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Table of Contents

Letter from H.I Seyed Hadi Yassin 1 Day 1 Prophet Adam’s (as) Du'a 3 Day 2 Practical Advice Lesson on Forgiveness 7 Day 3 Prophet Nuh’s (as) Du’a 10 Day 4 Practical Advice Lesson on Talking to Allah 13 Day 5 Prophet Ibrahim’s (as) Du’a 15 Day 6 Practical Advice Lesson on Tawheed & Shirk 18 Day 7 Prophet Ibrahim’s (as) Du’a 20 Day 8 Practical Advice Lesson on Sincerity of Intention 23 Day 9 Wafat of Hadhrat Khadija (sa) 25 Day 10 Prophet Yusuf’s (as) Du'a 27 Day 11 Practical Advice Lesson on Allah’s Wisdom 31 Day 12 Prophet Ayyub’s Du'a 33 Day 13 Practical Advice Lesson on Patience 37 Day 14 Wiladat of Imam Hasan (as) & Generosity 39 Day 15 Prophet Musa’s (as) Du'a 42 Day 16 Practical Advice Lesson on Allah’s Guidance 46 Day 17 Prophet Musa’s (as) Du'a 50 Day 18 Practical Advice Lesson on Taqwa 54 Day 19 Prophet Sulayman’s Du’a 56 Day 20 Practical Advice Lesson on Thankfulness 59 Day 21 Shahadat of Imam Ali (as) 61

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Day 22 Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) On Parents 65 Day 23 Practical Advice lesson on Good Manners 69 Day 24 Prophet Yunus (as) Du'a 71 Day 25 Practical Advice Lesson on Having Hope in Allah 75 Day 26 Story of Ashaab-e-Kahf 77 Day 27 Practical Advice on the Power of Allah 81 Day 28 Ahlul Bayt (as) are the living Qur’an 83 Day 29 Reflection on Lessons of Du'as 86 Day 30 Eid Party 88 Index for Daily Reference 90

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Dear Parents and Educators,

Asalamun Alaikum and Ramadan Mubarak!

Alhamdulillah, once again we have the opportunity to experience the holy month of Ramadan.

The best of all months, month of blessings and forgiveness.

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اعات شهر هو عند ا�� ضل السف�أ

The month that we are all special guests of Allah and will be served by his mercy and Rahmat


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As adults we should do our best to take advantage of every single moment of this month and

also help our family to capture the importance of this month. This is especially more important

for our children since they are developing their foundation of Iman. What they observe and

learn from you can have a lifelong effective on them.

Since our children will spend many hours of their time during this month in the Masjid we

decided to maximize their benefit by developing a spiritual, educational, and fun program.

MashaAllah, here at Islamic Center of Zahra (ICZ) our Children’s Committee made this great

booklet ready. Many hours of effort and dedication were put into this booklet which inshaAllah

will be accepted by Allah and will be beneficial for our children.

The lessons in this booklet fall into two major themes. These themes are Du'as from the Quran

and Practical Advice Lessons. The Prophet (saw) said, “Learning at a young age is like

engraving on a stone; and the parable of he who learns in his adult age is like one who writes

on water.”

In order to maximize the ability for each child to retain and memorize the lessons and Du'as

presented, each lesson will be taught over the course of two sessions. For each lesson, we

share one story that is mentioned in the Quran. Next, we teach the children the Du'a that the

Prophets (as) (or others) made in response to the adversity they faced.

It is narrated that Imam Hasan (as) said, “Oh my children and my brother’s children! You are

the little young people of this generation and there is a hope that you will be the great ones

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of another generation. Therefore, learn knowledge, and he who cannot learn it by heart

should write it down and keep it in his home.” With this in mind, we hope to have the children

practice the Du'a several times in class and they will be asked to practice/memorize the Du'a at

home to review the next day. We go over one characteristic of Allah (swt) that complements

the Du'a made. Lastly, children will participate in a fun craft.

On the second day of the lesson, we review the Du'a from the previous day and move on to a

short lesson on practical advice. Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said: “Encourage your sons in their childhood

to learn etiquette; so that in their grown up age they can be the joy of your eyes. Indeed the

parable of the etiquettes you assemble in your early childhood is like engraving something on

the stone. These are some treasures the reserves of which grow; and there is no fear on them

from instructive events.”

We hope that these lessons serve as a good foundation for our children and is something that

will become ingrained in their character as they become adults, inshaAllah. The underlying

theme of every lesson focuses on Allah (swt), how we should always turn to Allah (swt) and

seek His mercy, forgiveness, and refuge. We use the stories and hadith of the Prophet (as) and

Imams (as) to emphasize the necessity of always remembering Allah (swt) throughout different

life circumstances and having good Akhlaq so that we may please Allah (swt). These lessons will

be most effective if parents discuss what they learned with them and encourage them to utilize

these lessons on a daily basis. InshaAllah, we hope that this booklet can be of benefit to you

and your children.

InshaAllah this booklet will be under the satisfaction of the Imam of our time, Imam Mahdi (ajtf). May Allah bless you all. Seyed Hadi Yassin

Resident Alim of Islamic Center of Zahra (sa)

Ramadan, 1440 (2019)

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Day 1 Lesson 1.1 -Prophet Adam (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about Prophet Adam (as)’s story and his use of Du'a. They reflect on the power of forgiveness with a focus on Allah’s name, Al-Ghafoor.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Laptop ● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Construction Paper ● Scissors ● Stapler and/or Glue Stick

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Asalamun Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Instructor says “Salaam everyone! Welcome to our first night of Ramadan Children’s

Program. We are so excited to have each of you here because we are in a very special month. This month is called...let’s say it together! “RA- MA-DAN!” that’s right! Does anyone know how we know the beginning of a month starts? The moon! That’s right. So, we’re going to start off our first night with a special Ramadan Moon Song. (Show on laptop or Screen the video “Ramadan Moon.” Did you all like that song? Briefly discuss we are in the holy month of Ramadan in which Allah commands Muslims all over the world to fast, do good deeds, read Qur’an, give to the poor, and so much more. Now we’re going to briefly introduce ourselves and tell each other why we are excited about this special month.

● Each child can say “My name is _____ and I’m excited for Ramadan because _______” ● Take out the Advent Calendar and explain the advent calendar rules to the kids. Every

night you come, we’re going to do a Ramadan countdown calendar. The month has about 30 days. Every day we will check to see what day of Ramadan it is! Let’s take a look at the calendar, tonight is the 1st night. Each night we will pull out an insert paper that will ask a question! When the question is answered, you get a treat! *See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers.

Advent Calendar Group A (ages 4-7) Advent Calendar Group B (Ages 8-10)

They have simple questions for the advent calendar

Students are asked a review question from previous day’s lesson

● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: 1.1. Prophet Adam’s Du'a and Al-Ghafoor (The Forgiving) + Craft Date: 1st Day of Shahr Ramadan

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day : “Fasting Chain” Craft Instructions: Have children cut out 30 strips of construction paper (4-7 age group precut strips for them) and make rings interlocking each other. Each child will be given a card that they must give to their parents. Their parents need check off if the child fasted or attempted to fast for that day. They will add to their chain for that day based on the card from their parent. At the end of Ramadan they will see how many days they fasted! Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Students are told: We will be learning a Du'a from the Quran every day, which requires you to know a little about the Prophet or Ashaab and what made them say that Du'a! We’ll also be learning a name of Allah each that the Prophets called on, and we too, can call on this name whenever we face a situation.

2. Teacher reads the story. (See supplemental material for story) 3. Prophet Emotions Wheel: Good job everyone! Now that we know about this story. Let’s put

ourselves in the shoes of the Prophet. Let’s review again what Du'a he said during this time. Read the Du'a out loud again with them. Based on this Du'a and the story, what might have Prophet Adam felt? Choose the emotion. Then ask, after everything how do you think he feels? Lift the piece above the emotion the students chose before.

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 1.1 Du'a of Prophet Adam (as) & Story

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Rabbanā dhalamnā anfusanā wa-in lam taghfir lanā wa-tarḥamnā la-nakūnanna mina l-khāsirīn

Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if you do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.

Surah Al-A’raf [7:23]

Salamun Alaikum! Today, we are going to talk about the story of the first Prophet of Allah (swt). Do you know who that is? And what was Prophet Adam’s (as) wife’s name? Good! After Allah (swt) created Prophet Adam (as), he commanded the angels and Iblees (A Jinn who was among the angels) to prostrate to Prophet Adam (as). The angels obeyed, but do you know what Iblees did? That’s right, Iblees refused to bow down to Prophet Adam (as). When Allah (swt) asked him why he didn’t obey His command, Iblees replied, “I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay.” Allah (swt) ordered Iblees to leave Jannah because of his arrogance. He is now called Shaytan due to his rebellion against Allah (swt). Shaytan asked that Allah (swt) give him time until the Day of resurrection. Allah (swt) granted him this request. Shaytan swore that he would lead people away from the path of Allah (swt) and make them ungrateful to Allah (swt). Allah (swt) expelled Shaytan from paradise. Allah (swt) allowed Prophet Adam (as) and Hawa to live in Jannah. He said that they could eat from wherever they wanted, except for one tree. He warned that they would be among the wrongdoers if they did not listen to his command. Shaytan wanted Prophet Adam (as) to disobey Allah (swt) so he tricked Prophet Adam (as) and Hawa. He told them that if they ate from the tree that Allah (swt) forbade, they would become angels or immortal. He swore to them that he was sincerely advising them. Prophet Adam (as) and Hawwa fell for Shaytan’s trick and ate from the tree that Allah (swt) had forbidden for them. Allah (swt) said to them: “Did I not forbid you from that tree and tell you that Shaytan is to you a clear enemy?” Immediately realizing what

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they did was wrong, Prophet Adam (as) and Hawwa replied, “"Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if you do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers." Allah (swt) forgave them, but told them they would have to leave Jannah to live on earth. When we do something wrong, it is important to sincerely feel bad for what we have done wrong and to repent to Allah (swt). The Du'a that Prophet Adam (as) and Hawwa made is good for us to use when asking Allah (swt) for forgiveness. Let’s practice this Du'a. Can you say it altogether? (have the children repeat the Du'a several times and in different ways (standing up, sitting down, whispering, loud, etc. so that the children are better able to focus and remember the Du'a). Pass out the Du'a for the children to clip onto their binder ring and ask them to practice the Du'a as much as they can at home. Allah (swt) is Al-Ghafoor, the most forgiving. Even when Prophet Adam (as) and Hawwa ate from the tree that Allah (swt) had forbidden for him, Allah (swt) forgave them because they sincerely felt remorse and asked for forgiveness. Shaytan was not forgiven because he was too arrogant to ask for forgiveness. Allah (swt) has blessed us with our lives and so much, so if we do something wrong we should sincerely ask for forgiveness and correct our errors, Allah (swt) always forgives us because he is the most forgiving. (Pass out the name of Allah (swt) with its meaning and have them clip it onto their binder ring so that they can review it at home).

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) “When a believing Muslim frequently asks Allah for forgiveness

his record (of deeds) will be glowing as it ascends.” Makarim-ul-Akhlaq, P. 313

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Day 2 Lesson 1.2 -Prophet Adam (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students after having learned Prophet Adam (as)’s story and the concept of forgiveness through Du'a, are able to utilize practical ways to seek forgiveness, learn about forgiving others, and also seeking forgiveness from others and especially from Allah. Students analyze the story of Prophet Adam (as) and apply its lesson into their practical life. Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Bottled Water ● Vitamin

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert - a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers.

Advent Calendar Group A (ages 4-7) Advent Calendar Group B (Ages 8-10)

They have simple questions for the advent calendar

Students are asked a review question from previous day’s lesson

Do a Quick Review of Previous Day:

1. Review Prophet/story: Ask students, who can remember what Prophet we learned about yesterday? What happened to him?

2. Review Du'a: Let’s look at our binder rings and read the Du'a that the Prophet said aloud together. Briefly phrase Du'a in your own words.

3. Review Allah name: Let’s remember what name we learned about yesterday? What does it mean? Why would it be helpful to say that name?

Before we begin today’s lesson let’s ask Allah a Du'a “O Allah, when we read about the stories of the Prophet, help them to make our belief in you stronger and learn lessons to be closer to you.” - have kids repeat Du'a with you.

Lesson Name: 1.2. Prophet Adam (as) Akhlaq Lesson on Forgiveness Lesson Date: 2nd Day of Shahr Ramadan

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Procedure of Lesson: 1. Yesterday, we learned about Prophet Adam (as) and the mistake he made to eat the apple! He got a

chance to say sorry to Allah. Through this story, we are taught that even when we make mistakes, and from the bottom of our heart feel bad for them, Allah will forgive us and say that’s OK! What are some ways to say sorry? Students are shown an image of stairs (this can be drawn on the board or a poster). Explain how each level of sorry brings you closer to Allah (swt). Steps to forgiveness from Allah (swt):

2. Discussion on Forgiveness: Discuss with students the importance of asking Allah for forgiveness, saying sorry does not mean just saying the words. We must remember Allah and feel sad for doing something wrong. We must try our best not to do it again and then go back to doing what makes Allah happy. Remind students the importance of also seeking forgiveness from our friends and family. Sometimes, we can hurt our friends’ feelings with the things we say or do -- can anyone think of examples? (Not sharing, a not nice word, laughing at someone). Aside from asking for forgiveness from others, it’s also important that we forgive others when they say sorry. If someone isn’t nice to us, but they say sorry - it’s a chance for us to become forgiving like Allah and forgive our friends who might have hurt us.

* A T-Chart can be created to show the two different categories of forgiveness

Asking for Forgiveness Forgiving Others

● Asking Allah ● Asking our friends, parents, teachers

● Being kind and forgiving people who were not nice to us, by showing kindness.

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Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Class Activity: Demo: Begin Demo of the Day: Pill Experiment - How Allah forgives our sins. In this demo, students are shown how when we turn to Allah with remorse and plan to change, our bad deed can be erased and Allah loves giving second chances. Has anyone tried playing a game and started over? Allah, gives us chances to start over all the time! He is so kind to us. In this activity, I’m going to drop a pill inside a glass of water. What we are going to see is the pill slowly melt away. It’s going to dissolve into the water. Similarly, when we do something bad, but seek forgiveness, that bad deed also goes away through repentance and forgiveness. As we watch the pill dissolve, let’s all recite together the Arabic words for “I’m sorry Allah, forgive me.” which is “Astaghfirullah rabbi wa’atoobu ilayhi.” Think about the things you did that you want to say sorry to Allah for. Similarly, remind students that the same way we want Allah’s mercy, with the pill dissolving, also dissolve any feelings of anger, revenge, or bitterness towards anyone who hurt you, and let go of it all so that you can also forgive people!

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Day 3 Lesson 2.1 -Prophet Nuh (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about Prophet Nuh (as)’s Du'a and the story of the Ark. They learn about Allah’s name Al-Mujeeb, The Responder and the importance of talking to Allah.

Materials for Lesson: Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar ● Picture of Prophet Nuh’s Ark

● 33 Clear or Glow in the dark beads. ● Glow in the Dark String or plain string. ● Cup to hold beads in

Warm up

● Students sing the Salaam Alaikum Song introduction Song. ● Do advent calendar insert activity - younger kids do simple questions, and older kids do

review questions (see index for different calendars).

Procedure of Lesson: 1. Students are told: We will be doing another different Prophet’s Du'a today!! We’ll also be

learning a name of Allah each that the Prophets called on, and we too, can call on this name whenever we face a situation.

