Mz Condensed Overview Aw Team

apps & process



Transcript of Mz Condensed Overview Aw Team

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apps & process

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Our mobile rock star team

We’ve successfully landed some of the brightest minds in the mobile computing industry to work on the Mobilezapp team. Our development team primarily hails from North America - as you would expect. After all, the iPhone was created by Apple developers based in Cupertino, California. The BlackBerry was invented by the Research in Motion team from Toronto, Canada. Windows Mobile is a result of the efforts of the Microsoft team from Washington state.

The great majority of our developers are based in the United States; however, we do leverage global talent. Tobias Hartmann leads an excellent team of developers in Europe through his Nuremberg, Germany office. Dave Micalizzi leads our large Boston based team.

We believe the best way to achieve success for our customers is to leverage the brightest minds in the world through a collaborative global effort.


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Award winning mobile app graphic design

Mobilezapp will deliver a mobile application that is not only functional, but looks great too. We believe our creative team is a secret weapon in our arsenal. We give extensive attention to the needs, wants and limitations of the mobile user at each stage of the design process.

We design the user interface such that the visual precedence relates clearly to the task importance. When user directly manipulate onscreen objects instead of using separate controls to manipulate them, they are more engaged with the task and the app and readily understand the result of their actions.

We understand that the look and feel of the graphics should be an extension of your existing brand. We work with your marketing department to ensure that the mobile app visually integrates harmoniously within your brand.


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InHouse - vs. OffShore

We’ve successfully assembled one of the most creative teams of graphic designers with specific focus on the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad and Windows Mobile devices. The same is true for our team responsible for writing the code.

While we prefer to do all of the work in-house, in some cases, it is best to rely upon the development talent outside of the Mobilezapp walls. For example, some of the software code needed for secure mobile banking transactions is quite specialized, thus we leveraged the expertise of a team of five working on Wall Street, New York City. When developing a hospital app for the iPad, iPhone and Android we very strictly follow HIPPA requirements - thus found three developers from Cleveland who work for one of the largest hospitals - the Cleveland Clinic - to assist. When working with a global pharmaceutical firm we needed to ensure we would strictly following Safe Balance regulations for the internet - and recruited the talent of a pharma attorney out of New Jersey and so on.

Mobilezapp guarantees we will build a mobile app for your organization that meets your needs. We are experts at identifying all of the necessary elements and combining our own internal resources with specialists needed throughout the world. We never “offshore” to save money. We will work with London, Paris, Athens, Nuremberg and Malta for knowledge and expertise regarding specific complicated functions.


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Your mobile app value proposition

We understand you are investing in mobile applications to empower your customers, vendors, or employees with additional ways to benefit from your goods, products, services and solutions. No doubt, we are committed to ensuring the apps we build for you are drop-dead gorgeous and highly functional. We believe our most important task is to ensure your mobile apps deliver a strong return-on-investment (ROI). We analyze your value proposition and look at different ways to monetize your mobile applications.

Should you charge for your app? If so, should you charge a one-time fee or a monthly or annual subscription? Do your competitors have a mobile app? If so, are they receiving monies and if yes - what are they charging? How are you going to promote your mobile app? What investment in marketing and promotional dollars are required to make your mobile app profitable? While it is “cool” these days to have a mobile app - our definition of cool is bottom line profitability.

We work with your team to ensure the mobile app we build provides a strong ROI.


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Faster, cheaper and better

Our approach toward building an app for your organization is quite unique. It allows us the ability to build a cross-platform app faster, cheaper and better. Most mobile app developers will ask for a technical specification document at the beginning of the process. We will work with you to understand your goals and objectives within the tech spec document. In fact, we will provide a tech spec document to you based upon numerous stakeholder interviews.

Prior to writing the first line of code, we will provide you with a wireframe of the functionality. Once we’ve created a wireframe, we will skin it to provide you with storyboards that are easy to understand by anyone. We provide you with a mock-up prototype of your mobile app and work with your team to make changes. This process saves significant time during the coding process, as well as monies.

