MyNorth Investment IDPS Guide - Amp · PDF fileinvestmentoptions'PDS....

Issue number , ₁₂ August ₂₀₁₇ MyNorth Investment Investor directed portfolio service guide and financial services guide To be read in conjunction with MyNorth Investment Guarantee Product disclosure statement

Transcript of MyNorth Investment IDPS Guide - Amp · PDF fileinvestmentoptions'PDS....

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Issue number ₂, ₁₂August ₂₀₁₇

MyNorthInvestmentInvestor directed portfolio service guideand financial services guide

To be read in conjunction with MyNorth Investment Guarantee Product disclosure statement

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This is a Supplementary investor directed portfolio service (SIDPS) guide to theMyNorth Investment Investor DirectedPortfolio Service Guide (IDPS Guide), issue number 2, dated 12 August 2017. This SIDPS Guide should be read togetherwiththis document.

IDPS Guide page reference: 2, seventh paragraphIDPS Guide title reference: Important informationInstructions: Insert the following as a new paragraph after the words “NMMT, as the operator and issuer of MyNorthInvestment will interact with the investor via North Online.”

NMMT, acting in a separate capacity to that of MyNorth Investment operator, is also the responsible entity of MyNorthManaged Portfolios ARSN 624 544 136, a registeredmanaged investment scheme that is an accessible investment throughMyNorth Investment.

IDPS Guide page reference: 3, tableIDPS Guide title reference: Throughout this IDPS GuideInstructions: Insert the following rows in the table after MyNorth Investment options.

To be read as:References to:

this is the product disclosure statement for MyNorth Managed Portfolios, a registered managedinvestment scheme of which NMMT Limited is the responsible entity, and which is an accessibleinvestment available through MyNorth Investment. The MyNorth Managed Portfolios PDS is issuedby NMMT Limited.

MyNorthManagedPortfolios PDS

means a notional portfolio of assets managed in accordance with a particular investment strategy,as described in the MyNorth Managed Portfolios PDS.

Managed portfolio

means your interest and asset holdings in MyNorthManaged Portfolio that are managed in line witha managed portfolio you have selected. A separate interest and Scheme Portfolio is held in respect ofeach managed portfolio in relation to which you choose to invest in MyNorth Managed Portfolios.

your Scheme Portfolio

IDPS Guide page reference: 3IDPS Guide title reference: Read all relevant documentsInstructions: Insert the following paragraph after the paragraph titled “MyNorth Investment Guarantee PDS”.

MyNorth Managed Portfolios PDSProvides specific information regarding MyNorth Managed Portfolios and the available managed portfolios.

Issue date: 12 March 2018

This document is issued by NMMT Limited (NMMT) Australian Business Number (ABN) 42 058 835 573, AFS Licence No.234653, a member of the AMP group. NMMT is the legal entity operating MyNorth Investment.


MyNorth® InvestmentSupplementary investor directed portfolio service guide

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IDPS Guide page reference: 11IDPS Guide title reference: Fast paymentInstructions: Replace the section with the following.

Fast paymentThe fast payment of funds is available for partial withdrawals only, up to a maximum of 80% of your account balance. Wereserve the right to reduce the percentage. Wemay advance the payment of your funds without awaiting sale proceedsfrom underlying investments. During this period your cash account balance may fall below zero. Refer to ‘Negative cashaccount balance’ on page 13 for more information on the effect of your cash account balance becoming negative.

Fast Track withdrawalThe Fast Track withdrawal is available for a full cash withdrawal request of your account. You will receive 80% of your fundswithin two business days of your request being completed (including all requirements) by the North Service Centre. Theremainder of the fundswill be released after all other assets have been sold and the proceeds have been confirmed to cash.

Telegraphic TransferA Telegraphic Transfer (TT) is a fast electronic transfer to a nominated bank account. A $9 charge applies per TT. The fundsmay be cleared in the recipient’s bank account within two hours of the payment being made.

IDPS Guide page reference: 13IDPS Guide title reference:What is the cash account?Instructions: Replace the second, third and fourth paragraphs with the following.

To help youmanage your cash account you have the flexibility to nominate a Target cash balance by specifying aMinimumcash balance (dollar amount) and/or a Target cash percentage (a percentage of your total account balance) to be held inyour cash account.

A default Target cash percentage of 5% and $0 Minimum cash balance will apply where no selection is made. Both theMinimum cash balance and Target cash percentage can be adjusted at any time.

Your Target cash balance is calculated as follows.

(Account balance x Target cash percentage) + Minimum cash balance = Target cash balance.

For example; where the Account balance is $100,000, the Minimum cash balance is $0 (default) and the Target cashpercentage is 5% (default), then the Target cash balance is calculated as:

($100,000 x 5%) + $0 = $5,000

If you increase your Minimum cash balance from $0 to $1,000 then the Target cash balance is calculated as:

($100,000 x 5%) + $1,000 = $6,000.


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IDPS Guide page reference: 13IDPS Guide title reference:What is the cash account?Instructions: Replace the section titled Cash account sweepswith the following.

Cash account sweepsWhen the balance of your cash account exceeds your Target cash balance by $500, the excess cash will be invested as peryour investment instructions. In order for the cash account sweep to take place, the excess cashmustmeet the transactiontrade minimums as defined in the At a glance section of this IDPS Guide.

If the balance of your cash account falls below your Minimum cash balance, we will sell your assets as per your investmentinstructions to bring your cash account back to your Target cash balance. In order for the cash account sweep to take place,transaction trademinimumsmust bemet.Where you have not provided uswith adequate investment instructionswewillsell your managed funds proportionately.

Where you hold listed securities, the sweepmust result in a trade amount of at least your specified shares trademinimum,per listed security, for the sweep tooccur. Thedefault shares trademinimum is $650per listed security.Where thisminimumis not met, we will not sell your assets and your cash account balance will remain below your Minimum cash balance.

Term Deposits will not be sold to bring your cash account balance back to your target cash balance.

IDPS Guide page reference: 13IDPS Guide title reference:What is the cash account?Instructions: Insert a new section after the section titled Negative cash account balance.

MyNorth Managed PortfoliosGenerally, your cash account will be used for the purposes of settling all transactions in relation to your SchemePortfolio(s), including:– settling transactions relating to the assets held as part of your Scheme Portfolio when it is rebalanced. This includes:

receiving net proceeds from a disposal of assets (disposal proceeds), and reinvesting those amounts to acquireother assets as part of your Scheme Portfolio; and

– making additional investments in circumstances where a rebalance involves a disposal of certain assets and acorresponding acquisition of substitute assets at the same time, andmarket movements result in the proceedsfromtheasset disposal being less than the costs of theasset acquisition (theamountof theadditional investmentfrom your cash account in these circumstances will be equal to the difference between the relevant disposalproceeds and acquisition costs);

– receiving income fromunderlying assets, and reinvesting these amounts (except in relation to thosemanagedportfolioswhere such amounts are not reinvested into your Scheme Portfolio – see Part 2 of theMyNorthManaged Portfolio PDS–Managed portfolio menu for details);

– pay any fees, expenses, taxes and or charges in relation to your investment in MyNorth Managed Portfolios.

You provide us with standing instructions (which you agree not to vary) to facilitate your investment inMyNorthManagedPortfolios and use your cash account in this way. The standing instructions you give to us are set out in the "MyNorthPlatform account details - authorisation form" that you complete.

Refer to the MyNorth Managed Portfolios PDS for further information relating to the use of your cash account when aninterest in MyNorth Managed Portfolios is held for you through MyNorth Investment.


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IDPS Guide page reference: 15IDPS Guide title reference: Investing in MyNorth Investment – Investment optionsInstructions: The first paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following.

Investment optionsMyNorth offers you a wide range of investment options to choose from, with access to its low-cost active and index funds,to its more extensive list of managed funds, managed portfolios, term deposits and direct shares.

As an investor you will have the option to choose your investments from the following three investment menus:

IDPS Guide page reference: 15IDPS Guide title reference: Investing in MyNorth InvestmentInstructions: Insert the following new section after the Investing in MyNorth Investment section.

MyNorth Managed PortfoliosMyNorth Managed Portfolios is a non-unitised registered managed investment scheme, offering access to a range ofmanaged portfolios. NMMT Limited issues the interests in, and is the responsible entity for, MyNorth Managed Portfolios.

Managed portfolios are designed to deliver a flexible and efficient means of gaining exposure to different asset classes.

You can access MyNorth Managed Portfolios via your MyNorth Investment account.

When you invest in MyNorth Managed Portfolios via MyNorth Investment, we will make an application to the responsibleentity to establish an interest in the scheme in relation to each particular managed portfolio that you select.

The responsible entity will then use the funds invested from your MyNorth Investment account to construct your SchemePortfolio by acquiring assets that are consistent with the managed portfolio you select. This will be done in proportionsthat match (as closely as practicable) the set asset allocation of the managed portfolio.

Your Scheme Portfolio will be managed by the responsible entity in line with the investment strategy applicable to themanaged portfolio you have selected.

See theMyNorthManagedPortfolios PDS fordetails of theavailablemanagedportfolios andapplicable investment strategies.

The interest in MyNorth Managed Portfolios is held for you by us, under the terms of MyNorth Investments. All underlyingassets held in your Portfolio are held for the responsible entity by the custodian.

When you invest inMyNorthManaged Portfolios throughMyNorth Investment, your cash account will be used to facilitatetransactions associatedwith that investment, and you give us standing directions for your cash account to be used for thatpurpose.

Generally, you direct us to use your cash account for the purposes of settling all transactions in relation to your SchemePortfolio. Please refer to page 14.

The responsible entity will purchase, sell, subscribe for, apply for, transfer or redeem assets in order to align your SchemePortfolio, as closely as is practicable, to the composition of the relevant managed portfolio.

A copy of theMyNorthManaged Portfolios PDS is available or by contacting theNorth Service Centreon 1800 667 841. You should consider theMyNorthManaged Portfolios PDS in deciding whether to acquire, or continue tohold, an interest in MyNorth Managed Portfolios through MyNorth Investment.


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IDPS Guide page reference: 26IDPS Guide title reference: Example of annual fees and costs - Additional examples of total annual fees and costsInstructions: Replace Example 2 - Managed fund on the Select menuwith the following.

Example ₂– Managed fund on the Select menu

Balance of $50,000 with a contribution of $5,000 during the yearExample – North Professional Balanced investment option

For every $50,000 you have in MyNorth Investment and for every $5,000you put in, you will be charged $241 each year.

0.30% pa plus $91 paCost of MyNorth Investment(i)

And, other costs of $480eachyearwill bededucted fromyour investment.0.96% paPlus Other costs for the investmentoption(ii)

If you had an investment of $50,000 at the beginning of the year and youput in an additional $5,000 during that year, you would be charged totalfees and costs of $721 for holding the North Professional Balancedinvestment option.

Equals Total fees and costs(iii)

This amount comprises the Select administration fee (0.30% per annum) and account fee ($91 per annum). It does not includeadministration fees on the contribution of $5,000 during the year which would equal an additional $15 if invested at the beginningof the year.


This amount comprises estimates of underlyingmanagement costs for the North Professional Balanced investment option based onthe last financial year. It does not include underlying management costs on the contribution of $5,000 during the year which wouldequal an additional $48 if invested at the beginning of the year.


Additional fees and costsmay apply, includingmember advice fees as agreedwith your financial adviser, and underlying transactionaland operational costs.And, a buy/sell cost of 0.39%applieswhenever you invest in theNorth Professional Balanced investment option(this will equal $19.50 for every $5,000 you invest).


