu__t_t providii,g that all .cede, cuttimts .and

bangs noon che neck el lho nation, and he beleived there wereevidoaeesot fraud, ! ants sent to any part el the U.ited

indirectly for the present finpncial Iron- but never contuntplatcdproeeedi.gaguinst 8,ates by the Cott+m)~ddtter of Agrieul-

bias. lt’would bc larittore bdconling lot" anybody except the agent. When the ture, shall be trah~mitted thrnu~h-tho

them to rept:n~ in snekeluth and’ asbe~, Bureau began to Day this was rentedied in mulls free. Abe. to report the bill f-r

th..n undertake to dicaale or dir,.ct Ihe gr.e.at cart, :,ot tully as was hoped, be. die proteethln ot’a.inlals intrsn.-it. They

affair, el the natinn, which is now suffer- sense there were ~omo arnty ottleor~ who have decided to report ngain~t the pelt-

ing tram tim reckless, rule or ruin ~llirit proved di~hone.~t. It is .’.gainer every tion of Protes.or ]~,l~’ard Powers tbr an

of tlti~ D.n,oeratle party, trom which Ihev prit,cit,le of law a~d practice nut to entitle appropriation t~ test his theory that rnie

are bound, if possible, we ~hall never lie .ndullowl.ima./~tch" ~’rool the witnes.~nd e.~a bo br.ught down by ~’stetnatie di~-

extricated, reeuiot ot a eluinnmt that ha had bee.ehargesol artillery.

-.-----...m.-- ....... I.,id. To hod Out,. llt)wartl guihy be- Whet: Se,tstor Snnm.~r’s dealh was el.earls0 of

’WASlllt~’~’,rON, l). C April Ydt, ]S74.tbrgcd rec.ipt~ wotthi ba as C~lrl,i.lent un the Presi,ient’s ’palueo nod liublie bltil-

’ h,)hiing .’~residettt Grunt re~,’on,~ible tbr dlng~ In l’,trt-an-Prltteo tv,!rJ p’,ueed :it’J’hero are Ihren o]eunelltS C,tlnbine? te Gem l{uttkh/e shorl-eontit~g~, on tito ball-mast and st~ remained hem tim 21st

raisa an unjust war on ,%lr. Sanborn and ground thnt he was Colnnm.th:r-in-Chiet. lethe ’.’6th ul ,~latt’ll. O,n tile ’.’Sth ,t’’ ]lie agcnt~. ’1 he jdalou~y ot the Revu- L ligy~ jtli~t lll~t ~Oltle el the dtdegath,u’Mu___rcl_l a~olel.ltm ~¢fYIt~O el e,llll "Duultlru-

l~ue l)~]i-~-fti~-e-.i2-1i~t--~’~lr;-~;--wiIl-~lt~wel lh:puldics.s lrotn Sattth Cnrolinu wh , i,ltt was h~th~-|~u.~i7

Inch largo antnmets nl tuxos Wil.hhcltl a~~ill put the l{,Jvenue otlida!s in the atti- ar. aunt hi:re IO t,orr ’el .ont,~ :i’lhu sum-

dent and e h,,r (]l~t’t, rnmt!ltt t,lticer~ el.

or,up, mi.’.rel)renenlaliuns t.adc Io tim ttmditlg. 1)uring tLi,~ ,~ClVlt~e inlnotu izutp*tudcofnot huv,eg done thdr duty. Ncxt Prcdd,,nt by the so-culled ’rax-Pnyen’s were fired mid the military kcpt a,,derthe de,ire st’ the l)nmoerat,~ to show that. ’.

the l[epttbliean party w;0h it. xnildoasl),degali.,n, h iPi showl| ,hat iit,tea,J ctl arm..

boiutg lax-riddendo an nt,oxttnqt]ed d,." The l,]h:etil.t iu Cimt,c,o,intl’ On ~l,ln-as they put it, Itas not collcc~ctl tltu laxas but now sock tit hnpos0 o~|t0r btit.doL8

greet uu slul~d by Iho old rellt’ntc ropresen-doy~ j’emtltetiin u gued D,.’~.soratio vie¯ ’ ¯ tadves of the Pahnello Stato/h-tttrnsuut lury+ -- We-had- h.pud bcttc, r tbillgfi,

O| laxatten llpOtl thu I)ouplo iu order to that itt South Caralitta Iho taxation in tar , ’l’lh’,Ugh wo hl*vc no le.l’S to ahed centIhiold. tho~e ILoltublieanu who huvo ,le- Io~s tltals in a tttajorlty el the t, thor,51a10sit; bttl wu t]o think it in Iheo f.r R.pub-frauded the {}uvetnlllCnl. La,~tly the .l’ tim Uithm. lit.load nl huing titular IleaUa to eomprehultd tire loci, tiler n()morbid de,ire el, snmu ttewspapers t-

thaeonltol of what the.uox-ltobds de- D,mtucl’at wi,l throw his va4e awt, y byl~huw that some nun has b~en a ra~eal, lur ii¢ltniltalu"carpot-hagger~,"theStata ufli- e.stiu~, i~ h~. prnhibitiutn. All, m’ iicar[ythe ~ak,a ot a .e’.’..liea.

eats urn witlt cue t~XCOltfloa In the hun,In all, nuuh’vo(ns cu}ll~e Irate thu 1LrptibhcanAll these eh bl,.Inls liana been n.0,- ol mltlve+, end t|,at eal’pol-b~0gger eann,,t ,isle, at,d arc noguod, ’~’hi~£so~ ie k0tutrt,,plus~d during tl,e ItS~t week, a, a’..uwt0 he ]n,.tly excepted to oa~tny Iilst . rOlllld% and elill, lur ttto I,alllo t,I o+,hige,.t~i.tv.tby t]lO examinall.nt ul the wil.osse,~ Ire-

its hn i.s In hnnest anrl ealtahJe .l~oor. wits the tcntveraneu i~l’il,Olt’tuu rileyt0ro the Way. ned ~|n,tls CoulntillcU t t

’[’hat Iha l~ginlatttrs are niut-tot,tita t,a- proles~, Ihoy will ~o vole an t. t~lVtl Ihutl/o tiouee. Nut only h.ve thc~’ t’,tilcd I.

lieu born and tlmt 0ha native citiz.na in:nntieatho advantage avery tin,.,.show autvthing derogulory triM,, l~altbn|n

acladly e.nlr,d thJ I,ouislatlve inutlura, ’[’Mg Nt)lt’rlt pArtiCle ltAII.ttUAIh--or the laW,, bllt on thuc~mtr,try tt has houri Thu ~qtlvnl td’ the ml,tority b.eatl-e thuy The l’hiludel;dtia l.Sras on Tu~,.duy uq,,",do.r y shown shut aU~ll a low is neodotl ht : catth.t rum t!,o Stale as Ihey did when

tales the loll,twins ia rulatittn to d0n alt, tvoorder to n~eul’e the proper t~d:oetion ulthese Ion.~ uver-due taaee, and thet ~lt Ihey were in tire ntaJothy a.d .~ned tha great onletpli e. h may Qf,,r,I u ~ratt, -I

.................. , ’ labor ot tile S’ate. ia a puruly aulflsh uno coilllort’tu tbok~whu ii,lvo itivesfm£ iit tlS "I~aobm’n and hi. ageltt~ or,: the vt;ry Illt:ll gr.win~ trot of a misspplidatinn n| the bonds:- to mike the c:lluetiouu, They hat’u be*.n i ,rit,oil,lu~.l tt.|,ul,ljuatt g.vcn’nmut~t asiduA ~t¢lcmnnt wns eontltlete*i i. th:s+ . .diligent t,i Ihe prrh.rulnttee t’f duly. t. ,I

Irdln Itar’y e|tt~.l~loratlmt-, tilt yt..Iolday l,ui~t,nit Ll*tl l~t .rtt,u,,i i a Ihonest at.d laiddul ia ovary I,y.imc:, ltl.l ’1 I, 14,,,.,m^. , t at ............. . I ...... v,li 1 ILalh,~,l C ,t p,tn} **ttd Ihu s.t*latt~ ..| Jth~ IJovelnnlenl hns It’Ceivvd every ,’t~i,t ...... ~|’~ ..,,-. Jay l,.~,~u ,% t,.., wl.,r,i,v the t

sontcwnat unteltle 1, th ) t~t tnar t a oot Ihe u+oncy t~’ulltt’led bCt!’Hdill K tU il,, ’ " udVOll(~O.+ made I,y t.,u i~ltrr I Ih,I lur. I

©:nlrl~t. J-.Iouay, I,~lilk.,: ~xtd ; ’ ’ nitntaailell’nl°nt[v°uulh°pa’lvlCv°l~rc~’ I ’’’’’r at~ thechalli’’j 19 tl~v ..~q,,...,s .~.ft.i..I It

broke out on the outside, and w~’e net arresteduntil the roof m gr~at part win beamed, |rid thehouse and furniture badly damaged.

it is supl.6esd ti~at a hr’nd ef fire fell dowebetween the’. pl0stering and clapboarding, andwasthe source from which came the second fire,Whi0h touk what was.left after the morningfire.

"Siovens’ house was entirely destroyed, Shouldaetas an incentive t0’proporty holders in thevici’uity of the statioa4+rr provide some e~cioetme.n~ hy Wl’lich fire#may be extinguish%d, ~dthe danger of a hrge cot[fl.tglAnd to this ecd I respeutfally offer the .fellow-ing suggesti0ns : ..’ First; I wouhl ecggest that themeans bepro.

! cured by subscription or oth.crwise, to’pmohsse

number of led’tiers, to be kept cxeluslvely:lnrtho purp0sc, aad .to bo easily accessible at all

For .the safethe l~:aliaguishor~ f would suggcs~ that s el,,ootwith roof to shod raln, be placed, aa)’ in front.f the Clerk’s office, willt I,,ck auda number ofkey,, the keys to be distrihutod to Iliose whocuntrihuln.to_the.purchasq. For theueafe keep-_Ingofthe ladders [ would suggest that Ibeyhe Idaced in eonvucient ph,ees I,y the ~ldc ofhlank wall, attd f;,slont~d by a chain and hmk,the s.lae key. u~c,I for the exqnku[nher closett,, fit the :uek~ os,.d .n Ihe h.l,h.rs.