Because we have developed hundreds of apps, we’ve amassed a large library of code that can be used toward your mobile apps. This approach is quite unique, for most developers wish to reinvent the wheel, and charge throughout the entire process. Our goal is to provide you with a highly functional app - in half the time and at a fraction of the cost of traditional mobile app developers.


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iPhone apps - Just name it

If you are thinking about a team to develop an iPhone app - look no further - just name it and Mobilezapp will deliver it. We’ve developed hundreds of apps for the iPhone.

Unique to Mobilezapp is our B2B and B2E focus. Our apps are not the kind to be featured in People Magazine, yet many of the largest hospitals, insurance companies, government agencies and Fortune 1000 use them every day. Many of our developers are ex-Apple staff members who helped design many of the features of the device. We have relationships with individuals in the Apple store who can assist in getting your app approved faster.

To say we are experts is an understatement. The same is true about experience. Because we have created such a large number of apps, we have a large library of code we can use to assist the development of your app. This saves time and money. Unique to Mobilezapp is our approach to the development process. Prior to writing the first line of code, we create a wireframe mockup and a working prototype you can see online.

mobile platforms

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iPad apps - Just name it

If you are thinking about a team to develop an iPad app - look no further - just name it and Mobilezapp will deliver it.

The iPad is an incredible platform for a wide variety of applications. The large screen of the iPad is also an excellent tool for anyone who needs the portability of a mobile device and capabilities provided by a larger screen. We have the experience and expertise to deliver a drop-dead gorgeous iPad app that is as beautiful as it is functional.

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BlackBerry apps - Just name it

If you are thinking about developing a BlackBerry app - look no further - just name it - and Mobilezapp will deliver it.

BlackBerry applications get a large and growing market of both business and personal users. The BlackBerry smartphone has a 55% market share in North America and millions of customers all over the world.

With the introduction of the BlackBerry App World™ storefront, BlackBerry smartphone users can now easily search for and download apps that let them do even more with their smartphones.

The addictiveness of BlackBerry smartphone applications comes from their ability to provide instant information to users and integrate with core BlackBerry applications like email and the address book. Create compelling applications that push data to users such as the latest sports scores, weather updates, price changes for sales people and much more.

Just name your need and Mobilezapp will strive to deliver outstanding quality of your new BlackBerry app.

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Android apps - Just name it

If you are thinking about developing an Android app - look no further - just name it - and Mobilezapp will deliver it.

Within the first week of Google announcing its plan to introduce a smartphone, Mobilezapp developers were signing non-disclosure agreements to gain access to the feature set and specifications of the new technology. When the Android was first introduced, our team was poised to release the first of many Android apps. We understand the technology, we know the graphical user interface and how to build an Android app faster and cheaper than anyone else.

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Windows Mobile apps - Just name it

If you are thinking about developing a Windows Mobile app look further - just name it - and Mobilezapp will deliver it.

Mobilezapp has great experience working with the Microsoft Windows Mobile devices. We’ve successfully developed a number of mobile apps on the Microsoft platform. Our team has long-standing relationships with the Microsoft teams and works with them to ensure the apps we develop are taking advantage of all of the features of their technology.

mobile platforms

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proof-of-conceptthe blueprint of your app

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Proof-of-Concept definition

The Mobilezapp Proof-of-Concept program was created to provide organizations with the ability to “test the waters” prior to rolling out a full-fledged mobile application program. Over the past five years the Mobilezapp team has determined a PoC program is the most efficient and cost-effective way to create and launch a mobile application. Without creating a Proof-of-Concept app your organization runs the risks of creating a mobile app that is lacking in features or functionality to be competitive, beginning down the mobile app “road” without a clear understanding of the investment requirement and developing an app that doesn’t meet the needs of the users.

Our program is an organized and efficient way for you to meet all of your requirements as well as develop the mobile app within the budget you have allocated. Our Proof-of-Concept program can turn your mobile application dream into a reality - one step at a time.