2. Read Story Aloud 3. Prophet Emotions Wheel: Good job everyone! Now that we know about this story. Let’s

put ourselves in the shoes of the Prophet. Let’s review again what Du'a he said during this time. Read the Du'a out loud again with them. Based on this Du'a and the story, what might have Prophet Nuh felt? Choose the emotion. Then ask, after everything how do you think he feels? Lift the piece above the emotion the students chose before.

Lesson Name: 2.1 The Du'a made by Prophet Nuh (as) and Al-Mujeeb (The Responder) + Craft Lesson Date: 3rd Day of Shahr Ramadan

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Class Activity: Craft Craft of the Day: Glow in the Dark Tasbih. Tell students how one of the most beautiful ways to talk to Allah is by calling on him through a tasbih. Craft Instructions: Have the children string the beads onto the string and then tie it off. Take about ten pieces of sting of the same size and loop them around the area you just tied off. Then wrap another string around the base near the knot and tie that off.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 2.1 Du'a of Prophet Nuh (as) and Story

ـت� اان

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Annī maghlūbun fa-ntaṣir Indeed, I am overcome, so help me.

Surah Al-Qamar [54:10]

Salamun Alaikum! We learnt about Prophet Adam (a.s) and his Du'a. Today we will be learning about Prophet Nuh (a.s). Many years after Prophet Adam (a.s), people moved away from the religion of Allah and started worshiping idols (figures made of wood or clay). It was the need of the hour to send another messenger for the guidance of people. Allah (swt) sent Prophet Nuh (a.s) to remind them about the oneness of Allah. He explained about the Shaytan’s deceit, warned them to stop worshipping idols and invited them to worship Allah (swt) alone. The people of his time turned away and refused to listen. Prophet Nuh (a.s) preached his people day and night, secretly and openly but they all denied his words. For nine hundred and fifty years, he tolerated them bothering him. After the long period of preaching and convincing people, only a few people responded positively to his call. (Ask the children). What do you think Prophet Nuh (a.s) would have done at that time? MashaAllah great responses! When Prophet Nuh (a.s) could bear no more, he cried in front on Allah. He did not run out of patience but he realized that the disbelievers would not listen to his message and would continue to mislead the people. (Pass out the Du'a cards and recite it with them a few times. Read the translation and ask them to review it at home). Answering his Du'a, Allah asked Prophet Nuh (a.s) to build an ark to save people and animals. The ark should fit two of every kind of animals and birds on board. Prophet Nuh (a.s) got to work as Allah had asked. When the ark was finally finished, Allah sent all the animals to Prophet Nuh (a.s). He also asked him to take his family and all the believers to board the ark. After everyone got on board, it started to rain. For many days, the rain poured down and covered even the tallest trees and highest mountains. Allah (swt) kept the passengers of the boat safe by His mercy. They trusted Allah (swt) and He saved them. After several days, it stopped raining and the ark landed at a safe place. The story of the prophet Nuh (a.s) teaches us to have faith in Allah (swt). No matter what the circumstances are, we should turn ourselves to Allah for help. He is the only one who can take us out of the hardships.

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Day 4 Lesson 2.2 -Prophet Nuh (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students after having learned Prophet Adam (as)’s story and the concept of forgiveness through Du'a, are able to utilize practical ways to seek forgiveness, learn about forgiving others, and also seeking forgiveness from others and especially from Allah. Students analyze the story of Prophet Adam (as) and apply its lesson into their practical life.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● 3 Teaspoons ● Marker ● Cup ● Popsicle sticks (5 per child)

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Do advent calendar insert activity - a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers.

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Discussion on Du'a: We’re going to start off today discussing the importance of prayer. Did you know that Allah loves you even more than your own parents? When we turn to people, we realize they don’t have the power of Allah, and it is only Allah who can bring about change, listen to us without getting tired, and loves it when we turn to him.

A Way to Pray: Allah loves it when we talk to Him and confide in Him. He is our best friend. He cares for us more dearly than even our own parents! And unlike any human being, He is the best listener anyone could ask for. He listens deeply to ever single world said! When we pray, there is certain things that Allah likes. He likes us to begin and end with a Salawat. In addition, he likes that we pray for others! Let’s all put our hands together so we can learn an easy way to pray for others especially before we pray for ourselves. Let’s see how our fingers can remind us of this.

Lesson Name: 2.2 Prophet Nuh (as) Akhlaq Lesson and Practical Advice on talking to Allah (making Du'a) Lesson Date: 4th Day of Shahr Ramadan

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Help children to use their hand as a reminder of who to pray for: My thumb is closest to my heart: Pray for my family My index finger points to far places: Pray for Muslims around the world who are suffering OR for the index finger to show me things - including those who teach me. My middle finger stands taller than the rest. Pray for our leaders My ring finger is weak and cannot stand alone well. Pray for the sick My smallest finger. Pray for myself. Let’s practice a way in which we can try to talk to Allah. We’re going to use the acronym “tsp” to help us remember how to speak to Allah. Does anyone know what tsp stands for? Teaspoon! That’s right. So in this Teaspoon Prayers, each of you is going to take turns talking to Allah using teaspoon prayers. The abbreviation of teaspoon can be used to teach children how to pray, “tsp” which stands for T for thank you Allah, S for “Sorry Allah” and P for “Please Allah.” Remind students that prayer isn’t just asking for things, but also remember to be thankful for all the blessings you already have, and to seek forgiveness for the wrong you’ve done throughout the day. Pass around a cup with 3 teaspoons each labeled with “t” “s” or “p” on them, and have students take turns to discuss each one. Tell them we are learning to talk to Allah aloud. Let’s go around in the circle and share some things we want to talk to Allah about!

Class Activity: Demo Prayer Sticks At the end, distribute popsicle sticks and markers, have students write names of people you want to pray for each day or things you want to pray about each day (topics). Then, tie their sticks with a rubber band to take home, and pick out one stick each day to remember to pray for that person.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Rasulullah (PBUH) “The most beloved person by Allah is the one

who is most beneficial to the people” Al-Kafi; Vol. 2, Pg. 164

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Day 5 Lesson 3.1 -Prophet Ibrahim (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn that there is none as great as and mightier than Allah (swt). They understand the concept of “worship the creator and not its creation” because no creation could ever compare to Allah! They practice calling on Allah through his name “Al-Badi” the incomparable.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● White Pillowcase ● Fabric Paint

Warm up

● Students sing the Salamun Alaikum Song introduction Song. ● Do advent calendar insert activity - younger kids do simple questions, and older kids do

“Du'a questions” (see index for different calendars). ● Talk and Turn - Respond to a Question: Students are asked a question and spend 2 mins

discussing their answer with a partner next to them. Afterwards, open it up to class discussion, and call on some students for responses. Question: What makes someone brave? Think about your friends and moments of peer pressure - Have you ever been in a situation where you or someone else you know did something right even though everyone else was doing something wrong? What makes that person strong enough to say no to a whole crowd? Discuss answers aloud. Discuss with students how difficult it might be to go against a crowd, but how Islam is the very definition of being true to Allah against all odds (think Karbala). Talk to students about what qualities does someone like that have? Confidence, self-esteem, and most of all values, principles and beliefs! It’s hard to stand up for what you believe in, if you don’t believe in anything!

Name of Lesson: 3.1 Prophet Ibrahim’s (as) Du’a & Al-Badi (The Incomparable) + Craft Lesson Date: 5th Day Shahr Ramadan

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Procedure of Lesson:

1. Students are told: We will be doing another different Prophet’s Du'a today!! We’ll also be learning a name of Allah each that the Prophets called on, and we too, can call on this name whenever we face a situation.

2. Teacher reads the story of Prophet Ibrahim (as). Prophet Emotion Wheel: Good job everyone! Now that we know about this story. Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of the Prophet. Let’s review again what Du'a he said during this time. Read the Du'a out loud again with them. Based on this Du'a and the story, what might have Prophet Ibrahim felt? Choose the emotion. Then ask, after everything how do you think he feels? Lift the piece above the emotion the students chose before.

Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day: Create your own Janamaz (Prayer Rug!). Craft Instructions: Have children use fabric paint to decorate their Janamaz with things that remind them of Allah (swt). For example Flowers, bees, butterflies, the sun, the moon, stars, etc. stencils can be used to make this process easier. Leave to dry.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Imam Ali (as) “Placing one’s trust in Allah is the means of release

from every evil” Biharul Anwar, Volume 78, Page 79

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 3.1 Du'a of Prophet Ibrahim (as) & Story

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Rabbanā ʿalayka tawakkalnā wa-ilayka anabnā wa-ilayka l-maṣīr Our Rabb! On You do we rely, and to You do we turn and to You is the

final destination. Surah Al-Mumtahana [60:4]

Salaamun Alaikum! Today we are going to learn about the one of the prophets who is given the most attention in the Quran. Do you know who he is? Yes, it is Prophet Ibrahim (a.s). Long ago, a boy named Ibrahim (a.s) had lived with his uncle Azar. Azar was a famous sculptor. He used to make idols and sell them. Most of the people Ibrahim (a.s) knew worshipped idols and used to believe in different gods. Ibrahim (a.s) was an intelligent boy. He had always questioned his uncle about the powers and authority of their gods. He refused to worship them as they were man made and had no powers. Do you think anyone who has no powers can be your God? The God should be the ultimate source of all powers. Prophet Ibrahim’s (a.s) uncle did not agree to his reasoning and asked him to get away from him. After many attempts to convince his uncle, Prophet Ibrahim (a.s) turned towards his people and addressed them with the same logic. Do you think people would have listened to him and had stopped worshipping idols? They all denied his call for worshipping one God, Allah (swt). One day, Prophet Ibrahim (a.s) went to the worshipping place where all the idols were kept. He broke all of them and left the biggest idol with an axe. When the people came and saw their gods destroyed, they all came to the prophet Ibrahim and asked if he had done it. Prophet Ibrahim (a.s) asked them to question their chief, the biggest statue. They all knew that it couldn’t speak or move so they felt embarrassed and had no answer. Prophet Ibrahim (a.s) proved to them that only Allah (swt) is the one who is most powerful, the greatest and the dominant. Only He deserves to be worshipped. If the idols couldn’t protect themselves, how could they be of any good to the people worshipping them? At this time, pass out the Du'a cards to the children. Recite Du'a several times and read translation to them. Ask the children to put the card in their binder and review it at home. He is the only one whom we can rely on, even in the hardest of circumstances. (At this time, pass out the name cards of Allah (swt) with its meaning and have them clip it onto their binder ring so that they can review it at home.) He is the Incomparable – Al-Badi - No one can compare to Him.

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Day 6 Lesson 3.2-Prophet Ibrahim (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn that there is none as great as and mightier than Allah (swt). They understand the concept of “worship the creator and not its creation” because no creation could ever compare to Allah! Students analyze the story of Prophet Ibrahim (as) and apply its lesson -- standing up for truth, garnering courage, and keeping confidence in Allah can also play an important role into their practical lives.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Paper Cups (Older Group Only) ● Legos (Younger Group) ● Water Bottle (2: 1 empty, 1 full) ● 4-5 books (adult) ● Construction Paper to roll up

Warm up

● Salamun Alaikum Song ● Do advent calendar insert activity - have student pull an insert and see if they get the

correct answer, if so they win the prize inside! (see index for different calendars). ● See below:

Talk & Turn: Students turn to the person sitting next to them and briefly discuss for 2 mins the meaning of shirk. Open-up to discussion with class. How did yesterday’s story on Prophet Ibrahim (as) relate to the word “Shirk” - can someone tell me what shirk means? What are other forms of shirk? Discuss briefly that believing in anything other than Allah’s power is shirk. Discuss how shirk can take in other forms like social media.

Lesson Name: 3.2 Prophet Ibrahim (as) Practical Advice Lesson on Tawheed & Shirk Lesson Date: 6th Day of Shahr Ramadan

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Procedure of Lesson:

1. Building blocks of Iman: Discuss with students how what Prophet Ibrahim (as) did required a lot of courage. But more than courage, it also required something called Iman, which means faith and belief in Allah. The stronger your faith in Allah is, the more courageous you can become, and the more confident Muslim you will be. When your Iman is weak you can easily let go of your values and won’t have the courage to stand up for what’s right. So today, let’s build on having a strong Iman like Prophet Ibrahim (as). We’re going to demonstrate the power of a strong foundation through building.

Group A (Younger Kids) Group B (Older Kids)

Bring out a set of Legos Divide the class into groups of 2-3 Your task is to create a strong and big building. You have 5 minutes! Go.

Bring out a bag of Paper cups. Divide the class into groups of 4. Your task is to create a paper cup pyramid where the cups stand on top of each other. Circulate the room and see how students are doing.

When time is up for both building activities, discuss with the class as a whole how it went. What did they notice kept happening - did any of the blocks or paper cups fall? Why do you think they might have fallen? Exactly! If the bottom cups were not strong enough, or didn’t balance well - the rest of them can fall down! Similarly, when we have a weak foundation in our faith, and a weak Iman the rest of our daily practices can also fall down.

Class Activity: Demo Water Bottle Demo - Keeping Strong Faith - Demonstration: We cannot see the wind, but we can see what the wind does to a kite. We have faith that the wind will make a kite fly. We cannot see Allah but we can see all that He has created. We have faith that Allah most definitely exists. Demonstrate the effect of having faith by taking two empty plastic water bottles. Tightly cap one of them and leave the other one without the lid. Compare the uncapped bottle to a person without faith, and the capped bottle to a person who has faith. Try crushing both bottles by squeezing your hand around them. The uncapped bottle will crush, but the one with the cap will not. When we have faith and strong beliefs, it gives us invisible strength and courage! When we put our trust in Allah, we don’t worry about what people think and are fully committed to following Allah.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit Ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Day 7 Lesson 4.1 -Prophet Ibrahim (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about Prophet Ibrahim (as)’s story in regards to the idols.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Construction Paper ● Gold Glitter Paper ● Template of Kaaba ● Glue stick ● Scissors

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity.

*See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Say to Students: Have you tried to make a gift and give it to your parents? How hard did you work to make them something? Did it make you happy to know they were pleased and happy with you? Similarly, as Muslims, we also try to please Allah and make Him happy with us! One of the stories of the Prophets that teaches us a Du'a asking Allah to accept our efforts is in the story of Prophet Ibrahim (as).

Lesson Name: 4.1. Prophet Ibrahim (as) and Al-Aleem (The All Knowing) + Craft Lesson Date: 7th Day of Shahr Ramadan

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Class Activity: Craft Craft of the Day: “Kaaba Mosaic” Instructions: Use the printout template as a guide and follow the steps below to build their Kaaba mosaic

1. Glue down tan ground 2. Glue down yellow sun 3. Glue down white clouds 4. Glue down brown minarets 5. Glue down brown walls 6. Glue down black Kaaba 7. Glue down gold accents on Kaaba

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Students are told: We will be doing a Holy Prophets Du'a every day, which requires you to know a little about the Prophet and what made him say that Du'a! We’ll also be learning a name of Allah each that the Prophets called on, and we too, can call on this name whenever we face a situation.

2. Teacher reads the story as kids listen. (See supplemental material for story) 3. Prophet Emotions Wheel: Good job everyone! Now that we know about this story. Let’s put

ourselves in the shoes of the Prophet. Let’s review again what Du'a he said during this time. Read the Du'a out loud again with them. Based on this Du'a and the story, what might have Prophet Ibrahim (as) felt? Choose the emotion, and put the arrow on that emotion. Then ask, how do you think he feels? Lift the piece above the emotion the students chose before.

Rasulullah (PBUH) “Knowledge is the root of all good whereas ignorance is the

root of all evil” Bihar al-Anwar, v. 77, p. 175, no. 9

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 4.1 Prophet Ibrahim (as) Du'a & Story

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Rabbanā taqabbal minnā innaka anta s-samīʿu l-ʿalīm

Our Rabb! Accept from us; indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing.