Sve.o,I TI,. ,i’)pliane,, havi.g l,e~n pr,,-cured, erganllo a fire brlgsdo, under c,a, pe/cntaa,l e.ol handed ,,llh:ers, make it ohllg’ttory onall Ih.’ln,unber~ t,, I’uruiMi and keep read~ f.retto ttl lea.,t two huekels, bud tL.n, with i,ropcrm,tnugrlueOt, We halo the nlat, r[nl aud Inca,,r.11dy f,,r llnllledlato aso,

fire ,wt’ur.+, Ihu , ffl,,t,,r, tok,,

thelr l,l,oo SOd ,lelldl lhe n|en aS Ihcy Cnln’l (,a

t!,o gr.uud, ~oluo le pl, d. ti.i ladders,oil m’s lc;,card Lhe j,rolais.~, cod lb. bait, lille to f. ltll a

li.. an,l I,.Ss Iho I,tl.k,:l.. Ily ~uuh all arrut,gu,

t,letll ,le th[#l th. ++fl’,,l’~ will he syslom I[t.,l~

and thu w.rk uf exil.goishment will proceedw0ti,,,ui .... ,h,.l"..

ll,,vi.g 0hun Stlgg, etr,I h,,w s fire ,I.pllrlu.’mt-nl.0y he .ht.hlcd al hot It 141nell Ilulhty, i{ ,,l,lyu,,,,ds tl,o .fl’,u ts ,,t s,,,m, ol the i,r.por~y hohi.re t+, curry .ut the Iq,helr|,,, aqd Iherc OUgIIIcerl.luly hu h~t.rt~ton.u~h fdt iu the luhjcet

tv lut It tot.. iorttlb,ll t~ !!uf~., lu Ihs w.r,]sof the ,.hi p,erurl), "Aa ,cruse of I~rt.’rcnta|lullts_nt, r th. t":~!!~ "f ~-!!r¢!"~ ......... " ...........

Wll. ~t.saSS FII|SrP

I|t~u.Nr,,M, Al’lln, filh, 187t,

The eahe.rlbor, h,visg sold thoil Intern.t inth. WIII,,E[.W~’[tIII£ ]IUd[NEdS lu blr,Ad,la Ilul~*,r~ aa,I he, hlg ,lls-.Ired It .rloer.hl,hy Inu,U .1’ Ponpput, w.dd roeonllaend 31r. ILel-. er t,, their ea.h,lUil’. [er their patrou#~co.

t]. V A I.I’~.N 1’1N IL6. 19hA/’glt,

(], Yaloollne will t,,,u luue thahusinr.. +dIINDI".K’t KRli lulhu r,,,,m,,v.r lee Wi,e,,l.t~rlghl "q,Ol,, .ad will iltrol~h ,11 klads ,,f ,u(fiul ald atlued lal,erelP whune~r wel,ted.

Fa0uuel I)r.,p,r sill e~rrs ,,u 0h. C.rrl.goI’a.lating end I;tai.l.~ es h.r.,,,Inl~, ; !3 Ib

............... ...... "lll"It¯IthKt~ -~t. ll,.r.l.,,’gl ul.t .af

f,’r + ,co! .,pl ,tl.l,i, .i.~ itl,,v.., 3h. l~lS .~I% l*t~ ,,I N~,,IV .’% ~%’..,h ,I,¢v ,,, ll,..u,u.i~,*,

. ~ .V~j, ,14,.l.l,l,#s.,i

tends--at low rates--known ou application.Choice budding plants emhraoicg many Icy-

eltics at present searee. .’lint-house and wtodow~lants~ell the must

. Tomato. Cabbage and other vegetable piau~.¯ I~r’:Ever~tliing-put down to Iuwe~tealk.prl.es. " " "

’ 1IIsmmentoe April 28, 1874. 3tfo

.GO To ’

Claiqf Great Emporium


CLARK’S BUILDING,Opposito the’ l’rinllug’ Oflieo, whu/c you will’.fiud a large ass,,rt.meut el" Dom0sfic aid ItanCy".Dry G0o0s’ :

0loves, Hosiery,Mri. Clark will be in attcndam’c to show thegoods and a)lme prlees, Tllankful for past fa~

,fir s-Holt a shore ,,f" Ihcronage. Everythi,g warr..t.d ss represente~.1remember th.tt it ~ uo trouble to show goods,.

HATS AND G2;PS. , ¯ .

iu various styles. ,

!’keeI, them warm and ,Iry ~.ili please c:dl aad.examino thi~ large an,i w,,ll so!eeted at.ok of

BOO,’S SHOESat orlccs to suit everybody.

FLOUg & ’EEDof all gra,lcsalhoth,m prio s. ¯

....Chmeo Groceries-: ....c+,uslautly OU h’t/;qt.

Crocg,0ry, Glassware+anal E rthenwsro

fruul . t+lU~’,o arll~l, ttr. lull ~ut.

Cool( a:ld ’arlor


,~ large assortlacut .’,n~.,ntlv ,,I, hand aIproven ihat d¢l) . ,,l~,lu t!llt,n,

¯ in and-Slloct-Tron-Waro,uf our own uluk Ill /(feint vsrhty.

’q’l" ()V [,. !’ I 17 "FR,d all s,e~s, . ,,.t + .,, h,,n,I,TU’q ROa~’ IN(.’}

and ,,~l

i,, .urIInu pr,,lUI,l~ ,,~,,,,,,h,I .,.IIUIl,I)l~’tl ll41tltW~’ I,

BIll’ I’q ANI -:.’~l I: tt’.- MAII~’t£IIAM MRII% II ~T"II F,’~.~

A X I,.’1’1, FII.Rt% t’ t h u I.,,,~ I’7 I’, tl.’t’;’l o £n~~. 4-’. q’l, 1,1|Ko

~tlltR t’l It’. I"1~

Seat and Btomuch W,irmI,DiS. Illl’fC,t t’~’,u x "~

vegetable Worln,:~" I’tllt:E 25 CI,;’~ I’:~ ’: I’,r)",.

, P .Y;11. ...... w .lent ’


"¯ " ’" ; .... ~ ¯4-

.’SXT~~X~.n,ts~+. "_


Mrs. ~ L. Platt will speak inHall, temi0rrow It 10.$0 o’clack.

. . . --- ; v¯ ¯ ¢ .[: - ..

-. ~.~ad to lee able to in,o~m -I1~- One of the .pleammtese loeaUonsoar readers that ~o New Jersey.Southeru Rail- en the 0oandeli aid. AtlaaUb,R~lr0ad is &te’o.road is agata rannh-g rei~ular trlina to/4"~ York4

There ars "fine. butld~’ng’i;sited,~he : "ell’ .aeema

uider the ma~Igement of Mr. W. 8. Bneden,better tban tl~c iverage, and bstng at the Jule-

~eoeiver. ~ho train for ~ew York lcnvssWlne- tion of the.Witliamstown Read and th~ Atelon

low Junction It ~ pset 1-~]F~6IKek,obliges passengers .to wait sometime at the to improve:faster tlianit’do~s. It hasJimstion,’.espeelally those who go up on thl glass furnaces lnlthe nelghberhood, aud the"Camden ned Atlantic rnad. Will Mr. Bneden nucleus already, o: sthrlving,prosperoust°wn.

~end us n time-table ? - _ ..... Had the new Couaty been m.ad[.l, last winter, as

.- . f - - .... . . . .. ~.-~:.~+

¯ ------~" Local Advertisements. ° . , - :

¯ + 4 " " "



III~" On "~II.. See. Wanamaker &

the Artoptican Exhi-Tickets toat: Union Hall, 25 carts. 7~ o’clock, for the collection of dues, and loan-

¯ 11~’ Don’t fcrgetMrs_H_A, Tremper’s lug the funds.0parting of Mtliincr~7 aid Fanny t~od: All¯desiring to purchase stock tu a loan seen-

day, April ilth. " elation, are invited to attend.- E, Non.n, M..D., Prhaident,

]~tin-.north.east wind---rain-- ozo. F~ Mxr.z.gn, Secretary.

Mutual Aid Loan, and Building we "_heUcve it ought to have been, it wouldOlll and after, Januva-y 1st, 1874, .....

- have been a good thing for tha place. The . "¯ " + " o’ ¢oeistion,"~The’~regalar~a°lthl~g~fgs at-BcrliI-or-Aten either, mth__ Iproposedx. sell-Go.odd-at

the Association will be " new county, ¯ao-,’s Hlllfon Monday evening,,April l$tb,~t ............ --7- ....

¯ %rid brought its lands into. th~m--a~-t.~Q~fite

standing the hard times.

¯ II~ It h an. ill wind that blows no-bedy good~ At least ]!. A. Jones thinks so,for the burning of Mr. Stevens’ house has giyen.]him an increase of boarders.

_- ~ Dou, t.,ta~-d on. the ~oTder oi get-

a nu’mbi~r of men ’are living Ihere avd doingbusimass in the city. ]Iammouton~ WInslow+and other places offer equal facilities for coun-try residences to men doing business in Phila+delI~hia~ and if land owners would~ take proper

tl .tter before the publie

. week. " _k ~ Packer has had his oven in a proper manner, no

Hamiiton’.s so-Sailed cont~sion wassad put in apple pie order, and ts ready to fur" induced tocome out in the eountry and fill up

ouufeesion. Wc went for’it, but’it bad beennish his customers with bread~pie~, cakes, An., the.vaeant.lote along th;e rbad. Haddanfietd

Imturned. It was considered of he,importance,ae good as they make¯ Have yuu tried Packer’s is:furnishing many fine lots, and contains a0me

From indications, our merchantzmolasses candy ? If IOt, now is your time. very fine new residences. We would like to see

~udlness-aa-usual, notwitl~- --~" The April number of Peters:~3/u-~lt these places’growing faster¯than they do.