IDPS Guide page reference: 27IDPS Guide title reference: Example of annual fees and costs - Additional examples of total annual fees and costsInstructions: Insert the following after Example 4 - Listed securities on the Choice menu.

Example ₅– MyNorth Managed Portfolios on the Choice menu

Balance of $50,000 with a contribution of $5,000 during the yearExample – Research Choice Balanced Accumulation Portfolioinvestment option

For every $50,000 youhave inMyNorth Investment and for every $5,000you put in, you will be charged $376 each year.

0.57% pa plus $91 paCost of MyNorth Investment(i)

And, other costs of $440 each year will be deducted from yourinvestment.

0.88% paPlus Other costs for the investmentoption(ii)

If you had an investment of $50,000 at the beginning of the year andyou put in an additional $5,000 during that year, you would be chargedtotal fees and costs of $816 for holding the Research Choice BalancedAccumulation Portfolio investment option.

Equals Total fees and costs(iii)

This amount comprises the Choice administration fee (0.57% per annum) and account fee ($91 per annum). It does not includeadministration fees on the contribution of $5,000 during the yearwhichwould equal an additional $28.50 if invested at the beginningof the year.


This amount comprises estimatesofunderlyingmanagement costs for theResearchChoiceBalancedAccumulationPortfolio investmentoption. It doesnot includeunderlyingmanagement costs on the contributionof $5,000during the yearwhichwould equal anadditional$44 if invested at the beginning of the year.


Additional fees and costs may apply, including client advice fees as agreed with your financial adviser and underlying transactionaland operational costs. And, an estimated buy/sell cost of 0.37% applies whenever you invest in the Research Choice BalancedAccumulation Portfolio investment option (this will equal $18.50 for every $5,000 you invest).



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IDPS Guide page reference: 34IDPS Guide title reference: Financial Services GuideInstructions: Replace the section with the following.

Financial Services GuideFinancial Services Guides (FSG) are designed to disclose relevant information to assist you in deciding whether to use anyof the services offered in the guide. This FSG contains information about:– the financial services NMMTwill provide you– how NMMT and other related parties are paid for financial services provided to you– any associations or relationships that could create potential conflict of interest– details of who to contact should you have a complaint.

For a copy of our Financial Services Guide please visit or contact our North Service Centre on 1800 667841 for a free copy.


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This page has been left blank intentionally.


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Contact us

1800 667 [email protected] Service CentreGPO Box 2915MELBOURNE VIC 3001





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This Investor directed portfolio service guide (IDPS Guide) andFinancial services guide (FSG) are issued by NMMT Limited(NMMT) Australian business number (ABN) 42 058 835 573,Australian financial service licence number (AFS) 234653, amember of the AMP group of companies. NMMT is the legalentity operating MyNorth Investment.

This IDPSGuide is an importantdocumentwhichexplainshowMyNorth Investmentworks. Any investor considering investingthrough MyNorth Investment should also be given a copy ofthe MyNorth Investment Guarantee product disclosurestatement, the MyNorth Investment options booklet, and thedisclosure document relating to any investment accessiblethrough MyNorth Investment from their financial adviser. Allthesedocuments shouldbe consideredwhendecidingwhetherto invest, or continue to hold an investment throughMyNorthInvestment. The latest versions of these documents areavailable free of charge from or bycontacting the North Service Centre on 1800 667 841.

An investment through MyNorth Investment is subject toinvestment risk, including possible delays in repayment andloss of incomeand capital invested. Apart fromabenefit arisingout of a guarantee issued by National Mutual FundsManagement Limited (NMFM) (ABN) 32 006 787 720, (AFS)234652 and supported by an undertaking from AMP GroupHoldings Limited (ABN)88079804676, nomemberof theAMPGroup stands behind or guarantees the repayment of capital,the payment of income or the performance of any investment,through MyNorth Investment.

The information contained in this IDPS Guide is generalinformation only and does not take into account investorsindividual objectives, financial situation or needs. Before actingon the information in this IDPSGuide, investors should considerthe appropriateness of this information regarding theirindividual objectives, financial situation or needs, and shouldconsult a financial adviser prior to investing throughMyNorthInvestment.

Wemay accept or refuse (without reason) any application.

This document is only intended for persons receiving it(including electronically) in Australia and should not beconstrued as an offer to invest made in any jurisdiction otherthan Australia.

NMMT, as the operator and issuer ofMyNorth Investment willinteract with the investor via North Online.

NMFM is the issuer of the MyNorth Investment Guaranteeproduct disclosure statement. The MyNorth Guarantee is aderivative and a separate financial product issued by NMFM.

AMPLife Limited (AMPLife) (ABN) 84079300379 (AFS) 233671is the issuer of Elevate Insurance, which is made availablethrough MyNorth Investment.

NMMT, AMP Life and NMFM are wholly owned subsidiaries ofAMP Limited.

The MyNorth Investment Guarantee is only available forinvestment through MyNorth Investment. Investors canhowever select to invest throughMyNorth Investmentwithoutthe MyNorth Investment Guarantee.

TheMyNorth InvestmentGuarantee is issuedbyNMFMdirectlyto investors.NMMTwill forwardall informationand transactionrequests relevant to an investors guarantee application toNMFM. NMMTwill also collect fees relating to the guaranteeon behalf of NMFM and when applying for the guarantee aninvestor will be authorising NMMT to forward those fees toNMFM.

NMMT bears no responsibility, nor incurs any liabilities inrelation to the MyNorth Guarantee issued by NMFM.

Obtaining up-to-date informationInformation in this IDPS Guide that is not materially adversemaychange fromtime to time. This informationwill beupdatedon and a printed copy of any updatedinformation will be provided to you free of charge on requestby contacting the North Service Centre via email [email protected] or by calling us on 1800 667 841.

Ifwemake an increase to fees,wewill give you at least 30 days'prior written notice. For any other material change we willinform you as soon as practicable.

ChantWest has given its consent to the inclusion in thisMyNorth Investment Guide of the references to ChantWest and the inclusion of the logos and ratings providedby Chant West in the form and context in which they are included. For further information about the methodology used by Chant West, see


Important information

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Throughout this IDPS GuideTo be read as:References to:

AMP Limited and its subsidiaries,including AMP Life and NMMT


A day other than a Saturday,Sunday or public holiday

Business day

The most recently publishedConsumerPrice Index (AllGroups)


Electronic Funds TransferEFT

A Protected Growth guarantee oraProtected Investmentguaranteeissued by NMFM as described inthe MyNorth InvestmentGuarantee PDS


InvestorDirected Portfolio ServiceIDPS

A person who has investedthrough MyNorth InvestmentIDPS

Investor, you

National Mutual FundsManagement Limited


AMP LifeAMP Life

NMMT Limited (the operator ofthis IDPS)

NMMT, we, our, us

MyNorth Investment InvestorDirected Portfolio Serviceoperated by NMMT

MyNorth IDPS/MyNorthInvestment

MyNorth Investment InvestorDirected Portfolio Service Guideand Financial Services Guide

MyNorth IDPS Guide (thisdocument)

MyNorth Investment GuaranteeProduct Disclosure Statementissued by NMFM

MyNorth Investment GuaranteePDS

A list of Investment optionsavailable through MyNorth IDPS

MyNorth Investment Options, North Online

Product Disclosure StatementPDS

Your investments held throughMyNorth IDPS


A day other then a weekend onwhich financial institutions inMelbourne are generally closedfor normal trading

Public holiday

Read all relevant documentsVisit to download a copy of the followingdocuments. Alternatively, a printed copy can be obtained freeof charge by contacting the North Service Centreat [email protected] or on 1800 667 841.

MyNorth Investment Guarantee PDSProvides specific information regarding MyNorth’s Guaranteeoptions.

MyNorth Investment OptionsProvidesa list of investmentoptionsavailable throughMyNorthInvestment.

You can obtain free of charge the underlying investmentoptions' PDS by:

- visiting

- contacting the North Service Centre on 1800 667 841 or

- visiting the Fund managers website.

Also considerAMP Elevate insurance PDSExplains the insurance benefits available on AMP Elevate,including:– Life Insurance– Additional optional insurancebenefits (includingTotal and

Permanent Disability (TPD))– Income Insurance– Trauma Insurance.


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5At a glance

8Welcome to MyNorth Investment

10MyNorth Investment

13What is the cash account?

15Investing in MyNorth Investment

19What risks apply to investing?

20Fees and other costs

28AMP Elevate insurance

29Howwill the benefit be paid upon death?

30What else do you need to know?

34Financial services guide

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Minimum transactions

$2,000Minimum initial investment

Nominimum(i)Minimum additional investment

$10 per fortnight, month, quarter, half-year or yearMinimum regular savings plan

NominimumMinimum ad hoc withdrawal

$100(ii)Minimum switch

$1,000(ii)Minimum rebalance

Automatic buy: $500(ii)Minimum cash account sweepAutomatic sell: $100(ii)

(i) A maximum investment of $10 million applies to MyNorth IDPS accounts and a maximum of $2 million applies to accounts with a guarantee. Amounts higherthan these maximums will be considered. Your financial adviser can assist in requesting this approval.

(ii) These transactions are subject to a trade minimum of $650 per listed security held.

Product features

Additional investments can be made to your investment account via direct debit from your bank accountfortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.

Regular savings plan

Paid directly to your bank account fortnightly,monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly—theminimumongoingamount is $250 per payment.

Regular withdrawal plan

A flexible working cash account that allows you to specify the minimum and target amount to be held inyour cash account.

Cash account

Income distributions, dividends and interest for each investment option where applicable will be credited toyour cash account or paid via the cash account to your bank account. Exceptions may apply. A dividendreinvestment plan (where available) may be nominated for listed securities. Refer to the income section onpage 18 for more details.


You can switch all or part of your portfolio between the full range of investment options available at anytime. There is no limit on the number of switches you canmake each year for accounts without a guarantee.Accounts with a guarantee are limited to six times per year.

Investment switching

You can arrange automatic buying and selling of investment options via your cash account. You can alsospecify instructions to rebalance your investments. Accounts with a guarantee will have investment optionssold in proportion to your account value.

Investment instructions

Additional investments can be made to your investment account using direct debit via North Online. Youcan also use an EFT or BPAY facility provided by your bank.

BPAY®, EFT and ad hoc direct debit

Allows you to invest a set dollar amount into the market at regular intervals.Dollar cost averaging

Wemay advance payment of partial withdrawals up to 80% of your account value without awaiting saleproceeds from the investment options. Restrictions may apply.

Fast payment

® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518


At a glance

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Investment options

with a GuaranteeMyNorth Investment

A subset ofmanaged funds.

MyNorth offers you the option to choose your investments from the following threeinvestment menus:

Investment options

1. Core menu - offers a range of active and index funds2. Selectmenu - offers a rangeof diversifiedmulti-manager investment options offering

access to specialist fund managers in each asset class and access to term deposits.3. Choice menu - offers an extensive list of multi-manager and single manager funds,

listed securities on the ASX and selected Australian real estate investment trusts(AREIT), exchange traded funds (ETF) and exchange traded commodities (ETC), listedinvestment companies (LITs) and listed investment trusts (LITs).

Refer to the MyNorth Investment Options document for full details, which can beobtained from your financial adviser, or you can obtaina free copy by contacting the North Service Centre on 1800 667 841.

AMP Elevate insurance

Available cover – Life Insurance– Total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance– Income Insurance– Trauma Insurance

Note:The insuranceoptions are issuedbyAMPLife via a separate PDS. The currentAMPElevate insurance PDS shouldbe consideredwhendecidingwhether to acquire that product. The current AMP Elevate insurance PDS is available from your financial adviser, by contacting the North Service Centre on 1800 667 841.