Surah Al-Baqarah [2:127]

Salaamun Alaikum! Do you remember that we learnt about Prophet Ibrahim (a.s) a few days before? Good! Today we are going to learn about two prophets who were the father and the son. Yes, they are Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismaeel (a.s). Allah had blessed Prophet Ibrahim with two sons; Prophet Ishaaq (a.s) and Prophet Ismaeel (a.s). The name of Prophet Ismaeel’s mother was Hajar. When Prophet Ismaeel grew up, Allah commanded prophet Ibrahim to build Kaaba in Makkah for the people to worship Allah (swt). Do you know when and by whom was the Kaaba first built? It was built by Prophet Adam but as years passed by, only the foundations remained there. Prophet Ibrahim rebuilt the Kaaba on the original foundations laid by Prophet Adam (a.s). From the time of Prophet Adam, the Kaaba is still at the same place. Prophet Ibrahim (a.s) and Prophet Ismaeel (a.s) acted upon Allah’s (swt) command. They gathered materials and started building the Kaaba. Allah’s (swt) special angel, Jibraeel, guided them how to build it. When Prophet Ibrahim (a.s) was building the walls of the Holy Kaaba, there were areas he could not reach. He would stand on a special stone which moved. The stone would rise up to the area by Allah automatically, without any physical support. Both the son and the father were very grateful to Allah that he had chosen them for this special task and they wanted to do it in the best way. When they finished building Kaaba, they made Du'a for the acceptance of the hard work they had done seeking Allah’s pleasure. (Pass out the Du'a cards, recite it with the children several time and read the translation). We should all recite this Du'a after everything we do so our good deeds be accepted by Allah (swt). Al-Aleem means The All Knowing. Our goal in life is the pleasure of Allah (which only benefits us not Allah) and in everything we do it is important to do so with a clean and sincere intention solely for his sake. May we always please Allah and may He accept all our efforts and deeds! (At this time, pass out the name cards of Allah (swt) with its meaning and have them clip it onto their binder ring so that they can review it at home).

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Day 8 Lesson 4.2 -Prophet Ibrahim (as)

Objective of Lesson: Upon learning the story of Prophet Ibrahim (as) and the building of the kaaba, students assess how Islam is shaped on striving for the pleasure of Allah. They reflect whether their actions are for the sake of Allah? Does Allah accept our actions? Students analyze the story of Prophet Ibrahim (as) and apply its lesson of doing acts of goodness for Allah’s pleasure and acceptance.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● 2 Balloons ● 2 Pegs ● Marker ● Dish Soap (2) ● Container (2) ● Straw (2)

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity.

*See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Prophet Ibrahim (as) and Practical Advice on Sincerity of Intention Date Lesson: 8th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson: Discussion: have students sit in a circle and summarize how Prophet Ibrahim (as) put great efforts into building the Kaaba for the sake of Allah. Imagine when we do good acts that no one else is in the room but Allah, and this can help you purify your intention. Or pretend a camera is watching you, and that’s Allah constantly watching you - we sometimes forget that He is - and that is enough for us to be on our best behavior. So when we do things for the sake of Allah, we have to check to see if it truly IS for His sake only, and when it is - then Allah becomes so happy and pleased with us, and He accepts from us.

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Class Activity: Demo Balloon Pegs Have two balloons. Have the children name some good deeds and as they mention good deeds, pump air into a balloon. As the balloon is filled, emphasis the importance of having the right intention and doing every good deed only for Allah and secure the balloon with a peg. The more good deeds we do, the bigger our balloon and good deeds get! But sometimes, people can do things to show off, or to get out of something, or with no energy and intention. Can you name me some examples? I.e. praying fast just so you can go watch your TV show, volunteering because people will think you’re kind. As each of these is mentioned, release the peg and watch all the air escape. Use it as an analogy to explain how good deeds are wasted when we moan, show off etc.

Learn that Balloon that has air escaping is parallel to when we show off, complain or do a good act and our intention for Allah is not there. This act is a waste like the balloon shows us.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Day 9 Lesson 5.0 Wafat of Hadhrat Khadija (sa)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about Hadhrat Khadija (as) and the pivotal role she played in Islam.

Materials for Lesson: Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● White construction paper ● Sand colored washable paint ● Markers ● Glitter glue

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity.

*See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day : “Camels of Hadhrat Khadija (as)” Instructions: Have children place their hands in paint, then place it on a sheet of paper (assist younger children with this task). Once the paint dries draw eyes on the camel and have them decorate their page. Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit Ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Lesson Name: 5.0 Bibi Khadija’s (as) Wafat + Craft Lesson Date: 9th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Say to class: Salamun Alaikum! Today we are here to commemorate the death anniversary of Hadhrat Khadija (s.a).

2. Read Story of Hadhrat Khadija (as). 3. Upon reading the story, ask students to share reactions to the following question:

*How can you be a strong support and contribution to Islam?

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 5.0 Hadhrat Khadija (sa) Life & Impact

Hadhrat Khadija (s.a) was called the Queen of Arab. She was one of the richest and independent women in the whole region. Her trade and business caravans were one of the biggest caravans of Mecca. Since she couldn't travel with the caravans herself, she had to hire a reliable trade ambassador on her behalf. When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) went as a trade representative with one of her caravans and came back with a good profit, Hadhrat Khadija (s.a) was greatly impressed by his honesty and business expertise. Upon relying on the Prophet for several trade trips, she was strongly convinced that he was the man of integrity and sound character. She was the first person to accept Islam as taught by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and soon Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) got married to Hadhrat Khadija (s.a). They were blessed with a daughter, Hadhrat Fatima (s.a). After the emergence of Islam, the non-believers made mission of spreading Islam difficult for the Prophet as much as they could. During that hard time, Hadhrat Khadija (s.a) not only sacrificed her wealth but also stood by the Prophet in all times of need. She would walk for miles to give food to her husband when he used to praying in the cave of Hira. Despite being the richest lady of Arabia, she chose to live with her husband in a ravine called Sheb e Abi Talib when the family of the Prophet was isolated by their enemies. She lived there for three years and in those times of hardships, the Muslims sustained because of her wealth. Hadhrat Khadija (s.a) died during those years of isolation. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) called the year of her death as Aamul huzn- the year of sorrow. She not only sacrificed all her possessions but also brought up a daughter who is the queen of the women of the world and Jannah; Hadhrat Fatima Zahra (s.a). She inculcated her love of Allah and the spirit of sacrifice in her daughter who has measured up to the standards of real greatness and perfection set by Islam.

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Day 10 Lesson 6.1 -Prophet Yusuf (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn the story about Prophet Yusuf (as) and how life took him through many stages, yet in all of it he remained having trust in Allah’s plan and knowing that Allah is Most Wise.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Corn kernels ● Yellow Cardstock cut into the shape of a sack ● Glue ● Yarn

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity.

*See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: 6.1. Prophet Yusuf’s Du'a and Al-Hakeem (The Wise) + Craft Lesson Date: 10th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Students are told: We will be doing a Holy Prophet (pbuh)’s Du'a every day, which requires them to know a little about the Prophet and what made him say that Du'a! We’ll also be learning a name of Allah each that the Prophets called on, and we too, can call on this name whenever we face a situation.

2. Teacher reads the story. (See supplemental material for story) 3. Response / Post-Discussion to Story: After hearing the story, we’re going to take turns in a circle

and complete this sentence: “If I could talk to Prophet Yusuf (as), I would tell him ___” 4. Prophet Emotion Wheel: Good job everyone! Now that we know about this story. Let’s put

ourselves in the shoes of the Prophet. Let’s review again what Du'a he said during this time. Read the Du'a out loud again with them. Based on this Du'a and the story, what might have Prophet Yusuf (a.s) felt? Choose the emotion. Then ask, after everything how do you think he feels? Lift the piece above the emotion the students chose before.

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day : “Sack of Corn Kernels” Sack of Corn Kernels Instructions: Have children trace and cut out the sack template (precut for younger children). Tie a piece of yarn around the thinnest part of the sack. Glue the piece of Cardstock to the center of the paper, then glue the kernels at the top of the sack.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 6.1 Prophet Yusuf (as)’s Du'a & Story

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�ا وأ ي مسلم�



-alḥiqnī bi-ākhirati tawaffanī musliman wa-l-dunyā wa-Anta waliyyī fī dṣāliḥīn-ṣ

You are my guardian in this world and the hereafter; make me die a muslim and join me with the good

Surah Yusuf [12:101]

Salamun Alaikum! Today, we are going to learn the story of Prophet Yusuf (as). Prophet Yusuf (a.s) is one of the twelve sons of Prophet Yaqub (a.s). He was the youngest and was greatly loved by his father. One day his brother took him with them and out of jealousy, dropped him in the well. Upon coming home, they lied to their father that he has been killed by wolves. Deep in the well, all Prophet Yusuf (a.s) did was praying to Allah. The next day, a caravan came near the well in search of the water and found him. Surah Yusuf in Quran narrates how he was taken to Egypt and was sold in the market of slaves and was raised by the governor of Egypt. Prophet Yusuf (a.s) eventually got into prison without committing any crime. Allah had blessed Prophet Yusuf (a.s) with an ability of interpreting dreams which also helped him in getting out of the Prison. He interpreted the king's dream that how his people would be saved from the famine expected in the future years. He was released from the prison and later on gained the trust of the king and finally became the governor of Egypt. At the time of the famine, due to the wisdom of Prophet Yusuf (a.s), Egypt was the only country having enough food and grains to feed the people. People from the surrounding areas came to get the grains from the king. Also, the sons of Prophet Yaqub (a.s), came to Egypt to get the grains. Prophet Yusuf (a.s) was delighted to see his brothers but they could not recognize him. Although they hurt him and dropped him in the well, Prophet Yusuf (a.s) gave them the grains and secretly put the money back in their bags. This is one of the signs of believers who are very kind and forgiving. In another trip when they came for more food, Prophet Yusuf (a.s) reminded them how badly they had treated their brother Yusuf. They were all ashamed and asked for forgiveness. Prophet Yusuf (a.s) asked them to request for forgiveness from Allah. He also asked them to bring the entire family back. The brothers went home and broke the good news to their father. He was extremely happy to hear about Prophet Yusuf (a.s). The brothers apologized to their father prophet Yaqub (a.s) for what they did to Yusuf and asked him to be the intercessor and ask Allah to forgive them. When they all came

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to Egypt, as a gesture of being grateful, they all did sajdah to Allah. (Pass out the Du'a cards, recite it with the children several times and read the translation). Allah is Al-Hakeem, the wise one. He is the best of the planners. There is some wisdom behind everything he has created and planned for everyone. Sometimes even after utilizing all the resources, we don’t get the result we expect. We should never complain about anything in our lives but should always be confident that Allah knows the best and would do the best for us. Things that may look good to us are not always beneficial. Likewise, something which we regard as worthless could turn out to be the best for us. (Pass out the Du'a cards, recite it with the children several time and read the translation).

Imam Baqir (PBUH) “Jealousy destroys faith in the way fire destroy wood”

Mishkat ul Anwar, H. 1799

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Day 11 Lesson 6.2 -Prophet Yusuf (as)

Objective of Lesson: Upon learning the story of Prophet Yusuf (as), students analyze why things in life happen the way they do by understanding the greatest wisdom for all events is in Allah’s power, and to understand the concept of perception and seeing things differently. Students analyze the story of Prophet Yusuf (as) and apply its lesson of jealousy, wisdom, and trust in Allah’s plans.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● An empty paper towel roll ● Bandage ● Stickers or tape (to create a mark)

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity.

*See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Have students pass around an empty paper towel roll and ask them to look through it.

Ask them if they see just a little bit or the whole room. After saying they see a little, inform them that sometimes in life, we don’t see the whole picture and we have limited scope. Since we don’t see the big picture sometimes, things don’t make sense to us - but Allah knows better and He knows the grander plan. This is one of the lesson we learn from Prophet Yusuf (as) One of Allah’s traits is that He is wise. Insha’Allah through this lesson and in our everyday, let us try to adopt the traits of Allah and manifest them in our behavior and character.

● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: 6.2 Prophet Yusuf (a.s) practical advice on Allah’s Wisdom and Jealousy Lesson Date: 11th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

● Discuss Allah’s wisdom and justice. Explain to students Allah's mercy and kindness, that He always wants what is good for us. He is just that he has consequences - good deeds get good rewards and bad deeds get punishments. Allah is fair with everyone no matter what they look like. If we don’t have something that someone else has, it does not mean Allah is not fair. Instead, Allah gives us what we need. Allah’s justice is according to what you need and is best for you and your situation. Sometimes we whine and complain, but before we do this, stop for a moment and think of all of the blessings Allah has given us. Be thankful to Him and ask Him for patience to pass any difficulty you might be in. At the time, it may seem upsetting, but Allah knows better and is perfectly planning out what you need in life in order to shine brightly, to be your best, and to become close to Him.

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Class Activity: Demo: Injury and Bandage Analogy: Tell each child to imagine an injury and show you where they are hurt. Put a plaster on each in the exact same spot. ‘I want to treat you all fairly! Or should I put it where you NEED it? "Discuss "What is fair? Everyone getting the same size plaster on their hand, or getting the treatment that fits the need?" Through this example we see that Allah is Wise and knows best how to help us in the most perfect of ways, even though we may not understand it at first. When you go to the doctor as a baby, you cry when you get a shot. You have no idea why you’re getting one and keep crying. But, as you get older you realize it’s not something you might enjoy, but it’s something you need to feel better. Your sense of understanding grows. Similarly, when our Iman grows, our trust in Allah and His wisdom also grows and develops. We may not like it, but we know He is always doing the best for us.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Day 12 Lesson 7.1 -Prophet Ayyub (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about Prophet Ayyub (as)’s story and his use of Du'a in difficulty. They also understand the importance of gratitude when undergoing a situation that requires patience. They reflect on the power of patience and gratitude in Prophet Ayyub’s story with a focus on Allah’s name, As-Sabur, The Patient.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Whiteboard and Marker ● Bookmark Print out (See Index) ● Contact paper ● Markers or crayons ● Hole Puncher ● String

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity.

*See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: 7.1 Prophet Ayyub’s Du'a and As-Sabur (The Patient) + Craft Lesson Date: 12th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Students sing the Salaam Alaikum Song. 2. Students are told: We will be doing a Holy Prophet (pbuh)’s Du'a every day, which requires

them to know a little about the Prophet and what made him say that Du'a! We’ll also be learning a name of Allah each that the Prophets called on, and we too, can call on this name whenever we face a situation.

3. Teacher reads the story. (See supplemental material for story). 4. Prophet Emotions Wheel: Good job everyone! Now that we know about this story. Let’s

put ourselves in the shoes of the Prophet. Let’s review again what Du'a he said during this time. Read the Du'a out loud again with them. Based on this Du'a and the story, what might have Prophet Ayyub felt? Choose the emotion. Then ask, after everything how do you think he feels? Lift the piece above the emotion the students chose before.

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day: Bookmark for the Qur’an Craft Instructions: Print out bookmark printable and cut out the bookmarks. Have children color their bookmark. Place the bookmark are a sheet of contact paper then place another piece of contact paper on top. Press down on the bookmark to make sure it is sealed. Punch a hole at the top and tie a ribbon to it.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 7.1 Du’a of Prophet Ayyub (as) & Story

رحم �ت ا

ن� وا ال�ف يف مس ىف

�ف ا حمني الر

Annī massaniya ḍ-ḍurru wa-anta arḥamu r-rāḥimīn

"Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful."