¯ "-~oal Monttl~ has.been received. -- ~ Our Devil could not- let "April

¯ desire all the.new andpopular ramie, andwouldF~ol" Daypass without praatioally observingsave money, we any, send for this popular mu it. 8o he generously ~resented a nice, tempt-sio.l Magazine. $2 a year to Clubs. and every ing cranberry tart’to one of our compositors,number containing more th,u that amount of who, with that artisan faithin the authenticity

music, besides the abundance of good reading, of handbins famed ou the First ~f April,which no moeteiun shauld miss. J.L. Peters. choracteristia of old typos, had been standing

track for several hours inring an apparatus-to putout fires,hut:get it.-- 599 Broadway, N.Y. -

a on the t l~o_ sne._w.await_ing t_he.._ayri_v-al_.sf.._~he...’_’Oa~."

act. - ..... side. Besides

3e were the improvements mentioned two weeks ago,the other dsT, butitwassoeoldsnddampthcyMr,~Snmson is making quite an addttion tehis and he went in. Attho first bite hethought

l.etlred in disgust to their prett]~ little.houses’ house and sg.ore, bringing it out plump to thehis teeth had become 4ntangled in a cranberry-

|ne, but at the second bite he fnu. d a hugetd-noncludedto~ait-fcrlnpel~inef.. =-- walk.-This indicates tl~ bstan~-adheri

t~’ Ticketst0ror Wcdnesdaye-vening-~s’ wondered w.li’~room, aia~d we are glad.that he has, at last, been gums which, though useful in mak!ng "rollers,

]~xhibltion may be obtained el E. D. Redman, is.but seldem used in the construetion of tarts.

Gee. F. Miller, C. P. ll!ll, and’at this office,aro,vded into making this improvement.

_ ~ The Daneing SoSool.is to be drawn A roar of laughter from those around, includ-ing our demon, wbo prndently executed a runs-The. Right Rev. Wm. H. eden- .out ,ix lessons more. Those who love the tcrly, strategic.mr.cement towards the. door.

¯ helmor, Bishop of .New Jersey, will preach in d~ance will find a plc’asant.party at Union HalI eaused a new though’not a very faint light toBt. Mzrk’s .Church, IIammonton, on Friday, on Tuesday evenings. The music by Professor dawn on the type’s mind,’who, after threaten&pril 17th,:at 10.30 A.M. Quinn’s Quadrille Band is as¯-good as they ing to b’reak our~gr!nning imp in half and make

We h~ive been informed that a make. ~hen the roguish twinkle in the Prof.’s two.nine year old boys.of him~ cagdidly de-

mill, at May’a LaaJlng, and tee building to time at the sound of his musical Voice. "Tke utilvorsal verdict is that Prof. Linder-eantents were consumed. ~t came near beings who wouldn’t like the "misty mazes of the mau gives for tho money more than any other.ver7 serious affair¯ - dance ?" That is, if, as ]]~a%-r-s-ays,-yim-don’tlirlng~rtoltieoaist~£he-marvel-is-that-so

Central Dis- make tt w~cked. Then.it were better to.do your mush can be crewded into sue exhibition at on,.cosLto_the_epectator."--Boston Jo_wt-

trier. No. 49..commences. on Monday morning. ~ oho~. we/.Miss Rannab North will be the teacher, i~r. Tho Artopicon gxhibition of Hr. ,,It woald bu Iolly to attempt any deecrlp-

Wm.-Packcr, is arrauging his hJuse for Llhdermann, on Wednesday evening, at Uuion tion of tke w,,ndots thon witnessed, as the

the aim0mmodation ol trausi nt persons, while IIaLI, is not s chcap show, but a rise, artistiolimits of our shect weuld be inadequate to ary-

- " _eking like derail’of Prof. Lindcrman’s artop-the. Hotel is closeO, rel, reset~tatiun of wo/ks~of-art and nature, era= tieon show."~"L~ff-(Marl:) Ri’p’~rtgr. .

" .Terra Lleite hag had’ some splendid shows"bracing some of the grandcstand most eul,lim~

this season¯ -N ..... r all combined weuld ecru- in the old and new world. ~o one slioold’ fill ltammonton Business Cards.:-.


- :... Or its equivalent. -

The pubiia will find itto their.adVantage to call and get;pric~6s~b~fore- purch-asi]~g~l~heTeT--~- :. ..

’ All persons indebted to the subscriber ~re requested to carand settle their, accounts on or beforeTthe-l:’0thT=6f-3~7-187~-;



On my entire stock of ~Vinter C19thing.Consisting o~

OVER-COATS,--:-- ........... = .... : ...... :7-::

pa,-o with this of Prof. Liudermin’s."--TeereJ/a~e (lwd) One,tan.


&c., &c.

coME ONE.! COMEALL !!and examine for

|cod laid, forsale, on Valley Avenue. Welland pleasaIlly ~i.tus t~,~ith frllt.trecs 9f dif-ferent ldnds, a-g6~-d~w-e’.

House. in good erder, and will be sold cheap foruire-at-thia~Ice~ tf -

yourselves.1 ) S. TILTON.

+ . . , ¯

Look For Your Bestlnterests ROOERtES . O tOOE-R ES

c s- All. Stringer, c sHof seeing’.it. Read the opinione of good judges

glees iu some’of the leading papers of thecountq,’. We can add not.Jag to:hem.

/qoAwithstsndivg t’ne chilling rain,rowing, t_heOewcr bud~ arc open=

Ing, tho bitde are singing, plantstreos are leaving, kcns arc making preparetion~

/-peol~Superinl~ndcnt Collingd, ot the isg, Wasps urn flying, frogs .are croaking, and

0amdcn and Atlantis RaLlrvsd, manifests n de. all nature generally seems to be waking up totermmation to do all tn his power fqr the safety the fact that it is Sp’ing time, hut somehow oran,i comfort ef :ravelers over his rood, and is got,i fire, and back up to itnow rt.iaying fine track with new rails.for ~otue aa "nat’ral’"as if it was midv/lhtor; " "

di~toace immediately beyond Ihc limits of Cam- 2~.~P- llammonton hae On0 the lose glldcd,d,’n. uot sugared, blue pill, than it hr,l a few days

I s. Ilill’s SAtcon and be- ,g+o~ It left the other m~rniug In. rice storehohl how pleasant’he is making thin~s for his clothes, but whether pai,l for or not, as it

¯ patr.ns witli his addltl.ns and new alterations, fur its groeerlos, etc.. we refer our readers toand while there i,urchs~e a ticket for the Art- AndersonBrother~. A. bl. Stringer and others,

wh~ have an extra lot of oeeond hand kitchenfizin’e, ,which they accc]tcd~as a~llopl:ln’achuicu. Wc wish it had left uo a look of its

eplie,,n Exhlbltl,,n next Wednes:lay nIKht, lie- h-s tho’tlckcls I’-r role. : --

.~...~r" The COlUlmslt’,r in setting up the reportof [ta[t growing In llammenton, for thu htstAgricultural Del,.rtmeut Rel~. rts. published at%V.,hlngnm, m:nkt!s its a ]laminar-lows. Weain’t ..y sm,h Ihing, we are n Irulttowu. Neattlmu msko It ilamluontm|,

~/~," A~’~:tVt’lO.~ l--.Mr~. I. l’otter willhereafter give her attcnthm uo Millinery ale~e,and let somehody ode attelld to the dress ulahI.g liar fric.,Is aedtho i,ubllcwlll find IlerWOI’~ It~ fushi.nshlo, htt~ly elltl nt, o| its at any

her i,tlces as faverahlc. To trytt is to prove il.

" I’r,,f, I.h,d,,rm.m’s olahu to having the bastArl,,,~:to.n [o +h. world is ubsolutely true."--6’/,/, aSe Trib,,s..

~tSk. To lt~:NT--Twn, Three, or moreR,mms, eonvo,l[.nt+ eumfsrtai)!~..atttJ__pJS.aSiqt

ndltr Iho ~lat[on, with walur I &O. Oils realm Ill

well fitted f.r at sl,,re, wits glalls flea*0 end i~

g,,,.lloostlen. Forthur b formation ohtalnudat Ihc barber shop,

Lathing and Plastering_NEA.TLV DONE __ No. 3 Fay’s Block, Hammonton, N. J:

&rid PlgO"PTILY Attended to,FI~=~,E .KTrorOOI ,

Address EDWARD. Sf)L~dS+Bnx 49, Grain,i lour, Seedsand eed," 49-tf Upper Oflteo, lqammonton, N: J :

M I L L F l’ff E I-t "~. CASH + ¯ CASHMISS. !. ~" POTTER°


flu an~

¯ Woi’k nicely and oxpe,iitieusly finishod. 40


DENTIST,10al9-1y IIAMM0~TON, N. J.

Barber Shop Lbrown hair as u pledge f.r our bill f,,r adver- The undersigned has opcued a Barber Shop ent[slng, l,.’vhlently "improved window blLuds" lleilovue Ave~woutd not workih lhuaatou’ou, aml pettifog-sing d dt ’tpay worth a cont. Stir tras.lt +jIorla and is prepared to Cut llalr. Shampoo, Shave,"D~mcn uud Pythla.." What islhe nextbloud &o.,in thohest manner.

A Clean Towel to Evc%+l Manl

0R00KERY -AND WOODEN WARE~p~ompfly- att~,-zvere - - -z’ee o c -arge .......................