Fees and costs(i)

$0 (for accounts with a guarantee) or $91 pa, deducted monthly.Account fee

0.00% to0.57%of your account balance, dependingon your total portfolio value and your choice of investmentoptions. The maximum administration fee (inclusive of account fee if applicable) you can incur across allMyNorth Super, MyNorth Pension and MyNorth Investment accounts held by you is $3,500 pa.

Administration fee

The fees associated with purchasing or selling listed securities.Charged at 0.11% of the total of each listed security purchase or sale subject to a minimum fee of $34.If you use a panel broker (third-party broker), a settlement fee of $10.25 applies in addition to any brokeragefees. For a list of approved panel brokers and their terms and conditions refer to North Online.

Brokerage fees

$25.63 per listed security, ETF, ETC or AREIT for transfers in; andIn specie transfer fee$100 for each asset transferred out.

These fees and costs apply to the investment options selected by you and your financial adviser. You can findan up-to-date list of the underlying investment option fees and costs reflecting the underlying investmentoption's PDS disclosure on North Online or in theMyNorth Investment Options document. For detailedinformation about the underlying fees and costs associated with any particular investment option youshould refer to the relevant PDS for that investment option.

Underlying fees and costs forinvestment options

(i) All fees are inclusive of GST less any reduced input tax credits (RITC) where relevant.


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Client advice fees

Fees you can agree to pay your financial adviser for financial advice provided to you

A fee paid from your account to your financial adviser for initial financialadvice. This may include initial, plan preparation and research and adviceimplementation.

Client advice fee – initial

Up to $5,125 pa plus 2.51%pasubject to your portfoliobalance.

A fee paid from your account to your financial adviser for additional financialadvice.

Client advice fee – ad hoc

An ongoing fee paid from your account to your financial adviser for ongoingfinancial advice.

Client advice fee – ongoing

An ongoing dollar or percentage-based fee paid from your account to yourfinancial adviser for financial advice for trading listed securities.

Client advice fee – listedsecurities

Up to 4.10% of eachinvestment.

A fee paid from your account to your financial adviser for financial advice oninitial and/or future investments.

Client advice fee - contributions


All communications are issued via North Online and can be accessed in your personal filing cabinet.Online access

An annual statement will be available on North Online and will also be mailed to you each year. It will detailyour account balance, include a statement of transactions, and an account performance summary.

Annual statement

An annual tax statement will be available via North Online to assist with the completion of your annual taxreturn.

Annual tax statement

An annual report will be available via North Online that includes information on the management andfinancial position of MyNorth Investment.

Annual audit report

A Client review report will be available online detailing your portfolio balance, asset allocation, transactionsummary and insurance details.

Client review report


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MyNorth investment is an all-inclusive offer that enables youto invest in a range of managed funds, listed securities andterm deposits. If you’re interested in protecting you and theones you love, AMP Elevate insurance can be attached to yourMyNorth account to provide you with life, TPD, trauma andincome insurance cover.

MyNorth Investment aims to provide a solution to assist withall your self-managed super fund and investment needs.

MyNorth Investment is a simple, easy-to-use online servicethat provides access to a range of investment options and isavailable for investment to self-managed super funds, personalinvestors, joint applicants, trusts and companies.

Bringing your strategy to lifeTogether with your financial adviser, you'll agree on a financialstrategy to achieve your goals. MyNorth Investment seeks tobring that strategy to life by providing a single access point fora range of investment options across major asset classes,drawing on the specialist expertise of some of the world’sleading investment managers.

MyNorth GuaranteePlease refer to theMyNorth Investment Guarantee PDS formore informationabout the rangeof guarantees availablewithyour investment through MyNorth Investment.

North OnlineYour MyNorth account is operated through North Online NorthOnlineallowsyouandyour financialadviser to review, transact and report onyourMyNorthaccount.

You can log onto North Online at any time to see how yourinvestments are performing and perform a wide range oftransactions.

All communications fromuswill be sent to youviaNorthOnlineand stored in your online filing cabinet, or communicated via‘News & announcements’. Your annual statement will be sentto you via post.

MyNorth is an online product so it's important that you haveinternet access to use the services offered and receiveinformation about your accounts.

You will require internet access to use and maintain youraccount.

Once you become a member of MyNorth Investment, you willbe sent a welcome letter containing a guide to using NorthOnline as well as your user ID. This will be followed by aseparate letter with your temporary password. The first timeyou log in to North Online you will be required to accept theterms and conditions and change your password.

Transacting on your account

Financial adviser accessTransactions on your MyNorth Investment account arecompleted by your financial adviser using North Online.

Your financial adviser should obtain your authorisation(consent) for each transaction they perform on your account.This authorisation will be obtained by your financial adviserduring the advice process and is retained by them as evidencethat you have authorised each transaction they perform.We'llact upon any instruction (except changes to bank accountdetails) received from your financial adviser in relation to youraccount.

Changes to bank account details are excluded for securitypurposes.

Your financial adviser can use North Online to:– open new accounts on your behalf– add additional or new investments– switch investments– complete transfers– submit withdrawal requests– trade shares– produceadhoc reports tomonitor theperformanceof your

account– view communications and statements online.

Any transactions made on your account will be confirmed toyou through North Online.

In certain circumstances you may enter into an arrangementwith your financial adviser allowing them to transact on youraccount on your behalf without the need for each transactionto be authorised by you. This is known as a ManagedDiscretionary Account (MDA). To offer an MDA arrangementyour financial advisermust beappropriately licensed tooperateanMDA. For further information about how to set up anMDA,please contact your financial adviser.

Investor accessYou're able to log on to North Online at any time to see howyour investments are performing.

You can use North Online to:– view your account details and transactions– access your online filing cabinet– monitor the performance of your investments– check the progress of your transactions– update your personal details (including banking details).

NorthOnlinealsoprovides theoption for your financial adviserto change your North Online access to allow you to completea broader range of transactions. You should discuss this optionwith your financial adviser.


Welcome to MyNorth Investment

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My AMPIn addition to accessing your account onNorthOnline, you canview your AMP consolidated details at My AMP.

My AMP gives you fast, easy and secure online access to yourbanking, super, insurance and investments. Keep an eye onyour account and review your AMP investments whenever youwant andgenerate aPortfolio Report fromthe commencementof yourMyNorth Investment account. You can also include anyexternal accounts and assets for reporting purposes.

Register for your online account at

The AMP appIt’s the first app inAustraliawhere you canaccess your banking,insurance, investmentsandsuperaccounts—all fromoneplace.

The AMP app helps you get things done, like accessing yourAMP Bank accounts tomake payments or getting help to startconsolidating your super.

Get started in three easy steps:1. Have your MyAMP (super/insurance/investments) login

details handy.2. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play.3. Follow the set-up instructions and you’re good to go.

Available from the Apple1 App Store and Google Play2 Now.

Keeping track of your investments

Annual statementAt the end of each financial year, we'll send you an annualstatement via your filing cabinet in North Online, which willinclude:– your current account balance– a statement of transactions, and– an account performance summary.

Annual tax reportOnce each financial year has come to an end and all incomedistributions and their associated tax details have beenreceived,we'll provide a report that shows your tax informationfor the year to help you to complete your tax return. This reportwill be made available to you through your filing cabinet inNorth Online.

This report is also sent to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)by the end of October each year.

Annual audit reportWe'll send you an annual audit report via your filing cabinet inNorth Online, with information current as at 30 June of thatyear.

Client review reportYou can run and download a client review report (acomprehensive account summary report) from North Onlineat any time.

1 Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc.2 Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc.


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How to make an investmentYou can make an investment into your MyNorth Investmentaccount at any time on North Online by direct debit.

Alternatively you can use your bank's online banking facilitiesto EFT or BPAY your investment.

You can also make your initial or additional investments bycheque. All cheques should be attached to a deposit advicecreated on North Online and made out to ‘North’.

Forward the cheque along with the deposit advice to:

North Service CentreGPO Box 2915MELBOURNE VIC 3001

For assistance, visit or contact the NorthService Centre on 1800 667 841.

Regular savings planA regular savings plan is an easy and convenient way to buildyour investments.

You can establish a regular savings plan via direct debit froma nominated bank or financial institution. You can select froma fortnightly,monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly frequency.The minimum amount per investment for all frequencies is$10.

You may need to nominate the date on which amounts arewithdrawn from your nominated bank account, between the1st and28thof themonthor the last dayof themonth. Regularsavings plan investments will generally be receipted into yourcash account that day.

If a regular savings plan payment falls on a weekend orMelbourne public holiday, we'll initiate the payment on thefollowing business day.

Regular savings plan investmentswill continueuntilwe receiveany changes or a cancellation of the facility. You canmake anychanges or cancel your regular savings plan at any time viaNorth Online.

Each time youmake additional investments it is important youhave themost recent PDS for your investment options and areaware of materially adverse changes or significant eventsrelating to the investment options you have selected.

If you have a regular savings plan you should be aware thataccessible investments may be acquired for you through yourMyNorth Investment account without you having been giventhe current PDS for the selected investment option(s).

You can access the most up-to-date PDS provided to us by therelevant fund manager for the investment options you haveselected by accessing North Online at

How to use EFT and BPAY through your bankingfacilities


1. Log onto your online bankingfacility

1. Log onto your online bankingfacility

2. 2.Enter accountname (Investorfirst name and surname)

Enter BPAY biller code –38778

3.3. Enter BPAY referencenumber– this is your 8 digit North

Enter BSB number – 033 8064. Enter bank account number

– this is your 8 digit North account number (Note: donot include the Y)account number (Note: do

not include the Y) Plus7Plus


ExampleExampleAn investment for John DoeAn investment for John DoeBiller code: 38778BSB: 033 806BPAY reference: 123456787Account number: 123456787

Note: Any investments processed via North Online will providean account number or BPAY reference numberwith the final digitof 9.

Automatically increasing your regular savings planOver time, inflation reduces the real value of your investments.

To help you keep pace with inflation you can choose to haveyour regular savings plan amount automatically increased, orindexed, each year.

You can choose from twomethods:– A fixedpercentage (up to7%perannum)—appliedonyour

account anniversary each year, or– CPI—applied on your account anniversary each year using

the most recently published CPI figure.

You may change or cancel this facility at any time via NorthOnline.


MyNorth Investment

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Margin lendingAs a MyNorth IDPS investor you may have the ability to applyfor a margin loan through a number of margin lenders.

Margin lending involves borrowing money to increase yourinvestment in MyNorth. There are restrictions that may beapplied to your account if you have a margin loan that youwould have agreed to with the lender. These restrictions mayinclude (but arenot limited to) your ability tomakewithdrawalsor switch investment options. Refer to your margin lender forinformation in relation to these restrictions or to make awithdrawal.

Money will only be released with the approval of the marginlender.

Increasing your investments through borrowing has thepotential to increase your investment returns, but it can alsoincrease your risk. Therefore it is important to seek the adviceof a financial adviser before borrowing to invest.

For further information in relation to yourMyNorth Investment,please contact your financial adviser or theNorthServiceCentreat [email protected] or on 1800 667 841. For information inrelation to your margin loan, we recommend you contact yourmargin lender.

WithdrawalsWithdrawals (partial and full) canbemadeat anytime. You canmake a partial withdrawal from your MyNorth Investment(subject to trademinimums as described on page 5), providedyou maintain an account value of at least $2,000.

When you withdraw your funds, we'll ask you to supply copiesof certain proof of identity documents, for example a copy ofyour driver’s licence or passport.

You can select fromwhich individual investment options youwish to sell down from or alternatively you can select to selldown your investment options according to your automaticsell instructions. Where you have not provided us with sellinstructions, we will sell your investments proportionately.

