
download Mythology

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English project

Transcript of Mythology

Saint Benilde International School Calamba Inc.Crossing, Calamba City, Laguna


Submitted By:Marifern E. Perlas

Submitted To:Tr. Sonia O. Clave

December 11, 2015


1. Acceded - agree to a demand, request, or treaty2. Bereft - deprived of or lacking (something)3. Colonnades - a row of evenly spaced columns supporting a roof, an entablature, or arches.4. Eminent - present to a notable degree5. Exquisitely - extremely beautiful and delicate6. Exulting - show or feel triumphant elation or jubilation7. Lament - a passionate expression of grief or sorrow8. Mounds - a large pile or quantity of something 9. Noxious - harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasan10. Perturbation - anxiety; mental uneasiness11. Profusely - very plentiful; abundant12. Rapturous - characterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm13. Sacrilege - violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred14. Succumbed - fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force15. Sumptuous - splendid and expensive-looking16. Transpire - come to be known17. Treacherous - guilty of or involving betrayal or deception18. Utmost - most extreme; greatest19. Vied - compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something 20. Wretchedly - in a very unhappy or unfortunate state



a. When the story happened:

-The story happened during the ancient times

b. Where the story happened:i. At the mountain Psyche, upon the instructions of Apollo went to the mountain to meet her serpent husband.ii. At Cupids palace Psyche woke up in a beautiful palace made of gold where she lived with Cupid.iii. At Venus shrine She was able to find the goddess who gave her testsiv. Underworld Psyche ventured into the underworld to take a box and obtain in it a dose of the beauty of Proserpina.v. Mt. Olympus Cupid takes Psyche to Mt. Olympus, the home of the Gods, to become a goddess.


a. Protagonisti. Psyche Psyche is the youngest child in her family. She is born of an unusual beauty which made the mortals adore and even gave her the attention that was only due to Venus.ii. Cupid - is the god of desire, love, attraction and affection. He is son of the love goddess Venus. He fell in love with Psyche when he accidentally shot himself with an arrow.

b. Antagonisti. Venus The Goddess of Love. She was angered by Psyches beauty and created a plan to ruin her by asking Cupid to make her fall in love with the most hideous man on earth.

c. Other Charactersi. The two sistersii. Psyches parentsiii. Apolloiv. PersephoneIV. THE PLOT:a. Beginning

Psyche is a very beautiful woman that they started worshipping her more than the Goddess Venus herself. Venus became very angry and sought revenge. She instructed her son, Cupid, to pierce Psyche with an arrow and make her fall in love with the most vile, hideous man alive. However, when Cupid saw how beautiful Psyche is, he accidentally shot himself with one of his arrows thereby falling in love with her. Meanwhile, Psyche and her family became worried that she will never find a husband. Her father then prayed to Apollo for help, and Apollo instructed her to go to the top of a hill, where she will marry a serpent. Psyche followed the instructions and fell asleep on the hill. Upon waking up, she discovered a huge and beautiful mansion where she was given luxurious treatment by her invisible servants. At night, in the dark, she met and fell in love with her husband whom she was not allowed to see.

b. Middle Psyche lived happily and contently with Cupid although she was not allowed to see him. One day he tells her that her family has been mourning for her thinking that she was already dead. She begs to see them, but her husband replies that it would not be wise to do so since there is a prophecy that it would end up in a misfortune. Psyche insisted and Cupid finally gave in to her request. But when the sisters visited, they became envious of Psyche's wealth. They deduced that Psyche has never seen her husband and convinced her that she must sneak a look and kill him because her husband is a beast who intends to devour her. Confused and conflicted, Psyche turns on a lamp one night only to see Cupid. He felt betrayed and left her.

c. Ending Psyche, journeyed all over the land to find Cupid. She asked Venus for forgiveness who gave her a series of tests. Psyche was able to accomplish all of the tasks given to her and finally, Venus challenged her to go into the underworld and have Persephone put some of her beauty in a box. Psyche succeeded. However, on her way to Venus, she became curious and opened the box. She instantly fell asleep. Meanwhile, Cupids wound healed and he looked for Psyche only to find her sleeping. He awakened her, puts the sleeping spell back in the box. He took her to Mount Olympus were she was made an immortal goddess. She and Cupid are married.


Id rather die a hundred times than be robbed of your sweet caresses. Whoever you are I love you deeply, and adore you as much as life itself. Not even Cupid could compare to you. -Psyche

Venus commanded me, though I have disobeyed my mothers orders, to fill you with passion for some vile wretch and sentence you to the meanest kind of marriage, but I flew to you as your lover instead. It was a foolish thing to do, I see that, and illustrious archer though I am, I shot myself with my own arrow, and made you my wife, only for you to think me some savage monster, and sever my head with a sword, a head that bears the very eyes that love you. I told you time and again to beware of this, I warned you over and over for your own good. As for those precious advisors of yours, Ill soon take my revenge for their pernicious machinations; you I punish merely by my flight. Cupid


The story tells us about the importance of unconditional love and trust. Love and trust goes side by side in our relationships with our loved ones. There will be times when we will lose faith and doubt a person that is dear to us but we must learn to get pass it and place our trust in them anyway. This is very important in families and friendships. Love and trust is the foundation of every great relationship.

It also teaches us to be contented and happy with what we have. There will be others who will seem to be greater than us in any aspect of life. We should not be jealous and let anger or pride take over us. Instead, we should focus on making ourselves better. We should not compare ourselves to others and be happy for their accomplishments.


a. I find the story inspiring. Being at this age, sometimes I get too shy or I sometimes dont have confidence in myself. The story made me realize that I have to believe in myself and focus on my own strengths.

b. The most exciting part for me is when Psyche discovered that his husband was not a beast but in fact Cupid himself.

c. If I am going to change the ending it will be.. Nothing. I will not change the story because I think that the characters all got what they deserved.