-sucker ?Wc did not notice Mr. Carothers’

abrupt departure from town last week, for,Rnowlng scmelhing of hLs pecu,dary Irouh o,we ft, lt dilll,,,~o,l to havo s.lno sympathy f.rhim, andsusahl nothh~g, but ~ts oueof oureootumllorarles had riven It u notice, we arcdtsp.~eu It, lily e w.rd [or hhu, uetwllh.taudlug ilia u11usnal man.er of lcavln g, altd t,at hoowed,lsaslaall hill ~Vu belluvo hhn to bo uwell inenI~lag ou,l ao h.nesl man, bul havlag

IIFI.~. A~; hnprovontenl~ are in ortler,Mr, Itutherfor . the P,,ot,,gral,her~ hse started slauoell, Itlld ,)nu .hnuld cot he ccn,ured too ’~enil’ whh a hrlek walk In frmlt of hi. idaoe. I, Van verely fur doing Juel whkt Ihe censurers wouhl

Open ovary day. OnSun,lay from7 to !0Intho morning.

JOSEPII COAST.llammonton, May,’72. 15 tf...............................


Boots and Shoes.I d. not pr.poso to IIt|ff lay own Goods. The

QUA hI’L’Y of the weLI-km,wn varlely T k.epMIIST,~I~I,h TI[EM, Th~ (to,,d. are t)Pl’:Nq.t.’|,tral,p*,l,?.hc did. Just wllttt IIIOSl men.. , ,

-w,mht..httvt~-duau-l£n~r_.3.1LQ. olrcttll~St~aec., FOR INdPECTI()N, nnd 81’]1.1. ON TIIEIRssYt,,I what he Vol|hl~ wllh el| ho||eot littmllit~li

bll’~ltlTS. Partlmllarattcnti~n-gtven’twt}U~- Tt)M W ORI{, 43.tf

ofl,ayicg hi, ere’ll.rs. L,etllS eeewhslher we.re right. Of .... r .... km, w"a I, trd ,. ,,,e G, RIDGEWAY.h,,ml. Ls worth two In Ihe bull|," but It| Ihis........ tl|[|,k th|,ra,re ut[tlgsth,g’lrcam Carpet Weaver,

1Vl-~i n ]-toad,

ANDERSON BROS.O n-e---Price-Oniy-

ANDERSONB~O’S. would respectfully invite the atte~ti0nel the public to their Stock eL

Staple and :Fancy "

"W i


fell.ws ,ult? Thuexpunse ran’t be very greatfor any slugle h,|llvidual, and what a deeldcdIi11]nr.rmueal II woulq he, We are wa[lhlg or-oers for grsdh,g and hnl)r.vh|g liellerue ave.uu*. lh,t|’t well h,r yoar nclghl)or~.

Hr, I,indernt.n’s Exhibition onWednesday ovenh|g next Is fi~r the beasllt ofth,,new Mes,,nh~ I:.lge, We hnpe thsreferee,,,|ybcdy will g. w~’t,can, Let therobua fu0~ml.V. ’l’tckelS ~b oasis,

~!,()(}l) "~ANOVA (~OI,(tSSAI,’t At;-¯]’AllAtllln [{O||’I’H ehoinv, attd in gt),td or-

d¢.r htr ~ale I,y {]apt, A, 8omerby, onIH.in l{,|,td. Th,,sa wanllng AsltIrngnnIt ~,,ts will d|, w,,ll Io Ioolt at thesu b|tl’oroI~urohu~h,8.

L,|~t Hulurday nl’rnhtg, Inat asthe l’J,10 frolgld Ireln fu,,m AIhOtls t~It-y w-ats :alerting .pen lie trip t.r L~ewd.n, a yu.n-.--~n :n,,ll|~d Jests ~.0sl~dsp lU jumi,lag Irom a bus ear,sill,pod aad’full In tim gs.uud wlth eueh vie.Iot.’i~ 1hat his le~ woI I, tt,ken, lie was takento his r.,htsnee., .h,te he reedred 1he Ira,perlU I~I"sl s~list*tl|t’e.

doll dmLiarlysituuled. If we get wh.t littleIs uue us~ ur olher do0 wu shall certaLuly thh|kwe have nut misjudged--If +ee du act0 we shallnot Ohallge eU? clllniun un that aeeunnt.

(Fre,, I|’ilm~qtoa Evsrff A’,,m/ag.)Tha drst af Peal L[udero|an’e eah|l,Lllooe

were given last eveulaI In lastltata Ilall. ’tosay that tho enterlahm~eut was of a high orderand that the seen|oe exhlbltod were beautlfaldoea nat by iny csas tsll Ihc sl~,ry, As aaart e|,terlalumsnt It I~ u||qaesllonubly tke finestef Ike hhld ever exhlbh~d ~t~ Wihnlagtoa, andsh,ahl uaasoabyerery .l|eespahlo el appra,clallug the truly buantll’ul ]l~J|el| all Ihs sconeswcro su beant[h|l It were Idle le dl|orhnlnate lafever of aU.~ eue, hnt the llagllsh Oathedral atl)rosden, hy muonllgLt was a perfoet gem, ItIs hnlund some ,arrang.Icut m~ty ho nlado bywhich the scholars uf all e~r I, ublLa sohu.,Is eaaI|avo au ol, p.rtuu,ty ofoaJuyieg this grand eu-turtalsIout.

This oahlbltlou will ba gltcn at Unloa Hall,u-a Wednesday ovaaio| "the 15th last. Doersep,a at 7. Te oommouo~ st ?:gO. Admissiontwealy five eeute.

D.m.r.,t’o MoatAly for April Is smoug thabeel el’ Ihet ole.s of Muuthlhts, aud Its pabllIh-,’r knt’wl weft how I,, sater to thc talte nf hlsram!ere. Thelsdiesappr©elatolt.

NEAR OLD IIAMMONTONqluntom Work promptly attended to.


Watehems (Tloekn A. lewelry.ROlmlrlngof all kinds, In hie l~c, dune wllhmatness and dispatch. Satisfaction given andprices ae reason&bin aI at any,ot~or p|~ee,

~peoi.I att¢.H,,a ffle~m Iv tlq,,,/r/M~ #’~tSIVA TOlcgg. Alle, dearer In

of all kinds.TOYS, NOTIONS, FAhCY AliTIOL~fl,

IIO~IERY, (]LOVES, Ac,, at his

OLD ~’rA.IN I),,"t .ulheasl side ol Dellevu~ Ave.



tGrocories ’an ro s,BOOTS AND SHOES

FLOUI:t FI II .DCall and examine our Goods before pnrchas;ng elsewhere.

VEGETABLES in Seas0n, l C~X.SH .~aid ior Ec,~Zs and Chiokezm-

Our,, a-o., r,m s to tl.lparte cfthe town Tuesdays &Sat~,’ )

i i

Page 4: n+: ¯ o ro en t .-.--,.,,. · goud. uro in bri.k d,mmnd, but Cho flat.a.ud Cap Iradc hs. bcun backward, dual-er#, h.wevcr, a. h;’lhe oa.uul mauy other trades, t, xp~oting good
Page 5: n+: ¯ o ro en t .-.--,.,,. · goud. uro in bri.k d,mmnd, but Cho flat.a.ud Cap Iradc hs. bcun backward, dual-er#, h.wevcr, a. h;’lhe oa.uul mauy other trades, t, xp~oting good

.’ ¯ .I3


/ : 4 x~

: . I

Jue,,P,U+eAed, +.+8..Ud e.eet~s., - i :¯ MILLVILLE, N. J. :~’ " ". :i P,’/ee .~;z 6’e,,ts. ’ " . . .A Lee’ure ’on the ~aturc, Troatment an~ .A. SgtlM_J~[$y |_ IMY~. all. FollowS.

.- i-+ ,- ¯.b~

"C H O I O,E

" Wednesdayl Oetober~Ists 1878.

¯ . Friht Jlh, ll.&oom Aoom l~aL~I&y]I " ¯ k. M. Ai M P.M. .IA, M.

¯ YineSt. Wharf..., 700 80, s45]60th016’-715 811 too161t, l10B0

" !’ "~.eakn68JiInv01uutaryEmissiJns, Soxul/I De:,, " ’ ’ ......... : I~1~!1]~1~1~/1’11 752 8ZI 41ul~4zI11fie.... ~ billty’ah’dImp+~iments to Marria ’ ASSETTS, - - ,:Aehland.~;.;..;;~;+..- - 8 05 -8 4’ 4 2718 5.MI1 12

JServouaaees, Ooneumption, Epil¯

" ~fl~U~¯ White Horse ......... 8~28 8 ~I * 8217 01111 28

..... ¯ + ¯ , Situate near Berlin ............... ;.. 8 5b 8.0’ s 4~, 71!1 58. ~eutal and Phys,eal tnsaDa.-t.+y, TOTA~, ’ 01,074,18~ ¯¯ 8e]f-Ahnso,-eto.---By .V.OBE~T ~’.. CULVER: . -- "" .A.N..J~" -¯~ t~Tl~X’O~-:¯~’:tl~-~T-.~O-~ : Abee.,+c,,;;.;,.¯..;..; :007 91, 463ff 2~]1~ ]7¯

WBLL, J~[. D.,:Author of.the JGreon Dook ~ Iasarau~eeffeetad for the . . , Wa~rferd. .......... ’. 9 28 9"21 5 0:tl73fi112~$ete. " In the . .... ,’gRR 193: b OSlT4]II23$:

. " - : " -’ " -9-48 -9-~’ 81!=~+5,~ --o--q’

.___~eueo that tho awful uene,’s of self " Y .............. ~ ~-4~

10 47 10 0~ ~ 42{"modieiuest. and without (laugo oas surgical’ :. " . +.: oporattonsrb,,ngies, instruments, rings or nor Fir’~ and Lie-bin;rig’; " The lllalnmonton Cranberry ttlldl " :::::: il 14 10 l, ~ b~i. ’

.. dials ; p’b~tiag oath mode of core at once eer- . I 1 38 10-2’ fi 08i ’taln and dff0,:taal, by which tvery_~ff,,rer,,no and for o~e and three’year term when desired subscribers Improvement Association, Abseo°n ........ : .... 12 J5 10 4: e 21

fi 44 ." matter ’what his condltieti i,ay bu, may eur~ .+ The Premium N.t~ roqulrsd.oy this Comps- " . Atltntio arrive, .... [2 42 11 ~.. .+. " " ’hlmself cheaply, 7ri~’ately and rod/call.+/, ay, are bet ouo bait ks I rgo as other Mutual ’ constantly ’ t+p TaA~+tS :

- ¯ ~ This L~crwtr. will prove a bcou -to -~)~{ffl~n~:s ii~(hi-DE;f~’i~t~ While the 0ash-Ptiy;" + These lauds ure among the¯ ..¯ .. ~o.0 .~com.~+,~ ~____.~, P..