Withdrawals fromyour account are normally processedwithin30 days of us receiving all of the necessary information. Thereis an exception to this requirement where particularinvestments have redemption restrictions imposed by theunderlying fundmanager that prevent us from paying the fullbenefit within this period.

However, time frames may vary depending on the time takenby fundmanagers to complete processing of sale transactions.A withdrawal may also be delayed if an existing buy or sellinstruction has not been confirmed. Refer to the underlyinginvestment options' PDS for further information relating towithdrawal conditions associated with the underlyinginvestment options.

If you nominate to sell part of your holdings in any managedinvestment fund or listed security (via a partial withdrawal oras part of a sell instruction) and the withdrawal amountexceeds 90% of the current asset value, the sale will beconverted from a dollar-based to a unit-based sale using thelatestmarket unit price held at the timeof sale. Thismay resultin a different withdrawal amount from your original requestdue to variations in unit prices. Withdrawal periods varybetween fund managers and can be found in the underlyinginvestment options' PDS.

For example, if you held 1,000 units in an investment optionvalued at $2 per unit (1,000 x $2 = $2,000) and you nominatedto sell $1,900, we would automatically convert the sale to aunit based sale of 950 units (950 units x $2 = $1,900).

Withdrawal payments will be made by direct credit to a bankaccount held in your name that you nominate.

Fast PaymentThe fast payment of funds is available for partial withdrawalsonly, up to a maximum of 80% of your portfolio balance. Wereserve the right to reduce the percentage. Wemay advancethepayment fromyour cashaccountbalancewithout awaitingsale proceeds fromunderlying investments. During this periodyour cash account balance may fall below zero. Refer to'Negative cash account balance' on page 13 for moreinformation on the effect of your cash account balancebecoming negative.

Regular withdrawalsYou can choose to receive a regular withdrawal fortnightly,monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.

Whichever frequency you choose, you will need to nominatethe date you wish to receive your payment as any day of themonth between the 1st and the 28th or the last day of themonth.

If your regular payment date does not fall on a business day,we will make that payment on the preceding business day.

Where you have selected to receive income distributions aspart of your regular withdrawals plan, you will receivedistributions frommanaged funds and the cash account thathave accumulated since your last regular payment.


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Automatically increasing your regular withdrawalOver time, the purchasing power of your money is reduced byinflation.

To help keep pace with inflation you can choose toautomatically index your regularwithdrawal payment amounteach year.

You can choose from twomethods:– Fixedpercentage (up to 7%per annum)—applied on1 July,

or– CPI—applied on 1 July each year using the most recently

published CPI figure.

To activate this facility simply make this selection uponapplication. You may change or cancel this facility at any timevia North Online.


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Your cash accountMyNorth Investment uses a cash account that operates as ahub through which all of your transactions will pass. Yourinvestments, withdrawals and transfers (unless these aretransferred in specie), will be made via your cash account.

To help youmanage your cash account you have the flexibilityto nominate a target cash balance by specifying a minimumcash balance (dollar amount) and/or a nominated target cashpercentage (a percentage of your total portfolio balance) to beheld in your cash account.

A default target cash amount of 5% and a default minimumcash balance of $0 will apply where no selection is made. Boththe Minimum cash balance and Nominated target cashpercentage can be adjusted at any time.

The target cash balance is calculated as follows:

(Account balance x Nominated target cash percentage) +Minimum cash balance = Target cash balance.

For example, where the Account balance is $100,000, theMinimum cash balance specified is $0 (default) and theNominated target cash percentage is 5% (default) then theTarget cash balance is calculated as:

($100,000 x 5%) + $0 = $5,000

If the Minimum cash balance is increased from $0 to $1,000then the Target cash balance is calculated as:

($100,000 x 5%) + $1,000 = $6,000

The cash account is used for essential functions, someofwhichare illustrated below.

Cash account sweepsWhen the balance of your cash account exceeds your targetcash balance by $500, the excess cash will be invested as peryour investment instructions. In order for the cash accountsweep to takeplace, the excess cashmustmeet the transactiontrade minimums as defined on page 5.

If the balance of your cash account falls below your target cashbalance we will sell your assets as per your investmentinstructions tobring your cashaccount back to your target cashbalance, provided the transaction trade minimums are met

(refer to page 5 for transaction trade minimums). Where youhave not provided us with adequate investment instructionswe will sell your investment proportionately.

Where you hold listed securities and the trade minimum of$650 per listed security is not met, we will not sell your assetsand your cash account balance will remain below your targetcash balance.

Term Deposits will not be terminated early to bring your cashaccount balance back to your target cash balance.

Earnings on your cash accountFunds held in your cash account are pooled with the cashbalance of other investors and will be invested in:– a tradingbankaccountwithWestpacBankingCorporation,

and– a trading bank account with AMP Bank Limited.

We reserve the right to change or to alter the investmentstrategy of the cash account at any time without prior notice.

Any balance held in your cash account will accrue interestcalculated daily. Interest accrued will be allocated to the cashaccount, effective the first day following the endof eachmonthor, if you close your account before the end of a month, priorto payment being made.

Negative cash account balanceShould your cash account balance become negative at anytime, interest will be charged on the negative amount at thesame rate as the interest paid on positive cash accountbalances.

Events that may cause your cash account balance to becomenegative include payments such as fees, insurance premiums,withdrawals or if you are switching between investmentoptions.

When your cash account balance goes into negative, we willsell your investments as per your sell profile to bring your cashaccount balance back to your Target cash balance amount.Where you have not provided us with a sell profile, we will sellyour investments proportionately. However, if you only holdilliquid investment options, listed securities and/or termdeposits, these assets will not be sold down proportionatelyand your cash account will remain negative.

For more information on investing in MyNorth Investment,refer to page 15.


What is the cash account?

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When will your money be invested?Your investmentwill generally be credited to your cash accounton thebusiness day it is received. Anybalanceheld in your cashaccount will accrue interest at the current cash accountcrediting rate on the daily balance from that date until yourfunds are invested according to your investment instructions.

Your investment instructions are forwarded to the underlyingfundmanager, termdeposit provider andAustralian SecuritiesExchange (ASX) on a daily basis. The effective date of yourinvestment will be the date applied by each individual fundmanager or termdeposit provider. Ad hoc instructions to tradelisted securities will normally be forwarded to the ASX whenthey are received.


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Investment optionsMyNorth offers you a wide range of investment options tochoose from,with access to its low-cost active and index funds,to itsmore extensive list ofmanaged funds, termdeposits anddirect shares. As an investor youwill have the option to chooseyour investments fromthe following three investmentmenus:

1. Core menu - offers MyNorth Retirement Fund, MyNorthDynamic Balanced Fundanda rangeofMyNorth Indexoptions

2. Select menu - offers a range of diversified multi-managerinvestment options, goals based and single sector options,access to specialist fund managers in each asset class andaccess to cash options like term deposits.

3. Choicemenu - offers an extensive list ofmulti-manager andsinglemanager funds, listed securities on theASXand selectedAustralian real estate investment trusts (AREIT), exchangetraded funds (ETF) and exchange traded commodities (ETC),listed investment companies (LICs) and listed investment trusts(LITs).

AMPhas implementedacomprehensive strategy formonitoringand selecting underlying investment options. This strategyincludes oversight by an Investment committee. NMMT is notresponsible for the performance of underlying investmentoptions.

For more information on the investment options available,refer to the MyNorth Investment Options documenton or contact the North Service Centre on1800 667 841 for a copy.

Investment instructionsWhenyour financial adviser completes your application toopena MyNorth Investment account, you are required to provideyour automatic buy instructions. You can also arrange toprovide ongoing investment instructions, including:– Buy profile– Sell profile– Rebalance profile– Dollar cost averaging

Restrictionsmayapply to the investmentoptions chosen. RefertoRemovingor closing investmentoptionsonpage16 formoreinformation.

Buy profileInvestments that take your cash account balance above yourtarget amount will be invested according to your buy profile.Your buy profile can include managed funds and listedsecurities and must be specified as percentages.

If any of your investment options are sold in full and you donot update your buyprofile, fundsmay continue to be investedinto that option.

Accounts without a buy profile will remain invested in yourcash account.

Sell profilePayments of taxes, fees, insurancepremiums, andwithdrawalsmay cause your cash account balance to fall below yournominatedminimumamount. If thishappenswewill sell downyour investments according to the sell profile you havenominated. Your sell profile can include managed funds andlisted securities and must be specified as percentages.

As an alternative to specifying a sell profile in percentages youcan:– nominate an order by which investment options are sold,

or– nominate that managed funds be sold proportionately.

If there are insufficient funds in an investment option to sellusing your sell profile, then the required amount will be soldproportionally across your remaining investmentoptions. Sellsare processed as a dollar amount to match your specifiedpercentage. If the percentage amount for any investmentoption that is required to be sold is greater than 90%, the salewill be converted fromadollar-based to aunit-based sale usingthe latest unit pricewe hold. Thismay result in the percentagesold being different to the percentage you specified.

If you do not have a sell profile, your investments will be solddown proportionally.

Listed securities and term deposits will not be soldproportionally and may cause your cash account to becomenegative.

Rebalance profileOver time, the value of your underlying investments willfluctuate. If you invest inmore thanoneunderlying investmentoption, this variation is likely to cause your percentage ofholdings to vary from your initial investment profile. Theauto-rebalance facility rebalances your investment optionsback to your rebalanceprofile, in accordancewith your standinginstructions.

You can nominate a rebalance profile when you set up youraccount and modify it through North Online. Your profile caninclude managed funds and listed securities and must bespecified in percentages.

The auto-rebalancing feature gives you the option to rebalancequarterly, half-yearly or yearly on a selected date. Therebalancing will only occur on your nominated rebalance dateif the total of the buy transaction or sell transaction torebalance back to your profile meets the trade minimums asdescribed on page 5. In addition, any pending buy and selltransactions must be completed prior to the account beingrebalanced.


Investing in MyNorth Investment

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Dollar cost averagingDollar cost averaging (DCA) is the process of investing a setdollar amount into the market over regular intervals. The aimof this approach is to reduce the risks associated with tryingto choose the right time to buy. DCA is subject to a minimuminstalment of $500.

The benefits of DCA vary depending on the type of investmentand market conditions. You should seek advice from yourfinancial adviser on how DCAmay suit your individualcircumstances.

Switching between investment optionsSwitching involves the selling of an investment option and thepurchaseof another. Both thepurchaseandsale are conductedat the same time, which may result in your cash accountbecoming negative for a short period of time. Importantly, youare still invested for the day(s) your cash account is negative.

Your instructions for a switch are specified in dollars (subjectto trade minimums as described on page 5).

If the dollar amount of an investment to be sold is greater than90%of yourholding, the sell instructionswill be converted fromdollar-based to unit-based using the latest unit price we hold.Thismay result in the dollar amount purchasedbeingdifferentto the dollar amount sold.

Listed securitiesMyNorth allows you to invest in all securities listed on the ASXand other securities as listed in the MyNorth InvestmentOptions document available at

To invest in listed securities through MyNorth, your financialadviser will need to request a Holder Identification Number(HIN) through North Online, which is unique to your account.

Corporate actionsFrom time to time there may be corporate actions associatedwith listed securities. Examples of corporate actions include,but are not limited to, rights issues, share splits and buy-backs.

As you will be assigned a unique HIN, you can participate inany corporate actions that are notified to us. We will notifyyour financial adviser of the corporate actions and ask themto contact you, to provide instructions on your behalf. We willact on those instructions as provided to us by your financialadviser. If your financial adviser has provided you withtransaction access for trading securities youwill be able to giveus your instructions directly.