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Utility-style apps

Utility-style apps enable users to quickly access a specific type of information or perform a narrowly defined task. Such apps are characterized by minimal setup, simple flow and layout and standard user interface. This app style is predominantly used for “bite-sized” pieces of information. Some examples for utility apps are weather updates, stock and market updates, traffic updates, sports score updates. Typically, a user interacts with utility-style app for a short amount of time. And the time required to develop a utility-style app is much less than for other style apps.

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Productivity-style apps

Productivity-style apps are more full featured when compared with Utility apps and lets a user conduct variety of tasks and operations - everything from social networking to mobile banking. Such apps are highly diverse but can mostly be identified by few common characteristics - hierarchical structure and accelerators and shortcuts.

Most all productivity apps have a structure composed of lists and detail views with defined navigation styles. Productivity apps require some sort of text entry by a user - search, forms or composing messages etc. On a mobile device, these tasks are challenging due to smaller form factor, small keyboard - so the productivity app designs often include shortcuts and accelerators.

Some examples of productivity apps are Social media apps like Skype, Facebook, GPS, mapping, tracking apps, content and search apps, transaction apps like FedEx, Quicken. The time a user spends interacting with productivity apps is variable and is based on the task and context.

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Immersive-style apps

Immersive-style apps are for specialized tasks like mobile gaming, viewing media and are mostly characterized by customized user experience and it’s focus on content. For example, a video player app or a gaming app can take over the entire screen of the device, including the top mobile information indicator bar. This is done to maximize the viewing area for the user, so user can solely focus on the content. Some other examples of immersive style apps include sound capture and creation, image creation. Users typically interact with immersive apps like gaming, when they have some downtime and their interaction with the app could last from few minutes to several hours.

We have the ability to develop an immersive-style application to fully satisfy your internal stakeholders. We welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the unique needs of your organization and customize the Proof-of-Concept package cost for the immersive-style app design.

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Getting started questionnaire

The first step toward empowering Mobilezapp with the ability to deliver your organization a world-class mobile application is our “Getting Started Questionnaire”. It takes less than thirty minutes to complete and arms our team with critical information we need to get started.

The “Getting Started Questionnaire” provides us with the overall idea of your app as well as the primary and secondary goals. It gives your team a vehicle to describe in details the features, advantages and benefits you wish to include in your mobile application. This document arms Mobilezapp with a plethora of information needed to create a dazzling and highly functional mobile app.

Additionally, our brief questionnaire tells us about your target market and strategy toward the release and support of your upcoming technology. It informs us regarding the specific vertical markets you wish to target and the industries that can best benefit from the release of your app.

Competitive UX analysis help assess where the competition has succeeded in this regard and where they fall short.

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Technical questionnaire

Once you have completed Mobilezapp “Getting Started Questionnaire”, we will need someone within your organization to provide us with a completed Mobilezapp “Technical Questionnaire”. It is important we have a solid understanding regarding the internal and external technical resources you have at your disposal. Additionally, we need to understand the technical knowledge of your team.

Do you have mobile application developers on your team who can work hand-in-hand with our team, or do you wish for Mobilezapp to tackle the tasks solo? Do you have an existing backend database or server which will be part of the overall mobile app/system flow and architecture? If so, what format is your database stored in? Do you need for a web service to be created, or do you already have one in place. Are there any API’s we can leverage for your success? What are your security requirements? Do you need to have your data encrypted - if so - would you prefer we use an SHA-1, Blowfish, MD5 or CRC32 algorithm? Should we be working with any third-party vendors? If so - what are their names and contacts?

A completed Mobilezapp “Technical Questionnaire” puts our team on track to be able to successfully deliver a breath taking mobile app for your organization.

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Stakeholder interviews & meetings

Once we have received both questionnaires, we are ready to speak with your stakeholders. It is important we have the opportunity to speak with the various leads of your business units who will benefit from the release of your mobile application.

We generally speak with members of the executive management team, sales personnel, marketing contacts, customer service leads and senior level members within your IT/IS department. Our in-depth interviews and meetings provide the Mobilezapp team with a solid understanding of each of the various goals within each respective department within your organization.