Sent undo seal. tn a~:va~dr,,ss, Jn ~tp:nio ¯ " : l Ir.M.,t.u. An. l~oorlP.~"" of-~oodsin their line,+

~,ins all’fatalities for : antra ................ i "]8 25 114 II. +’ 05sealed envelope/on the reeolpt ol.six..eents, or Fttrm Bnildi;;gs nnd-t~ontents ~0Ttment--d-~lh- nf~, J~ ’~;~ 2,:t~o pq~t stamps. ., ’will he insured ut the very lowest rates ..... ’--Flooding ~ Pomona ............ +....,." ~ 57 12 4 d3 40

OHAe. J. C. KLINE& CO.. All Losses ere promtU+v patti., ng Hsrbor.~ ...... : ..... ’17 l~. II 1[8"54"- - ~ tt-t~4--.... ~ ~o,ery..~o+,’Cor~; .~-*~.~m,,’. Sr.~+,o~, President. :usually called for m a . DaCoeta, ...........,.... ¯ .It ~ ~ ~Post O~ec Box. 45Sg. F.,. ~.~ L. 3,~tPonn. Secretary; ’ " --6001741 2 2 [[.l 21

]~utsels Rz~.vas, Tr6asure~._ Furnitur~ Store. .for coMPA.NY or I~I)IVIDUAL P’uI~*’,SJ~S

Vimeland Junettvo.....ll 39 6 08;7 47 2 3114 27¯N

’ Winslow .................;[t~ 0lO!~+~o


" J’.AlfredBodine, WilB~+m. tewn; C. E, P: Ma) "VV’e tiongivenhy " . . Waterl’ord...,.., ......... 1570221800 ~0~4.~9hew. May’s I,:mlin¢; A. Stephany, Egg Her Atoo ........................ [2 lb 632180932,l;ifiB,orCi,, ol,t. Da.io’Waltors^b--’oo+Tho’ ....... ropo e G. erlin .............. ....... 8,i1 ,E. Morris. Seiners’ Pont.; IIo~.D S black " ¯ BELLEVUE AVE., HAMMOI~TONsN.$ Whitnllurse....: ....... 12 45i~ 5818 28 41,man,PorE ltenublie: Allen T. Leeds. Toe;rer .... hereafter to . + " Aehhtnd ............. ;..15 bO 7 0418 al 4 2 15 17ton : D:¯ Lewis’ Reed." tli, ntie City; A.ltre,l W, " " , ~ Richardt’ ".l~ranber:y and its Cul,n ’ i’iaddonfleld ............. !3 00~7 1518 ~9 4 4 ’15 211element, fJad,tonfiold, II..M. Jewett. Winslow sell our goods at Sent free nreeeip+~ of Kaighn’t Biding......,¯ 7 32 5 I II

. " -- Cooper’~ Point .’....;..;13 80’7 4218 ~6 fi2i[547

. ,tlon.:Leavet Vine St.#sell this Favorits.Maeld.e in the counties of 2l~’l-v ’ : to do so, 9 00 a m, 2 dO, 8 40 and 11 15 pCamden. Burlington, Ocean,~ltlantic and Cap - "" " " U S E and Haddonfleld 8 0O and~ 11 00 ~t m, ~d 8~0 ’-

to fill rates: . ~ Tha~nkful. for p~t favors, ~B ~ T3- G- ~ ’ ~ ~o-~,. m;---++o~l-~+AClm~,. ,~5.0o, /:.:"-+: :~’~ ~’ : .... ~- "’ " ¯ .n,u, -_...,,~ I11.:’ -- ....I+o ~ .... .... - . : ss.oo. U~,RI( .....r?,es.n.e,,;...,e w ...... ,,a,e~o0,eZ+eS,

: ::.~~ : ance of the same " , +ia t~ market.. . --+ -: --0--- .-For-particulars s0nd-for circulars- ---- ’’~’~~~1 ’ + +’........ -~ -!+~’ ~ .... " .... : ....liberal+patron- " ....+ ’ + ..... : RAW ...... rr,: r,’s: r +m rs- .)sammonton, N. ~, Itivent0r & Manuf’r; ~~j age that¯ 20-if . ¯ ¯ - ~’:< .... :- .: . -- ¯ " ’ - .... - Ye&~etablg ~+~romatio

We ~have had in the p~t. -- "OE0. W, PRESSEY Watchmakers and Jowe’.ers . ~I, D-~&./...-W+DoBu~.- B i ~ "~-e ~:S-~,--"" IK’+~IIE’ "-~’--: ..... "+~i.~mrt~-~eeond-"Stree~---~ Jan. 3-, 1873. 51.tf QUality Isigllly ¯Improved

" " .... These Bitters must become the universal¯ ~ HENRY BOWER to Ever)" llll)’er.-’ rnmedy of the age. The’re is nothing like them-

-" --Fire Insurance Co. ~ -~= ........ " .... . ........2!-+:’ p~anE~’o ~ _~ 3 " ,~ ’g ~ 1M[an*al’tetueing" CIiemlstt. Rioh in Ammo,dg and S0!ublo Phosphori6 orequal "to them un ler the son. They restore

........... ~ Abld--espeeially adapted to Spring Crepe and the weak, invigorate the feeble, and give new. ~.3 ~ ¯ t~RAY’S FERRY ROAD, PIIILA., to Top Dre~ing Grass.

:.. ; Co~,e+’nof"

oLher .’ withAlum and lqaster-of-Parls. ;

I A YXN .& :COt,....... 7o- I-.Chestpu~ Sift Phila-.--


I - Great Rush for Hats-!MME Sg. ATTRAOTION,

Fall 8Ivies Now Ready.STIFF & SOFT FELT ~IATS,

CLOTII IIATS ^ND CAP~Atso, an assortment of

Neat Children’~l Goods.Various S tyl.vs,



di~c~R shnpm+ nads,

N0, 41 North 2d 6t., Pniiaump hia’


All klnde peslt;vsl.V, per.fecrl,¥ aad pstmaosNt-1,/ ,:,,red by ABS()RPT:ON, without pare,dut: eaustlss or instruments, by

WM; A .~MeOANDLISS, M. D.,J~. 2001Arch Street, Philadolph/a

/, . ,~ .f ~,f er~nl ~em to persooe cured, e

! ,,:4,r,, o,,,r II .. ,, ~ pi,,,,^6~MqliX. I

ia,dl~s , ,I - 11

has eoos’tantly on hand and for saleX~so, life and tone

PUILII~ GROUND ~N-E~, mlasma~tie and ma]ar-ioui distriots they uro :.

:~.~~ ~ Sulphate Amm0nia~hso, for Manure, PURE BONE~.~.]iEAL " Worth a ship.load’of, quiaine powdets.snd pills.

. . ~ SOLE pRop!~iETOR "& MA~.U~’ACI’R OF FERTII.lZlNG ~IiUPPLIIPJi. They are especially adapied to persons=suffer:-OWIER’S ¯ .

-: ~ +e,+o+-++,~. :~|t~|

" ]~kU(~’R ~z SONS, ingfrem ~ . ~ ..:.....

- ~’ ¯ imp(;rters:a+nd’Manufaeturer’s, " :DJ’spepsi:j, Li~/’e-i-Cotnpiaint.s~: :P rtiealar attontion Duid t6 M~sos,c M&u~s

~ No. 20 ~. D.lawaru Aveeuc, PhBa. Co$11veneJim9 l?eadaell¢.and emblems ,: I kin,I. . ~tADE’ FI¢OM STOUES: l+Nv. I03 South 8trot, Baltimore. ’........ "~ Nul’er’Photlphateof ¯ - " a.29 ’ Neuralgia, Rlieummli.~m. ~"

tL’l,iila, ~t~e~er and Piles........ : ............. A~I~ 7--::- -::: - :.7 < : "

¯ ’).’his Fhrtilizer is b%ing.prepa:’e4i,’h s I,~ ..... " "w"hsi,+l’r~fe,ono~,;o,h~.’,i.,~,o~..:.. :STANDABD " MANURESTO DELIGATE FEMALEs["uper-Phosp~te of I ’;me cont.i,~e,l-in is of v’ery FOK ALL CROPS. " .... .h]g~-~Vade=bavihg’~.eeo im-.rled by Ihe m..nu. " " -- ... Lndi,.s, old or young, will find+ tbese bilters e~,faeturerd,roct ,r,,m ~+’ug,an,I. where the averseReputation’ " E~tal>li~hed-. +.~ ¯ pet’iMh’, ~ lq ....adaPuq,eed tok "dim’t/SeStt : ’ peculiar. to theirerov of Wn0at is 50 I!u..hel. t. tire gcre. ~ . ~" " " ~ .... ,~ , L tsttu~e, ~ent ef Appo:-

¯ . DFPOT.ti:_ . " Send for Cireulnrr, aod see that our . tite, snd General DvhiliLv, nllyneldtoth,,mtgiu39 SOUTH : ++;iA’P’~+’R s:r.. P[IILADLPHIAs " n~m0 is o,t the Bags. eh..sm of these inoslimable Bitters.

.. ~....

- .L


Br~ach Ottic~.& Factory~O6 West Ntreet, New York.