Removing or closing investment optionsWemay from time to time, remove or close certain investmentoptions (for example,where theunderlying investment is eitherterminating or being closed by the fundmanager). Where thisoccurs,wewill normally provide youwith at least 30days’ priornotice. If the option is terminating, you will need to select analternative investment option. Where we cannot provide youwithat least 30days’ prior notice (due to circumstances outsideof our control), we will provide you with notice as soon aspracticable.

Where we cannot provide you with adequate notice or wherewehave not received alternative investment instructions fromyou, we will take the below actions:1. If the investmentoption is terminatedor closed toadditional

investments and it forms part of your investmentinstructions:

– the investment option will be replaced with the AMPWholesale CashManagement Trust (NML0018AU) in yourbuy profile

– your dollar cost averaging purchase instruction will becancelled

– your existing sell profile will remain unchanged if theinvestment option is closed

– your rebalance instruction will be cancelled and yourrebalanceprofilewill bedeleted. Theauto-rebalance facilitywill no longer be available whilst you hold units in thatinvestment option.

2. If the investment option is closed to new investments youcan continue to invest in the closed investment optionprovided that you currently have aholding in the investmentoption. If it forms part of your investment instructions andyoudonot currentlyhaveaholding in the investmentoption:

– the investment option will be replaced with the AMPWholesale CashManagement Trust (NML0018AU) in yourbuy profile

– your dollar cost averaging purchase instruction will becancelled

– your rebalance profile will be deleted– your existing sell profile will remain unchanged.

3. If the investment option is suspended (frozen) and formspart of your investment instructions:

– the investment option will be replaced with the AMPWholesale CashManagement Trust (NML0018AU) in yourbuy profile

– your dollar cost averaging purchase instruction will becancelled

– your rebalance instruction will be cancelled and yourrebalanceprofilewill bedeleted. Theauto-rebalance facilitywill no longer be available whilst you hold units in thatinvestment option.


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If it forms part of your sell profile and you have instructed usto:– ‘divest as per the sell down profile’, the entire sell profile

will be deleted and your instructions changed to sell down‘pro rata across all managed funds only’

– ‘divest as per the sell down order’, we will delete theinvestment option from the sell down order

– ‘pro rata across managed funds only’, we will continue tosell pro rata across your remaining managed funds.

Where you are invested in an investment option that isterminating, your holdings in the optionwill be sold subject toany suspension/withdrawal restrictions. Proceeds from thesale will be allocated to your cash account. Additionally, whereyou hold an investment option that is suspended (frozen),terminated or closed, the auto-rebalance facility is no longeravailable whilst you hold units in that option. However, youmay wish to complete a ‘One-off rebalance’ by excluding thesuspended, terminatedor closed investmentoption. For furtherinformation on the withdrawal restrictions that may apply,refer to the liquidity risk section of this PDS.

The PDS for the AMP Capital Wholesale Cash ManagementTrust (NML0018AU) is available from North Online. You canmake a switch out of this investment option at any time.

Obtaining up-to-date informationThe available investment options may change from time totime. Full details of the available investment options can befound in theMyNorth investment optionsdocument, availableat or by contacting your financial adviseror the North Service Centre on 1800 667 841.

Fundmanagerswill notify us of anymaterially adverse changesor significant events that affect an investment option youhaveselected.Wewill notify youof these changesor events throughNorth Online as soon aswe can after we have been notified bythe fund managers. Copies of these documents are availablefree of charge upon request by contacting the North ServiceCentre via email at [email protected] or by calling 1800 667841.

We will not be responsible for any delays in notifying you ofthese changes or events, where the delay has been caused bya fund manager.

Fund manager paymentsNMMTmay receive payments of up to 0.55% pa from fundmanagers based on the amount invested in particularinvestment options made available to you. Payments receivedare based on amounts invested with the fund manager andthe management cost of the investment option. Thesepayments and their method of calculation may change fromtime to time and are not an additional cost to you.

Asset transfers (In specie)An asset transfer (in specie) is the process of transferringmanaged funds and listed securities from one product holderto another, without the need to sell and repurchase the assets.This helps reduceanyoutofmarket risks associatedwith sellingand repurchasing the assets.

In specie transfers do not have buy/sell costs for managedfunds or brokerage costs for listed securities.

There will not be a realisation of any capital gains or losseswhere there is no change of beneficial ownership. Stamp dutyand other costs may apply.

Some transfers can take in excess of threemonths to completedependingon the typeof asset being transferred. Asset parcelsare transferred out on a “first in first out” basis, meaning olderasset parcels will be transferred out before newer ones.

In specie inSome assets you hold outside of your MyNorth Investmentaccountmaybe transferred in specie into your account if certainconditions are met, including:– The assets must be available in theMyNorth investment

options document, including listed securities.– The other holder (fund manager or platform) allows in

specie transfer out.

An in specie transfer fee will apply for any listed securities yourequest to transfer in. There are no fees for managed funds.Formore information on the in specie transfer fee, please referto page 22 of this document.

In specie outTheassets youhold in your accountmaybe transferred in specieto another holder, in place of a cash withdrawal, so long ascertain conditions are met and the other holder is willing toaccept the particular assets being transferred.

An in specie transfer fee will apply to each managed fund orlisted security you request to transfer out. Formore informationon the in specie transfer fee please refer to page 22 of thisdocument.

The other holder may also charge a fee for accepting in specietransfers in.

Partial in specie transfers out

You can request a partial transfer of your account balance bytransferring all or part of any managed fund or listed security.If you elect a partial transfer, your account will remain openand you can continue to transact on your account. However,you will not be able to transact on the remaining holdings inthe investment options you have elected to partially transferuntil all completed forms have been received and the requesthas been authorised by us. If you receive dividends paid as part


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of your Dividend Re-investment Plan (DRP) after you submitthe transfer, these will appear as additional units in yourexisting listed security holdings.

Full in specie transfers out

Where the transfer request results in a full withdrawal youwillneed to ensure you have sufficient cash available in your cashaccount to pay for the provisions detailed below, including thein specie fees. If you do not have sufficient funds in your cashaccount, you will need to sell part or all of your holdings in aninvestment option. If this occurs, you will need to provideinstructionsonwhich investmentoption youwish to sell down.

If listed securities are sold, brokerage fees will apply. Once theasset transfer request has been submitted youwill not be ableto transact on your account and your account will be closedwhen the asset transfer has been completed.

The maximum amount you can transfer in specie will becalculated based on your total account value less outstandingfees and provisions. The maximum transfer value will becalculated at the time the request is submitted. If you receivedividends paid as part of your DRP after you submit yourtransfer, these units will be sold to cash as part of the cashwithdrawal and account closure.

Someasset transfersmay takeup to threemonths to complete,consequently we will provision for the following:– three months of regular withdrawals (where applicable),– three months of administration fees,– three months of insurance premiums (where applicable),

and– three months of advice fees.


Dividends from listed securitiesYou have the option of receiving your dividends as a paymentmade into your cash account or choosing a dividendreinvestment plan (where available), that will reinvest anydividends automatically to purchase further shares.

Term deposit interestInterest earned from term deposits will be paid into your cashaccount upon maturity or at specified intervals as supportedby the term deposit provider. You may also nominate forinterest to be reinvested and added to the principal amount ofyour term deposit. Refer to North Online for more details.

Distributions frommanaged fundsManaged funds will generally earn income and also generatecapital gains. Income is paid in the formof distributions,whichwill then be paid into your cash account.1

1 Unless otherwise indicated in the MyNorth investment options document or underlying investment option PDS.


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Risks apply to investingThe future value of your MyNorth Investment options willdepend on the types and performance of the investmentoptions you choose. The investment options offered throughMyNorth Investment are subject to risk, including possibledelays in repaymentand lossof incomeandcapital.Nomemberof the AMP Group or the investment managers guarantee therepayment of capital, payment of income or the performanceof the options chosen.

DiversificationDiversification is a basic strategy used to reduce some of therisks associatedwith investing. By spreading your investmentsacross a number of assets, you are not reliant on theperformance of, and are not exposed to the risks of, a singleinvestment. Investing in only one or a few specific assets ordirect securities can increase your risk. It is very important thatyou understand and are aware of the risks and mitigatingstrategies, such as diversification, that are available to you. Formore information on what risks apply to investing speak toyour financial adviser.

Risk and returnYour investment strategy will be highly dependent on yourattitude towards risk. All investments carry a risk component.Risk in an investment context refers to the possibility that theinvestment will not return its original capital or expectedincome and that the level of return will be volatile over anygiven time period. This risk can include market risk, companyrisk, currency risk, interest rate and inflation risk. Investmentswith a low risk profile will usually provide lower, thoughmoreconsistent, returns than those with a higher risk profile. Forexample, investing cash into bank accounts is considered lowrisk/low return,while the sharemarkethashistorically providedhigher returns over the longer term with higher volatility.

Liquidity riskIn certain circumstances, an underlying managed investmentfund may become illiquid under the Corporations Act. If anunderlying fund becomes illiquid, withdrawals will not bepermitted unless the fund’s responsible entity makes awithdrawal offer. The responsible entity is not obliged tomakesuch an offer. If an offer is made, you will be informed and youmay direct us to accept the offer with respect to part or all ofyour investment in the fund. Where withdrawal requestsexceed the amount available for release from the fund theamount released will be distributed proportionally.

For more information you should read the underlyinginvestment options' PDS.

Risk of delayDelays in thepurchaseor sellingof investmentsmayalsooccurwhere the underlyingmarket becomes illiquid. For example, ifthe fund manager suspends trading in an investment optionMyNorth will not be able to fulfil the request until thesuspension is lifted.

Other risks of investing in an IDPSWe are dependent on the accuracy and efficiency of ouradministration and computer systems. There is also a risk thata failure in any of these systemswill cause adelay in processingand reporting on your account. There is also a risk that yourrights may be affected by a change in the Deed Poll governingtheMyNorth Investment. Youwill benotified of any significantchanges.


What risks apply to investing?

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The total fees and costs you pay include the fees of the MyNorth Investment as well as the underlying fees and costs of anyinvestment option(s) you choose.

It is important that you understand the fees and costs of any investment options you choose and that those fees and costs are inaddition to the fees we charge.

For detailed information about the underlying fees and costs associated with any particular investment option, refer to thatinvestment option’s PDS. Visit North Online or contact your financial adviser to obtain up-to-date copies.


Small differences in both investment performance and fees and costs can have a substantial impact on your long-term returns.

For example, total annual fees and costs of 2% of your account balance rather than 1% could reduce your final return by up to20% over a 30-year period (for example, reduce it from $100,000 to $80,000).

You should considerwhether features such as superior investment performance or the provision of better services, justify higherfees and costs.

You may be able to negotiate to pay lower contribution fees andmanagement costs where applicable. Ask the provider or yourfinancial adviser.


If youwould like to find outmore, or see the impact of the fees based on your own circumstances, the Australian Securities andInvestments Commission (ASIC)website ( has a managed investment fee calculator to help you check outdifferent fee options.

This document shows fees and other costs that youmay be charged. These fees and costsmay be deducted from yourmoney, fromthe returns on your investments or from the assets in your account.

Taxes are set out in another part of this PDS, refer to pages 21 to 28.

You should read all the information about fees and costs because it is important to understand their impact on your investment.

Fees and costs for particular investment options are set out in the underlying investment option's PDS.