Our stakeholder interviews generally take roughly a week to complete. Our team is willing to conduct interviews after working hours and on weekends to ensure we can rapidly execute your team’s mobile strategy.

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Research and competitive analysis

Based on the collected information, we identify the core use cases, functions and primary scenarios for your app. We carefully analyze how a mobile user will perceive, learn and use the app.

Understanding user needs are critical, but it is equally important to understand how the users’ needs are currently being met in the marketplace. An in-depth competitive user experience (UX) analysis provides holistic view of the competitive landscape, which we refer to throughout the app design process. There are multiple benefits of conducting competitive UX analysis.

For example, it provides us a view on best practices - aspects of design that work well - can encompass almost any aspect of user experience, including flows, screen layout, controls, terminology. Understanding what the competitors are doing wrong also leads to insights about what we should avoid while designing your app. Although best practices for flows and user interface elements are important, but it is equally important to understand if the overall app meet the user needs. Competitive UX analysis help us assess where the competition has succeeded in this regard and where they fall short.

While doing UX competitive analysis, besides focusing on the strengths and weaknesses in usability terms - Mobilezapp team also focus on the intangible and subtle qualities that makes an app more distinctive and attractive - qualities that inspire and get users excited about the app.

As part of our Proof-of-Concept program we do a cursory competitive analysis. It is important we have at least a basic understanding of the other apps that are on the market and might compete with your app. We leverage collected information in designing beautiful yet highly functional app for you.

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App concept and architecture development

After being armed with research findings - user needs, scenarios, competitive analysis; we start with the process of application concept and architecture development. Starting with the hand drawn sketches for the app concept, we explore and capture all ideas. The early sketches give an opportunity to think through some of the design choices before they are implemented. Even during the early concept development, we give careful consideration to all senses that are at the designer’s disposal - sight, sound, touch. All mobile devices today let users interact fully through sight, sound and touch.

We employ various methods during early app concept development - concept diagrams, concept posters, concept screens and storyboards. Many apps are part of a larger system that provides similar content or part of the content or services through the web or desktop. When designing an app for one of these services, we carefully consider the entire system and the relationships between its various components.

The early sketches give an opportunity to think through some of the design choices before they are implemented.

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Concept diagrams provide a holistic view of such systems and can include connections between the components, paths users will take between components, the flow of the application etc. We use concept screen sketches in early phase to explore alternative directions without getting into design details. For example, concept screens helps in illustrating one aspect of the user experience, while explaining the other elements in written annotations or verbally. We also use concept screens to explore alternative interaction models for a particular concept.

When appropriate we use storyboards - series of illustrations or images displayed in sequence. The main goal for the design is to be very “user-centric” and we storyboards where each illustration in the sequence represents an action the user must take to reach the scenario goal. Storyboards are also particularly effective in uncovering potential user experience issues.

As we walk through the sequence, we test out the app concept as a user will experience it and this helps in streamlining the entire user experience. As far as possible, we design the app flows in such way that the user is kept within the context of the app and try to limit the possibility of user leaving the app which requires additional time and effort for user to reorient themselves.

The app flowchart and sketches serve as the blueprint for developing the app prototype.

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App concept prototype

We develop working prototypes for the app concept to solve design problems, evaluate designs and communicate design ideas. This up-front prototyping also expedites the development process, saving valuable time and money. It is far cheaper to fix the problem while in prototyping stage then it is to fix the bug after the code is written.

We develop interactive prototypes to evaluate design ideas - concepts, flows and interactions and to fine tune any user interaction and flow issues. We also use these prototypes to communicate app concepts with our customers and other stakeholders.

We also use these prototypes to conduct extensive usability testing. Running such usability tests prior to coding the app can save valuable time and money. We employ Rapid Iterative Testing and Evaluation method - or RITE method for all in-house testing. We observe multiple users one by one as they use the app prototype and complete the tasks and scenarios. As a problem is discovered we make changes, fixes and verify the effectiveness of these changes immediately. We go through this iteration of test and fixing multiple times using the prototypes to ensure that the app concept is robust with no user interaction and flow issues.