Th0 Best Paint--in the WorldAny Shath from Pure Whit0’to Black

A cotnhination of the purest paint With IndiaRobbo", f.rmb~g asmo.*.h, gloss~, firm, duralflo,ela,tio und heautifol P,iot. unaffootod by change

tlo liyA. G, Cn"rk

KIRKBBIDE’S .......¯ ’ ]~’uropean



Cures ]Dyspepsia.of te:np0rature, is perfechy water-proof,~nda,lspt.d t,t all oh:sees , f w~rk, and is In avery ONCE Dq~l,I, AIg PElt neTTLE.way a bo’,te’r paint fbr either Inside or autsbtei).dn(iag Ihan nny other paiut ta the world. ~ L ~ !-~ ]~X~ ]~’~ s "Bein¢ from on,’-third to on../0urth cheeper awlI.~sllng at leas, three tilO~S Its long us the best ~oteAf/~/,tfiTr.L%,//ed ,S’t,,tes :5(?a+leu,l aod o!l p,dots. 410 Arch.Nl.. PIsllada.~ orae Sffag TI|dT OUR TRADE-MARK, (¢, rac-

e/MLLg el ~ W,,’I011 IH .IVt:S Anova) IS

"Rrepared ready for u.o and sold by the gallonon;y.

Thsr,s ha, nsv~r hu.n a P,:l,t efferetl the puh-Ihs that has ho,~.lae s,~ pOl,Ular (111 Iho sametime, an,[ given a~ portent -s,~tlst’act[oa as therabbor palut. 8.32

:]~t.ltlal)llt.lh~d In It’t, ll().

J, &~W- JONES,

18.tf Atl.nlh, Cily, Now Jersey

Fever. and Ague R0medy,P0aittvoty Burn and ~toliablo.

PII it;I,l ~i,50.Delivered free to any address ~m re.0e|pf

pries. ....t)sm vn,^,, will oonvilleo yon+ of lls w+rth,

"Tlil¢ I"ltlgN.’ IN TL3,|I~ OP NIXED."Addron~ all orders ,.

. ~, J. JOX,~,,’N.82 North Front Nireet, i’hii’a, ~",-?v y ,. ~1;~ ilroaa ,,roa~..,ew for..:

I)yo Silks, Woolen att.t lt,~,,ov (leo’Is of every _--.:’ ......... = .............. ,:deserlpth,n, ’L’h,,it’so?ortortty,,f dyeing l,a..../~ . . ’ . "~dies’ and tle,~tlsmen’s t;arments I, widely +~ "u~knuw.. (~Iapo .,|d Merino ~hawls dyed thou~oet htlllla::t., und. plain- oolor,. Crape+~ndMerl.u t+ltuw]s cleansed to Ioolt like I)OW. Aloe,(lent[olnOlltS n )partsl, 41r ciirlltilll cJbslJse~l orro,l,o,,. ..... ,o+., or,,,od tn,.ok :’ ".iikn .,ew, C.ll ond bmk at our work belnre

805 Aroh Street. ]Philadelphia,[Ml,ou.rnu, J~|&NurAcTUnl~n oF SaD t,~,ALan I!

F[~.F+ (iOhD AND SII,VEIt WA’J’IIlIES,BOLID UOLD CIIAINS, tJ,,t,n ~41’I,:(2TACI, F+I: ~’’"~’" " ~

AND EYI~ 121-1881~8. - .........................Al.. a i,,r~o ...,,,,,,,~nt of -- ~i


WIIOLDS,~,I+llAND ItETAII,.~. ~. ’~hn ab :%’¢ ctrt/¢l¢~ ura ,F~,¢t qF~+~,~rL

el," ;.~+ tt0Ltl2Ak aud]JlLLl’ Lt JtE~4ENT~ De.J.l’.Fln.ea.--Bsln~ew~n. mys Xlnt4m~tdettI~,Iverlilr ~+f "~’m’& |e ] ~+3~. I~.,’ I~(le t ,e~ ~r v~rl’ lll~Irlene4,

¯ t~14e.l V rf,¢t.d Dr. a,,lller4e Wage t Ible ltlteul~at i o


Residence eu Oentral Avenue, In thehouto former]7 ~ocupiod by Dr. I~owl~, . .


Super-PhosphatelofLi.m.-e and Am-.+- " moniated ~ertilizer, "...

(F.rm.’rly Manufaclutod t,y T. 11, Gray.)

FINR fIR011ffl~,’PltAIIt|E BONE.ltich, i~ Amino: i!~ t d l’~osl) ,ate~.


¯ ~o.~ P~RI1VIAN (I.IIA.N0,Received dhect fr.m tbo Gucernment.

$OSIAH $. ALLEN’S SONS,No. 4 N. Delttware Av., Phihl,.

The CheapestAN D

The Best !

¥i1+1t NATIONAl, I, II"F+ [NSUIt’ANCT+ COMI’ANY OF OIIICAtlO, I~vlles Ih. atto’,tlan.~those ean;omplatleg lop; r ag Inelr lives t,+ It,

Mutu~l or Reciprocal

PLAN, whl,,h .,,,,Me..,,~,, tA. !mo,’..t ,.-.provi;Io t’~r t. I’t~ueily lu ease of death, wllho,Idepriv !Ul,,’ teem ,,f the Imm.ltarie ef life, as domany v+ hi, on leav.r te poy !h. hl:h i)renlbln:tof ,,hi lit* 00111 lanbls, who ,’l.trgo for AlqSIIM.gl) J’a4T.I ,,gSMUS ~YIIICII ~nVel: O(!c(In 0 aos.then odd a h~ar¥ lo,tdls9 f.r ¢.r/l’(ll,n~¢lat t’/f,l,.a.e., Oo Ihl. pltl+n yoll ,,uly pay for Ihe ,’#.tl,/d.#.s +l¢l,la//q ¢.rpe+rl’eUerd, alnd O" 14,’y Ol’eMrtw/r5...,,,t/fl/.d +.+m/ur +.t:p+tnscs. _~a.[L ua ItJaat<eat l’.r oir,~uh~r fulh’ t, xl,hd.iug Ihis .yet*m,

T’te Vr~etleal I|esul/s 1Since II, orgl~nlsa’llol. ’.n ’ltT0, Ihe NAT,osAt,

has paid le ,I,,++11, h,,,,I, $57,7th*. ,,t.t ,,o,I In the,lu,~ea.,,d of $791,90 ’In pr,,nduo:,, t,hl Line(J,tll:llalll¢,S w.ohl h.vo pol,I t,r iI~ salnu pteinhllllS $21,221~ shewllll~ a gain hy tnsurl.g In

, ~1o NAVII:NAI+ OI’ over $.IS.I,O0.’L’h~. (+,,tl,lt,~l alld Ho,~trltles ,,f thl, C~.mpmly

Sll~4dllllt tn oolnl+ly with tile Jl:surlnsl:~+aws’+fany l~tatel. I,, lJ,11on,’l|MaJ, l~Jaaaltll, i’roq, :t.., ’rgan, See°y

I!. i~.. BOWi,EN,All.at/.r A,/,0t.t~++ (;,,u,,t.,t, ~¢., ,/+’r.~v.

%iT A k’[Fl~ i~~ 1% Wo .Ill giv¢.n,,rgotleIV ~kX.~l a JL~ILJ. menand women

IIil-lnettw lhat will I’uyfrom $4 to $1+ per day, eun be ~,urlaed Ill yellro.n neilhh,,rho-d, qlld le strl011y h.n,,rahle,l’attltalatt fray..r sal+llltell w~rth ,~v,r,~l doh_lura that will :,lt,biuwotg at cue,,t will ba tuuion Jceelpl el fifty ~enta,

AJutn31 J. LAlJt.tM ¯ 00.,


¯ . HEAR W[IAT IS SAID. /- Jib’Ale W]iAT I’~ SAID

"Wanderfol offsets have resuhed from yaurDr Perry’s /Ihters."

"31y t’|lil[~+ e.re gone. I can hurdily b’Plievo It.’*"¯ ’Seed.hie hoe cos. I%rry’d Ditturs ag~da...

Nothing }lke them here."" [ enelo.e alfidavlt of my oase. I’had tn d.’e’

’so Ioconvi:~o, yea bl the wonderlul eo,e."".~ntely Ih.y are the mot( dellghtlul wlu*

tunis in lhs ~orld.’°, "L)r, tYilsou saye that you/are a public bone,

’.taut or.""llnrrah! No more rheumatism."" No re.re headaches, thanks In y.u.We eauhl fill thi. paper twlee o~er with Juq

saoh genuine ’ealraets, but, rite ~.bove must eWe’-flee.’ Our Billertl ate pr©pnred u,dor llm’~uper-

vislon.nt Dr. D. I% Perry, Pdemt,er of Ihe RoyalC,,Ih,ge ,,f l’hy,lohms a:)d t’,orgeons~ l,,+ndo’n~

In.d, and of Iho Medlral Clhde uf OletAl|.orders ahouhl be addressed to Ihe

3Purry Are-mete B|tto~ Co,,m~-w, Yonx~ u. &

these IIIIIIPi~m .re sold ellher hFIhe botl,~ or ouNo at

l’.rlles In sendln/.l .lellers fi;s ailvlee al 1o.thetr dhuu,es, ~.lll t~onfer qullo a lavt.r I,y glv-[II K I~allle Of (~OOIIt’y as well I~1 TIIwII wherllthey reside, it wlll.eave us a w,+lderfa* a,w,ong.Of ’llllO alld I~llllo~a~tlO II ¯ thDI Wi.’l bo .h.ervt~.


INSURANOE 00MPANY,No. 781 Broad St,, \

.tTI I~ (},, Iwtny I,,.orea ogahlnt less er dam.age hy firs Ul,t+l, all d.m, rlpllolts ol I.l+qlfulJia1,1eperly--k~, h ,as. Inr.lhlre a;+,l nler,,llau-dlne--.at rele~ as l.w a. Vr,llqihlont will: safety.

OIPFICKItB :J ,L ]1 EN /II. I’,k T E IlIMO +¥.

i’ues~lenhJIULIUN I1. IIiIONgs


L, I.., PLATT,. Age,t fi, r /hsmm,,,,t,m ,,.d I’,’d, hy.