Fees and other costs

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MyNorth Investment

How and when paidAmountType of fee or cost

Fees when your money moves in or out of your account

Not applicableNilEstablishment feeThe fee to open your investment

Not applicableNilContribution fee(i)

The fee on each amountcontributed to your investment

Not applicableNilWithdrawal feeThe fee on each amount you takeout of your investment

Not applicableNilExit feeThe fee to close your investment

Management costs

The administration fee is calculated bymultiplying theproportionof youraccount value

Investment menuTotal portfoliovalue(iii)


% paSelect% pa

Core% pa

The fees and costs for managing

your investment(ii)in each investmentmenuby the administrationfee rate applicable to your total openingportfolio value on the day of the fee deduction



$0 to $149,999 and is deducted fromyour cashaccountonyourmonthly account anniversary.0.520.30$150,000 to $249,999

0.470.30$250,000 to $399,999

0.370.25$400,000 to $749,999

0.250.20$750,000 plus(v)

The account fee is deducted from your cashaccount monthly from the date that youraccount commenced.

Plus $7.58 per month except for an account with a guaranteewhere the account fee is waived.

Theongoingguarantee fee is deductedmonthlyfrom your cash account and the additionalcontribution guarantee fee is deducted fromyou cash account at the time the contributionis made.

Plus, if you have selected a Guarantee:0.80% to 3.55% pa and up to 7% per contribution or rolloverin excess of the annual contribution threshold, depending onthe type of guarantee, term and investment strategyselected.(vi)

Service fees(vii)

Not applicable.Nil.However, underlying buy/sellcosts(viii)may apply.

Switching feeThe fee for changing investmentoptions

You may agree to pay a client advice fee on contributions to your financial adviser for financial advice. Refer to client advice fees on page 24for more information


Underlyingmanagement costsmay also apply. Refer to underlying fees and costs of investment options on page 25 for more information(ii)Total portfolio value includes all accounts held by you in MyNorth Super,MyNorth Pension andMyNorth Investment, aswell asNorth PersonalSuper, Personal Pension and North Investment. Refer to benefit frommultiple accounts on page 24 for further details.


Selected investment options on the Choice menumay be eligible for a discount on the administration fee. Refer to the currentMyNorthinvestment options document for eligible investment options and discount rates.


The maximum administration fee inclusive of account fee (if applicable) you can incur across all MyNorth Super, MyNorth Pension andMyNorth Investment accounts held by you is $3,500 pa.


Refer to theMyNorth Investment Guarantee PDS for further information(vi)Other service fees, such as client advice fees may also apply. Refer to other service fees on page 24 for more information.(vii)Refer to underlying fees and costs of investment options on page 25 for more information(viii)


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Additional explanation of fees and costs

Benefit frommultiple accountsThe grouping of accounts allows you to reduce theadministration fee you pay. When accounts are grouped, theirbalances are combined to calculate the total portfolio valuewhich is applied to all accounts.

Individual fee aggregation

As an individual investor, we automatically combine thenotional balances of up to six of your North accounts todetermine the administration fee rate applicable. The accounttypes that we include in this calculation are MyNorth Super,MyNorth Pension and MyNorth Investment, North PersonalSuper, North Personal Pension andNorth Investment accounts.

Family groups

Family groups can be set up by your financial adviser throughNorth Online by nominating a primary member within thefamily group. All members of the family group must have thesame financial adviser and one of the following relationshipsto the primary member to be eligible for family grouping:– spouse– de facto– parent– child– sibling– grandparent– grandchild.

A maximum of four members are allowed in a family group,with up to six accounts per member.

Self managed super funds (SMSFs), trusts and companies areeligible to be included in a family group, if eachmember of theSMSF, beneficiary of the trust or director of the company hasa valid relationship to the primary member.

Family fee aggregation

Family fee aggregation allows you andmembers of your family(family group) to combine the notional balances of yourMyNorth Super, MyNorth Pension and MyNorth Investmentaccounts. In addition, you can includenotional balances of yourNorth Personal Super, North Personal Pension and NorthInvestment accounts. The administration fee applied to eachaccount within a family group will be calculated based on thecombined balance of all accounts. Where a primary memberceases to hold an eligible account, the family group will beterminated.

Family fee capping

The total administration fees (inclusive of account fee ifapplicable) charged across a family group's MyNorth accountswill not exceed $4,500 pa.

Other service fees

Insurance fees

Insurance fees (premiums) aredependenton the cover selected,age, gender, occupation, health and other factors. If insurancecover is accepted, premiums are deducted from your cashaccount inadvance. Refer to the currentAMPElevate insurancePDS for further information. Your financial adviser can provideyou with a personalised quote.

Brokerage fees

When purchasing or selling listed securities, brokerage feeswill apply. These fees include GST and are an additional costto you.

Standard brokerage fees of 0.11% of the total of each listedsecurity purchase or sale apply, subject to a minimum fee of$34 per trade. These fees will be will be directly debited fromyour cash account at the time the trade is settled.

If you use a panel broker, the brokerage fee is negotiatedbetween you and the panel broker, and a settlement fee of$10.25 will apply in addition to any brokerage fees. Thesettlement feewill be deducted fromyour cash account on theday the panel broker sends us your trade information.

Pleaseask your financial adviser for details on currentbrokeragerates.

In specie transfer fee

When transferring assets in or out of your account, in specietransfer fees will apply.

For in specie, in a transfer fee of $25.63 per asset will apply foreach listed security, ETF, ETC and AREIT you request to transferin. This cost is charged by the broker and not by us. This feewillbe deducted from your cash account after the asset transferhas been processed.

For in specie out, a transfer fee of $100per asset applies to eachmanaged fund or listed security you request to transfer out.This fee will be deducted from your cash account at the timethe units being transferred are removed from your account. Ifthere are insufficient funds in your cash account some of theassets may be sold to fund these costs.

Adviser remuneration

Your financial adviser is a valuable resource available to you asthey can help you understand how investmentswork and howto get themost from your super and/or pension. Your financialadviser can also provide advice and guidance about otherfinancial and insurance matters.


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Client advice fees

You may agree to pay your financial adviser a Client advice fee (CAF) from your MyNorth account, which is the remuneration theyreceive for providing you with financial advice. You should discuss client advice fees with your financial adviser to ensure youunderstand them and how they are calculated. Advice fees that you agree to pay your financial adviser will be deducted from youraccount in accordance with your instructions to us, and paid to your financial adviser on your behalf.

Client advice fee may comprise of either one or a combination of the following:

How and when paidClient advice feeoption

Client advice fee types

A one-off dollar fee as agreed with your financial adviser, which isdeducted from your account.

A one-off dollar feeClient advice fee – initialA fee youmayagree topay your financial adviserfor initial financial advice. This may includeinitial, planpreparationand research, andadviceimplementation.

The fee will be deducted from your account at the time your account isestablished, subject to your account balance(i)

Where your account balance is not sufficient to pay this fee atestablishment, the fee will be deducted once your portfolio balanceexceeds the minimum requirement.

A one-off dollar fee as agreedwith your financial adviser that is deductedfrom your account.

A one-off dollar feeClient advice fee – ad hocA fee youmayagree topay your financial adviserfor additional financial advice. The fee will be deducted from your account at the time we receive your

instructions, subject to your account balance(i) and anymember advicefees already paid during your anniversary year.

A regular dollar and/or percentage fee deducted from your accountmonthly or quarterly as agreed with your financial adviser.

A regular dollar and/orpercentage fee

Client advice fee – ongoingAn ongoing fee you may agree to pay yourfinancial adviser for ongoing financial advice. The percentage feewill accrue daily and be deducted from your account

at your nominated frequency of either monthly or quarterly.Feeswill only bedeductedup to the amount determinedby your accountbalance(i) at the end of that period and subject to any member advicefees already paid during your anniversary year.

A dollar or percentage based fee charged on listed security trades asagreed with your financial adviser. This fee is only charged on adviserinitiated transactions (eg switches and ad hoc rebalances).

An ongoing dollar orpercentage-based fee

Client advice fee – listed securitiesAn ongoing fee paid from your account toour financial adviserfor financial advice trading listed securities.

A percentage of each initial and/or future contribution as agreed withyour financial adviser.

A percentage of eachcontribution

Client advice fee – contributionsA fee youmayagree topay your financial adviserfor financial advice on initial and/or futurecontributions.

The fee will be calculated as a percentage of each initial and/or futurecontributionsmade toyouraccountanddeducted fromyour cashaccountat the time the contribution is received.

(i) Deductions for client advice fees are subject to minimum account balances. Refer to ‘Client advice fee limits’ on page 24 for further details.

In all circumstances you control the client advice fee payments and can instruct us to change or cease payments. This instructionmust be received by us in writing. Your instructions will generally be actioned within two business days, but it may take longerdepending on processing requirements. We will also process instructions from your financial adviser to reduce client advice feepayments.

In the event we receive inconsistent instructions from you and your financial adviser we will always act in accordance with yourinstructions.

Where you enter into an agreement with your financial adviser for client advice fees, it is possible that your financial adviser maytransfer the advisory services they provide you to another financial adviser. Thismay occur in circumstances such as, but not limitedto, your financial adviser retiring, changing roles, merging advice practices or selling all or part of their practice.

Where any such changes occur, youwill be notifiedwithin 30 days of us becoming aware of any such change, and your client advicefee arrangements will continue to be paid to the new financial adviser, unless you instruct us otherwise.

You should refer to your Statement of Advice provided by your financial adviser for details of the client advice fee arrangementsbetween you and your financial adviser.


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Client advice fee limits

The maximum client advice fee that you can agree to pay your financial adviser from your account (excluding any remunerationthat your financial adviser charges you directly) is dependent on your account value and is outlined in the following table.

Maximum CAF payable to your financial adviser:

Maximum payable by you (inclusiveof GST, net of RITC) pa

Maximum payable to your financialadviser (inclusive of GST) pa

Account balanceFee type

NilNilUnder $1,500CAF (initial, ad hoc, ongoing, listedsecurities)

2.51% of your total account balance(i)2.69% of your total account balance(i)$1,500 to $10,000CAF (initial, ad hoc, ongoing, listedsecurities)

$5,125plus 2.51%of your total accountbalance(i)

$5,500 plus 2.69% of your total accountbalance(i)

Over $10,000CAF (initial, ad hoc, ongoing, listedsecurities)

4.10% of each contribution4.4% of each contributionN/A(iii)CAF (contributions)(ii)

Based on the anniversary of your account establishmentdate.


Your financial advisermaybe restricted fromapplying clientadvice fees to ongoing contributions as these fees are


prohibited by some financial services licensees. Pleaseconfirm with your financial adviser.CAF (contributions) is not based on your account balance.(iii)

Limits will be monitored and verified against your accountvalue each time a client advice fee is charged during theanniversary year. We reserve the right not to deduct fees thatwe believe are unreasonable.

The remuneration that your financial adviser receives differsfrom the amount you pay from your cash account due to RITC.RITC is a partial rebate of the GST payable to financial advisersthat we pass directly onto you. Therefore, you are not chargedthe entire amount that the financial adviser receives asremuneration.

Capacity to index client advice fees

Where you agree to pay your financial adviser a dollar amountfor the client advice fee – ongoing, the amountwill be indexedeach year on your account anniversary date or on adate agreedwith your financial adviser.

You may choose from twomethods of indexation:– Fixed percentage (up to 7% pa), or– Consumer Price Index (CPI)—using the most recently

published CPI.

Underlying fees and costs of investment optionsThe fees and costs of any investment options selected by youand your financial adviser are in addition to the feeswe chargefor accessing these investment options.

Details of the various types of fees and costs charged by theunderlying investment managers are set out below.

You can find an up-to-date list of the underlying investmentoption fees and costs reflecting the underlying investmentoption's PDS disclosure on North Online or in theMyNorth Investment Options document.

For more detailed information about the fees and costs of aparticular investment option, refer to that investment option’sPDS. Visit to obtain the most up-to-datecopies of the PDSs provided by the relevant fund managers orcontact your financial adviser.

Management costs

Management costs are the ongoing fees and expenses ofinvesting in an investment option and include managementfees, expense recoveries, performance fees (if applicable) andindirect costs.

Managers of the investment options generally expressmanagement costs as apercentageper annumof thenet assetvalue of the investment option.

Termdeposits andmost listed securities donothaveunderlyingmanagement costs, however theymayapply for Australian realestate investment trusts (AREITs), exchange traded funds(ETFs), listed investment companies (LICs) and listed investmenttrusts (LITs).


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Transactional and operational costs

In addition tomanagement costs, transactional andoperationalcosts will generally be incurred when dealing with theunderlying assets of an investment option. They includebrokerage, clearing costs, stamp duty, the buy and sell spreadsof any underlying funds and certain costs associated withholding derivatives or direct investments in real property.

Transactional and operational costswill differ according to thetypes of assets held by the investment option and whetherthey are traded in Australia or overseas. Transactional costsvary based on relative costs of investing with a particular fundmanager and/or a particular type of investment.

Termdeposits andmost listed securities donothaveunderlyingtransactional and operational costs, however they may applyfor Australian real estate investment trusts (AREITs), exchangetraded funds (ETFs), listed investment companies (LICs) andlisted investment trusts (LITs).

Buy/Sell costs

Most investment options, excluding listed securities and termdeposits, have buy/sell spreads. This is the difference betweenthe buy unit price and the sell unit price and is the fundmanager’s estimates of the costs of buying and selling assetsof the investment option due to investments andwithdrawalsfrom the fund.

When you invest in a managed fund we purchase theequivalent units for you at the buy price. When determiningyour account value, we then value these units using the sellprice, which is generally lower than the buy price. The buy/sellcost represents this reduction in value.

Buy/sell costs are additional costs to the investor and arereflected in the unit price and are not charged separately. Theyare not paid to us, they are used by the fundmanager to meettransaction costs.

Example of annual fees and costsThis table gives an example of how the fees and costs foraccessing a balanced investment option or other investmentoption can affect your investment over a one-year period. Youshould use this table to compare MyNorth Investment withother Investor Directed Portfolio Services.

Balance of $50,000 with acontribution of $5,000 during theyear

Example – MyNorth IndexBalanced investment option

For every additional $5,000 you putin, you will be charged $0.

NilContribution fees

And, for every $50,000 you have inthe MyNorth Index Balancedinvestment option you will be

0.00% paplus $91pa


charged $0 each year plus $91 eachyear regardless of your accountbalance.

If you had an investment of $50,000at the beginning of the year and youput in an additional $5,000 duringthat year, youwould be charged feesof $91.(ii)

Equals Cost of theMyNorth IndexBalancedInvestmentoption

What it costs youwill depend on theinvestment option you choose andthe fees you negotiate.

(i) Management costs include the Core administration fee (0.00% perannum) and account fee ($91 per annum).

(ii) Additional fees and costsmayapply, including client advice fees as agreedwith your financial adviser, andunderlying fees and costs for investmentoptions - refer to example 1 under the additional examples of totalannual fees and costs below.


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Additional examples of total annual fees and costsThe following examples illustrate how the cumulative effectof the fees and costs of MyNorth Investment, as well as theunderlying fees and costs of certain types of investmentoptions, canaffect your investmentover aone-year period, andhow they can vary depending on the investment options youselect.

The actual fees and costs that you will be charged will dependon your total account value, the investment options you chooseand the transactions you carry out.

Example 1 - Managed fund on the Core menu

Balance of $50,000 with acontribution of $5,000 during theyear

Example – MyNorth IndexBalanced investment option

For every $50,000 you have inMyNorth Investment and for every$5,000 youput in, youwill be charged$91 each year.

$91 paCost of MyNorthInvestment(i)

And, other costs of $325 each yearwill be deducted from yourinvestment.

0.65% paPlus Other costsfor the investmentoption(ii)

If you had an investment of $50,000at the beginning of the year and youput in an additional $5,000 during

Equals Total feesand costs(iii)

that year, youwould be charged totalfees and costs of$416 for holding theMyNorth IndexBalanced investmentoption.

This amount comprises the Core administration fee (0.00% perannum) and account fee ($91 per annum).


This amount comprises estimates of underlying managementcosts for the MyNorth Index Balanced option based on the lastfinancial year. It does not include underlying management costson the contribution of $5,000 during the year whichwould equalan additional $32.50 if invested at the beginning of the year.


Additional fees and costs may apply, including member advicefees as agreed with your financial adviser and underlying


transactional and operational costs. And, a buy/sell cost of 0.24%applieswhenever you invest in theMyNorth IndexBalancedoption(this will equal $12 for every $5,000 you invest).

Example 2 - Managed fund on the Select menu

Balance of $50,000 with acontribution of $5,000 during theyear

Example – North ProfessionalBalanced investment option

For every $50,000 you have inMyNorth Investment and for every$5,000 you put in, you will becharged $241 each year.

0.30% paplus $91 pa

Cost of MyNorthInvestment(i)

And, other costs of $460 each yearwill be deducted from yourinvestment.

0.92% paPlus Other costsfor theinvestmentoption(ii)

If you had an investment of $50,000at thebeginning of the year and youput in an additional $5,000 during

Equals Total feesand costs(iii)

that year, you would be chargedtotal fees and costs of $701 forholding the North ProfessionalBalanced investment option.

This amount comprises the Select administration fee (0.30% perannum) and account fee ($91 per annum). It does not include


administration fees on the contribution of $5,000 during the yearwhichwould equal an additional $15 if invested at the beginningof the year.This amount comprises estimates of underlying managementcosts for theNorthProfessional Balanced investmentoptionbasedon the last financial year. It does not include underlying


management costs on the contribution of $5,000 during the yearwhichwould equal an additional $46 if invested at the beginningof the year.Additional fees and costs may apply, including member advicefees as agreed with your financial adviser, and underlying


transactional and operational costs. And, a buy/sell cost of 0.39%applies whenever you invest in the North Professional Balancedinvestment option (this will equal $19.50 for every $5,000 youinvest).


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Example 3 - Term deposit on the Select menu

Balance of $50,000 with acontributionof$5,000during theyear

Example – AMP TermDeposit

For every $50,000 you have inMyNorth Investment and for every$5,000 you put in, youwill be charged$241 each year.

0.30% paplus $91pa

Cost of MyNorthInvestment(i)

And, other costs of $0 each year willbe deducted from your investment.

NilPlus Other costsfor theinvestmentoption(ii)

If you had an investment of $50,000at the beginning of the year and youput in an additional $5,000 during

Equals Total feesand costs(ii)

that year, youwould be charged totalfees and costs of $241 for holding anAMP Term Deposit.

This amount comprises the Select administration fee (0.30% perannum) and account fee ($91 per annum). It does not include


administration fees on the contribution of $5,000 during the yearwhichwould equal an additional $15 if invested at the beginningof the year.There are no underlying fees and costs for Term Deposits.(ii)Additional fees and costs may apply, including member advicefees as agreed with your financial adviser. Buy/sell costs do notapply to Term Deposits.


Example 4 - Listed securities on the Choice menu

Balance of $50,000 with acontribution of $5,000 during theyear

Example– Listed shareson theASX

For every $50,000 you have inMyNorth Investment and for every$5,000 youput in, youwill be charged$376 each year.

0.57% paplus $91pa

Cost of MyNorthInvestment(i)

And, other costs of $0 each year willbe deducted from your investment.

NilPlus Other costsfor the investmentoptions(ii)

If you had an investment of $50,000at the beginning of the year and youput in an additional $5,000 during

Equals Total feesand costs(iii)

that year, youwould be charged totalfees and costs of $376 for holdinglisted shares on the ASX.

This amount comprises the Choice administration fee (0.57% perannum) and account fee ($91 per annum). It does not include


administration fees on the contribution of $5,000 during the yearwhich would equal an additional $28.50 if invested at thebeginning of the year.There are no underlying fees and costs for listed shares, howeverunderlyingmanagement, transactional andoperational costsmayapply for AREITs, ETFs, LICs and LITs.


Additional fees and costs may apply, including member advicefees as agreed with your financial adviser. And, a brokerage fee


will applywhenever you trade listed securities (thiswill equal $34for every $5,000 you invest in a single trade, unless youuse apanelbroker in which case brokerage fees are negotiated between youand the broker and we will charge an additional settlement feeof $10.25 per trade).


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Formost people, insurance is an important part of any financialplan. Without insurance, you and your family may not be ableto continue the lifestyle you have worked hard to provide inthe event of death or illness.

You are able to attach insurance to your MyNorth accountthrough AMP Elevate insurance. The cover available includes:– Life Insurance– TPD Insurance– Income Insurance, and– Trauma Insurance.

Insurance is issued by AMP Life.

Any premiums will be deducted from your cash account. Toapply for any AMP insurance cover you will need to obtain theAMP Elevate insurance PDS from your financial adviser. Youshould consider thePDSbeforedeciding toacquire this product.

For information on the insurance options and cover available,refer to AMP Elevate insurance PDS at


AMP Elevate insurance

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Payment upon deathIn the event of your death while still an investor of MyNorthInvestment, we must pay your remaining investment to yourestate. Your insurance proceeds (if applicable) will be paid onthe basis of the latest AMP Elevate insurance Nomination ofbeneficiary form received in writing by AMP. If a Nominationof beneficiary formhasnot been received (or hasbeen revoked),proceeds will be paid to the Plan owner of the AMP Elevateinsurance plan or to their estate.

Joint applicants are treated as joint tenants. This means thatif one of the joint applicants dies, only the other joint applicantwill be recognised as having any claim to the investment.

Invested assets upon deathUpon notification of the client’s death, the assets will remaininvested as per the deceased client’s investment instructions,until such time as alternative instructions are received fromthe client’s legal personal representative.

Investment instructions, adviserremuneration and financial adviser accessAny existing investment instructions, regular savings plans,client advice fees and financial adviser access may also becancelled upon receipt of notification of the client’s death.


How will the benefit be paid upon death?

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TaxationThere may be important tax consequences in investing inMyNorth Investment. The taxation implications of investing,switching and receiving distributions will depend on yourpersonal situation.

We recommend you check with your financial adviser or taxprofessional, as individual circumstances may differ and taxinformation may change in the future.

Non-resident withholding taxIf you are not an Australian resident, tax will normally bededucted from your distributions. The tax rate will depend onthe nature of the distributions and the country in which youreside.

Tax file number (TFN) withholding taxYou can choose whether or not to quote your TFN when youapply for a MyNorth Investment account. However, withoutyour TFN or an appropriate exemption, we will be required towithhold tax at the highest marginal tax rate (plus Medicarelevy) from any distributions made to you.

MyNorth IDPS Deed PollThe MyNorth IDPS is governed by a Deed Poll. The terms andconditions of the Deed Poll are binding on us and onMyNorthIDPS investors.

Copies of the Deed Poll will be provided free of charge onrequest if you contact us on 1800 667 841, email us [email protected], or bywriting toNorth ServiceCentre,GPOBox 2915, MELBOURNE VIC 3001.

NMMThas the power to amend the Deed Poll, but itmust giveyou reasonable prior notice if it considers the amendment tobe materially adverse to your interests.

Role of NMMTNMMT is the operator of MyNorth Investment. NMMTmustperform its obligations under the Deed Poll honestly and withreasonable care and diligence.