Surah Al-Anbiya [21:83]

Salaamun Alaikum! Today, we are going to talk about the story of Prophet Ayyub (as). Do any of you know anything about Prophet Ayyub (as)? Prophet Ayyub (as) was blessed by Allah (swt) with lots of wealth, many children, a pious wife, and good health for many years. He was very pious and a model servant of Allah (swt). He helped the poor and orphans. He had very good character, and he was always thankful to Allah (swt) for all of his blessings. Since Allah tests the Iman of all his servants, He also tested Prophet Ayyub (as) by taking away his blessings. The more pious a person is, the more trials they face because this purifies their character and brings them even closer to Allah (swt). First the wealth of Prophet Ayyub was taken away, then his children, then his health and he became very sick. During this time Prophet Ayyub (as) who was very patient did not lose his Iman and did not forget about Allah. He was so sick that his body smelled and he was difficult to look at. The people of his town exiled him. He only had his wife, Rahma, by his side. She took care of him and worked to support him. This continued for many years. Prophet Ayyub never stopped praying to Allah (swt) and was never even slightly ungrateful despite losing so many of his blessings. Although Shaytaan constantly wanted to distract Prophet Ayyub and deceive him, he couldn’t and realized that he would not be able to turn Prophet Ayyub (as) away from Allah (swt). When Prophet Ayyub’s situation became very difficult he made the following Du'a to Allah (swt) (see above). Because Allah (swt) is Ar-Raheem, the Most Merciful, he told Prophet Ayyub (as) to strike the earth with his foot. When Prophet Ayyub (as) did this, water began to flow. Allah (swt) told Prophet Ayyub (as) to drink from the flowing water. When he did this, a miracle happened and he became healthy again, and because of his patience and strong Iman Allah (swt) restored his wealth and brought his children back from the dead.

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Let’s practice Prophet Ayyub (as)’s Du'a together. (Have the children repeat the Du'a several times and in different ways (standing up, sitting down, whispering, loud, etc. so that the children are better able to focus and remember the Du'a). Pass out the Du'a for the children to clip onto their binder ring and ask them to practice the Du'a as much as they can at home. Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) has said that this Du'a is an excellent one to make when someone is sick or is going through a difficulty. Allah (swt) is As-Sabur, which means The Most Patient. Allah (swt) is patient with all of his servants. We should also always try our best to be patient when we are having a hard time. Prophet Ayyub (as) faced so many struggles, but he was always patient and never lost his faith in Allah (swt). If you are patient, Allah (swt) will reward you greatly!

Imam Sajjad (PBUH) “Verily, patience is to faith what the head is to the body:

one who has no patience has no faith.” Usul al-Kafi, hadith No. 3.

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Day 13 Lesson 7.2 - Prophet Ayyub (as)

Objective of Lesson: Upon learning the story of Prophet Ayyub (as), there’s a lot to think about for the students in regards to acquiring immense patience in face of harsh circumstances, but also being grateful with whatever you have. Students analyze the story of Prophet Ayyub (as) and apply its lesson of doing acts of goodness for Allah’s pleasure and acceptance.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Candy ● Pebbles

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity (see index for different calendars). ● Distribute Treat! ● Patience Scenarios: During difficulties we can either choose to be patient or react

impulsively with emotion - anger, disappointment, and hopelessness. What kinds of choices do you think you make? On the whiteboard, jot down scenarios of situations they may face day to day. Do one scenario at a time. Toss a ball to someone to answer the scenario. Have that student toss the ball to someone else to answer the next scenario. Ask them to choose either “Stay patient and thankful” or “Complain and be upset” After a few minutes, discuss how they can look at these scenarios differently. Discuss how something bad can be turned into something good through being thankful. Ask them to answer by saying “But Alhamdulillah at least I…” Below are examples to use and possible answers they can give.

1. Mom says no more candy--“But Alhamdulillah, at least I got some”. 2. You can’t watch more TV—“But Alhamdulillah, at least I got to watch some”. 3. Choose only one toy from the store –“But Alhamdulillah, we had the money to get even

one”. 4. You have a runny nose ---“But Alhamdulillah, it’s not worse, I am thankful it’s not the flu”. 5. All your friends have a better snack than you ---“But Alhamdulillah, I had a snack.

Lesson Name: Prophet Ayyub (as) Practical Advice Lesson on Patience Lesson Date: 13th Day of Shahr Ramadan

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Procedure of Lesson:

• Discussion on Patience Patience is an important concept in Islam. One of the first places we can remember its importance was in Karbala where Imam Husain (as) faced many challenges along with His family. But in Karbala, did our Imam complain? Did he give up? No, the opposite. He thanked Allah. A person who truly is patient understands that Allah has wisdom and immediately remembers all their blessings! Sometimes when we don’t get our way, we tend to whine and complain, but is that good to do? Or when we don’t get something right away and have to wait a while, we sometimes forget the importance of patience and get angry. But people who develop and work on their patient are the most beautiful ones and Allah loves the patient one!

Class Activity: Demo Give each child a small pebble to put into their sock/shoe and a sweet to suck on. Have them walk around the room and then gather them together to share their experience of the walk. Most will dwell on the discomfort of the pebble and say little about the good taste of the sweet.

Just like the pebble, when we focus on the small things in our day which we don't like or find difficult, when we're too busy moaning and complaining, we forget the good things that Allah has given us. When we have an attitude of gratitude, we always look for the 'sweet' blessings. Remind students that when faced with a challenge:

1. Call on Allah Ya-Sabur. Remember His name is the Patient and to ask Him to help you adopt His name, and also be patient in difficulties. Remember, Allah loves the Patient ones.

2. Keep things in perspective. Instead of seeing it as a failure, see it as learning opportunity.

Have positive thoughts and self-talk with “I can do this. Insha’Allah I believe in Allah to take care of this.”

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Day 14 Lesson 8.0 - Wiladat of Imam Hasan (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about the beautiful personality of Imam Hasan (as) and reflect on how to apply some of his qualities, especially generosity.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Copy of 3 Hadiths ● Story of “A Day at the Park” ● A Candle ● White Canvas ● Light Blue Acrylic Paint ● White Cardstock Cloud ● Cardstock Strips in Rainbow Colors ● Glue Stick ● Markers ● Glitter

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity.

*See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Divide the class into 3 groups. Each group receives a different hadith. Have students

read the hadiths out loud and discuss within their group what it means, and to come up with an example.

Group 1: “Generosity creates love.” - Imam Ali (as) Ghurar Al Hikam No. 1600 Group 2: “Let go of the generous person’s sin for verily Allah takes him by the hand every time he slips.” - Holy Prophet (pbuh) Kanz Al Ummal No. 16212 Group 3: “True Generosity is giving before even being asked. When you give after being asked, it may be out of embarrassment or obligation.” - Imam Sadiq (as) Bihar Al Anwar P. 357 No. 21

● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Lesson 8.0 Wiladat of Imam Hasan (as) & Generosity + Craft Lesson Date: 14th Day of Shahr Ramadan

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day : “Kindness Cloud” Craft Instructions: Paint the canvas blue and wait for it to dry. While it is drying cut out the cloud and 4 different colored strips. Partner the children up in twos. Each child will create a kindness cloud for their partner. Write one nice thing about your partner on each strip. Once done glue the strips at the bottom of the cloud with all the words facing one direction. Then using a glue stick trace around the cloud and dip it in glitter. Glue the cloud and strips in the middle of the canvas.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit Ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Imam Husain (as) Verily the most forgiving of people is he who forgives

when having the power to punish Al-Durra al-Bahira, p. 29

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Students sing the Salaam Alaikum Song. 2. Teacher reads about Imam Hasan (pbuh) story. (See supplemental material for story).

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Supplemental Material - Lesson 8.0 Story of Imam Hasan (as)

Salaamun Alaikum! Today we are celebrating the birthday of a very important personality in the history of Islam. Can you tell me whose birthday is this? Very good! Today is Imam Hassan’s birthday. Imam Hassan (a.s) was the first grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He was the second Imam after Imam Ali (a.s). Imam Hassan (a.s) was highly respected among the people. He was so well spoke and polite that when he would speak people did not want him to end his speech. Although he had a high social position, he was very humble, modest and lived no different from the common men. One day he was passing by a street on his camel when he saw some people sitting on the ground. They were eating bread when they saw Imam. They invited him over for the lunch. Imam came down from the camel and started eating with them. After they were done, Imam invited them over and gave them food and clothes. Does anyone know one of the titles of Imam Hassan? One of his famous titles is Mujtaba. Mujtaba means the chosen one. Imam Hassan was very well known for his kindness and generosity. He lived in Medina, a city in Saudi Arabia. He had one of the most elaborate meal arrangements for the poor. The doors of his house were always open for needy and hungry to come and eat whenever they needed to. Once a man came to Imam Hassan. He was in need and wanted help from the Son of RasululAllah (pbuh). Imam Hassan asked him to write his need on paper. The man did as he was directed and submitted it to Imam Hassan (a.s). Imam gave him double than what his need was. He not only gave him more than what he wanted but also saved him from asking in front of the people. Imam Hassan did not believe in shaming people rather he would always respect people around him. He knew that by asking in front of the people, the needy man would feel embarrassed and this saved him from losing face. Also, Imam Hasan (a.s) was known for his good temper. Nothing could make him lose his temper or disrespecting others. One day a man came to him and started disrespecting him and saying bad words to Imam Hasan (a.s). When he was done, Imam smiled at him and said, I believe you are not from this city, you should be traveling and you look very tired and hungry. Let’s go to my house I will help you. They went to Imam Hasan’s house and Imam gave him food and took care of him. The man was very ashamed of his behavior, he told Imam, I came to this city and did not like you and now I am leaving and no one is dearer to me than you in this world. SubhanaAllah, how the Akhlaq of Imam Hasan (a.s) guided that person. We should also try to follow Imam Hasan (a.s) and try to become a good follower for him. We thank Allah for blessing us with having such a great Imams and leaders. AlhamduleAllah.

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Day 15 Lesson 9.1 -Prophet Musa (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about Prophet Musa (as)’s story and his use of Du'a. They reflect on the power of Allah’s signs all around us, all guiding us towards Him and giving us the chance to receive blessings.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials Younger Group Lesson Materials Older Group

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Ages 4-7: ● Baby Musa Cutout ● Glue ● Popsicle stick

Ages 8-10: ● Cardstock Sheet ● Scissors ● Yarn ● Baby Musa ● Hole Puncher

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity.

*See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Lesson 9.1 Prophet Musa (as)’s Du'a and Al-Hadi (The Friend) + Craft Lesson Date: 15th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

● Students are told: We will be learning about another prophet today and his story, and what he said when he did Du'a. We will also learn a name of Allah!

● Teacher reads the story. (See supplemental material for story) ● Prophet Emotions Wheel: Good job everyone! Now that we know about this story. Let’s put

ourselves in the shoes of the Prophet. Let’s review again what Du'a he said during this time. Read the Du'a out loud again with them. Based on this Du'a and the story, what might have Prophet Musa felt? Choose the emotion. Then ask, after everything how do you think he feels? Lift the piece above the emotion the students chose before.

● Do Craft.

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day: Prophet Musa (as)’s Cradle (two crafts based on age group) Craft Instructions: (Ages 4-7) Have children glue the baby Musa (pbuh) to a popsicle stick then let it dry. While it is drying glue the rest of the pieces together. Cut a slit where indicated and have the children slide the popsicle stick with baby Musa inside the slit. (Ages 8-10) Have the children cut the foam sheet into oval. Cut and straight line across half the oval. Then make holes across the whole diameter of the oval half an inch apart. Weave the yarn through the holes then overlap the oval where the cut is and tie. Place baby Musa inside the cradle.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 9.1: Du'a of Prophet Musa (as) & Story

ق�ي� ف


من خ ت ا���زل

ن� ا

� لما رب اىف

qeerrin Fa-Khay mā anzalta ilayya min-i innī liRabb

You send down of goodnesstever Rabb! Indeed I need wha

Qasad [28:24]-Surah Al

Salaamun Alaikum! Today we are going to learn about the story of Prophet Musa. Do

you know anything from the story of Prophet Musa in Quran? Prophet Musa (a.s)’s story

contains many lessons for us.

Prophet Musa was born in Egypt. At that time, the land of Egypt was ruled by an unjust

and cruel person called Ferroun. Through oppressing his people Ferroun became very

powerful and referred to himself as god. Due to his influence and dominance, no one

was able to stand up against his injustice. One day, Ferroun had a dream about a child

from his people growing up and overpowering him. As the society was greatly

influenced by the dreams, this one scared Ferroun about his throne and he ordered to

kill all the male children, even the newborns, of Bani Israel.

When Hadhrat Musa was born, the spies of Ferroun were on the lookout for any boy in

Bani Israel. Soon after giving birth to Prophet Musa (a.s), his mother, on Allah's

command, put him in the basket and cast the basket into river Nile. The basket kept

floating on the river and came close to the palace of Ferroun. The basket was taken to

Aasiya (a very pious woman), the wife of Ferroun. The couple had no children so they

decided to adopt the baby in the basket.

Did you see how Allah took care of his Prophet? Prophet Musa grew up in the palace of

Ferroun like a prince. SubhanAllah!

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When Prophet Musa grew up he had to leave the city to escape Ferroun. After a long

time of walking, Prophet Musa reached the city of Madyan. He felt weak and hungry so

he sat under a tree in an oasis. He asked Allah for help and made Du'a. (Pass out the

Du'a for the children to clip onto their binder ring and ask them to practice the Du'a as

much as they can at home, have the children repeat the Du'a several times and in

different ways (standing up, sitting down, whispering, loud, etc. so that the children are

better able to focus and remember the Du'a)).

Prophet Musa saw two girls waiting for their turn to get water but the men wouldn't

give them a chance. He stood up and helped the girls in getting water. Those girls were

the daughters of Prophet Shoaib (a.s). Prophet Musa was invited over by Prophet Shoaib

when her daughters narrated the story to the father. Prophet Musa got married to one

of the daughters and started living in Madyan with his wife.

The story of Prophet Musa teaches us how Allah helps those, who trust him in the time

of need. He always directs his pious people and plans the best for them. Allah is Al-Hadi,

the guiding one, and he always guides his people. (At this time, pass out the name cards

of Allah (swt) with its meaning and have them clip it onto their binder ring so that they

can review it at home).

Imam Sadiq (as) “Tawakkul (trust) in God is relief from every bad thing

and protection from every enemy” Bahar al-Anwar, 56, P. 79

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Day 16 Lesson 9.2 -Prophet Musa (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about Prophet Musa (as)’s story and his use of Du'a. They reflect on the guidance of Allah.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Road Signs ● Ziploc ● Matching Template (See Supplemental Material)

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert - a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers.

● What is the purpose of a map? Why do people need maps? Have students brainstorm the answer to this question with a partner next to them for a minute, and open up to class discussion. When you go somewhere and you don’t know how to get there, what do you use? That’s right! A MAP. A map helps us get where we need to be without getting lost, and gives us guidance. The same way we have GPS’s in our cars, or maps for hiking and road trips, or pilots and ships have routes - our religion also has a map, route, and guide. Allah is the ultimate guide, but He has also sent us guides to follow on earth that we can benefit from. These guides are the AhlulBayt (as) and the Holy Qur’an. These are our essential maps to true guidance in life. So whenever we feel confused or lost, remember the answer always lies within those maps.

● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Lesson 10.2 Du'a of Prophet Musa (as) II Practical Advice Lesson on Allah’s Guidance Lesson Date: 18th Day of Shahr Ramadan

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Class Activity: Demo: Guide - map - In Islam, Allah’s signs and reminders are everywhere. Something we have to constantly remind ourselves that Islam isn’t just for the masjid or just for special months like Shahr Ramadan. Rather, Islam is in our daily actions - the way we talk, dress, eat, it’s a lifestyle. In order to completely practice Islam, Allah swt has sent us immense guidance and signs in every step so we can navigate the roadmap of life with His guidance and blessings, and without distractions and roadblocks. In class today, you’re going to match road signs to Islamic commands. Think of the road signs on a map to represent hadiths, rulings that come from the Ahlul Bayt & Qur’an (the map). These signs are there to help you utilize the map of Islam. Use the ziploc bag your team has with signs and attach the correct sign according to the command. (See Supplemental Material)

Lesson Closing

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Have students do a quick recap of yesterday’s lesson by explaining to them that no matter what difficulties Prophet Musa (as) endured, he knew that Allah (swt) was guiding him every step of the way and blessing him in ways he didn’t imagine. Similarly, even though in life sometimes we may feel overwhelmed, confused, or stressed, the story of Prophet Musa (as) reminds us to always hold on steadfastly to the commands and religion of Allah while trusting that He is going to pave a way out for you, and He is going to show you signs you can follow to reach your potential.

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Answer Key: Match the Sign with the Islamic Guidance

Sign Islamic Guidance

When you don’t know something yourself, yield to the knowledge of a scholar or a marja. Refer to them for what you do not know!

You are tempted to do something that’s not good for you. For example, you want to start listening to music. But the Quran & Ahlul Bayt (your map) are showing you this sign. Do not go there.

Eat Halal Food Only

Give respect to your elders. If someone elderly walks into the masjid, give up your seat for them.

Remember Allah is only a Du'a away. You can call on Him at any time.

Some things in Islam are forbidden because Allah knows it is not good for you. So we must stop. Some things are allowed, but not recommended. This is Makrooh. Slow Down. Do good deeds and keep doing them. Keep going!

Allah is Most Merciful and Forgiving. You can always get a second chance and turn around. You might have been headed the wrong way, but seek forgiveness and get back on the right road!

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BLANK Student Template Match the Sign with the Islamic Guidance

Sign Islamic Guidance

When you don’t know something yourself, yield to the knowledge of a scholar of a marja. Refer to them for what you do not know!

Some things in Islam are forbidden because Allah knows it is not good for you. So we must stop. Some things are allowed, but not recommended. This is Makrooh. Slow Down. Do good deeds and keep doing them. Keep going!

Give respect to your elders. If someone elderly walks into the masjid, give up your seat for them.

Eat Halal Food Only

You are tempted to do something that’s not good for you. For example, you want to start listening to music again. But the Quran & Ahlul Bayt (your map) are showing you this sign. Do not go there.

Allah is Most Merciful and Forgiving. You can always get a second chance and turn around. You might have been headed the wrong way, but seek forgiveness and get back on the right road!

Remember Allah is only a Du'a away. You can call on Him at any time.

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Day 17 Lesson 10.1 -Prophet Musa II (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about Prophet Musa (as)’s story and his use of Du'a. They reflect on the power of forgiveness with a focus on Allah’s name, Al-Walee.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Laptop ● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Blank Block Calendar ● Adhesive numbers ● Name labels with Islamic months printed on

them ● Pencil

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity.

*See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: 10.1. Prophet Musa’s Du'a and Al-Walee (the protective associate) + Craft Lesson Date: 17th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

● Students are told: We will be learning about another prophet today and his story, and what he said when he did Du'a. We will also learn a name of Allah!

● Teacher reads the story. (See supplemental material for story) ● Prophet Emotions Wheel: Good job everyone! Now that we know about this story. Let’s put

ourselves in the shoes of the Prophet. Let’s review again what Du'a he said during this time. Read the Du'a out loud again with them. Based on this Du'a and the story, what might have Prophet Musa felt? Choose the emotion. Then ask, after everything how do you think he feels? Lift the piece above the emotion the students chose before.

● Do Craft.

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day: “Perpetual Block Islamic Calendar” Craft Instructions First step: Have children place the numbers on blocks. (Please read the double star ** notes below before doing step one). Second step: Have children place one month on each side of the rectangular blocks. **Notes for step one: This step can be a tad tricky please consider writing the numbers with pencil lightly first so that each child places the number in the correct place. Placing numbers: There’s a certain order that the numbers have to be applied to the two cubes in order for the calendar to be functional. Place the numbers 0 and 5 on the top and bottom of the first cube. Then place the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 around the sides of the first block. Place the numbers 0 and 8 on the top and bottom of the second block. Then place the numbers 1, 2, 6 and 7 around the sides of the second block. See the following diagram for reference.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 10.1 Du'a of Prophet Musa (as) & Story

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Rabbi shraḥ lī ṣadrī Wa-yassir lī ʾamrī

Wa-ḥlul uqdatan min lisānī Yafqahū qawlī

Rabb! Expand my chest for me and ease my task for me; and make loose the knot from my tongue that they understand my speech

28]-Surah Taha [20:25

Salaamun Alaikum! Remember we talked about prophet Musa who had to run away from Ferroun. His story in Quran is the most detailed one and ranges across several chapters. Now let’s learn more about him. Allah had blessed Prophet Musa (a.s) with two miracles; first was his staff and the second was his glowing hand. His staff could turn into a serpent when thrown on the ground and his hand could shine dazzling light (Noor) when he would put it under his armpit and drew it out. While prophet Musa (as) was living in Madin with his wife he received his first order from Allah (swt). He was to go to Ferroun (pharaoh) and invite him and all the people to Allah. Remember, Ferroun was the ruler of Egypt at that time. He called himself God and has asked people to worship and bow in front of him. He was unjust and cruel and everyone under his rule was afraid of him. He was a tyrant and an oppressor. Even though Ferroun was a disbeliever and an unkind person, Allah (swt) had asked Prophet Musa to use kind words when inviting and preaching him about the oneness of Allah (Tawhid). Allah is kind and merciful (Ar-Raheem) and he always wants his believers to be kind to others, even to the disbelievers. Prophet Musa (as) knew that Ferroun would order to punish him but understood that if Allah (swt) was with him, no one could do any harm to him. Allah (swt) is the best protector. His biggest strength was his faith in Allah (swt) which made him leave for his mission that appeared to be truly difficult. His trust in the supreme power of Allah gave him the confidence. He prayed for Allah to granting him clarity of speech, confidence and contentment.

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Pass out the Du'a for the children to clip onto their binder ring and ask them to practice the Du'a as much as they can at home. (have the children repeat the Du'a several times and in different ways (standing up, sitting down, whispering, loud, etc. so that the children are better able to focus and remember the Du'a). Prophet Musa (a.s) also prayed for his brother Haroon to be appointed as his helper and companion so he could share Prophet Musa’s (a.s) task of conveying Allah’s message to the people. Prophet Musa (a.s) wanted Prophet Haroon to be his companion because he was strong, trustworthy and a very good speaker. Allah accepted Prophet Musa’s Du'a and appointed Prophet Haroon (a.s) as his helper in the task. Both the brothers went to Egypt and announced that they are the messengers of Allah. They spoke about Allah’s authority and the obligation to worship Allah alone. They also showed people the two miracles Allah has given Prophet Musa (a.s). It was not an easy task for Prophet Musa (a.s) and Prophet Haroon (a.s). They had to face difficulties and hardships in delivering the message but stood firm because they believed in Allah’s supreme authority. Ferroun who didn’t accept the advice of Prophet Musa, chased after him to arrest him and other believers but he was drowned in the ocean with his army. The story of Prophet Musa (a.s) teaches us that if we follow Allah’s path, he can turn any difficulty into easy and replace any weakness with the strength. One of the names of Allah is ‘Al-Walee’ meaning ‘the protective associate’. Allah is Al Walee and he never leaves his people and is always there during the worst of times. Allah also sends help in different forms. Hadhrat Haroon (as) was the friend and help that Allah sent for Prophet Musa (as). (At this time, pass out the name cards of Allah (swt) with its meaning and have them clip it onto their binder ring so that they can review it at home).

Rasulullah (PBUH) “whoever makes another believer happy makes me happy,

and whoever makes me happy makes Allah happy.” Al-Kafi, p.188, no. 1

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Day 18 Lesson 10.2 Du'a of Prophet Musa (as) II

Objective of Lesson: Upon learning the story of Prophet, Students analyze the story of Prophet Musa (as) and apply its lesson of doing acts of goodness for Allah’s pleasure and acceptance.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Chalk ● Black paper

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity (see index for different calendar). ● Distribute Treat!

Group A (Younger Group) Group B (Older Group)

Younger group is given play dough and asked to make an image of two friends holding hands

Make a Bumper sticker Quote/Saying about friendship “Friends with Taqwa Stay together”

Lesson Name: Lesson 9.2 Prophet Musa (as) Practical Advice Lesson on Taqwa Lesson Date: 16th Day of Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

1. In Prophet Musa (as)’s story, Haroon (as) was a great support for him in obeying and pleasing Allah (swt). Similarly, we need to look for and friends that will always make us better. Therefore, it is important to choose friends that will be a protection for us and a source of strength. For example, the environment can affect us with its air quality and pollution. Therefore, we need to be very careful as to who we allow to come near us.

2. Get ready for the Amaal of night of Qadr (You can find the Amaal page in the index).

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Class Activity: Demo

• Protect Your Heart Activity Tape a paper heart to the back of each child. Have the children try to collect as many of other players hearts as possible while trying to protect their own. They cannot grab, push or touch other players, only grab the hearts of other players. When the game is over, announce that the winners are not the ones with most hearts, but rather those who protected their own heart and still have it. Most kids will have lost their heart in the process because they were too busy trying to catch other people's’ hearts. Life, similarly, can sometimes suck us in like a vacuum and make us lose ourselves and identity if we don’t keep good friends around us. Protect your heart by finding friends of Taqwa. Below are few examples of how friends can tempt you to make the wrong choice. It is your Taqwa and Iman that will help you resist. Also, choosing good friends makes all the difference!

2. Friends try to convince you to skip time at mosque and hangout home to play video games.

3. Friends try to convince you to not share your things with other people. What kind of friends do you want? If we want a supporter friend like Hadhrat Haroon, we have to make sure to choose the right qualities in friends. Have kids draw and color in their friends with chalk onto a black card. Let them rub their fingers over their drawing and see how the chalk transfers onto them. Older kids can write some qualities of different types of friends and pick which ones they want to “rub off” on them.


*rude *mean *helps *complains

What kind of friend do you want to rub off on you? List them below

*smiles *shares *fights *listens *makes fun of others

Wrap-Up Discussion. Taqwa comes from the word waqia to protect. Having taqwa means to protect our souls at all times, and not doing anything to displease Allah. When you choose friends of taqwa, they will always protect you.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Day 19 Lesson 11.1 -Prophet Sulayman (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about Prophet Sulayman (as)’s story and his use of Du'a. They reflect on the importance of being grateful and calling on Allah’s name Al-Shakur The Most Grateful.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Laptop ● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Black Spoon ● Black Pipe Cleaners ● Googly Eyes ● Glue Dots

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity.

*See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: 11.1 Prophet Sulayman (as) and Al-Shakur (The Most Grateful) + Craft Lesson Date:19th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Students are told: We will be doing a Holy Prophet (pbuh)’s Du'a every day, which requires them to know a little about the Prophet and what made him say that Du'a! We’ll also be learning a name of Allah each that the Prophets called on, and we too, can call on this name whenever we face a situation. Today’s Prophet is: Prophet Sulayman!

2. Teacher reads the story. (See supplemental material for story) 3. Prophet Emotions Wheel: Good job everyone! Now that we know about this story. Let’s put

ourselves in the shoes of the Prophet. Let’s review again what Du'a he said during this time. Read the Du'a out loud again with them. Based on this Du'a and the story, what might have Prophet Sulayman felt? Choose the emotion. Then ask, after everything how do you think he feels? Lift the piece above the emotion the students chose before.

4. Do Craft.

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day: Ants of Prophet Sulayman (as) Craft Instructions: Have children wrap 2-3 pipe cleaners around the handles of the spoons. Then twist on the legs three on each side (six pipe cleaners). Lastly glue on Googly eyes with glue dots. Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Imam Mahdi (ajtf) “Nothing like praying (salat), can defeat Shaytan”

Baharulanvar, 53,182

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 11.1 Du'a of Prophet Sulayman (as) &Story

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ʿalā -Rabbi awziʿnī ʾan ashkura niʿmataka llatī anʿamta ʿalayya waraḥmatika fī -adkhilnī bi-an ʾaʿmala ṣāliḥan tarḍāhu wa-wālidayya wa

ṣāliḥīn-ʿibādika ṣ s for Your blessing with which You My Lord! Inspire me to give thank

have blessed me and my parents, and that I may do righteous deeds which may please You, and admit me, by Your mercy, among Your

righteous servants. Surah Naml 27:19

Salaamun Alaikum! Today we are going to learn about Prophet Sulayman (a.s). Prophet Sulayman was the son of Prophet Dawud (a.s). Allah had blessed Prophet Sulayman with a vast kingdom. By the authority and power from Allah, he could control wind and would understand the language of all living beings, whether animals or birds. The army of Prophet Sulayman was very big. When all of them marched together, it was a sight worth seeing. One day, when they were passing through a valley, there were some ants on the ground. The queen ant sensed the arrival of Prophet Sulayman’s army. She warned her entire clan to go into their homes as this huge army of Prophet Sulayman would crush them and they wouldn’t even notice it. As Prophet Sulayman could hear what the ant was commanding the other ants, he smiled and recited this Du'a. Pass out the Du'a for the children to clip onto their binder ring and ask them to practice the Du'a as much as they can at home. (Have the children repeat the Du'a several times and in different ways (standing up, sitting down, whispering, loud, etc. so that the children are better able to focus and remember the Du'a). This Du'a is recited whenever we want to thank Allah for all his blessings. Prophet Sulayman was grateful to Allah for all his blessings especially the enhanced power of hearing by which he was able to hear the conversation between the ants. Allah is Al-Kareem, the all generous one. He gives us everything we want and often blesses us with things we do not even ask for. Can we all think of one blessing that we are thankful for in our lives? Ask the children one by one about one thing they are grateful for. (At this time, pass out the name cards of Allah (swt) with its meaning and have them clip it onto their binder ring so that they can review it at home).

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Day 20 Lesson 11.2 -Prophet Sulayman (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students reflect on the lessons from Prophet Sulayman (as)’s story. They ponder about all the blessings around them.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Poster ● Marker ● Magazines

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert activity - a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Gratitude Wall - Distribute a post-it to every student. Have them quickly jot down

something they’re thankful and post-it to the Gratitude Wall - on big chart paper. Go over some of the responses.

● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Lesson 11.2 Prophet Sulayman (as) Practical Advice on Thankfulness Lesson Date:20th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Thankfulness Discussion: What does it mean to take something for granted? Every day we use things without thinking about them. We use our own organs in our body, and we use technology, we have everything at our fingertips! However, we tend to forget how important it is to realize who is behind every one of these blessings and how blessed we are to have them. Imagine a world without them? We should always thank Allah in a state of ease and comfort, because it shouldn’t take the lack of something for us to realize it. In fact, Allah (swt) tells us that when His servants thank Him, He blesses them even more! What a generous God who gives more even after thanking. Imagine someone came knocking on your door and you answer the door and there’s a beautiful gift box with so many nice things inside. Would you just shut the door and forget to thank the person? Allah is constantly knocking on our door with amazing gift bags! It’s important we acknowledge them.

2. Get ready for the Amaal of night of Qadr (You can find the Amaal page in the index).

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Class Activity: Demo Blessing A to Z

1. Younger age Group: In groups of 3, browse through magazines and cut out pictures of things you’re thankful for and glue them onto your poster. Create a thankfulness collage full of images of things we are so blessed to have and don’t thank Allah enough for! Share what items you picked for your collage with the class.

Older Age Group: In groups of 3 each of you will get a big chart paper poster. Write down all the blessings you can think of in alphabetical order. Share responses with class when done.

2. Wrap up Discussion: After going over items to be thankful, remind students that there are

many things to be thankful for that we DON’T see or feel. Also, most importantly, we need to be thankful for our guidance, for knowing and following Islam, for the AhlulBayt (as). Let us in this shahr Ramadan not only be thankful for the food we get after a long day of fasting, but be conscious of all the blessings we have including safety. Always remember to be thankful and pray for those who are missing out on your blessings so they too have a chance to thank Allah for them.

Lesson Closing

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Day 21 Lesson 12.0 -Imam Ali (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about the life and legacy of Amirul Momineen Imam Ali (as).

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Laptop ● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Aluminum Foil ● Cardboard ● Glitter Glue ● Construction Paper ● Aluminum Pie Tin ● String ● Hole Puncher ● Scissors ● Glue

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaam Alaikum Song (See Index). ● Do advent calendar insert activity.

*See Index for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Imam Ali (as) Shahadat + Craft Lesson Date: 21st Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

● Read Story on Imam Ali (as) (See Supplemental Material). ● Do Craft

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Craft of the day: “Zulfiqar and Heart Shield” Craft Instructions: Have children glue a heart on the inside of the pie tin. Punch holes on the left and right at the topic the pie tin. Cut string long enough that the string will hang around their neck and the “shield” (pie tin) will be in front of their chest. After wrapping the foil around the sword have the children decorate the handle.

Lesson Closing:

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 12.0 Martyrdom of Imam Ali (as) 21st of Ramadan

Salaamun Alaikum! Do you know what day of Ramadan is it today? Good, today is the 21st of Ramadan and we are commemorating the martyrdom anniversary of the first Imam. Imam Ali (a.s) was the first Imam and the true successor of Prophet Muhammad (pbut). He was born in the holy Kaaba and had spent all his life under the guidance of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Imam Ali was called Ameer ul momineen which means commander of the faithful. He had never done anything against the commands of Allah during his entire life. He was the bravest of soldiers and won many battles for Islam. He had a very kind heart and was very compassionate towards children, specifically orphans. If he ever saw an orphan crying, he would stop whatever he was doing and would be affectionate to the children. One day a woman was carrying the water skin on her back and was going towards home. On her way an unknown man came to her and took the water skin from her and put it on his back. When they reached home, the stranger asked the woman if she has no one to get her water. The woman replied, “My husband was a soldier and he got martyred fighting for Ali (a.s). Now I am alone with my children.” The stranger did not say anything, bowed his head down and moved away. The thought of the widow and orphans did not let the stranger sleep at night. Early in the morning next day, he picked up a basket and put some grains, meat and dates in it. He went straight to the woman’s house and knocked at the door. “Who is there?” the woman asked. “I am the same person who brought you water yesterday. I have brought some food for your children.” The woman was very thankful and prayed to Allah to bless the man. She opened the door and the stranger asked her if she needs any help with kneading or taking care of the kids. The woman said that she would knead and make the bread while he looks after the kids. The stranger went on and grilled the meat, put fire in the oven and watched the kids. While he was helping the widow in household chores, a woman from the neighboring house came in and immediately recognized the stranger. She cried to the widow, “Don’t you recognize the man helping you? He is Ameer-ul -momineen.” The Widow came forward and shamefully cried and asked for pardon. Imam Ali said, “No, I beg your pardon.” Although Imam Ali (a.s) was the ruler at that time, he did not feel any shame in helping the poor woman. He left the important state matters and came to her house to take care of her children because Allah loves helping needy. Every night, Imam Ali (a.s) would take a big bag filled with foods on his back and would distribute it among the needy.

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He was attacked in Masjid e Kufa while he was leading Fajr prayers. After he was injured, the doctors advised him to drink milk. All the orphans if Kufa, whom he used to feed, came over with the bowls of milk to save the life of their guardian and caretaker. He died because of this injury on 21st of Ramadan. Inna lillah e wa inna ilayhi e rajeoon. InshaAllah we should try to learn from Imam Ali (a.s) and follow him all the time. We are called Shia of Imam Ali (a.s) do you know what is the meaning of Shia? It means the follower. Therefore, if we want to be called the follower of our Imam we should act upon his recommendations and not do anything against his will. In return, inshaAllah Imam Ali (a.s) will pray for us to be more successful in this world and he will be our intercessor in the other world.

Imam Sadiq (as) “We and our followers (shi’a) are the party of Allah

and the party of Allah is the victorious.” al-Tawhid, p. 166, no. 3

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Day 22 Lesson 13.1 -Prophet Muhammad pbuh on Parents

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his emphasis on the importance of parents. Students understand how parents raise and cared for us through Allah’s mercy, and learn that one of the best gifts we can return back to them is to pray for them. One of the ways is to seek their forgiveness using Allah’s name: At-Tawwab, the acceptor of Repentance.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Tissue Paper (cut into pieces) ● Contact paper ● Scissors ● Masjid Silhouette Cutout ● Painters Tape ● Hole Puncher ● String

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert activity - a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: 13.1. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) On Parents & At-Tawwab (The acceptor of Repentance) Lesson Date: 22th Day of Shahr Ramadan

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day: Masjid Sun catcher Craft Instructions: Have children place masjid silhouette face gown on the contact paper then lay the tissues paper around the masjid until all the contact paper is covered. Place another sheet of contact paper directly on top of the completed craft. Press down firmly to make sure it is sealed and there are no air bubbles. Place painters tape around it to make a frame. Lastly punch two holes on the top left and right corners and tie a string to the masjid mosaic.

Lesson Closing

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Discussion on Parents: Allah in the Qur’an has told us 'Be good and kind to your parents'. It is emphasized many times in the Qur’an, telling us to not even say ‘uff’ and show disrespect at anything our parents do. There is also a Du'a in the Qur’an where Allah teaches us to always pray for our parents who cared for us when we were little. 17:24 The most important people in the world are our parents! They are a very special gift Allah has given us. They love us, care for us, teach us and help us to be the best we can! We must do everything we can to make our parents happy. No one loves us more than our parents, except Allah, who loves us more! He gave us parents to show us just a little bit of how much He loves us! When we make our parents happy, we are making Allah happy too! Allah has given us a chance to make Him happy every day, by being good to our parents.

2. Teacher reads the story. (See supplemental material for story) 3. Say a Du'a out loud to Allah about our parents 4. Do Craft 5. Get ready for the Amaal of night of Qadr (You can find the Amaal page in the index)

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 13.1 on the Importance of Laylatul Qadr

ا � صغ�ي ييف ما ر��ب ارحمهما ك ر

Rabbi rḥamhumā ka-mā rabbayānī ṣaghīra

Lord, have mercy on them as they brought me up when I was small.

17:24 :raIs-Sur Al

Salamun Alaikum! Did you know that after maghrib tonight is a very important night? Yes, tonight is one of the nights of Laylatul Qadr! Allah (swt) tells us in the Quran that Laylatul Qadr, which means the night of Power, is better than one thousand months. So any good deeds on Laylatul Qadr are better than one thousand months of good deeds! Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “On the Night of Power the gates of Heaven are opened. For every servant who offers prayer in this night, Allah for every "prostration places a tree in the Paradise - the tree’s branches and shade is so vast that if a rider travels for one hundred years through its shade he would not be able to cross it; for every ra'kat would build a home for him in Paradise - the home decorated and built by pearls, topaz, and rubies; for every verse recited a crown from the crowns of Paradise; for every praise (tasbeeh) a bird from the birds of Paradise; for every sitting a rank from the ranks of Paradise.” Another reason Laylatul Qadr is so important is because it is when our destiny for the entire next year is decided. Because of this we ask Allah to accept our duas for the sake of the members of the Ahlal Bayt. We know that Laylatul Qadr is on the 19th, 21st, or 23rd night of Ramadan, but Allah (swt) has kept the exact date a secret from us. Why do you think Allah would hide the actual night from us? Imam Ali (as) answered this question, “It is not at all improbable that I know which night it is and deliberately hide such knowledge, and I do not at all doubt that Allah hid such knowledge from you only out of His love for you, for if you knew which night it is, you would have honored it and left the others, and I hope you will not err in its regard.” Allah wants us not to know the exact date as a mercy to us, so that we are encouraged to stay up to pray and make du’a for more than one of the holy nights of Ramadan. A shepherd once asked Prophet Muhammad (saw) what night was Laylatul Qadr because he would not be able to leave his herd all three nights. The Prophet (saw) whispered something in his ear. Everyone wondered what he said, but he did not tell

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anyone else. The shepherd ended up returning on the 23rd night to pray; so from this story we can guess that the night of Laylatul Qadr may be on the 23rd night of Ramadan. But since we are not sure and it is too important of a night to miss, we should treat all three days as if they are Laylatul Qadr. Make sure to do dua not just for yourself, but also for your family, friends, all the people struggling around the world, and for the Imam of our time to return to bring justice to earth. Also remember to pray for your parents. Our parents have done so much for us, and Allah (swt) has given them special importance in our lives. We can never repay our parents for what they have done for us, but we can always treat them respectfully and make Du'a for them. Let’s learn this Du'a from the Quran for our parents. Can you say it altogether? (have the children repeat the Du'a several times and in different ways (standing up, sitting down, whispering, loud, etc. so that the children are better able to focus and remember the Du'a). Pass out the Du'a for the children to clip onto their binder ring and ask them to practice the Du'a as much as they can at home. Now we will do the special Du’a for tonight. The Amal of Laylatul Qadr. (Find Amaal in index)

Rasulullah (PBUH) “Beware of the supplication of the parent, for verily it is sharper

than a sword” Bihar al-Anwar, v. 74, p. 84, no. 94

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Day 23 Lesson 13.2 -Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about the beautiful character and Akhlaq of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and try to apply it into their daily interactions with friends and family members. They learn about Allah’s name Al-Wadood (The Loving One) and how the Prophet (pbuh) was the essence of this.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● 2 sheets of paper and marker to make “Agree” & “Disagree” Signs

● A bowling pin (plastic kids one) set with labeled Akhlaq names stuck on each pin

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert activity- a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Lesson 13.2 Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Practical Advice Lesson on Good Manners Lesson Date: 23rd Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

• Have a brief discussion about Akhlaq: Ask students if they know what Akhlaq means? Yes! Good morals and good character. This means that you have good behavior and are kind/good to each other. There are many ways of being good. Our Holy Prophet (pbuh) when asked what religion is?” had replied Akhlaq! This goes to show how important Akhlaq is. Being good to others is a big part of being a good Muslim. Being good, however, isn’t just about helping someone. It is also how you treat them, how you talk to them, and your overall attitude. Today we’re going to discuss different ways to show good Akhlaq of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

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Class Activity: Demo

• Good Manners Opinion Barometer - On one corner of the room have a sign that says “Strongly Agree” and on the other corner of the room have a sign that says “Strongly Disagree” - Read statements aloud and have students walk over to where they stand on the statement.

1. The Prophet is our role model and the best example of Akhlaq

2. Good manners help everyone get along.

3. Having good manners pleases Allah.

4. When others don’t show us good manners, we shouldn’t show them either.

5. When we have bad manners, we can hurt our friendships.

6. When we have good manners it is like we are beautifying our soul and character.

• End with an Akhlaq Strike - Bowling Game Each bowling pin has the name of a good Akhlaq action that helps you get to heaven, if you get a full strike, you've attained the highest level of heaven. Each pin will read an act/word that will help you get that rank such as "be polite” “smile” “help others” “respect your parents” “use a soft voice” “include others" and “share” -- and each pin will have an explanation below how this good act will elevate them.

Lesson Closing

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Day 24 Lesson 14.1 -Prophet Yunus (as)

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about Prophet Yunus (as)’s Du'a and reflect on the importance of having hope in Allah at all times and striving to please Him.

Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Large Blue Plastic Cup ● Googly Eyes ● Yarn ● White Balloon ● Sand ● Glue ● Black Marker ● Blue Cardstock ● Tape

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert activity- a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Lesson 14.1 Prophet Yunus’s Du'a and Ar-Raheem (The Kind Merciful One) + Craft Lesson Date: 24th Day of Shahr Ramadan

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day : “Whale Cup” Craft Instructions: Have children tape the string to the lip of the cup on the outside. Fill a balloon with a little sand and tie the other side of the string to the balloon. Glue the tale and eyes to the whale and draw a stick figure on the balloon.

Lesson Closing

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Students are told: We will be doing a Holy Prophet (pbuh)’s Du'a every day, which requires them to know a little about the Prophet and what made him say that Du'a! We’ll also be learning a name of Allah each that the Prophets called on, and we too, can call on this name whenever we face a situation.

2. Teacher reads the story. (See supplemental material for story) 3. Prophet Emotions Wheel: Good job everyone! Now that we know about this story. Let’s put

ourselves in the shoes of the Prophet. Let’s review again what Du'a he said during this time. Read the Du'a out loud again with them. Based on this Du'a and the story, what might have Prophet Yunus felt? Choose the emotion. Then ask, after everything how do you think he feels? Lift the piece above the emotion the students chose before.

4. Do Craft

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Supplemental Material-Du'a of Prophet Yunus (as) & Story

ه ا��ف ال ال لمني

�نت من الظ

� ك ت سبحنك اىف

ن� ا

Lā ilāha illā anta subḥānaka innī kuntu mina dhālimīn There are none worthy of worship besides You. Glorified are You.

Surely I am from the wrongdoers 21:87 Surah Al-Anbiya

Salamun Alaikum! Today, we are going to talk about the story of Prophet Yunus (as). Do any of you know who Prophet Yunus is? Prophet Yunus (as) was sent to the village of Nainawa to teach its people to believe in and worship Allah (swt). Prophet Yunus (as) tried for many years to get the people of Nainawa to follow Allah (swt) but they did not listen to him. They enjoyed many blessings from Allah (swt), but most of the people did not become believers. Prophet Yunus (as) continued to guide his people and prayed to Allah (swt). Allah (swt) told Prophet Yunus (as) that the people of Nainawa would receive be punished on the 15th of Shawal. Prophet Yunus (as) told the people this, but do you think they listened? As the punishment approached, Prophet Yunus (as) decided to leave the village since the people still had not become believers. He boarded a ship which was about to set sail in the ocean. Allah (swt) had not instructed Prophet Yunus (as) to leave Nainawa. After some time, the ocean was stormy and the ship would rock, so the people on the ship decided that they would have to throw one person overboard to save the rest. They drew a name three times to decide who should be thrown off the ship. Each time, Prophet Yunus (as) was chosen to be thrown overboard. Prophet Yunus (as) jumped off of the ship and was swallowed whole by the whale! By the order of Allah (swt), the whale did not hurt Prophet Yunus (as). Being a prophet of Allah (swt), instead of being upset at this situation, Prophet Yunus (as) was thankful to Allah (swt) for being safe. Now alone in the belly of the whale, Prophet Yunus (as) began to pray to Allah (swt). He recited this Du'a (see above). He sincerely recited this Du'a. The whale eventually spit prophet Yunus out onto the shore, where Prophet Yunus (as) was able to rest and recover. When Prophet Yunus (as) regained strength, he returned the Nainawa and found that the people had not been punished. They were very happy to see him. As a storm had begun to approach them as punishment, the people of the village became believers and

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prayed to Allah to forgive them and to protect them. Because they had repented and became believers, Allah (swt) decided not to punish them. The Du'a that Prophet Yunus (as) recited is known as Ayah Kareema. It is a great Du'a to recite when you have any hajaat (wish) from Allah (swt) or in general. Let’s all practice Ayah Kareema together. (have the children repeat the Du'a several times and in different ways (standing up, sitting down, whispering, loud, etc. so that the children are better able to focus and remember the Du'a). Pass out the Du'a for the children to clip onto their binder ring and ask them to practice the Du'a as much as they can at home. Allah is Ar-Raheem, the most merciful. Even when the people of Nainawa didn’t believe in Allah (swt), he blessed them for many years. And when Prophet Yunus (as) warned them of an upcoming punishment, they didn’t believe him until they saw the storm coming themselves. Despite all of this, when the people sincerely repent to Allah (swt), Allah (swt) removed their punishment and blessed them tremendously thereafter. Only Allah (swt) could be so merciful with His creation. (Pass out the name of Allah (swt) with its meaning and have them clip it onto their binder ring so that they can review it at home).

Imam Jawad (as) The one who praises a sin will be considered a partner with that sin Bahar ul-Anwar, 75,82

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Day 25 Lesson 14.2 Prophet Yunus (as)

Objective of Lesson: Upon learning the story of Prophet Students analyze the story of Prophet Yunus (as) and apply its lesson of always keeping hope in Allah (swt) and not giving up. Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Small cut outs of fishes on colored paper ● An empty bin ● Paper clips (about 10) ● Kid friendly tweezer

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert activity- a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Name of Lesson: Lesson 14.2 Prophet Yunus (as) Practical Advice Lesson on Having Hope in Allah Lesson Date: 24th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Discussion on Allah’s Rahmat. Allah has 99 names and out of all of them, He chose to begin every Surah, except one, using His name Ar-Rahman. Allah is Ar-Rahman, extremely kind and caring. Allah's kindness is showered upon every single thing He has created. Allah is kind to us even if we have done something wrong. When we start something by saying Bismillah, we are reminded that Allah the Most Kind is with us and He is showering us with His care. Allah tells us in the Qur'an that He sent Prophet Muhammad as a Rahmat to the world. As Muslims we must show the qualities of Allah in our manners and behavior, to all those around us. The more mercy you show to others, the more you will receive. This quality of Allah was especially highlighted in the story of Prophet Yunus (as). Even in the most difficult circumstances, imagine being in the belly of a whale!! Allah helped him. And what’s also beautiful is that he did not give up and relied and trust in Allah. Knowing how incredibly kind our God is, we must not ever give up no matter how many mistakes we make or how bad we feel.

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Class Activity: Demo Fishing for Hope

Write some good deeds onto foam or cardboard cutouts and attach a paper clip to each one.

Write on the fish ways to return back to Allah or intentions and pledges one can make. Fish out

the goals for hope with tweezers. Fish can read: “InshAllah I hope for better friends” “I hope

pray regularly” “I hope not to use bad words” “I hope a little Quran every day” - Explain how

when fishing, it may take a long time to catch a fish. But, you must keep hope! Similarly, Allah

teaches us even in tough circumstances, always keep hope! With these goals, kids try to

hope/make Du'a for better futures and not to return back to old or poor habits. As they fish, and

catch a fish each time, they yell “Ya Rahman”.

Lesson Closing

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Day 26 Lesson 15.1 - Ashaab-ul Kahf

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about the miraculous story of Ashaab-ul Kahf and how powerful Allah (swt) is that he is able to do anything! Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Medium Size Glass Jar ● Tissue Paper ● Modge Podge ● Foam Paint Brush ● Adhesive Letters ● Glue

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert activity- a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: 15.1 Story of Ashaab-e-Kahf and Al-Qadir (The Powerful) + Craft Lesson Date: 26th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Read the Story of Ashaab-ul Kahf 2. Prophet Emotions Wheel - what might have the people in the cave have felt? Choose the

emotion, and put the arrow on that emotion. Then ask, what name of Allah could they have called? Pick up that panel and the name of Allah should be under it. Last question, after calling on this name how did they feel?

3. Small discussion on another verse from the Qur’an where Allah says, “Be, and it is!” The story reflects Allah’s power and He is Al-Qadir. He just says for something to happen and it can, even putting people to sleep for hundreds of years and yet still waking up looking the same!

4. Do Craft

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day: “Sadaqa Jar” Craft Instructions: Have children glue tissue paper all over the outside of the jar so that is covers the whole thing. Place adhesive letters to spell out S-A-D-A-Q-A. Once done paint modge podge over all the tissues paper and letters and let dry.

Lesson Closing

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 15.1 Du'a of the Ashaab-ul Kahf & Story

ا د�

ا رشن مر�

�ـنا من ا

� ل ئ هيي و

ك رحمة


�تنا من ل

� ا

�نا ر�

hayyi lanā min amrinā -Rabbanā ātinā min ladunka raḥmatan warashada

Our Rabb! Grant us mercy and help us to get out of this trouble in a righteous way

Surah Al Kahf 18:10

Salamun Alaikum! Today we are going to learn about a very special group of people. They were not Prophets of Allah (swt), but they were such good believers of Allah (swt) that their story is in the Quran as an example for us all. Over 1700 years ago, there was a city named Ephesus that was under the rule of the Roman Empire. The rulers were forcing people to don’t worship God and be among the disbelievers. There were some men whose faith was so strong that they could not continue that and started worshiping Allah. When the king heard about it he wanted to have these men killed, so the men had to escape from their city in order to save their lives. While they were fleeing, the men met a shepherd who gave them some water. When they told their story, the shepherd and his dog joined the group of men. The dog’s name was Qitmir. The group eventually came to a mountain. King’s army was close behind them, so the men hid in a cave of the mountain called Waseed, hoping that they would not be found. They could not imagine how they could escape from the king, because he had so much power at the time. But they put their faith in Allah (swt), raised their hands, and recited this Du'a (see above). Allah (swt) made the men fall into a very deep sleep with the dog sitting at the cave keeping guard. When the king reached the cave, he saw the men sleeping. The king was satisfied, and he had the cave shut with stone so that they would be stuck inside. Outside the cave, a stone tablet was placed where the king had the men’s name and their story of betraying him. The king thought that he had defeated the men. For over 300 years, Allah (swt) kept the men in deep sleep. He would have them turn sides every once in a while, but kept them continuously asleep. When the men finally woke up, they figured that they had only slept for a short time. They did not realize that over 300 years had passed! They were all very hungry, so one of the men decided he would go to town and try to buy food in secret since they were still in hiding from the

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king. When they went out the men noticed that the outside of the cave looked very different from when they first entered it. The man that went into the town noticed that everything seemed very different to him. The people of the town were even dressed differently than what he was used to and they spoke a different language. When he tried to buy some bread, he used the money that he had with him. But the money he had was actually 300 years old and was not the type of money being used anymore! Now the people had a different ruler, who was a kind king who believed in Allah (swt) and followed Prophet Isa (as). The man told the baker his story, so the baker took the man to the new king of the time. The new king told the man that everything is changed since they left the city. The last king had planned to destroy the men, but Allah (swt) saved the men and kept them alive so that they were able to witness the cruel kingdom destroyed! The new king asked the man to show him the cave that he had stayed in for so many years. The man took him to the cave, but asked him to wait outside so that he could explain the situation to his friends. The men in the cave listened to the story, but became worried that this may be a trick. So they prayed to Allah (swt) again and Allah (swt) again put them into a deep sleep. A masjid was built at the site, since such and amazing miracle took place over there. Allah (swt) is Al-Qadir, which means The Most Powerful. No one could have imagined that anyone could escape from the cruel king because he seemed too powerful. But Allah (swt) showed us that He is the Most Powerful. He protected the men and made them sleep long enough for them to be able to see their town filled with believers in Allah (swt).

Imam Ali (as) “Love your brothers in proportion to [their] piety”

Al-Ikhtisas, no. 226

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Day 27 Lesson 15.2 - Ashaab-ul Kahf

Objective of Lesson: Upon learning the story of Ashaab-e-Kahf, students reflect on the Power of Allah, and apply lessons of strong belief in His power in their daily interaction. Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Blow Dryer ● Balloon ● Power Outage Strip Cord ● Items to Plug-In: Lamp, Night Light, Phone

Charge, Fan/Heater

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert activity- a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Story of Ashaab-ul Kahf , Practical Advice on The Power of Allah (swt) Lesson Date: 27th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

1. The story of Ashaab-ul Kahf was an incredible example of Allah’s power! Who could imagine that a group of people could sleep for so long yet wake up in the same exact state!? Allah is capable of doing anything. All He has to do is say “Be! And it is” as He states in the Holy Qur’an.

2. If you could ask Allah to do something immediately or changes something what would that be? Remember it is better to be selfless and ask for something that benefits everyone.

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Class Activity: Demo

1. Balloon and Blow Dryer Demo: We’re going to understand how Allah is Powerful through some experiments today! Have an already blown up balloon and a plugged-in blow-dryer. Show students how the balloon by itself can’t stay in the air. Turn the blow dryer on and put the balloon on top. Explain to students how the balloon by itself can’t fly up in the air and needs the blow dryer! Similarly, everything in life and around us NEEDS Allah and cannot function by itself. Allah is the one with Power

2. Power through outlet surge: Bring a long power cord strip with several spots to plug in. Bring out items that require it to be plugged in for it to work. Show students the object. Ask them, can this work on its own? Show the following examples: a small lamp, a phone charger, a fan or heater, and nightlight. Have each student volunteer come up and plug in the item. Make sure the Power Outage is labeled “Allah” and explain to students how none of it is possible without Allah’s power. Similarly, whenever we need light in our life, we need warmth or coolness, or we need access to resources it is all through Allah. We may not “feel” the electricity or power, but we know the power is only possible when plugged in. Similarly, we may not feel the power of Allah in all aspects of life, but it is constantly there and making sure everything runs smoothly. Ask students what are other examples besides electronics that require power? The sun! For warmth. Our organs need a system to function - who causes the nerves to send messages, or the heart to pump blood? There are things constantly working around us only due to Allah’s power. Students visit different stations of objects

Lesson Closing

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Day 28 Lesson 16.0 Ahlul Bayt are the Living Quran!

Objective of Lesson: Students learn about the beautiful connection between the Holy Qur’an as the physical aspect versus the living, alive and practical Qur’an being the AhlulBayt(as). Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Green and Brown Paint ● Clip Board ● Mini Clothespins ● Paper leaves ● Glue

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salaamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert activity- a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Lesson 16.0 Ahlul Bayt (as) are the living Qur’an + craft Lesson Date: 28th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Students sing the Salaam Alaikum Song introduction Song 2. Teacher reads the lesson on “The Living Qur’an” 3. Activity: Cut out blank puzzle pieces template on one side of the puzzle write an action of

Ahlul Bayt and the other puzzle is a verse from the Qur’an. (See attached material) 4. Do Craft.

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day: “Imams Tree” Craft Instructions: Have children paint a tree trunk and branches. Color and cut out each leaf and glue on 12 mini clothespins in the leaves section. The children will match the name of Allah that matches with the character of each Imam (as) and glue them together. Lastly clip the leaf to the tree.

Lesson Closing

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Hadhrat Zahra (sa) Whoever ascends his sincere worship for Allah, Allah will provide for

him the best situations (Allah will take care of him) Bahar ul-Anwar, 70,249

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Supplemental Material-Lesson 16.0 Ahlul Bayt (as) are the Living Qur’an!

Salamun Alaikum! All month we have been learning different stories and Du'as from the Quran. Allah (swt) sent the Quran as a guide for us. But did you know that the Quran isn’t the only thing that Allah (swt) left to guide us after the Rasulullah (saw)? Does anyone know what else Allah left for us after Rasulullah (saw)? That’s right! The AhlulBayt (pbut). Ten years after Prophet Muhammad (saw) had migrated to Madinah, he told his companions to tell all the Muslims to join him for Hajj. This would be Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) last Hajj. During Hajj, there were more than 100,000 Muslims in Makkah. When the Prophet (saw) was leaving Makkah to go back to Madinah, he stopped at a place called Ghadir Khumm. This was a place where people used to meet before going on their separate paths to their home cities. While the Prophet (saw) was at Ghadir Khumm, Allah (swt) revealed this ayah of the Quran: “O Apostle! Deliver what has been sent down to you from your Lord; and if you don't do it, you have not delivered His message (at all); and Allah will protect you from the people." [5:67]. This verse from the Quran shows us that what the Prophet (saw) is about to say is extremely important. The Prophet (saw) stopped at the pond of Khumm. He had all the people who had gone ahead come back to this spot. And he waited for all the people that were still behind to reach this spot as well. Then the Prophet (saw) delivered a speech to the people. During his speech, he said, “For whoever I am his Leader (mawla), 'Ali is his Leader (mawla).” After the Prophet (saw) finished his speech, Allah (swt) revealed this verse of the Holy Quran, “Today I have perfected your religion and completed my favor upon you, and I was satisfied that Islam be your religion.” [5:3]. Also, the prophet said, I am leaving for you two precious things and if you adhere to them both, you will never go astray after me. They are the Book of Allah and my Progeny that is my AhlulBayt. The two shall never separate from each other until they come to me by the Pool (of Paradise).” This hadith is called Hadith al-Thaqalayn. From this hadith, we see how important the AhlulBayt is. Ahlul Bayt are the living example of how Allah wants us to live. That is why we call the Ahlul Bayt the living Quran. This shows us how important the Imams (as) are in Islam. We should always follow their teachings alongside the Quran. The twelfth Imam, Imam Mehdi (as) is our current leader. We should always remember him and pray for his reappearance so that he can bring peace and justice to the world. This is why we recite Du'a-e-Faraj.

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Day 29 Lesson 17 Reflection Day - Reflecting on all lessons & Shahr Ramadan

Objective of Lesson: Students tie together all concepts from all lessons of this month by reflecting on the overall purpose of their existence, overall purpose of their daily interactions, and analyzing the power of these beautiful lessons. They assess how much of it they already apply and prepare goals to continue practicing these lessons. Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Paper and pen (Older group only) ● Index Card and Marker ● Ball

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert activity - a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Lesson 17 Reflection Day: Reflection on Lessons of Du'as of the Holy Qur’an & Reflecting on the Holy Month of Shahr Ramadan. Lesson Date: 29th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

Review Game Explain game rules: Today we are going to review all the beautiful stories related to the Du'as the Prophets said in the Holy Qur’an. We are also going to review all the beautiful names of Allah. The game is similar to charades where you act out an action. Except, the person who is the name is the one guessing what they are! You will have an index card taped to your back which will say what you are “Ya Ghafoor” or “Prophet Adam’s Story” etc - then you will stand up in front of everyone asking the audience questions - you can ask as many questions until you guess what you are. “Am I name?” “Am I a story?” “Does my story involve apples?” “Does my story have a boat in it?” In another round, you can divide the class in two teams and play regular charades and play as a team. One person from the team acts out the scene, and the other team guesses it.

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Class Activity: Demo Reflection Circle This is done orally in a circle where they discuss each part. Sit in a circle and tell them we are going to discuss different aspects of Shahr Ramadan. I will toss the ball to someone and it will be your turn to reflect. When you’re done reflecting, toss the ball to someone else to reflect. Topics:

❖ What was the first day of Ramadan like? ❖ What were some of your good deeds this month? ❖ What are some habits you have decided to stop in Ramadan and after it? ❖ What were some things we learned about in class? ❖ How did you feel in Ramadan? Why? ❖ How did your home change in Ramadan? ❖ What do you love most about Ramadan? ❖ What did you learn in Ramadan? ❖ What special and unique things happened in Ramadan? ❖ Describe what you will do on Eid.

Lesson Closing

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

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Day 30 Lesson 18: Eid Party!

Objective of Lesson: Students celebrate all their learning, all their reflections, and understand the beauty of Eid. Materials for Lesson:

Warm up Materials Lesson Materials

● Salaam Alaikum Song ● Advent Calendar

● Goodie bag ● Glue ● Tape ● Cutouts

Warm up

● Begin lesson with Salamun Alaikum Song (See attached in Supplemental Material) ● Go over advent calendar insert activity- a student is picked to do that day’s activity

*See end of booklet for a copy of Advent Calendar Questions & Answers. ● Distribute Treat!

Lesson Name: Lesson 18 Eid Party + Craft Lesson Date: 30th Day of Shahr Ramadan

Procedure of Lesson:

1. Small Discussion: Discuss with them it’s the last day of Ramadan, but as much as we are happy, we are also sad that this month full of Allah's blessings, mercy and kindness is leaving us. Let’s pray for another Ramadan and ask Allah to guide us until the next one so that we start the next one as even better person! As we celebrate, remember not to forget people who don’t have the same nice things as you to celebrate. Pray for them and try to help them. Remember that Ramadan is only one month, but the good lessons we learned in it are something we should carry with us throughout the year. How many of you are ready for bringing all the good akhlaq and names of Allah with you to the next month and the next month after that? Alright! Now, how many of you are ready for Eid? Hooray

2. Do Craft and wish each other Eid Mubarak!

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Class Activity: Craft Begin Craft of the Day: Eid Goodie Bag Craft Instructions: Have children glue the cutouts to the goodie bag. Fill it up with goodies then tape it closed.

Lesson Closing

Younger Group: End activity with Du’a Faraj and Surah. Receive stamp as students leave.

Older Group: End Lesson with Du’a Faraj and exit ticket distribution. Collect the exit ticket as students leave.

Imam Mahdi (ajtf) Pray more for the hastening of my reappearance, because in it

lies your salvation. Kamaluddin Chp. 45, Tradition 4

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Index for Daily Reference:

1. Salaamun Alaikum Song Lyrics …………………………………………... P. 90 2. Prophet Emotions Wheel …………………..……………………………… P. 90 3. Advent Calendar for Younger Age Group (Questions)................................. P. 91 4. Advent Calendar for Younger Age Group (Answers) …………..………… P. 92 5. Advent Calendar for Older Age Group (Questions) …………..…………... P. 93 6. Advent Calendar for Older Age Group (Answers) ……………..…………. P. 94 7. Du’a Binder Ring Cards ...…………………………………………............. P. 95 8. Amaal of the Night of Qadr ……………………………………………….. P. 99

Salaam Alaikum Song Lyrics

Greeting Song

Assalamualaikum (name)

Assalamualaikum (name)

Assalamualaikum (name)

We're so glad that you are here!

(continue around circle until all children's names have been sung)

Prophet Emotions- BEFORE (above) Prophet Emotions - AFTER (below)

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Ramadan Countdown Calendar Review Questions & Hershey Kiss For 4 -7 Age Group

1 How do you ask for forgiveness in Ramadan? (Please say in Arabic)

2 Please put money in the sadqa jar. Tell us one reason why it’s important to think of the poor.

3 Which Surah in the Qur’an is the longest?

4 Please recite a salawat.

5 Tell us one good thing you love about your parents.

6 What is it called when we recite on beads after salat is over?

7 Who is our living Imam who is among us?

8 What’s one way not to get angry so quickly?

9 Who was the wife of the Holy Prophet and the mother of Hadhrat Fatima (as)?

10 Why is 10th of Ramadan a sad day?

11 How can we help someone old at the masjid?

12 How can we help a friend at the masjid?

13 What’s something kind you plan to do tomorrow?

14 Where is the Kaaba located?

15 What is the name of the 2nd Imam whose birthday we are celebrating today?

16 Why is it important not to waste food?

17 What is the name of our morning prayer?

18 What does almost every surah in the Qur’an begin with?

19 Who is our first Imam?

20 What are 3 things you are thankful to Allah for?

21 Name one thing you know about Imam Ali (as).

22 What do you recite before namaz begins that calls everyone to prayer?

23 What book was sent down in Ramadan ?

24 Why is it important to forgive our friends when they hurt us?

25 What’s one way you can help the masjid?

26 Who are the Ahlul Bayt (as) ?

27 What’s one way you can help your family at home?

28 What is Eid?

29 How do we know when Ramadan is over?

30 How do you feel when you give someone a gift? Think of someone you want to give an Eid gift to this Ramadan .

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Ramadan Countdown Calendar Review Answers Sheet & Hershey Kiss For 4 -7 Age Group

1 Astaghfirullah Rabbi Wa Atoobu illahi

2 Action: put sadaqah in jar

3 Surah Baqarah

4 Allahumma saley Allah Muhammad wa aale Muhammad

5 Open Responses: They give me food, they buy me toys

6 Tasbeeh

7 Imam Mahdi (atjf)

8 Take a deep breath, create movement, think before I speak

9 Hadhrat Khadija (as)

10 It’s the day Bibi Khadija (as) passed away

11 Open Responses: Bring them a chair, bring their food to them, hold something for them

12 Open Response: Share your things with them

13 Open Response: Smile at someone, give someone water

14 In Mecca

15 Imam Hasan (as)

16 It’s not good to waste because Allah reminds us to use everything He has given us. There are many people hungry that don’t have food.

17 Fajr

18 Bismillah Hir Rahmanir Raheem

19 Imam Ali (as)

20 Open Response: food, clothes, family

21 Open response: First Imam, born in Kaaba, passed away in Shahr Ramadan .

22 Adhan

23 Quran

24 Allah likes us to forgive. We have to always be kind

25 Open Response: throw out trash on the floor, distribute sajdiga (mohr) during salat

26 The 12 Imams, Bibi Fatima (as), and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

27 Open Response: Clean up after I play

28 The celebration at the end of Shahr Ramadan

29 When the new month comes out

30 Open: I feel happy to make someone else happy. My friend

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Ramadan Countdown Calendar Review Questions & Hershey Kiss

For 8-10 Age Group

1. Which month of the Hijra calender is Ramadan ?

2 What lesson does Ramadan teach us?

3 What are the names of the islamic months before and after Ramadan ?

4 What is connection between Quran and Ramadan ?

5 How many juzz are there in the Quran?

6 How many surahs are there in the Quran?

7 Which is the longest Surah of the Quran?

8 Where was the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) born?

9 Which is the last Surah of the Quran

10 What was the name of the mother of Bibi Fatima (s.a)

11 What is the name of the Father of Imam Mahdi(a.s)?

12 Through which angel was the Qur'an revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?

13 What salaa is prayed between Dhuhr and Maghrib?

14 What is the arabic name for fasting?

15 Give another name for Suratul Ikhlas?

16 What does the word Imam mean?

17 Recite Surah naas

18 Which Imam was born in the Kaaba?

19 Which book has a collection of the sermons (lectures), letters and sayings of Imam Ali (a.s)?

20 What does Laylatul qadr mean?

21 .What are the nems of the parents of Imam Ali(a.s)?

22 Laylatul qadr is better than how many months?

23 Name the Usool e deen.

24 Which is the shortest Surah of the Quran?

25 Where do we go for hajj?

26 Where is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) buried?

27 What is one of the titles of the Imam (a.s) of our time?

28 How many Prophets have been sent by Allah?

29 Which festival occurs at the end of the Ramdan?

30 What is the Wajib zakat that we have to give before the Eid prayers?

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Ramadan Countdown Calendar Review Answers Sheet & Hershey Kiss For 8-10 Age Group

1 9th

2 To be patient. To be considerate of others.

3 Shabaan and Shawwaal.

4 Quran was revealed in Ramadan

5 30

6 114

7 Al-Baqarah

8 In Makkah

9 An-Naas

10 Hadhrat Khadija (s.a)

11 Imam Hassan Askari(a.s)

12 Jibrail

13 Asr

14 Sawm

15 Surah Tawheed

16 It means the leader

17 Actions: Surah naas will be recited

18 Imam Ali(a.s)

19 Nahjul balagha

20 the night of Power

21 Hadhrat Abu Talib(a.s) and bibi Fatima bint e Asad

22 A thousand months

23 Tawheed Adl Nubuwwah Imamah Qiyama

24 Al-Kouthar

25 To Kaaba/Makkah

26 Medina

27 Saahib uz Zamaan Qaaim e aale Mohammad

28 124,000

29 Eid ul fitr

30 Zakat ul fitr

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Du’a Binder Ring Cards

ن من ون


�رحمنا ل

ـنا وت

�فر ل


م ت

� ل

سنا وان


ن� ا



�نا ظ �ن ر� ��


� ال

Rabbanā dhalamnā anfusanā wa-in lam taghfir lanā wa-tarḥamnā la-nakūnanna mina l-khāsirīn

Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if you do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.

Surah Al-A’raf [7:23]

Allah (swt) is Al-Ghafoor – The Forgiving _______________________________________________________

ـت� اان

وب ف

�ل مغ ىف

Annī maghlūbun fa-ntaṣir Indeed, I am overcome, so help me.

Surah Al-Qamar [54:10]

Allah (swt) is Al-Mujeeb – The Responder _______________________________________________________

مص�ي��ك ال

�ـبنا وال

ن��ك ا

�نا وال


�ك ت

�نا عل ر�

Rabbanā ʿalayka tawakkalnā wa-ilayka anabnā wa-ilayka l-maṣīr Our Rabb! On You do we rely, and to You do we turn and to You is the

final destination. Surah Al-Mumtahana [60:4]

Allah (swt) is Al-Badi – The Incomparable

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عل�م �ميع ال ت الس

ن�ك ا

ا ان ل من ب


نا ت ر�

Rabbanā taqabbal minnā innaka anta s-samīʿu l-ʿalīm

Our Rabb! Accept from us; indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing.

Surah Al-Baqarah [2:127]

Allah (swt) is Al-Aleem – The All Knowing


ف ا ي بالصالحنيلحقيف

�ا وأ ي مسلم�


ن�ا واآلخرة ت ي الد

ي �ف نت وليي

-alḥiqnī bi-ākhirati tawaffanī musliman wa-l-dunyā wa-d Anta waliyyī fīṣāliḥīn-ṣ

You are my guardian in this world and the hereafter; make me die a muslim and join me with the good

Surah Yusuf [12:100]

Allah (swt) is Al-Hakeem – The Wise _______________________________________________________

ف حمني رحم الر�ت ا

ن� وا ال�ف يف مس ىف

� ا

Annī massaniya ḍ-ḍurru wa-anta arḥamu r-rāḥimīn

"Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful."

Surah Al-Anbiya [21:83]

Allah (swt) is As-Sabur – The Patient

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ق�ي� ف


من خ ت ا���زل

ن� ا

� لما رب اىف

rin Faqeer-mā anzalta ilayya min Khay-Rabbi innī li

Rabb! Indeed I need whatever You send down of goodness

Surah Al-Qasad [28:24]

Allah (swt) is Al-Walee – The Friend _______________________________________________________

ى ح � صدر� ى رب ا�ش مر�� � ا و��

ساىف�ن ل م


ل عق

� واحل

و� هوا ق



Rabbi shraḥ lī ṣadrī; Wa-yassir lī ʾamrī; Wa-ḥlul uqdatan min lisānī Yafqahū qawlī

Rabb! Expand my chest for me and ease my task for me; and make loose the knot from my tongue that they understand my speech

Surah Taha [20:25-28] The Protective Associate -Walee-is Al Allah (swt)


عمل صالحـا � ا


� والدى وا

� وع� �

عمت ع�ن� ا يت

�ر نعمتك ال



� ا


� ا عيف وز�

� رب ا

ف لحني عبادك الص برحمتك �ف يف


�رضٮه وا


Rabbi awziʿnī ʾan ashkura niʿmataka llatī anʿamta ʿalayya wa-ʿalā wālidayya wa-an ʾaʿmala ṣāliḥan tarḍāhu wa-adkhilnī bi-raḥmatika fī

ʿibādika ṣ-ṣāliḥīn My Lord! Inspire me to give thanks for Your blessing with which You have blessed me and my parents, and that I may do righteous deeds which may please You, and admit me, by Your mercy, among Your

righteous servants. Surah Naml 27:19

Allah (swt) is As-Shakur – The Most Grateful

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ا � صغ�ي ييف ما ر��ب ارحمهما ك ر

Rabbi rḥamhumā ka-mā rabbayānī ṣaghīra

Lord, have mercy on them as they brought me up when I was small.

Sur Al-Isra: 17:24

Allah (swt) is At-Tawwab – The acceptor of Repentance _______________________________________________________

ل �

نت من الظ� ك ت سبحنك اىف

ن� ا

ه ا�

�ف ال ال مني

Lā ilāha illā anta subḥānaka innī kuntu mina dhālimīn There are none worthy of worship besides You. Glorified are You. Surely

I am from the wrongdoers 21:87 Surah Al-Anbiya

Allah (swt) is Ar-Raheem – The Kind Merciful One


ا د�

ا رشن مر�

�ـنا من ا

� ل ئ هيي و

ك رحمة


�تنا من ل

� ا

�نا ر�

hayyi lanā min amrinā -Rabbanā ātinā min ladunka raḥmatan warashada

of this trouble in a Our Rabb! Grant us mercy and help us to get out righteous way

Surah Al Kahf 18:10

Allah (swt) is Al-Qadir – The Powerful

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Amaal of Nights of Qadr

Children can use their glow in the dark tasbihs they made earlier in the month or

stickers to mark what they have completed! Recite Surah Ikhlas 3 times.

Recite Surah Qadr 10 times.

Recite Salawat 10 times.

Think about the times you did something that might have made Allah unhappy. Now we will recite Astaghfirullaha wa atubo illayh. Which means I seek

forgiveness from Allah and repent to him.

MashaAllah May Allah accept all your sorrys and you be even better Muslims! As you recite the holy names of our 14 Masumeen try to remember all the lessons

we have learned about them.

Oh Allah May we follow in the footsteps of the 14 Masumeen and live a life they would


Like Mohammad (saw) May we be truthful like our Rasul

Like Ali (as)

May we be brave like our Mawla

Like Fatima (sa) May we be a support to our Imam like the lady of light

Like Imam Hasan (as)

May we be kind and generous like Imam Hasan

Like Imam Hussain (as) May we stand for Haqq like Sayyid Al Shuhada

Like Imam Zain ul Abideen (as) (Sajjad)

May we always be thankful to Allah

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Like Imam Mohammad Al Baqir (as)

May we always search for knowledge

Like Imam Jaffer As Sadiq (as) May we be full of wisdom

Like Imam Musa Al Kadhim (as)

May we be a light for others

Like Imam Ali-Ar-Ridha (as) May we always have nobility

Like Imam Mohammad Al Taqi (as) (Jawad)

May we only rely on Allah

Like Imam Ali An Naqi (as) (Hadi) May we be a guide for others

Like Imam Hasan Al- Askari (as)

May Allah preserve our faith

Imam Mahdi (ajtf) May Allah make us strong soldiers for our Imam (ajtf)


Page 104: › wp-content › uploads › 2019 › 05 › ICZ-Ramadan-Bookle… · Table of Contents . Letter from H.I Seyed Hadi Yassin 1. Day 1 Prophet Adam’s (as)

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