ProL-H. ft. Doucot, M. D.~re~ts I)LSI~AI4Kt+ OF ’L’IIII LU~ItlS,

all L~llltttN Ill AFFEt+’TIONfl.EhF+0TKIt;ITY solentlfi:,ully epidLqd,

0PFLLY~, lgO’~ (Jr.u 5i., l’Mla.



:..-.-..,.v :I


:,- ’,, " ": .L ,, + . ,- .,¯ . .- i+ . ..... .. " ....... -’. "-+3/7 .... --r .........-’:: .... -~ :" "---+:-- - ~: . - "" " " .... ;" .... "

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¯ .:: ."+:.:++++~- i~,nxi~ i:



O~1~. ¯ ¯

no .-Tues-his~eoofi.

) wh table_kind _whbh i~eo deeisDo thatdl anxiety is at ones allayed and no eoro-

~400,000.000 bill- bu our’s zequest is necessary../]r.. ~ ..

reserve ih%- t ho-D+-n~r~t~: I~ve ear-ie~ t hePreaideotiltl signature. ~t~tetic~¢t- knd a tnajority no joint-~al- ’ " ", -... lot in the wbieh secu’-es a ,41..

dolphin and=8o~them ::Mail, h--rep0rted;~ "~e f iui+d~,dm’ing e,. reoent.trip; ’th,

~tortes 0UL ;ho~m--th6’fa~test time ever made’by any+ the.Sohuylkill.as :would+ render tbe mR~r steamer bdt~’eeu tll~itWO points named+.~lofit,for.dtiuk]og’purposeB,’it.h~:gr°wu . ~ ,. WOgTtI C0SSmERiNO. ¯ ’"

by purchase and Menadon:, from a corn- In 1860 the a+~e. s+meot of real and per-:l~amtively ,malli!tr~t, :uetil -it: embra~-.s" e~a-a!-plbpa~ty i~::lhis =city amounted t.-thre.b~th~ii~/.’~!; au~.t+&kell:’thefirst- $155.597 669. The tax rate i~r-thoeit~-rank among the park~ ot the world. In wus $1.75; tor the 8rate25 eencs; makingaddi~i0a-to~whg~.~ature=haaldoee~or tbi? a total oi $2~.:Ih"1874’ t l~e’t0tal a~e~-

:the.~poople;’r’ ithe la/’ge Bums merits+ amouoted io$548.#AB,535, a.d

~ushieg epnnga~aed eparl I atmams;its fifty mileil:o! httdi~smeotl~, 0od und,latinl; roada ~or the !eartiat.,~ the: h0rae-mau:~’and ih=’ :l~lettiG’/h; it~ ha0deome

"the tax having

;u-:the nci~h~rboed 01~y tbomd up more

, +mount, und ye~ pop-ulati6nhun0t iU~as~d in a ratto with

~. ,,These ate sub.

Zoological Gatdeo;[with.i+,’gro~i.g eo!- +:.~t is +.;n,:oUi,0ed t ha~"+ the. dung-sh0t,hCt|0if0t’aniutal~ its liveried gusrdg, eta.t|oned at equi.qlistant point~ tot tho~ro~ With which Twhnhell killed his mother-,in.law, Mte,-Hiil, a, Tenth aecI.Pi~o sts.;vcntinn otdisort~ef¯ atid: dew d~iien. its iv 186s, ia,iill in possea+inn el D:. M+iuoomm,’.~di,g ewlfi+nme, ir,.m +bioh can ry, io wh+6m it Wlhs .g|vso by J, O’Byrne,be aecn Ihe merry boatin~eloba ttliding ~+q;, Twitehell’g lawyer, at ,he elo.o.olalong tire river, the erowds~of vi~ii0m.oi+ ihe’ttisl, b;0atl~e nt-Dr Maury’smaln’a p]ene+n’ altertio~m, see’d0g r6tirome~t ’.- o ....... ¯ "tats)lag sO firmly on the wetness stand thatfrom the dtlt an2 dust Of t~e~!ty, Ihe.~,!C"the m.~rder.oould uot have been oemmit-ntV~:ett~iU~t a~d balL;pl~y+io~+~P~,rtle~ rex. led wisP+ th0 poker. The fllit,gof a roporturiating in their aport~ a.d the,vireS areathis week~ by the ~uditor appointed byof bri0k a.d mort,,r beneath, ~r.th"ita the Ooutt’h,setde the estateof Mr,. Ilill,town’, end .tceples bathed in the tn+ellowsunlight--all these 0bJeet8 and’exoretn~+~ hM thrown nj~w i.lerest On this weeper,and ornaments’ ~mbit’t~’:t0 ’~ako ~sir. of dead,, and Inad~somedevelopments it,.oonnoe~ion wilh t~e erie| Whioli are any-~otmt Park a spot of which ewry Phila- thing else’lhan ereditqble tu he t,artiesdetphlen, every Penneyivlnian, every ooneern,,d.Amer,can~ indeed, ms uutly be proud.

IllSTORIOAiJ"+gI~00NITIOI¢; Dr. ’ William H’."Paneoast has beenThe 8tats l+lotlso’bulldlu’g and th,, oh+,oted l’r,)fesn+r of Anatomy intho Jef-

gtruclu~."otFIIIh~ end 8iltb aud 0henl- t0rson Mudio~l 0olleg~, in ,h, plaoa of hisrout mtro*ts have Jo.tir~lved ILl designee feel, or, Dr. Jo¢.’Pun0na~t’, reAanod.tlon=worthy ot-thei."-]iisIorieal-+omtneeli0n ...... Dr.=,|.sel~h "P. -Remi,gto,1 ha. -hoen

~eory and Pra0110c

-On tite~uilo+o1’8t,,i, r n’~thetriet~Ign anno


The tnnutl, re ’, American8tee~.hithe R~+0kht

).| )r.tlm e~nel the I.ur .teantem, the Pltn.’v.OJdo, Indlnna and Illinois, to-

P ~ith tbo nest M;titllng thole 6us~mlell Ot Ihelr o~nltruotlon,

.I |u :he eollrnot, hp~ exoeedcdthe aggrelle,o of the otphal ntook aud

d~d~t, .~Phll defloieoey.,tl, b+lhlma+ -+¯b~ a ’ Ioau Irom-thi--Peualyl~ni+

.~+mE!nl- .......................... ¯oo~olII~+~II ~iiii llll~lflL -

ol ’Phnrmeoy i..-Ihe-Phltadelphia Oollegeof,Pltarmaoy, to fill,’the vao,,,,op eau.odby ~ha degth ol Prot. Writ. t’r,elor, J,.+

M~dame Jsmla, 0t, Mnrlimer’s Varie-lit, n. at T.nth and 0,tllowhiq ~tresl, sunrained a’~erioue it,Jarv, by a ~:11, dorlng a.,!l~_p~le+__.pe!fgr_manco, on W~dae~daynight. ’ "

There ttan baen a dl oreaso in tho nnm-ber of .IWlioalionu fi,r fi0ell,e, for laverflt~,r

I’oIIiiUI’IIOIJ; &O,,’Oi 1205 thla Spring, asIglinMI Iho samo ~ason lasl yunr.

The re,,eipm ,oi we,or r.,its thu, fardurit,II the pre~,td "-tn6nth t’xhibiL an in.oreu.n ,)l+ov~r .$19,0~, aa eompartld withthe I~U0e peri,,d t,I the en,respondh, gtttunth ol laet yoar.

Atnoog Iho srliolek b "illR dis,o.od :,f atthe l~teler Fair, .ow l’f I,rogrcss al Mar.ket !1,11. ts’a pas.an. Ilnkdl It, Etropeon.one ,,r the Ao,erltmn 8.eam~+hip Uo.’eit~’llDera,

A ill+ at the:MemhaalaL ihtl.t,.Thursdgy t,l~ht, wh’,oh Orllllnlled frt.n Ihefluo.0rl~||ed quil," aft eli0hl+met:l, bul, hy the

’:-~A+boulflve kUCl’~J~of:.,ll~tltmlRU 0’ aid el -a "flra eafiUllUishur" ,he flame.th8 luttne Dep~’;~snt of-tk%- BI ,oe~lel were ~oeQ’e"bduod~Ah~lhoum’~m~l|a~oi:~l’wJthadelhlhtfu There’woteno notable changes in theConeeffonTue~lt$eveuinl, bythe Qutr- tunney market. The eupply el Ioauablotorte ~holr ot the IJhln~h o[ the Epiph. lund~ ~tioed |at in eae.~ of the do.

....2.. ,, ..... . - ~, . ..~-

Senefltwegetatio’~. ......... ¯ : : - ’ - ’ i~-ti~Oin:wliLel~-Trade generally hassheen more e0tiVe filmllies have be..n u~+ihg, it tot-the -last- ~ " latd .IS ¯+ . . eiPenm~t4atneP~,, Lena. +. D I~(~O.ql[~


¯ . . . : ¯ ..