The Deed Poll also contains a general obligation for NMMT toact in accordance with investment instructions from you.However, there are a number of circumstances where aninstruction is deemed not to have been given, including:– where the instruction is unacceptable or inappropriate

with reference to the Deed Poll, this IDPS Guide, the lawor market practice

– if the instruction is incomplete or may not be authentic,or

– if there is insufficient cash to meet the request.

NMMT is the custodian for MyNorth Investment, but hasappointed RBC Investor Services Trust (ABN 75 116 809 824)as sub-custodian to hold certain assets on its behalf, includingshares, managed investment funds and fixed term products.

NMMT has a voting policy in place regarding investmentsaccessible through this service. A copy of this policy is availablefree of charge upon request from the North Service Centre on1800 667 841 or

NMMT has entered into contracts with the underlyinginvestment managers and as a result may receive paymentfrom the investment managers whose managed investmentfunds are available for investment through MyNorth.

Your rightsYour rights as an investor through MyNorth Investment aregovernedby this IDPSGuide, theDeedPoll and theCorporationsAct. The rights you have as an investor include the right to:– withdraw your investment– terminate your investment– receive income entitlements– receive investor reports, and– inspect the Deed Poll.

There are differences between investing directly and investingthrough a portfolio administration service like the MyNorthIDPS. As an investor through the MyNorth IDPS:– you will have access to managed investment funds that

arenormally only available to investorswith large amountsto invest

– assets will be held in custody for you, and we will provideconsolidated reporting and collect income on your behalf

– you have no ‘cooling-off’ rights available to investmentoptions, and

– you don't have access to voting rights, attendmeetings orparticipating in corporate actions. NMMT generally voteswhere a resolution is deemed to have the potential tomaterially effect the nature of the outcome of theinvestment.

Should you elect not to receive ongoing financial advice youmay remain invested in MyNorth Investment. In this instanceyou will be treated in accordance with the NMMT Limited –Non-Advised Clients policy, which is available or the North Service Centre on1800 667 841.

If you invest directly in managed investment funds you willreceive reports, accounts and may be able to participate indistribution reinvestment plans. These options may not beavailable to investors who invest through IDPS schemes likeMyNorth Investment.


What else do you need to know?

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Your liabilityBy electing to useMyNorth Investment, you appoint NMMT toact on your behalf to acquire, withdraw, invest, transfer andhold investments offered through MyNorth Investment.

Under the MyNorth IDPS Deed Poll, NMMT is not responsiblefor any losses or liabilities incurred by you, except where theyarise from our negligence or fraud. NMMT is also entitled to abroad indemnity out of the assets in your portfolio when itperforms or exercises any of its powers or duties in respect ofthe service. You are liable for any fees and charges that havebeen advised to you, whether in this guide or otherwise, andfor all charges relating to your investments, including any taxthat becomes payable.

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) ActWe are required to comply with the Anti-Money Launderingand Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) Act. This meansbefore we can accept you as an investor you need to providecertain identification information and verificationdocumentation. Wemay also need additional customeridentification information and verification from you as youundertake further transactions in relation to your investment.

We will need to identify and verify:– you as the investor(s) prior to accepting your application

pursuant to this IDPS service. We cannot processtransactions on your behalf until all relevant informationhas been received and your identity has been satisfactorilyverified

– your estate. In the event of your death while holding anaccount, we will need to identify and verify your legalpersonal representativeprior to transferring theownershipor transacting on your account

– anyone acting on your behalf. If you nominate arepresentative to act on your behalf, we will need toidentify and verify the nominated representative prior toauthorising them as an added signatory to your account.

The customer identification requirements form part of yourapplication. Youwill need to ensure you provide any necessarysupporting documentation to the application to your financialadviser.

In some circumstances, in accordance with the AML/CTFlegislation, we may need to re-verify information or requireadditional information from you. By applying to invest via theMyNorth IDPS, you acknowledge that we may delay or refuseany request or transaction at our discretion. This could includedelaying the issue or sale of assets if we deem that the requestor transaction may breach our obligations, or cause us tocommit or participate in an offence under the AML/CTFlegislation, and we will incur no liability to you if we do so.

All applicants are required to certify their US taxation status.Further information can be found on

Your privacy – use and disclosure ofpersonal informationWemay collect personal information directly from you or fromyour financial adviser.

Themain purpose in collecting personal information from youis so that we can establish and manage your Account.

If you do not provide the required information, wemay not beable to provide you with the products and services you haveapplied for.

Wemay collect personal information if it is required orauthorised by law, including the Corporations Act 2001 andthe Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism FinancingAct (AML/CTF) 2006.

Wemay use your information for related purposes—forexample, providing you with ongoing information aboutfinancial services that may be useful for your financial needsthrough direct marketing. These services may includeinvestment, retirement, financial planning, banking, credit, lifeand general insurance products and enhanced customerservices that may be made available by us, other members ofthe AMP group, or by your financial adviser.

Please contact theNorth Service Centre on1800667841 if youdo not want your personal information used for directmarketing purposes.

Wemay need to disclose your personal information to otherparties, such as:– other members of the AMP group– your financial adviser– your parent or guardian, if you are under age 18– external service suppliers whomay be located in Australia

or overseas, who supply administrative, financial or otherservices to assist theAMPgroup inproviding youwithAMPfinancial services. A list of countrieswhere these providersare located can be accessed via our Privacy Policy

– anyone you have authorised or if required by law.

Where you provide information about one or more otherpersons, you agree to obtain any such person's consent to thedisclosure and to inform them of our identity and contactdetails as well as the information set out in this sectionincluding:– the fact that we will collect, or have collected, their

information and the circumstances of that collection– why their information is collected by us and how it will be

used and to whom it may be disclosed by us, and– that our privacy policy contains information about:


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how the person may access their personal informationand seek correction of such information

– how the personmaymake privacy complaints about usand howwe deal with such a complaint.

Under the current AMP Privacy Policy youmay access personalinformation about youheld by theAMPgroup. TheAMPPrivacyPolicy sets out the AMP group’s policies on management ofpersonal information, including information about how youcan access your personal information, seek to have anycorrections made on inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-dateinformation, how you canmake a complaint about privacy andinformation about how AMP deals with such complaints. TheAMP Privacy Policy can be obtained online at orby contacting us on 1800 667 841.

If you have any complaints or questions about the privacy ofyour personal information, please contact our Privacy Officerby writing to:

Group Privacy OfficerAMPPO Box 14330MELBOURNE VIC 8001

If your complaint is not resolved by us to your satisfaction youmay write to the Privacy Commissioner at:

Office of the Australian Information CommissionerGPO Box 5128SYDNEY NSW 2001

ComplaintsIf you have a complaint regarding the administration of yourinvestments you should:– call the North Service Centre on 1800 667 841,– email us at [email protected], or– write to us at:

The ManagerNorth Service CentreGPO Box 2915MELBOURNE VIC 3001

Complaints that cannotbe resolvedduring the initial discussion,or complaints made in writing, will be acknowledged within14 days. We will then give proper consideration to thecomplaint in a timely manner and advise you of the outcomeof any decision wemake within 45 days of receipt of thecomplaint.

If your issues remain unresolved you may be able to obtainassistance fromthe FinancialOmbudsmanService. This servicehas been set up as an objective third party to hear unresolvedcomplaints. There is no cost for using this service. Their phonenumber is 1800 367 287.

Specific investment complaintsComplaints regarding specific investments accessed throughthis service (such as managed funds) will need to be made tothe underlying investment manager. We will take reasonablesteps to facilitate the resolution of any dispute notified to us.Please contact us for further information on the disputeresolution process of any of our underlying investmentmanagers.

Direct debit service agreementThis agreement outlines our responsibilities as operator andyour responsibilities with regards to direct debit requests. Thisagreement outlines our and your responsibilities to ensure thesmooth and secure operation of our direct debit agreement.

Our responsibilities

– We will only deduct amounts from your chosen account.– Wewill confirmtheamountandhowoftenwehaveagreed

to deduct it. We assure you that we will not disclose yourbank details to anyone else, unless you have agreed inwriting thatwe can or unless the law requires or allows usto do this.

– We will debit your account on your nominated day of themonth. If the payment date is aweekendor national publicholiday, we will debit your account on the next businessday.

– We will give you at least 14 days notice when changes tothe terms of this arrangement are made.

Your responsibilities

– Before sending us your account details, please check withyour bank or financial institution that direct debitdeductions are allowed on the account you have chosen.

– Please make sure that you have enough money in youraccount to cover payment of your instalments when due.Your bank or financial institution may charge a fee if thepayment cannot be met.

– The financial institution may charge you a small fee forthe direct debit arrangement. Thiswill be reflected in yourfinancial institution account statement.

Changing your payments detailsYoumay cancel or change direct debit deductions at any time.


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Can we help?If you have any queries about your direct debit agreementplease contact your financial adviser or call us on 1800 667841. We undertake to respond to queries concerning disputedtransactions within 10 working days of receiving thenotification.


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Date prepared: 12 August 2017

NMMT Limited (ABN 42 058 835 573) referred to throughoutthis Financial Services Guide as ‘NMMT’, ‘us’, ‘our’ or ‘we’.

Australian Financial Services Licence No. 234653Postal address: GPO Box 2915 MELBOURNE VIC 3001Phone: 1800 667 841Email: [email protected]:

This Financial ServicesGuide (FSG)hasbeenpreparedbyNMMT.NMMT is a wholly owned subsidiary of AMP Limited.

This FSG contains information about:– the financial services NMMTwill provide you– howNMMTandother related parties are paid for financial

services provided to you– anyassociationsor relationships that could createpotential

conflict of interest– who to contact should you have a complaint.

Other documents you might receiveBefore applying for an AMP product, where relevant, you willbe provided with other disclosure documents such as anInvestor Directed Portfolio Service (IDPS) Guide or ProductDisclosure Statement (PDS). These documents containimportant information, which should be considered indetermining whether to purchase the financial product.

Financial services we provideNMMT is authorised to:– provide general product advice– perform underlying investment activities in accordance

with your instructions– hold investments on your behalf in relation to the IDPS.

We do not provide financial planning services or give personalproduct advice.

Benefits we may receiveWemay charge you fees for the products and services providedto you. Your financial adviser may receive remuneration thatis included in these fees and charges. Your financial advisermay be a representative of other companies within AMP.

Detailed information on the fees and charges can be found inthe relevant IDPS Guide or PDS.

Wemaintain a register of non-monetary benefits that may beprovided to your financial adviser from time to time. This is notan additional charge to you, rather an amount paid from ourown resources. If you would like a copy of the register, contactthe North Service Centre on 1800 667 841.

Associations and relationshipswith productissuersNMMT ispart ofAMPand is associatedwithotherAMPentities.

Providing instructionsYoumay contact us by phone or email. Our contact details areprovided on the back of this document.

ComplaintsIf you are not satisfied with any of the services provided byNMMT you should contact us on 1800 667 841 or [email protected]. If you are dissatisfied with the outcomeof your complaint you can contact the Financial OmbudsmanService on 1800 367 287.

Compensation arrangementWeare covered by professional indemnity insurance satisfyingthe requirements under s912B of the Corporations Act 2001for compensation arrangements.

The insurance is subject to termsandexclusions. The insurancecovers claims arising from the actions of employees orrepresentatives of us, evenwhere subsequent to these actionsthey have ceased to be employed by or act for us.

You do not have a direct right to claim under this insurance,which is taken out to ensure sufficient resources will beavailable to meet claims against us.


Financial services guide

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Contact us1800 667 [email protected] Service CentreGPO Box 2915MELBOURNE VIC 3001


NMMT Limited ABN 42 058 835 573 AFS Licence No. 23465333 Alfred Street SYDNEY NSW 2000