We develop interactive prototypes to evaluate design ideas - concepts, flows and interactions and to fine tune any user interaction and flow issues.

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UI &visual design

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User interface and visual design

Mobilezapp develop the app user interface in such a way it adheres with the platform human interface guidelines. We understand that a great user interface follows human interface design principles that are based on the way people - users - think and work. A beautiful, intuitive, compelling user interface enhances an application’s functionality and inspires a positive emotional attachment in users. We use best practices when designing the app UI - be welcoming, know thy user, let the content shine, make selections fast and error-free, provide appropriate feedback and minimize the pain.

We pay great attention and spend good amount of time on the application visual design. Visual design is an integral part of the overall app user experience. As users browse the app store and consider what to purchase, the app’s visual design will factor into their decision. The users naturally gravitate towards better looking screenshots. Once users download the app, the visual design benefits move beyond the first impression.

Effective visual design - coupled with strong user interface design - improves the app’s ease of use. Visual design can add delight to the user experience. Certain visual design elements may not be required for the app to work, but their absence would make certain apps much less desirable.

We strive to make your app stand out among the others.

Once users download the app, the visual design benefits move beyond the first impression.

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No need to reinvent the wheel

Building a mobile app is much like building a custom home. There is no limit to the amount of money you can spend on either. There are hundreds of different primary options and tens of thousands of secondary. We focus on determining the core elements you need with your mobile app, the secondary features you wish, and then work toward building your “multi-million dollar” home at a fraction of the cost you would normally spend.

Building a mobile app is also similar to building an automobile from scratch. While some developers will tout their expertise in building an internal combustion engine - we will find one that is already built. The same holds true for a transmission - it would cost a fortune to build one from scratch and very little to purchase one that is already built.

We’ve already built hundreds of mobile apps thus have a large library of code. Much of this can be used for your app. We focus on delivering a superb mobile app at far less cost than you could receive from others because of our primary belief that it is not necessary to “reinvent the wheel.”


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Our library of code

Mobilezapp can leverage our existing code libraries to built an app much faster and cheaper.

Below is a listing of our code library:

For elements of code we will have to write from scratch, we have two options. If you would allow Mobilezapp to add your custom written code to our library for reuse, the cost is roughly half the investment required should the code only be used for your project. You can provide us with an exemption list of competitors, to ensure anything we provide for you would not wind up in the wrong hands.

21 CFR Part 113rd Party API IntegrationAudio MessagingAugmented RealityBrand BuilderCalculator/Cost EstimatorCoupon DeliveryCRM ConnectivityCustomizerFacebook/TwitterForm BuilderFour SquareGPS CapabilitiesHIPAA ComplianceLinkedInList Builder

Location Based ServicesLoyalty ProgramsMapsMusic LibraryMySpace IntegrationOnline ReservationsPCI CompliancePhoto GalleryQR Code/Bar CodeRadioRatingsRegistrationSurveys/PollsText MessagingTicket PurchasingWeb Browser


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Industry experience and expertise

The Mobilezapp team has tremendous experience and expertise in a wide variety of industries. We’ve developed mobile apps for hundreds of different organizations ranging from Airlines to Zoos. With each of our development efforts we have learned a great deal about each respective industry, rules and regulations, proprietary their revenue models, their customers and channel partners.

With each of our development efforts we have learned a great deal about the industry segments, their revenue models, their customer profiles and the concerns they have around security of proprietary and personal information.

Our industry experience includes:

Agriculture & MiningBusiness ServicesComputers & ElectronicsConsumer ServicesEducationEnergy & UtilitiesFinancial ServicesGovernmentHealthcare, Pharmaceuticals and BiotechManufacturingMedia & EntertainmentReal Estate & ConstructionRetailSoftware & InternetTelecommunicationsTransportation & StorageTravel, Recreation and LeisureWholesale & Distribution


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Pay your GEICO auto insurance bill and access your current insurance ID cards from your phone. Accident Helper lets you take advantage of our Accident Helper which helps put you in contact with emergency services, gives you a place to organize photos and much more. Roadside Service – Locator features allow you to find nearby tow services and gas stations...anywhere, anytime. Use your phone’s GPS or enter a location manually, it’s up to you!

Taxi/Rental Car – need a taxi to get home from the repair shop or maybe even after a night of fun? Want to rent a car? Our locator will help find what you need in moments.

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State Farm

The Pocket Agent™ is an extension of the exceptional customer service offered in State Farm Agents offices, and shows State Farm is committed to being there for our customers in more ways than ever before. Hitting the store with four key features, this app will help customers recover from the unexpected even more quickly. With the Pocket Agent™, customers with an auto policy registered on can:

•Begin the claims submission process.•Locate Select Service repair facilities.•Contact their State Farm agent

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The Lufthansa Launcher makes planning your trip even more convenient. As a registered Lufthansa customer you need only save your access data once onto your iPhone or IPod touch and you can call up Lufthansa’s mobile services with just one click. You will go straight to your summary and can easily check in for forthcoming flights whilst on the move. Book great value flights on your mobile device without first having to complete the login data. Direct access to your Miles & More account summary whenever and wherever you want. With the Launcher you also have access to other Lufthansa mobile services.

Mobilezapp has libraries that can connect to back-end reservation systems. We are experts at designing a graphical user interface that is sleek, elegant and highly functional. Our code can be interchanged from an aircraft, to a concert hall or restaurant - the concept is basically the same. Our technology allows users to pay for tickets on airplanes, Broadway shows, concert performances or restaurants.

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Mercedes Benz

The Mercedes Benz iPhone app allows drivers to customize their in-vehicle experiences to fit their daily needs. It begins with an introduction of a whole new generation of innovative and personalized services that fit into a drivers mobile lifestyle, keeping them connected to people, places and services that are important to them and offering them enhanced safety, security and navigation options. The flexibility of the architecture allows Mercedes Benz to continually add new features and innovations to keep Mercedes Benz on the forefront of the in-vehicle services.

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Kitchen and bath channel

Building or remodeling your kitchen or bath is a complex endeavor, something many of us are not prepared to do without a professional at the helm. This free app connects homeowners with all types of professionals associated with your new kitchen or bathroom. With a database of over 15,000 designers, builders, remodelers, woodworkers, retailers and more coupled with a variety of searching options, you can find the right professional for your project and in many cases view examples of their work.

Features Include:


Search By:


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Finding the right person for the job can be a job itself. Especially when you’re on the go. With Superpages Mobile, you can find local businesses quickly. Search by keywords or popular categories such as “automotive” and “repair.” Choose a business backed by the award-winning SuperGuarantee and you’ll get the job done right, or we’ll make it right.

Add a review and photo. Let others know what you thought by creating a business review on the spot. Simply rate your experience “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.”

Get directions. Never get lost again. With Superpages Mobile, you can get step-by-step, interactive driving directions with an option to add multiple stops along the way.

Find movie and theater listings. Superpages Mobile makes it easy to find your favorite movies playing at a theater near you. Browse films by name for show times, reviews and trailers.

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Talent search on iPad

Task: Develop application that allows users to search and track talents using their mobile phones. Since there is a lot of content in the application we made it really easy for user to add talents, songs and videos to favorites and get back to them whenever he/she wishes. High performance audio and video streaming lets you find and follow talented artists. Audio and video streaming allows checking out and uploading new songs and movies from user’s device as well as uploading user’s own music and videos for audition. To make our search work in a smooth and easy manner, accessing a huge amount of data, we built a program using a robust designed algorithm that includes features like:

•Entire application search•Audio streaming •Video streaming•Audio and video audition•Favorites•E-mail notifications

We built an app that is very easy to use, works fast with millions of records and users.

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Car and Driver magazine

Car and Driver Mobile for Android is updated daily with new content and photos, and includes many features from the regular site and some exclusive content. Car and Driver Mobile for Android is your instant connection to daily car news, photo galleries, reviews, and the rest of your favorite features. It features top stories, search, auto shows, and buying guide.

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Entrepreneur magazine

Entrepeneur Magazine is one of the top magazines in the United States where individuals interested in starting their own business can learn from others who have done so previously. There are many tips about starting a business including banking information, venture capital information, ways to incorporate, and many others.

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Dairy Queen

The Dairy Queen app empowers iPhone users with iPhone users with the ability to locate any of 4,600 Dairy Queen locations throughout the United States based upon their GPS coordinates. “DQ Craze” involves quickly filling orders for “customers” clamoring for Blizzards and Dailly Bars and other Dairy Queen specialties. To get points, you have to arrange matching rows of different Dairy Queen menu items that correlate to what the customer wants.

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Mobilezapp is a full service mobile application development agency. We provide an army of developers to write the code needed to create a superior mobile app on the iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry or Windows Phone platform.

We also can assist your organization with branding services. These include designing a logo, business stationery, website design and other collateral materials necessary to launch any new business.

We can leverage our extensive knowledge in the branding to create absolutely new effective brand for your company or product that will be distinctive, relevant, memorable, extensible and deep.

We also can design and develop new brand for your new service, product, solution that should be part of your big mother-brand.There are multiple ways to

express the brand - through interaction, visual design, sound, voice, a distinct color palette and more.

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For mobile apps that have large audience or that are meant to be used frequently, Mobilezapp can help with designing embedded advertisements for your app.

You can use the embedded ads to advertise your company’s products within your app, to advertise your partners or sell the space to a third party and earn money from the ads within your app.

Mobilezapp can assist in designing an embedded advertisement solution. There are three main mobile advertizing formats - In-line Display, Interstitials, Post-Roll.

In-line ads are shown alongside app content - at the top, bottom, or even within the lists. The most common place is along the bottom, since it is the least disruptive yet still figures prominently into the app design.

Interstitial ads are typically shown during natural transition points, such as when content is loading.

Post-roll ads are typically full-screen like interstitials but they are displayed after users complete a specific task.

As we design advertising formats to incorporate in the apps, we carefully analyze multiple factors like using website links, incorporating music, videos and maps.

Incorporating ads is part of Mobilezapp overall design strategy and this early engagement, prior to writing the code, enables us to think strategically about the placement of ads so a user can have an integrated ad experience.

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proof-of-concept - the blueprint of your app

e-Letter campaigns

Through Mobilezapp’s sister company, DayBreak Direct, we offer turnkey e-Letter programs to help promote your mobile applications. DayBreak has over 13 million key decision makers within corporate, educational and governmental accounts throughout the world. Our designers can create PDF files and PowerPoint presentations that can be delivered automatically with each email. Our engineers can ensure that each email is delivered to contacts that have opted in to receive these offers. Our marketing coordinators will work closely with your internal marketing team and advertising agencies to ensure we cohesively and effectively get the word out about your new technology solution.

We provide turnkey email solutions:

• Creative services• Micro-site creation• eMail delivery• Lead qualification

Mobilezapp is the only firm that not only can work with you in order to create the idea, write the code but also to proactively disseminate your message to the world.

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proof-of-concept - the blueprint of your app

Direct mail marketing

Our Key Decision Maker database presents great opportunities to take advantage of direct mail. We provide the correct street addresses plus zip code + 4 for all - thus saving your organization money with your delivery. We have over ten million of decision makers working for corporate, education and government accounts throughout the globe.

We can work with your direct mail house to deliver mail by:

• Industry• Organization name• Key words• Job title

We have one of the most comprehensive and organized contact list databases available today. If you are trying to deliver a direct mail piece to key decision makers throughout the world - Mobilezapp’s database is the best-in-class.

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Let’s get this party started

Give me a telephone call, send me an email, text me, hit me up on Facebook, tweet me, connect with me on LinkedIn, send me a smoke signal - but let’s hook up.


Andrew WattsVice President of Business Development

Spring, TX

[email protected] 713.816.5278

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