Th~wa~ of the’poiitical ’peadutum -has-Connect;cur+ a Democratic I~mte

mgbam.~Republimtn~pe4tteg itself. - A Oonneoticatoleeti0, heed, ~ ’m n.the: roaJs and weather

New Havuo Democrats, this time theywore eplh; by t+ho Uumber.o[ Pr.hibition-istRepublioatis Who drink water and voteDdmooratio ~;egularly, as, ne Oldused to b? d, fined as~men

and voted thoDomy; somewhat and v0ry lXttl6

p!es in,olved iue.nte~t. -Yhus i~, 1867 tl/t+ Demoera Bhad 987 a.~d iu 1868 na,* IJ65 majority.

oarried +it

~a.e .acratched thlou~zh-b~ 100 t~he firstyell a-nd 28 .tnc seed,d;.. Last~ear it.wa~Democratic by 3 347nut ’ar lrom that figure thiswu may bo" able to show a

Of perhaps k thousand.m~ses lit tie moaoin~ if i

polities i.~ inde¢i,-ion .and a-well-meanit, g,conseim~ii0us non-~lrtizan vote, W,.i~.’. isulwuya manipa,aled in.’tho interests, oti,, rlgUt’~’i~O-~’,+ t,) d.thst itself. : "

Th+ immediat~ cmsoa ot th s Dedm-cratt,+ ~ut.~e+s 8cola io have been tfm newIll- given to the Pr,tt)ibitio.ist~ by the-n,,ti-liquor c, usado al~d Ihc eandidaoy of8~t,a~or Buckinahautf.rgo-eluo, i0n. ,Thin lbel,tlelt,gn :is n.,W 70 j’esrS of; age. andwoald bu nea/ly 80at the en,1 o[ anoiberterm. Ho wan aoeused. "molcovor. (if"Buderi~m," ’the 6pizoot ot New E g-la.d, ’,,td ~h6r~ wa~-a wrong in ovm-

ing Such a man as Gee Hawlo¥ in¯ ~ ¯ it ,rt, cuedll,g e]eotlen 11J F.rry, som6-ltawloy’s frl,.nds havn not

furgolten, though ho has not worken lorthe oandtdaey o,rxhiq-orea.ioa, Ae to thelores ot the "’rebuke admiuistered to theNati.tlal Kdmiaistra;t,n," it seems ’t.hava beon ttl)qlewUttt less thao that of y,,ar ago ’PI.OSO mast bays Mtarpoptionwho can trace -true b,,littcs in the resultnf n UOllrlvo, iotlt cluotio.. [P’IlalIO ’+, nortariff, ,mr che~p tr,u,sl)ortatioa had anyvotes in the o,,,nl)aigo. [t wus fbught,,at on: gr,lu ds Whl’Mt in unether 8,neew,,,nu he and has


bc dou -n th:, ltetlu-t~hoan side’, :ands a.dWen7 her purtlll! tl,,~.

T",e Smlal. Culre,tcy L, tll was passedby th~ il,,~-~ oa Tuesday. hya vote o|1,10.y~u.~ tn i02.nays. Thia flg"s IIiol,tax.111alt, a O’+lllt:ll U. 8, noles at $400,000 UOU. [, WS,lt h.,nemhatoly to the l)rueido,,t air bl~ sicn,sture. [t has been li~-covert, d in %Va.hinwtt+. tl,~t thi~ bill, solar a. il, illllllellinle t, ff¢0t on the niroula./ ,I1,,I, td IhC tlal i)l+al bs ks II nbooer,wdtIP+ nnt tb. iiiitll.nre i,| Ii,fiittitlll ;.t WaS enl)-II..~ed t,, in,. C,int rl,.l+l’ l{[nox buiog askedfor itl~ .pinhm as+ !0. tho eff!!ot.of+!!toso,Ir:lVIMh)n~ IIII the eXiSlill+ll YulUIU? ol cot-

roney, r lille ,~ IIl~:t ~ith tho ~o~lttlllllVlld-nlcn,, iTqnir~llg Ihrev-qtltll’lerl~ol Ihe bal~kr,~erve~ i,, b. k,’pt a h.mth tim bill willreally oao~e el, iuiiilt,dlale ellhlraell(in

i111:111 i[. piloaaRII Itl, llll InlOnlll i,early,.qttal ’,st, h,I I.ernu.O el hellk otlrrency att-Ih,,r,l-d by il -h+alm, Sl,I-.urll Ihlt whlloCoIItlaUli:’ll nl II1~" Iske plM0~ Mt tlnOl%

lhtou~h Ih¢ I,,cki,l~ mr, tll all addit.,,,alalll ,n,II I,[ I I)n rent, rye., tllu is~+ue uf lie+eurr,, c]/ wil bo v*.ry ~rs,lua,. Tile.t,cnleul,i.t,tt~ havd"~uri,rim, d bolb I1,eIri: .d~ a,,. opmm~q,I, el i~ti,,~ The:eap,.e-l,,ni+tu wet0 totutly wtil|~d, a~ toIbo :,fin t o| Ih~J ~OOlt aultlll~mellt, nndh~ Iris.de aro almuat cqoally .urp-iund,u. i,ioy ,.eem n()t to havu aimed al uro-duointl any auohooatractlun.


,~NDED BJL._~_lbI+ ’£11t; Na<’ANIES,-: Pat.n b,~rre+mor p}

¥ dealers.

....... .~ ....... . ..... -

_:. ..... ¯ - - _ . "

I ~ (D

Irn .... _


m’ ¯

..........’ ,sts . ---I0~~


.. ; .>

" ’~ ~’ .’V t

, ..f~E . .- ’


. ’7


.... . .... 2___

: ,., _ ¯ +.¯ ,:. . + ¯. ",..

WE EVER. HAD~For Cash paid, IN HANDwe will eeli below.

the Market rato, and Guarantee~overyarticle or retern money.

:II I’W~NI~MA~ ] ~ I J ~ ~ W N ;~


0f 6th & +,

to the Fsrrioe and Iho Prln- "cipal Hotels and R. R, Dep0te.


+Nm BEU BmG ........Th0 Georgi pianb:l%;rtdWli,~ve-tllk~’il-tim first-~remium over all..

comwtit~)l.S at the Stttte Fair of W..st Virginm. i, Ken- ~k

tucKy, an~.l ,st al’, t,ther I,tii+s and expositi."ns.where they h~e been/+xhibited. ::.+.

¯ Their d:trahh, Iml~ a,,,I r,,lt i,,,i ,,xl:re-si,m .....,,.i,,.,¯, t,~;’,11 to bn eke favoIJ|e

tinstrume.t i..ion,lllllrD’ +,f’ .,,o, II 2 ,, ,

~P,~ ltev I, VAN B()KKI~I,EN, lt,,t.tor,ltJ !] ,,v S,:,[!,,,t,y, .......;._

~..vm ’ ’ , . ’ ,~|T. M,,l:lllS. N ] I UgUSl 141. t lUt~*4, T have I,lan.s ’ff ,,thor ,elo ,rated makerll le I ,,’ SeniP~,,ry, hutghe :tenrgl Wtil IoilOt41~

al~d riled at tb,, t,o,,eor, us t o lie,t, It I~ s re’erred by u,,+t, ha~e nmt ,mplls.From R,’,’. Wq I,’ tlt)LIttlq)N, R,,,.,,r ,~t 8, I., k,"~, I++lt rt, h.,Bliff h), :~Y.’

~* Oo Ioavi ,g [,~w ~, [ ’~ u+ r ,hi,It t,~ll~’ ahll<ed to ,, ~rr ~|tq my fleorgl Pla-O ~¢,J~rle. waau.! W*t|l oe1141ttllld in lhlff+d, n,., ,,t" my Ilrll earell W+III to provhi,, mr t, m "y of thM ealaa,~-

laotull, ¯ lt-,atly, ms.,+llla th,, hhlh r+l+a’l.~llon lue tte,d’gl ,ultrumn t:s havo In &It par~ll of th’-

OOUntt~.t+bli~ JOltN Z[JNI)~]h, ’)~¢1 ,,-,r ,,r [lallr¢ Wa,,l ’l ,,.,’,S¢’~ I]IHI’CI~.’ Br,,nklyn, mye:

’* The (i ,,r41 ¯ *. m l exqul.lr,, aellon, aud eter.ll ,l:mg ahnult It ihuwl thqr~ugh worklllloship snd l~d.~.,t., +.,’ ,dll,y."Kov. 8. I1. M,I ’O ,hl~rl°~R Pr,,.ido,. nl ibm1, .,, (J,dl+.+,, ..,r,l§,.~ " ,,’. It tv,, , , ,+lti tw o ,: tour i,lauo, the pe.t year I,I cur o,,lllle, They have IIV~a "

great Iltlfa,’:,~,a, W, , t tr,l IIb,m .al),tr|or im, strumeute.’’

IPtom t~e N ,v Y ,c~ 1,,depe,,I, ar:.4 Ae t,,"V ++ere hlghly ioo,,mtae,lded to us. we haulihl a-ne-fdr oat ewu alll~ and we Sadkthat the7 are *.rta~ -I all ,tla pr.ls,’ they have r~eelved,"

The almfe tr,, ,,, y ,: l,,++ .ul,,n.l,,lla Irom letters e, lltti,’~tllY~ttrlv-}i,<+"+-1~lolf’il"t6w+

The Ooorg[. t0._be._~h_e..Loadlng¯ Piano of the ,day,]~llUlme~t~e,,~,’ ~,ti.1.,mi0,, and ,m+,,rfailt,,d~voih ...... ¯ . ; ......


Mllllll~llrt-r o Pl,[email protected]~, --Ju+mo~own. N. 3~-~

~c n Wednesday evening haa at la’si-a~t’ r . . .’ . : - :.-- .... ’ .... ..2_. --: ...... .

,,.¯+:lff.0f~llfai~/~ "+~"+:lt h+i~ +¢~.f+m+tl .l’h"~0neP2.J :-~Ii+|;-L--::--:--+- .... :-~. ........:~1~:]i~+ :+-"~I~ ~ : ~---- .... :-~ "

" ’~"++"?:::/:+;!":"? ?+++ i-;-,,,+notalt+tle,+ut .0+names0 from the’ ....;’1::3" " l:~+ :.X~’ ..J:t, _t.. ,.--~ T:T :; -:L .+J :/L : .L’~I:- ,:: I +’’.,.. , -:~

1:8~ :i18 +:, ::-. ’~./,~-.-:,.+-,.-~.~-,.+.$2~00’Pi gR.’.¥,EAR ...~.~,, ~ .S ,- ’:

+ ++~.+,+Oo¯ ~,,~,-.,-_-.-.., .....^ ........+ .....=:--’-~’++’+--’++-+ithe : .... : - :¯ +~o:A+,-o+;..~i+ht ofan.vut].l~-xnemur_".u+/:~+P¯~:’ "" ., .

’B~s~ °’u’°+" irousing common l~orosone:+:, ~~: -: